Famous Russian women alcoholics... For some of them, a glass of alcohol at first seemed like an indulgence, for others - an easy release from sorrows. The quagmire of drunkenness dragged them in unnoticed.

They do not consider it necessary to hide this sad page of their biography. And they want their life to become a warning to those who do not understand the dangers of drunkenness, and the experience of defeating the disease to inspire hope in those who want to overcome this terrible addiction.

Larisa Guzeeva had to get stitches

Her drama began immediately after the release of the film “Cruel Romance”, where she superbly played the tragedy of a dowry. While filming the next film “Rivals,” Larisa fell in love with an assistant cameraman named Ilya and got married.

“He was colorful—passionate: no education, covered in tattoos, two prison sentences under his belt. And I’m 25 years old, all the men are courting me, this is the period of mega-popularity. And how did I manage? – the actress is perplexed.

Ilya also turned out to be an alcoholic. Larisa took him to the doctors and stitched him up. And at first I didn’t realize that he was also a drug addict. I struggled for many years, but to no avail.

Out of impotence, she began to drink a little herself. This went on for seven years. And one day, when I woke up, I felt like I needed a hangover. Realizing what she was risking, Larisa left her first husband. She had to get stitches to get rid of alcoholism.

Irina Rodnina was saved by her son

Having won her last Olympic gold in 1980, Rodnina went into coaching. Soon she divorced her husband and former partner Alexander Zaitsev.

The second husband was a fan-entrepreneur from Dnepropetrovsk. Irina gave birth to a daughter, Alena. And in 1986 she left for the USA.

In America, she began training athletes. Everything was fine: earnings, own house. But soon her husband left her and began to sue his daughter. Betrayal loved one knocked down the athlete. She started drinking wine. Clink glasses with her mirror image. Terrible thoughts came into my head: why live? Sometimes she wanted to get into the car, speed up and... Her son helped her wake up.

“He came up to me and said: “Mom, look at yourself - who do you look like!” All gray and ugly."

And she found strength in herself. Returning to her homeland, she became the former invincible Irina Rodnina.

Natalya Andreichenko drank herself to death

Natalya Andreichenko, the same Mary Poppins, became an alcoholic at a very young age - at 24 years old. She seemed to be doing well: enormous popularity, a happy family, little son. Her husband, the famous composer Maxim Dunaevsky, drank a little every day. But if his body calmly withstood this regime, then Natasha soon turned into a drunkard. One day her father found her with a bottle in her hands. As soon as he tried to take away the alcohol, the actress, distraught, attacked him and beat him. Relatives insisted on treatment. A narcologist tested her for alcohol tolerance.

- Choking began. And then I felt very light and good, because I left my body. Clinical death“lasted seven minutes,” Natalya admitted.

She saw him crying little son, doctors, a horrified father. And she returned. Rather, it was this incident that influenced her more than the treatment itself.

Irina Pechernikova met love in the hospital

Irina Pechernikova, the same teacher from the film “We'll Live Until Monday,” started with a glass of champagne at night. Her personal life was not going well - she divorced her husband, a Polish musician, and married again - actor Boris Galkin. But she soon realized: this is not the person she needs. The couple often quarreled, and when reconciling, they drank. After another divorce it got even worse. And then there was grief - her mother died, then Mikhail Tsarev, artistic director of the Maly Theater and her guardian angel. Irina did not have a good relationship with the new theater management. This was a period when she was not invited to films, and few roles were given in the theater. She tried to drown out the heavy feeling of being unclaimed. And she broke down and started drinking.

“I decided to break out of this nightmare. I found out that there is such a person in Feodosia - Alexander Dovzhenko, who treats alcoholism. So I went to see him,” recalls Pechernikova.

He sat at the reception desk, wanting only one thing - to be unrecognized. And then they called out to her. It was actor Alexander Solovyov. IN early years he carefully looked after Irina, but she preferred someone else. Returning from Poland, I remembered him, realizing that I had missed true happiness. She found him, but when she learned that he was married and raising a child, she backed down. And then fate brought them together again. It turned out that he, too, had come to get coded secretly from everyone.

They fought the disease together. Having recovered, we dreamed of living together. But Irina realized that Sasha could not leave her son. Soloviev returned to his family. They finally reunited when Alexander's son grew up. But they were happy for only four years. Solovyov was killed in a fight.

Ekaterina Vasilyeva was cured in church

Ekaterina Vasilyeva never refused a glass. The actress was the embodiment of a woman free from complexes. When she was drunk, she cheated on her first husband, director Sergei Solovyov, and then dragged her lover to him to repent.

Her second husband, playwright Mikhail Roshchin, also drank with her. According to him, she drank so much that she could not save herself. According to the writer, the actress has bad heredity. Her father was a famous poet and a hopeless alcoholic. Vasilyeva was treated in different clinics, but the doctors could not help her. She was saved by a meeting with the priest Father Vladimir. Only faith in God helped her recover from alcoholism. Now she allows herself only a slight sip of champagne. Having become a believer, she brought her son Dmitry from her second marriage to the church. Dmitry is now a priest in the Moscow Church of St. Antipas. Vasilyeva also works as treasurer in the same temple, only occasionally agreeing to act in films.

Watch the video in which the artists in the program will tell everything about themselves.

