The appearance of the first Russian biomorphic creature has been declassified combat robot.

Not long ago it became known that Russia is developing an “animal-like” combat robot “Lynx”. The leading company on this topic is the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute “Signal” from the city of Kovrov. Today we can see for the first time what a biomorphic “Lynx” looks like.

According to data made public during the government procurement process, it became known that Lynx will have 6 functional options:

Reconnaissance and surveillance robot;

Unit fire support robot;

Robot for reconnaissance and destruction of mine-explosive devices;

Robot for evacuating the wounded from the battlefield;

Robot delivering ammunition and equipment;

Engineering reconnaissance robot.

Robot delivering ammunition and equipment

The biomorphic robot includes an on-board information and control system, motion control equipment, technical vision equipment, data transmission equipment and control commands, navigation and orientation equipment, reconnaissance and surveillance equipment, beacon tracking equipment, a software package, as well as a target load, determined by functional purpose.


Big Dog



USA, Boston Dynamics

Russia, VNII "Signal"

Years of development

Speed ​​with load

up to 6.4 km/h


Own weight

“Lynx” must move in urban infrastructure conditions on concrete, asphalt, marble, wooden and dirt platforms and sand-covered sites up to 100 mm deep; on rough and very rough terrain, in icy conditions, on fallen leaves, on grass up to 1 m high, snow up to 400 mm deep, in rain, on water-filled surfaces up to 400 mm deep; By mountainous area and destroyed urban infrastructure, on industrial enterprises, in industrial and residential premises, overcoming thresholds up to 500 mm high, flights of stairs with an angle of inclination up to 30° and step heights up to 200 mm, ditches up to half a meter wide, walls up to 400 mm high and up to 300 mm wide.

At the same time, sustainable movement will be ensured by maintaining starting position platforms. The Lynx will turn around on a space of no more than a meter. It is planned that the robot will have to withstand the recoil of weapons placed on it: a 7.62mm PKT machine gun, rockets, RPGs, RShGs, as well as withstand other external force influences, for example, blows or attempts to knock it down on its side. From interesting features ensuring movement on surfaces with low bearing capacity of the soil: sandy loam, saturated with moisture, wetlands. Like a real animal, the “Lynx” can lie down and get up on command. Can follow a guide (beacon). In general, in addition to following the “leash”, manual remote control, semi-autonomous, as well as completely autonomous existence, in which, thanks to artificial intelligence“Lynx” itself will plan the optimal route.

In many ways, the Russian biomorphic robot is similar to its American counterpart - the BigDog robot, developed by Boston Dynamics together with Foster-Miller with money allocated by DARPA.

However, the American “dog,” despite its priority, turned out to be smaller and lighter than the Russian one. Its capabilities both in terms of movement and load are much more modest than the Lynx. The maximum he was capable of was carrying equipment and conducting observation. The tasks of combat use were not set there initially. All that the designers from Boston Dynamics managed to achieve was to enable the robot to walk on an icy surface and restore balance after being hit from the side.

At the end of November 2015, the company announced that it would cease further work for the development of BigDog. Two main reasons were given: limited opportunities robot and too loud unmasking noise, which the developers were unable to cope with. As a result, the company has switched to the Spot robot, a smaller version of the BigDog that runs on a quieter electric motor and is said to be more dexterous. However, “Lynx” will also have “ little brother».

Development work, along with the creation of a biomorphic platform with a total carrying capacity of 400 kg, also provides for the creation of a smaller sample, weighing 100 kg. The co-executor of the work is the Android Technology company, which directly designs the platform frame. It is planned that both biomorphic robots – large and small – will enter state tests in the first half of 2019.

