Who doesn't know what paper is? We write dozens of pages every day! Statements, reports, powers of attorney, acts, business and private correspondence ... How can all this exist without paper? And how much of it goes to the publication of newspapers, magazines, advertisements! Add to this the huge circulation of books - textbooks, works of classics, contemporary writers, translated literature, among which detective stories are very popular reading materials.

Wherever you do not meet such an ordinary thing as paper! Without her, our life is now completely unthinkable. Is it possible to imagine the literary process, education, book publishing without paper? But there was a time when people did without her.

Clay and waxed plates, birch bark and silk strips, carefully aligned boards were once used for writing. But they were inconvenient and unsuitable for long-term storage... Imagine a book depository that collects this kind of manuscript. How much space is required to accommodate them! It is easy to guess that this situation could not continue in the conditions of the cultural progress of mankind.

How did paper come about? Who invented it?

The paper was created by an unknown master in China, traditionally isolated from the rest of the world. Initially, paper was produced in strict secrecy. The bamboo, soaked in water for a long time, was boiled until it turned into a loose mass. Diluted with water and well mixed, the composition was then bleached in the sun. Dried and pressed, this paper was of poor quality.

In a modern plant, high-quality paper is obtained from hardwood and conifers... Shattered, soaked special composition, boiled at a special temperature, tree trunks must be turned into a fluid mass. Then, knots that have not yet been fully boiled are isolated from it, and it is almost ready. The structure of the paper is special: it consists of fibers, densely intertwined and closely intertwined.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, materials that are more convenient than ordinary paper have already been found. Almost indistinguishable from her in appearance, does not burn in fire, does not decompose, does not absorb moisture, the new "paper" becomes a true miracle. Even buried in the ground for a long time, it remains the same and does not lose its strength.

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For an hour we drove from the station in the forest along a narrow path winding among the fresh wild growth of hazel. On the sides of the poorly bumpy road in the twilight one could hear the restrained whisper of leaves, each twig crackling under the horse's hoof. The clicking of nightingales was distinctly heard, and the restless cuckoo crowed dully and persistently in the distance. A gray hare jumped out of the thicket and ran frantically. From around a bend in the road, a bus driver appeared and directed us along the nearest clearing to the forester's hut. The forest was surrounded by dense, impenetrable thicket. A small house is seen across the field. And here is his master. It was still early morning, but Erofeich, a local professional forester, was on his feet. In one of the battles near Tsaritsyn, he lost a leg and now jumped on his piece of wood around every bush. Every step he took with great difficulty. But he did an excellent job of his simple household. At our meeting, he pours water with a ladle into a pot, under which a nimble fire flares up in an earthen stove. We greeted each other and sat down to wait for dinner. It can be seen that the intruders moved him very much. Soon, cold water boiled in the pot with a key. When the fish soup was ready, the old man took the iron pot from the fire and invited us to the table. We dined in a clearing illuminated by a shining moon, reflected in the mirror of a small pond. The restless little dog Krutik was running here and there with a ringing bark. On a slippery, dilapidated barrel sat a huge green frog and, without blinking, looked at us. The old man, on the other hand, settled down on the threshold and slowly rubbed leaf tobacco on his palms. Lighting his pipe, he leaned on his hand and sang a song full of heartfelt feeling. And the night, windless and calm, shone in the distance.

In the woods

We are students- philologists, more and more clone away from the plan yenn Wow in advance route, not hurrying drove along not used for a long time track, from in and among the petty overgrowth pine I am ka ... In the distance heard on rast eager restrained rustle and bluish purple shadows like surreptitiously, fanned Forest at weird dragging... AND a mote, and an acorn, and hung dew grass - everything cracked under the hoof forged skillful horse master. Trees grew interspersed so thick that it seemed as if rises up not at all a small wall of trunks. Rotten trees, apparently nowhere there was a fall and they stood, oh feast banging on adjacent trunks, eaten away beetles bark beetles... Several hundred kilometers this forest stretched, not visited by anyone during p poison years. How not wonder at the greatness of such a giant! None other than us, could not appreciate it. Here Imagine... There is silence in the forest. When you drive through it neighborhood, then you listen to each unclear rustle: whistle hazel grouse in spruce forest, scared hare scream nearby, crunch pecked bumps not far away. None other than the unafraid hares calmly walk in front of the nose laden anything machines, and if sharply whistle, they, not remembering themselves, immediately start up fleeing. Up will not see sad gray sky: it closes not yet fallen needles. When first per bir you go to such untouched taiga, it seems that pre a huge giant collected from everyone grove trees, counting on move them into a single forest array.

Not worn out taiga, a lot in it unknown places, but people still, in spite of what, mad pace of alive haunt her.

In the woods

With inexplicable joy, you later recall your childhood years spent in an old manor house. You wake up in your cozy bedroom in a light reed bed at dawn from a shepherd's horn. The first ray of sun gilded the tiled stove, the newly painted walls, hung with pictures on themes from children's fairy tales. The dewy freshness of early cherry blossoms explodes in the wide-open window. A low house, hunched over, grows into the ground, and above it, lilacs still bloom violently, as if in a hurry to cover up its squalor with its white-purple luxury. By wooden steps, rotten from time and swaying underfoot, you go down to swim to the small river located near the house, but deep, during which there are many meanders. In greenish, clear water flocks of silver fish pass unhurriedly. On an old, dilapidated barrel, pumped out of the basement, a huge green frog sits, watching the sunbeams playing on the ash-gray plank walls of the bathhouse. The glass door leading from the terrace is ajar. On a wide table in a simple clay pot flaunts a magnificent bouquet of freshly plucked, not yet blossomed flowers. Nearby, on a snow-white napkin, is a plate of honey, over which bright golden toiler bees hover with an even hum. How easy it is to breathe on a wonderful morning on the eve of summer! What can't you give for these unforgettable hours!


Nothing less than the North Pole has attracted scientists for a long time. But for centuries, no one has been to the North Pole, and no one has really studied it. Some of the polar explorers, however, took a trip to the Pole and did not manage to reach it, but, without holding out there for two days, returned to the mainland. Someone disappeared without a trace in the unexplored for centuries harsh edges... Some travelers, having encountered obstacles, returned from the Arctic with almost nothing and did not enrich science, and some unknown people went there. It was none other than the brave Norwegian traveler Amundsen who aspired to go there, but he could only fly over the pole in an airship. No state expressed a desire to help the researchers and did not provide them with any support. They had no one to count on, no one to find the funds necessary for the development of science about the Arctic, and as a result, for several decades no one could master the North Pole. In 1937, the scientist Otto Schmidt decided to master the North Pole by all means. He led a polar expedition, the significance of which is grandiose, there is nothing to compare him with. Where the dead used to spread icy desert, now the polar stations are conducting scientific work.


Where else do you not meet with such an ordinary thing as paper? Without it, our life is completely inconceivable. But there was a time when people did without her. Clay and waxed plates, birch bark and silk strips, lined boards, which were once used for writing, were inconvenient. And now paper comes to replace them. Invented by an unknown master in China, traditionally isolated from the rest of the world, paper was first made in an atmosphere of strict secrecy. The bamboo, soaked in water for a long time, was boiled until it turned into a loose mass. Diluted with water and well mixed, the paper was then bleached in the sun. Dried and pressed, 'this paper was of poor quality. In a modern plant, high-quality paper is obtained from hardwood and softwood. Crushed, impregnated with a special composition, boiled at a special temperature, tree trunks must be turned into a fluid mass. Then, knots that have not yet been fully boiled are isolated from it, and it is almost ready. The structure of the paper is special: it consists of fibers, densely intertwined and closely intertwined. In our age of scientific and technological progress, materials more convenient than ordinary paper have already been found. Almost indistinguishable from her in appearance, but does not burn in fire, does not decompose, does not absorb moisture, new paper becomes a real miracle. Buried in the ground for a long time, it remains the same and does not lose its strength.


