The 13th Fashion Week ended in Moscow at Gostiny Dvor, where 43 leading domestic and foreign couturiers presented their models.

Compared to last year, our fashion has moved further along the path of commercialization. Most of the collections are made in the spirit of Western design (Nina Donis, Alena Akhmadullina, Victoria Andrianova), and only Slava Zaitsev and Oksana Yarmolnik showed romantic collections that can be assessed as collections for the soul.

Zaitsev looked back at the Soviet 40s - 60s, when after the war women suddenly began to look for ways to please. Oksana Yarmolnik showed the “Sensations” collection, made from linen in the spirit of minimalism. These are clothes for women whose pronounced sexuality does not repel men.

Theater artist

It was no coincidence that a powerful support group came to her shows in the person of Oleg Yankovsky and his wife, Leonid Yarmolnik, Igor Vernik: after all, Oksana is a theater artist. She has been working at the theater since 1984. She has performed more than 80 performances at Tabakerka, at the Moscow Art Theater, at Sovremennik, at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Each item is made by hand and exists in one copy.

“I have two collections,” says Oksana, “one in the showroom is for children, the other is shown on the catwalk - this is a collection women's clothing"Spring - Summer 2005". She has no commercial prospects, but I’m actually not very interested in working in the fashion industry, although I graduated from a textile institute. I realize myself in something else - as a theatrical costume designer. I'm finally working on interiors. (Oksana created fashionable forged screens, three-leaf, with rust effects).

- Did you work in the cinema?

I tried to work in cinema and I don’t do it anymore. The costume designer is interested in art cinema, where the costume is an integral part work of art. But simply dressing someone is boring and uninteresting. The theater completely satisfies all my creative ambitions.

The artistic director of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Lev Durov, said that you are a very strict artist, extremely demanding, and he is even afraid of you.

I am pleased to work with him, he does not interfere with my creativity, and this results in co-authorship.

- Do you have any favorite actors?

I love working with Marina Zudina because she has a great feel for the image. For her, a stage costume is primarily a costume for a character.

Femme fatale

Oksana Yarmolnik became a femme fatale for Vladimir Vysotsky. Vysotsky met her two years before his death.

Oksana and Vysotsky, as described more than once, collided with the administrator of the Taganka Theater. “Listen,” she told her friend, “I don’t want to meet him.” And she: “What are you?! Yes, all women Soviet Union they just dream of being in your place!” She mentally imagined countless numbers of these women - and went on a date.

They met like two family members: “I think he also had something to discuss with me. Nowadays young people are not interested in anything except money. But our generation was completely different, we knew a lot, although there were no computers, we read a lot, including and banned books, went to underground performances and concerts. No one thought about money. It was a time of romance, which, alas, was gradually disappearing from our lives..."

Wherever he appeared: in the company of friends or in a huge hall at a concert, he easily subdued everyone with his charm.

Marina Vladi was far away, Oksana perceived her as his relative, her existence did not affect their relationship in any way.

Oksana heard the most important words in her life only a year after meeting Vysotsky. This happened in Bukhara. They lived in a hotel. Vysotsky suddenly experienced clinical death. He was miraculously saved. A local doctor helped. He gave injections into the subclavian artery. When Vysotsky regained consciousness, the first thing he said was: “I love you.” Vysotsky never used such words.

Oksana was with him on that fateful night when Vladimir Semenovich died. This was in 1980. The company has gathered. Photographer V. Nisanov recalled: “...They drank until 2 am. Then Ksyusha (Oksana Yarmolnik), doctor Tolya Fedotov and Seva Abdulov went to his apartment. Ksyusha remained in the apartment with Vysotsky. At 4.30 in the morning it became known that Volodya had died. .. When the doctor approached Vysotsky, he was cold.”

She left his apartment immediately after the funeral. Not to mention some personal things - she didn’t even take documents. “We were naive and believed that since the church was separated from the Soviet state, we could easily be married without stamps in our passports... Volodya found one priest who fell under his charm and agreed to marry us. But it didn’t work out...”

