It’s not clear where this name came from, because gentle beast It is difficult to call a weasel - although it is small, it is an agile and ferocious predator.

Weasel balances its modest size (body length hardly exceeds 25 cm) with unprecedented body flexibility, agility and speed.

What does Laska look like?

The Weasel's fur is a uniform reddish-brown color, only the neck and belly are painted white. With the onset of cold weather it grows new fur coat with long white pile - this is not only a salvation from winter frosts, but also excellent camouflage, allowing Laska to be invisible against the backdrop of snowdrifts. This is where it came from Latin name Caresses - Mustela nivalis- what translates as " snowy".

Strong short paws with sharp claws allow Weasel to climb trees and break mouse holes perfectly, but she has to move by jumping, arching her back high, and to look around, she has to stand on hind legs and peeking out from behind the tall grass.

Where does Laska live?

Weasel does not have a permanent shelter; it uses secluded places to rest: rock crevices, spaces between roots and thickets of bushes; it rarely climbs trees.

Weasel widespread in the Northern Hemisphere. It can be found in forests and on open area among bushes, and in overgrown clearings, in the tundra, steppes, and alpine meadows.

What does Weasel eat?

Weasel is not at all whimsical in choosing habitats; the main condition for Weasel’s residence is an abundance of food: voles are the basis for a healthy Weasel food, although she can diversify her diet with gape birds, bird eggs, large rodents, lizards and frogs, fish, and even snakes and rabbits, Weasel does not disdain insects.

Weasel Habits

In ancient times it was believed that meeting with Laska brings misfortune and such a belief did not appear out of nowhere. The weasel is a curious and impudent animal, it is not at all afraid of people and can easily steal a piece of kebab or a catch caught while fishing - it will do this quickly, efficiently and unnoticed. Her tricks are so quick and sudden that you don’t even have time to get angry.
There was also the opposite opinion that Caress brings happiness and good luck. Weasel in a short period of time is capable of exterminating a large population of rodents that cause considerable harm agriculture- thereby she brings invaluable benefits to a person.

Laski's Lifestyle

The weasel can be active at any time of the day, but prefers to hunt at night.
With the onset of evening twilight Weasel goes hunting, its long slender body allows her to easily get into mouse holes, and her sharp claws easily cope with larger game.
With quick and deft movements, Weasel explores its hunting grounds, running more than 1 km per day.

IN winter time year, Weasel prefers to move in voids under thick snow, and if a lot of snow has fallen, it may not appear on the surface for a long time.
The weasel is a very prudent and thrifty animal; when it is well-fed, it stocks up, putting mouse carcasses in a secluded place - such a stash will be useful to her in times of famine.

Square hunting area Weasel depends on the number of rodents that live on it: if there is enough food, Weasel can live for a long time in a small area, and when there is less food, it moves to places richer in food.

Each Weasel marks its territory a special odorous substance that is secreted by glands located under the tail. Weasels do not tolerate neighbors and when they meet each other they start a fight with squealing and showdown. Occasionally, the hunting grounds of a male and female may overlap along the perimeter

Reproduction of Weasels

The biorhythms of Weasels are closely related to the number of voles - the main food of Weasels: if there is a lot of food, then Weasels will produce offspring without interruption, 3-4 litters per year, and the number of puppies in a litter increases to 10 pieces, instead of the usual 4-5 puppies .
But if there is not enough food, then the number of puppies in the litter is reduced, and the number of pregnancies per year decreases.

Usually Weasel breeding season occurs at the end of spring, the male can run far beyond the boundaries of his territory in search of girlfriends. Having mated with one female, he goes in search of a new one, not participating in caring for the babies and completely avoiding paternal responsibilities.

Weasel's pregnancy lasts a little more than a month, 30-35 days.
Before the puppies are born, Weasel mother builds a cozy nest, which it arranges in a hollow, between the roots of trees, as well as in other people's holes, from which Laska drives the residents out. Weasel himself does not know how to dig holes. Weasel lines the floor and walls of the nest with dry grass, leaves, wool and moss - in such a nest children will be warm and safe, because they are born blind and helpless and weigh about 1.5 g.

For the first weeks of life, babies feed on mother's milk and remain in the nest. Only when they are fully strengthened do they begin to leave the nest and follow their mother, learn to eat adult food and acquire hunting skills.
3-4 months after birth, babies become completely independent from their mother and independent.

