These Amazing Love Stories Can Prove That true feeling knows no barriers and is able to overcome any distances and difficulties.

Weightlifter's Promise

When Suzanne saw Matthias Steiner, an Austrian weightlifter, on TV, she was immediately interested in him. She was so determined to meet the athlete and begged the TV workers for so long to give her contact information that they finally gave up. As soon as she had an email, she contacted Matthias and they agreed to meet. It was love at first sight, and they soon got married.

The young weightlifter moved to join his wife in Germany and applied for German citizenship. He was so in love with her that he promised to bring her an Olympic medal one day. Matthias Steiner was determined to fulfill his promise, but everything went wrong. In 2007, his wife Suzanne died in car accident. It was an unimaginable tragedy for young man. But he remembered his promise to his wife. This promise helped the athlete overcome many difficulties. He was so determined that he eventually became a member of the German Olympic team at Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing.

During the competition, Matthias Steiner faced incredibly strong opponents. The weightlifter managed to lift incredibly heavy weight, which brought him the Olympic gold medal. The medal presentation scene was broadcast to millions of viewers around the world and Steiner simply could not help himself, he burst into tears while holding a photo of his wife in front of the cameras.


Dave is a makeup artist who regularly teaches makeup classes at a local college. Typically, most of the students are middle-aged housewives who want to hone their makeup skills. But one day a man came to class. The new student was a gentleman in the prime of his life with a boundless interest in make-up. He tried his best to study and did not stop until he was satisfied with the result of his work.

It is clear that the man has become the No. 1 topic in women's conversations. Gossip began to spread quickly. The community college was in a conservative rural areas, so other participants doubted good intentions this man.

Throughout the lessons, the man listened carefully and wrote down everything he learned. One day after class, the rest of the students could not contain their curiosity. When they finally asked why he was so interested in the art of makeup, he gave the most inspiring beautiful answer.

He said: “You know, my beloved wife has partially lost her sight due to diabetes. She can't do makeup anymore. I think she is absolutely beautiful, especially without makeup. She knows this and I tell her every day. But the thing is... she just doesn't feel comfortable leaving the house without makeup. She never went out without wearing makeup. It makes me so sad to see the love of my life suffer. So I decided to take this course to surprise her! Not only do I want to learn how to apply makeup to her; I want her to wear the best makeup so that her inner beauty also shines on the outside.”

The escape

When a young student catholic church asked her teacher about the reasons why she decided to serve in the church, she told about her amazing love story. Many years ago, when she was the same age, a teacher (let's call her Miss Patterson) fell in love with a young man from rich family. They started dating and developed a deep affection between them. Unfortunately, the young man's family opposed this relationship. They even threatened to send their son to university abroad. Since Miss Patterson came from a poor background, she could not afford to leave at that time. This meant that if they wanted to continue the relationship, they would be separated one way or another, regardless of their opinions.

But they fell in love so much that ending the relationship, no matter how, was not considered. So they decided to run away. They planned their escape in great secrecy and carried out their plan when the young man's family finally found out about it. But instead of quickly returning home after fleeing, they left forever. They joined the church, took vows, and began traveling the world on various humanitarian missions. They spent 40 years traveling and even got married shortly before the man's life came to an end.

A touching farewell gift

When Gene was diagnosed with melanoma, he only had 6 weeks to live. It was shocking news, but Gene decided to use the remaining time to make all the necessary arrangements for his wife, Carol, after they had been married for 30 years. He took his pension and bought the house in which they lived. The second step was to organize a trip for his wife Carol and the rest of the family to Italy. When they arrived at a certain church in Venice, the priest was already waiting for the couple. It was in this church that Gene's parents got married more than 50 years ago. That day, Jean and Carol repeated their wedding vows and had the most beautiful day.

After Gene died, his wife Carol discovered that he had hidden hundreds of notes throughout the house shortly before his death. Over the course of many months, she found one note after another. These were beautiful and very personal messages meant to encourage Carol through this hard time. But Gene also reminded his wife in these notes to fully enjoy every moment of life, sell the car and move on with life. It was the most touching farewell gift one could imagine.

Caribbean love letters

In 1907, David Hurd moved from his hometown in Jamaica to New York. Immigration was not easy for the young man, and he became homesick. He missed hometown and a group of friends. To take his mind off things, David Hurd began looking for a potential pen pal from his homeland. He found a woman named Avril Cato from the Caribbean who was interested in the idea of ​​corresponding with him.

They gradually got to know each other with each letter. A year later, they fell in love without dating. 7 years later, Avril and David met for the first time. It was the day before their wedding, as David had proposed to her shortly before. They got married and had 6 children.

Love without arms and legs

In 2012, mine clearance expert Taylor Morris was seriously injured after a homemade bomb exploded in Afghanistan. The explosion affected all his limbs and changed the life of the 23-year-old US military soldier forever. After recovering from his injuries in hospital, Taylor realized he no longer had limbs and was faced with the fact that he would be dependent on outside help for the rest of his life. It was incredible a difficult situation not only for Taylor, but for the entire family, and especially for his longtime girlfriend Danielle. But instead of betraying her friend, Danielle became Taylor's support in life. She helped him recover and cared for him during this incredibly difficult time.

Danielle played important role in Taylor's speedy recovery. She never left the guy’s side and helped him a lot when he learned to walk again with prosthetics. After Taylor recovered, he proposed to his girlfriend and they got married. This perfect ending an amazing love story that shows that nothing can ever come between people who truly love each other.

