The compatibility of the Rooster and the Rooster among all the signs of the Chinese horoscope is not the best. People born this year are too selfish and narcissistic. They require increased interest in themselves and are rarely as attentive to others.

A couple can get together based on a common vision of the future.

Both dream of a cozy home and happy family. If a man and a woman meet in adulthood, the union has more prospects. By that time, people gain life experience and become more tolerant of each other.

Character of the Rooster woman

A woman born in the year of the Rooster has an independent and artistic nature. Not every man can cope with her and win her heart. But in family life she will become faithful wife and a wonderful mother. Here are the traits the Chinese horoscope awarded this bright personality:

  • Love to frequent shifts appearance
  • Sociability
  • Constant desire to be the center of attention
  • Artistry
  • Self-confidence and masculine business acumen
  • Jealousy.

The girl loves to be the center of attention. She knows how to captivate with stories and extraordinary actions. Sometimes she becomes too harsh and straightforward. She does not tolerate pressure in her work, has her own opinion, and outshines many men. She demands fidelity from her partner; the slightest suspicion causes her to burst into anger. If everything is in order at home, she turns into a caring chicken. She loves children and pays them a lot of attention. If a man can appreciate this unusual woman, he will live a long and happy life with her.

Character of the Rooster man

Rooster men are born leaders. But they do not always know how to separate the main from the secondary and set the right goal for themselves. That’s why their careers often don’t go very well. A man is in dire need of other people's approval, although he rarely shows it. It is difficult to bear failures and becomes depressed. These are the character traits the eastern horoscope gives him:

  • Initiative
  • Business acumen
  • Ability to lead people
  • Depression
  • Eloquence
  • Hot temper, sometimes turning into aggressiveness
  • Inconstancy in love.

A man born in the year of the Rooster is a contradictory nature. It contains both strength and weakness at the same time. Often behind bravado and eloquence lies the desire to hide one’s failures. Unpretentious in everyday life, feels great anywhere. Loves a calm atmosphere in the house. If a woman supports his self-esteem and approves of his actions, he will be attached to her for a long time. Unfortunately, Roosters for the most part are fickle. They easily seduce the fair sex, and easily lose interest in them. It is difficult for them to find compatibility in love; men marry in adulthood.

What an ideal pair of two Roosters looks like

It is difficult to find a family in which a Rooster woman and a Rooster man live without problems. Basically, this is a mature couple who have already passed all the tests and managed to solve the problem of poor compatibility according to the horoscope. The husband and wife have been together for a long time, they have children together, and they value their measured way of life. Partners are setting up own house. The breadwinner in such a family is often a man. For him, his wife is a reliable supporter; thanks to her wisdom, the husband achieves success and career heights. Years lived together make spouses similar to each other.

A man and a woman shine in society. They love going to the movies, the theater, and concerts together. Both love to show themselves to people in the best light. The couple is interested in unconventional arts and loves to dress extravagantly. A husband and wife compete to see who can outdo whom in originality. The confrontation is a game for both. They are not petty, do not try to re-educate each other, and very quickly find mutual understanding. But only in cases where the question concerns the appearance or arrangement of the home. Otherwise, year-to-year compatibility between Roosters is not the best.

What problems occur in a pair of two Roosters?

The Rooster man and the Rooster woman are too similar to each other, and this is their problem. They both love to be the center of attention. But neither one nor the other is able to admire their partner. Roosters are demanding; they constantly make claims. At the same time, they are too sharp and straightforward. Compromise and tolerance for shortcomings are not the strongest trait of this sign. The frivolity of a man and the jealousy of a woman add fuel to the fire. At any party, the husband will flirt with all the ladies in the company. At home, he will certainly hear everything that his wife thinks about him. A violent scandal and quarrel cannot be avoided.

Problems in the family may appear if a woman makes a successful career and achieves success. After all, he is painfully worried when his plans and dreams do not come true. At one point, the wife will discover that her husband has completely lost interest in work and has become a dependent. But this is just the beginning of the problem. Roosters are intolerant of other people's shortcomings, so a woman will not miss a moment to present a claim to a man because of his inactivity. In response, she will receive only a heap of insults and complete disregard for her demands.

Partners will be able to improve compatibility over the years and improve relationships if they take the following steps:

  • Focus on common interests and hobbies
  • Correctly distribute family responsibilities
  • They will be patient and be more lenient with each other.
  • They will learn to give, and not just demand and take.

Children will help preserve the family and improve compatibility over the years. Roosters are wonderful parents and perform real feats for the sake of their children. Raising children smoothes out many contradictions between spouses. They will become less fixated on themselves and their problems. They will learn to sacrifice their whims for the sake of common interests.

The influence of zodiac signs on compatibility

The yearly compatibility horoscope for two Roosters may change under the influence of the Zodiac. The best compatibility in marriage will be found by a man and a woman born under the signs of the same element. They find among themselves mutual language Pisces and Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces. The relationship between Capricorn and Taurus is not bad. The Virgo woman finds a common language with the Scorpio man, since Water and Earth complement each other well.

If a man’s sign is Aries, he will help him reach career heights and make the Rooster purposeful.

Compatibility of signs is not bad if the woman is Libra or Gemini. Air signs have an easy-going nature and always agree to be in the shadows. But the Leo woman, although she belongs to the same element as Aries, will be too much competition. Partners will never divide spheres of influence in the family; this will cause constant conflicts. Two Roosters will get along quite well if their signs are Sagittarius and Aquarius. No matter how good the compatibility is according to the Western horoscope, a man and a woman need to make efforts to maintain peace and harmony in the family.

P the rooster left his mark in many areas of spiritual, cultural and material life our society. Only Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, and Lomonosov can compare with him in terms of breadth of interests and influence on the development of sciences and society. It is, of course, blasphemous to compare some rooster with great thinkers, but nothing can be done - you cannot go against the truth.

It turned out that the role of the rooster in religion, literature, tales, legends, military affairs and even meteorology is so great that none of them could fully develop without having a rooster as a folklore character. No other domestic animal can compare with him in this, although they all put a lot of work into the development of human society.
Definitely: the rooster is a unique bird.

