FSBEI HPE "Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after
AND I. Yakovlev"
Department of Information Technologies
Computer games for children
before school age
The project was completed by:
2nd year student of group “B”
Departments of Correctional Pedagogy
Faculty of DiKPiP
Sosnovskikh Ekaterina Evgenievna
Cheboksary 2011


informatization, accompanied by increasingly
information technologies in various fields
human activity.
Just three decades ago it seemed that
a computer is a complex and mysterious device
distant future, which is only accessible
chosen ones.
thanks to
multifunctionality it is useful to a person
any profession. It is versatility
developmental effect in education.

The computer can be used not only
as a practical aid for computer science lessons,
but also as a means of empowerment
educational process in
everyone educational institutions from kindergarten to
schools. Children's interest in computers is enormous, and
It’s up to adults to create conditions for him
maintaining and expanding for the purpose of development and
improving cognitive abilities

7 basic rules when a child works at the computer

If you have poor vision, sit down at the computer
You can only wear glasses;
Maintain a distance from the eyes to the screen (50-70
Take breaks from work and exercise for
eyes every 10-25 minutes of work before
Maintain correct working posture;
Do not work on the computer in the dark;
Monitor the content of the games and
After exercise, wash with cool water.

Games for preschoolers

Computer games are special
computer programs that output
screen image, thereby turning this screen
in the field of play. It's a kind of "board game"
but impressive and quite complex.
the assortment of which is practically updated
monthly (if not weekly), may bring down
baffling to any of us. And will help us in this
the issue of knowledge of the genre classification of games.
Conventionally, the whole variety of computer games
can be classified as follows:

Arcade games

Arcade games (arcades) are the most
popular children's flash games with enough
simple game plot. Children need
to react
earn points, gradually move on to
all new levels.
If the child passes the levels in
to him
bonuses are awarded in the form of points, weapons and
other options. Also a young player, in case
excellent completion of all levels, gets into
gallery of the best participants in the game, where he can
enter your own name.
Arcade games develop mental speed
process and reaction.

Creative games

Creative games include numerous
educational computer games in which
to kid
need to
all kinds
creative tasks: decorate objects,
find several identical objects, find
several differences between two identical ones,
at first glance, pictures, solve others
interesting tasks.
Such games make it possible to identify
child's creative potential at an early age
are working
programmers of the most famous development companies software.

Role-playing games

In games of this genre, the player has at his disposal
there is a small squad of characters, each
of which performs its own separate role or
The goal of the heroes is to work together
explore the virtual world and perform
the assigned task. The task
finding a certain treasure, treasure or
spells. The path to achieving the intended goal
usually blocked by various obstacles and
pests of different stripes, which are necessary
overcome by force or cunning. Here and
manifests itself main principle role-playing game -
using the right character at the right time
time and in the right place.


The quest genre involves completing
significant mental tasks during the game.
loses certain game situations.
In order to successfully complete
concentrate and remember basic
mathematical rules: multiplication, addition,
subtraction, division. Alternately performing
corresponding tasks during the game, child
gradually moves towards the end of the game, where
Upon successful completion of the game, bonuses await you
or an interesting cartoon.

10. Logical

Most children of senior preschool
age are interested in puzzles if,
of course they are available to them. Utility
logic games is that they develop skills
logical thinking. Most often this game
represents one task or set
several puzzles that are necessary
decide. Typical representatives of this
genre are a variety of tasks on
rearranging figures or composing a drawing.
Recently, Russian manufacturing companies have been producing a lot of high-quality
various logic games designed for
preschool age, for the purpose of teaching children
counting, reading, writing and other subjects.

11. There is also another classification of children's games:

developing logical thinking and memory
improving coordination of movements (fine
hand motor skills);
developing numeracy and reading skills;
child's musical ear.

12. How computer games can help:

preparation for school;
program, begins to think first, and then
joining research work;
social adaptation child to school, his
relationships with future classmates.


Games for
preschoolers: on
what to do
Why is it important?
Will it fit?
selected game by
It is possible that games for a 4-year-old may be suitable for
preschoolers 5-6 years old - and vice versa. Try
review the game yourself before recommending it
her child.
what kind of preschoolers
skills and abilities
will contribute
this game?
Games for preschoolers can help
development of fine motor skills, observation,
eye gauge; logical, spatial,
creative thinking. At the same time, graphic and
musical accompaniment of games for development
preschoolers may not be inferior at all
computer games for entertainment
Will the child be able to
play this game
together with others
Online children's games usually include
multiplayer games and opportunities for communication.
How long chosen
there will be a game
relevant for
Children's curiosity needs constant
recharge. But educational games installed on
computer do not update themselves. IN
children's online games new educational games for
preschoolers are usually added by themselves

14. When organizing classes for the preschool development of a child aged 4-5 years, it is worth considering that usually at this age...

children can already complete tasks consisting of several stages;
children already know how to concentrate on a task that interests them;
Children’s hand motor skills are already well developed;
Children already have certain ideas about the world around them:
people, animals, natural phenomena.
When organizing classes for preschool
the development of a child aged 5-6 years is worth
Keep in mind that usually at this age...
children can already write numbers and letters;
children are already able to tell stories and poems expressively;
children are already well oriented in space and time;
children already know a little how to classify objects, they actively
the eye and observation skills develop.

15. Computer game “Know-It-All Bunny: For preschoolers” (4-6 years old)

The program was developed with active
participation professional teachers and children's
the wishes of parents, teachers and
children directly, which made it possible to achieve
maximum effectiveness of educational
Publisher: JSC "BUKA"
Controls: Keyboard, mouse
“Know-It-All Bunny” vaccinates a child
self-confidence and stimulates desire for


The game develops:
Math Skills:
number recognition;
basics of counting;
creating simple equations;
solving mathematical problems.
Language skills:
letter recognition;
vocabulary replenishment;
development of phonetic skills;
letter combinations.


Logic skills:
sorting objects by characteristics;
comparison of shapes, colors, sizes;
color recognition.
following verbal directions;
making rhymes.
Creative skills:
drawing and coloring;
dance sequences;
creating calendars;
Music Creation.


In addition to computer
games, in the box you
you will find
benefits - cards with
will help
to kid
secure the material, and
CD with educational


20. "Rulimons"

browser-based online game for preschool children
and primary school age (5-11 years). She
turns children's development and learning into
exciting pastime.
Website: www.rulimony.ru
In "Rulimony" children:
develop logic, attention and memory;
learn to count, distinguish colors and shapes,
improve the eye, observation,
fine motor skills, ear for music;
communicate and make friends, visit each other and
play together.

21. Game characters

Players are present in the game
in the form of funny characters -
Rulimonov. Your character type
can only be selected once,
when creating an account. At
If desired, the user can
create a new one account And
choose a different character type.
there will be no characters
connections: single player characters
exist in the game autonomously friend
from friend.


