Sharks – known predators marine reservoirs. Species diversity ancient fish represented unusually widely: small representatives reach 20 cm, and large ones – 20 m in length.

Common shark species

Only shark names will take up more than one page. The classification identifies 8 orders of fish, including approximately 450 species, only three of which feed on plankton, the rest are predators. Some families are adapted to live in fresh waters.

How many types of sharks actually exists in nature, one can only guess, because sometimes individuals are found that were considered hopelessly lost to history.

Shark genera and species are united into orders:

  • carchariformes (carcharidae);
  • heterogeneous (bovine, horned);
  • polybranchiformes (polybranchials);
  • lamniform;
  • wobbegong-shaped;
  • sawnose;
  • katran-shaped (spiny);
  • flat-bodied representatives.

Despite the diversity of predators, sharks are united by structural features:

  • the basis of the fish skeleton is cartilage tissue;
  • all species breathe oxygen through gill slits;
  • absence of a swim bladder;
  • acute sense of smell - blood can be sensed several kilometers away.

Carcharine sharks

They are found in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian oceans, the Mediterranean, Caribbean, and Red seas. Dangerous species sharks. Typical representatives:

Tiger (leopard) shark

Known for its prevalence in coastal zones ah, India, Japan, Australia. The name reflects the color of the predators, similar to the tiger pattern. The transverse stripes on a gray background persist until the shark grows over 2 meters long, then they turn pale.

Maximum size up to 5.5 meters. Greedy predators swallow even inedible objects. They themselves are a commercial object - the liver, skin, and fins of fish are valued. Sharks are very prolific, with up to 80 live-born pups in one litter.

Hammerhead shark

Lives in warm waters oceans. The record length of the giant specimen was recorded at 6.1 m. The weight of large representatives is up to 500 kg. Shark appearance unusual, massive. The dorsal fin is sickle-shaped. Ahead of the “hammer” is almost straight. Favorite prey: poisonous stingrays, Sea Horses. They bear offspring once every two years, 50-55 newborns. Dangerous for humans.

Hammerhead shark

Silky (Florida) shark

Body length is 2.5-3.5 m. Weight is about 350 kg. The color includes different shades of grayish-blue with a metallic sheen. The scales are very small. Since ancient times, the streamlined body of a fish has terrified sea ​​depths.

The image of a cruel hunter is associated with stories of attacks on divers. They live everywhere in waters with water heated to 23°C.

Silky shark

Snout shark

A species of gray shark known for being the most aggressive. The maximum length is 4 m. Other names: bull shark, tub head. More than half of all human victims are attributed to this predator. Lives in coastal areas of Africa and India.

The peculiarity of the bovine species is in the osmoregulation of the body, i.e. adaptation to fresh water. The appearance of a blunt-nosed shark at the mouths of rivers flowing into the seas is common.

Blunt shark and its sharp teeth

Blue shark

The most common variety. Average length up to 3.8 m, weight more than 200 kg. It got its name from the color of its slender body. The shark is dangerous to humans. It can approach the shores and go to great depths. Migrates across the Atlantic.

Blue shark foraging for food

Hedgetooth sharks

Typical bottom inhabitants are of medium size. Many species are called bulls, which creates confusion with dangerous gray individuals called bulls. The squad has rare species of sharks, not dangerous to humans.

Zebra shark

Lives in shallow waters off the coast of Japan, China,. Narrow brown stripes on a light background resemble a zebra pattern. Dull short snout. It poses no danger to humans.

Zebra shark

Helmet shark

A rare species found off the Australian coast. The skin is covered with rough teeth. Unusual color of dark spots on a light brownish background. The average length of individuals is 1 m. They feed sea ​​urchins and small organisms. It has no commercial value.

Mozambican shark

The length of the fish is only 50-60 cm. The red-brown body is strewn with white spots. A little-studied species. It feeds on crustaceans. It lives on the coasts of Mozambique, Somalia, and Yemen.

Polygill sharks

The order has existed for hundreds of millions of years. An unusual number of gill slits and a special shape of teeth distinguish the patriarchs of the shark tribe. They live in deep water.

Sevengill (straightnose) shark

Slender body of ash color with a narrow head. The fish is small in size, up to 100-120 cm in length. It exhibits an aggressive character. After catching it, it tries to bite the offender.

Frilled shark

The length of the flexible, elongated body is approximately 1.5-2 m. The ability to bend resembles a snake. Color grey-brown. The membranes of the gills form leather bags similar to a cloak. A dangerous predator with roots from the Cretaceous period. The shark is called a living fossil for its lack of signs of evolution. The second name was received for the numerous folds on the skin.

Lumniform sharks

The torpedo shape and powerful tail allow it to swim quickly. Large individuals have commercial value. Sharks are dangerous to humans.

Fox sharks

A distinctive feature of the species is the elongated upper lobe of the caudal fin. Used as a whip to stun prey. A cylindrical body, 3-4 m long, is adapted for high-speed movement.

Some species of sea foxes filter plankton and are not predators. Thanks to taste qualities meat have commercial value.

Giant sharks

Giants, more than 15 m long, are second in size after whale sharks. The color is gray-brown with speckles. Lives in all temperate waters of the oceans. They do not pose a danger to people. Feeds on plankton.

The peculiarity of the behavior is that the shark constantly keeps its mouth open, filtering 2000 tons of water per hour while moving.