There are many animals that fit the name “living mercury”. Long, nimble, incredibly agile, and even covered with silky fur - these animals often make you want to get to know each other better. Among the mustelids there is a representative named weasel. Let's look at the photo to see what it looks like, find out where it lives, why it's called that, and whether you can enjoy communicating with the furry rogue at home.

Portrait of a predator against a background of nature

There is no one smaller than a weasel in the Predatory squad. Males can grow up to 26 cm in length and gain weight up to 250 g. The animal’s body is elongated, and its legs are disproportionately short, like those of a dachshund. However, in agility it surpasses not only a dachshund, but even a cat. Moving rapidly in short jumps, the predator easily and often changes direction of movement. Not even a lizard can escape her.

For full description type should be added:

  • in summer, short brown fur on the head and back, dazzling white on the throat, chest and belly;
  • winter fur is thicker and completely white;
  • elongated head;
  • short rounded ears;
  • anal glands with a strong-smelling secretion.

The weasel is sometimes confused with the ermine. They really look alike, but the ermine has a black tassel on its tail, the same one that makes the lining of the royal robe look like it has stripes.

Attention! Wild weasels can carry rabies - you should not come into contact with them.

Legendary and elusive

Weasels live throughout Europe, Russia, Canada, the northern states of the USA and a little in Africa - not far from Strait of Gibraltar. It is not a rare animal, but it is difficult to meet, much less catch, it. Incredibly agile, she will climb into any narrow crevice, hole, under snags, and walk over stones, windfalls and dead wood.

The predator feeds on any animals comparable in size: mice, voles, shrews, rats, snakes, frogs, and if it doesn’t find anything similar, then insects. The animal is attracted subsidiary plots, where he can snack on chicken or rabbit.

The weasel loves to hunt in the stables: there are many mouse nests in the hay and bedding. In the old days, in the mornings, peasants often found their horses lathered, tired, with tangled manes - as if they had been galloping all night. They thought that it was the “stable brother” who was playing mischief and riding on horseback, but it turned out that it was a weasel. The predator easily jumps onto the horse’s back to feast on grains of salt where the sweat has dried. At the same time, he sometimes bites through the withers and licks drops of blood.

Why was this aggressive, quirky animal nicknamed weasel? The ancient Slavs revered him as the patron of the house - he is secretive, but does not leave his home. Many nations have a legend according to which a kind daughter-in-law, undeservedly cursed by her mother-in-law, turned into a kindness.

Weasel in the house: comfort or disaster

IN Ancient Rome assessed the predator’s ability to exterminate mice and welcomed it into homes. But very soon the ruthless rodent fighters were replaced by more flexible ones. Unlike the Romans, modern lovers of unusual pets get a weasel to enjoy its indomitable energy.

The condition under which an animal can become a cute pet is taming it “from a young age.” If taken into the home from two months and older, the weasel will remain wild, aggressive, unpredictable, will bite and sooner or later will run away.

The guest will need big cage, it is better to have a high enclosure with a floor area of ​​at least square meter. The floor of the enclosure is covered with straw or hay. Inside are placed:

  • cat litter box with wood filler (there is a chance that the pet will learn to use it);
  • stable feeder and nipple drinker;

  • wooden house for shelter;
  • shelves and driftwood for climbing.

Attention! The weasel will fit anywhere, so the bars of the enclosure should be quite dense.

The weasel's diet includes meat, poultry, fish, eggs - everything that the animal gets in nature. Ready-made food for cats and dogs is absolutely not suitable, as are treats from the table.

The weasel enjoys bathing in the bath and takes care of its fur itself. Sheds in spring and autumn, changing bicolor to white and vice versa. At this time, the animal can be stroked with a damp hand to remove any stray hairs.

Nimble and fearless, not at all gentle, in nature this predator devotes all its time to hunting. By diligently exterminating breeding rodents, it has been helping other animals maintain balance in food chains for millions of years.

Pet weasel: video

When they see a photo of a weasel animal, people immediately think that it is a very gentle creature, just like its name. However, appearances can be deceiving, and in fact it is an aggressive and very bloodthirsty representative of the wild. The animal has been spotted more than once during robberies of household plots. On the other hand, the weasel was revered by many peoples of the world; even the Slavs believed that this creature was a guardian hearth and home, and the French generally believed that it brought good luck. The Serbs never shot a weasel, since it was believed that then the bullet would hit the hunter and not the animal.

