Axolotl(they are called a water monster or a water salamander) are widely used throughout the world in various biological experiments, and belong to an endangered species, because. They are almost never found in wildlife. Axolotls have been bred at home for quite some time, since their maintenance is not difficult and interesting, and they also have an unusual appearance.
These creatures are quite hardy. Under proper conditions, life expectancy can reach 10-15 years. They were brought to Europe around the 19th century and quickly gained popularity among scientists, as well as among lovers of exotic animals. The peculiarity of the axolotl is that it becomes able to reproduce without developing into an adult form (a phenomenon called neoteny). Adult form- Ambystoma - lives on land, near water. It is distributed from northern regions Mexico to Canada. An adult tiger ambystoma loses its external gills during metamorphosis and breathes using the lungs and also through the skin.
The axolotl has a remarkable ability to regenerate: if any part of its body is injured, or there is a threat of losing a limb, the wounds quickly heal, and after a while a new one grows in place of the lost limb.

So unusual name They named the Mexican salamander, which has an unusual appearance and can become your pet. The second name of this animal is “water dragon”.

External features of the axolotl

Thanks to his appearance they have become very popular, because many people want to buy a pet little fantasy dragon. The body length of these animals is about 30 cm, and their weight is more than 300 grams. They have a funny crest, and on their body there are feather-like gills, which are designed to obtain enough oxygen from aquatic environment. The tail of the axolotl, which makes up 70% of the total body length, deserves special attention. The axolotl has a slightly flat, wide head. Since these are representatives of predatory reptiles, it has sharp teeth, located on both the lower and upper jaws. Externally, the axolotl appears ringed due to grooves located on the sides, but its skin is very smooth. This reptile has 4 unwebbed toes on its front paws and 5 on its hind paws. To know how to properly care for an axolotl, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of this species and their life activities.

IN natural conditions These reptiles have the ability to regenerate. The natural coloring of these animals is dark brown. Sometimes you can find the presence of dark yellow or black spots. Artificially bred species can come in a variety of colors, from milky white to pink with red gills. In nature, they live in lakes and reservoirs with weak currents. They prefer low. These are nocturnal predators who during the day prefer to hide in burrows, under tree roots and other hard-to-reach places. These reptiles are very hardy and can live without food for up to two weeks.

If you want to purchase such an unusual animal as an axolotl, then you need to know what care and maintenance are preferable for this reptile. At home, this species can live up to 10-15 years.

Axolotl - keeping at home

When creating the right ones, comfortable conditions these reptiles can delight you for many years. For two adults, a 30-40 liter aquarium is required. The water should be at room temperature. It is necessary to avoid the presence of sharp objects in the aquarium, since the axolotl's skin is very delicate and can be easily damaged. Availability is important aquatic plants and smooth, round stones. You should not use sand as soil to avoid it being eaten by animals. Pebbles - there will be excellent option bottom surface. It is necessary to change about 20% of the total water volume weekly. The living environment should be enriched with oxygen, with a neutral pH level.

Temperature range is 18–20°С during the day and 16–18°С at night. Do not forget that the axolotl is a predator, and the question is who can keep it with this reptile, must be well provided for. You should not house it with fish, as they will simply be swallowed. Large fish they will also not be excellent neighbors for this reptile, because they can cause damage to the axolotl. The axolotl does not like bright light, so the conditions of detention do not provide for the presence of lighting lamps. These are passive creatures that can remain motionless at the bottom for hours and only occasionally show signs of life by wagging their tail.

Axolotl – predatory reptile, And proper care provides for a varied diet. Feed the reptile better meat: lean veal, beef, bloodworms, tubifex, lumbricus, insect and shrimp larvae. Feeding young individuals should be daily, adults – 2-3 times a week.

The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is the larva of a tailed amphibian - the Mexican ambystoma, which is found only in two lakes in Mexico - Xochimilco and Chalco near Mexico City. The name of this animal comes from the Aztec language Nahuatl and means something like "water dog", "water toy" or " water monster" Mexican salamander, water dragon - this is also the name of the axolotl.

