In Rus' it was called “yarets” in honor Slavic god The Sun of Yarila, as well as “pollen grass”, “holy day”, “bird whistle”. Among the Greeks, May owes its name to the goddess of the mountains Maya, who at this time covers the mountains with greenery. Among the Romans, Maya is the goddess of fertility and spring renewal of the earth.


May crowns spring, welcomes summer.

May decorates the forests, awaits summer for a visit.

Just as there is rain in May, so there will be rye.

Ay, ay, the month of May: warm, but hungry!

April is warm, May is cold - a grain-bearing year.

May grass feeds the hungry.

A lot of May beetles - for a dry summer.

How many rains there are in May, the harvest will take so long.

When the birch tree opens its leaves in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, and if the alder is in front of the birch, it will be wet.

Wet May - there will be porridge and loaf.

A good start to May can turn into cold at the end of the month, so they said:

Plow in a shirt, sow in a fur coat.

Usually the cold returns when the bird cherry blossoms (bird cherry cold) and when the oak tree unfolds.

1st of May

Kozma Day, named after Saint Cosmas. On this day, a straw effigy was placed on a pole on a hill, they feasted around it, and then burned it with songs and dances. When the fire was burning, they shouted: “We welcome summer, see off winter,” by analogy with Maslenitsa rituals. In some areas, a decorated tree (such as the Trinity birch) was called May.

Sow carrots and beets to Kozma.

They said about carrots: “She loves sandy soil, on which it grows smoother and tastier, and will not grow into tops as much, but on black soil it puts out more grass than its roots.” A person born on this day was prophesied to be a gardener.

May 2

Day of John of the Old Cave, or Ivan the Warrior.

Ivan is new to spring.

The peasants brought freshly woven canvases and shirts (“novina”) to the clearings, rinsed them in the river, and spread them out in the field to bleach them in the sun. They presented Spring with the canvas of the new harvest: they placed a pie on the canvas spread in the meadow and, turning to the east, said: “Here is a new novelty for you, Mother Spring!”

Update the new item on the Old Cave.

They went home with the hope that Spring would dress in new clothes and for bread and salt would produce an abundance of flax, hemp and rye.

May 3

Fedor Day, remembrance of the dead. The day is named in honor of St. Theodore. According to legends, the souls of the dead, excited by the spring revival, fly into the light of God and seek peace, and therefore it is necessary to visit the graves of relatives, clean up cemeteries, lament or call out to the deceased parents. In many places in churchyards, “crying” could be heard at the graves.

Fedor - calling to the ancestors.

On Fyodor, the dead yearn for the earth.

May 4th

Day of Proclus. The old people cursed evil spirits. Signs of this day:

If the ant is well-fed and clean, the wheat will grow well.

The bird cherry blossomed early - for a warm summer.

5 May

Saint Luke's Day. It is customary to plant onions in the beds.

Onion from seven ailments.

Onions cure seven ailments, and garlic cures seven ailments.

Whoever eats onions will be delivered from eternal torment. Onion and bath rule everything. Holo, bare, but there is an onion in the cabbage soup. They said this about minor sorrows or insignificant sorrows that do not deserve tears:

Onion grief.

Onion peels were laid out around the house - it drives out evil spirits and cleanses the home of filth.

the 6th of May

Memorial Day of the Great Martyr George the Victorious, in folk calendar— Yegoryev day(Yuri the spring, Yegory the spring, Yegory the spring, Yegory the brave). In the popular imagination, his image exists in three forms: a warrior, a protector of livestock and a wolf shepherd. They said this:

There will be no Spring in Holy Rus' without Yegory.

Yegory has all living creatures at his fingertips.

It was believed that he patronized not only domestic cattle, but also wild animals, and if a wolf or bear carried away a sheep, then this incident was attributed to the will of St. George:

What the wolf has in its teeth, George gave.

According to legend, on the eve of his spring day, Saint Yegory rides around all the forests on a white horse and gives orders wild beast: where to feed, what to earn a living -

Without Yegoriev's order and Gray wolf you won't be full.

What the wolf is angry about, and he also lives by the law: whatever Yegoriy says, everything will be decided on that.

Yegory the Brave keeps the wolf from hand to mouth, otherwise he wouldn’t even lead cattle.

The day of “Yegory of spring” (there is also “Yegory of autumn”) was considered a holiday for shepherds: cattle were driven out for the first grazing. This important event was accompanied by a whole series of ritual actions. The owners baked ritual cookies in the form of “cows”, “horses” and “butterflies”, made “juiced milk” - they pounded hemp and flaxseed in a mortar, diluted it with water and gave it to the cattle to find out if they were healthy. An animal that refused to drink this “milk” was considered sick. Then, “for better health,” the cattle were doused with melt water in the yard. Early in the morning in the meadow the owner “called out the wolf”:

Wolf, wolf, what kind of animal did Yegor give you the order to use?!

After this, the head and legs of the slaughtered sheep were thrown into the field. The owner walked around all the cattle with the image of St. George, and when the cows were gathered into a common herd, a prayer service for water was served in the chapel, after which the animals were sprinkled with holy water and, finally, driven out of the outskirts.

Christ is with you! Yegory is brave, accept my animal for everything full summer and save her!

The shepherd boys lashed the cattle with willow and shouted:

Willow from beyond the sea,

Give me health, willow!

Willow, whip -

Beat me to tears!

Take a twig -

Drive out the cattle!

Early in the morning

Tag the ram!

A green branch was tied to the tail of the first cow in the herd, which, sweeping away the night dew from the grass, ensured abundant milk yield for the entire herd. The old shepherds assured that this remedy was correct. On this day, the shepherd was honored: they presented him with loaves of bread, fed him scrambled eggs in the field, and, according to custom, doused him with water “so that he wouldn’t doze off,” although they still hoped more for the saint:

No matter how hard you look, you won’t be able to look after the herd without Yegory.

To prevent Yegory from taking the cattle “to the wolf’s teeth,” candles were placed in front of his icon on the eve of this day. In the ritual songs accompanying the pasturing of livestock, the peasants turned to the saint with the request:

Yegory, you are our brave one,

Reverend Macarius,

You herd our cattle

In the field and beyond the field,

In the forest and beyond the forest,

Under the bright moon

Under the red sun

From a predatory wolf,

From the fierce bear,

From the evil beast.

On this day, they decorated the cute guy with greenery and flowers, placed a round pie on his head, led him in a round dance into the field, where they walked around the crops three times, and then lit a fire, ate the pie and sang spring songs. The round dance season was opening, and the gatherings were ending.

The children went around the courtyards to praise Yegor:

To Yegorya for you,

Good luck to you!

Calf, calf,

Fillies, get foal,

Sheep, lamb,

Pigs, piggy,

Chickens, hurry up!

Cockerels, stomp!

Mistress, come here,

Master, don't be stingy!

Take it out to the porch

The guys have an egg -

For our efforts

For Egoryevsky!

There are sayings and omens associated with this day: There are two Yegoryas in Rus': one hungry, the other cold (May 6 and December 9).

Spring will begin to burn, and the chilly man will take his fur coat off his shoulders.

Yegory has come - and spring will not leave.

On Yegorya dew - there will be good millet.

Yegory begins spring, and Ilya ends summer.

It's frosty in Yegorya - there will be millet and oats.

It's frosty in Yegorya - buckwheat is good.

On Yegorya, rain means an easy year for cattle, buckwheat is a non-genus.

Just as it freezes on Yegoryev night, so forty morning frosts will still fall on the bread, forty morning frosts from Yegoryev day for the whole summer, while the bread stands in the field.

Morning dew on St. George was considered healing. It was collected on linen towels and wrung out before sunrise. Children were sent out to walk barefoot on the dewy grass:

Be healthy, like Yuriev's dew.

May 7

Day of Savva and Yevsey, named in honor of the Venerable Alexy and martyr Savva Stratelates.

Savva and Evsei are the oats.

Oats are not a prince - they love dirt.