Game world "Rulimono" - country
Rulimonia. The action takes place in her
capital. Capital of Rulimonia - modern
virtual city on the seashore, consisting of
various locations: public (streets,
alleys, lanes), shopping (shops) and personal


For success in
players receive tasks
play money - auro.
This is how children get
first performance
about economics, study
"personal money"
to plan
cannot be exchanged or purchased for real
money. A little aura all users
receive upon registration, but then players
earn aura yourself by playing
educational games.

24. Conclusion

Use in teaching practice

process, increasing the child’s education,
this is an aid in diagnosing development, solving
tasks of correctional and developmental education,
curiosity; empowerment
individually differentiated approach to
to kid
emotional background.

25. Literature used

Bespalko V.P. Education and training with participation
computers (pedagogy of the third millennium). - M.:
MPSI, 2002.
Glushkova E.K., Leonova L.A. and etc. Hygienic requirements To
activities for preschoolers. // Computer science and education. –
1990. -No. 6. -p.102-104.
Zaitsev V.V., Shaidulina A.F. How to get rid of addiction to
gambling. – SP-b, 2003.
Electronic resources
"Buka" - computer games publishing company - 1993
[Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.buka.ru
“Rulimons” - children's online game – 2010 [Electronic
resource]. URL: http://www.rulimony.ru
Panina S. Educational computer games for children //
Website "Moscow Mom" ​​- 2006 [Electronic resource]. URL:
Thank you for your attention!

Educational games for preschool children encourage activities that improve the child's thinking and memory. His character and skills that are in demand for further education are formed.

Properly organized play activity It is considered an indispensable means of education, as it helps children grow healthy and acquire skills that will be useful in life.

Preschoolers are attracted to new activities and positively colored emotions. Faithful allies of adults in education are educational games for children of primary preschool age, “smart” toys.

Interesting and useful activities at 4–6 years old influence the formation of the child’s character, improve his attention, memory, thinking and other functions of the growing body. All this is in demand and necessary for subsequent successful education at school.

Educational games for preschool children

Preschoolers learn how to act; this is the cognitive aspect of educational games. Children do not receive ready-made knowledge, but obtain it themselves. Mental processes and abilities are being formed.

In the game, the child learns to find objects based on characteristics and exchange them with other children. The relationships of preschoolers are developing (the educational side of the game process).

A number of features allow us to distinguish educational games from story-based, didactic, theatrical and other activities:

  • a special game plan that an adult offers to children;
  • material prepared in advance for the game;
  • certain rules;
  • organized communication between children.

The game design takes into account the age qualities of children. Younger preschoolers are more interested in objects and their properties. For them, you should choose a material of varied texture, which they receive in own hands. Modern computer games attract children of older preschool age.

An adult in an educational game is its organizer and direct participant:

  • communicates the plan, rules;
  • teaches game actions;
  • directs the game;
  • helps children;
  • encourages achievements and ensures compliance with the rules.


In educational games there is an individual and collective component of activity. Preschoolers learn to communicate and gradually master the rules of society.

Thanks to collective developmental activities, the child can listen, talk and share his feelings. In the game “Blow up the Bubble” for children of middle preschool age, children learn to interact with the help of an adult.


  1. The teacher or parent invites the children to sit on chairs in the room. He approaches one of the preschoolers and asks the question: “What is your name? Say your name so that you can be heard."
  2. The child answers, the leader takes him by the hand and adds: “Let's go play!” The adult with the first preschooler goes to the next child.
  3. When all the children become a “snake,” the leader closes the ring of children and says: “What big bubble We did it! Let's make it small."
  4. Preschoolers close in a tight circle, then blow into their clenched palms - “inflate a bubble,” uttering “f-f-f” with each exhalation and taking a step back. Once again you get a large ring.
  5. An adult goes to the center and touches the children’s clasped hands, exclaiming: “The bubble has burst!” The guys clap their hands and run to the leader. You can play several times.


Preschoolers learn the basics of exact sciences in play situations. The level of perception and memorization of material that is objectively difficult for children depends on the preparation carried out by adults.

Educational mathematical games involve the use of a ready-made Geometric Mosaic set, natural and waste materials, and stationery.

With their help, the adult forms in the child ideas about the shape and size of geometric shapes, the quantity and number of objects. Math games develop fine motor skills and logical thinking.

Game descriptions:

1. “Wonderful bag”

An adult puts cones, nesting dolls, cubes, and small balls into a bag made of thick fabric. Explains to a child or group of children that they hid in a wonderful bag various items, calls them. Calls the preschooler over and offers to get: 4 cubes, 3 cones, 2 balls (without peeking).

2. "Hammer"

The adult invites the children to pick up cards with numbers corresponding to the number of hammer strikes.

3. “Be careful!”

1 option. The presenter silently shows the children different quantities toys, other objects or images. Children hold up signs with corresponding numbers.
Option 2. An adult shows cards with numbers, and preschoolers 5–6 years old show toys (pictures of objects).

With a ball

When a child runs, plays ball, and jumps, he develops agility, increases endurance, and develops coordination. The preschooler also learns the meaning of objects and phenomena. Children begin to remember what the words mean: “throw the ball”, “go”, “stop” and others.

Every piece of information obtained in the game finds fertile soil, children collect it and use it in the future. Bright balls are suitable for children of primary preschool age different color and diameter, target, basket.

Game descriptions:

1. “Day and Night” (throw and catch the ball)

Children pick up one ball each. When the presenter says: “day,” the guys begin to throw balls up, down, at a wall or target. The adult’s command “night” is heard, the children freeze in the movement they were performing.

You cannot move until the leader says “day.” You can play with a small group of children for 4-5 minutes.

2. "Children's bowling"

Two lines are drawn in the yard or room, forming a “bowling green.” The smaller the children, the shorter the distance between the lines should be. Place 3 plastic pins on one line. Children are behind the second line.

Each of the kids takes turns trying to knock down the pins with a ball. It can be thrown or rolled, whichever is more convenient for the child. Each pin knocked down earns the player a point, and he is awarded a small paper square. Whoever collects them more than others wins the game.

Tongue Twisters

Poor diction very often leads to problems at school. Formation correct speech perhaps with the help of children's educational games. In them, the child learns to pronounce letters, words and sentences.

Children of middle preschool age are especially fascinated by tongue twisters. They enjoy fun speech training consisting of short funny phrases:

  1. All beavers are kind to their own.
  2. - Tell us about your purchases! – What kind of “shopping?” - About shopping, about shopping, about your shopping!
  3. Starlings and titmice are funny birds.
  4. The needles on the Christmas tree are pegs.
  5. The bristles of a pig, the scales of a pike.

Pronouncing Russian tongue twisters and nursery rhymes strengthens the speech apparatus and enriches lexicon preschooler. An adult needs to monitor the correct pronunciation of letters and words, especially for a 6-year-old child, and offer him new tongue twisters.

With rope

Jump ropes provide an opportunity to have fun with your child. Simple games with ropes are popular with younger and older preschoolers.

Game descriptions:

1. "Snake"

Carry out in the yard, on the path of the garden or park, in the room. One child or several children can participate. The adult places the rope on the ground and asks the child to jump over several times. Stretches the rope along the ground, holding one end. Asks the children to help move the “snake.” The game is best played with fun music.

