Gentlemen, stories from life famous people always arouses interest. In this article 7 interesting stories bankruptcy with a happy ending. I hope you find it interesting.

A person's financial situation is somewhat like the weather: one day everything is sunny and clear, and then suddenly there is a thunderstorm and downpour. But the main thing is not to take the word “bankrupt” as a sentence and not allow your spirit to fall.

You are not the first - you will not be the last to lose money. In moments of difficulty, you need to look up to those who were able to pull themselves together and, despite failures, still pay off all their debts and continue to do what they love.

Amazing stories

Kim Basinger

Kim Basinger owed $8.1 million to Main Line Pictures in 1993. The reason was carelessness in the agreements. The actress verbally promised to play main role in the independent American film "Elena in the Box".

Kim Basinger

However, the concept of an oral contract in America does not take into account Kim's changing artistic tastes. After three years of legal delay, Basinger managed to reduce the debt to $3.8 million. But this didn’t really save her; she still had to declare bankruptcy.

In an interview, Basinger commented on the situation: “It would be better if they cut off my leg.” Interestingly, the film studio earned more from Kim Basinger than from the rental of the film. Since then, the actress has starred in many successful films and has never found herself in similar situations.

Walt Disney

Somehow Chief Editor newspapers fired Walt Disney because he had no imagination and lacked good ideas. Then another fiasco awaited him: at the age of 22, Walt Disney opened the Laugh-o-gram Studio animation studio, which was not destined to become profitable, and Walt had to declare himself bankrupt.

Walt Disney

Today, the Disney brand is known all over the world, its cartoon characters do not lose popularity, and the Disneyland amusement park is almost the most popular in the world.

Donald Trump

“You are not a real entrepreneur if you have not been bankrupt at least once,” is a famous expression that aptly describes the path to success. This is the 45th President (since January 20, 2017) of the United States and one of the richest businessmen on the planet, declared himself financially insolvent four times: in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009.

Donald Trump, born 1946

Trump often boasted that he knew how to use legislation to his advantage, and he always managed to make bank terms for debt repayment as favorable as possible for him.

Despite the defeats, Donald Trump always managed to not lose control of the situation. Perhaps that is why his books on how to become successful are swept away bookshelves like hot cakes.

Mark Twain

Creative people are not always good at figuring out what to invest in. Mark Twain became interested in science in 1894 and, due to unsuccessful investments in inventions, was forced to declare bankruptcy. However, trouble does not come alone: ​​during the same period, Mark Twain's publishing house closed due to the economic crisis in the country.

Mark Twain

To pay off all his debts, the writer had to move to Europe and earn money by giving lectures. Ultimately, in 1898, the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer managed to establish his financial position.

Abraham Lincoln

Recognized national hero USA. Indeed, biography former president- a great plot for a motivational film. In 1831, Lincoln lost his business for the first time, but he did not give up and tried a second time, but in 1834 he had to close his business.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham paid off his debts for about 20 years. Despite the unsuccessful business, the future US president also has 8 defeats in the elections.

But in 1860, he nevertheless became President of America. The example of Abraham Lincoln teaches us never to give up, because, despite all the failures, he managed to go down in history as the man who freed Americans from slavery.

Larry King

This is Larry King today famous TV presenter USA, who during his career conducted tens of thousands of interviews with almost all famous people. But if you go back to the 70s, it becomes clear that the path to success and wealth was not so easy for King.

Larry King

Larry then owed $352,000 and was also accused of stealing funds from his business partner. A few years later, all charges were dropped, and King managed to restore his reputation with work, work and more work.

Henry Ford

In the last century, if you produced cars, you were a priori rich and successful. But it's not that simple. Henry Ford, at the age of 30, had accumulated enough funds and skills for a startup. He opened his own company. However, Henry Ford's first company not only did not make a profit - it ruined the engineer.

Henry Ford

This is how it appeared famous saying Henry: “Failure is an opportunity to start again. There is nothing shameful in a just defeat, it is shameful to be afraid to experience defeat.” That's exactly what he did - he tried again.

But with the experience and wisdom gained, Ford not only produced cars, but also agricultural equipment. Thus, the former bankrupt entered the history of the automobile industry and became involved in the development Agriculture, and we still use his work today.

