Center, the island of Sardinia, has been attracting vacationers from all over the world for many years. A luxurious holiday in a paradise on the planet - what else is needed to forget about all the hardships of life and take a break from the drabness of everyday life? The weather on the island of Sardinia is warm and abundant sunlight almost all year round, but some nuances are still worth considering when planning to relax here. For those planning a trip to Italy to the island of Sardinia, it will be useful to learn about the peculiarities of climate and weather (by month and season).

Features of the tourist season

Today tens of thousands of tourists come here, and the season in Sardinia lasts from mid-spring to late autumn. As with any other resort, there are high and low seasons. This, of course, is directly related to the monthly air and water temperatures in Sardinia. We will tell you in more detail about the characteristics of each season in these territories.

Winter in Sardinia

It’s worth starting to describe the temperature on the island of Sardinia by month with winter, since the weather in this quietest and least crowded season is radically different from our winters. Even on the harshest days during the day, you will not see a mark below 14 degrees Celsius on the thermometer. At night the air cools to 6-7 degrees.

  1. December. This month on the island is the most unfavorable for visiting Sardinia, unless, of course, you like to get wet in the cold rains and enjoy the northern winds.
  2. January. The weather is practically no different from December, but the temperature drops another 2-3 degrees. Snowfalls begin in the mountains during this period. These caps of snow will delight the eyes of the few guests of the island for another four to five months.
  3. February. The weather is slowly but surely changing its character. The rains stop, the air warms up to +15 degrees during the day. Most hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops are still closed.
Spring in Sardinia

This is the time when nature begins to slowly “wake up”, the bar on the thermometer rushes up, delighting the inhabitants of the island sunlight and warmth. But in the evening you still want to put on a sweater or windbreaker, because +9 is not quite warm yet.

  1. March. The air warms up to a maximum of +15, and the water - up to +14, which is too early for swimming. However, the first tourists, missing the warmth, are already starting to check into hotels.
  2. April. During the day it is already somewhat warmer (up to +18), but the water is still cold, no more than +15 degrees.
  3. May. Official opening this month tourist season. All hotels, entertainment centers, restaurants and shops, having updated their assortment and prepared for the season, are ready to receive guests.
Summer in Sardinia

Dry, hot and even stuffy - this is how you can describe summer period on the island. About 12 hours a day, tourists are mercilessly scorched by the hot sun, but in the evening it is so pleasant to stroll along the embankments and see the sights.

  1. June. +26 during the day, +16 at night and +20 at sea - these are the temperatures this month. Great time for a beach holiday.
  2. July. The unbearable heat during the day (sometimes up to +40!) makes you think about going to the mountains, where it is somewhat cooler. But this doesn’t stop tourists; there are a lot of them here in July. And this is not surprising - high season!
  3. August. Best time for a holiday on the sea coast. True, you won’t be able to enjoy the sun and sea alone, because already at sunrise all the beaches are filled with carefree vacationers. It’s time to think about visiting “wild” beaches, of which there are many in Sardinia.
Autumn in Sardinia

Until late autumn, the weather on the island favors relaxation. It’s not so stuffy anymore, so excursions and sightseeing are what you need!

This is a place where you can combine a wonderful beach holiday with interesting excursion trips: most of The islands are occupied by natural and archaeological reserves. And its southern coast is famous for its long sandy beaches, palm and pine groves, and calm and clear sea. And, importantly, comfortable hotels.

Sardinia is the essence of Mediterranean beauty and is adored by lovers of swimming, boating, windsurfing, hiking, rock climbing and hiking. In the warmest month (August), coastal areas are literally filled with them. At the same time, the internal life of the island in parts remote from tourist resorts is very interesting and original. After all, this is an autonomous island. Officially, it belongs to Italy, but don’t even think about declaring this in front of the Sardis, who consider themselves a special people. And the stone monuments of the Nuragic civilization of 1500 BC. e. indicate that the inhabitants of Sardinia overtook the Etruscans for several centuries on the territory of what is now mainland Italy.

How to get to Sardinia

By plane

The most famous of Sardinia's three international airports is Costa Smeralda in Olbia, from which it is a stone's throw to the famous resorts of Porto Cervo, Baia Sardinia, and Porto Rotondo. From June to September, the Italian Meridiana Fly flies directly here from Moscow Domodedovo (once a week, travel time 4 hours, round trip ticket from 350 USD) and the Russian Es Seven (3 times a week). The rest of the time, Olbia can be conveniently reached by Alitalia flights with a transfer in Rome (6 hours 20 minutes) or Milan. From 6:15 to 23:40, buses No. 2, 3 and 10 run between the airport and Olbia (15 minutes to the center). The cost of a taxi ride is 36 EUR. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

The southern coast is famous for its endless sandy beaches, palm and pine groves, and calm and clear sea. The famous Forte Village hotel complex is located in the Santa Margherita di Pula area. Nearby Villasimius (40 km from Cagliari) is of interest to lovers of scuba diving: not far from the shore there are 4 sunken ships, there are also underwater reefs. There is a water park and a golf club 20 km from Villasimius towards Cagliari.


The main means of transportation on the island are buses and trains. All city and intercity bus services connecting almost all settlements of the island are managed by the regional transport company ARST. True, the frequency of flights is quite low, and the schedule is often disrupted. Tickets are sold at special ticket offices, vending machines, newsstands, bars and tobacco shops. Traveling without a ticket is punishable by a substantial fine.

Single tickets are valid on city buses for 90 minutes. The day pass is valid from the start of the first trip until 0:00 on the same day.

The island's major cities and ports are connected by State Railway lines (office site in English). Trains from Olbia to Cagliari depart 6 times a day (journey time is 3.5 hours), to Sassari - the second largest city in Sardinia - 8 times a day (1 hour 40 minutes). From mid-June to mid-September, of particular interest to tourists are the “Green Trains” in retro style (office site) running along several routes through the protected corners of the island. The length of the routes is from 46 to 159 km. To overcome them on a narrow-gauge railway, a train of 2-4 wooden carriages led by an antediluvian steam locomotive takes from 2 to 5 hours.

