Terrorism has become the number one socio-political problem these days, as its scale has acquired truly global significance. In the fight against terrorism, Russia is making every effort to avoid dangerous and unpredictable consequences that humanity is already experiencing. Children and adults in Russia and all over the world should know that terrorism must not only be fought, but it is much more important and more effective to prevent its occurrence. Only by uniting can we all fight terrorism.

Having considered all the essays submitted to the competition, the jury came to the following decision:

1st place is awarded to a student of 4 “A” class secondary secondary school No. 19 Koneva Alena, for her not at all childish thoughts on this complex issue and the colorful design of the work.

The competent jury awarded 2nd place to Yulia Khvorostenyuk, a student at the College of Chemical Technology, for brevity and clarity of presentation.

3rd place went to Anna Anna, a student at the College of Chemical Technology, who presented her essay in poetic form.

We thank the teacher of Russian language and literature of the College of Chemical Technology T.V. Filatenko. for organizing students to participate in the essay competition “We are for peace, against terrorism!”

Thanks to all the caring people who took part in the essay competition and said their firm “NO!” terrorism!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the essays that won prizes:

The world we live in is beautiful.

Terrorism is terrible. What is happening now in the world. I will answer - it is becoming more and more terrorism. There is a war going on, people do not have a normal life. When will this all end? Neither presidents nor ordinary people. I hope there will be no more terrorism. As long as we all carry out our normal duties, there should be no war. My parents, my teachers, my friends - everyone wants to live peacefully, under a clean blue sky. I think this is possible if we all say no to terrorism together.

People of the whole planet, unite! If we all together, holding hands, put a barrier to terrorism, then no one else in the world will fight. With common effort we will defeat terrorism! We are for peace against terrorism.

Alena Koneva, school No. 19, 4 “A” class

We will defeat terrorism

Terrorism is one of the main problems modern society. From the presentation I saw in the library named after. Leo Tolstoy outraged and amazed me that terrorism does not spare even children. The terrorist attack at the Beslan school confirms this. This terrorist attack took place on September 1, 2004 during a ceremony. I can’t even imagine how scared these children were, how much horror and tears I saw in their eyes, and how much pain there was in the hearts of their parents. The cynicism of terrorists amazes me with its cruelty, surely having children of your own, how can you commit such acts, while recording all this horror on camera. People with normal consciousness, wanting world peace, organized the “We are against terror” movement. I also support this and will be glad if terrorism is defeated thanks to this.

Khvorostenyuk Yulia, student of the College of Chemical Technology


In an age of great innovation,

Taking a machine gun in your hands,

People of different nations

Terrorism will be proclaimed.

Don't you feel sorry?

Bastards, your children?

Yes, and it’s not disgusting

Kill other people?

God, what kind of wildness is this?

End the lives of souls?

And why this cruelty,

Why blow up cities?

Dear people, wake up,

We should all live peacefully

We need each other after all.

These monsters don't care

Neither fathers nor mothers

Your work is very neat

Do it quickly.

And when, having attacked the school,

Did they kill everyone?

Now with a burning fire, in chorus

Children of Beslan say...

Don't you understand
Why are you afraid of God's punishment?

You just despise everyone around you,
But the lives of others are so important.

People, tell me,
How so, since when,
Children have become your enemies,
Did you shoot them point blank?

Come on, you nonhuman, you’re an automatic machine,
Think about your family
The faces of mourning are worn,
In an unsteady rut.

We know what we need now
What will be our answer?
Everyone, holding hands, we are together

Let's say no to terrorism!

German Anna, student of the College of Chemical Technology

Head of Service Department

Inga Nail

At the beginning of September, as part of the month “We are against terrorism”, the library named after. L.N. Tolstoy announced an essay competition “We are for peace, against terrorism!”, in which both our readers and students of the College of Chemical Technology took part. D.I. Mendeleev.

