Maria Ivanovna Arbatova (1957), (surname at birth - Gavrilina; Arbatova - pseudonym, which has become the official surname since 1999) - Russian writer, playwright, publicist, active activist in the feminist movement, TV presenter. Member of the Moscow Writers' Union and the Russian Theater Workers' Union. Author of 14 plays staged in Russia and abroad, more than twenty books, as well as about 70 journalistic articles.

Family and childhood

Born on July 17, 1957 in the city of Murom, Vladimir Region, in the family of Ivan Gavrilovich Gavrilin and Tsivya Ilyinichna Aizenstadt. A year later the family moved to Moscow. While studying at school, she did not join the Komsomol “for reasons of principle.” In the 9th and 10th grades she attended the School of Young Journalists at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. At the same time, according to her own statements, she became one of the activists of the Moscow hippie movement.

Father, Ivan Gavrilovich Gavrilin (1910, Kudashevo, Ryazan province - 1969), graduated from the history department of the Institute of Philosophy and Literature, and subsequently - an adjunct course at the Lenin Military-Political Academy, journalist and editor, was deputy editor-in-chief of "Red Star", taught Marxist philosophy at the military academies named after Lenin, named after Frunze, named after Dzerzhinsky. In 1950, he was assigned to Murom as a military teacher of Marxist philosophy, and in 1958 the family returned to Moscow.

Mother, Tsivya Ilyinichna Aizenstadt (1922, Moscow - 2017, Moscow), graduated from school with a gold medal, in 1940 she entered the 1st Moscow Medical Institute, then during the evacuation she entered the Moscow Zooveterinary Institute, which was evacuated from Moscow, and graduated with honors specializing in microbiology. In the 1990s, she became actively interested in Reiki therapy and became a successful Reiki therapist.

Student years

Maria entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University, but soon left it because, in her words, she “faced strong ideological pressure.” In 1984 she graduated from the drama department of the Gorky Literary Institute. She privately studied psychoanalytic counseling in the “psychoanalytic underground” of B. G. Kravtsov and S. G. Agrachev.

Political and social activities

Since 1991, she has led the “Harmony” club for psychological rehabilitation of women. Since 1996, he has been engaged in individual counseling as a psychoanalyst. Since 1996 he has headed public organization"Club of Women Intervening in Politics." Supports the idea of ​​“positive discrimination”. Repeatedly spoke out against violations of rights sexual minorities, spoke out in support of legalization same-sex marriage and the possibility of adoption of children by gay couples.

She worked as a columnist for Obshchaya Gazeta for about five years. For five years she worked as a co-host in the women's talk show “I Am Myself” on TV-6. Author and presenter of the human rights program “The Right to Be Yourself” on the Mayak 24 radio station.

Worked in numerous PR projects and election campaigns different levels. As an expert, she took part in writing the presidential election program of Boris Yeltsin and the presidential election program of Ella Pamfilova.

In 1999, she was nominated to the State Duma in the University single-mandate district of Moscow from the Union of Right Forces, but having received 14.78% of the votes, she lost to the candidate from the Yabloko party, Mikhail Zadornov, who received 20.16%.

In 2001-2003, she was a candidate for the post of Commissioner for Human Rights in Russian Federation. She was co-chair of the Human Rights Party, which ceased to exist at the behest of investors.

She was a member of the party leadership Free Russia”, renamed in February 2007 to the “Civil Power” party. She was second on the list of candidates from the Free Russia party in the elections to the Moscow City Duma on December 4, 2005, where the party received 2.22% of the vote.

In 2007, she was a candidate for State Duma on the Party list social justice, which received 0.22% of the votes. Before the elections, the book “How I Tried to Honestly Get into the Duma” was republished with the subtitle “The Unfictional History of Elections,” which was first published in 2000 and described her attempt to run for office. State Duma from the Union of Right Forces in 1999.

In 2007-2008, member of the Supreme Council political party“Civil force”, according to the list of which was to be nominated to the Duma of the fifth convocation. She spoke harshly about the party and regretted that she brought its then leader Mikhail Barshchevsky, as well as a number of famous cultural figures, into the “Civil Force”. “They were used the same way as me,” and “threw away,” Arbatova wrote. - “A day and a half before the congress approving candidates for districts, Barshchevsky, through the hands of the formal party leader Ryavkin, unscrupulously throws me out of the list.”

