Probably, many would like to be in some kind of magical world. Such, where all adversity and problems go, and there is fun, bright colors and ... magic. The film "Sleep in the Summer Night" will provide you with this opportunity.

Although the magic world, shown in the film, will not save you from all the problems and adversity (because there will be new), but certainly the magic and bright colors there is a car and a small trolley. But first things first.

The film was removed on the work of William Shakespeare, naturally, did not cost without some changes, for example, a little "visited". But despite this, the film gives true pleasure, it is simply impossible to keep the smile, and in some moments - insane laughter.

It all begins with the fact that Germy girl does not want to marry Demetrius - she loves another young man - Lizandra, but her father is categorically against this love. And demetri himself loves another girl - Elena, but Demetrius does not respond to her. Meanwhile, a performance is preparing, where the actor Nick Bottom and the entire troupe. This whole company falls into the forest. Hermia and Lizardr - to escape from the father of Hermia, Demetrius - for his beloved Hermy, the theater troupe - to clarify. But as it turns out, the forest is not simple - fairy, elves and other fabulous beings live in it. Queen of the Elves of Titania and her husband Oberon, too, the king. And when the love juice from the flower is added to all this, then the promised problems begin. However, what to say, look at yourself!

The film turned out simply excellent, insanely funny, in something touching and even a little sad and after watching leaves a bright trail, positive impressions. The cast is simply otmanized. Just look at the list of actors and immediately catch yourself thinking: "Ba! Familiar all persons. " And indeed, very familiar.

Michelle Pfaiffer Played in this film Queen Elves Titania. And played, as always, just fine. Tender, fragile, but at the same time strict and indomitable. So different. Rupert Everset - Great Oberon from it turned out. And how beautiful the couple Michel-Rupert Christian Bale (Demetriy) - Honestly, I did not know that he plays here. At first, Bale seemed a few me ... well, I don't even know how to say. In general, in the first scenes, I didn't really like it on the acting game, but then I was already perceived well. In general, Christian in my opinion, very well looked in the frame and played the role of Demetrius very well. Kevin Kine Ah, Kevin, as I liked him in the "French kiss" and did not disappoint here. However, it is impossible to talk about the actors indefinitely, even two recalls are not enough, so I stop at this. The only one I didn't really like it so Dominic West and Kalista Flockhart. - I did not see anything special in their game.

The final scene in the theater is something, Bravo! Theater is great.


Teze, Duke Athens.
Age, Father Hermia.
Lizardr |
) Lovers in Hermia.
Demetrius |
Philostrat, a manager of the festivities at the court of the Tezay.
Wedge, carpenter.
Saw, joiner.
Motok, weaver.
Duda, reinforcement of inflatable fur.
Float, medical.
Zaporch, tailor.
Ippolita, Queen Amazon, Bride Tezay.
Hermia, Egea's daughter, in love with Lizandra.
Elena, in love with Demetrius.
Oberon, king elves.
Titania, Queen Elf.
Pak, or Robin Plushka.
Bob |
Putninka) elves.
Moth |
Mustard |
Elfs and fairies from Oberon and Titania.
Sweet Tesa and Ippolites.

Schedule: Athens and Middle Forest.

First action

Phenomenon 1.

Athens. Tezay Palace.
Included with theses, hippolyta, philostrat and retinue.

An hour of our wedding is close, Ippolita:
Just four days before New Molunya.
But the old moon melts so long
And do not give my worship,
Like stepmother with lifetime income,
Heated stepbow to harm.

Four days are easy in the night,
Four nights sleep will die easily
And new month, in the sky bent
Your silver bow, turns out
The night of our wedding.

Philostrat, go,
Calls to the fun Youth Athens,
Lightly live and ardent spirit of fun.
Sad place at the funeral;
We do not need this pale parliament.
Filostrate leaves.
You swatched you with a sword, Ippolita,
Your love has gained cruelty;
But I will play a wedding in another Lada,
Among the celebrations, and spectacles, and peers.
Entrance of Age, Hermia, Lizandr and Demetrius.
May the duke will be happy!
Thank you, Aegea. What did you come with?
Full of perturbation, I came with a complaint
On Hermia, my native daughter.
Here, Demetriy! This person
Me, the sovereign is promised to her husband.
Here, Lizandr! And this man
She defeated her soul, about my duke.
You, you, Lizandr! You wore poems,
Love collateral changed;
You are under the window of her, under the moonlight,
She languidly sang about languid love;
You conquered her imagination,
Giving one strand of their hair, then the ring,
Flowers, hotels, memo, bass, -
Such ambassadors willingly believes youth;
You stole my daughter's heart,
You drew subsidiary submission
In the plump stubbornness. Sovereign
When she, here, in front of you,
Demetry reject, I am resserved
To the old custom of Athens:
She is mine, and I'm all over her.
So i give my daughter
Demetriy Ile Record to death
As provided for by law.
What do you say, Hermia? Child, think:
Your father is like God for you;
He is the one who created your beauty;
You for him - only the wax form,
Which he caught and the power
Or leave so, to destroy.
Demetrius - a very worthy person.
The same Lizandr.
By itself;
But here, since your father does not want him,
We are worthy of the other.
Oh, if my father looked like me!
No, you have to watch it with my eyes.
Let your lordship sorry me.
I do not know what she gives a courage
And how my modesty allows me
In such a presence, an elevate voice;
But I ask: let me know
Then the worst thing that may threaten me,
When I refuse Demetria in my hand.
You will accept death or be afraid
Remalued from the society of men.