Terrorism is a method used by some organized groups or political parties to achieve your goals. Terrorism is based on violence. Distinctive feature terrorism - the use of violence against not the enemy, but peaceful people who are often unaware of political confrontation. Terrorist acts, in particular, include hostage-taking, airplane hijacking, organizing street explosions, and so on. The goal of terrorism is to make as many people suffer as possible. more people. For some reason, supporters of terrorism believe that this draws attention to their demands. In the 70s of the last century the term “ international terrorism". The UN defines international terrorism as: “the commission, organization, promotion, financing or encouragement by agents or representatives of one State of acts against another State, or the condoning of such acts, which are directed against persons or property and which by their nature are intended to incite fear.” at statesmen, groups of individuals or the population as a whole."
Terror in our time has become one of the most painful problems on both a local and global scale.
Now it has become clear to everyone that terrorism exists not only in the North Caucasus, Indonesia, the Philippines and the Middle East. This phenomenon has spread throughout the world, and now, even in the most developed countries, you cannot be sure that this will not affect you. Terror began to influence world economy and a serious question arises about combating this phenomenon.
IN modern world high technology and universal integration, it is impossible for each country to fight terrorism separately. We need a coalition of all countries interested in eliminating this phenomenon. The strike must be carried out in a targeted manner and simultaneously in all areas of terrorist activity, and this strike must consist not only of military measures, but also of economic and political ones. The question is not only to destroy the military units of the bandits, but also to cut off the financial support of these people, and it is also necessary to create conditions under which new terrorists will not appear, i.e. I want to say that it is necessary to eradicate this evil completely : both roots and shoots. The explanation for such radical measures is as follows: if you stop the activities of military units, but leave financial sources bandits - new people will appear who are ready to die because they pay for it. It is imperative to create new jobs in areas where terrorist cells are concentrated and areas where mercenaries are recruited fighting in other states. If this is done, then such a number of personnel will not appear in extremist organizations, although there are fanatics fighting for unknown reasons.
An important part of the fight is information war, victory in which can bring a significant part of the success of the entire operation, and defeat can nullify successes in other directions.
For a successful fight, a blow to crime is also necessary, because terrorists have income from the sale of drugs and weapons.
For successful fight with terrorism, it is necessary to destroy not only extremist organizations, but also crime, i.e., wage war against all world evil as a whole.

Terrorism is a word that evokes horror, fear and sympathy at the same time. Remembering the footage of terrorist attacks broadcast on television, the mixture of feelings is overwhelming. Two contradictory attitudes arise towards the person who committed this crime, or, more precisely, a terrible act. These are: pity and hatred. The first feeling arises from the realization that this person is just a pawn and that many people are behind the terrorist acts. The second is because he still did it and not from the trajectory planned for him. But as they say, it’s good to judge from the outside, but if all the grief touched, then the opinion would be completely different.

Problems of terrorism - as a factor putting pressure on society

Terrorism is, first of all, a problem not of one country, but of the entire world community. Since terrorist attacks are happening all over the world. As a result, many people die, many families suffer, as well as the infrastructure of cities. But eradicating terrorism is very difficult task and while there is crime in the world, it is becoming practically unsolvable. Since the main income of terrorists is in the underground market of weapons and drugs.

Another significant problem of terrorism is the involvement of children in this activity. They are trained from birth for their mission. It's no secret that a child comes under less suspicion, so it's easier for him to get in, because searches at train stations are mainly carried out on adults.

Fighting a global problem - terrorism

In the modern world there is a fierce struggle against terrorist organizations To achieve success in which, many methods are used. Fighting only through military action will not give the desired result, because if one extremist group is destroyed, another will form in its place. Therefore, both political and economic and information methods are used against terrorists. The creation of certain units whose activities combine the fight against terrorists and criminals. One of these well-known organizations is Interpol (International). WITH political point In terms of view, we can note the introduction of bills restricting or prohibiting the carrying of weapons. Information methods are, first of all, anti-terrorist propaganda, because it is not for nothing that terrorism is presented in all its colors on TV, on the Internet and in newspapers.

Terrorism is the most terrible manifestation of extremism, which does not leave the majority indifferent.

Fedoseev Oleg

Each person is one and only. Everyone has their own habits, inclinations and passions. But a person lives in a society consisting of other equally unique individuals. How should they coexist in the same house, on the same street, in the same city, in the same country and on the same Earth?

Sometimes it seems to me that the world is going crazy, that the spiritual principle is dissolving into chaos modern life that people become embittered, indifferent, cruel, that society turns into a surprisingly unspiritual association of people, loses moral values: conscientiousness, decency, compassion, pity for the weak, disadvantaged, defenseless. This is probably because terrorism has become a constant companion of humanity.

