Category of suitability military service“D” is assigned after a military medical commission, which evaluates the conscript’s health status. Doctors here are not involved in making a diagnosis or prescribing treatment. The purpose of this procedure is to determine the degree of suitability of a young man for service and to establish a list of recommended branches of the military.

I am Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts. In this article I will tell you what fitness category “D” is and how to get it.

What does category “D” mean on a military ID?

The draft commission assigns this fitness category to those conscripts who have serious illnesses of a persistent or progressive nature. It is the severe nature of the diseases that explains the specificity of category “D”: the army is completely inaccessible in such cases. Holders of this fitness category are exempt from conscription for conscript service, military training and general mobilization.

Typically, patients who have category “D” on their military ID know in advance about their exemption from conscription. The corresponding diseases are accompanied by significant dysfunction and are of a pronounced nature. The exception is hidden initial forms certain diseases such as HIV or malignant tumors.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts

Fitness category "D". List of diseases

A complete list of diseases in category “D” is indicated in. Among them:

  • acute forms of tuberculosis;
  • leprosy;
  • severe or congenital forms of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • all forms of malignant neoplasms;
  • benign tumors resulting in severe organ dysfunction;
  • diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, which are accompanied by serious functional disorders;
  • pronounced disorders of the digestive system and endocrine system;
  • severe mental conditions;
  • severe forms of alcohol and drug addiction;
  • epilepsy with frequent seizures;
  • serious disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • anatomical changes in the organs of vision;
  • complete hearing loss;
  • severe congenital abnormalities;
  • hypertension 2-3 degrees,
  • severe heart failure;
  • respiratory diseases with impaired voice or breathing function;
  • ulcers, hernias, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases of the digestive system with significant impairment of their functions;
  • eczema, psoriasis, atypical dermatitis and other skin diseases that are difficult to treat;
  • serious disturbances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • serious functional disorders of the genitourinary system;
  • severe consequences of injuries.

Fitness category "D". Receipt procedure.

  • first, before the start of the conscription, visit your attending physician, take from him all statements, tests, epicrises and other documents confirming the presence of the disease, its degree and severity;
  • receive a summons and undergo a medical examination at the military commissariat;
  • hand over to the doctor of the specialization to which the disease relates all documents with seals and signatures of the medical institution;
  • receive a referral for additional examination and undergo it;
  • go through the draft commission and receive a decision on approval of fitness category “D”;
  • get a military ID.

Advice from the Recruit Help Service:

To obtain fitness category “D”, it is important that the diagnosis sound as indicated in the Schedule of Diseases. If the wording is different, the suitability category may be changed to another. For example, to category “B”.

How to change the fitness category “D”?

The disease schedule includes a strict list of diseases for assignment to category “D”. But diseases can occur hidden, or the commission for some reason may assign a different category. In such cases, the actions of the commission must be challenged in a higher authority or in court. In the second case, the procedure is as follows:

  • Prepare. To do this as correctly as possible, it is better to seek help from a lawyer experienced in these matters.
  • Attach the decision of the draft commission on assigning a fitness category to the application. You can request this document from the military registration and enlistment office yourself or delegate it to another person. If a third party undertakes the collection of documents, an appropriate power of attorney must be issued to him.
  • All medical documents that confirm the disease are also submitted to the court.

Until the court's decision, the military registration and enlistment office has no right to issue any documents related to the suitability of the conscript. Fitness category “D” is assigned to people who, even in Everyday life It’s hard, so you shouldn’t put up with unlawful decisions of the military registration and enlistment office and the medical commission.

The procedure for conscripting citizens for military service in Russian Federation is regulated by a special regulatory legal act - Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 “On Military Duty and Military Service”. Thus, 5.1 of this law, which determines the procedure for undergoing a medical examination during the process of being assigned to military service, establishes that the result of passing this procedure should be the assignment of a certain category of fitness to a citizen.

The fitness category is a parameter that determines whether a particular citizen has certain restrictions during military service. In total, the law identifies five main categories of fitness, which are designated by the first five letters of the Russian alphabet - A, B, C, D and D. Moreover, categories B, D and D represent situations where a young person, for health reasons, is constantly or temporarily cannot be called up for military service in Peaceful time. Thus, only holders of categories A and B are subject to conscription.

Category B3

Categories A and B, subject to conscription for military service, in turn, are divided into several subcategories, each of which more accurately reflects the state of health of the young man and the degree of his fitness to participate in army service. Thus, the most “universal” is category A, including its subcategories A1 and A2, representatives of which can participate in all military events with virtually no restrictions.

The official formulation of health status corresponding to category B, which is contained in the law, states that a young person belonging to this category is “fit for military service with minor restrictions.” At the same time, within category B there are four subcategories, each of which determines the list of types of troops to which a conscript can be sent.

Thus, category B3 implies that such a conscript can be sent to serve in guard units, anti-aircraft missile units or other units internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In addition, a young man may be sent to serve in rocket troops, however, there are certain restrictions on the functions it can perform: it can serve there as a driver or crew member of an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), launcher or armored personnel carrier. Finally, another option for such a conscript to serve is chemical units, where he can serve as a specialist. responsible for refueling and storing fuel.


Tip 2: What are the categories of fitness for military service in 2019?

There are five categories of fitness for military service. Whether a citizen is subject to conscription or not depends on what category the conscript will fall into after passing a medical examination.

You will need

  • Computer with internet connection.


