The first wife still can not believe in the death of Dmitry Maryanova. Actress Tatyana Skorohodova said that even after the break, they retained warm relations, and shortly before death, the artist shared plans with ex-spouse.

Dmitry Maryanov and Tatiana Skorohodov met in the Schukinsky school, but they began to meet only six months later. The future actor was distinguished by generosity - he could give a beloved Necklace, which was trying in the shop window. However, according to the welcome, she did not like that Maryanov drank with friends. Lovers broke up three years later, the charter to flutter each other nerves. As Maryanov later admitted, the gap was tailed him hard - he literally saddown from the experiences.

The message about the sustainable death of Dmitry became for Tatiana shock. "I still can not believe that Dima died. In the morning I turned on the phone, I came from the actor Mikhail Lipkin. I thought it was some kind of evil joke, but then just a flurry of calls and messages from our common acquaintances. This is very Sadly ... "Skorohodov expressed.


According to the actress, despite the past, they and Dmitry managed to preserve human relationships. "He had been at home in Irkutsk, when he came here on tour, a sign with my husband. Dima knew how I was treating him," said Tatiana.
Shortly before the death of Maryanov contacted the booster and shared plans with it. "Last time we called in the spring, he was on such a rise, said:" I lost weight, actively engage in sports, plans for hute! ". He really was now on the rise, so many sentences he received: and the role of the movie was offered, and in the theater "," Maryanova's ex-wife quotes the Komsomolskaya Pravda site.

Recall, Dmitry Maryanov died on October 15. Misfortunes nothing foreshadowed. A day, the actor rested with friends at the cottage. But suddenly felt bad - his leg was very painful. For some information, ambulance refused to come to the challenge. Doctors allegedly stated that too many calls, and they will not be able to arrive promptly. Then friends decided to independently deliver the actor to the hospital. However, in the way, Dmitry became worse and he died, not reaching the medical institution. Doctors of the hospital near Moscow Lobny recorded the death of the artist at 19.30. According to the preliminary version, the sudden thrombus began to stop the heart.
It should be noted that the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region verifies the information that Dmitry Maryanov could scream due to ambulance to leave him.

On the eve of the day of the family, love and loyalty Woman "S Day met with large families and found out what their happiness.

Evgenia Zadoshnikova, Yulia Vasilyeva, Elena Lemmerman, Marina Kuznetsova, Christina Pattenina, Olga King· July 8, 2016

Tatiana and Oleg Storozhevy, 6 children


Children: Nastya and Masha - twins, they are almost 13 years old, Stepan 9 years old, Semenu 7 years, Ivanna 4 years, Sasha 7 months.

I know for sure, after which it was harder. When Ivanna was born and all the other children were not so adult, as now. Everyone demanded attention. Semyon only went to the garden. Stepan to prepare to school. And the baby has a blanket pulls. Now everything is different. Sasha love everyone. Senior sisters and feed can, and look after. Stepan is glad on the wheelchair to ride.

What do children live? What about your daily routine?

6:50 - Lifting the dad and boys. At 7:30 you already have a swimming training. We wake up on an hour later. When school, lessons are made before lunch. Nastya Vocal goes to do, Masha - dancing. Everyone is busy with his own business, but at the same time everyone is trying to help parents and each other. Girls often breakfast can be prepared. Recently, there were stove uncomplicated biscuits.

Favorite family leisure.

Every Saturday we are going for breakfast, and then read the Bible. It is important that in addition to secular education, biblical principles are laid on the basis of life. And every Sunday is a mandatory joint lunch. Often they are joined by grandmothers, great-grandmothers and other relatives. We have a lot of them.

Plans for the summer.

We have an active summer. Be sure to visit the sea a couple of times. And at the end of July we are going to Moscow. It is very important that the children see the beauty and power of the capital and knew the history of the Motherland.

My husband and I never go to bed in different rooms. Never say offensive words adding each other and addressed to children. Never give up.

Recipe of happiness.

Forgiveness updates love. In life, everything happens - and difficulties, and joy, but it is important not to remember the past offend and believe in the best. And, of course, try to delight and surprise loved ones. My husband brings me a coffee in bed every morning, and when it leaves early in the morning, then puts the thermos and a cup nearby. Well, how can I not love it? And I wake up and Esemeshochki lovelit. So we preserve love, romance and respect.

Eugene and Pavel Mashko, 6 children

Children: Nikita is 15 years old, Daniel - 12 and a half years old, twins Bogdan and Stephen - 9 years old, twins Elisha and Eva-Maria - 1 year 4 months.

Have you ever thought about the fact that you will become large parents?

No, I never thought and did not even plan more than three. It seemed to us, three children are just a limit for large parents. But it so happened that we had more children. And we are very happy!

After what child it became easier?

There is such an expression that we are a joke in the family: "God has not promised to anyone's easy life." Therefore, I can not say that at some point suddenly it became easier. But we are accustomed to what we are so much, and we treat it differently.

