A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. The famous one spoke literary hero. Confirming his words, the car fleet around the world is growing steadily. Russia and the CIS countries are not lagging behind in terms of growth in the number of cars.

This growth is leading the world to many environmental problems, and one of them is the constant increase in the number of worn tires.

Scientists estimate that every year about 3 billion tires are thrown into landfills on the planet. And only about a fifth of them are exposed industrial processing. The rest rest in various landfills, polluting environment.

IN natural conditions tires do not disintegrate, but become constant sources of environmental, fire, and sanitary hazards. Although on their own, they can become sources of valuable raw materials.

So, from 1 ton car tires you can get about 700 -750 kg of rubber for recycling. And if we simply burn it, we will get about 600 kg of toxic waste in the form of soot and toxic gases.

Small tire recycling plant in Russia

Car tires can become a source for obtaining high-quality secondary raw materials. The tire contains polymers that can be used in various industries industry.

Tires also contain a sufficient amount of metal that metal processing enterprises are ready to take. If we consider that in Russia today no more than 10% of car tires are recycled, then such.

Among the advantages of such a business is access to raw materials. You can find tires for recycling in any city.

Its cost will be minimal, and you will often get it for free. The processing production line occupies a small space; you do not need to look for a large room for it.

To work on the line, 2–3 people per shift are enough. The cost of the line depends on the degree of tire processing and ranges from 800,000 rubles to 1,500,000 rubles. When done correctly organized process, it will pay off in a period of 6 months to 1 year. One ton of tires, after processing, produces an average of 700 to 800 kg of secondary raw materials.

Tire processing products

Product primary processing tires, crumb rubber, used to obtain new products:

  1. Car tires and other rubber auto products.
  2. Manufacturing of rubber tracks and mats.
  3. Production of road coatings.
  4. Shoe making.
  5. Production of water-repellent surfaces.
  6. Production of coverings for tennis courts and sports fields.
  7. In construction, crumbs are added to concrete products.

This list can be continued, remembering all the other use cases.

By heating them in a special reactor, we obtain the following fractions:

  1. Liquid fuel, it is used to heat water and rooms in boiler rooms
  2. Gas, a significant part of it is used to support the heating process.
  3. Metal cord, it is readily accepted by metallurgical plants.


Start-up capital

Your main primary expense will be to purchase equipment. Your primary expenses will be in the range of 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 rubles.

Let's see where your money will go:

  1. Purchase and installation of equipment – 1000000 – 1500000 rubles.
  2. Registration of business activities of an LLC or individual entrepreneur – 30,000 rubles.
  3. Rent and preparation of premises – 300,000 – 400,000 rubles.
  4. Registration of permits – 100,000 rubles.

If you do not have your own cargo transport, you will need money to rent or purchase. This is at least 2,000,000 rubles.

Current expenses

  • Renting premises – 100,000 rub..
  • Employee salary - 80,000 – 120,000 rub..
  • utility bills, transport, communications, taxes – 200000rub.

Total per month will be approximately 380,000 – 420,000 rub..


The production line includes equipment:

  1. Reactor installation.
  2. Hydraulic shears.
  3. The separator is magnetic.
  4. Air separator.
  5. Belt conveyor.
  6. Vibrating sieve.
  7. Crucible 3 pcs.
  8. Tape cutter.
  9. Fuel oil storage tank.
  10. Containers for storing bulk raw materials.

The composition of the equipment may vary depending on the tasks assigned.

Selecting a room

Installation of a tire recycling line takes approximately 300 square meters. meters. To this should be added a room for storage of raw materials and finished products, approximately 200-300 sq. m. Since the reactor installation has a large height, it is better to install it in an open space.

The number of employees

All modern lines are fully automated. They require an average of 2 – 3 people per shift. It is worth noting that you may need a storekeeper, driver, forwarder, and accountant.

Line workers need to go professional education. Many companies offering tire recycling lines conduct personnel training at the commissioning stage. If the person came later, then the burden of training will fall on your shoulders.

Recycling process

Tires to be recycled are taken to your company's warehouse. Then there may be two options. The rubber will go into a reactor to produce fuel oil, or it will be processed into crumbs. It should be noted that in the cold season the demand for fuel oil is better, and in the summer the crumbs are sold more.

Let's consider the process of obtaining liquid fuel. After inspecting the rubber for the presence of metal discs and rings, it is crushed and fed as raw material into the reactor. There the raw materials are heated to approximately 450 degrees.

As a result of temperature exposure, the rubber breaks down into gas, which is sent to the reactor furnace for further combustion. Excess gas is released into the atmosphere. Its composition resembles car exhaust gases. Liquid fuel, which is poured into special containers.