Fitness category B. A citizen belonging to this category may be called up for military service, but with some restrictions on the branch of service. The number next to the category serves as an indication of which branch of the military a citizen is qualified for. So, there are categories B1 - parts special purpose, airborne and air assault units, border troops and marine units. Category B2 provides for service on submarines, tanks, crew members artillery installations, engineering machines. Category B3 - these are citizens subject to service as crews of combat vehicles, armored personnel carriers, launch vehicles rocket launchers. This subgroup also includes employees in guard units and other parts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as chemical units as fuel refueling and storage specialists. In addition, citizens belonging to category B3 can serve in anti-aircraft missile units. Category B4 provides for service as military security and defense specialists missile systems and special structures, radio technical units, as well as other parts of the RF Armed Forces.

Young men and their parents are very interested in the results of passing a medical commission when registering when a young person reaches 17 years of age. It is established that the commission draws conclusions based on the health status of the conscript. An interesting fact is that if a young man is fit, he is prescribed military service in certain units Russian army. So with what category are they recruited into which troops?


The commission may exempt the young person from undergoing the test. Everything will depend on which category he is classified into. There are five of them in total. Those who fall into and B are called upon. This means that they are fit for military service. Fitness category A 1 and A 2 means that there are no restrictions for the future soldier. Fitness category B - suitable with minor restrictions. It is divided into B1, B2, as well as B3 and B4.

Where will they send

A1 - the young man is healthy now and has not suffered from serious illnesses before. This person can be taken into the Marine Corps, airborne and air assault units if he fits the physical parameters, and for this he must be from 1.7 to 1.85 in height, have good eyesight and hearing, be fit and not suffer obesity. A2 - the young man is currently healthy, but previously had injuries or serious illnesses. These people are hired submarines and ships. But only those who have a height of up to 1.82-1.85, excellent vision, hearing and no obesity or dystrophy. Those who have the same characteristics, but are shorter (up to 1.75) will be hired as tank crews, artillerymen or engineering vehicles.

Other options

What troops are accepted into with category B1? This is the Airborne Forces Marines, or special forces. B2 - artillerymen, tankers, submariners. B3 - service on anti-aircraft missile systems, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at gas stations and storage facilities fuels and lubricants, in chemical, as well as guard units. In addition, those assigned to this fitness group can be drivers, as well as crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, missile launchers, and also serve in the Strategic Missile Forces. What kind of troops do they recruit with category B4? There are few options here. Such a soldier will guard either special structures or missile systems.


You still have to serve

White ticket

But those who are listed under the letter D. can say goodbye to service forever. He is released from military duty. But, unfortunately, this means that he has a serious illness, and also that in civilian life it will be difficult for him to get a license, a weapons permit, or get some types of work that require a person to serve in the army.

List of diseases

If a conscript is sure that he will be declared unfit for military service absolutely or with restrictions, he can take to the medical commission documents indicating that he has any disease. It is possible that doctors who are well aware of the eligibility categories and the schedule of illnesses will spare the young man from additional examination. But in some cases, if the documents are not enough, it may be needed. To find out in advance what category of fitness a young man may be classified into, or whether he will be exempt from military service, he can independently study the schedule of illnesses. This is a document in which all diseases are listed by article. It is very detailed and has comments. This is what doctors from the admissions committee are guided by. It also indicates the body mass indexes with which military service is called up or denied. It is also necessary to independently study the schedule so that the conscript’s rights are not violated at the military registration and enlistment office, and he can defend his point of view, relying on the document.

The category that was assigned after the initial military registration can be changed after a medical examination at the age of 18, so the question of which category is accepted into which troops will remain relevant. The situation in our country is such that young people prefer to avoid the army. Therefore, some of them even rejoice at the diseases found in them. But we must remember that you will not have to serve for long, and the disease worsens the quality of life for years or even forever. Here everyone can decide for themselves what they like best.


Medical selection

To conduct annual organized conscription campaigns related to the completion of compulsory military service by young men of military age, their entry into service on a contract basis, entry into the military educational establishments there are certain rules. They fix the categories of suitability for service in the Armed Forces, which are defined today and secured by a special legislative framework. Based on the conditions of these categories, the ability of each young guy serve in the military general principles or with some reservations.

Therefore, one of the components of the draft commission is medical selection. After passing a certain list of medical specialists, in relation to each young man of military age, a final qualified decision is made on his suitability for service, taking into account his state of health. The so-called suitability category is established based on the results medical examination in strict accordance with the approved Disease Schedule.

And it is precisely this category that ultimately determines whether a young man is fit to serve in the army or whether he needs exemption from performing this duty.

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List of categories determining suitability The legislation provides for five categories for conscripts, which are submitted to the conscription commission:

  • A - fully suitable for service;
  • B - suitable with minor restrictive conditions;
  • B - has restrictions on service;
  • G - unsuitable for military service for some time;

D - not fit for conscription. Upon receipt of categories A and B, the guy is subject to conscription into the Armed Forces. Point B gives the right to exemption from the conscription campaign, enlistment in the reserves and receipt of a military ID. Group D determines time restrictions on various reasons

And it is precisely this category that ultimately determines whether a young man is fit to serve in the army or whether he needs exemption from performing this duty.

, giving the right to a deferment of 6-12 months. Category D defines a group of conscripts who are not fit for military service even in the reserves. Such a person receives release and a military ID. In a word, in order not to go to serve in the army, you need to get into categories B and D. Quite often it happens that people get confused between letters B and C. In the first option, you are considered fit for service with some restrictive conditions, in the second you get the right to avoid call.

Army category B

The number next to the letter determines the affiliation for compliance with the Table of Additional Requirements of the Disease Schedule. It is this indicator that determines the opportunity to serve in certain troops. The list of such areas is as follows: But category B3 in the army is proposed for more detailed consideration. Young people who undergo a medical examination and belong to category B3 for health reasons are usually sent to military units as drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and launchers

They may be called upon to serve in chemical forces, anti-aircraft missile forces, or as fuel refueling and storage specialists.