The exotic iguana lizard looks impressive and beautiful, especially for our cold latitudes, but the desire to acquire such a pet often ends at the planning stage of arranging conditions for the reptile. Many people are concerned about the question of how to care for an iguana at home, because this animal is accustomed to hot and humid climate Central and South America. Moreover, the question of a specific diet also remains open, since to ensure proper nutrition It’s not so easy for a tropical lizard, and the question of what to feed an iguana at home is quite acute.

In this article we will try to answer most of the questions about this animal, as well as help you choose a healthy iguana as a pet.


The iguana is a large herbivorous lizard that inhabits the tropical regions of America. Most major representative the family reaches a total length of up to 1.5 m. Distinctive feature These reptiles have a huge tail, the length of which is twice the length of the body. The body reaches a length from the tip of the nose to the beginning of the tail of no more than 40 cm. The weight of an adult male reaches 4 kg, females - up to 3 kg.

The body is thin, and the tail is flattened laterally. The upper part of the iguana's body is covered with a longitudinal ridge, and a skin pouch is located on the throat. The legs of this lizard are short, with powerful toes, which helps representatives of the species feel great among tree plantations.

Did you know?The iguana was first described by Carl Linnaeus. This happened in 1758 in the scientist’s tenth book, “Systems of Nature.”

The body is completely covered with scales, which are arranged in transverse rows.

The color of the main representatives of the species is bright green, which helps the animal hide among tropical foliage. But many representatives also have colors ranging from purple and red to blue.
Body color primarily depends on the region natural habitat iguana and the age of the individual.

The organs of vision are highly developed; the lizard can see objects at a great distance without any problems, but with the onset of night the iguana’s vision sharply deteriorates. The animal's hearing is well developed; the auditory organs are able to detect the smallest rustle in the grass.

The teeth are sharp, with small teeth along the edges, but iguanas are primarily herbivores.

Did you know?In addition to the light spectrum visible to humans, the domestic iguana is also able to see ultraviolet rays - this helps the lizard regulate the amount of vitamin D it receives during sunbathing.

Iguanas are distinguished by the characteristic salt exchange between the body and environment. Since these animals do not accumulate urine in the body, excess salts are excreted through special salt glands located on the head in the form of crystallized powder.

How to choose an iguana when buying

Choosing a healthy individual to keep at home is not easy. The pet store can display both young and those that have been with more than one owner.

It is important to choose a healthy reptile, for this you need to examine the iguana from all sides.

The signs of a healthy and young animal are as follows:
  • clean and healthy skin, without damage or abscesses;
  • clean stomach, without burns, substrate residues and feces;
  • clean and dry anal opening, without residual discharge;
  • body without bruises and tumors;
  • hind legs formed equally, the lizard calmly steps on both paws;
  • the eyes are clear, the nose is clean, the oral cavity is also clean, and the mucous membranes are pinkish.

A healthy, tame iguana treats people well and actively interacts with them; a healthy but aggressive individual will try to escape from your hands and may even try to hit you with its tail.

A sick animal will behave passively, and any person will be indifferent to it.

It is also important to examine the reptile's lateral folds from the front legs to the hips. If there are any, the animal is exhausted and dehydrated.

Conditions for keeping

Caring for and maintaining an iguana at home is not difficult, but this issue should be given special attention, since only proper arrangement of the habitat in the apartment will contribute to a long and healthy life pet.

These lizards are whimsical to everything, especially to temperature conditions and humidity, then we will dwell on the conditions of detention in more detail.

Terrarium dimensions

As the animal matures, the habitat must be increased to 500 liters or more. It is important to create coziness and truly comfortable conditions.

Important!For those who are too young big cage It is not recommended to purchase, as this may negatively affect the development of the iguana.

To do this, lay a medium-hard mat on the bottom of the terrarium; this will not only give comfort to the pet, but will also make cleaning after it easier. An important element there will be a thick, dry branched branch along which the lizard will crawl with pleasure.
A good option would be an oak branch, which will also play the role of a natural antiseptic. The top of the branch should go towards the heating lamp. This is necessary so that the animal independently controls the heating of its body.

A quarter of the reptile's habitat should be dedicated to a pond. The lizard will drink from it and undergo water procedures. It is also worth taking care of a heating lamp with automatic temperature control.

