Oil is an important mineral resource. It is of sedimentary origin and is mined all over the world. On it in the literal sense of the word sustains the entire world economy.


Oil is being extracted in those places where geologists discover its field. In such places, special oil production facilities are being built. They may be located not only on land, but also on water. After all, very often oil deposits are discovered when exploring the coastal shelf.

It's fossil fuel also called "black gold" because without it, none can exist. developed country. Russia is one of the main oil suppliers in the world. There are rich deposits in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, North Caucasus, as well as in some other areas.

But the largest reserves are found in the Arab countries: Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia. Their economy is almost entirely built on the fact that they sell oil to other countries of the world. Why "black gold"?


Just mined (crude) oil is not normally used. But its processing allows you to get many types of fuel, such as gasoline, kerosene. Fuel oil is obtained from oil, plastic and other materials are made from it. Thanks to this, the movement of transport throughout the planet does not stop. Most of the usual items are also made from petroleum-based materials. These are literally all the attributes of modern life, from packages and plastic windows to cases for the latest computers.

Different oil products are made using different technologies. Their price is also different. For example, gasoline is purified from impurities, and the cleaner it is, the more expensive it is. However, there are also negative properties of such a valuable raw material as oil. Its extraction and processing harm the environment. And when fuel, plastic and other artificial materials are burned, substances that are toxic to all living things enter the atmosphere. If a tanker ship with a cargo of oil on board crashes, then this becomes an environmental disaster.


As well as, produced oil will end sooner or later. In a few decades, it will begin to end, and we will have to look for new types of fuel, produce new materials. Engines that do not need either gasoline or kerosene have already been developed and tested.

But for now, these are just experiments. Therefore, the world economy is still entirely dependent on oil. Many things in the world are worth how much its barrel costs (the main unit of measurement is 159 liters). The task of people is to stop being completely dependent on oil. Many analysts believe that then there will be much fewer wars in the world, and the economy will become much more stable.

If this message was useful to you, I would be glad to see you

All-Russian Scientific Research

conference of young researchers

"Step into the Future"


Russia, Mr. Poikovsky,

NR MOBU "PSOSH No. 2", 4th grade.


Shults Tatyana Viktorovna,

teacher primary school,


Why is oil called black gold?

Tikhonova Anastasia Valerievna

Russia, Mr. Poikovsky,

NR MOBU "PSOSH No. 2", 4th grade.


For Russia, Tyumen has become a symbol of the labor feat of hundreds of thousands of workers, specialists who discovered and put at the service of the Motherland the richest pantries of oil and gas, in the shortest possible time created a powerful industrial center among the taiga and swamps, in the subpolar tundra, transformed the appearance Western Siberia. We, the younger generation, should be proud of this feat and continue the work begun by our parents. It was a real discovery for us that many guys from our class, just like us, did not see what kind of oil it is, they do not know how and where it is produced and where it is used.

aim our job is to: Prove the value of oil to the public Tyumen region and the whole country.

Tasks that we have set ourselves:

    To identify the level of knowledge of primary school graduates about oil;

    Find out the history of the discovery of oil;

    To study the basic properties of oil in a laboratory way;

    Find out where and how oil is used;

    Answer the question why oil is called "black gold";

Research methods:

6.1. search method

This method involves the search and collection of information about the history of the origin of oil, about its properties, about the areas of its application.

To collect information, it is necessary to study the literature on this topic.

6.2. laboratory method

Based on the results of the experiments, the main properties of oil were clarified.

6.3. Sociological survey.

In the course of the study, it is necessary to conduct a survey among the students of the class about their knowledge on this topic.

6.4. observation.

object our study is oil.

Item research - the importance of oil as the main resource for perspective development Western Siberia.

The land on which we live is characterized by severe long winters. When severe frosty days come in our area, condemning to short runs through the streets, long winter evenings indoors, windows “blinded” by frost, early darkness and much more, we ask ourselves: Why did our parents leave sunny Kazakhstan, where it is always warm, where there are no midges, and where many delicious fruits grow in summer? Why is there so much talk about oil in our region? Who gets it and how? And finally, why is it called "black gold"? Is this dark liquid really that important to everyone?

We assumed that if we carefully study the history of the discovery of oil, its properties , try to find out: where and how people use it, then it will be possible to understand its value and answer the question - why is it called "black gold".

« Why is oil called black gold?»

Tikhonova Anastasia Valerievna

Russia, Mr. Poikovsky,

NR MOBU "PSOSH No. 2", 4th grade.

The history of the discovery of oil.

Tyumen was surrounded by swamps,

Forests surrounded Tyumen.

Constantly in her latitudes

Bad weather skies.

And under it, can't you hear it?

And under it roars and buzzes

Blue gas element

Oil black cauldron boils.

No replacement for them. No cancellation.

They are always valued.

And not a step without them Tyumen,

And not a step without them to the country ....

Anatoly Vasiliev

Tyumen region is one of largest regions in Russian Federation. If you look at the geological map of our region, you can see that our region is rich in such minerals as oil and gas. But which fossils are more?

The main wealth of the Tyumen region is oil. About 70% of explored reserves and more than 68% of production in Russia are concentrated in Western Siberia.