The All-Russian Research Institute "Signal" (JSC VNII "Signal", part of the Rostec holding company "High-Precision Complexes"), located in Kovrov, is Russia's leading developer of complexes and equipment automated control artillery fire of the Ground Forces, as well as guidance and stabilization systems for weapons of the Army, Navy and Aerospace Forces. In addition, the company in last years is actively working on the creation of military robotics. "Signal" in " High-precision complexes"takes part in the exhibition of land and naval weapons Defexpo India 2016, which opened on Monday in the Indian state of Goa. About new projects to create Russian robots future, the development of domestic automated fire control systems and participation in work on the Vostochny Cosmodrome in an interview with RIA Novosti correspondent Alexander Nevare told CEO VNII "Signal" Vladimir Shashok.

Vladimir Nikolaevich, what tasks are facing VNII “Signal” today? In what areas are you working?

— VNII "Signal" today continues development in its traditional areas: complexes and means of automated fire control for artillery of the Ground Forces; weapon guidance and stabilization systems; navigation and topographical systems; hydrostatic transmissions, electro-hydraulic control systems and hydraulic machines.

In 2013, a new direction was founded - the development of robotic systems, within which, with the participation of leading technical universities The country has launched research work on the creation of robotic systems. In addition, since the 2000s, we have been developing in the civil space sector - Signal has designed electric-hydraulic remote control drives for the cosmodrome in Kourou (French Guiana) and the Russian Vostochny cosmodrome, as well as drives for modernizing the launch complexes of the Baikonur cosmodrome.

In total, over the years of the institute’s existence, more than 800 research and development works have been completed, and over 250 products have been introduced into mass production.

Tell us about the newest direction for "Signal" - robotics. What has already been achieved in this area?

— As part of one of the projects—the Lynx development work—we are creating a multifunctional biomorphic robotic complex. The robot will have four legs, that is, it will look like some kind of four-legged creature. Three payload options are being considered: a reconnaissance robot, a combat support robot, and a cargo-carrying robot. The combat robot will most likely be equipped with a machine gun; it is possible to install anti-tank guided missiles(ATGM). In Russia there are no analogues of this project at all; in the world they can be counted on one hand. The work is proactive, carried out at the expense of the enterprise.

Our other project is “Udar”. It involves robotization of the BMP-3. In this case, we are not creating an entire robot from scratch along with the chassis, but are developing a unified control system and installing it on standard models of armored vehicles that the troops already have. The BMP-3 is equipped with a control system with all the necessary components and blocks. The result is a multifunctional robotic complex.

The target load can be both combat and reconnaissance. The complex can be controlled remotely, we are also exploring the possibility of autonomous movement. The advantage of a fully autonomous option is the following: firstly, it moves in radio silence mode, when we do not receive or transmit anything from the robot over radio channels; secondly, automation of routine actions is achieved, for example, for transporting goods - the first time the robot remembers the route, and then navigates along it independently.

I would especially like to note that the possibility of a crew mode of movement remains. If they wanted to, a person drove, but where it was dangerous or there were any special conditions, he drove like a robot.

Besides Impact and Lynx, are there any other robotics projects?

— Yes, one of them is a remote-controlled robotic complex for medical services based on the lightly armored MTLB tracked chassis. It is capable of detecting the wounded, loading them inside the vehicle and even providing primary medical care(mask, injections, etc.). We have already created a working prototype.

— If we talk about the traditional sphere of Signal, automated fire control systems, in what directions are their further development going?

— VNII "Signal" is the developer of a number of automated fire control systems for self-propelled, towed and rocket artillery, created in the period from 1968 to 2006 during the implementation of R&D projects “Machine”, “Machine-B”, “Rheostat”, “Falsetto” and “Kapustnik”. It should be noted that in this work our company is a pioneer and has developed automated fire control systems for artillery units ground forces have not been previously developed or released either in our country or abroad. Currently, automated fire control systems developed by us “Mashina-M” and “Kapustnik-B” are being mass-produced, as well as automated guidance and fire control systems for cannons and combat vehicles of rocket artillery. In addition, the fourth-generation 1B181 automated fire control system, created as part of the Ring-2 development work, has been put into service.

