Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was born into the family of the People's Artist, actress of the Astrakhan Youth Theater, Valentina Borisovna and TV director Yuri Andreevich.

Nastya decided to associate herself with the theater since early childhood: “I haven’t pronounced the word“ actress ”yet, but I really wanted to become one.” The girl grew up behind the scenes of the theater and knew all the performances by heart. “It was very funny when, at the age of five, I started prompting the lyrics to some tipsy artist. And from behind the curtains came: "This is a disaster! Get little Zavorotnyuk out of the hall, get out!" And if there was any urgent input, I could even disrupt the performance. "

In her free time from school, Nastya studied music and dance, participated in the "Lotus" dance ensemble, but she never betrayed her dream of becoming an actress, although her parents were categorically against it. Nastya made only one wish for every New Year: “To become an artist”.

Hard choise

"By the time I had to finally choose the path, I got scared of something and entered the Faculty of History." And now, after graduating from school 37, Nastya entered the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of History. But after studying there for a year, she realized that she was taking someone else's place and decided to go to Moscow to audition for a theater institute. Dad supported and went with her, but Nastya told her mother that she was going to the archaeological excavations.

Nastya went to enter GITIS, but she was not accepted. “I went out and told my dad that I would not go anywhere else, and this is where all my efforts end. But dad, he believed in me. He said: "No, daughter, let's go." And we went to the "Pike" ... ".

Nastya entered the Moscow Art Theater School, and the "Pike", and GITIS, but in the end she chose the Moscow Art Theater, the course of Avangard Nikolaevich Leontiev (which she successfully completed in 1993).

Best of the day

Carier start

In 1991, Nastya starred in her first film "Mashenka", in the title role based on the book by Nabokov (directed by Tamara Pavlyuchenko), and two years later she played the role of Broadway prostitute Lizka in the adventurous comedy Arkady Sirenko "The Dashing Couple".

In her third year, Nastya was invited to the performance of Alexander Marina "Don Juan", it was an urgent entry. And in the fourth year, Vladimir Mashkov invited Nastya to "Snuffbox", which was releasing "Bumbarash" at that moment and said: "You have 40 minutes to prove that you can do it." And, rehearsing with Yevgeny Mironov, the actor took Nastya by the shoulders and said: "You now have a chance, use it." Nastya used this chance and proved to everyone that she can do a lot.


Nastya worked in the studio theater for 10 years. And during this time she managed to play in 29 performances.

But he considers his favorite role of Vary from his first performance "Passion for Bumbarash": "When we all worked together on" Bumbarash ", we were so happy, it was such an extraordinary time! Everyone was captured by the unthinkable energy of Mashkov. He built this performance by connecting all the veins of each of the participants into one circulatory system and he himself literally saturated it with his own blood ”; “… It happens that you dream, here Varya is what I dream about”; “Later I played big roles in other performances, but this one will be remembered forever.”

A family

The first husband, a German, saw Nastya at a skit in the "Snuffbox". His friend invited him to film the action on a video camera. At first sight, I fell in love with the actress, followed her and repeated: "You are the queen." And on the fourth day he confessed his love and persuaded him to become his wife. The actress went with him to Germany, but soon fled to Moscow.

Anastasia met her true love, which lay in wait for her on ... the road. It was around Christmas. Anastasia was looking for souvenirs for loved ones and at the same time was thinking about how to make it to the rehearsal. “You can't do without a car,” Nastya decided. A foreign car drove up. The actress told the driver, a young man named Dmitry, about her Napoleonic plans. He decided to help - to be her driver all day. Dmitry said that he is a businessman, that he has a wife and daughter. Anastasia was also married. In gratitude for the help, Zavorotnyuk invited Dima and his wife to her performance. He came alone. And the next day he appeared again. Then he invited Anastasia to a restaurant.

“We ended up with some funny courtship period - three days. And on the fourth day, Dima made an offer. And everything became clear. At that time, we were both not free: he is married, I am married. It was necessary to abruptly break with everything, which we did. Dima was always very determined. There was no wedding. Even the parents were not invited. Quietly celebrated together ... I think that our acquaintance was not accidental. Fate brought us together. "

A few years later, their daughter Anya was born. “Sitting in one place is not for me. I love experiments! Therefore, several years ago, my husband and daughter Anna and I left for the United States, where we were doing business. It turned out to be so exciting. "

“I lived there for three years. Then everything came together: the desire to live abroad, try on that life, try to do business. And to understand something for yourself, and relax. I didn't have any one specific goal. She came to Moscow, played performances in her beloved "Snuffbox", and left for America again. It suited me very much, and everything was fine. If I just went to live there, it would be hard for me, and so these three years gave me the opportunity to calmly assess and weigh everything. Everything worked out for me there. But I realized that I want to live here and pursue my profession. "

And she returned back to Moscow, although she loves Los Angeles very much (“the city-holiday”) “Probably because Misha was born there. The city is sunny, laughing, just like my son. "

Now Nastya and her husband Dmitry have two children, Anya and Michael, they study at a British private school.