Eternal? In the context of modern realities, these questions sound very rhetorical.

Meanwhile, love is the brightest and strongest feeling.

And now we will tell you the most famous stories love that will prove this to you.

1. Romeo and Juliet

The most popular couple in the whole world, which has become synonymous with the word “love”. "Romeo and Juliet", a tragedy from the pen of William Shakespeare, about two teenagers from warring families who fall in love with each other. For the sake of their feelings, they decided to sacrifice their own lives, which finally reconciled the warring families.

Mark Antony and Cleopatra fell in love at first sight. Since they were quite influential people, Egypt only benefited from their romance, but the Romans, on the contrary, were afraid of the growing influence of the Egyptians. Despite everything, Cleopatra and Mark Antony entered into. One day, while fighting against the Romans, Mark was informed of Cleopatra's false death. Unable to find the strength to live on, he committed suicide. Upon learning of the death of her lover, Cleopatra also committed suicide.

Sir Lancelot fell in love with Queen Guinevere, wife of King Arthur. Their passion flared up very slowly, but one day they were caught by surprise in the queen's bedroom. The escape attempt failed, or rather, only Lancelot escaped. The queen was sentenced to death penalty for treason. However, Lancelot saved her from certain death. At the same time, a split of the knights occurred Round table into two groups, weakening the influence of King Arthur. The lovers had to part – Lancelot ended his days as a hermit, and Guinevere became a nun.

The story of the unhappy love of Tristan and Isolde also took place during the reign of King Arthur. Isolde, daughter of the King of Ireland, became engaged to King Mark of Cornwall. Tristan, King Mark's nephew, was to accompany Isolde to Cornwall. However, young people fall in love with each other. But, despite this, the royal wedding still took place, although the intrigue with Tristan continues after. In the end, the deceived king finds out about love relationships his wife, but forgives her, exiling Tristan from Cornwall.

In Brittany, Tristan met Isolde, who was very similar to his beloved. He married her, although the marriage could not be called happy. One day he became very ill and sent for his beloved, in the hope of healing. He agreed with the captain of the ship that if Isolde arrived, he would raise white sails, if not, then black ones. However, Tristan's wife deceived him, saying that the ship's sails were black. Tristan died of grief without waiting for his beloved, and soon she died of a broken heart.

Helen of Troy is one of the most beautiful women world literature. She married the king of Sparta, Menelaus. However, she was kidnapped by Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy, and taken to Troy. For the sake of the liberation of Helen, a huge army headed by the brother of Menelaus headed to Troy. Troy was destroyed, and the beautiful Elena returned to Sparta, to her happy family life with Menelaus.

The love story of Orpheus and Eurydice – ancient greek myth about the desperate and courageous love of a man for a nymph. They lived in love and harmony until Aristaeus began to pursue Eurydice, greek god land and Agriculture. Fleeing from his pursuit, Eurydice fell into a snake's nest, where she was fatally stung. Orpheus, distraught with grief, sang sad songs that moved both the gods and the nymphs to pity. They advised him to go down to the kingdom of the dead, where his music moved Hades and Persephone to pity. They agreed to return Eurydice to earth, but set a condition - Orpheus should not turn around and look at her. But he was unable to fulfill this condition, and she disappeared again, forever.

Napoleon married Josephine for convenience when he was 26 years old. She was older than him and much richer. However, after some time, the couple fell in love with each other, although they indulged in infidelity. They stayed together due to mutual respect, but separated due to Josephine's infertility.

Sacrifice in relationships is not for everyone. 20 years passed after the separation and before the new reunion. for long years. Soon after the wedding, Odysseus went to war. Despite the dwindling hopes for the return of her husband, Penelope refused her suitors exactly 108 times, just as Odysseus resisted the charms of the sorceress who promised him eternal youth. After 20 years, Odysseus returned to his wife and son and the family was finally reunited.

Francesca, being married to terrible person Gianciotto Malatesta, fell in love with his brother, Paolo. However, soon the deceived husband found out about everything and killed both of them.

10. Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell is about the love and hate between Scarlett and Rhett Butler. They quarreled, then made up, only to quarrel again. Scarlett can't decide who she really needs. Having chosen Rhett, they again do not agree in character and finally break up.

Orphan Jane gets a job as a governess in the house of the rich man Edward Rochester, love breaks out between them and they decide to get married. But on the wedding day, the bride finds out that her groom is already married. Jane escapes and returns only after Rochester's house is destroyed by fire, where his wife died and he himself became blind. Jane remains by her lover's side, and their love lasts until the end of their lives.

Romantic and tragic story about unattainable love, written by Nizami Ganja. Leyli and Kays fall in love while still schoolchildren. However, they are soon forbidden to communicate, and Qais goes to live in the desert, where he becomes known as Majnun - a madman. There he meets a Bedouin who promised him to return his beloved.

However, the lovers still cannot be together because of Leili's father. Soon she becomes the wife of another man. However, after the death of her husband, Leili still meets with Majnun, although they could not be together. After death they were buried together.

The story of a monk and a nun who, despite everything, fell in love with each other and conceived a child, after which they secretly got married. But Fultbert, Heloise's uncle, hides his niece in the monastery and orders Abelard to be castrated. Having gone through troubles and adversity, they continued to love each other until the end of their lives.

