12 short stories that can impress everyone to the core and break all stereotypes about what you are really capable of.

Let the heroes of our today's post serve as an example of what a person who has a goal and is rapidly moving towards it is truly capable of. Using the examples of the stories presented below, we will show that nothing is impossible, and if a person frees himself from limiting attitudes, then new horizons of possibilities open up before him.

The main thing is not to doubt yourself and discover your true path and find your purpose in life.

How sport helped a disabled person diagnosed with cerebral palsy become the champion of Kazakhstan in bodybuilding.

Doctors diagnosed Andrei Krylkov with cerebral palsy (CP) at the age of 3 and warned his parents that he had no more than 1-2 years to live. But, thanks to his mother’s efforts and classes with his son according to Valentin Dikul’s method, Andrei began to walk at the age of five. When he turned 18, he decided to change something in his life and himself, and took up sports seriously. Unfortunately, in the village of Koltogan (South Kazakhstan region) there were no gyms.

However, an ordinary rural man did not despair. Well, let him be a disabled person of the 1st group who did not have the opportunity to go to the gym. Instead, Andryukha converted the garage into Gym. He made a homemade barbell and, after long and hard training, won his first gold medal at the 20th Kazakhstan Bodybuilding Championship.

285 kg David Smith lost 186 kg on his own by starting to exercise and eating a healthy diet.

At 26 years old, David found it difficult to walk even 200 meters on his own, because the guy was obese and weighed 285 kg. He didn’t want to continue to be at that weight, but he didn’t want to go under the knife either.

This story - wonderful example how a man set a goal for himself. That's all. And without any drugs or surgical interventions, David independently lost 186 kg in four years. Sticking, paying attention physical exercise, he cultivated an iron will in himself, and an irresistible desire to lose weight became the basis of his grandiose transformation.

An 83-year-old pensioner earned 500,000 euros on the stock exchange. But this is not the limit!

Pensioner Ingeborg Mootz lives in the small German town of Giessen. She lives in a small apartment with old furniture, modest food supplies in the refrigerator, but with a big purpose.
Despite her modest existence, Mootz is one of the coolest stock speculators, having earned 500,000 euros by buying/selling securities. But it is not the main objective. Granny wants to earn a MILLION! Yes, you didn’t think so, exactly a million euros is her goal, and the pensioner is rapidly moving towards it, with no intention of stopping there.

Mark Goffeny and his unusual history of playing the guitar.

He started his musical path from playing the trombone in the school brass band. But, over time, I took up the guitar, as it is a popular and romantic musical instrument. His patience and perseverance, which is so lacking in millions of people who want to learn to play the guitar, led Mark to write a solo album, after which he became the leader of the musical group “Big Toe”, in which he plays to this day.

A simple, at first glance, story about a man who has broken through life, if not for one fact that Mark Goffeny is a guitarist without hands...

48 adopted children of Alexandra Derevskaya.

48 orphans - that’s how many Alexandra managed to raise until they came of age in post-war years. IN total number There were 65 children, but the mother did not live to see their 18th birthday. Alexandra Avramovna is known and remembered by several hundred of her descendants in subsequent generations: grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren. Since the day of her death, once every 5 years, all the children, most of whom are already gray-haired, and their descendants, come to the funeral in the city of Romny (Ukraine, Sumy region), where their life began with their heroine mother, who gave them shelter, instead cold and cruel orphanages.

ABOUT big family Derevsky has written many books and made films.

The story is about a veteran who, in 10 years, turned the “river back” and saved the village from flooding.

When, with the onset of spring, the Bolshoy Ik River, flowing near the village of Nazarkino (Republic of Bashkortostan), abruptly changed its direction and headed towards the village, sweeping away houses and a cemetery in front of it. The villagers did nothing. They just began to approach the new shoreline, taking off their hats and saying nothing. Except one.

At 62 years old, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, as well as the disabled Goryanin Sergei Kuzmich, took on a task that was, at first glance, beyond his strength. At first, he fought off the thresholds of the village council deputies. Then he went to Moscow and talked about the problem with the river. But when he realized that he couldn’t wait for help, he began to act on his own. With the onset of the next spring, he set out with a bayonet shovel to dig a trench so that the river bed would move away from the village.

Despite the ridicule of those around him, tirelessly, from dawn until late in the evening, he dug to the end for the whole season until October. And so, after 10 long years, the trench, 550 meters long, 4 meters deep and one meter wide, was ready. Since then, the Big Ik no longer approaches the village, but flows nearby.

Chinese woman Zhang Yin has become a dollar billionaire in waste recycling.

The Chinese businesswoman earned her three billion dollars by carefully studying garbage dumps and recycling points industrial waste both in China and in the USA. Despite the opinion of businessmen and officials about a woman as a weak creature, Zhang managed to build a very profitable business for recycling waste paper.

One day she came to get a job with a businessman, who in a conversation with her mentioned the following words: “The difference is that round timber is expensive, cut down forest is difficult to restore, and used paper is everywhere. No one needs it and costs practically nothing. Discarded paper can be recycled and reused, earning money for products made from this material. This process is continuous".

From that very moment, the unemployed Zhang began to travel the roads of China and the United States, buying up all the old landfills for next to nothing. She then sent all the collected paper recyclables to China. In China, it was processed into paper for packaging Chinese goods and sent back to the United States.

Now Zhang has more than one pulp and processing company, which is run by members of her family and a fortune estimated at $3.5 billion.

How Jean Claude Van Damme worked hard to achieve success

A young Belgian buys a ticket to Los Angeles in 1981. Without money or knowledge of the language in the “City of Angels”, he starts from the very bottom: as a pizza seller. Changing job after job, he never stopped knocking on the doorsteps of producers and endlessly attending castings. And in the end, fortune turned to face him. It all started in early childhood, when Van Damme dreamed of becoming a Hollywood “star.” At the age of 7, his parents sent him to a ballet dancing school, and at twelve he left ballet and took up karate. At the age of 20 he becomes the absolute European champion. And so, for the sake of his dream, he gives up everything, and it turns out that it was not in vain.

You should have seen how Jean-Claude Van Damme managed it.

How a young father made money on BMW in 30 days

Young Dmitry Toporov got married and became a father. Low paid work, irregular payments wages, a rented apartment and a small child are serious reasons to think about better life. And then one day before the holiday of March 8th he ends up in the hospital with acute form appendicitis.

After anesthesia, he found himself in a room with shabby plaster, where he had a lot of time to think about further goals that would allow him to get out of this hole. Having gained determination, things began to improve for him. Dmitry took on a business selling a batch of blankets from Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan, which brought him his first amount, which would be enough for three cars. Of these, he allocated a portion to buy one - that very BMW - and changed his life for the better.

As he himself put it: “Without goals there are no achievements”.

Without hands does not mean helpless

Australian Nick Vujicic born without legs and without arms. At the age of 8, he wanted to commit suicide by drowning himself in the bathtub. However, he did not do this. He was stopped by the thought that his parents loved him. They loved their son and tried in every possible way to alleviate his suffering. Nick has a semblance of a foot, which is how he learned to walk. In addition, he can jump into the water and swim, ride a skateboard, write, and use a computer. He fishes, plays golf, surfs. He has a beautiful wife and a little son.