Work has almost been completed on the development, within the framework of the Kanonada R&D project, of the currently most advanced fire control systems 1B197 and 1B198, designed to automate the fire control of cannon and rocket artillery units equipped with automated guidance and fire systems. In general, these automation tools ensure the opening of fire on a target scouted and identified by the unit’s means when deployed into a battle formation on the move within no more than four minutes. And when the unit’s fire weapons are in prepared firing positions - no more than 40 seconds. Previously, such tasks took tens of minutes to complete. The use of automation systems makes it possible to carry out fire missions with arbitrary placement of guns in a given area of ​​firing positions, to perform a counter-fire maneuver, in shortest time hitting the target sequentially from two or more firing positions.

Equipment modern complexes management in collaboration with automated system The guidance and fire controls for cannon artillery guns, developed by our company, ensure the calculation of firing installations and hitting the target when performing a so-called fire raid with one gun. In this case, several projectiles from the same gun are launched at the target along different ballistic trajectories.

The calculation is made in such a way that all fired projectiles reach the target at the same time. When performing a fire mission in this way by a cannon artillery unit, the effectiveness of hitting a target is almost comparable to the effectiveness of hitting a target by a rocket artillery unit. For the first time, this method of firing at a target was actually demonstrated by us together with our colleagues from Uraltransmash JSC during the arms exhibition, military equipment and ammunition in Nizhny Tagil in 2013.

Is work being done on control vehicles for other weapon systems (except artillery)?

— VNII "Signal" is developing a specialized control vehicle for the commander of a self-propelled anti-tank battery missile complex"Chrysanthemum-S", which also had no analogues either in our country or abroad until recently.

At the enterprise, in addition to developing new ones, active work on modernizing already created fire control systems does not stop. Working in broad cooperation with our long-time partners - suppliers of components, the main thing in this work we see is the use of more advanced reconnaissance and surveillance, communications and data transmission, topographical reference and navigation, computing and weather support tools in our products.

I would also like to note that Signal successfully continues the development of its traditional direction—weapons stabilizers. These systems have great value For effective application military equipment. As Boris Vasilyevich Novoselov (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, founder of the servo drives department at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Signal) said, “drives are the muscles of the weapon.” Thus, in recent years we have developed an electromechanical weapon stabilizer 2E58. New system allows you to implement the so-called silent observation mode, when the gunner and tank commander can rotate the turret, raise and lower the gun, and fire without turning on the engines - only thanks to the operation of the tank's battery.

— What is the role of Signal in the work on creating the Vostochny launch complex? What technologies can the institute offer to space?

— In 2005, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Design Bureau of General Mechanical Engineering" approached VNII "Signal" with a proposal to take part in the design and manufacture of electric hydraulic drives for remote control of the starting system (EGPDU SS). The work arose as a result of the conclusion of a contract between Roscosmos and the French company Arianespace for the construction of a cosmodrome in Kourou in French Guiana for the launch of the Soyuz-ST launch vehicle. For Russia, such a task was not new; it consisted of modernizing the space complex, which was built for launch into space spaceship Yuri Gagarin. However, the electro-hydraulic control system for the launch complex's executive bodies (SC), which had served reliably for many years and was designed back in the 50s by TsNIIAG, was already obsolete and required modernization. For us, this was the first work in the field of astronautics, which was carried out successfully and in short time: in 2006, the institute received technical assignments, and in 2011 a rocket was launched.

"Signal" led the development of several components of the SC. This is a system with an electro-hydraulic remote control drive designed to move the support trusses, which, in turn, are designed to receive the launch vehicle from the installer and hold the launch vehicle in a vertical position until launch. In addition, we have developed drives for the upper and lower cable masts, and guide devices for missile alignment. A new hydraulic scheme was developed, based on the use of four separate pumping units, each of which is installed at its base of the support ring and ensures the functioning of the support truss, the guide device and the lower cable mast. During the design process, we had to solve complex design problems, use and master new materials.

