Every day we experience emotions, perform various actions- all this is reflected on the hands, gradually forming into an order of lines, hills or rings.

Deciphering these signs will provide their owner with a lot of useful information and will reveal secrets that he, perhaps, had no idea about.

Main lines on the human palm

Anyone can comprehend the basics of palmistry; its essence lies in the ability to determine the type of sign and understand its meaning.

Lines on the palm: the meaning on the right hand, what the lines on the palm of the left hand mean is discussed in detail in this article.

Total There are several types of lines on a person’s hands, 6 of which are the main ones. Others are classified as secondary.

Main line What do the lines on the palm of the right hand mean? What do the lines on the palm of the left hand mean?
Life LineQuality of life in the futurePotential received from birth
Health LineIndicates possible health problemsState of health by nature
Line of MindIntellectual achievementsInherited Potential
Heart LineEmotional state of a personThe main traits of his character
Sun LineWay to successPersonality strengths
Line of FateResult decisions made Events that will happen naturally

Active and inactive palm

The first thing to start with is analyzing the location of the main lines.

However, their meaning can carry different information, it all depends on how exactly the lines are located on the palm: the meaning on the right hand is often different from the decoding of the features on the left.

When reading the signs of the left hand, you can find out what a person is destined for by nature, see his heredity.

The lines on the right speak about events that will be the result of decisions made; in fact, a person’s conscious actions in life will lead him to them.

Palmists call palms “active” and “inactive”, the first case is usually right hand if the person is right-handed or left, if left-handed.

There is another way to determine hands - simply ask the person to show their palm. In most cases, everyone intuitively gives the active one.

Definition of the sign of Life

The trait of Life has the most significant meaning, which crosses the palm and comes out between the thumb and forefinger, goes around the hill thumb and ends at the wrist.

For some people it may be completely absent, this means that the person is in search of himself, his purpose in life. For the same reasons, this line may periodically appear and disappear.

A clear and pronounced line denotes stability and determination, suggests that a person sets himself certain goals in life and tries to follow them, realizing his potential.

Breakups imply drastic changes in life, and there are a big difference, on which hand it is interrupted.

When reading the meanings on the left hand, you can find out what a person is destined for by nature, see his heredity. Lines on right palm talk about events that will result from decisions made.

If the Life line is a dotted line or is interrupted on the right hand, this means that the person himself will become the initiator of change, and if it is on the left (inactive) palm, all events will happen by themselves.

Sometimes you can notice small branches - these signs indicate important events . Whether they will be bad or good can be recognized by their direction - down or up, respectively.

A fork at the end of the Life line means a craving for long journeys, adventures, and vivid impressions.

The location of the line itself is also important; for energetic and firm individuals, it originates closer to the index finger and widely circles the hill. A shift towards the thumb on the contrary speaks of a weak character, a pronounced tendency towards fear and uncertainty.

Palmists also say that by the length of the Life line you can approximately determine at what age certain events will occur. To do this, its entire length should be divided into 12 parts, each of which is equal to 7 years. However, such calculations are very conditional.

Health Line

The state of health throughout life can be judged by the Health line (the meaning on the right hand, what this line means on the palm of the left hand is described below) . Usually it consists of several segments that can overlap each other or form gaps.

The sign begins with the Mount of Mercury, which is located at the base of the little finger, and ends in the middle of the palm at the wrist.

The most negative factor is her touch of the Life line, this suggests that diseases will have a certain impact on a person’s fate.

For many people, this line is absent, or has only a beginning and an end - this is a good sign, it means the person has excellent health, and this applies to all areas: physical, emotional, mental.

When the line runs across the entire palm without touching other signs, this also indicates the absence of serious illnesses.

If line fragments overlap each other, this indicates successful fight with any illnesses interruption indicates that the disease will periodically recede.

In this case, it is reasonable to pay special attention to your condition, take a responsible approach to treatment and follow the recommendations of doctors.

What does the Mind Line mean?

The line of the Mind or Head begins from the same point as the line of Life or nearby, and crosses the palm horizontally.

