The actress's bright appearance and amazing charm have always attracted men to her, so she never experienced a shortage of fans. However, simple female happiness did not come to her on the first try.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s first husband is German, he fell in love with the pretty actress at first sight after seeing her in “Snuffbox”. At that time she was busy in supporting roles and only dreamed of real glory and recognition, so without hesitation she accepted his marriage proposal after several days of dating. All the more interesting was the opportunity to go to Germany, where she expected to achieve success. However, reality turned out to be not the same as the man in love painted. All his ardor remained in Russia, but here he became tight-fisted and boring person, ready to make a huge scandal over a large telephone bill.

Anastasia surrounded by her son and husband

Moreover, his jealousy knew no bounds. Unable to bear all this, Nastya returned to her homeland, and after a short period of time she met with Dmitry Stryukov, who became her second husband. All the more interesting was the story of their acquaintance - everything happened completely by chance - he simply gave a ride to a pretty woman, and in gratitude she invited him to her performance. In an effort to open their own business, the young people left for America, where they had children - daughter Anna and son Michael. However, this marriage was not destined to survive and they separated.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk with her ex-husband

Returning to Moscow, Anastasia was able to achieve amazing results in her career. And the first news was the casting, as a result of which she received main role in the domestic series “My Fair Nanny”. After this, she truly becomes one of the most sought-after and popular actresses; she is constantly invited to various projects and shows on TV. At one of them, “Dancing on Ice,” she met with the champion in the figure company, Pyotr Chernyshev. He is now the third husband of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Their wedding, and especially the touching tenderness that is visible in their relationship, makes a stunning impression on others. However, unconfirmed rumors constantly appear in the press that the couple has broken up, which the guys never tire of categorically denying.
Today she rightfully considers herself one of the happiest women, because next to her is a real knight and a truly worthy person. All that remains is to wish her as much happiness and good luck as possible!

Anastasia and her first husband

Anastasia Yuryevna Zavorotnyuk (April 3, 1971) – Russian actress theater and cinema, TV presenter on several domestic channels. Since 2006 she has been Honored Artist Russian Federation, and a year before that she received the prestigious TEFI film award.


Anastasia Yuryevna was born on April 3 in the city of Astrakhan. Her mother is an Honored Artist of Russia and this moment continues to work at the Astrakhan Youth Theater. Father is a former correspondent, and now a TV director and an honorary member of the Russian Television Academy. That is why Nastya’s desire and love for theater and in general everything related to art appeared thanks to her parents.

Since childhood, Nastya dreamed of a big stage. Very often she went with her mother to premiere performances, helped her in the dressing room and backstage, and in the evenings, when the theater was empty, she went on stage to feel what real artists feel during theatrical performances.

Zavorotnyuk’s love and predisposition for the world of art was felt in everything. She was not good at exact sciences and, on the contrary, with incredible ease everything that was connected with languages ​​and natural specializations. In addition, the girl constantly took an active part in all school events, where she was not only a performer, but also a leader (for her excellent organizational skills, teachers often entrusted Anastasia with staging school plays, and the girl coped with the tasks quite well).

Here Nastya, with the support of the school director and her mother’s friend, organized the “Lotos” team, which once a month staged performances and demonstrated talented students of all ages at competitions. At the same time, Anastasia still managed to study piano at a music school.

Youth and the beginning of an acting career

In 1988, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk graduated with honors from high school in Astrakhan. The actress herself regards that period in her life as the most difficult, because her parents began to constantly quarrel over their busy touring schedules, which interfered with the normal life of the family. It almost came to a divorce when the father and mother came to their senses and agreed to stay together at least for the sake of their daughter. Nevertheless, Nastya remembered the entire period of quarrels and omissions more clearly than anything else:

“...When I saw mom and dad quarreling, the desire to be associated with art completely disappeared. I sat and thought that I would quarrel with my family in the same way, ruin my fate and theirs, and all because of a banal theater stage…» .

It was precisely because of the difficult family situation after graduation high school young Nastya Zavorotnyuk decides to do away with everything related to art and enters the Astrakhan State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of History.

However, a child raised in the family of a people's artist and a famous journalist and correspondent quickly realizes how boring she is similar world. Nastya spends her days trying to find at least one positive feature, but, unfortunately, fails and leaves there in the second year of study.

By the time Zavorotnyuk finally decides that the pedagogical university is clearly not for her, her parents find mutual language, And talented girl, once again inspired by art and peace in the family, successfully enters the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio to take a course with director and teacher Avangard Nikolaevich Leontyev. This is where it begins new stage in the life and work of a talented actress.