Numerous of her students gathered to honor their teacher on the day of her seventieth birthday. Sergey Spitsyn, a post-graduate student of the Moscow Order of Lenin at the Lomonosov State University, arrived. He has never been to his hometown for eleven years. Olga Kuzminichna remembered him as a boy and was amazed to see him now handsome and strong. There was no end to the inquiries. It turned out that Sergei was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, an artilleryman, then, as a war correspondent, he visited many sectors of the front and was awarded a high award. Soon Sergei found his contemporaries in his hometown. He hoped that on the pre-jubilee days, many of them would be at home, and his calculations were justified. And in the front garden near the two-story light-gray building of the school, a friendly company gathered as before. How long, it seems, there were endless discussions about the choice of profession in the bright school corridors, and sixteen-year-old Misha dreamed of acquiring the qualification of a bricklayer. Now the dreams have come true. Freckled Tolya Pchelkin, a smart little boy, became a doctor at the hospital, and little Shurik, nicknamed the Hedgehog for his tousled bangs, became the director of a repair and technical station. The white-headed restless girl Nina Peskareva is now a skilled cook, and Valya Tsyganova is a well-known accompanist musician in the city. There are also engineers, workers in all branches of industry. Now they all came to their home school to greet their best friend- an old teacher. The members of the presidium were seated at a table covered with a red cotton tablecloth and filled with flowers. To loud applause, the mayor of the city congratulated the hero of the day and presented numerous orders and gifts.


Last summer I had to visit the Urals, in a small village, lost in a dense mixed forest, stretching for many kilometers. The village was small, but so cheerful and lively, as if it were festive. At the very entrance to the village, you are greeted by the noise of a sawmill that does not subside day or night. Here lay beams piled up in piles, uncut logs, many heaps of sawdust that have not yet settled down turn yellow. And around the village the discordant bird noise never stops for a minute. What does this green hero-forest give to a man! Whatever you undertake, everything is somehow connected with the forest. Skilled local woodworkers do a lot, for example: polished wooden furniture, wrought iron chests, wooden barrels, sleds. It is worth delving deeper into the seemingly deserted forest, and you will immediately see the boy's short-haired heads like summer, hear the melodious girl's roll call. These are mushroom pickers and berry pickers. In a dense, impassable thicket, you may encounter a gloomy old man who does not need companions, who, in the presence of an uninvited guest, will indifferently collect vigorous boletus boletuses with strong hats and cough in embarrassment. And all summer they bring medicinal herbs, dried raspberries, blackberries dried in the sun to the store , lingonberries, mushrooms and other gifts of the forest.


The supernatural efforts made by the hero to overcome all kinds of road obstacles were not in vain: the visit promised to be by no means uninteresting. As soon as Chichikov, stooping down, entered the dark, wide entrance, which had been attached somehow, he immediately breathed cold, as if from a cellar. From the vestibule he entered a room, also dark, with the curtains drawn down, slightly illuminated by a light that did not descend from the ceiling, but ascended to the ceiling from under a wide gap at the bottom of the door. Throwing open this door, he finally found himself in the light and was overwhelmed by the presented disorder. It seemed as if the floors were being washed in the house and all things were brought down here and piled up at random. On one table there was even a broken chair and here - a clock with a stopped pendulum, to which the spider had already attached a bizarre web. There was also a cabinet leaning sideways against the wall with antique silver that had almost disappeared under a layer of dust, decanters and excellent Chinese porcelain, acquired by God only knows when. On the bureau, lined with the once lovely mother-of-pearl mosaic, which had already fallen out in places and left behind some yellow grooves filled with glue, there was a great many things: a heap of papers speckled with small handwriting, covered with a green marble press with a handle in the form of an egg at the top, some sort of an old leather-bound book with a red edging, a lemon, all shriveled up, no more than a hazelnut in height, a broken-off handle of long-ruined chairs, a glass with some unattractive liquid and three flies covered with a letter, a piece of a cloth raised somewhere, and two feathers, stained with ink. To complete the strange interior, several paintings were rather cramped and stupidly hung on the walls.


We drove for a long time, but the blizzard did not abate, but, on the contrary, seemed to intensify. It was a windy day, and even from the leeward side one could feel a constant humming into some well below. My legs began to numb, and I tried in vain to throw something over them with stiff fingers. Every now and then the driver turned his weathered face with reddened eyes and dry eyelashes towards me and shouted something. He probably tried to cheer me up, as he was counting on the early end of the journey, but his calculations were not justified, we wandered in darkness for a long time. I had the feeling that the trip I had undertaken was not at all safe. The coachman had not sung his artless song for a long time; there was complete silence in the field, not a pillar, not a haystack, not a windmill - nothing was visible. By evening, the snowstorm had subsided. The horses hurried, and silver bells tinkled in an arc. It was impossible to get out of the sleigh, because the snow had piled up half an arshin, the sleigh drove continuously into the snowdrift, and confused memories came across, and I barely waited until we arrived at the inn. The hospitable hosts scrubbed, heated, treated to tea, which, by the way, is drunk here so hot that I burned my tongue. An insurmountable doze, inspired by the warmth, drove us to sleep, and I, putting my boots on the heated stove, lay down and did not hear anything: neither the drivers squabbling, nor the whispering of the hosts. baked milk.


The birds need to fly from their winter shelters to their homeland for many hundreds of miles. Others have to fly thousands of kilometers. Many adventures and dangers meet little creature when it, in spite of everything, flies to the place where it first saw sunlight... Apparently, there is no heart in the shooters who do not spare the bird when, exhausted after a difficult flight, obeying the invincible call of nature, it returns home. A coastal lighthouse is very dangerous for birds. The birds, exhausted by the flight and heavy from the sea moisture, strive for the light of a deceiving lighthouse burning in the distance and break with their breasts on thick glass. If the leader is experienced, then, having correctly calculated the direction, he will always prevent such a misfortune. Little thirty-gram creatures have a lot of their own, mysterious, inexplicable wisdom. Birds are especially sensitive to weather changes and anticipate them in advance. But it often happens that these migratory wanderers are caught in a frenzied hurricane that plays out in the middle of a desert ocean. Despite the danger, the guests not invited to the ship descend in whole clouds on the deck, sides, tackle, and the ship seems strange, covered with birds, as if living garlands. Stern sailors who never offend birds, do not offend their gullibility, save their lives. The beautiful maritime belief says that later on, misfortune is inevitable for the ship on which the bird that asked for shelter was killed.


Cheerfully, it is good to walk on the ground in a calm early morning. The air, which has not yet become sultry, but far from cold, pleasantly refreshes the larynx and chest. The sun, which has not yet entered into force, warms gently and extremely affectionately. Under the slanting rays of morning light, everything seems more prominent: the bridge over the ditch, and the trees, the feet of which are still flooded with blue - gray patterned shadow, and the ruddy tops gleam with dampness. Even small irregularities, not at all small, cast too chaotic shadows on both sides of the road, which will no longer be at noon. From the thicket in one remote place crawled out of the impenetrable darkness of the forest, like a giant already, a stream of moss. In the middle of its almost unnatural greenery, a coffee-brown trickle flowed, in spite of everything. I must say that the brown water of these places is not at all cloudy: it is transparent like glass. We scooped handfuls of water from a stream flowing silently in the lush green bed, and the shadows of the pine trees fanned out on the forest road. Not far from the road suddenly came across a wide flat sofa made of wooden planks. It was all lined with outlandish inscriptions, the names of those who wanted to perpetuate themselves in this way. We rested with pleasure, watching as a bird scurried along the trunk of a pine tree, similar to a ship's mast, with frantic speed. Soon painted oil paint the gate of the holiday home explained to us the origin of the interesting inscriptions on the sofa. Since we had nothing to do at the holiday home, we broke off our stay in the quaint nook and turned onto the roundabout.