The comedy in five acts was written in the mid-1590s. It is believed that Shakespeare wrote his work in honor of St. John the Baptist or to the wedding celebration of the famous aristocrat.

The play consists of several storylines, one way or another intertwined. Testa, Duke of Athens, is preparing for a wedding with the Queen of Amazon Ippolite. Celebrations should take place in full moon at night. A young girl named Hermia in love with the young man Lizandra, who also loves her. However, demetry also cares for Herria. Aegea, the girl's father, preferences the second fan.

Since Herrmy refuses a marriage with Demetrius, his father appeals to the Athenian Duke, arguing that Lizandr was the challenged her daughter. Duke requires the obedience to the father's will. Lizardr and Herria decided to flee from the city. The girl shared his secret with her friend Elena. Since Elena once was a beloved Demetrius and still continues to love him, a cunning woman drives the desire to regain the favor of the former groom. Elena gives Demetrius the secret of the girlfriend.

Meanwhile, the preparation for the duke's wedding continues. Several urban masters decided to put a comedy about pyram and fesbe in honor of the newlyweds. Manager Pyter Pigva. The role of Fensab will play the reinforcement french fries. The mother of the main heroine will be the tailor Robin Zaporch. Milay's joiner will be lion. Weaver Nick's base will become a female, and his father will play a medical that Sonya. Masters negotiate to meet in the forest the next day to rehearse the performance. At the time of Shakespeare women were not allowed on the stage. That is why the audience could not seem strange that all the roles in the performance are performed by some men.

Not far from Athens, spouses live in the forest - Oberon, the elf lead, and his wife Queen Titania. Wife took on the upbringing of the boy. Oberon wants to take it to make a servant. Titania does not agree. As a result, the husband and wife quarreled. The spouse wants to bring love spells to the queen so that love forced her to forget about the reception son.

For this king, you need a special flower. Oberon becomes a random witness to the conversation between Demetrius and Elena. Hermia and Lizandr agreed to meet in the forest, which was known to the girl's girlfriend. Elena brought demetry to the same forest. Oberon sends the Elf Poka to bring the spell to Demetrius. By mistake, the pack enclosed Lizandra. A peacefully sleeping young man, waking up, falls in love with the first one, who he managed to see - Elena. He throws Hermia and runs for a new lover.

Urban masters gathered in the forest to rehearse the play. Appeared near Pak enclosed weaver. The base has grown a donkey head. At the sight of such metamorphosis, the rest of the masters fled. Not far from the rehearsal site, the titanium was sleeping, which already managed to smoke Pak. Waking up, the queen sees the monster-weaving and falls in love with him.

Oberon is pleased with the actions of Pak, however, the elf's mistake had to be corrected. The king enchanted the sleeping demet, who after awakening fell in love with Elena near him. Having met, girlfriends are beginning to quarrel. Hermia accuses Elena in treason. Demetrius and Lizardr are now both loved one woman and cause each other to duel. Paka likes the confusion, the cause of which he himself became, however, the Oberon splits Lizandra. In addition, he freed his wife from Char and returned a tag-based her former appearance. The Oberon was already able to get into the fourth of the visible son of his wife and no longer wants to torment her.

Hippolyte, Tekye and Age hunt in the forest and find 2 sleeping couples: Lizandra and Hermia, Demetrius and Elena. The awake Lizardr explains that it was forced to run with his beloved from the city so that she did not become his wife's opponent. Demetriya declares that Hermia is no longer interesting for him. He loves only Elena. Weaver also comes to itself and goes to the city. The play ends with a cheerful wedding, which was married to Tesove with Ippolite, Lizandr with Hermia and Demetrius with Elena.

Mere mortals

There is no fully positive or completely negative characters in the play. Simple mortals behave as people behaved at all times: love, hate, fight for their right to happiness, without thinking about this right for another person. During the play, almost every character manifests itself with both positive and negative sides.

It is likely that the author did not want to share his characters on 2 camps because he wanted to show their helplessness. All heroes, including the Duke of Tereus, had to appear with puppets. Shakespeare removes responsibility with his characters for their actions. The fate of a person does not belong to him. All the wines of the evil rock, in advance the destination path. Perhaps the author did not believe in the existence of the Greek gods, but he fully allowed that there is a force that determines our lives.

Forest gods

According to the Greek tradition, forest gods in the play of Shakespeare have anthropomorphic qualities. Only power and supernatural abilities are distinguished from people. The rest of the king, the queen and elves are similar to ordinary Athenians. Oberon quarreled with his wife as the most common mortal. Elf Pak loves pranks, like any boy on the streets of Athens. The gods are also able to love, envy and build a friend of Kozny.