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Alcoholism is a serious disease. It destroys not only ordinary residents of our country (and other countries), but also famous people. There have been artists and stars who died from alcoholism at all times and among all peoples. Many people have heard tragic story Valentina Serova, Mussorgsky, Savrasov, Vysotsky. Talent did not become their salvation from addiction. Which celebrity and why became addicted to the “green serpent”?

Poets and writers

The list of famous alcoholics includes many deceased figures of Russian literature. These are pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and modern Russian wordsmiths. Moreover, the names of most of them are known to everyone.

The first to name is Sergei Yesenin. "Blonde Lel" conducted most of his time in taverns. Sergei Alexandrovich began to drink when he moved to the city and began to gain fame in literary circles Moscow. His life ended early: he died at the Angleterre Hotel. Experts are still arguing whether it was suicide or murder.

In foreign literature, the “green serpent” destroyed Charles Baudelaire - he became interested in drinking and beautiful women in student years. Then he began to study law at the College of Saint Louis. Drunkenness and syphilis resulted in his death in 1867 at the age of 46.

Edgar Allan Poe, an American writer and founder of the detective genre, described the drinking owner of the “Black Cat” not by observing other people. He himself was fond of strong alcoholic drinks, as a result of which he died in the hospital from cerebrovascular disease. Although there is a version that he fell ill with rabies at that time. However, in any case, the writer led a wandering lifestyle - this was the cause of his death. And it was drunkenness that led him to such a life.

Edgar Allan Poe died from vascular and head disease due to alcohol

Ernest Miller Hemingway loved alcohol, especially wine and daiquiris. IN last years During his life he suffered from cirrhosis of the liver and suffered from depression. Before his death he was undergoing treatment, but upon returning from the hospital he shot himself.

William Faulkner was fond of punch from his youth. As a result, in adulthood he turned into a real alcoholic. Things reached delirium tremens. As a result, the writer died.

However, these are not all the writers who were destroyed by the “green serpent.” There are other great people who suffered from this disease. These included:

  • Erich Maria Remarque;
  • Tennessee Williams (he was addicted not only to alcohol, but also to drugs);
  • Mikhail Sholokhov;
  • Olga Berggolts;
  • Alexander Tvardovsky;
  • John Steinbeck;
  • Yuri Olesha.


Artists are also prone to addictions. And both men and women. Which of the actors suffered from drunkenness? Let's name some Russian actors:

Name Cause of alcoholism Circumstances of death
1 Valentina Vasilievna Serova The addiction began in the process life together with Konstantin Simonov - in the late 1940s. Serious stress and problems at work could have affected or difficult relationships with mother and husband, survived the war Found dead at home. The circumstances of the death are still unclear
2 Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky He not only drank, but also abused drugs. In his memoirs they write that he began to drink only to relieve his cravings for the latter. Vladimir Semyonovich experienced serious problems at work and in relationships with family, friends and colleagues because of this. He died in his own apartment. The cause of the tragedy was heart failure. However, there was no autopsy, so an exact diagnosis has not been established.
3 Victor Kosykh He drank because of the overload associated with the acting profession. And it started in my youth. In adulthood the situation worsened. He lived only 61 years. The cause of death was an alcohol overdose. As a result, a cerebral hemorrhage occurred.
4 Georgy Yumatov Difficult relationship with his wife, Muse of Krepkogorskaya. The latter’s reluctance to understand her husband, domestic tyranny. Another reason is the lack of children he wanted (Muza Viktorovna had an abortion) An aortic aneurysm occurred - after recovery from drunkenness. In his old age, the actor no longer acted in films. But before that there was a scandalous incident with the janitor he killed.
5 Vladislav Galkin Vladislav started drinking because of depression. He had difficult relationships with women. This led to a tragic outcome. Due to constant exposure to alcohol, the actor developed problems with his pancreas. Then he gave up drinking. But he managed to blow up his heart (death was due to heart failure).
6 Oleg Dal He was demanding of himself and those around him. The star also had problems with his personal life. This led to immoderate libations. The actor suffered from cardiac problems due to alcohol. At the age of 38, he suffered cardiac arrest. This was the cause of Dahl's death.

However, the addiction was not only of domestic, but also of foreign film actors. An example is fate. American actress Billie Holliday. The celebrity died from cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism.

The press also reports alcohol addiction from the late actors Vasily Shukshin, Andrei Krasko, Nikolai Eremenko the Younger, Georgy Burkov and others. Nationwide love didn't save them from family dramas, and as a result - drunkenness. The result was health problems (especially with the heart) and death.


Sport is good for health, but it is not a panacea for drunkenness. Among famous athletes world "green serpent" killed football player George Best. He was known as a playboy in the sports world. Because of this lifestyle, the man became addicted to alcohol. The result was death from liver cirrhosis and kidney disease at the age of 59.

In the history of the USSR and Russia, a similar famous example was Anatoly Kozhemyakin. He often attended feasts. One such day, when he (drunk himself and with drunken friends) got stuck in an elevator in the evening after drinking and signing autographs, a tragedy occurred. The elevator started moving when Kozhemyakin tried to get out of the cabin - the man was torn apart.

Show business stars

The concept of show business representatives includes not only actors, but also singers and musicians. Among famous examples- Whitney Houston. She fell into a coma at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Her aunt saw her in this state, but she could not be saved. Whitney abused alcohol and drugs.