Today, Nick Vujicic is a world-famous motivational speaker, he travels around cities and speaks in schools, prisons, nursing homes, giving people hope and faith in the future.

At the age of 47, Briton Susan Boyle revealed her talent to the world.

Even by birth, her unhappy fate was predetermined. Susie was born with a birth injury and grew up quite ugly girl, causing her to get into trouble at school and perform poorly academically, avoiding ridicule and humiliation about her appearance. Soon her parents died and she was left completely alone: ​​unemployed and without prospects. But now, at the age of 47, still without work, she decides to take part in the British program “Britain’s Got Talent” (“Britain is looking for talents”, after which she awaits stunning success, millions of views on YouTube in the first 24 hours, conquered the hearts of viewers and close attention press to her personality, which she thought was so unattractive.

Professor Randy Pausch bequeathed his dreams to "last lecture"

After a disappointing and fatal diagnosis- Cancer, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, having learned that he had no more than two months to live, gave his last lecture. With his lecture, he touched the hearts of students, and then millions with his story about childhood dreams, about life and love. About not wasting a second of your life. This lecture became a real manifesto of life that everyone should hear.

Still not ready to travel? In this case, let the beautiful and eventful experience serve as your motivator.

The world is infinitely amazing and diverse, because each person is fundamentally different from the other and has his own backstory. Each of us probably has a couple of the most incredible stories in stock that would be interesting to tell in company. But some truly impressive events happened in the lives of some. That is why they are included in the list of 10 most incredible stories.

Bone Wars

Late XVIII - early XIX centuries were marked by such a phenomenon as “Jurassic fever”: scientists competed to obtain historical materials and knowledge about dinosaurs. Particularly successful in this activity were Othniel Marsh, a Peabody Museum paleontologist from Yale University, and an Academy employee. natural sciences Edward Cope. Because of their success, scientists became sworn enemies: they always competed and strove to appropriate each other's findings for themselves. For years and decades, Marsh and Cope publicly humiliated each other in their scientific articles, accused each other of incompetence and money fraud. At the same time, both researchers reached great heights in paleontology and made a huge contribution to science: thanks to their work, classical representatives of the most ancient era were discovered - Triceratops, Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, Diplodocus and many others. Scientists probably could have made many more amazing discoveries, but during one of the expeditions, Marsh sent his people to follow Cope. According to rumors, the “spies” actually blew each other up at the same time, fearing public exposure. And so ended the century of two geniuses who were defeated by enmity... But their union could have brought amazing results, instead of becoming one of the most incredible stories of people that ended so sadly.

Man with two penises

This incident occurred in India, in New Delhi. Perhaps it can be called the most incredible love story: a young man gave up his own penis for the sake of a wedding. However, the 24-year-old Delhi resident lost little, because he had a second one. His case is considered unique and extremely rare, but still has a medical name - double phallus. This deviation has been recorded only about 100 times in the entire history of medicine. As a rule, one of the organs in this case is underdeveloped, but the guy from Delhi had both penises functioning perfectly and in fact were not inferior to each other either in size or in usefulness. So the young man left the difficult choice of which phallus to keep and which to amputate to the doctors. What lengths will you go to to be happy and normal? sex life with my future wife. The young man chose to remain anonymous for the sake of history, but, according to rumors, the couple lives happily together to this day - perhaps such strong love also deserves to be called one of the most incredible stories.

Chest like airbag

You never know where your life decisions may lead. One of the most incredible facts in history is: “high-quality silicone breasts can save lives.” A 24-year-old girl from Sofia, Elena Marinova, is well aware of this. She never regretted having artificially enlarged breasts, because it once saved her from a monstrous collision during car accident. Her huge silicone bust worked like an airbag, protecting her vital organs from a significant impact. Of course, the prostheses themselves could not be saved during the traffic accident, so after the accident the breasts lost their sexual appeal and later everything had to be redone, but in any case, Elena remained alive.

Sea duty

The most incredible stories from life are often born in Foggy Albion. Paul Westlake, 30, once lost his wallet in the sea while swimming at night in England. The wallet contained all the cash and credit cards men, so the loss upset him a lot, but he couldn’t even imagine how his things could return to him. A few days later, a fisherman who was casting nets in the area called him and said that he had found Paul’s wallet in the claw of a lobster that had fallen into the net. All the contents of the wallet were in place. After this incident, the fisherman said that although he had never eaten lobster before, now he would completely refuse to try it - out of respect for this amazing incident.

Hurricane Raymond

The most incredible story happened with Tami Ashcraft and her fiancé Richard Sharp. Being experienced sailors, they accepted an order to ferry a yacht from San Diego to Tahiti, but did not expect to find themselves in the epicenter of a force four storm, which later received the name “Raymond”. The couple faced 30-metre storm waves and winds exceeding 140 knots. While they were fighting the storm, the yacht capsized and Tami ended up below deck. Having hit her head, the girl lost consciousness, but after 27 hours she woke up and was able to get out. Her fiancé was less fortunate: his safety cord was severed. But Tami's great luck was that the boat flipped back to its normal position. All equipment and supplies were destroyed. Tami built a sail and divided the meager remains of supplies for 40 days, during which she managed to reach her destination. The girl still conquers the seas, despite the tragedy she experienced.

Survivor cook

Another one maritime history It is rightfully considered one of the most incredible stories in the world. In 2003, Harrison Okena, who worked as a cook on a ship, was caught in a terrible storm. The bottom of the ship began to leak, and very quickly the ship sank to the bottom, while the cook himself found himself locked in one of the cabins, in which an air cushion had formed. Harrison was trapped 30 meters below the surface for three days before being discovered by divers searching the wreck. Perhaps the cook was lucky twice: in the cabin he found a bottle of a sweet carbonated drink, which helped him not die from hunger and thirst while he was waiting for at least some help.

Survive in the jungle

17-year-old Juliana told the world one of the most incredible stories from her life that happened to her. In 1971, a girl was flying on a plane when the wing was suddenly struck by lightning. The plane crashed into the Peruvian jungle. For 9 whole days the girl wandered all alone through the tropical forests full of wild animals and poisonous insects, until I miraculously came across a lumberjack camp. Her story formed the basis of the script for two films. By the way, the brave girl was not turned away from nature by the terrifying adventure that happened to her: having matured, Juliana became a zoologist.

Living skeleton

In 2006, Australian shepherds were frightened by the appearance of a skeleton in their camp - at least that's what local workers initially thought. But this living skeleton turned out to be Riki Megi. He told the shepherds the most incredible story of their lives. One day, Ricky picked up a hitchhiker who did something to him that caused Ricky to lose consciousness. The last thing he could remember was the highway, after which he woke up in the bush, when the dingoes were already getting closer to start eating him. For almost 3 months, Ricky Mega wandered through the bush alone, eating whatever he could find: insects, frogs, larvae, snakes. Ricky was incredibly lucky that it was the rainy season and he did not die from thirst and heat. During his wanderings, he lost weight from 105 to 48 kg, but survived, miraculously stumbling upon residential settlements.