Sow oats when your bare feet on the arable land do not feel cold.

Oats were sown either before or after the full moon, and never during an eclipse.

All supplies were running out:

They spread fame about our Savva: he doesn’t drink, doesn’t eat, but feeds mice grain!

May 8

Day of Mark the Keykeeper, named after the Apostle St. Mark. Mark is the keeper of the keys to rain; people prayed to him for drought:

The children called for rain:

Rain, rain, more,

I'll give you the grounds!

I'll go out onto the porch,

I'll give you a cucumber

I'll give you a loaf of bread too,

Just water more!

The first May rain was used to wet the head so that the hair would grow like May grass. If the rain that began on this day continues until May 11, then the next three years will be very fruitful.

A green rainbow means good harvest rains, a high rainbow means good weather for a month, a low rainbow means bad weather.

It’s bright in the sky for Mark, and it’s hot for the women in the hut.

9th May

Things done on this day before sunrise will be successful.

The sun rises crimson - for a thunderstorm and fire summer.

If a cuckoo crows, your pets will get sick; The cuckoo crows before the nightingale - a bad summer.

May 10

Early Seed Day.

Don't be lazy with the plow, you'll end up with a pie.

Plowing the land is not playing for money.

We’ll eat and dance—we’ll just plow the arable land.

There are flaws in the arable land - there are holes in the pocket.

Standing on the first plowed boundary, the plowmen called:

You, Mother Earth, tame the midnight winds, hold back the severe frosts. You rise, red sun, for the joy of the people, for good sunrise! Soar, little lark, blue sky. Look, lark, at the black arable land. All this peasant land is covered with sweat, picked up with pine, and washed with tears.


A bright play of stars before the first spring sowing means a rich spring crop.

You cannot sing on this day - there will be a big loss, a crop failure, and all things will go badly this year.

May 11

Day of the Martyr Maximus and the Apostle Jason, fever healers. The healers were appeased with gifts.

There is a strong wind on Jason.

A warm and starry night means a harvest, and a clear sunrise means a glorious summer.

The sun at sunrise is clear - clear summer. Starlight Night - good harvest.

The patients were treated with the warm south wind and birch sap, which was especially healing on Maxim, “collected” that day.

12 May

Nine Martyrs Day. They prayed to them against nine misfortunes: so that it does not break, does not languish, does not burn, does not shake, does not knit, does not twist, does not blind, does not knock oneself off one’s feet and does not turn the earth into mother cheese.

may 13

Day of Jacob the Star.

A warm evening and a starry night on Yakov - for a dry, clear summer.

From that day on, all matchmaking was stopped, because getting married in May means toiling all your life (according to the old style, May was just beginning on this day). On the first May evening, they placed a young green tree decorated with ribbons in the meadow, danced around it, lit bonfires and had fun. In many places sowing began.

Dew on this day is healing. Without being sprinkled with this dew, you cannot set off on the road - otherwise all matters related to it will be unsuccessful.

May 14

Day of Eremey the harnesser, the harnesser, named after the prophet Jeremiah, and the day of the “Unexpected Joy” icon. On this day, it is not customary to lend grain and bread - according to legend, this leads to a poor harvest.

On Eremey, go to sowing after the early dew. Eremey, Eremey, think about the crops! Eremey and the lazy plow goes out into the field. This week is after Yegor and another week after Eremey. If the weather is better for Eremey, then the harvest will be good.

The spruce has opened its buds - we must hurry with sowing.

May 15

Day of the noble princes Boris and Gleb, the sowers. Nightingale holiday. The nightingales begin to sing.

Little Nightingale,

Little blue, touching!

Speckled feathers,

Light on the wings!

Sing in the garden, chirp

You day and night:

So - tyeh-tyeh, fut-futty!

So - tyeh-tyeh, fut-futty!


If you hear the nightingale before the cuckoo, you will have a happy summer.

The nightingale sang - spring has begun to wane, and summer has begun to increase.

The nightingale sings all night - it will be a sunny day. If a nightingale sings on bare trees, then there will be a crop failure in the gardens and well.

Having heard the first nightingale, you need to have time to take off your shirt - then your skin will be smooth and beautiful.

If you managed to sell something profitably to Boris, “you’ll make a profit all year long” (this day is also called “profit day”).

16th of May

Day of the Moors Thrush. The cows are getting more milk.

And it’s easy for the housewife if there is milk on the table. The bird cherry tree is blooming and the weather is getting colder.

Cherry green,

Thin, tall,

Wide leaf!

Under the clear rays,

Under frequent stars

Bloom until winter -

From the butt to the top!

For the amusement of the old ones,

What a wonder for little children!

The first greenery appears:

Mavra - green cabbage soup.

Look for nettles in green cabbage soup.

May 17

The garden was surrounded by a fence. Placed on this very day, it will protect crops from the evil eye and damage. The church ordered prayers for rain, plants and animals so that the entire economy would be profitable.

May 18

Day of Irina the Nursery, memory of the martyr Irina. It's time to transplant the cabbage seedlings into the beds, saying:

Don't be long-legged, be pot-bellied; don't be empty, be tight; don't be red, be tasty; don't be old, be young; don't be small, be big!

The first head of cabbage should be covered with the largest pot and a white tablecloth. Since ancient times, this work has been considered exclusively a woman’s job: vegetables planted by a man will bloom, but will not bear fruit.

May 19

Day of Job the pea, borage, rosebush. You need to spend it as quietly and calmly as possible: reflect on life, ask for forgiveness from those to whom you are guilty. The day is named in honor of the righteous Job the Long-Suffering. It's time to sow peas:

For old women to have fun, for young guys to have fun.

And turnips and peas are not near the roads.

Job dissolved the dew.

Experienced gardeners knew: it is necessary to sow peas at sunset (so that the sparrows do not see), during a weak moon, on damp earth. Peas sown in a north wind will be hard; in a west or southwest wind, they will be soft; worms soon appear on them, and they are heavily overgrown with weeds.

These, these peas,

Scatter the peas!

Be born, peas,

Not bad in the garden!

And large and white -

For everyone's amusement,

And I myself am thirty -

For little kids!

Signs of this day:

Heavy dew means a harvest of cucumbers.

A clear day means an abundance of cucumbers this year.

May 20

You should not walk barefoot: this attracts snakes and other poisonous creatures, as well as mosquitoes and flies, into the house.

May 21st

Ivan-Pshenichnik Day.

Ivan the wheat farmer, drive the mare and plow the land for wheat!

Don't sow the wheat before the oak leaf.

Rain - there will be a lot of mushrooms.

The beginning of sowing was accompanied by many ritual actions designed to ensure a good harvest. To prevent fatigue from overtaking them in the summer, on the eve of sowing, peasants depicted various agricultural works - mowing, reaping, threshing. So that the bread grows better; the owner shook the plow before sunrise, and the housewives baked pies in the form of a plow and a harrow.

At sunset, glorifiers walked around the courtyards wishing for a rich harvest. Such songs were called “volochebnye”, and the call-out songs themselves were called “volochebniki” (from the Old Russian word “volochit” - to move slowly). Future joys were presented in such songs as already accomplished:

It's not noise that makes noise, it's not thunder that thunders -

The fairy tales are walking and wandering,

Volochebnichki, midnight owls.

- You are our master, father!

Are you sleeping or just lying there?

Give us, the volochebnichniks,

Volochebnichkov, Neradelnichkov.

Our gifts are small, not great -

A couple of eggs and pies.

If you don’t want to give us away, let’s go wandering,

Grind mud, make people laugh.

The owner is our father!

Light a fire, go out into the yard.

There are three joys in your yard:

The first joy - the cow calved,

Another joy - the lamb lambed,

The third joy - the filly foaled.

Cow heifer - heifer,

The lamb has lambed - little bright,

All the lights are in pairs,

Gifts for your children.

The foal filly is a conika,

Konica is all crowberry.

With the same, mistress,

Live well

Live richly!