Of the domestic pop stars, drunkenness killed Yuri Klinsky. He developed problems with his liver (hepatitis) and heart. The latter led to his death - this happened on July 4, 2000.

Of the great people of the musical world of the past, Modest Mussorgsky became a victim of alcohol. The composer died of delirium tremens - the consequences of alcohol addiction. He started drinking because of his bohemian lifestyle.

The artist Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov also drank heavily. It was because of drunkenness that he separated from his wife. And the children of this famous man from another love - his cohabitant E. Morgunova - died in infancy. He himself lived to be 67 years old. The cause of problems with alcohol (dependence) was the lifestyle inherent in creative individuals.


Nothing human is alien to scientists. They also drank alcohol, especially on holidays. Some even abused it. Two examples can be given here.

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev invented 40-proof vodka for a reason. He himself liked to drink. However, his addiction to alcohol did not prevent him from pursuing science. And he lived for 72 years.

Mendeleev - the inventor of vodka, also loved to drink

Omar Khayyam, a Persian poet and alchemist of the Middle Ages, was also a wine lover and encouraged his readers to drink it. However, he also lived a long life. Omar Khayyam died at 83.


The most famous alcoholics- these are singers, writers and poets, actors, artists. In other words, bohemian drunkards are called people creative professions. There are especially many of them in show business - among actors, singers and composers. Often the causes of the disease are problems in personal life, hard work and features of a star’s lifestyle.

However, among scientists there are much fewer drunkards. This is due to the fact that scientific activity requires concentration of mind and attention. In addition, scientists are aware of the dangers of alcoholic beverages. For this reason, it is more correct to call them simply drunkards, but not alcoholics.

There are also few alcoholics among athletes. Typically, wild feasts are the lot of football players, and even then not always. We were able to give only 2 examples of football players who died due to problems with alcohol. Otherwise, athletes try not to drink alcohol. However, they have another problem - a tendency to use doping.

Representatives of the creative intelligentsia who died from alcoholism are found at all times and among all nations. This problem is the same in Russia and in the West, in Soviet time, in the 19th century and now. However, often even cured people’s health is weakened, so long-term consequences make themselves felt. Let us remember the story of the death of Georgy Yumatov.

Those suffering from drunkenness prominent figures and they themselves suffer because of their problem, and create trouble for their loved ones. For this reason, it is so important for a person with a penchant for creativity to take care of himself. Moreover, long life will allow us to give more roles, paintings, songs, books to humanity.

The most common cause of death for an alcoholic is damage to the heart (attacks), liver (cirrhosis) and nervous system(delirium tremens). In one of the cases - with the athlete Kozhemyakin - an accident occurred. The man's death was the result of his alcohol intoxication and associated disorientation in the situation.

However, you should not judge people who suffer or have suffered from alcohol addiction. Alcoholics and drunkards need help from loved ones. Only then will the patient be able to decide to undergo treatment and stop drinking. And then there are chances for a real refusal of alcohol. This applies not only famous actor or a writer, but also your loved one if he suffers from drunkenness.

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Actress and TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva openly talked about how she started drinking in her first marriage - to spite her drug-addicted husband. Coding for a year and, of course, willpower helped her return to normal life.

Grigory Leps

Grigory Leps was 30 years old when he moved to Moscow from Sochi: “...I just already understood that if I stayed singing in Sochi restaurants, I would fizzle out as an artist. He worked all night long. And he relieved fatigue with alcohol...” The singer practically stopped drinking, and once he even made a bet with his friends for a very large sum that he would not touch alcohol for two years.

Dana Borisova

In 2008, Dana Borisova was going through difficult times: she broke up with her common-law husband Maxim Aksenov, went through the courts about the division of property and was afraid that her former lover would want to keep their daughter Polina. Due to stress, Dana gained a lot of weight and became too fond of alcohol, but was soon able to pull herself together.

Natalia Andreichenko

Beloved by Russian viewers, Mary Poppins tells how she almost died due to her passion for alcohol when she was 24 years old. While in Andrei Konchalovsky’s “Sibiriyada”, she earned a lot of money for a student - and skipped it on a grand scale: her career was in jeopardy, and the doctors persuaded Natalya to undergo a code. Later, after breaking up with Maximilian Schell, the actress again gave up alcohol in order to look better and feel happier.

Tatiana Dogileva

Actress and director Tatyana Dogileva was able to get rid of alcohol addiction at a critical moment - she lost control of herself and could have disrupted filming. The support of her loved ones helped her, and later Dogileva spoke openly about her problems in the press to help others cope with this illness.

Mikhail Boyarsky

Of course, the actor did not suffer from alcoholism, but he himself repeatedly admitted that he appreciated “binges” for the sake of courage and mood. But drinking alcohol once led Mikhail Boyarsky to severe pancreatitis, so the actor had to seriously think about his future: now he is trying to stick to healthy image life.

Yuri Nikolaev

The famous TV presenter does not hide the fact that he was treated for alcoholism for several years, trying to get rid of addiction in different clinics. “For me, alcoholism was not just a problem, but a real disaster!” admitted Yuri Nikolaev. In 1983, he was able to cope with the disease and return to television.