He lived life to the fullest. “One role of Hamlet is already a small death”...

Another life

Two years after Vysotsky’s death, she married Leonid Yarmolnik and gave birth to a daughter, Sasha.

- With Yarmolnik you began a completely different life...

Yes. We also met Lenya at the Taganka Theater. Then we met by chance at a party...

Yarmolnik worked at the Taganka Theater for 7 years. He didn’t have star roles, but he had urgent appointments instead of Vysotsky. In 1983 he left the theater.

Your husband played in V. Todorovsky’s film “My step-brother Frankenstein", which premiered with great success. How would you rate his work?

Complex issue. Now everyone is interested in commercial cinema, and Lenya became the producer of this film. This work will never have mass audience success like "Night Watch". This picture is very deep. Those who have seen it remain in a state of some kind of depression after watching it. What seems to us to be happening somewhere on the side can suddenly affect you too...

On Yarmolnik’s 50th birthday, Oksana gave her husband a surprise. Leonid opened the garage, and instead of his Mercedes there was a Pobeda made in 1954 - the year in which Lenya was born.

Vladimir Vysotsky was indeed officially married to Marina Vladi until his death. But it must be said that this was his third marriage, and only the fact of his death prevented the fourth from taking place - with a 20-year-old girl named Oksana Pavlovna Yarmolnik (at that time Afanasyeva).

The reason that very little is known about Vysotsky’s last love is that real wife Yarmolnik Oksana was silent for a long time about her connection with famous actor-bard. When they met, Ksyusha was only 18. The age difference with Vladimir is 22 years.

But they were not bored together, because Oksana Afanasyeva, the daughter of a Soviet writer who bore the double surname Afanasyev-Sevastyanov, grew up in a creative environment of intellectuals. Among her friends there were many writers, artists, and actors.

In addition, at this time the girl was already living independently, having decided to exchange her parents’ apartment after the death of her mother. Oksana just had to grow up early. She studied at a textile institute and was preparing to become a clothing designer. It is clear that she dressed very stylishly and tastefully.

Perhaps exactly appearance initially attracted Vysotsky when he noticed Oksana at the Taganka Theater near the entrance to the administrator’s office. Many people note that Oksana’s type has some similarities with Marina Vladi. Vladimir was quick to ask for his phone number and make an appointment.

At that time, the girl had a fiancé and was planning a wedding, so she shared with her friend her doubts about whether it was worth going on this date. Initially to Oksana famous person made no impression. However, after the first communication with Vysotsky, she broke ties with her boyfriend.

From the first days of their acquaintance, Vladimir Vysotsky began to zealously take care of Oksana, who, being then a student, naturally needed help and support, both moral and financial. She did not immediately learn about the actor’s addiction to alcohol and drugs. But even imagining the seriousness of the situation, the girl did not interrupt her connection with him.

Moreover, Oksana Yarmolnik even now perceives information in the press about Vysotsky’s illness with irritation and excitement, when they are trying to portray his personality as a promiscuous drunkard and drug addict. After all, Vladimir was actively filming until the very end, preparing for his first directorial work. And only occasionally this frantic rhythm was disrupted by breakdowns.

Oksana was next to the actor when he experienced clinical death on the set in Bukhara. This moment is depicted in the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive." She was there when a loved one suffered from unbearable withdrawal symptoms.

Although there are those who condemn Oksana for the last moments of his life, believing that her actions only brought the actor’s death closer. Everyone is free to perceive the situation in their own way. Moreover, they themselves characters love triangle, are also free to be frank or silent.

This is what Marina Vladi did when she kept silent in her book about the fact of the existence of Vysotsky’s last lover and that she was going to come to Russia to sort things out with her husband. Vladimir and Oksana were going to get married without dissolving his official marriage with Vladi.