The first acquaintance of mankind with oil took place about 6 thousand years ago in Mesopotamia, where its reserves were so great that, under the influence of tectonic forces, they sometimes broke through to the surface. The sun and wind evaporated its light fractions, and the air slowly oxidized the thick residue, turning it into natural bitumen (aka natural asphalt).

Arriving there, the ancestors of the Sumerians incredulously rubbed the sticky “dirt” unknown to them between their fingers, clicked their tongues and tried in vain to wash their hands in the Euphrates. And only a certain brilliant priest, who remained unknown to history, thought of taking advantage of this little trouble.
Firstly, to mix bitumen with clay and sand, turning it into a waterproof building material - very important for the swampy Mesopotamia. Scientists have proven that one of the Seven Wonders of the World - hanging gardens Semiramids - were built using asphalt, a mixture of fuel oil and gravel. They laid slabs of terraces of this grandiose structure over the reed layer. Secondly, use it in medicine : for the treatment of diseased joints, as well as festering wounds - as a balsamic substance (today, natural bitumen, together with birch tar, is part of the famous Vishnevsky ointment).

The third way to use oil was found a little later, when states were formed that from time to time went to war with their neighbors. After all the same Sumerians discovered that lamps could be filled with oil, they realized that oil could also set fire to enemy houses and ships. Since then, oil and its derivatives have been part of incendiary mixtures: from ancient pots with a hellish composition to Byzantine siphons that throw out “Greek fire”. For Europeans, oil has long been an exotic thing, which was brought from overseas for a lot of money. So for making

incendiary mixtures, lighting and lubricants used animal fats, wax and vegetable oils.

An important event took place in 1853 in Lvov, where pharmacists Ivan Lukasevich and Jan Zekh designed a lamp that was not afraid of bumps and overturns. It was a real revolution in lighting! Filled with kerosene or photogen, these lamps appeared in all houses: they stood in beautiful lampshades on the tables of the rich and scientists, hung from the ceiling in a peasant hut, illuminated maps in a military dugout and tunnels in mines. Kerosene lamps are still used all over the world today - where, for some reason, the lights are turned off for a long time and the batteries of flashlights run low.

From prehistoric times until the 19th century, oil was extracted by pressing. Only not earth, but rags thrown into oil puddles, wool balls or, as the Tatars did, horse tails. Having soaked all surface sources in this way, the oil producers began to dig holes, and then wells, from where the slowly accumulating oil could already be scooped up in buckets. But even this method of extraction was possible only where it came to the surface - for example, in the Caucasus, which since 1821 became the main oil depot of the Russian Empire.

Meanwhile, the demand for it began to grow. First, petroleum oils proved to be the ideal lubricant for steam engines, of which there were more and more. Secondly, the world needed an alternative to flammable candles and smoky oil lamps. Today, oil is something without which modern man practically cannot imagine his existence.

«? »

Tikhonova Anastasia Valerievna

Russia, Mr. Poikovsky,

NR MOBU "PSOSH No. 2", 4th grade.

Practical part.

If you take any textbook on the world around you and analyze the material that is devoted to the study of minerals, you can see that only a general superficial idea of ​​the underground riches of our planet is given. Not a single textbook for the initial course describes experiments that make it possible to practically work with oil, to study its basic properties.

We decided to conduct a sociological survey of fourth grade students, the purpose of which was to find out what the guys know about oil.

The results are presented in the table:

Answer options

1. Do you know where and when oil was found in Russia?

b) I know, but not enough

2. Do you know when the first

oil well?

b) I know, but not enough

3. Have you ever seen oil in person?

b) only on TV or in a picture

c) no, never

4. Where do you think

how is oil used?

your answer options.

As fuel - 27 children

For road construction - 8 children

For the manufacture of rubber - 6 children

For the manufacture of paraffin - 9 children

I don't know - 24 children

5. Think and respond

to the question: why

oil is called "black gold?"

your answer options.

Dear -14 children

Because black-7 children.

Hard to get - 19 children.

I don't know - 25 children

Conclusion : according to the results of the survey, it turned out that the guys did not know enough about oil.

We believe that if the guys learn more about oil, they will understand and appreciate the work of their parents and understand its value and significance for the development of our Motherland. What are the properties of this unique fossil and how they are used by humans. We decided to find out by doing experiments that would give sufficient knowledge about the properties of this unique fossil.

Basic properties of oil.

Before conducting the experiments, we got acquainted with the safety precautions:

    Substances cannot be taken by hand and checked for taste

    When determining the smell of a substance, you can not bring the vessel close to your face.

It is necessary to make a movement with the palm of the hand from the opening of the vessel to the nose.

    Do not mix substances without instructions from the laboratory assistant

    Be careful when handling glass objects.

Revealing the properties of oil

In the course of the study, we decided to study such properties of oil as:

    State of aggregation






    Let's define the first property.

What state of matter is the oil in? Take a test tube with oil and slightly tilt it. The oil is spreading. Conclusion: state of aggregation - liquid.


The color of the oil varies from light brown to dark brown, but most often it is a dark liquid.


What needs to be done to find out about the smell of any substance? It is necessary to smell the substance. Let's remember the safety precautions, carefully sniffing. The smell of oil is sharp.


Let's put the test tube in a tripod. To find out the next property of oil, let's do an experiment. Let's put a tray in front of us. Take a glass rod and carefully, slowly lower it into a test tube with oil. Raise the wand, let the oil drain, and then touch the sheet of paper that is in our tray. Let's see what trace was left on paper. And this is no coincidence. Oil is an oily substance.


