
Scallops(lat. Pectinidae) - a family of marine bivalve mollusks. Scallops have an unequal shell with ears - relatively large areas in front and behind the apex. These mollusks are known for their ability to close their valves with great frequency and rise into the water column. A scallop is a mollusk that grows in a bivalve shell and belongs to the scallop family (Pectinidae). They live in almost all oceans and seas at various depths, down to ultra-abyssal ones. The most greatest depth 8100 m of scallop habitat was recorded by the team of the research vessel “Vityaz”. Another marine inhabitant of the Primorsky seas is the sea cucumber.
The scallops outwardly resemble a rounded shell with a straight locking edge, which protrudes from the front and the ears in the back in the form of angular protrusions. The upper left valve is flatter, and the lower right valve is more convex. The surface of the shell is decorated with concentric or radial ribs, often bearing scales and spines. The shell of shallow-water scallops (Chlamys, Pecten, Flexopecten) is generally large, hard-walled, colored white, pink, red and purple, often with a speckled pattern. In abyssal and bathyal forms (Propeamussium, Amussium thin, sometimes with internal ones, Delectopecten), the shell valves are fragile, thin, translucent, with external radial ribs (a rare species among shells). There are no hinge teeth, but the short ligament occupying the triangular deep fossa is well developed. The poorly developed and rudimentary scallop leg is a finger-like dense outgrowth. Byssal attachment of the combs (thin buckle) is characteristic of them in the early stages of life. Marine animals, having matured, generally lose this ability, but there are exceptions. Scallops are considered the most mobile of all 2-valves mollusks (oysters, mussels), which use such an unusual method of movement for shells as swimming. The shell is equilateral (of the same length), streamlined and flattened. The only posterior adductor (muscle) is clearly differentiated into both parts, one of them consists of “fast” striated fibers, the other of “slow” smooth ones. When swimming main role plays a bundle of “fast” fibers. Unfused edges of the mantle, where the inner fold of the mantle edge is equipped with short muscles and is very expanded, with the help of these muscles, it is attached to the surface of the shell from the inside; There are also concentric (longitudinal) muscles here.
Behavior and habitat. Scallops can perform 2 types of swimming movements, as well as a characteristic turning movement. During normal swimming, scallops move forward with their ventral edges, periodically flapping their valves. During the period of forward movement, the scallop immediately moves upward. If the mollusk is in danger or if it is irritated, you can see the following picture. The sail is pulled up, bending inside the mantle - it makes a long sharp leap forward with its dorsal edge (lock). The normal position of the mollusk on the ground looks like this - the left flattened valve is facing up. In the middle fold of the mantle margin there are numerous ocelli, the number of which is not constant even within one species. These photoreceptors provide orientation for scallops when swimming. Some Western scientists even believe that light refracted through the eyes illuminates the mantle cavity inside and plays a small role in the metabolism that contributes to the use of light energy. They are even called “heliophanes,” which means “sun-eaters.” There, on the middle mantle fold, there are many sensitive thin hair-like outgrowths, which play the role of organs of touch and stand in the way of the flow of water, which is directed into the mantle cavity. Scallops have plenty of enemies, including sea ​​stars. His half-meter leap is effective way Avoid attacks from various types of predators. The only thing is light touch at the edge of the mantle to the sensitive fringe forces the scallop to make a sharp, immediate jump. In addition to escaping from predators, shallow-water forms during the hot period are able to move to deeper, cooler places, and in winter time on the contrary, it promotes movement in warm places, that is, closer to the shore. Scallops feed on small planktonic organisms and suspended matter, extracting food particles from the water that enter the mantle cavity. Just like crayfish, they can be classified as orderlies; one such scallop with a 4-centimeter shell is capable of filtering approximately 3 liters of water in 60 minutes, and for example, a seven-centimeter specimen can filter up to 25 liters of water in the same time, i.e. they have a very high filtration capacity. In Primorye, they are used to check whether there are foreign particles in the water (oil, etc.), which are so harmful to the underwater world.
Cultivation and fishing of scallops. Scallops, in addition to Primorye, live in coastal waters and shallow waters of temperate and subtropical zones World ocean. IN Russian seas Relatively few species of scallops live, most of mollusks live in the Far Eastern seas. At a depth of fifty meters in the Sea of ​​Japan from Sakhalin, Kamchatka to Korea and the South Kuril Islands, Far Eastern scallops live: the very brightly colored and beautiful Swift's scallop (lat. Swiftopecten swifti). Scallops have long been considered a delicacy (more precisely, their large adductor (muscle), sometimes mantle), it was highly valued by the ancient Romans and Greeks. Currently, in coastal, island and many other countries, these shells are eaten both in frozen and fresh, canned and even dried forms. Large sea scallops are a very successful fishery in our country. Their canned or freshly frozen meat is widely sold. The fresh-frozen product, which was called “scallop muscle,” turned out to be especially popular. The coastal species of scallops reaches 16 years of age and 18-20 centimeters in length, or even more, but they are rare. Scallops are caught with nets, dredges, and divers collect them by hand. In the scallop habitat, one diver can boast of a catch of several thousand shells in 6 hours of collecting. In one summer season(June-July) breeding, a five-six year old female lays up to 30 million eggs, which are fertilized in water. A veliger emerges from the eggs and soon settles to the bottom. The settled juveniles move with the help of proportionally stronger legs, with whose help they actively crawl at first. Juveniles actively populate coastal algae thickets, either actively moving or attaching themselves by byssal threads. After three months of life, by autumn, young mollusks reach 7 to 10 mm. At this time, the leg lags behind in growth, compared to other organs of the body, the scallops begin to move like adults, that is, in leaps. It is actively grown in part of the waters of Peter the Great Bay in the Far Eastern marine reserve. First, they are raised for a year in shallow water kindergarten, then they are transplanted into other cages - this process is called charging. One-year-old grown scallops are poured into a standard cage, the so-called garland. Each garland has 30 cells (sections), nine combs are poured into each section. And they are lowered into the water where they grow. After two years, they grow to the required size and are collected for sale. As a product, three-year-old scallops reaching 9-10 centimeters are best valued. Everything in the scallop is edible except the shell and stomach. The mantle contains great amount minerals. Scallop muscle is a protein that is especially beneficial for men. Off the coast of Southern Primorye, the population density of the sea scallop is up to 7-10 individuals per 1 m2.

