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Khanty and Mansi

Who are the indigenous peoples of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug?

Khanty and Mansi are two related peoples.

What household items do you already know?






Estate. Ob Khanty

To designate the Khanty and Mansi as a single whole in scientific literature another term has been established - Ob Ugrians. Its first part indicates the main place of residence, and the second comes from the word “Ugra”, “Yugoria”. What do you know about this name?

This is what the territory in the polar Urals and in Western Siberia, as well as its inhabitants.

Languages Khanty and Mansi linguists classify them as Ugric (Yugrian); the same group includes a related Hungarian language. Ugric languages ​​are included in Finno-Ugric group of the Uralic language family.

Manifold natural conditions determined the types of economy of the Khanty and Mansi, in it the leading role belonged to either hunting or fishing depending on the area of ​​residence ( reindeer husbandry, cedar and berry production were of auxiliary importance).

Most of Khanty and Mansi leads semi-sedentary Lifestyle. And those who are engaged in reindeer husbandry, then they are characterized by nomadic Lifestyle. The Khanty and Mansi family are assigned fishing grounds. They include the territory necessary for fishing and hunting, as well as winter and summer reindeer pastures.

Every family has stationary dwellings (winter and summer - log houses) and temporary(frame, often portable).

How many houses does one Khanty family have? Hunter-fishermen have four seasonal settlements and each has special housing, and the reindeer herder, wherever he comes, places only chum. Any building for a person or animal is called a kat, hot(hunt.).

Let's look into the house of the Central Ob Khanty. Tell me what you see?


Izba of the Central Ob Khanty

When hunting and on the road, the simplest types of “houses” are often used. For example, in winter they make a snow hole - Sogyum. The snow in the parking lot is dumped into one pile, and a passage is dug into it from the side. Sleeping places, that is, just the ground, are covered with spruce branches. Fir branches are softer, but not only can they be laid, they cannot even be cut; it is believed to be an evil spirit tree.

What are household items made of?

birch bark, wood, fish skin, reindeer fur and rovduga (deer skin).







Bow and arrows





The Khanty believe that before a baby develops teeth, its flesh is the object of desire for all kinds of evil spirits. The spirits of the forest and water are trying to capture her. Without bassinets the child is defenseless. It should not be placed on the bare floor or ground, otherwise lower spirits will immediately penetrate into it. To scare away evil spirits, the Khanty put a knife, a sharpening stone and matches in the cradle. The Mansi add to this a piece of crystal - “pure stone”.

A baby has two bassinets: daytime and nighttime. In the first he sees light, in the second he sees darkness; in the first he plays more, in the second he sleeps. On the back of the day cradle and at the head of the night cradle there is an olem grouse - a bird of sleep.

What do the Khanty and Mansi eat?

What dishes do you know?

What do the Khanty use to make strong glue?

From scales. And from the intestines, after many hours of boiling over a fire, they make a product that softens the skins during processing.

Fish ( blasphemy ), deer and elk meat, poultry meat

Ukha, rasstegai, stroganina, patanka, cooking, yukola

"Cleaning dried fish"

What do Khanty and Mansi craftswomen sew clothes from?

from deer fur,

bird skins,

furs, sheepskins,

rovdugi (deerskin),


nettle and linen canvas,

cotton fabric.

From wool threads they weave belts and garters for shoes, and knit socks on needles.

One of the advantages of clothing northern peoples- this is practicality. It is designed not only for the harsh climate of high latitudes, but also for the specifics of work and life.

In summer, traditional women's clothing among the Khanty and Mansi are dresses with a yoke ( Ernas ) and cloth robes ( nui-sah ) straight cut, without collar;

Men wear shirts (the cut is similar to women's dresses), pants and belts ( fabric, leather, wicker) to which bags and handbags with hunting accessories are hung.

In winter, traditional women's clothing among the Khanty and Mansi is a reindeer coat with fur mosaic ( sah ). It is cut from four deer skins and made in two layers. Fur can be both outside and inside.

