A list of our contemporaries who, for one reason or another, chose to go abroad for permanent residence, leaving Russian open spaces to others. Either it’s dislike for the Motherland, or a thirst for something new... In any case, if these people have found themselves over the hill, then we congratulate them!

1. Former member of the Tatu group Lena Katina

After the collapse of the famous group, Lena decided to conquer America with solo concerts. Thanks to her fluency in English and a good reputation, Katina left for the States, where she began recording. But the country captivated the girl so much that the singer stayed to live there. Lena got married there. Her husband was musician Sasho Kuzmanovich, with whom Katina gave birth to her first child in 2015. It is noteworthy that the girl gave birth in Russia.

Today Lena Katina intends to achieve fame all over the world. She sings in English, recently released a Spanish-language album and intends to return to native Russia with an enchanting concert!

2. Former “Demo” Sasha Zvereva

At the age of 17, the girl became one of the most popular singers in Russia, and at 33 she already moved to America, where she found herself. Today the mother of three beautiful children is also fashion designer with his own clothing line and boutique on Rodeo Drive. Zvereva also teaches: former star Scenes today gives lessons to young mothers.

Periodically, she still visits her native Russia with small concerts for her closest people and loyal fans.

3. Lika Star

Today Lika is the wife of a successful Italian businessman and the mother of two charming children. Star recalls her career as a catchy singer very ironically. But still she does not refuse if, out of old memory, she is invited to perform on the Russian stage.

Today she has serious business related to real estate. Now this is no longer Lika Star, but a respectable Glykeria Secchi-Pavlova.

4. Natalia Vetlitskaya

Since 2008, the singer abandoned touring and social life, going with her daughter for permanent residence in the luxurious city of Denia. Here she owns her own villa and enjoys life in peace and quiet. The singer takes an active part in political discussions, defending her position and openly protesting. She misses Moscow beauty salons and rainy days, which you cannot find in Spain during the day.

5. Alexey Serebryakov

2012 was a decisive year for the actor. Together with their family, they left Russia and went to Toronto, where they thoroughly furnished their home. “This is not immigration, when people left for good 30-35 years ago. It's just an attempt to live in a different territory. I continue to work in Russia. No matter where I live, I remain a citizen of Russia. This is an attempt to take our place in the future,” Alexey explains his position. (Hereinafter, the author's punctuation, style and spelling are preserved - editor's note)

“I want my children to grow up and understand that knowledge and hard work can be valued, that it is not necessary to push elbows, be rude, be aggressive and be afraid of people. I'm tired of what's happening in Russia. You could say he ran away and couldn’t stand it. I want my children to learn: the world is big, and you can live differently. Everyone talks about the artificiality of Western smiles, but for me, artificial smiles are better than sincere anger,” comments the actor.

6. Ilya Lagutenko

The gorgeous soloist and leader of the Mumiy Troll group and his wife, model Anna Zhukova, and their daughters have been living in America for a long time. Ilya openly declares that this country is exactly the place where world stars came from and where everything is decided important questions. Today the artist claims that he is torn between Vladivostok, Tokyo and Los Angeles.

In these huge cities, Lagutenko sees the future of music. He is sure that this is where something new is being born that is about to blow up the whole world. And a musician, like any creator, wants to be at the origins of such an event. That is why his move should not be condemned. We must support Ilya on his difficult path!

Sasha Zvereva with her children Vasilisa and Makar. Photo: Instagram.com/sashazvereva.

Sasha Zvereva, who gained popularity in the 90s with the group "Demo", moved with two children - 11-year-old Vasilisa and 6-year-old Makar - to America last fall, having found her new house in California. And soon it became known that the artist was due at the end of July. It is worth saying that Sasha is a progressive mother and believes that the birth process affects later life child. Therefore, she gave birth to her daughter and son not in the maternity hospital, but at home. “Like my 2 older children,” Sasha explained back in March (hereinafter the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - note by WomanHit), “I plan to give birth to my 3rd child at home in water with the help of an experienced midwife... I have already found the best certified doula on the entire West Coast and am going to her for appointments. In general, daily walks along the Ocean (from the very beginning of pregnancy), rich sea air, fresh organic food, weather comfortable for my body and environment They make me feel like just a baby from the very first days of my 3rd pregnancy. The difference is colossal."