I hope that these stories from the lives of famous people will help many in difficult moment in life, do not lose hope for success, which will definitely come if you do not give up.

Friends, as always, I am waiting for your comments on the article “Stories from the lives of famous people - 7 people.” What life stories of people you know helped you overcome difficulties. 😉 Share information on in social networks. Thank you!

One day Albert Einstein was riding a tram in Leipzig. And on this very tram there was a conductor. The conductor approached the physicist and asked him to pay the fare. Einstein quite calmly counted out the required amount and handed it to the conductor. He counted the money and said that another 5 pfennigs were missing.

- I counted carefully! This can't be true! - Einstein objected.

Galileo Galilei spent his wedding night reading a book. Noticing that it was already dawn, he went to the bedroom, but immediately came out and asked the servant: “Who is lying in my bed?” “Your wife, sir,” answered the servant. Galileo completely forgot that he got married.

Once Voltaire was invited to a dinner party. When everyone was seated, it turned out that the maestro found himself between two grumpy gentlemen. Having drunk well, Voltaire’s neighbors began to argue about how to properly address the servants: “Bring me some water!” or “Give me some water!” Voltaire unwittingly found himself right in the middle of this controversy. Finally, tired of this disgrace, the maestro could not stand it and said:

- Gentlemen, both of these expressions are inapplicable to you! You should both say, “Take me to water!”

Once Vladimir Mayakovsky had to speak in front of a whole hall of writers. This was not uncommon for him, but that speech of the proletarian poet became special. While he was reading his poems on the podium, one of the poet’s ill-wishers, of whom there were plenty in those years, shouted:

– I don’t understand your poems! They're kind of stupid!

“It’s okay, your children will understand,” Vladimir Vladimirovich answered.

- And my children will not understand your poems! – continued the ill-wisher.

“Well, why are you talking about your children so quickly,” the poet answered with a grin. “Maybe their mother is smart, maybe they’ll take after her.”

Once, speaking at a debate on proletarian internationalism at the Polytechnic Institute, Vladimir Mayakovsky said:

– Among Russians I feel like a Russian, among Georgians I feel like a Georgian...

- And among fools? – suddenly someone shouted from the hall.

“And this is my first time among fools,” Mayakovsky answered instantly.

While traveling around France, Mark Twain traveled by train to the city of Dijon. The train was passing, and he asked to wake him up on time. At the same time, the writer said to the conductor:

– I sleep very soundly. When you wake me up, maybe I will scream. So ignore it and be sure to drop me off in Dijon.

When Mark Twain woke up, it was already morning and the train was approaching Paris. The writer realized that he had passed through Dijon and became very angry. He ran to the conductor and began to reprimand him.

– I have never been as angry as I am now! - he shouted.

“You are not as angry as the American whom I dropped off in Dijon at night,” answered the guide.

Mark Twain, being a newspaper editor, once published a devastating denunciation of a certain N. It contained the phrase: “Mr. N does not even deserve a spit in the face.” This gentleman filed a lawsuit, which ordered the newspaper to publish a refutation, and Mark Twain showed himself to be a “law-abiding” citizen: in the next issue of his newspaper it was published: “Mr. N deserves a spit in the face.”

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All of us, graduates of Soviet and post-Soviet secondary schools, at least we can remember something about famous historical figures. Well, for example, that Gaius Julius Caesar was killed as a result of a conspiracy involving a certain Brutus. Or that Albert Einstein is the author general theory relativity. However, there are a number interesting facts about famous people, which they are unlikely to tell you about at school.

1. Once upon a time, a famous physicist had a chance to become the president of Israel. However, he refused this position with the caveat that he would not be able to decide state affairs due to their significance and scale.

2. Perhaps, while dying, Albert Einstein finally put forward another brilliant theory or said something equally significant. Alas, we will never know about this, since he died in the presence of a nurse who did not understand a word of German.

3. The last wish of the founder of the Nobel Prize was a request not to be considered a promoter of violence due to the fact that he invented dynamite.