WITH In ancient times, the rooster, like the sun, kept time. His cry among all nations was an important time reference - “first roosters”, “second, third roosters”, “before... roosters”. At all times, the rooster has been a kind of “alarm clock”. With his cry he called people to work, because humanity at all times lived according to “ sundial", and not mechanically, - they got up with the sunrise and went to bed with its sunset. The Rooster raised the peoples of all countries of the world and civilizations to great feats of labor.

The Tatar-Mongol invasion of Rus' also began with the crow of a rooster. Genghis Khan’s commander Sabudai Bogatur issued an order to the army: “In the morning, after the first rooster crow, form on a plain among the hills. I will move against the Uruses” (V.G. Yan “Batu”). On his hikes, Sabudai always carried a rooster with him, which was watched by a special caretaker, and checked his internal biological clock with its cry. Even A.V. Suvorov used a rooster as an alarm clock. According to contemporaries, the commander often took the rooster with him on campaigns. The first cockcrow raised the army to set out on a campaign early in the morning.

N Och is a time of passion, the Sabbath of witches and the action of evil spirits. It is the third crow of the rooster that signals the end of this disgrace. With his cry, he dispersed all this evil spirits, and announced the beginning of the day, and with it the victory of good over evil (N.V. Gogol “Viy”, M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”). In most religious traditions - from fire worshipers to modern religions - the rooster drives away darkness and evil spirits with its cry.

The rooster, among other things, is considered the messenger of the sun. In most cultures, he is associated with the highest solar deities. IN Ancient Egypt these birds were kept in temples dedicated to the Sun, classifying them as divine beings. Among the ancient Jews, the rooster was a symbol of the “third watch of the night” (from midnight to dawn).

IN In China, the rooster is revered and respected.
In the old days, the Chinese often pasted or painted a picture of a rooster on the door of the house during New Year's celebrations. lunar calendar. This tradition has been preserved in our time only in rural areas Shaanxi province, in northwestern China.

In ancient times, the Chinese considered the rooster to be a symbol of the sun. Thus, the image of a rooster on the door symbolized the arrival of the sun into the house. This expressed anticipation of the arrival of spring. It was also believed that a rooster could protect against negative impact evil spirits.

It was believed that there was a direct connection between the sun and the rooster, because he was the first to announce the dawn and the beginning of a new day. And since in Chinese New Year’s Eve sounds like “yuandan” (the first dawn of the year), it is natural that only the Heavenly Rooster knows when the first sun of the New Year will rise.

"Golden Rooster" is a national award of the People's Republic of China for achievements in cinema. It is noteworthy that the film award was established in 1981 (year of the Rooster).

P the rooster with his cry left a mark in Christian religion- “the rooster won’t have time last time shout how Peter will deny Christ three times.” Apparently, this is connected with the fact that it was the rooster that became the symbol of the Apostle Peter, and then catholic church. Since the 9th century, by decree of the Pope, the spire of each church temple should have been crowned with an image of this bird - the emblem of the Apostle Peter. According to another version, the rooster on the spire of the church served as a reminder that “the church of God watches over the souls of believers.”

In the Christian religion, roosters were entrusted with the time of the end of the world. The end of the world will come when the rooster does not crow its traditional “cuckoo”. Apparently this is a reckless order. What will happen if he forgets to do this or starts being mischievous, or even worse - the geneticists get something wrong?

The image of a guardian rooster was placed on the roofs of houses, poles, spiers, weather vanes...

F The Luger is one of the most ancient meteorological instruments; the wind direction indicator was most often decorated with a figurine of a rooster. IN English language it even goes by the name “weather cock”. A weather vane, among other things, is an indicator of the moral qualities of a person who changes his views and decisions depending on the “direction of the wind” (A.P. Chekhov “Chameleon”).

WITH the connection with the dawn is reflected in its name. If Russian word"rooster" comes from the verb "to sing", then the aborigines of Australia call the rooster "the bird that laughs at dawn." And the French name of the bird “chanteclair” literally translates as “singing dawn”. So the rooster left its mark in pop art.

ABOUT it seems the cocks are in different countries“they shout” in the language that the residents speak... At least, that’s what it seems to us. For example, our rooster crows “ku-ka-re-ku”, in France - “ko-ko-ri-ko”, in Japanese - “koke-kok-ko”, in English - “kok-e-doodle-doo” . Bulgarians, for example, are sure that their roosters crow “ku-ku-ri-chu”, Germans - “ki-ke-ri-ki”, Italians - “chi-ki-richi”. Chinese cockerels produce sounds that are completely different from roosters - “vo-vo”.

This has led to the emergence of cockcrow enthusiasts in many countries. Poultry farmers in Greece, Germany, Albania, and Russia were especially interested in the “musical” abilities of roosters. Competitions are held in several categories - vocality, number of screams per hour, and, of course, musicality. For example, in Germany, the winner of one competition shouted more than 90 times in one hour.

In our country, excellent singers have been bred: the Yurlov chickens, about which people say: “Ten quarters can be measured with your fingers while the Yurlov rooster crows.” In those days there were no stopwatches, so the singing time was measured with fingers. This breed was not inferior in vocality to foreign performers.

The worship of roosters led to the fact that 300 years ago in Japan, Yokahama chickens (or phoenix) were bred, whose tail length reached 7 meters or more. Moreover, the longer the tail feathers, the more valuable the bird.

X Vost is the most main feature in this breed. Some fanciers keep these roosters in special glass cabinets, and hang the tail, folded in loops, on a special hook. To prevent the bird from moving less and not breaking its tail, food and water were placed on both sides of the perch. Every day, the rooster was removed from the pole several times and taken out for a walk, while the tail was wound on a special turntable or carried by a person. Imagine a rooster striding importantly across the yard, followed by a man like a train carrying his tail.

N The crest is considered the highest pride of roosters. Scientists conducted an experiment. Rooster mediocre» glued a large red foam comb. Before that, everyone who could beat him and bullied him, but here something incredible happened. Everyone, even the largest roosters, began to curry favor with the newly-made leader. At first he did not understand his new position and shied away from them until he realized the meaning of what had happened. The foam comb cockerel went into a rage and began to bully everyone, even the largest roosters. This continued until the comb fell off his head. This is where he got it!