Let's do an experiment. For liquids, the density is determined relative to water. Lighter or heavier than water. Carefully pour oil into a glass of water. The oil spread over the surface. Conclusion: oil is lighter than water.


If you look at a glass into which oil has been poured, you can see oil on its walls. Conclusion: oil is an insoluble substance.


Dip the wick in the oil and set it on fire - the oil burns. Conclusion: Oil is flammable.


One of the most characteristic features of liquids is the ability to change its shape under the influence of external forces. At room temperature oil is easily poured from one vessel to another. Let's put the oil in the freezer and bring it to a temperature of -10%. When pouring oil into another vessel, we notice that it flows much more slowly than at a temperature of +24%. Conclusion: when the oil temperature decreases, its viscosity increases.

Human use of oil.

Nowadays, entire institutes are engaged in studying the properties of this fossil. "Oil is not fuel, it is possible to heat with banknotes: Thousands of useful things can be made from oil," wrote D.I. Mendeleev. He developed the scientific basis for the oil refining process. The fact is that crude oil is not used in industry. To obtain technically valuable products from it, mainly motor fuels, solvents, raw materials for chemical industry, it is recycled.

In the process of conducting experiments, we identified the main, most important property of oil - combustibility. Namely, thanks to this property, one of the main groups of petroleum products obtained during oil refining is fuel - about 63%. They are used in various areas of our life. For example, aviation and automobile gasoline - as we already know - is used as a fuel for cars and aircraft, as well as a solvent for oil, rubber, etc. One of the varieties of gasoline - naphtha (heavy gasoline) - is used as fuel for tractors. Diesel engines in heavy trucks and small boats use diesel fuel. Kerosene is a type of diesel fuel, and it is used as a fuel for jet engines, as well as for household needs.

Mazut - the so-called boiler fuel - is used in land and ship steam installations and industrial furnaces for various purposes.

Another unique property oil, which we revealed in the course of the experiment, is lubricity. Due to this property, the bulk of the fuel oil is subjected to further distillation, which results in solar and various lubricating oils. They are used in almost all areas of technology. Depending on the purpose of the oil, perform various functions: reduce the coefficient of friction between rubbing surfaces, reduce wear intensity, protect metals from corrosion, cool rubbing parts, remove contaminants from rubbing surfaces.

The residue after the distillation of fuel oil is called tar, it is used to make bitumen and asphalt used in road construction, as well as petroleum jelly. Different grades of Vaseline are used, respectively, in different areas. For example, medical vaseline is used as a basis for the preparation of ointments, as well as an integral part of creams, pastes, make-ups and lipsticks; It has an anti-inflammatory effect and protects the skin from various irritants. It is also used to prevent corrosion of surgical instruments. Acetylene is used in the manufacture of medicines, plastics, plexiglass, alcohol, artificial leather (shoes, clothes, bags), synthetic materials (clothes, curtains, etc.). From light distillers, also obtained as a result of oil refining, varnishes and naphthalene are obtained. Fatty acids are used in the manufacture of soap and other detergents.

A significant group of petroleum products are the so-called solid hydrocarbons: paraffins, ceresins, etc. Solid hydrocarbons are used in medicine, food, electrical, paper and rubber industries.

For example, candles are made from paraffin, it is used as a raw material in the petrochemical industry in the production of detergents, it is also used in match production so that matches burn better, in the manufacture of perfumes. Paraffin impregnated paper and paper container, to give them transparency and waterproofing (inner wrappers from chocolates), they even cover cheese so that it does not dry out.

And this is not all the areas in which oil refining products are used.

The use of oil.

The role of oil production in the development of our country and the Tyumen region.

For the economy of our country, oil production has special meaning, because theon territory of Russia are about a third of the world's oil and natural resources gas . The sale of oil to other countries makes up the bulk of Russian exports and generates huge profits. Revenues from oil production and refining have allowed short time modernize Russian industry and raise its level to world standards. The future of our state is also connected with oil and gas.

They used to say about this city in jest: "Tyumen is the capital of all villages." And now Tyumen has become the center of a huge oil and gas complex. Almost every year new cities appear on the Tyumen land. People driven by the idea of ​​accelerating the work to increase the production of "Black Gold" are moving farther and farther from their inhabited places to the taiga, to the Arctic. Our Nefteyugansk region even owes its name not to history or geography, but to the gigantic industrial potential that lies in this territory. All of Siberia and this small part of it, the conquerors at all times evaluated precisely from the point of view of the resources hidden in its depths, the increment at the expense of the wealth of the whole country.

With the discovery of oil fields, the traditional forms of activity and management methods for this land receded into the background. The construction of a new life began. According to the number of put into operation square meters housing and social facilities Nefteyugansky district occupies the first place among the regions of Russia.

« Why oil is called black gold? »

Tikhonova Anastasia Valerievna

Russia, Mr. Poikovsky,

NR MOBU "PSOSH No. 2", 4th grade.


We have done a great and interesting job. We studied the properties of oil, got acquainted with the products of its processing. We believe that oil is rightly called “Black Gold”, in other words, one of the most important elements of modern life. After all, it gives strength to the hearts and muscles of machines, hundreds of industries, and causes the most daring projects.