4. British Queen Anna was the mother of 17 children and outlived them all.

5. Elizabeth the First introduced a tax for those men who wore a beard.

6. She also passed a law obliging everyone, except very rich people, to wear special hats on Sunday.

7. One can only guess what happened during feasts before Catherine the First issued a law stating that no man had the right to get drunk during a feast before 21.00.

8. For her wedding, among other things, Queen Victoria received a “piece” of cheese weighing half a ton and three meters in diameter.

9. Lady Astor is credited with saying the following to Prime Minister Winston Churchill: “If you were my husband, I would put poison in your coffee.” They say that a worthy answer was received to this: “If you were my wife, I would drink it.”

10. And the British Prime Minister himself smoked about 15 cigars a day.

11. The autograph of a famous Roman emperor is valued at $2 million. The problem is that no one has been able to find it yet.

12. The appearance of a laurel wreath on the head of Julius Caesar is associated with his attempt to hide the beginning of hair loss.

13. The loving Israeli king Solomon had about 700 wives and at least a hundred mistresses.

14. The sex icon's bra, which Marilyn wore in Some Like It Hot, fetched $14,000 at auction.

15. Famous writer Charles Dickens slept exclusively facing north. He firmly believed that this would help improve his writing talent.

16. What would US President Thomas Jefferson think of his descendants if he learned that the house in which he wrote the Declaration of Independence is now... a diner?

17. George Washington can be proud that his birthday is the only birthday that is an official holiday in all states of America.

18. During World War I, the future Pope John XXIII served as a sergeant in the Italian army.

19. Isaac Newton was interested in occult and supernatural ideas.

20. John Rockefeller gave away more than $500 million to charitable causes during his lifetime.

21. Personally, I am filled with bewilderment at the fact that the two-time winner Nobel Prize was unable to become a member of the prestigious French Academy solely because she was a woman.

22. Mozart never went to school.

23. There was a payphone in the mansion of one of the richest people in the world.

24. First Chairman communist party China worked as an assistant librarian at Beijing University before taking power.

25. Three most famous names in China they amaze with their modesty and originality: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley.

26. John Glenn became the first American astronaut to reach Earth's orbit.

27. This professional illusionist claimed that his extraordinary abilities came to him from the distant planet Huva.

And finally

28. Italians owe their national flag to Napoleon Bonaparte.

Faina Ranevskaya

For a long time, actors have been using one technique to better get into character before a performance. While changing in the dressing room, they completely undress and remain without clothes for several minutes. This helps them take a break from their worldly image and prepare for the role. The actor then puts on a suit and goes on stage.

Once, before a performance, Faina Ranevskaya, practicing this method, stood in the dressing room in front of the mirror completely naked and smoked.

At that moment, the administrator rushed impulsively into the dressing room, apparently in order to say something important. But when he saw the “picture,” he froze on the threshold in silent amazement. Ranevskaya watched him through the mirror. Finally, after a pause, she asked:

Is it okay that I smoke?

Mick Jagger

One day, the Queen of Britain called Mick Jagger and said that she had granted all the lead singers of the Beatles an order for their contribution to the development of the country's economy.

After this, I don’t want to talk to you at all! – Mick answered her rudely.

In the evening, the following entry appeared in the Queen’s diary: “I spoke to Mick Jagger today. It seemed to me that he was upset about something.”

Mark Twain

One day Mark Twain received a letter that contained only one word: “Pig.”

Without thinking twice, the writer published a response to this message in his newspaper: “I have to receive letters without a signature quite often. But yesterday for the first time they sent me a signature without a letter.”

Once, while at a social event, Mark Twain was talking with an unpleasant person. To smooth out the awkwardness, he decided to compliment her:

You are simply adorable today!

What the rude lady said:

I can't say the same about you.

Mark Twain was not at a loss:

But you can do like me! Lie!


In the 19th century in Britain, an actor named Foote enjoyed great fame. Once, while traveling around the country, he stopped for the night in a small town.

Having ordered lunch for himself at the tavern, he ate it with pleasure and to the polite question of the innkeeper whether he liked the dinner, the actor, being in an excellent mood, replied:

Today I had the best lunch in England

With the exception of our mayor,” the innkeeper politely advised him.

Nonsense! I definitely had the best lunch ever!