Temperature, lighting, humidity

The climate in the cage plays a key role in the proper maintenance of these lizards. The optimal air temperature will be +30 °C during the day and about +22 °C at night.

Important! Climbing branches should not come closer than 10 cm to the heating lamp; this will protect the iguana from possible burns.

This temperature should be shown by a thermometer, which is located on the side opposite to the heating lamp, but near the lamp itself the temperature should not be higher than +38 ° C (at a distance of 15 cm).
For lighting it is necessary to install UV lamps. They should be located on the ceiling of the cage and burn together with a heating lamp in the daytime for 10–12 hours.

UV lamps must be changed at least once every six months. This will protect the lizard from a lack of vitamin D in the body.

Important!If you are unable to reach the optimum humidity level of 80%, try to create less humid air rather than over-humidifying it.

The humidity in the terrarium should be within 80%. For better control We recommend installing an automatic water sprayer or fountain; a tray with ordinary water cannot always provide the optimal level of air humidity.
To control humidity, it is necessary to use a hygrometer, since excess moisture can lead to fungal infections in the iguana. You can buy such a device at any pet store.

In artificial conditions, ventilation is very important for representatives of the iguana family. The terrarium must have adjustable ventilation holes.

Drafts are contraindicated for this animal, so ventilation openings should not be located opposite each other on opposite walls. Make them in one place, preferably in the upper corner of the cage.

Pet care

Having a live iguana at home is more fun than hassle. Caring for this animal is not a difficult task, but most owners, due to inexperience, make many mistakes, which directly affects the health and appearance of the iguana. Let's look at the main difficulties of keeping these lizards.


Walking an iguana on the street is only permissible during hot weather. summer time at temperatures above +25 °C. Walking an animal in a public garden, park or garden is allowed only if it is completely tame.

When walking, it is important to ensure that the iguana does not run away from its owner and is not harmed by other pets. Therefore, you need to purchase a special collar with a leash at the pet store.

Outside the terrarium, domestic lizards face many dangers; the first thing you should protect your pet from are poisonous ones, many of which can cause death after consumption.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that the lizard does not eat anything during a walk. Be especially careful that the reptile does not pick up animal feces, wood, pebbles and other dirt - this can lead to stomach blockage and death of the animal.


All iguanas love warm water, so your iguana will be happy if you give it a real swim at least once a week. To do this, fill the bath with warm water no higher than +35 °C. After this, place a board or branch in the water so that the reptile can climb on it.

Place the animal on a raised surface in the water and wait until the reptile climbs into the water. If this does not happen, lightly pour warm water over your pet. Bathing time is no more than 30 minutes, it is important to ensure that the water does not become too cold.

After water procedures wait for the reptile to cool down a little, then dry it with a towel and return it to the terrarium.


The cage must be cleaned regularly. Remains of food, feces and skin when high temperature create ideal conditions for the development of dangerous bacteria, this can lead to infectious disease pet.

For wet cleaning, you can use special cleaning agents or baking soda. Chemicals should not contain chlorine or its traces, this can lead to dangerous diseases respiratory system iguanas

It is also necessary to periodically wash the terrarium lamps. When cleaning, it is recommended to transplant the animal to another place, and after cleaning its habitat, keep the cage empty for about 30 minutes.
The optimal period for cleaning is once a week. It is also important to change the water in the tank in a timely manner in order to avoid stagnation.

What does an iguana eat?

In their natural habitat, iguanas eat flowers and leaves. tropical plants. But, at home, the question of what the iguana eats is more than acute, since it will be difficult to create a rich diet for these animals in artificial conditions.

The optimal solution would be a diet consisting of maximum quantity and a selection of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Recommended foods for iguanas are turnips, parsley, grapes, sweet Green pepper, beans, dandelion, leeks, peas, radishes, pears, blackberries, etc. The main rule for healthy eating These huge lizards offer maximum diversity.
Food should be supplied to the maximum with all necessary nutrients, as well as vitamins and minerals, only in this case the pet will be healthy and active.

When feeding all iguanas, the following regimen should be strictly followed:

  • up to 70% of the diet should consist of leafy plants, as well as a variety of vegetables;
  • about 20% of the total food mass should be fruits;
  • Well, for a little variety, you can feed the animal with a complex of grains (up to 10% of the total diet).

Important! Due to the fact that the teeth of these lizards are small, and the jaw is weak and inactive, iguanas are unable to chew large and hard foods, so most food must be grated using a medium grater.