Description of the axolotl

Mature individuals can grow up to 45 cm in length, but most often their size does not exceed 25-30 cm. The amphibian weighs about 300 grams. The animal's rounded, somewhat elongated body is covered with delicate skin. The water dragon has 4 legs, and the flat and a long tail does this animal excellent swimmer. On the large, wide head, small black eyes and a wide, constantly smiling mouth stand out.

Dark axolotls are found in nature. Individuals with golden yellow, yellow-brown, black, pink or white colors are bred in aquariums. There are also albinos with red eyes.

Features of the axolotl

Unlike most other amphibians, which can live both in water and on land, the axolotl always remains in the water. It feeds on crustaceans, insect larvae, small fish and their eggs.

These “smiling” amphibians are extremely popular both among aquarists for their cheerful appearance and unpretentiousness, and among biologists as model objects (mainly for their amazing ability to regenerate). If he loses, for example, a leg, he can easily grow it back. Even lost parts of the heart and brain can be restored! This property makes the Mexican salamander extremely interesting to scientists.

E Another amazing feature of the axolotl is that while physically remaining a “child,” it becomes ready to reproduce. The secret of “eternal childhood” lies in neoteny, that is, the ability to reach sexual maturity and reproduce at the larval stage.

An axolotl can remain in the larval state throughout its life. But if they suddenly come unfavourable conditions, for example, a reservoir dries up, the larva moves to the next level of development, i.e. transforms into an adult ambystoma. Within a few weeks, the external gills disappear and the color and shape of the body changes.

The fact that axolotls can mature became known in 1863 in Paris, when several Mexican salamander axolotls were released into a pond in a botanical garden. After some time, a French zoologist discovered that one of the axolotls had turned into an animal similar to a salamander. Since then, neoteny has been a subject close attention scientists.

You can turn an axolotl into an ambistoma artificially by lowering the water level and increasing the amount of soil in one part of the aquarium. This will force the animal to leave the water and move to a drier environment. Another way: injecting the hormone thyroxine or adding it to the amphibian’s food.

But keep in mind that introducing an axolotl into metamorphosis without the help of a herpetologist is dangerous. Such experiments most often end in the death of the larva.

Keeping a Water Dragon

An adult axolotl will be comfortable in an aquarium with a volume of at least 40 liters. 3-4 water dragons will fit perfectly in a 100-liter container. The aquarium is installed in a cool room and should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Important: temperatures above 24° C can lead to illness and death of the amphibian. If the apartment is too warm, you will need a cooling system.

Since aquatic dragons are very sensitive to the purity of water and its oxygen saturation, filtration is necessary in the aquarium and aeration is desirable. Partial water changes should be carried out at least once a week.

An amphibian's home needs soil - without it, the axolotl will not feel very comfortable. As such, it is better to use pebbles no smaller than 1.5-2 cm in size. The salamander does not particularly need live plants, but you can decorate the aquarium with artificial ones.

Axolotls love dark places, so the aquarium is equipped with all kinds of shelters. You can place driftwood, large pebbles, pots or coconuts in your ward’s home. But remember: animals have very delicate skin, so there should be no sharp objects in the aquarium.

Feeding the axolotl

The axolotl, despite its outward meekness, is a predator, and quite picky in its food. The first days of their life, the larvae feed on yolk reserves, and then move on to small crustaceans. Next they are fed with cyclops or daphnia, and later small bloodworms and tubifex worms are added.

Grown-up dragons happily eat beef and calf liver, meat (they should be cut into pieces and remove bones, tendons and fat).

Animals do not take food from the bottom. You need to move long tweezers with a treat in them in front of their muzzle. They give as much food as the water dragon will eat.

The diet is varied with earthworms, fish, crickets, tadpoles or newborn mice.

Adult axolotls are fed every other day, juveniles - daily.