She was critical of the sentence to the members of the Pussy Riot group and the position of the Russian Orthodox Church on this and other issues.

In January 2013, she supported the adoption of a law prohibiting the adoption of Russian orphans by US citizens.

On September 29, 2016, she took part in the TV show “The Duel,” dedicated to the topic of abortion, during which she repeatedly called radical opponents of abortion “shobla.”

Personal life

Arbatova was married three times:

The first husband is Alexander Miroshnik (the marriage lasted 17 years) - a classical singer. He studied at the Gnessin Music College in the department of musical comedy and at the Academic Music School at the Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky at the vocal department. He worked as a soloist in Moscow choirs and musical theaters; In her marriage to A. Miroshnik, Arbatova had twin sons:

Son - Pyotr Aleksandrovich Miroshnik (born 1977) - graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities with a degree in cultural studies. He wrote and edited the online almanac “The Fourth Rome”, dedicated to the architecture and sociology of the city. Coordinator social movement"Arkhnadzor".

Son - Pavel Aleksandrovich Miroshnik (born 1977) - graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities with a degree in psychology, psychotherapist. In their youth, Peter and Pavel participated in the rock group “Inki”.

Second husband - Oleg Vite (marriage lasted 8 years) - political expert. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University and the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Worked as a columnist at Moscow News, then at Channel 1 TV, at the Work Center economic reforms under the Government of the Russian Federation (1993-2000), in the expert group in the service of Presidential Aides (1996), in the Effective Policy Foundation (2000-2004), since the fall of 2004 - chief expert Fund for Support of Legislative Initiatives. Biographer and researcher of the work of the Soviet historian and sociologist B. F. Porshnev. Author of several scientific and journalistic works in the field of economics, political sociology, history, etc.;

Third husband - Shumit Datta Gupta (current husband) is a financial analyst. Lives in Russia since 1985. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and natural sciences Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Nephew of Puran Chand Joshi - the first Secretary General Communist Party India (1935-1947), as well as the nephew of Kalpana Datta, the national heroine of India, wife of P. C. Joshi.

1991 - Golden medal Cambridge Bibliographic Center "For contribution to the culture of the 20th century" in the drama category.
1991 - Laureate of the All-Union Radio Drama Competition. Radionovela “Rite of Initiation” from the play “The Late Crew”.
1993 - Winner of the Literary News newspaper award for the best work in prose. The story “Abortion from the unloved.”
1996 - Laureate of the Bonn Theater Biennale. The play “Test interview on the topic of freedom” staged by the Bonn Drama Theater.
1998 - Laureate of the radio drama competition “Prize of Europe” for the radio play based on the play “Rite of Initiation” staged by Radio Russia.
2002 - Order “For Service to the Fatherland” (saints Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and Reverend Abbot Sergius of Radonezh) National charitable foundation"Eternal glory to the heroes."
2006 - “Order of the Peacemaker, 2nd degree” of the World Charitable Alliance “Peacemaker”.
2007 - “Order of the Peacemaker, 1st degree” of the World Charitable Alliance “Peacemaker”.
2008 - “MONE Beauty Awards” from the “MONE” beauty salon in the “Muse of Literature” category (“for the ability to combine feminine softness and independence in oneself and one’s works”).
2010 - medal Kemerovo region"For faith and goodness."
2012 - National literary prize“Golden Pen of Rus'” for the work “Tasting India”.

Maria Arbatova is a well-known specialist in: a) psychoanalysis, b) politics, c) drama, d) writing books... But her main talent is thoroughly hidden under the thickness of her years. After all, Masha became a mother when she had just turned 20, and a heroine mother at that - the stork brought her two twins, Peter and Pavel. It was a long time ago, now the children are already quite adults. Today Maria Ivanovna decided to openly talk about how she coped with the high responsibility of a mother.

Maria Arbatova is a well-known specialist in: a) psychoanalysis, b) politics, c) drama, d) writing books... But her main talent is thoroughly hidden under the thickness of her years. After all, Masha became a mother when she had just turned 20, and a heroine mother at that - the stork brought her two twins, Peter and Pavel. It was a long time ago, now the children are already quite adults. Today Maria Ivanovna decided to openly talk about how she coped with the high responsibility of a mother.