It is best to feed the lizard in the first half of the day, since evening feeding can negatively affect digestive system reptiles.

Food can be given by hand or using special feeders.
After a meal, leftover food must be removed, as at high temperatures they begin to decompose very quickly. From such food the animal can become poisoned and die.

Rules for handling animals

Iguanas are rather unusual reptiles in temperament, characterized by a calm and restive character, so the animal must be handled with care. You need to pick them up for top part in the forearm area.

You need to clasp the body so that the paws are pressed to the body, and with the other hand you need to press the hind legs. Many people advise using special gloves to protect yourself from the sharp claws of a reptile.
Under no circumstances should you pick up an animal by the tail, as it can throw it away, and while in young individuals the tail can grow back, in older individuals this process is impossible. You should not squeeze the animal, as this can lead to prolapse of the cloaca.

The reptile must be removed from the branches carefully and not torn off under any circumstances. You should not raise your voice, as the animal can hit you with its tail and even bite you. Do not hold the iguana in your hands against its own will, as this can harm the health of the reptile.

In this article, we looked at what iguanas eat and how to properly care for them at home. Despite all the difficulties, caring for this reptile is simple process. If the listed secrets are followed correctly, the iguana will become the highlight of a living corner that will delight the owners and everyone around them.

Squad - Lizards

Family - Iguanas

Genus/Species - Iguana iguana

Basic data:


Length: 1.6-2 m.

Weight up to 4 kg.


Puberty: from 3 years old.

Mating season: depends on the region.

Number of eggs: 25-60.

Carrying: once a year.

Incubation: up to 90 days.


Habits: sometimes lives in groups; active during the daytime.

What it eats: leaves, berries, fruits and other plants; young iguanas also eat invertebrates.


One of the species of this genus is very rare view, which lives only on the Caribbean islands.

The green iguana is an impressively sized lizard. She has a long tail and a big head and really makes a strange impression. Her throat pouch and crest of spikes are designed to frighten anyone who approaches her. But despite their terrifying appearance, these iguanas are peaceful herbivores.


The iguana's main food is plants and animals. The iguana's diet varies depending on its age. Adult animals feed on plants, although in some areas they also eat small mammals and chicks. From plants, reptiles collect leaves, berries and sweet fruits, and also feed on young shoots.

Juvenile iguanas are brighter in color than adults because they usually feed on insects and their larvae, spiders and small invertebrates, for which they often descend to the ground. Sometimes iguanas eat the carrion they find.

The green iguana grows throughout its life. If there is not enough food, the iguana loses weight and sometimes survives only by using its own fat reserves accumulated during the period when there was plenty of food. The female uses these same reserves when digging a hole for the nest, when she does not eat at all.


The mating behavior of green iguanas has been carefully studied by researchers. After mating, the fertilized female lays her eggs in a 30 cm deep hole that she digs in the ground. The hole maintains a constant temperature necessary for the development of the cubs. The hole is also a shelter from enemies.

The female of this reptile digs a hole with her forelimbs and throws earth out of it with her hind limbs. While digging a hole, she sometimes leaves the place of “work” to take a break. At the end of the hole, the female makes a hole in which she lays eggs. The number of eggs depends on the size of the female and ranges from 25 to 60. Then the female carefully digs the hole and compacts the earth with her head. After that, she runs past it several times to confuse the tracks and block predators from accessing the eggs. The cubs hatch, depending on the temperature, after 65-70 days. Newborn iguana cubs are bright green, 20 cm long.


In most areas of residence, the green iguana is quite numerous. Its natural habitats are marshy areas, sea coasts and savannah, but the most familiar place The iguana's habitat is tropical forest.

The iguana climbs trees well, deftly jumping from branch to branch, and therefore inhabits all tiers of the tropical rain forest - from the ground to the crowns of trees, even at a height of 30-40 m. The iguana descends to the ground in the evening, in search of food. She hides in the jungle among the leaves of the trees. The iguana usually rests on tree branches, basking in the rays of the sun. Despite its massive body, it easily moves along thin branches. A frightened iguana rushes to the ground even from a height of 5-6 meters and runs and hides in the green thickets.

The lizard enjoys being on branches located above the water, and in case of danger it jumps down, remaining in the water for several minutes until the danger has passed.


