Cameron Diaz is a neat guy who has a special obsession. The actress is terrified of germs, which in her imagination live exclusively on door handles! She won't touch the door if she forgot her gloves at home. For this reason, the star is always accompanied by a specially trained person who plays the role of doorman. However, his main occupation is guarding the actress. It’s hard to imagine how many times a day cleanliness fighters have to wash their hands in a celebrity’s house!

Actually, such a pathological craving for cleanliness, or rather the fear of infection from germs, is called mesophobia. Because of this fear, Michael Jackson never parted with a germ bandage.

However, no one has ever managed to outdo Madonna! The Queen of Pop requires mandatory replacement of all plumbing before her arrival at the hotel. One can only hope that this requirement applies only to the singer’s room, and not to all the restrooms in the hotel.


Not far from the cleanliness, a kind of pedants have gone: these people are horrified by the mere thought of disorder. On scientific language this is called ataxophobia. Those suffering from such a phobia can literally be driven to a nervous attack by an uncovered toothpaste or just a tube lying a couple of centimeters further than usual.

Sounds pretty funny, but Victoria Beckham This definitely won't make you happy. Her husband will throw out a bottle of any drink from the refrigerator, even a fabulously expensive one, if the number of such cans turns out to be odd. All of David's clothes must be hung strictly by color. Who knows, maybe it was precisely such eccentricities of her husband that made Vicky stop smiling?

Jessica Alba is not inferior to Beckham. In her case, one can only feel sorry for the romantic husband of the actress, who somehow decided to surprise her by filling their hotel room balloons. In response, Jessica threw a real tantrum.

Fear of baldness

The desire to maintain youth and attractiveness is the task of almost all celebrities. Because of this, stars have many fears, justified or not. It turns out that Tom Cruise is terrified of losing his hair! Luxurious hair an actor is a subject not only of his pride, but also of his worries.


Perhaps the scientific name of this type of fear is familiar to everyone. Uma Thurman was afraid of being in a confined space. And here it is, the irony of fate: on the set of Kill Bill 2, the actress had to find herself in closed coffin!

Fear of heights

If the fear of heights for Kristina Orbakaite simply turned into a refusal of apartments on the top floors, then Tobey Maguire had a very hard time. Hollywood actor starred in “Spider-Man” on the verge of his own strength, and while performing every trick at the top, he obviously cursed himself, his role and, in general, his desire to become an actor.

Fear of the dark

This childhood fear sometimes bursts into the lives of adults, successful and famous. The darkness and the unknown scare Jennifer Lopez, Anna Semenovich and Philip Kirkorov.

However, JLo is afraid not only of the dark, but also of loneliness. But the king of the stage, Kirkorov, also does not favor cockroaches.


It would seem that endless flights are the real “star” life. But there are also celebrities who are only too happy to ride trains, travel in cars, and even sail on ships and steamships forever. Colin Farrell, Ben Affleck, Charlize Theron, Whoopi Goldberg and Jennifer Aniston are ready to go to the other side of the world, even by swimming, but not fly high in the sky, sitting comfortably in business class. The funny thing is that not long ago Aniston took part in an advertisement for Emirates airline.


Fear of insects is not the most unusual phobia. Rats, spiders, cockroaches... Few people are delighted with such representatives of the fauna, especially when we're talking about about close proximity. But Nicole Kidman experiences aching horror at the sight of... ordinary butterflies! These defenseless and very graceful creatures instill genuine fear in the actress.

Exclusive fears

Very eccentric fears are common to many stars. As a child, Robbie Williams was terribly afraid of cartoons and always hid under the sofa whenever cartoon characters appeared on the screen. However, over the years this fear has passed, and now the musician even voices the nightmares of his childhood.

Megan Fox is afraid of being cut off by dry paper, so she reads scripts with gloves.

Alfred Hitchcock, master of suspense and horror, was afraid of eggs! He was frightened by their oval shape, as, indeed, by other objects of a similar shape. The director also could not look at his wife during pregnancy. Apparently, this is why Hitchcock left behind only one daughter.

Every person is afraid of something. Sometimes fears are associated with childhood experiences, or mature age severe stress left a lasting impression. Celebrities are no exception in this regard. Peter I and Joseph Stalin ruled a huge country, modern stars pack entire stadiums, but they were unable to get rid of their obsessive phobias.