Birds exchange information with each other not only by screaming, but also by tilting their heads, changing the position of their wings and tail. So, by clipping a bird’s wings, we deprive them of the means of communication with each other. And communication with others like yourself always has a positive effect on your well-being. This procedure is especially painful for roosters.

One of characteristic features roosters are pugnacity. In an adult ordinary rooster (5-6 years old), the length of the spurs reaches 6 centimeters or more.

IN As a result, fighting breeds of chickens were developed, used exclusively for cockfighting. They have an original physique: a broad-shouldered body raised in front, a strong neck with a small head without a comb, and long legs armed with spurs. Such roosters are more reminiscent of birds of prey than of a proud handsome man. On occasion, they can even deal with a hawk.

IN In ancient times, cockfighting was part of the “training program” of a young fighter. In ancient times, Greek soldiers learned courage, fortitude and perseverance by watching roosters fight. IN Ancient Rome more than 2 thousand years ago, cockfighting was also popular. The courage and passion with which the roosters fought were set as an example for young legionnaires.
Roosters not only raised the morale of warriors. Their behavior determined the outcome of the battle. There were sacred roosters in the army, who were given grain before the battle: if the birds pecked it with appetite, the troops moved forward, but if not, the commanders did not expect anything good from the battle.

The soldiers of Julius Caesar in the 1st century AD, at their own expense, brought fighting chickens to the north of Europe. They quickly gained popularity among many peoples and served as a symbol of the fight against conquerors. The brave Gauls, ancestors of the French, who constantly caused trouble for Roman commanders, got their name from roosters (“gallus” means “rooster” in Latin). The Romans gave this name to the Celts because they were red-haired and their fiery red crests resembled cockscombs. The Gauls considered the rooster their patron and highly valued the fighting qualities of this bird. On the coins of the French Republic, starting from the 18th century, there was an image of a fighting rooster - a symbol of the warlike Gauls. Unfortunately, the “euro” leveled the symbol of the fighting spirit of one of the European peoples.

Cockfighting was especially popular among temperamental residents of Latin American countries - Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Caribbean, in the southern USA. The world famous Texas fighting chickens were bred here. In Russia, fighting cocks have become known since the 18th century. This sport in Rus' was called “cock hunting”.

D In order to learn more about cockfighting, I went to the Bali website and carefully looked at the photos and videos. This is so scary!
It turns out that there are special farms where fighting cocks are bred and kept in special houses, trainers prepare the birds for competitions, special blades are attached to their paws, which are sold everywhere in beautiful cases - a terrible weapon!

And such battles often end fatal for one of the opponents.

IN In 1906, at the All-Russian Congress of Poultry Farmers, cockfighting in Russia was banned for ethical and humane reasons.
I still feel sorry for the roosters, even though they are pugnacious! But they are good family men!

N It’s impossible to imagine a poultry yard without a rooster. The rooster is the master of the yard. At dawn he is the first to leave the chicken coop and with his “ko-ko-ko” hurries the chickens to the exit. He finds a grain and begins to frantically call the chickens. In addition, the rooster constantly remembers his duties as a producer, managing not to deprive anyone of his attention. He is able to “satisfy” up to 30 chickens per day, but such intense work has a negative impact on his health. Therefore, zootechnical science has determined the “harem” norm for him - no more than 10 hens.

Another thing is interesting. After the last close “communication” with the cockerel, the hens are capable of laying fertilized eggs for ten to fourteen days. However, with the appearance of a new rooster in the poultry house, the palm in this matter immediately passes to the new producer. It is roosters, and not hens, who pass on to their daughters such qualities as egg production, sexual maturity (i.e. the beginning of egg laying) and the brooding instinct. Therefore, a rooster in a chicken coop is no less important than a good hen.

The rooster is interesting to watch. He never loses his self-esteem. Even when punishing him for any offense, he leaves it as if unnoticed. And if he has to retreat, he does it with dignity, as if this is exactly what he needed to do.

N It must be recognized that the rooster does not participate in incubating the eggs and raising the chicks. But there are exceptions to the rules... There is a legend that arose thousands of years ago that supposedly roosters are allowed to lay an egg - the so-called knotweed - once every hundred years (and it is unknown by whom). It was believed that if this knotweed is carried under the arm of an immaculate virgin for six weeks, then a “basilisk” (which means “king”) will hatch from it, ready to carry out any orders of its adoptive mother - to take revenge, to fall in love with oneself, to obtain wealth, etc. By the way, despite the fact that this legend is many years old, for some reason no one has ever seen a basilisk.

The legend of the ugly egg received universal recognition for a long time, until the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1474, a meeting took place in Basel trial over a rooster that was accused of laying an egg. The culprit was mercilessly beheaded by the Holy Inquisition. In the villages of Russia in the 19th century, the theme of the basilisk was also very popular. Even in our time, you can hear the story of old people about evil spirits hatched from knotweed - an unfertilized egg.

Naturally, no one had ever seen this freak, but everyone described him, each in his own way. Some claimed that the basilisk was a yellow rooster with large, spiky feathers on its wings. Others claimed that he walked on four legs, had the body of a toad and a snake's tail, and instead of feathers he had fish scales.

P Among the Slavs, both Western and Eastern, the rooster was a border bird and was endowed with the ability to withstand evil spirits, and demonic properties. IN folk tradition it is constantly associated with fire, protects the house from fire and lightning, however, the red rooster personified the fire itself. There is an expression: “let the red rooster fly.” According to the ideas of our pagan ancestors, when a fire started from lightning, a fiery rooster would descend from the sky, sit right on the roof of the house and set everything on fire.
But all these myths and legends are the fruit of people’s rich imagination...