Oldest marathon runner

One of the most incredible stories is about an Indian man named Fauja Singh, who completed his first marathon at the age of 89. Moreover, after that he did not stop his running. In 2011, Fauja entered the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest marathon runner in the world when he completed a full marathon - a distance of 42 km - at exactly 100 years old. Currently, Singh is already 107 years old, and he continues to cover 6-8 km every day and promises to run until his death.

Fucking Jack

The most incredible story of the entire Second World War tells of a captain named Jack Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill, who received such a loud nickname as Soldier Jack Churchill, but was better known as the Allied army officer as Fucking Jack. He was called the most frostbitten military man in this whole massacre. Initially, Jack went to the front as a volunteer, although he had little idea of ​​what and how to do there. But the very word “war” sounded terrifying to him - and therefore, according to his logic, fun. One of Jack Churchill's most famous statements is that any officer who entered the battlefield without a sword was dressed inappropriately - he himself, accordingly, did not part with his sword. And he really used it, as well as his trusty bow, which he could also often take into battle. And Jack used his weapon truly skillfully: he managed to capture at least 42 German soldiers and the crew of the howitzer, being armed only with a piece of iron. In addition, one day Churchill and his unit were sent to capture one of the enemy targets called “Point 622”. Jack broke through to the front ranks, making a path for himself and those around him through mines and barbed wire. Although the heavy fire of enemy volleys killed at least half of Jack's squad, and the rest were killed by howitzer shells, Jack Churchill miraculously survived - a real phenomenon of the Second World War. At that moment, when the German invaders went to search the corpses of their defeated British rivals, they discovered Fucking Jack in the crater from the explosion. He played the harmonica, and his sword, as always, was with him. It was with this that he finished off the Germans. But nevertheless, that time he was captured and sent to concentration camp. But, according to Jack himself, he got bored there, so he left - he didn’t run away, but just up and left. Then he was intercepted and sent to another camp, but he left there too. walked over 150 miles with only a rusty can of onions for food. He walked and walked until the Americans found him and picked him up. They sent him to England, where, to his dismay, he discovered that the war was over. Jack was extremely dissatisfied with the actions of the Americans: “If it weren’t for the damn Yankees, we could have had fun fighting for another 10 years!”

It irritates me when you are looking for some urgent information on the Internet, for example, how to cook pasta, and on every fucking website they describe to you how pasta appeared, how many types there are, and what it even is. Tell me how long to cook, and that's it! I dream of creating websites without unnecessary information.

Sister fell in love with a guy wheelchair. He himself is not a bad person, but objectively he is no match for her. She is beautiful, our family is not poor. The guy is stupid, he has no money at all. If she stays with him, she will carry him around for the rest of her life. Of course, he loves her (where else will he find such a springboard). Her parents are against such a union, but they can’t stand her brain, but they no longer help her with money. Now she snapped at me! What does money give me? But I only spend it on myself, and not on medicine for left-wing dudes.

I'm six years old. Mom fried potatoes. I decided to add ketchup, and it so happened that from glass bottle Almost half of the contents spilled out. My mother was terribly angry and said that until I ate, I wouldn’t leave the table. I cried and choked on these potatoes, but I finished them. I'm 30, I still don't eat ketchup. And my mother still brags about it.

I live abroad, and every time after talking on the phone with my grandmother, I don’t immediately hang up and listen to her retell our conversation to my grandfather - my soul immediately becomes so warm and calm.

We first met when I was three and immediately became friends. He is in the village, and I am in the city, but every summer, for 17 years in a row, we were inseparable. He is handsome, smart, loved by everyone. My sisters and I still remember how he saved us from angry cows. His hearing began to deteriorate, but he ran just as fast. He could have lived on and on, but he was run over and killed by a car. The driver saw him, but did not want to go around someone who was just a deaf dog.

I don’t like and don’t know how to congratulate people. IN Lately I do this: I go to the site with congratulations, choose a decent text and start redoing it. I add personal details, write wishes specifically for this person, insert our signature words and jokes. Sometimes I get so carried away that only a couple of words remain from the original text. And everyone is happy. Friends say that my congratulations are the most accurate and sincere.

Once I bought a bottle of berry smoothie, put it on the kitchen shelf and forgot to drink it. Soon I had to leave for a month. I come back, find it, and think that I should go pour it down the toilet. I started to unscrew the cap, and it exploded in my hands. White plumbing, white tiles, white floor, ceiling - everything was in these scraps. Now I have a good idea of ​​what exploded brains look like.

Since childhood, I have not considered myself attractive. There was even a complex, one might say it still remains, although it’s already 25 years old. I’ve been living in Europe for 9 years now and the situation is terrible for me. Here, morals are somehow freer, and people just follow me in droves. They stick it everywhere: at work, on the street, in bars and clubs. But it so happened that it was not girls, but gays of all stripes and ages. Sometimes it got to the point of harassment. Now I understand women and how difficult their lives are. Patience for us! Unhappy heterosexual :)

My cat loves carrots. Not whole, not cut into pieces, but grated on a grater. As soon as he hears me rubbing carrots, he gallops into the kitchen, sits on a chair and begins to beg, tilting his head to the side like a dog.

We arrived at the dacha, rested, and began to get ready to go home. I started the car to warm up, and got out, and let my dog, a fox terrier, into the cabin. She jumped into the driver's seat and pressed the door lock on the dashboard with her paws. She had never heard so many kind words from the whole family in her entire life. Persuasion and tricks didn’t help, I didn’t want to break the glass, so I had to call a burglar from the city...

My grandmother is already 75. And she started drawing five years ago, she just went to study at a drawing school. Now she comes up with paintings herself and gives them to her family. I recently realized that I want to write, and voila - I’m ready to publish a book of poems with my illustrations. Before that, she ran, led clubs at a school for children, worked in a rural parish and managed her home. Old age is different.

I was traveling by train. It's summer time, so there are a lot of people: most of summer residents, many children; noise and din, in a word. A mother and daughter sat opposite and read to her with expression. Slowly everyone began to fall silent and listen. As a result, the whole carriage listened to the fairy tale. The kids even all moved closer. And the fairy tale was wonderful - “The Silver Hoof”.

My wealthy grandfather left me, his only granddaughter, an inheritance - several apartments in the center of our city and a substantial bank account. I left a job I didn’t like, bought a modest two-room apartment, and rent out apartments in the center. The money from the apartments is enough for everything I need. I live for pleasure - travel, language courses, dancing, yoga. But many of my friends turned their backs on me because I don’t work. They call me a major and say that I am degenerating. And I sincerely don’t understand what’s wrong with this.

When my friend was a teenager, her father drank heavily. One day she was walking home, and a thug attacked her near the entrance. During the fight, the friend fell unsuccessfully and broke her nose. Blood gushed out like a river, and the failed robber got scared and ran away. She came home, her father was sleeping drunk. When I woke up, she said that it was he who put it on her. They went to the emergency room in the morning, everything was fine with her nose. The father really doesn’t drink anymore and cannot forgive himself for “hitting” his daughter.

Three years ago I was raped. He climbed through the window and right at home, on my bed, while no one was there. I don’t know who it was - I didn’t see his face and couldn’t describe him. It was terrible: painful and disgusting. But almost immediately after that, I found a person who supported me, helped me a lot, and literally brought me back to life. And so we moved in with him. And recently, while cleaning out my closet, I found exactly the same purple sweater that the rapist was wearing. And I can't help but think that this is not just a coincidence. Very scary.