A taxi ride within the city costs 15 EUR.


Ferries play an important role in the transport system of Sardinia. They connect the main ports of the island with each other, and the island itself with the cities of mainland Italy. Particularly popular is the ferry from Santa Teresa Gallura to Bonifacio in French Corsica (4 times a day, 50 minutes). You can take a ferry from Porto Torres to Barcelona, ​​Spain (12 hours).

Bicycles for rent

Many hotels offer bicycle rentals. True, for two people the cost of such a service is quite comparable to renting a compact car. Prices in street companies are lower, and the choice of bicycles - city, mountain, road - is much wider. When ordering online, the bike will be delivered to any location and picked up back.

Hotels in Sardinia

Guides in Sardinia

Entertainment and attractions

Sardinia captivates with its landscapes. The best sights here were created by nature; man only slightly embellished her creations. The most fantastically beautiful rocks, similar to a bizarre sculpture garden, are located at Cape Testa in the north of the island. There are few places in the Mediterranean where you will find such a wild coastline, full of unexpected charm.

The “star” of Northern Sardinia is the 55-kilometer coastline, called Costa Smeralda (Emerald Coast) for the amazing color of the water. In the 1960s The beauty of this place captivated the multi-billionaire Prince Aga Khan IV so much that he decided to turn it into a resort “for his own.” The center of social life of the Emerald Coast is the glamorous Porto Cervo with the best berths in Europe, where the yachts of world celebrities moor.

From the north, the islands of the La Maddalena archipelago, the entire territory of which is occupied by a national park, look at the “billionaires’ reservation”. To understand why they are so famous, you need to walk along the trails laid here, inhaling the pine scent and admiring the coves and dramatic pink cliffs created by the wind and sea ​​waves. Giuseppe Garibaldi lived on one of the islands of the archipelago, Caprera, for 26 years. The house of the father of a united Italy is now a museum.

The starting point for the La Maddalena islands is the port of the resort town of Palau, the approaches to which are guarded by the Monta Altura fortress.

Not only the geographical, but also the cultural and historical center of Sardinia is the inland mountainous region of Barbagia with picturesque towns and villages, formerly real nests of robbers. The name of the most notorious village, Orgosolo, whose inhabitants lived in banditry, became a household name. Now she looks very hospitable. The walls of its houses are decorated not only with bullet marks, but also with bright murals, which turned Orgosolo into a real tourist hit.

In addition to the rugged peaks and charismatic settlements, Barbagia attracts with the deepest canyon in Europe - the Gorropu Gorge, a real miracle of nature with waterfalls, tiny lakes with turquoise water and white sheer walls rising to a height of 500 m. The width of the Gorropu at its narrowest point is only 4 m.

A characteristic part of the Sardinian landscape is the nuraghi, high conical towers made of basalt blocks. They are scattered throughout the island, but are especially numerous south of Sassari and in Barumini. There is nothing in the world that even remotely resembles these mysterious prehistoric buildings. Entire complexes of nuraghes have been preserved, spaced only a couple of tens of meters from each other. What are these - temples, tombs, watchtowers? Their builders left behind neither writing nor even legends.

  • Is it possible to combine a holiday in Sardinia with an excursion in Rome?
  • Where in Sardinia to combine a beach holiday with excursions


In Sardinia it is always worth comfortable weather. Already in March there is enough sun and warmth here. Starting in April, resort hotels fill up with vacationers. Even children can swim in mid-May. Summers are dry and hot, especially in the south of the island. Sea breezes, trips to mountainous areas and hotel air conditioners save you from the scorching heat. In September, the heat gradually subsides, but this does not affect the water temperature in any way. In October the nights become cold and the sea begins to cool. Winter, although rainy, is quite pleasant. There are almost no tourists, and only European pensioners entertain themselves with excursions to the interior of the island.

And it is separated from French Corsica by only twelve kilometers. This island provides excellent opportunities for recreation, because there are beaches, a rich cultural and historical heritage, and natural reserves. Sardinia is diverse - you can see white limestone cliffs, black basalt and pink granite, high mountains and vast plains. Here you will find canyons, cozy grottoes and bays, dunes - everything you want, and such a mixture gives rise to beautiful landscapes.

The island is famous for windsurfing, hiking, rock climbing, boating, and hiking is also very popular. With all the abundance of tourists, Sardinia can boast of its originality - it is part of Italy as an autonomous region, the locals speak Sardinian and cannot be called Italians - they may be offended! Historical monuments, such as nuraghi, dolmens, menhirs, also testify to their originality; there is even a ziggurat six thousand years old - the Sardinian civilization is very ancient.

Climate zones of Sardinia

Sardinia is located in a typical Mediterranean area subtropical climate , which here is soft and dry. The temperature in winter almost never drops below +10 °C, and summer may be hot, but thanks to the dry climate it is easier to bear the heat, and it is also windy here, which brings pleasant refreshment on the hot days of July and August. It becomes warm already in March, and the water warms up by May, and you can swim until November. Precipitation mostly occurs in winter, but summer is almost always sunny.

But everything that has been said is true about the coast, while the topography of the island is mostly mountainous, and in the mountainous inland areas the climate is noticeably different, more continental character - that is, the temperature difference is higher, colder in winter, down to -10 ° C, and hotter in summer. The temperature difference between day and night is also higher. The northwest of the island is cooling Mistralem , which can be very pleasant in the summer, but in the winter it can make you chilly. The south is blowing Sirocco , bringing with it the African heat.

Sardinia is famous for its wine, so be sure to try the local Canonnau, Carignano and Vermentino - this is where the best wines of these varieties are made and, rest assured, the best examples remain on the island itself!

Tourist seasons in Sardinia

Not so long ago, Sardinia was the poorest region in Italy, and it was thanks to tourism that it managed to become prosperous. Tourism is now the main source of income, and you can relax here at any time of the year. Still, there is a high season, almost coinciding with the swimming season, and a low season, when the island is covered with clouds and it becomes cool - but even at this time there is something to do, for example, explore the interior of the island with its patriarchal way of life.