— Your twin sons will turn 30 this year. Are you a grandmother?

- Not yet.

- And when will you be a grandmother?

- As soon as the sons make this decision. They do not consider themselves, like so many in their generation, ready for fatherhood. I can’t say whether this makes me sad or happy, but it’s their choice. I am a liberal mother... By the way, when the boys were only 7 years old, a scary word"AIDS". And in our family there is an old sideboard, which was left to me by my maternal great-grandfather named Aizenshtat, one of the creators of Zionism in Russia. There was a small drawer in this cupboard, and when my children went to first grade, I put condoms there so that they would always be there, and explained what they were, why and how to use them.

You will say: “7 years is too early!”, but I think: “later” - it will be too late. In Russia sex life on average, it begins at fifteen years old, that is, for some at 20, and for others at 12. I did not want my grandchildren to become victims of abortion, so that my children would have a miscarriage.

Of course, my children were already married. Now they have some new alliances.

- Oh, I feel like your sons have followed in your footsteps.

— When the children were born, I was very young and still quite infantile. They grew up with me, in many ways they teach me something.

- To what?

- For example, being in Russian modern culture. Peter first studied as a culturologist, then completed graduate school in philosophy, but never defended his dissertation. And when he was twenty-seven years and one month old and the threat of the army had passed, his interest in science waned sharply. For a long time he worked on all sorts of political projects, wrote programs for various parties and political leaders, was a speechwriter.

Both of my sons worked in my elections in 1999, they helped, and I was pleased with it. Both of them are also musicians.

— They played in the same group “Inky”?

- Yes, but now their group is in a state of stagnation. They don’t have a soloist, so now Petya drums in the group “Aisi Tumbrevas” (“Acid Umbrellas”). At least at the Emmaus music festival they played in front of Butusov on main stage. And although before that they performed on Red Square and I thought that was the peak of their career, they told me: you don’t understand anything, “Emmaus” is cooler. And Pavel also earns money as a creative, designer and political strategist. But at the same time he is now in Once again receives training as a psychoanalyst.

- When you children in such early age They told you what was in the old cupboard and why, but your relationship must have changed dramatically. The boys probably immediately became adults after that?

- Absolutely not. In most European countries, sex education begins with kindergarten. In the meantime, Russia has taken first place in the spread of AIDS. I'll say more. If the mother says: “You crawled out of your tummy, and they sewed up the hole there,” and the child sees what dogs and cats are doing to each other, then he begins to think: this is something terrible and shameful. Then boys and girls grow up, they begin to have problems in their personal lives, and we, psychoanalysts, delve into this. And so you delve into the depths of His or Her subconscious and there you discover childhood traumas. Any lie from parents, especially in such a subtle, painful area, is always a colossal trauma... The constant Soviet story: oh-oh-oh, my girl is already twelve, I need to tell her everything; oh-oh-oh - my girl is already fourteen, it’s time to tell her everything; oh-oh-oh, my girl is already fifteen, where can she secretly get an abortion? The same thing with boys, only in venereology.

— You, as an advanced mother, have never reproached your sons for anything?

— There was a period (adolescence) when the sons were hung with kilograms of pins and wore black leather jackets. But I thought: this is their body, and clothes are the language with which a person speaks to the world, and no one else dares to interfere there. Everything happened on time for the sons, and growing up happened organically.

- But did you forbid them anything?

- Certainly. Any mentally healthy parent who does not want to solve the problems of his aggression at the child’s expense, forbids him only what is dangerous to his life and health, and nothing else. A child is always the way we want him to be. In this sense, my children are perhaps less independent than I would like, but they are twins, and in twins all processes occur later.

- Well, what has always been forbidden for your children?

“You couldn’t fight with your feet.” Once I beat them with a belt for this. In general, parents raise a child not with prohibitions, but with their way of life, and the child still only forbids himself what his parents forbid.