Theater and film careers

While still a student at the Moscow Art Theater, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk participates in her first debut film called “Mashenka”, which is being directed by Tamara Pavlyuchenko. The film receives positive responses from viewers, but Zavorotnyuk herself, appearing in the film only a few times, receives virtually no attention and continues to remain in the shadow of her more popular theater and film colleagues.

After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater, she gets a job at Oleg Tabakov’s theater studio, where she begins to work seriously on her theatrical career. It is with this place, according to the actress herself, that greatest number emotions. Here, under the guidance of experienced directors and colleagues, Zavorotnyuk successfully appears on stage in such productions as “The Passion of Bumbarash”, “ An ordinary story", "Sailor's Silence", "The Myth of Don Juan", "Confessions of the adventurer Felix Krull", "Sex, lies and video" and many others.

In 2004, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was offered, purely by chance, to try out for the role of Victoria Vladimirovna in the series “My Fair Nanny,” which is planned to be broadcast on the domestic STS channel. After looking at the script, the actress agrees to try herself as a nanny, but until the very end she doesn’t know what to do with the Ukrainian accent (in the story, nanny Vika comes from the wilderness to the capital in search of better life). Zavorotnyuk’s colleague Olga Blok-Mirimskaya offers help with this, she takes up rehearsals with Nastya and within a week gives her a natural Ukrainian accent. From that moment on, the actress was approved for the role and until 2007 she successfully starred in the series, which brought her more and more popularity.

A year later, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk appears on television as the host of several shows on STS. The first trial is the program “ Good songs”, which began to lose popularity due to the departure of Tina Kandelaki. After Anastasia replaced Tina, “Good Songs” became a popular program again. Next, Nastya was a TV presenter in such projects as “Dancing on Ice”, “Dancing with the Stars”, the third season of the magic show “Surprise Me”, and in 2013 she was invited by Dmitry Nagiyev himself as a co-host in the TV show “Two Stars”.

Personal life

While still a student at the Moscow Art Theater School, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk met the enterprising and charismatic Olaf Schwarfkopf, a German businessman who came to Russia on a business trip. Olaf really liked the aspiring and very talented actress, and he proposed to her, after which the couple had to fly to Germany. But Zavorotnyuk realized that going after her beloved to a place where she could not have her own career as an actress, where no one knew her or would recognize her because of the difficulty in learning German, was not an option.

In 1995, when Anastasia had already stopped communicating with Olaf, another businessman appeared in her life and also a foreigner - Dmitry Stryukov, who carried out real estate transactions in the USA. The couple gets married, and over the next three years the actress literally lives in two countries, and even raises two children: daughter Anna and son Michael.

But the marriage breaks up when Zavorotnyuk is invited to star in the TV series “My Fair Nanny,” where she meets her colleague on the set, actor Sergei Zhigunov. Rumor has it that Nastya and Sergei are having a stormy office romance. Nevertheless, in September 2008, Zavorotnyuk officially announced upcoming wedding with figure skater Pyotr Chernyshov.

The girl was born into the extraordinary family of the famous Astrakhan Youth Theater actress Valentina Zavorotnyuk and TV director Yuri Zavorotnyuk. She often visited the backstage of her mother’s theater, and at performances she sat in the first row, right in front of the stage, and muttered under her breath the words spoken from the stage, which frightened the audience and could even disrupt the performance.

When Nastya grew up, her parents sent her to dance in a local group, but about acting career Neither mom nor dad dreamed of daughters. They wanted the girl to get a “regular” specialty because they knew how thankless the acting profession could be.

And Nastya dreamed of theater. However, when the time came to enroll, at the family council the girl nevertheless bowed to the opinion of her parents and chose pedagogy. She entered the history department of a local university.

After the first year, the future star howled: I don’t want to study history! And she began to rave about the theater more than ever. Dad was inspired by his daughter’s dreams and agreed for her to leave the university and try her hand at Moscow theater theaters.


She acted hard. I didn’t get into the coveted GITIS and immediately called my dad with hysterics and tears. They say, since they didn’t take me there, it means I can’t be an artist, my theatrical life is over.

He calmed his daughter down and gave him a couple practical advice, the main one of which was to enter immediately maximum amount theatrical. Having calmed down a little, Anastasia went to the Moscow Art Theater School. Mom had to tell everything.