High season

Starts in April and lasts until November. The main thing that Sardinia has to offer at this time is the sea. Almost two thousand kilometers of coastline, covered with excellent sand, strewn with many comfortable resorts, with cozy lagoons and beautiful grottoes. Sardinia is also considered the center of Mediterranean diving.

Therefore, it is during the months when you can swim that the main flow of tourists occurs - this begins in May. But even in summer it is calmer and more peaceful here than in other Mediterranean resorts due to the length of the coastline, there are many “wild” beaches on the island with a minimum of equipment and tourists. Therefore, for those who are traveling for a relaxing holiday, Sardinia is the best choice among Mediterranean resorts. It would be another good option if you were unable to get to a resort in the summer and are looking for somewhere to go in September or even October - while in most other Mediterranean resorts the high season is already ending, in Sardinia it lasts until mid-November.

Low season

It begins when the sea becomes too cold to swim - after which Sardinia noticeably empties. You can go to Sardinia in winter to see the real life of the island - you can drive from end to end, get to know the Sardinian culture better - but this is certainly not during a week-long trip! But especially good for such trips early spring, when it is already warm and sunny enough, and nature blossoms: meadows and hills are covered with an emerald grass carpet, and then painted with other colors - the gold of acacias, the crimson of poppies.

Be sure to get acquainted with traditional Sardinian cuisine - for example, here you can try bottarga - dried mullet or tuna caviar.

Tourist places in Sardinia

First of all, tourists usually find themselves in the capital of the island, the city Cagliari . It is very remarkable - it was founded by the Phoenicians, then it was owned by the Carthaginians, Romans, after which Sardinia was part of Republic of Pisa and Kingdom of Aragon– and from all these times, architectural monuments remain in Cagliari, which makes the city extremely interesting to study.

Worth a visit and Alghero - a small island of old Aragon in the middle of Sardinia, they even speak the Catalan dialect here. This town is also called “Little Barcelona”, because it was mostly built by the Aragonese, and it is very reminiscent of Barcelona in architecture. And not far from Alghero there is Neptune’s Grotto - the most famous grotto of the island, the fabulous beauty of which is simply a must-see. Sardinia is also famous for its other caves, for example, Is Zuddas with snow-white argonites covering the walls, Sa Marmuri with vaults 70 meters high, with many of the most bizarre stalactites and stalagmites.

The main attraction of the island is the nuraghi, megalithic towers left over from an ancient civilization. They served as settlement centers or observation towers from which the enemy could be seen in advance and a signal transmitted. Their largest concentration to Su-Nuraks e, the so-called Nuraghe Valley, where tourists are advised to go first of all. In total there are about eight thousand nuraghes in Sardinia, which indicates the dense population of the island in ancient times.

La Maddalena Archipelago - a group of 60 small islands off the northern coast, of which the seven largest, called the “seven sisters,” are distinguished. This archipelago is one of the most beautiful places not only in Sardinia, but also on the planet, and from the many attractions of these small islands one could compile a separate impressive list.

F On the island San Antioco , connected to Sardinia by a bridge, you can see how sea silk, also called fine linen, is produced - this is the only place in the world where they can still make such fabric.

Weather by month


Winter in Sardinia cannot be called cold - snow can be seen here very rarely, the usual daytime temperature on the coast is +15 °C. But at the same time, there is very little sun, and even in those rare hours that it comes out, the sky is often covered with clouds - which means it often rains, especially in the interior regions, where it is colder and snow may even fall. The island at this time is quiet and calm - few travelers - and you can’t call them tourists - come here, and they all want to see real life islands. In February, the peace in Sardinia is dispersed by carnivals, and it gradually gets warmer - the onset of spring is getting closer.

March, April

If you are not traveling to swim, then these months will be the best to visit: Sardinia turns green first, and then in all possible colors, because nature blooms with riotous colors - it won’t be as beautiful here in summer. It’s getting warm, but not yet hot, and besides, it rains much less often—it’s a good time for excursions, and there are still fewer people.


The only thing in which May is inferior to the beginning of spring is the rising prices in hotels. In all other respects, he is no worse! The riot of flowers reaches its peak, there is no heat yet, but the water warms up and it becomes possible to swim. And in May you no longer have to worry about the changeability of the weather, it will definitely be warm and sunny, besides, the festival season begins right from the first of May - on this day the feast of the island’s patron saint, Saint Efisio, is celebrated, and then the holidays and festivals will go on in an endless series until November.

June August

Summer begins in Sardinia - dry and hot. It's time to go get a good tan! If you don't like excessive heat (although the dry air makes it easy), head to the north or west coast for the cooling Mistral. July is the most hot month summer, and on other days locals prefer to sleep during the day and go outside after sunset, which is in the sky almost 24 hours a day - fortunately, the nights are very warm.

With the beginning of autumn in central regions Traditional holidays begin on the islands - it's time to explore mountainous Sardinia, whose residents happily open their doors to travelers.

September October

With the passing of summer, the heat subsides, but the sea still remains warm, so the swimming season continues. Gradually the number of cloudy days will increase, but more often it will still be sunny. In October, the sea can sometimes be stormy - but these are all minor inconveniences, and when there is a storm at sea, or clouds in the sky, you can visit the interesting places we talked about, and when the weather is sunny and calm, you can swim. The advantages of autumn: there is no heat, and nature becomes much more beautiful than in summer.


The swimming season is ending – often not even because it gets cold, but because of the constant rains. The tourists are leaving and Sardinia is emptying out. At the same time, the days are usually still warm, but the nights are cold. November can be used to see the island's attractions, but it is still not the best month to visit.

The island of Sardinia (Italian: Sardegna) in Italy is a unique place where a vacation becomes an unforgettable event and will be remembered for many years.

