The author of the ranking of the world's ugliest animals, Chan Li Pen, is concerned that people unknowingly kill or torture animals that they consider ugly. But the freaks of the animal world are unique in their own way and play no less a role in nature than the most beautiful creatures.

Fringed tortoise (Matamata)

The matamata (fringed tortoise) (Chelus fimbriatus) lives in the swamps of Brazil and Gaiani. Representatives of this species are also found in some areas of the Amazon, Peru, Venezuela and Trinidad. The animal has a very eccentric appearance, with a flat shell of 45 cm or more. Her head and neck are also flat and large. In addition, turtles are covered with warts, bulges, and ridges. The long trunk allows breathing when the animal is almost completely submerged in water. The female turtle lays 12-28 hard-shelled eggs in the river sand, from which small turtles hatch after 208 days.


The corydalus larva (corydalus sp.) has a truly terrible appearance. Coridal lives in northern and central America, Australia and Africa. Both male and female specimens can be up to 12.5 cm long and have a long antenna. When they are not flying, their wings fold along their long, stick-like bodies. The female lays from 100 to 1000 eggs near freshwater sources - on tree branches or on stones.


Monkfish (Lophius americanus) also known as the "poor man's lobster", anglerfish, angelfish. This fish species lives in the northwestern Atlantic coastal zone. It can reach a length of 150 cm or more, but most often individuals are 90 cm long. Weight is from 3.5 to 7.5 kg, maximum - 25 kg. The fish amazes with its huge, wide open mouth as if glued to a strong tail.

Russian wheat aphid

The Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) has very short, rounded horns and is pale green in color. This aphid is found in all seasons in western Kansas and within 50 miles of the Colorado border. The length of the aphid is only 2 mm. Its saliva is toxic and can cause plant leaves to turn white and curl.


The almiqui (Solenodon cubanus) is a Cuban animal that was thought to have gone extinct a long time ago. Until she was tracked down in the eastern mountains of Cuba. The live specimen that was caught weighed 720 grams and felt great. Externally, the animal resembles a large brown rat, 40 to 55 cm long. After a two-day study, the animal was released into the wild.

Weevil (Hylobius piceus)

The weevil can usually be seen in Central and Northern Europe, Siberia, and northern North America. It has a black body with bristles, a relatively large head lowered down, and long legs. Adults reach a length of 12-16.5 mm.

Great turkey vulture

The turkey-headed vulture (Hylobius piceus) is named for its most notable feature - its large, bald, red head. This is one of the largest birds that can grow to the size of a real eagle (81 cm long). This species is widespread in Northern and South America V subtropical forests, deserts, pastures, forest-steppe.

Hawaiian ash bat

The Hawaiian ash bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus) is an animal with short, rounded ears, a yellow-brown mouth that resembles a cow's, and is a terror to the local population. She lives on the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, and less often on Oahu and Molokai, in humid places at an altitude of 4 thousand m above sea level. It makes high-frequency sounds, thus finding the victim and focusing on it.


The warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) is a blackish or brownish pig that lives in the savannas of Africa. It is easily recognized by its barrel-shaped body, large head adorned with six warts, and two pairs of large fangs used for defense against predators. The size of the warthog varies from 0.9 to 1.5 m in length and from 6o to 80 cm in height. Weight 50-150 kg.

Muscovy duck

The Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) is a large native bird of Mexico, Central and South America. It has dark brown or black plumage, with white spots on its head and wings. However, the appearance is disgusting due to the bright red fleshy growths on the head, which give the impression of intestines turned inside out. Males can weigh 4.5 -7 kg, and females 2.5 - 5 kg. The mother duck lays 8-10 eggs, which she incubates for 35 days.


The aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) is the world's largest nocturnal primate, native to Madagascar, living primarily in tropical forest. However, nowadays most of these monkeys, through massive destruction of forests, live in regions with anthropogenic factors. They can be easily seen at an altitude of 700 m above the ground. The male weighs 2.5 kg, and the female sometimes weighs up to 100 grams. They can grow up to 37 cm in length.

Philippine tarsier

Philippine tarsier (Tarsius syrichta) - the smallest famous primate, because it can fit in a human palm. Its length is 15 cm. Males weigh 135 grams, and females - 117 grams. The animal is more active at night than during the day. Lives mainly in the provinces of Samar, Data, Mindanao in the Philippines.