Reproduction of water dragons

Axolotls reach sexual maturity at 10-12 months. By this time, males acquire a cloacal swelling at the base of the tail. In females there is no such swelling or almost no swelling.

The female lays eggs 2-3 times a year, males can be used more often. The couple is seated together in the evening and left overnight. If the partners are attractive to each other, they begin mating games. Their fertilization is internal, although there are no special copulation organs. Fertilization occurs as follows: the male places on the ground from 1 to 20 transparent gelatinous pyramids consisting of sperm, and the female, floating above them, draws them into the cloaca. After a few hours, she begins to lay eggs on the leaves of aquatic plants. There can be up to 800 eggs. The eggs hatch into larvae.


Axolotl, care and maintenance

Axolotls are fascinating creatures that are endangered. Axolotls or Mexican salamanders, which are native to the remains of Lakes Xochimilco and Chalco in Mexico. Lake Chalco no longer exists, it has been completely drained, and Lake Xochimilco is on the verge of extinction. These animals spend their entire lives in water and never appear on land. These terrarium animals are very low maintenance and, if properly maintained, are quite hardy. It's hard to imagine more unusual look animal than the axolotl.

In Ukraine, you can purchase an axolotl from other hobbyists via the Internet. Due to the features temperature regime their contents, the axolotl is not kept with other amphibians.

Most axolotls grow up to 20 cm in length (the distance from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail). Very rarely they reach 25 cm in length. Puberty usually begins when they reach 16 cm, usually occurring at the age of 1 year. The lifespan of an axolotl is most often 10 years, although rare cases when they lived to be 20.


Axolotls should not be kept in very soft, much less distilled, water. Keeping them in hard water is recommended so that they can maintain the integrity of their skin, which protects them from infections. Using regular tap water, it must first be cleaned of the chlorine it contains. This can be done by settling the water (which does not always help) or by using commercial products (conditioners such as Avera). Maintain pH in the range from 6.5 to 8.

If the pH level drops too much it may indicate increased content organic in water toxic substances, such as ammonia/ammonium and their breakdown products nitrites, which are very dangerous for animal health. In this case, it is necessary to do a water change.

Glass or plastic containers are suitable for keeping axolotls. Axolotls can be kept in groups, 3-4 individuals in a container 25 cm x 46 cm x 15 cm, provided that the animals are completely immersed in water, in an aquarium good system filtration, and the water changes frequently. If axolotls were bred for breeding, then it is better to keep the male separately - then his productivity will be better. Females are equally productive both when kept separately and in groups.

Although the above conditions are sufficient, in home aquariums they usually keep a pair of adult axolotls in a 35-40 liter aquarium. Sand or very fine soil can be used as soil. Axolotls love to swallow pebbles, especially those the size of a pea, and although the stones will eventually be removed from the body, it is still better to be on the safe side to avoid possible problems. Having a filter is highly desirable. If you use filters for mechanical, biological and chemical water purification in a container with axolotls, then set the flow to a minimum.

An aquarium is a closed system in which the results of the axolotl’s vital activity, or, more simply put, waste, will constantly accumulate. To keep the water clean and avoid infections, do regular water changes, 25-50% of the volume weekly.

Small larvae are very difficult to raise in community aquarium, since adults can be aggressive towards them and prone to cannibalism. However, adolescent axolotls and adults get along quite peacefully.

In an aquarium with an axolotl, you should not use constantly circulating water (flow), it is enough to do regular partial water changes. Moreover, constantly circulating water causes stress in these animals. If you do use a flow, make the flow of water as slow as possible. Axolotls do not need a large volume to swim - even in a large aquarium they most days are spent lying motionless almost at the bottom of the container.

If you watch an axolotl for a long time, you can see how it periodically moves its gills. Thus, it disturbs the water surrounding them and disperses carbon dioxide, accumulated in the gills, while giving an influx of fresh water saturated with oxygen. Periodically, the axolotl floats to the surface and swallows air through its mouth.