2. “Rope fun”

An adult lays a long rope in the form of a broken line on the grass or path. Invites the child to walk on a rope, come up with and perform other types of exercises, for example, jumping over a rope on one or two legs, crawling along it.


Neither teachers nor parents question the developmental nature of outdoor games. Many adults remember their favorite outdoor games from childhood. There are Russian amusements that are several hundred years old, for example, “Geese-geese”, “Bear the bear in the forest”.

Games are classified according to the intensity of movements (low, medium and high mobility). There are fun with and without a driver, with objects and other types.

Game descriptions:

1. “By the bear in the forest”

The driver - the “bear” sleeps in the “den”. Children pretend to bend down and collect gifts from the forest. Gradually approach the leader. They sing a song: “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries, but the bear does not sleep - he growls at the children.”

The driver stands up and growls, portraying a dissatisfied “owner of the forest.” Children rush in all directions. To improve the game you can change initial position driver (in the center, standing, sitting on a chair, behind a bench.).

2. "Dragon"

During the game, a column of children turns into a “dragon”. The first child represents the “head”, and the last child represents the “tail”. At the leader’s signal, the “head” tries to grab the “tail”, but it dodges. When the “tail” is caught, the children change places.


Children's dominoes, drawing stencils, coloring books and others Board games develop the child’s memory and intelligence, and allow him to organize his leisure time.

There are ready-made sets in stores; it is no less interesting for children to play homemade dominoes (cardboards with geometric shapes, cars, vegetables and fruits, animals).

Drawing with stencils develops a child's creative skills and eye.

Children love solving puzzles; they especially like one of the modern games - puzzles. Simple ones are intended for children of primary preschool age; they can collect 4-6 elements. The more complex ones have dozens of fragments; adults are usually happy to help children assemble the picture according to the model.


Bright pictures on the screen enable the child to learn colors and geometric shapes, letters and numbers. Educational computer games captivate children, stimulate logical thinking, and broaden their horizons.

The choice is huge, they create them for almost all children age groups(excluding the smallest ones). A preschooler's screen time should be no more than 20 minutes a day.

Finding age-appropriate educational games for a child is both an interesting and challenging problem for parents. Do right choice Simple tips will help you organize your child’s leisure time:

In educational games, preschoolers acquire skills that help them more successfully overcome the steps of the age “ladder.” The children learn about time, nature, people, sciences, and art.

For children of middle preschool age, the social-emotional side of activity is important. They learn cooperation in the game, obey the rules, which becomes the key to successful socialization.

This is why it is so important to teach your child to cope with emerging problems. Overcoming the next difficult situation, he rejoices: “I did it!”, “I did it!”

Video: Developmental exercises (games) for children 3-4 years old

“Development of an electronic multimedia teaching aid

(electronic information manual to accompany the event

for parents or teachers)

"Computer games for preschoolers"

Explanatory note

Introducing preschool children to a computer in a preschool educational institution begins with games carefully selected taking into account age and focus. One of the most important functions of such games is educational. The games are designed in such a way that the child can perceive and assimilate not only single concepts or specific situations, but also to obtain generalized ideas about all similar items and situations. This is how he develops important thinking operations - generalization and classification.
This paper reflects the characteristics of computer games for preschool children and their classification. The presentation contains various positive and Negative consequences hobbies for computer games, and are also considered guidelines for parents on the use of computer games.


Currently, the acquisition of information, its selection, processing and application is of decisive importance in any area of ​​human activity. Mastering new information technologies in education is one of the newest and current problems. Solving this problem is the key to the successful realization of the personality of a modern preschooler.
Computer games in domestic preschool pedagogy are one of the ways to solve this problem. Computer games develop children's attention, ability to concentrate, foster determination and desire to win, they are educational and intensely competitive.

Mastering a computer has a beneficial effect on the formation of a child’s personality and gives him a higher social status. Children have a new direction of communication: they actively discuss new computer games, their achievements and failures when performing difficult tasks. Children's vocabulary is significantly enriched, preschoolers easily and with pleasure master new terminology. All this contributes to the development of children’s speech and significantly increases the level of volition and awareness of actions.

Target: efficient use parents of computer games for the development and education of children.

To familiarize parents with the types of computer games for preschoolers, to help them navigate their diversity;
- develop the ability to distinguish computer games by their purpose;

Inform parents about the positive and negative effects of computer games on the child’s psyche;

To help parents use computer games as an effective means of developing and educating children.

Description of working with slides:

(Algorithm for working with slides)


Parents need to be able to divide computer games according to their purpose and purpose of creation into entertaining games and games created for educational purposes.


About the influence of computer games on the child’s psyche


Computer games are divided into educational games, educational, simulation games, 3 D Action "Shooters"


Educational games promote the development of mental abilities


Educational games - This game programs educational type, in which game form it is proposed to solve one or more didactic problems.


This type of games traumatizes the child’s psyche and has bad influence on the development of thinking and moral education.


The plot of the simulation game involves reproducing real-life actions in a game situation.


Computer games should be educational, educational, low level aggression


Control by an adult is necessary for the game to have a truly educational or educational effect.

Ekaterina Khlomova November 20, 2011 at 00:58 Child and family psychotherapist

Computer games for preschoolers should be exciting, develop attention, speed of reactions, and train memory. Doing all game tasks should teach the child to think analytically in unusual situations, classify and generalize concepts; develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. In addition, the game should be meaningful and simple at the same time, with a low level of aggression.

The main advantage of computer games in preparation for school is the development of perseverance and determination in the child. Children who are familiar with the computer feel more confident in modern life, adapt more easily to different situations.

Rules of computer games

The number of minutes on a PC is equal to the child’s age multiplied by 1.5. For example, for a six-year-old, the game lasts 9 minutes.

The number of sessions on a PC is a maximum of 3 per day. For a six-year-old, this is half an hour a day.

After work, eye exercises and outdoor games are mandatory.

Internet resources for preschoolers:

www.logozavr.ru - a site for children's educational and developmental computer games that can be used in educational institutions and at home: puzzles, coloring books, puzzles, sudoku, Japanese crosswords, solitaire and other puzzles that develop perception, attention, visual memory, logical thinking;

www.adalin.mospsy.ru - developmental manuals and CDs for children of preschool and primary school age;

www.igraemsa.ru - children's portal “Let's Play” - educational computer games;

www.viki.rdf.ru ​​- children's electronic presentations and clips;

www.viki.rdf.ru ​​- computer program for children's development;

www.doktorpapa.ru - online educational games for children;


In educational games there is an individual and collective component of activity. Preschoolers learn to communicate and gradually master the rules of society.

Thanks to collective developmental activities, the child can listen, talk and share his feelings. In the game “Blow up the Bubble” for children of middle preschool age, children learn to interact with the help of an adult.