New sucker-footed bat

New sucker-footed bat (Myzopoda schliemanni) - the new kind, discovered by scientists from Madagascar. It has suction cups, which are located on the hind legs, and thumbs, with which the mouse grabs onto smooth and shiny surfaces. Unfortunately, the animal is on the verge of extinction due to the disappearance of forests.


The star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is a small mole found in the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. It feeds on insects, mollusks, small spineless animals and worms. The adult is 15 to 20 cm long, weighs 35-75 grams and has 44 teeth. Human disgust is caused by pinkish fleshy tentacles growing from a trunk-shaped nose.

frilled lizard

The frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingie) belongs to the family of lizards called "dragons". Lives mainly in dry forests in the northwestern and northern parts of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Can grow up to 95 cm in length, three quarters of which is the tail. Has a brightly colored frill around the neck. Sensing danger, the lizard raises its “collar”, stands on its hind legs, and opens its yellow mouth.


Komondor (Canis familiaris pastorialis villosus hungaricus) - enough unusual breed dogs. Belongs to the Hungarian Shepherd Dogs. Her body is covered with thick white fur, which curls and resembles dreadlocks. The height of dogs at the withers is 70-80 cm and more. Weight 35-60 kg.

Yeti crab (Kiwa hirsute)

This is a new species of crab discovered in the southern part Pacific Ocean in 2005. Its claws are covered with long, pale yellow hair. This crab is unusually large, with specimens reaching 15 cm in length. Lives at a depth of 2000 meters.


Mexican axolotl ( Ambystoma mexicanum) - view Mexican salamander. Has very sensitive skin and gills. The creature breathes through its skin and can briefly sweep water. Life expectancy is from 10 to 15 years. It has a unique ability to regenerate - it can grow limbs.

Angora rabbit
The Angora rabbit, the oldest representative of domestic rabbits, has silky and long hair. This type of rabbit originates from the territory of modern Turkey. Currently, there are several breeds of Angora rabbits: French, English, giant and silky. Among them, the English breed is the smallest (weighs 2.3 kg), and the giant variety weighs 4.5-10 kg.

Octopus Dumbo

The Dumbo octopus (Grimpoteuthis) has ear-like fins on its body. Lives at depths of 300-400 m, can grow up to 20 cm. Belongs to small semi-gel-like octopuses.

Blob fish

The blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) is a very unusual creature, as can be seen even from its photograph. She lives on great depths off the coast of Australia and Tasmania. Researchers note that fish can survive at depths where pressure is tens of times higher than in the upper layers of the sea. Its jelly-like body is less dense than water, allowing the fish to swim at depths.


The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) is the most amazing monkey in the world. Also known as the "Dutch monkey". These animals inhabit mangrove swamps and forests of the island of Borneo. They have a very large nose, and the male’s is much larger than the female’s. When a monkey is irritated or nervous about something, its nose begins to enlarge and turn red. Children are born black, with blue faces.


The hagfish is a fish that has a long, eel-like body with a paddle-like tail. Color varies from pink to pale gray, sometimes with dark spots. The mouth has no visible signs of jaws, but there are tentacle-like growths around it. The length of the fish is 40 cm, the longest individual was 127 cm long; some types of hagfish are small - only 18 cm. Adult fish secrete a slippery sticky substance that can turn a bucket of water into a viscous gel in a matter of minutes.

Purple frog

The purple frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis) is a species of large ground frog that was discovered in 2003. It looks like a piece of purple jelly-like mass. The frog is notable for its small head and trunk. For 150 million years, the animal has practically not changed its appearance. It is often found in the Western Ghats in India.

frog fish

Frogfish (Opsanus tau) reaches maximum length 40 cm. This creature can survive in difficult conditions, which is why NASA in 1997 chose among other animals to send into space. There, the influence of microgravity was studied on a frog fish.

based on materials:

The classic said that the sleep of reason gives birth to monsters. Apparently, the classic did not study biology well, otherwise he would have known that real monsters are not born from the sleep of reason, but from evolution. Here, admire what she's doing. And yes, three of these thirteen monsters are still the fruits of the unhealthy imagination of our artists. (If you can’t find them among the real chimeras inhabiting our planet, at least find the correct answers at the end of the article.)

Here it is, here it is, the fish of your sword... What? How not?! Looks bad, you say? We would look at you if you lived your whole life at a depth of 1200 meters! We bet that you would also resemble jellied meat that was forgotten at New Year's table until morning. By the way, fish, like jellied meat, is inedible. But she inspired Disney animators to create the image of the grandfather from the cartoon “Up”. What have you achieved?