I involuntarily glanced at the top of the cliff, which stood at the bend of the Lena River. Until now, this place seemed to be some kind of dark vent, from where the fogs continued to creep slowly. Now in front of us, on the pointed top of a stone cliff, the tops of pines and several naked larch trees suddenly seemed to flare up and light up. Having broken through from somewhere from behind the mountains of the opposite bank, the first ray of the sun that had not yet risen had already touched this rocky ledge and a group of trees that had grown on the slope. They stood above the cold blue shadows, as if in the clouds, and quietly shone, rejoicing in the first caress of the morning sun. For several minutes we all silently gazed at this gilded peak, afraid to scare away the quiet joy of a lonely stone and a heap of larch trees. Near the dream stood a boy motionless, holding on to his grandfather's sleeve. His eyes were wide, his lively face shone with delight. Meanwhile, in the height, something trembled again, trembled, and another cliff, recently buried in the blue of the gloomy background of the mountain, also caught fire, joining the illuminated group. The boy again tugged at his grandfather's sleeve, and his face was completely transformed: his eyes sparkled, his lips smiled. , a blush seemed to appear on the pale cheeks. On the opposite side of the river, too, an unprecedented change took place. The mountains, in spite of the fact that they hid the rising sun behind them, crumbled into millions of crystals, and the sky above them completely brightened, and the outlines of the ridges were drawn sharply and distinctly.

Orthographic gymnastics

The swimmer Valya, who lives in ancient city Rostov, on the shores of Lake Nero, slowly rolling its waves, was incredibly lucky. One winter morning - I don't remember, December or January, - a young man named Rostislav suddenly appeared to her, holding a box of chocolate under his arm. “O merciful Empress, who overshadows all the maidens of the city of Rostov with her beauty! He blurted out. “Would you like to be legally married to me?” The groom was not some kind of windmill or some tumbleweed - a field. He was an advanced worker in the most important industry and for every workday produced an unprecedented amount of tons of coal on the mountain. However, despite his merits, Rostislav was not at all interesting to Vale, no, not at all interesting. But on the other hand, she had to get married by all means. She could not bear to continue living with her uncle, a former diamond maker, named her mother's brother, on whom she depended and whom she hated with all her heart. This old holy fool, who recently celebrated his ninetieth birthday, staggered around the house day after day in a chewed dressing gown, smashing glassware and drunkenly calling Valya "tinkling." who knew that for many years he had been drinking Valino's dowry, as a result of which the old wrought-iron chest, which stood forever heaped up with some kind of pegs, was significantly empty. The intelligent girl could not bear further ruin. That is why, despite her complete indifference to Rostislav, she agreed to his proposal and ran to inform her uncle that he would be a planted father at her wedding.


We finished the study of the grammar course in the ninth grade. But we still have not acquired strong skills of competent writing and make a lot of gross mistakes. Most of all mistakes in words we make for dubious and doubled consonants. Here is a list of such words: wealth, gallery, humanism, don't shiver, play, drama, intelligentsia, art, skillful, worldview, remnants, ruin, madman, territory, laborer, commission, compromise, participate, artillery, feel, true, truly, genuine, philosophical, appeal, prejudice, danger. We also have a lot of trouble with words with prefixes in -z and -s: ruthless, unceremonious, calculation, count, too much, disappear, pity, as well as words: shine a lantern, uprising, inhuman, bad taste, proclamation, stripedness, surrender change. Despite knowing the rules, there are mistakes in setting b and b: hitting, dachas, groves, batman, begging, aide-de-camp, herring, slipping, request, love, baldness, two-story, two-tiered, biaxial, eighth, eighth grader, false, someone's, fox. But, perhaps, nothing more than a hyphen makes us think in writing. It is necessary to put a dash or not in such words: as if, that is, after all, in German, according to the autumn sky, he dressed like an autumn, exactly, point to point, once, say, socially useful, pilot-cosmonaut. writing O-Yo at the root of the word: severe burn, burned hand, spending the night in the forest, quiet whisper and rustle, buy cheap, boyfriend, narrow river, black ink, brocade tablecloth, slum, rattle. But the most difficult thing in Russian is one or two - n-: senseless, serpentine, oil tank, mown grass, mown clover, clover not mowed, grass not yet mowed, freshly mown grass, condensed milk, stew of pork. As for punctuation, there is probably no rule for we made no mistakes.


In the crimson gleam of the evening dawn, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, an inexplicable sadness lurked. Everything around was covered with bright red glare: trees, reed thickets, spreading along the banks of the river flowing by, the tops of trees. The thicket that could be seen in the distance inspired superstitious horror. Really, despite the seeming well-being, something has to happen? Maybe it's just the mesmerizing influence of the blood-red color of the sunset or the boundless universal silence, not disturbed by anything, deafens and frightens.

Suddenly a bird fluttered out of nowhere, exactly like the one we saw nearby. She, almost touching the water, flew over to a small, but bizarre island. It was none other than this creature that made us wake up from the numbness that suddenly engulfed the entire group. We realized that it would be good to lay things out, light a fire and prepare a camp for the night.

You will get up at night, look into the sky stretching over you, you will see stars winking at you in a friendly way, and all fears will disappear away. You will calm down, and a feeling of belonging to the secrets of


On the eve of the evening, when we chose a plain, half overgrown with reeds, where, looking to the right, at the slope of a low, but steep mountain, you can see copper-yellow, gilded autumn bushes of field ash, growing interspersed with young, not yet yellowed larches. At the bottom of the mountain, between the bluish stones, shines as if the polished, icy water of a nameless river, apparently far from shallow. The weather is calm. Above, solemnly, without haste, covering half the sky, small clouds, but bright from the crimson sunset, float towards the horizon, and it seems that they float along the river, coloring not only a light steam above the water, but also wide, freshly lacquered leaves of water lilies with a scarlet color, which gives the impression that an unusual carpet with outlandish flowers is laid on the entire surface of the river. Haystacks, coppices, a tree standing at a distance, someone's hut visible in the distance - everything around in the vicinity seemed somehow especially distinct, despite the approaching twilight. In the glass blue of the usual quiet backwater, the water has acquired a dark color, and during it, fallen leaves are slowly circling, slowly running away into the distance, unclear and foggy.

In one place, where the whirlpool, the water boils with might and main, trying to spread out in breadth, but, constrained by the stone banks, rushes straight ahead, spraying the coastal rocks. As if spellbound, for several minutes we admired nothing more than landscapes painted by nature, which we often recalled the next day and afterwards. And not far away lay canvas backpacks and fishing rods that had not yet been disassembled.

Finally, I lowered the rod into the depths, and into the most desperate bubbling, and after half a minute I felt that I was being pulled down. And then a silver fish jumped out of the stream, wriggling on a hook.

Little by little, the whole company could boast of a good catch. Stopping at this place, we, in general, hoped for good luck, but still did not expect that the production would be so rich. Sincerely delighted, we were pleased that we did not have to be upset in vain and return home light. Soon, bright clouds and sparkling dewdrops, and white lilies, and the swaying gusts of a fierce wind disappeared somewhere, and night fell to the ground - the sure


In his youth, Kuzmich participated in the battles at Tsaritsyn and in one of the battles he lost his leg. For valorous exploits, he received a pension and went to live in his hometown. Previously, this city was provincial, but was famous throughout the neighborhood for its wonderful gardens. Addicted to gardening, Kuzmich devoted himself entirely to this noble cause and could not stand an amateurish attitude towards him. Sometimes the gardener Mankin would come to him to show off his scholarship, and an incident was bound to happen. He buzzes into Kuzmich's ears about chlorophyll reactions, boasts of his intellect in every possible way, and in practice he always shows inertness, and Kuzmich gets angry, jumps on a piece of wood around his interlocutor, wrinkles his freckled nose, but does not yield in an argument.