  1. The teacher or parent invites the children to sit on chairs in the room. He approaches one of the preschoolers and asks the question: “What is your name? Say your name so that you can be heard."
  2. The child answers, the leader takes him by the hand and adds: “Let's go play!” The adult with the first preschooler goes to the next child.
  3. When all the children become a “snake,” the leader closes the circle of children and says: “What a big bubble we have! Let's make it small."
  4. Preschoolers close in a tight circle, then blow into their clenched palms - “inflate a bubble,” uttering “f-f-f” with each exhalation and taking a step back. Once again you get a large ring.
  5. An adult goes to the center and touches the children’s clasped hands, exclaiming: “The bubble has burst!” The guys clap their hands and run to the leader. You can play several times.


Preschoolers learn the basics of exact sciences in play situations. The level of perception and memorization of material that is objectively difficult for children depends on the preparation carried out by adults.

Educational mathematical games involve the use of a ready-made Geometric Mosaic set, natural and waste materials, and stationery.

With their help, the adult forms in the child ideas about the shape and size of geometric shapes, the quantity and number of objects. Math games develop fine motor skills and logical thinking.

Game descriptions:

1. “Wonderful bag”

An adult puts cones, nesting dolls, cubes, and small balls into a bag made of thick fabric. He explains to a child or group of children that various objects are hidden in a wonderful bag and names them. Calls the preschooler and offers to get: 4 cubes, 3 cones, 2 balls (without peeking).

2. "Hammer"

The adult invites the children to pick up cards with numbers corresponding to the number of hammer strikes.

3. “Be careful!”

1 option. The presenter silently shows the children different numbers of toys, other objects or images. Children hold up signs with corresponding numbers.

Option 2. An adult shows cards with numbers, and preschoolers 5–6 years old show toys (pictures of objects).

With a ball

When a child runs, plays ball, and jumps, he develops agility, increases endurance, and develops coordination. The preschooler also learns the meaning of objects and phenomena. Children begin to remember what the words mean: “throw the ball”, “go”, “stop” and others.

Every piece of information obtained in the game finds fertile soil, children collect it and use it in the future. For children of primary preschool age, bright balls of different colors and diameters, targets, and baskets are suitable.

Game descriptions:

1. “Day and Night” (throw and catch the ball)

Children pick up one ball each. When the presenter says: “day,” the guys begin to throw balls up, down, at a wall or target. The adult’s command “night” is heard, the children freeze in the movement they were performing.

You cannot move until the leader says “day.” You can play with a small group of children for 4-5 minutes.

2. "Children's bowling"

Two lines are drawn in the yard or room, forming a “bowling green.” The smaller the children, the shorter the distance between the lines should be. Place 3 plastic pins on one line.

Children are behind the second line.

Each of the kids takes turns trying to knock down the pins with a ball. It can be thrown or rolled, whichever is more convenient for the child. Each pin knocked down earns the player a point, and he is awarded a small paper square.

Whoever collects them more than others wins the game.

Tongue Twisters

Poor diction very often leads to problems at school. The formation of correct speech is possible with the help of children's educational games. In them, the child learns to pronounce letters, words and sentences.

Children of middle preschool age are especially fascinated by tongue twisters. They enjoy fun speech training consisting of short funny phrases:

  1. All beavers are kind to their own.
  2. – Tell us about your purchases! – What “about purchases?” – About your purchases, about your purchases, about your purchases!
  3. Starlings and titmice are funny birds.
  4. The needles on the Christmas tree are pegs.
  5. The bristles of a pig, the scales of a pike.

Pronouncing Russian tongue twisters and nursery rhymes strengthens the speech apparatus and enriches the vocabulary of a preschooler. An adult needs to monitor the correct pronunciation of letters and words, especially for a 6-year-old child, and offer him new tongue twisters.

With rope

Jump ropes provide an opportunity to have fun with your child. Simple games with ropes are popular with younger and older preschoolers.

Game descriptions:

1. "Snake"

Carry out in the yard, on the path of the garden or park, in the room. One child or several children can participate. The adult places the rope on the ground and asks the child to jump over several times. Stretches the rope along the ground, holding one end.

Asks the children to help move the “snake.” The game is best played with fun music.

2. “Rope fun”

An adult lays a long rope in the form of a broken line on the grass or path. Invites the child to walk on a rope, come up with and perform other types of exercises, for example, jumping over a rope on one or two legs, crawling along it.


Neither teachers nor parents question the developmental nature of outdoor games. Many adults remember their favorite outdoor games from childhood. There are Russian amusements that are several hundred years old, for example, “Geese-geese”, “Bear the bear in the forest”.

Games are classified according to the intensity of movements (low, medium and high mobility). There are fun with and without a driver, with objects and other types.

Game descriptions:

1. “By the bear in the forest”

The driver - the “bear” sleeps in the “den”. Children pretend to bend down and collect gifts from the forest. Gradually approach the leader.

They sing a song: “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries, but the bear does not sleep - he growls at the children.”

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On new forms of working with parents in kindergarten find out from the article.

The driver stands up and growls, portraying a dissatisfied “owner of the forest.” Children rush in all directions. To improve the game, you can change the starting position of the driver (in the center, standing, sitting on a chair, behind a bench.).

2. "Dragon"

During the game, a column of children turns into a “dragon”. The first child represents the “head”, and the last child represents the “tail”. At the leader’s signal, the “head” tries to grab the “tail”, but it dodges.

When the “tail” is caught, the children change places.


Children's dominoes, drawing stencils, coloring books and other board games develop the child's memory and intelligence and allow him to organize his leisure time.

There are ready-made sets in stores; it is no less interesting for children to play homemade dominoes (cardboards with geometric shapes, cars, vegetables and fruits, animals).

Drawing with stencils develops a child's creative skills and eye.

Children love solving puzzles; they especially like one of the modern games - puzzles. Simple ones are intended for children of primary preschool age; they can collect 4-6 elements. The more complex ones have dozens of fragments; adults are usually happy to help children assemble the picture according to the model.


Bright pictures on the screen enable the child to learn colors and geometric shapes, letters and numbers. Educational computer games captivate children, stimulate logical thinking, and broaden their horizons.

The choice is huge; they are created for children of almost all age groups (excluding the youngest). A preschooler's screen time should be no more than 20 minutes a day.

Finding age-appropriate educational games for a child is both an interesting and challenging problem for parents. Simple tips will help you make the right choice and organize your child’s leisure time:

  • Children must play.
  • By nature, a child is curious, interested in objects that stimulate the imagination, as varied and wonderful as the world around him.
  • The best toys are complex ones, for example, multi-colored cubes different sizes, and on the edges there are the alphabet and pictures.
  • Children need to move; toys should include balls, jump ropes, and skittles.
  • The development of language begins with the simplest games, nursery rhymes and lullabies. Then comes the turn of fairy tales, tongue twisters, and literary works.
  • Simple puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, and construction sets develop children's coordination and allow them to understand how different objects fit together.

In educational games, preschoolers acquire skills that help them more successfully overcome the steps of the age “ladder.” The children learn about time, nature, people, sciences, and art.

For children of middle preschool age, the social-emotional side of activity is important. They learn cooperation in the game, obey the rules, which becomes the key to successful socialization.

This is why it is so important to teach your child to cope with emerging problems. Overcoming another difficult situation, he rejoices: “I did it!”, “I did it!”.