For example, based on complex climatic conditions Guiana, 100% air humidity, at a temperature of +35 °C, it was necessary to use new paint for the paintwork of the units.

Taking into account the positive results of work in French Guiana, Signal was also involved in the modernization of Baikonur. Since 2013, Vostochny has become a priority, although work on Baikonur continues. We promptly developed documentation and produced prototypes based on the backlog of Baikonur and Kura. If we compare it with the control system developed by TsNIIAG and used at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, the Vostochny launch complex has many more sensors and diagnostic capabilities are provided. As of today, autonomous testing of SS EGPDU equipment has been completed in Vostochny. The comments are now being addressed. Generally speaking, the system has become more reliable and smoother. It is built entirely on Russian element base. All actuator motors (pumps) and sensors are ours.

Is your company involved in the development of the Plesetsk cosmodrome?

- IN this moment According to the design documentation (CD), developed as part of the modernization of the Baikonur cosmodrome, the production of the SS EGPDU and EGP mast SM575 is underway for the Plesetsk cosmodrome of the Ministry of Defense. This system has all the advantages of the Vostochny Cosmodrome, and also, taking into account the range of uses of the launch vehicle, is equipped with additional drives for verticalization and lifting of the rotary ring, ensuring aiming of the launch vehicle with high accuracy.

We expect that the developments of the VNII "Signal" in relation to rocket and space complexes will receive further development.

In Russia, the development of the “beast-like” combat robot “Lynx” is currently ongoing. The leading enterprise on this topic is the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute "Signal" from the city of Kovrov. Thanks to, today for the first time you can see what the biomorphic combat robot “Lynx” looks like.

The biomorphic robot includes an on-board information and control system, motion control equipment, technical vision equipment, data transmission equipment and control commands, navigation and orientation equipment, reconnaissance and surveillance equipment, beacon tracking equipment, a software package, as well as a target load determined by functional purpose.

"Lynx" must move in urban infrastructure conditions on concrete, asphalt, marble, wooden and dirt platforms and sand-covered sites up to 100 mm deep; on rough and very rough terrain, in icy conditions, on fallen leaves, on grass up to 1 m high, snow up to 400 mm deep, in rain, on water-filled surfaces up to 400 mm deep; through mountainous terrain and destroyed urban infrastructure, at industrial enterprises, in production and residential premises, overcoming thresholds up to 500 mm high, flights of stairs with an angle of inclination up to 30° and step heights up to 200 mm, ditches up to half a meter wide, walls up to 400 mm high and width up to 300 mm.

In this case, stable movement will be ensured by maintaining the original position of the platform. The Lynx will turn around on a patch of no more than a meter. It is planned that the robot will have to withstand the recoil of weapons placed on it: a 7.62mm PKT machine gun, rockets, RPGs, RShGs, as well as withstand other external force influences, for example, blows or attempts to knock it down on its side.

Among the interesting features is the provision of movement on a surface with low bearing capacity of the soil: sandy loam, saturated with moisture, wetlands. Like a real animal, “Lynx” can lie down and get up on command. Can follow a guide (beacon). In general, in addition to following “on a leash,” manual remote control, semi-autonomous, and also fully autonomous existence are provided, in which, thanks to artificial intelligence, the “Lynx” itself will plan the optimal route.

In many ways, the Russian biomorphic robot is similar to its American counterpart - the BigDog robot, developed by Boston Dynamics together with Foster-Miller with money allocated by DARPA.

Boston Dynamics BigDog robot

However, the American "dog", despite its priority, turned out to be smaller and lighter than the Russian one. Its capabilities both in terms of movement and load are much more modest than the Lynx. The maximum he was capable of was carrying equipment and conducting observation. Tasks combat use were not placed there initially. All that the designers from Boston Dynamics managed to achieve was to enable the robot to walk on an icy surface and restore balance after being hit from the side.

