Camilla and Prince Charles waited for their happiness for more than three decades, and no one suspected that this long-term romance would end in marriage. ABOUT love triangle many knew, but pretended that nothing was happening - each of its participants played their role very well. Most likely, Camilla would have remained in the role of a mistress, but fate had other plans. The day of Princess Diana's death marked the beginning of a new stage in the life of Charles and his longtime lover.

Meeting Camilla and Prince Charles

The couple met in 1972 at a party at the Annabel's club. They were brought together by Lucia Santa Cruz, the daughter of the Chilean ambassador to Great Britain and ex-girlfriend Charles. She quickly became tired of Charles, and she passed him on to her friend Camilla Shand, who had just separated from Andrew Parker-Bowles (their relationship with the officer lasted 7 years). This casual acquaintance quickly grew into a passionate relationship. It was rumored that Camilla once invited Charles to repeat the fate of their ancestors: her great-grandmother Alice Keppel for a long time was the mistress of Edward VIII, Charles's great-grandfather.

However, the chances of becoming the heir's wife British throne Camilla did not, and she understood this perfectly well. She was not from noble family- Camilla's father was an ordinary wine merchant. And besides, the girl was not distinguished by modesty and good behavior - she smoked, drank, and there were always crowds of men around her. If Charles had entered into such a marriage, he would have immediately lost his right to the throne.

2. The marriage of the heir to the throne and the marriage of his beloved

A year after meeting Charles, Camilla married her longtime lover Andrew Parker-Bowles. Soon the couple has a son. There were rumors that this was Charles' child. The prince becomes a regular guest in the couple's house. Andrew did not interfere with this, knowing full well that the heir to the throne was not indifferent to his wife and these feelings were mutual. In 1979, Camilla gave birth to a daughter, and soon the woman’s romance with Charles resumed. However, Andrew himself constantly had affairs with other women, and his wife’s affair on the side did not particularly bother him.

Queen Elizabeth II, realizing that Charles had fallen under the influence of Camilla, decided to marry him. The Crown Prince was already 32 years old, and there were still no heirs, and this fact greatly worried the royal family. It was very difficult to choose a candidate, because the sexual revolution, which lasted in the 60s and 70s, did not pass without a trace. Finding a virgin, like a princess should be, was not easy even in high society. Elizabeth II picked up great option for the son - Diana Spencer, a 19-year-old beauty who had long been in love with the heir.

The future princess had heard a lot about the love of Charles and Camilla, but she naively believed that she would be able to win the heart of the heir to the throne, and their family life would be like a fairy tale. Camilla was sure that future wife her lover is a young and inexperienced fool who cannot interfere with their love.

In the summer of 1981, the wedding of Charles and Diana took place. But this did not put the heir to the British throne a couple of days before own wedding give your mistress a gift - a bracelet with the initials G and F on it (these are the first letters of the lovers' secret names - Gladys and Fred). Rumor has it that both Diana and Charles offered to break off the engagement, but the royal family insisted on the marriage.

3. Charles's family life

Despite Princess Diana's youth and beauty, she failed to win the prince's heart. She was admired by the subjects of the British queen, the whole world loved her, but her husband was completely indifferent to her. Even when Diana gave royal family two heirs, her family life did not improve. The rival was always somewhere nearby. Camilla attended the engagement of Charles and Diana. True, her name was crossed out from the list of invitees to the wedding breakfast at the palace. And she decided to take revenge. When the couple went to Honeymoon, Camilla planted her photographs with her lover, which his wife discovered.

Diana often caught her husband talking with Camilla, and her mistress repeatedly made it clear legal wife that everyone knows, even the most intimate details family life royal couple. In the late 1980s, Diana allowed herself to have an affair on the side. Her marriage to Charles becomes clean water formality, but the war between women continues. In the early 1990s, the book “Diana. True story”, in which, according to the princess, the relationship between Charles and Camilla was described throughout the family life of the royal family. In 1992, it became known that Diana and Charles were no longer together, and in 1996 their marriage was officially dissolved.

Camilla and Charles

Very little time has passed since the death of Princess Diana in 1997, and Charles begins to take Camilla with him to official receptions as part of his retinue. He probably wanted the public to get used to it and prepared public opinion. The prince fully provided for his beloved, and in 2003 the topic was first raised legal marriage. In 2005, Elizabeth II blessed Charles and Camilla, and the wedding took place. After the marriage, the woman received all the titles that Diana had. But either as a sign of respect for the deceased, or for some other reason, Camilla does not use the title “Princess of Wales”.

