This method of canning, such as drying, has found application in the production of dry food. dairy product. Powdered milk– an easily soluble powder obtained from natural milk. Although most consumers have an existing stereotype about this product as a low-quality product.

Powdered milk production technology allows you to preserve all the best qualities natural product. The food industry widely uses it not only as an independent product, but also in cooking and in the production of milk formulas. The undeniable advantage of this product is its long shelf life. After all powdered milk If storage rules are followed, it will be usable for up to 8 months, which is incomparably longer than traditional pasteurization or sterilization of natural milk. Perhaps it is this factor that ensures the high popularity of powdered milk.

Relevance of milk powder

For enterprises Food Industry unprofitable to work with plain milk. It spoils quickly and is expensive to store and deliver. This results in high demand for supplies of this product.

Powdered milk is used:

  • in the confectionery industry;
  • at bakery enterprises;
  • in dairies for the production of condensed milk, processed cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • for the production of spreads;
  • in the meat industry;
  • in the production of alcohol;
  • in the production of semi-finished products;
  • in the production of animal feed.

Powdered milk has two varieties. This is influenced by the quality of the original product:

  1. Whole milk powder is obtained by using whole milk as the starting raw material;
  2. Skim milk powder is made by using skim milk.

A low-fat dry product has a longer shelf life, since it contains no fats that are susceptible to spoilage, and this is an undoubted advantage of this type of product.

Powdered milk production technology

Today there are several types of technology.

Roller drying (evaporation)

The classic method is roller drying. The principle of operation of this system is to heat milk, applied in a thin layer to the walls of a hot drum. Due to strong heating, moisture evaporates from the milk, which is subsequently removed using a constantly running pump. The dry product is removed from the walls of the drum with special knives. Powdered milk produced in this way has a unique taste. When the milk comes into contact with the hot wall of the drum, it instantly caramelizes. Thanks to this taste, this product has found application in the confectionery industry.

Spray drying

Currently, evaporation technology is being replaced by more modern method production - spray drying. For this method, homogenized pasteurized milk is used. Through several nozzles, the raw material enters special cone-shaped chambers. The nozzles spray milk like an aerosol. At the same time as the milk, dry hot air is supplied to the chambers. Proper work Such a system is provided by computer programs - their task is to control the temperature and pressure of milk and air. The finished product settles on opposite side installation and removed from there by mechanical conveyor or pneumatic transport. Cooling occurs at the final stage finished product and passing it through a sieve to prevent the entry of foreign objects or unwanted lumps. The technology for producing milk powder by spraying is quite effective; thanks to complex electronic control, energy costs for heating are minimized and the efficiency of the equipment is increased.

The presence of technologies and equipment for the production of powdered milk at dairy industry enterprises makes them independent from local climatic features. This ensures the supply of quality goods to the consumer throughout the year, and also significantly increases the possibilities for exporting and importing dairy products.

Converting powder into milk

Cooking is not the only area of ​​application for milk powder. When the powder is dissolved in warm water, it turns into a tasty and healthy drink; this is how reconstituted milk is obtained. It is successfully used in many regions of our country.

Dissolved milk powder is used in baby food. Unlike a natural product, it does not cause allergic reactions in a child's weak body. This is facilitated by the balanced composition of whole milk powder. The stable characteristics of this product provide the advantage of reconstituted milk.

The emergence of powdered milk was facilitated by necessity. In dry form, milk is convenient to transport, thus solving the problem of uninterrupted supply of necessary food products to the population living in remote areas our country. High-quality powdered milk has the same organoleptic characteristics as fresh pasteurized milk. By dissolving the powder in warm water, we obtain a white liquid with a slightly creamy tint. This drink is not inferior in nutritional value to a natural dairy product.

Video technology for the production of milk powder:

Powdered milk is obtained from cow's milk through a complex process technological process, consisting of several stages. The peculiarity of this product and its difference from its whole counterpart is its longer shelf life, without loss of quality and nutritional properties. Production of the product requires special equipment and adherence to certain technologies.