In order to collect and analyze information, you should first study books on this topic:

    Konstantin Lagunov. "How they searched for Tyumen oil." Publishing house "Kid" Moscow 1981.

    Konstantin Lagunov. “Hello, Tyumen oil!” Publishing house "Kid" Moscow 1982.

    Fedorova E.G. material culture. Salym region. - Yekaterinburg: Publishing House "Thesis", 2000.

    "Oil and people." Publishing house "Planet" Moscow 1986.

    "Black gold of Yugra". Photoalbum.2008.

    "Heart of Yugra" Nefteyugansk region. - Publishing house "Basko", 2005.

MBOU lyceum named after

major general

Supervisor: ,

geography teacher

Surgut, 2015


“Oil is the head of everything - rumor is spreading across the earth”

Oil gives heat and light -

There is simply no replacement for her.

They make a lot of oil:

And asphalt roads

Both suits and shirts

Amazing cups!

Remember how a locomotive
Once upon a time you were taken to the sea ...

Oil was burning in his furnaces,

And without oil, what's the deal?

And not for nothing in our region,

Every oilman knows this

Looking forward to her

It's called black gold.

At the lesson of geography, we went through the topic of the lithosphere, and one of the questions on this topic was the question of minerals, rocks and minerals. The teacher told us about oil as a unique formation in the bowels of the Earth, that there is still no single point of view, about how it was formed, from where it appeared in the bowels of the Earth. And I was also interested in the fact that the teacher said that oil is black gold, as they call it in modern world. And I decided to find out why they say that oil is black gold, because it does not shine like gold, and where it came from in the bowels of the Earth.

The purpose of the study: to find out why oil is called black gold.

1. Study the literature on this topic.

2. Give brief description oil.

3. Describe the history of human use of oil.

4. Study theories of the origin of oil.

5. Get to know the oil production areas in Russia and compare them in terms of production conditions and oil quality.

6. Find out why and where oil is used.

Object of study: oil.

The relevance of this work, in our opinion, lies in the fact that we live in Western Siberia, the region where the richest deposits of minerals - oil. Many children's parents work in, in connection with this, they have questions: what is oil, where did it come from, what is oil for, how is it used, and finally, why is it black gold?

II. Main part.

1. The origin of the word oil.

The word petroleum, which means oil in English and some other languages, is formed by combining two words: Greek rEfsb - stone and Latin oleum - oil, that is, literally "stone oil", or directly from the Greek refsElbyp - oil. At the time of the chemist and mineralogist (1765-1826), oil was called "mountain oil" in Russia.

The origin of the Russian name oil has not been precisely established, and there are several versions. According to one of them, the word came into Russian from Persian (naft through Turkish, in which it changed to Turkish Neft). In ancient Persia, there was fire worship, and during the rituals, the priests scooped up liquid from the recesses dug near the natural oil outlets to the very surface, and then set fire to it; this rite was called "nafta". Some linguists consider the Indian "nafata" (leak, drain) to be the nature of the word, suggesting that it later passed into the Persian language. Others believe that the Persian naft - "oil" is primordial and goes back to the ancient Iranian word with the meaning "". Still others believe that naft is borrowed from the Semitic languages, where the verbal root npt means to spit (oil, located near the surface and usually thick, when a hole is formed in the ground, begins to spit into it). AT German oil - Erdöl, which literally means "ground oil", Hungarian Kholaj - "stone oil", Japanese. 石油 (sekyu) - "stone oil", Finnish vuorцljy - "mountain oil".

2. What is oil.

Oil is a mineral that is an oily liquid. This is a combustible substance. From a chemical point of view, oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with an admixture of various compounds, such as sulfur, and others. The color of the oil varies in brown - brown tones (from dirty yellow to dark brown, almost black), sometimes it is pure black, occasionally there is oil colored in a light yellow-green color, and even colorless, as well as saturated green oil. It has a specific smell, also varying from light pleasant to heavy and very unpleasant. The color and smell of oil is largely due to the presence of nitrogen-, sulfur- and oxygen-containing components, which are concentrated in lubricating oil and oil residue. Most petroleum hydrocarbons (except aromatics) are odorless and colorless in their pure form.

3. History of oil use.

Surprisingly, oil, which began to be produced industrially only in the middle of the 19th century, has been accompanying mankind since ancient times. Perhaps the myth of Prometheus, who brought heavenly fire to people, was born thanks to the discovery of oil sources in the Caucasus - it was in the mountains of the Caucasus that the benefactor of mankind was punished. If you turn to historical facts, it is worth going back 8 thousand years ago. Approximately 6 thousand years BC, the Sumerians, who lived between the Tigris and Euphrates, met with an amazing substance that appeared on the surface of the earth in the form of a viscous mass, similar to resin. It was petroleum bitumen, which, in the absence of wood and stone, began to be effectively used for the construction of grandiose buildings. Bitumen was added to a mixture of clay, sand and gravel, from which bricks were made. They also strengthened the masonry, and the resulting walls turned out to be extremely durable. Roads were covered with bitumen, artificial banks were strengthened. In addition, boats and dishes were coated with it, thus ensuring water resistance. More rare liquid oil was used to illuminate the premises. Interestingly, oil was considered healing - the Sumerians tried to treat nerves and joint pain with it. The Egyptians found oil yet another amazing application- they used it for . According to Herodotus, bitumen was widely used in the construction of the walls and towers of Babylon. He also describes ancient way oil extraction from the "famous well" located not far from Arderikka - a village near the Euphrates, where the estate of the Persian king Darius was located. “Asphalt, salt and oil are scooped out of this well in the following way. Asphalt is scooped out with the help of a well crane, and instead of a bucket, a half of a wine skin is attached to it. Having immersed the wineskin, they scoop up liquid with it and pour it into a vessel. Then the liquid is poured into another vessel, where it decomposes into three components. Asphalt and salt immediately precipitate." And here is what Herodotus writes about the mysterious “oil”: “The Persians call it “radanaka”, it is black with bad smell". Oil was also known in ancient India. In the ruins of the city of Mohenjo-Daro, a huge pool was discovered, built 5 thousand years ago, the bottom and walls of which were covered with a layer of asphalt. In the Middle East, oil became a hot commodity at the beginning of our era. Iranian and Arabic chronicles testify that as early as the 3rd-4th centuries, oil produced on the Absheron Peninsula was exported to Persia, from where it was distributed to other countries.

