Founded in 1921 (after attempts in 1918), offices in New York and Washington. Idea and organization -: Warburg (founder), assistant to President Woodrow Wilson, Colonel House, etc.

Screenshot from the official website of the organization.

The Council is considered an influential instrument on the foreign policy of the United States. However, there is also an opinion that the CFR determines US foreign policy, identifying (identifying) the main threats for the coming years.

  • Foreign Affairs magazine is published bimonthly.
  • Public information about the board's activities is available on the website, which includes research programs, other projects, publications, and biographies of executives and other board members.

Opinion: big money reached the highest power of the United States - the presidency - Wilson was in their hands. Then they expanded their areas of influence. Including through CFR.

The organization has very positive goals: improving world politics and international relations. With its enormous influence, the CFR can promote peace and reasonable consideration of interests.

CFR in conspiracy theories

  • Everything written in this chapter is speculation, ideas, observations of caring people. Possibly erroneous.
  • CFR promotes the hegemony of the largest financial-industrial clans (represented by corporations and banks) over the markets of the world, over the governments of countries - in its most radical manifestation.
  • The owners and editors of the most influential US media outlets are members of the CFR. The list usually looks like this: New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, NBC, CBS, Time, Life, Fortune, Business Week.
  • The CFR has created a system where they sit above Congress and the State Department as a non-governmental organization.
  • The situation is complicated by the fact that there is no authoritative US Congressional Committee capable of challenging the Council by initiating an audit of the activities of the CFR and its sponsors. According to experts, the Council on Foreign Relations took over the American State Department (US Department of Foreign Affairs) back in 1939.
  • The main goal of the CFR is a one world government. The philosophy of a new order, a world without borders.
  • The Council's projects are financed by special funds from Rockefeller and

Continuation. Start .