This the sign determines the mental abilities and intellectual achievements of a person. To do correct conclusions it is necessary to compare both hands. Deciphering the lines in the palm, the meaning on the right hand will characterize a person’s achievements and intellectual growth.

If the line on the left is less pronounced than on the other, it means that the person is effectively realizing his natural potential, in the case where the clarity and length are the same, there is something to think about.

This arrangement indicates that the mental abilities given at birth are not developed. At a young age this may be justified and understandable, but for an adult it is a reason to change your lifestyle and try to achieve more.

There is a misconception that a deep and clear line of the Mind always speaks of impeccable intellectual capabilities. In fact, this is not always the case; the expressed sign characterizes a person who is very dedicated to his work, perhaps a professional in some industry.

Basic transcripts:

  1. Short line - a person prefers physical work to mental work.
  2. Long across the entire palm is a sign of a logical mind and a penchant for analytics.
  3. Zigzag or wave-shaped - it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing, he often switches his attention from one object to another.
  4. If the line is reduced to the bottom, the person is overly naive and gullible.
  5. The beginning of the line does not coincide with the line of Life - a seeker, a traveler through life, a lover of exploring, learning new things.
  6. Fateful, important decisions are indicated by strokes and crosses on the line.

Meaning of the Heart line

The Heart Line gives a decoding of the emotional and psychological component of a person. Her the beginning is coming from the edge of the palm, under the little finger and can reach the index or ring finger.

When doing fortune telling, palmists pay attention to how the line ends:

  1. Between the middle and index fingers - typical for people who are easy to communicate with. Usually these are full-fledged extroverts - positive and cheerful people. Naturally, these individuals attract the attention of others and arouse the interest of the opposite sex. However, if the meaning of the line in the palm of the left and right hands is different, this indicates that the person has consciously changed his habits.
  2. At the base of the middle finger - Before you is a self-centered person who only cares about his feelings. People with this character are attractive, but quickly tire their partner by ignoring his emotional needs.
  3. Closer to index– inherent in maximalists, they give everything, try to evaluate every situation objectively. It’s comfortable to spend time with them, they are attentive to loved ones and do not accept “half-hearted” relationships.
  4. In the area of ​​the little finger or ring finger- This is an unemotional person who keeps all his feelings under control.

It is easy to understand what the lines in the palm of the left hand mean - these character traits are inherited by a person, but he has the power to change. The active one can be used to read the future, and a comprehensive analysis should be carried out according to different signs.

Sometimes refusal to change one's character leads to negative consequences, for example, a person can lose his job or family if he is naturally selfish and does not want to change anything.

Sun Line

The line of the Sun is not often reflected on the palms of the hands, but if it is visible, it usually stretches from the middle of the wrist or palm and reaches the ring finger.

The sign will help determine how a particular person can achieve success and happiness in life. A short line reveals a subtle nature that appreciates and loves creativity. These people understand art and music.

Communication with such a person is pleasant and easy - such individuals know how to express their thoughts and willingly share them with others.

lines on the palm of the left hand - these character traits are inherited by a person, but he has the power to change.

A line in the shape of a wave also indicates a penchant for creativity. However, such a person succumbs to pessimistic moods, fear, and anxiety. Negative emotions clearly prevent him from achieving his goals or setting a specific goal.

An interesting fact is what the lines in the palm of the left hand mean - they indicate strengths character given to him from birth. The traits of the right palm help determine in which area a person can achieve success in the present and future.

Decoding the line of Fate

The Line of Fate runs vertically or with a slight deviation upward from the middle of the wrist.

Read the sign below:

  1. An even vertical line speaks of success in all endeavors, brilliant career and self-realization.
  2. If the line is weakly expressed, it means that the person is dissatisfied with the state of affairs that he has. Perhaps this concerns your career, personal life or other important areas.
  3. Marks in the form of dashes or crosses indicate frequent changes directions in professional activity.
  4. When the line begins where the Life line begins, this indicates life's difficulties V early years life.

By reading the lines on the palm, the meaning on the right hand (or active) will reveal events that will happen in the future. All of them will become a natural result of making certain decisions, so a person should pay special attention to this trait.

By the left hand you can judge what will happen according to the will of fate, if you give in to its flow.