"My Fair Nanny"

Nastya got to the series quite by accident, as the actress herself says, "I was just lucky." At the time when she was called and invited to audition, she was vacationing in Anapa with the children. She immediately, without hesitation, went to Moscow, although before that she had not been approved in the TV series "Poor Nastya". She did not know anything about the casting, neither about the fact that it has been going on for a year, nor about the fact that 1,500 people have already auditioned for the role of Vika's nanny: “You know, probably, it’s my happiness that I didn’t know anything about it! Not about this crazy casting or about what the actress is looking for. They called me, apparently at the very last moment, and I was in the south with my children and, in general, just like that, I enjoyed life, the sea, the sun and my children. "

The emphasis on Vika’s nanny came from Olga Blok-Mirimskaya, an actress of the Tabakov Theater, where Nastya played for ten years. According to Nastya's stories, when she came from her hometown of Simferopol, she often told interesting stories about local residents, speaking with their accent.

Filming lasted from early morning until late at night. A nanny, Tatyana Petrovna, was sitting at home with the children.

To all the questions about the similarities between Anastasia and Victoria, she answers "We are very different women with her." And after talking to her for at least a minute, it immediately becomes noticeable.

The series absolutely changed Nastya's life. She became famous, left Tabakov's studio theater. Even there were some changes in the wardrobe, she began to wear brighter things, although before that she preferred mainly black. I got rid of many complexes. Previously, she never wore short skirts, and did not even imagine how she could go out in such people, but gradually she got used to it.

"Everything is like people have"

After Nastya began acting in My Fair Nanny, she had very little time and had to leave the Tabakov Theater. Now Nastya is involved in only one performance - "Everything is like the people" (based on Mark Camoletti, director Leonid Trushkin), Nastya plays Suzette. And also, Khazanov (Bernard), Petrova (Jacqueline), Dyachenko (Robert), Vlasova (Suzanne), Innocent / Trukhmenev (George) are involved in the play. With this performance, they also periodically come to St. Petersburg.

Nastya about the play: “I want to tell you that the feeling of people in the hall, their breathing, their real laughter, their reaction to everything, how they freeze, how they experience - these are indescribable sensations. I left after this performance - and was ready to shoot for eight hours without a break. So much power appeared, as if you were flying on the wings. What a live viewer gives you cannot be compared with anything. "

"Good songs"

In 2005, Anastasia became the host of Good Songs, which are held in Kiev. She leads together with Alexander Tsekalo. Previously, this program was hosted by Tina Kandelaki with him. Anastasia appears there in the role of Vicki's nanny. The stars sing songs, and the presenters create a festive atmosphere in the hall, cheer up.

"Kitchen for Dummies"

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk became the host of the culinary show by accident. “Nastya was a guest of the Culinary Bestseller,” says Alla Lipovetskaya, producer of entertainment programs on the ICTY TV channel. - “While filming the program, we got to know her better. When later the idea arose to make a program based on the book by Daria Dontsova "The Cookbook of the Lazy", the concept of which included the host's inability to cook, I realized that Nastya was an ideal candidate. After all, she said that she was not an experienced cook, but she didn’t mind learning ... At first, the actress got scared: she thought that since this is a culinary program, she must be a super pro in this matter. But we explained to her the essence of the program, and she agreed. "

The program is being filmed in Kiev, Nastya comes there for 3-4 days, and during this time they manage to shoot a whole block of programs. People from all over Ukraine and even Russia come to the culinary show. Specially invited guests tell their stories and tell why they want to learn how to cook. And then, Nastya invites them to her kitchen, and they cook together. At the end of the show, viewers are invited to taste the prepared dish. Recently, stars of Ukraine have also been invited to the program. Chefs are invited to follow the whole process and tell the secrets of restaurant dishes. “The domestication of restaurant recipes is what we are now doing in the program studio. This idea was thrown to us by one of the fans of “Kitchen for“ Dummies ”. She brought us her recipes - delicious restaurant dishes, adapted to the home conditions. It turns out that knowing a couple of secrets of professional chefs, you can create culinary masterpieces on your own, ”says Nastya.