“Except for the mayor,” the innkeeper said again.

The verbal altercation escalated into a conflict, and the innkeeper dragged the actor to that same mayor. The mayor, after listening to the innkeeper, informed Foote that in their city everyone was ordered to express every possible respect for the mayor and mention him at every opportunity. And violators of this order are promised either a fine or a day in prison. The actor immediately paid the fine and, outraged by the ridiculous story, said angrily:

I have never seen such a fool in my life as this innkeeper!

Except for the mayor, of course.

Alexander II

One landowner, who received the title by merit, and not by birth, and did not have a noble origin, really wanted to send his son to study at the University. At that time, it was necessary to seek special permission to enter from the sovereign. And the landowner began to compose a message to the Tsar. Since he himself was an illiterate person, problems with composing the letter arose from the very beginning - he did not know how to contact the sovereign. Somewhere he had heard that high-ranking persons are called “the most august.” But the landowner did not know why exactly this was so. This happened in September, and the landowner decided that the most in the best possible way to address the sovereign at this time will be: “September sovereign...”.

The received message from Alexander II greatly amused him. He ruled:

Admit his son to the University and teach there so that he is not as illiterate as his father.


Walking speed
A passerby asked the philosopher Socrates:
- How many hours is it to the city?
Socrates replied:
- Go...
The traveler went, and when he had walked twenty steps, Socrates shouted:
- Two hours!
- Why didn’t you tell me right away? - he was indignant.
- How did I know how fast you would go!

Socratic calm
Few people can patiently endure being spoken ill of them in absentia. Socrates, great philosopher Athenian, listened with the greatest indifference as he was reviled behind his back.
“If they beat me in absentia,” the philosopher always said, “then I won’t say a word.”

Peter I

Death prevented the award from being presented
Remember the lines of Pushkin's "Poltava": "...Where is Mazepa? Where is the villain? Where did Judas run in fear?" Comparing Mazepa with Judas, who was paid thirty pieces of silver for his betrayal, has a special meaning from a numismatic point of view.
Having learned about Mazepa’s betrayal, Peter I decided to “pay” the traitor with a kind of coin. This coin was specially made - weighing about 4 kg and with an appropriate inscription. According to Peter's plan, the notorious hetman, as a sign of his betrayal, was to wear a giant coin around his neck for the rest of his life. Only the death of Mazepa prevented the king from carrying out this plan.

Medal for drunkenness
Great Peter did not respect overly passionate drinkers. According to his decree, drunkards who ended up in prison were hung around their necks with a cast-iron medal weighing 17 pounds (about 7 kg) with the inscription “For drunkenness.”


Philosopher and God
The French writer and philosopher Voltaire was asked what his relationship was with God, whether he was showing disrespect for God. He answered with dignity:
- Unfortunately, many have long noticed the opposite. I have been bowing to God for many years, but he has never responded to even one of my most polite bows.

When Voltaire was asked if he would undertake to write the history of his king, he answered sharply:
- Never! This would be the surest way to lose the royal pension.

Spectacular wit
One scientist, wanting to see Voltaire, made a special trip to Ferney, where he was very kindly received by the writer’s niece Madame Denis. However, Voltaire himself did not appear. Before leaving, the guest wrote to the owner: “I considered you a god and now I am finally convinced that I was right, since it is impossible to see you.”
Voltaire liked this joke so much that he ran after its author and kissed him.

Like chestnuts
Voltaire's books, which denounced the clergy, were subject to censorship persecution. The censors sentenced one of the books to be burned. Voltaire remarked in this regard:
- All the better! My books are like chestnuts: the more they are roasted, the more willingly people buy them.

Voltaire's friend
Voltaire had a doctor friend with whom he willingly spent evenings when he was healthy. But as soon as he got sick, he immediately wrote a note to the doctor: “Dear doctor! Please don’t come today: I’m sick.”

Voltaire's review
One young playwright asked Voltaire to listen to his new play. After reading his work to him, he eagerly awaited Voltaire's opinion.
“That’s it, young man,” said Voltaire after a long pause. “You can write such things when you become old and famous.” Until then, you need to write something better.