Technology and production

The milk powder production technology consists of several successive stages:

  • Normalization (reducing the percentage of fat),
  • Pasteurization (carried out at temperature conditions at +81 +86 C),
  • Pre-thickening (the process is aimed at increasing the percentage of dry components),
  • Drying,
  • Receipt and packaging of finished powdered milk.

During the cooking process, water from whole milk is evaporated in two stages. Thickening the product is the first step, and the second is drying.

The already condensed milk mixture undergoes a drying process until a powder with a given moisture content is formed. The moisture level of the finished product is determined by the quality of the connection of powdered components with water. And the permissible humidity is up to 15% of the mass fraction of milk protein.

The moisture level of milk powder is determined by the quality of the connection between the dry components of the powder and water. The permissible moisture content of the product is up to 15% of the mass fraction of milk protein.

The production of milk powder involves the gradual supply of concentrated milk raw materials to a special dryer, after which the product acquires a moisture content of three percent. The use of this technology allows us to obtain high quality milk powder.

When the condensed product comes into contact with the hot drum of the drying unit, the caramelization process begins. Skimmed milk powder, which is produced using a roller dryer, has a higher fat content. The only disadvantage of this method is rather low productivity.

Once drying is complete, the skim milk powder is cooled, filtered and packaged.

Necessary equipment

The production of milk powder is impossible without special and rather bulky equipment, as well as without a reliable source of electricity and water supply. The premises where the equipment is installed must have good ventilation and be in accordance with sanitary requirements.

Necessary equipment for the production of milk powder:

  • Vacuum evaporation equipment,
  • Crystallization equipment,
  • Spray drying equipment.

Vacuum evaporation unit

This equipment allows you to obtain concentrated whey and milk itself. The peculiarity of the installation is that it is equipped with special devices that resemble the shape of a pipe. They separate milk fractions from condensate. Standard installations also have blocks for larger capacity milk, and cooling parts for the finished product. So the finished product does not require additional cooling, which is very convenient for manufacturers. The vacuum evaporation unit is quite easy to use because it has a built-in automatic control panel.

Crystallization Equipment

The main function of this equipment is the crystallization of whey and condensate, preparing them for the drying apparatus. Crystallization is possible due to the work of inert gases that fill the chamber. The body of the device is made of durable steel. The installation also has complex system pneumatic valves and pumps that simplify the recycling of dairy raw materials.

Spray Drying Plant

This device undergoes the final stage of production. In the chamber of the drying unit, the remaining liquid evaporates, which has a positive effect on the shelf life of the finished product. The result of the dryer is well-flowing and quickly soluble granules of white or light beige color.

The drying technology is very simple: with the help of an internal pump, crystallized milk raw materials are delivered to spray nozzles inside the fluid bottom chamber. It mixes cold and hot air flows, which ensure the evaporation of residual moisture from the raw material.

Types of milk powder

Regular or whole milk powder is more nutritious because it contains more fat.

It may not be stored for as long as its low-fat counterpart, but energy value per hundred grams of powder - 550 kcal. Skim milk powder contains very little milk fat and can be stored for eight months. One hundred grams of low-fat product contains no more than 370 kcal. There is also instant milk powder. It is a mixture of skim milk powder and whole milk powder. Usually this type used in the preparation of baby food and many products fast food. The manufacturing process and manufacturing technology do not depend in any way on the type of product.


If the types of milk powder differ in the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, then what they have in common is their vitamin composition, which also includes minerals and beneficial amino acids. According to the state standard, the composition must contain vitamins B, PP, A, D, E and C, choline, calcium (at least 1000 mg per hundred grams of product), potassium (at least 1200 mg per hundred grams of product), phosphorus ( not less than 780 mg per hundred grams of product), sodium (not less than 400 mg per hundred grams of product). It also contains quite a lot of selenium, cobalt, molybdenum and iron. Of the essential amino acids, it contains lysine, methionine, tryptophan, leucine and isoleucine.

Benefits and harms

ABOUT useful qualities Not everyone knows about powdered milk. Many people claim that powdered milk has nothing beneficial, and all the vitamins are killed in the process of preparing the powder. This statement is not true. This product plays important role in the life of northern regions and peoples, since more for a long time. During the preparation process, raw materials undergo complex stages of thermal and physical processing, which means they contain much less dangerous pathogenic bacteria.