Mikhail Efremov

According to the actor, in the 90s he even coded for alcohol, but this did not help him quit drinking - on the contrary, his drinking bouts only became longer. His wife Sophia said in an interview that she got used to her husband’s passion for alcohol and learned to live with it.

Alexander Domogarov

Problems with alcohol appeared in the actor’s life quite a long time ago; he was even hospitalized several times. But work in theater and cinema turned out to be more important, because he was able to cope with addiction.

Ivan Okhlobystin

Today Ivan Okhlobystin is an exemplary family man and father of many children, but before he found faith, he was seen on alcoholic sprees.

Famous alcoholics - who are they? Even the greatest and most famous people in the World: rulers, politicians, actors, writers could not protect themselves from alcoholism. In some cases, alcohol addiction has caused health problems and poor old age. How is it possible, being a famous and rich person, to suddenly become an alcoholic that no one needs? Let's consider which famous people of the world and Russia are remembered for their addiction to alcohol.

Great people and alcoholism

Men are alcoholics

In the history of mankind, there are many famous people who were addicted to alcohol. How is that modern politicians, as well as great commanders, reformers and writers.

Here is a list of alcoholics:

  1. Alexander the Great. He is known as the first great person who liked to drink. It was alcohol that ruined his life; he died at only 33 years old.
  2. Diogenes. Despite the fact that he was a philosopher, he could never give up wine. Drinking alcohol did not prevent him from thinking logically and discovering new theories. He lived to be 85 years old, despite his addiction.
  3. Peter the First. He was the great alcoholic of Russia. He could never give up alcohol.
  4. Joseph Stalin also loved feasts. He gave preference to wines and could drink them every day, despite the fact that he constantly had to resolve issues of national importance.
  5. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. This famous commander created modern Turkey, and died not in war, but from alcohol, due to which he developed cirrhosis of the liver.
  6. Prince Vladimir. He could not refuse intoxicating drinks and loved fun and holidays.
  7. Bohdan Khmelnytsky. He counted the wine the best medicine from all problems, so he liked to drink. The hetman became famous for his drunken celebrations.

Perhaps constant stress and lack of opportunity for rest were the reasons why great rulers and writers, very intelligent people, became alcoholics.

  • Among modern famous people, one can highlight the Ukrainian politician Yuriy Lutsenko. His addiction to alcohol is constantly noticed by the press and ridiculed in various humorous shows.
  • The great actor of the Soviet era, Radner Muratov (you can remember him from his role in the film “Gentlemen of Fortune”) died in poverty and loneliness, because in his old age he began to drink heavily.

Many talented writers and poets in Russia suffered from alcoholism. Sergei Yesenin began drinking heavily at the age of 24, but this did not stop him from writing. Throughout his life, he was treated in hospital several times for alcohol addiction, and was also examined by psychiatrists.

The world's greatest classics foreign literature, such as Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, Ernest Hemingway and Erich M. Remarque drank heavily.

  • Thus, Edgar Alan Poe died of brain inflammation due to severe alcohol intoxication. He drank to the point of insanity.
  • Ernest Hemingway and Erich M. Remarque did not even hide their addiction to alcohol; they drank regularly. Since Hemingway committed suicide, his death is attributed to alcohol.
  • Among the world's great alcoholic writers, one can also note Jack London and Omar Khayyam.

Among Russian and Ukrainian writers had an addiction to alcohol:

  • Alexander Blok.
  • Alexander Kuprin.
  • Sergey Yesenin.
  • Taras Shevchenko.

The king of horror, Stephen King, also enjoyed drinking in his younger years. He did not hide his addiction and said that he wrote most of his horror films in alcoholic delirium.

The great artist Vincent Van Gogh treated his alcohol addiction in psychiatric clinic. And the world famous composer Modest Mussorgsky died of delirium tremens.

For many composers and writers, alcohol prevented them from writing. great amount great works.

Alcoholic women

Among famous people there are many women who like to drink. This and Russian celebrities, and world stars.

  • Yes, well known French singer Edith Piaf drank herself into oblivion and died at a young age.
  • One more famous woman in history, who was remembered as an alcoholic, was Galina Brezhneva. Her addiction to alcohol led to complete loss sanity, which is why she died in an insane asylum.
  • Tatyana Dogileva is a Russian actress who cannot give up alcohol. It was deep depression that led to alcohol addiction.

Despite the fact that female alcoholism is a terrible thing, because it is much stronger than male alcoholism, many women managed to recover.

Successful examples The following women recovered:

  • TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva. The woman always loved fun and did not give up alcohol. I started drinking when I lived with my first husband, a drug addict. But she was able to completely overcome her addiction.
  • TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. The girl started drinking after the divorce and became depressed. But she was able to pull herself together and give up alcohol; now she doesn’t drink even on holidays.
  • Actress Drew Barrymore. Despite her successful career, the girl began to drink, but over time she managed to get rid of her addiction.
  • Kelly Osbourne. The woman coped with her addiction. She became an example of how you can change by leading. From plump woman From a not very attractive appearance, she turned into a slender, beautiful and very successful one.
  • Britney Spears. The singer can also be used as an example. After an unsuccessful divorce, she began to lead a rather wild life, not even without drugs, but the singer managed to get rid of her addictions and return to her career.
  • Kristin Davis is also a former alcoholic. At the age of 25, she had no idea, but once in the circle Alcoholics Anonymous, she managed to recover and build an amazing career as an actress.
  • Paris Hilton. The girl has been spotted driving while intoxicated more than once. In recent years, Paris has not been seen by the paparazzi while intoxicated; she probably decided to quit the addiction and not spoil her image.

