(senior compensatory group)

Teacher-speech therapist Gorbenko N.V. MDOU TsRR – kindergarten No. 28 Zhukovsky

Target: development of lexical grammatical structure speeches on this topic, practical use of simple common sentences and prepositional-case constructions.


correctional and educational:

expanding children's understanding of migratory birds, their appearance and lifestyle, activation of vocabulary on the topic, use of prepositions;

correctional and developmental:

development of the ability to compose simple sentences, formation of the grammatical structure of speech (formation of plural nouns in pad., consolidation of the ability to agree numerals with nouns, syllabic analysis of words, sound analysis of words using the symbolic symbolism of vowel sounds, practical use of prepositions “in”, “on”, “with”, “to”, “from”, “for”, “from” in speech, the formation of names of baby birds using the suffix –onok-, the development of attention, memory, thinking, speech breathing, general and fine motor skills, coordination of words and movements;

correctional and educational:

nurturing interest in environment and a caring attitude towards her, the development of goodwill, a sense of mutual assistance.

Equipment: subject pictures on the topic, audio recording “Bird Voices”, birdhouse, numbers 2 and 5, diagrams with symbols vowel sounds, ball, game “Collect the bird” according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. (Creating a positive emotional background for the lesson). Children and speech therapist are standing on the carpet.Quiet music is playing. The speech therapist and the children read the poem and perform movements in time with the words.

Slush, bad weather,(raised hands up, waving hands)

The poplar has turned yellow.(torso tilts left - right)

Suddenly there is a squirrel on a branch(hands to the side)

Sang a song.(torso turns left - right, arms to the sides)

The branch sways a little,(hands up, imitation of wind blowing)

The rain doesn't stop(waving hands in front of you)

The old skvorushka is with us (arms to the sides)

Says goodbye until spring.(farewell hand movements)

Speech therapist: And now you and I will go to a magical clearing. Let's take a deep breath with our mouth and as we exhale say Magic word“FUUUUH”, stretching the exhalation as long as possible (the exercise is repeated 3 times, last time With eyes closed), open our eyes. Guys, where are we? (Audio recording of “Bird Voices” is played).

Children: In the forest.

The children take their seats.

2. Conversation about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guess who we met in the forest? Do you remember whose voices you heard?

Speech therapist: Yes, guys, today in class we will talk about birds. What do birds do in the fall?

Children: In autumn, birds gather in flocks and fly south.

Speech therapist: That's right, guys. Back in October they begin to fly to warmer climes migratory birds. Schools and lines of cranes, geese, and seagulls came out. If migratory birds fly low to the ground - to frosty winter, and if high - to warm. Migrating thrushes feast on rowan trees: they will peck a rowan berry, rest and fly further south. “And when the goose flies away, snow falls” - this is what people say. But sparrows, crows, magpies, woodpeckers, and tits remain to spend the winter in our area. In autumn and winter, many of them fly closer to human habitation. Here you can get more food, and there is somewhere to hide from the wind and frost. Guys, the breeze accidentally mixed up the photographs of all the birds. Let's see which of these birds will stay with us for the winter, and which will fly away from us to the south. If birds stay with us for the winter, what are they called?

Children: Wintering.

Speech therapist: Birds that fly south, what do we call them?

Children: Migratory.

Pictures of birds are laid out on the table in front of the children: swallow, starling, magpie, crow, duck, lark, woodpecker, crane, swan, cuckoo, owl, nightingale, thrush, stork, heron. Children go to the table one by one and arrange wintering and migratory birds into two groups. The speech therapist hangs pictures of migratory birds on the board.

Speech therapist: Who did you choose?

Children: “I chose a swallow,” etc.

3. Game “Name the parts of the bird’s body.”

Speech therapist: Guys, look at the picture of birds, tell me what body parts they have. We answer with a full sentence.

Birds have a head. Birds have two wings.

Birds have two legs. Birds have a tail.

Birds have a beak. Birds have a neck. The body of birds is covered with feathers.