Advice on international relations.
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - largest organization world behind the scenes, uniting the most influential people USA and Western world: former and current presidents, ministers, ambassadors, high-ranking officials, leading bankers and financiers, presidents and chairmen of the boards of transnational corporations and firms, university heads (including leading professors), funds mass media(including mainstream journalists and television commentators), congressmen, judges Supreme Court, commanders of the armed forces in America and Europe, NATO generals, functionaries of the CIA and other intelligence services, UN officials and major international organizations. The CFR was founded in 1921 by leaders of Jewish organizations and Masonic lodges in the United States who participated in the Paris Peace Conference. These Masonic conspirators were looking for new forms of influence on the peoples of the world and strengthening US influence on world politics. The origins of the CFR are the Jewish leaders of the Round Table Society, which was transformed in May 1919 in Paris into the Institute of International Relations with branches in France, England and the USA. The latter became organizational basis Council on Foreign Relations.
However, until the end of the Second World War, the role of the CFR was relatively limited, and a certain disunity and inconsistency was felt in the activities of Jewish organizations and Masonic lodges. Secret organizations was torn apart by a serious struggle for power and division of influence. In addition, European politicians were worried about the hegemonic claims of the United States. The situation changed in 1947 with the strengthening cold war West against Russia. In this war, the United States took the leadership position. In the new conditions, the Council on Foreign Relations gradually turned into the main strategic center for waging the West's Cold War against Russia. It was during this period that many of the Pentagon and NATO generals, figures from the CIA and other intelligence agencies became members of the Council. Application initiative nuclear strike in Russia was developed within the walls of the CFR, and in its ranks were all the most important leaders and ideologists of subversive activities against our country: from A. Dulles (president of the CFR, 1946-1950, and earlier, 1933-1944, secretary of the CFR), Baruch, Morgenthau to G. Kissinger (director of the CFR, 1977-1981), Z. Brzezinski (director of the CFR, 1972-1977) and R. Pipes. In the Cold War against Russia, leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations actually identified US national interests with the state interests of Western Europe, tying the latter's foreign policy to the hegemonic aspirations of the United States. As vice-president of the Council, A. Dulles, secretly from the USSR, negotiates a separate peace with representatives fascist Germany, hoping to agree with them on a joint fight against the Russian people. Immediately after the war, already being president, Dulles at one of the Council meetings proclaims a new doctrine of subversion against Russia:
""The war will end, somehow everything will be settled and settled. And we will give up everything we have, all the gold, all financial assistance or resources for fooling and fooling people. The human brain and people's consciousness are capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our assistants and allies in Russia itself. Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out. For example, we will gradually eliminate them from literature and art. social essence, we will wean artists, we will discourage them from engaging in depiction, research, or something, of those processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theater, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called artists who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all immorality. We will create chaos and confusion in government management... Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and no one will need it, they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness, drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples - we will instill all this cleverly and imperceptibly... We will undermine in this way generation after generation... We we will take on people from childhood, teenage years, we will always place the main emphasis on youth, we will begin to corrupt, corrupt, and corrupt them. We will make spies and cosmopolitans out of them. This is how we will do it."
Since the 50s, David Rockefeller has gradually become the new key figure of the CFR. Director of the CFR since 1949, vice president since 1950, chairman since 1970, D. Rockefeller is growing into the main coordinating figure of the entire world behind the scenes, possessing power that, in fact, even American presidents never dreamed of. Rockefeller's power and influence increased as the world's behind-the-scenes activities expanded through the creation of new mondialist organizations - the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission. In 1962, Rockefeller gave a keynote public lecture at Harvard University, “Federalism and the Free World Order,” in which he advocated the creation of a global state led by a unified federal government. In his constructions, he relied on the ideas of the American “founding fathers”, who put forward a “universal principle” capable of uniting the whole world into one whole. In the mid-80s, D. Rockefeller as chairman and Lord Winston as president of the CFR were replaced by new figures. A prominent Jewish industrialist and public figure P. Peterson, and the president is the famous Freemason J. Swing (since 1993, this place was taken by the New York Times columnist, Jew L. Gelb). Rockefeller himself still remains the invisible ruler of all mondialist structures, coordinating and directing their activities.
About 60% of all members and up to 80% of the leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations are people of Jewish origin. Almost all members of the CFR belong to Masonic lodges or clubs such as Rotary. There are no Christian priests on the Council, but rabbis are abundantly represented, for example Hertzberg (Emmanuel Synagogue), L. Leviveld, A. Schneier (honorary chairman of the World Jewish Congress), as well as the chairman of the Zion Home for Pensioners L. Sullivan. One of the prominent places on the Council is occupied by the head of the world Jewish Masonic lodge "B'nai B'rith" G. Kissinger. Decisions in support of Israel and Jewish organizations are automatically and out of turn stamped by the leadership of the CFR. According to witnesses, the meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations, in terms of the nature of the participants, resemble the congresses of the World Jewish Congress.
The Council on Foreign Relations today includes the entire political, economic and cultural elite of the United States. All the largest and transnational corporations of the Western world are represented: "General Motors", "Boeing", "General Electric", "Chrysler", "Xerox", "Coca-Cola", " Johnson & Johnson, Dow Chemical, Shell, IBM, Lockheed, Chevron, Procter & Gamble, ITT ", "ATT", "Texaco", "DuPont", "Exxon", "McDonell Douglas", "Kodak", "Levi Ostrich", "Mobil Oil" "", as well as almost all the largest banks and financial groups.
The main financial regulator of the Western world - the Federal Reserve System and the New York Stock Exchange - is under the absolute control of the CFR. All Fed leaders are members of the Council on Foreign Relations and regularly report to the top of the Council.
Universities and scientific institutions are represented on the Council by their leaders and leading professors. Universities such as Columbia, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, California, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology play a particularly important role in the work of the Council.
The Council on Foreign Relations has complete control over all major media outlets, especially television.

Bilderberg Club.
The emergence of the Bilderberg Club is primarily associated with an attempt by the Judeo-Masonic elites of Europe to somehow restrain the US claims to leadership of all world politics, which was assumed by the Council on Foreign Relations, which consists mainly of Americans. On the other hand, American politicians willingly took part in the Bilderberg Club, as they hoped to more actively and directly influence the “powers that be” in Europe. The real creators of the Bilderberg Club were the American intelligence services. There is no such thing as membership in the Bilderberg Club. Each meeting takes place with a significantly updated composition. Nevertheless, a backbone has formed, the asset of this club, which unites 383 people, of which 128, or one third, are Americans, and the rest are Europeans. Although the latter were given the opportunity to participate in the preparation of important political decisions, the biggest winners from the creation of the Bilderberg Club were the Judeo-Masonic elites of the United States. In fact, the head of the Bilderberg Club, as well as the Council on Foreign Relations, is D. Rockefeller, and the formal chairman is the American P. Carrington.
Club meetings are held in complete secrecy, by special invitation, and the dates of their convening are not announced in the press. The organization of meetings and the safety of participants is ensured by the country in whose territory the Bilderbergers gather - so they began to be called after the name of the Bilderberg Hotel in the Dutch city of Oosterbeek, where the first meeting of the club took place in May 1954.
Any meeting of the Bilderbergers, despite complete secrecy, arouses great interest among the world community. It is impossible to hide your arrival in one place large quantity famous people, including presidents, kings, princes, chancellors, prime ministers, ambassadors, bankers, and heads of major corporations. Moreover, each of them arrives with a whole retinue of secretaries, cooks, waiters, telephone operators and bodyguards.
At the Bilderberg meeting in June 1997, held at the Renaissance Pine resort near Atlanta (USA), the issue of creating three administrative centers world government: European, American and Pacific. Every time, despite such a significant event, “free and democratic” television and the press of the West do not provide any information about it, which clearly demonstrates who pays for this “freedom”.