What do children live?

All four senior sons are engaged in football. They have practically no free time, everything takes sports, school, training, sleep. There are rare weekends when there are no training, but they are engaged independently even these days. And in general, we go somewhere with your family and friends come to us. We are chosen in the movies - in general, everything is like everyone else, nothing special.

Favorite family leisure. Probably, it's just a time when we are going together. Because children are our same occupied people, like their parents. And as you know, what we see rarely, and loved. These moments of the joint light of Noschelania, whom we practically do not happen, we really appreciate.

Plans for the summer.

Summer is painted in minutes, I, for example, until September 23. Fortunately, we got out a month with children in Sochi (we have a house there). It is a pity that the joint summer is only a few weeks, but children had the championships of Russia, they still play, are now in the camp. Because of the sport, we cannot be distracted by some more long-term holidays.

Three "never" for your family.

In our family they adhere to the rules "Never say" never. " There is no such thing as "never" for us.

Recipe of happiness.

Just be happy every day. I absolutely agree with the statement that happiness is like clothing. You get up in the morning, you wear it - and you are already happy. Happiness inside us, and we are just obliged to be happy, because no one will do it instead of us. Be happy, friends, do not be dressed and every day dress in the dress of happiness!

Tatyana Skorovhodov and Andrei Zabablukovsky, 4 children

Children: Danil - 22 years old, Anya - 19 years old, Darius - 15 years, Marika - 10 years.

What do children live.

Senior Danil - a programmer, studying in the Berlin University of Technology, works and wants to change the world. Anya graduated from the first year of the Faculty of International Economy, passed the session ahead of time and went to America to see how business was arranged in other countries. Boyko speaks English, teaches Spanish. She has such a commercial vein, I think it will be able to engage in some business. Daria has a talent purposefully to go to his goal and finish everything to the end in the best way, loves music, shoots and mounts movies. I see in it the obvious signs of a governing person and a certain acting talent. But the actor does not want to be a son, says that he cannot do what is not invented by him. Maybe it will become a director, but still studying in the school programmers. Marika is small in age and growth, but in fact she is very adult, judgment, everything is on her plan. It is going to be a designer, but with such as she, the skills of the spoken genre, the ability to joke accurately and to the place, it seems to me, will find a more appropriate occupation.

Photo: Personal Archive Tatiana Skorozhodova

After what child it became easier to live?

It was only hard with the first. I was very responsible and read Benjamin Spock, who advised not to take the children to his hands so that they were not getting used to. Until now, I apologize from the eldest son, which mocked him on the scientific method.

Three "never" in your family.

1) Never for a long time - no more than three minutes - do not wear offensive and discontent. 2) Never think that there is no way out. There is always a way out. If it seems to you that you will never get out of a terrible situation, it just means that you have little experience. Tell your mother and dad, and we will find a way out. Your family is always for you. Never throw your own whatever they do. 3) Never say "impossible" because it is possible.

Favorite family leisure.

I love very much when everyone goes out. We are frying kebabs, sit on the lawn at home or in a house behind a large table and chatting about everything. It seems to me that in such conversations and the upbringing is happening: we find out the point of view of different things, we put accents, learn from children a new one, and they are gaining vital experience from us.

To remember all the time, for which you loved this person. Sometimes we all mistaken, with us always something happens. We change, and not only internally ... I am very grateful to my husband for all moments that happen in our lives: the bad teaches critically treat your actions, and the good has always inspired and inspires so far, whatever I do. Care, attention and tenderness - here, I think, whales, on which love holds.

Elena and Pavel Konovalov, 8 children


Children: Sophia - 11 years old, Margarita - 10 years old, Andrei - 9 years old, Polina - 7 years, Semen - 6 years old, Elizabeth - 3.5 years, Alexander - 1.5 years old, Matvey - 8 months.

After what child it became easier?

And who said it became easier? On the third child we entered the rut. It became hard when the fourth was born. One, two, three - did not feel more families. The schedule of life because of the children practically did not change, the more we had a nurse.

What do children live?

Senior Children After breakfast, the husband takes a school, younger stay in the house, as if in kindergarten. We read with them, develop them. During the holidays, we are all together. Children we have great helpers: the elders wash and dress the younger in the morning, watered flowers in the yard, wash the car with dad. Distribute duties between themselves and do not learn. Our children are energetically active, no one is lazy. They themselves ask: can I help you? There are no three younger schedules, they eat when they want, and the elders adhere to the graphics. At school times, three senior engaged in music: Sophia and Margarita play the Goboe, Andrei on the Bayan and all three on the piano, go to the pool. Watching all Sophia, as the most eldest and responsible. Every child we let me play the tablet or watch the cartoon no more than an hour. If a lot of people are gaining, then no more than 20 minutes in some hands several times. Let them read more. In the evenings, we can watch all together a good adventure film or a developing cartoon.

Favorite family leisure.