If you use the product regularly, the risk of anemia and rickets is reduced, bones and tendons are strengthened, and the normal functioning of the nervous system is restored.

Powdered milk may also have Negative influence to your health. The product is especially dangerous for people with congenital lactose intolerance or an allergy to milk protein. Consequences range from slight redness of the skin to swelling and anaphylactic shock. Another risk is related to the quality of the product and the rules for its storage. Unscrupulous manufacturers add vegetable fats, including palm oil, to reduce the cost of the finished product. This reduces not only the quality and nutritional value, but also makes the product hazardous to health. Violation of storage conditions and sealed packaging can provoke the growth of harmful bacteria and mold, which will cause serious poisoning.

Producers of powdered milk in Russia actively cooperate with many food industry enterprises, since it is much more profitable to use powdered milk in the preparation of many products. Whole milk spoils quickly, is quite expensive to transport and takes up quite a lot of space during storage.

The product is widely used:

  • In the confectionery business,
  • In the production of bread, pastries,
  • In the production of dairy products: cheeses, condensed milk, curd products, yoghurts and milk drinks,
  • At meat processing plants,
  • In the production of alcoholic beverages,
  • In the cosmetology industry,
  • In the production of various semi-finished products,
  • In the preparation of dry animal feed.

Enterprises producing milk powder

There are about seventy dairy plants operating in Russia. Some of them are also engaged in the production of dry products. This:

  • Lyubinsky Dairy Plant, Omsk Region,
  • Blagoveshchensk Dairy Plant, Amur Region,
  • Bryansk Dairy Plant, Bryansk Region,
  • Ulyanovsk Dairy Plant, Ulyanovsk region,
  • Meleuzovsky milk canning plant, Bashkortostan
  • Sukhonsky Dairy Plant, Vologda Region.

The idea of ​​producing milk powder as a business can be quite tempting. We’ll tell you what equipment is required for this and offer feedback from experienced entrepreneurs. Today this direction is considered quite promising and profitable even when opening a small plant.

Food production activities are highly profitable forms of business. After all, all people without exception need nutrition every day. For an enterprising businessman, the difference is only in the choice of the final product for consumers.

Relevance of the issue

Powdered milk is used in various industries:

  1. For creating infant formulas.
  2. In expensive cosmetics.
  3. In order to restore milk and its derivatives in regions where, for objective reasons, cow breeding is impossible.
  4. When feeding young animals in livestock farming.
  5. In the preparation of confectionery, bakery products and various semi-finished products.
  6. For canning.
  7. As food additives.
  8. When creating special mixtures for sports nutrition, etc.

It is surprising that such a sought-after product is becoming increasingly scarce in our country. Although it was Russia that only a few decades ago occupied a leading position in its production and export. Setting up such a line is quite simple and relatively inexpensive, but the profits promise to be high. Today there is almost no competition in this area of ​​activity, and demand significantly exceeds supply.

To understand how profitable it is to engage in powdered milk as a business, it is enough to find out the average sales value. So, in our country they are willing to pay no less than 7,000 rubles for a ton of products. If you set up production for the purpose of export, then for the same amount of milk powder you can earn from 3,000 to 5,000 dollars.

An attractive point is the win-win nature of such a business. After all, even if powdered milk cannot be sold for some reason, this equipment can be used for the production of other equally popular goods - egg mass, blood serum, formed elements, broths, various extracts, hydrolysers, etc.

Required documents

An LLC is considered a more convenient form of business registration. To do this, contact the tax service and create a legal entity. You will need to submit the following list of papers:

  • statement;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • company charter;
  • agreement on the establishment of a company;
  • confirmation of ownership of the premises;
  • or letter of guarantee from the building's landlord.

In this case, a suitable taxation system is selected, most often UTII, and the activity code OKVED 10.51 is indicated - and dairy products (except raw). You will also have to obtain a license from Rospotrebnadzor to manufacture this type of product.

