Ancient reptile keeps many secrets under its shell. If you decide to give a name to a charming turtle, then first you should find out its gender. Today we will talk about how to determine the sex of a turtle by obvious signs!

Disguising itself as an inconspicuous stone on land and in water, the turtle outlived the dinosaurs, which were too flashy and poorly adapted to change. Its extreme durability and funny appearance have made it a favorite among exotic lovers. And why, exactly, HER? Maybe there is a male reptile living in an aquarium or box in your house? It's not that easy to spot!

Today we will try to uncover the secret hidden under the impenetrable “house” by explaining how to find out the gender of a turtle, be it a land or sea turtle. By the way, despite the similarity and belonging to the same “family”, these species have enormous differences not only in terms of habitat!

The turtle is one of the oldest animals. It has inhabited our planet for more than 220 million years.

How to determine the sex of land turtles: main signs

External “sexual” characteristics appear in turtles upon reaching maturity. When talking about how to determine the sex of land turtles, we will only talk about adult individuals. So, to determine the gender, you need to take a close look at the pet, turning it over and studying all the parameters. There are 2 main “indicators” of a turtle’s sex:

  1. Plastron is the lower (abdominal) part of the shell.
  2. Tail.

Females have a completely flat plastron. You can see this by turning the turtle over. The male has a distinctly concave plastron, which is quite understandable and reasonable if you remember exactly how mating occurs in these reptiles.

Floor land turtle can also be recognized by their paws: the claws of males are an order of magnitude longer than those of females

Helps determine the sex of land turtles and compare their tails. So, in males the tail is longer, and on the plastron next to it there is a pattern in the form of the letter “V”. In addition, males have pronounced femoral spurs.

How to determine the sex of red-eared turtles: 5 sure signs

“Little Reds” are amazingly beautiful and always seem to be a little embarrassed. Scarlet spots on the head - distinctive feature, which gave its name to the red-eared turtles. To find out the gender of the “red lady”, you will have to carefully observe her behavior and external attributes.

In adult males red-eared turtle more a long tail, “girls” have a shorter tail

Do you want to know exactly how to determine the sex of red-eared turtles so that you can accurately identify “girls” and “boys”? Look out for the following 5 signs:

  1. Look at the ponytail! In the male it is longer and thinner. The red-eared female has a wider tail, as the oviduct is located in it.
  2. The female's anus is located closer to the carapace - the upper part of the shell.
  3. Males are much more active and display a violent temperament in the presence of relatives, demonstrating their superiority and pursuing females.
  4. The diameter of the hole between the carapace and plastron is larger in females, as they lay eggs.
  5. Puberty “girls”, as a rule, are much larger than their “boys” peers.

The turtle represents invulnerability, immortality, wisdom and longevity. Now you also have a little turtle wisdom, since, thanks to new knowledge, determining the sex of a reptile has become a completely solvable problem!

A turtle is a great option for a child’s first acquaintance with a pet. The turtle requires minimal care; there are no problems with nutrition, vaccinations and maintenance. However, despite their apparent simplicity, turtles have one rather important problem - it is very difficult to determine sex and age. These indicators are important not only for the official provision of the turtle to family members, but also so that one can hope for the birth of small turtles, correctly calculate the period of intensive development and the period of transition to hibernation. You will learn how to independently find out the sex and age of a turtle from our article.

Why is it difficult to find out the sex and age of a turtle?

The turtle is a species of reptile that can live more than 120 years. This is quite a long time, since one pet turtle, with proper care, can calmly survive not only its own owners, but also their children and even grandchildren. A turtle can be kept in captivity in the simplest conditions, and no problems will arise with its breeding. It is also interesting that until a certain age it is completely impossible to find out the gender and exact age pet of this type. Sexual development begins only after reaching 6-8 years of age, and features appear even later than this time period.

According to scientific research, the turtle tops the list of animals that have not changed at all appearance in the process of evolution. As they were in the last millennium and even at the beginning of the era, they remain so at the present time. IN natural conditions this type reptiles reproduced and lived on the basis of natural impulses - the problem of age and gender worries only the owners, the turtles themselves do not care about this indicator at all.