Another strongest ancient civilization first used oil for military purposes. Chinese warriors threw pots of burning oil into the ranks of opponents many centuries before the invention of the famous "Greek" fire. It was in China in the 4th century AD that an oil well was first drilled using hollow bamboo trunks. Oil was used as a fuel - it was burned to boil a salt solution from natural sources, evaporate water and thus extract salt. The deepest wells reached 240 meters. Moreover, the Chinese have created entire pipelines of bamboo pipes leading from the mining site to the salt springs. It is impossible not to mention the fact that asphalt was used in the construction of the Great Chinese wall. Of course, oil was known to the Greeks and Romans. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates left many recipes that included this flammable liquid. The Romans gave the substance a name that later passed into many languages ​​- oleum petrae, "stone oil". And the heirs of the Greeks, the Byzantines, created with the help of oil a superweapon of the early Middle Ages - “Greek fire”. His recipe was kept a great secret, but later it became known that the ingredients included oil, sulfur and saltpeter (in the chronology a different composition is indicated, do it uniformly). The vessel with the mixture was tied to a throwing spear, which was launched by a huge sling. With the speed of lightning and a terrible roar, the fiery projectile flew towards the target. Water could not extinguish the flames spreading in all directions, so contemporaries believed that an army armed with "Greek fire" could not be defeated. Interestingly, the defeat of the Russian prince Igor in the fight against the Polovtsians can be explained by the fact that Khan Konchak had this secret weapon at his disposal. According to the historian, the Polovtsy had a huge projectile for throwing fire, thanks to which they won the battle with Igor in 1184. For the composition of the combustible mixture, they used oil from the sources of Kerch or Taman.
So for many, many centuries, oil was not just a valuable product, but also a real miracle of the ancient and medieval world.

4. Composition of oil.

Oil is a chemical compound consisting of carbon (C) and (H) atoms.

From a chemical point of view, conventional (traditional) oil consists of the following elements:

    Carbon - 84% Hydrogen - 14% Sulfur - 1-3 Nitrogen - less than 1% Oxygen - less than 1% Metals - less than 1% (iron, nickel, vanadium, copper, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, etc.) Salts - less than 1 % (calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, etc.)

5. Properties of oil.

Physical properties:

Oil is a liquid from light brown (almost colorless) to dark brown (almost black) in color (although there are even samples of emerald green oil).

The average molecular weight is 220–400 g/mol (rarely 450–470).

Density 0.65–1.05 (usually 0.82–0.95) g/cm³; oil whose density is below 0.83 is called light, 0.831-0.860 - medium, above 0.860 - heavy.

6. Theories of the origin of oil.




1) Organic theory.

The foundations of this theory were laid in the middle of the 18th century. In one of his treatises, he wrote: Driven out by underground heat from the coals being prepared, it is a brown and black oily matter ... and this is the birth of liquid different sort combustible and dry hardened matters, which are the essence of stone oil, Jewish resin, oil, jet, and the like, which, although they differ in purity, however, originate from the same source. "Later, this theory changed and varied, but the essence of the theory is this - organic material, transformed first into coal and then into oil. True, other hypotheses of that time were of a curious nature. One Warsaw canon claimed that the Earth during the Paradise period was so fertile that it contained fatty impurities to a great depth. After the fall, this fat partially evaporated, and partially plunged into the ground, mixing with various substances. The Flood contributed to its transformation into oil. There are other equally "scientific" hypotheses about the origin of oil. The authoritative German oil geologist G. Gefer tells about one American at the end of the last century, who believed that oil originated from the urine of whales at the bottom polar seas. Through underground channels, she entered Pennsylvania. Ingenious conjecture about the formation of oil as a result of exposure elevated temperature on biogenic organic matter of sedimentary rocks began to receive confirmation in late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century when conducting experimental chemical and geological research.

2) Mineral theory.

A. Humboldt was the first to express this theory in 1805. , who until 1867 adhered to the ideas of the organic origin of oil, in 1877 formulated the well-known hypothesis of its mineral origin, according to which oil is formed on great depths at high temperatures due to the interaction of water with metals. But this theory has not yet been proven.

3) Space theory.