Perhaps no one can look as funny and clumsy in photographs as your tipsy boss and alpaca. The latter cannot yet take revenge on those who laugh at her. If alpacas lived with us, they would seriously compete with the popularity of cats and owls in in social networks. In the meantime, these cuties give South American Indians charm and fur, mediocrely wasting their potential.

Let appearance this creature does not deceive you. This is not a cross between a dolphin and a goat. (Or have we just never seen a dolphin or a goat?) Actually, this is a South African tree frog. People who have the Animal Planet channel in their cable package claim that this amphibian is very similar to a miniature (its size is only 5-7 cm) hippopotamus. And it makes no sense for us not to believe them. (Yes, we haven’t seen a hippopotamus either. So does that make us second-class citizens, Mr. Know-It-All?) Actually, such a cute hippopotamus-like appearance is the only significant difference between this frog and thousands of other species of frogs.

Surprisingly, this creature, which looks like a cross between a mouse and a bullfinch, is genetically closer to elephants than to the above animals. Evolution left jumpers, as a reminder of their relationship with mammoths, with small proboscis to obtain food and complexes. As if this were not enough for their neighbors to look at them askance, the jumpers have learned to run away in case of danger. hind legs like a kangaroo. In general, it is easier for zoologists to recognize them as rare animals than to try to explain something to the public.

From Malay, “babirussa” is translated as “pig-deer”, so let’s call it svilenem. Svilen is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. And in the book “On Tasty and Healthy Food” it is listed as one hundred kilograms of tender delicious meat. (Guess which one the Indonesians, who don’t care about endangered species, prefer to keep on their shelves. Wrong. “50 Shades of Gray”!)

What doesn’t gather in Nikolai Valuev’s navel! However, more about this another time, but for now let’s look at the photo. However, no matter how hard you try, you can only see the nose of a rabbit (being optimists, we believe that this is right side a rabbit). Oh, sorry. We were informed that the Angora escaped from his cell, and this is a dummy made of cotton candy, which he left on the bunk.

The Asian hairless cow is so named not only because it is truly hairless, like Kotovsky's knee, but also because it lives in Asia and is a cow. Zebuins never underwent an evolutionary transformation, and their hooves are not fully formed. Although, perhaps, the transformation is going the other way, and someday zebuins will have paws with which they can milk themselves!

The spider crab is the owner of some of the most long legs in the world (he keeps them on the balcony and does not say whose they are). However, its own limbs are quite long: the span reaches 3 meters. The creatures live for more than a hundred years, and it is possible that the crab in the photo remembers Lenin. Wasn’t it about him that Lenin wrote in his famous letter to Gorky: “It seems to me that a Japanese crab is watching me.”

Having discovered these crabs in 2006, oceanologists were initially delighted: they finally had their own furry animal! (“Now we won’t need our turtle with a hare’s hat glued to its shell!” the press release said.) When the euphoria passed, scientists took a closer look and saw that this was not wool at all, but bristles on which crabs grow filamentous bacteria and then they are eaten. Scientists were so shocked by this news that they could not even finish eating the turtle.

If you dreamed of seeing what a giraffe looks like who smoked as a child, or what an antelope looks like playing basketball, here's a gerenuk for you. The animal knows how to eat leaves from trees, walking on its hind legs. A traveler who encounters a flock of gerenuks eating a baobab tree may wonder for a long time: are these cute horned people dancing in a circle or is it sunstroke? While he is thinking, sneak up and shout in his ear: “Yes, these are gerenuks! Gerenuks!

Maned wolf

One shepherd boy decided to play a joke and shout: “Wolves! Wolves! He shouted for a whole hour, his voice broke, but the peasants did not run. Why should they run? It was in South America, but were there normal wolves there? So, just laughter. The maned wolf over there is the spitting image of a fox on stilts, eating snails and turtles... And everyone laughed, and the shepherd boy began to cry.

Everyone loves animals - cats, dogs, hamsters and other cute animals, but you are unlikely to want to have one of the creatures of nature presented in this collection as a pet. Not all creatures living on our planet look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but even the strangest and nastiest of them have the right to life, because evolution continues for millions of years, and each of these animals takes its own place under the sun (or in the depths of the ocean) .