Pyramus and Thisbe had been friends since childhood, but their parents were against the wedding. One day, they decided to meet at dawn near a mulberry tree. Thisbe arrived first and noticed a lion who had come to drink from a spring located near a tree. The predator's mouth was bloody, and Thisbe began to run away from him. On the way, she lost a scarf, which the lion liked. Pyramus, who came to the tree, decided that the lion had killed his beloved and pierced himself with his own sword. Coming out of hiding, Thisbe saw the dead Pyramus and killed herself with his sword.

Darcy is a typical representative of the aristocracy, and Elizabeth is one of the five daughters of a gentleman with very modest incomes. Jane Austen's novel describes the whole story of the birth of love between two representatives of different social classes, who cannot be together, nor can they love someone else.

Salim, the son of the Mongol emperor Akbar, fell in love with the courtesan Anarkali. But his father resisted their love in every possible way, trying to alienate the lovers from each other. However, Salim did not accept his father’s decision and declared war on him. Salim was defeated and sentenced to death. Anarkali decides to help her lover by giving up her love to save Salim. She was buried alive in brick wall in front of Salim.

Pocahontas, an Indian princess, daughter of Powhatan, chief of the Powhatan tribe, first saw Europeans in 1607. She turned her attention to John Smith, who was captured and tortured by her fellow tribesmen. Pocahontas saved him from death, and he soon became a member of the tribe. Smith and Pocahontas became friends, and the princess visited Jamestown, giving him letters from her father.

However, on one of her next visits she was told that Smith was dead. After some time, Pocahontas is captured by Sir Samuel Argall, hoping to use her as an intermediary in the release of English prisoners. While in captivity, the princess becomes a Christian and takes the name Rebecca. A year later, she marries John Ralph, and one day dates John Smith, 8 years later. This is their last meeting.

Back in 1612, teenage girl Arjumand Banu became the wife of 15-year-old Shah Jahan, ruler of the Mughal Empire. After a while, she took the name Mumtaz Mahal and bore her husband 14 children, becoming his beloved wife. She died in 1629, and the emperor ordered the erection of a monument to his beloved wife. It took 20 years of work, 1,000 elephants and 20,000 workers, and the result was the Taj Mahal monument. After a while, Shah Jahan overthrew him own son, and, while imprisoned in the Red Fort in Agra, he looked at the monument of his beloved, where he was subsequently buried.

The young scientist Marie Sklodowska spent countless hours in the library, where she met Pierre Curie, the director of one of the laboratories in which she worked. Pierre courted her for a long time and made repeated attempts to propose marriage. In 1895 they got married, and in 1898 with common effort radium and polonium were discovered. In 1903 they received Nobel Prize, and a year later Pierre died. Marie decided to continue their common cause, and in 1911 she received another Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Marie died in 1934 from leukemia.

Victoria was a cheerful and cheerful girl. Having ascended the throne in 1837, she married Prince Albert three years later. The couple had 9 children, they loved each other dearly.

After Albert's death in 1861, Victoria did not appear in public for three years. Her solitude caused criticism and bewilderment. Gradually she returned to public life, although she never stopped mourning for her husband, until her own death in 1901. Her reign was the longest in history English history, during which Britain became a world power on which “the sun never sets.”

They say that we are most interesting with people who are not like us. Is it so? Woman`s Day spoke with 10 couples, including international marriages, and was convinced once again that love has no boundaries!

Thierno Balde and Svetlana Ovchinnikova

What's the contrast?: roots

Tierno says: I didn’t choose Yekaterinburg - that’s how it was distributed Government program chemistry student exchange at my university. It was 2011, when I came from Guinea to the capital of the Urals. It was November. Everyone joked: “You didn’t choose the best time.” Yes, in the first winter I ended up in the hospital with a sore throat for four months. At the airport, together with 22 classmates, we put on three pants (it’s good that dad advised us to take more warm clothes) - it was so cold and unusual! But I saw snow.

For other guys it's easy new world, but not for me - I spent my childhood in this world. It felt like I had finally returned home. The fact is that my dad also studied in the USSR (in Dushamba) and my younger sister was born here. I was two or three years old then. And although my age was unconscious, in Guinea I often remembered Russia, how I played football with the guys and always said that I was interested in this country. I dreamed of seeing the Kremlin again and meeting Russian people. And until I was 20 years old, I loved watching the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” My friend and I learned the phrase “Well, hare! Wait for it!" and often said it to each other without understanding the meaning.

Photo: Personal archive of Tierno and Svetlana

When I arrived in Russia, I didn’t know a word of Russian. Therefore, for the first seven months at the university we only learned the language. Volunteers gave us excursions and showed us the city, so we began to make Russian-speaking friends and practice Russian more. In 2015, my friends and I often went to the Wall Street club. There I saw Sveta for the first time. We secretly looked at each other, but I was embarrassed to approach. I admitted to my friends that I liked the girl at the next table. They spurred me on, but I still didn’t dare. Then the friend took the initiative into his own hands and approached Svetlana to ask for chewing gum.

Svetlana says: I also immediately noticed Tierno, but I was tormented by doubts: does he speak Russian? When I saw his friend coming towards me, I immediately understood: everything was as it should be - it was from him. Besides, I exhaled - the guys speak Russian. We started talking, and then my friends and I moved to their table. And the next day they invited us to a party.