Baby monitor

Also, recently, Nastya has been conducting another program in Kiev, but this time on the radio station "Adult Radio". The program is called "Baby Monitor". There Zavorotnyuk gives all kinds of advice: on folk medicine, on the choice of talismans, names, etc. This is rather a comic transmission, all advice with humor. It only runs for a few minutes early in the morning, but it cheers you up for the whole day.


November 18, 2005 Nastya was awarded the TEFI award for the best actress in a film / TV series. This award was very important for the actress, but until the last moment she did not believe that she would receive it.

“True, I didn’t expect to get TEFI, being next door to Inna Churikova and Svetlana Kryuchkova, this is some incredible situation. And suddenly eight votes for me. I don't even remember whether I was breathing at that moment or not ... ”- says Nastya.

On this day, Anastasia had a New Year's mood, such a bright New Year as in childhood, and then Nastya always made only one wish "I want to be an artist" and now her dream has come true.

And in 2005 Anastasia formed the Official International Fan Club.

Aizhan 22.02.2007 09:32:08

I think that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is very different from what she is described on the Internet. We know what she really is. Jonah is doing bad things. She's like ......... hello

nastya 31.03.2007 07:47:33

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is a very beautiful woman, an insanely talented actress and just a really good person

Many people know Anastasia Zavorotnyuk as an actress on the comedy series "My Fair Nanny". Others will remember her as the host of the popular TV show "Ice Age", as well as her personal show "Nastya". The biography, interesting and unfamiliar details of the life of this bright and beautiful woman will be discussed in this article.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: biography

Anastasia Yurievna Zavorotnyuk was born in 1971 in Astrakhan. In children's photos, she looks like an open, intelligent girl with huge dark eyes. Nastya's parents devoted themselves entirely to the world of art, or rather, to theater and cinema. In 2017, her dad and mom are safe and sound. Father - Yuri Zavorotnyuk - a famous director, has many awards for his work. Mom - Valentina Borisovna - theater actress, people's artist, worked all her life in the local Theater of the Young Spectator, acted in films.

Therefore, it is clear that the childhood of the future actress took place in a theatrical environment. From infancy, she knew firsthand how difficult, but also attractive, the work of an actor. It is quite natural that Nastya spent her childhood behind the scenes of the theater. She was in the dressing room, trying to put on her makeup, and behind the curtain, looking out and watching her mother play on stage. And, of course, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress. She recalls that she still did not know how to pronounce the name of her future profession when asked what she would like to become, but she already had a strong desire to be an actress.

Childhood of the actress

A bohemian atmosphere reigned in the parents' house. Famous actors came to visit them. They had rehearsals, talked a lot. The girl was unwittingly involved in the acting life behind the scenes. She got to know her all, as they say, from the inside out.

By the way, if someone is interested in Anastasia's nationality, it should be said that she is Russian. Apparently, there were immigrants from Little Russia in the family (judging by the surname). But her father and mother are Russians. The zodiac sign she was born under is Aries. This gave the character of Anastasia emotionality, assertiveness, initiative. She owes her birth to her older brother. He begged his parents to give him a sister. He was so persistent that my mother took pity and, despite the constant busy schedule, granted his request.

Nastya studied well at school. In addition, she managed to seriously engage in choreography. Feeling a great desire to dance on stage, the girl wanted to enter a ballet school at the Bolshoi Theater and become a ballerina. However, the parents did not approve of this intention, knowing about the difficulties of the profession of a ballerina.

Anastasia's youth

After graduating from high school, Nastya, again following the instructions of her parents, entered the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute for history. It is not clear why she did this, because the childhood dream of being an actress lived in her until now and made itself felt strongly.

It is quite logical that after a year of study (and, to be honest, torture) at the pedagogical institute, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk simply fled to Moscow, leaving the institute, in order to enter a theater university. The father was aware of what was happening, he approved the act of his daughter. But with my mother it was more difficult. She should have been very angry to learn of this. Therefore, my mother had to lie that her daughter was going to the excavations with the students of the history department. In youth, of course, it is easier to make such decisions. When people grow older, then the ardor is not the same, and there is a certain thoughtfulness of actions and caution in actions.

So, young Anastasia came to conquer the capital. With a running start, she submitted documents to GITIS. At the entrance exams, she hid her origins from well-known parents in the world of theater and cinema. But that didn't do her any good. The girl was so worried that she read the text very badly. The result is failure. She was not taken, she failed miserably.