Time passed, and people came to terms with Prince Charles's new wife. Unlike Diana, Camilla stays away from her husband in public and tries not to attract attention to herself, highlighting her husband.

It would seem that the 35-year-old waiting story ended with a happy ending, if not for one thing. Recently, the English media caused a stir - after 10 years of marriage, the Duchess of Cornwall is demanding a divorce and $360 million in compensation from Charles. Otherwise, Camilla threatens to bring all the skeletons out of the closets of Buckingham Palace into the light of day. Is it really possible that the most turbulent romance in the history of the British monarchy will end so ingloriously?

You can find out what “Prokofiev’s Case” is in one of our previous reviews.


Lady Diana, Camilla Parker
and the Prince of Wales

IN in a certain sense the prince is an unhappy man. For how many years they prevented him from marrying the woman he loves all his life! He had to marry Diana Spencer, whom he did not love. Lady Diana was liked by the whole world, but not by her own husband! The old formula that guided royal house about what will be tolerated - will fall in love, it didn’t work.

The prince’s misfortune also lies in the fact that, probably, the whole world is privy to the most intimate details of his personal life. Diana's telephone conversations were recorded. No less frank conversations between Prince Charles and his mistress Camilla were also recorded. But who did it? And who passed all this on to British journalists? Perhaps there was a conspiracy. Not against the late Lady Diana, she meant nothing in politics. It was a conspiracy against crown prince Charles, future king of Great Britain. Some English politicians and journalists believe that the Crown Prince is being revolted secret services Her Majesty. MI5 counterintelligence people, they say, decided to undermine the crown prince's reputation so that he would not get on the throne.

Charles and Diana's marriage collapsed and they both suffered.
Lady Diana died tragically, and only a few years later Prince Charles received the right not to hide his beloved woman from the world.

On Saturday April 9, 2005, when Charles, Prince of Wales married Camilla Parker Bowles, everything changed. Until this day, Camilla was a woman with an uncertain future and a dubious past. She has now become "Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall." Queen Elizabeth recognized her as a member of the family. Happiness came to her at fifty-seven years old. Camilla's fifty-eighth birthday on July 17, 2005 was celebrated throughout the country by raising national flags.

Prince Charles has been waiting for this day for more than three decades. He is very offended by his compatriots, who were so unkind to him and Camilla. He considered the British more responsive and capable of empathy. He admitted that in hard times he and Camilla tried not to read newspapers or watch television. At a very modest wedding, Charles ended his speech with the words: “Down with the press!” Everyone laughed.

On the wedding day, the bride suffered from sinusitis and had a headache. The guests did not notice this. Camilla, who had kept a low profile all her life, came to the fore for the first time. She had lost some weight and was very confident. Until recently, Camilla was invariably included in the list of women who dress the worst. Now editors of fashion magazines admitted that they could not take their eyes off her: she looked wonderful.

Camilla never put pressure on Prince Charles, did not say: when will you marry me? She did not seek to enter the royal family. She got everything because she never asked for anything.

Generally speaking, Camilla is now Princess of Wales, but prefers to call herself the Duchess of Cornwall. Because there was another Princess of Wales, much more famous and beloved by the public.

The history of this triangle is complex and confusing. Charles and Camilla met very young and immediately fell in love with each other. They could get married and live happy life... What prevented them from linking their destinies from the very beginning?

Nature did not gift her future chosen one so generously. Prince Charles Philip Arthur George was born on November 14, 1948.

The Prince of Wales's coat of arms bears his motto "I Serve". Service and fulfillment of duty are what guided his mother Elizabeth II throughout her life from the moment of her coronation. She raised her son in this spirit. But he is cut from a different cloth. His memories of childhood are terrible. Charles complained about the lack of warmth and sincerity on the part of his parents. His parents suffer from the “English disease”: an inability to express feelings, emotional coldness.

One day little Charles came to the queen's office and asked his mother to play with him.
“If only I could,” she sighed.

Philip was cold towards his son and considered him extremely stupid. They were never able to get close. No wonder. You don't know how to love children if you were deprived of love as a child...

It was his nanny who took the most care of Charles. She looked after him, she created him a feeling of security. That's what he needed! Diana couldn't give him this. But Camilla did it. He was always attracted to women older than himself. They cared
about him.