4. Game “How many birds have flown away? "(numbers 2, 5)

Speech therapist: Look carefully at the numbers that stand next to the birds. It is necessary to answer “How many birds flew away? » Answer in a complete sentence.

Children: “2 swallows flew away, and then 5 more swallows.”

Children: “2 swans flew away, and then 5 more swans,” etc.

5. Game “One - Many”with throwing the ball.

Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist calls the word-name of the bird in singular. them. pad., the child names the word in the plural. they're down.

Cuckoo - cuckoos, crane - cranes,
starling - starlings, nightingale - nightingales,

lark - larks, swan - swans,

duck - ducks,
swallow - swallows,

blackbird - blackbirds, stork - storks,

heron - herons.

6.. Game “Who has who”” with throwing the ball.

Speech therapist: Guys, now we have to name the bird’s chick.
The cuckoo has a cuckoo

The crane has a baby crane

The starling has a little starling
The swan has a baby swan

The duck has a duckling

The stork has a baby stork

The thrush has a blackbird

7. Riddles about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen and guess the riddles about birds.

This is an old friend of ours: He flies to us with warmth, Who is on the tree, on the branch

He lives on the roof of the house - He has come a long way. The count is kept: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku?”
Long-legged, long-nosed, sculpts a house under the window (cuckoo)
Long-necked, voiceless. Made from grass and clay.
He flies to hunt (swallow)
For frogs to the swamp.

Stands on one leg, wants to fly straight,

He looks intently into the water, If he wants, he hangs in the air,

Pokes his beak at random - Falls like a stone from the heights.

Looking for frogs in the river. And in the fields he sings, sings.

(heron) (lark)

8. Physical exercise.Finger gymnastics.

A flock of birds.

Sing along, sing along!

Ten birds - a flock!

This bird is a nightingale.

This bird is a sparrow.

This bird is an owl -

sleepy little head.

This bird is a waxwing.

This bird is a crake,

This bird is a starling -

gray feather.

This is a finch, this is a swift,

This is a cheerful siskin

Well, this is an evil eagle...

Birds, birds, go home!

(the fingers of both hands are clenched into fists. Having heard the names of the birds, the children pinch one finger at a time, first with their right hand, then with their left hand. last words imitate birds flying away)

9. Use of prepositional-case constructions.

Speech therapist: I will move the bird, and you will tell me where it is. We answer in full sentences! Working with prepositions “in”, “on”, “with”, “for”, “to”, “from”, “of”. The speech therapist moves the starling around the birdhouse, the children use various prepositional-case constructions.

Speech therapist: Where did the starling fly?

Children: “The starling flew into the birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: Where did the starling fly from?

Children: “The starling flew out of the birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: Where does the starling sit?

Children: “The starling is sitting on a birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: Where did the starling come from?

Children: “The starling flew off the birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: Where did the starling hide?

Children: “The starling hid behind the birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: What did the starling fly off from?

Children: “The starling flew away from the birdhouse.”

Speech therapist: What did the starling fly up to?

Children: “The starling flew up to the birdhouse.”

10. Sound-syllable analysis of words using symbolic symbols.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's help migratory birds fly safely to warmer climes. To do this, you need to clap the name of the bird syllable by syllable and isolate the vowel sounds from the words that are the names of the birds. Vowel sounds are indicated on the board with symbols. For each bird, you and I must find the right pattern.

The speech therapist shows diagrams on the board and pronounces the names of birds with exaggerated pronunciation of vowel sounds. Children identify vowel sounds from bird name words and find the desired pattern on the board.

Duck stork thrush cuckoo crane

11. Game “Collect the bird”.

Speech therapist: Guys, and the last task for you. You will need from various geometric shapes collect the bird (head torso

2 wings tail)

Independent work children.

12. Summing up the lesson.

Speech therapist: Guys, here we are, sending our birds off to warmer lands.

What did we do in class today? What new have we learned? What tasks did you like best?