Returning home, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was in anger and despair. But the father consoled his daughter and instilled in her confidence in his abilities. He recommended that she make another attempt at admission. After all, this is not the only theatrical university in Moscow. She did just that. I went to the capital again and applied to the Moscow Art Theater School. This time everything was much better. The girl was admitted to the university!

A famous actor and announcer became her mentor. Finally, Anastasia felt like she was in her place! To improve self-esteem, she decided to take the exams at GITIS again. And this time everything went well, they took her! But Nastya decided to stay at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Movie roles

Of course, the roles in the cinema brought the most popularity to the actress. Anastasia received her first film role while still studying at a theater university. It was immediately the main role in the film "Mashenka" based on the work of Nabokov. She turned out so well for the aspiring actress that she received numerous offers to appear in various films.

Shot from the TV series "My Fair Nanny"

In 1992, the young actress voiced Christopher Robin in the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh".

Then there were roles in the films: "Dashing Couple", "Heir". In 2004, the actress received an offer to audition for a role in the new television series My Fair Nanny. She went to the studio, having absolutely no idea what kind of role it was and what awaited her. But unexpectedly, the actress passed the selection and was approved for the role of Vicki's nanny in this series. No one could have guessed that it was this role that would bring the actress the most popularity!

Actress on the set of the movie "Code of the Apocalypse"

By the way, fifteen hundred people tried to get into this role! And Anastasia alone passed. And she brilliantly coped with the role. The actress borrowed the Khokhlatsky accent from her Ukrainian colleague, an actress from Tabakov's theater. Anastasia took a tremendous amount of time and effort to shoot the film. They had to shoot for 15 hours. But, despite this, the actress was just happy. Of course, pleasant fatigue was felt.

It was for her role in this series that Anastasia received two serious awards. The first one is "Zolotoy Ostap", the second one is "TEFI - 2005".

Shot from the movie "I'm not afraid anymore"

In the same year, a photo of the actress appeared in the glossy magazine Glamor, where she was named the television actress of the year. Anastasia came to real success in her youth. Further, the actress starred in films of various genres (comedies, action films, melodramas).

Anastasia appeared as a bright, fighting, courageous woman in the film "Code of the Apocalypse", where she played along with Sergei Zhigunov. There, she completely changed her image of "perfect nanny" to a superwoman-action movie.

Still from the film "Happy New Year, Mom!"

In 2006, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In 2007, the actress starred in the comedy film Shakespeare Never Dreamed of. Sergey Zhigunov again became her partner. The following year, a film with her participation "Imperfect Woman" was released.

In the 11th year, Anastasia perfectly performed the role of Olya in love in the film "Office Romance. Nowadays". The next year was marked by the release of two films at once with her participation "Mama", "Mistress of the White Nights", "The Hunt for the Gauleiter." Everywhere the actress showed different roles, the ability to transform. In 2015, the series "Someone else's darling" was released with her participation. Her last role at the moment is in the TV series Sleepers.

Television work

Anastasia began working on television after she left Tabakov's theater. In 2005, she began to host the Good Songs show, replacing Tina Kandelaki. Then she hosted the TV shows "Dancing on Ice", "Kitchen for Dummies", "Dancing with the Stars." In 2008, Anastasia began to host the popular Ice Age show together with Marat Basharov. Since 2010, she has been co-host of D. Dibrov in the show "Marriage Games". Then she hosted "Ice and Fire".

Then Anastasia took part as a member of the jury in the Ukrainian competition "People's Star". She was also on the jury in the "Surprise Me" and "Golden Leaf" shows.

On the set of the program "Nastya"

Together with Mikhail Boyarsky, Anastasia took part in the show "Two Stars", where she showed her good vocal skills. In 2012, her personal comedy show "Nastya" was released on Channel One. However, it was soon closed due to a low rating.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk also had an unpleasant story related to television. The latest news said that the actress was suing the Rossiya TV channel. Allegedly, she violated the signed contract, which required her to comply with strict conditions, including the fact that the actress should not appear at that time on other channels. The management of the channel "Russia" demands from her to pay a rather large sum. Time will tell how the trial will end. Anastasia herself denies signing such an agreement.

The name of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk after her recent appearance at a social event is on everyone's lips. The star was suspected of having gone under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk before plastics

The actress and TV presenter after her role as a nanny in the popular comedy series "My Fair Nanny" is snapped up: she acts in films, hosts television and receives awards for special achievements in the field of art and cinema.