Video: Developmental exercises (games) for children 3-4 years old

Read also

More details gopsy.ru

  1. mood and emotional state at the moment.

The specifics of educational games depend on the age for which they are intended.

Educational games for children - important element preschool development. With them, children learn to navigate time and space, distinguish shapes and forms. Educational games for preschool children often work specifically with these children's skills.

And even more than that: in many games, preschool children also learn to read, count, and develop logical and creative thinking. The need to follow the rules of the game develops discipline in children, and joint games teach them to act as a team.

But, perhaps, the main thing that educational games provide to a preschooler is motivation to learn and awakening curiosity.

Children's educational games for primary schoolchildren -

Educational games: download or online?

You should probably download free educational games if:

  1. you do not have regular Internet access,
  2. your computer is equipped with a powerful antivirus,
  3. your child does not often spend time on the computer,
  4. you have time to update the children's game library (search for new educational games, install them, remove games that are no longer interesting or that the child does not like).

It is better for you to look for educational games online if:

  1. you have the opportunity to regularly access the Internet,
  2. you want free educational games to pose minimal risk to your computer,
  3. you do not want to install additional programs on your computer,
  4. you are looking for educational games, updated free of charge and without your intervention by developers of children's projects.

Educational computer games are a great opportunity to show your child that a computer is not just a box of toys! Remember: finding educational games for free is not an easy, but quite feasible task for modern parents. We wish you and your child to find educational games with which your child will love to learn.

On this topic:


The article presents a list of programs for preschool children....

More details on the website nsportal.ru

Computer games for the development of preschool children

In the 21st information century, the PC has become one of the most common household items in almost every home. Almost from the first months, the baby begins to be interested in this mysterious technique. After all, he always sees one of the adults constantly sitting behind him.

Adults are more interested in communicating via the Internet, as well as searching for various information (music, films, games). Kids are more interested in what it is and why various sounds are made from there, why some pictures are constantly shown.

A child's first acquaintance with a computer

The first acquaintance with a PC should be made no earlier than the child is at least two years old. At this point, kids already have a fairly diverse knowledge and are able to quickly master new ones.

At the first stage, you need to teach the child to use a computer mouse, explaining to him that its pointer moves with every movement of his hand, and also that when you press the left button, you can perform some actions, for example, pick up and move an object.

The game “Butterflies and Fishes” is a good way to develop your mouse skills. Its essence is that when you press any key on the keyboard or mouse button, fish or butterflies appear on the screen. The game itself is accompanied by classical calm music.

This game will captivate the child, but it is worth picking up several similar games of different difficulty levels and different themes in order to change them from time to time. Such games coordinate the movement of the hand and mouse.

Educational games for learning foreign languages

It is worth considering that games of this nature should not be used earlier than three years. They will help you prepare for school.

In this case, the key to a successful result is the child’s interest in the learning process. And it is the game that is a good way to attract the child’s attention to the most effective learning of any foreign language.

Today there are language discs of various levels of complexity. At first ideal option There will be games with letters and simple words.

Gradually, you can switch to discs with adapted fairy tales, which also contain numerous animated illustrations, voice prompts, and exciting quizzes. Also, don’t miss out on multilingual dictionary discs.

Computer games for the development of memory, thinking, attention and spatial imagination

When considering the possibility of teaching a child with the help of computer games, you should not lose sight of him. mental development. The bulk of tasks of this type are labyrinths, puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, and mosaics.

With their help, your child will begin to think logically, analyze and remember. The most common game is “Smeshariki”.

Computer games based on a specific plot also contribute to the development of thinking. The player's goal is to complete a series of tasks to achieve a certain end result (usually the victory of good over evil). You can already introduce them starting from 4 years old.

Computer games to develop creativity

Thanks to games for the development of creative abilities, a child from a fairly young age will be able to learn the basics of calligraphy, painting, and design.

In addition, such discs have the goal of introducing the child to the world classical music, the playback of which is accompanied by cartoons with interesting comments.

Such music lessons will contribute to the development of hearing and musical abilities. The child also gets acquainted with the sound of most musical instruments accessible to his perception and the features of their sound.

Remember that at this age, learning is primarily a game, even if it takes place on a computer screen. In the process of such seemingly simple classes, the child will master the basics of mathematics, reading, foreign languages, painting, and music.

New tips:

Material from the site nadysha.ru

computer science teacher MOUSOSH No. 1


An analysis of the software recommended for preschool children (both in our country and abroad) shows the enormous potential of computer games for the general intellectual, emotional and personal development of children and their learning. All children's gaming computer programs, due to their specific, specially oriented organization for preschoolers, are developmental in nature. At the same time, among the diverse range of children's programs, there is a large group of educational and developmental computer games that are specially created for use for educational purposes.

Classification of computer programs and games

Educational games for preschoolers.

These are computer programs designed to form and develop children’s general mental abilities, goal setting, fantasy, and imagination. They do not have an explicit purpose - they are tools for the child’s creativity and self-expression.

Programs of this type include:

  1. graphic editors, “drawing books”, “coloring books”, designers that provide the ability to freely draw on the screen with straight and curved lines, contour and solid geometric shapes and spots, painting closed areas, inserting ready-made drawings, erasing images;
  2. simple text editors for entering, editing, storing and printing text;
  3. “environment designers” with a variety of functionalities for the free movement of characters and other elements against the backdrop of scenery, including the set that serves as the basis for the creation of “director’s” computer games; “music editors” for entering, storing and playing simple (usually single-voice) melodies in notated form;
  4. “fairy tale constructors”, combining the capabilities of elementary text and graphic editors.

Educational games

These are game programs of a didactic type, in which one or several didactic tasks are proposed to be solved in a game form. This class includes games related to the formation of children's initial mathematical concepts; teaching grammar, syllable and word formation, writing through reading and reading through writing, native and foreign languages; the formation of ideas about orientation in plane and space; with aesthetic, moral education; environmental education; with the basics of systematization and classification, synthesis and analysis of concepts.

Games - experiments

In games of this type, the goals and rules of the game are not explicitly specified, but are hidden in the plot or method of control. Therefore, in order to achieve success in solving a game problem, a child must, through search actions, come to an awareness of the goal and method of action in the game.

Fun games

These games do not contain explicit game or developmental objectives. They simply provide the opportunity for children to have fun, carry out search actions and see the result on the screen in the form of some kind of “micro-cartoon”.

Computer diagnostic games

Educational games, educational games, and experiments can be considered diagnostic, since an experienced teacher, especially a psychologist, can tell a child a lot in the way they solve computer problems.

Examples of computer training and development programs:

Name of the game

Material from the site nsportal.ru

How quickly time flies! It seems like just yesterday you were buying rattles and walkers for your baby, and now you’re going to the store for a princess doll, a super hero or a computer game. After all, now your child is not just a baby - he is already a preschooler!

Preschool age is the stage of mental development of a child from 3 to 7 years. During this period, the child’s personality, his intellect and emotional sphere are actively formed. Scientists distinguish three stages of pre-school development:

* younger preschool age (3–4 years);

* average(4–5 years);

* senior (5–7 years old).