People involved in breeding pet turtles are very concerned about purchasing a pet of the exact gender that is required. In order to be fully prepared before purchasing, you need to understand the current issues.

Determine the age of the turtle yourself

Circles on the shell. Among the people, the most famous method for determining the age of a turtle is the number of relief circles on the shell. It's like cutting a tree - the more circles, the older age. The only peculiarity is that the turtle has one calendar year About 2-3 circles may appear, so it is worth taking this factor into account when calculating the number of years lived. In young people, the special relief of the shell is very clear, in adults and the elderly it becomes almost flat and smooth. Pay attention to this factor when purchasing an animal.

If you want to more accurately determine your age using this method, count the number of grooves on several scales, determine the arithmetic average and divide by 2.5 (the average is indicative of the appearance of a circle in 1 year). The result will be as close as possible to real age your turtle.

Shell length. There is another method for determining age - by measuring the length of the shell. However, this option may not always provide 100% results. Of course, a turtle’s shell grows throughout its life, but this process is also influenced by the quality of food, living conditions, and other external signs. So, in 1 year the shell grows to 6 cm, in 2 - up to 8, in 3 - up to 10, and so on. As a result, it turns out that every year the turtle grows by 2 cm. This fact can be taken into account as an additional one, but using it as the main one is not rational.

Before embarking on a practical experiment to determine the sex of a turtle, it is worth especially noting one indispensable fact: you can find out what gender your turtle is only when it reaches 6-8 years of age, with a shell size of 10-12 cm. This is important! Since in more early age no external features you won't see the physique, but internal organs completely inaccessible to the eye, as they are hidden under the durable cover of the shell.

Here are some methods for determining the sex of a turtle. All of them are based on one of the characteristics. However, for the most effective diagnosis of gender, it is worth using not only one method, but using them in combination, together with other available ones. Advice! It will be easier to figure out this parameter if you compare several features with each other.

  1. Males have longer and thicker claws than females (this is due to the fact that during mating, the boy turtle must cling to the girl’s shell).
  2. In males, the plastron (the abdominal part of the shell) is concave, in females it is flat - necessary for retention on the shell.
  3. The eye color of females is brighter than that of males - necessary to attract a partner.
  4. Male turtles have long and narrow shape shell, and females are short and round.
  5. The appearance of the cloaca - in males it resembles a longitudinal line, in females it resembles an asterisk.
  6. You can also determine the sex of a turtle by behavioral signs– males are more active, constantly come into contact with females, flirt, bite the neck, nod their heads.
  7. The female has a short tail and its base is thin. The male has exactly the opposite - a wide base, a thick and long tail.

If you have examined your pet using all the above methods, but have not determined the sex with 100% accuracy, you can always use the help of a professional veterinarian who, thanks to special laboratory tests, will provide the most reliable result.

It is worth emphasizing once again the fact that independently determining the sex and age of a turtle is too complex an activity that requires special knowledge and the study of anatomy. If you decide to rely solely on your own strength, do not forget to additionally seek advice from a veterinarian - this way you will avoid further troubles with breeding offspring.

Video: determination of sex and age of a land turtle

- These are terrarium pets that do not require complex knowledge in care and maintenance at home. But difficult moment becomes the determination of the sex of the red-eared slider, because you need to make sure that it is a boy and a girl.

At an early age, it is difficult to determine the female. Red-eared turtles reach maturity only at 7–8 years after birth, when they begin to clearly appear characteristic features and it becomes easier to determine the sex of the baby.

How to determine the sex of a red-eared turtle

It is possible to distinguish the sex of red-eared turtles by external signs, which are present in every individual of this species. The main differences in the gender of animals:

  • Differences in shell color.
  • Tail type and size.
  • The color of a reptile's nose.
  • The size of the animal's shell.
  • Location of the cloaca.
  • Head.

A detailed examination of some characteristics helps to identify a female or male among several animals.

Claw length

On hind legs The claws of both animals are dull. The male's is longer and sharper.