Sand sharks

Inhabitants of the deep and explorers of coastal zones at the same time. You can recognize the variety by its upturned nose and the frightening appearance of its massive body. Found in many tropical and cool seas.

The average length of the fish is 3.7 m. In general, sand sharks, which are harmless to humans, are confused with gray predators, known for aggression.

Mako shark (black tip)

There are short-finned varieties and long-finned relatives. In addition to the Arctic Ocean, the predator lives in all other oceans. It does not go deeper than 150 m. The average size reaches 4 m in length and weighs 450 kg.

Despite the fact that many existing shark species dangerous, the blue-gray predator is unrivaled deadly weapon. Develops colossal speed in pursuit of schools of mackerel, schools, and sometimes jumps above the water.

Goblin shark (brownie, rhinoceros)

Random loot unknown fish at the end of the 19th century, approximately 1 m long, led scientists to the discovery: extinct shark species Scapanorhynchus, thought to have existed 100 million years ago, is alive! The unusual snout above the head makes shark-like on . An alien from the past was found again several times after almost 100 years. Very rare inhabitants.

Wobbegong sharks

The peculiarity of the order is the unusually smooth and rounded shapes of predators among their relatives. Different types of sharks The variegated coloring and bizarre growths on the body bring them together. Many representatives lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle.

Whale shark

An amazing giant up to 20 meters long. Found in bodies of water tropical zones, subtropics. They do not tolerate cold water well. A beautiful, harmless predator whose food consists of mollusks and crayfish. Divers can pat him on the back.

It amazes with its grace and unique appearance. Small eyes on a flattened head hide in a fold of skin in case of danger. Small teeth are arranged in 300 rows, their total number is approximately 15,000 pieces. They lead a solitary life and rarely form small groups.

Carpal wobbegong

IN strange creature it is difficult to recognize a relative of the ocean predators that terrify everyone aquatic life. The aerobatics of camouflage consists of a flat body covered with some kind of rags.

It is very difficult to recognize fins and eyes. Sharks are often called mustachioed and bearded due to the fringe along the contour of their heads. Thanks to unusual appearance bottom sharks often become pets in public aquariums.

Zebra shark (leopard)

The spotted color is very reminiscent of a leopard, but no one will change the ingrained name. The leopard shark is often found in warm sea waters, at depths of up to 60 meters along coastlines. The beauty is often captured by underwater photographers.

Zebra shark on photo reflects an atypical representative of his tribe. The smooth lines of the fins and body, rounded head, leathery protrusions along the body, and yellow-brown color create a spectacular appearance. Does not show aggression towards humans.

Sawtooth sharks

A distinctive feature of the representatives of the order is a jagged outgrowth on the snout, similar to a saw, and a pair of long antennae. The main function of the organ is to search for food. They literally plow up the bottom soil if they sense prey.

In case of danger, they swing a saw, inflicting wounds on the enemy with sharp teeth. The average length of an individual is 1.5 m. Sharks live in warm ocean waters, off the coasts of South Africa, Japan, and Australia.

Short-nosed sawnose

The length of the sawtooth outgrowth is approximately 23-24% of the length of the fish. The usual “saw” of its relatives reaches a third of the total body length. The color is gray-blue, the belly is light. With side blows of the saw, sharks injure their victims in order to then eat them. Leads single image life.

Dwarf saw-nos (African saw-nos)

There is information about catching dwarf (body length less than 60 cm) sawbills, but there is no scientific description. Types of sharks very small sizes are rare. Like their relatives, they lead a bottom life on silt-sandy soil.

Golden sharks

Representatives of the order live almost everywhere in all sea and ocean waters. Since ancient times, spines have been hidden in the fins of katran-shaped fish. There are thorns on the back and skin, which can easily cause injury.

None of them are dangerous to humans. The peculiarity of fish is that they are saturated with mercury, so consumption spiny sharks Not recommended for food.

Types of sharks of the Black Sea include katran representatives, the indigenous inhabitants of this reservoir.

Southern siltworm

It lives at a depth of up to 400 m. The body is dense, spindle-shaped. The head is pointed. The color is light brown. Shy fish harmless to humans. You can only get hurt on thorns and hard skin.

Heavy Sludge

The massive body of the fish with the characteristic shape of the silt gullet. Lives on great depths. Little studied. Rare specimens of the shortthorn shark were caught in deep-sea catches.

granular shark

A common type of fish at a depth of 200-600 m. The name appeared due to its original shape, similar to sandpaper. Sharks are not aggressive. Maximum dimensions reach 26-27 cm. Color black-brown. There is no commercial value due to the difficult production and small size of the fish.

Flat-bodied sharks (squat sharks, angel sharks)

The shape of the predator resembles a stingray. The length of typical representatives of the order is approximately 2 m. They are active at night; during the day they bury themselves in the mud and sleep. They feed on bottom organisms. Squat sharks are not aggressive, but react to provoking actions of swimmers and divers.

Squatins are called sand devils for their method of hunting from ambush with a sudden rush. The prey is sucked into the toothy mouth.

The most ancient creatures of nature, living in the ocean for 400 million years, are many-sided and diverse. A person studies the world of sharks like a fascinating book with historical characters.

Sharks are the almost undisputed queens of the seas and oceans. There are more than 450 species of them - from small to great. The smallest of them reaches a length of only 17 cm. Majority much larger. Some are very big. They were included in the presented top 10 largest sharks.