Here you can relax on the beach, visit various excursions, local fairs and markets, and enjoy the local amazing cuisine. See spectacular carnivals and festivals and, undoubtedly, a great variety of attractions to read about

The coast is known for its calm, clean, as if washed, snow-white beaches. They are dotted with a scattering of comfortable hotels with high-quality service and affordable prices for a holiday in Sardinia.

The island got its name from the ancient Greeks, who called it Sandaliotis. According to legend, the Lord first stepped into the waters of the sea. This piece of land formed under his foot, with unusual shape in the form of a sandal. The name of the island of Sardinia comes from the Greek word “sandaliotis”.

You can get to the island using the services of airports(read more about airports in Sardinia), and also via ferries, which depart from the ports of Genoa, Livorno, Naples, Trapani, Palermo. Companies that provide ferry travel: Moby Lines, Sardinia Ferries.

Upon arrival at the airport, you can rent a car to get around using the services of rental operators. Popular ones are: Hertz, Eurorent and Europcar. You can also use local transport or taxi services. In summer there is a bus line from the province of Olbia-Tempio to the cities of the Costa Smeralda.

Sardinia weather by month

The weather in Sardinia has always attracted tourists. Due to its southern location there is a mild climate. Regardless of the month, there is no heat, thanks to the light breeze from the sea. The most favorable period for swimming lasts from May to October.

Spring in Sardinia

In spring the weather is quite warm and dry. And if in March it is still slightly cool, the air is +14 °C and the water is about the same temperature, then April already gives pleasant warmth up to +18 °C. It is in April that flowering begins and pink flamingos arrive. The daytime air temperature in Sardinia in May is +22 °C. At night the temperature drops to +12 °C, so it is worth taking something warm from your clothes.

The warmest season is summer. The average temperature in Sardinia in June is +21 °C. Leaders high temperature July and August are +28 °C and +30 °C. Sometimes the temperature can rise to +40 °C. In the evening the air temperature is about +17°C. The water temperature in July is +23 °C, in August – +25 °C. At the end of the season there is a chance of precipitation. To escape the heat during the hot season, you can go to the mountains and see the sights or admire the mountain landscapes.

Have you already decided to move around the island by car? Find out here to make your plans come true.

Are you flying on vacation in the off-season? Prepare for a transfer to get to Sardinia.

It’s even difficult to imagine life without mobile communications now. This link is all about mobile communications in Italy.

Autumn is a wonderful time of the season, which is perfect for a variety of water activities: diving, parachute surfing, water skiing. The temperature in September is +26 °C during the day, +17 °C at night. By the end of October, at the beginning of November, heavy rains begin to fall. The average air temperature during the day is +22 °C, at night +13 °C. The water temperature is + 21 °C.

The weather here in winter, regardless of the month, is quite mild and warm. The average temperature in December – February is about +14 °C. This quiet season when you can immerse yourself in a calm and leisurely atmosphere. The only difficulty may be that most hotels, restaurants and stalls are not open.

Famous beaches of Sardinia

The beaches in Sardinia are varied and numerous - there are over 360 of them, 1800 km long. Here you can see sandy, rocky, pebble and rice beaches. Many of them are included in the ranking of the best beaches in Italy - which you can read about.

Popular sandy beaches are Spiaggia del Principe And Liscia Ruja, which are located on the Costa Smeralda (Emerald Coast). Impeccably clean, transparent water that washes the snow-white sand on which poppies are scattered in scattered patterns - all this is only a small part of the landscapes of these places. The elite often stay here: presidents, world actors, businessmen.

Spiaggia del Principe beach

The Emerald Coast gives tourists unusual beaches-reserves of the town of Santa Teresa di Gallura. And for those who like to be alone, a sparsely populated Cape Falcone with beautiful scenery.

Spiaggia Coccorocci is the largest pebble beach, which is located near the town of Gairo. The shore is covered with unusual pebbles made of porphyry crushed stone, which has patches of different colors: gray, green, pink.

On the West Coast there are the unique rice beaches of Marie Ermi and Iz Arutas. The shores of these beaches are covered with pebbles in the form of beads (rices) made of quartz. They are guarded local authorities. Taking grains with you is strictly prohibited. For violation there is a huge fine.

For a relaxing holiday, the beach located in Torre delle Stelle is suitable. This town slopes down a steep hill. Thanks to this placement, there is always warm weather. The swimming season in this city begins in April.

To plunge into the romantic atmosphere of Torre delle Stelle, watch the video below.

Best hotels in Sardinia

A huge selection of hotels in Sardinia opens up for tourists. Here you can find an economy, family or business class option.

The most inexpensive are located in the southern part of Sardinia in the resorts of Santa Margherita di Pula and Villasimius: Cormoran Hotel, Hotel Simius Playa, Hotel Le Zagare, Hotel Mariposas. Here, on a large territory, there are various entertainments for adults and children: animation, swimming pool, golf, playgrounds. Room price from 40 euros.

Hotel Mariposas in Villasimius

The most expensive and luxurious hotels are located in the northern part of Sardinia. The hotels located here are luxurious and expensive. The most popular are hotels in the Costa Smeralda resorts: Resort Valle dell'Erica Thalasso & Spa and Hotel Stelle Marine. The price of a room per night is up to 2000 euros.

Sardinia also has luxury villas of every class. Popular villas are located in Alghero (Villa Noevi, Villa Mosca, Vailla Las Tronas), in Costa Smeralda (Villa Gardenia, Villa Luana) and in the southern part of the island (Villa Alberta, Villa Primavera, Villa Campulongu).

Popular resorts in Sardinia

On the island great amount resorts and all deserve special attention. It would take a whole book to describe them. Let us highlight some resorts that are very popular.

Resort Villasimius in the area of ​​the same name attracts with its nature and architecture. Here you can go diving, visit a water park or a golf club. Not far from the coast there are sunken ships, and there are also underwater reefs.

Villasimius resort area

The main attractions in the Costa Smeralda resorts are the popular Portico pub, the Sottovento disco club, Porto Rotondo Country Club, and the Sopravento Club disco for those over forty. Best known in this region Porto Rotondo, Porto Cervo, Pantocia, Cala Grano.