What does a scallop look like - photos and pictures

1. What do scallops look like?

2. Scallops: possible harm and obvious benefits

3. Energy value of the composition scallops. How many calories are in scallop shellfish?

4. What should you pay attention to when buying scallops?

5. Where to buy scallops in Moscow?

What do scallops look like?

The scallop belongs to the family of bivalve mollusks that live in the waters of the oceans and most seas. Outwardly, it resembles its closest relative, the oyster. However, his distinctive feature is a corrugated shell with pronounced longitudinal depressions.

The name of the scallop is often heard by everyone; not everyone can imagine what they look like.

Scallops: possible harm and obvious benefits

Pictures of scallops give us an idea of ​​what this seafood looks like. What about its properties as an ingredient in the diet?

The body of the mollusk, which is hidden behind the shell under a layer of film, is edible. The meat of these sea ​​creatures tender and pleasant to the taste. It has a characteristic smell inherent in all seafood and is a dietary protein in its pure form. It is also a source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that every person needs every day.

Among the obvious benefits of consuming scallops are the following:

· This product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, and endocrine systems.

· This product replenishes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine and iron in the body.

· Scallop meat contains the whole complex essential vitamins and amino acids that take an active part in all metabolic processes.

But despite these positive traits However, not everyone is recommended to eat scallops. This product also has specific contraindications. These include:

· Individual intolerance to seafood;

· Pregnancy and lactation;

· Age up to 10 years;

· Oversaturation of the body with calcium, phosphorus and iodine.

Where the seafood was caught is also important. Unfortunately, it is almost never possible to establish this. It is worth considering that if the scallop’s habitat was unfavorable, such a product can be harmful to the body.

Energy value of the composition of scallops. How many calories are in scallop shellfish?

Scallop is an excellent food for those who are watching their figure, but at the same time do not want to starve themselves.

This seafood is 70% water. The percentage of protein in it is 19%. Fats account for only 2%, and carbohydrates 3%.

100 grams of scallops contain only 92 kcal.