The boy grew up timid, embarrassed and often sick. The school to which his father sent him turned out to be a difficult ordeal for Charles. The students were hardened. The morning began with a run, then a contrast shower. The windows in the bedrooms did not close all year round. If it rained or snowed at night, those whose beds were close to the window woke up under wet blankets.

At school, Charles was afraid of boys. The boys united and formed gangs. He preferred solitude. They bullied him. He snored, and his roommates simply hit him on the head - they treated him for snoring.

Classmates took particular pleasure in beating the heir to the throne. Having thrown him to the ground, they joyfully shouted:

We did it! We just killed the future King of England!
At night, buried in his pillow, the heir to the throne cried.

Since the beginning of the 14th century, British monarchs have granted their eldest son the title of Prince of Wales. The title of Prince of Wales is not given to the heir to the throne automatically at birth. This is always a gift from the monarch.

Charles, having received the title, spent three months in Wales studying the language. Welsh nationalists greeted him with protests. But the queen still elevated him to the Welsh throne. Charles took the ceremony seriously.
“Now the future has come,” he told his friend. - It is impossible to avoid it.

Charles found himself military service. He felt quite comfortable in the army team. Everything was clear and simple here. Everyone knew their place, and relationships between people were determined by rank and position.

Charles entered the naval academy at Dartmouth. While still at Cambridge, he learned to fly an airplane. Now he has also mastered a helicopter and has flown five hundred hours. But he didn’t get along well with girls. And he didn’t have much of an opportunity to get to know each other. Charles looked younger than his age. Everyone wore jeans, he wore a suit and carefully polished shoes. “He wasn't one of us. We understood this. And he understood this,” said his classmates. He was in no hurry to get close to other people. And they didn't know how to get close to him.

“He was very old-fashioned,” Lady Diana would later say. Charles was painfully shy. He was a celebrity, the son of a queen, and was followed everywhere by a detective from Scotland Yard. But he didn't feel special at all.

They tried to set him up with the recognized beauty Princess Caroline of Monaco. Nothing succeeded. Caroline behaved like a star. And the prince himself wanted to be a star. Lord Mountbatten planned to marry Charles to his granddaughter, Lady Amanda. In August 1979, Charles proposed to her on the royal yacht Britannia. Amanda answered "no" very politely, but leaving him no hope.

He sought peace of mind and found it in the arms of Lady Camilla. Charles and Camilla met freely in public. Charles could come to a party with some girl and dance with Camilla all evening. They were not shy about those present, sat down at the same table, and kissed. Charles has reached his fourth decade. He had a position in society and a constant mistress. He missed his home, wife and children. He bought a house - from his son former prime minister Harold Macmillan. Camilla's house was twenty minutes away.

The mother ran away with her lover. Diana suffered her parents' divorce extremely painfully. She loved her father very much and hated his second wife. Diana often talked about how she felt endlessly lonely, defenseless and unwanted by anyone. She thought about it constantly. A supply of unhappiness had accumulated in her, and she turned out to be incapable of happiness. It became easier for her to be unhappy than happy.

In the summer of 1980, when Diana was nineteen years old, she and Charles met. It was Saturday evening. After the polo game there was a picnic. In Prince Charles's life, everything revolves around polo.

Damn game,” Diana said later. - If it weren’t for this game, nothing would have happened! Camilla would not have met him and I would not have married him.

Diana Spencer met all the requirements that the royal court places on a bride: well-born, beautiful, innocent. And yet Charles last minute hesitated.

A week later, on February 6, at five in the evening, the Prince of Wales proposed to Lady Diana Spencer at Windsor Castle. She answered immediately and without hesitation:
- Yes, yes, of course yes!

Charles hoped to find happy family, believed that his relationship with his wife would get better and better. And love will come.

Diana entered into marriage very young and naive. She had neither a lover nor just a guy with whom she would date. She knew little about life and love. Prince Charles was her first and sincere love. She believed that love would be eternal. At the same time, of course, she was inspired by the prospect of becoming Princess of Wales, and eventually queen.

But Diana did not fall in love with real person, but in how she imagined the prince. It quickly became clear that the spouses had nothing in common, no common interests!

Diana was horrified to discover that Camilla Parker Bowles, the prince's mistress, was constantly present in their relationship. Wherever she and Charles went, Camilla was there too!