For family vacation with children in Sardinia, the best resorts are in the southeastern regions Costa Rei and Cagliari. Private hotels and apartments are available here. Also, these resorts are unique in their natural areasalt lake. Here you can see unique wildlife, flocks of pink flamingos. There are various attractions and entertainment programs for children. Most Popular Villas Resort, Paradise Resort, La Licciola Valle dell Erica.

Any vacation necessarily includes the purchase of gifts. Find out everything about buying souvenirs in Italy.

Italians are very good-natured people, but like any people they have their own characteristics and flavor. At this link you can read about interesting details

For lovers of equestrian sports, resort complexes in the city of Oristano will suit you. In this city there are riding arenas and stables. World competitions of various levels are often held. For tourists, the city can offer fabulous horseback riding with visits to the archaeological site of Santa Cristina and ruins ancient city Taross.

Vacation with children

There are many places where you can safely and comfortably relax with children, but there are some leaders among them.

The best for a holiday in Sardinia with children would be the Forte Village hotel complex. All conditions for a safe holiday have been created for children. On the territory there are special swimming pools, educational entertainment programs, singing, drawing, puppet show. For a more active holiday, acrobatics and football classes with experienced trainers are provided for children. Parents can leave their children with a group of animators or place them in the care of a nanny. Many hotels have developed special baby food.

Forte Village Hotel

In the town of Sardinia - Arbatax, family-type hotels are suitable La Peria, Hotel Club Saraceno, Monte Turri. Hotels are also suitable Hotel Flamingo near the town of Pula, Parco Blu Club Resort in the town of Cala Gonone.

The best tour operators in Sardinia

The island of Sardinia seems to have been created for relaxation and, probably, there is not a single city on it that does not have excellent service and beautiful nature, but this is precisely what baffles many tourists. Many people get lost in the variety of hotels and resorts in this fabulous place, and then a good tour operator can help. What is the best tour operator in Sardinia?- you ask. Meet:

  • Pac Group is a large tour operator in Russia, which became a winner of the Travel Russian Awards as the most reliable tour operator in Russia and a leader in the rating. The company often holds promotions where children under 12 years of age travel for free. Operator website:
  • PEGAS Touristik- Russian leader in the rating, which, according to a Reader's Digest survey, most won the trust of consumers in 2013. During 2014, obtaining a Schengen visa is free of charge. Agency website:
  • TUI Ukraine is a diversified travel company in Ukraine, part of the global travel giant TUI Travel PLC. The company has a very high level of service with optimal prices. TUI Ukraine website:
  • Travel Professional Group– Ukrainian leader in the ranking of the BEST 20kа website. This tour operator enjoys great trust from users. Website:

Traditional and coastal cuisine

Sardinian cuisine is refined and unusual. It can be divided into native (traditional) and coastal cuisine. The latter is based on locally produced products, as well as fish and seafood. Here, exclusively biological products are grown without dyes or various additives.

Pecorino cheese (right), Panade (center), Carasau bread (left)

Pecorino sheep cheese is popular among residents. It is made exclusively from sheep's milk and has a soft, unique taste. Cheese is consumed as an appetizer or with main dishes.

Also known are dishes made from tuna meat or thinly sliced ​​mullet roe, topped with olive oil. It is worth trying the casserole with lamb, potatoes and dried tomatoes - Panada. These dishes, more than ever, reflect the tastes of the inhabitants of this magical place.

The coast is famous for its Burrida or Cassola fish soup. Which includes: crabs, lobsters, anchovies, fresh sardines.

Popular sweets include Seadasa (cheese pastry dipped in honey syrup) and Arantzada (with orange peel and honey).

Carasau bread is especially famous among breads. It is very thin and somewhat similar in appearance to Armenian lavash.

Particularly exotic is Casu Marzu, which is made from Pecorino cheese in which the larvae of a special fly are infested. Thanks to this, Cas Marz is creamy inside and has a hard crust on top. You should only eat it when the larvae are alive, otherwise you may get poisoned. And it is necessary to wear glasses so that the larvae do not jump into your eyes.

The island is one of the leaders in Italian tourism. That's why shopping in Sardinia reveals to tourists a huge range of world brands. Here you can see a huge number of boutiques, souvenir shops, agricultural fairs and markets.

Among the souvenirs on the shelves you can see ceramics, jewelry, wicker baskets, embroidery, various antiques and much more. You can buy souvenirs at Isola stores, which are located in different cities of Sardinia or in souvenir shops in the port. A huge selection of ceramics and jewelry provides factory in Baunei.

Products can be purchased at chain supermarkets such as Auchan. To purchase Sardinian products, it is best to visit the markets, they are cheaper there. In the city of Olbia, trading is open on Tuesdays (Piazza Crispi market), in Dorgalo - on Thursdays (Piazza Santa Lucia), in Nauro - on Fridays (Via Sassari). For wine lovers, you can visit the winery in Cagliari or buy it at the Enoteka wine stores.

Clothes can be purchased in boutiques or shopping centers located on the central streets major cities. The most popular centers are the center La Rinascente located in Cagliari and center Luxury Mall Italy in Olbia. You can buy clothes at a better price in hypermarkets Warner And Centro Commerciale.

There are many interesting and funny traditions in Italy, especially in new year holidays. you can read about it.

Do you want to see something else interesting, but you only have one day? You can get acquainted with the main attractions of Genoa

Carnivals and festivals

Some of the unforgettable holidays of this island are carnivals and festivals. Each of which is accompanied by a costumed procession with the performance of songs and theatrical performances. Carnivals are dedicated historical heritage islands, as well as local products and crafts.

Carnival of Mamoyada

The most ancient holiday is the Mamoiada carnival. It is celebrated in February in the village of Memoyada.

Residents line up in several rows. Some of them dress up in sheep's clothing and wear a mask made of ebony, while others dress up in red jackets and wear masks made of white wood on their faces. After the end of the holiday, you can enjoy dishes of local (original) cuisine.