There's no point in telling children to be honest if they know you're stealing. So a new Russian comes to me for a consultation and cries: I raised him, raised him, and he... I told him: okay, let's see what kind of business you have. Well, how can you shout to a child: wash your plate if you don’t wash it yourself, or that he change his socks twice a day if you don’t do it yourself. Useless.

- What kind of mother were you, did you take care of the children a lot?

— I did quite a lot of them. As soon as my twins were born, I was immediately fired from my job according to a very complicated scheme. After which I became a feminist. When I wanted to get a job somewhere, they told me: are you crazy, you have twins. I sat at home, wrote plays, and my husband provided for me. And, of course, she raised children, engaged in social life, so as not to turn into a housewife. In general, I am an excellent student mother. I was a member of all the parent committees where the children studied... That is, I am one of those mothers who should have the first, second, third and compote. And when they tell me: listen, your children look so young for their age, I answer: it’s because I took care of them as a child.

- Are they your friends today?

- Yes, sure. Closest friends.

- Do they share their most intimate things with you, or do you not demand this from them?

“The word of any parent is very weighty, so I never voiced anything without a request. And all because I have my own mother, who is 86 years old, God bless her. And her life consists of meddling into everything without asking. Therefore, observing this, I try not to repeat such mistakes.

- Now it’s clear where your desire for freedom, including sexual freedom, comes from - from your mother’s constant admonition.

- This is not my specialty. Such was the time. What was called the sexual revolution was part of protest behavior. We listened to the Beatles, dressed like hippies, and told everyone that our bodies belonged to us. And let the grandmothers on the bench say what they want...

"The purest example of pure charm." In the same ranks with scum like Israel Shamir. And Dmitry Bykov is there too. And there is only one solution: Russian “Christianity”, meaningless and merciless - both towards oneself and towards others... I was also smart enough to provide a link to this article myself.

Original taken from aniezka V

Original taken from arbatovagidepar c I understand that the sausage makers were taken out in the heads of the USSR. But to such an extent?

Like Arbatova from Arbat
acted a little redneck...
Vladimir Opendik, New York

Did I think, a simple Russian woman,
that I will live to see this happy day?
M. Arbatova, Diaries, 2011

IN last years Moscow writers began to frequent New York, and all, as if by delusion, were from among Russian writers with Jewish blood in their veins, but converted to Orthodoxy or another religion. And another one common feature, which unites overseas guests - all of whom particularly “distinguished themselves” at the 23rd International Book Fair in Jerusalem in February 2009 - with their openly anti-Israeli statements. For the Israelis, this position of the guests was completely unexpected and unacceptable, and instead of discussing general literary topics, the tour guests declared, each in their own way, their rejection of the Jewish state. The delegation of Russian writers included A. Kabakov, Dm. Bykov, M. Weller, Vl. Sorokin, Tatyana Ustinova, Dm. Prigov, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Maria Arbatova. As the Israeli writer and journalist A. Shoichet wrote in the article “Orthodox Jews Russian literature", "here representatives of Israel tried to build a “bridge” on their part. Unfortunately, Russian writers have not shown much zeal for the development of bilateral ties."

The most intolerant among them were the poet, journalist and writer D. Bykov, writers L. Ulitskaya and A. Kabakov, as well as feminist M. Arbatova. Thus, the previously mentioned Bykov argued that “the formation of Israel is a historical mistake.” As Shoikhet wrote, “Dmitry Bykov and Alexander Kabakov immediately disowned their affiliation with Judaism. Dmitry Bykov, who already on the first day at the Jerusalem fair categorically declared that he was “a man of Russian culture, an Orthodox Christian, a believing Christian,” behaved at the meeting he laughed demonstratively and arrogantly at the questions addressed to him.”

Having received a beating in Israel, Bykov did not hesitate to come to New York and, at a meeting with Jewish readers within the walls of the Central Brooklyn Library in March of this year, he again repeated the nonsense about the so-called historical mistake. He had no idea that in the American audience, his speech was being listened to by the same Jews whom he insulted in 2009.

Ms. Ulitskaya “with her characteristic directness declared to the enthusiastically listening public that “although she is a Jew, she is an Orthodox Christian by faith,” that “it is morally very difficult for her in Israel”(?) and this is due to the fact that (according to her conviction) there, in the homeland of Jesus Christ, representatives Christian denominations“Life is very difficult,” and it is especially difficult for Arab Christians, since, “on the one hand, they are being crushed (!) by Jews, and on the other, by Muslim Arabs.” These words belong to Ulitskaya, who for the past 20 years has been visiting Israel almost every year - only blindfolded and deaf.