To confirm her words, Zvereva talks in detail about her life, work (Sasha created her own clothing brand), and about her children. The designer never tires of declaring his love for his girls and enjoys every day spent with them: “I will always love them. The ones who made me a mother. Those who constantly squeak with their little voices “maaaamochkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally” - and I fall asleep in a second at night. Those who are nearby, even when everyone has turned away and left alone. They are like warm kittens huddle around my belly, kneading with their paws, purring from the happiness of being close to their mother, poking noses, fussing with each other... At these moments I cannot imagine anything in this world that can replace them. There is no such thing, it does not exist. And even dying, I will take care and try to give the best to them. These are my evening pregnant sentiments "Don't pay attention. I lie before bed and cry out of love for my children."

But nevertheless, the singer does not forget about herself. Unlike many pregnant women, Sasha does not suffer from prejudice and is not afraid to dye her hair. “Now I’m sitting in a chair and refreshing my hair, which has turned red in the California sun, with ammonia-free dye,” Zvereva said the other day. And then, pleased with the result, she voiced her idea to invite her favorite stylist Olya to the birth: “Today we changed our hair very quickly and used only ammonia-free dye. But I'm still very pleased with the result. And there’s even time left to go to Chanel next door. We agreed that with the start of contractions, Olya would rush to get my head in order so that I could go into labor on parade.”

Fans supported the artist's optimistic mood. The only thing they expressed was concern that if Sasha was going to give birth in water, her beautifully styled hair would get wet. So far Zvereva has not answered what she thinks about this.

“I don’t really get anything done.

Everything is going topsy-turvy for me, like a squirrel in a wheel. But there are priorities - and this is the main thing

Sometimes strength is running out, but there are initially important things - say, proper nutrition children - for which I never regret time. So, I will definitely go to a farmer’s fair or to some distant store where only farm products are sold, in order to prepare natural food, proper soups, and not just cook pasta or dumplings. Children are one hundred percent my first priority."

About space “for yourself” and nannies

“Without a nanny, of course, I have no life: I often leave for work at a manufactory, to search for fabrics, and to various meetings. Besides, I need space for myself - just so I don't go crazy!

But for me, a nanny is not a performer of all duties, but, roughly speaking, right hand. The main nanny is me, and just a nanny - she is in the wings.

So I feel that the floor is dirty, and the child is crawling on it, and I ask the nanny: “What do you choose: take a walk with the child or vacuum it?” And we decide together which of us does what

I have always had a permanent nanny, but since I now live in America, she must be regularly sent back to Russia due to the visa regime. So for now I’m coping on my own and looking for alternative options.”

About Moscow and diseases

“Why did I decide to move to Los Angeles? I'm tired of children in Moscow constantly getting sick. Not just mine, but everyone in general.

We have such terrible flus and acute respiratory infections that children get sick with a temperature of 40 for two weeks. And they walk around with a cough and snot for months. And as soon as everything passes, the child goes to kindergarten, to school - and everything starts anew. This is familiar to any Moscow mother.”

About Los Angeles and eternal summer

“In Moscow, everyone stays at home all the time, because when local weather very difficult to walk. Many will say: “Oh, the snow is nice too.” Yes, it would be nice if there was snow, but in most cases there is not snow on the street, but dirty slurry.

When I arrived in Los Angeles, I saw a land where eternal summer reigns. And not hot, not tropical, but soft. Plus the proximity of the ocean... All living things came from the ocean!

I am generally an ocean dependent person. When I’m empty of energy, I go to him, sit for a couple of minutes and then feel as if I’ve flown to a resort.”

About the responsiveness of Americans

Americans are very sympathetic people, they will always offer their help and support and will talk to you and listen

“Many Russians believe that this is all for show; in reality, they say, they don’t care. Yes, some people ask you “How are you?” (“How are you?”) just like that, out of politeness, but many people do this because they are really interested, they want to know more friend about a friend. People are always chatting, even when they just walk into an elevator together.

If my neighbor and I meet and are riding in the elevator, I already know not only who he is and where he works, but also what kind of holiday he had recently, what kind of barbecue and in honor of what he was organizing...”