Gods with a human face
The author does not have any reverence before supernatural forest beings. He seeks to portray them as comical as possible, show their welders, vanity and some nonsense. Gods, like people, are not divided into bad and good. Oberon, who settled the real intrigue to pick up the reception of the son from his wife, however, does not show cruelty and helps the connection of lovers.

Fatum is often present in the works of Shakespeare. The evil rock did not allow Romeo and Juliet to connect. Despite all the tricks, the brutal fate of the prominent Veroness on the inevitable death.

main idea

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe play "Sleeping in the Summer Night", a brief content of which will be interested in the future viewer or reader, can be a dispute, since the main purpose of this work is to entertain the public. One can only assume that as the idea of \u200b\u200bShakespeare chose the view that human life is just a game. What exactly the game will end, depends solely on the mood of the players.

Analysis of the work

Creating his own play, the author put one single goal in front of him - to enjoy the public. The work does not contain any morals, or a deep philosophy. The audience passionate about the plot does not always notice the lack of reliability. The ruler of Athens was unlikely to be called a duke. Urban artisans-Greeks can not wear typically English names.

However, the plans of Shakespeare did not include reliability, which is excessive desire to which the work can make too boring. At the end of the play Pak, referring to the audience, asks them to imagine that everything they saw - only sleep. The presentation of the play as not quite a logical sleep justifies inaccuracy and inaccuracies, because in dreams everything is possible that it was impossible to appear.

5 (100%) 3 votes

Teze, Duke Athens.

Age, Father Hermia.

Lisander, Demetrius - Lovers in Hermia.

Philostrat, the organizer of pleasure at the court of the hand.

Pigva, carpenter.

Bourv, joiner.

Basis, weaver.

Flute, master inflatable fur.

Float, medical.

Otter, tailor.

Ippolita, Queen Amazon, Bride Tezay.

Hermia, Egea's daughter, in love with Lizander.

Elena, in love with Demetrius.

Oberon, king elves.

Titania, Queen Elf.

Pack, or Robin, Good Spirit, Elf.

Easy peas, cobweb, mole, mustard grains - elves.

Fairies and elves, submissive Oberon and Titania.

Cruised Tezay and Ippolites.

The action takes place in Athens and in the surrounding forest.

Act I.

Scene 1.

Athens. Room in the Tezay Palace. Included Teze, Ippolit, Philostrat.


Now our union is close, Ippolit!
Four days happy will pass
And bring with us a new month.
How quietly decreases the old month!
He is medleet to make my desire,
How the stepmother's medal or widow
Heir to a minor
Proclaim the finished
Do not lose the heir of income.


Four days in the night will raise fast,
And quickly in dreams will be four nights;
Then the moon is silver arcu
Reiterated in the dark heavens
Lights the night of our solemn.


Friend philostrat, go and invite
All young attires are afin.
In them, the spirit of live fun witness.
For the funeral, let the sadness they leave:
On the holiday there is no place for a pale guest!

Philostrat goes away.

I mastered to you, Ippolita!
My sword, I acquired hostility
Your love; But our marriage will accomplish
Importance of pomp, celebrations and pleasures.

Age, Hermia, Lisander and Demetrius are included.


Hello to you, theses, our duke is nice!


Thank you. What's new, Age?


I complaint about Hermia my
Being sophisticated sorrow.
Approoming you, Demetriy. Good duke,
Here is a man who is in spouse
I my daughter promised to give away.
You're approaching Lisander! Sovereign
And this heart came to her.
Lisander, yes, you wrote her poems,
You and my daughter exchanged
Pledges of love; You are under the window
At the month of shiny she sang
Pretended by a tender voice of the word
Breathing love with love;
You discarded her different nonsense:
Own hair bracelets,
Rings, pendants, sweatshops,
Balancing, toys, flowers -
Messengers those always
Over the youth of inexperienced omnipotenth;
You are cunning my daughter
Kidnapped the heart - and the obedience,
Whom she is obliged to
You changed in perseverance, in stubbornness.
My sovereign when hands and words
She will not give Demetrius with us,
Then I ask you to provide me
Ancient Athenian Law:
After all, my daughter is mine, and I am her fate
I can position.

Let she
Here will be demetry Il Death,
Which is like
Immediately utters our law.


Well, Hermia, what do you say? Judge:
Your father should be your god.
He is the beauty of your Creator, - before him
You are the same as the flue wax,
Which is poured. It has
He is full of right - and destroy
And to complete the creation of your own.
Demetriya is a worthy person.


Not the same and lisander?


Oh if b
My eyes Father could give
So that he looked like me!


Rather you
Should look it to be prudent.


From society forever radiance
Ile death to yourself then you will choose.
So, Ignoray, Hermia, Himself;
Think how young you are, dusting;
Think about the fact that if you
Refuse the father to obey
Then you have to become a nun
To the monastery to be closed
And forever safely stay
And the hymns sing to an insensitive moon.
Those three times happy, in whom so much strength,
So that having threw yourself to accomplish calmly
Way nim; but rose on earth
Happier when she blooms
And does not pay their adolescent;
Happier, believe me, roses
Which on the stem quietly faded
Grows, lives and takes death -
And all alone, all in a lonely share.