Peter I

It is difficult to imagine that the great Russian Tsar, who ruled the country from the age of 10, was scared to death of ordinary cockroaches. The mere sight of these harmless, but not entirely pleasant insects caused him panic. The second phobia of Peter I was the fear of high ceilings and large spaces. The two-meter-tall king felt extremely uncomfortable in huge palaces, preferring to live in small ones. In his house in St. Petersburg, an additional false ceiling was specially installed, which visually reduced the space.

Alexander III

The tsar, who left his mark on history by the absence of wars during his reign, was no less afraid of cockroaches than Peter I. However, he disliked horse riding much more and large clusters of people. The emperor's demophobia reached the point that he often canceled parades and holidays.

Joseph Stalin

The Generalissimo, whose name inspired horror in many, was very afraid of being poisoned. This fear is called toxicophobia. He also never flew on planes for fear of getting into a plane crash. There were suspicions that Stalin also had a fear of going to bed. There are no facts confirming this for certain, but everyone knows: he fell asleep only when he no longer had the strength to stay awake.

Nikolay Gogol

The writer’s most important phobia was taphephobia – a panicky fear of being buried alive. Because of this, he even slept in a chair, reclining, because Smooth surface He associated the bed with his deathbed. In addition, he was afraid of any mention of death, afraid that he would be overcome by an incurable illness. Paradoxically, he also refused to take medicine, fearing poisoning.

Sergey Yesenin

The poet, widely known for his love affairs, was very afraid of contracting syphilis. It got to the point that the slightest pimple on the face could cause panic. After the first attack of fear, Yesenin looked at himself in the mirror for a long time, trying to find signs of the disease or their absence. Sergei Yesenin's second phobia was related to the police. During the scandal between Yesenin and GPU employee Blyumkin, the latter almost shot the poet. After this incident, Serey Yesenin did not part with the pistol, but still had difficulty restraining panic at the sight of people in uniform.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

After his father died of sepsis, the poet was terrified of catching some kind of infection. He carefully washed his hands with soap immediately after shaking someone's hand, and he always had a bottle of Iodine in his pocket. Door handles seemed to him a breeding ground for all sorts of germs, so he touched them only through a piece of paper or a handkerchief. At the hairdresser's, the poet always demanded that the tools be disinfected in his presence.

Mikhail Vrubel

The artist who painted amazing paintings was afraid of beautiful women. In his youth, he experienced the tragedy of unrequited love and, trying to alleviate mental anguish, cut his skin on his chest with a knife. Since then, he experienced an unaccountable fear of beauties, but did not hesitate to use the services of women of easy virtue. Today Russian celebrities are no less susceptible to phobias. They are afraid of airplanes and the dark, and sometimes even have a fear of crowds.

Alla Pugacheva

The national pop diva has repeatedly admitted that she is afraid of flying by plane, but this did not turn into a phobia: the singer still used air transport. And before leaving the stage, Alla Borisovna mentioned in an interview that most of all she is afraid of growing old.

Philip Kirkorov

The singer feels very uncomfortable in the dark and is very afraid of oncology. The last fear is related to the fact that his mother died of cancer. The singer himself undergoes a full examination every year for all possible diseases. And recently Kirkorov admitted that he is afraid of rumors and gossip about himself.

Alena Apina

The singer is afraid of the crowd until her legs tremble. Her fear goes away after performing the first songs, but Alena Apina cannot completely overcome her demophobia. The phobia developed after the singer was told about a bottle thrown at Dmitry Malikov from the crowd during his performance. Such a strange phobia for a star is also reinforced by the singer’s love of loneliness. It is always more pleasant for her to spend time alone than in the company of even well-known people. The list of fears of today's stars goes on. For example, Sergei Zverev is afraid of the evil eye, and Lera Kudryavtseva panics during a thunderstorm. Gluk'oza is afraid of loneliness; Soso Pavliashvili under no circumstances gets behind the wheel of a car after an accident. And the outrageous performer Shura is so afraid of heights that he doesn’t even go near the windows.

Stars are people too, they have joys and fears, like all of us. However, sometimes, many phobias of stars are surprising. Today we will tell you about rare fears of stars.