For getting crumb rubber, first the seat ring is removed from the tire, then the metal is removed from it. Next, using a tape cutter, spiral tire mode, we get a tape 3 - 5 centimeters wide. Next, the second seat ring is removed. And the rubber blanks are sent to the shredder. Next, the crumbs are separated into fractions different sizes, and sending it to the warehouse.

Revenues and payback

The big advantage of the tire recycling business is that the raw materials are virtually free. But you can even make money from this. Some businesses are willing to pay you to rid them of tires.

Let's consider the option of obtaining liquid fuel. On average, the proposed installation is capable of processing 5 tons of tires per day.

From 5 tons of raw materials we will get the following amount of materials:

  1. Liquid fuel – 2 tons
  2. Metal cord – 0.5 tons
  3. Carbon-containing residue – 1.5 tons
  4. Gas – 1.0 ton

The average cost of liquid fuel is 7000 rubles/t. Metal cord – 4000 rub/t. Carbon-containing residue 3000 rub/t.

Thus, with continuous daily work, we will receive revenue of 615,000 rubles. Let's subtract from it monthly expenses 380,000 - 420,000 rubles. We will receive a net income of 195,000 - 235,000 rubles.

Depending on the primary costs, the payback period for the line will be from 6 to 12 months from the moment the line is put into operation.


It is worth noting that the processing of domestic and foreign tires is somewhat different. Although they look the same on the outside, the tires differ in their insides.

So in Russian tires There are a lot of nylon fibers, this point makes it very difficult to process Russian tires into rubber crumbs.

Foreign manufacturers They install an all-metal cord in their tires, without the participation of nylon fibers.

From this we make simple conclusions. We use foreign tires for crumb rubber, but it is better to process domestic tires for fuel oil.

Location of the enterprise

One of important factors The location of the tire processing plant is its proximity to the raw material base. However, it should not be closer than 300 meters from a residential area. It is better to install it outside the city, in an industrial zone.

You also need to pay attention to the presence of basic communications, electricity and water. Industrial and automotive enterprises with a large fleet of vehicles. Tire fittings are also a good source of raw materials.


When organizing a tire recycling enterprise, you will need to obtain environmental certificates.

Install additional filters and carry out a number of other activities.

Can often help rental of premises in an enterprise, the territory of which already has a corresponding certificate.

Modern tire processing lines operate according to waste-free technology and have the appropriate certificates. When purchasing such equipment, make sure that it has the appropriate certificate.

Fire safety

This production must meet high standards fire safety adopted for enterprises involved in the processing and storage of petroleum products.

The room where your production line will be installed, and the warehouse of finished products and raw materials, must be equipped with good fire extinguishing system. Otherwise, you will be guaranteed problems with firefighters.


Despite some challenges, the tire recycling business has a bright future. The growth of the vehicle fleet is at the level 10-15% per year. The number of tires will increase accordingly.

The recycling process itself begins to be paid for by the state, plus the sale of processed products comes as a bonus. Before opening your business, conduct a market analysis. Maybe there are already a lot of competitors in your area. And the return from the business will not be so significant.

Worn-out vehicle ramps pose a problem to humanity.

If the situation does not change, their disposal will soon require more money than production, where the cost of materials reaches 75% of the cost of the product.

Therefore, today the problem is quite acute.

Important Recyclables

The use of unnecessary tires and other rubber products is possible in a wide variety of industries. For example, to generate flammable gas through thermal splitting of the residues of hydrocarbons synthesized from oil. With its help you can not only heat yourself, but also generate electricity, as they do in France and a number of other countries. Western countries.

Recycling of tires is also necessary for adding their particles in the form of filler to asphalt bitumen, creating all kinds of technical mastics, as well as for the process of thermal decomposition -. The liquid pyrolysis product is used as an additive in rubber (plastic), while the solid product is used as an adsorbent. This is a rather promising direction, because the output is a valuable product.

But pyrolysis has not yet reached an industrial scale, and the activities of scientists alone without the participation of production workers and businessmen in this area are not enough. The idea of ​​producing regenerate has for some time been recognized as untenable in the world and work on this part has been suspended.

A very important task is the transformation of outdated polymer products (containers, packaging, films, car tubes and tires) into new ones.

The problem of recycling and reuse of used tires in Russia

Worn tires are the most massive organic ballast, and also poorly decomposed. In the context of globalization of the economy, the issue of unification of nomenclature becomes relevant.