About my husband

“When last year, after the birth of my child, I was asked the question: “Sasha, who helps you?” (at that time there were rumors on the Internet that Sasha Zvereva’s husband, DJ Dmitry Almazov, did not take part in raising his son. - Ed.), I said that “I do everything myself.” I don’t have such a trait - to blame another person for something, to blame everything on him. No one has the right to force anyone else to do anything!

Today I say the same thing: I do everything myself, no one helps me. If only the parents are moral. I really want help, of course, but God is still giving such tests - which means I will accept them and move on with my life, wait for something to change.

I always treat people kindly, despite disagreements, misunderstandings, different views for life (Dmitry opposed the move of Sasha and her children to Los Angeles. - Ed.).

I like America, Dmitry likes Russia: I have no right to hate him for that

Of course, he constantly comes to us (every 1-2 months), always buys gifts for his son - this is his support.”

“Usually, when I have some troubles in my personal life, people immediately start coming to me with advice. Someone advises one thing, someone another, but I always say: I will listen to the one who has the greatest success in this regard in life.

Now I would rather listen to a woman who has been married for many years and managed to maintain her family and relationship with her husband than some lonely friend who will most likely say: “Come on, leave him, why do you need him? He doesn't appreciate you"

About "Demo"

“The first thing that has changed in me since “Demo” is my hairstyle. Before mine business card were short hair and black bangs to one side, and now I'm walking around with long hair. True, they are extensions, but still: I really like the look with long hair...

Secondly, I have become a more tolerant person.

Previously, if something was not to my liking, I would immediately rear up, resolve issues emotionally, and snort. Now I’ve learned to manage my emotions and don’t let them ruin my relationships with people.

Third, at some point I stopped believing that the only thing I could do in life was music. I realized that I can be popular not only thanks to the song “The Sun in My Hands”... It’s wonderful that those songs remain in people’s memories, it’s wonderful that people still sing them (and I sing them myself when I come somewhere to perform them ), but I realized that you can succeed in another area if you are a creative person and approach everything creatively, with love and complete dedication.”

Today's phone conversation With former soloist group “Demo” and designer Sasha Zvereva for the editor of the “Stars and Children” column Tatyana Silina was not the first. They saw each other several years ago. Then her daughter Vasilisa was 7, her son Makar was only 2 years old. They were happy to welcome Tatyana in their Moscow apartment and enthusiastically talked about their favorite toys.

That conversation with the mother of two children was remembered for a long time. And especially the phrase: “I do not strive for peace and to be supported by a man.” 6 years passed - and it became clear that Sasha Zvereva was not lying at all.

Sasha Zvereva, singer, designer


Sasha, you are now in Los Angeles. With three children. In status unmarried girl. So it turns out that the desire to constantly do something and be financially independent has not disappeared?

Absolutely nothing has changed since our last interview! I am not supported by a man and I am not in such a state that I can relax and, like most women, take care of the house and take the children to their clubs. This has not happened, does not exist and will not happen. I live in America, pursue a career, develop my business, and devote myself to children. And when a person appears in my life, I will make sure that he is not another man whom I will need to help financially and bear this share on myself. And inner peace... I finally found it!

About 5 years ago I didn’t have the confidence inside me that I have now. It didn’t seem to me that if something suddenly happened, I could handle everything myself. I had some kind of dependence on a man. When our relationship went wrong, I tried to save it. And not because I love and can’t live, but because it was scary. This happens to most women in Russia. They don’t know where to go, what to eat, what to do in case of separation. This fear has gone away for me.

I know that I will do everything myself, I know that I will endure everything and that everything will be better than it could be.

Children of Sasha Zvereva: Vasilisa, Makar and Lev


And so it happened. You moved to the USA alone with three children. What prompted you to do this?

Just a few days ago I wrote a post about why I moved. You know when Russian people you say it happened because of the weather, they don’t believe it! (laughs) For them, this is not a serious reason to leave their comfort zone and move to a distant country, because “it’s expensive, difficult, scary there.”

But you know, there is such an expression: “Nothing is impossible if you are crazy enough.”