Oracle error
A young man appeared to the old Viennese bandmaster and, holding out an envelope with letter of recommendation from his first music teacher, he shyly asked to teach him counterpoint.
Having opened the envelope, the conductor read: “The bearer of this is an empty dreamer who is obsessed with the fact that he can make a revolution in music. He has no talent at all, and he, of course, will not compose anything decent in his entire life. His name is Joseph Haydn.” .

Bull Minuet
The great Austrian composer Joseph Haydn, to his great surprise, once saw a guest in his house - a butcher, who turned out to be a lover and connoisseur of his works.
“Maestro,” the butcher respectfully took off his hat, “the other day is my daughter’s wedding.” Write me a new beautiful minuet. To whom should I turn with such an important request, if not to the famous Haydn?
A day later, the butcher received the composer’s precious gift, and a few days later he decided to thank him. Haydn heard deafening sounds, in which he hardly recognized the melody of his minuet. Approaching the window, he saw at his porch a magnificent bull with gilded horns, a happy butcher with his daughter and son-in-law, and a whole orchestra of traveling musicians. The butcher took a step forward and said with feeling:
- Sir, I think that the best expression The butcher's appreciation for a wonderful minuet can only be expressed by the best of his bulls.
Since then, this C major minuet by Haydn has been called the “Bull Minuet.”

Witty revenge
Haydn once conducted an orchestra in London. He knew that many English people sometimes go to concerts not so much for the pleasure of listening to music, but out of tradition. Some London concert hall patrons have acquired the habit of falling asleep in their comfortable chairs during performances. Haydn had to make sure that no exception was made for him. This circumstance greatly annoyed the composer, and he decided to take revenge on the indifferent listeners.
The revenge was witty. Haydn wrote a new symphony especially for Londoners.
At the most critical moment, when part of the audience began to nod off, a thunderous beat of a large drum was heard. And every time, as soon as the listeners calmed down and were ready to sleep again, a drumbeat was heard.
Since then, this symphony has been called “Symphony with Timpani Beats”, or “Surprise”.


Eye meter
When they asked Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov what an eye gauge is, great commander answered:
- Eye control - this means you need to climb a tree, survey the enemy camp and immediately congratulate yourself on your victory.
This is what he did at Rymnik.

What concerns anyone
The wife of one officer once complained to A.V. Suvorov about her husband:
- Your Grace, he treats me badly.
“It doesn’t concern me,” answered the commander.
- But he scolds you behind your back...
- And this, mother, does not concern you.

“Alexander Vasilyevich,” they asked Suvorov, “how do you evaluate the game of gorodki?”
“Playing small towns develops the eye, speed and pressure,” answered the commander. “I throw around with a bat—that’s the eye.” I hit with a bat - this is speed. I hit with a bat - this is an onslaught.


Grateful subject
Archduchess Marie Antoinette took little Mozart, the future composer, around the Vienna palace. The boy slipped on the parquet floor and fell. The Archduchess hurried to pick it up.
“You are very kind,” the young musician told her, “I will marry you.”
Marie Antoinette passed on Mozart's words to her mother.
- Why do you want to marry her highness? - asked the empress.
“Out of gratitude,” Mozart replied.

One day, a noble Salzburg dignitary decided to talk with young Mozart, who by that time had already gained world fame. How to address the boy was what confused the nobleman. To say “you” to Mozart is inconvenient, his fame is too great, to say “you” is too much honor for a boy... But a way out has been found:
- We were in France and England? Were we a big success? - asked the dignitary.
- But, it seems, I have never met you anywhere except Salzburg! the simple-minded Wolfgang interrupted him.

How to do it
One young man asked Mozart how to write symphonies.
“You are still very young,” Mozart replied, “why don’t you start with ballads?”
- But you composed a symphony when you were only nine years old...
“That’s true,” Mozart agreed, “but I didn’t ask anyone how to do it.”

Not an ally to envious people
Haydn had many envious people among mediocre composers. One of them decided to recruit... Mozart as an ally. He invited the great composer to a concert in which Haydn's quartet was performed, and during the performance he said indignantly to Mozart.
- I would never write like that.
“Me too,” Mozart answered briskly, “and do you know why?” Neither you nor I would ever have thought of these lovely melodies.