Before starting sowing, the sower sat on the harrow and said this:

As I am weighty and heavy, so be my bread on the strip in the spring - heavy; so that no one could remove or blow away the color on my strip, and so that the rain would not wash it and the violent wind would not take it off, except me, the owner. So rise, red sun, to the field, give my bread strength! And you, Mother Earth, feed the bread!

Bread crumbs and egg shells were mixed with the seeds. This was supposed to restore strength to the earth and give it fertility.

It was customary to groom and cherish domestic animals on this day. There was another concern: conspiracies to increase intelligence were read, and prayer services with the same petitions were ordered in the church.

22nd of May

St. Nicholas Day of spring, herbal, warm, or Nikolshchina(day of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas), an important church and agrarian date. On this day, a prayer service was served to Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, in which they asked him to protect the cattle from death. The sowing of grain was timed to coincide with it, and in some areas they began to plant potatoes. After Nikola, warm nights came and thick grass grew.

St. Nicholas of the Spring is a holiday for grooms. It was customary not to work and for the first time of the year to drive the horses out into the field for night grazing. The guys lit fires at night, danced in circles, sang songs and danced until dawn.

Great is God’s mercy if it rains on Nikola’s day.

Nikola would come and it would be warm!

Plant potatoes from Nikola spring.

Ask Nikola, and he will tell Spas.

Be strong for Nikola, even if you fall apart, but don’t bother with Nikola.

Before St. Nicholas, don’t do this buckwheat, don’t shear the sheep.

There is no champion for a man better than Nikola the saint.

May, 23rd

Day of Simon the Zealot. Time to collect medicinal roots: the herbs are filled with special juices.

For Simon the Zealot, the land has a birthday - it’s a sin to plow.

On this day, they washed, wiped and laid out in the sun products with precious stones- so that they retain their appearance for a long time.

May 24

Day of Mokiya wet, named after the holy martyr Mokiya.

Wet on Mokea - expect an even wetter summer.

If the sky becomes weak, it will rain all summer.

Fog on Mokea means a wet summer.

A crimson sunrise means a menacing and fiery summer.

May 25

Day of Epiphanes.

On Epifan morning in a red caftan - for the fire summer.

If the acacia tree smells strongly and attracts many bees, the weather will be good for a long time.

If white water lilies bloom on lakes and ponds, there will be no more frosts.

26 of May

Day of Lukerya the Mosquito. The beginning of the mosquito year.

There are a lot of mosquitoes - prepare boxes of berries, a lot of midges - prepare baskets of mushrooms.

May 27

Day of the Holy Martyr Isidore, or Sidor the Borage. It's time to sow early cucumbers and flax. They noted: if the whole day is clear, then there will be a good harvest of cucumbers, but if the morning is cold and cloudy and clears in the evening, the cucumbers sown that day will not be good.

The cuckoo is calling - it’s time to sow flax, the swifts have arrived - to the warmth.

Sidor-vidor, I sow and sow a little white tree (from the chorus-water song).

On Sidor Siverko - summer will be cold.

The Sidors have passed, and the Sivers have passed.

It's freezing until Sidorov.

Swallows fly high - good weather.

The first sowing of flax was also timed to coincide with Sidor.

May 28

Day of Pachoma-bokogrey, memory of the Venerable Pachomius the Great. Pachomius is finally established summer weather. The time of foliage and flowering, popularly called green noise, is in full swing.

Pakhom came and smelled warmth.

It's warm in Pahoma - warm all summer.

On Pakhom-herbalist the wasteland is green.

If the juniper blooms, it’s time to sow barley (until the viburnum blooms).

May 29

Day of Theodotus the Granary, memory of the Venerable Theodotus.

If Fedot has a top with a edge on an oak tree, you will measure oats with a tub.

Fedot will come and unfurl the last oak leaf.

It's time to sow rye (barley). They sowed, saying:

Give birth, God, life is better, but without peas we will live in bits and pieces.

In a dry spring, the peasants “went to the rattle”: they went to the spring and began to dig the earth near it. If you managed to get to the water, it was considered a great success - the rain was already close, all that was left was to call him:

Hey art thou, the rain is fragmentary! Fall on my rye so that it grows like a tall forest, like an oak thick!

Seki, seki, rain!

On our rye,

For buckwheat and wheat,

Oats and lentils,

And for barley -

Water all day!

This day was considered dangerous: sorcerers cast spells on the wind. The owners walked around their property and scattered seeds, attracting happiness to the house. They didn’t lend money: this would lead to failure and lack of money.

May 30

Day of the Venerable Euphrosyne, in the world of Evdokia.

As is Evdokia, so is summer.

Wheat sowing is coming to an end. If the earrings on the poplar have ripened one and a half to two weeks before the aspen ones, a lot of morels and strings have been born, you can start collecting them.

May 31

They continued to sow flax and plant cucumbers. The oak is getting dressed, the cattle are eating.

The oak tree will put out a leaf in front of the ash tree - for a dry summer. When they heard the cuckoo, they wished:

Cuckoo, cuckoo!

Peek-a-boo, little hazel grouse!

How old should I live?

Walk on the ground?


The cuckoo crowed - it’s time to sow flax.

To make flax white-fiber, sow it for the new month; and to collect more flaxseed, wait for the full moon.

Be born, little lenok,

Thin, long and tall,

Up heady,

Down rooty,

With a blue flower,

With golden root.

And May.

Patroness of the month - the goddess of love Lada, blesses all lovers

1.05. Kuzmin's day. We started sowing. If you wet your head with the first rain on this day, your hair will grow like lush grass in May.

the day is warm at the very beginning of the month, at the last there will be bad weather.

Cool on the first day - the month will end warm.

A quiet golden-colored dawn in the evening means fine days.

2.05. Day of Ivan the Old Cave. In the spring they brought gifts of new linen and a baked loaf. Spring will accept gifts and return goodness with the autumn harvest.


warm weather on Ivan - the month will end with cold.

Cold Ivan - it will be warm at the end of spring.

Nests wild ducks close to water speak of a dry summer. They are located far away - the summer is rainy.

3.05. Fedorov day. They call out to their departed parents. The earth opened and released the souls of the deceased. It was possible to see them, according to legend.

dry land means poor harvest.

Whatever grows first on Fyodor will grow well - rye or grass.

Cones on spruce large quantities- to rich bread; on pine - rye will be good.

4.05. Fedor-lyalnik.

the bird cherry blossomed early - the summer will be fine; earlier flowering brings hotter summers; abundant flowering - for a wet summer.

The birch is ahead of the bird cherry in terms of color; the summer is expected to be dry; The maple has bloomed ahead of everyone - there will be excess rain in the summer.

5.05. Luke's Day.

Night frosts on Luka will bring another 40 throughout the summer.

6.05. Day of St. George the Victorious, patron saint of all rural flora. Shepherd's holiday. The culprit of the celebration of this day is livestock: spinners and knitters are not allowed to work, and even taking raw materials for these crafts in their hands is prohibited. Screaming, threatening Yegoriy - a thunderstorm will kill him.

Heavy rain - rich grass.

Mosquitoes curl in balls - for warm days soon.

On Yegoria the grass is covered with dew - autumn will be with millet.

A quiet, clear morning means a good harvest of early sowings.

It gets gloomy in the morning, the sun warms during the day - later crops will be damaged.

St. George's night is warm - the bread will reach frost.

The birch tree near Yegoriy was covered with large leaves - autumn with a notable harvest.

By morning, the towel, hung wet overnight, has dried - there will be plenty of cucumbers.

7.05. Day of Elizabeth, Yevsey. They called Maya Goldilocks - the Mother of all gods.

It’s a rainy day on Elizabethan day - you can’t sow rye, you won’t get rid of the weeds.

Golden evening dawn - there will be fine days.

Stars in corollas - for rain.

Low, clearly shaped clouds foreshadow a sharp wind and thunderstorm.