Thus, products that are in use in the post-Soviet space do not meet foreign standards. The structure of the substance and products is different, and rubber waste Russian origin It’s more difficult to bring to mind than, say, European ones. The reason is that domestic tires are additionally reinforced with radial synthetic cord. This is a mixed type (rubber+metal+textile) with a large admixture of textiles.

Abroad, more than half of the slopes contain an all-metal type of cord, that is, they do not contain textiles or are contained in such quantities that they can be neglected. We have greatest mass the number of tires that need to be disposed of are trucks, followed by passenger cars; Special tires (including aviation ones) are almost never recycled. But abroad it’s the other way around.

Thus, approaches to solving the problem of recycling in the Commonwealth independent states and developed countries cannot but differ. The following conclusions are available:

  1. It has been verified experimentally that European, American, Japanese-Chinese tools are not suitable for our conditions.
  2. Due to the presence of textiles in waste, it is necessary to use methods and techniques that are an order of magnitude more complex and expensive than required for servicing products with an all-metal cord type.
  3. Using multi-stage technology for processing products with mixed cord types, it is possible to process imported tires.

Existing technologies

Extending the life of car shoes has two goals: saving on organic resources and improving the environment. The meaning of the operation is to build a new layer on the old base. This applies mainly to the tread, because... it is he who experiences the most friction. But what to do with tires that cannot be repaired? Recycle with maximum effect! There are special methods for this:

  • products are mechanically crushed to a coarse mass without disintegration of molecular relationships;
  • the crystal lattice of the rubber substance is partially destroyed with the appearance of regenerate;
  • pyrolysis occurs (the final decomposition of the elemental base during the combustion of rubber goods in gas-generating complexes).

Hot and cold tire repair

Foreign experience Restoration using the “hot method” applies to car and aircraft tires. Moreover, the latter, due to a more solid frame, if used correctly, are able to live 5–6 lives, such as, for example, Goodyear brand products. But the cost of restoring tires is comparable to the cost of a tire “from scratch,” which makes this method unpopular in the USA and Europe. In the Russian Federation, the “hot” method is not in demand today also due to domestic features damage to slopes that cannot be repaired. The technology for this type of recovery includes:

  • cleaning the base of the old tread;
  • lubricating it with glue;
  • placing the wet tread on the prepared surface;
  • vulcanization operation in a mold with a specified heating duration.

The “cold method” has been successfully used for tires with steel cord in the carcass for the last 20 years. On the European continent, 46% of trucks run on secondary tires of this type, and in Norway, Sweden, and Finland the figure is generally 60–70%. In our country, only imported frames can be repaired using this method using foreign equipment. It is younger and cheaper than the “hot” one, has high quality characteristics, providing individual tires with 3-4 operating cycles. The technology for this type of recovery includes:

  • revision of frames, treatment of local defects;
  • cleaning the base of the old tread on a roughening machine, repairing damage;
  • lubricating the frame and raw rubber with glue;
  • combining with them and pressing a previously heat-treated tread belt with an arbitrary pattern;
  • application of a special reinforced shell that fixes the protector to the frame;
  • vulcanization in a hot air environment not exceeding 100° for 6 hours;
  • checking the refurbished product.

Recycling tires unsuitable for their intended purpose

There are several such methods.


Today, about 80 million tons of used tires have accumulated on Earth. There is an opinion that every year this figure will increase by 10 million tons. Europe suffers most from this disaster, where 3 billion pieces are stored. used tires.

Of the total volume of deteriorated automobile slopes, only about a quarter are subsequently used as recyclable materials. The remaining mass of environmentally harmful material, due to unprofitable processing technologies, is stored at special landfills and natural landfills, representing great danger. It is precisely these problem areas that act as a source of toxic fires, which are difficult to extinguish due to the persistent flammability of synthetic rubber.

The feasibility of civilized disposal of tires is explained by the shortage of space for their disposal, especially in East Asia. But in EU countries such burial is not permitted by law (a tire decomposes in the ground for about 150 years).

Grinding of worn tires to produce crumb rubber

One of the most common methods of disposal is the processing of rubber goods into crumbs. It is simple and rational due to compliance with the basic technological parameters of rubber while maintaining molecular bonds. Although it has one drawback - unprofitability.

Grinding technologies

The following grinding technologies are distinguished:

  • shock wave (explosive circulation) with 2 stages of processing,
  • mechanical with 4 steps.

The first one is unique because is based on the unconventional principle of crushing with circulation of explosion products, recognized as the most effective and inexpensive destructive means. Equipment and factory products are represented by the Russian brand explotex.

The second is considered less progressive, but no less high quality. At the initial stage, “chips” with a size of 10 to 50 mm are obtained. Then, for the purpose of separation, they are transformed into granules of 3-10 mm. The crumbs are freed from cord, fiber, and foreign elements on sieves, in drums and separators.