Trilateral Commission.
The creation of the Trilateral Commission in 1973 was associated with increasing rivalry among the ruling elites of the West and the growing economic power of Japan. In the 60s, Japanese politicians and bankers, invited to separate meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations, raised the issue of representing their interests in the world behind the scenes. Taking into account these new factors, after discussion at the Council on Foreign Relations, the world behind the scenes decides to create an organization that would balance the interests different groups influence of the Judeo-Masonic elites of the world. In connection with this decision, D. Rockefeller instructed the Polish Jew Z. Brzezinski to form a structure new organization, which would unite the top political and business leaders of the West. Continuing the line of such misanthropes and Russophobes as P. Warburg, A. Dulles, D. Rockefeller, G. Kissinger, Z. Brzezinski became yet another ideologist of the “new world order.” On March 3, 1975, Brzezinski delivered a policy article in New York Magazine, where he outlined his plan for establishing a new world order. "We must recognize," said this senior leader of the Judeo-Masonic civilization, "that the world today is striving for the unity that we have so long desired... New world will take the form of a global community... At first, this will especially affect the economic world order." Masonic conspirator justified the need for leadership from the world behind the scenes, which through the International currency board and the World Bank will influence the planet's economy. "We must create a mechanism for global planning and long-term redistribution of resources (in favor of the Western world - O.P.)." It was this direction that became the main one in the activities of the Trilateral Commission.
The Trilateral Commission was created in three parts - Western European, North American (USA and Canada) and Japanese. In terms of the number of members, the largest was the North American one, amounting to 117 people (excluding Canada), of which 32 people represented the American President, the State Department, the Department of Defense and the US Congress. American corporations and banks were especially well represented (47 people).
From Japan, 84 people participated in the Trilateral Commission, mainly heads of leading Japanese corporations (Mitsubishi, Toyota, Toshiba, Sony, etc.) and banks.
The largest European delegations of the Trilateral Commission were Italian (26 people), French (22 people), German (21 people), English (19 people). Belgium was represented disproportionately to its size - 26 people; at least 30% of the members of the Trilateral Commission were Jews.
Behind-the-scenes decisions made by members of the Trilateral Commission have become a kind of laws for politicians in all Western countries. As American Senator B. Goldwater wrote, David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission is “the latest international cabal,” a mechanism for subordinating US policy to the interests of international bankers.