U My neighbor across the street lives in an open-air cage a chicken family, the head of the family - the rooster Vasya - has been living for several years. One day there was frost, and the hostess was visiting. The chicken house is flimsy, cold, all the winds penetrate. The hostess caught herself and ran home. I looked into the chicken coop, and there was a cockerel sitting there, his wings spread, and under them his whole family - 11 chickens. And how did they fit? Vasily himself suffered greatly - his comb turned blue and hung to one side, his paws were also numb. This is how the family would have died if the owner had not taken her into the room. The chickens immediately fell on their sides and fell asleep. The poor rooster was very cold, but he saved his family. For a long time he walked around with his gray comb, however, then it turned red again, but never recovered - it hangs to one side. And the hostess feeds him with selected grain and says: “Master!”
And how he sings his “ku-ka-re-ku”!

H A person hears the crow of a rooster two kilometers away. Unlike, for example, the repeated sounds with which a rooster calls hens to the food it has found, the crow is produced once, but longer and at higher frequencies. The higher the pitch, volume and duration of these signals, the stronger the effect. The same rooster always crows in the same way: deviations do not exceed half a tone.
Crowing is a kind of challenge to other roosters, to which they respond. True, in the case when the rivals are roosters of the same rank. If, say, a rooster crows in the same yard, occupying a subordinate position, then the dominant one simply attacks him without deigning to respond.

N What are the roosters crowing about when they are separated by a great distance and cannot see each other?

So, with the help of crowing, a biologically useful result is achieved - the capture, development and protection of areas, and ultimately the spread of the species in a harmless way, because the matter is limited only by intimidation. The Rooster warns rivals in advance that this area is occupied and they must look for a free “place in the sun.” And only if all suitable places are populated will the fighting begin. In this case, the winner - an animal stronger not only physically, but also mentally - will become the successor of the family, which, of course, is also beneficial for the prosperity of the species, for its progressive evolution.

All of the above applies to wild birds. But this same form of territorial behavior was preserved among domestic chicken, although I lost my biological significance: after all, man provides all the needs of domestic animals and controls the evolution of the species.

E There is a very interesting legend associated with the famous roasted rooster. After the Resurrection of Christ, a Jewish girl came to her father and told her that she had seen the risen Savior. Old Jew, a cautious man, did not believe it and answered his daughter that he would then be resurrected when the roasted rooster flew and crowed. At that very moment the roasted rooster flew off the spit, flew and screamed.

Roosters love to scratch around trees. From the direction in which they turn their chest, you can expect wind. Cockfight portends good weather, while standing on one leg in winter is freezing.

WITH the keepers of the chronology also could not help but honor the rooster with their attention. According to the ancient eastern calendar, each year receives the name of one of the twelve animals. Among them is a rooster. According to ancient belief, it is believed that a person’s fate largely depends on the year in which he was born. People born in the year of the rooster are distinguished by a calm, balanced character. They are sociable, understand the mood of others, and have the ability to convince their interlocutor. These are purposeful people who usually do not give up decision taken. They achieve their greatest success in middle age. The next “rooster year” will only be in 2017, so you’ll have to wait a little.

IN probably still primitive people They saw in the rooster, loudly proclaiming the onset of a new day, a mysterious messenger of supernatural forces, the deity of the Sun. It is known that wild roosters were domesticated as cult animals in ancient india(III...II millennium BC).

Eating the meat of roosters was strictly prohibited, but at the same time it was allowed to hunt and eat wild chickens. Only much later in ancient Europe did the meat of domestic chicken, and then eggs, begin to be eaten.

Although they say that a chicken is not a bird, it also understands a lot about the weather.
The main thing is that the chickens and roosters do not run out.
(Based on materials from K. FABRY, candidate biological sciences, and. "Science and Life", 1972. No. 9).

I decided to create this message while looking at the paintings of artist Stephanie Birdsall, which depict very beautiful roosters! ost163860977/#

One of the parents is a RAT


RAT- There are a few disagreements on trifles, but all is well that ends well.
BULL- Great. The Ox listens to everything the Rat says.
TIGER- The Rat father cannot teach the Tiger child anything.
CAT- Rat parents are afraid of their Cat child, and rightly so!
THE DRAGON- He will surpass his parents. The dragon will be lenient.
SNAKE- The snake will do everything in its own way, but so sweetly and with such charm!
HORSE- The horse will rear up because the Rat (father or mother) gets on its nerves.
GOAT- It is difficult for a Rat father to always find a common point of view with his daughter.
MONKEY- Little Monkey will be adored and spoiled, especially if the child is a boy and the mother is a Rat. But is this good?
ROOSTER- Lots of disputes. But they all end. Rooster is such a great boy!
DOG- Misunderstanding. There is absolutely nothing in common. Nevertheless, the Dog will fulfill its duties.
PIG- They may be accomplices, especially father and daughter. The Rat's aggressiveness will decrease.

One of the parents is BULL

RAT - The Ox loves to lead, and the Rat is aggressive, but they get along well.

BULL - There are problems of dominance here! The child rebels, but eventually obeys.
TIGER - Impossible. The Tiger needs to leave the house as quickly as possible, otherwise the Ox (father or mother) will destroy it.
CAT - The cat is a diplomat. He laughs at authority, but pretends to obey.
DRAGON - No. The Dragon tends to consider everyone who is responsible for him to be idiots (especially if the Ox is the father).
SNAKE - The snake is clever enough to do what it is told, or at least pretend to do so.
HORSE - No! The horse cannot take orders! She will be gone forever!
GOAT - A hundred times no! A disgruntled Ox and an unhappy Goat are a complete nightmare!
MONKEY - Yes. The Ox allows the Monkey to fool him.
ROOSTER - Yes. The Rooster will reconcile with management if he is allowed to pretend to be the head of the family.
DOG - No. They will get on each other's nerves. The bull cannot stand those who rebel against him and argue.
PIG - The Pig loves to help, but she cannot come to terms with the need for blind obedience. She will rise.

