The number 21 is a combination of the properties of the number 2 and 1. It expresses duality and acts as a symbol of friendly relations. Two gives a person the ability to self-sacrifice in the name of great goals, and one is responsible for the presence of leadership qualities and guarantees independent life position. More detailed meaning You can find out the number 21 from this article.

Description of the properties of the number twenty-one

21 is decisive figure in definition life path every person will provide assistance in various life endeavors. The number grants the necessary vital energy and contributes to the discovery of previously unknown abilities. But please note that achieving success will only be possible in cases where a person maintains a clear mind and is guided by good intentions.

This combination of numbers is significant in your destiny; it appears in those difficult and crucial moments when you need outside support. The number "twenty-one" contains seven, which is a symbol of good luck.

When you combine the main components of this number, you get the number “three”. Three represents the most important symbol Christianity, personifies the divine Trinity.

You can get acquainted with references to this figure from many scientific treatises, which include ancient records of alchemists. They were confident that ordinary metal could become pure silver after three weeks.

21 – leader number

Twenty one is positive number which can bring good luck into your life. But it provides assistance exclusively to hardworking individuals, those who are not afraid to work to achieve what they want.

Quirks may not count on the magical help of the number 21. They should take a closer look at the number 20 - a more passive number, responsible for inaction. If we consider spiritual numerology, then twenty is the direct opposite of the number “twenty-one”.

The number twenty will help everyone who does not want to bother themselves too much and prefers a quiet, subordinate position that will not give high salary, but will deprive you of responsibility.

21 – human activity

This number is responsible for making decisions, which include fateful ones. It carries very powerful energy, therefore it is often used in date numerology. For example, if a person needs to make a very important decision, with maximum responsibility, the number 21 will favor him in every possible way.

In the same case, if a person is engaged in carrying out other people’s orders and implementing other people’s ideas, the number twenty is more suitable.

21 carries masculine energy

This number has a pronounced masculine energy. Moreover, here we are considering not just physiology. According to the esoteric axiom, every person has both feminine and masculinity. And if we translate it into the language of numbers, then everyone is the owner of the numbers twenty-one and twenty.

The number twenty-one represents the manifestation of active masculine energy. However, it happens that some women have a lot of masculine energy, and men have a lot of feminine energy. And this should under no circumstances be neglected when performing a numerological calculation of human destiny.

And when considering the numerology of dates, one can often observe the fact that a representative of the fair sex, born on the twenty-first, has a stronger will than a man who was born on the twentieth. At the same time, it is possible to create wonderful relationships between partners born on these dates.

But, note that the union will be successful only if both one and the second spouse are ready to realize who will be in the leadership position in the family. Otherwise, any relationship can easily turn from happy to unlucky.

How does the number 21 positively influence human character?

People who are influenced by the number twenty-one have fairly good intellectual abilities and easily adapt to new situations in life. It is easy for them to achieve their goals, they are able to realize themselves, both intellectually and physically.

They have high communication skills, a broad outlook, and excellent knowledge. They command respect from others for their ability to give correct recommendations.

Among the people patronized by the number twenty-one there are a lot of charismatic personalities. They easily inspire confidence in others and are able to share their ideas. Thanks to a well-developed imagination, new horizons open up for planning future events. Any, even the craziest ideas can come true. And the number “two”, which is hidden in this number, will allow you to successfully complete what you started.

Negative impact of numbers

As sad as it is to realize, this number has not only positive qualities, but can also “give” its bearer many disadvantages. The most popular is megalomania. Such individuals are characterized by a desire for world fame and influence on others, although in reality they are ordinary people.

Interacting with this category of people is quite problematic: due to permanent shift mood in the absence of clear life plans, cooperation becomes impossible.

And for the reason hypersensitivity Such individuals react very sharply to criticism and are not inclined to listen to the advice of others. As a result, development stops and the person loses his professional abilities.

Knowing the positive and negative aspects of any number, you have the ability to weaknesses, due to which your character and life in general improves.