Tierno: Back in Guinea they told me that in Russia there are many beautiful girls, and there are few guys - we need to help them. We didn’t lie, Russian girls are very beautiful. I invited Sveta to the cinema, just to sit somewhere... I even had to deceive that I didn’t know the city.

Svetlana: Tierno did not look after us like our guys, but more delicately. It was probably his attitude towards the woman that captivated me. At first, we got used to each other, relieved the tension by going to the movies, where we didn’t have to talk. But after two months everything became fine. I was afraid that there would be a difference in mentality, different views on the roles of women and men, but this has never happened. We see eye to eye. So in the fourth month they began to live together.

Photo: Personal archive of Tierno and Svetlana

Tierno: I said that I live in an apartment alone. He suggested that Sveta move in together and give her mother a rest (laugh).

Svetlana: Tierno met my parents. And my acquaintance with his family is only in plans. We saw each other on Skype: they don’t speak English, and I don’t speak French, so we just waved to each other.

Tierno: When we walk with Sveta together, many people look at us in a special way. You can hear from someone: “Never mind, how is that possible?” There are also inadequate ones.

Svetlana: At first I was angry and ashamed of my compatriots. Imagine, we are walking through a shopping center, and they point fingers at us! And sometimes they came up and asked to take a photo.

The main difference between “our” and “their” men is impulsiveness and emotionality. If there is a quarrel, then it is specific; if love, then to the tips of your fingers. Life with Tierno is very easy. He cooks his national dish for me and his friends: rice with a sauce of beans, potatoes and meat...

Photo: Personal archive of Tierno and Svetlana

Tierno: I'll tell you a secret, we are discussing a wedding. We understand that it will be difficult to gather all the relatives from both sides, so we are considering another option - to go somewhere and have a wedding for ourselves. By the way, our weddings are the same as yours. I am a Muslim, so in the morning we get ready. Even if the family orders food from restaurants, National dishes prefer to do it themselves. At this time, the newlyweds go with their parents to the mosque and enter into a religious marriage. Next - the registry office and the festivities. At the ceremony itself, our friends also kidnap the bride, and the groom’s side needs to ransom her, fulfilling any of their wishes. The only difference is that they don’t drink alcohol at our Muslim weddings. But it’s also fun, believe me!

Valentina and Artem Borovykh

What is the contrast: roots, growth.

Valentina says:

Artem and I have been together for nine years. We lived in neighboring houses, met in the yard, thanks to a friend. He was curly then - I was immediately hooked. And also a very charming guy! A week after we met, we started dating.

One day we went for a walk. When Artem walked me home, he said: “Do you think we will succeed? If yes, then kiss me on the lips, if not, then kiss me on the cheek.” I chose the first option and, happy, ran home. I immediately told my mother everything, because this was my first relationship. At that time I was 13 years old, and Artem was 14.

I was in school, and he was already in college. After classes, we walked every day and explored the entire area. In the summer of 2014, we decided to live together. This was a long-awaited event, so New Year We decided to celebrate just the two of us. I knew that Artem had bought some expensive gift. I thought it was either an iPhone or a ring. But until the last moment I hoped for an iPhone (laughs). Joke. When the chimes struck midnight, Artem got down on one knee. I immediately answered: “Yes!”

The wedding was scheduled for August 28, 2015. Since I wedding photographer, summer is a hot time. I worked a lot, as did Artem. So all the preparation took two weeks. I just started looking at the dress in advance. I couldn’t find anything suitable, so I made it to order from a Chelyabinsk designer. It turned out exactly what we needed!

By the way, Artem’s mother is Tatar, and his father is Russian. Therefore, a couple of days before the registry office, the nikah was read to us - it’s like a wedding, but according to Muslim traditions. My dad still doesn't know about it (laughs).

But I didn’t notice any difference in mentality. They are not an orthodox family. But it was very interesting for me to come to the mosque for the first time and listen to congratulations in another language.

Another feature: my height is 152 cm, and Artem’s height is 182! The difference of 30 cm is very convenient (smiles). You can always ask your husband to get something from the top shelf without getting a stepladder. Again: if I gain weight, I’ll still look like a baby next to him. And, of course, it’s very nice to feel a strong male shoulder next to you. On the street, passers-by often pay attention to us, and we smile back at them.

Valeria and Armando Gabriel Takazato

What is the contrast: roots, temperaments.

Valeria says:

In November 2013, I had a trip to Japan planned with language school, where I learned the language. To make Japanese friends and just chat, I decided to register on a dating site. Armando added me to his “Favorites”, but did not write anything - he later admitted that he was afraid to write to such a bright girl. I also liked it right away, but I wasn’t shy, I took the initiative and wrote first. Then he found me in everyone in social networks, and from then on we started talking every day for two months before I arrived in Japan.

In Japan, I lived in Tokyo, and Armando was from Nagoya. But on my last day he came to spend it with me. The first impression was bright, I liked Armando right away. That’s why I trusted him, and he became my “guide” to Tokyo at night. After the wedding, he admitted to me that when I returned to Russia, he decided that he only wanted to be with me. After our meeting, we started calling each other. Sometimes they talked for 8 hours straight. And it was decided that for the New Year I would return to Japan again and welcome 2014 with him. Then in April Armando came to Russia. And in August - I went to see him again... But it was last time when we saw each other. After which we didn’t see each other for a whole year! It was hard because we had already decided that we wanted to be together. The first test of real feelings.