This is what happened to me! I was so freaked out by Moscow, by the dirt around me... I am a person for whom all the little things are important. This can even be understood from my Instagram. I always describe the weather in detail, I look at the soil, grass, leaves, clouds. This is really very important to me. In Moscow, you came out of the supermarket with bags, put them in the trunk, and on your jeans there was a giant stain of dirt from the car. Dirt is everywhere - on your tights, on the windshield when you drive along the Moscow Ring Road... And here all year round clean jeans, clean car, smells delicious of the ocean. For me, these details made all the difference! It is very comfortable to live here. Comfortable from start to finish - from buying underwear to the smell of water in the sink.

Sasha Zvereva runs her own clothing brand SZstyle


Comfort is, of course, wonderful. But in a foreign country you need to do something, and this is probably more difficult than at home...

Of course, you need to study. I have a business. The SZstyle project is Russian production“universal clothing” that can be worn by pregnant women, nursing mothers, and ordinary girls (the clothes have special elastic bands and hidden zippers for feeding). And also SZLA - a store in Los Angeles. I bring excellent vitamins and dietary supplements from America, super-effective cosmetics based on plants and superfoods. All this is sold in my store. I also give concerts in Russia and America.

I'm also doing my own information activities- I tell women how to prepare for childbirth.

In general, in America there is a very large percentage of births through caesarean section. But in Los Angeles now there is a trend to everything natural and natural, women's minds change. And I can be useful here, because I have a perfect example of three natural birth, behind you is moving to another country. I think this all instills confidence in me as someone who can be listened to and trusted.

Sasha calls her parents very wise people


Sasha, how did your parents react to your decision to move?

My parents are very wise people. Maybe I wouldn’t look up to them in some everyday or business matters, but in their attitude towards children - definitely! They never impose their opinion and vision. They accept any choice their children make. They can warn and talk about their concerns, but there has never been any pressure or rejection on their part. I am trying to transfer this wisdom to my children - no matter what you are, even if the whole world is against you, know that there are people at home who will always be for you, who will be on your side.

I understand that you are a very independent girl. But still, three children are not one baby. They require enormous attention, expenses...

There is an opinion that after the birth of three children it becomes easy even with the fourth or fifth. No! Each child is an even greater burden. Both moral and financial. And the most important thing is responsibility. I feel a huge, incredible responsibility. Basically, I have arranged everything in my life in such a way that now I can breathe and wake up in the morning happily and easily. But responsibility... It will remain until, probably, youngest child will not be at least 21-22 years old. For example, a girl, in any case, needs to be provided with initial capital in a bank, a car, and housing.

I understand that I must be able to do everything and do everything. How - I don’t know yet, but, as they say, the one who walks can master the road.

Makar and Vasilisa started speaking English 3 months after moving


How do children in new country? After all, moving is new language, new friends, new school... This is not always painless...

It was very difficult at first. But absolutely everyone who moves with children over 10 years old faces this. Until the age of 10, they tolerate such changes normally; at this age it is simply important for them to have their mother nearby. But after that it’s more difficult, because children develop certain circle friends that they don't want to change. And so the move was difficult for Vasilisa. Everyone told me: “Sasha, give her a year to adapt.” But I remember that a year had already passed, but still the matter was not moving much forward. I even began to worry... We worked with a psychologist - Vasilisa told him on Skype about all her problems. Everything fell into place when my daughter had big team friends. She became more self-confident and fell in love with this country.

Tell us how Vasilisa and Makar reacted to the fact that at one point the family was left without a dad?

Vasilisa saw that something was wrong. Makar didn't care - he was still too small. To explain how we all felt about parting with Ilya (father of Vasilisa and Makar - ed.), I will give an example: imagine - a man was walking along the road and his car hit him. He was gone in an instant. And it happens that a person is sick for a long time and the whole family understands that he will soon be gone. Yes, it's hard, but internal readiness to this there is.

It was the same with Ilya - we all understood that this story was ending.

Sasha Zvereva with her ex-husband, Lev's father, DJ and musician Dmitry Almazov


Is there anything that you cannot forgive your loved one?

It’s difficult... With age, the boundaries expand and you are more ready to accept a person for who he is, you move away from material ideas, for example, “I can’t forgive him if he doesn’t earn a lot of money,” “I can’t forgive him if he will cheat on me with another woman.” It is more important to me if a person cannot accept me, my side, cannot defend my interests, and I cannot feel protected next to him. This is more likely to ruin my relationship.