So I grow, and live, and die
I want one, more likely I agree
I my virginity to give away
Whose the power of the soul with the whole strength rejects.


Think carefully; But when
Novolunya will come - on this day
I joined forever and Ippolta -
Then you are ready to be
Ile die for disobedience,
Il to do what your father wants
Il to bring in the Altar Diana
Holy vow to spend his own life
And strict and lonely Virgin.


Oh, agreed, Hermia! Lisander,
Throw your empty attraction!
You must give way to my rights


Love Father
You acquired, demetry, so leave the same
Me Hermia, and I myself - take it.


Oh, daring! Yes loving woo
He owns - and all that is mine in her
My love will give him forever.
After all, my daughter is mine, and all my rights
I'm handing demetry over her.


But, the sovereign, not as he,
And I'm rich and famous for birth?
My love is stronger than his love,
Wealth and Honor
Demetria I am equal; may be,
Demetry I even exceed;
And besides that, what can it boast?
I love Hermia beautiful:
Why do I leave my rights?
Demetrius ... Yes, I will announce with it:
He suggested his daughter
My love; Since then, the soul of Elena
He took possession, and good Elena
It is quite, with all my heart is predicted;
Bogatvit is wrong.


I confess, they reached such rumors
And before me, and I intended
With Demetrius talk about it;
But forgot: at that time I was strong
The most important cases are concerned.
Go after me, Age, and you, Demetriy,
Go after me: I need both to
Give a few special instructions.
You, Hermia, beautiful, pretend
Agree on their desires
With the desire of the parent; Otherwise
Athens Act, which change
We can not, will say their court
And trust you for imprisonment
Or death. Let's go, Ippolita!
What, honey, how do you feel?
Demetrius and Age, go for me:
I have to resort to your help,
So that you need to make everything to the wedding.
Let's talk about what
What actually concerns you.


We follow debt and welcome.

Teze, Ippolita, Age, Demetrius and Sweet leave.


But what about you, dear friend? From what
You are so pale, and sled roses
Your lines?


Of course, because
That there is no rain; But the storm of my eyes
It will easily replace this drawback.


I have never happened to read
Ile to hear in history, in the story,
So that somewhere the path of true love
It was perfect. Sometimes
It is outraged by the difference of births ...


Misfortune when high
Falls in love with a simple virgin!


Different years ...


What punish
When weave with the older youth!


And sometimes calm depends
From the choice of relatives ...


Oh, this is hell.
When we should choose not yourself
The subject of love!


And if the choice of them
With the entry of the shower of loving agree,
Then war, illness or death
They will make their happiness.
So, love is instantaneously sound,
Radol like a dream as a ghost transient;
Like lightning among deep nights,
She is fast - flashes and illuminated
Before the eyes and heaven and earth,
But before the person has time
Say: "Look!", Again the abyss of the darkness
Everyone is lit. So fast on earth
All the bright in chaos disappears!


But if for true love
Suffering is always necessary
That is visible, such is the law of fate.
We will learn to demolish it with patience;
Suffering can not be avoided:
It belongs to love, like sighs,
Dreams and dreams, desires and tears,
Aversion comrades in love!


This faith is beautiful; and now
I will say that: I have a aunt, -
Rich childless widow.
She lives from here miles in three,
And I love as my son.
There, Hermia, we can get married
The law of Athens does not overtake us.
When you love me, tomorrow night
Quietly parents leave,
And there, in the forest, which is only in a mile
From the city where I met you
With Elena, one day May morning,
When you with her rites committed,
I'll wait.


Oh, good my Lisander,
I swear to the hard bowl of Cupid
And the best, golden, his arrow,
And meekness of sexy doves,
Swing what connects souls
And makes happy love,
I swear by fire, which went to Didon,
When Trojan falsely floated,
I swear to you, Lisander, all dirty
Men disturbed vows
Who really exceed
For all women's vows,
I will be where you appointed me!


Oh, a dear friend, the arms of the promise!
Look, Elena goes here.

Elena enters.


Be happy, beautiful Elena!
Where are you going?


Beautiful? Alas!
Take back your name!
Oh, beauty your dememetry loves
Happy! Yes, for him burn
Your eyes polar star,
And your voice is pleasant for him
More good than frying fry
For the shepherd when the field circle
Green wheat covered,
And in the middle of a hawthorn in bloom.
Podium diseases - for what
And the beauty of adultery is not to be?
While I'm here, I could have become infected,
Oh Herria is beautiful, you!
My greedy ear will fill your voice
My eyes learned B of your gaze;
My words would penetrate, perhaps
Melody of your sweet words;
When all the world was my temper,
Demetriy myself leaving the world
I would give only to be to you.
Oh, teach me to look like you!
Tell me how you own way
Demetrius and his thoughts?


I frown, and he loves me everything.


Oh if there was charming
How your ghost, my smile!


I wander with him, and he tells me
Words of love.


When my prayers
Could love in it just evoke!


And the stronger I hate him
That he is stronger than me.


I also hate me
The more I indulge in him.


In his madness, I am not to blame.