Terrorism... It, in my opinion, is one of the most dangerous and difficult to predict phenomena of our time, acquiring more and more diverse forms and threatening proportions. Terrorist acts cause massive human casualties, exert strong psychological pressure on large masses of people, entail the destruction of material and spiritual values ​​that sometimes cannot be restored, sow hostility between states, provoke wars, mistrust and hatred between social and national groups, which sometimes cannot be overcome in over the life of an entire generation.

Unfortunately, terrorism is a very effective weapon of intimidation and destruction in the eternal and irreconcilable dispute different worlds, radically different from each other in their understanding of life, moral standards, culture. And for last years The problem of terrorism has acquired global proportions throughout the world and tends to grow steadily.

Just remember September 11, 2001 (New York), October 23, 2002 (Moscow, Nord-Ost), September 1, 2004 (Beslan), October 13, 2005 (Nalchik), January 24, 2011 (Moscow, airport), 11 April 2011 (Minsk, metro), December 30, 2013 (Volgograd).

Terrorist attacks are becoming more carefully organized and cruel every year, using the most modern technology, weapons, communications.

Let no one ever think that this problem does not concern him and will not affect him. Trouble can come to any home, regardless of nationality and religious views.

IN Lately There is an opinion that “terror” and “faith” are synonymous words. But that's not true.

It is no secret that terrorists almost always target civilians who do not in any way threaten Islam, and the demands put forward by terrorists have nothing to do with religion. In my opinion, they are the first violators of Islamic law, which, even during a “legitimate” war, categorically prohibits killing women and children, the elderly and clergy (and in general all those not liable for military service).

In one newspaper article I read that according to the morality of the Koran, a Muslim is responsible for every step he takes, he is obliged to show justice and mercy, to bring good to all people, regardless of whether they are Muslims or not, to protect and protect the weak and innocent people, to stop others from committing “disgrace on earth.” Dishonor, in my opinion, is all deeds that pose a threat to the peace, well-being and safety of people.

What do terrorists do?

They threaten the peace, well-being and safety of people!

Killing an innocent person is the greatest sin among all peoples throughout the world.

What do terrorists do?

They are killing dozens, hundreds of innocent people!

Killing a person himself, whatever the reason, is prohibited in Islam.

What do terrorists do?

They not only commit suicide, but take the lives of thousands of innocent people with them!

Consequently, “terror” and “faith” are concepts fundamentally opposed to each other, since it is impossible to even imagine that a person who has realized the true moral principles of Islam can become a supporter of harshness and the unfair use of force.

On the contrary, such a person will never support those whose goal is to sow chaos, enmity, hatred in the hearts of people, and bring suffering to the world.

Yes, I know that in recent years after the collapse Soviet Union Many problems and contradictions have accumulated in the North Caucasus. This is corruption, unemployment, low level the lives of the majority of the population, the appalling degradation of public morality, and the ongoing redistribution of property. In order for the situation to really change, it is necessary to solve all these problems as quickly and effectively as possible. But not through terror, since terror is a path to committing crimes, a path to self-destruction, a path to a dead end, the way out of which may be a long one.

It's time for everyone to think about who needs it, for people to kill each other, who needs to be opposed North Caucasus Russia, who needs our once peaceful flourishing republics became hotbeds of fires. And today, when it is obvious to everyone that it is impossible to change the world only by force, we all need to understand what each of us can do, how we can help change the situation for the better.

And today, the day when I am writing this essay, is replete with events indicating that terrorism exists. And he is evil directed against humanity. Who is next?

I am confident that “people together can accomplish what they cannot do alone” (D. Webster).

I encourage everyone to take the first step and say loudly and confidently: “I vote for peace on my Earth, in my country, in my village, on my street, in my home. I say to terror: “No!!!”



Each person is one and only. Everyone has their own habits, inclinations and passions. But a person lives in a society consisting of other equally unique individuals. How should they coexist in the same house, on the same street, in the same city, in the same country and on the same Earth?

Sometimes it seems to me that the world is going crazy, that the spiritual principle is dissolving in the chaos of modern life, that people are becoming embittered, indifferent, cruel, that society is turning into a surprisingly unspiritual association of people, losing moral values: conscientiousness, decency, compassion, pity for the weak , disadvantaged, defenseless. This is probably because terrorism has become a constant companion of humanity.