In 1892, the hypothesis of the cosmic origin of oil was put forward. Its essence boils down to the fact that oil was formed from simple substances, but at the initial, cosmic stage of the formation of the Earth. It was assumed that the formed hydrocarbons were in a gas envelope, and as they cooled, they were absorbed by the rocks of the forming earth's crust. Released then from the cooling igneous rocks, hydrocarbons rose into upper part the earth's crust, where they formed clusters. This hypothesis was based on data on the presence of carbon and hydrogen in comet tails and hydrocarbons in meteorites.
At present, the majority of scientists - chemists and geologists - consider the idea of ​​the organic genesis of oil to be the most reasonable, although there are scientists who still prefer the mineral hypothesis of its formation.

7. From the history of the discovery of the first oil fields in Russia.

In Russia, the first written mention of obtaining oil appeared in the sixteenth century. Travelers described how the tribes living along the banks of the Ukhta River collected oil from the surface of the river and used it for medical purposes and as oils and lubricants. Oil collected from the Ukhta River was first delivered to Moscow in 1597.
In 1702, Tsar Peter the Great issued a decree on the establishment of the first regular Russian newspaper Vedomosti. In the first issue of the newspaper, an article was published about how oil was discovered on the Sok River in the Volga region, and in later issues there was information about oil shows in other regions of Russia. In 1745, Fyodor Pryadunov received permission to start oil production from the bottom of the Ukhta River. Pryadunov also built a primitive oil refinery and supplied some products to Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Oil shows were also observed by numerous travelers in the North Caucasus. locals they even collected oil using buckets, scooping it out of wells up to one and a half meters deep. In 1823, the Dubinin brothers opened an oil refinery in Mozdok to process oil. Oil and gas manifestations were recorded in Baku, on the western slope of the Caspian Sea, by an Arab traveler and historian as early as the tenth century. Marco Polo later described how people in Baku used oil for medical purposes and for holding. Since the fourteenth century, the oil collected in Baku has been exported to other countries in the Middle East. The world's first oil well was drilled at the Bibi-Aibat field near Baku in 1846, more than a decade before the first well was drilled in the United States. This event is associated with the beginning of the modern oil industry.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, oil fields began to be found in other parts of the country.

8. Discovery of oil in Western Siberia.

In 1948, the Minister of Geology of the USSR approved the decision to conduct geological prospecting for oil and gas in Western Siberia. Farman Kurban oglu (Kurbanovich) Salmanov - Soviet and Russian geologist, discoverer of oil in Siberia. After graduating from the institute, he was sent to look for oil in the Kuzbass. Considering the search for oil in Kuzbass unpromising, in August 1957 Salmanov arbitrarily and secretly took his geological party to Surgut, confident that there was oil there. They tried to remove Salmanov from work and put him on trial, but he continued drilling. In order not to escalate the situation, the authorities backdated an order to transfer Salmanov's party to Surgut. Later, Farman Salmanov recalled: “There was a lot of noise, but we turned off the connection. They wanted to remove me from my post. But in the end they were allowed to stay. And in 1961, the first well in the area of ​​​​the village of Megion gave a fountain of oil. I jumped and shouted: “We won!”. Salmanov sent letters of the same content to all his opponents: “Dear comrade, in Megion, at well No. 1, an oil fountain was received from a depth of 2180 meters. It's clear? Sincerely, Farman Salmanov. Opponents replied that this was a natural anomaly, that the well would dry up in a couple of weeks, and that there could be no big oil in Western Siberia. After a fountain gushed from the second well in the Ust-Balyk region, Salmanov sent a radiogram to the authorities: “The well is hitting according to all the rules,” and a telegram with the following content: “I found oil. That's it, Salmanov."

Opening in the early 1960s oil and gas deposits in Western Siberia made the region a leader in terms of oil reserves in the country. However, this did not mean that Western Siberia immediately began to be regarded as dominant in oil production. Recognition of the discovery of a new oil region, at the official government level, was the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted on May 19, 1962 "On measures to strengthen geological exploration for oil and gas in the regions of Western Siberia

Oil fields in Western Siberia.

The largest oil and natural gas deposits in the country (the West Siberian oil and gas region) are connected with the sedimentary cover of the West Siberian Plain. More than 500 deposits of these most important fossil fuels have been discovered here, which contain over 60% of Russian oil reserves and up to 90% of natural gas. The most important oil fields are concentrated in the Khanty-Mansiysk (Samotlor, Megionskoye, Salymskoye, Mamontovskoye, Uet-Balykskoye), and natural gas - in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (the world's largest Urengoy and Yamburg deposits, as well as Medvezhye near the city of Nadym, Zapolyarnoye Samotlomrskoe oil field (Samotlomr).

The Samotlomra oil field (Samotlomr) is the largest oil field in Russia and the 6th largest oil field in the world. Located in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, near Nizhnevartovsk, in the area of ​​Lake Samotlor. Translated from the Khanty Samotlor means "dead lake", "bad water". The reserves are estimated at 7.1 billion tons.

Ust-Balyk deposit.

Located in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Opened in 1961.

Initial oil reserves are estimated at up to 100 million tons. Deposits at a depth of 2-2.7 km.

The Ust-Balykskoye oil field is located on the border of the Surgut and Nefteyugansk regions. The Ust-Balykskoye field was discovered in 1961. Initial oil reserves are estimated at up to 100 million tons. The Ust-Balykskoye field is categorized as large in terms of reserves, and in terms of geological structure- to complex. It ranks 9th in initial reserves and 8th in residual reserves. Developed for 29 years

Fedorovskoye oil field.