Men's fur coat ( Malitsa) deerskin and jacket parka from deer ears.

Outerwear men closed cut, has no cut, made of cloth or deer skins with a hood. There are three types: malitsa, goose (kumysh), parka

Malitsa sewn and put on with fur inside, to the body. Malitsa is decorated with fur edging. Malitsa has a hood - sava, mittens – Ngoba(they are sewn from any skins with the fur facing out). Malitsa girds herself with a belt - neither(it is made from leather)


Goose (kumysh) and parka sewn and put on with the fur facing out.

A parka jacket made of deer ears is elegant clothing, and kumysh is worn on the road over a malitsa.

Summer short shoes Nyara sewn from reindeer, elk kamus or leather. Long boots made of fabric or rovduga (leather) were sewn onto them;

The girl is wearing a pink dress, her feet are shod in leather teals with knitted socks.

And winter shoes kitties sewn from very wear-resistant strips from deer legs ( kamus). The fur on the sole is taken from the forehead. And so that the sole does not get wet, it is impregnated with fat. They bandage their pussies under their knees to keep snow out.

The only thing that distinguishes male kitties from female ones is the ornament.

Women's headdress - scarf and fur hood sava. It is sewn separately, unlike men's clothing it does not attach to the fur coat. Clothes were decorated with mosaic ornaments.

Tailoring rested entirely with the woman. Long winter evenings women sewed clothes for the whole family. When making clothes, craftswomen used white, red, green, yellow, blue colors. Each color has its own designation.

Snow color

Taiga color

Color of rivers, water, sky

Color of life

Fire color

The Khanty believe that clothing is ready and can be worn when it is decorated with ornaments.

Hunt on a deer

bunny ears

male moose antlers

horn wild deer

In ancient times, patterns on household products

served not only as decoration. They gave

things properties of amulets and played the role of magical

protection of the item itself and its owner.

The ornament was primarily used to decorate the collars, sleeves,

hem, i.e. all the holes through which all diseases

And evil forces can get inside. Currently

time, ornaments serve more as decoration than


Girls have pincushions, cradles, sewing accessories for children's doll clothes, scrapers for making them or making children's utensils from birch bark. The girls dressed and trimmed the dolls. Dolls ( akan ) the Khanty did not have a face: a figure with a face is already an image of a spirit. He demands appropriate care and honors, but without receiving them, he can do harm.


Name the things shown in the picture





socks, mittens


harp or



Our Motherland-Russia

Our Motherland is Russia. The coat of arms of Russia is a red heraldic shield with a golden double-headed eagle with spread wings raised upward. Eagle crowned

Our Motherland is Russia. Russian coat of arms - red
heraldic shield with golden double-headed
an eagle raising up the loose
wings. The eagle is crowned with two small
crowns and above them one large crown,
connected with tape. In the eagle's right paw is a scepter, in the left is an orb. On the eagle's chest,
in a red shield, - a silver horseman in blue
cloak on a silver horse, striking
with a silver spear of a black overturned
lay down the snake.
Russia is very big country, wherein
There are many people of different nationalities living there.
Russia is a large and vast country, it
extends from west to east and from north to
south. There are many lakes in Russia and big rivers, such
as – Volga, Yenisei, Ob, Irtysh, Don

The capital of our homeland is Moscow

The capital of our homeland is Moscow

The flora and fauna of our Russia is diverse

The district in which we live is called the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. The history of our district began a long time ago. Ancient name

The district in which we live is called Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Yugra. Story
our district began a very long time ago. Ancient name
our district - YUGRA (“ug” - water, “ra” - people).
The big cities of our district are Surgut, Nefteyugansk,
Khanty-Mansiysk, Nizhnevartovsk, Kogalym, Megion,
Nyagan, Poke.
The coat of arms depicts a figure of a bird, the symbol “Kat ukhup”
howl" (two-headed bird) in a field of dissected azure
(blue, cyan) and green shield. The bird is depicted in
in the form of pairs located, combined with tails
mythical birds. With your bird's wings
support the rising sun,
A crown made in the shape of horns represents
The main occupation of the indigenous population is reindeer herding.
Coniferous branches are a symbol of the flora of the region.
Blue color symbolizes beauty and grandeur, green
color means life, White color stands for snow.