After school, Anastasia entered the history department of the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute, but a year later dropped out. The girl decided that her life should be connected with cinema. A few years later, Zavorotnyuk was already actively playing on the stage of Oleg Tabakov's theater.

The actress always looks perfect. On her face and body, even the most inveterate critics could not find traces of surgery.

Everything changed after Anastasia held a concert for Children's Day in June 2017.

New photos of Zavorotnyuk after

Fans noted that Zavorotnyuk's face looks too unusual, and suggested that she had recently undergone plastic surgery.

The actress herself denies surgery. She says that she does not need plastic surgery - beauty and charm are given to her by nature.

Anastasia does not hide the fact that she often goes to beauty salons. There she undergoes numerous deep face peels.

Also, the star uses hardware techniques that rejuvenate the skin well.

The actress maintains a slender figure with the help of massage, fitness and baths.

Anastasia uses only high-quality popular cosmetics. According to her, cheap powder or foundation "clog" the skin, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles, acne. Never go to bed with makeup.

Zavorotnyuk always pays attention to his face, regardless of what time of day or night: he cleans the skin of cosmetics with the help of micellar water, washes with a tonic, and applies a fat cream.

It is impossible to say for sure whether Anastasia Zavorotnyuk had plastic surgery. The star denies these assumptions, and experts cannot come to a consensus. In any case, this did not affect the popularity of the star.

Name: Anastasiya Zavorotnyuk

Age: 48 years old

Place of Birth: Astrakhan, Russia

Height: 164 cm; The weight: 48 kg

Activity: theater and film actress, TV presenter

Family status: married

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: biography

This actress became popular thanks to the TV series about Vicki's nanny. The viewers liked the simple, naive girl. But this was a temporary role, Zavorotnyuk is a versatile personality, as evidenced by her rich biography.

Nastya was born in a creative family, she was the second child after her brother Svyatoslav. Mom is a theater actress, and father is a famous TV director. This is where the dream of a stellar biography began.

Anastasia watched her mother's acting work in the theater in the city of Astrakhan. Later, Valentina Borisovna got a job as a teacher of script speech at the Ostankino Institute. My father was at the head of one TV channel. Parents developed the abilities of their children in the love of art.

The Zavorotnyuk family has always been distinguished by their hospitality. Star guests often gathered in the house, and little Nastya was a beloved common child. The girl already easily communicated with the cinema and theater meters, memorized the roles, because she almost did not miss the rehearsals of the performances. She even managed to suggest text instead of a prompter.

Dance classes were a good addition to the creative biography of the future actress. Nastya wanted to become a ballerina, but her father was adamant in his firm decision not to send his daughter to a ballet school. As strange as it may sound, Zavorotnyuk entered the history faculty of the pedagogical institute.

She studied there for exactly a year and went to try her hand at the theatrical universities of the capital. Anastasia decided to enter GITIS, but she failed miserably, as she was too insecure and very embarrassed to show herself in public. The father supported his daughter, by a common decision, it was decided to pass the exams at the Moscow Art Theater School. Nastya became a student, but her studies were not easy, she had to work a lot on herself. The hard work of the future actress did not go unnoticed. Was in the third year of study, Anastasia played the role of the main character in the film "Mashenka", got a role in the play.

Theater and cinema

The actress played her first performance in the theater of Oleg Tabakov. And after graduation, Zavorotnyuk was accepted to the Tabakerka Theater on a full basis as an aspiring actress.

Anastasia's career began successfully, too calmly. The young actress was noticed and invited to audition for a comedy series. Not hoping for success, she won and got a role in the TV series "My Fair Nanny."

She had to be on the set for a huge amount of time, but the girl liked it. The glory and love of the fans were added to the satisfaction from work. This first multifaceted work brought Anastasia the Golden Ostap, TEFI, and the title of Television Actress of the Year.

The actress receives new invitations to feature films of a wide variety of genres. Drama and action, comedy and serious religious films - everything was within her power. Anastasia is not content only with her professional activities in cinema and theater. She is in demand as a television presenter. We should remember "Dancing with the Stars" and "Ice Age". And she led the project, and was a participant in the show "Two Stars".

She opened her project "Nastya", but it could not stand the competition with other humorous programs. She agrees to once again host the show "Two Stars" in the company of Dmitry Nagiyev. Zavorotnyuk never stays in place, she is offered a leading role in a movie, and she agrees.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: biography of personal life

On this page of the biography of the actress, there are many crossed out words and sentences, but this does not allow the woman to lose heart. Anastasia was married to businessman Dmitry Stryukov for 10 years, they had a daughter, Anna, and a son, Michael.