Taking these periods into account, groups in kindergartens are formed. And knowledge of these stages will help parents in choosing toys.

After all, in the process of play, 3-7 year old children learn the basic techniques of activity and norms of social behavior, and the child’s abilities improve every year. At this age, children develop an interest in designing, drawing, modeling, and weaving.

The main function of a toy during this period should be to activate independent child activity. Now the child’s motives and desires begin to be consistent with each other, he acts not only impulsively, but also indirectly, assimilates the rules. Memory is actively developing, a preschool child can easily remember many poems and songs.

He likes to learn something new and communicate. It’s as if the child turns into a “why”, wants to be able to do everything and “be like an adult.” But with all this “adulting”, the main activity remains the game.

Keeping all of the above in mind, we will go to the toy store. But first, for convenience, we divide preschool age into 2 periods: 3-5 years and 5-7 years. Because when choosing toys for a child under five years old, we will focus on general development personality, and after five - specifically for preparing for school.

Toys for children 3-5 years old

Dolls of all types and accessories for them

After all, a doll is one of the most ancient toys; it teaches a girl to be caring, kind - prepares her for the future role of a mother and woman. A girl can have quite a lot of dolls. They should be of different sizes and “ages”: from baby dolls to “adults” like Barbie.

Bratz dolls have recently appeared on sale: they look quite similar to Barbie, but they look much “younger” - like teenage girls. The “newborn” Baby-born doll has proven itself well: she can drink from a bottle and even... wet diapers!

Moreover, the older the girl, the more dolls of the same type you can buy for her. Don't forget about toy furniture, dishes, clothes and houses: let the little housewife learn to keep them clean and populate them with new pets!

Cars and toy weapons

Symbols of masculinity that every boy is partial to. It could be a pistol, machine gun, space blaster, sword or bow and arrow. Thanks to these toys, the boy prepares for his future role as a protector.

There can be a lot of cars: from small racing cars to large dump trucks, from police cars to fire truck. While playing with them, the child learns about new professions and social roles men.

Clockwork and electronic toys

From cars and robots to remote control to dogs and dinosaurs that start up with a key. Suitable for both boys and girls. You can come up with a lot of games with them: for example, a car can go around obstacles, transport cubes and dolls, and a dog can guard all this.

Super heroes and monsters

Perfect for boys role playing games. Spider-Man, pirate, Batman, RoboCop and other heroes of your favorite comics and films. You can play with them individually or assemble entire armies.

They develop imagination well: the child comes up with more and more new games with already familiar characters, and can play out a scene from a movie or cartoon.

Cubes with composite pictures and letters

Something unusual - Home incubator

This is an egg with a baby animal inside. Thanks to this toy, a child can watch how a chick or even a small dinosaur is born from an egg. To do this, just put the egg in a container with water.

And then it will happen small miracle: After 12-24 hours, the shell will slowly begin to crack and the baby will emerge from the egg. And after the egg shell is completely destroyed, you need to place the baby in a large container and watch it grow. More likely, after such “magic” the child will become interested in books about these animals. And you can prepare yourself mentally for school: “They will tell you a lot of interesting things about animals there!”


At this age, the child perfectly perceives and remembers visual information if it is presented in a bright and interesting way. The child needs to be shown different cartoons - both domestic and Disney, from modern to classic.

And if a child is particularly interested in a cartoon, you can buy a toy character and coloring books based on the cartoon. Nowadays, the cartoon “Smeshariki” is very popular among children of preschool (and primary school) age, and its characters have appeared on store shelves - funny, colorful, round animals: Krosh, Nyusha, Barash...

Children's educational interactive computer

With it, the child will find himself in a world of amazing adventures and at the same time will learn letters, words, numbers, spelling and mathematics, improve memory and logic, have fun playing music or games, and will also begin to learn English. Controls are computer keys and a computer mouse.

The keyboard layout is like on a real computer.

Toy books and fairy tale books

Made of hard cardboard, with bright applications and three-dimensional figures of the main characters. The child most likely does not yet know how to read, but can look at the drawings with interest and touch the pasted-on animals and people.

They develop attentiveness, and most importantly, they form an interest in reading. But these books need to be “revived” as often as possible - read to the child. There is very little text, and the child will be able to quickly remember it and even retell it - and this is already good preparation for school!

Constructors and transformers

Develop logic, thinking and creativity. They don’t get bored for a long time, because... can change and become something new.

Home Toy Studio (stuffed stuffed animals)

The good thing is that even 3-4 summer child will be able to “sew” a toy with his own hands. All materials included, no needles or threads required. Develops fine motor skills and accustoms to work.

In addition, a child will definitely fall in love with a handmade plush animal.

Swedish wall

Suitable for both morning exercises, and just to “hang out” on it. Very useful for the spine and muscles.

Sets for drawing and sculpting

Pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, crayons, watercolors, plasticine, clay and quickly hardening plastic mass. Gradually prepare the baby for writing and develop creative abilities.

Kits for making beads and bracelets

Great for developing fine motor skills and perseverance! The set contains not only large beads and beads different shapes, but also colored threads, small hearts and even multi-colored feathers. The little fashionista will be delighted!

Toys for outdoor games:

balls, skittles, darts, hula hoops, jump ropes, etc. Necessary for harmonious physical development, outdoor recreation and games in the yard.

Toy basket

This is no longer for children, but for parents. After all, there are a lot of toys that have accumulated and they need to be stored somewhere. It will help keep the children's room clean and teach the little fidget to be in order.

It’s good if it is made of bright, colored material - then the basket will suit the interior, and the child will want to put toys and other “treasures” there himself.

Toys for a child 5-7 years old:

Drawing kits

It is worth adding gouache to ordinary felt-tip pens and watercolors, oil paints, pastel (crayons) and batik set. All this perfectly stimulates imagination, hand motor skills and prepares for school.

Embroidery kit

A young craftswoman's dream! The set includes a hoop, sketches for transferring to fabric, and colored threads. Develops fine motor skills, trains perseverance and accuracy, which will definitely be needed in first grade.

Wood carving tools

This is no longer just a toy, but also a thing needed in the household. This way the boy will learn to help his dad, and later the sawing skill will be useful in labor lessons.

Board games

Dominoes, lotto, puzzles, split alphabet, puzzles... Develop logic, ingenuity, and quick thinking. It is especially good if parents play these games with their children.

But at the same time, one must take into account the child’s character: a diligent child is ready to spend hours assembling a mosaic, but a restless child will play outdoor games with much greater pleasure.

Computer games

If your child is not yet familiar with the computer, it's time to fix that! Computer games train fine motor skills, reaction speed, intelligence, attention...

And most importantly, they help prepare for school, where already in the elementary grades you may need the ability to work on a computer. Boys will be interested in “shooting games”, “adventure games” and strategies, girls will be interested in fashion show simulators, and some will not mind “chopping” monsters together with their brother.