Trips to the sea, hike in a cafe or cinema.

Plans for the summer.

We will go to the sea in Novomikhilovka or Novorossiysk. All the guys love to catch crabs with dad, then cook them.

Three "never" for your family.

We are never divorced. We will never leave our children. Always support any choice. For us, children are not up to 18 years old, but for life. We will never stop striving for the better. If you find flaws in yourself, we will work on them.

Live not for yourself, but for another. Husband - for his wife, wife - for her husband.

We thought so! Planned nine. Another goals are enough.

Recipe of happiness.

The most important thing is open relationships. You need to voice any questions, not to leave for later. Know: With this person, I have to live to the end of my life.

Snezhana Popova and Alexey Gorskov, four children


Children: Roman - 13 years old, Andrei - 9 years, George - 6 years old, Yuri - 4 years.

After what child it became easier?

After the second. But all the difficulties are quickly forgotten. Only happiness remains.

What do children live?

Three older sons - Roman, Andrei and Georgy - football players, are engaged in the club "Olympia", two senior are members of the organization of scales, the eldest son Roman plays the guitar. When many children are easier to streamline daily chart, everyone has time. The boys are an example for each other, the younger look at the elders and repeat everything, no longer need to teach them, make something to do. For example, our smallest, four-year-old Yuri, looking at the brothers, says: "I'm also a man, I want to do football!" I will grow a little, give it to football. But not only this sport is welcome in our family. Dad is engaged in boxing, 6-year-old son George dreams of basketball, 9-year-old Andrei demonstrates singer talents, so we will give it to vocals. So we have big development plans. We need everything! As for their homework, that here all my men are the first assistants. And order in the apartment will be offended, and interest is shown to the kitchen. Especially Junior Jurik is always ready to help in cooking. Maybe the cutlets with me to stick together, and with the dough it loves to mess around.

Favorite family leisure.

Love tent tourism. We leave for the Don for a few days, the guys love to fish.

Plans for the summer.

Go on a trip to Russia.

Three "never" for your family.

Never turn away. Never deceive each other. Never forget.

For this you need three conditions: patience, respect and understanding.

Did you ever think about what you will be more parents?

I myself am from a large family, we have three from parents. Mom always said me: "Daughter, do not need more than two children, very hard." But I turned out to be a naughty girl, gave birth to four boys! And now I can not imagine my life differently. I live, swimming in love at once five favorite men. And our feelings are mutual. Four sons are incredible happiness! And if God's will give me more children, I will definitely take it.

Recipe of happiness.

Live with love and gratitude to God for what you are given. Love is the driving force of everything.

Valentina Tsybenko and Yaragi Sultigov, four children


Children: Gennady - 13 years, Lev - 6 years old, Maria - 4 years, Roman - 6 months.

After what child it became easier?

After the second. The difference is six years old, and the elder helped a lot. And after the first, the whole life turned over.

What do children live?

All our children in business. Three elders - Gennady, Lev and Masha - are engaged in sports and music. Gennady goes to judo, Leo - on Tekwondo, Masha - on Tekwondo and gymnastics. My husband and I are confident that children should not have free time. These classes will help them to decide with future professions, and grow independent and self-confident people.

Favorite family leisure.

We adore holidays! Always have fun celebrating birthdays - in a cafe, houses or in nature. We invite clowns leading, order the children of the show program. At 6 am, cakes are presented on birthdays, with dawn. This is our tradition. So that the birthday officer woke up, and he was nice.

Plans for the summer.

For the third year in a row we go to the sea. This year, too, we will go, our baby is already a comma, he is half a year, you can get acquainted with the Black Sea coast.

Three "never" for your family.

Never betray each other. Never leave in trouble. Never despair.

Please delight and support each other. Our dad Yaragi Akhmetovich is a very serious, responsible head of the family! By profession, a soldier, his work is very serious and responsible, because he is a defender of the Motherland, the commander of the division of rocket troops. The chief earrings and defender of our family. Man with a big letter! But when dad at home, he forgets that he is a strict officer and commander. Dobreye, gentle and generous man does not find in all white light. Children love to spend time with a daddy, especially shopping, as our dad loves to indulge his heirs. And the most important of our family's motto: "At any age, at any time of the year the kids should have a beautiful mother."

Recipe of happiness.

Do not lose heart, be beautiful and happy, and everything will work out!

Ekaterina and Mikhail Posternak, 8 children


Children: Anastasia - 22 years old, Mikhail - 17 years old, Daria - 12 years old, Demid - 9 years, Boris - 7 years, Varvara - 6 years, Vladimir - 2 years, Anna - 10 months.

After what child it became easier?

It was hard with one. Each subsequent became easier. They occupy each other, help. Especially adults. You can rely on them! Pope in our family, the head, distributes to everyone and controls.

What do children live?