Russian Jewish converts absorbed all this nonsense in Russia, where such a point of view is widespread among the intelligentsia, who have never heard a different point of view. It is to us, living in the free world, that their opinion seems wild, as if this audience did not come from a civilized European country, and from Uganda or Lesotho.

Israeli scientist Alec Epstein, the author of an article dedicated to the landing of Russian writers in Israel (“Our hut from the other side: Anti-Israeli pathos of Russian-Jewish writers”), especially noted the ugly behavior of Maria Arbatova, who is going to New York at the invitation of the restless “Davidzon- radio". The author writes: “Maria Arbatova surpassed everyone - these are the words she used to sum up her trip to Jerusalem: “The Promised Land made the saddest impression on me. Nowhere in the world have I seen such a pitiful emigration at meetings with writers.” Israel in general Maria Ivanovna Gavrilina ( Arbatova) described as “unpromising western project" “I didn’t understand before,” Arbatova confessed, “why my aunt, the daughter of Samuil Aizenshtat, who married a British intelligence officer and after that lived in London for 66 years, every time she came to Israel, she said: “What a blessing that dad didn’t live to see until this time. They turned Israel into the Tishinsky market! " Now I came, looked and understood: “This community is not strung together with anything, and it is united by nothing except sausages and hatred of Arabs. ... I did not see the promised nature: complete backyards of the Crimea and the Mediterranean. Of course, there was no architecture and there never will be. The population is motley and ugly. In hot countries, it usually hurts the eyes beautiful faces. They are too angry and tense for Asia. They are too redneck and self-confident for Europe. ... I travel a lot, but nowhere have I seen such permanently irritated and intolerant people.”

With considerable voluptuousness, Arabatova quoted a phrase from one of the heroines of L. Ulitskaya’s novel “Daniel Stein, Translator”: “What a terrible place Israel is - here the war goes on inside every person, it has no rules, no boundaries, no meaning, no justification. There is no hope that it will ever end." “I came with the remnants of pro-Jewish zombies,” says M. Arbatova, specifying: “Poor small people fights for the Jewish idea. But I didn’t see any Jewish idea, except for the military and sausage ones. … This is not a country, but a military camp.”

I apologize to the readers for quoting so abundantly the “pearls” of this 55-year-old lady from Arbat, but without them it would not be entirely clear why inviting Arbatova to New York is another stupidity and unprincipledness of Davidson Radio.

A few words about the origin of the writer. Maria Ivanovna Gavrilina was born in 1957 into the family of Ivan Gavriilovich Gavrilin and Lyudmila Ilyinichna Aizenstadt. This is what it says on Wikipedia, although the mother’s name is specified a little lower - Tsivya Ilyinichna. For some reason, an active activist in the feminist movement, Gavrilina took a literary pseudonym - Arbatova, although the surnames of her husbands - Alexander Miroshnik, Oleg Witte and Shumita Datta Gupta - had nothing to do with the choice of pseudonym. Arbatova wrote about her origins like this: “My mother is also Jewish,” “my grandmother Hanna Iosifovna was born in Lublin, her father independently studied several languages, mathematics and gave Torah and Talmud lessons. From 1890 to 1900, he stubbornly passed exams for the title of “teacher” in “secular” educational institutions and was refused nine times “due to his Jewish religion,” but on the tenth he became one of the few Jews teaching in Polish government institutions.” At the same time, Ms. Arbatova emphasized: “I have never identified myself through my nationality.”

It's not a matter of identification: Mary wants to be a Russian Orthodox - and God is with her. It's her right. However, the excessiveness of negativity and bias towards Israel turns her into an evil and primitive lady from the Tushinsky market, dissatisfied with her attitude towards herself, the weather, and nature. A stranger in a foreign state - like Prokhanov or Shevchenko.