Naumova I.A.
teacher-speech therapist, North Ossetia-Alania, Vladikavkaz MBDOU Kindergarten №77

Goal: to consolidate the concept of “ Migratory birds"; activate the vocabulary on the topic “Migratory birds” with nouns, adjectives and verbs; learn to form complex adjectives by adding stems according to a pattern; learn to form nouns using the suffixes –at, -yat; develop the ability to divide words into syllables; highlight the first and last sound in a word; compose a descriptive story about a bird following the example of a speech therapist; cultivate a love for migratory birds.

Equipment: cards with images of wintering and migratory birds; colour pencils; pictures of migratory birds; chips; ball. Preliminary work: bird watching while walking; learning finger gymnastics; reading fiction; conversation about migratory birds.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Finger gymnastics.

Tili-teli, tili-teli, (Waving their palms).

The birds flew south.

The squirrel flew away -

Gray feather. (Fingers on both hands are bent alternately, starting with the little finger of the left hand).

Lark, nightingale

We were in a hurry, who's quick?

Heron, swan, duck, swift,

Stork, swallow and siskin.

Everyone got ready and flew away (Waving their palms).

They sang sad songs. (Use the index and thumb to make a beak, “The birds are singing”).

2. Conversation about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, what can you call in one word the birds that we named while performing finger gymnastics? (Migratory birds).

Why are they called migratory? (They are called migratory because they fly to warmer regions for the winter).

Why do they fly to warmer climes? (They are afraid of the cold, cannot get food, water bodies freeze)

What stories and tales do you know about migratory birds? (“Thumbelina”, “Geese-Swans”, “The Fox and the Crane”, “Grey Neck”, “The Ugly Duckling”).

3. “Make no mistake.”

The speech therapist invites the children to sit at the tables.

On the tables are cards depicting migratory and wintering birds. Speech therapist: “You need to circle all the migratory birds with a red pencil and justify your action.”

Child: “I circled the swallow because the swallow is a migratory bird.”

“I circled the crane because the crane is a migratory bird.”

4. The speech therapist invites the children to come to the board. On the table, near the board, there are pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, each of you must choose a migratory bird and attach it to the board. (children complete the task).

Speech therapist: Now you need to name each bird, determine the first and last sound in the word and divide the word into syllables.

1st child: This is a stork. The first sound in this word is [A]. The last sound is [T]. The word AIST has two syllables.

2nd child: This is a cuckoo. The first sound in this word is [K]. The last sound is [A]. The word CUCKOO has three syllables.

3rd child: This is a heron. The first sound in this word is [C]. The last sound is [I]. The word HERON has two syllables.

Physical exercise.

A speech therapist with a ball in his hands stands in a circle of children.

Speech therapist: The one to whom I throw the ball must tell me what the chicks of a migratory bird are called.

The starling has... (starlings)

At the rook-... (rook)

The crane has... (baby cranes)

At the cuckoo-... (cuckoo)

The stork has... (storks)

The swan has... (swan cubs).

5. Speech therapist: guys, now each of you will take a picture of a migratory bird and select words-attributes for this bird.

What kind of swallow? -...(small, black, fast)

What kind of stork? -...(white, big, beautiful)

What kind of rook? -...(black, large)

What kind of cuckoo? -...(cunning, motley)

What kind of swan? -...(white, large, noble)

What kind of starling? -...(variegated, caring)

6. Speech therapist: Guys, if a heron has a long beak, then it’s... (long-billed heron).

If the stork long legs, then this is... (long-legged stork).

If the starling short tail, then this is ... (short-tailed starling).

If a swallow has sharp wings, then it is ... (sharp-winged swallow).

7. Speech therapist: Now, let's play a game. You need to choose action words for each bird. For each word the child receives a chip. The winner will be the one with the most chips.

Swallow - (flies, chirps, catches midges).

Swan – (swims, flaps its wings, flies).

Heron - (stands on one leg, walks, eats frogs).

Nightingale - (sings, sings, sits on a branch, flies).