1. Kristen Stewart and horses
Kristen Stewart has repeatedly said that she hates horses. This fear has haunted the girl since childhood after a fall from a horse, which led to a broken elbow. However, to film the new film “Snow White and the Huntsman,” Kristen had to overcome her fear. Portraying a warlike princess who was ready to fight for her happiness, the girl tried not to think about her phobia. According to her, the actress has come to terms with the idea that if she is destined to die under the hooves of a horse, then so be it. (Tilak Desai/Splash News)

2. Billy Bob Thornton and antique furniture
Billy Bob Thornton's phobia will seem quite strange to many. After all, this man wore a flask filled with Angelina Jolie’s blood around his neck, gave her a piece of land in the cemetery and talked about their sexual games in every possible way. The fame of a strong guy always accompanied him. However, Billy is afraid of antique furniture. It's funny, isn't it? In addition to furniture, airplanes, plastic appliances and komodo dragon. And if the fear of the monitor lizard is easily explained by its poisonousness, then what is to blame for the furniture? Billy Bob admits that antique American furniture does not scare him as much as French furniture from the time of Louis XIV. Moreover, the actor assures that he can easily distinguish a fake. (Getty Images)

3. Pamela Anderson and mirrors
Pamela Anderson has long suffered from a rare fear - eisoptrophobia. The actress does not hide this fear. In addition to her fear of mirrors, Pamela does not like to watch her films on TV, always changing the channel if they are shown. (Getty Images)

4. Orlando Bloom and pigs
The idol of millions of girls around the world, handsome Orlando Bloom, has a very specific phobia. The actor cannot stand the sight of pigs. The fearless hero on the screen, in life, tries to move away when he sees a pig. As it happened during the filming of the movie “Kingdom of Heaven”, when she ran out of the pen from the pigs. (Getty Images)

5. Nicole Kidman and butterflies
Another strange phobia that actress Nicole Kidman suffers from is the fear of butterflies. This fear has haunted Nicole since childhood. The actress recalls that if she saw a butterfly on the gate of her house, she would crawl under it or climb over the fence on the other side so as not to come face to face with her nightmare. However, we must give Nicole credit: she tried to fight this fear. At the American Museum of Natural History, she walked into a cage of butterflies and let them land on her. According to the actress, this method did not work. (Getty Images)

6. Christina Ritchie and houseplants
The range of Christina Ritchie's fears is quite wide: she is afraid of indoor plants, swimming pools and sharks. The actress says that indoor plants seem “dirty” to her and they drive her crazy. (Getty Images)

7. Tyra Banks and dolphins
For many people, dolphins are cute creatures. For Tyra Banks, they are the heroes of her nightmares. To overcome this strange phobia, she specially went to the dolphinarium, where she conducted a course of dolphin therapy and even kissed them. After this, Tyra stated that she was quite capable of controlling her fear. (AP Photo)

8. Oprah and bubblegum
Scientifically, Oprah Winfrey's fear sounds like chiclephobia. Most likely, this fear came from childhood, when Oprah was forbidden to take chewing gum from her grandmother's cabinet. The popular TV presenter is so afraid of chewing gum that she prohibits chewing it not only in the studio, but also at home. Oprah recalls that she once had to throw out a plate on which her guest had put her chewing gum during dinner. (AP Photo; Corbis)

9. Carmen Electra and water
The Baywatch star is afraid of water. According to the actress, she begins to panic near water. (Jeff Kravitz, FilmMagic/Getty Images; Mark A. Johnson/Corbis)

10. Johnny Depp and the clowns
Actor Johnny Depp is afraid of clowns. However, the actor does not give up and tries to overcome this phobia: he hangs posters of clowns everywhere, believing that by surrounding himself with his fear, he will be able to overcome it. (Marc Piasecki, FilmMagic/Getty Images; Bob Krist/Corbis)

11. Woody Allen and...everyone
Woody Allen's phobias are as varied as they are strange. He is afraid of insects, heights, crowds and cancer, sunlight, bright colors, children and deer. The director is afraid of transport and hates bathrooms. He conveyed his fear of living somewhere far from Manhattan to one of his characters in the film Annie Hall. (Carlo Allegri/AP Photo)

Many famous people And historical figures also suffered from phobias.

Some of them are quite common, such as a fear of air travel, while others are downright strange, such as a fear of houseplants.