  • Lara Stone. The fashion model admitted that she could not do without strong drinks. The work caused the girl a lot of stress. Realizing her addiction, Lara turned to specialists for help and was cured.

Unfortunately, the above examples are isolated. Many celebrities do not want to admit that they have problems with alcohol and do not seek treatment, gradually sliding to the very bottom.

Alcoholism among famous women very common. Stars such as Lindsay Lohan and Courtney Love plunged into rampant drinking.

Famous alcoholics of the World and Russia

Almost every third celebrity has problems with alcohol, perhaps the reason for this is substantial fees or awareness of their greatness. Alcoholism is especially common among actors.

  • Often the smell of alcohol could be heard from actors such as Yuri Bogatyrev, Andrei Panin and Vladislav Galkin. It was Galkin who became the captive of the green snake, because he died of depression alone at the age of 39.

  • Also famous singer Vladimir Vysotsky could not cope with his addiction, his heart stopped. Despite the fact that everyone knew about his alcoholism, after his death he still had crowds of fans of his music.
  • Actor Georgy Yumatov experienced many shocks, so in his old age he became addicted to alcohol.
  • Many modern talented people in Russia cannot overcome alcohol addiction. These are Mikhail Efremov, Alexander Domogarov, Alexey Nilov and Marat Basharov.

But not only Russian famous people become drunkards; many foreign stars are also no strangers to this problem. Mostly in the press you can see female names, such as Whitney Houston, Britney Spears (who also overcame her addiction), Demi Moore and many others.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to get rid of alcohol addiction, many celebrities in Russia and the world have been able to do it.

  • Among the singers we can highlight Mick Jagger, Sergei Shnurov, Alexander Rosembaum, Elton John, Valery Kipelov, Kostyantin Kinchev.
  • Among the actors, David Bowie can be distinguished.
  • Mikhail Boyarsky also became an example for all drinkers. At the age of 30, he could drink a liter of vodka. After undergoing treatment, I gave up the addiction forever.

But not all famous people managed to overcome their addiction to alcohol:

  • Famous American actor Christian Slater often goes on binges, which is why he even ended up in the police.
  • Mel Gibson always tries to perform feats while intoxicated, which is why he also has problems with the police. This American actor started drinking at the age of 13. Therefore, he rightfully deserves the title of alcoholic.

However, all celebrities remain very talented people. For many actors and singers, alcohol does not interfere with their professional career, of course, if not we're talking about about athletes. Thus, many famous football players cannot resist a bottle of vodka or beer.

Such people include:

  • Paul Gascoigne.
  • Tony Adams.
  • Adriano.
  • Sicinho.
  • Artem Milevsky.

Alcohol ruined their sports careers.

Why do people who have money and fame start drinking, is that really all they lack in life?

Actor Gary Oldman, who was treated for alcohol addiction, said that money is the reason for drinking alcohol. Celebrities drink to gain new sensations, inspiration, relieve stress or to hide from annoying paparazzi.

Alcohol seriously affects the image of famous people, especially those who are forced to go out. They lose their popularity, health and good appearance, so they become unclaimed in their profession, and this leads to even greater psychological dependence drinking alcohol in large quantities. The paparazzi do not leave such stars alone, because they expect a new sensation from them in the form of a drunken prank.

To regain their image, financial status, fans and respect from loved ones and colleagues, celebrities will need a huge amount of time.

Alcoholism is an addiction that affects not only physical health person, but also on his mental state, leading to the collapse of social and family life. When alcoholism becomes a major problem, it is noticeable in the way people become unable to cope with work and other responsibilities as alcohol begins to dominate all aspects of their lives, including relationships with others.

Alcoholism is a detrimental habit that takes its toll on any addict, but when it comes to celebrities, the problem reaches a completely different level, as their lives are under close attention. Alcoholism can ruin their careers and seriously damage their personal and social lives. Here is a list of 26 stars whose lives and careers were affected by alcoholism:

1. Mel Gibson

Everyone knows Mel Gibson is famous Hollywood actor, however, in addition to this, he is also a producer and director. There were many ups and downs in his career. One of his most famous works is the film "Braveheart", in which he acted as a director, producer and actor. This film brought him a Golden Globe award. However, in 2006, Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving, and this event led to many other problems that affected his public and personal life. Fortunately, he has since been able to cope with his problem and his behavior, restored his damaged relationships and his career.

2. Lindsay Lohan

The fact that Lindsay Lohan considers herself an experienced rehabilitator speaks volumes. She has been to rehab centers so many times that she can hardly count them. As a teenager, Lohan was a very responsible girl who did not go to school parties or drink alcohol. She got drunk for the first time at the age of 17, and Lindsay's mother punished her by making her sleep in vomit.

Although Lindsay had been to rehab many times, she claimed that she did not consider herself an alcoholic because she had never experienced a hangover in the morning. However, in 2010, when Lohan was admitted to the Betty Ford Center, the actress said that she was working to overcome her addiction and was making positive steps towards positive changes. She also said that she understands that her addiction is a disease that will not go away overnight.

3. Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee's addiction began after cosmetic surgery, when she began taking painkillers, perpetuating the effect big amount alcohol. But it should be noted that this problem did not last long: she managed to quickly cope with it and continue to live with the idea that overcoming this addiction is the most great success in her life.

Jamie Lee Curtis is best known for her role in A Fish Called Wanda and the Halloween horror film series. In Freaky Friday, she played the mother of a wild teenager played by Lindsay Lohan (who also had a drinking problem, as mentioned above). In addition to acting in films, she participated in photography without makeup and subsequent retouching. This made the actress look at herself in a new way and feel the oppressive need to always look great, which was the beginning of her problems with alcohol. When the actress overcame this addiction, she began to promote the philosophy of accepting yourself for who you are.

4. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp also had problems with alcohol in the past, although you could never tell from his performances in films.

Depp has starred in many successful films such as "Pirates" Caribbean Sea", "Edward Scissorhands" and other films by Tim Burton and Jim Jarmusch. Perhaps his experience with alcohol addiction was precisely what helped him play the drunken Jack Sparrow so successfully and convincingly in "Pirates".

Johnny Depp is one of the greatest film actors, and his alcohol addiction did not affect his career. He still remains famous and popular. Bye.

5. Anthony Hopkins

Best known for his role in The Silence of the Lambs, in which he played the Oscar-winning character Hannibal Lecter, the actor had long struggled with uncontrollable alcohol addiction. The turning point for him was the event when he woke up in another state, absolutely not understanding where he was and how he got here. It was then that the actor realized that his habit had become a problem, so he decided to join Alcoholics Anonymous. From that moment on, he never returned to the past.

Hopkins' problems with alcohol began while he was working as an actor in the UK. It seemed to him that the stage was not for him, and so he began to drink to relax and relieve stress. He quit drinking in 1975 and hasn't touched a drop of alcohol since.

6. Elton John

Like many other artists, Elton John began drinking and using drugs to gain confidence before performing. His manager first gave him cocaine to try. John admitted that he did not think about the consequences of substance abuse and did not pay attention to it until the habit got out of control. In addition to addiction to alcohol and cocaine, the singer developed bulimia.

John managed to get back on track with the help of his friend Ryan White, who was infected HIV infection during a blood transfusion, however, he remained strong until the very end, helping everyone who, like him, became infected with this disease.

John was able to come to his senses with the help of White and since then - for more than 20 years - has remained sober.

7. Eminem

The story of Eminem's struggle with alcoholism is no secret. His substance abuse reached its climax in 2007, when he began taking more than 30 pills a day, generously doused with alcohol.

Prior to this, in 2005, Eminem almost died from an overdose. This marked the beginning of his efforts to become sober and a better father to his daughter Hailey.

Eminem's life has not been easy, given his alcohol and drug abuse and his unstable relationship with his mother Hailie. However, his addiction is now a thing of the past, and his music career is gaining momentum again. An unexpected friendship with Sir Elton John helped Eminem become a teetotaler, and now his compositions are again at the top of the music charts.

8. Steven Tyler

The leader and vocalist of the famous rock band Aerosmith, Steven Tyler has experienced many ups and downs both in his career and in his personal life.

Tyler fans for his amazing vocal rangeThey gave him the nickname "Demon of Screaming". Fans adore the singer not only for his voice, but also for the energy he puts into every performance. It is clear that he loves his job and completely devotes himself to music and his fans.

Obviously, Tyler has become very famous over the course of his career, and with great success and fame comes pressure and struggle. Tyler began using alcohol and drugs to cope with the pressure, and this negatively affected his singing career, leading to a decline in the popularity of Aerosmith.

However, Tyler decided to improve, and after he left the rehab center in 1986, he managed to recover and put all his strength into restoring the group to its former glory.

Tyler remained sober for the next 20 years, after which he relapsed and began abusing painkillers. However it lasted not for long, as he managed to get this addiction under control. He checked into rehab again in 2009 and has remained sober since then.

9. Robert Downey Jr.

Of all the stars on this list who have had problems with alcohol, it can be said that Robert Downey Jr. had the worst problems, as well as the most unexpected extraordinary recovery. The actor started with daily tradition drinking, reaching the point that he could not spend a single evening without a glass in his hand.

There were also cases where he mixed alcohol with drugs. His behavior became so uncontrollable that one day he couldn’t find his way home and fell asleep in a neighbor’s house, falling asleep in his child’s bed. Naturally, the child's mother called the rescue service.

Robert successfully dealt with his problem, from which he owed his salvation to his wife Susan Downey. Having overcome alcoholism, he was able to take control of his career, starring in films such as " iron Man" and "Sherlock Holmes".

10. Billie Holiday

This beautiful woman with the angelic voice faced enormous pressure brought on by her growing fame. Before starting her singing career, she worked as a receptionist in a brothel, but her connection to prostitution goes back much further, as her mother was arrested for prostitution when Billy was 12 years old.

During its short but successful career Billie Holiday worked with artists such as Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong and many others.

Alcohol addiction caused serious damage to her health: the singer developed cirrhosis of the liver. Doctors advised her not to drink anymore, otherwise this habit would destroy her, but she could not resist the temptation - the addiction got the better of her. The singer died at the age of 44 in 1959, but to this day she remains known as one of best singers of its time.