After graduating from the studio, Nastya was invited to work at the famous “Tabakerka”. They say that this was facilitated not only by the actress’s talent, but also by her personal charm. According to rumors, then the handsome Evgeny Mironov courted the young Zavorotnyuk and made her his protégé.

Gossip about the actors' romance was shattered by Anastasia's sudden wedding. German businessman Olaf Schwarzkopf was a fan of Russian theater, and every time he visited Moscow he always arranged cultural leisure for himself.

Once seeing a beautiful brunette with wide eyes in one of the productions, the man fell in love. I met a Russian theater star, arranged several dates for her, and literally asked her to marry her on the third. She was enchanted and completely free. Why not? And Anastasia answered “yes!”

She and her husband went to Germany and lived there for a whole year. But I was never able to adapt to new culture, besides, the theater called the still unfulfilled actress to its place. And she literally fled home from a foreign country.

I gave him a lift

She settled in Moscow again and returned to the theater. Being late for a rehearsal, I once caught a car. The gallant young man stopped. We started talking. It turned out that the man was ready not only to give her a ride to the theater, but also to take her shopping - Nastya was planning a shopping trip the next day.

The new boyfriend, Dmitry Stryukov, like Nastya’s first husband, was instantly fascinated by her femininity and beauty. She received a marriage proposal literally a month later. I never regretted the hasty decision: a wonderful family man, Dima bathed his wife in care and luxury.

From this marriage she will have two wonderful children - Anya and Michael. True, during this period she had to live in two countries. Together with her husband, she sold real estate in Los Angeles and Chicago for three years, and after the transactions, she rushed to Moscow to work in the theater.

I continued to go to castings. Zavorotnyuk really liked her role in the series “My Fair Nanny”. I felt that Vika, a comical and charming nanny in her simplicity, would be a great fit for her due to her personal qualities. But when Nastya auditioned, the casting had been going on for a year, the director looked at about one and a half thousand actresses, and could not find that very nanny Vika.

Lovely nanny

She didn’t even hope to “defeat” one and a half thousand rivals in the fight for the role, so after the end of the season at the theater, she took the kids and went on vacation to Anapa. A call from the director's assistant interrupted the vacation a few days later. She was approved.

Heavy filming began. Love had to be played with the charming Sergei Zhigunov himself. The young people, constantly together on the set, soon realized that they were united not only by work.

They began to appear together more and more often, communicating more and more closely. The novel went beyond the film studio and spilled over into the families of both actors. Both were soon convicted of infidelity and abandoned their families. Fans of the series were waiting for a happy ending and were already imagining Nastya in wedding dress. The dream of those who worked on the promotion of the sitcom was a marriage between the main characters, just like in the series.

After finishing their joint work on “Nanny,” Zhigunov filmed his beloved in a full-length film, which he produced, “The Apocalypse Code.” The movie didn’t work: they didn’t see Zavorotnyuk as a superheroine, but they saw the same nanny with a strong Odessa accent.

There was no official statement about the breakup, and Anastasia will later say in an interview that the relationship after collaboration have not spoiled. They simply disappeared.

Now Zhigunov returned to his family, was forgiven and remarried ex-wife. And Nastya’s sky was on fire new novel. The envious people immediately began to whisper: they had no love. They staged a performance with divorces to prolong the popularity of the series.


And they succeeded: the series really went off with a bang and had a continuation. Moreover, the exposed public favorite was immediately showered with countless awards, and also began to be called as a presenter on a variety of television projects. At one of these she met Pyotr Chernyshev.

They talked a lot and became very close friends. On camera, they denied rumors about their romantic relationship, and then the skater completely left, first for the USA and then for Germany. And only when he returned, he again found Nastya and began to openly court her.

This time they did not hide their feelings and appeared together in public, but after the controversial affair with Zhigunov, no one believed the star, who was afraid of oblivion.

And the couple didn’t need anyone to believe in them or not. After talking for a whole year, the lovers decided to legalize their relationship. The wedding took place in a narrow circle of relatives and close friends. The couple has been living together since 2008 and has no plans to separate.

Therefore, in order to learn more about the actress, you need to read this article, which contains information about her creative path, personal life, and how she came to become a bright star of Russian TV series and many other films. In which films did he particularly distinguish himself and what is he going to do next?

Height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk looks good for her age, few will argue with that. Slender legs, thin waist, luxurious hair They make her look younger and make her feel much younger than she really is. Answering the question: height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Zavorotnyuk? She is currently 46 years old, but she remains in amazing shape.