Delicious white meat of iguanas and their eggs for many people living in South America- an important source of food. Due to the unusual, shocking appearance of iguanas, they are readily bred by hobbyists, which is why they have become a subject of trade. However, in the hands of inexperienced people, many green iguanas die.

  • Sensing danger, the iguana straightens the spines on its back and thus tries to scare the enemy.
  • If the iguana is in a hopeless situation, it goes on the offensive, using sharp teeth and claws and strikes like a whip with its strong, muscular tail.
  • An adult green iguana has little natural enemies, with the exception of large wild cats, crocodiles and boa constrictors. Great danger for young iguanas are birds of prey and other species of lizards, the victims of which are quite often young individuals.
  • On a small island off the coast of Panama there is an area of ​​50 m2 where about 200 green iguanas gather annually to lay their eggs.
  • Sometimes several females lay eggs in one cavity - this will subsequently help the newborn cubs quickly get to the earth's surface.


Young iguana: lighter color, less pronounced throat pouch and spines on the back.

Adult male: grey-green scales, a throat sac and long, curved spines on the back along the spine.

Adult female: she has a lighter build than the male, spines on her back and a smaller throat sac.

Claws: long and curved, help to stay firmly on the branch. The female uses them for digging.

Tail: three times longer than the body, muscular, slightly compressed laterally. In case of danger it is used as a weapon.

- Habitat of the green iguana


Numerous populations are found in tropical zone America, from southern Mexico to Paraguay and southern Brazil. It also lives on some islands of the Caribbean.


Today, the green iguana is not in danger of extinction, however, in many places the population is endangered as a result of hunting and trapping for meat and keeping in terrariums.

Iguana. Video (00:05:24)

What to feed your iguana? How to choose a suitable terrarium? What does caring for an iguana involve?

Green iguana. Video (00:01:05)

Dinner. EATING

Guys about Animals - Green Iguana (Season 2 Episode 4 from ASHPIDYTU in 2006). Video (00:24:13)

Features of keeping an iguana at home. Video (00:26:20)

Green iguana, its keeping is very popular, it is the one that is most often found in pet stores. She is very cute, but before you bring her home, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features of her contents. Adult iguana big lizard, up to 2 meters in length, so she will need a huge terrarium, since she must move freely. Iguanas are not easy to keep and have unique culinary preferences.

Green iguana. Green Iguana. Video (00:02:18)

Home video iguana. Green iguana. Green Iguana. trying to climb

The green iguana is angry. Video (00:00:24)

Green iguana. Meeting of iguanas with a cat. Video (00:04:05)

How to Keep an Exotic Animal at Home? Iguana. Video (00:02:49)

IN Lately It has become fashionable to have various exotic animals, such as iguanas, instead of cats and dogs. It is prestigious, beautiful, and there are no special problems in keeping these interesting animals - they are unpretentious and calm. It is even believed that they very quickly get used to their owners, are loyal, and even bring slippers on command. So why do you need a dog?

Green Iguana Predatory animal. Video (00:01:58)

Recently, exotic animals have become popular as pets. Instead of the usual fish, parrots and turtles, mothers and fathers buy their children giant spiders, snakes, lizards. The iguana animal is also on the list of favorite pets.

Those who have ever seen an iguana in a pet store probably know that it seems to be thinking about something all the time: it freezes in one position and only occasionally blinks its eyes. How does this animal behave in conditions wildlife? What does it eat and where does it live?

The common iguana, also called the green iguana, is a reptile belonging to the order Squamate, family Iguanaidae.

What does a green iguana look like?

Among all the representatives of its family, the common iguana is the largest. The length of its body can reach 1.5 meters, while an adult weighs on average 7 kilograms.

The body of the animal has a variety of colors, despite the name “green”. The common iguana can be bluish, lavender, pink, red, bluish and even black. The iguana is a cold-blooded animal. Therefore, it is very susceptible to temperature changes.

As for the sense organs of this reptile, we can note excellent hearing and acute vision in bright light. In addition to two eyes, the animal’s head is also equipped with a third one, located on the top of the head. Thanks to this eye (it looks like white scales), the iguana detects the approach of the enemy in time and hides. Iguana – excellent swimmer, a rather flexible tail helps her in this. The tail also serves as a defensive weapon - with it the animal deals heavy blows to the enemy.

It is impossible to say that iguanas are only green. Their color can be very varied

Where do common iguanas live?