11. Betty Ford

The future First Lady of the United States announced in 1970 that she was struggling with alcoholism. When she began the recovery process, she openly stated that her father and brother were also alcoholics.

Betty Ford's substance abuse sometimes got so out of control that she took more than 20 painkillers a day and a "normal amount" of alcohol (a couple of cocktails at parties).

Somehow, Ford managed to overcome her alcohol addiction while she needed to take care of her family.

Later, in 1978, when she was already the former First Lady, she went to Long Beach Naval Hospital to undergo treatment for alcohol addiction. Ex-president I also completely stopped drinking alcohol in solidarity with my wife.

12. Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was American writer, journalist and author short stories: to this day he remains one of the most famous writers throughout history.

Throughout his life, Hemingway succumbed to alcoholism more than once, especially in the last years of his life, when he began to be tormented by mental and physical ailments. He was admitted to the hospital where he was treated for depression, but after being discharged he still committed suicide by shooting himself with a gun.

It is still unclear whether his alcoholism was the result of a mental disorder, or vice versa, but the writer sometimes lost his clear mind while intoxicated.

13. David Hasselhoff

Hasselhoff's addiction was widely known, and many are familiar with the story of his struggle, which has lasted more than 10 years. For the first time he came to rehabilitation center in 2002, when he realized his drinking was out of control. However, the actor's determination to improve his addiction lasted only one day, after which he left the Betty Ford Center. The next day he got drunk again, to such an extent that he had to call an ambulance.

He tried to justify his actions by saying that he was not ready to stop drinking when he entered the clinic for treatment and that he wanted to drink again. This time turned out to be so “intense” that he decided that he had really had enough, so the actor again came to the rehabilitation center. He did it because he wanted to become a better person for the sake of his family.

Hasselhoff remained sober for 5 years before relapsed in 2007. His daughter, in an attempt to show him what he looks like when he's drunk and get him to change his behavior, posted a video online of him lying on the floor eating a burger.

Due to excessive libations, Hasselhoff became a regular visitor to the hospital: he was admitted there in 2009 and 2010. Obviously, an actor can go without alcohol for a long time, but if he takes even one sip, he no longer knows how to stop himself.

14. Robin Williams

Robin Williams was one of the most famous actors in the world. He starred in such films as "Captain Hook", "Dead Poets Society" and many other famous films. Williams began abusing alcohol and cocaine very early on, but tried to kick his addiction after his friend John Belushi died of an overdose during a party they were both attending.

Some fans claim that his career was at its peak when the actor's addiction was at its worst, but the truth is that no amount of money or fame is worth more than the physical and mental health of a person who suffers great damage from addiction.

Robin Williams struggled with alcohol and cocaine addiction for nearly 30 years. He broke down and recovered again. A few weeks before his death, he signed up for a renewal clinic. He shot himself shortly thereafter, but pathologists say he was sober at the time of his death. Although Williams managed to abstain from alcohol and drugs, it seems the actor was unable to cope with his depression, which ultimately led to his death.

15. Stephen King

This famous horror author, who wrote such best-selling books as It, Carrie, The Shawshank Redemption, Misery and many others, struggled for years with alcohol and drug addiction. When his family finally decided to get involved in 1987, King agreed that he needed to change. Since then he has remained a teetotaler.

Stephen King often endowed his main characters with the same addictions that he himself struggled with. He also spoke extensively and willingly about his ongoing attempts to regain control of his addiction, so it was not as if he was ashamed of it. He stated that alcohol and drugs helped him escape the depressive reality in which he lived.

Today, King is no longer so proud of his past habits, but he speaks openly about them because he was able to get his life in order and deal with them.

16. Ian McGregor

This actor also had a problem with alcohol abuse, and although it did not seem to affect his career, it was harming his personal life. McGregor recalls his role in the 1996 film Trainspotting, saying he looked like a "tipsy maniac." He remembers that he lost control of his drinking, but it went unnoticed because no producer ever tried to draw his attention to this problem.

McGregor soon went from being a happy drunk to a pathetic, self-ashamed man who didn't want to lose everything he'd worked so hard to achieve, so he decided to stop drinking and clean up his act.

Perhaps the moment when he came to his senses was meeting Iggy Pop: then he was so drunk that he completely disgraced himself. Now he remembers this incident as the most shameful moment in his life.

17. Ben Affleck

This stunning Armageddon actor entered rehab in 2001 to recover from alcoholism. Before that, Ben Affleck starred in the film Pearl Harbor, showing that addiction had little effect on his career. His career suffered when he starred in the film Gigli, which was poorly received by audiences and received disappointing reviews from film critics, but his alcoholism had nothing to do with it.

He successfully won his battle with addiction and remained sober until the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, where he was spotted drinking heavily. However, he was able to overcome his addiction and achieve such success in his career that few other actors have achieved. He even received an Oscar in 2013 in the category " Best movie of the Year" for the film "Argo".

We all know Michael J. Fox from the Back to the Future films. This actor suffered from alcoholism until he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. The diagnosis forced him to change his life, focusing on advancing Parkinson's disease research to help current and future patients.

Fox has come to terms with terrible diagnosis and, thanks to the support of his family, successfully quit drinking. He has since founded the Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) to fund further research into Parkinson's disease. He also continued his career in various television shows, including "The Michael J. Fox Show" and "Boston Legal."