The actress's height is 164 centimeters, her weight is 48 kilograms, that is, we have before us a slender, petite woman who has repeatedly appeared on the screen. But every actress started somewhere, and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk had her first start in the life. Moreover, she is first and foremost ordinary woman who craves the simple female happiness. So let's look at how it all began, to what circumstances Zavorotnyuk owed her appearance on the screen.

Biography of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Biography of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was born in small town Astrakhan on April 3, 1971, and from birth she was surrounded by a creative atmosphere. Her mother was a people's artist, her father was a theater director. Therefore, while still a little girl, Nastya decided that she would devote her life to theatrical activities. We can say that the child could not yet pronounce the word “actress,” but at the same time he already dreamed of becoming one. She always and everywhere sought to connect her life with the theater, loved to attend rehearsals, which were organized by her father, where her mother participated. So almost from the first years of her life, Zavorotnyuk firmly pursued the goal of becoming an actress, being in the center of attention, and in general, devoting her life to creative activity.

In her free time from school, she went to dances, studied music, and showed her potential from all sides wherever she could. Parents did not dissuade their daughter from becoming an actress, but at the same time they did not particularly encourage this desire. But from year to year Nastya made only one wish, namely to become famous actress. When she graduated from school, she faced a serious and Difficult choice what should she do next? On the one hand, the choice was obvious, because she wanted to be an actress.

But on the other hand, I understood perfectly well that this specialty ungrateful, most often does not bring the desired result. Initially, she entered the teaching profession, but a year later she realized what a mistake she had made. After all, this was not her goal at all; she did not see herself in the teaching profession. The decision was made unconditionally, she went to conquer the theater universities of Moscow. Here only her dad supported her; Nastya didn’t even tell her mom where she was going, she said that she was leaving for an archaeological excavation.

Arriving in Moscow, she tried to enter GITIS, but she did not succeed. Anastasia was so upset that she said that she would not make any more attempts, but at the insistence of her father she decided to try her luck at the Moscow Art Theater School. This time she succeeded, and Zavorotnyuk began studying to become an actress, as she always wanted. Moreover, she received her first role back in the early nineties, when she played in the film “Mashenka”, after which the creative path on the stage of the theater. For two years, she appeared in a variety of roles in the theater, and the audience favorably noted the performance of the young actress. Nastya herself tried to distinguish herself because she understood how difficult it was to get good role, and, most importantly, play it in such a way that you get noticed.

Filmography: films starring Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

When the girl was in her fourth year of study, she was invited to audition for the famous “Tabakerka”, where she met Vladimir Mashkov. He then meticulously examined the young actress and said that she had exactly forty minutes to prove that she was capable of acting in his play. Nastya succeeded, thereby she was able to open up new perspectives for herself. After studying at theater university, she went to work at Tabakerka, but during this time Zavorotnyuk had already played in more than thirty performances, thereby gaining invaluable experience. But Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s filmography still lay ahead, and just one role brought her all-Russian recognition.

This happened during an audition for the TV series “My Fair Nanny”, where, according to Nastya, she ended up by chance and believes that she was simply lucky. After all, during filming, the young woman was on vacation with her children, but she suddenly received a call and was invited to audition. I had to interrupt my vacation and urgently go to Moscow, where she was successfully cast for the role of Victoria Prutkovskaya. It should be noted that no less than one and a half thousand different women were auditioned for this role, because the casting lasted almost a year. The role in the series changed the actress’s life dramatically. She began to wear bright things, although she previously preferred black. After the series successfully gained momentum, Zavorotnyuk began to be invited to various shows be the leader. The woman also hosted programs in Ukraine, for example, “Good Songs” or “The Lazy Woman’s Cookbook.” The work gave the woman pleasure; she said that each job was special for her, helping her to improve and develop.

The actress has repeatedly won a variety of awards, prizes, and so on. Already in the 2000s, she began acting in full-length films, for example, such as “The Apocalypse Code,” followed by the film “Shakespeare Never Dreamed of.” At the same time, she continued to host various shows, such as “ glacial period", "Marriage Games". She lifted everyone's spirits with her cheerfulness and enjoyed trying herself in a variety of roles. At one time she even started hosting a show of the same name, which was called “Nastya,” but it was soon closed due to the fact that the ratings were low. Now Anastasia Zavorotnyuk continues to actively act in films and TV series, host various programs and talk shows.