On March 2, the Sartilla Carnival takes place in the town of Oristano. The carnival is accompanied by a horse procession and knightly tournaments. At the end of the carnival, competitions and acrobatic figures on horseback take place. Get to know this holiday by watching a video about it.

In August, a carnival of medieval costumes takes place in the town of Iglesias. People dress up in medieval costumes and organize processions and concerts.

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South coast of Sardinia

Sardinia is the second largest island in Italy and in the vast Mediterranean Sea. It got its name in honor of the simple sardine fish that is found in local waters. Sardinia is located west of the Italian “boot”, between the islands of Sicily and Corsica. The distance from Sardinia to the Italian mainland, as well as to the African coast, is about 200 km. total area The islands are 24 thousand square kilometers and the population is 1.7 million people. The west of the island is washed by the Sardinian Sea, and all other parts by the Tyrrhenian Sea. The capital and main port of Sardinia is located in the southern part of the island, in the city of Cagliari.

Over the course of many centuries, the island was conquered and captured by different nationalities, who alternately left their indelible mark. For example, fragments of ancient necropolises, fortresses, and amphitheaters of the Genoese and Pisans are carefully preserved here. In the village of Artsakena, archaeological excavations are being carried out in search of the remains of the culture of the Nurage tribe, which inhabited the island before the beginning of our era. To date, more than 7,000 original megalithic towers built by the Nuraghi have already been found. One of these towers, called Su-Nuraksi, is even listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. On the outskirts of the town of Oristano you can see the ruins of the ancient Phoenician city of Tharros. There are many places on the island founded before Romanesque era. These include the prehistoric cave tombs of Domus de Janas.

At different times and in different languages, the island bore the following names: Sardegna (Italian), Sardigna (Sardinian), Sardenya (Catalan), etc. The main dialect on the island is of Latin origin and is called Sardinian. However, the people of Sardinia speak both Sardinian and Italian equally well. Many countries claimed the right to own the island. Among them are Spain, France, Austria. However, since 1861, Sardinia has become an integral part of Italy. Since 1948, the island has had a special autonomous status, despite being within the borders of the Italian Republic. This situation guarantees tangible administrative and cultural freedom for Sardinian institutions. One of largest enterprises On the island there is an alumina refinery in Portovesma. The island is also home to the main production areas for sheep's pecorino cheese.

Sardinia is distinguished by its unique ethnic, archaeological historical characteristics. This piece of land is considered a relict land that rose from the bottom of the sea 600 million years ago, long before the appearance of the European continent. The main attraction of the island is the unusually clear and beautiful sea. The beaches of Sardinia are covered with snow-white or golden sands, depending on the coast. Here, secluded coves are bordered by karst caves, granite cliffs, oak groves and salt lakes, where flocks of flamingos can be seen during the African off-season.

Holidays in Sardinia today are especially popular among young people and people who value comfort. The island is rich not only in natural and archaeological reserves, but also in luxury hotels with a high level of service. Here you can find luxury stores of famous fashion houses, chic restaurants with cuisines from different countries, sea regattas and club parties. A northern resort Costa Smeralda, with its luxury villas and yacht marinas, is included in the list of the most fashionable resort areas in the world. Italian youth often come to Sardinia to spend active weekends. Indeed, in addition to wonderful beaches and incendiary discos, the island has developed such types water sports like surfing, diving, sailing.

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How to get to Sardinia

Flights to Sardinia

There are no direct regular flights to Sardinia from Russia, however, in the summer season, charters fly from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg to the island, to Cagliari airport, for which it is not always possible to buy tickets, since they are part of tourist packages.

If you are traveling without the help of tour operators, then connecting flights are suitable for you. From Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, it would be most logical to use Al Italia flights via Rome - the national Italian carrier has the most convenient connections and a high frequency of flights to Sardinia.

In addition, both from the Russian capital and from the regions to Sardinia (in Cagliari airport) various European airlines fly with connections at their home airports, and there can be two transfers. To search for such air tickets, use the form below.

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Ferries to Sardinia

Since Sardinia is an island, the best way to get to the cities of mainland Italy, as well as to some cities on neighboring islands, is by ferry. Accordingly, ferry service is well developed on the island, and the ferry Sardinia - Rome, connecting the island with the capital of the state, is one of the most popular routes. Ferries from Rome to Sardinia depart from the Roman port of Cittavecchia, a suburb of the Italian capital. They proceed to the main Sardinian cities - Cagliari and Olbia.

There are also connections with other Italian cities, for example, on the Genoa - Sardinia route, a ferry runs once a day from May to September (departs from Olbia and Porto Torres); ferry Naples - Sardinia departs from Cagliari twice a week; the ferry from Livorno to Sardinia arrives at the port of Olbia; on the route Sicily - Sardinia the ferry arrives at the port of Cagliari.

There are also flights to neighboring countries. Thus, the ferry Barcelona - Sardinia departs from the capital of Catalonia and arrives in Porto Torres; Also in this city the route Corsica - Sardinia ends, the SNAV ferry company, and you can also sail to Corsica from the port of Santa Teresa di Gallura.

You can read more about the possibilities of getting to this Italian island by water in the article “ Ferries to Sardinia”.

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Climate and weather in Sardinia

The climate of Sardinia is predominantly dry subtropical, but quite mild. The average temperature in January is +10 °C, and in July it rises to +30 °C. Sea water V summer months warms up to +24…+25 °C. The swimming season can last from May to November. The bulk of precipitation falls in winter. Of these, 600 mm are on the plains and 1000 mm in the mountains. In general, Sardinia has about 150 sunny days a year. Several rivers flow on the island, the largest of which is Tirso. The terrain is predominantly mountainous. The highest point of the island is Mount La Marmora (1833 m), located in the Genargentu mountain range.


As the second largest island in the Mediterranean, Sardinia has a well-developed transport network. In addition to intracity buses and taxis, the island has intercity connections, several airports and seaports. And in the cities of Sassari and Cagliari there is a light metro. Sea and air transport are especially developed, as these are the main means of communication with mainland Italy, as well as with some other countries and islands.