Nomenclature of the world behind the scenes and its composition.
The total number of figures in the four main organizations of the world behind the scenes is, according to my calculations, at least 6 thousand people. These are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Club and the IF. However, it would be incorrect to classify all these people as part of the world government. Our research shows that there are no more than 500 such people among 6 thousand. These are the people who make up the top of all the organizations listed above, who have enormous power to make global solutions on questions international politics, economics and culture. The remaining 5,500 perform two important functions: first, they are a kind of council under the world government; secondly, the infrastructure of secret power and influence of the behind-the-scenes world government in all spheres of human life.
Of course, the circle of agents of influence behind the scenes of the world is much wider. It covers not only the actual members of the main mondialist organizations, but also many other structures (not to mention secret Jewish organizations like B'nai B'rith and Masonic lodges) created or controlled by figures from the world behind the scenes. There are tens of thousands of such agents of influence in the world. In the United States alone, there are many dozens of organizations close to the world behind the scenes.
The world behind the scenes has created a kind of power nomenklatura, more effective and flexible than the one invented by the Jewish Bolsheviks in the USSR. A person who becomes part of one of the world's behind-the-scenes organizations secures a high political or business career for the rest of his life. Depending on the conditions, he is transferred from the chair of the bank director to the chair of the president of a corporation or special fund. He is supported in parliamentary elections. He becomes the head of a trade union or the chief of a magazine or television company. The most influential figures behind the scenes of the world are those who are simultaneously members of its three main organizations - CMO, BC and TK. There are only 23 such people, among them - D. Rockefeller, G. Kissinger, Z. Brzezinski, B. Clinton, D. Corrigan, Lord Winston, R. McNamara. About 150 members of the world behind the scenes are simultaneously members of two organizations. Among them, for example, is the well-known D. Soros (member of BC and CFR), as well as the president of the famous television company CNN in the West, V. Johnson (member of CFR and TC).
Members of the world's behind-the-scenes organizations are the main nomenklatura reserve for the selection of the leadership of international organizations. All high-ranking representatives of the United States and Western countries at the UN belong to the world behind the scenes. At least one member of the Council on Foreign Relations is listed as a kind of commissar of the world behind the scenes under the UN Secretary General with the rank of his deputy. High-ranking members of the world behind the scenes head the International Trade and Tariff Organization (GATT) (P. Sutherland, member of the BC and TC), the World Bank (D. Wolfensohn, member of the BC and CFR), the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Under their control - international Court in The Hague, Nobel Committee. The destruction of the Slavic state of Yugoslavia under the guise peacekeeping activities studied by T. Stoltenberg, head of the UN Commission, member of the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission.
The anti-Slavic, anti-Russian, anti-Orthodox orientation of the world behind the scenes, clearly identified from the very beginning of the activities of their organizations, has created a whole “school” of behind-the-scenes Russophobe politicians. Without exception, all US ambassadors to our country were supporters of the Cold War against Russia and advocated the dismemberment of the USSR. All of them, starting with the Cold War ideologist D. Kennan and A. Harriman, were members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Among the former socialist countries, members of the main organizations behind the scenes of the world are the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs A. Olechowski (Bilderberg Club) and ex-president USSR M. Gorbachev (Trilateral Commission). However, the latter's membership in this organization did not last long. The world behind the scenes, having encouraged him to betray his homeland, nevertheless did not really trust the traitor. Gorbachev's current participation in mondialist structures (except for the World Forum, in which he plays a key role) comes down to the functions of a consultant (informant). The same role is played by Gorbachev’s associates in the destruction of the USSR E. Shevardnadze, A. Yakovlev, G. Popov, A. Sobchak, G. Burbulis and similar figures. However, their time has run out.
Today, a new cohort of agents of Western influence and traitors to the Motherland plays a special role in the activities of mondialist organizations. These include, first of all, people with dual Russian-Israeli citizenship. Until recently, all the key figures of Yeltsin’s criminal-cosmopolitan government had this status - former Prime Minister S. Kiriyenko, deputy prime ministers Chubais, Nemtsov, Urinson; ministers Yasin, Livshits, Berezovsky, as well as many other high-ranking officials of the Russian White House. These people, possessed by a pathological hatred of Russia and a boundless passion for profit, feel like missionaries of the “chosen” people in our country and therefore behave like the Israeli invaders in Palestine. The nature of their mission is known from the Protocols of Zion and does not require much explanation.

CFR - “Council on Foreign Relations” (“Council on Foreign Relations”), non-governmental organization, officially founded on July 29, 1921 in New York, an analogue of the British “The Royal Institute of International Affairs” (RIIA) and “The Trilateral Commission”.

CFR members include influential Wall Street investors, bankers, executive branch officials, ministers, lawyers, lobbyists, media owners, university presidents and professors, federal and supreme judges, NATO and Pentagon generals.

Meetings of the Council on Foreign Relations are held in closed doors, you can join the Council only by special invitation. CFR publishes the Foreign Affairs magazine, one of the most authoritative economic and political periodicals in the world. CFR's headquarters are located at Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street, New York City.

At the beginning of the 20th century, members of the CFR included John Pierpont Morgan, his authorized representative, millionaire John William Davis (the first President of the Council), Henry P. Davison, Thomas Tucker, Harold Swift, Averell Harriman, John Foster, Allen Dulles, Thomas Lamont, Paul Cravath , Paul Warburg (founder of the Federal Reserve Service), Mortimer Schiff, Russell Lefingwell.

CFR was sponsored by the Morgan family, John Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn, Paul Warburg. Today the Council is supported by industrial giants Xerox, General Motors, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Texaco, German Marshall Fund, McKnight Foundation, Dillion Fund, Ford Foundation, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Starr Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts...

The Council on Foreign Relations has representation in all major cities, where formal dinners are periodically held.