Oksana Yarmolnik was also silent for a long time and did not give any interviews. The biography of Yarmolnik’s wife, journalists believe, would hardly be of interest to anyone today if not for those 2 years spent with the famous actor. When leaving Vladimir Vysotsky’s apartment, Oksana did not take any of the things given to her from there. All that remains is the memory of a loved one.

The bitterness of loss troubled me for more than a year, until a young man appeared on the way, talented actor from the same Taganka - Leonid Yarmolnik. Oksana believes that it was Vladimir who first introduced them, talking about Leonid. About the fact that Volodya handed over some of his theatrical roles to him.

They also watched the film “The Same Munchausen” with Yarmolnik’s participation together. 2 years after Vysotsky’s death, Afanasyeva became Oksana Yarmolnik in connection with her official marriage. Personal life, thanks to this marital union, was a success. And despite Yarmolnik’s numerous previous marriages, he and Oksana have been together for 30 years.

Oksana Pavlovna Yarmolnik is a fairly well-known costume designer in the theater world today. Most often she had the opportunity to design costumes and sets for the Tabakov theater studio and for Sovremennik. Moreover, she has a private studio for making soft toys.

However, more often Oksana is positioned simply as the wife of actor and producer Leonid Yarmolnik, nothing more. The spouses already adult daughter- Alexandra. She also chose creative profession and is a glass artist. But those 2 years with Vladimir Vysotsky left an indelible mark on my soul. And despite all the joint trials, the memories are only warm.

asserts close friend Vladimir Semenovich Valery Yanklovich.

with actress Tatiana IVANENKO. Of course, his closest friend, the administrator of the Taganka Theater Valery YANKLOVICH, whom some even call VYSOTSKY’s “executor,” knows everything about her and Vladimir Semenovich’s other beloved women.


We became close to Vysotsky when he was already an accomplished genius. And he himself knew about it. Maybe he brought me closer to him, because I understood this perfectly well. In any case, Vysotsky was never Volodka for me.

I spent the last seven years of his life next to Vladimir Semenovich. He united around himself the most different people. After his death, everyone fled to the corners and, in fact, became enemies. Because there was nothing spiritual in us compared to him and it’s unlikely there will ever be.

Sea of ​​Love

Vysotsky really had a lot of women. They say that the main one is Lyudmila Vladimirovna Abramova. Because she bore him sons.

Yes, I gave birth! And what? Lucy is just a small part of him huge life. The most great place Marina Vladi still occupied Vysotsky’s heart. And I think it’s unfair that at the last celebrations of Vysotsky’s birthday, her name wasn’t even mentioned.

- What, without her we wouldn’t know such Vysotsky?

Undoubtedly! It would have been a meager product of the system in which everyone then lived. I dare say that it was Marina Vladi who managed to instill in Volodya the right attitude towards money and real work. It was she who opened the world to him and opened him up to the world. Marina has it all - greatness and a womanish Russian nature, mixed with kitchen scandalousness. But the most important thing about it is a huge, simply universal sea of ​​love. Look at her half smile. No Gioconda could even dream of this.

- Many will disagree with you...

Yes, Vladi is offended by people close to Vysotsky who insulted her after the death of her husband.

One of the turning points in Marina’s life was Nikita Vysotsky’s attitude towards her. When, after the publication of the book “Vladimir, or Interrupted Flight” in Russia, he spoke sharply - we will sue! Of course, Vladi is very subjective in her assessments. And not least Vysotsky’s parents. Could she have been different with her personal mistakes, alcoholism, husbands? And then you need to take into account that the book contains elements of an artistic image.

- But everything was very, very difficult for them...

Of course, in the relationship between Vysotsky and Marina there was not only love. By the way, sex was not all right there. Especially in last years. When, after Volodya’s death, Vladi found out about Ksyukha (Oksana Yarmolnik, nee Afanasyeva. - B.K.), this was a terrible blow for her. But, to be honest, I don’t want to savor it. It is much more important to understand on what basis the talent of such a person was formed. unique person. It didn’t just arise on its own, did it?