What to see in Sardinia

Sights of Sardinia

Beaches of Sardinia

Festivals in Sardinia

Where to go in Sardinia


Museums and galleries


Parks and Recreation



Private guides in Sardinia

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with Sardinia in more detail.
Registered on the Experts.Tourister.Ru project.

Things to do in Sardinia

Diving in Sardinia

Sardinia is a true paradise for water sports enthusiasts. The most popular of them is diving, as the rocky coast of the island is replete with caves and a unique underwater world. Under the local waters you can see sunken ships, iridescent stalactites, representatives rare species flora and fauna. Before diving, it is advisable to consult with local instructors and study geological history islands. All conditions have also been created for beginner divers, and experienced specialists offer their services both in schools at hotels and in specialized schools. Diving equipment can be purchased or rented at the same schools and special shops that are found in almost every city on the island. Beginner divers are advised to visit the “Clam City”, located at a depth of 10 meters. Here divers can get acquainted with a colony of large bivalves, which are found almost nowhere else except in the waters of Sardinia. More experienced divers will enjoy the Nereus Grotto at a depth of 30 meters off Capo Caccia. This cave is distinguished by a developed network of tunnels and caverns and the presence of noble red coral on the walls.

Scuba diving

Scuba diving in Lately is becoming an increasingly popular water sport in Sardinia. This sport differs from traditional diving only in that it uses lightweight diving equipment. Thanks to its rich underwater world, Sardinia is one of best places for scuba diving. Divers from different countries have long chosen the northern coast of the island. In particular, the most visited Archipelago La Maddalena, which is a national nature reserve. There are clearly marked dive sites near the archipelago. Particularly interesting are the cliffs with depressions of various sizes and water caves. Lovers of boat trips will appreciate the coral caves at Capo Caccia and the stone pillars at Capo Marargui, where moray eels are found.

Windsurfing in Sardinia

Windsurfing is a water sport for people who want to feel free and fly with the wind. This type of surfing is quite popular off the coast of Sardinia. Thanks crystal clean water and great weather, the island is full of surfers almost all year round. The windsurfing center is located in the bay of the Izuledda region, where there are strong winds and high waves, as well as stunning scenery. Windsurfers usually choose the left shore of the bay, as the wind there practically never stops. Here you can purchase or rent all the necessary equipment.

Kitesurfing in Sardinia

This type of water sport appeared relatively recently, in 1999, and immediately gained popularity among many travelers. Kitesurfing is characterized as the most spectacular form of surfing. Everyone knows that Sardinia is one of the best places for surfing and kitesurfing is no exception. The essence of this sport is to ride a special board using a kite, using the power of the wind. The prefix “kite” is translated from English as “ kite" Kitesurfers can reach very high speeds, which makes this sport even more spectacular and, unfortunately, quite dangerous. In kitesurfing, various tricks are also practiced, such as who can stay in the air longer. The most interesting competition is freestyle, during which participants demonstrate a free program full of tricks. Sardinia has places to surf for both experienced surfers and beginners. Among athletes, one of favorite places on the island is the cape of Capo Mannu, located on the west coast of the island. The waves at the cape can reach a height of 4 meters. The best time to ski here is in winter, spring and summer. All year round Kitesurfing is practiced in the Giba area. Experienced surfers love to visit Izuledda Bay, where there are always strong winds and excellent views of the sea. Today there are kitesurfing schools on almost every coast of Sardinia. You can purchase or rent all the necessary equipment there.

Sailing in Sardinia

It's no secret that Sardinia is one of the most popular sailing destinations. And the famous “Emerald Coast” with its capital in Porto Cervo is considered the center of annual regattas and yachting. Yachtsmen from all over the world come here, despite the fact that the cost of parking at the pier averages $500 per day. Porto Cervo is an elite resort that was originally created as a large yacht club. In the middle of the 20th century, Prince Aga Khan, sailing on his yacht, was delighted with the beauty of this coast and decided to buy it. In order for all yacht lovers to hear about this place, he began to conduct extensive advertising campaigns, inviting the most famous personalities of that time. Among them were Grace Kelly, Ringo Starr, and Catherine Deneuve. Thus, Porto Cervo gradually became the capital of sailing enthusiasts. You can sail here either on your own yacht or on a rented vessel. There is a shipbuilding workshop on the coast where you can not only repair a yacht, but also modernize it. Members of the yacht club hold competitions quite often, most of which fall in August and September. The most famous competitions include Boat Rally, Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup, Trophy Formenton.

Fishing in Sardinia

Fishing in Sardinia can be a particularly exciting and addictive process, especially since the island offers ample opportunities for this activity. Almost all towns on the island have specialized stores where you can buy fishing gear and bait. Like any other place, Sardinia has its own fishing rules that are not recommended to be violated. So, for example, if you fish from the shore, the total weight of the catch should not exceed five kilograms. No special permit is required for fishing from the shore. If you use artificial bait, such as a spinner, you have a chance of catching a moray eel. And with a sardine or squid you can catch a cat shark weighing 1 kilogram, which is found in local waters in large quantities. For fishing in Sardinia, you can rent a special boat and take a tour of the nearby islands. One of the favorite places for tourists is La Maddalena Archipelago, which is surrounded by many “fishing spots”. It should be remembered that fishing here is possible only in strictly designated areas, and the weight of the catch should not exceed the established norm.


Bicycles are one of the best means of transportation in Sardinia, as many beautiful places The islands are not accessible by car. Cycling is especially popular here. Those who are professionally involved in this sport should know that since 1948 the Sassari-Cagliari bicycle race has been taking place on the island. All months are good for cycling except July and August when temperatures are too high. Without special preparation, traveling the roads of Sardinia can be tiring. After all, there are a lot of hilly and bumpy roads here. However, even when riding off the beaten track, you can always find a well-equipped parking lot to rest. Bicycles can be rented at special rental stations. There are also workshops for their repair. You should be especially attentive and careful on the roads, as bikers from the mainland have recently fallen in love with the island.