Methods for modifying crumb rubber

Distinctive feature crushing of waste is that the resulting particles are smooth, like broken glass. For improvement functional characteristics of the produced substance, the surface of the particles is modified, making it softer and looser. This is a complex physical and chemical process using powder, beam, laser, and steam technologies.

Areas of use of crushed rubber

Every year, at least 34 million tires are turned into crumble, used for the construction of coatings and surfaces, additives in mortar, as well as for the manufacture of tires, rugs, and soles. And also this one cost method has successfully taken root in the construction of highways.

Recycling of used tires

In Russia, only 7% of used tires are recycled, while the world average, let us recall, is 23–30% (which is perhaps not so much for the 21st century). Question future fate The problem of worn tires became especially acute with the advent of metal cord carcasses. And with the fall " iron curtain“In addition, a flood of low-quality German products poured into our country. In the Russian Federation, about 1 million tons of rubber materials fall into disrepair every year and remain unclaimed, and 9/10 of this amount are automobile slopes.
The capital and St. Petersburg and the region account for almost 200 thousand tons.

The main reason that such an industrialized country as Russia has a tire recycling rate comparable to the level of recycling in African countries is the Soviet mental legacy. We are traditionally not used to investing money in economical secondary production, and with rare exceptions, there are no prerequisites for stimulating it at the government level.

Passed law on waste generally had a positive impact on the implementation of civilized programs for the disposal of rubber goods. But what exactly can Russian proponents of the “waste into income” principle write down as a “rubber” asset? Let's list it.

An enterprise with a stable operating reactor has been created in Kaliningrad, where high-quality fuel oil is generated through pyrolysis as a thermal fuel, as well as a substitute for activated carbon.

At complete refusal From tire burning in the first 15 years of independence, the volume of crushing of used tires increased from 5 to 10%, and now reaches 30%.

The Tushino Machine Plant has mastered the production of crumb tires using two lines with an installed annual capacity of 5 thousand tires, and has also increased the production of especially relevant tires. this moment and panels for railway crossings.

Commissioned ecological production with imported manufacturing equipment in Tver, Kursk, Vyazma, Samara.

In Primorye, Templar Center CJSC produces roofing materials from crumbs. Moreover, it revives the complete closed cycle of regenerate production using a thermomechanical method.

It is noteworthy: this leap became possible due to the use of a mechanical grinding method with normal temperatures. Alternative (cryogenic) technologies are not widespread throughout the world due to the high cost of low-temperature crumbs, and efforts to harness the power of an explosion or an “ozone knife” are experimental in nature. An interesting project for high-speed processing without preliminary cutting and crushing was proposed by Orenburg developers, but the future will show how viable it will be.

Recycling hazardous types of waste is relevant in Russia. With the increase in the number of cars, the number of used tires increases (according to statistics, it reaches 1 million tons per year).

There are not enough enterprises involved in their processing, although every year 50 tons of rubber that has become unusable accumulates in each region. Not all cities have places to store this type of waste. Discarded tires are found on the side of the road or adjacent to suburban roads.

The greatest experience in recycling tires is in the Moscow region (2 specialized plants operate), but they only recycle 10%. Therefore, the business of processing car tires will fill an empty niche.

The advantage of such a business is the opportunity to receive old tires for free. Processing tires into crumb rubber is a promising type of business.

There is no tire recycling system in Russia; experts attribute this to imperfect legislation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the processing business

The advantages of this business include:

  • inexpensive raw materials in large quantities;
  • location close to sales locations;
  • few competitors;
  • the ability to use any room;
  • economic benefit.


  • initial investment required;
  • selection of raw materials with the same composition.

Selecting a room

The main parameters are the area of ​​the premises and the rental price. When choosing a room you need to consider:

  • the area must be sufficient to accommodate production equipment;
  • places for loading and unloading;
  • necessary auxiliary premises;
  • connection to water supply and power lines;
  • convenient access roads;
  • distance from residential area 300 m or more.

An industrial zone located outside the city would be the most suitable location.

Required documents

To open a business, you will need documents confirming or, the conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological and fire service, an agreement for the supply of electricity. Licensing for this type of activity was canceled by Federal Law No. 93 of June 25, 2112.

What documents will be required to register an individual entrepreneur and how to prepare them correctly in accordance with legal requirements - read

Registration of activities

You should approach your choice responsibly: this affects the registration procedure, payment of taxes and other factors. When opening an LLC, the following responsibilities arise:

  • as a legal entity;
  • as individuals, founders and participants.