The habitat of this animal is quite wide. Green iguana found almost throughout the territory Latin America, in some countries of South America (for example, Brazil), and also inhabits some states of the United States. In addition, this representative of the iguana family gets along well on the Caribbean islands.

Iguana lifestyle

The green iguana is an arboreal animal: most of its life activity takes place in the trees. He chooses wet ones for his stay. rainforests, woody thickets, but is also found on open sea coasts.

Active during the daytime. When the weather becomes inclement, the iguana comes down to the ground and spends time there, this helps it better maintain the temperature balance of its body.

What does the tree iguana eat?

The common iguana is an exclusively herbivore. As food, she chooses shoots, flowers and fruits of plants growing in tropical zones.

Iguana breeding

The mating season for these reptiles begins in January – February. At this time, males become quite aggressive; iguanas can often fight in the fight for a female, although in ordinary life This animal is quite peaceful.

65 days after mating, the female digs a deep hole and lays 20 to 70 eggs in it. The eggs have a soft but very durable shell. After 3–4 months (if the temperature throughout the incubation period was 30–32 degrees), small iguana cubs are born. Outwardly, they are very similar to adult iguanas, differing only in size. The cubs are quite independent. But for the first year of their lives, all hatched “babies” try to stay close together in order to be able to protect themselves from enemy attacks. In the third or fourth year of their life, iguana cubs reach full maturity, including sexual maturity.

Scientists have noted that in the natural environment animals are able to live only up to 8 years, while in quality pet An iguana can live two and a half times longer.

Which pet is best to place in your home? Every person asks this question. Some people choose cats, hamsters, dogs, but there are exotic lovers who do not want to get a simple dog or cat.

IN present time At home, snakes, pythons or even spiders live in terrariums. Not everyone is ready to expose themselves and their loved ones are in danger, because, no matter how it is, predators are predators. The choice is made on an equally exotic individual - a green iguana or an ordinary iguana, it is a herbivore and does not pose any danger.

What kind of animal is the green iguana, detailed description

The iguana, from the iguana family, a class of reptiles, has a calm character, non-predatory and completely harmless, and is awake during the day. Green Iguana Habitat in Central and South America, Paraguay, Florida, USA, Mexico. Adult animals do not exceed one and a half meters in length; the color of the animal can be not only green.

The lizard feels great not only in water, but also on land. The lizard's vision is very good and its color perception is many times better than that of a human. The eye of the green iguana allows you to recognize not only regular colors, but also ultraviolet rays, which allows it to absorb vitamin D well.

But, despite excellent vision during the day, the reptile sees poorly at night. The iguana has a third eye. Yes, these are not fairy tales; on the back of the head of reptiles there is a small hole covered with transparent scales. Unfortunately, the third eye is not receptive and the iguana cannot see with it, but this organ has a lens and a retina. It is not entirely known what it is used for the iguana has a third eye, but there is an assumption that the animal uses it to navigate in space and determine the onset of day and night.

Lizards have good hearing and are somewhat similar to human hearing; the iguana determines its source by sound. The iguana is a cold-blooded animal optimal temperature for an animal's body, thirty-seven degrees. When the lizard's body temperature decreases, the ability to hear decreases.

The animal looks toothless, but this is absolutely not true, the lizard has teeth and they are very sharp, leafy in shape with jagged edges, with the help of this weapon the lizard feeds and eats grass and leaves without difficulty, and in some cases it can even bite, so you should not forget about caution. Thanks to the animal's diet, the body accumulates a large number of salts and minerals that the body is not able to remove on its own, it is helped by special glands that are located on the head.

The lizard gets rid of excess salts by sneezing. When an animal sneezes, excess salt is released from the glands. Depending on their habitat, some animals have so-called horns or spines on their heads. This does not indicate another species of animal, the presence or absence of thorns only indicates a different habitat.

How does the common iguana reproduce?

Winter is considered the breeding season for lizards. The age of an animal ready for procreation ranges from three or four years, some individuals begin to mate a little earlier . Males can "court" after several females at the same time, also, females are not limited to one partner.

IN mating season males mark their territory with the help of special substances that are secreted from the limbs of the animal. Battles between males are not observed; generally weaker individuals prefer to leave the territory.

After mating the female They bear their offspring for a little more than two months, then look for a more comfortable place in order to safely lay eggs. Basically, this happens on the banks of reservoirs or rivers; the female digs a hole up to a meter deep, and within a few days lays oval eggs covered with thick skin.