Personal life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

The personal life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is also rich, just like her creative career. She met her first husband when she worked at Tabakerka. He was a German businessman; they met at a skit party organized by the theater. He fell in love with a charming woman immediately, began courting her, and constantly called her queen. As a result, he proposed to her, Nastya could not refuse him. Therefore, they left for Germany, but Zavorotnyuk could not stay there for long, and already after a short time fled back to Moscow. Apparently the life of an ordinary wife and housewife was far from suitable for her, which is not surprising.

The second time Zavorotnyuk married a handsome man named Dmitry. She met him by chance when she was catching a car, and in the end he agreed to take the pretty actress shopping all day. But at the same time he said that he had a wife and children, but Nastya herself was not free at that moment. As a thank you, she invited him to her performance, and in the end they realized that they were attracted to each other. As a result, they divorce their families and unite their destinies. The wedding is celebrated quietly, at home, and two children are born in their marriage.

Their marriage was strong and calm until the series “My Fair Nanny” appeared in Anastasia’s life, where she met her co-star Zhigunov. The woman began a whirlwind romance with him, and as a result, she divorced her second husband. But the stormy relationship with Zhigunov did not last long; they soon separated. She met her third husband at the Dancing on Ice competition. It turned out to be figure skater Pyotr Chernyshov, with whom Zavorotnyuk lives today. So, the news of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk getting divorced appeared on the Internet three times, but in the end she found family happiness.

Family of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Today, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s family consists of herself, her beloved husband Peter Chernyshev and two children from her second marriage, who get along well with their new father. It must be said that family has always played a big role for Nastya, despite the fact that she was married three times.

Although this may be why she understands that in order to find personal happiness, you also need to be in search for a long time. Therefore, now, despite the busy schedule and creative activity Zavorotnyuk finds time to devote time to raising children, who, however, are already old enough to independently decide what they want from life.

Children of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

The children of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk are two children who appeared in her second marriage with Dmitry. The first daughter Anna and son Michael, who are now old enough to decide what they want and how they plan to move forward. It must be said that when Anastasia was in her second marriage, she literally had to live in two countries at the same time.

She was forced to constantly travel to America to lead own business, so I couldn’t always devote time to my children. But all the same, they were able to grow up under the influence of her upbringing, and now they understand that if they want to achieve something, they will have to work hard and fruitfully on themselves.

Daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Anna

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk's daughter Anna was born in 1996, also from the second marriage of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Dmitry Stryukov. Today, she is already an adult, beautiful, young girl who, as the press claims, is pursuing a career as a fashion model.

This is not surprising, because in appearance she took after her mother, therefore, the girl has an amazing figure and model data. It is impossible to say for sure whether she will distinguish herself in the world of show business, but she has every chance of achieving success where she wants to do it. Anya is proud of her mother, regularly sees her father, and communicates well with her stepfather.

Son of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Michael

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk's son Michael was born in 2000, when Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was married to Dmitry Stryukov. Since then she lived periodically in America, he received the name Michael. Now, the young man is already seventeen years old, he is seriously thinking about what to be in the future.

Of course, with such a mother, any doors to show business are open to him, but so far we haven’t heard much about him in this area. He regularly sees and communicates with his father, but at the same time gets along well with his stepfather, realizing that this is his mother’s chosen one. Perhaps viewers will soon see him on television, he will be able to show himself well in the field of television and cinema, but only time will tell.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk's ex-husband - Olaf Schwarzkopf

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk's ex-husband Olaf Schwarzkopf was in her life for a year. They met at a skit party from Tabakerka, where they immediately fell in love with the bright and charming Nastya. The man looked after her beautifully, constantly complimented her, and eventually proposed.

Zavorotnyuk could not resist such pressure and agreed to marry him and go with him to her homeland in Germany. But she soon realized that she had chosen the wrong man and simply ran away back to Moscow. Her first marriage was a mistake, but it gave her invaluable experience that she was not ready to be just a wife and mistress of the house. In addition, her first marriage was not her last.

Former husband of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Dmitry Stryukov

She met Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s ex-husband Dmitry Stryukov by chance when she was married. She caught a car with a handsome man behind the wheel, who then took her shopping all day. As a result, the young people each left their families and entered into a marriage. Their marriage produced two children, and at the same time Nastya constantly traveled from Russia to the USA and vice versa. The marriage lasted for a long time, until Anastasia got to filming a series about a nanny. There she began an affair with Zhigunov, and her marriage to Dmitry broke up. It is difficult to say whether Anastasia regretted this, but she only showed it for a short time, because after a short time she was married again.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk's common-law husband - Igor Chernyshev

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s common-law husband Igor Chernyshev became her third and last chosen one, with whom she lives today. The future spouses met at the “Dancing on Ice” competition where they both took part. As a result, between creative personalities a romance broke out, which quickly grew into something more serious. The result of their romance was a marriage that became the strongest of all that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk had to try on herself. Now both spouses are in demand in the world of show business, spend time together, help each other with advice and deeds. Maybe the actress really should have passed failed marriages to find personal happiness.