Gifts of nature from our district

Our Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - YUGRA

Indigenous people of our district

The indigenous inhabitants of our region are the Khanty and Mansi peoples) - The Khanty live on the banks of rivers, In the summer they live in birch bark tents, in the winter in dugouts

The indigenous people of our region are the Khanty and
- The Khanty live on the banks of rivers, in the summer they live in birch bark plagues,
in winter in dugouts and huts. Main means of transportation
on the river - these are boats, and in winter time, reindeer sleds. Deer near
indigenous people are domestic animals, they are very
beautiful, proud and resilient. They run very fast
so people domesticated them. They are used as transport. For
This reindeer is harnessed to a sleigh (sledge).
Several reindeer are harnessed to a team at once.
The team is driven by the driver (musher). Deer – very strong
an animal that can run for a long time and will not get tired.
His thin legs do not fall into the snow. Deer fur
used for sewing clothes, houses are built from it -
yurts And people lubricate their hands and face with reindeer fat so as not to
Deer for northern man- very good helper

Native buildings


National clothes

In our city of Pyt-Yakh, there is a local history museum of the indigenous peoples of the North. There are many things of the indigenous peoples of our district there.

In our city of Pyt-Yakh, there is a local history museum
indigenous peoples of the North. There are a lot of things there
indigenous peoples of our district
This includes dishes made from tree bark. Birch bark bowl,
which the Khanty use to raise dough, and this is a box
made from fir bark (tuesok), fish oil is stored in it.
Collect wild berries.
Nearby we see a pincushion, notice what
the ornament is depicted on it (a bear).
After all, among the indigenous peoples of the north, a bear is
sacred animal, and therefore it is very often
depicted on different subjects everyday life

"Akan - Khanty doll

Akan" - Khanty doll. These are homemade dolls made from fabric, cloth or fur. Previously, the Khanty gave these dolls to their relatives and

Akan" - Khanty doll. These are like this
homemade dolls made from cloth
or fur. Previously, the Khanty gave these dolls
to their relatives and themselves received
present. There was an unpleasant look on Akan's face
make eyes, nose, mouth like a doll
was considered sacred. I believe in this
the doll could have been possessed by an evil spirit


The indigenous peoples of the north love to decorate their household items with various ornaments, embroidery from beads, buttons, and braid. Look how

The indigenous peoples of the north are very fond of
decorate your household items
different ornaments, embroidery from
beads, buttons, braid. Look,
what beautiful handbags and jewelry
for beaded head

The capercaillie bird is a symbol of indigenous peoples
our region, symbol of PytYakh

Nenets The Nenets are one of the largest Samoyed peoples. The self-name Nenets - “man” was introduced into official use in 1930. Initially, the Nenets were called Samoyeds or Samoyeds-Yuraks. This is mentioned in the oldest Russian chronicle, The Tale of Bygone Years, dating back to the beginning of the 12th century. The main food is deer meat (in any form), fish, bread. Favorite drink is tea. It, like metal utensils, was exchanged with Russian traders. They made wooden utensils - bowls, cups, spoons - themselves.

Nenets Tundra (>90%) Forest Kolvintsy 90%) Forest Kolvintsy"> 90%) Forest Kolvintsy"> 90%) Forest Kolvintsy" title="Tundra Nenets (>90%) Forest Kolvintsy"> title="Nenets Tundra (>90%) Forest Kolvintsy"> !}

Reindeer husbandry National characteristics: year-round grazing of animals under the supervision of shepherds and reindeer herding dogs, sleigh ride on reindeer. Car and cargo sleds are used. The deer eats moss - moss. As food reserves become depleted, pastures have to be changed. Shepherds and their families also wander with the reindeer herd.