Formally, the CFR is considered to be an organization that does not itself generate profit, but by disseminating humanistic values, it makes a contribution to the development of the entire society; Council members improve world politics by exchanging ideas and thoughts. It's a perfect picture, isn't it? But opponents of the CFR are confident: it is easiest to cover up illegal, immoral, unconstitutional activities with noble motives, while the real goals and objectives of the Council are hidden from prying eyes.

Anthony Sutton (economist, historian): “Many academics, politicians, and businessmen are not even aware of the true tasks of the Council. Within the CFR there is its own elite, which unilaterally determines the policy of the United States. Its primary goal is to establish control over markets for products and increase the economic power of oligarchic clans.”

Former FBI agent Dan Smoot: “The secret government is undoubtedly run by a sinister, privileged minority. All the rest are ordinary ambitious people. CFR will not stop until it creates a worldwide socialist system, a tyrannical dictatorship in which power will belong to corporations and banks."

Many famous, wealthy citizens with outstanding qualities, when joining the Council on Foreign Relations, often do not approve or even have no idea about the true plans of the organization, unwittingly becoming pawns in the hands of experienced manipulators.

CFR is rarely mentioned in the media. This is not surprising, because the heads of the New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Knight Newspaper, NBC, CBS, Time, Life, Fortune, Business Week, US News, World Report are members of the Council.

The situation is complicated by the fact that there is no authoritative US Congressional Committee capable of challenging the Council by initiating an audit of the activities of the CFR and its sponsors. According to experts, the Council on Foreign Relations took over the American State Department (US Department of Foreign Affairs) back in 1939.

Admiral Chester Ward, former Judge Advocate General navy USA, a member of the CFR for more than 20 years, wrote in the book “Kissinger on the Couch”: “Long ago the ruling elite of the Council decided that the policy of the American government should support the emergence of a new world order created by the bankers and discredit any opposition. The CFR will not stop until a single world government is created; the declared “independence” of US citizens will not be able to stop it.”

On November 11, 1918, Woodrow Wilson and his adviser Colonel House arrived in Europe in the hope of establishing a world government there in the form of some kind of union of nations.

In view of this, in 1919 House met with members of the British secret organization"Round Table". It then became clear that in order to achieve this ultimate goal the whole system would have to be greatly expanded. After the RIIA had already been created in England, it was immediately concluded that a similar ostentatious organization should also be founded in the USA.

During the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, Colonel House, who acted as host of the Round Table group, gathered the brightest minds from Wilson's Brain Trust to form a group that would deal with problems of international relations.

This group then returned from Paris to New York, and in 1921 became the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR was composed of Americans and, like the RIIA, had the Round Table group as the core of the organization. These days, the CFR, together with the Trilateral Commission, is the most powerful behind-the-scenes organization in the United States. Only so is the CFR with the group. Round Table” behind the “Bank of J. P. Morgan & Co.” Thus, it is not at all surprising that J. P. Morgan himself played a very prominent role in its founding. The “Inner Circle” of the CFR is the Order of Skull and Bones. .

August 1978, W Magazine quotes CFR President Lord Winston as saying: “The Trilateral Commission does not secretly rule the world. This is what the Council on Foreign Relations does.”

The Council's projects are financed by special funds (the main ones are Rockefeller and Carnegie), which are completely exempt from taxes at the federal level!

CFR members do not take anyone into consideration nation states, constitutions and borders are recognized by them as outdated, they long to unite all the philosophical and political principles of controlling the masses together, creating a New World Order, at the helm of which will be the Insiders and their allies.

Today, the Council on Foreign Relations continues to implement its plan. Secret government- a powerful player in the political arena of America and the entire planet. It controls officials, the media, conducts massive propaganda by all known means, controls the US Congress and the philistine masses.

February 17, 1950, James Warburg: “Whether you like it or not, a world government will be created. If humanity does not agree voluntarily, we will have to force it.”

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the largest organization in the world

behind the scenes, bringing together the most influential people in the United States and the Western world: former

and current presidents, ministers, ambassadors, high-ranking officials,

leading bankers and financiers, presidents and chairmen of boards

transnational corporations and firms, university leaders (including

leading professors), the media (including major

journalists and television commentators), congressmen, Supreme Court judges,

commanders of the armed forces in America and Europe, NATO generals,

functionaries of the CIA and other intelligence agencies, UN officials and major international


The CFR was founded in 1921 by leaders of Jewish organizations and

US Masonic lodges that participated in the Paris Peace Conference. These

Masonic conspirators were looking for new forms of influence on the peoples of the world and

strengthening US influence on world politics.