Children have different classes. Misha athlete - kickboxing, hand-to-hand fight. Daria - Piano, vocals. Demid and Boris play on the flute. Near the music school, very convenient. Varechka want to give to vocals, asks. On Saturday and Sunday we go to the temple. Tablets, of course, love. But it does not work for a long time - everyone has duties. 22-year-old Nastya, an artist-designer, married, lives separately.

Favorite family leisure.

Holidays in nature with kebab, rolling games.

Plans for the summer.

We will nurse the grandson - our older daughter Nastya gave birth to a son. In August, come to the sea.

Three "never" for your family.

Do not be understood, do not offend each other, do not leave home without warning.

My husband and wife should have new goals that are united. We now have a construction site, granddaughter ... We support each other and become closer with each goal.

Did you ever think about what you will be more parents?

Did not make out. They came to God, and everything turned out to be. All perceive as proper.

Recipe of happiness.

Forget to yourself and give more, think about others. And still work. Everyone is constantly busy. We have a home, economy: chickens, greenhouse, swimming pool. Adjusting, wash, pour flowers from the hose - a lot of things.

Anna and Pavel Altukhovy, 15 children

St. Petersburg

The Altukhov family lives in a country house in the village of Gorelovo - this is in the Krasnoselsky district of the Northern Capital. Housing provided them with friends.

Children: Ilya - 18 years old, Dima - 17 years old, Artem - 16 years old, Zhenya - 15 years, Arina - 13 years old, Ruth - 12 years old, Inna - 11 years old, Alexey - 10 years old, Zoya - 8 years old, then weather with Efim, Pavlik , Yura, Seryozha, Vladislav - in August will be 2 years old, and Anya is younger, born in May 2016.

After what child it became easier?

"When was waiting for the birth of the first child, I was very worried, I cried with happiness. Now, of course, experiences are less, although I am happy about the birth of a baby as well. By the way, one day I even attended childbirth, cord cut, "Pavel Altukhov admits.

All children from Anna and Paul - their own, native, born in one marriage!

What do your children live?

"Girls help me in the kitchen and with babies, boys work on the garden. Older children will always come to the aid of the younger: Teach to draw or explain how to do the lessons. They are all different, everyone has their own character, to everyone trying to approach, given his features, "says Mama Anna. - I have not seen despondency and sadness. Children do not suffer from the fact that kids run around. They love them very much. "

"We have a lot of free time. It is not forced to work, - 16-year-old Artem laughs. "You just understand what to help."

Favorite family leisure.

"In the household plot we grow potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes. In the fall we go to the forest for mushrooms and make blanks. And children are fond of music, drawing, "they say large parents.

Plans for the summer.

"The state supports us, having benefits on all children. Therefore, in the summer we, as a rule, we all go to relax on the Volga, in winter in Finland. And visit relatives in Estonia. "

Did you ever think about what you will be more parents?

"I myself am the eleventh child in the family," Paul smiles. "So, how much I remember myself, always confident: I will have no less children." By the way, the newborn Anechka at my mom is already the 99th granddaughter! When you come home, and the threshold will run out such an oral and rushes on the neck, you forget about all the problems. "

"All our children are desirable," says Anna. - Everyone is waiting with the same trembling as the firstborn. I can not even imagine that some of them were not. For me it is simple and natural. If God gives children, then you need to take them as a blessing. "

Recipe of happiness.

"Unfortunately, we live in an egocentric society. The worst enemy of marriage, family, happiness is egoism. True pleasure, true joy - when a person knows how to give, sacrificing, - says Paul. - Yes, and what can a man make more beautiful, living on earth? What can be more beautiful than the life of a new person? "

"I am pleased when children go with me. They talk, rejoice. It's nice to watch how they absorb sausages or drink hot tea in the forest, "adds Anna.

Natalia and Dmitry Yezhov, 3 children

Children: Diana - 7 years, Egor - 4 years, Marianna - 2 years. "Our family is the head of the Dmitry family, a loving wife and mother Natalia and our wonderful kids - Son-Brutal Egor, Beauty Dianochka and the youngest Pedushka daughter Mariannochka. The most caring grandmother lives with us - my mother Galina Semenovna, "says Natalia Jesova, the finalist of the Mrs. Globe - 2015 contest.

Did you think with your husband that you will be more familiar parents?

"Always thought! I grew by one, without sisters and brothers, and dreamed of a big family. Mom waited for my emergence of 13 years. My birth was miraculously, as doctors said. And my husband and I wrote to each other's letters on the wedding day, and they had dreams about a big and strong family. In plans we have a son Fedor. And if it were not for financial difficulties, I would like five, and six kids are such happiness! "

Continue the phrase: "Large family is ..."

"…a happy family! A happy large familiar family is the basis of a happy country and the world. "

"The recipe is very simple: to love, appreciate every moment of life in a family circle, do not pay attention to trouble and think only positively! After all, positive idea has a huge force - a hundred times more than negative. We try to fill in joy every day, arrange family holidays every week.