Large oil and gas field in Russia. Located in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, near Surgut. Opened in 1971.

Initial oil reserves amounted to 2.0 billion tons. Deposits at a depth of 1.8-2.3 km. It was discovered in 1971 and named after the geophysicist Viktor Fedorov. In the Russian Federation, the Fedorovskoye field is one of the largest (the second after Samotlor) and is one of the ten largest fields in the world.

Conditions of occurrence and production of oil in Western Siberia.

Oil production in Russia is a complicated business. In the same or Iraq, it is enough just to drill one well in the sand, and you can freely approach it. In Russia, oil reserves are concentrated in swampy areas, and the difference between summer and winter temperatures reaches several tens of degrees. Since it is impossible in a swamp, you first need to cut down the forest, drain the swamp, fill the platform with sand, and only then drilling begins. The local region is huge: the south of the oil and gas bearing lands of the West Siberian Plain is as far from their northern borders as Arkhangelsk is from Astrakhan in the European part of the country. It is much more difficult to overcome these distances than in the European part: the territory is sparsely populated, covered with impenetrable taiga and holds the world record for swampiness. The richest deposits lie under the most powerful peatlands. To all this, the severity of the climate is added, and north of the Siberian Ridges - also eternal Frost. Build here roads, settlements, oil and gas pipelines - the most difficult task. However, as the oilmen say, these circumstances have led to the birth of very interesting technical projects. So, hovercraft drilling rigs arose, floating over swamps, a method was invented to lower the temperature of the roadway by evaporating natural gas in a porous mass (thus, the permafrost does not melt and a thousand-kilometer artificial skating rink can connect remote areas oil fields with bases).

Gennady Shmal, one of the creators of the oil and gas complex in Western Siberia, told how difficult it was for the pioneers to turn the wild swampy region into oases of civilization and high culture: in the 1960s, at the very beginning of the development of the Tyumen riches, the British Financial Times, savoring the difficulties of the taiga construction, ironically: "Tyumensky called huge numbers of production prospects for 1975 and more later years. But let's see if they can achieve what they dream of ... "We did! In the 1960s and 70s, people lived in barracks and trailers for years to bring multimillion-dollar profits to the country's treasury. Now pioneer oil workers remember this time as a time of heroes and feats .

9. Application of oil.

Crude oil is practically not used. It is cleaned and recycled. There is primary and secondary oil refining. Primary oil refining is a distillation, as a result of which oil products are separated into components (they are called fractions):

    liquefied gas; gasolines (automotive and aviation), jet fuel, kerosene, diesel fuel (solar oil), fuel oil.

The first five types of petroleum products are fuel. And fuel oil is processed to obtain:

    paraffin, bitumen, liquid boiler fuel, oils.

When bitumen is mixed with mineral substances, asphalt (asphalt concrete) is obtained, which is used as a road surface. Liquid boiler fuel is used to heat houses. A wide range of lubricants are produced from oil:

    lubricating oil; electrical insulating oil; hydraulic oil; grease; cutting fluid; .

Oils obtained from oil are used to prepare ointments and creams.

The concentrate remaining after distillation of oil is called tar. It goes to road and building surfaces.
Recycling oil includes a change in the structure of its components - hydrocarbons. It gives the raw material from which they receive:

    synthetic rubbers and rubbers; synthetic fabrics; plastics; polymer films (polyethylene, polypropylene); ; solvents, paints and varnishes; dyes; fertilizers; pesticide; wax.

Even oil refining waste has practical value. Coke is produced from oil distillation waste. It is used in the manufacture of electrodes and in metallurgy. And sulfur, which is extracted from oil in the process of refining, goes to the production of sulfuric acid.

Oil, strictly speaking, is not always black. It comes in a variety of colors (dirty yellow, yellow-green, dark brown, colorless, green and a number of other shades). But in the minds of people, it was fixed precisely as black (since most of the shades are just dark).

And oil acquired the epithet "gold" due to the fact that for a modern person, for the country's economy, it has the same meaning, and maybe much more than gold in the past. Source of energy, fuel and raw materials for huge amount synthetic materials. If suddenly all the gold disappeared, modern civilization would survive this, and without oil, it would immediately collapse into the Middle Ages.

Oil province

Deposit depth


Oil quality

Discovered deposits

2000-3000 meters

Density no more than 880 kg/m3

(light oil)

26% - low quality oil

74% - oil High Quality

up to 6000-8000 meters

(platform troughs) and up to 10-12 km (Ural foredeep)


807-981 kg/m3

(heavy oil)

42% - low quality oil

58% - high quality oil

Volgo - Ural oil province

1600 to 3000 m

density (820-890 kg/m3)

Oils are mainly of paraffin type, medium and high density (820-890 kg/m3), sulphurous (0.5-3.0%), resinous.

37% - low quality oil

63% - high quality oil

From the table we see that in different regions of Russia, oil occurs at different depths, and if it is deeper than 3000 meters, this makes it difficult to extract it, requiring additional costs, and this is not very good, as its cost increases. The content of impurities that reduce its quality, oil is also different.