Males use their claws to secure themselves to their partners' shells during breeding.

This method does not reliably help to find out the sex, because in young reptiles the claws are not fully formed, and a mature animal wears off its manicure on hard ground.


In male reptiles, femoral spurs protrude on their paws, as well as on hind limbs small scales are located.

Features of the shell

To determine the sex of a red-eared slider, look at the ventral part of the shell (plastron). In males it is concave, in females it is not.

The protective element of turtles of different sexes is different. The carapace of males is long, in the tail part it forms Latin letter V. The female individual has a rounded and large shell for bearing eggs. A special hole at the end is for storing.

Males have fewer female companions. There are some exceptions.

In individuals feminine color The plastron is different, in the male it is blue.

Tail and cloaca

The most reliable factor in determining gender. In males, the process at the back of the body is long, and the base and tip are wide. Females are characterized by the presence of a short tail uniform in length.

The female's cloaca is located closer to the base of the tail and resembles an asterisk. The reptile's anus is wide for laying eggs. The male's cloaca looks more like a longitudinal line, which is located in the back, closer to the tip of the process.

By behavior

The female has a calm character. She rarely moves unless necessary.

Males, on the contrary, are aggressive. When breeding, they chase the female individual. They try to attract attention by biting the female on the neck, and also nod often.

During mating games, males tend to squeak, attracting females. Some females are capable of making the same sounds, so this sign is uncertain.

Other signs

Each type of reptile has a special iris color. In heterosexuals aquatic turtles eye color is different.

The female individual has a yellow nose. For men it is pointed and small.

The male's head is larger with a longitudinal stripe of a reddish hue, which becomes richer during reproduction. bright color. The upper jaw is whitish in color.

A rare method is a blood test and radiography. It is pointless to use the method before the age of seven. Males have not yet formed testes, and females have ovaries. Upon reaching puberty, a boy is identified by a blood test that contains increased level testosterone. Ultrasound helps to identify a female individual during the formation of follicles.

  • Sex can be recognized after puberty.
  • A reliable option would be to make comparisons across multiple animals. Sometimes some signs are similar in turtles of different sexes. It is better to check pets based on several factors.
  • Living conditions in animals sometimes cause hormonal disbalance. Then only a veterinarian can determine the sex.

Owners of cats or dogs can determine the gender of their pet relatively easily, just by lifting their pet’s tail. But for a person who has connected his life with, such a task is somewhat difficult. Especially if he is still just a beginner amateur. In the question of how to determine the sex of turtles, many factors play a role. For clarity, it is best to examine your pet by comparing it with another living specimen, which you know for sure whether it is male or female. But we will describe to you here the most exact signs, which should help the reader solve this problem.

Determining the sex of turtles

You can find out whether your reptile is male or female only when they reach a certain age. For example, at giant turtle Sexual characteristics generally begin to appear at the age of twenty. Although there are species in which this can be done even in two years. But it is best to determine the sex at about six or eight years of age, when the length of the shell reaches 10 cm and all sexual characteristics are evident.

Signs that apply regardless of turtle species

Experienced owners know other subtleties that are characteristic of a particular species. It could be the color of the eyes or the color of the nose, but we have described the main signs to you. We hope that you will no longer have problems with how to determine the sex of a land turtle.

In absolutely all species, the sex of the turtle begins to form in the egg. In certain turtle species it is more dependent on incubation temperature (leatherback turtles). though more view The sex of a turtle is determined when individuals reach the sexually mature stage, and sex can be determined by secondary sexual characteristics. As a rule, this is possible at the age of 6-8 years. wildlife, and 2-5 years or with a shell size of 9-11 cm at home. The larger the turtle species, the longer it takes to grow and puberty. The best way to determine the sex of a turtle is to compare it with other individuals of the same species and age. Turtles living in captivity become sexually mature earlier than those living in the wild.