Yes, probably everyone has its own role. Dad - chapter, he works a lot (maintains a construction business), provides a family, is engaged in the upbringing of the son, pampers daeines. Grandmother contributes to our life in size and calm, harmony. Helps on the housework, helps to raise children. I am a very active mother: I work a lot (at the moment I am the Director of Development of Clothing Stores, teacher and director director in the modeling agency, as well as a stylist-make-up). I try to connect children to your business: to modeling and various events whose organization is engaged. Babies we have not only creative, but also sports - in Pope, he is a former basketball player. We are active, friendly, loving each other - a happy family! "

Marina and Maxim Semenov, 4 children


Children: Semen - 9 years old, Anna - 8 years old, Ivan - 4 years, Maria - 6 months.

After what child it became easier?

It has not yet been easier, maybe after the fifth items! But, of course, life has changed. Previously, Mom worked by an operating nurse, Dad worked as a doctor for 15 years in children's resuscitation. But now with medicine in our family completed. Mom - Housewife, Dad - Musician, author-performer of the Mamulka BDD.

What do children live?

We are missing for the routine of the day, because holidays. Each family lives in its graphics. Even feed everyone and then sometimes falls in turn. However, in the fall, when the school, kindergarten, the music greek will begin, will be even more difficult. Older children learn in a music school, so we have a guitar, accordion, piano ... in general, fun! When dad leaves on tour, grandma helps with children. The guys are trying to be assistants themselves, but so far, because of little age, it does not quite work. But at least they do not hinder the houses on the house, as before. The duty in our family is alone at all: all the forces to maintain an acceptable order in the house and minimal purity.

Favorite family leisure.

We love the whole family View a good movie: Old Soviet and kind. We can arrange a real orchestra or dance! Sometimes children play the real puppet performances.

Plans for the summer.

We love to travel. Even purchased minivan so that you can ride the whole family. Far, however, it was not yet chosen from Yaroslavl: visited Rostov, Kostroma, Tutaev. We want to go all together to Moscow, Suzdal. And next year, when the youngest daughter is growing, south to the sea.

Three "never" for your family?

There is also a saying: "Never say" never "." We are all permissible in the family, we are ordinary people. It is impossible to avoid any quarrels and conflicts in the family, the main thing is to simply not "burn", observe any framework. And the jealousy in children is ... it is especially difficult to cope with a deficit of attention. After all, sometimes it just does not have the strength even read everyone for the night. And it is sad, because it certainly needs to be read. But we always try to keep one rule in the family - everything should be honest.

Did you ever think about what you will be more parents?

Did not assume, but they felt that we could.

Igor and Irina Volynets, 4 children

Pope Igor, Mom Irina.

Children: Lisa - 13 years, Nadia - 11 years old, Katya - 9 years, Bogdan - 6 years.

Did you ever think about what you will be more parents?

They did not plan to be more familiar parents, but when the first daughter of Lisa was born, it became clear that the children were very interesting. And it became interesting, whatever our children could become ... So we decided to see!

Large family is ...

Excellent platform for children self-realization, for their socialization and proper development. And for parents - upbringing patience and understanding. Children - our best and most importantly, the most favorite teachers!

Recipe for family well-being.

It is simultaneously simple and complicated: you need to be able to find your reflection in another, but the reflection of another in yourself, realizing that everyone has the right to remain himself ... Each child has its own unique character and requires a special relationship. And parents, as competent managers, should take into account the characteristic features of their offspring and have an individual approach to each.

A friendly family is a family in which you want to come back, even when you grew up. I can judge this on my own: our family was also more large, and I am a senior of three children. So we are still very closely related to each other. Mom, dad, brother, sister, I ... I believe that happiness is when you understand you, and a big family means that those who will always understand you and support, a lot! And it makes everyone in such a family stronger and happier.

Elena and Oleg Gugavina, four children


Children: Anastasia - 24 years old, Konstantin - 21 years old, Dmitry - 11 years old, Maxim - 6 years.

After what child it became easier?

It is easier to say when it became more difficult ... five years ago we moved to Novosibirsk from Kazakhstan, then it became more difficult. New place, new apartment, new job, in children - a new school and kindergarten.

What do children live?

As a rule, we have an early rise and fees to work. I work in kindergarten as an educator and twice a week in the evenings of the choreographer in the center of the child's development, the husband works with a mechanic on the poultry farm. Senior Kirill serves in the army, and the eldest daughter, like me, works in the kindergarten. From work, we return, as a rule, late. I'm after 20:00 and 21:00. Then followed household goods, checking homework, and immediately sleep.

Favorite family leisure.

If it falls the opportunity to relax everyone together, and it happens rarely, we try to visit some of the city or district holidays.

Plans for the summer.

Now we finish the construction of a large house for the whole family, so in the plans - to finish the roof.

Three "never" for your family.