The LLC is liable for its obligations within the limits of its property. If it is impossible to repay debts during bankruptcy, obligations may pass to the founders and participants.

For individual entrepreneurs, when debt obligations arise, property is not considered personal and is not used for business activities (this also applies to property acquired before the start of business activities).

Industrial processing of tires into crumbs: business plan with calculations

The technological line that processes tires into crumbs has a capacity of up to 700 kg/hour. The yield of finished products from the initial mass of raw materials is 60 - 70% of the granulate, which is in particular demand (fraction 2 - 4 mm).

Room area 250 m2, number of workers 4 people, electricity consumption 120 kW. The annual production of crumb rubber will be 2000 tons.

  • The cost of main equipment is 10.75 million rubles.
  • Delivery and setup 250 thousand rubles.
  • Additional expenses 30 thousand rubles.
  • A machine that sews bags 10 thousand rubles.
  • Scales 20 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of crumb bags is 20 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salary is 100 thousand rubles.

At minimum monthly processing 150 tons of tires, the yield is:

  • metal cord 30 tons;
  • rubber crumbs 100 tons;
  • textiles 20 tons.

Income from product sales

  • 1500 thousand rubles. from crumb rubber (100 t x 15 rubles/kg);
  • 90 thousand rubles. metal cord (30 t x 3 thousand rubles/t);
  • 40 thousand rubles. textiles (20 tons x 2 thousand rubles/t);
  • 150 thousand rubles. acceptance of tire recycling from individuals and enterprises.

Total: 1780 thousand rubles.

Production costs

  • 100 thousand rubles. staff salaries;
  • 4 thousand rubles. for packaging bags;
  • 20 thousand rubles. communication services, economic;
  • 100 thousand rubles. electricity (120 kW x 4.5 rub.);
  • 50 thousand rubles. rental of premises;
  • 50 thousand rubles. line maintenance;
  • 20 thousand rubles. garbage removal.

Total: 344 thousand rubles.

The profit is 1780 – 344 = 1436 thousand rubles. Return on investment 8 months.

With an increase in the output of finished products and their sale at a price above the minimum, monthly profit indicators will increase.

Starting a business requires large investments, and this is scary for novice entrepreneurs. You can use bank loan or get a subsidy state program. To do this you will need a business plan with calculations.

and tips for their implementation are contained in our new article at the link.

Possible risks

The production cycle includes the supply of raw materials, operation of equipment and sale of finished products. Risks that may arise:

  • breaking technological equipment(to reduce this risk, the line should be serviced in a timely manner, recommendations for its operation should be followed, worn-out mechanisms and consumables should be replaced);
  • interruptions in the supply of raw materials (a contract for the supply of raw materials can be concluded simultaneously with the search for equipment);
  • difficulties with sales (it should be concluded long-term contract with an enterprise that needs crumb rubber and establish a distribution channel to nearby regions);
  • spoilage of products during storage (special conditions are not required, but crumb rubber is afraid of moisture).

A business based on processing car tires into crumbs will be profitable if the entrepreneur manages to resolve the issue of marketing the finished product. This direction is promising and consistently brings good profits.

You can find out how lines for processing tires into crumbs function in practice in the following video:

The problem of recycling used tires is acute in many countries. In this matter it is important not only environmental aspect, but also economic, because the material obtained during processing is a good raw material for chemical industry. Let's find out what processing methods are currently used in the world, how effective and safe they are.

Types of recycling of used tires can be divided into two groups:

  • electromechanical grinding;
  • processing that changes the chemical structure.

Tire processing using these methods differs in the principle of operation and the resulting raw materials. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are worth talking about in more detail.

Mechanical tire shredding

This method It is considered relatively safe from an environmental point of view and is widely used throughout the world. Tires are subjected to the following processing:

  1. Old tires are washed, the beads are removed and cut into large pieces.
  2. Raw materials are cleaned from steel cord using magnetic separation.
  3. The pieces are then heated (for elevated temperature processing) or cooled (for cryogenic processing).
  4. Rubber is crushed by cutting, impact, explosion, compression or abrasion.
  5. The resulting raw material is ground to obtain crumbs of the desired size.

The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of the final product, since tire shredding requires special equipment and is considered an expensive processing method. Electricity costs are also high - up to 1000 kWh per 1 ton of processed raw materials.

At the same time, shredding has significant advantages over chemical methods of tire processing: technical simplicity, lack of toxic emissions (unlike combustion or pyrolysis). Rubber processing by grinding preserves the technological parameters of the material.

Crumb rubber obtained by grinding is widely used in industry and construction: for the manufacture of household products, additives in mortar, and for laying roads.