The Ugly Animals Protection Society recently announced a competition for the most ridiculous and strange animal to become its mascot. Here you will find 12 “applicants” for this honorable position.

1. Drop fish

The Latin name of this sea creature is Psychrolutes marcidus (it is also called “psychrolute goby”). The blobfish lives off the coast of Australia and Tasmania, usually at depths of 600 to 1200 meters - its jelly-like body allows it to withstand enormous water pressure. Due to increasing cases of illegal fishing, this not very attractive sea creature is in danger of extinction.

2. Proboscis Monkey

The proboscis monkey (lat. Nasalis larvatus) lives on the island of Borneo, and in addition to its huge, ridiculous nose, it is known for its extremely shrill and nasty voice. Only males can boast of a large nose, for whom this physiological feature, as well as loud screams, is a way of attracting females during the mating period.

3. Two-clawed turtle (pig-nosed turtle, lat. Carettochelys insculpta)

These inhabitants of the fresh waters of Australia and New Guinea are the only representatives of their kind soft shell turtles, related to living fossil animals. The long nose, similar to a pig's snout, allows turtles to breathe while underwater.

4. One-humped jumping slug

At first glance, the slug that lives on the American continent and reaches six cm in length is unremarkable, but nature has rewarded it unique ability: When a slug senses danger, it can jump very high to avoid the threat.

5. Titicaca Whistler

This soft-bodied frog, living in Lake Titicaca, is the largest amphibian on Earth that never comes onto land. These animals grow up to 15 cm in length, and the structure of the surface of the skin allows the whistler to absorb oxygen directly from the water, so the frog appears on the surface only occasionally.

6. Axolotl

Under unusual name hiding a creature belonging to the amphibian class amphibian species. In fact, the axolotl is a neotenic larva, that is, these animals reach sexual maturity at the larval stage of development, without turning into an adult. In addition, axolotls are known for their ability to regenerate lost body parts.

By the way, translated from the Aztec language, axolotl means “water toy.” These unique animals live in the reservoirs of Mexico City, and currently their numbers are rapidly declining due to environmental degradation.

7. Bats

These winged mammals are considered one of the most disgusting-looking creatures of nature, which is why 18 species are vying for the title of mascot of the Society for the Protection of Ugly Animals. The photo shows one of the most prominent representatives order of bats - a large horseshoe bat.

8. Toad lizard

Strange creatures, more like ugly toads than lizards, are common in the area from the southwestern United States and northern Mexico to Guatemala and Central America.

Nature has endowed some of the species of toad-shaped (or, as they are also called, horned) lizards with interesting defense mechanism: when threatened, a reptile can squirt a small portion of its own blood from its eyes into a predator, which has a sharp, unpleasant odor.

9. Kakapo (owl parrot)

As a rule, when hearing the word “parrot,” many people imagine cute, bright birds capable of reproducing human speech. However, not all parrots can pronounce words, and, for example, kakapo, or owl parrots (lat. Strigops habroptilus), inhabiting the forests of New Zealand, do not even fly and do not have a particularly outstanding appearance.

10. Common river eel

The unsightly appearance of a resident of the fresh waters of Europe cannot mislead poachers - the meat of river eels tastes excellent, so Lately the predator is mercilessly exterminated - in 2008 european eel was included in the Red Book as a species on the verge of extinction.

11. Pubic louse

For more than three million years, these insects have been living side by side with people, or rather, in human hair. Few things in themselves can be more disgusting than finding such a “guest” in one’s hair, so humanity is taking all measures to protect itself from such a “neighborhood.” As a result, the number of lice around the world has sharply decreased, and scientists have sounded the alarm - one of oldest species may disappear from the face (and hair) of the Earth.

12. African dung beetle

An animal sacred to the ancient Egyptians, known as the scarab, spends its entire life literally in shit, or rather in elephant and bull dung. IN last years The population of African dung beetles has declined greatly, as as a result of improved sanitary conditions in cities, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to find a suitable pile of dung, the quality of which scarabs are very demanding.

The beetles roll dung into balls and are able to travel quite significant distances with such “baggage”, and the dung is used not only as food, but also as an air conditioner - the evaporation of wet dung allows the scarab to effectively cool itself by climbing onto its ball.

By the way, scientists previously discovered that in their movements dung beetles are able to navigate the Milky Way, the Sun and the Moon so as not to lose their way.