I'm an honorable fool. I lived with a guy who was eager to start his own business. Day and night on the phone, going to meetings, drawing some diagrams. When one investor merged, he asked me to take out a credit card from the bank “for a couple of months” so that he could pay back the first profit. This seemed logical, because the budget was shared, and he had no time for the banks. Result: I’ve been closing the loan for a year, he’s dissatisfied with giving me half minimum payment and frowns that I ask for more. He has meetings in restaurants, and the loan will “wait.”

Three days ago I was fired, and on top of everything else, they began to sort things out with my husband. Most likely we will get divorced. That same evening, heartbroken, I sat on Facebook and found a vacancy in my profession. I immediately unsubscribed and submitted my resume. I recently had an interview. They called back and said they accepted. One day I quit my job and started a new job. Life is a strange thing.

From time to time I live in another country, I don’t know the language well. For a long time now I have been buying myself a very tasty porridge, somewhat reminiscent of our barley or so. Today I decided to translate what kind of porridge this is. It turned out that I eat bran...

My father is a real asshole. He left me and my mother when I was four years old. I remember only one thing about him: when he took me “for a walk,” he left me in the car to sit and play with toys while he went to see his mistress to visit. From the stories of my mother, who was on maternity leave without money, when the food ran out and there was nothing to feed me ( breast milk Mom didn’t have one), he went to the store and returned only the next day. Instead of food for the baby - me - I bought myself new shoes with my last money. Mom had to ask neighbors for help. After leaving, he congratulated me once on my birthday, when I was 18, and then he mixed up the date with another sister - he has many children and ex-wives. And now I’m 21, my mother said that my father came to the city, wants to see me, to see what I have become. Of course, I told my mom to tell him the path three letters away from me. After that, I heard a lecture from her and my grandmother about how insensitive I had grown up, and that parents should be respected, no matter what they were.

A friend told how she went to the petting zoo with her son and his friends. All the animals were in cages, and it was forbidden to go beyond the black line. A friend took a photo of the guys, and then out of the corner of her eye she looked into the cage where the monkey was sitting... with her phone! It turned out that while her friend was distracted, the monkey quietly stole her phone and began to take it apart! First I opened the lid, and then I started eating my SIM card! The employees saw everything, but only approached after the monkey ate the SIM card. The phone is intact.

My mother-in-law divorced my wife. He took a girl from another village as his wife, everything was fine, he worked, managed to help his parents, and he and his father-in-law looked after their farm. One day my father-in-law became ill and was taken away with appendicitis. That evening, my wife’s water broke, and I asked a neighbor to take me to the hospital. A girl was born. The three of us started celebrating - me, my mother-in-law and a neighbor. The neighbor drank a couple of glasses and left. I went to bed. The door opens, my mother-in-law comes in and begins to brazenly undress, and comes to me. I kicked her out. The result is that I live alone.

I live in the USA, and I had a friend who really set me up. Not from the category of “she stole the guy,” but seriously, with a bunch of accompanying problems. It was because I called the immigration office and turned it in. My friend was deported because she lived here illegally. She lost everything: her boyfriend, her job, her money, and her life in the States. She returned to her parents with empty pockets and experience of serving time in a prison for illegal immigrants. It’s cruel, but I don’t regret it. All her dreams are destroyed, just like mine, which she destroyed.

I’m a city girl to the core, I’ve never had my own dacha, and I didn’t really want to, but when my daughter was one year old, my relatives really insisted that the child needed Fresh air. They rented a house in a neighboring region and floated us there for almost the entire summer. The neighbor, a good-natured middle-aged village man, somehow immediately decided that I was lonely and gave birth for myself (my husband was in the city at work), and three days later he showed up on the doorstep to announce that I, of course, was a bit old (33 years old) , and “with a trailer,” but I look like nothing. In general, I suit him. Having been turned away from the gate, he swore at me, broke two windows with a stone, peed on the door and threatened to poison the dog. In a panic, I called the owner of the dacha, and she said: “Oh, this is Sanya, he’s mentally ill, even if he kills, nothing will happen.” She consoled me so comfortedly, there’s nothing to say! In short, the rest of the summer I sat in the house, afraid to stick my head out again, and in the coffin I saw their “fresh air”. Two years have passed, and now you can’t even lure me to my friends’ dacha for barbecue. Who knows who their neighbors are!

My grandmother is standing in line at the pharmacy, and next to the person at the checkout is our grandfather. He doesn’t see her, he’s dressed very modestly, old trousers and a stretched gray T-shirt. He was already about 90 then. He stands, shakes, puts on an unhappy expression, counts the same coins in his palm, hoping that this time he will have enough for the chosen medicine. After a couple of minutes, the grandmother can’t stand it and announces her desire to add a couple of rubles to the unfortunate man. To which the pharmacist, not knowing that they are family, says that there is no need, that he organizes this circus here every week. And someone usually adds it, and if not, he finds it himself. Oh, my grandfather got it at home. We knew that he had been hanging around trash cans for 15 years, collecting bottles and wire for return, but the fact that he was still making a living in stores was news. At the same time, there were a lot of new clothes and the refrigerator is always full.

I don't like poor friends. We used to be such good friends. Now my financial situation is a little better than theirs. And that's it - the end of friendship. You feel envy, all conversations come down to money. The phrase “we have no money” already infuriates me. I'm not a major either! Until recently, my salary was 20-30, now it’s 35 thousand. We can afford trips to the sea and renovations, also relatively modest, thanks to my husband’s salary. So what, now snort with me every time? I try not to be offended by them and write first. But soon I won't be able to stand it...

I can't bring myself to throw away old clothes. I get used to things and automatically put on the usual thing, although it has long been faded, stretched, worn out. As a result, two closets are full of clothes, and I dress in old clothes. But I found a great method to deal with this. I take old things on trips and then throw them away as I go. As a result, I got rid of my clothes, there are no dirty things in my bag, and I free up space in my suitcase. Half of Europe is already marked with my old panties, socks, pajamas, jeans and T-shirts.

In my husband’s family, it’s such a custom that everyone reports their plans to their mother-in-law, down to the smallest detail, and coordinates everything with her. When we started dating, I immediately said that I didn’t like it, it was time to cut the umbilical cord. My husband supported the idea, but he himself was tired of it. We recently had a wedding where she was upset because we chose the wrong restaurant and didn't agree on the cake with her. In front of all the guests, she said that I was part of their family and must respect their rules, to which I replied that now we have our own family and our own rules.

He worked part-time as a trainer at the gym. I remember I had one “student” - a major who pretended to be something, although he couldn’t hold anything heavier than his pussy. He and I did bench presses; opposite there were exercise bikes, where the pampushka, whom I always helped, worked out. This major threw a caustic phrase towards the donut, her eyes filled with tears, and my soul felt bitter. He asked her weight, she honestly said: “108.” It made him laugh. Well, I put 110 kg on the barbell for him. I will not forget his face and my pleasure.