Famous people and their phobias

Famous Hollywood director Alfred Chickcock, known for the films Psycho and Vertigo, suffered from ovophobia, a phobia of eggs, which he considered disgusting. In his entire life, he had not tasted a single egg, since he was repulsed by the mere sight of the white with the yolk oozing out from there.

Ironic as it may be, but Walt Disney, who gave the world Mickey Mouse, was afraid of mice.

Marilyn Monroe suffered from agoraphobia - fear open space and crowded places. Barbra Streisand and Kim Bessinger had the same phobia.

Famous football player David Beckham admitted that he was afraid of disorder. His phobia, ataxophobia, is similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder. He has a hard time with things being disorganized, out of line, or out of pairs.

Pamela Anderson afraid of mirrors, namely of his reflection in the mirror. She doesn't look at herself when she's on TV, and if she does, she immediately turns it off and leaves the room.

American television presenter Oprah Winfrey admitted to having a phobia of chewing gum. Her grandmother often chewed gum and pinned it to the cabinet, where there were long rows of chewing gum. The presenter also banned chewing gum from the television studio.

Stephen King he is afraid of flying on an airplane, cats and the number 13. When writing a book, he never stops at page 13 or multiples of 13. In addition, he is afraid of the dark and only falls asleep with the light on.

Film director Woody Allen has been treated by a psychoanalyst for 40 years and suffers from many phobias and fears. In addition to the fear of spiders, he is afraid of heights and closed spaces.

Among his weirder fears are bright colors, elevators, animals, the stage, children, cancer and other diseases, and even peanut butter sticking to the roof of his mouth. He is also afraid to take a shower if the drain is in the middle, and always cuts a banana into exactly 7 pieces before adding it to his morning cereal.

Historical figures: fears and phobias

Gustav Eiffel the creator of the famous Eiffel Tower suffered from dyslexia and was terrified of heights.

Sigmund Freud afraid of weapons and ferns. He himself argued that fear of weapons is a sign of insufficient sexual and emotional maturity. He didn't talk much about ferns, but there is a theory that he had a traumatic experience with ferns as a child.

Nikola Tesla– the famous inventor was a germaphobe, and avoided touching people or any objects that had germs on them. He very often hands us. In addition, he was afraid of jewelry, especially earrings with pearls, which disgusted him.

Napoleon Bonaparte The Emperor of France was afraid of cats, which caused him to panic. Interestingly, many leaders, including Hitler, Mussolini, Nicholas II, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar suffered from ailurophobia - fear of cats.

Salvador Dali was afraid of grasshoppers to such an extent that if a grasshopper jumped on his face, he would prefer to jump into the abyss. Entomophobia is the fear of insects, a fairly common phobia, especially the fear of spiders, which affects Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Scarlett Johansson.

Writer Nikolay Gogol afraid of being buried alive. In his youth he suffered from malarial encephalitis and suffered from total loss consciousness, followed by deep sleep. He was afraid that people would think he was dead and would bury him. In his old age, he did not even want to sleep lying down, and preferred a sitting position.

Composer Frederic Chopin and storyteller Hans Christian Andersen also suffered from this phobia. Andersen always left a note in which it was written that he was not dead, although he might look like it, but in fact he was sleeping.

Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky He was also afraid of pollution and germs and tried not to touch door handles, using a handkerchief to do this. After shaking hands, he always washed his hands with soap and carried iodine with him.

Sergey Yesenin I was terrified of contracting syphilis. As his friend Alexander Mariengof said, he took any pimple as a sign of illness and spent a long time looking at himself in the mirror.

Personality Joseph Stalin Many psychologists and psychotherapists tried to analyze it. Among the fears of the Soviet leader was the fear of being poisoned, the fear of flying on an airplane, and the fear of going to bed.

Hollywood stars: strange phobias

Megan Fox hates paper, specifically dry paper, and uses a glass to dip his fingers into to turn the page in a book or script. In addition, she admitted that germs scare her and therefore she does not use public toilets and appliances in a restaurant. The actress, known for the film "Transformers", is afraid to look at herself in photographs and videos. She said that she once drank champagne to gather her courage and still look at herself.