This makes it possible to conclude that even those sitting on strict diet People.

What should you pay attention to when buying scallops?

Now you know what this seafood looks like in the finished photo. But one picture of a scallop is still not enough to navigate making the right choice this product. Let's figure it out what do scallops look likein the sink to be fully prepared before purchasing.

To avoid disappointment with your purchase, use the following tips:

· Decide what is more important to you: taste or low price. Loose scallops are cheaper than frozen and canned ones, however, they taste qualities they are largely outperformed.

· What the seafood looks like is also important. If you want to impress your guests, give preference to frozen scallops, fillet meat, or, if you can find it, together with the shell. So, by placing cooked seafood on a beautiful dish, you will create an impressive presentation exactly like in restaurants.

· If you want to eat scallops the way real Asian and European gourmets do, eat them raw, sprinkled with lemon juice. But it is important here that they are still alive when purchasing. This is the only guarantee of their freshness and safety. In supermarkets, this product can be stored in ice for no more than three days.

· Thaw scallops properly. To do this, without opening the vacuum packaging, immerse the product in water at room temperature.

Take a look at our page and make sure that we have the widest and richest selection of seafood, Japanese culinary attributes and ready-to-eat dishes.

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Scallops occupy a special position among seafood. They are no less tasty than crabs or shrimp and no less nutritious than squid or mussels, but have much more tender meat than all other inhabitants of salt waters. Therefore, not every housewife will be able to cook scallops deliciously. And if you consider that in our latitudes fresh or even slightly chilled seafood is rarely sold, then you have to cook frozen scallops, and this is even more difficult. However, nothing is impossible for a cook who wants to please his loved ones delicious dish, and at the same time master a couple of new recipes.

We suggest you prepare frozen scallops in several ways, outlined in order of increasing difficulty. This will allow you to choose the appropriate and most affordable recipe, based on your capabilities, goals and free time. In any case, no matter what you choose, scallop dishes turn out tasty, satisfying and at the same time dietary. For this reason alone, it’s worth cooking scallops at least occasionally for yourself and your family.

Composition, benefits and taste of scallops
Scallops are a whole family of bivalve mollusks with a characteristic shell shape, similar to a bird's crest or a stylized crown. Inside the shell hides the muscular body of the mollusk, which is used in cooking. The taste of scallops is delicate and characteristic, it is easy to distinguish from others seafood delicacies by its sweetish aftertaste, which not only does not spoil dishes with scallops, but also makes them especially piquant. This feature is due to the complex chemical composition of these delicious seafood.

Shellfish consist of 17-20% easy-to-digest protein with a complete amino acid composition, and carbohydrates (3% by weight) and fats (2% by weight) make up only a small fraction of the composition. Therefore, the calorie content of scallops is low: only 92 kcal/100 g. But low energy value does not at all detract from the nutritional qualities, and they are truly outstanding in scallops: zinc, iodine, nickel, fluorine, molybdenum, chlorine, as well as vitamins PP (niacin), E and group B. This composition makes scallops an ideal product as part of any diet : at least for weight loss, at least for health improvement.

Judge for yourself: low-fat protein is easily digestible even if you are weak. digestive system, so scallops can and should be included in the diet of convalescent patients who are regaining strength after surgery or treatment. This food is suitable for both children and elderly people. Sports and fitness fans looking to build muscular and beautiful body, scallops are valued for a large number of essential amino acids and eat them even during pre-competition drying. Finally, scallops are worth a try for anyone who is partial to tasty and healthy food and likes to cook at home.

How to cook frozen scallops?
If you have ever ordered a dish with scallops in a restaurant, then most likely you were served them right on the shells. At home, it is difficult to achieve such delicacies as it is to buy scallops with shells - they end up on the shelves peeled. Moreover: you can only buy fresh scallops near the sea coast, while supermarkets sell mostly frozen seafood. What to do with frozen scallops? Here's what:

  • Firstly, you should choose small scallops, which are tastier and more tender than large shellfish. It is most convenient to do this if seafood is sold by weight and not in factory packaging.
  • Secondly, before starting cooking, store them in the freezer and avoid re-freezing, after which the product will lose its taste and the lion's share benefits.
  • Thirdly, you need to defrost scallops gradually, first placing them on the refrigerator shelf and then at room temperature.
If you're in a hurry, you can place a tightly sealed bag of frozen scallops in a bowl of warm water and defrost like this accelerated method. But it is better not to abuse this method. And after the scallops have thawed and become soft, they can be boiled, fried, stewed and made into a variety of snacks.