I can name one - never deceive! So raised me, so I raise my children from childhood. Otherwise, I try not to prohibit anything to forbid anything. I think it's not entirely correct when moms follow each movement of their 18-year-old son. The child must feel and be responsible for his actions.

Love is a combination of several elements, including: respect, responsibility, care, mutual assistance, trust, sensitivity. I think it is important to keep each of these items.

Did you ever think about what you will be more parents?

When I studied at school, I spoke to everyone that I would have 7 children. I do not know what it is connected with, even the values \u200b\u200bdid not attach it. When I gave birth to a daughter, I thought that you could still boy, and enough! But after the boy, a boy appeared ... and a boy. And I am glad that it was like that.

Recipe of happiness.

Love each other and always come to each other for help.

Eugene (40 years) and Sergey (44 years) Radiona, 8 children, 9th on the approach

The Radionic Family lives in a huge house near Yekaterinburg. Not surprising, because soon they will have a 9th child! Tells Eugene.

Children: Semen - 19 years old, Katya - 18 years old, Alena - 14 years old, Lucia - 8 years old, Philip - 6 years, Alexey - 4 years, Vera - 2 years, Dobrynya - 1 year.

After what child it became easier?

At first we lived with their parents in a two-room apartment, they juts there with 5 children in one room, and it was hard. Then we were given the earth, we built our big house in the village of small source with a total area of \u200b\u200b300 square meters. M, where the other three children were born. And from now on, our difficulties are over. Here are a lot of freedom, children walk, play, we are conducting our own economy - we have goats and chickens. My husband built a house himself, he was helped by the eldest son Semen and our parents. The state was helped in terms of money - there was maternity capital for each child.

Mom Eugene, Vary, Semyon, Alexey, Katya, Philip, Alena, Lucia, Pope Sergey, Dobrynya

Have you ever thought about the fact that you will be a large parent?

My spouse and I did not think about a big family. My husband has only one older brother, and in his youth he thought that his family would have a maximum of two children. But at the age of 17, he came to God, like me. I did it intuitively, just began to go to the temple, believed in God. And her husband happened after he got to an accident with friends. His friend died, and he got serious injuries, lay unconscious for several days, was restored for a long time. And at that time he was caught in the hands of the gospel, he began to read and dragged himself ... Friends came to him, called on the "bad deeds", he began to refuse. The first two years they turned the finger at the temple, and now they respect, however, half of them are no longer alive ...

Sergey for 22 years serves deacon in the Protestan Church. I do not work, but I completely dedicate myself to raising children. And we follow the rule: how much the God of children gives, so much to give birth. My spouse told that when it was still without children, he looked at large families and thought: "God, how do they live?" And now we both understand that there are not so difficult to be a lot of parents - the older helps you, and the younger play with each other and help develop.

How do children live?

Of course, we pray in the morning, then everyone diverges in their affairs - the elders are going to study, and the younger help us at the farm - we ourselves bake bread, care for goats and chickens. Younger running around - who will gather faster than eggs, Alena helps to milk goats ... All children wash the dishes, the elders have their own schedule of duty: someone helps to restore the small, someone, for example, the main in the kitchen.

Husband with eldest seed drives to collect Ivan tea grass. In general, we try to eat right, our children do not drink gas production, we do not eat mayonnaise, do not buy sausages with a great content of different additives. After the working day, I call everyone for dinner, where we thank God, and then the elders go to do lessons, the younger playing while we work with your husband.

Lesha, Philip, Lucia: took a little good one in their ranks!

How different are your children in character?

Everything is very different. Alena, for example, loves to get to know, at least a broom is selected by her! Sema loves to cook. Katya loves to draw, draws portraits with a pencil, a very creative girl. Lucy with Philip and Lesha always go together, they have a small difference in age, and they always ask the elders: "How to help?" And Dobrynya and Vera are still very small, but they bring tremendous joy. I can not play a good one with younger, I say often, what good it is!

Of course, we bring them up on the Bible, we are talking about how important it is to make the right choice in this life. But at the same time they go to ordinary schools and communicate with peers. Three older children graduated from a music school, and Alena is artistic. The most important thing to understand that children take an example from parents and imitate in all of them, so parents need to live decently.

Favorite family leisure?

Children love to visit the grandmother, every Sunday they leave for her, and I stay at home with little. We have little birthdays almost every month, so we often get on the festive table.

We love to travel to the nature of the whole family, we go to the Chelyabinsk lakes, we stay there for several days with overnight in tents. Sometimes we go along with a friend of the family who has already 11 children!

Somewhere we are with my spouse tolerant of each other, forgive me for mistakes, including in small things. And it is important to be true. This is a very pleasant feeling when you are faithful to man, and he is faithful to you. There is such a saying: "Thread, twisted threefold, does not break."

Recipe for your happiness?

Large family is happiness! Small children affect you with their cleanliness and simple, and older - independence. They are accustomed to helping parents, follow the younger. For example, we recently with my spouse was an anniversary - 20 years of living! And the elders are Semyon and Katya - they themselves made us a cake and pizza. It is very nice! I can not imagine how my husband and I lived without our children.