At the origins of the SFR are the Jewish figures of the “Round Table Society”,

transformed in May 1919 in Paris into the Institute of International Relations

with branches in France, England and the USA. The latter became organizational

basis of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Creation of the Council on Foreign Relations as a shadow, behind-the-scenes

political organization was carried out in parallel with the construction

structures of the open international organization_ League of Nations.

Moreover, until the end of the Second World War, the role of the CFR was

relatively limited, there was a certain disunity and

inconsistency in the activities of Jewish organizations and Masonic lodges.

Secret organizations were torn apart by a serious struggle for power and division of influence.

Apart from the above, European politicians were concerned about the hegemonic claims of the United States.

The situation changed in 1947 with the intensification of the West's Cold War against

Russia. In the ϶ᴛᴏth war, the United States took the position of leader. In the new conditions, the Council for

international relations gradually became the main strategic

center for the West's Cold War against Russia. It was during this period that

Council members included many of the Pentagon and NATO generals, CIA figures and

other intelligence services. Initiative to launch a nuclear strike on Russia

was developed within the walls of the SMO, and in its ranks were all the most important

leaders and ideologists of subversive activities against our country: from A.

Dulles (president of the CFR, 1946-1950, and earlier, 1933-1944, secretary of the CFR),

Baruch, Morgenthau before G. Kissinger (director of the CFR, 1977-1981),

Z.|Brzezinski (director of the SMO, 1972-1977) and R. Pipes. In the Cold War

against Russia, the figures of the Council on Foreign Relations actually

identified US national interests with state interests

Western Europe, tying the latter's foreign policy to hegemonic

aspirations of the United States.

The management system of this mondialist organization is built on the principle

corporation_ on the one hand the chairman and vice-chairman, on the other_

president and several vice presidents. Note that the current work is being performed

Executive Director and a secretary with broad powers. Except

executive director, there are a number of simply directors,

responsible for a certain area of ​​work (there are more than 30_

ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙand directors) The treasurer and

Director of Scientific Research.

The first President of the Council was a Mason of the highest degree_ D. Davis, and

Among the first directors were such prominent Jewish politicians as P.

Do not forget that Warburg, O. Kahn, I. Bauman, V. Shepardson, E. Gay (at the same time secretary),

P. Cravath. Since 1933, the last one was replaced as secretary by the future

founder and director of the CIA Allen Dulles, who held the position since 1927

one of the directors of the SMO.

The subsequent development of the Council on Foreign Relations takes place under

sign of the star Allen Dulles, who becomes his key figure in

organization of work and methods of activity.
Combining the posts of secretary and one

of the directors, A. Dulles since 1944, vice president, and from 1946 to 1950

President of the SMO. Even after moving to the post of CIA director, Dulles does not leave

ϲʙᴏhis director's place on the Council until ϲʙᴏher death. Being

Vice-President of the Council, A.|Dulles secretly from the USSR negotiates

separate peace with representatives of Nazi Germany, counting

agree with them on a joint struggle against the Russian people. At once

after the war, already being president, Dulles at one of the Council meetings

proclaims a new doctrine of subversion against Russia:

""The war will end, somehow everything will be settled and settled. And we'll give up everything

what we have, all the gold, all the material assistance or resources for fooling

and fooling people.

The human brain and people's consciousness are capable of change. Having sowed there

chaos, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them into data

false values ​​to believe. How? We will find like-minded people, we will find them

assistants and allies in Russia itself.

Episode after episode, a grandiose scale will be played out.

the tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth, the final,

the irreversible decline of his self-awareness. From literature and art we,

for example, we will gradually eradicate their social essence, wean artists,

let's discourage them from engaging in depiction, research, or something,

processes that occur in the depths of the masses. Literature, theater,

cinema_ everyone will depict and glorify the basest human

feelings. We will support and raise the so-called

artists who will be planted and hammered into human consciousness

cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in a word, all kinds

immorality. We will create chaos in government management and


Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and will not be needed by anyone,

will become a relic of the past. Rudeness and impudence, lies and deceit,

drunkenness, drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness,

betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples_ all ϶ᴛᴏ we will instill

deftly and unnoticed...

We will undermine this way generation after generation... We will

take on people from childhood and adolescence, we will always be the main bet

to do to the youth, we will begin to corrupt, corrupt, and corrupt them. We will do

of them spies, cosmopolitans. This is how we will do it""+r003a- 7+v003a-.