By the way, it would be a mistake to consider the toothy inhabitants World ocean exclusively by predators. Among them there are also quite peaceful creatures that pose no danger to living beings. By the way, some of the species live in freshwater bodies. The largest shark in the world, of course, will not be found in fresh water, but quite large specimens can be found far from the seas.

This is not only one of the largest, but also one of the most aggressive sharks. They show their character already in the mother’s womb - embryos actively fight for the right to live. Natural selection does its job, and the most dangerous individuals are born.

The length of the mako is up to 3.5 m. The largest specimen surprised fishermen with a size of 4.5 m. Like the famous White shark, mako can be dangerous to humans. Even its appearance makes it similar to white. But in most cases, attacks on people are caused by the latter’s intrusion into the “sphere of influence” of the mako. Although there are also troubles caused by the excessive aggression of the white-like species.

Among other things, makos are very agile and fast. The maximum speed of movement of a large shark is 70 km/h. An aerodynamic aquatic inhabitant from the herring family is capable of jumping out of the water to a height of up to six meters.

The maximum officially confirmed length is 5.4 m. This makes the sixgill a participant in this rating. But the size of ordinary representatives of the species is more modest - within 3-4 meters.

It poses no danger to humans. But he doesn’t like being touched by divers and can’t even stand it. In such situations, it simply rushes to the depths. But it can rush – its capabilities allow a shark with six gills to descend to a depth of up to 2.5 km.

Usually one of largest sharks are quite slow and clumsy. But when attacking, she transforms - she becomes sharp and fast.

Next is a large-mouthed shark, whose “face” resembles the space pirates without disguise from the children’s TV series “Guest from the Future.” These beauties (sharks, I mean) are poorly studied, and they were discovered relatively recently - in the seventies. To date, only 60 deep-sea largemouths have been discovered. The largest shark among them reaches a length of 5.7 m.

The sea fox was included in the rating thanks to its huge tail fin. Together with him, the predator reaches a length of about 6 m. But, since you cannot throw the tail out of the body, the cunning representative of sharks reasonably occupies a high position.

Despite its predatory nature, this species is not dangerous to humans. The king of nature causes fear in the fox shark, and the “tailed” cartilaginous fish attacks only its smaller marine colleagues.

The shark's long tail is used as a whip. They use it to stun prey. In English they have a special, additional name - thresher shark.

Huge The sea fox is capable of jumping completely out of the water. These are fast and powerful predators.

This shark is impressive not so much in size as in “design”. The hammer-shaped snout does not make the fish a beauty, but it definitely elevates it to the rank of the most original sea creatures.

The average dimensions of the “hammers” are 3 meters. But the maximum length, which is officially recorded, is 6.1 m. This is potentially aggressive and dangerous fish, and it’s better to stay away from her. But statistics say that hammerhead sharks are rarely interested in people. It is up to the divers to decide who to trust – statistics or probability.

Photos of the largest sharks must include images tiger species. The average size of sea tigresses is 5 m. There is every reason to believe that the oceans are full of tiger sharks at least 7 meters in size.

Gigantic the tigress must be feared - it is not only very big, but also quite aggressive shark. Human remains are often found in the stomachs of these fish. In some countries, there are so many tiger sharks that they are shot to ensure the safety of people.

Most known species, anyone normal person causing, to say the least, mixed emotions. The man-eating shark is known for its aggressiveness, powerful jaws and a huge number of human victims. White shark - greatest actress who appeared in films huge number once.

The largest white shark(of those that were caught) was 7.9 m long. There is information that larger specimens roam the oceans - up to 12-13 m. But the average size of predators is 4-5 m. Average weight– 0.6-1.2 t.

Despite its popularity and reputation, this species is considered endangered - according to ichthyologists, there are about 3.5 thousand killer carcharodons left in the world.

This huge this pretty girl with a model look is one of the largest and slowest sharks. The usual size of a polar shark is 6-7 m. But the speed let us down - it moves northern view no faster than 2.5 km/h. Even for a one and a half ton fish, this is very little, but these are the conditions of its habitat - low temperatures do not favor sharks for maneuverability and agility.

With such slowness one could die of hunger, but the polar beauty looks for victims on its own. All that remains for her is to attack the seals sleeping in the water.

2. Giant (or gigantic) shark

In second place is giant shark is the biggest of relatively dangerous sharks. Photo not the most pleasant - the gaping mouth is both scary and disgusting. The size of females is about 10 m. Males are slightly smaller. A couple of centuries ago, fishermen caught 12-meter specimens. There is an opinion that even today it is quite possible to come across a truly giant shark– up to 15 m long.

However, the likelihood of meeting even an ordinary representative of the species is very low - due to the mass extermination of these sharks, there are only a few of these sharks left. The horror story feeds on plankton and small fish, but it is better for humans not to swim near it. The shark has sharp scales that can easily hurt.

You are already one step away from finding out how much does the biggest shark weigh?, about the size of the latter and about its diet.

The largest shark on the planet - whale shark . The average length is 12-15 m, but more impressive dimensions are not uncommon - 18-20 m. Weight himself dimensional specimen – 36 tons.

To satisfy their hunger, a “mid-size” whale needs at least 200 kg of plankton. That the most shark in the world eats small things, as almost any schoolchild probably knows.


