The spiritual connection between man and nature is the problem that A. I. Pristavkin discusses.

The author, telling the story of the birch tree, directly says that the beauty of the tree amazed the man. The bearded lumberjacks passed the birch tree - they didn’t cut it down, they just admired it and moved on. Yes, and loppers, noisy women, and tractor drivers, and girls burning heaps - no one indifferently passed by this beauty, no one raised their hand to this miracle! Here it is, the power of nature’s influence on people!

The position of A.I. Pristavkin is not difficult to determine: there is an inextricable spiritual connection between man and nature.

I can't help but agree with the writer. Indeed, each of us sometimes does not understand how close he is to nature, how capable he is of admiring it and appreciating its riches. Russian writers and publicists have spoken about this more than once.

In L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” main character Natasha Rostova admires the peaceful night landscape so much that she even forgets about sleep. beauty native nature very close to the young countess, despite the fact that she was raised by a French governess. Not education

and the girl’s soul dictates her love for native land, Russian song, Russian fun.

In the story by V. M. Shukshin “The Sun, the Old Man and the Girl” it is told that an old man comes to the shore of the lake every evening and admires the beauty of the sunset out loud. How the words of an elderly man, who characterizes the beauty of nature in such detail, amaze us when we learn that he has not seen anything for 10 years! Does not see! But I haven’t lost my spiritual connection with nature!

I can conclude that centuries pass, and a Russian person, be he a rich countess, a lumberjack or a blind old man, subtly feels his connection with nature.

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Which works of Russian poets reflect the spiritual connection between man and nature, and how do these works relate to Lermontov’s poem?


Phenomenon 5

Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina and Varvara.

Kabanova. If you want to listen to your mother, then when you get there, do as I ordered you.

Kabanov. How can I, Mama, disobey you!

Kabanova. Elders are not very respected these days.

Varvara (to herself). No respect for you, of course!

Kabanov. I, it seems, mummy, don’t take a step out of your will.

Kabanova. I would believe you, my friend, if I hadn’t seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears what kind of respect children show to their parents now! If only they remembered how many illnesses mothers suffer from their children.

Kabanov. I, mummy...

Kabanova. If a parent ever says something offensive, out of your pride, then, I think, it could be rescheduled! A! How do you think?

Kabanov. But when, Mama, have I ever been unable to bear being away from you?

Kabanova. The mother is old and stupid; Well, you, young people, smart ones, shouldn’t exact it from us fools.

Kabanov (sighing, to the side). Oh, my God! (To Mother.) Do we dare, Mama, to think!

Kabanova. After all, out of love, your parents are strict with you, out of love they scold you, they always think to teach you good. Well, I don’t like it now. And the children will go around praising people that the mother is a grumbler, that the mother does not give way, she is squeezing people out of the world. And, God forbid, you can’t please your daughter-in-law with some word, so the conversation started that the mother-in-law was completely fed up.

Kabanov. No, mama, who is talking about you?

Kabanova. I haven’t heard, my friend, I haven’t heard, I don’t want to lie. If only I had heard, I would have spoken to you, my dear, in a different way. (Sighs.) Oh, a grave sin! What a long time to sin! A conversation close to your heart will go well, and you will sin and get angry. No, my friend, say what you want about me. You can’t order anyone to speak; If they don’t dare to show you, they will stand behind your back.

Kabanov. Let your tongue dry.

Kabanova. Come on, come on, don't be afraid! Sin! I have seen for a long time that your wife is dearer to you than your mother. Since I got married, I don’t see the same love from you.

Kabanov. Where do you see this, Mama?

Kabanova. Yes in everything, my friend! What a mother doesn’t see with her eyes, she has a prophetic heart; she can feel with her heart. Or maybe your wife is taking you away from me, I don’t know.

Kabanov. No, mama! what are you saying, have mercy!

Katerina. For me, Mama, it’s all the same birth mother, that you, and Tikhon loves you too.

Kabanova. It seems like you could keep quiet if they don’t ask you. Don’t intercede, mother, I won’t offend you, I suppose! After all, he is also my son; don't forget this! Why did you jump out in front of your eyes to make jokes! So that they can see how much you love your husband? So we know, we know, in your eyes you prove it to everyone.

Varvara (to herself). I found a place for instructions to read.

Katerina. You are in vain saying this about me, Mama. Whether in front of people or without people, I’m still alone, I don’t prove anything of myself.

Kabanova. Yes, I didn’t even want to talk about you; and so, by the way, I had to.

(A.N. Ostrovsky, “The Thunderstorm.”)

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In many works, poets try to depict the spiritual connection between nature and man.

Thus, in A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning,” the mood of the lyrical characters changes along with the state of nature: “In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry...” “And you sat sad,” but today everything has changed: “For blue skies magnificent carpets,//The snow lies glistening in the sun,” and one already wants to “indulge in the run//of an impatient horse...”