Arbatova herself lives in a city where a huge part of the Russian population is engaged in trade - in markets, in shops, in numerous stalls, in underground subway passages. By calling the Israelis “sausage immigrants,” she blasphemes the people who live under the fire of Arab cassams, but bravely endure the hardships of war and think about the future of their children and grandchildren. Arbatova and others like her point blank do not notice and do not want to see the humane attitude that Jews show every day towards their sworn enemies - the Arabs. It is obvious that the Russian public has false ideas about Israel. Let this lady cite at least one case when the Russian military would call the inhabitants of houses that were about to be bombed. Or imagine, reader, Russia’s reaction if any of the countries surrounding it fire missiles at Russian cities every day!

Israel is a stronghold of democracy in the Middle East, a state on the border with the Muslim world. Arbatova didn’t notice anything like that and didn’t want to see it. Arbatova cites the vulgarity and primitivism of her aunt, who lived in London for 66 years with an English intelligence officer, as some evidence of life in Israel. This woman, obviously, has never seen anything in Israel other than markets. Speaking about the “redneckness” of the Israelis, the literary lady from Moscow forgot the environment in which she lives. You can often see her on A. Malakhov’s “Let Them Talk” programs, where the most important topics are discussed almost every day. creepy stories from Russian life- about murders and wild abuse of parents against their own children, about the rape of minors, about the wild indifference of medical workers to the fate of people caught in a disaster, etc. and so on. There are so many of these stories, their content is so terrible that talking about the “redneckness” of citizens of another country is not only dishonest, but also demonstrates the own redneckness of the person saying such things. You won’t hear anything sensible from Arbatova herself on these programs, and her excessive arrogance only confirms the opinion about her inadequacy in perceiving someone else’s world.

In the New York Russian-language press, the statements of many Russian literary figures received fairly detailed coverage. Nevertheless, the Brooklyn Central Library, represented by A. Makeeva, continues to invite the above-mentioned writers to meet with former Soviet Jews. This is not the first time that this library has invited Bykov and Ulitskaya, and TV presenter V. Topaller on RTVI did not miss the opportunity to meet with Kabakov, even calling him almost a Russian classic.

Recently it became known that the leaders of Davidson Radio invited the writer Arbatova to their living room, having no doubt that the unprincipled Jews from Brighton, radio listeners of this “office,” would flock to this meeting, because they do not care about national feelings and their own dignity. Until recently, these leaders were confident that these same seniors would vote for City Councilman L. Fiedler to our State Senate. It is no coincidence that Senator David Storobin, as a candidate, insisted on closing this radio studio, since it does not protect the interests of the majority of our voters. Having lost the elections, Davidson and his supporters lost the remnants of their authority and found themselves on the sidelines of the political street. Today, the same studio again demonstrates indifference or a complete lack of understanding of national interests and invites to our city a literary lady who did not understand anything from her last trip to Israel and without hesitation goes to earn money from those Jews whom she so calmly and outrageously insulted.

Last week, the same Arbatova, on the eve of her voyage to our city, did not hesitate to publicize, in an interview with Davidson Radio host Vladimir Grzhonko, she said even more absurdities. I will cite just a few of her “statements” from this interview: “Russia is increasingly threatened by American rudeness - all sorts of McDonald’s, and ... American tourists are the most recognized “rednecks” in the world, there is no American culture, there is only something “fertilized” by Russian culture, Israel is a harmful, illegitimate entity, a source of racism against Arabs, created on foreign soil."

The question arises: does Mr. Davidson share the point of view of his guest? Precisely such anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic statements in the spirit of Nazi propaganda on American Davidson radio are not meanness to Davidson’s country of residence and to the country that is today at the forefront of the fight against international terrorism? Or do Grzhonko, Davidson and others not understand this?

I call on the Jewish community to boycott the visit to Arbatova in our city, not to take part in any events related to this redneck lady who imagines herself to be a great expert human souls. And once again we will express our contempt to Davidson Radio in response to yet another of his provocations.

The famous feminist Maria Arbatova became famous not only as a TV star. She raised 25-year-old twin sons, wrote 14 plays and 13 books, received the fourth “Golden Lioness” in the social results of the year, headed political organization. The only place where she is surrounded by men is at home. Maria was destined to lead in it. As a result, Arbatova's second marriage has cracked - divorce is approaching. Kipling believed that "a man remembers three women: the first, the last and the one." It turned out that Maria’s memory is structured similarly. The expert “on women’s souls” was married twice: to Alexander Miroshenko and Oleg Vite. Now there is a new man in her life...