Which a hit selection with no surprises? U many, perhaps the question has arisen - what does another species have to do with it, if we have already decided on the first position? In fact, the whale fish is indeed the largest in size. But - in modern realities. Among the extinct species, another fish is in the lead.

Megalodon shark– the undisputed record holder of those distant times and species. Unfortunately, on video of the biggest shark didn’t get it - the fossil fish disappeared long before the development of our technologies. According to scientists, the size of the mega-fish was in the range of 12-18 m. At the same time largest shark in the world megalodon was heavier than a modern whale - about 50 tons. Due to its size, the shark even fed on similar, but smaller, species.

A shark is a bloodthirsty monster: if you fall into its mouth, there is practically no chance of salvation. Even if it does not kill outright, the person simply bleeds to death or dies from his injuries.

In fact, sharks do not attack people as often as it seems. This happens only in exceptional cases. For example, surfers are often victims of attack because, while swimming on a board, they resemble the silhouette of the seals that slaves feed on. Or in case of a disaster on the open sea or ocean, when the smell of blood simply attracts a predator and fuels their hunger.

There is also filming that proves that the shark is not such a terrible animal. Some scuba divers decided to dive into the water near sharks, understanding the risk, and recorded these moments on film.

But our article is dedicated to bloodthirsty killers, man-eating sharks. Of the 360 ​​species, the 4 most dangerous sharks in the world are considered to be the 4 that are most often observed to attack people unprovoked.

The great white shark is not picky about its habitat. It swims both in warm ocean waters and in moderately cool ones. Only in the Arctic Ocean are the conditions unsuitable for the habitat of the white predator. Mostly found in tropical and subtropical waters. The great white is fearsome as it can easily appear in shallow water. Frequent attacks of this species are recorded in Australia. It was here that people nicknamed her the “White Death.”

The great white shark can reach impressive sizes - up to 6 meters long and weighing up to 2 tons. But in history there have been several cases of catching even larger fish.

The predator's belly is painted white, and its back and sides are gray or gray-blue. Thus, its color helps to be less noticeable in the depths of the ocean. When viewed from top to bottom, its darker back blends with the color of the water and hides its proximity. dangerous predator, which in turn allows you to quietly get close to your victim.

The great white feeds mainly on marine life, but prefers fattier prey, such as seals or fur seals.

An aggressive shark can smell blood from a distance of 5 km. It usually attacks from below, bites its victim, swims a short distance and waits for its death.

There are only 139 recorded white shark attacks on humans, 29 of which resulted in death.

The bull shark, or bull shark, can be called the most dangerous shark in the world, it is found in waters with varying salt concentrations, is not whimsical and can appear even in fresh water. Thanks to this property, cases have been recorded where, during severe floods, blunt-nosed sharks were encountered on flooded streets. They can also travel far upstream and are sometimes found in Lakes Michigan and Nicaragua.

Sharks can be quite large in size. The average length of the fish reaches 2.5 meters, and its weight is about 130 kg. A case of catching the largest individual of this species has been officially registered. She reached 4 meters and weighed about 400 kg.

The bull shark prefers to hunt in murky waters. Swimming up to its prey, the predator pushes and bites it until it completely immobilizes its future meal. For this she was nicknamed the most aggressive. It prefers to feed on sea turtles, bony fish and arthropods. Does not hesitate to eat its relatives.

Since the predator is often found in shallow water, fresh rivers and in troubled waters, it is one of the most dangerous for humans. There have been 93 recorded cases of bull shark attacks on people, 26 of which resulted in death.

In a critical situation, when fleeing, a bull shark can regurgitate recently swallowed food to distract its pursuer, thereby saving itself from more scary predator.

The tiger shark is found mainly in the waters of the World and Pacific Oceans. It can often be seen near the coast. Sometimes they swim into shallow water, thereby posing a danger to humans. The predator prefers warm waters and with the onset of the cold season migrates along warm currents closer to the equator.

As the name implies, the color of the fish resembles tiger. Its back and sides are gray, and until it reaches two meters in size, transverse lines are noticeable on them. This allows you to hide from stronger predators. The belly is painted white or light yellow.

The average size of a tiger predator is from 3.5 to 4.5 meters, with a weight reaching 385-635 kg. According to unconfirmed reports, individuals of this species can reach a much larger size. For example, in the Gulf of Panama you can hear the story of the capture of a shark measuring more than 6 m.

The tiger shark slowly swims through its territory, its movements are almost imperceptible, and one may get the impression that there is no slower fish in the ocean, but as soon as the predator gets hungry or smells prey, it becomes fast and reacts with lightning speed.

This species is indiscriminate in food and can eat any marine life encountered along the way. It does not disdain carrion, and cases of cannibalism have also been recorded.

When hunting in muddy waters, they swallow everything and often a variety of inedible objects were found in the belly of a caught tiger. These were car tires, a horse's hoof, various rags, bags of coal and much more.

The long-winged shark is thermophilic, so most often it can be found in ocean waters, where the temperature ranges from 18°C ​​to 28°C. They tend to leave places where the temperature is beyond comfortable. This species mainly lives away from the coast, but sometimes they can be seen in shallow water.

A characteristic distinguishing feature of the long-winged predator is its lateral fins. They are slightly larger than other representatives, have a rounded shape with a white border around the edge. The back and sides of the fish come in several shades: bronze, brown, bluish or gray. The belly is white, sometimes with a yellow tint.