At the end of November 2015, the company announced that it would cease further development work on BigDog. Two main reasons were given: the limited capabilities of the robot and too loud unmasking noise, which the developers were unable to cope with. As a result, the company has switched to the Spot robot, a smaller version of the BigDog that runs on a quieter electric motor and is said to be more dexterous. However, “Lynx” will also have a “smaller brother”. Development work, along with the creation of a biomorphic platform with a total carrying capacity of 400 kg, also provides for the creation of a smaller sample, weighing 100 kg. The co-executor of the work is the Android Technology company, which directly designs the platform frame. It is planned that both biomorphic robots – large and small – will enter state tests in the first half of 2019.

In Russia, the development of the “beast-like” combat robot “Lynx” is currently ongoing. The leading enterprise on this topic is the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute "Signal" from the city of Kovrov. Thanks to, today for the first time you can see what the biomorphic combat robot “Lynx” looks like.

According to data that was made public during the government procurement process, it became known that Lynx will have 6 functional options at once:
-Reconnaissance and surveillance robot;
-Robot fire support units;
-Robot for reconnaissance and destruction of mine-explosive devices;
-Robot for evacuating the wounded from the battlefield;
-Robot for delivering ammunition and equipment;
-Engineering intelligence robot.

The biomorphic robot includes an on-board information and control system, motion control equipment, technical vision equipment, data transmission equipment and control commands, navigation and orientation equipment, reconnaissance and surveillance equipment, beacon tracking equipment, a software package, as well as a target load determined by functional purpose.

"Lynx" must move in urban infrastructure conditions on concrete, asphalt, marble, wooden and dirt platforms and sand-covered sites up to 100 mm deep; on rough and very rough terrain, in icy conditions, on fallen leaves, on grass up to 1 m high, snow up to 400 mm deep, in rain, on water-filled surfaces up to 400 mm deep; through mountainous terrain and destroyed urban infrastructure, at industrial enterprises, in production and residential premises, overcoming thresholds up to 500 mm high, flights of stairs with an angle of inclination up to 30° and step heights up to 200 mm, ditches up to half a meter wide, walls up to 400 mm high and width up to 300 mm.

In this case, stable movement will be ensured by maintaining the original position of the platform. The Lynx will turn around on a patch of no more than a meter. It is planned that the robot will have to withstand the recoil of a 7.62mm PKT machine gun placed on it, missiles, RPGs, RShGs, as well as withstand other external force influences, for example, blows or attempts to knock it down on its side.

Among the interesting features is the provision of movement on a surface with low bearing capacity of the soil: sandy loam, saturated with moisture, wetlands. Like a real animal, “Lynx” can lie down and get up on command. Can follow a guide (beacon). In general, in addition to following “on a leash,” manual remote control, semi-autonomous, and also fully autonomous existence are provided, in which, thanks to artificial intelligence, the “Lynx” itself will plan the optimal route.

In many ways, the Russian biomorphic robot is similar to its American counterpart - the BigDog robot, developed by Boston Dynamics together with Foster-Miller with money allocated by DARPA.

However, the American "dog", despite its priority, turned out to be smaller and lighter than the Russian one. Its capabilities both in terms of movement and load are much more modest than the Lynx. The maximum he was capable of was carrying equipment and conducting observation. The tasks of combat use were not initially set there. All that the designers from Boston Dynamics managed to achieve was to ensure that the robot could walk on an icy surface and restore its balance after being hit from the side.

At the end of November 2015, the company announced that it would cease further development work on BigDog. Two main reasons were given: the limited capabilities of the robot and too loud unmasking noise, which the developers were unable to cope with. As a result, the company has switched to the Spot robot, a smaller version of the BigDog that runs on a quieter electric motor and is said to be more dexterous. However, “Lynx” will also have a “smaller brother”. Development work, along with the creation of a biomorphic platform with a total carrying capacity of 400 kg, also provides for the creation of a smaller sample, weighing 100 kg. The co-executor of the work is the Android Technology company, which directly designs the platform frame. It is planned that both biomorphic robots – large and small – will enter state tests in the first half of 2019.