The following video shows how tires are processed into crumb rubber and what equipment is used.

Other Tire Shredding Methods

There are other methods for shredding old tires, but various reasons many of them did not receive wide application. Most known methods processing:

  • using a rotary disperser;
  • ozone knife method;
  • barodestruction method;
  • shock wave grinding (explosive circular).

For the rotary disperser, the tire is crushed into small pieces. The rubber is then compressed in the sleeve and passed through a hole with a diameter of about 1 mm. The result is fine rubber dust with a highly developed surface that can effectively react with other components of the mixtures. Such dust is used for the manufacture of sorbents, new tires, roofing materials, etc.

Tire recycling using the ozone knife method involves exposing worn rubber to ozone in a special chamber and subsequent mechanical grinding. Ozone promotes the destruction of the rubber structure, facilitating further grinding of the tire by mechanical methods. As a result of old tire the result is pure rubber crumb and metal, and there is no need for separation, since the metal and rubber themselves separate from each other when exposed to ozone.

When treated with the barodestruction method, tires are first cut and shredded, and then in a special chamber under the influence of high pressure and temperatures bring the rubber to fluidity, separating it from the metal cord. The result is fine rubber crumbs with a granule size of about 0.8 cm.

Processing methods that change the chemical structure

Recycling of car tires, which changes the structure, is also not very profitable. The rubber component disappears after processing, and the resulting product has a lower cost than in the case of mechanical processing. At the same time, the cost of final raw materials is quite high.

Among the chemical methods for recycling tires, the most common are the following:

  • pyrolysis;
  • thermal destruction (combustion);
  • dissolution.

Pyrolysis is a thermal decomposition that occurs in a special chamber without air access. This method is most often used to obtain thermal energy. Rubber processing by combustion and pyrolysis has a number of limitations, they are associated with the release carbon dioxide and toxic substances. This method requires more attention from an environmental point of view.

When burned in cement kilns, tires replace combustible materials such as coal and fuel oil. Applicable this method in the cement industry and for heat generation.

Many experts consider the dissolution of old tires to be a promising and very effective method, although it has not yet been widely used. Under the influence of the solvent, raw materials are obtained that can be successfully used in metallurgy and the chemical industry.

It is expected that this technology will help to effectively recycle tires of all types and sizes in the future.

Tire recycling in Russia and Europe

European countries boast recycling rates of old tires reaching 90%. About 20% of them are recovered and reused, 40% is used to generate heat, and more than 30% turns into crumbs.

Unfortunately, the global average is not that high - less than 40% of tires are recycled, and 60% of unrecycled rubber goes to landfill.

Important! Every year, about 10 million tons of new waste from old car tires appear in the world, which makes the environmental situation simply catastrophic. It is very important to pay close attention to this problem and introduce recycling methods in countries where it is not developed.

In Russia the situation is completely sad, although it is gradually improving year by year. Tire recycling currently accounts for about 10%, and has grown by a quarter over the past few years. Tire recycling organizations in Russia are not yet very active; in our country, people are not used to investing money in secondary production, disposal and recycling.

One of the additional problems is that it is more difficult to recycle domestically produced tires, common in Russia, Belarus and other neighboring countries, than European ones. Our old tires are additionally reinforced with radial synthetic cord, and a large admixture of textiles creates great difficulties for processing. As a result, processing domestic tires is much more expensive and more difficult than Western-made tires with an all-metal cord type.

Additional Information! The most common processing methods in Russia are crushing and pyrolysis. It should be noted that pyrolysis is prohibited in some developed countries due to harmful effects on ecology. However, domestic entrepreneurs consider more expensive processing methods to be too expensive, so they use them much less frequently.

We hand over rubber for recycling

However, there is still reason for optimism - over the past few years, new environmentally friendly and safe complexes for the production of crumb rubber have appeared in Russia. In particular, such complexes operate in Samara, Kursk, Tver, and Vyazma. A processing center was built in Primorye, and a franchise helped many enterprises operating in this industry launch production.

Almost every major automobile service center in Russia it accepts old tires from car enthusiasts. You often have to pay extra to return tires, although some services accept them for free. Companies are increasingly entering into contracts with recycling companies, handing over significant volumes of old rubber for recycling.

You can hand over tires for recycling at factories and complexes that produce secondary raw materials, as well as at car service stations. It is worth considering that large enterprises They usually do not accept tires from the public due to the small volume of the product being handed over, so citizens have to monitor promotions at car service stations in order to get rid of one or two sets of tires.