Rook - (walks, flies, looks for worms).

Cuckoo – (flies, lays its eggs in other people’s nests).

8. Compilation descriptive story following the example of a speech therapist: - This is a starling. The starling is a migratory bird. He has motley plumage. The starling lives in a house called a “birdhouse”. The starling feeds on earthworms, caterpillars, larvae and seeds. Starling chicks are called starlings. Starlings provide benefits by eating harmful insects and their larvae.

9. Summary of the lesson “Birds fly south.”

The speech therapist names the order in which the birds fly to warmer climes, one by one removing the images of birds from the board.

Beginning and mid-September, starlings and swallows are flying away.

End of September – storks, cuckoos.

Mid-October – herons.

Swans, ducks, geese with the first frosts.

Tatiana Nuzhnaya
Summary of educational activities in the senior speech therapy group “Return of migratory birds”

Subject:"Return of migratory birds".



Expanding children's understanding of migratory birds, their appearance and lifestyle, activation, enrichment, generalization of vocabulary on the topic;

correctional and developmental:

Development of the ability to compose simple sentences;

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech (formation of adjectives by merging stems, formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes, changing nouns by cases, numbers, agreement of nouns with numerals);

Consolidating the skill of determining quantities syllables in a word,

Development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, general, articulatory and fine motor skills;

Coordination of speech and movement;

educational: fostering interest in the environment and respect for it, developing goodwill.

Equipment:subject picture depicting spring and return of birds, subject pictures on the topic of the lesson, ball, drawings with dotted images migratory birds, pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment:

Speech therapist:Hello guys. Our fingers will suggest the topic of our meeting today.

Finger gymnastics: fingers move ( "walk") on the table back and forth, changing direction for each poetic line:

"Spring sunshine"

Get up early

Wake us up early!

We should run outside

Birds to greet you from warm countries!"

2. Speech therapist: - Guys, I hope you guessed who we will talk about in class today? Tell me which ones birds we are waiting from warm countries?

Children:list: rooks, starlings, swans, cranes, storks, nightingales.

Speech therapist:What do we call birds, which are returning to us from warm countries?


Speech therapist:Look at the picture and tell me who was the odd one out in this flock of birds and why (rook, swallow, goose, nightingale, titmouse)

Children: Titmouse, because she is a wintering bird, and the rest - migratory.

3. Speech therapist:Look at how many flocks of birds there are in the picture. Let's count how many birds are in each flock.

Children: 1 rook, 3 swallows, 5 geese; 2 nightingales, 5 swans.

4. Speech therapist: And now we will try to describe those shown in the picture birds:

The rook has black wings, so what is it? -...black-winged,

At the swallow's a long tail, that means she is... long-tailed,

At the goose's Long neck, that means he is... long-necked,

5. Speech therapist: Birds rejoice in spring, and everyone speaks cheerfully in their own language. Tell me, who gives the voice?

The swallow chirps joyfully...

The crane...crows,

The cuckoo...crows,

The nightingale...clicks,

The lark...is ringing,

Goose cackling.

6. Speech therapist:Let's now try to quickly remember what we know about birds. I'll start telling you, and you finish my sentences with appropriate meaning. words:

-Birds return from....(warm countries).

-Birds built a lot on trees (nest).

The guys do it for the starlings (birdhouses).

Into the nests the birds will lay(eggs).

The eggs will hatch (chicks).

Rooks search in the ground (worms).

-Birds fly with the help. (wings).

-Birds, which returning from the south we call(migratory) .

7. Phys. just a minute:

The birds were flying (flapping their arms,

People looked (moves head in different directions).

The birds sat down (sat down,

People marveled (stand up, gesture of surprise).

Sit down, sit (squats,

They flew and sang (waves hands).

8. Speech therapist:Tell me who the people I named are taking out birds?

Who are the cranes bringing out? -... the cranes,



Geese. goslings,



9. Speech therapist: Well done! And now our palms will work again. I will say the words slowly and clearly birds, and you clap to show how much is in it syllables. (goose, swan, rook, cuckoo, heron, lass, starling...)