Terrorism... It, in my opinion, is one of the most dangerous and difficult to predict phenomena of our time, acquiring more and more diverse forms and threatening proportions. Terrorist acts cause massive human casualties, exert strong psychological pressure on large masses of people, entail the destruction of material and spiritual values ​​that sometimes cannot be restored, sow hostility between states, provoke wars, mistrust and hatred between social and national groups, which sometimes cannot be overcome in over the life of an entire generation.

Unfortunately, terrorism is a very effective weapon of intimidation and destruction in the eternal and irreconcilable dispute between different worlds, radically different from each other in their understanding of life, moral standards, and culture. And in recent years, the problem of terrorism has acquired global proportions throughout the world and tends to grow steadily.

Just remember September 11, 2001 (New York), October 23, 2002 (Moscow, Nord-Ost), September 1, 2004 (Beslan), October 13, 2005 (Nalchik), January 24, 2011 (Moscow, airport), 11 April 2011 (Minsk, metro), December 30, 2013 (Volgograd).

Terrorist acts are becoming more and more carefully organized and cruel every year, using the most modern technology, weapons, and communications.

Let no one ever think that this problem does not concern him and will not affect him. Trouble can come to any home, regardless of nationality and religious views.

Lately there has been an opinion that “terror” and “faith” are synonymous words. But that's not true.

It is no secret that terrorists almost always target civilians who do not in any way threaten Islam, and the demands put forward by terrorists have nothing to do with religion. In my opinion, they are the first violators of Islamic law, which, even during a “legitimate” war, categorically prohibits killing women and children, the elderly and clergy (and in general all those not liable for military service).

In one newspaper article I read that according to the morality of the Koran, a Muslim is responsible for every step he takes, he is obliged to show justice and mercy, to bring good to all people, regardless of whether they are Muslims or not, to protect and protect the weak and innocent people, to stop others from committing “disgrace on earth.” Dishonor, in my opinion, is all deeds that pose a threat to the peace, well-being and safety of people.

What do terrorists do?

They threaten the peace, well-being and safety of people!

Killing an innocent person is the greatest sin among all peoples throughout the world.

What do terrorists do?

They are killing dozens, hundreds of innocent people!

Killing a person himself, whatever the reason, is prohibited in Islam.

What do terrorists do?

They not only commit suicide, but take the lives of thousands of innocent people with them!

Consequently, “terror” and “faith” are concepts fundamentally opposed to each other, since it is impossible to even imagine that a person who has realized the true moral principles of Islam can become a supporter of harshness and the unfair use of force.

On the contrary, such a person will never support those whose goal is to sow chaos, enmity, hatred in the hearts of people, and bring suffering to the world.

Yes, I know that in recent years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many problems and contradictions have accumulated in the North Caucasus. This is corruption, unemployment, the low standard of living of the majority of the population, the appalling degradation of public morality, and the ongoing redistribution of property. In order for the situation to really change, it is necessary to solve all these problems as quickly and effectively as possible. But not through terror, since terror is a path to committing crimes, a path to self-destruction, a path to a dead end, the way out of which may be a long one.

It’s time for everyone to think about who needs it, for people to kill each other, who needs to pit the North Caucasus against Russia, who needs our once peaceful, flourishing republics to become hotbeds of fires. And today, when it is obvious to everyone that it is impossible to change the world only by force, we all need to understand what each of us can do, how we can help change the situation for the better.

And today, the day when I am writing this essay, is replete with events indicating that terrorism exists. And he is evil directed against humanity. Who is next?

I am confident that “people together can accomplish what they cannot do alone” (D. Webster).

I encourage everyone to take the first step and say loudly and confidently: “I vote for peace on my Earth, in my country, in my village, on my street, in my home. I say to terror: “No!!!”

Essay: “Terrorism in the modern world”

In our Everyday life While watching television programs, we come across words such as “terrorism” or “extremism”. I would venture to guess that few people think of these two troubles as a threat national security all over the world.

Among political reasons the emergence of extremism is political instability.

If we consider socio-economic reasons, the main one can be considered the low standard of living in the country.

Regarding economic reasons, it should be noted that extremism today is a business that is capable of generating considerable income for its organizers. Obvious problems are: arms trafficking, drug trafficking.

