Description. Of the huge number of trees growing on Earth, several species are striking in their enormous height, reaching more than 100 meters. One of them is rightfully considered evergreen eucalyptus. These trees grow very quickly. At the end of the first year of life, the height of the young shoot is already 2-2.5 m, and for each subsequent year it increases by almost 5 meters. Often the trunk grows at such a pace that it does not have time to become covered with bark, which hangs from it in small rags.

Because of large sizes Eucalyptus trees have a very powerful root system. It is highly branched and stretches parallel to the soil surface over long distances. The cortical layer that tightly covers the trunk of giants can be smooth, scaly or deeply furrowed with a bluish tint. The crown is usually lush, spherical in shape and located high above the ground.

Eucalyptus leaves blue-green color, do not fall off, vary noticeably in shape (from round to saber-shaped) and contain a large number of essential oil glands. In older trees they are arranged alternately, and the leaf blade on sufficiently long petioles always turns parallel to the falling sun rays, creating almost no shadow. That is why the eucalyptus forest always remains light.

The flowers consist of hairy stamens on short pedicels and have light pleasant aroma, large size, are formed in the fall, but not earlier than in the 3rd - 5th years of the tree’s life. The fruits usually ripen within one year and are presented in the form of small, bell-shaped capsules with seeds, which can be stored for several years without losing their quality.

These green giants have a number of unique features, not typical of other trees. Released in the soil poisonous substance, eucalyptus trees suppress the growth of other plants located nearby. They are unusually well adapted to frequent fires. Even a completely burned tree, only a few days after the fire, already gives life to numerous shoots from all the cracks. In many species of eucalyptus, the fruits open only after a fire has occurred. Thanks to the ability to extract from the soil great amount moisture and saturate the air with smelling disinfectants, these plants are cultivated by humans in malarial areas.

Spreading. Natural habitat Australia and its adjacent islands are considered to be the habitat of eucalyptus trees. In other places these interesting trees planted artificially. Today they have successfully taken root in South America, some countries in Africa, Indonesia, India, New Zealand, on the coast of the Mediterranean and Black Seas and in Moldova.

Australia has almost all the famous climatic zones, each of which has its own eucalyptus trees. These are low-growing shrubs, barely reaching 2 - 3 m in height, growing in desert areas of the central part of the continent with a prevailing arid climate. Together with acacias they form dense thickets- "malli". These are unsightly, gnarled trees of mountainous regions, and, of course, these are the most famous, enormously tall, giant, spherical and regal species of eucalyptus, which, preferring marshy areas, can only exist in a humid subtropical climate. They form the upper tier in all types of forests and live up to 500 years.

Reproduction. All eucalyptus trees are cross-spraying plants. The main type of their reproduction is small seeds. In winter, they are sown in the soil to a depth of about 5 mm. It is advisable to cover the planting site with film, place it in a sunny place and water it moderately. Within 5-8 days the seeds will begin to germinate. These plants can also be propagated by cuttings, which are usually cut from young trees.

Application On this moment The main advantage of eucalyptus is its rapid growth and suitability of wood for the pulp and paper industry. In addition, having high biostability, hardness, strength and expressive texture, it is widely used in construction, because parts made from it are the most durable.

In medicine, both official and folk, they are successfully used medicinal properties eucalyptus. The leaves of these trees contain essential oil, a large amount of phytoncides, resins and tannins, which have a positive effect on the human body. Eucalyptus oil is considered a powerful remedy for many diseases, improves immunity and has an antiseptic, analgesic, anthelmintic, and expectorant effect. With its help, respiratory diseases, simple acute respiratory viral infections, complex sore throats, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis are treated.

Eucalyptus decoction and tincture are used to lubricate gums during dental treatment and for inhalation. People with colds get a runny nose and cough from using them. In the baths, people with colds and even the sick have long been hovered with a eucalyptus broom. Growing these unique plants in a city apartment, of course, has a positive effect on the health of its inhabitants. Thanks to many of these healing and unique properties, local residents Eucalyptus is called the “tree of life”, “tree of miracles” or “diamond of the forests”.

Eucalyptus is evergreen tree with a sharp, specific aroma, the essential oil and herbs of which are used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and other areas of life. On others European languages The name of this plant is:

  • German– Eukalyptus;
  • English– eucalyptus;
  • French– eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus leaves are the favorite food of koalas


Eucalyptus is a tree or shrub with oblong, pointed leaves. An adult plant can reach 100 meters in height. The crown shape can be round, triangular, “weeping”, etc. - depending on the type. During the flowering period, eucalyptus is covered with large white, red or yellow inflorescences. Flowers with long, thin petals are collected in fluffy umbrellas. Some parts of the plant produce essential oil and gum.