Michael is an excellent example for all people, showing that illness does not define who you are or what you can do. The illness did not stop his pursuit of his dream and does not prevent him from living to the fullest.

19. Diana Ross

One of the most famous stars our time, Diana Ross also had problems with alcohol and went to rehab in 2002. Canyon Ranch Health Center helped her overcome her addiction, and she appears to have remained sober ever since.

Ross is one of the richest and most successful celebrities and can even rival Oprah Winfrey. It's not yet clear who the most famous African-American woman in the world is, but being at the top is not bad in itself, right?

Diana Ross sang with The Supremes and also performed solo numbers. She also played a role in the film Lady Sings the Blues, for which she was nominated for an Academy Award.

Today, she is more active than ever and continues to perform and amaze people around the world. She hasn't drunk alcohol since she entered rehab in 2002, and may never start.

20. Mickey Mantle

Mantle is the most famous Yankee player in the history of its existence. His addiction was so bad that he was drunk at every game, or at least always tipsy.

The fact that he played so well while drunk shows the depth of his talent. Imagine how he would play sober? There would be no one who could match him.

Mantle played for the Yankees for 18 years, and for most of that time he was an alcoholic. Needless to say, his death was the result of alcohol abuse. He died in 1995, although he underwent a liver transplant a few months before his death.

Regardless of alcoholism, Mickey Mantle is still considered the greatest player in baseball.

21. Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe, who everyone knows as the boy wizard Harry Potter in the film of the same name, faced the pressure of fame at the age of 11, which continued to build throughout his teenage and young adult years.

Fame at such a young age and a diagnosis of neurological coordination disorder, which made it difficult to perform normal tasks, were factors that triggered Radcliffe's alcohol addiction. He sometimes became so ill that he could not even tie his shoes, and according to some rumors, filming of the Harry Potter film sometimes had to be stopped due to his inability to concentrate.

After hearing his diagnosis, Radcliffe began to forget himself with the help of alcohol, first periodically drinking at parties, and then becoming dependent. Sometimes he even came to filming drunk.

In 2010, Daniel Radcliffe realized that his alcoholism had become a problem and decided to end it. Since then, he has had breakdowns, but let's hope that the actor will finally be able to overcome this addiction.

22. Kristin Davis

Kristin Davis, who played Charlotte York in Sex and the City, suffered from such severe alcoholism that she wasn't sure if she would live to see 30.

She struggled with addiction adolescence. Since she also had problems with alcohol in her family, the actress started drinking quite early. She admitted that she enjoyed drinking because it helped her relax and express her emotions. However, when she had to make a choice between alcohol and a career, she did right choice, and haven’t drank since then.

Christine has been a teetotaler since the age of 22, but admits that she sometimes lacks alcohol.

23. Leonard Nimoy

Everyone who watched" Star Trek", knows that Leonard Nimoy played the role of Spock. Nimoy had never had a problem with alcohol before, but while he was filming the film, he began drinking, and the problem got out of control. The actor started with a glass after work and eventually reached several glasses per evening.Finally, a sign that his alcoholism was getting out of control was when his assistant began bringing him alcohol for film set, because the actor could not work without him.

Nimoy said he started drinking because of his divorce and the pressure of fame. When he realized that his alcohol abuse was affecting his personal and professional relationships, Nimoy decided to seek professional help and enter rehab. After a difficult divorce, he met Susan Bey, who supported him through the rehabilitation process.

24. Alec Baldwin

According to 30 Rock magazine, the actor has spent nearly seven years under the influence of alcohol and drugs since his 20th birthday. Obviously, he felt an emptiness inside and tried to fill it with various substances.

His addiction spiraled out of control when he began drinking every night, falling asleep only at lunchtime. One day he was drinking Chardonnay from a plastic cup while driving, at that moment it occurred to him that such behavior could not be normal, and that he needed to improve. Another factor that led him to eradicate his bad habits was the pitiful look with which a man whom he often passed looked at him. Baldwin didn't want to be the one to inspire such pity, so he joined Alcoholics Anonymous at the age of 27 and hasn't had a drink since.

25. Charlie Watts

Erc, the drummer for Rolling Stone, lived a truly typical rock star life, and everyone knows that alcohol and drugs make up a big part of it.

What's strange about Watts's addiction is that it didn't start with him. musical career. When he was younger, he kept his alcohol and drug use under control, but in the 1980s, when he was going through a so-called midlife crisis, he developed an addiction. Over the next decade, the addiction became so intense that it almost led him to divorce his wife (but this did not happen: the couple recently celebrated their golden wedding).

His addiction had a very negative impact on the singer’s marriage, but the couple were able to overcome everything. His wife Shirley was there to support him through rehab, and Watts says stopping wasn't that hard.

26. Melanie Griffith

Melanie Griffith began struggling with alcohol and drug addiction at the age of 18, an addiction that lasted nearly 30 years. She often took too much cocaine and drank too much alcohol, which led to her having to go to rehab three times over those 30 years.

Her ex-husband- Antonio Banderas - whom she married in 1996 - was the person who supported her most during her addiction, although Griffith stated that she wanted him to be even more involved. This marriage did not last long, as did Melanie’s other marriages.