As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When it comes to aesthetics, it is natural for people to argue about what is beautiful and what is not so beautiful. For one person, a cute raccoon is beautiful, but for another it may seem like a nasty and dirty animal.

However, some creatures are sure to cause absolute disgust in almost any of us. Evolution played a cruel joke on these creatures, because they are doomed to crawl, swim or fly all their lives, frightening others with their mere appearance. Are you already interested in who we will talk about? Then here is a selection of 25 animals of the strangest and most unpleasant appearance.

25. Camel

Camels were domesticated almost 3 thousand years ago. They are fast, like horses, capable of covering enormous distances without water or food, and this makes them ideal assistants for the inhabitants of the driest places on Earth. And they are also ugly and always slobbering...

24. Vulture turtle

This dirty lake monster somehow survived the era during which all the dinosaurs went extinct. The creepy-looking beast in Russian is called the vulture turtle, although the English analogue also suits it well - Alligator Snapping Turtle. The largest one is in front of you freshwater turtle in all North America. The length of its shell can reach 66 centimeters, and its weight can reach 99.7 kilograms. Apart from humans, this species has no other natural predators that threaten its life.

23. California condor

The lightning bird, as the Americans also call it, the California condor is proud of its enormous wingspan and feels like a real king in the sky. However, this does not in any way detract from the fact that this American vulture is also very scary-looking due to its pink wrinkled neck, cracked face, unibrow and modest beak.

22. Far Eastern tortoise or Chinese trionix

This animal did not fall under the roller - it was almost always so flattened. Chinese Trionix is not at all like the turtles we are used to, and he is as ugly and strange as his shell is useless. The thing is that this shell does not have the bone structure that is present in the armor of other turtles. For the same reason, in English this species was called Softshell Turtle, that is, a turtle with a soft shell.

21. Komondor or Hungarian Shepherd

The Hungarian Shepherd looks like a four-legged giant mop with drool that comes to life. Incredibly thick and long wool The animal copes well with protection from cold, rain, wind and attacks from predators, but it looks at least unusual, if not creepy.

20. Philippine tarsier or sirichta

The Philippine tarsier is so ugly that scientists still can't agree on how to classify it. Some call the tarsier the smallest monkey in the world, although technically it is not a monkey at all. The strange animal has simply gigantic eyes for its size, it looks always scared, and it seems that you can go crazy if you look at them for too long.

19. Fringed turtle or matamata

This species has a very bizarre appearance. Rough skin Long neck, a flat triangular head with strange outgrowths - all this resembles a living stone that suddenly crawled into the light. With all this, the matamata also manages to smile in the face of all her offenders. Incredible!

18. Star-nosed or star-nosed

Take a look and be horrified - this is not an alien stuffed animal or an enlarged image of some kind of tick, this is an ordinary North American mole. Believe it or not, these skin segments at the tip of the animal’s snout, so reminiscent of a tiny octopus, grew there not only to frighten small children and impressionable adults, but also for very useful purposes. These growths are equipped with as many as a hundred thousand nerve fibers, which help provide the animal with detailed information about the environment in a matter of seconds. By the way, 100 thousand nerve endings are 5 times more than there are on the human hand. The Starburst is not only an ugly animal, but also an unusually fast and talented hunter.

17. Sea cow, Steller's cow or cabbage cow

This animal has many names, but one thing can be said almost exactly about it - it is one of the laziest sea ​​creatures in the world! The sea cow resembles a giant potato with fins and a face like a walrus, so it definitely won’t win a beauty contest.

16. Naked mole rat

No, this animal is not sick with anything and does not suffer from baldness. It’s just that he’s naked from birth, as the name of this bizarre species says. Resembling sausages with long teeth and clawed feet, these wrinkled rodents live like ants, gathering in colonies, serving their queen and collecting food for the entire family, not just for themselves. It's quite rare social organization for mammals. In addition
The naked mole rat is a cold-blooded animal, and it is famous for its insensitivity to some types of pain and tolerance for increased concentration carbon dioxide, which is quite atypical for most mammals.

15. African aardvark

The aardvark is some kind of wild mixture of pig, rabbit and opossum in one animal. The wrinkled aardvark is a lover of the night, and this is probably good, because meeting such a freak in broad daylight is quite a sight!

14. Brownie shark

This disgusting fish looks like a monster from some horror movie. However, this is still a very real shark with a very unusual skill - it can move its own jaw 7.5 centimeters forward to grab its prey. I don’t even want to imagine this!