One of the parents is TIGER
RAT - The least of all the Tiger will care about what the Rat is doing.
BULL - It is better for the Tiger to get rid of the Bull, who will destroy him (boarding house? relatives?). The tiger will suffer.
TIGER - Two Tigers cannot live under one roof. (Tiger parents can only be advised to use contraception in the year of the Tiger.)
CAT - The seemingly obedient Cat actually wins.
DRAGON - Everything is favorable in this combination for raising the best child in the world!
SNAKE - Complete misunderstanding! Although the Snake makes commendable attempts.
HORSE - Only sparks fly between these rebels, but there is also a lot of love and respect between them.
GOAT - The goat is punished too often. She will not be able to flourish in such a strict atmosphere.
MONKEY - The Tiger will often be made fun of, but the Monkey needs to be careful not to go too far.
ROOSTER - The Chicken doesn't make much of an impression on the Tiger, but when it grows up, the Tiger is very proud of it!
DOG - Perfect! Complete idyll! An impeccable duo that survives disasters, destruction and even death if necessary.
PIG - Even if the Tiger is stubborn, the Pig will forgive him, she is so generous.

One of the parents is a CAT
RAT - The cat plays with the mouse. And when the Cat is not at home... Although the chances of success are very doubtful.
BULL - The cat treats this strange child with surprise and alarm. He can't help but tease him.
TIGER - Not so bad. With a sense of humor, even if it sometimes intentionally hurts the Tiger, they can go far.
CAT - No problem.
DRAGON - Only on the condition that the Dragon does not get underfoot at home, the Cat is ready to endure the radiance of this child.
SNAKE - Will do. They will talk a lot and become friends. This brotherly relationship will bring pleasure to the Cat.
HORSE - The cat is known for its peaceful nature. Why shouldn't he let the Horse choose his own path?
GOAT - Good for the Goat. The cat helps, understands and admires!
MONKEY - The monkey knows how to talk to him (The cat is difficult to deceive.)
ROOSTER - The Cat never takes the Rooster seriously. He places little value on his beautiful feathers.
DOG - A calm and peaceful Cat makes the Dog happy. The cat is an excellent mother.
PIG - Perhaps, but the sentimental Pig suffers from the indifference of the Cat.

One of the parents is DRAGON
RAT - The Dragon demands too much from its children. But one way or another everything goes well.
OX - The Ox does everything possible to meet the Dragon's demands, but it is difficult. The Dragon loves to show off, while the Ox is an introvert and a bit boring.
TIGER - Okay. The Dragon has a certain weight in the eyes of the Tiger, so the Tiger listens to it.
CAT - The Dragon may be somewhat disappointed by the Cat's apparent lack of ambition, but there will be no problems.
DRAGON - Very good! They will be proud of each other!
SNAKE - Yes. The Snake is wise and understands the Dragon well.
HORSE - There are certain problems, but everything will end well.
GOAT - Proud of the Goat's artistic nature, the Dragon will help her in many ways.
MONKEY - A good relationship. If the Monkey needs it, the Dragon will bring it his wisdom and experience.
ROOSTER - The Rooster obeys blindly, so the Dragon is happy. Very good.
DOG - No. The Dog does not admire the Dragon as he would like.
PIG - Yes. The Dragon can be useful to the Pig by doing everything in his power to contribute to the success of his Piglet.

One of the parents is a SNAKE
RAT - The Snake loves his family, and the Rat does not cause her any trouble.
BULL - The Wise Snake does everything they can, but their life is difficult.
TIGER - There are problems here for the Snake, she will need all her wisdom to learn how to deal with the Tiger.
CAT - Yes, but be careful! Mom has too much of a sense of ownership, and dad is on his own.
DRAGON - Yes. The Snake understands the Dragon.
SNAKE - It is best for a young Snake to get married as early as possible, otherwise it may be too late. She will be trapped.
HORSE - The Horse's independence creates problems for both parties.
GOAT - Good enough if the family is well off.
MONKEY - She should be the “good monkey” that she really is.
ROOSTER - They understand each other well. The Rooster is flattered when he is considered irreplaceable.
DOG - No benefit to each other.
PIG - The Pig needs to watch out for the Snake to avoid becoming completely tied up.

One of the parents is a HORSE
RAT - Disaster! Especially if the Horse is a mother. Storm in the family!
BULL - No! If the Horse (mom and dad) can insist on its own, the Ox child will never forgive her for this. He doesn't understand her!
TIGER - Good enough. The Horse gives little Tiger some freedom, and besides that, she loves him.
CAT - The Horse has other things to do, the Cats will be left alone!
DRAGON - Whatever happens, everything will be fine. Everyone will live their own life.
SNAKE - The Snake Child will judge his parents harshly and blame them in case of conflict.
HORSE - They understand each other so well that it can cause anxiety - each is relying too much on the other.
GOAT - Excellent. They'll be happy, but he won't get much help.
MONKEY - No problem!
ROOSTER - The chicken will be disappointed, he will miss his mom and dad. And they will only laugh at him.
DOG - It is difficult for a Dog to understand the Selfishness of a Horse. But she doesn't need it anyway.
PIG - Not the best option. It is difficult for Piglet to tolerate the Horse’s selfishness, but the Horse does not understand this. But no one loses sleep over it.

One of the parents is a GOAT
RAT - Nothing good awaits us here. (If the Goat is the mother, then the harm is less.)
BULL - Different worlds. Nothing good friend they don’t see it in a friend.
TIGER - There will be no peace here! The Tiger might accidentally swallow the Goat!
CAT - Yes, although kitten babies shouldn't rely on the Goat.
DRAGON - Wonderful picture! It is perfect if the Goat is the mother and the Dragon is the son.
SNAKE - The Goat happily gives all of herself to her child, but on the condition that he reciprocates her feelings.
HORSE - Yes, but as long as the Goat does not count on the Horse to look after it in old age.
GOAT - Could be funny, although not constructive. If the two signs are mother and daughter, amazing intimacy can be achieved.
MONKEY - Strange! Such parents can only make the Monkey laugh.
ROOSTER - Nothing in common. Mutual dissatisfaction.
DOG - Very soon the Dog will move away, but it will not abandon the Goat.
PIG - It is the Pig who will save the Goat in the end! She loves her!