When you give birth not the first and not even the second time, the happiness of the motherhood is experiencing incredible, even more than when the child is the first appearance in the family! And in October we expect the family replenishment - the 9th baby!

Dmitry Maryanov - Russian actor, known for the producers of the Lenk theater, cooperation with the creative association "Quartet and", roles in films "Above Rainbow", "Dore Elena Sergeevna", "Radio Day", "Personal Life of the Savelyeva investigator", " Embroidered "and many others.

Childhood and family

Dmitry was born in a simple working family: Father Yuri Georgievich Maryanov was a master of garage equipment, Mom - an accountant (died when an actor was 37 years old). From the small years he was engaged in sports - first swimming, then, according to him, "tired of the tile" and began to go to the boxing section.

Since childhood, Dmitry was an outstanding personality, he began his creative way in school years. Not without the help of parents, a seventh grader Dmitry, who was fond of choreography and acrobatics, went to school at the theater on Red Presnya, located in the Holy Shupka. Special attention in this institution was paid to the basics of scenic art.

Visiting Dmitry Maryanova

After graduating from School, Dmitry took Schukin's Theater School. During the years of the student, Maryanov took an active part in the activities of a small, but very distinctive "Scientist Monkey" theater, was one of the members of the author's team of screenwriters. He graduated from the school in 1992, after which it immediately received a place in the Badge of the Lenkom Theater.

Dmitry Maryanova filmography

In 1986, Odessa Film Studio invited the actor for the role of a second plan in the youth film Valery Fedosova "was not". At the same site, Dmitry Kharatyan and Alexei Zharkov worked with him. This role was the debut of the actor.

In the same 1986, he played a leading role in the Light Youth Musical Musicle "above Rainbow." Maryanova's character, Alik Rainbow, was not like a typical hero of the time: he was strangely dressed and haughtily, but it was this unique style that made the career of the novice actor.

Successful, the role in the dramatic film Eldar Ryazanov "Dear Elena Sergeyevna" (1988). The film turned out to be the opposite of "above rainbow" - a brutal psychological picture of schoolchildren, by all truth and untrue trying to get the keys to the Cabinet of the teacher (Marina Nelyov) to gain access to his exam work, received dual reviews. However, no one had a doubt about the mastery of a young actor, who performed the role of Pasha, the clever-olimpiad man who participates in the siege of the apartment of Elena Sergeevna. After the premiere of the film for the actor, the status of the ascending star of cinema was fixed.

This title Maryanov justified: in 1991, with Evgeny Mironov played one of the main roles in the film "Love", in 1993 he shone in the Melodrama of Sergey Ursulak "Russian Regtay", I remember on secondary, but bright roles in the ribbons "What a wonderful game" , "Funny business - family-run business", "Countess de Monsoro", "Snake Source". In the beginning of the 90s, he also appeared in the clip "Walking on Water" of the group Vyacheslav Butusov.

Nautilus Pompilius - Walking

At the same time, the actor managed to combine shooting with the service in the Lenk theater under the leadership of Mark Zakharov. He was busy in many sensational productions, including Rock Opera "Juno and Avos", "Bremen Musicians", "Varvara and Hehetics", "Royal Games", as well as the play "Two Women", for the role in which he in 1998 He was awarded the Eugene Leonov Award.

"Radio day". Fragment

In 2003, the actor resigned from Lenkom. According to some sources, Dmitry, no one warning anyone, did not appear on the performance, his mobile phone was turned off, and the leadership did not have anything to do anything but to delay the beginning for half an hour and introduce Mariananov's other actor to the place. When Dmitry "found", Mark Zakharov immediately signed an order for dismissal. Soon after, Dmitry was accepted in the cast of an independent theater project.

Many viewers Dmitry Maryanov is familiar with the comedy "Radio Day" and the role of the Eccentric DJ DIMA.

The last project with Dmitry Maryanov, who came out during his life, became the series "Rounded". The production contained a 4-serial melodrama "Road from Yellow Brick", where Dmitry played a major role, as well as the Spy film "Operation Muhabbat".

Dmitry Maryanova's personal life

The first spouse of Dmitry (civil marriage) - Tatiana Svozhodov. With her, the actor met in years of study in the Schukinsky school. Student marriage lasted for about two years.

The second spouse (civil marriage) is a model Olga Anosov. In 1996, the Couple was born the son of Danil.

In 2007, at the shooting of the TV show "Ice Age", Dmitry Maryanov twisted the novel with his partner Irina Lobacheva, who had just been disguised with Ilya Averbukh. After that, Irina has repeatedly noted in an interview that her personal life was finally improved that she finally met that the only person himself, but married for the second time in the near future it is not ready to go out. Dmitry found common interests with the son of Irina - Martin, and she, in turn, became friends with the son of Mariananova. In 2009, they again went on ice as part of the same transfer.