Since the food industry is very strictly controlled by the sanitary and epidemiological service, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with their requirements for the arrangement of the premises, hygiene standards, as well as the standards for the quality of the finished product. All this will be checked regularly. Each batch of goods must comply with the prescribed standards in GOSTs.

Preparing the premises

You won’t be able to make powdered milk with your own hands in the kitchen. At least for industrial scale and compliance with all quality characteristics finished products It will be necessary to set up a separate workshop. A room measuring 25-30 square meters is suitable for this. m. But if you immediately decide to engage in large-scale production and purchase equipment capable of producing up to 5 tons of powdered milk per day, then you will have to find a building with an area of ​​at least 110 square meters. m.

In any case, you need to prepare it in a certain way. The workshop must meet the following parameters:

  1. Tiled floors and walls at a height of 2.5 meters.
  2. Plumbing supplying warm and cold water.
  3. Heating provided.
  4. Installed system forced ventilation.
  5. Electrical network must withstand an industrial load of 380 V.
  6. Good lighting, distributed evenly throughout the area.

All surfaces must be thoroughly wet cleaned and disinfected daily. Monitor the cleanliness of the premises, as SES representatives will often visit the workshop and check such parameters. Don't forget about fire safety, for which you will have to comply with GPI standards.

Equipment purchase

For entrepreneurs in this area, there is a fairly wide selection of suitable equipment. You can purchase a whole monoblock with a ready-made system for the entire production cycle, or create an automated line based on individual units. Typically the following elements are required:

  • High pressure pump;
  • drying chamber;
  • electric or steam heater;
  • storage bunker;
  • sifter;
  • packaging line;
  • recuperator;
  • cyclone;
  • fan;
  • screw conveyor;
  • crystallization plant.

You will also have to purchase a sufficient set of containers, additional lighting fixtures, control systems for various parameters, etc. In order to save money, you can pay attention to domestic manufacturers of this equipment. But a lot depends on your goals. It is important to focus on the quality of the equipment and its power. The cost of a finished line can range from 1 million rubles to several tens.

Production technology

The entire process of turning regular milk into a dry product can be described as follows:

  1. Preparation and cleaning - the raw material is slightly heated, which makes it easier to bring it to the required parameters of fat content and density. At the same time, it is passed through many filters to remove excess impurities and cells.
  2. Normalization - in this case, the desired parameters are achieved, and thanks to the separator, the cream is separated and the milk is skimmed if necessary.
  3. Pasteurization - due to which the raw materials are completely disinfected, all harmful bacteria are destroyed in it. This can happen in three different ways– long (at 65 degrees), short (at 90°) or instant (98°).
  4. Cooling - this process takes place in a storage tank where the milk is cooled to low temperatures.
  5. Thickening - what is an evaporation plant used for? In it, under the influence of vacuum, the raw material is thickened to 40-45% of the dry matter.
  6. Homogenization - achieve uniformity of the resulting mass.
  7. Drying – by spraying in a special chamber, a dry concentration is achieved.
  8. Sifting and packaging is the last stage of production at which the product receives its finished appearance.

The usual raw product is used as the main substance to create milk powder. You can order it at any farm where cows are kept or from private owners. For the business to be profitable, it is advisable to create such a plant near livestock farms and cowsheds. At the same time, you will not have to pay for the delivery of raw materials from distant regions.


If you start producing milk powder at a large enterprise, you will need about 10-15 employees to maintain the technological process. But for a small workshop, a few people are enough:

  • technologist;
  • ordinary workers;
  • cleaners;
  • accountant;
  • driver.

Sales of products

Since the demand for milk powder is quite high, and existing factories provide only 54% of it, it will remain to make itself known in the market so that buyers will line up. To do this, you can use any available advertising - in the media, the Internet, classifieds, or establish personal contacts with the owners of large enterprises where this product is required.

You can deliver goods directly:

  1. To the confectionery shop.
  2. To bakeries.
  3. Dairies located away from farms.
  4. Northern regions.
  5. Retail grocery chains, etc.