Someone has unlucky clothes, someone performs a certain sequence of actions, thereby attracting the desired luck, but for me it’s like this: in any month, if the fifth falls on a Monday, some kind of shit is sure to happen to me exactly on this day. Either I quarrel with people close to me, or some trouble happens at school. Up to the twists and turns with the teacher and much more. But the funny thing is, if the fifth falls on another day of the week, for example, on Friday, on the contrary, something very joyful happens.

I’m riding on the subway and I see a cycle of microbes: a homeless man came in, rubbed his dirty, sore hand on the handrail and decided to go to the other end of the car. Everyone moved in a group to the place where the homeless man was standing. The man first grabbed the handrail in the very place where the homeless man was rubbing himself, then took out the phone with the same hand, clicked it, put it in his pocket and again wiped his face with the same hand, especially carefully around the mouth. But surely his wife and children are waiting for him at home, ready to kiss and hug him on the threshold of the house. Almost vomited.

We offer you incredible coincidences, as well as incredible stories that happened to people in different times, in different places around the world, just incredible! These incredible coincidences are sometimes so incredible that they could not have occurred to either an ordinary person or a science fiction writer. Science fiction writers most likely would not dare to write something like this, for fear of reproaches from readers for being defiantly implausible.

Only life itself has the right to weave threads so bizarrely and incredibly human destinies, by the way, no one has the right to accuse her of lying. We offer you the most incredible stories and coincidences from real life that happened to different people at different historical times, in different places on our planet.

There are coincidences in life

In 1848, the tradesman Nikifor Nikitin “for seditious speeches about a flight to the Moon” was exiled not just anywhere, but to the distant settlement of Baikonur! There are coincidences in life.

Greetings from the Moon

When American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the Moon, the first thing he said was: “I wish you success, Mr. Gorski!” As a child, Armstrong accidentally overheard a quarrel between neighbors - a married couple named Gorski. Mrs. Gorski scolded her husband: “The neighbor boy would sooner fly to the moon than you satisfy a woman!”

And no secrets

In 1944, the Daily Telegraph published a crossword puzzle containing all the code names for the secret operation to land Allied troops in Normandy. Intelligence rushed to investigate the “information leak.” But the creator of the crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher, puzzled by such an incredible coincidence no less than the military personnel.

Geminis are twins

Two foster families who adopted twins without knowing about each other's plans named the boys James. The brothers grew up unaware of each other's existence, both received law degrees, married women named Linda, and both had sons. They only found out about each other when they were 40 years old.

If you want to get pregnant, apply for a job here

In one of the supermarkets in the English county of Cheshire, as soon as the cashier sits at the checkout number 15, within a few weeks she becomes pregnant. The result is 24 pregnant women and 30 born children.

His name was Hugh Williams

Forgotten script

Actor Anthony Hopkins got the main role in the film “Girls from Petrovka”. But not a single bookstore in London could find the book on which the script was written. And on the way home on the subway, he saw on a bench this particular book, forgotten by someone, with notes in the margins. A year and a half later, on the set, Hopkins met the author of the novel, who complained that he had sent his last copy with notes in the margins to the director, but he had lost it on the subway...

A dogfight from the past

Muscovite Pankratov was reading a book while flying on a regular plane in 1972. The book was about air battles during the Great Patriotic War, and after the phrase “The shell hit the first engine...”, the right engine on the Il-18 suddenly really began to smoke. The flight had to be aborted halfway...

Plum pudding

As a child, the poet Emile Deschamps was treated to a new dish for the French - plum pudding - by a certain Forgibu who had just returned from England. 10 years later, Deschamps, passing by a restaurant, saw that a dish he remembered was being prepared there, but the waiter complained to him that another gentleman had already ordered all the pudding and pointed to... Forgibu. A few years later, while in a house where plum pudding was served for guests, the poet amused those gathered with the story that he had eaten this dish only twice in his life and at the same time had only seen Forgibu twice in his life. The guests began joking with each other that now... And the doorbell rang! Of course, it was Forgibu, who, having arrived in Orleans, was invited to visit one of the neighbors, but... mixed up the apartments!

Fish day

This is what happened once to the famous psychologist Carl Jung, within 24 hours. It started with the fact that he was served fish for lunch. While sitting at the table, he saw a fish van drive by. Then, over dinner, his friend suddenly started talking about the custom of “making April fish” (that’s what April Fool’s pranks are called). Unexpectedly, a former patient came and brought, as a token of gratitude, a painting, which again depicted big fish. A lady appeared who asked the doctor to decipher her dream, in which she herself appeared in the form of a mermaid and a school of fish swimming behind her. And when Jung went to the shore of the lake to calmly think about the whole chain of events (which, according to his calculations, did not fit into the usual random chain of events), he discovered a fish washed up on the shore next to him.

Unexpected scenario

Residents of a Scottish village watched the film “Around the World in 80 Days” at the local cinema. At the moment when the movie characters sat down in the balloon basket and cut the rope, a strange crack was heard. It turned out that he fell on the roof of the cinema... exactly the same as in the movies, balloon! And this was in 1965.
Greetings from the Moon

Out of the blue

In the 30s of the last century, Joseph Figlock, a resident of Detroit, walked down the street, and, as they say, did not bother anyone. Suddenly from the window multi-storey building literally fell on Joseph’s head... one year old child. Both participants in the incident escaped with minor fright. Later it turned out that the young and careless mother simply forgot to close the window, and the curious child climbed onto the windowsill and, instead of dying, ended up in the hands of her stunned, involuntary savior. Miracle, you say? What would you call what happened exactly a year later? Joseph was walking down the street, not touching anyone, and suddenly from the window of a multi-story building, literally, the same child fell on his head! Both participants in the incident again escaped with slight fright. What is this? Miracle? Coincidence?

Prophetic song

Once, Marcello Mastroianni, in the midst of a noisy, friendly feast, sang an old song “The house where I was so happy burned down...”. Before he could finish singing the verse, he was informed about a fire in his mansion.

Debt good turn deserves another

In 1966, four-year-old Roger Losier nearly drowned in the sea near the American city of Salem. Luckily, he was saved by a woman named Alice Blaze. In 1974, Roger, who was already 12, returned the favor - in the same place he saved a drowning man who turned out to be... the husband of Alice Blaze.

Continuation of incredible coincidences and stories

Sinister book

In 1898, writer Morgan Robertson, in his novel Futility, described the death of the giant ship Titan after colliding with an iceberg on its first voyage... In 1912, 14 years later, Great Britain launched the Titanic, and in the luggage of one passenger (of course, completely by accident) it turned out to be the book “Futility” about the death of the “Titan”. Everything written in the book came to life, literally all the details of the disaster coincided: an unimaginable hype was raised in the press around both ships even before going to sea due to their enormous size.

Both ships considered unsinkable collided with ice mountain in April, with a host of celebrities on board. And in both cases, the accident very quickly escalated into a disaster due to the captain’s lack of management and lack of life-saving equipment... The book “Futility” with a detailed description of the ship sank with it.

Sinister Book 2

On an April night in 1935, seaman William Reeves stood watch at the bow of the English steamship Titanian, bound for Canada. It was deep midnight, Reeves, impressed by the novel Futility he had just read, suddenly realized that there were shocking similarities between the Titanic disaster and the fictional event. Then the thought flashed through the sailor’s mind that his ship was currently crossing the ocean where both the Titan and the Titanic had found their eternal rest.