IN scientific literature About seven hundred species of eucalyptus have been described. Here are just a few of them:

  • crowded;
  • white;
  • almond leaf;
  • Andrews;
  • angophora-like;
  • Camaldulian;
  • capitate;
  • ashen;
  • berry;
  • conical.

Rainbow eucalyptus - the most beautiful tree in the world

Where does it grow?

Eucalyptus is native to Australia. Also, wild eucalyptus thickets can be found in New Zealand, Tasmania, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippine Islands. Today this plant is distributed throughout to the globe. In Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, eucalyptus has gained popularity due to its ability to grow quickly. It is planted in wetlands to drain the soil. In Russia, eucalyptus is grown in Krasnodar region, in Crimea and the Caucasus. Eucalyptus trees love sunlight, but also grow on mountain slopes, in gorges and ravines.


The best raw materials are considered to be young eucalyptus leaves, which begin to be collected in September, since during this period they contain greatest number essential oil. First, the branches are cut off with a sharp cleaver, then the leaves are collected from them. The leaves are laid out in a thin layer on the floor and dried outside under a canopy or in a room that is constantly ventilated.


  • dark green color;
  • fresh, intense aroma with notes of camphor;
  • spicy, bitter taste.

You can learn more about the properties of eucalyptus from the program “1000 and one spice of Scheherazade”

Chemical composition

  • essential oil
  • tannins
  • gallotannins
  • coumaric acid
  • cinnamic acid
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • iron
  • manganese
  • cobalt
  • silicon
  • nickel

Eucalyptus leaves are rich in essential oils

Beneficial features

  • produces a disinfecting effect;
  • has antimicrobial properties;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves pain;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • is good remedy prevention of certain infections;
  • has a wound healing effect.


In the presence of individual intolerance, eucalyptus can cause a severe allergic reaction.


  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood.


Eucalyptus juice is called "cinema" or "Australian cinema". This is a thick red substance, sharp and burning.


In cooking

  • dried eucalyptus leaves are used in small quantities to flavor meat and fish dishes;
  • a marinade for meat is prepared with the addition of eucalyptus;
  • eucalyptus tea is known for its invigorating and warming effect;
  • Eucalyptus leaves are used in production different types alcohol;
  • eucalyptus is added to confectionery to give them a fresh aroma.

Carefully! Eucalyptus – poisonous plant, so it can only be eaten in very small doses.

Warming drink

Pour 2 tbsp into a saucepan. dried sage and dried eucalyptus, pour 2 cups cold water and bring to a boil. When the broth boils, pour in 2 cups of milk and simmer for several minutes. This drink will help you warm up on a cold winter day.

Pork marinade

Grind a few dry or fresh eucalyptus leaves. 2 tbsp. spices pour 1 liter of boiling water. When the broth has cooled, add an onion and a couple of carrots cut into large slices, wine vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Place the meat in the marinade and leave in the refrigerator for several hours.

In medicine

Eucalyptus-based medicinal products are used for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • neuralgia;
  • lumbago;
  • rheumatism;
  • spicy respiratory diseases;
  • angina;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • fever;
  • adnexitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • wounds and ulcers;
  • herpes;
  • flu;
  • helminths;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis.

Eucalyptus tincture is used for gargling and inhalation for colds, bronchitis and coughs

Eucalyptus honey has strong bactericidal properties, even the bees that produce it never get sick

Traditional medicine recipes

For herpes infection. Take a few geranium and eucalyptus leaves and squeeze out 5-6 drops of juice from each plant. Mix juice with 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Apply to the area affected by herpes 4-5 times a day.

With a severe runny nose. Grind 20 grams of dried eucalyptus leaves and add a small amount of medical alcohol. Infuse in a tightly closed container for a week, then strain. Dilute 20 ml of tincture in 50 ml of water and take 2 times a day.

For thrush. Take one part of dried or fresh herbs– chamomile, calendula, birch buds, sage, yarrow, eucalyptus, juniper. Pour a glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then leave for 40-50 minutes and strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals.

At home

  • Eucalyptus scent eliminates unpleasant odors in the house. To do this, you can use fresh or dry leaves of the plant, as well as eucalyptus oil.
  • The smell of eucalyptus repels many insects, including annoying midges and mosquitoes.
  • Bath brooms are collected from eucalyptus branches, the use of which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and respiratory system.