1. Napoleon was 26 years old when he captured Italy.
2. Baghdad University awarded Uday, the eldest son of Saddam Hussein, academic degree Doctor of Political Sciences. Although he did not even have a secondary education. His dissertation was entitled "The Decline of American Power by 2016."
3. In 1938, Time magazine named Hitler "Man of the Year."

4. While serving in the KGB, Vladimir Putin had the nickname “Mol.”
5. Hitler was a vegetarian.
6. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra tested the effectiveness of her poisons by forcing her slaves to take them.
7. Cleopatra married her sibling- Ptolemy.
8. Cleopatra was not Egyptian. She had Macedonian, Iranian and Greek roots.

9. Lafayette became a general in the US Army at age 19. His full name sounds like this: Maria Joseph Paul Yves Rocher Gilbert de Motier, Marquis de Lafayette.
10. The Minister of Culture of the RSFSR in the 50s, Alexei Popov, was a famous swearer.
11. The Mongol conqueror Timur (1336-1405) played something like polo with the skulls of the people he killed. He created a pyramid of their severed heads 9 meters high.
12. At the time of Lenin's death, his brain was only a quarter of its normal size.

13. Napoleon was born not in France, but on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. His parents were Italian and they had eight children.
14. The national flag of Italy was invented by Napoleon.
15. One of Napoleon's drinking cups was made from the skull of the famous Italian adventurer Cagliostro.
16. The founder of the theory of communism, Karl Marx, never visited Russia.
17. The first American Chief Justice, John Jay, bought slaves to free them.

18. The first person in history to be hit by a train was Member of the British Parliament William Haskinson.
19. Winston Churchill's maternal ancestors were... Indians.
20. US President Andrew Jackson believed that the Earth was flat.
21. During the reign of Elizabeth I, there was a tax on men's beards. However, Peter the Great did not favor bearded men either.

22. Queen Ranavalona of Madagascar ordered the execution of her subjects if they appeared to her in dreams without her permission.
23. At her wedding, Queen Victoria was given a piece of cheese 3 meters in diameter and weighing 500 kilograms.
24. King of England Henry VIII executed two of his six wives.
25. The President of Uganda and one of the most ruthless dictators in the world, Idi Amin, served in the British Army before coming to power.
26. British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston died in 1865 on a billiard table, on which he made love to his servants.

27. At the court of King Alfonso of Spain, there was a special position - a hymnist. The fact is that the king had no ear for music at all, and he himself could not distinguish the anthem from other music. The anthem leader had to warn the king when the national anthem was played.
28. The Roman emperor Nero married a man - one of his slaves named Scorus.
29. The Roman Emperor Nero forced his teacher, the philosopher Seneca, to commit suicide.

30. The height of Peter the Great was approximately 213 cm. Despite the fact that in those days the average height of men was significantly lower than today.
31. Sir Winston Churchill smoked no more than 15 cigars a day.
32. Tom Cruise entered seminary at age 14 to become a priest, but dropped out after a year.
33. U French king Louis XIV there were 413 beds.
34. The Israeli king Solomon had approximately 700 wives and several thousand mistresses.

35. King Louis XIV of France, known as the “Sun King,” had over 400 beds.
36. Napoleon had ailurophobia - fear of cats.
37. Winston Churchill was born in the women's toilet of the Blenheim family castle. During the ball, his mother felt unwell and soon gave birth.
38. Physicist and Nobel Prize winner Niels Bohr and his brother, famous mathematician Harald Bohr, were football players. Harald was a member of the Danish national team and even took second place at the 1905 Olympics.
39. The phrase “The King is dead, long live the King” was uttered by Catherine de Medici when she learned of the death of her son Charles IX.

40. Swedish King Charles VII, killed in 1167, was the first king of a state named Charles! Charles I, II, III, IV, V and VI never existed, and it is unclear where he got the prefix “seventh”. And after a couple of centuries, King Charles VIII (1448-1457) appeared in Sweden.
41. Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, was an ophthalmologist by profession.
42. Attila the Barbarian died in 453 on his wedding night immediately after the wedding.
43. Beethoven always brewed coffee from 64 beans.
44. Britain's Queen Victoria (1819-1901), who ruled Britain for 64 years, spoke English with an accent. She had German roots.