Since the 50s, David has gradually become the new key figure of the CFR.

Rockefeller. Director of the SMO since 1949, vice-president since 1950, chairman

since 1970, D. Rockefeller has grown into the main coordinating figure of the entire

my backstage, possessing power that, in fact, was never even dreamed of

American presidents. Rockefeller's power and influence increased as

expanding the activities of the world behind the scenes by creating new

mondialist organizations_ the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission.

In 1962, Rockefeller gave a keynote speech at Harvard University.

public lecture “Federalism and the Free World Order”, in which

advocated the creation of a global state led by a single

federal government. In their constructions he relied on ideas

American "founding fathers" who put forward the ""universal

principle" capable of uniting the whole world into one whole.

In the mid-80s, D. Rockefeller as chairman and Lord Winston as

the president of the CFR is replaced by new figures. The Chairman of the Council becomes

prominent Jewish industrialist and public figure P. Peterson, and

President_ famous Freemason J. Swing (since 1993 ϶ᴛᴏ took the place

Jew New York Times columnist L. Gelb) Rockefeller himself is still

remains the invisible ruler of all mondialist structures, coordinating and

directing their activities.

About 60% of all members and up to 80% of leaders of the Council for International

relations are persons of Jewish nationality. The material was published on http://site
Almost all members

CFRs belong to Masonic lodges or clubs such as Rotary.

There are no Christian priests on the Council, but they are well represented

rabbis, for example Herzberg (Emmanuel Synagogue), L. Leviveld, A. Schneier

(Honorary Chairman of the World Jewish Congress), as well as

Chairman of the Zion Home for Pensioners L. Sullivan. It is important to note that one of the outstanding

seats on the Council are occupied by the head of the world Jewish Masonic lodge

"B'nai B'rith" by G. Kissinger. Decisions in support of Israel and Jewish

organizations are automatically and out of turn stamped by the management of the CFR. How

witnesses noted, Council on Foreign Relations meetings on

The character of the participants is reminiscent of the conventions of the World Jewish Congress.

The Council on Foreign Relations today includes all political,

US economic and cultural elite. All the largest and

transnational corporations of the Western world: “General Motors”, “Boeing”,

"General Electric", "Chrysler", "Xerox", "Coca-Cola", "Johnson"

& Johnson", "Dow Chemical", "Shell", "IBM", "Lockheed", "Chevron",

"Procter and Gamble", "ITT", "ATT", "Note that Texaco", "DuPont", "Exxon",

"McDonell Douglas", "Kodak", "Levi Ostrich", "Mobil Oil", and also

almost all major banks and financial groups.

The main financial regulator is under the absolute control of the CFR.

Western World_ Federal Reserve System and New York Stock Exchange.

All Fed leaders serve on the Council on Foreign Relations and

regularly report to the top of the Council. Federal Reserve Bank

New York, the Federal Reserve System itself and its components

main parts_ Boston, Atlanta and Cleveland, headed by

the largest functionaries of the SMO.

Universities and scientific institutions are represented in the Council by them

managers and leading professors. Particularly important role in work

Councils are played by universities such as Columbia, Harvard, Yale,

Stanford, Cal, and MIT


The Council on Foreign Relations has complete control over all leading

the media, and above all television. Members of the Council

consists of the heads of CNN, NBC, CBS, Free Europe,

USIA, "New York Times", "Newsweek", "Don't forget that the Washington Post", "Yu. S. News &

World Report", "Christian Science Monitor", "Reader's Digest", "Time",

"The Wall Street Journal", "Foreign Affairs", "Associated Press", and

major publishers and the Association of American Publishers.

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations is located in

New York, on the corner of 58th and 68th streets, in a building named after the famous

Masonic figure Harold Pratt. Directly opposite the headquarters of the world behind the scenes

there is a Russian (former Soviet) consulate.

Image caption.“In fact, mediocrities are better suited to disseminate explanations for our politics and are less likely to be able to detect and counter our hidden motives.”

Publication by unknown author "Occult Technology of Power"(1974) - an inspired account of how Illuminati bankers seized power and ruled the world. This publication confirms many of my wildest assumptions, including my guesses about the nature of the Council on Foreign Relations. (More about him below).

This is what made me think that this document was truly a crash course in training for the Illuminati successor.