Kuzmich himself was a man of crystal purity and, despite his well-known experiments, which have no precedents, he was very modest, and at the same time remained uncompromising and irreconcilable. After a violent dispute and quarrel with Mankin, he usually could not come to his senses for a long time and continued to grumble. Only the garden calmed him. There was so much in it!

Everyone who has never been to this garden admired absolutely everything: from intricate plants, skillfully nurtured by a gardener, and ending with a simple juniper. Branches of apple and cherry trees, hung with fruits, decorated with crystals of dewdrops, bend low to the ground. The old man fumbles around the rose bushes, despite the fact that the sun burns him mercilessly. Having pricked on the thorns, Kuzmich will only whistle and put on mittens.

At noon, the gardener usually dines on a terrace under a tiled roof, where simple dishes are placed on a table, around which bees are circling and buzzing. In the middle of the table there are honey gingerbreads mixed with curd cheesecakes and a ruddy granular pie. Yeast kvass and baked milk are used as drinks. For appetite, Kuzmich always began lunch with smoked salmon, and then the hostess regaled him with what was at hand. Having refreshed himself, he asked to lay a mat for him in the gazebo and went to rest. Sometimes young people, Kuzmich's successors, whom he taught his art, would come to the garden on tiptoe.

Lake Chad

The huge shallow lake Chad, located in Africa, is often called fresh sea... There are almost no paved roads there, you will only find inconspicuous traces of a low-bore road, overgrown sand dunes, often drying up channels of numerous shallow but long rivers. Halfway to the lake is a small, sparsely populated village. It contains several clay huts with grass roofs, surrounded by one tall adobe wall. These are, apparently, the homes of wealthy residents. People have more poorer fences made of reed mats. Outside the village you will see the local fish processing plant, which consists of a dozen reed huts. Around there are many small pits filled with wood stocks, raw reeds that go to mats and wicker fish baskets. A line of black porters with freshly caught fish on their heads stretches to these structures. The fish is dumped onto a cleared area nearby. From the plant, a narrow trampled path, twisting confusedly among the coastal reeds, leads to the unsalted Lake Chad. Leather boots get wet quickly, as you have to walk on water. The lake itself is not deep at all, although it is huge. Its many kilometers of surface are almost entirely overgrown with aquatic vegetation. Every now and then you come across drifting islands, as if floating flower beds, on which unpicked flowers of outlandish plants are brightly dazzled. In windy weather, the corolla of papyri flutter, and above them the artless chime of bird voices is clearly heard.


Numerous doctors, among whom was a well-known visiting professor, hardly expected and assumed that their elderly patient - a retired general - often did not follow either the diet or the established regime. The attending physician, who came unexpectedly and unexpectedly at any time of the day, more than once advised the old man to be careful and said at the same time: “By not being treated, you yourself multiply your ailments. It is necessary to be treated on time, until the disease is started. Otherwise, the time will come - just catch yourself and resort to our help, but it will be too late. I don’t know if you will be able to recover then. ” The general verbally agreed and sympathetically assented, but alone with his peers he laughed and said that the doctors were too babbling with him, that they would easily kill him with countless drugs.

And on today's windy pre-June evening, the old man, covering himself with a rubberized cloak and wrapping a woolen muffler around his neck, stepping on tiptoe so as not to wake up his family, went out the gate and walked along the alley. When he reached the unpainted plank fence, he turned right towards a small wooden house with a nesting box attached at the top. He visited here almost every day. Here lived his constant companion on evening walks, the same age and friend, whom he simply called Kuzmich for many years. In Kuzmich's house, the general was always a welcome guest. A few minutes later, the friends were already sitting on the terrace and indulging in memories.

They grew up on the outskirts of a seaside town. The town was buried in thickets of acacias, apple trees, cherries, and gooseberries. The paths in the gardens were neatly lined and lined. Old-timers of the city remember neither snow storms, nor blizzards, nor frosts. Only occasionally, two or three times a year, hordes of angry clouds flew from the sea and the town shook under the blows of a ten-point storm. Furious gusts drove the giant trees to the ground. The streets seemed to die out during these troubling hours, only in some places a light will flash from behind closed shutters.

After a storm, the kids loved to wade past abandoned dachas to the sea. The children, skillful swimmers, swam across the quiet bay after the storm, and on the other bank rummaged in things thrown out by the waves. Among them came across glass bottles bizarre shapes, pieces of polished wood, skeins of tarred twine. Then, without fear of burns, they lay for hours under the scorching rays of the sun. This is how my hometown remained in my memory: the shining sea, swaying acacias, bunches of feather grass swayed by the wind, childish games in the reed thickets, in the unmown grass of the surrounding groves and meadows.


The thunderstorm widened and came upon us. Before we had time to look around, a cloud, almost not moving, it seemed, from the very horizon, suddenly appeared above us.

A fiery thread flashed in the distance, and a dense mixed forest, through which we slowly made our way, is illuminated with an ominous light. Immediately thunder rumbled offendedly, still indecisive, but as if alarming and threatening, and immediately raindrops drummed madly on the leaves. Thunder that did not stop for a minute bound us and kept us in a state of incessant fear. It is unlikely that a person who has never met her in the forest knows a thunderstorm. We rushed at random to seek shelter, until the downpour began to burst into full force.

But it was already too late: the rain poured with might and main on us in indomitable torrents. Thunder rumbled deafeningly, and lightning, which did not stop flashing all the time, only simply blinded. Only for a fraction of a second could one see uncut grasses, almost impenetrable thickets, almost flooded with water, and large leaves, apparently completely covered with oily drops. We soon realized that, despite all our efforts, we would remain completely unprotected from rain and harsh winds. But now the blue-black sky is slowly clearing of torn clouds, and we continue to walk one by one an unfamiliar confused path, which accidentally leads us to a poorly bogged road. First, we pass by a low, but slender larch, the top of which is too split, and we see nothing more than the forester's hut that was promised to us.

Kuzmich - that was the name of our friend - invited us into the house and ordered about the table. A friendly old man, with uncharacteristic haste, kindles a stove, puts on the table baked milk, potatoes baked in ash, berries dried in the sun, offers an undressed sheepskin coat. And outside the window deafeningly everything thundered and rumbled, it seemed that there would be no end to the revelry of the uninvited element. However, the downpour died down as suddenly as it began. The thunderstorm moved a little further south, and the afternoon sun shone serenely. A wonderful windless evening began


Imagine that you are in the Plyushkin estate. A visit to this house left an unforgettable impression.

From a wide dark passage, a door leads into a room illuminated by light coming out from under a wide gap at the bottom of the door. Having opened it, you will finally find yourself in the lordly chambers.

In the middle of the room was a table covered with a torn black oilcloth, from under which in many places one could see the edges cut by a penknife. There were several unpainted stools around the table. On the walls, papered with thin wallpaper, several paintings were very cramped and stupidly hung. The last wall is occupied by three windows. This is what the view was: right under the windows a long-unused road, on which every pothole, every pebble, every track has long been familiar to everyone, behind the road is a sheared linden alley, from behind which in some places you can see a wicker palisade, entwined with an unpretentious, ivy that has not yet blossomed. On one side, you can see an unmown meadow and hobbled horses roaming around it, and further on - woods gilded by the sun, interspersed with pine forest... The forest stands as a dense, impenetrable thicket. The trunks, hung with ominous blue-black moss, darken gloomily against the isser-blue sky. To the right, not far from the house, huddled the hut of a forester, far from being unknown in the neighborhood of a saddler. On the left, the mountains stretch in a continuous ridge. At the bottom of the mountain, between the bluish stones, shines as if the polished, icy water of a nameless river, apparently far from shallow.

Despite the obstacles, the river retained its fluidity and makes its way through the heavy reed greenery with a barely noticeable narrow but deep stream. In the semi-darkness, here and there the restrained whisper of wild-growing hazel leaves is heard. From a distance, the clicking of nightingales is clearly heard, and the restless cuckoo calls out dully, but persistently. Haystacks, copses, a tree standing at a distance, someone's hut visible in the distance - everything around in the neighborhood seems to be somehow distinct and close in a special way.