The average size of the longwing is from 1.5 to 2 m, and the weight varies from 20 to 60 kg. But there were cases when fishermen caught an individual slightly larger than the specified size in a net. The case of the capture of the largest long-winged predator weighing 170 kg was officially registered.

The most terrible sharks prefer solitary swimming. Only in in rare cases they flock together in one flock. Regular companions of this species are pilot fish, sticky fish and coryphaenas.

Long-winged predators feed on clawed fish, sea turtles, crustaceans and birds. They do not hesitate to eat the corpses of various animals and fish.

According to Jacques Cousteau, a famous oceanographer, the most dangerous sharks- These are long-winged. She is attributed to many deaths that occurred in open waters during shipwrecks.

A shark attack on a person is not always due to hunger. Very common bites predatory fish are exploratory, in which she tries to understand what is in front of her. Her weak point is her nose and eyes. When you get into the mouth of a bloodthirsty killer, you need to hit them as hard as possible, and then there is a chance of avoiding death.

Few animals have given us a natural fear of them, but sharks stand out from this list. As a predator, many species of sharks are well equipped to inflict serious injury: large, fast and powerful jaws, armed with multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth, these fish are very precisely honed for the perfect kill. However, of the approximately 400 species of sharks, only a small number pose a danger to humans. Perhaps three or even four species could be considered man-eating sharks.

After sifting through the records of shark attacks recorded in the International Shark Attack Record (ISAF) and the Global Shark Attack Record (GSAF), it is clear that only a few species typically attack humans and that many of the remaining shark species must first be provoked before they can attack person.

Statistically, it is incredibly rare for any species of shark to attack humans, but when they do, the results can be so horrific that they are seared into the psyche of a nation. Reports of victims being bitten or people being half-eaten by sharks the size of school buses will always be on the minds of many people when they put their feet in the ocean.

Now about the rating. Unlike many rankings, which often judge sharks purely on statistics, we look at the harm potential, aggression and habitats of sharks to find out which sharks are greatest danger for people.

10. Hammerhead Shark

Photo. Hammerhead shark

The hammerhead shark is actually a member of the Sphyrnidae (hammerhead) shark family, which range in size from less than one meter (3 feet) to more than 6 meters (20 feet). It is believed that the strange shape of the head allows the shark to have better all-round vision, and also to better hunt prey that is buried in the sand. For most observers, the different subspecies are difficult to distinguish from each other, especially when they bite. It may seem incredible, but the basking hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran) may be the most suitable candidate for our ranking. This shark reaches a whopping 6+ meters (20 feet) and weighs up to 600 kg (1,300 pounds), it is armed with teeth similar to bull sharks and there is no doubt that a giant hammerhead shark can easily inflict fatal wounds on a person. There is also information that they may be more aggressive than other species of hammerhead sharks.

Over the years, hammerhead sharks have been involved in 34 attacks, one of which was fatal. This number indicates that their potential danger is uncertain since they are an endangered species.

9. Blacktip shark

Photo. Blacktip shark

The blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) is both well-known and widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical shallows around the world. It gets its name from the black stripes and black tips on its fins and tail. In general, these sharks are quite small in size, measuring less than 1.6 m (5 ft) in length, but larger specimens can reach up to 2.8 m (9 ft) and weigh more than 100 kg (220 lb). Their size is definitely offset by their energy, and they can often be seen leaping out of the water while chasing fish.

The blacktip shark is generally not considered very dangerous to humans due to its size. But they often attack people, accounting for the highest percentage of shark attacks in Florida. ISAF has information about 41 attacks by these sharks, one of which resulted in death.

8. Common Sand Shark

Photo. Common sand shark

Many people are familiar with the common sandbar shark (Carcharias taurus) as the large shark that can be seen during an aquarium visit. Often called variously as the gray nurse shark, ragged-tooth shark and blue sand tiger nurse shark, they are found in warm waters around the world.

The common sand shark grows to approximately 3.2 meters (11 ft) in length and can weigh up to 160 kg (350 lb). However, this fierce looking teeth tends to attract people's attention. It has three rows of long, pointed teeth that protrude menacingly from the shark's mouth. Despite their menacing appearance, the teeth are designed to capture small, slippery prey such as fish and squid.

Apparently ordinary sand sharks don't deserve the bad reputation people have given her. The fact that they are called "tiger" and that they often surf the waves does not actually mean that they have frequent contact with people. In fact, they are not brindle at all and they are relatively docile. However, they were known to attack and were found responsible for the deaths of two people. Many of the attacks occurred while fishing for them. There have also been several incidents of people being bitten in the aquarium.

7. Blue shark

Photo. Blue shark

Another member of the shark family, the blue shark (Prionace Glauca) is one of the most commonly seen and widespread sharks. It can be found as far north as Norway and as far south as Chile; being a deep-sea species, it rarely comes into contact with humans. This sleek shark is capable of explosive speed, which it uses to catch its prey of squid and fish. The largest specimens recorded have reached over 3.8 m (12 ft), but there have been unconfirmed reports of 21 ft in length.

In the wild, the blue shark has few natural predators, although killer whales are also said to prey on them. More large sharks can also prey on small blue sharks, this was demonstrated in 1969 at Sea World in San Diego, where blue sharks were mixed with bull sharks in captivity. Suffice it to say that bull sharks thrived there...