Matthew McConaughey is afraid of revolving doors, and will not enter a place where there are such doors. In addition, he has a fear of tunnels. But he is not afraid of being in the tunnel, but he is afraid of the entrance to the tunnel itself.

Johnny Depp scared of clowns. As Johnny himself says: “There is something frightening about a painted face and an artificial smile. There always seems to be a darkness, a real evil, lurking beneath the surface.”

U Nicole Kidman Lepidopterophobia – fear of butterflies. One day she tried to walk past the butterfly exhibits in the museum, but could not overcome her fear. As a girl, Nicole would not enter the house if she saw a butterfly at the entrance.

It surprises no one if someone is afraid of spiders, rats or heights. But many people were perplexed when they found out that Johnny Depp is afraid of clowns. Do you want to know about strange phobias stars such as Adele, Orlando Bloom, Kylie Minogue, Megan Fox and Woody Allen? Then read our material.


1. Adele is afraid of seagulls. The British singer admitted to Now Magazine that after a large seagull snatched her ice cream out of her hands when she was nine years old, she suffers from laridaphobia, or the fear of seagulls. “I was afraid that they would take me away with them,” Adele said. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
2. Andy Roddick, tennis player and former world number one, is afraid of... rabbits. He is afraid of them to such an extent that, while eating breakfast at Easter at the St. Regis Hotel, he was afraid of a man in a bunny suit and insisted that he stay away from him. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
3. Cameron Diaz is afraid of door handles and flatly refuses to touch them. Luckily for her, she can afford to hire someone to open the door for her. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
4. Tyra Banks, an American supermodel, has been afraid of dolphins since she was eight years old. “Sometimes I dream that I am swimming in a pool and dolphins attack me. “I’m simply horrified by this,” the model admitted in an interview. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
5. Actress Helen Mirren is afraid to talk on the phone. She tries not to answer phone calls and avoids them as much as possible. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
6. Johnny Depp is afraid of clowns. She asked why, he replied that “he doesn’t know whether they are laughing or want to bite their face.” (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
7. Matthew McConaughey is afraid of revolving doors and always gets nervous when he's near them. He also doesn't like tunnels. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
8. Megan Fox is afraid of plain paper. The actress says she is unable to touch plain, non-laminated paper, such as newspapers or scripts. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
9. Nicki Minaj is afraid of escalators. Because of her phobia, the star found herself at the center of a scandal. During one of the NBA matches in Los Angeles, where Nicki was invited, the celebrity flatly refused to go up the escalator. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
10. Nicole Kidman is afraid of butterflies. The actress said that she is not at all afraid of snakes or spiders, but butterflies terrify her. As a child, she preferred to crawl around the house or jump over the fence, just to avoid going through the gate where butterflies liked to sit. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
11. Christina Ricci is afraid of potted plants. In her opinion, plants are too dirty, and she is simply horrified when she sees them indoors. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
12. Oprah Winfrey is afraid of chewing gum. So much so that she even forbade everyone from bringing them into the building in which she films her television show. Once she even threw a plate at one of the guests, who left chewed gum. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
13. Orlando Bloom is afraid of pigs and even cute little piglets. One day, when a little pig started running around the set during the filming of the movie Kingdom of Heaven, Orlando Bloom ran away from it as if it were a real Godzilla. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
14. Kylie Minogue is afraid of hangers. The Australian singer admitted in an interview with The Telegraph that she doesn't like the sound of hangers when they are hung in the closet. Because of her phobia, the actress places clothes all over the room. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
15. Pamela Anderson is afraid of mirrors. The Irony of Fate! The Baywatch star had no trouble getting naked for Playboy photo shoots, but is afraid to see her reflection in the mirror. Moreover, Pamela never watches herself on TV. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
16. Robert De Niro is afraid of dentists. The actor is paralyzed by fear when he needs to visit the dentist because he is convinced that dental instruments can cause various diseases. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).
17. Actor Billy Bob Thornton is afraid of antique furniture. "It is quite possible that in my previous life I was beaten to death with an old chair,” these are the assumptions made by the actor. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press). 18. And Woody Allen is afraid of everything. Elevators, insects, bright colors, heights, solar radiation, dogs and even children. But the actor and director's strangest fear is called arachibutyrophobia - the fear that peanut butter will stick to the roof of your mouth. (Photo: shutterstock/Bulls Press).