Bad genes

- Of course, not by myself! Apparently something he inherited from his parents.

Volodya had, by the way, not the best good genes. Mom and dad, unfortunately, gave him only life at the moment of his birth. That's all. There is no talk of any spirituality. They themselves were robbed and violated. Just like all the people of their generation. Nina Maksimovna simply dreamed of making him a “pioneer hero,” that is, a “correct” person. But Volodya couldn’t be like that! Because he lived too widely, wide open.

- Some believe that women loved Vysotsky for his talent, and not for, so to speak, his masculinity.

In his young years, he was not Vysotsky for women. Just a man, a man. It was only later that many imagined themselves to be his muses and guardian angels. The same Tatyana Ivanenko declares that without her, Volodya would have drunk himself. What can we say about Ivanenko? She is one of his hundreds of girls. She really wanted to control it.

That's it, no more. She did not have any serious spiritual influence on Vysotsky as an artist. It’s just that Tatyana at one time suited him very well sexually.

- They also have a daughter together?

They say her girl Nastya looks like him. But Vysotsky did not recognize her. “What do you think,” he told me, “if I felt that this was my child, would I really not help?!” He treated children wonderfully, perhaps because he was practically deprived of communication with his sons. After all, if someone really needs it, they can do a DNA test. Somewhere Vysotsky’s hair has been preserved. Marina, for example.

- They say that his last love was Oksana, current wife Yarmolnik.

In the last years of his life, Ksyukha Afanasyeva had, of course, influence on him. Volodya took an active part in discussing it artwork, sketches. But at the same time, at least five more women lingered next to Volodya. Afanasyeva was just a girl. He really enjoyed sex with her. And by that time Marina was becoming too dominant. “She’s such a boss in bed that she doesn’t want to get up!” - Volodya admitted. And he did not tolerate pressure, especially from women, in any form!

There are rumors going around

It was rumored that Yanklovich was the poet’s treasurer and even got Vysotsky drugs. A version of the “unintentional murder” of Vysotsky is circulating on the Internet. It seems that doctor Fedotov gave him some kind of narcotic drug before his death, but, they say, did not calculate the dose. That is why the bard’s relatives allegedly insisted that an autopsy not be performed. At the time of death, next to Vladimir Semenovich, in addition to the doctor, were Oksana Yarmolnik and Valery Yanklovich.

Those who know Leonid Yarmolnik personally say that in his heart he is no more than 25 years old. He is still active and loves big companies and joke. Yarmolnik’s wife Oksana and daughter Alexandra, in whom he dotes, help preserve his youthful spirit.

Always in love

Leonid s early childhood He was active and restless. He easily met people and made friends. He was also very amorous. He first fell in love while studying at the Shchukin School. His first love was called Galina.

The girl was older than Leonid and treated his feelings very condescendingly. But even this circumstance did not prevent the guy from experiencing all the delights of falling in love. Later, Galina moved to South Sakhalin, but this did not stop the actor from maintaining friendly relations with her.

Yarmolnik became an actor in the Taganka Theater and met his first serious love there. It's about about the actress of the same theater Zoya Pylnova. The chosen one was also older than Leonid, but the couple did not feel the age difference. Soon after the meeting they began to live together.

The relationship between Leonid Yarmolnik and Zoya Pylnova was destroyed by tragedy. Zoya was pregnant, but due to health problems she was unable to give birth to a child. She had a miscarriage in the seventh month. The couple took this tragedy seriously and began to move away from their husband and withdraw into themselves. Soon she left Yarmolnik and returned to her ex-husband.

Leonid Yarmolnik's first wife is Elena Koneva. They got married, but their marriage soon broke up. It only lasted a year. What caused the separation is still unknown.

Real love

Yarmolnik met his true love Oksana Afanasyeva already in mature age. The couple met thanks to Vladimir Vysotsky. It was he who introduced the young people. Oksana worked in the same Taganka theater as Vysotsky and Yarmolnik. There she created theatrical costumes.