Charles explained to Diana that Camilla - close friend, but swore that now there is not and will not be another woman in his life. In fact, his feelings for Camilla have not cooled down, but they both agreed that intimate relationships must stop. He gave Camilla a beautiful bracelet as a sign of the formal end of such a relationship. Diana found out about this gift. She was shocked: he was giving a gift to his mistress on their wedding day!

Diana realized that she could not get rid of Camilla.
“On the wedding day, I felt like a lamb being led to the slaughter,” she will say much later.

The wedding of Charles and Diana on July 29, 1981 was watched by a billion television viewers across the planet. Diana was not happy at all. She cried. At such an important and difficult moment, she had no one to consult with. There was neither father nor mother nearby.
And she couldn't cope with her problems. She had health problems. She suffered from bulimia. Diana went to a psychotherapist and received treatment. Her mother abandoned her when she ran away with her lover. Her father abandoned her when he found another woman. Now Charles has abandoned her, abandoned her, barely having time to marry her! She fell into severe depression.

Instead of helping his young wife, Charles turned his back to her and, out of habit, found solace in the arms of the woman he had loved since his youth, Camilla Parker Bowles.

Friends of Charles say that it was Diana who did not understand her husband and did not want to understand the role of the Prince of Wales in the life of the country.

She came from a family with unfavorable heredity - the Spencers often had mental disorders and marriages broke up. Charles tried to please his wife, but could not. She hated everything he loved.

It would be more accurate to say that they both needed help and support, but could not and did not want to help each other; their marriage was doomed from the start. Intimate relationships between the spouses did not go well. Diana complained that Charles was “hopeless in bed, absolutely hopeless.” According to Diana, her husband appeared in her bedroom once every three weeks. He demanded a lot, but was able to give little.

It was not only about her, but also about him,” Diana said. - He was insensitive. Didn't touch me. He didn't even show any desire to do it. Then he suddenly appeared in my bed. He usually acted very coldly. I didn't understand what was happening. I was a little immature girl.

Charles found an excuse for himself: the relationship is not going well, I am not getting what I need from my wife, therefore, I can return to Camilla. Camilla's merit was that she gave everything and asked for nothing in return. This was his woman. He could talk things out with her. Diana was not in the mood to listen to Charles. And Camilla listened very carefully, delved into his words, and reassured him. And in contrast to Diana, she was so healthy, so normal, so reliable. She stood firmly on her feet and could be relied upon. They texted and called each other every day. If he didn't manage to talk to her during the day, the day was ruined, he fell into depression. They saw each other more and more often. Perhaps the prince behaved differently in Camilla’s bed.

Charles and Camilla had a lot in common. Love of country life, parks and gardens, horse riding, dogs and horses. They were brought together by the need to maintain secrecy and a common sense of guilt for adultery.

And Diana and Charles had nothing in common except children. Prince William was born on June 21, 1982. Prince Harry September 15, 1984. Charles was happy about the birth of his children. While they were little, I loved to tinker with them. Then the children were more likely to be with their mother than with him.

Charles didn't like anything else either. The Prince of Wales, accustomed to honors and the attention of the crowd, quickly realized that his wife had become his rival. She became fantastically popular. Blonde with blue eyes and won the hearts of millions with a charming smile. At first, Charles was pleased that he and Diana were greeted so enthusiastically. Then he discovered that he was losing greatly next to his beautiful wife. Then he simply began to fall into despair. Diana was adored. They looked at him with amazement and undisguised mockery: how did he end up being the husband of such a beauty.

Charles expected Diana to be only his wife. He is the heir to the throne! He carries out important assignments on behalf of the queen! But Diana became a world-class star, and no attention was paid to him. This only worsened the relationship.

Diana believed that Charles had been cheating on her from the very beginning. The prince always denied this. Diana didn't believe him. One day Diana spoke directly to Camilla:

Camilla, I want you to know that I know what's going on between you and Charles. I wasn't born yesterday. And don't think I'm an idiot.

After this conversation, Diana cried all night.

1980 Diana Spencer and Camilla Parker Bowles

The third stage of the relationship between Charles and Camilla has begun, the third episode of this multi-part love-dramatic story. They stopped hiding their relationship. We met in public. Charles goes to Italy to paint watercolors. Camilla goes with him. Diana stays at home. Charles moves out of town. Diana is far away. Camilla is nearby.
Camilla had no problems dating married man and cuckolding her own husband.

The press painted Diana as an abandoned wife, who was left alone with all her problems. In response, Charles fans announced long list her lovers.