She was lucky with her husbands. Shortly after the divorce, she had to long years iron your skirt yourself. And what her husbands did instantly and masterfully, in her hands ended in a burnt spot, burnt fingers and whining into the telephone receiver: “Kitten, why did I divorce you?”

Guest performer Alexander

Maria considers her first marriage, which lasted 17 years, to be bohemian and emotional. She met her husband Sasha, a student at Gnesinka, at the age of 18 in the then fashionable Aromat cafe, where hippies, artists and musicians gathered. On the third day of their acquaintance, they submitted an application to the registry office. The day before wedding ceremony Maria took the last entrance exam to the Literary Institute. And at that time the groom ran to buy her shoes. Not knowing the size, he took a couple sizes larger... A year later, twins were born. While raising children, the young housewife mother earned practically no money. It was then that the feminine awakened in her social activity: “In order not to kill anyone from sitting at home, I began to write plays and vigorously took up literary and theatrical social life. My first husband was a typical macho and ideal partner in everyday life, one of those who drags everything into the house, makes crafts around the clock. He had only one drawback: touring for six months."

Superfull Oleg

The second marriage lasted 8 years. According to Maria, he was very politicized, correct and boring. She met Oleg on October 4, 1993, the day of her divorce from Alexander. After a week of the affair, Oleg decided to divorce his first wife, but

The normalcy lasted until April. The wedding fell on the 19th - the day I met my first husband. Arbatova rescheduled it for April 16. The second wedding was also chaotic. This time Maria was in a hurry with the stamp in order to dissociate herself from her first husband, she was afraid of his unpredictable antics and in her haste forgot to buy White dress: “With him, I was amazed to discover that a man has an opinion about how and what should happen in everyday life: receiving guests, arranging furniture, cooking soup... He actively encouraged my career, and was happy to decide everyday problems. He is one of those super-full men who believe that they only need spiritual and sexual intimacy from a woman. Therefore, they cannot be married to a plate of soup and an ironed shirt every morning. We parted ways in a restaurant, celebrating the anniversary of our acquaintance."

Putin is already married

Arbatova calls both of her divorces social. The first husband was unable to take an adult approach to the changes in the country, fell into depression and dumped all his problems on his wife. The second marriage was broken by elections to the State Duma. In critical situations, she needed her husband's protection. She didn't receive it. “When I divorced Oleg,” says Maria, “my sons joked: “Mamik, you need a man who is stronger than you.” And where can I get him, because Putin is already married.”

- Were your divorces inevitable?

I know for sure that you need to get a divorce when you realize the volume of accumulated problems that cannot be overcome even with great desire. It's like swimming in a storm: you have to calculate

Find out which wave will lift you up and which wave will bury you. If you are a little late with the divorce, then not only the family, but also human relationships will be ruined.

- Did you go into big politics from your spouse’s team?

This team threw me into the hands of the bandits, making an agreement behind my back with my competitor. As a result, for six months my sons lived with death threats, and I went with security. Of course, I had a complaint against Oleg. And by his standards, everything was a normal industrial conflict.

- U strong woman husband is henpecked. Is this about you?

I was Oleg Vite’s fifth wife. Do you think there are henpecked people with a passport that has nowhere to put a stamp?

New man

Exactly on her wedding anniversary with her second husband - April 16 - Maria met her new chosen one, behind the scenes of the State Kremlin Palace at an awards ceremony. “We said hello backstage, then I saw Him on stage, we talked quite a bit, but everything was already clear...” recalls Arbatova. “He asked me to write down my mobile phone number for him, I wrote it down. He was surprised and asked: “Why are you writing it down for me?” my phone? Write down yours." It turned out that only one digit in our phone numbers did not match. This looked like a clear signal of something beyond our control. The funny thing is that this person consists of best qualities both my husbands. His name is also Alexander, and he is also a singer, like my first husband. He is a psychotherapist, he has a completely analytical brain, and he comes from Leningrad, like Oleg."