8.05. Day of the Apostle Mark the Keykeeper. It opened heavenly moisture and protected from drought.


a cool rainbow high up means a fine day, low a rainbow means bad weather.

The early morning rain will clear by midday.

Green rainbow - torrential rain.

9.05. Stepanov's day and Glafira Goroshnitsa. They sowed peas enchanted for harvest and planted early varieties of potatoes.

Fine weather and great dew – summer and autumn with cucumbers.

The cuckoo seems to croak - it means it will rain soon.

Loud and frequent cuckooing - for warm, clear days.

A frosty day on Glafira will bring frost in a few days. If this happens, it will be a fine autumn.

Snow on Stepan - the cattle will easily overwinter, buckwheat will be born.

10.05. Semyonov day. To ensure a good harvest, you cannot eat the seed grain.


No dew means night rain.

The cry of an owl means bad weather.

Evening fog in the lowlands - good weather will return.

11.05. Day of Maxim and Jason. Special healing properties endowed with birch sap and a warm southern wind that brings health.


a quiet night and in the stars - to a bountiful harvest; sunrise - for a fine summer.

Early flowering of mountain ash, early blooming, foreshadows a good harvest of oats.

Late flowering of dandelions means drought in summer.

No butterflies are visible - bad weather.

12.05. Day of nine martyrs, healers and healings.


ants move to a dry place - to prolonged rains.

The oriole meows like a cat - it means rain.

The dominance of May beetles means dry days.

Crane nests are located in the lowlands - it’s time to sow grain wet lands; nests high - bread in the lowlands can be prohibited.

Lightning before the rain on 9 martyrs - there will be prolonged rains.

13.05. James the Apostle.


warm rain during the day - rich bread;

starry evening with warm wind– summer with thunderstorms, autumn with a rich harvest.

The sunrise is clear and clean – the summer is finer.

14.05. Eremey the harnesser, patron of farmers. The height of the suffering. Jeremiah invisibly finishes the peasants' field work when they are no longer able to plow and sow.


cloudy on Eremey - early and frosty winter; clearly - to the harvest.

You can't lend anything - it leads to poverty.

The cones on the spruce turn red, those on the pine turn green - it’s time to sow barley. barley

The stormy Eremey means a cruel winter.

Dew in the evening - a bucketful during the day.

If Eremey fell on a full moon - good time for sowing wheat and rye, but with oats it is better to turn around 2 days before or wait a couple of days after.

15.05. Boris the dealer's day. The trading people revered Boris to attract profits for the whole year.


nightingale trills all night - to a clear day.

Hearing the nightingale at Boris before the cuckoo means a happy summer.

16.05. Martha the nursery. Do not eat bread when transplanting cabbage - the chickens will poison the sprouts; replant on Thursday - the worm will start. Increase on Moor's day cow's milk is happening.

Abundant dew - for a cucumber harvest.

The bird cherry blossoms will bring cold weather.

The poultry raises its wings on the Moor - it brings a storm.

17.05. Pelageya is the protector of birds and pure maidens. A person born on Pelageya can understand bird language and animals.


the grass is dry in the morning - a change in weather.

The maples have bloomed - it's time for beets.

Rainfall on Pelageya - to a bountiful harvest.

Sparrows rush around in flocks in anxiety - strong wind expected.

18.05. Irina (Arina) is a seedbed. The eldest in the family is busy with cabbage early in the morning.

We noticed when replanting: you have to water a lot - dry mowing awaits; the water remains - the grass when mowed will be wet.

The birds fell silent - to a thunderstorm.

Arina is rainy - for the grain harvest.

The goose preens itself in the water - it will be warm; on land - to the onset of cold weather.

19.05. Job the pea.

a warm night for peas - for a harvest of cucumbers; cold - to shortage of crops;

aspen forests (wasp nests) in open places - by rainy summer;

fog at dawn - to dry weather, little cloudiness.

20.05. Swimsuit. Ivan Brazhnik Day. Early in the morning they put buckets of water in the sun, and in the afternoon they doused themselves with it.


Rainy day on Ivan - September is warm.

Waxing moon - planting vegetables will be successful.

You cannot sow on a bathing suit on a new moon - worms will poison the crops.

The horns of the month are down - for fine days.

The sunset is red, the sun is big - the weather will change for the worse.

The acacia tree is covered in bees in the morning - a sign of rain during the day, a sign of an imminent thunderstorm.

21.05. Day of Ivan the Theologian, Arseny Pshenichnik.

a rainy day means mushrooms in the summer, and when it is replaced by warmth, it means a harvest.

A red sunset foreshadows a fine day; sunrise is red - for rain.

The moon on Ivan is hazy - to a change in the weather for the worse.

The clouds are gathering in one heap - expect bad weather

The first thing to bloom is the harvest that one will come(good mowing or rich bread).

22.05. Warm Nikolai. Nikola spring. Until this day you cannot swim. The deadline is to plant potatoes, otherwise they won’t ripen, there won’t be enough time.

Tomorrow it will rain - and a stormy summer is expected.

The frogs croaked at Nikola - the oats will be harvested.

Buckwheat is sown on flowering alder trees.

23.05. Day of the Apostle Simon the Zealot. It was impossible to work for Simon. They prepared herbs and roots for miraculous remedies.

The earrings on the birch tree burst - it’s time to sow bread.

Rain on Simon with a sharp wind on good weather, and the summer will be stormy.

Bees fly quickly in the morning - for a fine day.

Scattered earth around the mole hole, birds sing until the morning - for rain.

24.05. Day of Mokiya Mokrogo.

Noticed on this day:

rain on Mokia - summer is wet.

A horse shaking its mane means it will rain soon.

The cat lies with its belly up - to the heat.

The morels are leaving, the first mushrooms are coming.

25.05. Day of Epiphanes. Water lilies bloomed on the ponds - harbingers of warm days.

a red sunrise, a clear morning, an invasion of May beetles - means drought.

The fox came running to the village - to trouble.

Wolves in the village mean crop shortages.

Seeing a lot of gophers during the day means a rich harvest.

A rowan tree branch placed in the water on Epiphanus will stand for a long time - a person will be lucky for a long time.

If you hear loud pig grunting on this day, it means trouble.

A stormy morning means a cold summer.

26.05. Buckwheat. Day of Lukerya Komarnitsa


Swifts and swallows often fly - for fine days.

Large mosquitoes - to have a good year, a large number of them belong to mushrooms.

You can’t swat mosquitoes on Lukerya; there may be even more of them.

Mosquitoes and midges have appeared on Buckwheat - there will be plenty of berries and mushrooms, it’s time to sow rye.

A lot of mosquitoes on a mosquito net - there will be a bucket

There are no mosquitoes on Lukerya - it will be dry.

27.05. Sidor borage. Sow flax and cucumbers in the ground.

It's cold on this day - and the summer is stormy.

The arrival of swifts heralded summer warmth and promised a rich harvest.

Warm Sidor is a good cucumber.

Bad weather on Sidor means crop shortages. Clearing up in the evening - something will be born.

The quail song is heard - the weather will be clear.

28.05. Day of Pakhom Bokogrey. Born on Pahoma – a kind person, rich in friends.


warm day – good fishing.

Red sunrise - hot summer with fires.

Frosts on this day are severe with the death of crops, oak and birch leaves - harbingers of exacerbation of chronic diseases in people after mid-summer.

The blooming juniper calls to sow barley.

Rainbow after rain - it will be a clear day.

29.05. Day of Fedosya, Fyodor of the Zhennik. End of spring sowing.


Thunder on this day means a good grain harvest.

Rowan blooms profusely - oats will be good in the fall.

Late color of rowan - for a long and stormy autumn.

Frog songs in the rain mean better weather.

A restless flame in the stove means a strong wind.

30.05. Day of Evdokia the Whistler. Many snakes appear. Those born on the day of Evdokia can spell rain.


rain on the waxing moon - a stormy summer awaits.

Cold Evdokia - to the summer hail.

Tall sharp spiers, chimneys, towers glow blue - a sign of an imminent thunderstorm.