Naked Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Some fans send a request to the Internet: naked Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. This is explained simply, because many attractive slender women they want to be seen naked, especially when they have many admirers. But Anastasia herself categorically denies that she can appear naked anywhere.

He says that these are just the costs of the Internet, that in fact, any photos are just photoshopped. She doesn't need to boost her ratings by being naked. Of course, it is impossible to say exactly where the truth is and where it is fiction, but there is also no point in asserting anything, so each fan can choose who to believe in this regard.

Photo by Anastasia Zavorotnyuk before and after plastic surgery

Does Anastasia Zavorotnyuk undergo plastic surgery? Looking at the photos of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk before and after plastic surgery posted on the Internet, one can only answer positively. But are they genuine? For all the time that Anastasia appeared on screens, viewers did not notice any drastic changes in the celebrity’s appearance, except that she always looked good.

The woman herself claims that she only uses the services of salons, but plastic surgery is still a long way off. So we can only guess whether a woman uses miracles plastic surgery, or she owes it to the beautiful appearance natural data.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

To get acquainted with the work and personal life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, you can contact various sources in the Internet. That's what it's for personal page on Wikipedia (,_Anastasia_Yuryevna), where it is collected general information about her, from childhood to the last creative achievements celebrities. But it would be better to contact social networks, considering that Nastya actively maintains a page on Instagram (

There she posts her own photos, pictures from family life, shares his plans for the future, what else he wants to achieve in terms of creativity. Instagram and Wikipedia of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk will help you get closer to the celebrity and find out what she does from herself. It’s safe to say that we will hear about the bright and ambitious actress more than once.

Zavorotnyuk: “I’ve never fought in my life. They taught me. They taught me everything - how to use a weapon and a knife.”

Probably, many were confused by the director’s choice - the image of a nanny had become very attached to the actress. At first he doubted his partner and... “But it turned out that the external fragile image did not match the strength of this woman,” he says. “I can guarantee that the blows I received from her were very serious. We did this for 12 hours a day, and I realized that Nastya has great strength - both physical and mental..."

Also in 2007, a film directed by Alexei Zernov was released on the screens of the country and tells about the adventures of four swindlers posing as a troupe of artists. The main roles in the film were played by the actors of the series “My Fair Nanny” - Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, and

Anastasia got the role of the beauty Lizon, a fraudster who, together with her lover and their assistant, trades in robbery and deception. Another robbery goes wrong, and the police are on the trail of the criminals. Hiding from their pursuers, the friends jump into an open carriage, and the coachman, mistaking them for famous actors, takes the fugitives straight to the gates of the drama theater. There is no way out, and the thieves have to go to the end - play Othello on stage.

Next year, director Dmitry Fiks is producing a melodrama. Beauty salon employee Lyuba, played by Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, suddenly finds herself without a job. She is raising her son alone, and this complicates the situation even more. A woman turns to her friend for help and asks to borrow money for the first time until she can find it. new job. She is ready to help out the single mother, but in exchange for a favor. Lyuba must “accidentally” meet Valery, who recently abandoned this very friend, and charm him. And when a man falls in love with a new acquaintance, she must shamelessly leave him. It is then that a forgotten passion appears on the stage, who will heal Valery’s spiritual wounds. Desperate Lyuba has no choice but to agree to this scam. As a result, the heroine Zavorotnyuk, trying to help her friend, does her a disservice. She herself falls in love with Valery.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk played the main role in the melodrama. Her heroine Natalya Kapustina is a cook in the school canteen. She likes her work, and most importantly, here she can look after her ugly son. One day Natalya is accused of theft, which she did not commit, and is fired. In order to somehow get by, she, on the advice of a friend, decides to rent out one room. The tenant Nikolai, contrary to the heroine’s fears, turns out to be decent man, and between them arise mutual feelings. However, Natalya's friend Olga herself wants to get Nikolai and tries to separate the lovers. The situation worsens when Natalia's long-lost husband unexpectedly returns and conflict begins between the men. Having gone through all the trials with dignity, Natalya deserves her right to happiness.