Now we are beginning to understand at least a little that extremism is a huge threat.

The fight against terror is a national task, and not only that. It's already global problem humanity. Terrorism has a multinational face. And new countermeasures are needed. We must know what to do in case of trouble.

Senchukov Dmitry, student 10 cash desk

Essay "Terrorism is a global problem of the world"

Terrorism today is a powerful weapon used not only in the fight against power.

Terrorism is an evil that enslaves the world with horror, violence and fear. Humanity has been struggling with this all its life. The essence and nature of evil are unchanged. At some times it is more hidden, at others it is more obvious, but it is always turned against a person.

Working with Internet sources, we learned a lot about terrorism. The concepts of "terrorism" and "terrorist" appeared at the end of the 18th century. ButTerror, as an open manifestation of hatred towards a person, has always existed. According to one French dictionary, the Jacobins often used this concept orally and in writing in relation to themselves - and always with a positive connotation.

However, already during the Great French Revolution, the word “terrorist” began to have an offensive meaning, turning into a synonym for “criminal.” Subsequently, the term received a more expanded interpretation and began to mean any system of government based on fear. Then, until very recently, the word "terrorism" was used very widely and meant the whole spectrum of different shades of violence.

A distinctive feature of terrorism is the use of violence against not the enemy, but peaceful people, who are often unaware of the political confrontation. The goal of terrorism is to hurt as many people as possible. Terror in our time has become one of the most painful problems, both local and global. To successfully fight terrorism, it is necessary to destroy not only organizations, but also crime, that is, to wage war against all world evil as a whole.

While working on the project, we learned about the terrorist attacks that took place in our country in 1999. During this period, 15 terrorist attacks occurred. And one of them, very close to us, in our Rostov region in the city of Volgodonsk.

In these terrorist acts, completely innocent people died, who, just like us, wanted to live, to enjoy every new day, meeting with friends and family. And all this was taken away from them overnight. They took away the present and the future, both for these unfortunate people, among whom were children, and for their relatives.

When terrorist attacks occur somewhere far away, it seems to us that we are safe and this will not affect each of us. But this terrible word “Terror” is now being committed in almost every country, and more and more people are becoming victims of criminal fanatics.

Terrorism has declared war on the world. And people of all nationalities, different religions, as always in moments of terrible danger, we must unite and fight this evil together!

Elena Guskova, 10th grade student

Essay "No to Terrorism!"

Terrorism is a tactic of fighting opponents that includes crimes against third parties (that is, those who cannot be considered a party to the conflict.) A terrorist is one who, in the course of the struggle, either fundamentally ignores the rights of people not responsible in the conflict, or uses an attack on their rights as a weapon pressure on the enemy (creates a hostage side.)

Today, the most effective methods of terror are violence not against the authorities, but against peaceful, defenseless people.Terrorism in its essence refers to such methods of taking human lives, the victims of which most often are innocent people who have nothing to do with any conflict.

Innocent people are becoming victims of terrorists!

Studying the history of the 90s, we saw that terrorist acts were already taking place then. Already in those years, innocent people were dying, many received varying degrees of injury. Children were dying.

It was especially scary for older people to watch. To people who passed the Great Patriotic War. After all, they went through the pain and hell of that terrible war and believed that the roar of explosions would never be heard on our land again. They believed that their children and grandchildren would live in a peaceful and calm time, that it was not in vain that they fought for clear skies over our Russia.

Who are these people who are planning terrorist attacks? And in general, can they be called people? Are they either zombified fanatics or madmen who hate people and life? Or do they want to become famous in this way? Dubious fame...

Cruelty has clouded their minds! The bandits want to kill as many innocent people as possible. I think that a terrorist is a person who does not have the value of life, who does not have the cruelty characteristic of a person.

Who gave them the right to dispose human lives, decide who lives and who dies?

We live in terrible times; the world is on a powder keg.

The problem of terrorism is one of the global problems of our time. It remains one of the most alarming for our society. This forces all people and at all levels to think about how to eradicate this evil, to find ways to solve this problem.

Terrorism is a global problem for all humanity. I really hope that there will be no terrorism in my life. I, like millions of people around the planet, say to terrorism: “No!”

Anastasia Krasnoshtanova, 10th grade student