31.05. Fedor oatmeal. On this day a long-liver was born. The sign will be confirmed if a person periodically comes to sit under an oak tree.


the ground is floating on the fescue - it will rain soon.

A pale sunset means a wet day.

Oak leaves bloomed earlier than ash leaves - a sign of drought, but good pike fishing.

The sun on Fedor in the haze towards the rain.

Noisy rain cloud carries hail and wind.

May - grass, herbal, light bloomer, pollen, rose flower, daylight, bird whistling, kveten, great grass, nightingale month, shviban, migratory, Yarets (in honor of the Sun God Slavic mythology Yarily).

May was named after the goddess Maya, who personifies nature and fertility. May - last month spring, it is at this time that the period of greening and flowering of all living things begins. In May, daylight hours become significantly longer. But in the old days, the month of May was considered a not entirely prosperous month. If you get married in May, you will have to suffer for the whole century, it was believed that this is the most unlucky month for weddings - Don’t get married in May. The May cold begins starting on May 4th, and it is at this time that bird cherry trees begin to bloom. But May with persistent night frosts occurs only once every seven years.

Folk beliefs and signs in May

  • May milk is the healthiest, it has healing properties.
  • May honey is the best. Also in May, bee pollen has healing powers.
  • Birch sap is collected in May.
  • Vitamin cabbage soup is prepared from sorrel and young nettles.
  • In April, when the coltsfoot blooms, count 30-32 days, and on these days linden, rose hips, gooseberries, currants will begin to bloom and apples will begin to set.
  • A week after the birch tree blooms, purple lilac and bird cherry will bloom.
  • In villages it is customary to shear sheep in May.
  • If the days are warm at the beginning of May, then last days May, it will be cold.
  • The violet has blossomed and the willow has blossomed - it’s time to sow onions, dill, parsley and radishes.
  • If there are a lot of cobwebs flying in May, it will be a good summer.
  • There are a lot of cobwebs in May - the summer will be hot.
  • The bird cherry blossomed - brought cold weather.
  • If May is cold, the year will be fertile.
  • If the rooks are playing, it means good weather.
  • If thunder rumbles in May, bread will be born.
  • Rains in May – the grain rises.
  • If it rains in May, expect a good harvest.
  • If there is a lot of birch sap, there will be summer with rains.
  • If there are too many mice, there will be no harvest for a year.
  • If there is a lot of rain in May, there will be little in the fall.
  • If the rowan blossoms later than expected, the autumn will be long.
  • If the cranes fly fast and low, it means rain with strong winds.
  • The finch flies to the cold, and the lark flies to the warmth.
  • The coltsfoot blossomed and brought warmth.
  • The dawn is red - the winds will bring stormy winds.
  • A swallow has arrived from hot countries - the first thunderstorm has arrived.
  • The blackbirds arrived and the frost left.
  • If birds build nests on the sunny side (or south), there will be a cold summer.
  • If it rains in May, the rye will be good.
  • When the first cranes arrived, it was time to sow peas.
  • If a swallow flies out of the nest, it means it promises a warm day.
  • If a swallow flies low near the ground, it means it promises rain.
  • If the moon is cloudy and pale at night, expect rain or frost in the morning.
  • May grass will feed the hungry.
  • If there are a lot of May beetles, there will be a good harvest of millet in the summer.
  • If there are a lot of cranes in May, there will be no rain.
  • Dry May will not give fertility.
  • If the birch tree starts to have leaves earlier than the alder tree, there will be a lot of sun and warmth in the summer, and if the alder tree has leaves earlier, the summer will be cold and there will be a lot of rain.

The national weather calendar will take place for May.

Saint Kuzma (Cosmas) Day, on this day housewives sow carrots and beets. Before sowing, the housewife came to the well in the morning, sprinkled the seeds with spring water, and threw copper money into the well for a good harvest.
In other villages, they went secretly to the river, three dawns in a row, and dipped seeds into the water so that an envious eye would not jinx it.
If the alder has bloomed, it’s time to sow buckwheat.
If on this day the cuckoo crows for a long time, the warmth will fill it, and the cold will go away.
If May 1 it's raining, people wet their hair with rainwater so that it would grow like May grass.
A person born on May 1 will be devoted to his land all his life and will take care of it.
May 1 – willow, alder and raspberry buds open.

The day of Ivan the Warrior, who punished thieves, is celebrated. If people lost something, on this day people went to church and served a prayer service to John the Warrior, after which they could judge who was a thief and who was not a thief, i.e. the thief gave himself away.
The day of Ivan the Ancient Cave is also celebrated. On this day, they took the canvases out into the field and asked Mother Spring for a good harvest.
May 2 – first thunderstorm.

On this day they called out to their ancestors. People came to the cemetery and lamented to their relatives and friends who were no longer alive.

If the bird cherry blossomed on this day, then the summer will be very hot.
On this day they celebrated the Day of Proclus. It was on this day that evil spirits were cursed. This was usually done by the elders outside the outskirts; they shouted curses at the evil spirits, leaving the outskirts and turning their faces to the west.
Also, on the night of May 4, witches “spoiled” the grass, making it poisonous.

Luke's Day. It was on this day in the old days that people began to sow onion sets. But at the same time they were guided weather conditions: if the sun is clear in the morning, then they started sowing, if there is fog in the morning, then they were in no hurry to sow. If the weather cleared by noon, then the harvest would be average, and if it cleared in the evening, the harvest would be poor. And if on the night of May 5, the moon rose early in the sky, then there would be early frosts, and in this case the onion sets were sown early, and if the moon was waning, then they were in no hurry to sow.
On May 5th, it is better not to go into the forest alone. Witches lead devilish round dances on this day, and will take you with them forever.
May 5 – the buds of rose hips, maples and apple trees open.

The day of Yegoriy Veshny is celebrated. On this day, people held celebrations in the streets. It was believed that it was from Yegoriev's day that real spring came (arrived). If Yegory is warm, summer is not just around the corner.
On Yegoriy's day you cannot knit anything, or even pick up wool products, otherwise wolves will gnaw all the sheep.
Shepherds Day. It was on May 6, that the shepherds drove their flock out to the field for the first time of the year.
Dew collected on Yegoriy's day helps against the evil eye and various diseases. But the dew must be collected before sunrise.
It is strictly forbidden to swear or shout on this day; a thunderstorm will kill you.
It is believed that swallows fly in during Yegoriev Week.
If you went to Yegoria heavy rain, there will be a lot of grass.
If on the night of Yegoria, the moon was born and the wind was driving the clouds, then it was believed that such weather would persist for a long time.
If on this day many mosquitoes gather in flocks, then it is warm.
If dew appeared on Yegoria in the morning, it was believed that there would be good millet, and if there was snow, frost or hail, there would be a harvest for buckwheat, and if it rained, then there would be a shortage of crops for buckwheat.
It was believed that if it rains on Yegoria, it is harmful to the trees, but good for the grain.
If the rivers overflowed heavily on Yegoria, then on Nikola’s day (May 22), there will be grass.
If on Yegoriy’s day the morning is clear and windless, then the early sowings will be fruitful, and if the weather clears up only in the evening, then the late sowings will be successful.
If the night from May 6 to May 7 is very warm, then the grain will ripen before the first frost.
May 6 – May beetles appear.

Yevsey's Day. On this day, discard the oats.
After May 7, severe night frosts may occur.
A person born on May 7 will have the strength to fight evil.
May 7 – maple, birch, poplar begin to bloom.

Mark's Day is celebrated.
It is on this day that songbirds arrive.
If the cuckoo crows on Markov Day, then there will be no more frosts.
If the weather is good and clear on this day, there will be a bountiful spring harvest.
If on this day the evening is warm, and at night there are stars in the sky, there will be a bountiful harvest.
May 8 – the buds of aspen, pear and cherry trees open.

Day of Glafira Goroshnitsa. In the old days, on this very day, peas were planted, enchanted for a good harvest.
May 9 – swallows arrive.