But Diana did not decide to rush into someone’s arms right away, but after several years of loneliness and emotional vacuum. She was completely depressed by the collapse of her marriage.

But Charles was also trapped. He could not part with Diana and could not be with her. And he was not able to part with Camilla.

On Wednesday afternoon 9 September 1992, the Royal Household announced that the Prince and Princess of Wales had decided to separate. Prime Minister John Major read this message to members of parliament.

On the one hand, the prince was relieved. On the other hand, it was an admission of failure, an inability to create strong family. And then printouts of his conversations with Camilla appeared. They are genuine, there is no doubt about it. Conversations show how close Camilla and Charles were, how often in conversations Camilla supports Charles - praises him, encourages him, says how wonderful he is. He had never heard anything like this from his parents or his wife. Camilla never missed a chance to say, “I’m proud of you.”

However, the British were amazed at how openly and with what pleasure they talked about sex. Many then believed that these recordings could cost Charles the throne.

Here is an episode of a conversation between Charles and Camilla that shook the imagination of the British:

Charles. I need you. The problem is that you are needed
me several times a week. No, all week in a row.
Camilla. And I need you all week. Always.
Charles. Oh God, I need to live in your panties-
kah. Then it will become easier.
Camilla. What do you want to become? In my labors
Charles. Oh my god, I'm ready to be Tampax. It was
it would be even better.
Camilla. How stupid you are! But I like this one
idea! I want you.
Charles. Is it true? Me too. I love you.

Disgraced, Charles disappeared from view. For ten days he could not be seen at all. Camilla felt humiliated and insulted. She had nowhere to hide. She couldn't appear on the street. They pointed fingers at her and threw insults in her face.

Much in this story seems at least strange. The recordings of Prince Charles' conversations with Camilla were three years old. Who wrote them down and kept them so carefully?
What about Diana's notes? One information Agency admitted that it had obtained recordings of conversations from sources close to the intelligence services.

One conclusion can be drawn: there were serious forces that sought to compromise not Lady Diana, who could not play any role in politics, but Prince Charles, the heir to the throne. Influential circles set out to undermine his chances of inheriting the throne. The Prince of Wales was turned into an object of ridicule. Neutralized and pushed away from the throne.

When Diana decided to talk about her life, probably the whole of England watched the TV program. She looked wonderful, and she even got away with admitting to her own infidelity. The country supported her.

Only the royal family was outraged. “She is evil,” the royal family decided. Now the queen herself wanted to divorce her from her son. The negotiations were long. In 1996, the divorce took place. Diana refused to belong to the royal family, but she received seventeen million pounds sterling and four hundred thousand pounds annually for the maintenance of secretaries.

Charles returned to his duties. He fearlessly appeared in public again and began to spend more time with the children and Camilla. Charles told his friends:
- I will never marry again.

And Lady Diana became a global figure. She was involved in social and charitable activities. She collected money for AIDS patients and supported a campaign demanding a ban on the production and use of anti-personnel mines. She traveled all over the world and was greeted with enthusiasm. How many people were jealous of Diana!

Her personal life was not going well. She received freedom, but could not find happiness.
She had a fleeting affair with the son of the late President John F. Kennedy. The younger Kennedy, a fashion magazine publisher, came to ask her for an interview. The conversation ended in bed. Moreover, they met in the very hotel where, according to legend, American President spent time with actress Marilyn Monroe. They liked each other. But there was no continuation. Two years later, Diana died, and two years later, John Kennedy Jr. died in a plane crash.

When Charles celebrated his half-century anniversary, he sent his car for Camilla. The queen did not come to see her son. She was not ready to accept the new role of Camilla Parker Bowles, who was the hostess at this reception. Diana was sure that the queen would not allow her son to marry Camilla. But a month and a half later, Diana was dead. When Diana left, everything became possible.

In the early morning of August 31, 1997, the Mercedes carrying Diana and her lover Dodi al-Fayed crashed. The driver, leaving the paparazzi, lost control... Diana was only thirty-six years old.

In any competition, the one who remains alive wins. Time passed, and Charles and Camilla began to appear together. Moreover, they began to live together. Camilla has changed. She took care of her figure, nails, hairstyle, and began to dress from famous fashion designers. The queen held out the longest. She did not want to see her son's mistress. Charles was often offended by his mother. But the Queen knows and understands him well, and she finally gave in in 2000. She saw that times were changing and stopped resisting the inevitable. In June 2000, Camilla was brought before the Queen and they exchanged a few words. The job was done.