Then Reeves remembered that his birthday coincided with the exact date the Titanic sank under water - April 14, 1912. At this thought, the sailor was seized with indescribable horror. It seemed to him that fate was preparing something unexpected for him.

Strongly impressed, Reeves sounded a danger signal, and the steamship's engines immediately stopped. The crew members ran out onto the deck: everyone wanted to know the reason for such a sudden stop. Imagine the amazement of the sailors when they saw an iceberg emerging from the darkness of the night and stopping right in front of the ship.

One destiny for two

The most famous copy people who lived at the same time are Hitler and Roosevelt. Of course, they were very different in appearance, moreover, they were enemies, but their biographies were in many ways similar. In 1933, both gained power with a difference of just one day.

The day of the inauguration of US President Roosevelt coincided with a vote in the German Reichstag to grant dictatorial powers to Hitler. Roosevelt and Hitler took exactly six years to lead their countries out of a deep crisis, then each of them led the country to prosperity (in their own understanding). Both died in April 1945, 18 days apart, being in a state of irreconcilable war with each other...

Letter with prophecy

Writer Evgeny Petrov had a strange and rare hobby: all his life he collected envelopes... from his own letters! This is how he did it: he sent a letter to some country. He made up everything except the name of the state - the city, the street, the house number, the name of the addressee, so after a month and a half the envelope was returned to Petrov, but already decorated with multi-colored foreign stamps, the main one of which was: “The addressee is incorrect.” But in April 1939, the writer decided to disturb the New Zealand Post Office. He came up with a town called "Hydebirdville", a street called "Rightbeach", house "7" and the addressee "Merilla Ogin Wasley".

In the letter itself, Petrov wrote in English: “Dear Merrill! Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of Uncle Pete. Brace yourself, old man. Sorry I haven't written for a long time. I hope Ingrid is okay. Kiss your daughter for me. She's probably quite big already. Yours Evgeniy.” More than two months passed, but the letter with the appropriate note was not returned. Deciding that it was lost, Evgeny Petrov began to forget about it. But then August came, and he waited... for a reply letter. At first, Petrov decided that someone was playing a joke on him in his own spirit. But when he read the return address, he was no longer in the mood for jokes. On the envelope was written: "New Zealand, Hydebirdville, Wrightbeach, 7, Merrill Augin Wasley."

And all this was confirmed by the blue stamp “New Zealand, Hydebirdville Post Office”. The text of the letter read: “Dear Evgeniy! Thank you for your condolences. The ridiculous death of Uncle Pete threw us off track for six months. I hope you will forgive the delay in writing. Ingrid and I often remember those two days that you were with us. Gloria is very big and will go to 2nd grade in the fall. She still keeps the teddy bear that you brought her from Russia.” Petrov had never traveled to New Zealand, and therefore he was all the more amazed to see in the photograph a powerfully built man hugging... himself, Petrov! On the back of the photo was written: “October 9, 1938.”

Here the writer almost felt bad - after all, it was on that day that he was admitted to the hospital in an unconscious state with severe pneumonia. Then, for several days, doctors fought for his life, not hiding from his family that he had almost no chance of survival. To sort out these either misunderstandings or mysticism, Petrov wrote another letter to New Zealand, but did not wait for an answer: the second one began World War. From the first days of the war, E. Petrov became a war correspondent for Pravda and Informburo. His colleagues did not recognize him - he became withdrawn, thoughtful, and stopped joking altogether.

Letter with prophecy

In 1942, the plane he was flying on to the combat area disappeared, most likely shot down over enemy territory. And on the day the news of the plane’s disappearance was received, a letter from Merrill Wasley arrived at Petrov’s Moscow address. Wasley admired the courage Soviet people and expressed concern for the life of Evgeniy himself. In particular, he wrote: “I was scared when you started swimming in the lake. The water was very cold. But you said you were destined to crash on a plane, not drown. I ask you to be careful and fly as little as possible.”

Deja vu

On December 5, 1664, a passenger ship sank off the coast of Wales. All crew members and passengers were killed except one. The lucky guy's name was Hugh Williams. More than a century later, on December 5, 1785, another ship was wrecked at the same place. And I was saved again only person named... Hugh Williams. In 1860, again on the fifth of December, a fishing schooner sank here. Only one fisherman survived. And his name was Hugh Williams!

You can't escape fate

Louis XVI was predicted to die on the 21st. On the 21st of every month, the frightened king sat locked in his bedroom, did not receive anyone, and did not assign any business. But the precautions were in vain! On June 21, 1791, Louis and his wife Marie Antoinette were arrested. On September 21, 1792, a republic was proclaimed in France and royal power was abolished. And on January 21, 1793, Louis XVI was executed.

Unhappy marriage

In 1867, the heir to the Italian crown, Duke d'Aosta, married Princess Maria del Pozzodella of Cisterna. A few days later, the princess's maid hanged herself. The gatekeeper then cut his own throat. The royal secretary was killed by falling from his horse. The Duke's friend died of sunstroke... Of course, after such monstrous coincidences, the life of the newlyweds did not work out!

Sinister Book 3

Edgar Poe wrote creepy story about how shipwrecked and food-deprived sailors ate a cabin boy named Richard Parker. In 1884, the horror story came to life. The schooner "Lace" was wrecked, and the sailors, mad with hunger, devoured the cabin boy, whose name was... Richard Parker.

Opportunity to give back

A resident of Texas, USA, Allan Folby had an accident and damaged an artery in his leg. He would probably have died from loss of blood if Alfred Smith had not passed by, who bandaged the victim and called “ ambulance" Five years later, Folby witnessed a car accident: the driver of the crashed car lay unconscious, with a severed artery in his leg. It was... Alfred Smith.

Gave away secrets

In 1944, the Daily Telegraph published a crossword puzzle containing all the code names for the secret operation to land Allied troops in Normandy. The crossword puzzle contained the following words: “Neptune”, “Utah”, “Omaha”, “Jupiter”. Intelligence rushed to investigate the “information leak.” But the creator of the crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher, puzzled by such an incredible coincidence no less than the military personnel.

A terrible date for ufologists

By a strange and frightening coincidence, many ufologists died on the same day - June 24, although in different years. So, on June 24, 1964, the author of the book “Behind the Scenes of the Flying Saucers,” Frank Scully, died. On June 24, 1965, film actor and ufologist George Adamsky died. And on June 24, 1967, two UFO researchers - Richard Chen and Frank Edwards - left for another world.

Let the car die

Famous actor James Dean died in a terrible car accident in September 1955. His sports car remained intact, but soon after the actor’s death, some kind of evil fate began to haunt the car and everyone who touched it. Judge for yourself: Soon after the accident, the car was taken away from the scene. At the moment when the car was brought into the garage, its engine mysteriously fell out of the body, crushing the mechanic’s legs. The motor was purchased by a certain doctor who placed it in his car.

He soon died during a racing event. James Dean's car was later repaired, but the garage where it was being repaired burned down. The car was exhibited as a tourist attraction in Sacramento when it fell off a podium and crushed the hip of a passing teenager. To top it all off, in 1959 the car mysteriously (and completely independently) fell apart into 11 parts.