On this day, all kinds of evil spirits try to get closer to human habitation.
A person born on May 10 gets up quickly, gets married early and has children early.
If before May 10, thunder rumbled, the lion dressed in foliage, the larks began to sing, and the frogs in the swamp began to croak - it’s time to plow the field, the harvest will be good.
In the old days, they believed that if the weather was good on this day, this day would bring recovery to a sick person.
May 10 – the nightingale begins to sing.

Jason's Day. Maximov day. In the old days, people believed that this day was endowed with great magical power. People collected birch sap and gave it to sick people. And people caught the warm wind from the south in special amulet and hung it around the neck of sick people, they believed that this would bring recovery. A warm south wind on Jason's day brings health to people.
If there is a clear sunrise on Jason's day, this means sunny summer.
If on the night of May 11, the night is starry and warm, the year will delight you with a bountiful harvest.
If the wind comes from the south on this day, there will be many thunderstorms in the summer, but it will be warm and will produce a good harvest.
May 11 – the buds of the oak tree open.

Day of the Nine Martyrs. It was believed that on this day health conspiracies had great power. It was on this day that healers turned to the Nine Martyrs to heal the sick.
A person born on this day had to pass nine tests.
May 12 – Dandelions begin to bloom. The plum and linden buds are opening.

Day of the Apostle James the Star.
It was from this day that all matchmaking ceased.
If a lot of sap flowed from the birch tree that day, there will be a lot of rain in the summer.
If there are many stars on Jacob at night and the wind is warm and blows from the south, the summer will be warm and fruitful.
If the night on Jacob is starry and windless, the summer will be dry.
If the sunrise is clear, the summer will be fruitful.

Day of Eremey the Harnesser.
If it rains and is cloudy on this day, winter will be frosty and early.
If it is clear on this day, the harvest will be good.
Mosquitoes have appeared on Yeremey - it’s time to sow rye in the field.
May 14 – gooseberries begin to bloom. Swifts are arriving.

Day of Boris and Gleb the Sowers. Nightingale holiday. Profit-day.
Have time to sow bread for Boris and Gleb.
It is on this day that nightingales begin their songs. Whoever hears the nightingale in the morning will be happy this year.
If the nightingale sings for a long time on this day, spring is leaving and summer is coming.
If the sunrise is clear on the day of Boris and Gleb, then the summer will be just as clear.
If a merchant sells successfully on this day, then there will be profits all year.
If the day is warm, the bread will be dark.
On this day we observed the cuckoo; if the cuckoo lands closer to the top of the tree, the spring crops will be high, if closer to the ground, the spring crops will be low and the harvest will be small.
May 15 – pansies and ash trees begin to bloom.

Day of the Moor the Milkman.
Cows, starting from this day, add milk. It's easy for a housewife when there is milk on the table.
It is on this day that the bird cherry tree begins to bloom. Bird cherry cold.
A person born on this day will be an excellent cook.
It was believed that nettles on this day were endowed with healing powers. People cooked cabbage soup from nettles and whipped themselves with young nettles to increase their health.
May 16 – elderberry and bird cherry begin to bloom. The greenery of the Christmas tree is beginning to change.

Baklushnikov Day.
On this day, people prepared material for wooden spoons.
A person born on this day could understand what animals were talking about.

Arina (Irina) Day is a nursery.
On this day, villages begin planting cabbage and cucumbers in the ground. But there was a belief that on this day, when cabbage and cucumbers are planted, you should not eat bread, otherwise the chickens will peck the seedlings.
We observed the first watering; if the soil took a lot of water, it would be dry; if it took little water, it would be wet.
May 18 – apple and cherry trees begin to bloom.

Day of Job Pea (Borage, Rosenberry). Job dissolves the dew.
If there is a lot of dew and a good day on Job's day, there will be a good harvest of cucumbers this year.
If the night on Job is warm, there will be a lot of cucumbers; if the night is cold, there will be few cucumbers.

On this day, with early morning, buckets of well water were placed in the sun, and during the day they doused themselves with this water. It was believed that water on this day had cleansing magical powers.
Horses were also taken along the river to cleanse them from all kinds of wickedness.
May 20 – apple and maple trees are in bloom.

Day of Ivan the Theologian. Day of Arseny Pshenichnik.
In the old days, they baked pies, but did not eat them themselves, but took them outside the village and gave them to passers-by. It was considered a bad sign not to meet a passerby, in which case the pie was fed to the birds.
On this day it was customary to begin sowing wheat.
If there is good rain on this day, there will be a mushroom summer.

Feast of Nikola Veshny. Nikola Teply. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
One of the main holidays in Rus'. It was Nikola the Wonderworker who was the intercessor and patron of the entire Russian people.
After Nikola, it will be cold twelve more times.
If it rains the day after Nikola Veshny, the summer will be rainy and cold.
May 22 – lilacs bloom.

Day of Simon the Zealot
You cannot work on this day. Great sin.
On this day, healers and healers go into the forest and collect herbs that are endowed with healing and magical powers.
On this day we went to look for treasures.
May 23 – lilies of the valley and plum trees begin to bloom, the oak tree opens.

Day of Mokiya Mokrogo.
If on this day in the morning fog spreads across the ground, which had formed in the evening and did not clear before sunrise, there will be a storm.
If it rains on this day, it will be a wet summer.
May 24 – Forget-me-not blooms.

Day of Epiphanes. Ryabinovka.
If the sunrise is red on this day, there will be a drought in the summer.
On this day, in the old days, people cast a spell on their huts against fires and lightning strikes.
Girls born on this day dressed up in red sundresses.
May 25 – mountain ash is in bloom.

Day of Lukerya the Mosquito.
On this day, mosquitoes and all kinds of midges fly in with warm winds.
Mosquitoes appeared on Lukerya - the weather was good.
If there are a lot of mosquitoes on Lukerya, in the summer there will be a lot of berries and mushrooms.
If swallows and swifts fly a lot on this day, be warm.
Starting from this day, the collection of medicinal herbs begins.
A person born on this day will be annoying and sharp-tongued.

Day of Sidor-Borage.
If it is cold on this day, then the summer will be cold.
After the day of Sidor, summer begins to take over.
Swifts fly to Sidor with warmth.
On this day, flax sowing begins.
On this day, in the old days, they began sowing cucumbers in open ground.
On the night of Sidor, they hung a wet rag in the yard; if the rag is wet in the morning, then there will be a lot of cucumbers.
If it’s warm on this day, expect a good harvest of cucumbers.

Day of Pachomius-bokogrey.
If Pakhom came, there was a smell of warmth.
If the weather is good on this day, the summer will be warm.
On this day, oats begin to grow.
A person born on this day will be kind, and people will be drawn to him.

Fedosya Day. In the old days, it was considered one of the worst, unluckiest days of the year. Fyodor Zhitnik Day.
On this day, people tried to sow everything.
If the rowan tree blooms on this day, it will soon be warm.
In the old days, people went into the forest and looked at the alder, a lot of cones - a bountiful harvest of barley.

Day of Evdokia the Whistler.
It was believed that as the day goes, so will the summer.
It is often very windy on this day.
If it rains and the moon is born, there will be rainy summer, and if the wind blows from the north, it will be cold.
A person born on this day has the ability to spell rain.
On this day the forest is teeming with snakes.

May 1 - Kuzmin Day. At this time you can already start sowing. People said: when violets and willows are blooming, you need to sow radishes, carrots, onions, dill and parsley. The first May rain was used to wet the head so that the hair would grow like May grass. We also noticed the weather: if the beginning of May is warm, it will be cold at the end (and vice versa). Windless golden evening dawn - good weather. Stray clouds do not carry water (there will be no rain).