The number 21 is a combination of the properties of the number 2 and 1. It expresses duality and acts as a symbol of friendly relations. Two gives a person the ability to self-sacrifice in the name of great goals, and one is responsible for the presence of leadership qualities and guarantees an independent life position. You can learn more detailed meaning of the number 21 from this article.

21 is a decisive number in determining the life path of each person; it will help in various life endeavors. The number gives the necessary vital energy and helps to reveal previously unknown abilities. But please note that achieving success will only be possible in cases where a person maintains a clear mind and is guided by good intentions.

This combination of numbers is significant in your destiny; it appears in those difficult and crucial moments when you need outside support. The number "twenty-one" contains seven, which is a symbol of good luck.

When you combine the main components of this number, you get the number “three”. The troika is the most important symbol of Christianity, personifying the divine Trinity.

You can get acquainted with references to this figure from many scientific treatises, which include ancient records of alchemists. They were confident that ordinary metal could become pure silver after three weeks.

21 – leader number

Twenty-one is a positive number that can bring good luck into your life. But it provides assistance exclusively to hardworking individuals, those who are not afraid to work to achieve what they want.

Quirks may not count on the magical help of the number 21. They should take a closer look at the number 20 - a more passive number, responsible for inaction. If we consider the spiritual, then here twenty acts as the direct opposite of the number “twenty-one”.

The number twenty will help everyone who does not want to bother themselves too much and prefers a quiet, subordinate position that will not give you a high salary, but will deprive you of responsibility.

21 – human activity

This number is responsible for making decisions, which include fateful ones. It carries very powerful energy, so it is often used in date numerology. For example, if a person needs to make a very important decision, with maximum responsibility, the number 21 will favor him in every possible way.

In the same case, if a person is engaged in carrying out other people’s orders and implementing other people’s ideas, the number twenty is more suitable.

21 carries masculine energy

This number has a pronounced masculine energy. Moreover, here we are considering not just physiology. According to the esoteric axiom, every person has both feminine and masculine principles. And if we translate it into the language of numbers, then everyone is the owner of the numbers twenty-one and twenty.

The number twenty-one represents the manifestation of active masculine energy. However, it happens that some women have a lot of masculine energy, and men have a lot of feminine energy. And this should under no circumstances be neglected when performing a numerological calculation of human destiny.

And when considering the numerology of dates, one can often observe the fact that a representative of the fair sex, born on the twenty-first, has a stronger will than a man who was born on the twentieth. At the same time, it is possible to create wonderful relationships between partners born on these dates.

But, note that the union will be successful only if both one and the second spouse are ready to realize who will be in the leadership position in the family. Otherwise, any relationship can easily turn from happy to unlucky.

How does the number 21 positively influence human character?

People who are influenced by the number twenty-one have fairly good intellectual abilities and easily adapt to new situations in life. It is easy for them to achieve their goals, they are able to realize themselves, both intellectually and physically.

They have high communication skills, a broad outlook, and excellent knowledge. They command respect from others for their ability to give correct recommendations.

Among the people patronized by the number twenty-one there are a lot of charismatic personalities. They easily inspire confidence in others and are able to share their ideas. Thanks to a well-developed imagination, new horizons open up for planning future events. Any, even the craziest ideas can come true. And the number “two”, which is hidden in this number, will allow you to successfully complete what you started.

Negative impact of numbers

As sad as it is to realize, this number not only has positive qualities, but is also capable of “giving” its bearer many disadvantages. The most popular is megalomania. Such individuals are characterized by a desire for world fame and influence on others, although in reality they are ordinary people.

Interacting with this category of people is quite problematic: due to constant mood changes in the absence of clear life plans, cooperation becomes impossible.

And due to increased sensitivity, such individuals react very sharply to criticism and are not inclined to listen to the advice of others. As a result, development stops and the person loses his professional abilities.