Financial calculations

When opening a small workshop for the production of milk powder, you can get by with an investment of 1-1.5 million rubles. At the same time, the sale of finished products at a cost of 7,000 rubles per ton and a productivity level of 300 kg per day for a year of operation will bring a profit of about 756,000. Therefore, in 2-3 years, the initial investment will fully pay off.

If we talk about a larger-scale business, then we should focus on the following figures:

With a production capacity of 5 tons of goods per day, an annual profit of 12.6 million rubles can be achieved. If we organize the export of products, then income will increase significantly. But even at minimum prices, you can count on a return on capital investments within 5-6 years.

The profitability of this production does not fall below 30-40%. And if you add other options for creating goods to the business plan, then the payback of the project will come much earlier.

Video: your own business in the production of milk powder.

Powdered milk is a powder obtained in special installations by heat treatment of pasteurized cow milk. Products of this type are in demand both in the Russian market segment and abroad, so the manufacturer will not have problems organizing sales.

The powdered product is used to restore whole milk in regions with undeveloped livestock farming, cooking, cosmetology, sports production, baby food and animal feed, preparing canned food, alcohol, yoghurt, sour cream and other dairy products.

The main advantages of powdered milk in comparison with its fresh counterpart are long (up to 8 months) shelf life, ease of transportation and use.

Raw materials and assortment of the enterprise

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, milk powder must be produced in accordance with GOST R 52791-2007 “Canned milk products. Powdered milk. Technical conditions".

This document provides that the following products can be used for canning by drying:

  • whole and skim milk;
  • milk whey;
  • buttermilk;
  • a mixture of dairy products (whole and skim milk, cream, buttermilk).

Depending on the raw materials used and the drying technology, the output is whole milk powder (26% fat content or more), skim milk powder (up to 1.5% fat content), dry cream, whey powder, instant milk powder, multicomponent mixtures (for making puddings, ice cream etc.).

The variety of products is based on changing the amount of fat and adding certain additives. For example, for the production of dry fermented milk products You will need normalized condensed milk, fermented with a pure culture of lactic acid bacteria, which is then dried in spray-type installations. Ice cream mixtures are produced from a multicomponent mass based on milk, cream, sugar, fillers and stabilizers through drying.

In addition to the above, installations for the production of milk powder make it possible to produce egg powder, starch, dry broths, extracts and other products. This is important to understand in case a business owner is faced with a shortage of dairy raw materials or decides to increase the scale of the company.

Purchase of raw materials

The success of a milk powder production business largely depends on the stability of the supply of raw materials. That is why it is worth conducting this type of activity in regions with developed agriculture. Otherwise, there is a high risk of production downtime. In other matters, as mentioned above, having the appropriate installations at your disposal, you can repurpose production to suit economic realities.

Another option is to organize your own farm, designed for at least 500 animals. At the same time, start-up capital investments increase significantly, lion's share which will be used to purchase land for the construction of cowsheds. It will also be necessary to consider a feeding strategy and provide high-quality veterinary care for cows.

If there is an opportunity to purchase milk in the region, it is better to pay attention to large farms located in close proximity to production. Cooperation with small farmers can be fraught with shortages and difficulty in controlling the quality of the incoming product.

Important: every batch raw milk must be accompanied by a package of documents established by law.

Business registration

Regardless of production scale, optimal organizational form registration of a milk powder production business or its equivalent in your country. The fact is that it is in this segment that it is profitable to establish cooperation with foreign partners, government agencies and large networks. All of the above categories of clients prefer to work with legal entities.

In the Russian Federation, the most suitable taxation system is UTII. When registering, you must also indicate OKVED code 10.51 “Production of milk and dairy products (except raw).

Additionally, you should contact Rospotrebnadzor to obtain documents confirming product compliance with state standards.

Equipment for the production of milk powder

Modern market is ready to offer many options for equipment for the production of milk powder. If you have an impressive starting capital, it would be optimal to purchase a ready-made monoblock, which allows you to produce not only a powdered product, but also a wide range of dairy products, including ice cream and cheeses. The cost of such a complex will be about 60 million rubles.