The offspring are born after three or four months. The female, after burying the eggs in the sand, no longer participates in the life of the offspring. After the birth of babies, they stay in a pack for another year and protect weaker individuals. Reptiles feed exclusively on plants. It was believed that due to a lack of protein, lizards feed on insects, but this is absolutely not the case. Mosquitoes and midges accidentally enter the stomach of reptiles along with plants. Juveniles sometimes eat the excrement of other individuals to replenish minerals in the body. But there are cases of reptiles eating fish and meat, in cases of lack of food familiar to them.

After describing what the common iguana is, what it eats, how it reproduces and where the reptile lives, you can consider the life of lizards at home. More and more often, people want to have this particular animal at home.

They are turned on not only warm countries , but also in colder ones. Iguanas are kept in terrariums that have holes or mesh for free air circulation. In addition to free and natural air supply, the terrarium should be quite large and spacious.

And also, a branch and a small pool or water area are placed in the terrarium to get as close to natural conditions habitat of reptiles, all these factors should also include the optimal temperature, which ranges from twenty-five to thirty-five degrees.

In addition to temperature and other factors, one of the most important is the equipment of the terrarium ultraviolet lamp: iguanas get vitamin D from ultraviolet rays, and it supports the body and strengthens skeletal system reptiles. You should not overuse protein foods (meat) in your animal’s diet, although you can dilute the diet in this way, but you should not overdo it. Excessive consumption of meat will lead to the development of kidney disease in reptiles. Basically, it is advised to feed lizards plant foods, namely:

  • Spinach.
  • Rhubarb.
  • Beet.
  • Celery.

Iguanas are accustomed to water and it is recommended to bathe small individuals at least a couple of times a week; it would also be a good idea to spray the lizards with water. Without water, the reptile will feel not comfortable. You shouldn’t forget about the water temperature either; it should be optimal for the iguana.

To cover the floor of the terrarium, it is best to use rubber that is odorless so that it does not cause discomfort to the iguana. The best material is rubber because when laying soil on the bottom of the terrarium, the reptile can consume the soil or other bedding along with food; in small individuals this can lead to the death of the lizard.

Eating iguana meat and eggs

For some, an iguana is a family friend, but in Mexico and some other countries the iguana is traditional dish. Lizard meat is marinated in salt and spices, then boiled, stewed and fried. Meat dishes are called guisado, posol, biriya. In addition to goulash and various dishes, iguana meat is also used as a filling for tacos (corn tortilla). Iguana meat is cooked with coconut, mainly these dishes are prepared in Guajiro (a city in the Colombian department).


The green iguana and the common iguana are the same type of reptile. The iguana is predominantly herbivorous, preferring an air temperature of no more than thirty-five and no less than twenty-five degrees, and water is as important for the reptile as food.

At home iguanas kept in special terrariums, which should be sufficiently large in size and include all amenities for the animal. A terrarium requires a water zone, a thick branch along which the animal will climb, just as in its usual environment.

It is best to use a rubber covering as the floor in the terrarium to prevent soil from getting into the lizard's stomach. . Despite its aggressive appearance, the iguana is a very cute and calm animal. The iguana is the only animal of its class that gets used to and recognizes its owners.

Do not forget that when buying an animal, the lizard has not yet gotten used to the new owner, has not had time to adapt to new environment habitat, climate change and other factors. Taking into account all of the above, everyone can decide whether to have a green iguana in their home.

Green iguana or common iguana (lat. Iguana iguana) is large lizard from the iguana family, feeding on vegetation and leading wood image life. Despite its size, lizard lovers often keep green iguanas at home.

The common iguana lives throughout tropical and subtropical North and South America. Mexico can be called its homeland, and further south, through Central America to Paraguay and Argentina. They were also brought to southern Florida, where they took root.

There are differences in appearance, depending on the habitat. The iguana living in South America is called Iguana iguana iguana, and tolerates cold weather much worse, unlike the iguana living in Central America - Iguana iguana rhinolopha. Some iguanas have Central America there are horns on the muzzle, which can be either barely noticeable or reach 3-4 cm in length. All subspecies are now combined into one species: Iguana iguana.

Habitat: tropical rainforests and thickets along rivers. Most They spend time in trees; when in danger they can jump into the water.