Bullet fool

Henry Siegland was sure that he was able to cheat fate around his finger. In 1883, he broke up with his lover, who, unable to bear the separation, committed suicide. The girl's brother, beside himself with grief, grabbed a gun, tried to kill Henry, and, deciding that the bullet had reached its target, shot himself. However, Henry survived: the bullet only slightly grazed his face and entered the tree trunk. A few years later, Henry decided to cut down the ill-fated tree, but the trunk was too large and the task seemed impossible. Then Siegland decided to blow up the tree with several sticks of dynamite. From the explosion, the bullet, which was still sitting in the tree trunk, broke free and hit... right in Henry's head, killing him on the spot.


Stories about twins are always impressive, and especially this story about two twin brothers from Ohio. Their parents died when the babies were only a few weeks old. They were adopted different families and separated the twins in infancy. This is where a series of incredible coincidences begin. To begin with, both adoptive families, without consulting or suspecting each other's plans, named the boys the same name - James.

The brothers grew up unaware of each other's existence, but both received law degrees, both were excellent drafters and carpenters, and both married women with the same name, Linda. Each of the brothers had sons. One brother named his son James Alan, and the second - James Allan. Then both brothers left their wives and remarried women...with the same name Betty! Each of them was the owner of a dog named Toy... we could go on and on. At the age of 40, they learned about each other, met and were amazed that during the entire forced separation they lived one life for two.

One destiny

In 2002, septuagenarian twin brothers died within an hour of each other in two unrelated traffic accidents on the same highway in northern Finland! Police representatives claim that there have been no accidents on this section of the road for a long time, so the report of two accidents on the same day, an hour apart, was already a shock to them, and when it turned out that the victims were twin brothers, police officers could not explain what happened nothing more than an incredible coincidence.

Monk Savior

The famous nineteenth-century Austrian portrait painter Joseph Aigner attempted suicide several times. The first time he tried to hang himself at the age of 18, he was suddenly stopped by a Capuchin monk who appeared out of nowhere. At 22, he tried again, and was again saved by the same mysterious monk. Eight years later, the artist was sentenced to the gallows for his political activities, but the timely intervention of the same monk helped mitigate the sentence.

At the age of 68, the artist committed suicide (he shot himself in the temple with a pistol). The funeral service was performed by the same monk - a man whose name no one ever learned. The reasons for such a reverent attitude of the Capuchin monk towards the Austrian artist also remained unclear.

Unpleasant meeting

In 1858, poker player Robert Fallon was shot by a losing opponent who claimed that Robert was a cheater and had won $600 by cheating. Fallon's place at the table became vacant, the winnings remained lying nearby, and none of the players wanted to take the “unlucky seat.” However, the game had to be continued, and the rivals, after consulting, left the saloon onto the street and soon returned with a young man who happened to be passing by. The newcomer was seated at the table and given $600 (Robert's winnings) as his opening bet.

The police arriving at the crime scene discovered that the recent murderers were playing poker with passion, and the winner was...a newcomer who managed to turn a $600 initial bet into a winnings of $2,200! Having sorted out the situation and arrested the main suspects in the murder of Robert Fallon, the police ordered the transfer of 600 dollars won by the deceased to his closest relative, who turned out to be the same lucky young gambler who had not seen his father for more than 7 years!

Arrived on a comet

The famous writer Mark Twain was born in 1835, on the day when Halley's Comet flew near the Earth and died in 1910 on the day of its next appearance near the Earth's orbit. The writer foresaw and himself predicted his death back in 1909: “I came into this world with Halley’s comet, and next year I will leave it with it.”

Sinister Taxi

In 1973, in Bermuda, a taxi hit two brothers who were driving along the road in violation of the rules. The blow was not strong, the brothers recovered, and the lesson did not benefit them. Exactly 2 years later, on the same street on the same moped, they were again hit by a taxi. The police established that in both cases the same passenger was traveling in the taxi, but completely ruled out any version of a deliberate hit-and-run.

Favorite book

In 1920, American writer Ann Parrish, who was on vacation in Paris at the time, came across her favorite children's book, Jack Frost and Other Stories, in a used bookstore. Anne bought the book and showed it to her husband, talking about how she loved the book as a child. The husband took the book from Ann, opened it and found title page caption: "Ann Parrish, 209N Webber Street, Colorado Springs." It was the same book that once belonged to Anne herself!

One destiny for two 2

King Umberto I of Italy once stopped at a small restaurant in Monza to have lunch. The owner of the establishment respectfully accepted the order from His Majesty. Looking at the owner of the restaurant, the king suddenly realized that in front of him was his exact copy. The owner of the restaurant both in face and physique strongly resembled His Majesty. The men got to talking and discovered other similarities: both the king and the owner of the restaurant were born on the same day and year (March 14, 1844).

They were born in the same city. Both are married to women named Margarita. The owner of the restaurant opened his establishment on the day of the coronation of Umberto I. But the coincidences did not end there. In 1900, King Umberto was informed that the owner of a restaurant where the king liked to visit from time to time had died in a gunshot accident. Before the king had time to express his condolences, he himself was shot by an anarchist from the crowd surrounding the carriage.

happy place

In one of the supermarkets in the English county of Cheshire, things have been going on for 5 years. inexplicable miracles. As soon as the cashier sits at the cash register at number 15, within a few weeks she becomes pregnant. Everything is repeated with enviable consistency, the result is 24 pregnant women. 30 children born. After several control experiments that ended “successfully”, during which the researchers placed volunteers at the cash register, scientific conclusions none followed.

The way home

The famous American actor Charles Coghlan, who died in 1899, was buried not in his homeland, but in the city of Galveston (Texas), where death accidentally found a touring troupe. A year later, a hurricane of unprecedented force hit this city, washing away several streets and a cemetery. The sealed coffin with Coghlen's body floated at least 6,000 km in the Atlantic for 9 years, until finally the current brought it to shore right in front of the house where he was born on Prince Edward Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Loser thief

A tragicomic incident recently occurred in Sofia. Thief Milko Stoyanov, having successfully robbed the apartment of a wealthy citizen and carefully placed the “trophies” in a backpack, decided to quickly go down the drainpipe from the window overlooking a deserted street. When Milko was at the second floor level, police whistles were heard. Confused, he let go of the pipe and flew down. Just at that moment, a guy was walking along the sidewalk, and Milko fell right on top of him.

The police arrived and handcuffed both of them and took them to the station. It turned out that the guy Milko fell on was a burglar who, after many unsuccessful attempts, was finally tracked down. Interestingly, the second thief was also named Milko Stoyanov.

Unlucky date

Can it be explained by coincidence? tragic fate American presidents elected in a year that ends in zero?

Lincoln (1860), Garfield (1880), McKinley (1900), Kennedy (1960) were assassinated, Harrison (1840) died of pneumonia, Roosevelt (1940) of polio, Harding (1920) suffered a severe heart attack. An assassination attempt was also made on Reagan (1980).

Last call

Can the documented episode be considered an accident: Pope Paul VI’s favorite alarm clock, which regularly rang at 6 a.m. for 55 years, suddenly went off at 9 p.m., when the pope died...

There will be a continuation of incredible coincidences and stories, because we live!