Brief description and life expectancy

This is very small creature from the weasel family. The animal has an oblong and thin body. The short paws have very sharp claws. The weight does not exceed 200 grams, and there is a forked nose on the muzzle. The neck is strong and long, the eyes are large and always dark, the ears are round in shape.

Compose a separate description of the animal, female weasel and male quite difficult, since outwardly they are practically indistinguishable, only the females are a little smaller, about 30%.

Each individual has glands near the tail that secrete mucus, which has bad smell. In this way, the animals mark their territory and scare away uninvited guests.

There is still a lot of controversy regarding the maximum age of weasels; some scientists claim that they live 20 years, others - 30, and some sources even indicate 60 years. At the same time, animals of this size rarely live more than 8 years in nature.

When the cold comes

The animals have a warm, fluffy, brown “fur coat” with long pile. IN White color the belly and neck are painted. However, as soon as cold weather sets in, the animal changes its coat color from brown to white, becoming even more covered. long hair. This is not only a way to protect against the cold, but also good camouflage, because a white creature on white snow is much harder to notice.

Habits and lifestyle

Looking through the photo and description of the weasel animal, it is impossible not to admire its habits. This is a fearless creature that is not even afraid of humans. Many hunters and fishermen know that you can be left without part of your catch if a weasel is nearby.

This animal is very active. It can hunt at any time of the day, but still prefers darkness. Its uniquely built body allows it to penetrate almost any hole or crevice. Sharp claws help quickly deal with prey. In a day, a weasel can run up to 1 kilometer.

If the animal is well-fed, then it still hunts, and saves its prey for hungry times. Places carcasses in secluded places.

In the winter season, it mainly moves in voids under thick snow and for a long time may not appear on the surface.


A natural question arises: “Where does the weasel live?” You can meet the animal throughout Europe, in North America and Asia. Prefers fields, lowlands in the mountains, can settle near human settlements, in sheds and barns. Can live in hollows, burrows and under stones.

It does not really tolerate proximity to its own kind, especially if there is little food. But sometimes animals form entire colonies.


What does the weasel eat? The animal feeds on protein foods and destroys small rodents. Killing mice nearby settlements, the animal has great benefits for humans. In addition to mice, she eats:

  • chickens;
  • lizards;
  • moles;
  • baby rabbits;
  • pigeons;
  • snakes and vipers;
  • frogs;
  • large insects.


The offspring directly depends on the number of voles in the area of ​​residence. If there is enough food, then the female can bring children 3 times a year, sometimes 4. Moreover, the more satisfying life is, the more children in the brood, sometimes their number reaches 10. If there is a “hungry” year, then everything changes with precision on the contrary, the number of offspring is reduced, as is the number of pregnancies.

Male weasel animals do not take any part in raising the younger generation. After mating with one female, the male moves on in search of a new girlfriend.

Before giving birth, the female drives a small animal out of her burrow, since she does not know how to dig herself, and arranges a nest. Pregnancy lasts no more than 35 days. The babies weigh no more than 1.5 grams and are born blind. After 3 or 4 months, the children become completely independent and leave their mother.

Natural enemies

Having a small size, the weasel animal itself is “ tidbit» for more large predators. IN wildlife The animal is afraid of birds of prey, kites and vultures. The animals are hunted by martens, badgers, wolves and foxes, although the weasel is not an easy prey, it is able to fend for itself. It can even rip out the throat of a larger predator.

The man is not natural enemy for an animal, there is little meat from such a creature, and the skin is not very valued, since it is small in size.

Animal at home

Since ancient times, the weasel animal has been kept at home. The tradition appeared in Ancient Rome, when the animal was tamed to catch mice. But after some time, rats appeared in the houses, which the weasel could not cope with, and cats took its place.

IN modern world There are people who prefer exotic animals instead of traditional cats and dogs. Weasels also fall into this category. But an animal can become a pet only under one condition - if it is raised from infancy. Such an animal quickly becomes attached to its owner, sleeps with him in the same bed and long separation even bored.

Raising an adult animal is almost impossible. The animal has an aggressive character, it bites often and strongly, and will constantly try to escape.

You cannot treat an affectionate animal like a cat; the animal requires special treatment. The baby needs to be cherished and loved. The animal needs a home, but its freedom cannot be limited; it must be allowed to move around the apartment or house calmly.