Since childhood, Oksana was surrounded by film and pop artists, because her father was a famous Soviet writer. Since childhood, the girl has been accustomed to receiving only the best. She received a good education in a special school with a French bias. After school, I easily entered college and after graduation became a fashion designer.

Oksana met Vladimir Vysotsky at the age of 18. At that time, the actor was not interesting to her as a man.

She was in love with his work and with him as a person. But it was with Oksana that the actor and singer was destined to live the last two years of his life.

They loved each other, although many considered the relationship between Oksana and Vladimir to be nothing more than a hobby.

But for the girl this relationship was the first true love. They were connected by more than just a bed.

And for Vladimir Vysotsky, the girl became a sip fresh air. He was even planning to divorce legal wife Marina Vladi. But Oksana refused such an offer.

For her, the stamp in the passport was not important. What was important was the relationship and trust that existed between them. She was ready to endure everything, even Vysotsky’s betrayal. The couple was even planning to get married.

Although this required officially registering the relationship, Vladimir found a priest who agreed to do this without stamps in the passports. But this was not destined to happen. Vysotsky died right in Oksana’s arms, having managed to say that he loved her.

Happy acquaintance

The girl liked Yarmolnik in absentia. She did not know him personally, but noted his excellent performance in the film “That Same Munchausen.” The girl went to the premiere of this film with Vysotsky.

Later she found out that Leonid and Vladimir were working together in the theater. It was Vysotsky who introduced Oksana to Yarmolnik.

At that time, Oksana did not pay much attention to the acquaintance. The reacquaintance occurred two years after Vysotsky’s death. Yarmolnik inherited almost all the roles that Vladimir Semenovich played in the theater. And Oksana at that time worked at the Taganka Theater as a costume designer.

Interesting notes:

Meeting Leonid was quite banal. She asked him to light a cigarette. Then a conversation ensued. Even then, the girl felt that the actor had powerful charisma and she was drawn to him. Yarmolnik reminded her of her first love.

A strong family

The couple married in 1982. A year later their daughter Alexandra was born. Oksana and Leonid were simply happy and enjoying family life. Her husband supported Oksana’s idea of ​​not staying on maternity leave for long, and when her daughter was one year old, she went to work. The girl began working in the theater and creating costumes for actors.

The spouses admit that their family life cannot be called boring. Leonid has an explosive character: he can cause scandals several times a day. Yarmolnik’s wife takes this calmly, because she knows very well that her husband loves her and him Bad mood, this is temporary.

Today Oksana and Leonid are happy together. They do what they love and their lives are inextricably linked with the theater. It always contains a piece of their soul, because it was thanks to the theater that they found their happiness.

Originally from Far East, Jewish by origin and Russian by self-perception - this is what Leonid Yarmolnik says about himself. From the Far Eastern village of Grodekovo, the family moved to Lviv when Lena was only 7 years old, due to the work of her father, a commander. motorized rifle battalion. On Western Ukraine the future actor lived until graduation. He was neither a good boy nor a hooligan: he studied without grades, swam well and played the accordion, but it was only when he became seriously interested in playing on stage. I went to Leningrad, to LGITMiK to enroll, but they didn’t see the future actor there. A year later, the admissions committee of the Moscow Shchukin School turned out to be more perspicacious. Leonid was enrolled in the first year, placed in a dormitory and given a chance that he would not miss - to become a professional actor.

Roles from Vysotsky

In the foyer of the Moscow Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater, 1962 Studying at "Pike" went according to school script: Yarmolnik could skip lectures in the company of his friend Sasha Abdulov, but on the whole he was considered a promising and talented student. After graduation in 1976, he was accepted into the Taganka Theater, where Vladimir Vysotsky shone in those years.