No, your beauty is guilty.
Oh, if it was so walked!


Be sure, he will not see me:
I decided to run with Lisander.
Until then, until I see
Lizander, Athens were paradise!
Now my paradise, alas, transformed
In cruel blood power of love!


Elena, we will open our souls
Before you. Tomorrow night we
When the moon is a silver image
On the waters of the water mirrors will reflect
And removes all herbs with a wet pearl,
At that very hour that shelters
In her silence lovers escape,
We decided athens, we leave.


And in that forest in which we are with you
So often resting on colors
My dreams poured each other,
I will come down with Lisander My;
There from Athens We will reveal the eyes,
So that again friends look for someone else's country.
Goodbye, my girlfriend; pray
For us two. Let happiness handate
Your love demetry! Lisander,
Not just the promised word:
Until tomorrow midnight should
Deprive yourself we sweet databa
Which is like food for lovers!


I'll be there. Farewell to Elena.
Let the demetery belong to you
How do you belong to him now.


Like happiness unevenly in this world!
Beauty is the same as she,
In Athens, I will hear; But what about the benefit?
Demetriy thinks wrong: does not want
Recognize me than I am recognized by everyone.
But, it seems, we are both borrowed:
He fell in love with Hermia
And I am in his dignity. So what?
After all, everything is low, empty
In a worthy easy to re-create:
Love soul, and not eyes look.
And because the winged Cupid
Write to us blind and reckless.
Be with wings and be devoid of eyes -
Sensity of a meaningful emblem!
Love is called a child because
That in choosing your own it is often
Cheating happens like a child.
I see how windy children
Among the game to each other promises
Suddenly, they give out and suddenly change them.
Child-love, like other children,
If you are ready to take back
All data recently promised.
Still demetry did not see
The eyes of Hermia, he drank a hail of the oaths,
That he only belongs to me;
But this hail before Hermeery melted
And the swarm of the rain on the ground fell.
I will reveal Hermia shoot:
It's right in the night to pursue her
He will start, and if gratitude
I get for it for it,
That is expensive to get me!
Yes, there to see him and then
In Athens again sadly return -
Enough awards to me!

Scene 2.

Athens. Room in the hut. The basis, boral, flute, row, pigva and otter.

The foundation

It would be better to make a roll call, causing one after another in the order as we are recorded.


Here is a list of names of all those people who are recognized as capable and elected from all Athenians to fulfill our intermedy before the duke and duchess in the evening after the wedding.

The foundation

First, the kind Peter Pigva, tell us what our play is? Then read the names of the actors. Getting done.


Okay! Our play is "preliminary comedy about the most severe death of Pram and Tisba."

The foundation

Nice thing, I assure you, overhanded! Now, the kind Peter Pigva, launching our actors on the list. Brothers, get into line.


Discover the call. Nickname, weaver!

The foundation

On the face! Assign me a role in the play and go on.


You, nickname, you take the role of a pyrum.

The foundation

What is peirs? Lover or tyrant?


The lover who bore himself kills himself because of love.

The foundation

It will be necessary to shed a few tears to fulfill this role as follows. If I play this role, then take care of your eyes, gentlemen listeners! I will raise a storm, I will be pretty moan! Well, go to others! However, in my character, I would like more the role of Tirana: I would have repeatedly played the role of Erkles or the role in which it would have to be launched and sent to hell.


With trepidation, with a crash Rocks, pursuing,
Prisons will destroy constipation!
And the fib, in the chariot of his approaching,
Fate will change sentences!

Here it is beauty! Well, the rest of the remaining actors. This is completely in the spirit of Erkulla, in the spirit of Tirana, - lovers speak plaque.


Francis Flute, master inflatable fur.

The flute

You have to take on the role of Tisba.

The flute

What is Tisba? Wrong knight?

The flute

No, damn, I do not want to play a female role: I already have a beard.

The foundation

If you can hide the face under the mask, then give me the role of Tisba. I will speak damn thin voice: "Tisba, Tisba! - Ah, femors, my dear, my beloved! - Your dear Tisba, your dear sweetheart! "


No no! You have to play the role of pyram, and you, flute, teesby.

The foundation

Okay. Go on.


Robin Oter, tailor.


Robin Otter, you will get the role of Mother Tisba. - Thomas Ryl, Mednik!


You are the role of Father Pram. I myself will play the father of Tisba. Burav, joiner, you will portray lion. Well, it seems, now all the roles are distributed.


Did you have a role of lion written? Please, if it is written, give me her, otherwise I am very tight memorial.


Yes, no, you will just improvise: you only have to growl.

The foundation

Let me take the role of a lion. I will go so that all listeners will listen to me. I'm so burdens that the duke will say: "Let it be sinking yet, let him suffer more!"


If you grow out too scary, you will scare the duchess and ladies: you will grow out, and they are squealing. And this is enough for us to hang out.


Yes, this is enough to hang us all!

The foundation

I agree with you, friends that if we scare the ladies before they lose feelings, then, perhaps, they can order us to hang; I will preserve my voice and I will grow out like a gentle dull, I will grow out like a nightingale.