Knowing the positive and negative aspects of any number, you have the opportunity to overcome your weaknesses, due to which your character and life in general improve.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Concept angel numerology was first described by Doreen Virtue, an esotericist and philosopher. In her opinion, when we notice repeating time numbers on the screens of smartphones and computer monitors, on electronic watches, angels are sending us messages. Each combination of numbers has its own meaning, 21:21 on the clock is a message from higher powers that your hard work will soon be rewarded.

With the help of the coincidence of numbers on the clock, a guardian angel can warn his ward about impending danger or indicate a chance to change life for the better. Many people make wishes when they see combinations of the same numbers on a digital watch. But if a person specifically waits for the right time and tries to look at the clock so as to see the desired combination of numbers, or engages in fortune telling by the clock, the wish will not come true. You need to notice repeating numbers by chance - and have time to formulate a desire before they change.

Since you are turning to an angel, it is important that the wish is good. Do not wish illnesses and troubles on others; it is better to ask higher powers to help yourself or others.

In addition, people often have their own associations with numbers - for example, someone considers it a lucky sign to notice numbers repeated in the date of birth. And some numbers are firmly associated in the mass consciousness with bad omens. The number 4 in Japan reminds of death, 13 in Europe and Russia is associated with devils and demons.

Even if you don't believe in magical properties numbers, the very fact that you often look at your watch indicates increased anxiety. You are nervous - and constant encounters with repeating numbers that catch your eye may be a hint from the universe. The same mental mechanism works when we see combinations of the same numbers in car license plates and transport tickets. A person who is self-absorbed and preoccupied with his thoughts will not even look at these numbers, and if he does, he will not pay attention to the curious coincidences.

If you believe in guardian angels, this is a sign that your personal angel is with you at this moment. And if you are an atheist and believe only in science, keep in mind that you yourself pay attention to the repetition of matching numbers on the clock. Your subconscious mind is telling you that you need a break, some outside information, or a break where you can sit down, rest, and calmly think through the issues that are causing you to worry and keep checking your watch.

You may notice the time on the clock consisting of the same numbers for several days in a row. If this is the same time, you should pay special attention to the numerological interpretation of these numbers. And if you have seen different combinations of repeating numbers, then this indicates developed intuition and closeness to subtle matters.

The meaning of the number 21

In numerology

Number 1 is a sign of strength, energy, self-confidence. These qualities are necessary for self-development. If you often see units in the surrounding space, perhaps you are too selfish and focused on yourself. Another interpretation is that you have stopped in your development, it’s time for you to move on. It's time to listen to yourself and pay special attention to your true feelings and desires.

Number 2 in numerology means gentleness, restraint, moderation, internal contradictions, duality in feelings, actions and beliefs. This is a symbol of balance, the unity of male and female qualities in a person, diplomacy and the desire to find a compromise. If you often meet twos, this may indicate difficulties in a relationship with a loved one or the need to look at a problematic situation from different angles, to take into account someone else’s, opposite point of view.

The combination of such qualities makes a person’s behavior harmonious. Ones and twos together report future success. You just need to not give up and wait a little. Since the last number in number 21 is number 1, it means a balanced state of mind - will, energy (number 1) are slowed down by the ability to look at both sides of the problem (number 2). This is the number of a leader, purposeful and strong-willed personality capable of leading people.

The number 21 itself has long been considered magical; it is sometimes called the number of the “magic crown”. This is the product of numbers 3 and 7, which are closely associated with mystical sacraments, spells, and divine intervention in people's lives.

Traditionally, prayers and mantras are read 3 or 7 times. The number 3 has sacred meaning in theology it is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The “rule of three” works effectively in all areas related to remembering information and attracting attention; 3 points are most easily stored in memory. If you add up the numbers that make up the number 21, you get 3 again.

7 symbolizes reality - 7 days of creation, 7 days of the week, 7 phases of the moon. Since ancient times, this number has meant completeness, sufficiency, limit. Many proverbs and expressions show that 7 is the appropriate number of repetitions for complete confidence in the result: “Measure 7 times, cut once,” “7 spans in the forehead,” “beyond the 7 seas.”