Economics and ecology

The economic benefits of recycling tires are undeniable. In a number of countries, flammable gas, which is released during the heat treatment of tires, is used to heat rooms, and it is also used to generate electricity. Liquid pyrolysis products are used in the production of plastic, and crushed rubber particles are an excellent raw material for asphalt bitumen.

Note! The decomposition of tires in the ground continues for more than 100 years, all this time dangerous and toxic compounds, such as phenanthrene, diphenylamine and many others, are constantly being washed out of old tires. They all remain in the soil and are then washed away groundwater and rainfall, falling into sources drinking water and agricultural objects.

Thus, in the coming years, tire recycling methods will be improved, and the volume of rubber recycling will grow. This is especially true for developed countries, where environmental issues and reuse materials have long been under close attention both the citizens themselves and the authorities.

The situation in Russia is still reminiscent of the situation in African countries, but the principles of responsible consumption are gradually penetrating the consciousness of our citizens. In a few decades, both car enthusiasts themselves and business representatives will know exactly what and how to do with old tires in order to get the maximum benefit from them for themselves and the environment.

An industrial business idea to launch a mini-factory for the production of crumb rubber by processing tires is attractive due to its excellent ratio of large cash turnover and short payback periods. And most importantly, recycling is the production of money from garbage. We present to your attention a business plan for the production of crumb rubber with calculations and analysis of possibilities. For example, it is worth paying attention to the additional income from extracting metal from tire cords, which contain as much as 7%. Which ones else does he keep? useful secrets Let's look at this production in more detail.

Mini-plant for processing tires into crumbs

How to correctly calculate the rate and volume of production of crumb rubber from recycled car tires? The answer to this question is not so simple. The production of crumb rubber depends on many nuances. There are two key factors, which formed the basis for the attractiveness of this activity from an investment point of view. They will help answer this question.

Factor No. 1: Entry threshold into industrial small business

First of all, you should correctly assess your financial reserves that you own (your own savings and possible loans). It is worth noting that this type of industry is possible with different amounts of investment, which means this business scales well. With small investments in the initial phase, the income may be minimal, taking into account regular expenses for electricity, transportation costs, employee salaries, taxes, etc. It is worth noting here that this concept of a business idea underlies the recycling of waste (used car tires). And according to tradition, in order to get gold from garbage, you need to do a lot of work. Therefore, investing too little increases risks significantly. You can start production on a large scale through the construction of a specialized enterprise large areas, for example, several hundred square meters which will be worth a big investment. Make the optimal choice of investment strategy in favor of the golden mean between these boundaries.

Factor #2: Production Capacity for Small Businesses

In case you have about $17,000 of money, the question of choice should not be an obstacle. For this money you can purchase a production line for processing tires into crumbs with a minimum configuration and a productivity of 100 kg/hour. In this case, the most important thing will be to search for and rent a warehouse with an area of ​​about 100 m2 and a production facility whose area should be on average 40 m2, plus several more small warehouse spaces. In this case, the production of rubber crumbs can begin from a production volume of 800 kilograms of the finished product daily (100 kg/hour in 1 work shift).

What is needed to process tires into crumb rubber?

A minimally equipped line for processing tires into crumb rubber includes the following equipment, which can be found on the Internet at prices:

  1. Bead cutting machine – $2,150
  2. Tape cutting machine – $2,700
  3. Rubber shredder – $7,650
  4. Circular sieve – $1,000
  5. Conveyor with magnetic separator – $1,000
  6. Machine for processing bead rings – $2,500

TOTAL: $17,000

Technology for the production of crumb rubber by recycling tires

Video clip showing schematically in the form of 3D animation technological process processing tires by grinding into rubber crumbs:

As you can see in the video, the production process is extremely simple.

If you decide to conduct this activity at a more serious level, an analysis of the sales market in the region in which you are going to launch your project will be necessary. Without this work, it is unlikely that the products will generate profitable income. You will have to include expenses for marketing research sales market for finished products in a specific region.

What is the need for this product and in what distribution channels can it be sold? Who else is interested in this industry and what is the competition in the market?

The answers to these questions need to be taken into account and, obviously, the possibilities for developing economic activity over the next few years must be calculated. It is unlikely to accurately predict the subsequent course of events, but rough calculations will at least indicate the direction in which to move. Such determination is better than acting blindly.

Business plan for the production of crumb rubber with calculations

Used, old, and defective car tires were used in the production of crumb rubber. For obvious reasons, one should not even talk about the search for raw materials and their price. Old tires can be found in large quantities. You can buy them for a minimum payment, and sometimes you can pay for delivery to your company.