Secondary lines on the hands

Lines of secondary significance are not found in everyone. By deciphering the signs together with the main features, you can create a more complete and informative Life Map (as palmists call the entire process of reading hands).

For example, the line of Wealth, which forms a triangle, located between the features of Fate and Mind.

If it is clear and even, this indicates stable financial situation, and in combination with a pronounced line of Fate, it can be assumed that a person will acquire wealth thanks to successful career.

However, the reason for wealth can be marriage, inheritance, or a lucky coincidence, for example, a lottery. Other lines with corresponding marks will bring more clarity to the reading.

There is one more minor feature - Guardian Angel line. This sign speaks of good luck, such people are lucky in any situation, and troubles bypass them.

The mark on the hand is located parallel to the line of life, but is shifted closer to the thumb, located on its hill. It may be pronounced or barely noticeable, but the very fact of its presence is a good sign.

When the line of the Guardian Angel is on an inactive palm, this means that a person is given protection at birth and for life; if the line is on the right hand, then over time it may disappear.

This means that protection from failure is provided by fate for a time and should be used wisely.

Romantic relationships and marriage - reading hands

The marriage line is a horizontal line under the little finger; by the way, there can be several of them. Clear, deep signs indicate marriage or marriage, weak ones indicate a romantic relationship.

If the sign is interrupted, this indicates a divorce or temporary break in relations, double lines talk about relationships with two partners at the same time.

Separation is judged by the presence of forks; the reason for this may be a long business trip or a coincidence of circumstances.

Vertical lines from this line indicate how many children a person will have. Moreover, on the left (or inactive) hand you can find out what is destined by fate, and on the right - what decision a person will make. Therefore, the number and position of signs on different palms is different.

There's another one line connected to family relationships- trait of divorce. It rings the base of the sore finger. The absence of one indicates a strong family life or its absence.

Complete information about fate can only be obtained after analyzing various lines, often different traits talk about the same thing, or vice versa, contradict each other.

Here it is worth paying attention to other signs, for example the marriage line. Moreover, the analysis must be carried out on both palms, not always, what is destined happens in life, sometimes cool decisions help to avoid annoying mistakes.

Decryption results cannot be relied upon 100%, The Fate Card should be taken as recommendations, advice, instructions. Palmistry does not belong to the list of approved sciences, but this teaching took a very long time to build.

For decades, people have been collecting and analyzing information, creating certain statistics, so it cannot be considered as some kind of fortune-telling. Thus, it has every reason to be used in practice.

What do the lines on the palm mean:

Meaning on the right hand, what do the lines on the palm of the left hand mean:

Dot or formed by a series of depressed points, depressions on hills and lines are a sign of suddenness and temporaryness (temporary illness, sudden illness). Dark dots indicate serious disasters resulting from force majeure. The location of the point on the life line indicates the date of events. Often small dots on the lines of the arms are not noticeable, and in order to see the point on the line, the skin of the arm should be stretched. Red and blue dots, unlike white ones, often indicate pain in a particular organ. Sometimes a dot found on a line foreshadows the receipt of the disease, or indicates a tendency to hysterical attacks. White dots are not particularly good sign, they predict both good situations and not so good ones.

Points on the hillock Jupiter talk about failure in marriage, as well as professional difficulties and loss of position in society. On the hill Saturn about constant problems in the family, and on the hill Sun warn of a decline in your authority. White dots on the mound indicate a predisposition to eye diseases. Points on the hillock Mercury warn about losses in trade affairs. If a black dot is pressed into the line of the heart, then this indicates a weak heart. If such a point is on the line under the little finger, then expect misfortune from children or failure from them. White dots on the heart line indicate luck in love and love victories. The red dots on this line indicate the amount of physical and moral shock from love. Black dots on health lines talk about poor human health, indicates serious liver problems. White indicates liver disease, a deep red dot warns of a dangerous injury. Points on line art promises some delay good deed, in achieving success, in the onset of a favorable change.