Size and lifespan

Large lizards, can reach maximum size 1.5 meters in length, and weigh more than 9 kg. Moreover, males are larger than females, which rarely reach a size of 130 cm. Also, a sexually mature male green iguana has a larger crest on its back.

At good care, the domestic green iguana can live 15 to 20 years in captivity.

Keeping an iguana at home is quite difficult if you live in ordinary apartment. A terrarium with a volume of 200 liters is enough for a baby or teenager green iguana up to 45 cm long. However, this volume is enough for acclimatization, since if you immediately put the baby in a huge terrarium, it will not be easy for him to find food and water. It is also easier to tame a lizard, so a small terrarium at the initial stage is better than a spacious one.
But an adult green iguana needs a VERY spacious terrarium. This graceful baby will grow very quickly and can grow into a 1.5 meter dinosaur, which an ordinary fan simply has nowhere to keep.

For an adult home green iguanas do not need a terrarium, but an enclosure. At least 3.5 meters long, 1.8 wide and high. The height of 1.8 meters is very important, since in nature they mainly live in trees. A simple rule: the enclosure must be at least twice as long as the iguana, and the width must be no less than its length. In addition, do not forget that you cannot keep two male green iguanas in the same enclosure, otherwise they will fight.


It is best not to use a substrate, or use a large fraction. The fact is that iguanas, while feeding, can swallow part of the soil and die because of this. This is especially true for children. If you notice that during the hunt they grab soil, it is better to remove it from the terrarium.

Lighting and heating

Green iguanas need a very warm climate and the same conditions need to be recreated at home. For juveniles, one heating llama is enough, but for adult iguanas, there are at least six llamas so that it can warm its entire body. In addition, UV lamps should be used in conjunction with heating lamps. Ultraviolet lighting is necessary for the lizard to produce vitamin D and absorb calcium. Otherwise, it will lead to diseases and deformation of the skeleton. The Repti Glo 5.0 lamp from Exo-Terra works well.

There should be a heating point in the enclosure, with a temperature of at least 40 C. The heat source should be located above the iguana, this will help the iguana regulate its body temperature. The fact is that the common iguana has a “third eye” organ on the top of its head, behind the eyes, which is responsible for controlling movement, changes in light and darkness. It is needed for two purposes - to respond to danger (from above, birds of prey) and to regulate body temperature.

Of course, part of the enclosure should be cool so that the common iguana at home can choose places with higher and lower temperatures. A warm corner with a temperature of about 40 degrees and a cool corner with 27 degrees. It is very important that she can regulate her body temperature herself by moving between these places. And given its size, the terrarium must be appropriate.

Do not use any heating sources that heat from below. This could include rugs, stones and heated decor. The fact is that the iguana does not recognize them as a heating point, and gets overheated and burns. The paws and stomach are especially affected, leading to the death of the lizard.


Water must always be available. Remember that small iguanas may not recognize the water bowl. So they need to be sprayed daily and bathed twice a week to make sure they don't suffer from dehydration. If you already have a teenager, then spraying him will also not be harmful, just like bathing him. For adult individuals, if possible, you should place a pond of a size in which they can swim. In nature, green iguanas live near water and are excellent swimmers.


Green iguanas are exclusively herbivores; in nature, they eat vegetation and tree fruits. At home, they eat dandelions, zucchini, cucumbers, turnips, cabbage, and lettuce. Fruits can be given no more than once a week, as heavy feeding causes diarrhea.

Preparing food for small iguanas is a little different than feeding adults. When you cut food, you need to chop it into pieces that they can swallow without problems. remember, that common iguanas They do not chew food, but swallow it whole.

Except plant feed, you can also feed commercial ones, which provide the lizards with everything they need. Their disadvantage is the price, whatever one may say, and ordinary greens are cheaper.
Be sure to give calcium supplements about once a week. And under no circumstances should green iguanas be fed protein foods! This will lead to the death of the lizard.


Young green iguanas do not usually bite, but avoid excessive interaction until they become accustomed to their new home. They can make smart pets, unlike snakes and other reptiles. The fact is that iguanas recognize their owners and show individuality with them.

But, don't buy iguanas on impulse! The babies are cute looking, small and people buy them as a toy. And then they grow and problems begin, since this is a living and rather specific creature. If you have read this article and still want an iguana, then there is a high probability that you will be able to keep one successfully.

Jan 21, 2015 admin