How to cook frozen scallops?
Boiled scallops are the easiest and most quick way their preparations. Cooking scallops takes very little time, and the result is a ready-to-eat dish or the basis for other, more complex culinary compositions:
Boiled scallops go well with a side dish of rice, cereals and potatoes. Spices for scallops do not need to be specially selected - ready-made mixtures for fish and/or standard spices and herbs are quite suitable.

How to fry frozen scallops?
Frying a scallop is even easier than boiling it. Before frying, frozen shellfish are thawed and then cooked in a frying pan:
Tender scallop fillets can easily be overcooked if left in the pan for too long. The time indicated in the recipe is for whole clams, so reduce it if you fry chopped scallops. After frying, serve them immediately, because they are much tastier when they are hot than when they are cold.

What to cook with scallops?
Scallops can not only be boiled and fried, but also stewed, marinated and baked as part of paella, with cheese and bacon. Try these recipes to get started:
All scallop recipes, simple and complex, can be adapted to your capabilities, tastes and the current time of year. For example, instead of fresh herbs, you can use dried herbs and serve as a side dish sauerkraut. Sea scallops will not quarrel with almost any food on your table and will fit perfectly into holiday menu. Like any seafood, they cook quickly and are quickly digested, without leaving a heaviness in the stomach. We wish you bon appetit and inspiration for new culinary experiments!

Scallop (lat. Aequipecten opercularis) – bivalve order Uneven-muscular (Dysodonta). This is one of the smallest representatives of the Pectinadae family. Only some specimens manage to grow up to 9 cm.

It is widespread off the coast of Europe, living at depths of 10 to 100 m. It differs from other representatives of its order in its increased mobility and ability to move relatively quickly through the water column in any direction.


The scallop spends most of its life at the bottom. He prefers to live in cold, temperate waters climate zone, feeling great on both sandy and rocky bottoms. It always lies on the right side, the flap of which is more convex and somewhat resembles a Central Asian bowl.

At night the mollusk sleeps and spends the daytime collecting food. To do this, he just needs to open the sink doors and start filtering the water. The role of the filtering apparatus is performed by the gills. Plankton and detritus settle on them, being the main source of nutrition.

When the mollusk lies on the bottom, the shell valves and mantle blades are slightly open. Water penetrates the mantle cavity and washes the filamentous gills, resulting in gas exchange. Thus, it consumes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

Sensitive tentacles help the mollusk respond to any stimuli. On the stalks along the edges of the mantle there are many tiny eyes that help to detect changes in light and determine the direction of movement.

The scallop moves with the help of dashing leaps, pushing off the ground with its strong leg.

If necessary, it can cover considerable distances. In case of danger, the scallop closes sharply, pushing out abdominal cavity a stream of water, after which it floats above the ground with its ventral edge forward.

If during swimming he is unlucky and falls with the flat upper flap down, then immediately with the help of his foot he turns over onto the lower side, continuing his path. He has plenty natural enemies, of which the most avid lovers of its meat are starfish.


The scallop breeding season takes place in the summer in June-July. Individuals that have reached the age of three reproduce. These animals are very prolific. One female is capable of laying up to 30 million eggs. The eggs hatch into tiny larvae called trochophores.

Trochophores drift freely in the thickness aquatic environment, turning after a few days into a veliger (sailboat).

Veligers feed on plankton and, having become a little stronger, sink to the bottom. Juveniles have a well-developed leg that is disproportionately large in relation to the size of the body, thanks to which they spend almost all their time tirelessly crawling on a hard surface. Gradually she moves to coastal waters, where it begins to lead a sedentary lifestyle, attaching to the substrate with the help of a byssus.

The byssus is a bundle of silky threads and quick-drying secretion produced by a special byssal gland located at the base of the leg. Only after a strong shell appears does the mollusk leave the shores and set off for free “swimming”.


The body diameter reaches 9 cm. The body is protected by a bivalve shell. The flattened upper flap is decorated with radial ribs. The upper flap is painted in a rich brown color, and the lower one is lighter.