In numerology, the number 21 is a symbol of the energy necessary for change for the better. It is believed that it is responsible for relationships in the team. In China, this number is a sign of the brightest star on which you should make a wish. IN popular culture The number 21 is associated with luck and winning. It is no coincidence that the popular card game is called "21", or "point". It is believed that repeating the same action for 21 days is enough to form a stable habit. 3 weeks - minimum term the emergence of new neural connections in the brain.

The influence of vibrations of the number 21 on fate

21, unlike 20, carries an energy charge of continuous movement; people whose fate is influenced by this number will always want more from life. Therefore, to make and implement decisions on which a lot depends, numerology experts recommend waiting until the 21st day of the month.

People born on the 21st are energetic, ambitious, charismatic, possessive leadership qualities, but at the same time they are prone to daydreaming and a superficial approach to life. They are sociable and charming, easily infecting everyone around them good mood. These people easily manage to attract fans, do administrative work, and organize others. They make good diplomats.

One of the most harmonious numbers, if you were born on the 21st day of the month, this means that in previous lives you have accumulated positive karma. And in the current rebirth, you also have a chance to succeed. You have a greater reserve of resilience than other people, and you cope with failures more easily. Balance, the ability to control yourself and plan the future, confidence in your rightness - all these qualities will attract people to you the right people who respect you and trust you.

Among other numbers, 21 creates the most favorable conditions for getting material benefit. A person born on the 21st will not miss his chance. He is talented in everything he undertakes, does the work efficiently and quickly, so he is not afraid of competitors. Changing jobs is also not difficult.

But people born on the 21st also have disadvantages. Sometimes these people put the needs and desires of loved ones above their own; they tend to sacrifice time and effort for the sake of relatives. By voluntarily taking on extra responsibility, people living under the number 21 may begin to instinctively resist the bonds of marriage and cheat on their husband or wife. These are the people who need to enjoy freedom before starting a family. But after 30-35 years, they make the most faithful and devoted life partners.

In addition, those born on the 21st day of the month are prone to sudden mood swings. If there are no clear plans for the future, and beliefs have not yet been fully formed, these people can radically change their opinion on any issue. Changing jobs, lack of long-term attachments, quick disappointment in ideas and hobbies - all this leads to loneliness, as others begin to consider a person unreliable and flighty.

What does the time 21-21 on the clock mean in angelic numerology

The combination 21:21 has several interpretations. Sometimes this is a sign that higher powers are now on your side. The more often it catches your eye, the more actively the angels try to reach you and convey their message. A person chooses whether to listen to messages from subtle world, but if you see the same combinations of numbers for several days in a row, it may be worthwhile to figure out what the guardian angel wants to convey to you.

Don’t be afraid of important decisions, feel free to change what you think is necessary. Believe in your luck and listen to your intuition, this is the only way you can change your life for the better. But don’t make decisions too quickly; give yourself an evening to think about the situation.

In addition, this time on the clock can indicate an upcoming love adventure. A passionate and dynamic experience awaits you developing romance, which has every chance of turning into a long-term relationship. But number 2 reminds you that you should not forget about the voice of reason, so as not to regret anything later. It is important to make sure that you are confident in your actions, otherwise the result may be very disappointing. This is a good time for you to establish personal relationships and improve your marital life.

There is also an interpretation according to which a person who often sees a combination of the numbers 21 hours and 21 minutes on a dial will meet someone from a half-forgotten past. This could be an old acquaintance or school friend.

How to use hints from angels

Remember that your guardian angel cannot wish you harm. From birth, he invisibly follows you, protecting and protecting you. Prophetic dreams, unexpected insights, accidentally heard phrases, various coincidences in little things - all these are the angel’s tips. You just need to be careful and notice these signs in time.