Yarmolnik’s start in the theater was bright: the chief director of the theater, Yuri Lyubimov, immediately entrusted him with playing in the play “The Master and Margarita,” and then Vysotsky himself “shared” roles with the newcomer. Then the young artist did not yet suspect that this was far from the main gift that he would inherit from the legend. And he enthusiastically went on stage in the role of Kerensky. His career in cinema developed simultaneously with his theater career: in 1974, Yarmolnik made his debut in the film “Your Rights?”, and in 1979 he became famous throughout the Union with the humorous miniature “Chicken Tobacco.” The role of Theophilus, the son of Baron Munchausen in the film “That Same Munchausen” finally secured Leonid Yarmolnik’s status as a popular artist.

Civil and fictitious marriages

At the Taganka Theater he met his first actual wife, actress Zoya Pylnova. She was seven years older and also married, but both turned a blind eye to this, enjoying the passion that flared up. Zoya’s husband, actor Vladimir Ilyin, seemed to fade into the background, although they did not officially file for divorce. “We lived wonderfully and happily with her in civil marriage seven years,” Leonid later said about their relationship. The happiness ended tragically: Zoya was expecting a child from Yarmolnik, but a miscarriage occurred in the seventh month of pregnancy. For the actress, this was a real tragedy, followed by a crisis in the relationship. They were unable to cope with him: Pylnova returned to Ilyin, and Yarmolnik again became a free man.

He experienced this very painfully and in the end decided on a rash adventure: he married Elena Koneva, a girl with whom he became friends in a common company.

Some considered this marriage to be fictitious - Yarmolnik needed Moscow registration. He himself says that with an official marriage he wanted to finally put an end to his past relationships. Nothing came of this, of course: a month after the wedding, he met a girl whom he truly fell in love with.

Vysotsky's last love

Oksana Afanasyeva was a costume designer; from the age of 18 she tried not to miss a single theater premiere - and that’s how she met Vladimir Vysotsky. It was she who was next to him in the last, most difficult, two years of his life. They say that he died next to her.

The 20-year-old girl could not recover from this loss for a whole year. Helped a strong character and love for the profession. And the meeting with Leonid Yarmolnik finally healed a broken heart. For the first time he caught a glimpse of her in the theater foyer - beautiful girl standing in line at the cash register in a miniskirt. She bought a ticket and left, he ran off to the rehearsal. And a few days later I saw the same girl in a company of friends celebrating the May holidays. “The very next day after that May Day gathering, I moved in with Ksyusha. I had luxury car“The Zhiguli, I brought her home in it and... I just stayed there, as they say, settled forever,” Yarmolnik recalled the very beginning of their relationship. They signed only when Oksana was seven months pregnant. The wedding was modest, in the circle of the closest people. The holiday was made up when daughter Alexandra was already 15 years old: in the early 90s, Leonid and Oksana were forced to “divorce” on paper in order to resolve the housing issue with the actor’s parents. But the second wedding followed all the canons of the holiday: with guests, the bride’s dress, gifts and shouts of “bitter.” Yarmolnik does not like to talk about his love for his wife: he believes that every a happy family consists of such “Oksan and Leonidov”. They have been together for 35 years, cope with everyday crises with confidence and do not pay attention to the gossip that arises every now and then.

Leonid and Oksana with their daughter At the beginning of 2014, the media wrote about the romance of Leonid Yarmolnik and the young actress Victoria Romanenko, but the rumors remained rumors that died down without finding confirmation. Now Leonid and Oksana are happy grandparents of their grandson Peter. Yarmolnik dotes on the boy and is very proud that his parents easily trust his grandfather. Daughter Sasha followed in her mother’s footsteps and also became an artist, but she does not create costumes, but unique stained glass windows.

Leonid Yarmolnik is still in demand as an actor and producer. In recent years, she and Oksana increasingly appreciate each other’s company - even such once noisy holidays as New Year, prefer to meet together, rather than in cheerful companies.

Photo: Persona Stars, Ria Novosti, Anato Liy Garanin/RIA Novosti, Evgeniy Novozhenina/RIA Novosti