The edges of the mantle protrude slightly beyond the edges of the shell. Numerous tentacles grow along the edges of the mantle, which are sensitive organs of touch. There are also many small eyes along them.

The lifespan of a sea scallop is about 10 years.

The tender, sweetish meat of scallops is considered a delicacy. This sea animal is familiar to many firsthand. WITH warm seas We bring small shells that resemble a fan in shape and have a variety of colors. These are the valves of our scallops. Looking at them, it becomes clear why they were called that. The ribbed surface really resembles a comb. Between two such valves the mollusk lives. By opening and closing them, he moves along the seabed in search of food or escaping from his main enemy - the starfish.

Scallops from northern seas and with Far East. Their sizes can reach 20 cm in diameter. The food is a large muscle of the mollusk and a bag of caviar. They are sold frozen, salted or pickled.

Composition of scallops

Scallops are very tasty and are used in various dishes. Their meat is classified as dietary products. In addition, they contain a huge amount of substances necessary for the human body to function normally. For example, scallop muscle contains essential amino acids, nitrogenous substances and lipids.

As you know, the human body synthesizes only 8 types of amino acids. And he needs to receive 12 more species with food to build protein, which in due course serves building material for absolutely all organs, ligaments, tendons, glands and other parts of the body. Lipids are necessary for the body to supply energy to intercellular processes.

You can also find scallops with or without a shell. The meat can vary in color - from grayish-pink to bright orange. Dishes with scallop available in many countries. This product is especially valued in Japan, China, France, Spain and Croatia. Scallops are used to prepare salads, soups, appetizers, aspic and much more.

Royal scallops

This dish is very easy to prepare. And its taste is truly royal. To prepare it you will need 400 g of scallops, 100 g of butter, rice (by eye), 100 g of sweet pepper, 100 g of onions and 100 g of ketchup or tomato paste.

You need to prepare two pans at once. Place 50 g of butter and all the scallops on one, salt them a little. You need to fry them until they turn golden brown. From time to time the scallops need to be turned over. Now you can finely chop the peppers and onions. Place the rest on the second frying pan. butter When it melts, you need to add vegetables. When they are slightly fried, you can add ketchup and heat the sauce for 2 minutes. Boil the rice and place on a large flat plate. To make the rice golden, you can add curry or turmeric during cooking, as well as any spices to give it a piquant taste. Top the scallops with the prepared sauce. You can place sprigs of greenery on the sides of the plate.

Teriyaki scallops

This recipe came to us from Japan. In this country they know a lot about cooking seafood. We will need 300 g of scallops, 1 leaf of lettuce, 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of sake (rice vodka) or sherry, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, half a teaspoon each of grated ginger and crushed garlic.

Mix soy sauce, sake, sesame oil, ginger and garlic in a large bowl. You need to soak the scallops in this marinade for 2 hours. If you come across particularly large scallops, they can be cut in half. The oven needs to be preheated to 200 degrees. You can put baking paper or foil greased on a baking sheet. The scallops need to be dried a little and laid out in one layer. They bake for 4 minutes. After this, they need to be turned over and left in the oven for another 1 minute, repeat this action again. Place a leaf of lettuce on the dish and baked scallops on top.

Country-style scallops

For this dish we need scallops, flour, olive oil, tomato juice, tomatoes, parsley, cilantro, lemon juice, ketchup and juice. The good thing about this recipe is that you don’t need to follow strict proportions. Everything is done by eye.

Scallops need to be thawed, washed and dried. paper napkin. In a deep plate, mix the flour and salt, then put the scallops there and roll them in the resulting mixture.

Pour a little onto the heated frying pan. olive oil, place the scallops and fry for 5 minutes on both sides. Now you can move on to preparing the sauce. To do this, you need to put tomatoes - fresh or canned - in a saucepan, pour tomato juice over them and add a little ketchup for spiciness. Add finely chopped parsley and cilantro there. There should be quite a lot of greenery. Later you need to add crushed garlic. Now we put our scallops in this tomato mixture, simmer them on medium heat for three minutes, and then on low for another 5 minutes. The result will be a kind of stew of tomatoes, herbs and scallops.