After the divorce, the woman began to meet with her colleague Sergey Zhigunov. The actor two years later went back to his wife, ending all relations with Zavorotnyuk. Almost immediately they started talking about the upcoming wedding of the actress and figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. The celebration was modest.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk now

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk continues to star in TV series. She is a boss and a major, an investigator and a woman in love. Her partners on the site were Andrey Chadov, Alexander Bukharov, Anatoly Gushchin. In the arsenal of the actress there is also a love melodrama in which her husband is seduced by an experienced hunter for men.

Anastasia starred in Sleepers, a sensational mystical thriller. The plot is exciting, the series is dynamic. The adventure comedy is also ready to be released in the full-length film "Caspian 24". The actress is not hiding from the public, from the media.

She maintains her Instagram page, willingly uploads photos from the shooting. The admirer is very closely following the work of his beloved actress, carefully studying each of her new photos.

Fans of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk have already attributed pregnancy and a number of plastic surgeries to her because of unsuccessful photographs.

The actress's first marriage with German businessman Olaf Schwarzkopf lasted only a year, although after the divorce, the man recalled his romance with the aspiring artist with tenderness and disappointment and was upset with publications about his “bad character”. In 2012, the man gave a frank interview to the magazine "Caravan of stories", in which he admitted that he saw the true face of the artist only after the divorce. Schwarzkopf was shocked by the news that surrounded his name after breaking up with the young actress: the press accused him of attacks on Zavorotnyuk. However, according to the man, Anastasia endowed him with not only mythical flaws, but also fabulous virtues. The actress told her acquaintances about the family castles and the wealth of her foreign husband, which he never possessed. According to the abandoned businessman, the last thing in his life he wants to attract the attention of gossips, and that is why, for many years after his divorce from Zavorotnyuk, he did not comment on the news about himself in any way.

The most scandalous Dmitry Stryukov


From businessman Dmitry Stryukov, her second husband, the actress gave birth to a daughter, Anna, and a son, Michael. After the divorce (the reason was the actress's betrayal with Sergei Zhigunov) Zavorotnyuk talked about domestic violence and beatings that she had to endure in marriage, but after some time she stopped commenting on this information. Unlike the artist's first husband, Stryukov was more willing to talk to journalists, recalling his marriage to a star. “I think Nastya is not capable of any human feelings. This is a woman-robot, ”the businessman spoke sharply about the artist in an interview with the newspaper“ Argumenty i Fakty ”. Stryukov also admitted that he was surprised by Zavorotnyuk's decision to make the details of their divorce public. The actress, in turn, told reporters that the father of her children had paranoia and schizophrenia, a thirst for total control and the manners of a bandit.


The most stellar Sergey Zhigunov


An office romance with Sergei Zhigunov became the reason for Anastasia Zavorotnyuk's divorce from her second husband, businessman Dmitry Stryukov, the father of her children Anna and Michael. While the heroes of the actors - nanny Vika and her rich and handsome widower employer - still could not get along for six seasons, the stars themselves went into romance. And Zhigunov, in turn, also left his wife Vera Novikova, with whom he had been married since 1984. The feelings between Zavorotnyuk and Zhigunov faded away as suddenly as they flared up: a year before the end of the series, when their heroes were finally supposed to get married, the actors parted. Moving away from love obsession, the prodigal husband Zhigunov returned to his wife, whom he had already divorced. The wife did not mind saying "yes" again, and in October 2009 Zhigunov signed with his ex-wife again.

The youngest Peter Chernyshev

Married since 2008

Now Nastya is married to figure skater Peter Chernyshev. The actress and the athlete met on the show “Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season". On the project, Zavorotnyuk was the host, and Peter skated together with the singer Yulia Kovalchuk. “We saw each other for the first time on the first day of shooting, which is always very hectic. I ran past the participants already in a dress for filming, with styled hair and saw a young man. We met eyes, and I felt: mine. It was like an electrical discharge, "- said the actress in an interview with OK magazine! But the relationship of the future spouses began to develop only after the end of the show: the skater decided to talk to Nastya at the banquet to mark the end of the project. True, Chernyshev had no idea that Zavorotnyuk was a popular actress, and not just the host of the show, and that she was dating Sergei Zhigunov at that time. Who knows if the skater would have dared to get closer to Anastasia if he had followed the news of Russian show business?