13. Central American tapir or Baird's tapir

You've already seen everyone on this list, so the tapir is unlikely to terrify you much, but let's be honest - he can only dream of participating in a beauty contest. The Central American tapir is considered a walking fossil because the species has not evolved for almost 35 million years! How long does this poor guy have to stay in such a scary little body...

12. Rhinopithecus

It was as if the nose of these monkeys had been cut off, leaving the nostrils gaping outwards, uncovered by nothing. With those black beady yellow eyes sharp teeth and the noseless muzzle of rhinopithecus is better to avoid encounters with mirrors.

11. Common proboscis whale or kahau

It turns out that not only the absence of a nose can confuse, but also its too obvious presence. And no matter how much it may seem to us that such a gigantic nose is simply a deformity, among proboscis people this attribute is considered, on the contrary, an extremely attractive feature during mating games and, if necessary, helps to intimidate the enemy.

10. Elephant seals

Proboscis monkeys are not the only creatures with prohibitively large noses. Few people are not moved by the sight of elephants or baby seals, but when it comes to... elephant seals, our favor is replaced by bewilderment.

9. Frilled Shark

This rare deep-sea shark, according to scientists, has not evolved since the time of dinosaurs. The monster has 300 tiny teeth and a nasty mouth, so you definitely don't want to run into it on your beach holiday. It's good that this species lives in the darkest and deepest oceans. However, recently researchers discovered one such fish very close to the coast of Portugal...

8. Common horned box

Looking like a comic caricature, this fish is somewhat reminiscent of both a frog and a crispy chicken thigh. Let's be honest, the vast majority of fish don't look particularly attractive, but the common horned boxfish has taken its ugliness to a whole new level!

7. Warthog

In general, this beast looks more like the hero from the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast” than the cute Pumbaa from “The Lion King”. These powerful fangs are not created for beauty contests, but they perfectly help the warthog in fights.

6. Royal Vulture

Like most vultures, the king vulture is a scavenger, and by its existence it does the animal kingdom a great service by ridding its inhabitants tropical forests and savannas from dead animals, and thus saving everyone from the spread of disease. However, it’s hard not to notice that this bird’s head looks like it’s been in a blender. How else can we explain this ridiculous mess?

5. Darwin's Bat

Darwin's pipistrelle looks like a little girl who got into her mom's makeup bag and obviously put on too much lipstick. His bright red lips are his most distinctive and famous feature. In appearance, this creature looks more like an airplane than a fish; it is too ugly and generally looks very strange. By the way, the small front legs in the photo are actually pectoral fins, which the batfish sometimes uses to move along the seabed. He doesn't swim very well, as you already understood.

4. Cuban slittooth

For some time, scientists believed that this species was completely extinct, but then it was discovered again in Cuba, and an ordinary farmer noticed the animal. Tiny eyes a long nose, yellow teeth, a bald tail and shaggy fur - all this does not add up to the most attractive image, does it?

3. Drop fish

This fish is, of course, the most disgusting creature, so it’s not at all a pity that it is found only in coastal waters Australia and prefers a deep-sea lifestyle. The Ugly Animal Preservation Society even called this fish the ugliest creature on our planet and chose it as its mascot. With its entire appearance, the blob fish literally screams that it is scary. No wonder she has long become the heroine of popular memes. However, the bizarre appearance of this creature is not a joke of evolution, but a completely conditioned quality, dictated extremely high pressure at a depth of 1200 meters under water. If you take this fish to land, it will quickly turn into a sullen, gelatinous sludge.

2. Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese crested dog was bred to be a loyal companion to its owner, and in some ways this can be both a blessing and a curse. It all depends on whether you are ready to take care of an almost hairless dog for 15 years, more reminiscent of a giant rat than a familiar pet.

1. Madagascar bat

Endemic to Madagascar, this bizarre animal has more to do with people than you might imagine. Incredibly, this is not a relative of Gollum from “The Lord of the Rings”, but a modest primate from the family of bats. Just look into those huge yellow eyes, they seem to see right through you. It makes me shiver!

Special for Halloween World Fund wildlife(WWF) Russia has compiled a list of the 13 most terrible animals in the world. We present to your attention this selection.

1. Sickle-winged leaf-nosed bat

The flat muzzle of this animal is a little reminiscent of a pig's. The sickle-winged leaf-nosed bat lives in Cuba and Haiti. It is harmless to humans. The prey of the leafworm is mainly wild figs. Apart from this, almost nothing is known about this animal - it is one of the most mysterious species bats.