Photo: Personal archive of Valeria and Armando

Our main long-distance courtship was... legal, paperwork issues related to our future - we collected a huge stack of documents in order to sign in Yekaterinburg. He had to send documents from Japan to Paraguay, from there his relatives, who also went to different authorities, sent them to me in Russia. They were notarized and translated into three languages. Paper bureaucracy is a real indicator of a person’s willpower and interest!

In the end, everything ended well, and in August 2015 we got married. Early in the morning after the wedding, Armando flew to Japan. We saw each other on New Year's Day, when he met all my big family. And then came the most difficult period: we didn’t see each other for a year and a half. All this time we were doing paperwork and waiting for a visa - the second test for our relationship. During the entire time of our relationship there were never any major quarrels and every day (absolutely every day) we called each other 3 times a day. I moved to Japan with him in August 2017. When best friend Armando came to our apartment after I moved in and said: “For the first time in this apartment it is so cozy, it has become a real home.”

The wedding took place in Yekaterinburg

Photo: Personal archive of Valeria and Armando

My husband is Latino in mentality (his family moved to Japan from Paraguay), and so are his friends. In our area there are even signs on Portuguese. Sometimes I feel like I'm in Latin America. This is interesting. Because there are three languages ​​around me at once - Portuguese, my husband’s Spanish and Japanese. An incentive to learn and develop. Our views agree on many things, especially on everyday issues. The only difference is that his blood is “hotter”: Armando can easily start dancing salsa if he hears a melody, hums the music. Sometimes he imitates me, making a serious face and saying “I am R-r-r-Russian” in a low voice. Like, we are strong, but cold (laughs). But we complement each other, learn and discover new things in ourselves.

Maria Blagodatnaya and Nikita Tashkinov

What is the contrast: Maria dances at the Cabaret Show girls club, Nikita is a senior storekeeper. Maria older than spouse for 9 years.

Maria says:

Our love story is very complicated. We met at a party about five years ago. In the first meetings I did not have the feeling “here is my man.” We constantly clashed general companies, but slowly began to spend time separately from everyone else. They met and then ran away. Then Nikita moved to Perm for work. I lived my usual life until I came across his post on social networks: “A kind person is ashamed even in front of a dog.” I was very touched by this, and I wrote a comment: “So it remains for you to be kind person" So we started communicating again. I realized that I couldn’t live without him. But I didn’t even know if he would return from Perm. And one day he just arrived without warning. I let him into my apartment to spend the night... That night I became pregnant. This was three years ago.

We met again a week later, and how typical woman, I got into his phone. It turned out that he for a long time corresponded with another woman. There were so many emoticons and the words “I love” in their correspondence that were not in ours. This was a blow for me: I thought that we had love and a relationship. But he only once said that he loved me and I would give him two sons. I opened my ears and took it as an offer.

In general, I was hysterical. When Nikita started dating that woman, it became even harder for me. I thought: “How is it possible that my child will be without a father?” I called Nikita’s mother myself and said that I was pregnant with her son. How could it be otherwise if he himself did not dare to take this step? He was afraid to introduce me to his parents, because I am an extraordinary girl. With his mother after that call we were in good relations. However, with Nikita himself the situation became worse. When he didn’t come to help me move, it became completely disappointing. We didn’t communicate for a month and five days, and we celebrated the New Year apart.

On January 4, I realized that it doesn’t matter whether Nikita and I have a successful relationship, the child must have a father. So we slowly began to communicate again. They broke up with that girl. Nikita began to help me little by little. Then I personally met his parents and we liked each other. Now I am very pleased to hear from them that they love me and they don’t need anyone else. Nikita is nine years younger than me, his mother gave birth to him at 18, so his parents are only 8-10 years older than me. We have an interesting family!

After some time, Nikita and I began to live together, our son Miroslav was born.

We're doing well now. Our relationship has changed radically. I made sure I did right choice: Nikita is a family-friendly, non-partying person and devotes a lot of time to his child. I am very proud of my husband! I'm at work day and night. After giving birth, I went back to work a month and three weeks later, but he only a year and nine months later - all this time he was sitting with the baby! Therefore, almost all concern about our little son- on the husband. Even when the child falls asleep, all you can hear is “Dad, Dad...”. Yes, it’s more likely that I’m helping him with the child now, rather than him helping me (laughs).

In between working day I try to prepare food for my husband, buy everything the child needs, and after work, almost in the morning, I stop by to buy a fresh bun for breakfast for my loved one. Due to our busy schedules, we only see each other sleeping. But on Sunday, our common day off, we relax together.

Pavel Noyabrev and Elizaveta Rozhdestvenskaya

What is the contrast: characters, lifestyle.

Pavel says:

My dad is a pediatric surgeon, my mom is a cardiologist, and I also always liked medicine. Therefore, after school there was no doubt - I was going to medical school.

I met Lisa at the academy after my first year. She studied to be a dentist, and I studied to become a pediatrician. One day, after a couple, I noticed her, and at home I started monitoring a group on social networks dedicated to the university. I looked through all the participants, went to the pages of girls who looked like “that same girl” - in the end I found it. It's funny, but after a while she said that at the same time when I was looking for her, she was studying my page on social networks. Only Lisa noticed me even earlier: she periodically saw me on the bus and in educational buildings.

In general, after I added her, we started a conversation, we added each other in ICQ, walked a lot, relaxed together... We started dating in the summer of 2011 after the concert of the Mumiy Troll group. Almost immediately they began to live together. First with my parents, then separately.