If we're talking about about a compact installation for the production of milk powder only, the cost of equipment will be about 10 million rubles plus costs for additional technological elements– equipment for cooling and heating, pasteurizers, fat content analyzers, filters, tanks, etc. The final estimate will depend on the capacity of the complex, country of production, composition and other factors.

There are often advertisements for the sale of used units. However, you should be careful here - few people want to part with profitable business without good reason. And one of them may be significant wear and tear or obsolescence of the production line.

Powdered milk production technology + Video on how to make it


Powdered milk can be whole (WCM) or skimmed (SOM). Both varieties differ in the percentage of substances.

The shelf life of whole milk powder is less than that of skim milk, since fats are susceptible to spoilage - rancidity. It should be stored at a temperature of 0 to 10 °C and a relative humidity of no higher than 85% for up to 8 months from the date of production.

Instant milk powder is produced by mixing whole and skim milk powder. The mixture is moistened with steam, after which it sticks together into lumps, which are then dried again.

Process description

Schematically, the milk powder production technology can be represented as a step-by-step process:

  1. Reception and quality control of raw materials. Milk from tanks is pumped into receiving tanks. Samples are sent to the laboratory to monitor parameters.
  2. Milk preparation and purification. The liquid is heated to 4 ° C and filtered to remove small particles, possibly remaining after a similar process under conditions farm.
  3. Normalization. Depending on the recipe of the final product, the raw materials are brought to the required level fat content This is done either by separation, dividing the mass into cream and skim milk, or, on the contrary, by introducing a fattier product into it.
  4. Pasteurization (heating to remove microorganisms). It can be long (56°C, 40 minutes), short (90°C, 1 minute) and instantaneous (98°C, a few seconds). The pasteurization method is selected depending on the requirements of the technological cycle operating at the enterprise.
  5. Cooling. The stage is necessary as a transition to the next one.
  6. Thickening. The mass is placed in a vacuum evaporation unit, where moisture is removed from it. The stage ends when the mass fraction of dry matter reaches 40-45%.
  7. Homogenization. It is the process of giving a mixture a homogeneous structure.
  8. Final drying. The mixture is placed in a drying drum and brought to the desired moisture level.
  9. Sifting and packaging. The container is selected depending on the method of implementation. This can be small consumer packaging or bags for sale to industrial enterprises.

Premises requirements

To organize a workshop for the production of milk powder, you will need a separate building with high-quality access roads and all necessary communications. Special attention should be paid to organizing modern forced ventilation, laying 220 V and 230 V electrical networks, heating and water supply.

Before you start looking for a suitable premises, it is recommended to visit the SES and fire inspection authorities. It is these authorities that will subsequently become frequent “guests” of the enterprise, so it is better to immediately familiarize yourself with all the requirements put forward. By the way, one of them is cladding internal surfaces the workshop itself and warehouse areas with ceramic tiles or other materials that are easy to clean and disinfect.

Since we are talking about food production, the order of movement of products must be observed: from raw milk to packaged powder mass. To do this, at a minimum, it is necessary to prepare separate premises for the reception and storage of raw materials, the actual placement of installations, the storage of finished products and the sanitary and living area for personnel.

The workshop area will depend on the production capacity. To install a small line designed to produce up to 300 kg of powdered milk per shift, you will need at least 50 m² at minimum height ceilings 4 m. If we are talking about a powerful enterprise designed to produce 5 or more tons of products, total area The building will be no less than 150 m², and the ceiling height will be up to 15 m.


The number of people required to maintain the complex will depend on its productivity. For a medium-scale production, this number will be 10-20 people, including employees directly servicing the complex, a technologist, an equipment adjuster, a loader, a security guard, an accountant and a sales manager. Since we are talking about food production, care should be taken to ensure high-quality daily cleaning and disinfection of premises. Otherwise, the sanitary inspection authorities will find a reason to impose penalties at the first inspection.

When recruiting personnel, special attention should be paid to finding a technologist. In the Russian Federation there are a lot of specialists with education in the food industry, but without experience in working with the technology for obtaining the desired product. If it is difficult to find a suitable candidate, it makes sense to open a vacancy for graduates of specialized educational institutions. Young specialists, of course, do not have experience, but are already familiar with the latest technological solutions in the industry. Another option is when purchasing equipment, enter into an agreement with the manufacturer for personnel training.