Try to listen to yourself and understand what the numbers you see mean for you personally, whether it is a favorable sign or a bad one. If magic number 21 only gives you bad associations, for example, many tragic events happened in your life on the 21st, or one of your relatives died when he was 21 years old, these numbers, which constantly catch your eye, do not bode well. Be careful and attentive.

But for most people, the realization “I’ve seen 21:21 on the clock for several days now” does not carry alarming associations. There is even such a sign - the numbers 12 or 21 on electronic devices are striking for unexpected luck or meeting an interesting person.

A girl in love who notices matching numbers on the clock should say the name young man who she wants to attract. This is how she herself will formulate a message for the angels, because the numbers 21:21 foretell imminent changes in her personal life.

Have you ever wondered what the magic of the number 21 is? Find out what it affects, what its energy is, its impact on the life and fate of a person born on the twenty-first day of any month. It’s quite possible to straighten it out negative sides character, improve energy using this figure.

In the article:

The magic of number 21 - activity and determination

The number 21 in numerology is closely associated with action. Her element is an active influence on the world, swift decisions and sudden moves, improvisation and building a line of behavior on the fly without long thoughts. The number twenty-one is masculine, attached to Yang energy. This is light, warm, sunny and energy focused on physical and mental work without long expectations or rational planning. Impulse, surprise - that’s the message it carries.

Also, the number twenty-one speaks of leadership, of a purposeful, strong-willed person, capable of solving his own problems and leading people towards a common goal. Of those who are able to carry heavy burden power, such a person as a man born under the sign of twenty-one is especially steadfast in enduring all difficulties and adversities. Hard work, a sharp mind, a serious approach to business, unsurpassed intuition - this is what the magic of the number 21 brings to people. This allows them to achieve great career heights in life.

Its magic is made up of the number two, which speaks of making rational, informed decisions and one. The latter is essentially an impulse of pure energy. Submitting to the will of the one, the two follows the path of intuitive decisions. This represents the perfect balance: controlling your thoughts through willpower.

The third meaning of this number is mentoring, spiritual leadership, walking along the path of self-development of your soul. To do this, you need to work hard and overcome many obstacles. But the result is harmony with oneself, the world around a person, a tight connection between body and soul, which only gets stronger over time. Such harmony allows you to establish energy balance and improve your aura. This allows you to harmonize the exchange of force between the physical and thin body, which improves human health and strengthens his psyche.

Meaning of 21 in numerology

What does 21 mean in numerology? First of all, positive energy aimed at performing good deeds. This energy bestows perseverance and fortitude, but only to those who are hardworking and willing to sweat before achieving their goal. Unlike its antagonist, the number twenty, the meaning of 21 in numerology - continuous movement. Twenty is passive and speaks of reduced demands and needs. Those born on the twenty-first day of any month will never be satisfied with little and will always strive for something more.

Twenty is the patron of those who are ready to spend their whole lives in a low-paid position where there is no great responsibility. Twenty-one is a symbol of people who do not like orders and prefer to win the highest possible position with sweat and blood, in order to be the master of the situation themselves. In numerology, in order to make fateful decisions that can turn a person’s whole life upside down, this number, active and businesslike, is recommended.

But, if a person is the executor of someone else’s will and someone else’s orders, the number twenty is recommended as a conductor of energy, and not its creator. We should also not forget that one of these numbers is Yang, and the other is Yin, and they are in eternal opposition to each other in all aspects of human life. Including on a spiritual level, not only on an everyday level.

The influence of the number 21 on character

You should not think that all women have the number twenty, and all men have the number twenty-one. This is by no means true, since every person combines the feminine and masculine principles. Some people are just more developed feminine qualities and character traits, and some have masculine ones.

Often a woman born on the twenty-first day has strong will, great stubbornness and ambition, and the man born, on the contrary, is more passive, modest, ready to be content with little. Very strong and successful alliances can be created between such opposite people if each partner understands what role they will play in the future family and agrees with it. Otherwise, the relationship or marriage is doomed in advance.