Black dots on the line of the mind warn of a strong blow to the head; several dots indicate frequent headaches. Such signs at the end of the line of the head and mind indicate injury and disease of the brain. White dots in the middle lines of the head and mind indicate a brilliant and inventive person who will make an important discovery. And at the end of the line they indicate loss of reason, enmity with family and friends up to trial, which will be lost. Red dots on the line and the mind expose the killer (how many dots, so many victims) and portend a head wound. A regular circle in the form of a ring on the line of the head and mind is a sign of loss of an eye, two circles are a sign of both eyes. If the line of the head and mind is broken and there is a dot at the end of the first break and a star at the ring finger, this indicates mental illness.

Point on life lines indicates poor health, restless and bad life. And if there are several of them, then this is a disease of the spine. Black dots at the beginning of the line indicate susceptibility to fits of strong anger, and at the end of the line, sudden onset. White on the life line indicates anger and a rude character. If in the center of the life line there is a depression filled with a number of white dots, or depressed places, then this is a harbinger of sudden death and a head wound. A red dot on the line indicates the possibility of a serious injury. Point on travel lines- danger to life on the road. On the hill Moon- to disappointment. On the hill Venus indicates sexual dysfunction and hearing impairment. On the plain Mars predict business failures and intestinal dysfunction. On wrist talk about frequent illnesses in childhood. On line fate- an obstacle to happiness, a temporary stop in development.

Ayurveda. Philosophy, diagnostics, Vedic astrology Yan Nikolaevich Razdoburdin

Self-diagnosis using the main lines on the palm

The river of life flows into Eternity! What does this have to do with perches?

Film "Formula of Love"

The main lines on the hand represent the directions of energy flow. They flow like rivers on the plain of the palm. For example, the life line shows physical energy, the mind line shows the way you think and the strength of your intellect, the heart line can say a lot about emotional energy, and the fate line shows the amount of energy you direct to work and career.

The lines on the left hand indicate what you came into this life with, karmic moments, the lines on the right hand indicate what you do with your life, how you live it.

Life line

The life line is an indicator of a person’s vitality and love of life. It reflects the level and quality of life and how much vitality a person has, how strong, resilient and energetic he is.

Like other hand lines, the life line should be clear and deep. Ideally, the semicircle it forms should be as full and wide as possible, since the section of the hand that the life line encircles (the Mount of Venus) is directly related to the amount of energy and vitality of a person. A straight life line indicates weak immunity and a weak endocrine system.

The length of the life line does not indicate exactly the moment of death, although it is true that people with a long line usually live longer than people with a short line is a medical fact. Determining the boundaries of a time period or calculating a specific date along a life line is quite difficult, and there are several ways to do this. The simplest one is this: draw an imaginary vertical line on your palm, starting from the middle of the Saturn finger (middle finger). The point of its intersection with the life line corresponds to 35 years.

Another way is to measure the length of the life line. The place where it reaches the base of the palm and turns around the thumb corresponds to the age of seventy. Measure the length of the line from its beginning to this mark, and in this way you will be able to determine the boundaries of time periods quite accurately. The middle of the line will correspond to approximately 35 years. In India, palmists measure the length of the life line using a thread. On the hands of some people, the life line goes around the thumb and ends only because it is followed by a patch of skin without a pattern. This is considered the centenary age mark. However, we should not forget that a very long life line does not necessarily mean that a person will live long life. Based on the length of the life line, we can only determine the time boundaries of certain life periods.

It happens that a person has two life lines side by side in his palm, like tram rails, and go around the hill of Venus. Such a person is very lucky; he has a guardian angel who will help him get out of the most difficult situations. difficult situations. Extension line life is another chance that is always in stock.

Islands on the life line indicate depression and possible illness. A chain on the life line speaks of numerous health problems, usually associated with a person’s emotional state. Staircase after rupture indicates continued illness after the age of rupture. Interruption under the hills – diseases of the hills (see previous chapter). A broken line on a hard hand indicates problems with the stomach and kidneys, on a soft one - a predisposition to diabetes, tuberculosis, as well as problems with the liver and lungs.

A thin sister line at the beginning of the life line indicates stomach diseases. If at the same time there is a disturbed line of the mind under Saturn, then this indicates possible kidney diseases.