Life has always moved inexorably forward, developed and evolved. As a result, a man appeared, a creature more perfect than anything that was and is. Man is the crown of nature. It would seem that he should be grateful to his mother nature for giving him life and all the conditions for existence. But what more people adapted and developed, the less he thought about the consequences of his activities regarding nature. The issue of the relationship between nature and humanity has always been important. But in Lately it has become a global and intractable problem that requires urgent consideration.

Of course, it is important to consider the problem of the relationship between man and nature from different angles. After all, economics, politics and the life of every person have an impact big influence on the state of nature as a whole. But if we look at the root and look deeper, we will understand that it is impossible to establish relationships between nature and man on a massive scale. You can't just pick it up and cancel it human activity, which has a bad impact on nature. This issue needs to be resolved individually, so that everyone can understand the essence of the problem, and most importantly, that it is part of its elimination.

Of course, man was created for development. He is far superior to all living beings. Man is the king of nature. But it is foolish to start from these beliefs. People make the most of Natural resources without giving anything in return. Society is progressing, new technologies are appearing and this is good. But never before has there been such a crisis in nature. And why? We all know that man is greedy. He is so caught up in his wealth and achievements that he has forgotten about the consequences. People take everything from nature, but give nothing back, and if they give it away, it’s only chemical waste.

Today there are still tribes that deify nature. They present her with gifts and perform various rituals so that nature will be lenient towards them. Of course, such an attitude to the philosophical question of the relationship between society and nature is a utopia. These tribes will sooner or later die out from disease or starvation. But the essence of their attitude to life is true. These people are not spoiled by the gifts of life. They are grateful for what they have. Perhaps this is due to the fact that progress has not reached them. If we lived in the same conditions, we would be the same. However, they would also die with them.

Answer to philosophical question about the relationship between man and nature lives within us. Every person understands how to solve this problem, but no one wants to take on this matter. And all because it is long, expensive and unprofitable. If we do not eliminate the threat of disaster now, then it will be too late. Our progress will destroy us. You need to start small, start with yourself.

Spiritual nature of man.

A person rarely recognizes spiritual power and the power of thought; he often thinks that the main force in the world is material force. Meanwhile, in spiritual power lies the true power that changes our lives and the lives of all people. Our life is better or worse only because we recognize ourselves as a physical or spiritual being. If a person recognizes himself as a bodily being, does not develop spiritually and lacks knowledge about his spiritual nature, then he weakens his true life, lives in passion, greed, mischief, superstition and fear, ultimately all this leads to his degradation. And if a person realizes himself as a spiritual being, that is, identifies himself with the spirit, then he elevates life, frees himself from passions, hatred, envy, lives in an atmosphere of love in harmony with himself and the world.
In fact, the spirit must lead and control the body, and not vice versa. To understand and realize this and change his condition, a person must work on himself, on his thoughts, develop spiritually, gaining and strengthening the strength of his spirit. If a person will strong spirit, then his body will be strong and strong. Overcoming bodily weakness the Spirit rises, fighting spiritual weaknesses the body strengthens. Therefore, a person must first of all be spiritually strong, believe in himself and gain the strength of his spirit. If the bodily nature of a person takes precedence over the spiritual, then his vitality, immunity and volitional functions decrease. To make it clearer, let us consider how the process of contact between the body, spirit and soul occurs. With the help of the body, a person comes into contact with the surrounding sensory and material world and receives it for self-knowledge, and not to satisfy their animal needs. Sleep, food and sexual needs of a person are natural functions of the body, but a person should not think that the purpose of his life is to satisfy bodily needs. You also shouldn’t consider your bodily needs the purpose of your life. A person lives to be happy, and happiness is meant for his soul.
The human soul has powerful force which gives the body vitality and the ability to maintain one's existence. The soul is conditioned and dependent and is closely connected with our “I”, it contains will, emotions and intellect, it is through it that a person manifests himself, his personality, this can be called “self-awareness”. Thanks to the soul, spirit and body merge in it, which thereby transform it into a place of personality and influence of a person. It is with the help of the soul that the spirit controls the body. The human soul is a volitional center from which a ray of consciousness emanates and the focus of attention is focused.
Thus, human body cannot function without the activity of consciousness. The transfer of consciousness from a bodily being to a spiritual being is accomplished by the effort of thought. When the power of soul consciousness is activated, the body becomes more active and healthier. Without a soul, a person’s mind begins to degrade, so it is important to learn to control your mind, your desires and develop spiritually. The power of destructive desires that lead to degradation is enormous: the desire to eat at night, overeating, getting more sleep, the desire to watch TV at night, etc. and therefore it is necessary to learn to control your desires.
The spirit is pure, free and awakened Az. With the help of the spirit AZ ezm, a person communicates with the spiritual world and the creator and cognizes him. It nourishes and revitalizes the human body with its light; if a person does not take into account and does not believe in the power of his spirit and its capabilities, then he follows the programs of the body, that is, he engages in devouring similar forms until he himself becomes food. You can realize your spirituality through renunciation of the body’s predatory aspirations to absorb similar forms, renunciation of murder, violence, renunciation of other forms of capture in the name of pure nutrition with the light of the spirit. The spirit is the most significant part of a person and occupies a vast area of ​​his being. The body is the lowest part and represents the outer shell of a person, and between the spirit and the body the soul lives as an intermediary. The soul, thus, stands between the spirit and the body, connecting them with each other. The spirit conquers the body and controls it through the soul, and the body can, with the help of the soul, incline the spirit to love the world. In other words, figuratively, the body is the outer hut of the soul, and the soul is the covering of the spirit. The spirit transmits its thought to the soul, and the soul encourages the body to obey the spirit. All human problems stem from ignorance of one’s spiritual nature, lack of true understanding of oneself and one’s true purpose. Lack of knowledge about one's spiritual nature gives rise to all kinds of problems that exist in this world and gradually lead to degradation. Know yourself and the world, love and respect yourself, create and create. I wish you all goodness, peace and love!