You can not play another role, except for the pram. For the pyrma, you need a person with a pleasant appearance, a handsome man, which you can imagine, in the heyday. For this role, you need a person with the most elegant and noble appearance. Therefore, you must definitely play the role of pyram.

The foundation

Okay, I will take it on yourself. Which beard is better to choose for my role?


What do you want.

The foundation

I will give myself a beard or straw color, or dense-orange, or purple-raspberry, or bright yellow, french shade.


French heads are often completely bald, and therefore you would have to play quite without a beard. However, friends, here are your roles. I demand, begging and fuckedly I ask you to learn them to tomorrow. We will collect everything in the Duccian forest, which is just a mile from the city, and there, during the lunar light, we will make a rehearsal. If we are gathered in the city, then the crowd will run for us and breaks about our intentions. In the meantime, I will make a list of some things necessary for our presentation. I ask you, do not cheat me: come.

The foundation

We will certainly. There it is possible to freely, to the glory to practice. Try friends! Do not be late! Farewell!


We will gather at the Ducal Oak.

The foundation

Okay! Fall with us if you do not come!

All go.

Act II.

Scene 1.

Forest in the vicinity of Athens. Intellite from one side of the Fairy, with another Pack.


What's new? Where are you rushing, elf?


Above the mountains, above shares
Through the forest depth
Over the fence above the walls
Through the fire and through the wave -
I have an easy way everywhere.
I wear faster moon,
I serve the queen wonderful
Per hour of full-length silence!
I am Magic Circles
I water for her.
See the letters on the meadow?
Then the pets of it;
See the stains of paincovis
On the clothes of their malicious?
Then rubies expensive,
Dar of the magicians of the young.
In them, the secret of adultery,
They are all the luxury of their beauties.
I have a hurry for colisional
Droplets of morning dew;
I hang in the middle
I want each letter
According to Pazhizhzhka-Rosink.
Well, goodbye, I'm flying!
Soon the holiday will start here
For queen young
And with the queen will bring
Elevant elves are a whole swarm!


And the king here is a holiday today at night.
Tsaritsa you warn your
So that by no means she did not meet with him:
He is angry with her to extreme
For the fact that it has an adorable boy,
Kidnapped recently
Indian. The queen did not have
An adorable child is never.
Our Oberon envious wishes
Its in what would be in a retinue to take,
To lose with him together wilderness wilderness;
And meanwhile the child is expensive
I do not want to give the queen.
She cleans his flowers
And in it one of all joy believes.
Now when they meet
Or in the forest, il on the grass is green,
Ile at the stream, with a brilliance of wonderful stars,
They start to quarrel so much
That elves are all running away from fear
And hide, poor things, quick
Under the cups of fallen acorns.


The appearance of yours and reversal
Perhaps and be cheating
But, it seems you are exactly the Spirit of the Ivy.
Named Robin, Ile Good Friend.
Don't you grunt the village?
That cream is removed from milk,
Then the mills manually break them
Then you don't give the hostess oil to knock
Then you do not let the drink?
Don't you come off the path with pedestrians
And make themselves their fear and annoyance?
But who calls you to a kind peak,
The happiness you bring with you
And you yourself are performed for them.
Aren't you PEK?


And really, you found out:
I am exactly the fun spirit night
And together the jester of the Court Oberon.
Often he laughs at me,
When I start to laugh like a mare,
And vote to deceive the horse,
Which fastened himself beans.
I sometimes have fun, I accept
Kind of apple baked and with him
I'm quietly hiding to the cup to the cup;
And only Kuma will begin to be bored,
I pushing her lips and drink
Wrinkle sowing.
And sometimes for the aunt of power,
When she starts telling
History performed by tears
I, having done a three-year, smooth chair,
From under it I will jump out -
And the aunt flies in the cough's seizure,
And a whole choir, pursing myself sides,
Laughs, and sneezes, and swear,
That he never had fun he
So truly, like in this hour of the Padena.
TC! Oberon, my king comes here!


But my queen! It is good to,
When your king gave out soon from here.

It includes the Oberon with a retinue on the one hand, and the titanium with his retinue is on the other.


Ah, that's you, Jewn jealous!
Come, elves: I swore
With him not to divide neither society or a bed.


Stop, criminal wife:
I'm not your husband?


And I am a wife!
Oh, I know, you often leave
Magic Country Magic
And in the image of Korinna in love
Spend the days, with a swirle in your hands,
At the feet of his beloved Willi
And you eat your love in verses!
Why are you from the distant countries of Indian
Came here? Right because
What's with a bog, in boots, amazon,
With a militant favorite of your
Preparing toze journeling
And their lodge you want to give
And happiness, and joy without end.


Titania, do you reproach
For what I'm tied to the hippolyte?
Known to me to theses of your passion:
With pale stars of shine, you are not
Abducted it from perigen
Which he seduced? Not you
Forced him to forget all oaths,
Who gave him Ariadna,
Agela and beautiful antiop?