May 2 - Ivan the Old Cave. They pray to the patron saint of this day for protection from all misfortunes. Faith in this saint was so great that he was asked to judge the dispute and find those responsible for the theft. On this day, peasant women went out into the field with cloth, bowed in all directions and, turning to the east, said: “Here you are, Mother Spring, new product!” Then they spread the canvas in the meadow, put a pie on it and went home with the hope that Mother Spring would dress in new clothes and for the bread and salt she brought, she would produce an abundance of flax and hemp.

May 3 - Fedorov Day. On this day, it was supposed to call out to the deceased parents, since they grieve over their former life and want to see their relatives. They believed that on Theodore's day the earth opened, and the souls of those who had left us flew out into God's light, and the living could see the deceased.

May 4 - Fedor-lyalnik. On this day, old people cursed evil spirits: they went outside the outskirts and, facing the west, uttered incantations. They also looked at the signs to see what kind of summer it would be like. The bird cherry blossomed early - it will warm summer; the sooner it blooms, the hotter the summer will be. A lot of blossom on the bird cherry tree - for a wet summer. If the birch tree becomes pubescent, then expect a dry summer; if the maple tree, then expect a wet summer.

May 5 is Luke's day. According to signs, a warm May is preparing (beginning) spring. If it freezes at night on May 5, then forty more morning frosts will fall on the bread, forty morning frosts for the whole summer, while the grain is standing in the field. The cuckoo crowed - there will be no more frost.

May 6 - St. George the Victorious. This day is celebrated as the feast of the shepherds. After the cattle were driven out to the fields, the shepherds were treated to hearty worldly scrambled eggs and given linen and money. It was believed that livestock had a birthday on this day, so it was forbidden to make anything from wool: spinning, knitting, or even just picking it up. wool threads. The patron saint of this day, George the Victorious, was considered the patron saint of fields and all fruits of the earth, so on this day it was customary to consecrate fields and crops.

May 7 is the day of Elizabeth the Wonderworker. It was believed that a person was molested on this day by a majestic, and Elizabeth, the patron saint of this day. helped me get rid of this misfortune.

May 8 is the Day of the Apostle Mark. Rain was expected on this day, since Mark, the patron saint of May 8th. They were called the key keeper - it was he who unlocked the sky so that rain could fall on earth. They prayed to him for rain and asked him to protect crops from drought. They began to sow buckwheat, or Tatarka, as this plant was popularly called. It was believed that on this day songbirds fly in flocks. If they fly to a hemp field, then they should expect a good harvest of this crop, and then they threw hemp seeds in the yard for the birds.

  • A bird in the garden is a harvest in the garden beds, a bird in the garden is an apple tree in fruit.
  • A tall and steep rainbow means good weather, a low and flat rainbow means bad weather.
  • Since Mark the Keykeeper the rains are warm.
  • Rain before seven o'clock in the morning - clear before eleven.
  • Frequent and cold rains - there will be no honey.
  • The greener the rainbow, the heavier the rain.
  • It was raining for a long time, and suddenly the birds began to sing - to the end of the bad weather.

May 9 - Stepanov day. On this day they planted peas and continued planting early potatoes. It was believed that heavy dew or a clear day on May 9 meant a harvest of cucumbers.

May 10 - Semyonov day. On this day, fields began to be plowed all over the country, and work was in full swing in vegetable gardens and orchards. For success and a good harvest, it was believed that not a single grain intended for sowing should be eaten.

  • In the morning the grass is dry - expect rain by night.
  • The owl screams - to the cold.
  • Inclement weather will end if fog appears in low areas in the evening.

May 11 - Maxim's Day. It was believed that the warm wind on this day brings health. With specially made amulet they went out to crossroads and waited for a favorable warm wind from the south. who brought health with him. It had to be caught in a votive amulet, which was then put on the patient or worn on the gaitan next to the cross. That night we watched the weather: if the night is warm and starry, it means a harvest; clear sunrise - to a clear and sunny summer.

  • On Maxim, the wind is warm - a big guy.
  • Spring is generous with warmth, but stingy with time (there is a lot to do in the field and garden).

May 12 - nine martyrs of Kizichesk. According to popular belief, if on this day ants suddenly start moving to a dry place with a solid pound, it will rain soon. Oriole screams wild cat- before the rain. A lot of cockchafers means drought.

May 13 - James the Apostle. From this day on, all matchmaking was stopped, since the coming (according to the old style) month of May is very unfavorable for newlyweds. A proposal for matchmaking on this day was considered offensive and even shameful; if it became known that at this time the family was thinking about a wedding, bad rumors would spread about it, and in the old days this rule was strictly adhered to. It was customary to note the weather on May 13: a warm day with rain foreshadowed abundant grain in the fields, and if the stars rose in the evening and a warm wind blew from the south, then the summer would be menacing and warm, abundant. We watched the sunrise that day. If it rose in a clear, clear sky, then the summer must have been clear and warm.

May 14 - Eremey the harnesser. They said about this day: the laziest plow is the one in the field. Saint Jeremiah received the name of the Harnesser from the people. or Zapashnik, since it was usually at this time that the most important, most difficult and exhausting work for both the farmer and the draft animals began, and it is not surprising that, taking on them, the peasants asked for God's help. It was believed that on this day the prophet Jeremiah himself harnesses his chariot in heaven, sows grain and especially helps farmers who turn to him with a prayer for help. Jeremiah, according to the belief of our people, when people and livestock are exhausted from labor, he himself invisibly harnesses the animals and finishes the work in the field.

May 15 - Boris's Day. It was believed that from this day onwards nightingales began to sing. It was believed that if the nightingale sang thoroughly, spring began to wane, and summer began to profit. If the nightingale sings all night, it will be a sunny day, and if you hear the song of this bird before the cuckoo, you will spend the whole summer happily. If nightingales begin to sing together from this day on, then spring will be friendly. This day was also called profit day, and Saint Boris was considered a profit dealer, so in many places the merchant people celebrated the memory of Boris in the hope of making profits throughout the year.

May 16 - Marfa nursery. The holy saint Martha is known among the Russian people under the name of the Rassadnitsa, since on this day young cabbage seedlings were planted and vegetable gardens were sown. It was believed that when transplanting seedlings, they do not eat bread so that the chickens do not peck it out, they do not plant cabbage on Thursday so that the worms do not grind it, and when sowing cabbage, it was customary to pour the grains from hand to hand, otherwise, as the people believed, the cabbage would not be born. , and rutabaga.

  • The nightingales sang in front of Mavra - spring is blooming together.
  • Job dissolved the dew.
  • Heavy dew means an abundance of cucumbers.
  • A clear day means a good harvest of cucumbers.
  • Heavy dew in the morning means good weather, no dew means rain.

May 17 - Pelageya intercessor. Saint Pelageya was considered the patroness of birds and innocent maidens; it was to the patron saint of this day that the innocently offended turned for support and help. In the evening of this day, experienced gardeners took a cracked pot into the garden, put uprooted nettles in it and placed the dishes in the very middle of the garden bed. The peasants believed that this way they would scare away evil spirits and pests.

May 18 - Irina seedling. On this day, cabbage seedlings are planted. According to custom, you need to do this yourself older woman in the family, early in the morning, when no one sees her and cannot jinx her. If the seedlings drink a lot of water, it means dry mowing, but does not absorb water, the mowing will be wet.

May 19 - Job the pea. On this day peas are sown, and Job is called the Pea Man. Sowing, according to custom, must be accompanied by the following words: “I sow, I sow white peas; my peas are born, large, and white, and thirty themselves, for the old women to have fun, for the young guys to have fun.” It is necessary to sow peas at sunset, so that the sparrows do not see it. On May 19, they also sowed pumpkin, beans, and corn. Heavy dew and a clear day on May 19th means a good harvest of cucumbers. The absence of morning dew after its daily appearance means a change in the weather.

May 20 - swimsuit. This day got its name from this custom. In the morning, full buckets of water are placed on the bridge, and at noon they are doused with water warmed by the sun. On this day horses are driven through river water to give them strength. Sowing continues. It is believed that the east and west winds are the best for sowing and planting. Signs

  • If you sow in good weather, you will produce more offspring.
  • The seiki is in bad weather, and the collections are in a bucket.
  • Stolen seeds are born better.