From the point of view of danger, people are more likely to pose a danger to them than vice versa. Every year during fishing between 10 and 20 million sharks are killed. On the other hand, the blue shark is considered potentially dangerous and has been responsible for a number of fatal attacks. Some of them happened in a fishing boat when fishermen pulled it out of the water, but others happened to sailors shipwrecked on the open ocean. The blue shark is known to circle swimmers and divers for up to 15 minutes, and this may be reason to believe that in such situations it is more prone to active action.

6. Narrowtooth shark

Photo. Narrowtooth shark

The bronze whaler or copper shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus) gets its name from its coloration and the fact that these and other sharks congregate at whale kill sites on whale hunting days. They are found everywhere but in tropical waters, spending their time in shallow bays, harbors and estuaries. The species is most commonly found during the annual sardine run in South Africa, where sharks feast on the fish in groups that go on a feeding frenzy.

The sandtooth shark is a large shark, reaching over 3 m (10 ft) in length and weighing about 300 kg (675 lb). It is a fast, powerful swimmer equipped with long, serrated teeth. With their size and jaws, bronze whalers do pose a threat to humans and have been involved in a number of attacks. They are generally not aggressive towards people, but have been known to harass fishermen. There are also a number of unprovoked attacks on swimmers and surfers along east coast Australia has suffered at least two similar attacks fatal.

5. Mako shark

Photo. Mako shark

The mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus), or blacktip shark, is a member of the mackerel shark family (herring sharks). This family includes such illustrious members as the great white shark and the prehistoric megalodon. It is not a big surprise that the mako shark can be seen in this ranking.

Warm-blooded makos can grow to frightening sizes. Adults typically reach about 3 m (10 ft), but the largest mako sharks reached 4.5 m (15 ft) and weighed almost a ton. Considering the mako's size, it has incredible speed. This shark has been recorded reaching speeds of up to 74 km/h (46 mph) and some scientists suggest it could be much faster. At this speed, the mako shark can make incredible leaps out of the water. One of the problems is that it was often placed in the middle of a fishing boat and they were known to cause serious injuries in the water.

Mako sharks are responsible for three reported deaths and have a reputation for aggression.

4. Longtip shark

Photo. Longtip shark

The Longtip Shark (Carcharhinus Longimanus) is the first shark in this ranking that can truly be classified as a "man-eater". She almost certainly killed more people than all other sharks combined. The reason why it is not at the top of the ranking is that the vast majority of these attacks were completely opportunistic and the result of air and sea disasters. There are several reported sinkings of ships during World War II, when these sharks are believed to have been responsible for hundreds of deaths.

While these sharks are slow to move, they can be incredibly aggressive and persistent. They are known to go into a feeding frenzy and seek to grab a piece whenever possible, engage in battles and wait for the next opportunity. It is for these reasons that Jacques Cousteau called them “the most dangerous of all sharks.” The greattip shark is a capable killer with powerful jaws, a bold personality and often big size, the largest recorded specimen reached 4 meters (13 ft).

The open ocean bluetip shark has also been involved in a number of fatal attacks on swimmers and divers, including several infamous attacks in the Red Sea in 2010 in which one woman died from her injuries.

3. Tiger shark

Photo. Tiger shark

The tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) is a large and aggressive shark. The name comes from her temperament and the stripes that run down her sides. It is also known as the "sea scavenger" as it tends to swallow anything that comes its way. Here is a list of objects that have been removed from the stomachs of tiger sharks: bottles, tires, clothing, cats, pigs and even an entire horse's head. You imagined it! Its usual prey is fish, seals, dolphins, birds and turtles.

The tiger shark can be found in coastal tropical and subtropical waters around the world, although it usually tends to be in deep water, below 6 m (20 ft). Tiger sharks are the fourth largest of all sharks. Large specimens reach over 5 m (16 ft) in length and weigh more than a ton. In fact, she looks more like a big guy with a heavy build and incredibly thick skin (8 times thicker than cowhide). They also have a more proportionate, wide mouth than other sharks. This monstrous mouth is lined with serrated teeth that are ideal for slicing up prey as opposed to grabbing it like many of the aforementioned sharks.

Obviously, humans are no match for sharks with similar characteristics and this is why the tiger shark has earned a "good" reputation as a man-eater. It is without doubt the most dangerous shark in the tropics and accounts for the majority of attacks in Australia and Hawaii. The statistics speak for themselves, the death toll is second only to the great white shark, and the mortality rate from attacks is also very high.

Video. Restless tiger shark

2. Snout shark

Photo. Snout shark

Snout shark or bull shark(Carcharhinus leucas) is considered the most dangerous shark in many waters. However, it has not acquired the same reputation as great white and tiger sharks. There are several reasons why this shark is considered especially dangerous, including its physical characteristics.

The bull shark is also awarded more names than most other sharks, a sign of its widespread distribution. These include the Ganges shark, Nicaraguan shark, river shark, Swan River whaler, shovelnose shark, squarenose shark and Van Rooyen's shark.

The bull shark is a large, powerful shark, measuring up to 3.5 m (11.5 ft) in length and up to 318 kg (700 lb) in weight. It gets its name from its flat muzzle and stocky build, with a pugnacious personality to boot. It is well equipped with jaws, which are also studded with several rows of triangular-shaped serrated teeth, ideal for slicing prey. It is a very territorial shark and will attack other species that it feels threatens its territory, including humans.