You lived with a man without a stamp in your passport, you were your legal wife. During this time, has your view of what a family should be like changed?

I lived with a man for 10 years with the hope that if I didn’t sign, it would be forever. However, the relationship ended. Then I lived in marriage for 4 years and thought that now it was definitely forever. Also no. You know, I believe that the most important thing is love between people. If there is love, then it doesn’t matter whether there is a seal or not. Probably the most important thing is the wedding. But I didn’t have a wedding. This is what we need to approach.

You are very frank person. Especially in the reality show “Pregnant” on Domashny. Aren't you afraid to open up to the world so much?

Believe me, in the reality show “Pregnant” and on Instagram you saw 1/8 of everything that happens in my life. I don’t show the true state of things, I don’t tell how my affairs really are.

Sometimes I even play such complicated games to divert people from what I really want to hide.

So don't worry about me. I hid what I need safely (smiles).

Naturalness is Sasha’s peculiar motto


You have half a million subscribers. That is, you are the person who is interesting. The one you want to emulate. After all, this is a big responsibility! Not scary?

I cannot answer for people, whether they will perceive the information on Instagram adequately or not. I judge by myself. Sane people will always give their assessment. I read a lot of people on Instagram - these are psychologists, valeologists, adherents of a healthy lifestyle, and coaches. Of course, I do not agree with all of their postulates. I take note of some things, apply some things in life, and forget others right away. I believe that this should happen to every sane person. I try to write carefully, I feel this responsibility. For example, I never said that you should only give birth at home, that hospitals are bad, scary and wrong. I can calmly talk about this with people who, I am sure, will understand everything correctly and will not blindly imitate. Nose large audience I won't discuss this.

Former lead singer of the Demo group and designer Sasha Zvereva recently became mother of many children. On July 17, her third child, son Lev, was born. Like her older children - 11-year-old Vasilisa and 7-year-old Makar - the artist gave birth at home. For many months, Sasha prepared herself for an important mission and devoted her numerous posts on the microblog to this issue. In addition, this time Zvereva decided to prepare for childbirth under the guns of television cameras and took part in the new reality show of the Domashny TV channel, “Pregnant” (premiere on Domashny - from August 24, at 17:00). In an interview, the singer talked about why expectant mothers should watch the show, how to be treated without drugs and strengthen your body, as well as about the main helpers in her life.

Sasha, why did you decide to tell and show how your preparations for childbirth are going on a TV program across the country?

In my opinion, to show ordinary girls, pregnant mothers all over Russia, that public people The people they know from TV are just like everyone else, with their fears, worries, pregnancy hormones, and they give birth the same way.

Surely you had to face some difficulties during filming?

Yes. Firstly, because the filming took place not in Russia, but in a foreign America. Despite the fact that I love this country very much, I cannot help but admit that getting along with local laws is not easy. Sometimes it was terribly inconvenient for me to ask doctors or expectant mothers who attend the same courses as me to be filmed for Russian television. We had to negotiate separately with each person who came into the frame. And pregnant women are so unpredictable - they can say: “I don’t wear makeup, I’m ugly and I won’t take pictures.” Also in the USA it is prohibited to film on the street without special permission, so I was worried while filming on the streets and beaches, where there are always police officers. Secondly, during filming I lost personal time and space. It seems that I did everything the same as in ordinary life, just under the guns of the cameras, but still I had to adjust my day to the shooting and deny myself some small weaknesses that I didn’t want to show to everyone. I had to live without them for some time, I really missed it and immediately after the project I did everything that I had deprived myself of during the project, for example, I ate too much chocolate.

In your microblog you pay a lot of attention to the issue of pregnancy. Do you think you helped your fans?

Certainly. I already have experience not only in childbirth, but also in teaching in the field of obstetrics. I know and can tell you how to properly care for a child in the first year of life and how to raise him healthy. I studied these issues very carefully, and besides, I already have two children. Women will definitely learn a lot for themselves useful information. When I arrange video conferences on the Internet or write posts, I see a positive response - grateful reviews from women who learn a lot about motherhood. This makes me very happy.

Can you name the three most popular misconceptions about pregnancy and childbirth?