In our world, interesting and funny situations often occur that amuse many people. But in addition to such curiosities, there are moments that make you think or simply frighten, driving you into a stupor. For example, some item mysteriously disappearing t, although a couple of minutes ago I was in my place. Inexplicable and sometimes strange situations happen to everyone. Let's talk about real life stories told by people.

Fifth place – Death or not?

Liliya Zakharovna- a well-known teacher in the area primary classes. All local residents tried to send their children to her, since she aroused honor and respect, trying to teach children wisdom not according to the usual program, but according to her own. Thanks to its development, children quickly absorbed new knowledge and applied it in practice with skill. She managed to do what no teacher could do - make children work beneficially and gnaw on the granite of science.

Recently Liliya Zakharovna reached retirement age, which she happily took advantage of when she went on a legal vacation. She had a sister Irina, whom she went to see. This is where the story begins.

Irina had a mother and daughter who lived next door on the same staircase. Lyudmila Petrovna, Irina’s mother, had been seriously ill for a long time. The doctors did not know the exact diagnosis, because the symptoms were completely different with each visit to the hospital, which did not allow them to give a 100% answer. The treatment was very varied, but even it did not help put Lyudmila Petrovna on her feet. After several years of painful procedures, she died. On the day of death, the cat that lived in the apartment woke up my daughter. She caught herself and ran to the woman and found that she was dead. The funeral took place near the city, in his native village.

The daughter and her friend visited the cemetery for several days in a row, still not accepting the fact that Lyudmila Petrovna no more. On their next visit, they were surprised that there was a small hole at the grave, the depth of which was about forty centimeters. It was clear that she was fresh, and sitting near the grave was the same cat that woke up her daughter on the day of her death. It immediately became clear that it was she who dug the hole. The hole was filled up, but the cat was never released. It was decided to leave her there.

The next day the girls went to the cemetery again to feed hungry cat. This time there were already three of them - they were joined by one of the relatives of the deceased. They were very surprised when there was a larger hole at the grave than last time. The cat was still sitting there, looking very exhausted and tired. This time she decided not to resist and voluntarily climbed into the girls’ bag.

And then strange thoughts begin to creep into the girls’ heads. Suddenly Lyudmila Petrovna was buried alive, and the cat was trying to get to her. Such thoughts haunted me, and it was decided to dig up the coffin to make sure. The girl was found by several people without a fixed place of residence, they paid them money and brought her to the cemetery. They dug up the grave.

When the coffin was opened, the girls were in complete shock. The cat was right. Nail marks were visible on the coffin, which suggests that the deceased was alive, trying to escape from captivity.

The girls grieved for a long time, realizing that they could still save Lyudmila Petrovna, if they had dug up the grave right away. These thoughts haunted them for a very long time, but nothing could be returned. Cats always sense trouble - this is a scientifically proven fact.

Fourth place – Forest paths

Ekaterina Ivanovna is an elderly woman living in a small village near Bryansk. The village is located around forests and fields. Grandma lived here all her life long life, so she knew all the paths and roads inside and out. Since childhood, she walked around the neighborhood, picking berries and mushrooms, which made excellent jam and pickles. Her father was a forester, so Ekaterina Ivanovna was in harmony with Mother Nature all her life.

But one day it happened strange case, which my grandmother still remembers and crosses herself. It was early autumn when it's time to cut the hay. Relatives from the city came to help so as not to leave all the care of the household to the elderly woman. The whole crowd moved to a forest clearing to collect hay. Towards evening, the grandmother went home to prepare dinner for her tired assistants.

It's about a forty-minute walk to the village. Of course, the path ran through the forest. Here Ekaterina Ivanovna He has been walking since childhood, so of course there was no fear. On the way, in the forest thicket, I met a woman I knew, and a dialogue began between them about all the events taking place in their native village.

The conversation lasted about half an hour. And it was already starting to get dark outside. Suddenly, the unexpectedly encountered woman screamed and laughed with all her might and evaporated, leaving a strong echo. Ekaterina Ivanovna was in complete horror, realizing what had happened. She was already lost in space and simply became nervous, not knowing which way to go. For two hours the grandmother walked from one corner of the forest to another, trying to get out of the thicket. In a toga, she simply fell to the ground, exhausted. Thoughts already came to mind that she would have to wait until the morning until someone saved her. But the sound of the tractor turned out to be life-saving - it was towards it that Ekaterina Ivanovna headed, soon reaching the village.

The next day, the grandmother went home to the woman she met. She rejected the fact that she was in the forest, justifying this by the fact that she was caring for the beds and simply did not have time. Ekaterina Ivanovna was in complete shock and already thought that, against the background of fatigue, hallucinations had begun, leading her astray. For several years now, these events have been told to local residents with fear. From that moment on, the grandmother never went to the forest again, as she was afraid of getting lost or, worse, dying from extreme fear. There was even a proverb in the village: “The devil leads Katerina.” I wonder who was really in the forest that evening?

Third place – Dream come true

In the heroine's life there are constantly happening various situations, which one simply cannot dare to call ordinary: they are strange. In the early eighties of the last century, Pavel Matveevich, who was his mother’s husband, died. The morgue workers gave the heroine’s family his belongings and a gold watch, which the deceased loved very much. Mom decided to keep them and keep them as a memory.

As soon as the funeral has passed, the heroine of strange stories has a dream. In it, the late Pavel Matveevich demands from his mother that she take the watch back to where he originally lived. The girl woke up in the morning and ran to tell her mother about her dream. Of course, the decision was made that the watch must be returned. Let them be in their place.

At the same time, a dog barked loudly in the yard (and the house was private). When one of her own comes, she is silent. But then, apparently, someone else came. And it’s true: my mother looked out the window and saw that a man was standing under the lantern and was waiting for someone to leave the house. Mom came out and it turned out that this mysterious stranger was the son of Pavel Matveevich from his first marriage. He happened to be passing through the village and decided to stop by. The only interesting thing is how he found the house, because no one knew him before. In memory of his father, he wanted to take something from him. And my mother gave me the watch. On this strange stories This girl's life is not going to end. At the beginning of the 2000s, Pavel Ivanovich, the husband’s father, fell ill. On New Year's Eve, he found himself in the hospital awaiting his operation. And the girl dreams again prophetic dream. There was a doctor there who informed the family that the operation would be on the third of January. In the dream, another man furiously demanded the question of what interests the girl most. And she asked how many years the parents would live. No answer was received.

It turned out that the surgeon had already told his father-in-law that the operation would be performed on January 2. The girl said that something would definitely happen that would force her to reschedule the operation the next day. And so it happened - the operation took place on January 3rd. The relatives were stunned.

The last story happened when the heroine was already fifty years old. The woman no longer had any special health. As soon as the second daughter was born, the parent had a headache. The pain was so severe that I was already thinking about giving an injection. Hoping that the pain would subside, the woman went to bed. Having dozed off a little, she heard Small child awoke. There was a night light above the bed, and the girl reached to turn it on, and she was immediately thrown back onto the bed, as if an electric shock had occurred. And it seemed to her that she was flying somewhere high above the house. And only the child’s strong cry brought her back to earth from heaven. Waking up, the girl was very wet, thinking that there was clinical death.