The number 21 in numerology is also responsible for interaction with society and the team. Possessing everything necessary for full functioning and well-being among people, such people get along well in any team, becoming its full member in a matter of days. They are great at bringing people together, generating original ideas, they know how to understand and support jokes, resolve conflicts - often this is the fruit of their excellent organizational skills.

It should be noted that such a person, although he strives for everything better, is more of an altruist than an egoist. It is natural for him to take care and trouble for the weaker, but at the same time not to give his allegiance to anyone. These are flighty people who, in their youth, strive to try everything that the world offers them, often change partners and do not seek to entangle themselves in marriage.

They can stay with a person and trust him only with full confidence in the strength of feelings, the strength of the formed union. Having had their fill of freedom, such people are happy to find a quiet haven and no longer indulge in adventures. Closer to their third or fourth decade, they become excellent family men, caring mothers and attentive fathers.

On the twenty-first day of the month, more than half a century ago, the world's first nuclear submarine was launched. This was a huge event for all of science, giving impetus to the ever-accelerating development of technology. IN Ancient China the number twenty-one was associated with the North Star, as the brightest and strongest of all. People born under the sign of twenty-one are strong, self-confident, strong-willed. Having found their true purpose, they can change, if not the world, then the destinies of the people around them.

Arcanum XXI


Mental Plane. Mysterious process. Involution - evolution. The secret of the transition to the lower planes. Mental outpouring of the first Ten Sephiroth.
Astral Plane. The transition from accounting for energy as an astral manifestation to accounting for the accumulation of energy in the field of attribution.
Physical plan. Material Weapon with which the Will operates on the physical plane.

Basic sidha - ability get something at no extra cost. But the main restriction is “do not touch with your hands and do not grab anything from the display case” - everything you need will be given to you themselves. You cannot ask or take anything yourself - they will give you what you need - only within these limits. There are people who during their lives do not experience any special material difficulties - everything comes to them on its own. But, if you start wondering where it comes from, start reaching out and trying to grab more - you will immediately fall out of this map - and it will all be over. There is a phrase “Blessed are the poor in spirit” - here by poor in spirit we mean people who have no special desires, they do not ask or demand anything. Then everything is given to them - this is the sidha of the 21st Arcana. When someone comes to christian temple and asks God for both this and that - he violates the main rule of this sidhi - in the end he will not receive anything. The basic principle Christian prayer is to merge your consciousness with God - with the egregor - and then the egregor will give you what you really need. But it can be a very strange thing, for example, it turns out that you need to break both legs. But if you don’t break them, then you will simply die in 2 hours, otherwise you will remain alive. And if you ask, then there is simply no contact with the egregor. There is such an author - Gustav Meyrink, and he has a novel “The Angel of the Western Window”. There the magician Yehuda Ben-Bezalel says: “You Christians are very careless about prayers. You ask God to send you the Philosopher’s Stone, but be careful that he doesn’t send you a kidney stone instead. The art of prayer is like the art of archery - first you have to be careful "choose a target, take aim, then cock the bowstring and only then release the arrow. You're shooting in all directions without even drawing your bow properly."

Quite often in our lives we have met people who have never had problems in material terms and are also doing well with money. We call them the darlings of fate. Moreover, they themselves don’t think much about why they are so lucky. There are a lot of people who are simply sure that this is how it should be, and this fact– a thing that goes without saying. It is obvious that such a quality is given to a person by nature; he is included in the flow of this energy and receives everything he needs without any problems.

Basic condition XXI Arcana- carefree and soaring.

This highest Arcana of Magic is represented by a wreath of roses made of gold and surrounding a star, also placed in the middle of a circle, around which are placed at equal distances the head of a man, the head of a bull, the head of a lion and the head of an eagle. This is the sign with which a magician who has achieved highest degrees initiation and thereby acquired power, the ascending degrees of which cannot have other limits than his reason and prudence.