During our relationship, I became interested in music. She said, “Of course, try it!” And in the winter of this year, our group Radio Waves celebrated its anniversary, we are invited to festivals in other cities, and we also often perform in our native Yekaterinburg.

Pasha has... an anatomical heart tattooed on his chest

Lisa is homely and calm by nature and prefers gatherings in cafes; and I am for parties, performances, concerts and having fun. Lisa makes an exception for us - she never minds coming to listen to Radio Waves.

I think we complement and balance each other. If they were the same, it would be too boring. And so I bring activity into our relationship, and she brings peace.

By the way, I love tattoos. I once told her: “We’ve been dating for five years, and you still don’t have a single tattoo.” She went and stuffed two sphinxes on the back of her legs. It seems that we are slowly adopting each other’s character (smiles).

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Valeria Shvetsova and Sergei Snegirev

What is the contrast: roots, character.

Valeria says:

We met through a mutual friend, but began to communicate closely only six months later. Sergei seemed to me a very reliable person - a real Man with capital letters. From the moment we met, he tried to interest me and my friends with invitations to ski, jump on trampolines - in general, to spend time actively. I agreed to the trampoline - I thought it would be a massive fun trip for the whole group. But we came to the trampoline together. After the trampolines there were flowers, intellectual Board games... And I taught him to dance. We spent a lot of time together.

Valeria and Sergey got a dog

Then Sergei went to Chelyabinsk for work, and I sometimes came to see him. During this eventful month there were three of us... We got a dog! I believe that dogs are very loyal animals, and we will get not just a pet, but a full-fledged family member. I believe that dogs are like their owners, and I decided that our nickname would be Serzhik.

Every day Sergei gave me flowers, we always went to the movies. Together we went to United Arab Emirates. Now we live in Yekaterinburg, work, and our dog has grown up. It seems like we haven’t been together that long (10 months), but I have the feeling that it’s like we’ve been together all our lives. With him I will feel loved, protected, needed... This is important to me.

We are different in character: I am calmer, Sergey is like a true Spaniard (laughs). But our views on family relationships are quite similar.

Alena Mironova and Izat Sharipov

What is the contrast: roots.

Alena says:

We found each other thanks to my harmful character and Izat’s iron patience. We met at the beginning of last summer on social networks. At that time, I was not looking for or expecting any relationship - I could not recover from a difficult and painful separation from my first husband. At first we just talked online all day long, then in the evenings we talked on the phone for 2-3 hours before going to bed. And in June our first meeting took place. I didn’t have any particular hopes for this date, I just found it easy and pleasant to communicate. At first, I didn’t even understand why he hooked me. On our first date, Izat called me to my favorite restaurant and handed me a large beautiful bouquet of my favorite flowers. Then we walked all night in the pouring rain, and it was romantic. Izat turned out to be a sweet and shy young man.

Like all oriental men, he looked after me beautifully, gave nice gifts. Since then we have hardly been apart. I began to get used to it, I realized that here he was – my little man, whom I had been waiting for so long. But after 3 months it came to his family great sorrow, and Izat urgently had to go home to Tajikistan. The separation was very difficult and painful. The realization that you cannot be with a person during a difficult period for him, cannot support him, was driving him crazy. During these long 3 months of separation, I realized that I was in love. Before the New Year, he returned to Yekaterinburg, and we immediately moved in together and began to live together. I am raising a son from my first marriage, Izat immediately found an approach to him and loved him as his own. Everything in our everyday life is organized; if, due to circumstances, I don’t have time to do something, Izat can cook dinner and help with household chores. I think that now no one can be surprised by international couples. My environment, my family, accepted Izat just wonderfully. Mom dotes on him! I don’t care what other people think, because this is my life. The main thing is that he makes me happy and with him I feel like a queen. We are planning to get married next summer.

Darasvet Luchezarovich Lyubomirovich and Miladara Darasvetovna Yaraslavtseva

What is the contrast: characters.

You never know when you will meet the person who will change your life - your soulmate. Everyone's story is different. Some couples met in line at the supermarket, some met at work, and others on a dating site.

Here are some of the most strange stories couples and how they met:

1. A 6-year-old boy told his mother that he was marrying his girlfriend.

This is destiny? Rock? Either way, Wang Zi-Heng from Henan Province, China was confident that he had met the woman of his dreams at the tender age of six.

As a child, Tzu-Heng spent most of his time, playing with the girl next door, Qian-Qian. Van admits that he kissed her while they were playing at home. The boy said that he was determined to marry Qian Qian when he grew up.

Many thought that the story ended when the Wang family moved and the children in love separated like ships at sea. However, it seems that fate itself intervened and, 18 years later, the couple was reunited again.

2. Terrorist attack victim married his nurse

Nice to hear that at least one a good thing occurred due to a horrific tragedy - the terrorist attack during the Boston Marathon.

Two bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon, killing 3 people and injuring hundreds of others. Among the victims was James Costello. After several surgeries, the marathon runner was transferred to Spalding Hospital for rehabilitation. It was there that Costello's life changed forever - he met and became friends with Christa, a nurse who cared for him during his rehabilitation. Soon their friendship turned into a romance.

3. The son of one of the Rolling Stones married his father's stepmother

Bill Wyman was a founding member and bassist of the Rolling Stones for 30 years. He was also known as a womanizer who claimed to have slept with big amount women than all his bandmates.