Anastasia was repeatedly invited as a member of the jury of television programs: “People’s Star” on TRK Ukraine, the third season of the magic show “Surprise Me” on TV3, as well as the Golden Leaf theater award.

She tried herself as a vocalist in the first season of the “Two Stars” project, together with her, she reached the final and took 2nd place. And in 2012 she became a participant in the adventure television show “Fort Boyard”.

On September 30, 2012, Nastya launched a humorous talk show of the same name, “Nastya,” on Channel One. On December 18, 2012, a decision was made to close this program due to low ratings.

In 2013, Zavorotnyuk was invited as a presenter to the Ukrainian TV show “Like Two Drops.” Since February 15 of the same year, the actress has been co-hosting the show “Two Stars” on Channel One.

In 2014, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and her husband and figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev became the hosts of the new stage of the show “Ice Age. Professional Cup” on Channel One.

In 2015, she took part in the show “Together with Dolphins.”

In September 2016, Anastasia was a co-host of the evening “Movie Show”, in which project participants demonstrated their knowledge of Russian cinema.

In February 2016, the show “New Morning” started on the NTV channel. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Pyotr Chernyshev, alternating with another pair of presenters - Mark Tishman and Olga Zhuk, introduce viewers to interesting people one of the most different areas and share advice with the participation of experienced experts. The range of topics is wide - from well-being to family budget and high-profile premieres.

Personal life

The first husband of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was the German businessman Olaf Schwarzkopf. He saw the actress at a skit party in “Tabakerka” and already on the fourth day of their acquaintance he declared his love and proposed. Anastasia left with her husband for Germany, but their union did not last long, and she returned to Russia.

The artist met her second husband, Dmitry Stryukov, completely by accident. On the eve of Christmas, Anastasia was looking for gifts for her family and friends. To get everything done on time and not be late for the rehearsal, the girl caught a car. The driver was a handsome man named Dmitry, who agreed to take Nastya shopping all day. He said that he had a wife and children, however, the actress herself was married at that time.

“At that time, we were both not free: he was married, I was married. It was necessary to abruptly break with everything, which we did. Dima was always very decisive. There was no wedding. We didn’t even invite our parents. We celebrated quietly together...,” - Anastasia recalled.

In 1996, they had a daughter, who was named Anna. The family moved to the USA, where they organized their own business. At this time, Anastasia lived in two countries, coming home to play in Tabakerka. In 2000, the couple had a second child, son Mike, in Los Angeles. Three years later they returned to Russia. The actress complained that her husband was pathologically greedy, created scandals out of nowhere and even raised his hand to her.

Anastasia left Dmitry, but she filed for divorce only after the start of an affair with her partner in the series “My Fair Nanny.” For Nastya’s sake, the actor even abandoned his family. But ultimately their relationship ended two years later, and Zhigunov returned to his wife.

And in 2008, the actress, being the host of the popular show “Dancing on Ice,” met figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. It was he who became her third husband.

Advice from Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: “One of the secrets perfect marriage- join it as already established people, not put the slightest pressure on each other and treat with great respect the work that your other half is doing.”


About theater and cinema:

“Due to the busy schedule of filming My Fair Nanny, I had to leave my work in the theater, and this was not simple solution... Yes, cinema and television have a huge audience compared to the theater, and this provides the artist with instant popularity and recognition. But what the auditorium gives you cannot be compared with anything. After the performance you fly as if on wings, the energy is overflowing, of course, if you find contact with the audience. It's an amazing feeling!"

"I really like what I do. There are many projects, both in cinema and television. For me main criterion- this is the viewer's assessment. Cinema should penetrate people's souls!"

About idols:

“I never had idols. I never wanted to be like anyone, I didn’t want to imitate anyone, I didn’t collect any photographs or autographs. I myself wanted to play, that’s all. I had my favorite actors, for me the standard of what must be an actor, is The film "The Fate of Man" I watched in childhood, in my youth, I recently rewatched it. After all, this is a direct penetration into the heart, one look from Sergei Bondarchuk, you immediately realize all your mistakes, where you live wrong, where you made a mistake , where he stumbled, and he’s just playing a role.

He was and remains one of my favorite actors as a standard of aristocracy, dignity and masculinity.

Favorite actress - Marilyn Monroe, she may not be the most talented actor, but she had so much feminine charm and charisma that it replaced everything, decades pass, but everyone still loves her, she turns heads and is the personification of femininity...