An island on the life line under Saturn indicates diseases of the legs or back. The island at the beginning of the line speaks of a painful childhood (frequent colds, tonsillitis), and the island under the Hill of the Sun (Apollo) speaks of eye problems. Thin lines from the Mount of Jupiter can indicate problems in the lungs.

A blue dot on the life line indicates intoxication, a black dot indicates surgical intervention and injury as a result of an accident, red - about possible problems with the liver and gall bladder, a tendency to fevers, the possibility of a hypertensive crisis.

Mind line

The mind line flows through the palm, starting at the base index finger. You should pay attention to obstacles along its course. An event that entails a violation indicated by the island is usually symbolized by a small but clear line across the line of the mind on the side of the index finger. Such a sign, actually a barrier, can mean physical damage or head injury. Sometimes the same importance is attached to a gap in the line of the mind under the Mount of Saturn.

A poorly expressed line of the mind, connected at first to the line of life, indicates frequent colds and other diseases in childhood (sinusitis, adenoids, etc.), and this combination also indicates a great attachment to the family. If the lines of mind and life flow separately at first, then this indicates a person’s independence and the possibility of early departure from the family.

When the line of the mind bends sharply downhill, there is a danger of mental illness and poor memory.

If the lines of the mind and heart are connected into one line, then this is called the monkey line. Such people suffer from their own extremism, fixation on one idea, they may have leg injuries and poor dental health.

Violation of the mind line under the Mount of Saturn aggravates the disease indicated by other lines (violations of the heart line - heart disease, violations of the life line under Jupiter - diseases of the neck and shoulder area, violations of the life line under Saturn - diseases of the stomach, intestines, musculoskeletal system) .

An island or chain on the line of the mind is a warning sign. If on the heart line this means instability of feelings, then here it can mean mental disturbances. The flow of psychic energy encounters an obstacle on the way, circles around and can neither overcome nor bypass it. A long chain indicates long-term mental impairment. The island denotes a single event that is quite traumatic to the psyche and has significant consequences. There is no way to measure time on the heart or mind line, but it is generally accepted that the fate line intersects the mind line at the age of thirty-five, and the heart line at the age of 49.

The palms of many overworked businessmen have an island on the mind line under the Mount of Jupiter or the Sun. Depression can be identified by the presence of an island in the area of ​​the Mount of Saturn. An island under Saturn combined with a steady hand and black dot on the Mount of Venus speaks of the possibility of kidney disease. An island between the mounts of Saturn and Apollo indicates the danger of a stroke followed by paralysis. An island on the mind line below the Mount of Mercury signifies mental fatigue caused by too much work, over-exertion in studying or worry. Its very location, as well as the length of the line of the mind, indicates that its bearer is inclined to get hung up on any thought. If the line of the mind ends under the Mount of Mercury, then this is a predisposition to diseases of the gallbladder and stomach.

The small fork at the end of the mind line is called the "writer's" fork. This sign indicates developed intelligence and an insightful mind. Its owner is able to analyze facts and instantly grasp the main essence of any topic. A large fork at the end of the line indicates that this person is inclined to “go off the rails” and get into critical situations; it symbolizes the splitting of the personality itself and the lack of rational thinking, as well as the predominance of extreme emotions.

Heart line

This line, symbolizing the emotional side of our personality and ruled by the heart, usually starts from the Mount of Mercury and is lost on the Mount of Jupiter. Blood circulation, the functioning of the heart, its general condition - these are the areas that can be judged by the line of the heart. It takes on the characteristics of the hill under which it bends.

The heart line reflects the depth, strength and direction of our emotions. Those who have this line long and clear are direct and frank. A short and weak heart line indicates that emotions do not play a role. main role in a person's life, whether he is reasonable or not.

A straight line of the heart indicates the same direct, balanced, emotional life. Long and strongly curving - a sign of a gentle but temperamental nature.

A hook-shaped line branching from the heart line and going to the Mount of Mercury indicates the possibility of an accident as a result of which the person’s legs will be immobilized.

A branch of the heart line ending with a star on the mount of the Moon may indicate madness, which may manifest itself as a result of poor heredity.

Any line colliding with the line of the heart on the Mount of the Moon indicates an overstrain of the nervous system.