“Remember, son of the Earth, that power over the world belongs to the power over light, and that power over light is a throne given by God to the sanctified will. Happiness for a magician is the fruit of the science of good and evil, but God allows this eternal fruit to be picked by a person who has enough self-control to approach it without greed.”

Talisman 21 Arcana
The most famous form is the four-pointed Christian cross. This Talisman gives protection to the Christian Egregor. A lesser known form is the crown of thorns made of green leaves - a talisman that helps in financial difficulties.

Description of the meaning of Arcana
This energy lies at the core Christian religion. The person who conducts this energy comes into direct contact with the God-man. The God-Man is the son of God born from an Earthly woman. Having come into contact with the God-Man, through him you come into contact with God the Father. God the Father tells you the principles of correct behavior. If you follow the rules called covenants, you become pleasing to God and receive undeniable advantages over other people. A person who conducts the energy of this Arcanum will be recognized as Virtuous and Respectable among other people. He will receive everything he needs to live. Angels will protect him and report important events future.

Description of the Angel Arcana
Angel 21 Arcana - Virgo. She floats above the Earth in connection with Nature. The combination of the living nature of the Earth and man forms the Highest Law, within which an Angel hovers. This Angel imparts the law to those seeking a righteous life.

Action of Arcanum on the Body
The energy of the 21st Arcana gives a person strength and Health. This energy helps to overcome illnesses and even Death itself. It was with the help of this energy that Jesus healed people. With the help of this energy he revived the dead.

The effect of the Arcanum on the Situation
This energy helps in solving situations. God is omnipotent. Turning to a higher power helps in difficult times. God does not give what is superfluous, but gives what is vitally necessary.

Arcana Ritual
The supplicant, who is in the physical world, turns to To a Higher Power with Prayer. An angel soaring in Heaven hears the call of the Prayer and brings Prayer to the throne of the Son of God.

Siddha Arcana
The Siddha of this Arcanum is the ability to receive what is needed from the Higher Power.

Using the energy of this Arcana
The energy of this Arcana provides assistance in various difficult situations. This assistance is provided in the required minimum amounts.


TWENTY ONE- wandering saint, wanderer; an ordinary miracle; harmoniously practically used stable vertical channel; radio, television, computers, healing, hypnosis, suggestion, literary language.

A comment.
Twenty-one completes the fifth level of manifestation of the spirit and symbolizes the harmony of the subtle achieved on the dense plane (21=7S3). In other words, twenty-one means a stable channel into the subtle plane, harmoniously fitting into the reality of the dense: ordinary miracle, to which the dense plan gets used and, looking at it as almost commonplace, begins to be used for applied purposes. This means both profanation of subtle energies and self-deception of the dense plane: after all, the manifestation of twenty-one is always a miracle, that is, it is inexplicable in dense categories, although the resulting effects clearly have a material applied nature, and I really want, for the purpose of “economy of thinking” (a mathematical term proposed by N. Bourbaki), as well as following Occam’s razor, not to multiply the number of fundamental concepts unnecessarily, but to simply close our eyes to the inexplicable, limiting ourselves to the promise of understanding it how sometime later, in five hundred years, when dense, that is, materialistic, science (of which by that time not a trace will remain) has developed sufficiently. Thus, the three in the expansion 21 = 7 x 3 symbolizes not only the harmonious inclusion of the subtle channel twenty-one in the dense plane, but also its extreme stability in dense reality, as a result of which there is a feeling that it belongs entirely to it, despite obvious signs contrary. The symbol of twenty-one is an antenna, which the dense world tries with all its might to represent as a chimney.

Twenty-one people high level- a holy wanderer, a prophet with a very strong channel, creating a magical reality around himself, where the most ordinary things and actions acquire a high spiritual meaning. Such a wanderer does not do anything particularly magical, he simply lives and talks on any topic, but extraordinary things constantly happen around him - healings, solutions to hitherto unsolvable life problems etc. However, to look at him as something ordinary, although rarely encountered, would be a gross mistake and profanation - this person brings a miracle, that is, the immediate reality of the subtle plane, and, in addition, well adapted to the dense one.