Wyman kept a diary about his personal life for many decades, which contains detailed information about more than 1,000 women who slept with him. One of these women was Mandy Smith.

In 1983, when she was just 13, she and the 47-year-old bassist began a relationship after she met him at a nightclub in the hope that he could help her pursue a career as a model. By 1989, the couple married, but their happiness was short-lived and they divorced in 1991.

That same year, while Wyman was still married to Smith, Stephen, his son from his first marriage, became engaged to Smith's mother.

4. A widow and widower introduced by a funeral director

Sometimes a person's last name reflects his essence. For a matchmaker, it’s hard to come up with a better surname than that of a funeral planner from England – Love.

After helping organize two separate funerals - for 76-year-old Tom Lennon (who lost his wife) and 70-year-old Isabel Bacon (who lost her husband) - Love was in contact with each of the grieving pensioners.

After a widow and widower simultaneously complained to him about loneliness, he persuaded them to arrange a blind date. Six months later, the couple married with Love as a witness.

5. The couple who won the lottery

Asked how they met, Eddie Harrison, 95, and Edith Hill, 96, told CNN: "We were players!" Happy couple from Virginia met when they played the lottery, won and shared the $2,500 prize.

They spent the next ten years as companions before marrying in June 2014. They are true soul mates. However, not everything is so rosy. One of Edith’s daughters is seeking custody of the old woman in order to sell her house - then the couple will have to leave. The fight continues.

6The Couple Who Met in Prison

Johnson was incarcerated in a correctional facility in Indiana, and Ramsey was a cook at the prison. The couple realized it was love at first sight right on the serving line in the cafeteria. Johnson was serving a second sentence for handling stolen goods and illegal possession of a weapon, and he served his first sentence for armed robbery.

After Johnson was released in May 2001, the couple moved in together and decided to go the way of Bonnie and Clyde - Ramsey and Johnson were both sent to federal prison after participating in a botched bank robbery in which two bank employees were brutally murdered. , and the guard was left paralyzed.

Edward Johnson pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 40 years in prison. Gina Ramsey also pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 7 years in prison. Their accomplice, who fired the fatal shots, was sentenced to death.

7. The couple got married 8 decades after they first met.

There are couples who wait years to get married, but what about the couple who got married eight decades after they first met!

In 2013, Bob Humphreys, 89, and Bernie Blewett, 87, married in England. They met eight decades ago and were childishly in love with each other, but lost touch during World War II.

During the war, Bob joined the army and Bernie was enlisted in Royal Air Force. Although the soldier wrote love letters to his beloved, they never reached her because of her parents.

After not hearing from Bob for two years, Bernie married a pilot and emigrated to New Zealand.

They lived for decades opposite sides peace with your spouses. Bob's wife died in 2012, and husband Bernie passed away in 2002.

Contact was restored in 2011 when one of Bernie's daughters discovered Humphreys was still alive. Bernie returned to Somerset and the couple married two years later.

8. A pair of deaf and blind

Maria and Steven Lindoff have been married for over 30 years. They are so close that they can understand each other perfectly. They have to rely on touch and intuition in their relationship, since the husband and wife have varying degrees of deaf-blindness.

Stephen is completely deaf and has minimal vision; in order to watch TV, he practically has to press his nose against the screen. Mary was born deaf and began losing her sight about 13 years ago.

They met when Maria was 9 and Stephen was 8. Stephen sat behind Maria at a school for the deaf in Montreal, Canada. They separated soon after, when Stephen moved to Ontario and Maria went to Newfoundland. The future couple did not see each other for two decades before Stephen moved to Newfoundland in the 1970s and ran into Maria while shopping. They got married in 1979.

Losing some senses has increased the sense of touch, Stephen told the Toronto Star, "The sex is very good."

9. The orangutan and the dog became inseparable

Probably relationships (including friendly ones) can exist not only among people, but also in the animal world too.

Surya the orangutan and Roscoe the dog first met in 2007, when Roscoe was walking with staff at the Institute of Rare and Endangered Species and was spotted by Suriya, who immediately approached to make friends.

They have been inseparable since then. The dynamic duo have appeared on television and in several publications and even released their own book, titled, respectively, Suriya and Roscoe (with a little help from the sanctuary's founder, of course).

Original message by Yakubov

Perhaps one of the most amazing stories love of the last century! If the little devil Consuelo had not existed in the life of the French pilot and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the Little Prince he invented could have been left without a Rose. After all, it was from Consuelo that the portrait of a beautiful flower with thorns was copied. However, official biographers do not think so; moreover, they are sure that marriage with this woman was the tragedy of Exupery’s entire life.

He was good-natured and flexible, and she was unpredictable and eccentric. They were similar in one thing - they were people not of this world. In aviation, Antoine's legendary absent-mindedness became the talk of the town. He flew, forgetting to slam the door, retract the landing gear, connect an empty gas tank and land on the wrong paths. It is not surprising that he was constantly accompanied by emergencies in the air. Just a couple of months later, as soon as he sat at the controls for the first time, he crashed the plane, receiving a traumatic brain injury. In 1932, he barely managed to get out of the cabin of a sinking car while testing a new seaplane. At the end of 1935, he suffered an accident during a flight from Paris to Saigon and celebrated the New Year in the Libyan desert. Dying of thirst, he was accidentally discovered by a passing caravan. In 1938, he barely survived after crashing in Guatemala.