An interrupted line of the heart with branches overlapping each other indicates a shock situation for the body, which will not be fatal. If such a line defect is present on both hands and is combined with disturbances of other main lines, this is a sign of death or serious illness of a loved one.

A person with a broken heart line has a weak heart, gets nervous about little things and gains weight after the age indicated by the break, and this is the cause of heart disease in old age.

A gap under the Mount of the Sun indicates eye disease on the side opposite to the hand.

A rounded heart line indicates curvature of the spine in old age due to poor absorption of calcium.

A weak heart line starting from the mount of upper Mars indicates the possibility of frequent fevers, anemia, bacterial contamination of the blood and, as a result, abscesses and skin diseases.

If a wide branch of the heart line meets the line of the mind, then the entire period from the beginning of this line to its intersection with the line of the mind is fraught with dangerous diseases, which are indicated by other signs on the palm. If this branch does not intersect with the line of the mind, then only anxiety is possible.

Black spots and dots on the heart line indicate sore throat and neuralgia at the appropriate age, as well as fevers, chest injuries, lung diseases and low resistance to colds.

Grooves crossing the heart line indicate functional heart disease.

Line of fate

The line of fate in its classic version runs from the top bracelet on the wrist to the Mount of Saturn. If the line is straight and completely passes this path, if there are no unfavorable marks on it, then its owner will enjoy happy life. He will easily and naturally make a career and will be rightly proud of himself in the circle of influential friends.

The fate line is formed on the hand due to the movements of the thumb. This line reinforces positive characteristics finger, such as adaptability, determination, perseverance and is a sign good health, ambition and rationality. It also enhances the signs of the Mount of Saturn, that is, wisdom and sobriety. A person with a well-developed fate line is a person who knows how to control the environment and change it for the better with the help of his inner strength and maturity. A person with a poorly developed or weak fate line is an immature person who depends on external forces and often becomes their victim, and he does not care about his health.

The line of fate, as we remember, is not always a favorable sign. Truly spiritually free people do not need this line, and often they do not have it on their palms.

A fate line starting at the Mount of the Moon and ending at the heart line indicates disappointment in love, loss in career and heart disease.

If the line of fate begins with an island on the line of life, we can talk about diseases of the spine and joints, and if the line of fate begins in the same way, only from the hill of the Moon, and the line of the mind contains islands, and the hand is hard, then this speaks of urolithiasis.

When the bracelets on the wrist are curved towards the palm, and the line of fate ends with a star on the Mount of Saturn, this indicates possible infertility.

A long island on the line of fate indicates the possibility of gastritis with high acidity, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, and problems with the pancreas.

So, friends, armed with a magnifying glass, look at your palms. They will definitely tell you about possible problems and help you avoid them or endure them to a lesser extent if you take preventive measures.

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The Head line in palmistry is considered one of the most important and informative in the palm. When analyzing the characteristics of a trait, it is important to pay attention to the accompanying signs and symbols. One of them is an island on the Uma line.

The island on the Uma line is important

Meaning and location of the line

The Head line is also called the Head line. It is responsible for the intellectual sphere, reflects a person’s way of thinking, life and personal values, health, and priorities. The contour on the left hand shows the innate capabilities of its owner, while the right hand talks about the level of development and dynamics of mental work. The Line of Mind can reveal the positive qualities of a person:

  • honesty;
  • attentiveness; curiosity;
  • determination;
  • strength of will;
  • flexibility of the thought process.

The Line of Mind also points to negative qualities personalities:

  • anger;
  • greed;
  • pride;
  • impermanence.

By analyzing this trait in detail, one can assess the physical state of the brain as the main organ that is responsible for thinking. In this case, there is a chance to identify diseases or congenital defects and, if possible, get rid of them.

Ideally, the contour of the head begins at the same point as the life line, not far from the inner minor Mount of Mars, crosses it, runs horizontally across the entire palm and ends on the outer major Mount of Mars. But there are other types of placement of the line:

  1. The end of the line is slightly directed towards the fingers on the elevation of Mars - the owner of such a sign strives for material enrichment. Women are looking for a rich partner, men achieve what they want through developing their own business.
  2. The end of the line on the hill of the Moon speaks of the creative nature of its bearer. He has a lively mind, a developed imagination, is sociable and courteous.
  3. If the contour crosses the hand in a straight line, as if dividing it in half, this means the person is straightforward and authoritarian. He has an analytical mind.