You in jealousy all this invented.
How passed half the summer
We never happened to gather
In the forest, in the meadows, in the valley, on the mountain,
Ile with a stream, powdering reeds,
Il on the edge of the seaside coast,
To dance under whistle and the wind
And make circles, without
So that you are your restless cry
Did not prevent the fun of our games.
And winds, as if in retaliation
For the fact that in vain songs we sing
All began to suck out of the sea
Malicious fogs and couples,
Fuckers covered all the plains
And swallowed so insignificant rivers,
What to keep them can not shore.
Since we quarreled with you,
In vain, the will is triggered in the yoke,
In vain work your farmer is spending:
Green wheat all rotted,
Although the next one was not covered;
From the case of crows dusted,
And on the floors flooded
Forgotten, deserted pens;
Il the challenges traces of fun games,
And there are no visible in the meadow.
Since then, winter people do not delight,
And singing is not heard at night.
But the moon, the ruler of the waters,
All pale anger, drove out
Fog and dampness all air
And rhinestone in excess of gave birth.
All times have since been mixed:
Then falls white-headed frost
In the arms of the blooming lush roses;
That seems to be in a mockery, summer
Harlands from the silence and them
Chew winter, crowned with ice,
And the beard of the old woman decorates.
Harsh winter, spring, and summer,
And autumn is prolific change
Ordinary liveries among themselves;
Does not recognize the world surprised -
And it all made our discord,
And we have the reason and start!


Fix it all depends on you.
Titania, why contradict?
I just ask me to give me a child
In my plots.


You can be found -
I won't take the whole country
For this child. Mother His
Was mine priestess. How many times
In the darkness of the nights of Indian, fragrant,
She was my companion!
On golden neptune sands
Loved we sit and watch
Like a merchant vessel
Rushing away in the distance. Oh, how we laughed,
Admiring how the wind is playful
Their sails stretched - and those
Suddenly, suddenly a huge belly!
Then my unfortunate girlfriend
Pregnant was my PJ
And with dexterity, it happened, imitated,
By air flying, sails,
Pregnant from wind. Above the earth
As in the waves, it seems, she
Rushing back with some bale
And I handed her, saying
That our ship with its rich cargo
I came back from the long-distance.
But the mortal was my girlfriend
And died, having delivered life to his son.
Loving her, I will bring my son;
Loving her, I do not part with him.


I give to me -
And I am ready to go with you then.


Titania and her retinue leave.

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The play "Sleeping in the Summer Night" Shakespeare was written between 1594 and 1596. It is considered the most romantic of all comedy writer, who, when writing it, connected all his rich imagination. Shakespeare filled with amazing beings, and presented the events in unreal, fantastic light.

For the reader's diary and preparation for the lesson of literature, we recommend reading the online brief content "Sleep in the summer night" on the acts and scenes. You can check the knowledge using the test on our website.

main characters

Tezay. - Duke of Athens, kind and fair ruler.

Lizardr, Demetrius - Boys, rivals in love.

Hermia - Demetrian bride, in love with Lizandra.

Elena - Unrequited in love with the girl's demetry.

Oberon - Good king Fay and elves.

Other characters

Aegea - Father Hermy, domineering and cruel man.

Ippolita - Queen Amazon, the Bride of Tezay.

Pigva - Carpenter, organizer of the play.

The foundation - Weaver, one of the central characters in the play.

Titania - Spouse Oberon, Lady of Elf and Fay.

PEC - Little elf, squad.

Philostrat - Handelring mellover.

Act I.

Scene 1.

Theses are looking forward to weddings with the queen Amazon Ippolite, which should happen in four days. He orders Philostrata to stir "all young people in Athens" and arrange a fun holiday in honor of the upcoming marriage.

The ruler comes with "in a sorry, with a complaint" Age. He wants to marry his daughter for Demetrius, but repeated Hermia refuses this union, because Lisandra loves.

Theses resembles a girl that she should unquestioned to obey the father, reading him "as if God." Otherwise, she is waiting for death or imprisonment in the monastery.

Lizardr offers his beloved to get married with secret, and it agrees. They share their secret with Elena. However, he decides to tell about the upcoming shoot of Demetrius, which is unrequited in love.

Scene 2.

On the eve of the Weddings of the Tezay and the Hippolyta, the Pigva Carpenter collects citizens, which should play in a festive production called "prearanous comedy and a very cruel end of pram and fesby."

Pigva distributes roles, gives texts to homegrown actors and assigns a rehearsal to the next night.

Act II.

Scene 1.

In the magic forest, which is not far from Athens, there is a quarrel between the ruler of fairies and elves by Oberon and his wife Titania. The subject of the dispute is a baby who was "stolen from the Indian Sultan" and to which Titania is strongly attached. The jealous king wants to take the baby from his wife to make his pack, but she refuses him and removes with elves.

In submission from Oberon there is a small elf Pack - "Merry Spirit, Night Stray Chalet". The king orders him to find the flower, which accidentally hit the Cupid arrow - "" "His love is in the idiot." If you smear the juice of this flower, the eyelids sleeping, he falls in love with the first one who sees immediately after waking up. Thus, Oberon wants to distract the attention of the wife from the boy and take it.