The bull shark is especially dangerous to humans because the risk of crossing paths with this shark is higher than with any other dangerous shark. Not only does the bull shark live in shallow coastal waters, but it is also able to do something that most other sharks cannot - swim in fresh water. Sharks have adapted to fresh water, their kidneys allow them to travel thousands of kilometers along river mouths and they can even live in lakes. Some have had the misfortune of swimming in some rivers, the bull shark has killed many people in fresh water.

According to ISAF records, it ranks third in the number of attacks, but many of the bull shark attacks are believed to be hushed up because they occur in third world countries. There were 104 recorded attacks, of which one in three resulted in death.

1. Great white shark

Photo. Great white shark

Just the name great white shark is enough to send people running from the beach. Already sad famous film 1970's Jaws further demonized this shark and cemented the shark's reputation as a man-eater. Although without a doubt the shark Carcharodon Carcharias is one of the perfect killing machines on planet Earth.

The largest specimens of great white sharks reach 6.5 meters (22 ft) in length. However, several reports have been published of sharks that reached 8 meters (26 ft) and weighed about 3.5 tons. They are armed with truly crushing powerful jaws, several rows of triangular teeth about 3 inches long, which are serrated on both sides. They are used to cut prey, for this the shark moves its head from side to side. If a tooth breaks, the next tooth from the same row behind takes its place.

This shark is quite fast. When a great white shark chases its prey, it can reach speeds of up to 56 km/h (35 mph). It's more like being hit by a freight train and being stunned, which can cause the prey to die outright. Compared to common predatory animals such as sea lions and seals, humans have virtually no chance against this animal.

In fact, great whites do not show any interest in humans as food, humans are small enough for them and, apparently, most attacks were mistaken because the shark did not correctly identify its prey (mistaking the surfer for a seal or fur seal, which is why the surfers It is recommended to wear special wetsuits that repel sharks) or the shark simply showed excessive curiosity. Unfortunately, an inquisitive bite from a 3-ton shark can result in the loss of an arm or leg.

These sharks are found in all of the world's oceans and can withstand water temperatures ranging from 12 to 24 °C (54 and 75 °F). They can be found in deep water or near the shore, usually near a seal colony. Great white sharks are most abundant off the coasts of South Africa, Australia, the northeastern United States, California, Japan and the Mediterranean. Last place surprises many people, yet there have been over 30 recorded attacks.

Without a doubt, the great white shark is the most dangerous of all sharks and statistics back this up, with over 400 attacks recorded worldwide, many of which were fatal. Oddly enough, this great white shark needs protection from humans and its numbers are falling, despite the fact that it is classified as a protected species in many countries.

Video. Girl swims with a great white shark in the open ocean

The ferocious nature of sharks has become legendary. The most dangerous sharks in the world are a favorite topic of discussion while relaxing on sea beaches. The danger of sharks lies in their strength, powerful jaws and sharp teeth, main problem represents the unpredictability of their behavior.

Nowadays, more than 450 species of these fish have been described and registered, among which the undisputed leader in size is the fish - its length reaches two tens of meters. And the smallest is the dwarf spiny shark, whose homeland is the warm coastal waters of South Africa. The largest males of this species barely reach a quarter of a meter in length.

According to ichthyologists, people should be wary of any sharks whose length exceeds one meter.

Which ten sharks are the most dangerous?

However, there are representatives of the Selachii (from the Latin Selachii) who attack people more often than others. They belong to two orders of the superorder of sharks: carchariformes and lamniformes. Here is a list of them, these are the most dangerous sharks in the world: bluntnose, great white, tiger, mako, longtip, gray reef, sand, blue, lemon and hammerhead shark.

And now more about each of them.

Snout shark

It is also called the bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas). This is the most terrible shark in the world. The blunt-nosed shark belongs to the order Carchariformes.

Habitats: tropical and subtropical coastal areas of all oceans except the Southern and Arctic. They can also enter rivers (due to their tolerance to salinity levels). Largest quantity Individuals of this species have made attacks on people in the world near the beaches of the Bahamas.

Almost always, an encounter with a blunt-nosed shark has a tragic outcome. In just one year, up to 50 people die from the teeth of representatives of this species across the planet, and up to a hundred are injured. This data is unofficial, but it is impressive.

The largest bull shark whose size was recorded reached a length of 4 meters. This type is distinguished by:

  • Low pain sensitivity.
  • Extreme aggressiveness.
  • A unique style of attack. The fish hits its head, after which it makes a swift attack and inflicts a fatal bite.

Interestingly, this most dangerous shark in the world is valuable as an object of industrial fishing.

White shark

The great white shark, also called the man-eating shark, is officially known as Carcharodon carcharias and belongs to the order Lamniformes. The habitat of this terrible predator includes both coastal and open waters of all, with the exception of the Northern Arctic Oceans planets.

The average body length of a white shark is 4.6 – 4.8 meters, and in some individuals it is more than 6 meters, with a body weight of about 1,900 kg. Many believe that the great white is the most terrible shark in the world. And it’s not surprising, because in 2012 alone, according to official statistics, eleven people suffered from her teeth, three of whom died.