Arc characteristic

Palmistry does not interpret the features of displaying head features literally. The line on the right active hand is taken into consideration, for left-handers - on the left. A long outline does not mean genius, but focuses attention on the analytical component of its owner’s thinking, flexibility and broad outlook, insight. A short line of the mind on the hand gives a person conservative thinking, stereotyping, loyalty to traditions and rules, and practicality.

The characteristic features of the head contour in palmistry are:

  1. A wide line speaks of leisurely but deep thinking. The owner of this mark has to devote more time to solving difficult problems.
  2. A narrow line indicates a high speed of decision-making, but often frivolity and lack of information.
  3. A deep contour appears in a person with great intellectual potential.
  4. A dim, easily defined line in a person with a low mental reserve of energy; intellectual work and activities related to solving problems are difficult for him.
  5. The presence of a slope of the line indicates the creative abilities of the individual. The greater the angle of inclination of the mark towards the Mount of the Moon, the richer the person’s imagination.
  6. Double head contour - rare case, which speaks of the exceptional authority of its owner’s thinking, strong intellect, genius, which will help him get rich.

When doing fortune telling, it is important to take into account the influence of the signs present on the line of the mind:

  1. Gaps, intersections and islands warn of a blurred thought process, inconsistency, timidity, and doubt.
  2. A fork at the end of the line speaks of liveliness of mind and fickleness of character.
  3. Many lines extending towards the fingers - lack of independence of the mind, susceptibility to other people's influence.
  4. A cross on the outline means self-deception.
  5. A square or rectangle indicates risk taking, usually justified, without serious losses.
  6. Dots on the line warn that aggression is undesirable.
  7. The star means a psychological blow, shock. Suicide is possible for the owner of such a sign on the palm.
  8. The triangle is found on the palm of a brave person.

A triangle on the line of Mind is a sign of a brave person

Meaning of the island on the line

The meaning of the island in palmistry is not positive. Its presence encourages the owner to analyze his life path in order to detect errors recorded in karma and get rid of the influence of this mark.

An island is always created using segments of main and secondary lines. Its main meaning is to signal that a person’s life is wrong. If he accumulates energy for some time and does not spend it on achieving a goal, higher power they will punish him. Troubles can happen not only to the owner of the island, but also to his loved ones.

Palmistry claims that the island is trouble that will certainly come. A person will have several opportunities to get out of this situation.

The presence of such a sign on the line of the mind indicates psychological and physical problems on the life path, a period of doubt and search for new meanings. The details of the analysis depend on the placement of the islands on the contour of the head:

  1. An island that appears parallel to the middle finger warns of possible temporary troubles, both in the professional sphere and in personal life.
  2. If there is an island at the beginning of the contour, this sure sign health problems relating to the ears and throat. Surgery may be required.
  3. One or more islands present from birth may indicate a nervous breakdown, depression, or mental problems.
  4. Often the islands are interpreted in connection with the energy of the fingers opposite which they are located. They talk about an exaggeration of the trouble that has arisen, a person’s nervous exhaustion.

In the practice of a palmist, one often has to deal with various signs on the main and minor lines on the palms. You should know all the interpretation options for a particular sign in order to obtain reliable information. On the line of the mind, the island helps to mobilize all forces to solve a problem that has arisen in the spiritual or physical sphere of a person’s intellectual development.

The line of the mind, Mars or Head carries information about a person’s intellectual abilities, his emotional state, peace of mind and the ability to control your actions. A diamond on the line of the mind refers to good omens, but at the same time warns the owner of such a mark on the palm of possible dangers. The influence of a symbol on fate must be assessed depending on its location and the clarity of its edges.

The mind thread is closely related to the functioning of the brain, so the appearance of any symbols on it should be taken very seriously. Palmists identify negative and positive signs.