Having envy Demetrius and Elena, the king of elves becomes invisible to "overhear the mortal conversation." Elena recognizes young man in love, but he rejects it. Oberon decides to help the unfortunate girl, and orders Pack to smear the eyelids by the magic flower juice Demetrius, and he fell in love with Elena.

Scene 2.

The lord of the elves causes the remaining magic juice forever in titanium. Meanwhile, Hermia and Lizardr are knocked off from the road and, the charter, fall asleep in the forest.

Baby Pack, confused demetry with Lizandr, wets the last eyelids during sleep. In the forest there is an Elena, upset by the behavior of the demetry, and stumbles on the sleeping Lizandra. I barely seen Elena, the young man feels a flurry of love confessions on her. Elena is confident that Lizandr mocks her, and runs away into the forest.

Herria sees a terrible dream. She asks Lisandra to come to the rescue, but, not finding a lover nearby, goes to his searches.


Scene 1.

In the forest gather citizens of Athens, who were chosen to participate in the performance. The plot involves suicide, "and the ladies do not take it at all." Therefore, the foundation decides to write two prologies to the play and make an emphasis on fiction of the whole thing.

The rehearsal of the actors is observed by Elf Pack. He decides to jerked over them, and curls the basis, turning his head into the donkey. The foundations of the foundations in fear are running out, and the pellennik of the Pack rushes for them to "go hurried and laugh, burn, roar and growl", and scare them even more.

Titania wakes up and in love with all his heart, which alone wandered near her. She calls the "Elf of Light Roy" to serve the new Mr.

Scene 2.

Pack reports to his master that "in the monster of Titania fell in love with a man with a donkey head. Oberon is pleased with this state of affairs. But, having learned that the Pack confused the young men, the king is gronging, and goes in search of demetry to correct the ability of his servant. PEC is also flying "faster than all Tatar arrows" to Elena to lure into the forest wilderness.

Hermia finds demetry and accuses him to kill his beloved Lizandra. The charter prove his innocence to the girl, demetry falls asleep. Waking up, he sees in front of himself Elena and, being the flower-shaped juice, falls in love with her. However, the girl is not at all glad: she is sure that Lizandr and Demetrius, unexpectedly inflamed feelings, only mock her, and are ready to "joke over defenseless - for the game."

Young people who are now rivals are ready to fight for duels to find out, "who has more rights has on Elena." Pack "I am glad that it happened so funny," but Oberon orders it to start young people in the forest thicket, after which it is possible to drive and drive a long time. When the emaciated rivals fall asleep, the elf lubricates the eyelids of Lizandra by antidote from the magic love juice.

Act iv.

Scene 1.

Favoring the baby and wading a walter on his wife, in love with the Donkey, Oberon decides to save her from the spell and "to drive her empty borrowing." Also, the lord of the elves orders a faithful peak to remove the donkey head "from the Bax of Athenian Tramps", and send all the actors back to the city.

The Teze jackets, accompanied by the Hippolyte and its subjects. He wants to demonstrate the beloved of his beautiful racing pieces, but suddenly notices sleeping young people. Theses are surprised to see them together - after all, this is a long-standing "rivals in love."

Lizardr honestly tells the Lord that he planned to escape with his beloved Hermia and secretly marriage. Demetrius, in turn, admits that from now on "Passion, the purpose and joy of the eyes" - Elena, and not Hermia.

Theses graciously agrees to these unions and reports that today "in the temple two couples will connect."

Scene 2.

The actors gather in the house of Pigva. After a night rehearsal, no one can find the foundation - "Not otherwise, the unclean power was charged."

It includes the basis and informs his friends that it was ordered to "eat everyone with the palace." He asks to repeat his roles again, put on clean underwear, but the most important thing is not "neither onions, nor garlic," in order during the game "Emboss Sweet Blaujuan."

Act V.

Scene 1.

Theses are wary of the story of lovers - he does not believe "fables and magical fairy tales." Ippolitis shares the opinion of the future spouse, and believes that "in the events of this night there is not one game of imaginative."

Theses are interested in lovers, as if they wanted to brighten leisure "from dinner to sleep." He calls for himself a manager of Filostrat's entertainment, and he offers the duke "List of all ready-made entertainment." Theses choose the play of Athenian artisans, but Philostrat believes this formulation of unsuccessful, because "no word in it is no feeble, no worthwhile actor.

Having learned that the actors in the play are "ordinary people, artisans from Athens," the duke wants to support their submitted and insist on their choice.

During the speech, the actors say frank nonsense, distorting text and bring their own amendments to the plot. Similar notes are having fun of the duke and its guests, and they are satisfied with the play. At midnight, everyone diverges home.

Scene 2.

On the site of the theater presentation appear obground with Titania and their retinue. The lord of the elves permits its applied to how to have fun. Finally, he decides to bring "as a gift to beautiful newlyweds" well-being, happiness and good luck.


This play is straightely different from other dramatic works of Shakespeare, in which realism has always been dominated. This is a real magic extravaganza, light and ironic, which is naturally completed by a happy finale.

For a better analysis of the Creativity of Shakespeare after reading a brief retrade "Sleep in the summer night", we recommend reading the play in the full version.

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