10. Speech therapist:And now the game with ball: the one to whom the ball flies must catch it and correct my sentence.

The worm pecked the swallow.

The song was sung by the nightingale.

A goose is smaller than a sparrow.

A cuckoo lives in a birdhouse.

A furry caterpillar ate a starling.

11. Speech therapist:And now each of you will receive a picture. By connecting the dots, you can guess which bird is in your picture.

Children will recognize by the outline of the resulting birds.

12. Speech therapist:We had a great time. Let's stand in a circle and, in conclusion, gently palm to palm we'll pass it on a little bird to each other and with it a smile and a good mood.


Correctional - educational:

  • learn to form related words;
  • learn to conduct sound-letter analysis of words;

Corrective and developmental:

Correctional and educational:

  • develop the skill of self-esteem;
  • consolidate knowledge about the environment and cultivate a caring attitude towards its inhabitants;

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

First option:

Speech therapist: Guys, look what a sunny and wonderful day it is today. What time of year is it outside? Lead the children to the correct answer to the question.

Let's take a deep breath of spring Fresh air.

Working on breathing: inhale through the nose, exhale for a long time through the mouth...

Second option:

Speech therapist: Guys, unfortunately, it’s raining outside today. But, as you know, nature does not bad weather. What time of year is it outside? Lead the children to the correct answer to the question. Very often you can hear from people that the air smells like spring. Let's take a deep breath of fresh spring air.

Breathing work: inhale through the nose, exhale for a long time through the mouth...

The teacher makes a wish for the children riddle:

A spider dreams at night

Miracle - yudo on the bitch:

Long beak and two wings.

Arrives - things are bad!

Who is the spider afraid of?

Did you guess it? This is... a bird.

Speech therapist: Today we will talk about spring and migratory birds. What migratory birds do you know? Children name migratory birds.

Game "Pick the sign."

Guys, look carefully at the birds, tell me what body parts birds have. Lead the children to the correct answer to the question.

1. Speech therapist: Now let’s divide the names of the body parts of birds into syllables, but first let’s remember what syllables are. How do we divide words into syllables? Children remember and pronounce the rule.

2. Speech therapist: Look carefully at the birds. How do birds differ from each other? Lead the children to the correct answer to the question.

Children call features birds.

Then the teacher draws the children’s attention to the illustrations that are on the board. Among the migratory birds there is one wintering one.

Speech therapist: Guys, don’t you notice anything strange? Lead the children to the correct answer to the question. So what is this bird like? (Extra) That’s right, because the wintering birds have long since flown away.

The teacher removes a picture of a wintering bird from the board.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

3. Game "Fourth wheel".

Fizminutka (video).

Speech therapist: Guys, what migratory birds fly to us first, as soon as the snow begins to melt. It is also generally accepted that these birds are the most friendly of all migratory birds. Lead the children to the correct answer to the question. Of course these are rooks.

4. Sound-letter analysis of the word GRACCH.

5. Speech therapist: I suggest you make a proposal for a ready-made diagram. Be careful.

Children make up a sentence for the diagram. Proposal analysis.

6. Speech therapist: Sometimes, when we walk on the street or just watch birds through the window, we involuntarily begin to count them. I also suggest you count the birds.

Game "Count it"

7. Logic puzzles:

What are more - wings or birds?

What are more - feathers or wings?

Which has more beaks or tails?

8. Game “Correct the sentence”:

The worm pecked the starling.

The song was sung by the nightingale.

The caterpillar ate the cuckoo.

Birds hatch their chicks and then lay eggs.

In spring, migratory birds fly south.

Like white in the snow

Swallows are freezing in a snowstorm... Does this happen or not?

9. Speech therapist: Tell me, how do we help birds? Lead the children to the correct answer to the question. I want you not to forget about this. Let us make a sentence out of letters: BIRDS ARE OUR FRIENDS. Finger gymnastics.