The Queen Mother died on March 30, 2002. She did not live to see the marriage of Charles and Camilla.
Elizabeth II stopped objecting to her marriage to Camilla. And I was even happy for him:
- My son is at home, and next to him is the woman he loves.

How did the children react to Charles's new marriage? Apparently, everything is calm. Father is fine, and thank God. In the house of Charles and Diana the atmosphere was tense even in better days. Nobody felt comfortable. There is peace and comfort in the house of Charles and Camilla. They feel good with each other. And people, appreciating the sincerity of feelings, changed towards them.

Mlechin Leonid Mikhailovich. 15 WOMEN OF LEONID MLECHIN

A book about influential and femme fatales past and present presents bright, sometimes shocking heroines who have left a real mark on history. Persons from the Fuhrer's inner circle are shown (“Valkyries”); people who made people talk about themselves different years Soviet period (“Soviet heroines”); women who became famous in last years(“In the forefront and in the shadows”); the most prominent figures from the American elite (“American Women”). The text is full of many interesting, sometimes sensational facts and details, illustrated with rare photographs.

Camilla Parker-Bowles

She became famous thanks to her dramatic love story with Prince Charles. Camilla Parker-Bowles' romance with the heir to the British crown began in the 70s of the twentieth century and lasted more than 30 years. Even the fact that the lovers married other people did not stop this connection, and in 2005 they finally legalized their love. Everyone knows Camilla as the prince's faithful lover and second wife, but not everyone thinks about what this woman is like.

Biography of Camilla Parker Bowles

The Duchess of Cornwall was born on July 17, 1947 at King's College Hospital in Lambeth. Belongs to the Windsor family, one of the oldest in England. She was the eldest of three children of Rosalind and Bruce Shand.

Camilla received her education at Queens Gate and Dumblers schools, after which she studied at the elite boarding house Mon Fertile and the British Institute in Paris.

From Camilla's biography it is known that in 1970 she met Charles, and this meeting changed their lives forever. The young people became close over their passion for polo and horse riding, but quickly moved from friendship to love.

Camilla always stood out from her peers due to her lack of makeup, boyish clothing style and passion for sports. She could easily carry on a conversation about methods of defense at a hockey match, which always attracted numerous male companies around her. It was these features of her that struck the prince.

Despite this close relationship, Camilla married another man in 1973, officer Andrew Parker-Bowles, and stopped communicating with Charles. The couple gives birth to two beautiful children: a boy and a girl. It would seem that everything should go well, but Andrew turns out to be a pathological womanizer. Camilla cannot tolerate this for long and resumes her relationship with the monarch, who is already married to Diana.

Because of this, many British people accused the woman of ruining the “ideal” union and were outraged by the wedding of Camilla and Charles.

Exhibition of wedding dresses at the Victoria and Albert Museum

Camilla Parker Bowles suspects Kate Middleton of cheating on William?

Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, Kate Middleton with Prince George, Camilla Parker Bowles, Prince William and Prince Harry during the christening. The Globe claims that it was then that Catherine told Elizabeth that she was expecting her second child.

Camilla Parker - Bowles - the prince's affair with his friend's wife was talked about long before his marriage to Diana. Diana herself knew about him. But everyone, and most importantly, unfortunately, the prince himself, again considered this to be the adventures of a bachelor.

Who would have thought that distrust of the impulses of one’s own heart would result in a long, painful drama for all its participants?

Shortly before his engagement to Diana, in 1981, the prince tried for the second time to put an end to his love.

In anticipation of the wedding, photographic lenses began to focus on him real hunt. To avoid a scandal, the prince stopped dating Camilla. For some time he became infatuated with his bride. Who wouldn't be interested in her?

Parents, wanting to quickly end Charles's protracted bachelorhood, praised the charming young Diana with might and main. And the naked eye could see how ugly Camilla Parker-Bowles was losing next to her.

Charles and Diana on their honeymoon

But what was obvious to everyone was absolutely unimportant for the prince. He continued to love Camilla. The lack of meetings was made up for by very frank conversations on the phone.

Camilla Parker Bowles - the role of the eternal lover?

Diana's tragedy began with the famous telephone call that she became aware of. On the phone, Charles swore that he would love Camilla no matter what. In one of her pre-divorce interviews, Diana admitted that in her marriage with Charles, the presence of a third person was always felt. Camilla Parker Bowles was the edge of this triangle and it was also a tragedy.