The infantry regiments, taken by surprise, ran out of the forest, and, mingling with each other, the companies left in disarray in disorderly crowds. One soldier on the move in fright uttered the terrible and useless word "cut off" in the war, and after that a feeling of fear was communicated to the whole mass. “Bypassed! Cut off! Lost! - shouted the voices of the fleeing, half muffled by the artillery rolls. The regimental commander, at the very minute he heard the increasing shooting and shouting from behind, realized that something terrible had happened to his regiment, and, forgetting about the danger, he galloped towards him under a hail of bullets. He wanted one thing: to correct the mistake at all costs, so as not to be guilty of him, of nothing noticed, an exemplary officer. Having happily galloped between the French, he approached an unmown meadow through which ours ran and, disobeying orders, descended downhill. It was nothing more than a senseless panic. Despite the desperate cry of the regimental commander who caught up with them, on his furious face, crimson from the heat, and waving his sword, the soldiers shouted, fired into the air, did not listen to commands, and everyone ran like crazy. The general, observing this picture from a distance, looked around in despair. The adjutant, with a shot through his shoulder, wounded in the arm, stopped the horse at a run and stood rooted to the spot. His face, sunburned and weather-beaten from the fighting, was written with horror. Everything seemed lost.

But at that moment the French, who were advancing on ours, suddenly, for no apparent reason, ran back, hid in the forest, and, close together, Russian arrows appeared on the field. It was Timokhin's company, which, alone in the forest, kept order and, having sat down in a ditch near the forest, apparently unexpectedly attacked the French. The fugitives returned, the battalions gathered, and the French, who had divided the troops of the left flank in two, were driven back.


The eleventh hour is running out. The pre-July noon is still breathing heavily. The hot air sways sleepily over the unpaved sandy road. Roadside yellow grasses crumble and spread from the heat. Green groves and arable lands doze and languish without moisture. The restless grasshopper babbles something indistinctly in a half-doze. Neither a man, nor a bird, nor a small herbal creature - no one fights at all with languor. Apparently, everyone surrendered to her irresistible strength. I don't want to think about anything. What can you do to freshen up? There is no breeze or dewdrops in the meadows. It's as stuffy in the forest as it is in the open field. You don't have enough strength to go swimming in the nearest river, and, perhaps, you will get even more mellow in the sun after swimming. Due to the heat, everything freezes. One hope for a thunderstorm. She alone will awaken nature, alone she will dispel sleep.

Suddenly you hear: something rumbles in the distance, unclear and foggy. These are regiments of formidable blue-black clouds being built. They completely cover the entire sky. An ominous silence falls. But out of nowhere, a sharp gust of wind rushes into the dead wilderness. He drives a column of dust in front of him, tears and throws it into the tree foliage.

Lightning flashed through the clouds. A crackling thunder is about to break out, and heavenly lakes will overturn on the scorched fields. Where to hide from this cruel but welcome downpour? Friends, hide under this canopy. The downpour will soon stop.

While working on an essay, you often have to think so seriously about what to write that you don't have enough time to think about how to write, although you have carefully prepared for work. True, at the end of the work you carefully check it, relying on the grammar rules learned in the previous grades, but when you write the work for the first time, it is very difficult to calculate the time, despite the selection of material in order to finish the work on time. Subsequently, a habit is developed, but at first it can be difficult to cope with anxiety, meet the deadline, write correctly.

In this regard, it is useful to repeat the spelling of the following words and phrases: shine - shine, shine, creep - spread, ecstasy - revels, jump up - jump, true - truly, a person intervened in history, dough mixed to readiness, silver spoons, irreplaceable workers, initiation into students, public education, fights to the death, go to death, tired to death, look into the distance, go deep, extremely good, threw off his shoulders, the next morning a battle, play into the hands of the enemies, relentlessly slurping, on the whole correct, fundamentally wrong , arrive on time, pickled apples, a canvas bag, windy days, not far from the river, the wind is fresh, catch on the fly, a shallow river bound with an ice shell, seeded rye, wounded in the shoulder, paths groomed along and across, lined paths, tangled hare tracks , a desperate attempt, to cram somehow, to count on time, gluing a box, a crew fighting a storm, cartridges not yet shot, an uprising suppressed, one of the San Francisco streets, speaks French, countless oppression, a warlike cock, setting fire to a house, a fire lit in the dark, a scorched steppe, an angry predator shot, a polished piano, the girl is well-mannered and educated, soar up, walk slowly, do not shiver from the cold, play something someday, during the lesson, eight hundred and seventy-three.

It is necessary to make sure that in future work there was not a single mistake in these words.


In the very center of the polar region, there is a huge Taimyr Lake, which stretches in a long shining strip from west to east. Until recently, people did not look here at all. Only in the course of the river can you find traces of a person's presence: torn nets, floats, oars broken by a wave and other simple accessories for fishing.

On a clear, windless day, inhaling the smells of the awakening earth, we wander along the thawed patches of the tundra and observe a lot of curious phenomena. Every now and then a partridge runs out from under his feet, falling to the ground, and then suddenly a little cake begins to tumbling at his very feet, trying to lead the uninvited and uninvited visitor away from his nest. A voracious arctic fox, covered with shreds of faded wool, sneaks at the base of the stone placer. He makes a well-timed jump and presses down the jumped mouse with his paws. And even farther away, the ermine, holding a silver fish in its teeth, rushes in leaps and bounds from the nameless river to the boulders.

The tundra, overgrown with wretched vegetation, has its own wonderful aromas. The long-awaited summer is coming, and the wind will whirl the corolla of flowers, buzz, fly by and land on the flower bumblebee.

The sky is frowning again, the wind begins to whistle furiously, and it's time for us to return to the boardwalk at the polar station, where it smells deliciously of baked bread and strong brewed tea. We don't have to regale anyone, we eat everything with appetite.

Rest on the way

Along the sandy shore, strewn with sharp stones, the scouts walked to an unplowed field that stretched beyond a river they had not noticed before. They were supposed to deliver valuable information to the command. The scouts entered the forest, and the commander, feeling that the soldiers were tired, ordered to stop near a huge spruce, blown down by a hurricane wind. A fire was quickly lit, and the potatoes baked in ashes, washed down with cold water, reinforced the fighters who were tired of the long march. One of them was bandaging a shot through his arm, while his comrade, wounded in yesterday's battle, was thinking about something with concentration. Suddenly, the commander, who was disturbed by the confused news received from the sentinels sent ahead, ordered to line up, and the scouts instantly rose from the ground. Having laid their wounded comrades on a stretcher, the soldiers, hung with weapons, silently moved forward towards the forest visible in the distance. The plume of smoke from the extinguished fire melted into the air, and a thick veil of fog hung over the unmown meadows. When it got dark, they approached an empty ravine, blackened at the edge of the forest, hoping here, in safety, to gain strength for a new crossing.

Power plant on Gorynya

The central power plant is located in a shallow gorge on the Goryn river near the pier. High voltage is life-threatening, so warnings are posted everywhere on the plant territory: "Caution!" More than once, it seemed, the fitters were on the verge of death, but no accidents, no serious accidents, no misfortunes with people happened.

The narrow-gauge rails run across the entire area of ​​the station are run by everyone's favorite Lydia Lisitsyna, who during work can be found either on the line or in the station's signal tower, built on a dais among wildly overgrown cherries, cherries and pears. From here you can see all the ascents and the sand quarry. You can talk to Lydia only after finishing work in her house. She lives near the station and occupies a small outhouse, where visitors often come to her. The indefatigable hostess treats unexpected guests with various dishes: pies fried in oil, soaked apples, delicious cheesecakes and yeast kvass. In the evenings, she and her granddaughter Vanechka sit in their bedroom or go out to the bank of the Goryn. A dog Druzhok is running around them, pulling at his boy friend by the red shirt.