One of the parents is a MONKEY
RAT - A good union. The monkey can do whatever he wants with his children.
OX - Compared to the Ox, the Monkey has much more charm and knows how to use it.
TIGER - In reality, everything is not so bad. The cunning of the Monkey balances the strength of the Tiger. They will get along with each other.
CAT - Great! This is good luck for the Cat!
DRAGON - Good too. The Monkey can give a lot to the Dragon, who is too self-confident and precocious.
SNAKE - Not too bad, wisdom and insight can make them great friends.
HORSE - Even a young Horse does not trust cunning, of which it can become a victim.
GOAT - Our Goat is unusually loyal!
MONKEY - Impeccable accomplices!
ROOSTER - The Monkey laughs at the Rooster, and he does everything possible to please her, but the Monkey still offends him.
DOG - Difficult. The Monkey thinks that his offspring takes life too seriously, so he begins to tease him, but the Dog cannot stand it.
PIG - Excellent. The Monkey loves his Piglet. She will teach him not to be too trusting.

One of the parents is a ROOSTER
RAT - A little debate. Nothing serious, but there is no warmth in the relationship either.
BULL - Yes. Even though the ROoster will peck the Ox from time to time, he will allow him to lead him along the garden path.
TIGER - The Rooster will be constantly opposed.
CAT - The Cat will allow the Rooster to reign, but will follow its own inclinations.
DRAGON - Agreement is possible. The Rooster admires his child too much and this can cause problems.
SNAKE - They will talk a lot, but the laziness they share may increase.
HORSE - The Horse will never submit to the power of the Rooster... And the Rooster will not know what to do with it.
GOAT - The Rooster will have the impression that he has hatched a duck.
MONKEY - The rooster will be beaten from all sides, but he will be happy about it.
ROOSTER - Cockfight! You should avoid having two Roosters living under the same roof.
DOG - Dialogue between two deaf people.
PIG - The Pig is patient, but will act in accordance with its desires. And don’t let the Rooster think that he is leading the Pig.

One of the parents is a DOG
RAT - Despite a sense of duty and good will, the Dog is not too close to the Rat.
BULL - No. Complete incompatibility on both sides. They judge each other and believe that each wants too much from the other.
TIGER - Okay. The dog will give a lot to his child, of whom he will be very proud.
CAT - They live well together, especially Father-Dog and daughter-Cat.
DRAGON - They can’t get along at all. The Dragon cannot stand constant criticism from the Dog.
SNAKE - For the Dog, this relationship can be characterized as follows: she accidentally stepped on a viper! She doesn't like the contemplative mind.
HORSE - The Dog is not worried about the Horse’s desire to go its own way, but about its selfishness.
GOAT - Difficult. Puzzled by the whims of the Goat, the Dog can simply wash its hands of it.
MONKEY - The Dog will not take the Monkey seriously, and this is mutual.
ROOSTER - They avoid each other. They have nothing in common. The dog is irritated by the rooster's lush feathers, which he wants to wear.
DOG - Greater intimacy. Although somewhat dangerous for the rest of the family: they may go too far.
PIG - Yes, although the Pig's rudeness repels the Dog.

One of the parents is a PIG
RAT - Okay. They'll have fun together, and who cares if the Rat takes advantage of it a little?
BULL - Possibly, although the Bull is somewhat reserved.
TIGER - Yes. But the Tiger will remain unsatisfied: he always expects something more.
CAT - Very good, but the Pig will be upset by the Cat’s usual indifference to family matters.
DRAGON - Okay. The Pig can even be useful to the Dragon.
SNAKE - Everything will go well, but at the expense of the Pig. The Pig mother can turn into a perfect slave of the Snake child.
HORSE - The inevitable departure of the Horse from home will upset the Pig, since it always happens earlier than expected.
GOAT - Lucky! The pig will help her all her life! They love each other.
MONKEY - Great! The Monkey constantly entertains and surprises the Pig, whom he respects enormously.
ROOSTER - Lucky! The Pig will do everything to understand him and make him happy.
DOG - They get along well. The Pig will always support the Dog in her “great deeds,” but quite often she makes herself unhappy.
PIG - Yes. Real friends. They enjoy spending time in each other's company and often have fun together.

Years of birth according to the Rooster sign: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Rooster Man - Personality Characteristics

The Rooster man is a very attractive and extraordinary personality. As a rule, he is well and expensively dressed, well-groomed and gallant.

The Rooster man can present himself well, takes care of his appearance, and often takes care of physical training that keeps his body in excellent shape. He loves to be the center of attention, especially from women, and entertain them with witty jokes.

Many women are simply delighted with him. And this is not surprising. After all, a bright, impressive and charming Rooster man knows what to say and when to say it in order to please women. He struts around, spreading a magnetism that attracts and excites. But, unfortunately, the personal life of the Rooster man can be very stormy - according to various reasons. According to eastern horoscope, at a young age the Rooster man will not be able to create happy family, only in his mature years is he able to find happiness.

It is worth noting that the Rooster man needs to always be in sight, in the center of attention, only then does he feel like a human being. He needs an exchange of energies. And when they forget about him, he feels bad, and he may even fall into a prolonged depression.

The Rooster man loves to command and hates to obey, either at work, among friends, or in the family. He considers himself right in all matters and his opinion is the ultimate truth. Entering into an argument with him is useless and even fraught with consequences. The Rooster man is not shy in his expressions, does not care about the feelings of others and can say whatever he wants to his face. Sometimes it’s easier to agree with him, otherwise he will start to get cocky and may cause a scandal. The Rooster man loves to make comments to others (even to the point that he can tell a girl that this hairstyle makes her look old), but he himself does not tolerate criticism of himself and does not tolerate intrusion into his personal affairs. But, behind the narcissism of Roosters, deep complexes are sometimes hidden, which they carefully hide.

Most often, a man was born in and is extremely proud of it. He is neat and organized and tries to carry a diary with him, where he writes down all his schedules, meeting dates and times, ideas and thoughts. Smart and attentive to detail, he likes to observe from the outside. Friends often turn to him for advice, because he can accurately predict a situation like no one else.

The Rooster man is trusting and childishly naive, so he is easy to deceive. And when he finds himself in an environment where he cannot command, he quickly falls into apathy. Some consider the Rooster man to be a classic bureaucrat. And this is not without reason. He plays it safe many times, so he delays solving the problem. This man is incapable of adequately assessing himself. He does not believe in his strength, he lacks will, and he constantly fluctuates between high self-esteem and self-doubt, and doubts and hesitations are a loss vital energy which leads to failure.