45. In 1357, a dead woman was crowned Queen of Portugal. She became Princess Ines de Castro, the second wife of Pedro I. 2 years earlier, her father-in-law, Alfonso "The Proud", who hated her for being a commoner, secretly ordered his men to kill her and her children. When Pedro became king, he ordered Ines's body to be removed from the grave and forced the nobility to recognize her as Queen of Portugal.
46. ​​In 1849, Senator David Atchison became President of the United States for only 1 day, and most this day he... overslept.
47. The Grand Vizier of Persia Abdul Kassim Ismail (who lived in the 10th century) never parted with his library. If he went somewhere, the library “followed” him. 117 thousand book volumes were transported by 400 camels. Moreover, the books (along with camels) were arranged in alphabetical order.
48. The great Genghis Khan died while having sex.
49. Hannibal died in 183 BC. e. taking poison when he learned that the Romans had come to kill him.

50. Hans Christian Andersen could not write almost a single word without errors.
51. Henry IV often flogged his son, the future Louis XIII.
52. Danish king Frederick IV was a bigamist. He married twice while his wife Queen Louise was alive. His first lover died during childbirth, his second mistress was queen for only 19 days after the death of Queen Louise. All the children from both of his mistresses either died at birth or in infancy, as he believed for his sinful life. Later he became extremely religious.
53. Jack the Ripper, the most famous killer 19th century, he always committed his crimes on weekends.

54. Dr. Alice Chace, who wrote the book “ Healthy eating"and many books about proper nutrition, died of malnutrition.
55. Once the merchant Krasnobryukhov turned to Alexander I with a request to change his surname, and he allowed him to be called... Sinebryukhov. After this, the merchant, out of grief, left for Finland and founded the famous Koff brewing company there.
56. When Russian Queen Elizabeth I died in 1762, more than 15,000 dresses were discovered in her wardrobe.
57. Mozart began composing music at age 3.
58. There is not a single living descendant of William Shakespeare left on Earth.
59. Before composing music, Beethoven poured a bucket on his head cold water, believing that it stimulates the brain.

60. While developing the electric light bulb, Thomas Edison wrote 40 thousand pages.
61. "Dream in summer night"Felix Mendelssohn wrote at the age of 17. This became his most famous work.
62. Beria suffered from syphilis.
63. More than 100 descendants of Johann Sebastian Bach became organists.
64. In the group ZZ Top, only one member does not have a beard. And his name is Beard, which translated from English means... “beard”.

65. Since 1932, only Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush have not been elected to a second term as president.
66. Ilf and Petrov discarded ideas that came to both of their minds at once - in order to avoid cliches.
67. When Beethoven wrote the famous Ninth Symphony, he was completely deaf.
68. Composer Franz Liszt was the father-in-law of German composer Richard Wagner.
69. Paul McCartney's mother was a midwife.

70. The writer Rudyard Kipling could not write with ink unless it was black.
71. The writer Charles Dickens worked with his face turned to the north. He also always slept with his head facing north.
72. The Roman Emperor Commodus collected dwarfs, cripples and freaks from all over the Roman Empire to arrange fights between them in the Colosseum.
73. Roman Emperor Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath on his head to hide his increasing baldness.
74. Russian composer Alexander Borodin was also a famous chemist in St. Petersburg.

75. The smallest American president is James Madison (1.62 m), and Abraham Lincoln is the tallest (1.93 m).
76. The shortest British monarch is Charles I. His height was 4 feet 9 inches (about 140 cm). After his head was cut off, his height became even smaller.
77. The body of Voltaire, who died in 1778, was stolen from his grave and was never found. The loss was discovered in 1864.
78. Balzac has a whole book dedicated to... a tie.
79. The British Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) had about 3,000 outfits.

80. American Pete Ruff knocks an apple off his own head with a boomerang.
81. American industrial magnate and billionaire John Rockefeller donated more than $550 million. to various foundations and institutions.
82. American President Benjamin Franklin advocated for the turkey to be America's national bird.
83. In 1856, the English chemist William Perkin, while trying to obtain quinine from aniline, invented the first artificial dye, mauvais.