May 21 - Arsenyev's day. On Arsenyev's day, sow wheat. Rainy day - mushroom will do shelves. Arseny the wheat farmer, drive the mare and plow the land for wheat. Plowing in the spring is not a good time to sleep. Night rains and daytime sun will fill the storerooms, barrels and casks. The red sky in the evening promises good weather, the morning redness gives water.

May 22 - warm Nikolai. Saint Nicholas is one of the most revered saints. It is believed that St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the intercessor and patron of the Russian people. “There is no champion for the man against Nikola.” - “Nikola saves at sea. Nikola lifts a man’s cart.” - people say. Both Nikolas - both winter (December 19) and spring - set the weather. They say that Nikola is spring - with warmth /

  • Nikola the autumn horse will drive the horse into the yard, and Nikola the spring horse will fatten.
  • Yegory with a burden, and Nikola with a cart.
  • Nikola spring with warmth.
  • Be strong until Nikola, but don’t worry about living with Nikola.
  • Nikola's day would pass, otherwise it would be warm.
  • You can't swim until spring Nikola.
  • Don’t boast about sowing on St. George’s Day, but rather boast about grass on Nikolin’s Day.

May 23 - Apostle Simon the Zealot. The patron saint of this day was considered the steward of all herbs; it was by his will that all sorts of plants grow on the earth - medicinal and evil, beautiful and homely, honey-bearing and barren. This same saint was considered an assistant in finding treasures, which, as a rule, were buried in the ground and buried as best as possible.

  • Digging roots for potions on Simon the Zealot.
  • The birch tree's earrings burst - it's time to sow bread.
  • A strong wind during rain portends good weather.

May 24 - Mokeev day. This day is considered an indicator of the weather for the entire summer. If it is wet, then the whole summer is wet, and vice versa. If there is a crimson sunrise and rain during the day, a wet and stormy summer will come. If the sunrise was purple, then the summer will be stormy, menacing, with fires. The fogs that occurred on this day also mean a damp summer.

May 25 - Epiphan's day. It was believed that on this day the first flowers of white water lilies appear on ponds and lakes. They are very beautiful, but it was impossible to bring them into the house, since this threatened the death of all livestock.

May 26 - buckwheat. On this day, along with the warm wind, mosquitoes appear. People believed that mosquitoes were blown away by the winds in the fall. warm seas, and in the spring he brings it to us again. They also believed that if you kill a mosquito from May 26 to June 22, a dozen of them will increase, and if you kill after summer solstice- the mosquito tribe will decrease by a dozen.

The signs on this day are as follows: swifts and swallows often fly to Lukerya - to bring warmth. Mosquitoes hover towards the bucket ( sunny day). A large mosquito means a good year. Mosquitoes have appeared - wait for warmth and rain.

May 27 - Sidor borage. It's cold in Sidor - it's like that all summer. Early swallows - to happy year. Swallows fly high in the sky - good luck, sunny weather, and if low - to rain.

May 28 is Pakhom Day. Saint Pakhom, the patron saint of this day, is known as warm Bokogrey, since from this day the real summer-spring warmth begins. It is believed that if it is warm on this day, the whole summer will also be warm.

  • Pakhom came and smelled warmth.
  • On Pachomius the herbalist and the wasteland is green.
  • West wind under low clouds - it’s time to sow eggs.
  • The sun on the pakhoma heats up more and gives the crops growth.
  • After bad weather, a rainbow appeared in the sky - it wouldn’t rain anymore.

May 29 - Fedor Zhitnik. The patron saint of this day is called Zhitnik, since the day of remembrance of this saint serves as the very last date for sowing spring crops, and people say: “Zhitnik’s concern is to harrow the barley field.” If the mountain ash blossomed on this day, it means it was warm. The signs for May 29th are as follows: There will be thunder on Fyodor the granary - you will be with grain. The rowan tree blooms brightly (abundantly) - there will be a lot of oats. The mountain ash has bloomed - it will be warm soon.

May 31 - Fedor oatmeal. Rain in May is never too bad. The flashes are playing - there will be a change in the weather. A wave hits the flowing water - it will rain. If the rain cloud makes noise, there will be hail and strong winds. Steam comes from the ground to rain. If the sun goes to bed pale, it will rain the next day. If an oak tree puts out a leaf in front of an ash tree, it means a dry summer.

May named after the Roman Mayan goddess of fertility, the renewal of the earth. May is a month of rapidly blossoming nature: grass grows quickly, trees become covered with leaves, gardens, lilacs, and bird cherry blossom.

It has been noticed that once every seven years there is a cold May. If the beginning of May is very warm, you need to prepare for cold weather at the end of the month. By folk signs: cold May - for a fruitful year.

In the old days, May was considered the most difficult month for villagers. It was necessary to work without sparing yourself to lay the harvest for the whole year. They tried not to undertake any serious undertakings in May - only a few things came out.

May 1 – Kuzma Ogorodnik— The beginning of May is pleasantly warm; the end of May will be cold. The bird cherry tree has turned green - it’s time to start planting early potatoes. “For Kuzma, these carrots and beets.” And at the same time they made a wish that would definitely come true if the shoots were strong. According to legend, they went to the springs and moistened the seeds for a good harvest by throwing copper coins into the spring.

May 2 – John of the Ancient Cave- On this day, they treated spring to pies to ensure a rich harvest. A rainy, cloudy day foreshadowed a dry June. If the hares have not yet changed their “clothes”, they need to prepare for prolonged cold weather. On this day, the villagers prayed to Ivan the Warrior to protect them from all misfortunes.

May 3 – Fedor Day- On this day, no big business was started, no weddings or christenings were held. We visited cemeteries. They commemorated deceased parents and relatives.

May 4 – Day of Proclus. Curse of evil spirits— They pronounced a curse evil spirits so that the cold does not return again. The sooner the bird cherry tree begins to bloom, the warmer the summer will be. During the bird cherry flowering period, the weather is usually cool. If by this day there is already a large leaf on the birch tree, it means a grain harvest.

May 5 – Lukov day— Gardeners planted onions in the beds, saying, “This onion, it’s a disease of seven. Whoever eats onions will be freed from eternal torment.” The cuckoo crows long and loudly - to warm weather. Thunderstorm rain - for the harvest. If it’s clear in the morning, you can start sowing, if it’s cloudy and rainy, you need to wait a little longer.

May 6 – Yegoriy Veshny. Festival of the Shepherds— Yegor is revered as the patron of the fields. On this day the fields were consecrated. Spring water and dew that fell on Yegoria had special healing properties and healed the hopelessly ill. Egoriy bears many folk signs: Egoriy is warm - Nikola (May 22) with grass. Rainy Yegoriy - to a grain harvest failure. “Sow the seedlings on Yegoriy - there will be plenty of vegetables.” South wind- to a rich harvest, northern - to early autumn frosts. If the leaf on a birch tree in Yegor is large, it means a good, fruitful year. They hung a damp towel in the yard overnight, and if it dried overnight, they expected a good harvest of cucumbers.

May 7th Evseev day- “Evsei came - cut off the oats.” Oats were sown when leaves appeared on the birch, but the aspen had not yet had time to bloom. A lot of mosquitoes mean a rich harvest of grains and legumes.

May 8 – Mark's day. Mark Klyuchnik— They considered Saint Mark the lord of the spring rains. Three good rain in May, they always promised a good harvest. A sunny day on Mark means a hot summer. If a tall rainbow appeared in the rain, they waited for a warm one and clear weather, low rainbow - foreshadowed prolonged bad weather.

May 9 – Glafira Goroshnitsa— It is considered the best day for planting peas and potatoes. Lingering thunderclaps mean prolonged bad weather.

May 10 – Semyon Ranopashets- Plow early, don’t be lazy - and there will be a rich harvest. Clouds quickly run against the wind - this means prolonged bad weather.