21=11+10 - direct access to the subtle plane, carried out under the guidance of a living person - a high-level teacher.

21=3+7+11 - “three, seven, ace” - can be interpreted in different ways, for example: an open breakthrough to Earth through two levels of the original harmonious spiritual plane, or: the success of winning cards (21), achieved on the basis of feelings of one’s own harmony and balance (3) with the help of a witch (black spiritual teacher - 7) through direct access to hell (11).

21=19+2 - a wanderer is a prophet who has comprehended the polarization of spirit and matter in the dense plane and adapted his channel to it.

Twenty-one at first glance makes a strong but ordinary impression. Only by looking closely can you see in it that little bit that distinguishes a miracle from rare phenomenon, and genius from talent is a direct channel into the subtle plane; and only by going up this channel, one can discover that twenty-one are completely “not of this world” - a messenger in its purest form.

© Absalom Underwater

The prophet Zarathustra, the Avestans, and the ancient Persians had 21 books, and the number 21 was a sacred number.

The number "21" is a symbol of perfection. The most sacred of all odd numbers as the product of the two sacred numbers three and seven. In alchemy it symbolized the twenty-one days required to transform base metals into silver.

In Jewish tradition, the number twenty-one is associated with wisdom.

It was considered the number of the “crown of magic”. From an arcanological point of view, the twenty-first Arcana is exceptional and stands out so much from other Arcana that it was given a second special name - the “zero” Arcana. The number 21 is associated with divination, spells and theurgic activities, as it consists of three sevens or seven triplets, the combination of which was considered to have extraordinary occult properties. Therefore, prayers, mantras, spell formulas of various religions and esoteric traditions require either three or seven repetitions.

The mystical root of the number, which is arrived at as a result of the act of theosophical addition of two numbers of its components (2+1), is the number three - a symbol of the Divine Mind, the Son, Harmony.

The number 21 is the number of Scorpio, it symbolizes cosmic fire, or Karma for human sins. The sun, perceiving information about human actions, in a fit of indignation, produces a plasma ejection into space. Every particle of indignation is intended for the producer of sin and it reaches him. The land itself, whose soul depends on the development of people’s souls, also takes the blow. More precisely, people, through their community, demonstrate the diversity of the world soul or mother earth. Magnetic storms and the occurrence of various cataclysms on earth is all human hands. People are afraid and waiting for some stone to fall from the sky and end their lives. Nonsense the earth will remain and develop in a real star. Now the earth is in adolescence and its gaze is worried about the planets of the opposite sex. Their waves excite her and give her excitement that develops her spiritual body and expands her size. The earth is growing and transforming, and soon we will witness new living creatures and vegetation. The earth will begin to cleanse itself and punish the presumptuous scoundrels who think that no one knows about their deeds. Our Universe is designed so that our every word, thought and especially decision and the action is written in the book of life. A person must answer for everything and receive what he gave birth to.

Scorpio shows how a person, due to a lack of intelligence, through his actions stings himself with poison in the head and affects the body. When you come across the number 21, you know that retribution has come and accept all troubles and blows of fate with your head held high. Know that the hour of reckoning has come and you need humility and awareness. Meditation and prayer are very useful, which will help cleanse yourself from Karma. The number 21 itself is of cosmic order and seeing it we can imagine the beginning of a dialogue with the Universe. In card games, this is a point that speaks of the influence on human consciousness through purification. The player’s joy lies in the fact that a point has been rolled out, and it is impossible to score higher, but in the fact that this sin has been worked out and the person has returned to clean slate. By gradually purifying yourself and leading yourself to a life of harmony, you will become able to live without sin. And holiness will begin to visit you and you will gain the strength capable of restraining the tempter and helping others in the fight against the spell of evil. Evil itself is bad because it destroys our body and we become weaker and unable to develop our abilities. Only a person who has access to Cosmic energy is able to use all the power and achieve a lot.

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