2. Lesser Angolan fruit bat

Fruit bats are not bats - they are called flying dogs. Unlike bats, fruit bats rely not on echolocation, but on vision and hearing when moving. That's why their eyes are so big.

3. Aye-Aye

Aye-aye lives in Madagascar and is a bit like Dobby the House Elf from the Harry Potter books. Nature gave this primate teeth like a rodent and a long middle finger, with which he obtains food for himself in the same way as a woodpecker with its beak. Aye-aye is in danger - not only because the forests in which he lives are being destroyed, but also because of prejudice local residents. An ancient Malagasy legend says that the aye-aye is a symbol of death, and a person who encounters an aye-aye in the forest faces death.

4. White shark

The main character of the film "Jaws" is the most dangerous shark for humans. Its length usually exceeds four meters, and the power of its jaws combined with sharp teeth makes its bite fatal to most victims. However, as is known, more people More people in the world die from using a toaster than from any sharks. At the same time, she herself White shark is rapidly dying out: only 3,500 individuals remain.

Note You need to understand that the shark does not specifically hunt people - their meat is simply tasteless to it, and people are not included in the shark food chain.

5. Lemon Shark

Not the largest (up to 3 meters) shark, but one of the most powerful.

The good news is that she is not interested in people! However, like any other shark.

6. Wolf

During a chase, a wolf can reach speeds of 65 km/h. At the wolf's strong jaws with sharp fangs and so-called carnivorous teeth, with which it tears and chews meat.

The wolf's jaws are so powerful that it can break a moose's thigh in 6-8 bites.

7. Long-horned sabertooth

Coal-black rough skin and a gigantic head with many fangs. Some people think this predatory fish the most terrible animals in the world. Meanwhile, the weight adult is only 120 grams.

8. South African mountain viper

There is not even an article about this snake on Wikipedia - neither in English nor in Russian (note: in fact there is). It is so small in number. There are only two small populations in South Africa. WWF has a photo of it because one of the populations lives in nature reserve De Hoop, assisted by the South African branch of the World Fund.

Like many other African vipers, this snake is distinguished by horn-like growths on its head. Those who have seen the viper in person note that there is something devilish in its appearance!

9. Tailed viper

Another “horned” viper. It is poisonous, and its bite is dangerous to humans, but not fatal.

10. Tiger

Many people adore tigers. But this animal is one of the most dangerous predators planets. Now tigers have become an endangered species. Some people kill them for their body parts - there is a naive superstition that tiger medicine makes a person as strong as a tiger. Someone kills for a beautiful skin. If you want to help save the tiger from extinction, join WWF at

11. Polar bear

The length of the largest land predator on the planet reaches 3 meters, and weight - 1 ton! When an unsuspecting sea animal pokes its head out of the sea, the bear stuns it with its paw and drags it onto the ice floe. This predator can also attack on land.

Bears are of little interest to people, but due to climate change, these animals are increasingly forced to climb onto land in search of food, and they are beginning to enter villages. Therefore, WWF created the “Bear Patrol” - teams of local residents who drive bears away from villages in order to save the lives of both.

12. Labyrinth Spider

This spider spins a flat, plate-like web that is connected to a web corridor. He hides in this tunnel, waiting for his victim. Just like in the plots of hundreds of adventure films, where the hero has an unexpected encounter with an arthropod in an underground labyrinth. By the way, the labyrinth spider lives in Europe, including Russia.

13. Man

Man cuts down forests, builds dams, emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and pollutes the air and water. Gradually, man turns into an “ecological debtor,” spending much more resources than the Earth can provide. Every year, approximately 7 million tons of garbage are dumped into the seas and oceans. Large industrial countries produce 400 million tons annually toxic waste. Every second, more than 1.5 hectares of virgin forests disappear on Earth, and in total, humans have destroyed more than 65% of virgin forests...

But those same people can be brave and noble. Not only in relation to each other, but also to smaller brothers. People risk their lives to protect tigers from poachers, nurse orphan elephants, and rescue forest fires hedgehogs, millions of trees are planted, and a wide variety of living creatures are treated for diseases and wounds.

This was a list of the 13 scariest animals in the world, prepared especially for Halloween by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia. Well, don’t forget: there are no ugly animals.