And everyone will enjoy games based on fairy tales and cartoons! You shouldn’t worry too much about the cruelty and “bloodiness” of some games, because all of this, as children say, is “for fun” (and there is always an age limit on the packaging). The main thing here is that the child does not stay at the computer for too long.

Beading kit

Thanks to small details, it develops attentiveness, clarity of movements and prepares for writing. Thanks to the small “caliber” of beads, the girl will be able to make jewelry not only for herself, but also for dolls, which she will definitely like!

Kits for plaster modeling and creating bas-reliefs

This is already much more interesting than sculpting from plasticine. The child will be able to feel like a real sculptor. You can use the drawings on the box as a sample, or you can create your own unique piece.

"Funny" student supplies

They will help prepare your child for the role of a future student. Only they should be brighter and more colorful than those of schoolchildren. For example, a spiral pen, a large colored eraser, a pencil with a toy at the end, a notebook with a favorite cartoon character... For every attempt to write or draw something, the child should be praised and the significance of his activity emphasized: “Like a real student!”

Children's encyclopedias

If a child is very interested in certain animals or phenomena discussed in the book, it is worth going with him to a museum or exhibition so that the child gets to know these “interesting things” better. Is your child interested in a story about dinosaurs?

Go to the store together and buy a set of these “monsters” or an album with stickers. At 5-7 years of age, children learn well new information, if it is presented in a playful way.

All the games and toys listed here are ideal for children of this age, helping them develop and learn something new. But some of them are the ones the guys love to play the most.

Favorite toys

1. baby dolls with accessories (Baby-born, Anabel);

2. Barbie (and similar dolls) with furnishings;

3. soft toys, musical toys, centers and role-playing toys “Cook”, “Hairdresser”, “Doctor”, etc.

For boys:

3. figurines of animals, people and musical toys.

Girls' love for dolls, and boys' love for technology is historically determined and lasts for many years. But at the same time, a girl can happily play with Batman or a ninja turtle, and a boy can ride his sister’s dolls in a car.

Favorite educational games

Material nsportal.ru

The computer, being the most modern instrument for information processing, can serve as a powerful technical teaching tool and play a role irreplaceable assistant in the education and general mental development of preschool children.
Psychologists note: than earlier child gets acquainted with a computer, the smaller the psychological barrier between him and the machine, since the child has practically no fear of technology. Why? Yes, because a computer is attractive to children, like any new toy, and that is exactly how they look at it in most cases. Communication between preschool children and computers begins with computer games, carefully selected taking into account age and educational focus.

When playing on a computer, a child early begins to understand that the objects on the screen are not real things, but only signs of these real things. Thus, children begin to develop the so-called sign function of consciousness, that is, the understanding that there are several levels of the world around us - these are real things, and pictures, diagrams, words or numbers, etc.
As children study on computers, their memory and attention improve. Children in early age have involuntary attention, that is, they cannot consciously try to remember this or that material. And if the material is bright and meaningful, the child involuntarily pays attention to it. And here the computer is simply irreplaceable, as it transmits information in a form that is attractive to the child, which not only speeds up the memorization of the content, but also makes it meaningful and long-lasting.

Children's computer activities have great importance not only for the development of intelligence, but also for the development of their motor skills. In any games, from the simplest to the most complex, children need to learn to press certain keys with their fingers, which develops the fine muscles of the hands and motor skills of children. Scientists note that the more we make small and complex movements with our fingers, the more parts of the brain are involved in the work. Like the hands, the eyes also have a very large representation in the cerebral cortex. The more closely we look at what we are working on, the more benefits our brain will have. That is why the formation of motor coordination and coordination of the joint activity of the visual and motor analyzers is so important, which is successfully achieved in children’s classes on computers. Communication with computers arouses keen interest in children, first as a play activity, and then as an educational activity. This interest underlies the formation of such important structures as cognitive motivation, voluntary memory and attention, and it is these qualities that ensure the child’s psychological readiness for school.

Computer games teach children to overcome difficulties, control the execution of actions, and evaluate results. The child enters into the plot of the games, assimilates their rules, subordinating his actions to them, and strives to achieve results. In addition, almost all games have their own heroes who need to be helped to complete the task. Thus, the computer helps to develop not only the child’s intellectual abilities, but also cultivates strong-willed qualities such as independence, composure, concentration, perseverance, and also introduces the child to empathy, helping the heroes of the games, thereby enriching his attitude to the world around him.
Computer games in domestic preschool pedagogy are one of the newest and most pressing problems. A group of programmers, psychologists, teachers and other specialists from the Computer and Childhood Association developed the “KID/Baby” software and methodological complex.

Currently, in the modern market software tools for preschool education presented in a wide variety. From among them, it is necessary to choose computer programs for preschoolers, which should have a positive moral orientation; they should not contain aggressiveness, cruelty, or violence. Of particular interest are programs with elements of novelty, surprise, and unusualness.
Among this type of programs, we can note the development of the “KID/Baby” complex. But due to the distance from regional service centers and the inaccessibility of this complex, most often it is necessary to use more accessible software that meets the requirements for computer games used in preschool education.

There are many modern programs specifically designed for teaching individual subjects: mathematics, speech development, native and foreign language etc. There are also entertainment programs that do not contain pedagogical knowledge, but which can also be effectively used for educational purposes thanks to a variety of methodological techniques.
The introduction of a computer into the system of didactic tools in a kindergarten can become a powerful factor in enriching the intellectual, aesthetic, moral and physical development of a child. Widespread adoption of computers will increase general level educational work in children's institutions. A computer is a complex object of cognition, which places higher demands on the organization of a child’s activities. By becoming a means of cognition, the computer contributes psychological development child, consolidation of already formed knowledge and skills, learning new things, realizing potential creative opportunities, developing imagination and independence. Of particular importance for the development of a preschooler is his leading activity - play, therefore computers in kindergarten are used primarily as a means of play, as a new, complex, interesting and controllable toy by the child, with the help of which he solves a wide variety of gaming problems. Computer games are not isolated from the pedagogical process of a preschool institution. They are offered in combination with traditional games and learning, not replacing conventional games and activities, but complementing them, entering into their structure, enriching the pedagogical process with new opportunities.

A “dialogue” with a personal computer should never become a dialogue with a machine as a “person”, therefore the process of a child mastering a computer as a means of carrying out human activity does not result in a direct connection “child - computer”, but an indirect one - “computer - child - goal”.

Nature education classes are aimed at clarifying, expanding and systematizing children’s ideas about the relationship of plants and animals with external environment. In the system of forming children's relationships with nature great place focuses on the development of cognitive interest in nature, as well as aesthetic feelings associated with its beauty.
During classes to familiarize themselves with nature, children can be offered the game “Animal Adventures”. “Animal Adventures” is an educational program in the form of a fun and fun game will allow children to become better acquainted with the world of wildlife. This game will present on the monitor screen animals from different parts of the world that children have not seen even in the zoo. Elephants, monkeys, snakes, giraffes, beavers, octopuses, the bats- and many other very different and exotic animals. Children will learn a lot of new things not only about what these animals look like, but also how they live, learn about their life in wildlife, their habits and habits. They themselves will be able to help the beaver build a platform on the river and equip his “hut”; will make a “night journey” with a bat in search of food; find out " underworld» ants.