I first saw the beautiful Marilyn, of course, in the film Some Like It Hot. Monroe is remembered as an incredible beauty! Of course, I remember that Monroe was also the same height. This finally reconciled my relationship with life. Thanks to this actress, I realized: it wouldn’t hurt to add some mystery to the figure and gait of every representative of the fair sex, and me in particular... It’s not for nothing that they say: there should be a mystery in a woman.”

About Me:

"I believe that we need to love only with an open heart. What does not kill us makes us stronger. The fears that tormented me before are no longer there, but the echoes remain. And yet I am still cheerful and a positive person“Life seems amazing and beautiful to me.”

“I’m not sad for that Nastya, although large-scale changes have taken place. It’s stupid to remain an open sunbeam. I’m not the same as I was before - my soul is wide open. Now, to get to my essence, you have to go through three rows of security.”

"I try to convince myself that age-related changes inevitable, and therefore they must be accepted calmly. I repeat that I do not accept the unnaturalness that appears on overly enhanced faces. This deprives the actor and TV presenter of trust and even respect of the public. If any intervention is needed, it will be very small. There is no need to try to rejuvenate yourself and at 60 try to look 20 years old; no one has ever succeeded in this trick.”

"For me, life is a miracle. I don’t know what will happen to me tomorrow, and therefore I live one day at a time. There have been very sharp unexpected turns in my life. Yes, my life is a roller coaster! I’ve ridden roller coasters more than once and I know why compare your path."

Director about Anastasia Zavorotnyuk:

“Anastasia is a wonderful actress. It’s a pity that her talent is one-sidedly exploited, although she can do a lot. She studied with, played in “Snuffbox,” and she played excellently as Alexandra Rosset-Smirnova in my film “Gogol. Closest." Anastasia is a very courageous person and will not allow anyone to humiliate her. Although I know that some tried to offend her, Anastasia is not a timid person."

  • The actress voiced the character Christopher Robin from the animated series The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.
  • Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is fond of diving.
  • Was parodied in the TV show " A big difference" as an actress in the role of nanny Vicki ("My Fair Nanny") and Daria ("Apocalypse Code"), as well as the host of the show "Ice Age".

Awards and prizes

  • 2005 — Winner of the Golden Ostap award in the category “Best female comedy role” (nanny Victoria Prutkovskaya in the comedy television series “My Fair Nanny”)
  • 2005 — Winner of the “Cover of the Year” award in the “Discovery of the Year” nomination
  • 2005 - Winner of the Top X Sexy award in the category "Most sexy actress"
  • 2005 - Winner of the national television award "TEFI-2005" in the category "Faces" in the category "Performer of a female role in a television film/series" (nanny Victoria Prutkovskaya in the comedy television series "My Fair Nanny")
  • 2005 — Winner of the Glamor magazine award in the category “Television Actress of the Year” (Russia)
  • 2005 — Winner of the "Golden Seven" award in the category " Domestic actress sex symbol"
  • 2006 — Winner of the Telenedelya award in the category “Best TV Actress of the Year”
  • 2006 - Honored Artist of Russia
  • 2007 - Winner of the "Golden Seven" award in the category " Best Actress"
  • 2007 — Winner of the FSB Prize in the category " Acting work"for the role of an FSB officer in feature film"Apocalypse Code"
  • 2008 — Winner of the “Golden Seven” award in the category “Best Actress”

Based on materials from Wikipedia, sites:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Filmography: Actress

  • Between us girls. Sequel (2019), TV series
  • Sleepers (2017), TV series
  • Thriller Family (2017)
  • Caspian 24 (2017)
  • Provocateur (2016), TV series
  • Love and the Sea (2016), TV series
  • Alien Darling (2015), TV series
  • Department (2015), TV series
  • I'm Not Afraid Anymore (2014), TV series
  • Family 3D (2014)
  • Moms-3 (2014)
  • Women on the Edge (2013-2014), TV series
  • Do not Cry for Me Argentina! (2012-2013), TV series
  • Mistress of "White Nights" (2012)
  • Hunt for Gauleiter (2012), TV series
  • Moms (2012)
  • Love affair at work. Our Time (2011)
  • Advertised Groom (2011)
  • House on the Edge (2011)
  • Amanda O (2010), TV series
  • Gogol. The Closest (2009)
  • Artifact (2009)
  • My fair nanny-2. Life after the wedding (2008), TV series
  • Imperfect Woman (2008)
  • Shakespeare Never Dreamed of (2007)
  • Apocalypse Code (2007)
  • My Fair Nanny (2004-2006), TV series
  • Heir (2002)
  • Dashing Couple (1993)
  • Mashenka (1991)