Maria's new hobby is emigrant from the USA Alexander Rapoport. He left Russia 12 years ago after serving 4 years and knew that if he stayed, he would end up in prison again. He was imprisoned as a doctor who refused to sign psychiatric diagnoses for dissidents. Having worked as a taxi driver in the USA for six months, Alexander confirmed his professional qualifications. Today Rapoport is the most famous psychotherapist in Russian America, hosts a program on radio and TV, and gives concerts as a chanson performer.

He's used to women looking at him like a god, and everything Maria does is for him." male behavior". This serious problem in a relationship, but for now the attraction is stronger civil war inside the novel; and like two people involved in psychology, they manage to come to an agreement. Maria is smart enough to step on her own ambitions and learn from him.

- Doesn’t it bother you that Alexander is married?..

Love is not determined by the presence or absence of a stamp. In my passport, for example, there is a stamp about last marriage. But I’m not going to sign any mutual obligations with anyone yet. I am 45 years old, I have already been married for a total of 25 years, almost most life. And I want to breathe deeply for a while.

- So, at 45 - the woman is a berry again?

I look with bewilderment at women who hide their years and disguise themselves as eternal girls. Every year I find life more interesting: problems go away, complexes disappear, and you begin to enjoy life to the fullest.

Maria Arbatova, whose biography is described in this article, is a famous Russian writer, distinguished by her feminist views.


Maria's father, Ivan Gavriilovich Gavrilin, was from the Ryazan province. He studied at the Faculty of History and subsequently worked as deputy editor-in-chief of Krasnaya Zvezda. Then he was sent to Murom to teach at military academies.

Maria's mother, Tsivya Ilyinichna Aizenshtat, was born in Moscow in 1922. She studied at the medical institute, but after the evacuation from the capital she transferred to the veterinary institute. She graduated with a diploma in microbiology.

In 1957, in July, the couple had a daughter, Maria. A year later they returned to Moscow, where Masha went to school. Unlike her friends, she did not join the Komsomol, citing her own principles.

Youth (education)

After graduating from school, Maria Ivanovna entered the philosophy department of the country's main university. But she did not study there for long, citing ideological contradictions as the reason for her expulsion.

The writer already has twenty-two books, the first of which was published in 1991. In literary criticism, her works are usually called " women's prose"What is their phenomenon?

First of all, Maria Arbatova represents a feminist hierarchy of values ​​in her works. Many of her books are autobiographical. On by example it shows the reader the basic concepts women's world. In her books, she raises topics of motherhood, sexuality, gender equality, and civic responsibility.

Despite all her popularity in the media, Maria Arbatova does not receive high marks from literary critics for his work.

Political and social activities

The writer participated quite a lot in the country, participating in various PR projects. For example, she wrote election speeches for Yeltsin and

She ran for the State Duma several times, but lost, not gaining a couple of percent. She was a member of several parties (Civil Force), and participated as a candidate in the elections to the Moscow City Duma.

After she was excluded from the list of candidates for State Duma deputies in December 2007, she wrote a revealing chapter about her party, including it in the book “How I tried to honestly get into the Duma.” The main indignation was directed at the personality of M. Barshchevsky, the head of the party.

Maria Arbatova, whose photos often appear in the tabloids, cares for the rights of LGBT minorities and defends the rights of gay couples who want to have a child. In this regard, he accuses the government of our country of discrimination.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the writer is not a canon of female beauty, there have always been many men around her. She first married at the age of eighteen. Her chosen one was musician Alexander Miroshnik. They met in a bohemian establishment, and three days later they went to the registry office. The hasty decision did not affect the quality family life, which lasted seventeen years.

In this marriage, Mary gave birth to two sons - twins Peter and Paul. Young people graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities and are successfully working in their specialties. In their youth they played in a rock band, paying tribute to their father’s talent.

Arbatova met her second husband on the day her divorce from her first husband was filed. And in their history, too, events began to spin like a whirlwind. Oleg Vite was a political expert. Their marriage lasted eight years.

The third marriage continues to this day. Maria Arbatova, whose personal life consists of a series of fateful events, hopes that this union will remain until the end of her life. Her husband is Hindu Shumit Datta Gupta, who has lived in Russia since 1985.