"Ice Age": Dmitry Maryanov and Irina Lobacheva

At the party in honor of the celebration of the 45th anniversary of Goshi Kutsenko, Dmitry was noticed with a new girl - Ksenia. The age difference between the beloved was 17 years old, which was not an obstacle to the first in the life of Dmitry hike in the registry office. In September 2015, they exchanged rings, and a little later admitted that the daughter of Xeni Anfisa had to Dmitry Native. December 1, Dmitry Maryanov would be 48 years old

On October 18, Dmitry Maryanova buried in the Khimki cemetery, at a plot number 18 near the forest. Hundreds of people came to say goodbye to the actor. After the funeral on the grave of the actor, a wreath was found with a strange inscription: "We will live with you in a small hut" (a line from the song of the Nautilus Pompilius group) with a laconic signature "Your". Who brought it to find out failed.

After 12 days after the death of Marianov, the Jewext Experts made a new verdict - the cause of the death of the actor was not a thrombus, but the loss of blood caused by the breakdown of the wall of the iliac vein.

Dmitry Maryanov and Tatiana Skorohodov met in the Schukinsky school, but they began to meet only six months later. The future actor was distinguished by generosity - he could give a beloved Necklace, which was trying in the shop window. However, according to the welcome, she did not like that Maryanov drank with friends. Lovers broke up three years later, the charter to flutter each other nerves. As Maryanov later admitted, the gap was tailed him hard - he literally saddown from the experiences.


The message about the sustainable death of Dmitry became for Tatiana shock. "I still can not believe that Dima died. In the morning I turned on the phone, I came from the actor Mikhail Lipkin. I thought it was some kind of evil joke, but then just a flurry of calls and messages from our common acquaintances. This is very Sadly ... "Skorohodov expressed.

According to the actress, despite the past, they and Dmitry managed to preserve human relationships. "He had been at home in Irkutsk, when he came here on tour, a sign with my husband. Dima knew how I was treating him," said Tatiana.

Shortly before the death of Maryanov contacted the booster and shared plans with it. "Last time we called in the spring, he was on such a rise, said:" I lost weight, actively engage in sports, plans for hute! ". He really was now on the rise, so many sentences he received: and the role of the movie was offered, and in the theater "," Maryanova's ex-wife quotes the Komsomolskaya Pravda site.

Recall, Dmitry Maryanov died on October 15. Misfortunes nothing foreshadowed. A day, the actor rested with friends at the cottage. But suddenly felt bad - his leg was very painful. For some information, ambulance refused to come to the challenge. Doctors allegedly stated that too many calls, and they will not be able to arrive promptly. Then friends decided to independently deliver the actor to the hospital. However, in the way, Dmitry became worse and he died, not reaching the medical institution. Doctors of the hospital near Moscow Lobny recorded the death of the artist at 19.30. According to the preliminary version, the sudden thrombus began to stop the heart.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region verifies the information that Dmitry Maryanov could scream due to ambulance to leave him.

Famous actor Dmitry Maryanov married only in 45 years. Before that he had five civil wives. The first spouse artist became the actress Tatiana Skorohodov.

With her, they lived for three years in a hostel. Then the girl was tired of waiting when his beloved would call her in the registry office and she gave him a turn from the gate. Dmitry's parting and Tatiana was painful, the actor even went on the nervous soil. The next civilian spouse artist was Olga Anosov's mannequin. In 1996, the Couple was born the son of Daniel. However, a woman was hoping for a happy family life in vain, after the child appeared, the husband stopped spending the night and Olga kicked out the unrelated dad. The third wife of Dmitry became the actress Eugene Hiriva Bric. Their relationship was laid over five years, while Zhenya did not meet with the director Valery Todorovsky, who took her to the altar. Then Dmitry Maryanov twisted the novel with Olga Syoulova. The girl accompanied the beloved almost everywhere: in the shooting and on tour, but something did not work out in relations and young people broke up. However, Dmitry briefly burned alone. The new beloved actor was the figure skater Irina Lobacheva. They met at the Ice Age show. The athlete just experienced a painful divorce with Ilya Averbukh. At first, Dmitry consoled the woman as a friend, then as a lover. When Irina realized that Maryanov was not going to make her legitimate wife, a woman had gone proudly.

A few months after the parting, Dmitry acquired a personal psychologist - Kharkiv Ksenia Beak, who had already moved to the actor to Moscow in a month, and soon he moved to the capital and his 6-year-old daughter Anfisu. Ksenia became the only woman who managed to drain the loving to the registry office. Ksenia is the younger husband for 17 years and is still afraid to leave Dmitry one even for 10 days.
Dmitry and Ksenia got married on September 2, 2015, and before the wedding, three years lived together in an unregistered marriage. Daughter - Anfisa (genus 2009). It is a native (biological) daughter of Dmitry Maryanova, and not a reception, in what the spouse admitted after the wedding.