His house should have driftwood and all kinds of heights and shelves so that the animal can climb. It is recommended to cover the bottom of a cage or other housing device with straw.

With good upbringing, the animal will go to the toilet in a special tray.

The animal must constantly have pure water. The diet will be more difficult; it should be as close to natural as possible. It must be meat and fish, other seafood is allowed. Eggs are definitely included in the menu. But the animal eats very little, about 30-40 grams per day.

Weasels are quite independent in the process of caring for themselves. With a varied menu, the owner will not have to care for the animal’s fur, but regular visits to the veterinarian are still recommended.

The weasel animal can bathe on its own, but it is necessary to create suitable conditions for it. Even a bath of water is suitable for this.

During the molting process, the creature should not be combed. Just remove excess hair with wet hands.

When taking home a weasel, you should never forget that it is a predator, capricious and aggressive, although very small in size.

There are many animals that fit the name “living mercury”. Long, nimble, incredibly agile, and even covered with silky fur - these animals often make you want to get to know each other better. Among the mustelids there is a representative named weasel. Let's look at the photo to see what it looks like, find out where it lives, why it's called that, and whether you can enjoy communicating with the furry rogue at home.

Portrait of a predator against a background of nature

There is no one smaller than a weasel in the Predatory squad. Males can grow up to 26 cm in length and gain weight up to 250 g. The animal’s body is elongated, and its legs are disproportionately short, like those of a dachshund. However, in agility it surpasses not only a dachshund, but even a cat. Moving rapidly in short jumps, the predator easily and often changes direction of movement. Not even a lizard can escape her.

For a complete description of the species, add:

  • in summer, short brown fur on the head and back, dazzling white on the throat, chest and belly;
  • winter fur is thicker and completely white;
  • elongated head;
  • short rounded ears;
  • anal glands with a strong-smelling secretion.

The weasel is sometimes confused with the ermine. They really look alike, but the ermine has a black tassel on its tail, the same one that makes the lining of the royal robe look like it has stripes.

Attention! Wild weasels can carry rabies - you should not come into contact with them.

Legendary and elusive

Weasels live throughout Europe, Russia, Canada, in the northern states of the USA and a little in Africa - not far from the Strait of Gibraltar. It is not a rare animal, but it is difficult to meet, much less catch, it. Incredibly agile, she will climb into any narrow crevice, hole, under snags, and walk over stones, windfalls and dead wood.

The predator feeds on any animals comparable in size: mice, voles, shrews, rats, snakes, frogs, and if it doesn’t find anything similar, then insects. The animal is attracted to farms where it can snack on chicken or baby rabbit.

The weasel loves to hunt in the stables: there are many mouse nests in the hay and bedding. In the old days, in the mornings, peasants often found their horses lathered, tired, with tangled manes - as if they had been galloping all night. They thought that it was the “stable brother” who was playing mischief and riding on horseback, but it turned out that it was a weasel. The predator easily jumps onto the horse’s back to feast on grains of salt where the sweat has dried. At the same time, he sometimes bites through the withers and licks drops of blood.

Why was this aggressive, quirky animal nicknamed weasel? The ancient Slavs revered him as the patron of the house - he is secretive, but does not leave his home. Many nations have a legend according to which a kind daughter-in-law, undeservedly cursed by her mother-in-law, turned into a kindness.

Weasel in the house: comfort or disaster

In ancient Rome, they appreciated the predator’s ability to exterminate mice and welcomed it into their homes. But very soon the ruthless rodent fighters were replaced by more flexible cats. Unlike the Romans, modern lovers of unusual pets get a weasel to enjoy its indomitable energy.

The condition under which an animal can become a cute pet is taming it “from a young age.” If taken into the home from two months and older, the weasel will remain wild, aggressive, unpredictable, will bite and sooner or later will run away.

For a guest you will need a large cage, preferably a high enclosure with a floor area of ​​at least a square meter. The floor of the enclosure is covered with straw or hay. Inside are placed:

  • cat litter box with wood filler (there is a chance that the pet will learn to use it);
  • stable feeder and nipple drinker;

  • wooden house for shelter;
  • shelves and driftwood for climbing.

Attention! The weasel will fit anywhere, so the bars of the enclosure should be quite dense.

The weasel's diet includes meat, poultry, fish, eggs - everything that the animal gets in nature. Ready-made food for cats and dogs is absolutely not suitable, as are treats from the table.