Thus, according to the purpose and objectives of the study, in our work we got acquainted with information about oil, the history of its use, various theories origin, use of oil. We got acquainted with the discovery of oil in Western Siberia and its largest deposits and compared the main areas of oil production in Russia. We tried to answer the question why oil is black gold.

Oil now plays an important role in the lives of people, the economy of all countries of the world. It is extremely beneficial not only as a fuel, but also as a chemical raw material used for the production of a wide variety of products, items that people need so much. Oil is one of the treasures of the Earth, but there is still no one correct version of its origin. Thus, oil remains a mystery to this day. Oil is truly an inexhaustible source for man. Now our life is so dependent on it that it would be scary to imagine its absence.

List of used sources and literature:

    Vladimirsky: Secrets and sacraments. Kharkov: IKP "Parity", 1995. Voitkevich Earth. Rostov n / a Phoenix, 1996. Children's encyclopedia. Earth and Universe. Moscow: Nota Bene? 1994 / Encyclopedia for children. Geology. Moscow: Avanta+, 1995, 1996, 1997. http://rnhkgaztrade. ru ru. wikipedia. org http:// http://www. popmech. en/

Areas of oil production in Russia and their characteristics.

Oil province

Deposit depth


Oil quality

The share of the province in the oil production of the Russian Federation.

Discovered deposits

West Siberian oil and gas basin

2000-3000 meters

Density no more than 880 kg/m3

(light oil)

26% - low quality oil

74% - high quality oil

Timano - Pechora oil and gas province

up to 6000-8000 meters

(platform troughs) and up to 10-12 km (Ural foredeep)


807-981 kg/m3

(heavy oil)

paraffinic (2-5%), rarely highly paraffinic (6-23.4%), very rarely low-paraffinic (2%). S content 0.1-3%

42% - low quality oil

58% - high quality oil

Volga-Ural oil province

1600 to 3000 m

density (820-890 kg/m3)

Oils are mainly of paraffin type, medium and high density (820-890 kg/m3), sulphurous (0.5-3.0%), resinous.

37% - low quality oil

63% - high quality oil

Oil is an important mineral. It is of sedimentary origin and is mined all over the world. On it in the literal sense of the word sustains the entire world economy.

Oil is a liquid natural mixture of various hydrocarbons with a small amount of others. organic compounds; a valuable mineral, often occurring together with gaseous hydrocarbons; oily, flammable liquid with a specific odor, usually brown with a greenish or other tint, sometimes almost black, very rarely colorless.

Oil is rock. It belongs to the group of sedimentary rocks along with sands, clays, limestones, rock salt, etc. We are used to thinking that rock is a solid substance that makes up the earth's crust and the deeper bowels of the Earth. It turns out that there are liquid rocks, and even gaseous ones. One of the important properties of oil is the ability to burn.

Oil production


The custom of oil has been conducted by mankind since ancient times. At first, primitive methods were used: collecting oil from the surface of reservoirs, processing sandstone or limestone soaked with oil using wells. The first method was used in Media and Syria, the second - in the 15th century in Italy. But the beginning of the development of the oil industry is considered to be the time of the appearance of mechanical drilling for oil in 1859 in the United States, and now almost all the oil produced in the world is extracted through boreholes.

Oil is being extracted in those places where geologists discover its field. In such places, special oil production facilities are being built. They may be located not only on land, but also on water. After all, very often oil deposits are discovered when exploring the coastal shelf.

It's fossil fuel also called "black gold" because no developed country can exist without it. Russia is one of the main oil suppliers in the world. There are rich deposits in Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, the North Caucasus, as well as in some other areas.

But the largest reserves are found in the Arab countries: Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia. Their economy is almost entirely built on the fact that they sell oil to other countries of the world.

Drilling is the main work in oil and gas production. Unlike, say, coal or iron ore oil and gas does not need to be separated from the surrounding massif by machines or explosives, it does not need to be raised to the surface of the earth by a conveyor or in trolleys. As soon as the well has reached the oil-bearing formation, the oil, compressed in the depths by the pressure of gases and groundwater, itself rushes up with force.

As the oil pours out to the surface, the pressure decreases and the remaining oil in the subsoil stops flowing upward. Then, through wells specially drilled around the oil field, water is injected. Water puts pressure on the oil and squeezes it to the surface along the newly revived well. And then there comes a time when only water can no longer help. Then a pump is lowered into the oil well and oil is pumped out of it.

Composition and chemical elements with compounds in oil


about the composition of oil - a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights, mainly liquid (solid and gaseous hydrocarbons are dissolved in them).

Depending on the field, oil has a different qualitative and quantitative composition. Oil consists mainly of:

Carbon - 84%

Hydrogen - 14%

Sulfur - 1-3% (as sulfides, disulfides, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur per se)

Nitrogen - less than 1%

Oxygen - less than 1%

Metals - less than 1% (iron, nickel, vanadium, copper, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, etc.)

Salts - less than 1% (calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, etc.)

Chemical elements and compounds in oil

In insignificant concentrations in oils there are elements: vanadium, nickel, iron, aluminum, copper, magnesium, barium, strontium, manganese, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, boron, arsenic, potassium, etc. Their total content does not exceed 0.02 - 0 .03% by weight of oil. These elements form organic and inorganic compounds that make up oil. Oxygen and nitrogen are found in oils only in a bound state. Sulfur can occur in the free state or be part of hydrogen sulfide.