Image caption.(A native of Moscow, once an employee of the newspaper " Wall Street Journa l", Max Booth. Now works at the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations; hereinafter notes mixednews)

Only after reading to the end did I discover these disclaimers: “Any similarities between these characters and persons living or dead are purely coincidental. Any similarity between their methodology and the existing methodology of the ruling elite is purely coincidental.”

It's clear that this creative work an astute observer based on years of research. My main criticism concerns the author's suggestion that there is more competition between the banking dynasties of "my foreign colleagues" than I think there actually is. Otherwise, this document is a treasure trove of insight into how the Illuminati actually operates. SMO is an example of this.

Image caption.(ABC Political News Correspondent George Stephanopolis)


Illuminati bankers use thousands of seemingly harmless associations to destroy and control society. This method of recruiting collaborators subtly signals to opportunists which strategies are blessed by the power of money.

In "Occult Technology" states that "the hierarchy of prestigious associations is crowned by one prestigious society - the Council on Foreign Affairs... The Council is at the heart of what is called the 'powers that be,' and we are at the heart of the Council."

Founded by the Council on Foreign Relations of Philadelphia in 1949, the founders state that it is “a private, non-profit organization dedicated to informing citizens on issues of national and international importance.”

Since we very rarely hear about it, I believe that everything that is said there applies doubly to the Council on Foreign Relations. Here are its main points:

Image caption.(US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner)

1. This organization is a "front for a secret society." This means that ordinary members are not told about the true goals of the organization, that is, the veiled world of tyranny of bankers devoted to Satanism. (If their goals were moral, they would not need to deceive.)

“All other agents are misled as to most of our goals and motives. Their knowledge is limited to the details necessary to perform their role.”

The Council is “invaluable for disseminating our policy decisions throughout our environment without revealing our motives and strategies. In many cases, a policy can be successfully sold to our circle and thus transmitted to many simply through the air, along with the corresponding explanations, thanks to a single impressive Council session.”

Image caption.(Actor George Clooney)

2. “Membership is no longer a reward for success, but it is nonetheless a necessary condition for great success. Without Council membership, only the most outstanding can achieve national prominence. Through membership, outright mediocrities with “correct” views achieve fame.”

“In fact, mediocrities are much better suited to disseminate explanations for our policies and are unlikely to be able to detect and counter our ulterior motives.”

“The power-hungry mediocrity is unlikely to judge his benefactors too harshly or to scrutinize the nature of the power structure that has led him (and he fears it) to undeserved success. The vanity of even idealistic, ardent humanists prevents such a course.”

Image caption.(Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director commercial bank Goldman Sachs Lloyd Blankfein)

"IN At present, the Council is a gigantic employment agency for supporters who are ready to mechanically repeat our social line with leadership positions governments, foundations, radio-television broadcasters, industries, banks and publishing houses."

“Even though the members of the Council are called upon to take a stand and answer diversionary questions we have crafted to amuse and weaken the populace, it is something to behold when, backed into a corner, they absolutely show solidarity in defending our power structure!”

“And I think that the majority consider themselves righteous defenders public good, dismissing the rumors being spread about our power structure as “crazy paranoids.”

Image caption.(Henrik Herzberg, New Yorker political columnist)

3. “Classical secret societies with a complex structure no longer play leading role in the financing of capitalist power structures. Most degenerate secret societies have become memberships used as an excuse by the middle class to escape their wife and children once a month for the company of men.”

“But secret societies were the main weapon of our bourgeois ancestors in the fight against the old feudal order of kings and princes. In times of old style authoritarian despotism, secret society was the only place where it was free thinking man could express himself."

“Through threats, oaths of allegiance, patronage, deception and rewards, we bind such malcontents into a fierce force for our [Satanic] revolution.”

Image caption.(Actress Angelina Jolie)

“Many degrees, occult fetish and ambiguous philanthropy hide the real goals of our secret societies from the bulk of the members. "Masonic lodges that came to light in the European revolutions played a decisive role in our final victory over the old order."


Currently* fourteen out of seventeen politicians are members of the Council on Foreign Relations (web page: The other two, Rumsfeld (now a member of the Trilateral Commission) and Laird, former members SMO. The only one of the seventeen who does not belong to this organization is George Walker Bush himself. But he is a member of Yale University's oldest secret society, Skull and Bones.

* Note — The reign of George W. Bush.

From left to right: former minister Defense Harold Brown, former Secretary of State James Baker, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Dick Cheney, President George Walker Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State George Shultz, former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird , former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State Alexander Haig, former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci, former Secretary of Defense William Perry and former Secretary of Defense William Cohen.