The weasel enjoys bathing in the bath and takes care of its fur itself. Sheds in spring and autumn, changing bicolor to white and vice versa. At this time, the animal can be stroked with a damp hand to remove any stray hairs.

Nimble and fearless, not at all gentle, in nature this predator devotes all its time to hunting. By diligently exterminating breeding rodents, it has been helping other animals maintain balance in food chains for millions of years.

Pet weasel: video


Weasel is the smallest representative of the order of carnivores. The structure of the long flexible body and the color of the fur is very similar to an ermine, but differs in its small size and shorter, and most importantly, one-color tail; She does not have a black tassel on her tail. The body of the weasel, like that of the ermine, is thin and long, with short legs armed with very sharp claws, an elongated head, small round ears, and a blunt and slightly forked nose at the end. At the base of the tail there are glands that secrete a liquid with an unpleasant odor.

By appearance males differ from females only comparatively large sizes bodies. The length of the animal varies, depending on which subspecies it belongs to, from 11.4 to 21.6 cm. Weight - from 40 to 100 g.

In summer fur, the top of the head, back, sides, tail and outer sides of the paws are uniformly brownish-brown. Throat, edge upper lip, chest, belly and inner surface paws - pure white. Behind the corners of the mouth there is a brown spot. The density of fur is the same in summer and winter, but summer hair is shorter and finer than winter hair. In autumn, the weasel, with the exception of some southern areas of its habitat, changes its brown summer plumage to pure white winter fur. Found in Europe, Northern Asia and North America.

Lives in fields and forests, in mountainous and lowland areas, without avoiding populated areas. It settles under stones, in hollows, in ruins, in burrows, barns, etc. The nest is lined with dry grass, moss, leaves of chestnuts and ferns.


In places where it is not pursued, the weasel hunts both day and night. By exterminating mice, it brings great benefit, which, in any case, outweighs the harm it sometimes brings to chicken coops. Weasels sometimes successfully fight off even relatively large birds of prey (for example, kites).

Weasel lives on different sources, 17, 20, 30 years old; strong males sometimes live up to 60 years (as a rule, animals of the same size as weasels live no more than 8 years).


Mating occurs in March. After a five-week pregnancy, the female gives birth to 5 to 7, rarely 3 and 8 cubs, which she carefully guards and protects, carrying them in her teeth to another place in case of danger.


Affection in culture

  • Kama-itachi is a demon youkai in Japanese folklore.
  • In the cartoon "Ice Age 3: Age of the Dinosaurs" there is a weasel called Buck.
  • In The Wind in the Willows there are also weasels who play the role of negative characters.
  • In Jack London's story "White Fang", a weasel attacked the main character - a wolf cub
  • In the cartoon Fantastic Mr. Fox, there is a weasel character who works as a real estate agent.
  • In the Spanish animated series "The Ugly Duckling" two weasels are presented as negative characters.
  • J. Durrell's book "Garden of the Gods" also mentions a weasel
  • In Brian Jakes' Redwall series of books, weasels are used as negative characters.
  • In the anime "Grandson of Nurarihen" by Hiroshi Shibashi in the second season there is a positive youkai character who turns into a weasel during the day named Itaku.
  • In the cartoon "The Snow Queen" white weasel nicknamed Luta is Gerda's friend, with whom she goes to the Snow Queen's castle.


In Sergei Antonov's novel "In the Interests of the Revolution" from the "Metro Universe 2033" series, the weasel plays one of the key roles in the resolution of the plot.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


  • Siberian Zoological Museum
  • "Notes of a hunter of Eastern Siberia." Weasel. Author Alexander Alexandrovich Cherkasov

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.



See what “Weasel” is in other dictionaries:

    1. CAREFUL, and; pl. genus. caress, dat. scam; and. 1. Manifestation of love, tenderness (expressed by kisses, touching hands, etc.). Maternal L. Spend affection. 2. Friendly, friendly attitude and treatment. Greet with affection. Welcome to visit... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    - (Lasca, 1503 1580) pseudonym of Antonio Francesco Grazzini, an Italian short story writer of the 16th century, who vividly and colorfully reflected in his short stories the life and mood of Italian life, ch. arr. Florentine bourgeoisie. A pharmacist by profession, L. was the founder... ... Literary encyclopedia

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    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

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