Product promotion

Even the highest quality product must be recognized by market participants and inspire their trust. Even at the initial stage of organizing a business, an entrepreneur needs to develop an attractive product name, logo, booklets and other presentation materials. Also, in modern conditions it is impossible to do without a website where potential customers can get information about the product, contact managers, leave reviews and requests for the purchase of a particular batch. Also, through the website, the business owner will be able to inform about the availability of new products, promotions, and participation in exhibitions food products and other events.

Placing information on regional bulletin boards, in specialized catalogs and thematic publications, such as culinary magazines, directories, etc. works effectively.

Sales markets

The main clients of the milk powder manufacturer may be:

  • confectionery factories and mini-bakeries;
  • dairies located in regions with difficult agricultural conditions;
  • cosmetic enterprises;
  • sports nutrition manufacturers;
  • manufacturers of baby food and infant formula.

In any case, it is necessary to carefully study the needs of the region and the country as a whole, focusing on the planned production capacity. If even at this stage there is no confidence in the possibility of selling the entire volume of goods, you should revise the business plan towards expanding the range, or look for markets outside the state.

Another option is the production of milk powder as one aspect of the global production cycle of other types of products.

On store shelves, along with the usual milk, you can find powdered milk, which differs from the classic milk in a powdery consistency. The product is used in various fields of cooking; it is used to make whole milk, bread, and sausages. In livestock farming, the powder is used as animal feed.

What is milk powder

Concentrate from a regular pasteurized drink or milk powder is dried milk. It eliminates many of the disadvantages of the liquid version - it is stored longer and easier to transport. At the same time, it retains its excellent composition and contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. The prototype of the modern product was the milky blocks that were made by the inhabitants of Siberia by freezing milk.

The dry powder was first obtained by the Russian doctor Krichevsky, who evaporated the liquid for a long time using a special technology so that all the beneficial properties of the original product were preserved. Several decades later, the powder is used in cooking and the food industry, and is included in the diet of adults and children.

Low fat

A subtype of the product is skim milk powder, which contains 25 times less fat than whole milk. There are just as many other useful substances left there. Due to the low fat content, the product is stored for a long time and does not require special conditions. If you mix skim milk with whole milk, steam it and dry it, you get an instant product that baristas use to supplement their coffee.


Powdered whole milk has a high calorie content and a low shelf life. It is a uniformly colored white-cream powder of uniform consistency. The product is obtained from whole cow's milk. The finished powder can be dissolved without sediment. It does not have yellow or brown inclusions and is easily rubbed between your fingers.

What is powdered milk made from?

IN classic product Only whole pasteurized cow's milk is included. The raw materials undergo a complex five-stage drying and homogenization procedure, allowing the composition to remain virtually unchanged. The product is rich in protein, fats, milk sugar lactose, vitamins, nutrients and microelements. No additional components (soy protein, starch, sugar) are introduced into the composition - this worsens the quality and taste of the diluted drink.

How they do it

Powdered milk is produced in five stages at food factories in Russia. The raw material is fresh cow's milk, which undergoes the following changes:

  1. Normalization – bringing the fat content of the raw material to normal (reduced fat content is increased, increased fat content is reduced). To do this, the product is mixed with less fat or cream. This stage is needed to achieve a certain fat content ratio according to regulatory documents.
  2. Pasteurization is heating a liquid to remove bacteria and viruses. Milk needs to be pasteurized briefly and then cooled.
  3. Thickening or cooking - at this stage the product is boiled, divided into whole and fat-free subtypes, for which the processes differ in time and parameters. If you add sugar to the product at this step, you will get condensed milk.
  4. Homogenization – the manufacturer obtains a product of uniform consistency.
  5. Drying – the resulting nutrient liquid is dried in a special apparatus until it reaches a certain percentage of humidity.