Many of the men born in the year of the Rooster are great workers and strive to do more than they can handle. They are active, active, and quite purposeful. And they understand that money does not fall into their beaks without difficulty. They must work, work and work again to ensure decent life. The Rooster's wealth accumulates grain by grain, gradually. To take big risks and win big, they lack the courage and scope of imagination. In addition, the Rooster, according to the eastern horoscope, is wasteful, he does not know how to stock up and most often spends everything he earns.

In the classic version, the Rooster man goes from poverty to wealth, from the most disgusting relationships in the family to ideal love. But his old age, as a rule, is prosperous and prosperous. Sooner or later, the Rooster man finds himself in life - he is still a gifted person.

Man of the Year Rooster - career

A man born in the year of the Rooster is not very lucky and has to work hard to achieve success. in addition, hot temper and lightness of character, which strange circumstance easily coexist in this man’s soul, they can prevent him from achieving dizzying career. In work matters, the Rooster man is very careful and prudent. If he occupies the manager’s chair, he first carefully studies all the details, and only then begins to make serious decisions. The Rooster man in the boss's chair is not very good a good option for subordinates. He is overly power-hungry and loves to criticize, and does not listen at all to the advice and recommendations of others. Believes that he knows everything better than others, and in the whole world you cannot find the best specialist than himself. It is simply impossible to dissuade him from naive and impractical goals, and his subordinates will have to deal with the consequences.

But if the Rooster man is an ordinary employee, then there will always be laughter and cheerful, lively communication in the team. Men born in the year of the Rooster love compliments and attention from others. They are susceptible to flattery, generous and always ready to help. They are observant and always ready to suggest a reasonable way to solve a problem. It is not surprising that many turn to them for help.

He begins his professional activity very early, because he is ambitious, self-confident and strives for independence. It is difficult to find a profession that a Rooster man cannot cope with. His hard work, diligence, determination, as well as administrative abilities, desire to command and manage help him achieve good results. The Rooster man is a talented organizer, careful and plans everything in advance. His desk is always in order, all things are in their place, and documents are kept in strict order.
In work, the Rooster man always tries to do more than he can and takes on tasks that exceed his strength. Therefore, the plans he has in mind are not always realized. In addition, the Rooster man is a famous braggart; he likes to show great expectations, but does not live up to them. Despite the obvious abundance of fresh ideas, he implements them very poorly. In everyday life it’s the same thing - a lot of ideas and no hope of realizing them.

The Rooster man approaches any work very responsibly, but avoids taking on unnecessary obligations. If necessary, he is able to help others, but he will do it in such a way that others will properly appreciate his action. At work, as a rule, he is valued and respected, although they are wary of his frankness and uncompromising nature in communicating with his superiors, as well as his reluctance to take on more than what is required by his position.

A man born in the year of the Rooster is characterized by sharp ups and equally sharp downs. In his life, streaks of success alternate with streaks of failure. His professional life is unstable and he often changes one profession to another, not thinking too much about the future and living in the current moment. As a rule, the Rooster man has a fairly flexible worldview that helps him cope with adversity and need, and financial success and career advancement are only companions to the growth of personal prestige. And for men born in the year of the Rooster, it is very important. They love to receive awards and medals. However, almost every Rooster man sooner or later experiences one or more crises. This is the fate of most Roosters, since crises help them renew themselves internally. Starting everything from scratch, from the very beginning - this is the missionary role of the Rooster man. In addition, such an update makes it possible to try something unknown for yourself, to realize yourself in a new field. It can even be said that many Rooster men themselves subconsciously lay a time bomb under their projects.

Men born in the year of the Rooster rarely have big money. He does not know how to save money and invest it, and quickly spends everything he earns on household needs. But, if the Rooster man is still able to find his purpose and realize himself, then he can achieve good financial well-being. When it comes to work, the Rooster man hates routine and likes it to be accompanied by travel and a certain amount of independence. He will be able to prove himself most effectively in professions related to organizing large meetings, corporate events, exhibitions, presentations, and competitions. In this area, most men born in the year of the Rooster turn into peacocks and create beauty salons and collections fashionable clothes etc. They demonstrate their own brilliance and talent and help others realize themselves. His favorite business will give him everything he dreams of: money, prestige, personal freedom and independence. He just needs to be the center of attention, a generator of ideas, and then he will be able to make his own career, which will help him open up in society. But if he does not have such ideas and an appropriate assistant, then he turns into a selfish, stubborn person, fixated on his own problems.

Many Rooster men love to chair meetings, demonstrating the ability to present themselves and express their opinions. And the Rooster is a good speaker. Therefore, the Rooster man is able to manifest himself most fully in the role of an intermediary between the audience and the speaker. He may be the best entertainer ever. Feeling this, many men born in the year of the Rooster choose professions based on collective creativity. But it is worth remembering that he is more of a tactician than a strategist and rarely learns from his mistakes and generally does not learn lessons for the future.

For the Rooster man, both self-esteem and the assessment of others are very important; he wants to be the best in everything. Men born in the year of the Rooster try not to show such weak sides character such as uncertainty, weakness, timidity, which visit them quite often. They disguise them with eloquence, chic appearance, tireless energy.

Horoscope of the Rooster man – love and family

The Rooster man takes great care of his appearance and prefers to dress brightly and stylishly. Therefore, he will carefully evaluate the woman he likes, paying attention to the smallest details. And the main thing is that a woman must be very well-groomed, original and “high-class” in order to attract the attention of the Rooster man. He can be offended by the slightest deviation or flaw in people's appearance. He himself evaluates people by their appearance and manner of behavior and prefers to be “met and escorted by their clothes.”

The Rooster man knows that only he will wish and everyone will be fascinated by his personality. But it is worth noting that this quality makes him a very self-centered person, completely absorbed your own desires and needs. In addition, he demonstrates absolute indifference to the mental state of other people.