The production of crumb rubber, as already mentioned, is quite affordable for small businesses. The $17,000 production line can quickly process a wide variety of tires: car, bus and other tires.

At the moment, there are two main methods by which crumb rubber is produced:

  1. Mechanical crushing.
  2. Crushing method shock wave.

Shock wave crushing of rubber into crumbs is a relatively new method for processing tires. The most popular is mechanical crushing.

The production of crumb rubber using a shock wave requires a special approach. In particular, you need equipment in which the products will be stored, such as refrigerated pantries, which are quite expensive. There is a noticeable advantage in installing equipment for the production of crumb rubber from car tires using the shock wave method in smaller production areas. You can save on monthly rent. At the same time, the cost of electrical energy will be less than with an analog installation. But still, such equipment is fully justified for large and medium production volumes, since it is very expensive.

The production of crumb rubber can begin with a small production volume and at relatively low cost. 40 square meters of production area with a ceiling height of 3m is enough. A direct line for the production of crumb rubber will be installed, a power supply of 380 volts will be connected, and 2 workers will control the operation of semi-automatic equipment.

The best option when reaching the breakeven point of a business is continuous work for a whole week. To do this, three work shifts should be organized. As a result, the staff will consist of eight people. In addition, care should be taken to store raw materials and finished products. In this case, the space for storing tires should be four or even five times larger. In this regard, the surface of the room for raw materials (tires) may require up to 100 m 2, and for storing finished crumb rubber - 20 m 2.

On this basis, the cost of 100 kilograms of product per hour will change and change. In this business plan, we will determine fixed expenses for the month:

  1. Purchase of tires at a price of $40 per 1 ton – $960 (24 tons of raw materials per month are required).
  2. The cost of renting a warehouse will be about $400-$600 per month.
  3. Salaries of workers servicing the production line cost $300-$700 per month;

A good idea is to allow customers to recycle tires for money. Having your own receiving point will help not only reduce transportation costs for the delivery of raw materials, but also immediately receive preliminary additional income, which is described below.

If a production line produces 100 kilograms per hour, working without interruptions, then in a month the amount of finished products produces 24 tons of crumb rubber (100 kg * 8 hours * 30 days = 24,000).

Taking into account the average retail price of crumb rubber of $0.28 per kilogram, we get a gross monthly income of $6,720 (0.28*24,000).

It is also worth noting that during production, metal remains in the waste (wire in tire tires). Its volume is about 7%.

Interesting fact! According to the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, average weight tires about 22 pounds (up to 10 kg). Moreover, it contains 0.68 kg of steel cord (it serves as a reinforcing material for the rubber structure in tires).

On the one hand, this industrial waste, and with positive side– this is a significant additional profit: 0.7 kg of metal wire and tire cord. And that’s 0.7 * 10 tires/hour * 8 hours * 30 days = 1680 kg of metal from 24 tons of tires - monthly!

The average price of scrap metal is about $200 per ton. As a result, we will receive an additional $336 in profit from selling metal wire from cord. It’s worth thinking about how to organize your recycling of car tires for money.

This amount of benefit is sometimes a more economically justified income received in the process of implementing this activity.

Tire processing products

Where is the crumb rubber from tire recycling used? This unique and durable building material is indispensable in the following industries:

  1. Production of paving slabs from rubber crumbs.
  2. When covering roads, asphalt and concrete fences on roads with the addition of crumbs.
  3. In the production of safety coatings for sports, playgrounds and gyms.
  4. In landscape design.
  5. Production of hydrophobic materials.
  6. Granules are used in the construction industry for the production of rubber sheets, palettes, roofing materials and the like.
  7. Crumb rubber granules are also used in the production of rubber mats for pedestrians.
  8. Rubber crumbs have found application in filtration different types liquids, creating thermal insulation for industrial premises.

In order to minimize the risk, the scope of production of crumb rubber can be expanded. Thus, it is possible to produce rubber plates or other shells of this material. The need for these products does not depend on the need for crumbs. Therefore, in one enterprise you can create two completely different directions activities.

One of the industry's big expectations is the production of crumb rubber. Our industry of this type is not particularly developed today.

Do not forget about such an important component, which is the sale of finished products. The popularity of crumb rubber as a building material is growing. There are more and more new competitors on the market. Bottom line, if there is the right approach to selling this product, the sales channels can be easily adjusted. This type of production does not require special skills, it is technologically simple.

Depending on the amount invested in the product, the payback time can last from six months to two years. Relatively short time payback is the next plus in the interests of this type of activity. Consequently, the high demand for the product (like all building materials), the minimization of risks and the mentioned thresholds for entry into production technology make it attractive from an investment point of view.