Having looked at the vastness of the river, they sit down on the embankment or go to the terrace, entwined with ivy that has not yet blossomed, and Lydia knits a mitten. The hook flickers in her hands. Vanya at this time weaves baskets from straws or makes rattles or rattles for snakes. Later, she leaves the house opposite Marya Kuzminichna, Lydia's friend, and begins to talk about everything she has seen and done during the day.


The day was approaching evening, when we overcame the most difficult part of the path and finally saw the sea, shining in the rays of the still dim sun. Somewhere below, tanned holiday-makers were noisy, swimmers splashed, restless children shouted. But this noise did not reach us. We stood in the coolness of the mountain slope and admired the panorama. Many saw the sea for the first time and now froze in delight. I wanted to immediately get a camera and shoot, shoot everything that we were going to see for so long.

However, no one managed to shoot a wonderful picture, since the guide suggested that they make a stop and lie in the shade, spreading something on the rocky ground. And we lay down.

The weather was super clear. The fact that yesterday a seven-point storm was raging was reminded only of algae washed ashore in such an amount that it seems as if the ocean had deliberately laid a giant carpet here, on the shore, covering all the coastal stones. There was an age-old, unbroken silence in the mountains. My heart sank when we tried to approach the cliff and look down. From the height my head was spinning, but I wanted to climb to the top of the mountain as soon as possible. Swallows rushed swiftly in the hot air and, seizing a dragonfly or midge on the fly, flew up sharply. Ivory gulls hovered over the waves on spread wings. The sea breathed measuredly with ebb and flow.

After resting, we went down to the shore. Our assumptions did not come true: there were no vacationers or swimmers. Near the water, where the foam leaves a complex pattern on the sand, people shoveled floating seaweed... They were needed for fuel. After all, not always Sun rays will be as hot as they are today. Summer will end, nord-ost will blow, and it will be necessary to heat the stoves. People, immersed in their daily worries, stored fuel for the winter.

The birthday boy screamed furiously, frantically waving a ragged shoe over his head, dragged in a hurry from his feet to death by a frightened neighbor. The amazed guests and relatives froze at first, stunned, but then, under a hail of butter dumplings, thrown in their direction by an enraged birthday man, they were forced to retreat to the open doors. “Traitors! Give me a dowry, for which no one gave a penny! " - he screeched desperately, indignantly jumping on a forged chest covered with torn oilcloth. “She is ill-mannered and uneducated, incredibly stupid and unprecedentedly ugly. Besides, without a dowry at all, ”he shouted, tossing a tattered shoe into a recently purchased lemon-colored straw lampshade. A stick of smoked sausage thrown after him hit a glass vase filled with distilled water, and with it collapsed on a short-haired, chestnut-colored head, blamed for all the sins of a dowry woman, with a wounded look huddling at the door. The one wounded in the head with a sausage, waving her arms bare to the elbow in a picturesque manner and squeaking stiflingly, fell into a dough with kneaded dough, taking with her a Christmas tree hung with mica toys, silvered icicles and with a gilded star on the very top. Delighted with the effect produced, the birthday man danced intoxicated on an oil-painted chest of drawers inlaid with embossed leather, where he moved from the chest immediately after the lady fell for a better view of the commotion caused by his exalted act.


Our busy days at Kotlas College will soon be over. For two years we have persistently mastered the art of pedagogical skills. An unforgettable impression is left by student years if they are full of interesting, useful, not leaving anyone indifferent.

Today, on the verge of farewell to school, as if you are looking at everything you have experienced with a glance of a person who is not indifferent and uncompromising, you evaluate and revise everything in yourself: excessive fervor, and useless intrigues, and inappropriate digressions, and uncertainty, which, perhaps, has been following since then. , as he received the first unsatisfactory mark, and inexplicable laziness, and minutes of vague numbness, and, no doubt, ups and downs, which helped on the ascent to the teacher's diploma. No doubt a lot has been done.

Leafing through the notebooks, we see how they stormed the beautiful, mighty, truly magical Russian language. Tolstoy wrote, as if addressing us: “Language is an instrument of thinking. To handle the language somehow means to think somehow: imprecise, approximately, incorrect. " Russian language lessons, the main subject in primary school, made us think about the spelling of such words: enlightenment, inexhaustible sources, worldview, slip, climb, like a monkey, intelligentsia, majority, earthquake, daring ruin, unyielding, banners, accompaniment, disappear without a trace, adjutant, not in a hurry, not in a hurry five-point.

We have always remembered school terms: application, plasticine, socially useful work, corridor, written, cognitive, first, unit, summarize, comment, the number, in contrast, unverified notebooks, not yet resolved examples, smart, director, literature, everything yet, continuity, humanism. They also comprehended the fact that the main thing in studying the Russian language is to consciously master the program material, skillfully apply the rules of grammar both in oral and written speech. To work on errors, it is useful to keep a special notebook, and this also brings results, because working on errors is interesting and useful activity... Despite all this, it is joyful to realize that you won, did not give up and the solemn hour is near when they will say to you: "Good luck, colleague!"


Who doesn't know what paper is? We write dozens of pages every day! Statements, reports, powers of attorney, acts, business and private correspondence ... How can all this exist without paper? And how much of it goes to the publication of newspapers, magazines, advertisements! Add to this the huge circulation of books - textbooks, works of classics, contemporary writers, translated literature, among which detective stories are very popular reading materials.

Wherever you do not meet with such an ordinary thing as paper! Without her, our life is now completely unthinkable. Is it possible to imagine the literary process, education, book publishing without paper? But there was a time when people did without her.

Clay and waxed plates, birch bark and silk strips, carefully aligned boards were once used for writing. But they were inconvenient and unsuitable for long-term storage. Imagine a book depository that collects this kind of manuscript. How much space is required to accommodate them! It is easy to guess that this situation could not continue in the conditions of cultural progress.


How did paper come about? Who invented it?

The paper was created by an unknown master in China, traditionally isolated from the rest of the world. Initially, paper was produced under strict secrecy. The bamboo, soaked in water for a long time, was boiled until it turned into a loose mass. Diluted with water and well mixed, the composition was then bleached in the sun. Dried and pressed, this paper was of poor quality.

In a modern plant, high-quality paper is obtained from hardwood and softwood. Crushed, impregnated with a special composition, boiled at a special temperature, tree trunks must be turned into a fluid mass. Then, knots that have not yet been fully boiled are isolated from it, and it is almost ready. The structure of the paper is special: it consists of fibers, densely intertwined and closely intertwined.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, materials that are more convenient than ordinary paper have already been found. Almost indistinguishable from her in appearance, does not burn in fire, does not decompose, does not absorb moisture, the new "paper" becomes a true miracle. Even buried in the ground for a long time, it remains the same and does not lose its strength.


- wherever you do not meet such an ordinary thing as paper

- paper loses patience composition

- an essay about a sheet of paper

- essay about paper

- essay on the topic of paper

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Waste paper recycling reduces the need for deforestation for production different types paper and cardboard.

After all, paper and cardboard are a pressed and dried mass, consisting of wood pulp(a water-insoluble substance, the main component of the cell walls of terrestrial plants) and glue that connects the fibers into one whole.

During processing with waste paper, do the following:

  • remove glue connecting cellulose fibers into one whole;
  • cleanse from pollution;
  • turn into pure mass, suitable for the production of paper and cardboard or any other application (ennoble).
  • old newspapers,
  • magazines,
  • paper bags,
  • cardboard boxes and stuff.

They are converted first into pulp and then into finished products.

Recycling of waste paper into paper, cardboard and other products is carried out in several stages.

The number and purpose of these stages depends on:

  • type of waste paper;
  • further use of the purified mass.

Therefore, processing can be conditionally divided into two stages.

First step

The first stage includes the following steps:

  • sorting;
  • grinding;
  • primary dissolution;
  • purification from impurities.