At the time of her meeting with Exupery, Consuelo Gomez Carrillo had the status of a twice widow. If it were a hurricane, it could easily be given a rating of 12. Antoine nicknamed her “the little Salvadoran volcano,” and the word “small” here was applicable exclusively to the height of the dark-eyed, swift and rarely silent woman, because she made enormous noise.

To marry " natural disaster“Antoine was dissuaded by everyone. But he did not even listen to his mother, to whom he obeyed unquestioningly. And a union arose where there was no place for peace, a reasonable budget, marital fidelity, children, or submissive aging. But, apparently, Saint-Exupery needed just such a marriage, swaying like a sailboat from side to side. However, the wedding, which Exupery insisted so much on at first, was constantly postponed: Antoine was waiting for his mother to arrive. One day, when Consuelo seemed to have lost all patience, he took her to the local city hall to register the marriage. But at the moment when it was necessary to say the sacramental “yes,” the brave pilot burst into tears in front of everyone: “I don’t want to get married far from my homeland and my family!” “I don’t want to marry a crying man,” Consuelo answered him in the same tone. Only two years after they met, she became Countess de Saint-Exupéry.

Wedding of Antoine and Consuelo

Contemporaries described the relationship between the spouses in one word - paradox. Hot-tempered, uncontrollable, eccentric, unrestrained in her tongue and uncontrollable in her whims, Consuelo screamed, fought and got angry hundreds of times a day. She broke dishes and cursed her husband. And he dodged and smiled.

Where others could only see scandal and turmoil, Exupery saw poetry. Consuelo dreamed of buying scarlet sheets and stabbing Antoine to death with them. But he would have killed her himself if, instead of squabbling, she suddenly began to darn his socks. They say that he broke up with one beloved because he caught her doing this. What most people call happiness was stagnation for Saint-Exupery. Peace and silence not only did not correspond to his character, on the contrary, for creativity he needed a restless, anxious atmosphere, which his wife created for him. He generally adhered to the idea that love is happiness, fairly flavored with suffering.

However, this peculiar happiness hurt badly, and the wounds no longer had time to heal. One day, Consuelo, without telling her husband, disappeared for two days. Exupery spent the whole night looking for his wife in bars. In the morning, he sat at the helm angry and sleep-deprived. As a result, I lost my route, enormous speed crashed into a dune in the Libyan desert, wandered through the sands for two days and was saved only thanks to the Bedouins. Later, recalling his adventure, he wrote to his mother: “It is terrible to leave behind someone who, like Consuelo, constantly needs you. You feel a great need to return to protect and protect, and you break your nails on the sand, which does not allow you to fulfill your duty.

Exupery liked Consuelo's stormy romances less and less. And over the years, the capricious, proud woman began to endlessly reproach her husband for impotence. It happened that she threw these accusations at him in public. It was then that other women began to appear in Exupery’s life. Consuelo could not look at this calmly. She was jealous of her husband not so much of women as of the attention he received. She always wanted to be in the foreground herself.

It must be said that the impotence invented by Consuelo did not prevent the young actress Natalie Paley and the artist Hedda Sterni from being Exupery’s lovers and admiring him as a man. Young Sylvia Reinhardt played a special role in the life of the author of The Little Prince. No matter how much Exupery despised bourgeois peace, sometimes he needed it too. With Sylvia, he found what Consuelo could not give him: comfort and warmth. But still, the contradictory Antoine returned to his wife, who tormented him more and more every year.

The writer-pilot, whom the whole world admired, courageously bore his cross, his wild love for the half-crazed liar. More than once the couple decided to separate. In 1938, after a difficult conversation, Consuelo, half-dead with grief, went home by sea to El Salvador. The journey was already coming to an end when she was handed a telegram from her mother: “Your husband is seriously injured, 32 fractures, 11 severe, she did not allow amputation before your arrival, fly to us in Panama as soon as possible.” (Exupery crashed in Guatemala.)

“I hardly recognized Tonio’s face, it was so swollen. One eye was practically on the forehead, and the other almost hung near the shapeless, purple mouth,” Consuelo wrote in her memoirs. On the day of his discharge from the hospital, an emaciated, disfigured Exupery said: “Tomorrow you will put me on a plane to New York. There I will do plastic surgery to tidy up your face. You can’t live with a monster.” However, he refused to take his wife with him: “We broke up, haven’t you forgotten?

Going on a reconnaissance flight in the summer of 1944, he probably already knew that he would not return. As did Consuelo, who fell face down on the bed and did not want to follow him with her gaze from the window. Just before that flight, a fortune teller predicted Exupery's death in the depths of the sea. Antoine retold the prophecy to all his friends, not having time to repeat that he had apparently been confused with a sailor. And on July 31st he flew towards Lyon. Soon the connection with the plane was lost. No plane wreckage was found. Where he died and how is a mystery. Remained beautiful legend that he is like To the Little Prince, did not die, but simply flew away to his star.

For many years, Consuelo could not believe that her husband was no longer alive. “He often left me alone,” she said stubbornly, “but he always came back.

Consuelo survived her husband by 35 years: she died in 1979. After her death, her book “Rose's Memoirs” was published, in which the woman spoke in detail about the years of family life with famous writer. A few years later, a bracelet on which the names of Antoine and Consuelo were engraved became entangled in a fisherman’s net. It was Exupery's bracelet.