(Music by P. Tchaikovsky sounds. Seasons. April).

Teamwork. Children agree with each other and lay out a proposal.

10. Lesson summary:

- What and who did we talk about today?

— What did you like most about the lesson?

On this lesson You can reinforce children’s ideas about migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external signs, structure, food, habits, living conditions.

Systematize children's knowledge about bird species, practice classifying migratory and wintering birds and highlighting an unnecessary object.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Practice forming complex adjectives.

Development of constructive praxis in drawing up cut-out pictures.

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

To foster in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature, careful attitude to them.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 147 “Smile” combined type”

V senior group children with ODD 5 - 6 years old

Topic: “Migratory birds. Spring."

Venue: Skazka Group

Date: May 2012

Teacher-speech therapist: Afanasyeva



year 2012

Abstract speech therapy session

in the senior group No. 3 “Fairy Tale” for children with ODD

MBDOU "Kindergarten" No. 147 "Smile" of a combined type"

city ​​of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic

Teacher-speech therapist Olga Vladimirovna Afanasyeva

Lesson topic: Migratory birds. Spring.

Using ICT Educational presentation.


Strengthen children's ideas about migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external characteristics, structure, nutrition, habits, living conditions.

Systematize children's knowledge about bird species, practice classifying migratory and wintering birds and highlighting an unnecessary object.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Practice forming complex adjectives.

Development of constructive praxis in drawing up cut-out pictures.

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

To instill in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature and a caring attitude towards them.

Equipment: Educational presentation “Migratory Birds”, Presentation of the game “The Fourth Wheel”, laptop, screen, projector, pictures of birds, cut-out pictures.

Literature: Kuznetsova E.V., Tikhonova Development and correction of speech of children 5-6 years old Moscow 2007; Nishcheva N.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with ODD. St. Petersburg 2001; Vokhrintseva S.V. The world. Birds. Didactic material.

Internet resources: Pictures: yandex.ru; Sounds of nature: viki.rdf.ru



Previous work:Introducing children to migratory birds in teacher classes, reading fiction on the topic, asking riddles about birds.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

1-4 slides The long-awaited, warm, sunny spring has arrived. Migratory birds are returning from warm countries. They are also happy about spring.

5-7 slides They fly in flocks and scream. Birds are in a hurry, because during the spring they need to have time to build and repair their houses, lay eggs, hatch them and hatch their offspring - chicks. And when the chicks hatch from the eggs, their parents, the birds, will feed them and teach them to fly. And in the fall they will gather in flocks again and fly away to warm countries for the winter.

Today we will continue our conversation about migratory birds.

2. A conversation about birds with a presentation.

8-11 slides Rook. Black rooks are the first to arrive to us. They are the first harbingers of spring. Rooks are large birds, covered with black feathers. They have a large, slightly curved beak. Rooks build nests in trees. They feed on insects and seeds. Listen to them scream.

12-17 slides Crane. Crane large bird. The crane has a long neck, long beak, wide wings, and long legs. Cranes are gray and white. Listen to the crane scream, stretching out its long neck. Here is a family of cranes: dad, mom and their chick. Look at the crane's nest. Whose nest is this? - Crane's nest.

18-21 slides Stork. He looks like a crane. The stork is also a large bird. Feathers white, the edges of the wings are black. The beak is long, sharp, red. The wings are wide, long, and have a large span. The tail is meek, wide, the paws are long, thin, powerful. The stork feeds on frogs, fish, insects and plant foods. Look at the stork's nest with chicks. Listen to the sounds they make. Whose nest is this? - Stork's nest.

22-25 slides Heron. The heron is a large bird. She lives near ponds. The heron has a large body, long, powerful beak, and long legs. Look how important she strides through the water and listen to how she screams. There are herons with white and gray plumage. The heron feeds on frogs, fish, insects and plants. A heron can stand for a long time and even sleep on one leg. Let's try to stand like a heron.