How to dilute milk powder at home

When purchasing a product and subsequent preparation, it is important to observe the proportions of dilution of milk powder. Restoration will require three parts warm water(about 45 degrees) and one part of powder. Add the liquid gradually, stir thoroughly, leave for a few minutes to achieve a uniform milky consistency and dissolve the proteins.

Useful tips:

  • cold water undesirable because the particles do not dissolve completely, crystallize and are felt on the teeth;
  • Boiling water is also not suitable - it will simply curdle the milk;
  • It is necessary to infuse the liquid after dilution, because this will result in an optimal product, and not a watery one with unswollen protein;
  • It is harmful to use a mixer for stirring - it produces too much foam;
  • add water gradually and carefully so that no lumps form;
  • Brew coffee and season with dry milk - it will turn out delicious.

For pancakes

A popular dish in which the product in question is used are pancakes with milk powder. To prepare them, you will need a liter of whole milk, which can be easily diluted in the following proportion: 100 grams (8 teaspoons) of dry powder in a liter of warm water. Add water to the powder, not the other way around, stir and wait 15 minutes until the solution is homogeneous.

For porridge

A pleasant breakfast will be porridge with milk powder, which will be made in the proportion of 25 grams of powder per glass of water. From this amount you will get a glass of reconstituted milk with a fat content of 2.5%, which is enough for one serving. For four people, you will have to dilute 900 ml of water and 120 grams of powder. The dilution liquid should be warm, stirring continuously until the product is completely dissolved.

Calorie content

Classic powdered milk without additives contains on average 496 calories per 100 grams, which is almost 10 times higher than the usual drink. This is due to the concentration of the product. Whole milk powder contains 549 kcal, and skim milk - 373. The product is rich in fats (saturated fatty acids), sodium, potassium and dietary fiber. It contains a lot of sugars, proteins and vitamins.

Benefits and harms

The composition of the powder is not inferior to natural pasteurized milk. It contains calcium to strengthen bones, potassium to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, vitamin A to improve vision and healthy skin. In addition, milk is useful for rickets, because... Here are a few more useful properties product:

  • useful for anemia;
  • choline normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • chlorine relieves swelling and cleanses the body;
  • magnesium and phosphorus provide comprehensive health support;
  • useful for diabetes, gastroenterological diseases;
  • rich in vitamin B12 and protein, according to reviews it is important for vegetarians or people who do not eat meat;
  • easily digestible, does not burden the digestive tract;
  • does not contain bacteria, does not require boiling;
  • the benefits of vitamins and the BZHU complex for the health of the body as a whole.

The harm of powdered milk is not so obvious; rather, it can be called a disadvantage. The powder should not be used by allergy sufferers, people with lactose intolerance or those with rashes that react to the ingredients. Don't get carried away with the product if you have a tendency to gain excess weight– high energy value affects speed dial muscle mass body, which is then difficult to return to normal - it is not suitable for weight loss. This factor of harm is converted into benefit for athletes involved in bodybuilding.

Powdered milk dishes

Dishes made from powdered milk at home have become widespread. The powder can be bought on the shelf of any store. It is used in cooking, confectionery and desserts. When added to baked goods, milk makes the consistency of the finished product denser, and when cooking creams and pastes, it extends their shelf life. It is convenient to use milk powder to reconstitute the drink, and then use the liquid in different ways - mix with flour for pancakes or pancakes, add to cereals, candies, cakes.

Dry powder can caramelize during the drying process, which is why it smells like candy. For this aroma, milk is loved by confectioners who make condensed milk, fillings for layering cakes and pastries, and Korovka candies. Dried milk can be used to make baby formula, chocolate, and ganache for coating biscuits and muffins. Adding powder to yoghurts makes the consistency uniform and extends shelf life.

When used at home, dry milk powder is used as a replacement for whole milk in cereals, baked goods, rolls, and candies. Milk is added to mastic for covering holiday cakes, to ice cream, condensed milk, bread, cottage cheese, and for layering cupcakes. To replace some components, the powder is used in the production of cutlets, ham, and meatballs. For sweet dishes, the product is used to prepare jelly, buns, pies, cupcakes, and croissants.