Man and nature are inextricably linked. We are hugely dependent on the world around us. Not so long ago, the prevailing opinion was that man is the king of nature, its rightful owner. However, today it is clear that we are just a tiny particle in the world.

Human interaction with nature can be harmonious only when we treat its gifts with respect and care. People are one with the environment, and therefore must take responsibility for their actions and evaluate their consequences.

Man is an integral part of the world

In the process of our life, we largely depend on nature. It gives us much needed things like air, water, light, food. It depends only on us in what form we will preserve all these valuable resources for ourselves and subsequent generations. The population in all corners of the planet is developing, building its way of life and labor activity, focusing on natural conditions, climate in the place of residence. The lifestyle of people living in warm sea, very different from life in the harsh northern conditions.

Despite its seemingly quite strong ability to change natural conditions, change river beds and landscapes, humanity is still highly dependent on its environment. Disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and many others can destroy entire cities and even civilizations. Economic development and the creation of new progressive technologies is also not possible without the use of natural resources.

IN last decades It is becoming more and more obvious that nature cannot endlessly satisfy all the needs of people if they do not give anything in return. The basis of a harmonious life should be the awareness that a person is an integral part of the world around him, and, therefore, must take care of and protect it, wisely use all resources without harm to nature.

How humanity affects the Earth

From the moment a person became intelligent and gained the opportunity to use tools, his influence on the surrounding conditions and their changes began. Under the influence of our forces, many changes have occurred in environment, both positive and negative. The positive aspects of people's influence include the creation national parks and nature reserves, where many rare species It became possible to save animals and plants from extinction. This activity allows us to expand biological diversity species existing on the planet. By creating artificial irrigation systems, we help increase the area of ​​fertile soils and use them effectively.

Unfortunately, nature suffers great damage from the unreasonable and ill-considered actions of people. For example, deforestation destroys natural environment habitat of many animals and plants, leads to a decrease in oxygen production, which, in turn, inevitably causes global warming. Deserts often form in place of cleared forests, since after the disappearance of trees the top fertile layer of soil is easily eroded.

The rapid growth of the population leads to the need to use new technologies in order to provide it with food. agriculture. If earlier fertile soil did not exploit it constantly, giving it some time to rest, now people are plowing up more and more new areas and using them without interruption, thereby reducing fertility.

For faster growth, modern fertilizers are used, which have bad influence on soil and water. We are building great amount factories, but we care little about how much waste they emit into the atmosphere and how much garbage ends up in the water. IN Pacific Ocean there is a huge zone completely covered with debris floating on the surface, which inevitably leads to the extinction of many species of oceanic animals. Cities located on freshwater rivers dump sewage and industrial waste into them every day.

Thus, we not only harm nature, but also trap ourselves by reducing the amount of water suitable for drinking. Absence fresh water is already a big problem in some areas of the planet.

If we want to learn how to have a less destructive impact on nature, we should take a few simple steps:

  • for effective and rational use mineral resources need to improve methods of their extraction, reducing the amount of waste and harmful emissions;
  • use animal resources and flora needed in such quantities that it does not lead to the extinction of individual species.
  • it is necessary to widely introduce the use of alternative energy sources in everyday life and production.

For a more detailed introduction to the topic, it is recommended to view educational presentations, where all the information is presented in an accessible and understandable form. The sooner humanity begins to treat nature more carefully, the better we will be able to preserve all its beauty and wealth for our children and grandchildren.