Statistical exercise “Heron”.

Children stand on one leg, bending the second at the knee, hands on the belt. Then they change the leg.

Slides 26-31 Swan. This is a proud, graceful, medium-sized bird. The swan has a long curved neck. The beak is flat and strong. Swans come in white and black. The swan's feet are short and webbed. The swan is a waterfowl that lives on lakes, ponds and rivers. It feeds on fish, algae and small crustaceans.

Slides 32-37 Starling. Small bird. The feathers are black with a purple tint and white speckles. The starling's beak is powerful. There is a black crest on the head. The starling lives in a birdhouse. The starling feeds on beetles, caterpillars, butterflies and other insects.

38-40 slides Nightingale. The nightingale is a small, gray, inconspicuous bird. But the nightingale sings beautifully, you will listen to it. Listen to the nightingale's song. The nightingale lives in a nest. Feeds on insects.

41-44 slides Cuckoo. The cuckoo is a small, gray, mottled bird. The cuckoo lives alone. She throws her eggs into other people's nests. And the cuckoo chicks are fed by other birds. Listen to the cuckoo cuckoo.

45-50 slides Goldfinch. The spotted goldfinch, a small bird. There are red, white and black spots on the head. The breast is light, the back is brown. The wings have black and yellow feathers. The goldfinch feeds on insects. Listen to the goldfinch sing. The goldfinch lives in a nest.

51-55 slides Swallow. Swallow is a small bird. Swallows are the last to arrive when it gets warm and insects appear. The back, wings, head are covered with dark feathers, and there are white feathers on the belly. The swallow's tail is long and forked. The voice is not loud, listen to the swallows cry. There are city, village and coastal swallows. A swallow lives in a nest. Most time, swallows fly in the air in pursuit of prey. Catches mosquitoes, midges, flies, small insects.

56-59 slides Swift. The little bird looks like a swallow. The plumage of the swift is gray. The tail is shorter than that of the swallow, also forked. Swifts feed on insects. Listen to the swifts sing.

60-63 slides Lark. Little gray bird. The lark flies high. The lark's trills can be heard early in the morning. Listen to the lark sing.

3. Physical education minute.

Outdoor game “Swallows flew”Coordination of speech with movement.

4. Game “Which one?” Which?" Formation of compound adjectives.

Guys, you got acquainted with migratory birds. They are very beautiful and different. Tell me what you can call a stork if it has a long beak.

What kind of stork? - Long-beaked.

The Stork has a red beak - red-billed.

Rook has black eyes - black-eyed.

The Swan has a long neck - long-necked.

The crane has wide wings - broad-winged.

The Heron has long legs - long-legged.

The Swan has short legs - short-legged.

5. Game “Migratory or wintering”

Pictures depicting different birds are laid out on the table. Children are asked to choose only migratory birds. Children are then invited to turn into the chosen birds and fly.Movable pause.

6. Physical education minute.

Birds jump and fly. Children are jumping

Birds collect crumbs. "peck"

Feathers cleaned depict

The beaks were cleaned.

Birds fly, sing, waving their hands,

The grains are pecked. They squat and peck.

7. Game “Fourth wheel?” Presentation.

The slides show images of different birds, and children choose an extra object and verbally justify their choice.

Pigeon , swallow, starling, cuckoo. Who's the odd one out? - a pigeon, since it is a wintering bird.

Crow, sparrow, dove, starling

Nightingale, lark, sparrow, swallow.

Magpie, rook , bullfinch, tit.

Swan, heron, pigeon, stork.

8. Game “Collect a cut picture”

Each child is given envelopes with cut-out pictures of birds. As the children complete the task, the names of the birds are reinforced.

9. Summary of the lesson.

Who did we talk about today? What birds come to us in the spring from warm countries? Birds provide great benefits in nature. They eat harmful insects. Therefore, birds need to be protected. In winter we fed the birds. And in the summer, birds can find their own food. Birds must not be frightened or offended, and nests must not be destroyed.