84. In the village of Lobovskoye Saratov region There lives a beekeeper who can withstand 40 hours in a hive with bees completely naked.
85. Between 1952 and 1966, 5 children were born into the family of Ralph and Carolyn Cummins, and all of them had a birthday on February 20th.
86. Galileo Galilei was the first person to propose the use of a pendulum to measure time.
87. Hannibal died in 183 BC after taking poison when he learned that the Romans had come to kill him.
88. Grover Cleveland was the only US president to get married in the White House.

89. James Madison was the smallest American president (1.62 m), and Abraham Lincoln was the tallest (1.93 m).
90. Dr. Alice Chace, who wrote the book Healthy Eating and many books about proper nutrition, died of malnutrition.
91. Over 35 years, Mozart created over 600 works. But after his death, the widow did not have money for a separate place in the cemetery
92. Famous bull fighter of the 19th century. Lagarijo (born Rafael Molina) killed 4,867 bulls.
93. When the German physicist A. Einstein died, he last words left with him. Nurse, ex nearby, did not understand German.

94. Maximum amount crossword puzzles compiled by Andrian Bell. From January 1930 to 1980, he sent 4,520 crossword puzzles to The Times.
95. Robert Lincoln, son of President Lincoln, was rescued from a traffic accident by a certain Edwin Booth. As it turns out, Edwin is the brother of Abraham Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth. Father tried to kill father, and their children saved each other
96. First American President The person using the phone was James Garfield.
97. Concept a negative number was first introduced by the Italian merchant Pisano in 1202, denoting his debts and losses.
98. The largest in the world private collection meteorites belongs to the American Robert Haag - from the age of 12 he collected 2 tons of celestial stones.
99. Thomas Edison had a bird collection of 5,000 specimens.

100. The French Jeanne Louise and Guy Bruti compiled a crossword puzzle on a sheet of paper 5 m long and 3 m wide, from 18 thousand words and 50 thousand cells.
101. Shakespeare mentioned roses more than 50 times in his poems.
102. Andrew Johnson, 17th President of the United States, was the only president to sew his own clothes.
103. Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born on the same day - February 12, 1809. The scientist lived almost 20 years longer than the politician.
104. Bill Clinton sent as many as two during his entire presidency emails, one of which was a test one to check that everything was working fine. I wonder who the second letter was to? Maybe Monica?

105. In 1759, Arthur Guinness leased St. Gate's Brewery for 9,000 years from rent£45 per year. The famous Guinness beer began to be brewed there.
106. In 1981, Deborah Ann Fountain, Ms. NY, was disqualified for excessive use of cotton padding in a swimsuit competition
107. George Washington did not shake hands when meeting - he preferred to bow
108. The only president USA, who is also the chairman of some union - Ronald Reagan, who heads the Screen Actors Guild.

109. If you remember a little school course physicists, then you know that there is temperature scale Richter. So this same Charles Richter was a malicious nudist, which is why his wife left him.
110. If you read the works of the writer Stephen King, you should notice that most of the actions of his stories take place in Maine. Paradoxically, this state has the lowest crime rate in the United States.
111. The founder of psychoanalysis has many oddities. Freud was terrified of the number 62. He refused to reserve a hotel room with more than 62 rooms for fear of accidentally getting a room with number 62. He used cocaine, like many of his contemporaries.
112. The famous entrepreneur Henry Ford preferred to hire people with physical disabilities - among the workers of his factories in 1919, there was one disabled person for every four healthy people.

113. Louis Pasteur's research was sponsored by a brewery. They also paid for his ticket to international congress. When Pasteur was given the floor at the congress, the first thing he did was hang advertising posters with beer on the stage. And he began his speech by saying that this beer is the best. And only then did he get down to business.
114. Madonna and Celine Dion are cousins ​​of Prince Charles's wife, Camilla
115. The father of the famous comedian Leslie Nielsen (“The Naked Gun”, etc.) served as a police officer in Canada, and his brother worked in the Canadian Parliament
116. Tennis player Andre Agassi's father represented Iran at Olympic Games 1948 and 1952. He was... a boxer