  • Eucalyptus may well be a potted plant. It is quite easy to maintain it at home. For these purposes, it is best to purchase a ready-made seedling rather than grow it from seeds.
  • In a spacious pot, eucalyptus can grow into a large, two-meter bush. At the same time, it grows by about 50 cm per year.
  • Eucalyptus prefers room temperature V summer time and quite low (6-7 degrees) - in winter.
  • Eucalyptus needs sunlight. The pot must be installed in such a way that the plant is exposed to direct sunlight for several hours a day.
  • In summer, eucalyptus is watered 2-3 times a week, and in winter 3-4 times a month is enough. The plant should be sprayed every 2-3 days.
  • All year except winter months, you need to feed the soil with organic fertilizer.
  • For the first few years of a eucalyptus's life, it should be replanted annually in a larger pot.
  • Eucalyptus grown at home is unlikely to please you with flowering, but it will constantly disinfect the air and eliminate unpleasant odors in the apartment.

For information on growing eucalyptus at home, watch the following video.

  • In the homeland of eucalyptus, in Australia, the cardinal directions are determined by the arrangement of the leaves of the plant.
  • In Russia, eucalyptus is also called the gum tree or marvelous tree.
  • Eucalyptus bark is used in paper production.
  • The koala's only food is eucalyptus leaves. If you deprive an animal of this plant, it will die.

Botanical characteristics. Eucalyptus trees are evergreen, tall, fast-growing trees with smooth bark. In Eucalyptus globulus, the periderm peels off and hangs in long ribbons. This species reaches a height of 45 m. Due to the ability to absorb huge amounts of moisture and release it into the air, as well as the property of the petioles to turn the leaves with their edges towards the sun, eucalyptus trees are pump trees and soil dryers. Eucalyptus globulus leaves exhibit heterophyly. Young leaves are opposite, soft, covered with a layer of wax, bluish in color, ovate-heart-shaped. Characteristic appearance have old leaves - they are leathery, short-petioled, alternate, often sickle-shaped, located perpendicular to the ground, so the trees provide little shade. The flowers are large, with a large number stamens and an inconspicuous corolla. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds. Other types of eucalyptus (ash and twig-shaped) are distinguished by thicker, non-falling bark, shorter tree height, and greater frost resistance. It blooms in autumn in the 3-5th year of life. The seeds ripen in 1-2 years. Eucalyptus rodum is the most common species.

Spreading. Eucalyptus is native to Australia and its surrounding islands. Cultivated on Black Sea coast Caucasus, Azerbaijan and Central Asia.

Habitat. Plants are light-loving. They mainly grow on fertilized fertile soil. They propagate by seeds, which are germinated in greenhouses. Trees damaged by frost or cut down quickly regenerate with growth.

Preparation. Young leaves are collected in the fall, the rest can be prepared all year round, but the best raw materials are obtained during the autumn harvest. Portable ladders and hooks are used to collect leaves.

Security measures. It is better to combine the procurement of raw materials with decorative pruning of plantings. Branches should not be broken off.

External signs. The raw material consists of a mixture of leaves collected from old and young branches of cultivated trees and shrubs. According to SP XI, the old leaves of eucalyptus globulus are petiolate, broadly lanceolate or elongated-lanceolate in shape, for the most part sickle-shaped, thick, leathery, gray-green in color, 10-30 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. Young leaves are petiolate, soft, ovate, with a heart-shaped base. Gray or ash eucalyptus leaves are collected from old branches. They are short-petiolate, lanceolate, with a pointed apex, 5-10 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, gray, with a waxy coating. The leaves of young branches are broadly ovate or rounded, pointed at the apex, petiolate; length and width within 2.5-7.5 cm. All leaves are bare, entire. On the leaves, in passing bright light, translucent dots (containers with essential oil) are visible. The smell is aromatic, the taste is spicy-bitter. The leaves of eucalyptus are narrow-lanceolate and sickle-shaped, with sharp ends. The quality of raw materials is reduced by the presence of browned leaves, other parts of the plant, organic and mineral impurities. The authenticity of raw materials is determined by external signs and microscopically. Under a microscope, containers with essential oil are clearly visible. The palisade part is located on both sides of the leaf in 3-4 rows, a small space in the center of the leaf is occupied by spongy parenchyma. There are many druses scattered throughout the pulp. There are no hairs, the vein has a crystalline lining, and the epidermal cells on both sides of the leaf are covered with a thick cuticle.

EUCALYPTHS are different, there are giants over 90 meters in height, they are among the most tall trees in the world. There are very small ones - squat and crooked dwarfs who bend low to the hot earth. Their leaves are amazing in structure, and their flowers are pleasing to the eye. Most likely, you have used the gifts of this tree or products made from it.