Golf in Sardinia

In addition to water sports, golf is very popular in Sardinia. Almost every city has golf clubs, but some are especially popular and have worldwide fame. In particular, the clubs of the Emerald Coast, where social life is in full swing, are the most famous. It is a great honor to be included in them and many players from all over the world dream of being members of these elite clubs. The most popular golf clubs are listed below. Follow the links for detailed information.

  • Pevero Golf Club


There is an opinion that shopping in Italy is best done in cities such as Rome, Milan, Florence. Few people know that the island of Sardinia, with its fabulous beaches, also offers great shopping opportunities. This island has a beach and excursion holiday can be effectively combined with shopping. There are excellent textiles and an abundance of food products. In addition to the usual boutiques and souvenir shops, there are many markets and fairs.

Cuisine of Sardinia

Sardinian cuisine is refined but uncomplicated. Main courses are prepared with fresh local ingredients and different recipes from mainland Italy. The cuisine of Sardinia is also called medicinal. After all, many dishes are baked in the oven and are healthy. Unlike other island countries, Sardinians prefer dishes from products obtained on land rather than from the sea. For example, dairy and meat products, cheese, and wheat are actively used. However, seafood and fish also take pride of place on the table.

The peoples who inhabited this island in different eras played an important role in the formation of Sardinian cuisine. For example, the eastern expansion can be seen in the addiction to all kinds of sweets of the island’s inhabitants. Many of the first courses show the influence of the Roman Empire, and in the second courses the influence of the Catalan-Algerian period of rule.

It is customary to serve olives, cheese and salsiccia as an appetizer. For the first course they offer different types of pasta made from local flour. The most common types of pasta include fregola and maloreddus, which are reminiscent of small Italian gnocchi dumplings. This pasta is usually served with pecorino cheese and meat sauce. Vegetable, fish and bread soups are also offered as a starter. Particularly popular is the small-spotted catshark soup, seasoned with vinegar and nuts.

Among meat dishes, whole baked suckling pig is especially popular. In some areas of Sardinia, special importance is attached to the preparation of this dish. It is customary to roast a young pig over an open fire, pouring Vernaccia wine over it. This recipe has been passed down from generation to generation. Previously, on the island they cooked pig according to the matryoshka principle, placing a small carcass inside a larger one. Equally popular is baby goat on a spit, seasoned with myrtle leaves. It is customary to bake wild boar in a special earthen pit.

Local fish are also fried on skewers: dorado, tuna, eel. Crab and lobster have recently become very popular in the island's seafood cuisine. They are served with pasta and spaghetti, or simply fried in a frying pan. In some cities you can be treated to Catalan-style lobsters or fried sea anemones.

Sardinians mainly use honey, various nuts and curd cheese known as ricotta to bake desserts. Particularly popular are the Pabassinas raisin macaroons, the Sebada sweet cheese and honey pancakes and the Pardulas ricotta sweets.

There are no analogues of the bread baked in Sardinia even in Italy. The most common bread is Pane Carasau. These are dried thin plates that do not become moldy. Outwardly, they resemble Armenian lavash. This bread was baked especially for shepherds who spent a lot of time away from home. It is prepared from durum wheat, water, salt and yeast. The bread is baked twice in the oven, which dries it out and increases its shelf life. Sardinians believe that this bread dates back to the Nuragic period. Before eating, it is customary to dip it in water to make it softer, and then wrap it with some kind of filling, such as cheese or sausage.

The use of cheese in Sardinian cuisine has centuries-old traditions. The island produces both hard and soft cheeses. The taste of Sardinian cheese is difficult to confuse with other varieties, which is due to climatic conditions, the nature of the pastures and the peculiarities of the breed of sheep and goats. Pecorino sheep cheese is well known and has been used by the island's chefs since the Roman Empire. This cheese is produced both in dairies and by local shepherd farmers. The main ingredient is sheep's milk. Cheese reaches the shelves in two stages: the first is young Pecorino, the ripening period of which is only 1-2 months; the second is a mature Pecorino, which is more than 6 months old. Pecorino cheese is used in many traditional dishes. For example, it is served with pasta, added to some dishes as a filling, and even simply fried. Pecorino is also used in the production of another Sardinian cheese, Casu Marzu. This cheese is called "worm cheese" because it contains insect larvae. Translated from the local dialect, Casu Marzu means “rotten cheese.” In fact, this is the same Pecorino sheep cheese, aged longer than required. As a result, rotting processes begin and cheese fly larvae appear. The taste of Casu Marzu is quite spicy and is usually washed down with wine. In Italy, the sale of this cheese is prohibited, but in some communes of Sardinia it continues to be successfully produced.

It is generally accepted that winemaking in Sardinia arose during the Nuragic period, since the oldest grape variety on the island is more than three thousand years old. According to another version, wine was brought to Sardinia by the Phoenicians, and with the Byzantines new grape varieties appeared. Many varieties of Sardinian wines have protected geographical origin status and are classified as highest category in the classification of Italian wines. At certain periods, Sardinian wine reached the national and world level. The most used variety is Vermentino di Sardegna. This wine is light straw in color with an alcohol content of at least 10.5%. The highest category includes Vermentino di Gallura, made from grapes from the Iberian Peninsula. Full-bodied red wine with a floral aroma, Cannonau di Sardegna is served with meat and game dishes. Monica di Sardegna red wine is also perfect with fried meat dishes.

In addition to wine, other alcoholic drinks are also popular on the island. For example, Myrtle liqueur, made from myrtle berries and leaves, is popular. At first, the liqueur is black in color, and as it ages it acquires a ruby ​​hue. This drink is believed to improve digestion, so it is served at the end of the meal. Despite this, many people use it as an aperitif. Aged liqueur has an astringent taste, and the strength can reach 30 degrees or more. Frozen liqueur is used by confectioners to prepare the filling for chocolates.


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