Charles reconnected with this “third man” for the third time at the end of 1986, when, in his opinion, his marriage to Princess Diana had “irretrievably broken down.” For another ten years, Charles and Camilla “went underground” - precisely because the prince officially remained Diana’s husband. The entire royal family knew that in fact the family no longer existed. But the grandmother-queen made her beloved grandson promise that while she was alive, he would not divorce. And the prince’s attempt to keep his word turned into a real tragedy.

Diana's betrayals, depression, and suicide attempts are one side of her. Of course, the whole world paid attention to this. But there was another side, another woman, whose life the prince, as well as his wife, ruined.

Camilla Parker - Bowles - Divorce from Husband

True, fortunately, Camilla’s husband was a gentleman, and no evidence of “showdowns” in the Parker-Bowles family appeared in the press. Two sons grew up here.
One day, the eldest of them, Tom, found himself in the middle of a huge school fight. Such excesses are severely punished by the British. But, having suffered punishment, covered in bruises and bumps, the teenager continued to remain silent about the reason for the brawl. Only after some time had passed, Tom told his parents: “Mom was called the “royal litter.” Not in the best possible way Camilla’s husband felt the same way. He “didn’t hear” the grins of fellow officers like: “He’s so devoted to the crown that he puts his wife under it.”

After a sensational appearance on television, when Prince Charles admitted that he had loved Camilla Parker Bowles all his life, Andrew divorced her. The name of the heir to the throne did not appear in the divorce proceedings. Moreover, Andrew, not Camilla, was the “defendant.”

One way or another, Camilla's family fell apart. Her further situation did not become clear even when in 1995 the prince officially announced his divorce from Diana. Either under pressure from relatives who tried to save Buckingham Palace from general condemnation, or in a state of natural excitement, the prince then announced that he was not going to enter into a new marriage.

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Long partings, loud scandals and passionate dates - for long years There were many poignant moments in the relationship between Prince Charles and his beloved Camilla. Perhaps they were the ones who helped the royal couple maintain their feelings and withstand condemnation and caustic ridicule

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Prince Charles and Camilla officially became husband and wife on April 9, 2005. The ceremony took place under the roof of the Windsor Municipal Department. The Queen did not attend the wedding. A gala dinner in honor of the engagement of the “young couple” took place at Windsor Castle a couple of months earlier, on February 10.

The newlyweds spent their honeymoon at a royal country estate in the vast expanses of Scotland.

Prince Charles and Camilla met at a polo game in 1970. A whirlwind romance began between them, but it did not last long. The Queen reacted coldly to the idea of ​​​​her son's union with the quick blonde. Soon the prince was recalled to Navy to fulfill his duty to his homeland.

Having served in the army, the heir to the throne did not burden the girl with the obligation of fidelity. While the prince was serving, Camilla managed to marry ex-beau Andrew Parker-Bowles.

Upon returning from the navy, Charles did not stop communicating with his former (and, as it turned out, future) lover and even became godfather to her son Tom, who was born in 1975.

Love relationship married Charles and married Camilla have more than once become the subject high-profile scandals. After one of them, the prince received the humiliating nickname “Mr. Tampon” and became the object of cruel jokes all over the world. Publication of candid telephone conversation between lovers became a turning point in the prince’s marriage to Diana Spencer.

For a year and a half, Charles waited for Elizabeth II's blessing to divorce his unloved wife and continued to secretly meet with Camilla. Sudden tragic death Princess Diana's wedding was a heavy blow for Britain and pushed back the prince's second wedding by several more years.

Camilla's official acquaintance with the queen took place only in 2000. After this, another 4 years passed until the couple was able to appear at official events together. For four years, Queen Elizabeth II debated whether to approve Charles' union with a woman she once considered unworthy of becoming an honorary member of the royal family.

From time to time, rumors appear in the media that Charles and Camilla decided to end their marriage and the Duchess of Cornwall asked for a substantial sum for keeping the secrets of the royal family. Nevertheless, their marital boat still remains afloat and each time deftly slips past the news of divorce.

One of the reasons why the queen many years ago rejected Camilla's candidacy for the role of daughter-in-law was that she was not of high enough origin. Charles's second wife was born into the family of a wine merchant and an aristocrat, eldest daughter Baron Ashcombe. Also, the reigning monarch did not like the fact that by that time the girl had many novels behind her, the echoes of which could spoil the good reputation of the royal family.