Paper break into fragments 1–5 cm in size, suitable for further processing.

For this operation, apply mills and crushers, and not necessarily intended for waste paper. Crushers for plastic or wood chips can also be used.

An attempt to carry out the primary dissolution of waste paper without crushing raw material will lead to excessive consumption of electricity, because large fragments are more difficult to turn into an aqueous solution.

This process is often excluded from the technological chain when processing small volumes of waste paper due to high costs for the purchase of a mill. In this case, use more powerful pulper with a vertically mounted rotor.

The stage described above makes it possible to obtain from waste paper a substance suitable for production cartons and packaging for eggs.

Second phase

To obtain raw materials for the production of paper, a second stage is required, which includes:

  • secondary dissolution;
  • thin cleaning;
  • additional processing.

Secondary breaking up and fine refining are carried out in the same way, regardless of the feedstock and the final product.

The differences in these operations begin during additional processing, when not only mechanical action is applied, but also chemical reagents.

The composition of the reagents and the processing technology depend on both the grade of waste paper and the purpose of the pulp.

After the completion of the second stage, a purified aqueous solution is obtained, from which paper of various grades is made.

Sometimes this aqueous solution is mixed with unprocessed cellulose... During this operation, any waste paper is used to make raw materials suitable for manufacturing quality paper.

Waste paper sorting

Recycling begins with sorting, during which waste paper is separated according to conditional groups quality. Thanks to this division, only that waste paper that corresponds to technological chain specific device or plant.

All paper is distinguished by:

  • color;
  • the length of the cellulose fibers;
  • degree of pollution;
  • humidity.

Each paper grade requires its own pulping and refining technology.

On the territory of Russia GOST 10700-97, according to which all waste paper is divided into three main groups:

  1. Waste production white uncoated and unbleached sulphate paper, including non-moisture resistant paper bags.
  2. Printing products without binding (except for newspapers), as well as plain and corrugated cardboard and paper of black or brown color.
  3. Newspapers, paper and cardboard impregnated, colored paper (except black and brown), as well as paper and cardboard casting.

More accurate division of waste paper into stamps within the groups, you can read GOST 10700-97 yourself by following this link http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200030476.

Waste paper sorted manually, however, attempts do not stop automation this process, for which a new modern equipment and software... To mechanize this process, it is necessary to "teach" the computer to distinguish between groups and brands of paper by its appearance, which is very difficult to do at the current level of development of microelectronics.

Primary fiber breaking

The purpose of this operation is dissolving glue linking individual fibers into a coherent structure and release of fibers.

To do this, waste paper:

  • placed in pulper;
  • flood water;
  • mix.

The pulper consists of:

  • stator;
  • rotor (drum or impeller);
  • baths;
  • electric motor.

Pulper work on the principle of a washing machine - drum(on some models, the impeller will play its role) creates a turbulence that carries water and waste paper along with it. Pulper breakers differ in:

  • the location of the rotor (there are vertical and horizontal);
  • productivity;
  • concentration of the finished solution.

Water fills the cellulose fibers, they swell, tearing the glue, and the paper turns into liquid waste paper(pulp) suitable for further processing.

Friction and shock caused by the collision of waste paper with the walls of the tub, improve dissolution material. During the primary dissolution, the cellulose peels off from various films, which allows further separate fibers from impurities.

All this happens due to the fact that water destroys the adhesive bond between individual fibers, replacing it with water bridges, which are of low strength and facilitate the movement of the fibers relative to each other.

Cellulose fibers are composed of fibril(long thin threads) forming slats(layers). During the dissolution, the following processes take place:

  • the connection between individual fibers is broken;
  • fibers become shorter;
  • the connection between the lamellas is broken;
  • lamellas become shorter;
  • due to the destruction of the lamellas, the cellulose fibers are fringed with fibrils.

After pouring water into the waste paper mix so that friction accelerates and makes more efficient the processes occurring in the water, leading to separation:

  • fibers;
  • glue;
  • various contaminants.

Swirl created by a rotating drum, presses the sagging waste mass against the walls of the bath, providing the following effects:

  • stirring;
  • rubbing.

Thanks to this, separation waste paper on the faction, which makes it easier to clean. At this stage, the waste paper is created pulp which is used for:

  • production low grade cardboard;
  • soft fillers(a cheap analogue of foam crumbs);
  • egg packaging;
  • further purification and processing.

Purification from impurities

Some pulper models are equipped with different catchers, which are removed from the waste paper:

  • paper clips;
  • ropes;
  • films;
  • sand.

For better cleaning, set additional catchers because they improve cleaning waste paper and reduce costs for electricity for post-treatment.

The lower part of the vat of any pulper is equipped with dirt collector where large contaminants enter, which slipped through the catchers during the initial dissolution.

After the dirt collector and catcher, the suspension flows through pipes to vibration situation, which carries out additional cleaning.

Here weed out all large pollution and foreign objects not removed in previous cleanings of waste paper.

As an additional element that improves the cleaning of waste paper, use overflow box.

The liquid suspension easily flows through it, heavy impurities settle to the bottom, then they are removed.

The resulting product is used for:

  • receiving high quality cardboard;
  • production roofing materials;
  • further processing.

Secondary fiber breaking

Secondary dissolution occurs according to the same principle as the primary, but in devices that are called:

  1. Turbo separators.
  2. Fiberizers.
  3. Enshtippers.
  4. Pulse mills.

The principle of operation of the first three devices is the same, because it is a pulper with a special rotor shape... The form depends on:

  • device performance;
  • bath volume;
  • suspension concentration;
  • the depth of dissolving waste paper into fibers.

They are used to prepare suspension of low and medium quality. The fourth device (pulsating mill) differs from the others in that the rotor and stator are made in the form disks of complex shape.

Due to the shape of the rotor, small water hammer, which are called pulsations. The distance between the discs is 0.2-2 mm, which is comparable to the size of the fibers.

The rotor not only creates swirl but also provides suction suspension, after which water hammer (pulsation) and friction finally destroy adhesive bonds between the cellulose fibers. Therefore, a pulsating mill is used to prepare high quality slurries.

Each of these devices is equipped with dirt catchers, therefore, simultaneously with the fiberization, the suspension is cleaned of dirt.

In the process of secondary dissolution, not only break ties between individual pieces of cellulose fibers, but also prevent crushing of dirt and foreign inclusions so that they can be screened out with special equipment.

For production low quality cardboard or cellulose casting in one unit carry out:

  • primary razvlechenie;
  • cleaning;
  • pre-release.

However, using separate devices more effective, therefore, this approach is used to produce quality material.

Fine cleaning

Fine cleaning is carried out different ways complementary to each other, because some one way does not provide the required cleanliness waste mass.

Typically, fine cleaning takes place in the following sequence:

  • using a sorting device;
  • using a thermal dispersive device.

Cleaning with

Further cleaning can be performed using various additional equipment, which we will consider in detail below.

Sorting device

The pulp purified at the previous stage is fed to the sorting device, which:

  • additionally cleans from heavy and solid impurities;
  • separates the mass according to the size of the fibers.

Sorting device Is a vibrating sieve with small meshes, therefore too fine fibers and dirt pass through the holes in dirt receptacle.

Highly short fibers are unusable for the production of paper, therefore they are either disposed of in accordance with the standards adopted in Russia, or they are allowed for additional processing.

For example, they are mixed with the pulp resulting from the primary dissolution. From this mass they make low quality cartons, egg cartons or various building materials... The pulp passed through the sorting device is used to make medium quality paper and cardboard.

Thermal dispersion device

The next stage of cleaning is processing on thermal dispersive device, which removes from the pulp:

  • derivatives of oil;
  • fats;
  • resin;
  • various films.

Thermal dispersion devices divide the pulp into water soluble and water insoluble components by heating. Then all water-insoluble components are filtered and collected in garbage bin.