Most men born in the year of the Rooster are well educated, well read and know how to carry on a conversation on any topic. They are interested in philosophy, esotericism, politics, economics and are well aware of what is happening around them. But he can fully reveal himself only in the circle of family and very close friends, when he is not afraid of being laughed at or being a target for gossip. After all, he knows that behind his luxurious plumage hides a smaller and stronger body than it seems to others, and he is afraid of being a “wet chicken.” The emotions and feelings of the Rooster man are like a mercury bulb on a thermometer, which rises and falls. If a Rooster man is in a great mood, then he is welcoming, friendly, open and emotional, can sympathize with another, and even provide help. But if the Rooster man bad mood, then it’s better not to touch him, as he will show all his negative qualities: excessive self-confidence, sarcasm and criticism, capable of “dividing everyone into pieces.”

Choosing a life partner for a Rooster man not an easy task. In his youth, he prefers to collect his victories, quickly abandoning those girls who came easy to him. He likes to feel like a sultan in a harem. Almost everyone admires him, and few can resist his beautiful appearance, all-round development, irresistible charm, assertiveness and perseverance. and conquering the object of his love, but if everything does not go as he expected, he quickly grows cold. He for a long time is in a state of uncertainty, because he himself does not know what kind of woman he needs. When he makes up his mind and realizes that the time has come to start a family, he becomes a typical homebody and is very reluctant to leave home, where he feels very good. He cares about the well-being and prosperity of his family and becomes a generous husband.

The Rooster man needs a special companion who will love and admire him, please, be patient and flexible, take care of herself and her family. The conservatism of the Rooster man makes him demanding in everyday life, and he believes that his marriage leaves much to be desired in the case when the woman he is married to does not care about coziness and comfort.

The wife of a man born in the year of the Rooster should be calm and calm, be able to extinguish his rage and relieve irritation before it leads to quarrels. A reliable rear is extremely important for the Rooster. He dreams of a partner who would understand and support him. If a woman cannot appreciate the Rooster man, then family life will not be easy. This man is subject to outbursts of rage and irritation, and being disappointed in his wife, he can leave her without pity or seek solace on the side. Although, it is worth noting that, no matter what, in the family life of Roosters, both men and women, it rarely comes to an official divorce, and it often happens that the Rooster man, having had plenty of fun, returns to his wife again.

Also, the wife of the Rooster man should remember that he is not inclined to demonstrate high emotions even towards the one he loves very much. It is difficult for him to express his feelings and he rarely says “I love you,” but he is capable of deep care and sincere love. Often the Rooster man is very reserved because he is afraid or embarrassed to express himself, or maybe it’s just not in his character. He cannot be called a great romantic, but he is completely devoted to the woman he loves.

In order for the family union to be happy, the wife of the Rooster man should know specific features her husband. Firstly, although he is energetic and active, his activity is often chaotic and meaningless. Therefore, a woman must constantly support him morally and try to direct his energy into the right direction. Secondly, we must remember that the Rooster man wants to seem impeccable, so in order to attract his attention, from time to time unobtrusively tell him how interesting you are with him, ask him about himself. Like all vain people, Roosters love it. Thirdly, the Rooster man loves to dream and fantasize. Support him in this. Build castles in the air together or, say, simulate a vacation for next year. And most importantly, try to be different, change all the time, support yourself in in great shape. Create for such a man good climate, and he, in turn, will do everything to make you happy.

Ekaterina Sokolova
"Cockerel and his family." Abstract speech therapy session in the middle group

Subject: « Cockerel and his family» .

Target: introduce cockerel family, teach generalize: rooster, hen and chick are domestic birds. Tasks:

1. Educational: teach to generalize, introduce the body parts of birds, what they eat, reinforce basic colors.

2. Developmental: develop gross and fine motor skills, attention,

memory, thinking.

3. Educational: cultivate attention to the teacher’s speech.

Equipment: Pictures rooster, chicken, chicken, duck; colored figures, caps and laces, toys.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time : the one who says how he screams will sit down rooster;

the hen calls the chicks; chickens squeak.

2. Subject message classes: listen poem:

Our cockerel is loud

In the morning he screams: "Hello!".

He has boots on his feet and a comb on his head.

That's what he is like cockerel.

Who is this poem about?

Today we will talk about cockerel and his family.

Name rooster family, (cockerel, hen, chicken)

Pictures are put on the board.

3. Work on the topic classes:

Listen to an amazing story that happened many years ago to one cockerel.

In ancient times, all birds were wild. They lived in the forest and took care of themselves. It was difficult, either a fox would attack, or in winter the snow would cover the whole earth. There's nothing to eat, it's cold. Once I met Human Cockerel. And the Man to him speaks: “Let’s come live with me, I will feed you, water you, and look after you. And you, Petya, will wake me up in the morning,” Agreed Cockerel. Built Cockerel man housing, which became known as the chicken coop. The Man began to bring him water, grain, crumbs, and walked around Cockerel in the yard, nibbles grass, collects worms and knows no grief. And then others roosters and the chickens moved to the Man. Since then roosters and chickens live next to Man and are called poultry.

Why roosters and are chickens called domesticated?

(Because they live next to a person, and the person takes care of them).

What is the name of the house they live in? roosters and hens? (Chicken coop).

Name what you like to eat rooster?

(The teacher displays pictures depicting grains, crumbs, worms, sour cream).

Do you agree with me? (No. There is too much sour cream).

A game: « Cockerel and colors» .

Each child has a square (red, yellow, green, blue, etc.)

What do you have cockerel of the same color what square do you have?

For example: What color is my square? (red)

What do you have Red cockerel? (red comb, red beard, red tail).

Physical exercise.

Around the yard rooster walks,

He rakes the earth with his paw.

If the grain is found -

He'll peck it right away.

He will flap his wings, he will dance merrily,

Scream “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Oh, how delicious rooster!

A game: "The Fourth Wheel".

The teacher displays pictures on board: chicken, rooster, chicken, duck.

Who's the odd one out? (duck, she doesn't live in cockerel family)

"Gift for Mom".

Look, a chicken has come to visit us.

Hello guys. It's my chicken mom's birthday today. Help me prepare a gift for her - a flower. We will need string and caps. Lay out the lids in a circle, and the lace will be the stem.

4. Summary classes.

Name family cockerel. Hen, cockerel and chicken is homemade or wild birds? Which task did you enjoy the most?