There are a number of other methods, but they are used quite rarely. Laboratory research hormones when taking blood, ultrasound, radiography. In X-rays it is possible to see the bones of the hemipenis (in certain species of monitor lizards and geckos). Ultrasounds are often very uninformative due to the results of small volumes of testes and ovaries. The female can be determined by ultrasound during the period of follicle development. The study of hormones is informative in individuals who have reached the sexually mature cycle, however, there are fluctuations in hormone levels depending on mating season(during the rut the level of testosterone increases rapidly).

“Ultrasound is more informative in adult turtles and will require significant interpretation skills. X-ray can only be used to a limited extent. Endoscopy can be used for both young animals and adults, but this method is expensive, requires significant skills, and is hardly suitable for small animals. Blood testing: Requires interpretive skills, highly variable, expensive, used more often in adults. Each method is justified, but in combination it can provide more accurate data (which will also increase the cost of sex determination).” (S. Kutorov)

Secondary methods of sex determination are available to everyone and will cost no money. They examine the tail, shell configuration, eye color, skin color, claw length, head size. Until sexual maturity, all turtles without exception look like females.

Determining the sex of a turtle based on secondary characteristics (external characteristics)

Examining a turtle's shell

Examine your turtle's shell. Depending on the species of turtle, the shell or shell differs between the male and female. Adult males often have a more elongated carapace compared to the female's carapace.

  • To determine the sex of a turtle, this method can be extremely difficult, due to the fact that you must make sure that the turtle has reached sexual maturity. You can make a mistake and assume that the turtle is male, while the turtle simply has not yet reached puberty and then it turns out that it is a female
  • Dimensions may vary big male and a small female, because of this it is impossible to determine the sex, especially if you have one animal.

Examine the turtle's plastron.

Plastron - called the side of the shell from below. To examine the plastron, carefully tip the turtle upside down. Turtles don't like being upside down. They begin to get nervous, roll over and have every chance of trying to bite, for this reason it is necessary to hold the turtle with the shell closer to the tail so that your pet cannot reach and bite you. Carefully tip the turtle over and look at the plastron. The male's plastron is slightly concave (has an inward bend), while the female's is smooth.

  • The concave plastron of the male turtle allows him to hold on to the female during mating.
  • The flat pattern of the female's plastron helps the female carry her eggs.

Check to see if the turtle's tail has a notch.

The males of some species of turtles have a notch on the back of their shell that is shaped like the letter "V". This notch is adapted for the tail when mating the skull. Since the turtle can press its tail against the plastron.

Pay attention to species features.

Depending on the species, turtles have their own characteristic color features that help in determining the sex of the turtle:

  • American box turtle: in 90% of cases, the iris layer of the eye in males is red or orange, and in females it is brown or yellowish. In addition, females have the largest dome-shaped shell, rounded in shape, while the male has a more flattened, oval or oblong shape.
  • Painted turtle: males have a blue shell, and if the plastron is a different tone, the female.

Males need claws most of all because during mating they fight for the rights to mate with the female during the rut. They are also needed more to protect their territory. Therefore, the claws on the front paws of males are larger than those of females. Well, to notice these differences you need two individuals. This method helps determine the sex of the red-eared slider.

  • In the red-eared turtle, the male has much longer claws than the female.

The cloaca is located on the tail of males and females. In most animal species, the location may differ between females and males.

  • The cloaca in females is more rounded and shaped like a star. The location of the cloaca is closer to the shell and almost around the body.
  • The male's cloaca is longer and larger. Located in the last third of the tail.

The male's reproductive organs are located in the tail, which is why the tail is thicker and longer than that of females. Females have a shorter and thinner tail.

  • To install turtle decking according to this method, you will need to know the tail sizes for females and males. Otherwise, this will not bring you an accurate result.

If you combine several signs at once, you can more accurately determine the sex of the turtle, but if the secondary signs are poorly distinguishable. Determine the sex a little later when the signs are more expressive.

Determining the sex of the Central Asian turtle

In males, the tail is much thicker and longer than in the female; the cloaca contains the shape of a longitudinal stripe. Due to its length, the tail is often wrapped under the shell; in the case of females, it simply sticks out. In addition, the shell above the tail turns towards the ground. Females have a small tail, and the passage according to the figure resembles an asterisk.