Features of this type include:

  • The ability to approach without the victim noticing.
  • A peculiar attack tactic consisting of a single unexpected bite and further waiting until the victim, weakened from loss of blood, loses the ability to resist.
  • High speed combined with persistence.

Tiger shark

The name is due to its characteristic color: young specimens have dark stripes on their backs that disappear over time. Therefore, you can find its unofficial name - sea tiger.

One of the most common globe sharks IN international classification It is called Galeocerdo cuvier and belongs to the order Carchariformes. Tiger sharks live off the coast and in the open waters of tropical and subtropical seas. However, the favorite habitat of these predators is the islands of the central Pacific Ocean.

The length of the largest individuals can reach 5.5 meters.

On average, 3 to 4 attacks of tiger sharks on people are recorded annually, so they are also said to be the most dangerous sharks in the world.

Species features:

  • High fertility combined with viviparity ensures population stability.
  • It eats everything, even anchors or car tires, but it spits out inedible objects, and the stomach can turn out through its mouth and rinse.
  • Attacks quickly, not allowing the victim to escape.

The tiger shark is subject to industrial fishing for the purpose of obtaining liver, fins and skin. Residents of some countries consider it sacred.

Longtip shark

The name is associated with pectoral fins, wide and long, similar to the wings of a bird spread to the sides. All fins have a white edging at the tips - this is another feature of their appearance.

This species of shark belongs to the order Carcharhiniformes and is officially named Carcharhinus longimanus. Habitat: tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans of the Earth. Longtip sharks can be found at depths of up to 230 meters. The record holder of the species had a length of 4 meters and a mass of 167.4 kg.

These sharks are rarely found near the coasts, but they are the most dangerous shark in the world for people injured in a shipwreck on the high seas.

There is a known case with the steamer Nova Scotia, sunk in the waters off South Africa in 1939-1945, when after it sank to the bottom before the arrival of rescuers, out of 1,000 people on board, only 192 survived. The cause of death of many people is considered longtip sharks.

According to Jacques Cousteau, the longtip shark is the only species of shark that does not fear divers.

Mako shark

This species is sometimes called the mackerel shark, and in scientific literature it is described as Isurus oxyrinchus and belongs to the order Lamniformes. Habitat: temperate and tropical waters in all oceans. The largest mako caught was 4.45 meters long and weighed about half a ton.

The mackerel shark is the most dangerous shark in the world for swimmers, because when attacking people, it can not only swim in shallow water, but even jump ashore.

Species features:

  • One of the fastest sharks.
  • Can maintain its body temperature.
  • Capable of jumping out of the water to a height of 6 meters.

Industrially harvested for its valuable meat.

Reef shark

Reef shark or as it is called within the walls scientific institutions, Triaenodon obesus, belongs to the order Carchariformes, lives on the coral reefs of the Red Sea, as well as the Indian and Pacific oceans. The largest specimen of the predator reached a length of 213 cm. It is recognized by subtle body And white color fin tips.

All attacks on people by gray reef sharks were provoked.

This species is valued for its excellent quality meat and liver and is caught by people on an industrial scale.

Common sand shark

The sand shark or Australian nurse shark, scientifically classified as Carcharias taurus, belongs to the order Lamniformes, lives in all subtropical waters, including the Mediterranean Sea, and grows up to 4.5 meters in length.

Attacks of these predators on people were observed mainly near the South African coast.

Species features:

  • Sharp, long, inward-curved teeth, from which it is almost impossible to escape.
  • The ability to impart neutral buoyancy to the body by swallowing air above the surface of the water.
  • They tolerate captivity well.

Hammerhead shark

Hammerhead shark, hammerhead shark or hammerhead fish, belonging to the order Carchariformes, in scientific world called Sphyrnidae, has a fairly wide habitat, including the tropics, subtropics and even temperate latitudes. The length of record specimens reaches 7 meters.

People are most often attacked by it in shallow water. This is probably the most dangerous shark in the world for residents of Florida, California and Hawaii, where people most often suffer from attacks by this particular species. After all, in the most crowded places on the beaches of these places, she breeds offspring, showing particular aggression during this period.

Only three species of hammerhead sharks are considered truly dangerous to people - common, giant and bronze. Only the most courageous divers can openly boldly drag a giant hammerhead shark by the nose: watch the video.

Hammerfish Features:

  • Unusual hammer-shaped head.
  • High speed combined with excellent maneuverability.
  • Particularly aggressive during breeding, these fish produce offspring near crowded beaches.

In Native Hawaiian culture, the hammerfish is a sea deity, protector and guardian.

Blue shark

Blue shark or wet, scientific name of which Prionace glauca belongs to the order Carchariformes. It lives everywhere off the coast and in open waters of the subtropical and warm temperate zones.

Length of the most large representatives The species is 4 meters long and weighs 400 kg. The blue shark is colorblind, however, instead of color vision, nature has endowed it with an excellent ability to navigate and recognize the finest contrasts. Some individuals have been observed attacking people injured during a shipwreck.

lemon shark

The lemon shark, also known as the Panamanian sharptooth shark, belongs to the order Carchariformes. In scientific circles the name Negaprion brevirostris is used. Lives mainly in the Atlantic Ocean, its favorite places habitat - Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and waters around the Bahamas.

The largest representatives of the species reach 340 cm in length and 180 kg in weight.

They hunt in shallow bays, on reefs, in mangroves and even in the lower reaches of rivers. Considered potentially dangerous to humans.