Number one: pregnancy and childbirth are a disease, which means a doctor must intervene with medications, injections and monitor everything daily. In my opinion, this is the funniest and most ridiculous myth. I believe that pregnancy is, on the contrary, a confirmation of a woman’s exceptional health, and she should simply be allowed to follow her nature. Number two: pregnant women need to be wary of everything - don’t fly anywhere, completely change your lifestyle, don’t walk in heels, don’t take a bath, don’t ride a bike, and don’t play sports in any way. That is, it is best to lie down and not move. In fact, pregnancy is beautiful time, when you can not only not limit yourself to what brings pleasure in everyday life, but also discover new talents, fall in love with new sports such as yoga, swimming, find a hobby: start embroidering or creating crafts from clay. And why not travel? Let mothers fly to the ocean and the sun to be healthy. Number three: pregnancy and childbirth are not men's business, men should stay away and wait for the woman at home. It seems to me that this is wrong, and since we made the baby together, we should meet him together.

Why did you decide to give birth in the States this time?

I gave birth to my daughter Vasilisa and son Makar in Moscow, but the third baby fell into my tummy in California, and when the question arose of where to give him birth, I decided to stay.

Russian doctors advocate hospital births, but what is the attitude of the professional community in the United States towards home births?

Unfortunately, home births are unpopular and condemned by doctors in all countries except Holland, where more than 50% of births take place at home. And in the United States, mothers who decide to give birth at home also face difficulties in paperwork: after the baby is born, they have to stand in a very long line just to register his birth. Birth certificates are immediately given here only in maternity hospitals. Yet, despite this, home births in America are legalized, here midwives have special education and a license that officially allows them to deliver babies at home.

Many people consider home birth to be a very risky endeavor. Nevertheless, there are enough people who decide to take this step. Share your experience with our readers. What do they need to consider?

I believe that home birth requires the most enormous preparation. Nature, of course, is very wise, but the body still needs to be trained both physically and mentally. psychological levels. It is important to be aware of all aspects: how the child lies, how he will walk, what will happen during childbirth... Train the body physically: walk a lot, breathe air, eat right, manage your pregnancy correctly, do not use medications, do not abuse any treatments and taking synthetic vitamins, master relaxation techniques in water, breathing through meditation, and be able to manage your mood. Only then, it seems to me, can we hope that the outcome of a home birth will be extremely successful.

What do you think about literature for pregnant women?

It seems to me that a person should always grow. Our brain, unfortunately, during life is filled with only a few percent of the volume it can absorb. Therefore, you need to feed him with knowledge to the maximum. And even in my case, when it seems that I already know almost everything, I continue to read. Moreover, being in America, I need to know all the same things, but now on English language. I also read books by local midwives and their observations. It’s always very interesting to learn something new, so you shouldn’t limit yourself.

Tell me what's yours last pregnancy different from the previous two?

She was different in that I was much calmer. I didn’t have a panicky fear that something was going wrong, that I could harm my child, that I needed to constantly listen to his heartbeat. I thought that this pregnancy would be more difficult because we don’t get younger as we age, but in my case it turned out differently. My transition to healthy image life, to a new diet, lighter and much more correct during the first pregnancy, giving up meat during the second pregnancy and an active lifestyle since the second pregnancy - all this made my body more resilient, stronger, it cleansed itself, and in the third pregnancy I went in well prepared physically. I like my condition, and I don’t experience problems, or at least I take them easier.

You decided to name your newborn son Leo. Why did you choose this name?

I call my children Old Russian names, and I don’t want to stop this tradition. It would be funny to interrupt this chain (Vasilisa, Makar - StarHit's note) with some James or Paul. Therefore, I chose, on the one hand, an international name, and on the other, a truly Russian, original, ancient one.

How do your older children, daughter Vasilisa and son Makar, feel about the addition to the family?

Very good. Like any children, on the one hand, they are very happy about the arrival of their brother, and on the other, they are a little excited about the appearance of a competitor for their mother’s attention. For them, mother is main man in life, and if they see that their mother is happy and took good care of her tummy, then Makar and Vasilisa treat it the same way and are just as anxiously waiting for a new family member. They help me in every possible way, take on some responsibilities around the house: take out the trash, make the bed, wash the dishes. They are great guys, and I am very grateful to them.