Some of the species have interesting names such as "alpine ash" or "Tasmanian oak", but most species are known as "gum tree", that is, "gum tree". From a technical point of view, gum is a substance consisting of carbohydrates and soluble in water; eucalyptus trees do not produce it. Therefore, it is more correct to call these trees eucalyptus; there are more than 600 species in the family of these “Australian natives”.

Eucalyptus trees are perfectly adapted to tropical heat and are found both in the north of Australia and in its uninhabited, arid regions. They also grow in the coastal mountains of southern Tasmania, despite the fog and Antarctic winds.

Eucalyptus trees are so common in this area that one 19th-century traveler and zoologist complained: “There are eucalyptus trees everywhere you look—for miles there is nothing else.”

Eucalyptus trees suffered greatly in the 19th century with the arrival of European settlers to Australia. An estimated 300,000 square kilometers of eucalyptus forests have been cut down and uprooted because they were seen as an obstacle to progress. However, not everyone was sympathetic to this valuable tree unkindly. In the 19th century, the eucalyptus family began to conquer the world.


In 1880, Emperor Menelik II of Abyssinia (now called Ethiopia) set out to find trees for shade and fuel for his new capital, Addis Ababa. None of African trees did not take root in this bare area. Therefore, the emperor’s assistants began to look in other countries for a tree accustomed to the scorching rays of the sun. "Addis Ababa" means "new flower", and perhaps this name was given to the city in honor of the eucalyptus - a valuable overseas plant that played important role in the Ethiopian economy.

Another person who contributed to the expansion of the eucalyptus range was Dr. Edmundo Navarro de Andrade. With the goal of restoring Brazil's rapidly disappearing forests, he began importing eucalyptus trees from Australia in 1910. Under his leadership, 38 million of these trees were planted. Today there are more than two billion eucalyptus trees growing in Brazil.
Now, in addition to our own tropical forests Brazil has the largest population of eucalyptus trees outside of Australia. Eucalyptus trees have helped boost Brazil's economy, and for introducing the country to this valuable resource dr. Navarro was awarded a special medal.

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Eucalyptus trees are evergreen trees that can grow up to 100 m in height. They are also called gum trees because gum often forms on tree trunks.

What else do we know about eucalyptus? We have collected 12 facts especially for you.

1) Most species of eucalyptus grow in the forests of Australia and New Zealand; some species are found in Indonesia, New Guinea and the Philippines. In the Northern Hemisphere, only rainbow eucalyptus grows wild. There are more than 700 species of these trees in the world.

2) In the life of the indigenous people of Australia, eucalyptus groves played a very important role: their wood was used for construction, moisture was extracted from the roots in the absence of water, and diseases were treated with leaves. That is why eucalyptus is also called the “tree of life.”

3) Eucalyptus trees were introduced from their native habitats to other countries of the world due to the fact that they grow quickly and can drain swampy areas. That is why today eucalyptus trees can be found in Europe, America and Africa.

4) Despite the fact that eucalyptus trees are considered tropical and subtropical climate, individual species, growing in high mountain areas, can withstand frosts down to –24°C.

5) Rainbow eucalyptus trees, which grow in Guinea and nearby islands, can reach 75 m in height with a trunk diameter of more than 2 m. But their peculiarity is the bark: as it ripens, it acquires orange, burgundy, blue and even purple shades.

6) Eucalyptus is one of the fastest growing trees in the world. At the end of the first year, this tree reaches 1.5-2 m in height, up to 3 years - 6-8 m, and by 10 years - already 25-30 m.

7) The leaves of different types of eucalyptus trees have their own shape and size, but they are always turned edge-on towards the sun: thus, eucalyptus trees protect themselves from moisture evaporation. In Australia, eucalyptus also serves as a compass: the leaves of the tree are located along the meridian, their edges are turned to the north and south, and their planes are turned to the east and west.

8) Thanks to the high content essential oils, which are famous for their antiseptic properties, eucalyptus trees have a positive effect even on bees. It has been noticed that bees pollinating eucalyptus trees do not get sick, and the resulting honey has healing properties.

9) Eucalyptus wood also has unique properties: It is very hard and does not rot.

10) Paper is made from eucalyptus bark.

11) Eucalyptus oil is used as an insecticide.

12) The eucalyptus tree has unique ability worry Forest fires. The secret of eucalyptus trees is that deep within the tree and its roots are dormant shoots. They germinate only under the influence of hormones, the production of which is caused by heat (fire). In general, eucalyptus can live more than 250 years.