The holding container should be kept clean, removing possible bacterial growth on the walls of the aquarium or plastic container. If the container is not cleaned regularly, axolotls will suffer from sores on their toes and legs that will not heal. The skin on your feet and toes peels off, dies, and may be shed. If this happens, place the axolotl in a separate container of water to which a few drops of merbromine (disinfectant) have been added until the water turns a pale orange color. Change the water regularly until the axolotl's skin heals and the toes are likely to recover.

Axolotl larvae are usually placed in a separate container, for example a glass bowl 20 cm in diameter. There can be up to 50 or more small larvae in such a bowl, but as they grow, they need to be gradually resettled in different containers. The growth rate of larvae depends on the water temperature, feeding frequency and the number of animals in the container. On average, they should grow to 2 cm in 1.5 - 2 months. All larvae never grow evenly, so when spreading you should try to place larvae of the same size together, otherwise the larger ones may try to feed on the smaller ones. In any case, small axolotls often lack fingers or even limbs because the young often grab and bite anything that moves. Therefore, it is better to place grown individuals 2 cm each in a separate container up to 1 liter in size, but try to cover it or the edges should be higher so that they do not jump out. In any case, axolotls are capable of regenerating, so bitten off fingers and toes will recover very quickly.


Axolotls prefer cool water. In their native habitat the temperature rarely rose above 20°, and in winter time could drop to 6-7°. Optimal temperature for their maintenance 15-18°C, but do not allow the temperature to rise above 22°C. Too high a water temperature is harmful to your axolotl and never place it in direct sunlight.

Aquarium mates

Feeding and regular care

In his natural environment axolotls ate small fauna: snails, worms, crustaceans, small fish, daphnia. In captivity, larvae are fed brine shrimp, and adults are fed granulated food.

For larvae, it is advisable to change the water before each feeding. To do this, you need to drain the larvae into a net or onto a net, thoroughly wash the container with a solution of soda and salt, add fresh water and return the larvae back.

Newly hatched axolotl larvae can be fed brine shrimp nauplii grown in salt water. When the larvae grow to 4 cm, they can begin to be fed with granulated food containing fish and vitamins.

Young larvae are very susceptible to diseases, so they get sick often and are very difficult to treat. To avoid this, you need to change their water and clean the container more often, and also avoid overcrowding.

In general, you can change the water daily for both larval and adult axolotls, this helps avoid the accumulation of ammonia and metabolic waste. During a water change, the axolotl can be placed in a net and left without water. Axolotls can safely remain without water as long as their skin is moist. But don't leave it out of water for too long or allow the axolotl's skin to dry out or become "sticky."

If adult axolotls are kept in a group in a large container, then after draining the water, you should “vacuum” the soil with a siphon to clean the aquarium, removing any remaining food and feces from the bottom of the container. Once a month, it is advisable to place the axolotls in a temporary container and wash the walls of the aquarium from possible bacterial growth.


Adult females are usually larger and “plump” because they are filled with eggs. Puberty occurs at about one year of age. For mating, a pair of healthy sexually mature individuals is selected and placed in Plastic container. There should be enough water to completely cover the animals. The bottom should not be smooth like glass, but slightly rough, or you can place rough cobblestones on the bottom. Cover the container and leave the animals alone. The male begins to court the female, nudging her with his muzzle. During this mating dance, the male leaves his seed on the bottom or rocks, and the female collects it with her cloaca. Check a few hours or a day later to see if the male has left his spermatophores in the water and on the rocks. If so, the male can be removed.

The female usually begins to lay eggs 12-20 hours after mating. After the female lays her eggs, she needs to be removed. Females rarely eat their eggs, but they can eat hatched larvae.

The female can be used for spawning once every 2-3 months, and the male once every 1-2 weeks. It is impossible to predict whether the pair you have chosen will have guaranteed spawning, but usually every second or third attempt is successful. Daylight hours for successful spawning are crucial; the longer it is, the greater the chances of its successful completion. Usually 14 hours is enough daylight hours. Axolotls usually spawn all year round, although perhaps at some periods they will be less productive.