About the rhombus

A rhombus or square is quite rare in a person’s palm. Most often, people of a certain type become owners of this sign:

  • prone to sudden mood swings, emotionally unstable;
  • problematic;
  • dangerous to others;
  • adventurers;
  • susceptible to various diseases.

About the quadrilateral

The quadrangle on the hand protects the owner from troubles or significantly mitigates their consequences. We can say that a person with a diamond in his palm is very lucky, because fate has given him protection from serious troubles.

But this sign also has back side. While protecting against life's blows, the square deprives a person of freedom of action, limits development, and emotionally devastates.

Square on the line of the mind and all the details about the sign

A square is a sign of an impulsive, hot-tempered, explosive character. It is extremely difficult for such a person to put up with injustice. He cannot stand lies and fights for the truth by any means, which does not always cause a positive reaction from others.

The quadrangle on the line of reason is a kind of amulet against the influence of negative signs, if any. This is especially true in cases when negative symbol ends up in the center of a rhombus or square.

For example, this smoothes out the unfavorable influence on the fate of points and breaks on the Mars line.

Symbol functions

In addition to influencing character, a square located on the line of the mind performs the following functions:

  • prevents brain diseases;
  • protects from accidents;
  • portends possible bruises or falls (if it is located at the point where the line breaks and its second half comes out of the square);
  • excludes violent death if located at the connection of the lines of the Head and life.

The beneficial influence of the quadrangle on a person’s destiny is stronger, the more clearly its outlines are expressed.

A rhombus or square that lacks an edge or has gaps in the outline will not fully perform its protective function. In other words, it will not save its owner from troubles, but will smooth out their consequences as much as possible.

"Hand table" or "money diamond"

Happy owners of a large quadrangle in the palm of their hand do not have to worry about their financial well-being. Such a figure is formed by crossing the lines of mind, heart, fate and success.


A wide, well-defined “money diamond” speaks of a person’s successful career and material wealth.

Its correct form indicates:

  1. Honesty.
  2. Directness.
  3. Good health.
  4. Kindness and responsiveness of the owner of the palm.


A highly distorted rhombus with big amount defects may belong to a person with the opposite character:

  1. To the weak.
  2. Indecisive.
  3. Selfish.
  4. To a cowardly person.

Often the “hand table” lacks an edge and looks more like a triangle. However, this does not prevent it from fulfilling its main functions: protecting the owner from negativity and providing him with financial stability.

What does island mean?

Palmists always regard the appearance of island-shaped patterns on the palm as a sign of impending troubles.

An island on the line of the mind generally speaks of emotional exhaustion, mental overstrain of a person and serious problems with the psyche, up to schizophrenia.

But the nuances of interpretation of the symbol depend on its location on the Head line:

  • from above: constant stressful situations in the workplace will inevitably lead to nervous breakdown or prolonged depression;
  • bottom: mental health problems will be caused by troubles in personal relationships;
  • in the center (formed as a result of a bifurcation of the main line): warns of major troubles in all areas of a person’s life.

Symbol regarding hills

The position of the sign relative to the hills that are under the fingers is also important.

Under the Mount of Jupiter. Such a symbol is a sign of emotional exhaustion and apathy. As a rule, it indicates a hopeless situation in which a person finds himself. The island signals the inability of the owner of the palm to independently make the right decisions.
Under the Mount of Saturn. An island on the line of the mind, directed towards the middle finger, is a serious reason to check the health of the brain.
Under the Hill of the Sun. Most often it occurs in people who, in their pursuit of fame and universal recognition, do not spare themselves, completely forgetting about rest and the need for emotional release.
Under the hill of Mercury. Under the hill of Mercury. This arrangement of the island is typical for politicians or scientists. This is a sign of severe mental overstrain and complete emotional emptiness.

If the island is located at the end of the line of the mind, representing a kind of bucket with a long handle, it indicates a person’s negative attitude towards any innovations and life changes.


The owner of such a sign feels completely helpless and confused in any unplanned situation.

Fate often gives us warning signs, be it an ill-fated island or a saving diamond on the line of the mind. You just need to take a closer look at your palms.

Much in life depends on the person himself, and the symbols on the hands are useful tips that indicate Right way and warn against troubles.