Literacy classes are aimed h strengthen and improve the ability to divide words into syllables and perform sound analysis of words - this becomes the basis for introducing children to letters and learning to read. Carry out sound analysis of a word using various means: a diagram of the sound composition of the word, chips, intonation selection of sounds in the word. Understand and use the term “sentence” in speech, compose a sentence of 3-4 words, divide the sentence into words, naming them in order. The game “Fun ABC” can help with all this. “Fun ABC” is the first introduction to sounds and letters; it will explain and help reinforce what syllables are and how to form words from them. The game contains exercises with which children can easily learn to read.
For example, one of the tasks in the game “Fun ABC”: computer pictures introduce children to the letters of the Russian alphabet, with each letter corresponding to a specific picture. Four pictures and a letter appear on the screen, which begins with the object depicted in one of the pictures. During the game, the child must find the correct picture.

Classes on the development of elementary mathematical concepts are aimed, first of all, at the development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities: the ability to generalize, compare, identify and establish patterns, connections and relationships, solve problems, put forward them, anticipate the result and course of solving a creative problem. To do this, children should be involved in meaningful, active and developmental activities in the classroom, in independent play and practical activities outside of class, based on self-control and self-esteem. The use of computer games is especially important in these classes. They help in a simple, visual form, based on a specific model, to understand and assimilate the material that was given to children in class.
The first acquaintance with the world of mathematics will be pleasant and interesting with the help of the game “Planet of Numbers”. This game will teach children 3-7 years old to recognize colors and shapes, compare sizes, heights, distances, and perform simple logic problems, will help develop counting skills within ten, familiarity with ordinal numbers, familiarization with the concepts of “first”, “last”, “addition” and “subtraction”.
Games: “Compare and fill”, “Game with one hoop”, “Fill in the empty cells” will introduce children to the classification of figures according to 2 and 3 properties (color, shape, size), will help consolidate the relationships “more”, “less”, “ equal”, find distinctive features.

Children's education program in the computer and gaming complex of the preschool educational institution.

The goal of this program is to develop the abilities of preschool children using modern information technologies. The tasks that are solved to achieve the goal can be combined into the following groups:

I. Introductory-adaptation cycle.

  1. Introduce children to the computer as a modern tool for processing information:
  • introduce the history, purpose and structure of computers.
  • Introduce children to the rules of conduct in the CEC and the rules of safe computer use.
  • Overcome, if necessary, the psychological barrier between the child and the computer.
  • Develop basic computer skills:
    • introduce the keyboard and mouse.

    II. Educational cycle.

    1. Develop skills in educational activities:
    • teach to realize goals;
    • choose action systems to achieve the goal;
    • learn to evaluate performance results.
  • Form elementary mathematical representations:
    • improve numeracy skills;
    • study and consolidate numbers;
    • work with geometric shapes;
    • solve simple arithmetic problems;
    • develop the ability to navigate on a plane;
    • consolidate ideas about the size of objects.
  • Develop speech:
  • Develop the child's sensory abilities.
  • Form aesthetic taste.
  • Develop the sign function of consciousness.
  • Develop the emotional-volitional sphere of the child:
    • cultivate independence, composure, concentration, perseverance;
    • to introduce empathy, cooperation, co-creativity.

    III. Creative cycle.

    1. Develop constructive abilities.
    2. Train memory and attention.
    3. Develop imagination.
    4. Develop creative, conceptual, logical, abstract thinking; use elements of the development of heuristic thinking.
    5. Develop needs for cognition.
    Structure of classes.

    Each lesson is comprehensive. It includes 3 stages.
    Istage - preparatory.
    The child is immersed in the plot of the lesson, a period of preparation for the computer game through educational games, conversations, contests, competitions that will help him cope with the task. Gymnastics for the eyes is included, finger gymnastics to prepare the visual and motor apparatus for work.

    IIstage - the main one.
    Includes mastering the way to control the program to achieve results and the child’s independent play at the computer.

    IIIstage - final.
    Necessary for relieving visual tension (eye exercises are performed), for relieving muscle and nervous tension (physical minutes, acupressure, massage to the person in front, complex physical exercise, relaxation with music). Classes are held in subgroups of 4-8 people 2 times a week in the morning. Duration of each stage of the lesson:
    Stage 1 - 10-15 minutes,
    Stage 2 - 10-15 minutes,
    Stage 3 - 4-5 minutes.
    After each lesson, ventilate the room.

    For more effective, lasting mastery of knowledge, the program is built on the basis of gradual immersion in training blocks that provide solutions to main groups of problems. Interblock transitions are programs for the development of thought processes, memory and play activities. Working on a computer involves a forced sitting posture. This has a very adverse effect on the child’s body and contributes to his rapid fatigue. Fatigue develops because the musculoskeletal system of children 5-6 years old is still far from functional perfection and does not tolerate physical exercise. That is why it is important that the child sits at the computer correctly, in a position that is comfortable for him. The correct rational posture is also important in connection with the prevention of visual fatigue in the child, since when working on a PC you have to look at objects close range and against the backdrop of a glowing monitor screen. Another peculiarity of children’s visual work at the computer is that they often have to look from the screen to the PC keyboard and back. Consequently, the accommodative apparatus of the child’s eye is in a state of constant tension. To relieve tension in the accommodative apparatus of the eye, a set of eye gymnastics exercises has been developed that are accessible to children. However, to increase interest in the exercises and high-quality performance, it is advisable to conduct them in a playful way.
    Practice has shown that the correct formulation of the game problem is of great importance for quickly mastering the game. For this purpose, notes have been developed for activities - games, activities - fairy tales, which can increase the interest of children.

    Lesson “Collect a picture”

    STAGE 1. Game "Collect the picture"
    - The children came to visit us and brought a picture, but while they were coming to us they quarreled, and as a result the picture was torn. Let's reconcile the gnomes and help them put together a picture. (Didactic game"Collect a picture").

    Phys. just a minute. Game "Gnome"

    Hid cleverly in my fist
    Little gnome in a big cap.
    If we are quiet (loud, cheerful, affectionate) we'll call him
    The little gnome will leave his home (children call as they say).
    Come on for the little gnome,
    Repeat all the movements
    One and two and three, come on, repeat! (children repeat the movements).

    And the gnomes sent us the picture for a reason. They want to introduce us to an interesting device with which you can easily collect the same pictures on a computer. Getting to know the mouse.
    1. Inspection of the “mouse”. Why is it called that?
    2. Hand position when working with the mouse and control method.

    STAGE 2.
    The teacher explains to the children how to assemble pictures from parts using the “mouse”.
    Independent activity of children, assistance from the teacher to each child in working with the “mouse”.

    STAGE 3.
    Lesson summary: repetition of the name of the “mouse” manipulator, its purpose, control method.

    Gymnastics for the eyes:
    We open our eyes - once,
    And we close our eyes - two,
    One two three four,
    open our eyes wider.
    And now they have closed again,
    Our eyes are rested