Caviar care

Axolotl eggs are encased in a transparent, gelatinous membrane that protects them from bacterial infection. After spawning, place the embryos in a separate container, removing any stuck or crushed eggs. Embryos are stored for 2-3 weeks at room temperature before the larvae hatch. Most larvae hatch on their own, but if they fail, you can help them remove the capsule with tweezers. Carefully remove the discarded capsules using a pipette. You can start feeding the larvae after the yolk in their bellies disappears.

Health, diseases and treatment of axolotl

Axolotls that are regularly cared for, fed and given regular water changes, clean the walls of the aquarium, are kept at a suitable temperature, are hardy and rarely get sick. With poor care and inappropriate housing conditions, animals are often susceptible to bacterial infections. The first signs of the disease: loss of appetite and deterioration of the gills. Some signs of anemia (pale and colorless appearance) may be seen. In seriously ill axolotls, jaundice and open skin wounds may be observed. In severe conditions, ascites and severe edema may develop.

It has been noted that most often young larvae and individuals aged about a year (on reaching puberty) are susceptible to diseases.

This fantastic animal is the dream of every aquarist. The axolotl, which is easy to keep and care for, is a neotenic salamander larva. Axolotl dragons (as these lizards are often called) are gradually disappearing in the course of rapid urbanization. wildlife. True, they reproduce quite successfully in captivity, which allows them to maintain their numbers.

The axolotl lizard is of scientific value due to its amazing feature regenerate tail, gills and even limbs. Currently, there are quite a lot of them kept in home aquariums.

Life in nature

In their natural environment, axolotls live in a system of lakes and water canals in Mexico City. They spend almost their entire lives in water without going onto land. The amphibian axolotl prefers deep places in lakes and canals, where there is a lot of aquatic vegetation. During reproduction, lizards attach eggs to algae and then fertilize them. Lake Xochimilco is famous for its floating gardens - strips of land located between the canals where the local population grows flowers and vegetables.

The animal axolotl lives in this system of lakes and irrigation canals. Translated from the Aztec language, the name of this lizard is translated as a water monster. Before the Spanish invasion, the Aztecs ate them quite often. This meat was considered medicinal, and its taste resembles eel. Nowadays, axolotls are listed in the Red Book. This species is in danger of extinction. Their habitat is ten square kilometers, and it is scattered, so it is quite difficult to establish the exact number of these lizards living in nature.

Description of the lizard

The domestic axolotl is an Ambystoma larva that lives only in Mexico. Its length can range from 90 to 350 mm from the tail to the tip of the “smiling” muzzle. Males are usually noticeably larger than females. Ambystomas exist in two types - neotenic (larva living in water and having external gills) and terrestrial, which is fully developed and has smaller gills.

An adult (sexually mature) axolotl can grow up to 450 mm in length, but more often its size is about 230 mm. Individuals larger than 300 mm are quite rare. These lizards grow much faster than other neotenic salamander larvae, and reach sexual maturity already in the larval state.

The main feature of this lizard is its large external gills, which are three processes on the sides of the head. There are also small teeth, but they are designed to hold prey and not tear it apart.

The body color of the axolotl is very diverse - from white to black, various shades of gray, brown and brown. It should be noted that in nature, light-colored lizards are quite rare, since they are more vulnerable.

The Mexican axolotl has practically no bones, especially for young individuals. The basis of their skeleton is cartilage tissue, their skin is delicate and very thin. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary (for example, when cleaning a pool), they should not be touched. If you need to catch your pet, use a net made of soft, dense fabric with small cells or a plastic/glass container for this purpose.

The lifespan of an axolotl reaches twenty years, but in captivity they do not live more than ten years.