In the process of processing the pulp again grind similar to what happens in a pulper or pulsator mill. Therefore, for the production of paper High Quality the resulting product is filtered with vibrating screens or similar devices to separate too short fibers.

After the stage of fine cleaning, the waste paper (pulp) is suitable for:

  • paper making middle quality;
  • further processing.

All contaminants collected in the process of dissolution or cleaning are allowed to be further processed at the appropriate enterprises or disposed of in accordance with the standards adopted in Russia.

Additional processing

Waste paper get rid of dyes and increase paper-forming material properties.

If necessary, into waste paper add wood pulp to improve the quality of the final product.

The wood pulp fibers are very long, due to which they successfully bind short fibers obtained from waste paper.

For discoloration and bleaching of waste paper, use:

  • mechanical impact;
  • heat;
  • chemical reagents, the composition of which depends on the color and grade of the feedstock, as well as on the type of finished product.

For the manufacture of quality paper nessesary to use pulp with defined characteristics, which include:

  • the size and structure of cellulose fibers;
  • the amount of additional impurities;
  • Colour;
  • microbiological composition;
  • chemical composition.

Fiber size and structure affect paper strength and glue consumption... The longer the fibers and the more fibrous tissue fringes on them, the higher paper-forming properties of the pulp, that is, those tighter will be the paper obtained from them.

Fibers less than 0.2 mm long unsuitable for papermaking however, the thick fringe of the fibrils allows them to be used for casting or cardboard production.

If the entire pulp consists of short fibers, then its diluted with wood pulp, increasing the paper-forming properties. If necessary, pulp bleach or give the desired color, cleanse from odors and bacteria. This gives the pulp necessary qualities and prepares it for the production of any goods.

Recycling laminated cardboard

Laminated cardboard- a massive segment of paper waste. This is packaging Pure Pak and Tetra Pak, in which many types of products are sold - juices, milk, etc.

Comprehensive processing of laminated cardboard waste allows you to get at the output:

  • high quality cellulose various varieties and colors;
  • secondary polyethylene;
  • polyaluminium.

Due to the technical complexity of the complete separation of laminated cardboard into its component parts such processing is carried out in few places.

Recycling paper at home

Recycle waste paper you can also at home. But without special equipment, if only improvised means, you can only do homemade paper... This method will come in handy for designers and handmakers.

Paper production at home:

  1. Waste paper (not glossy and not laminated) should be finely tear or chop.
  2. Add paper pulp in blender, add water and grind to the state of gruel.
  3. The resulting mass lay out on a sieve or frame with gauze, flatten and leave under a press.

After drying out the paper is ready. Dense and rough, it can be useful for handmakers to create their masterpieces.

Waste paper processing equipment

Modern industry offers a wide variety of technicians for recycling waste paper, including:

  • separate installations for each operation;
  • combined installations for several operations (mini-factories);
  • factories performing the entire technological chain.

Mini-factories are in demand in those places where the supply of waste paper does not exceed 3-5 tons per day, because in this case it makes no sense to invest in powerful expensive equipment.

Individual installations acquired for each stage when the average waste paper flow is expected - 10-50 tons per day, if stable supplies of waste paper occur in much larger volumes, then it is preferable to use the plant.

Below is the table approximate prices for various equipment used for processing waste paper, so that you can more clearly understand the scale of investments in this type of business.

Equipment for individual operations

Name and model
Description Performance Price
Paper-making machine BDM-1092Mini-plant (combined plant) for the production of toilet paper. For work, it is necessary to connect the line for the preparation of waste paper - a shredder (crusher) and a pulper.1 ton per day1.5 million rubles
Crusher AMD-2000Crushes paper into small pieces to make the work of the pulper easier.50 kilograms per hour130 thousand rubles
Pulper type GRV-02Converts waste paper into waste paper (pulp)10-30 tons per day500 thousand rubles
Sorting ZNSSorts pulp into ground mass, unbroken paper and dirt20-300 cubic meters in essence (depends on the model)up to 150,000 USD
Egg tray making machine model Pf-f3000Casting and pressing molds for eggs from the prepared mass (pulp)3-5 thousand trays per hourup to 150,000 USD
Waste paper shredder (crusher) SX-100Shreds waste paper, straw and other materials, preparing them for further processing1 ton per hourup to 30 thousand USD

A paper machine is available for purchase. This site presents a wide range of pulper and other equipment. You can also view these products on Aliexpress.

Full cycle plants

Name and model Description Performance Price
Plant for the production of paper napkins, toilet and tissue paperA full-cycle plant, with all the necessary equipment and the support of the manufacturer's specialists. Recycles waste paper, straw, cake and other materials into paper napkins, toilet and tissue paper170-190 meters per minute or 4-6 tons per day150-200 thousand USD
Plant for the production of various paper products PFK-1575A full-cycle plant, with all the necessary equipment and the support of the manufacturer's specialists. Recycles waste paper, straw, cake and other materials into various paper products (depending on the configuration and additional equipment) up to 11.5 tons per day50-90 thousand USD
Waste paper recycling plant SJZ-24-3Full cycle plant with equipment for the production of egg trays. If additional equipment is available, it is possible to manufacture other products.up to 50 tons per day230-450 thousand USD
Plant for the production of toilet paper from waste paperFull cycle plant with equipment for the production of toilet paper. In the presence of additional equipment, it is possible to manufacture other products100 meters per minute50-90 thousand USD

This and other equipment can also be purchased from Aliexpress.

What else is made from waste paper? Alternative processing methods

except traditional recycling into paper and cardboard from waste paper make the following materials:

  • organic insulation ( ecowool);
  • roofing materials;
  • insulating materials;
  • disposable pots for flowers;
  • packaging for eggs;
  • toilet paper;
  • paper napkins;
  • disposable utensils;
  • the cloth for clothes.

Primary stage processing, which includes the receipt and purification of pulp, for all these technologies the same.

Attempts are being made dry destruction of bonds between cellulose fibers, but so far they are far from commercial use.

Decoration Materials from compressed cellulose fibers according to their characteristics are similar popular fiberboard sheets, but cheaper their.

Ecowool from waste paper, in terms of its characteristics, it is not much inferior to basalt and glass wool, harmless and re recyclable.

Highly in demand shock absorbing fillers pressed from cardboard, which are in no way inferior to foam crumbs, but much cheaper... For their production, no complicated equipment is required, and the machine for the manufacture of such crumbs does not take up much space.

Industry Outlook

Recycling waste paper in various materials very in demand so the industry is constantly is developing.

The declining volume of forests and the reduced availability of unprocessed wood pulp are driving the growth of the entire industry. In addition, recycling of waste paper allows save trees that would need to be cut down to make paper.

Despite the need for large investments, recycling of waste paper - very profitable business , because the feedstock is very cheap, and paper and cardboard are in demand... The low price allows you to effectively compete with wood paper, because there are no costs for deforestation, delivery of logs, their storage and processing into chips.

The company's profit is affected by access to the following resources:

  • cheap electricity;
  • cheap water;
  • cheap reset waste water;
  • inexpensive storage landfill garbage and waste.

Recycling waste paper into paper is very profitable business which is constantly evolving. New technologies are emerging that improve the process and increase the number of recycling cycles. Appear new materials which require recycled cellulose.

The industry is successfully developing, covering cities and towns, because demand for paper products only increases and the raw materials are very cheap.

After all, many people still throw newspapers and magazines into the bucket, and they can get for waste paper, albeit small, but payment.

In the near future, new technologies will appear that will allow serious increase the number of cycles recycling waste paper, which will reduce the number of trees cut down and improve the environment.

Implementation in the near future separate collection garbage is essential will increase the volume waste paper and cardboard to be recycled.

This will ensure increase in the number supplied raw materials, which means that it will also increase the output of finished paper. The development of technology will increase the number of paper recycling cycles, because even very short fibers can be used, if mixed with primary cellulose.

The video briefly and interestingly tells about the process of recycling waste paper, as well as why it is so important for the environment:

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