Axolotl: maintenance and care

Keeping such an exotic pet at home is not difficult, but there are aspects that affect their life expectancy. The first of these (and most important) is water temperature. Axolotls are cold-blooded amphibians, so elevated temperature- this is extremely stressful for them. At first glance it may seem strange that these lizards come from Mexico, and high temperatures can't stand it. This is explained quite simply. The fact is that their habitat is located on high altitude, where the temperature is much lower than in the rest of the country.

Future owners of axolotls need to know that water temperatures above +24 degrees are very uncomfortable for these aquarium inhabitants. If this temperature continues for a long time, it can cause illness and even death of your pet. The best temperature is considered to be below +21 degrees. If you know that you cannot keep an axolotl at the required temperature, do not get it so as not to condemn it to suffering.

Choosing soil

Another one important detail, which is sometimes underestimated - substrate. Most often, aquarists choose the color, shape and size of the soil at their own discretion. But for the Mexican lizard this factor is very important. For example, in an aquarium without soil, an axolotl feels very uncomfortable. This causes unnecessary stress and can even cause sores on the tips of the paws.

Gravel is also not very suitable for the axolotl, since it is quite often swallowed by it. This leads to blockage of the gastrointestinal tract and death of the animal. It is believed that ideal option This lizard is kept in sand. He allows her to crawl freely along the bottom.

Aquarium decoration

This is largely a matter of the owner's taste, although some rules should be followed. Small (young) individuals can be kept in small containers (50 liters). Adult lizards require a larger volume (100 liters for one or two individuals). If you want to contain large quantity, then the volume of the aquarium should be 50-80 liters for each axolotl.

The decor of the aquarium should not have sharp burrs and edges - they can injure the delicate skin of your pet. Also, take care of shelters. There should be more of them than the number of individuals kept.

Water requirements

Water filtration for these strange lizards is a little different from what is required aquarium fish. Axolotls love a powerful filter, but at the same time slow current. The purity of the water is also important, so owners have to choose a middle ground between efficiency and power. An internal filter with a sponge is most suitable in this case - it is quite powerful, but does not create a strong current.

Does an axolotl require frequent water changes? Keeping and caring for these lizards involves partial weekly water changes. Only in the case of these exotic pets It is necessary to monitor water parameters, since they feed on protein foods and are quite sensitive to the cleanliness of their home. You should not overfeed them and you need to promptly remove any leftover food.


Experienced aquarists know how important this factor is. However, most often owners keep axolotls separately, and there are a number of reasons for this. The external gills of these lizards make them easily vulnerable to attack by fish. Even the calmest and slowest aquarium fish They are unlikely to resist the desire to bite them. As a result, luxurious shoots turn into pitiful scraps.

In addition, the axolotl is active at night, making sleeping fish easy prey. It is quite difficult to find a middle ground between size (so that the fish does not get eaten) and aggressiveness (so that the axolotl does not get offended).

But there is an exception that allows lizards to be kept with fish. They are so slow that with good feeding they do not even try to injure the axolotl. In addition, goldfish also require low temperature water.


Axolotl, whose price is slightly lower than others exotic species lizards, not very picky eaters. The main thing is to remember that this is a predator that needs protein food.

The type and size of food depends on the individual. For example, many of them happily eat sinking food intended for carnivores and produced in the form of tablets or granules. In addition, they can be given fish fillets, chopped worms, shrimp meat, frozen food, mussel meat, and live fish. True, experts do not really recommend the latter option, since fish can be a source of infection, to which axolotls are very prone.

The feeding rules are no different from those that exist for fish - you cannot leave leftover food in the aquarium, since protein feed immediately rots and spoils the water. Mammalian meat should not be given as food; the axolotl cannot digest the protein contained in it.

Axolotl: price

The cost of this unusual inhabitant aquarium depends on several factors - age, color (light lizards are more expensive), size. The average price varies from 500 to 750 rubles.

This amazing inhabitant aquarium - Mexican axolotl. Maintaining and caring for it will not be difficult, and the pleasure of watching it compensates for all the trouble.