Khanty Khanty were semi-sedentary hunters and fishermen; in addition, they were engaged in reindeer herding in the north and cattle breeding in the south. Hunters and fishermen had a seasonal settlement and home for each season. There were a lot of types of dwellings, some of them were temporary, collapsible, others were permanent. There were a variety of outbuildings, and there were places of worship. Household items were made from local materials: wood, birch bark, cedar root, etc.

Writing After the revolution, writing was developed for the Khanty, books were published in their language, but at the same time Soviet government forced the Khanty to give up their nomadic way of life and turn to the creation of fishing, hunting and reindeer herding cooperatives. Communities that wanted to preserve the traditional way of life were persecuted administratively for a year. Khanty children received their first book native language, compiled by P.E. Khatanzeev.

Oil fields Development oil fields during the Soviet period caused serious environmental damage to the territory of traditional settlement of the Khanty. Speaking in defense of their lands, the Khanty took part in environmental groups protests that appeared during the period of perestroika.

From renewable natural resources There are large reserves of forests, fish, wild animals, and wild plants. It was these factors that contributed to the development of the crafts of the indigenous peoples of the North, such as fishing, fish processing, hunting, reindeer husbandry, collection and processing of wild fruits, mushrooms and nuts, folk crafts, and souvenir production.

Most of the indigenous population leads a typical taiga lifestyle. These are semi-sedentary hunters and fishermen, who are also engaged in reindeer husbandry in the north and cattle breeding in the south of the Autonomous Okrug. The most ancient traditional way is fishing using barriers made of stakes and rods (constipations); fishing rods and net traps have also been known for a long time.

Shamans Among the indigenous people there were also shamans. As a rule, shamans used knowledge of human physiology and anatomy in their practice. In this case, the main factor was hypnotic suggestion used by shamans in various forms, contributing to a person’s recovery (improving his well-being).

The birth and death of a person, the change of seasons, all types economic activity among the Forest Nenets were accompanied by the performance of special rituals. For this, the shaman chose a special place that was considered sacred: near the stone unusual shape, on the top of a hill or on the shore of a lake. Visit sacred places unnecessarily was strictly prohibited.

Indigenous people used animals as medicinal raw materials. For example, fresh deer meat or the blood of freshly killed animals, which the Forest Nenets consume without heat treatment, turned out to be an excellent antiscorbutic remedy due to their high content of ascorbic acid and other vitamins. As medicines also found application internal organs animals, fat, bile.

Hunt She appeared the most important type economic activity of a person, which provided him with food, clothing and everything necessary for life. The people who run it are interested not only in obtaining animals, but also in preserving the livestock necessary for reproduction. (Characteristic of the residents of the Ob region - Khanty and Mansi).

Folk hygiene The most important section of traditional medicine includes folk hygiene and methods of disease prevention. Thus, the Forest Nenets wear traditional fur clothes, sewn with the fur inside, directly onto their naked bodies. Thanks to the peculiarities of the cut, the heat is concentrated inside and warms the back, chest, shoulders, and due to the cutouts for the head and slits for the arms, the thermal regime inside the clothing is regulated.

Reindeer fur, from which the clothes of the Forest Nenets are made, has special properties: when in contact with the skin, it absorbs moisture well, and while moving, the fur constantly massages the skin, promoting blood circulation. Reindeer hair is hollow inside, thanks to which the fur reliably retains heat: the Nenets even wrap infants in reindeer skins.

Famine If the Ostyaks did not manage to stock up on the required amount of fish for the winter, they would face a terrible famine. This was not uncommon. During the great famine. residents of the Surgut district “ate human flesh, and their dogs and children died, and because of that great famine, many tribute people, having left their wives and children, scattered unknown”

Such natural and climatic Under the conditions in which the Ob Ostyaks lived, agriculture was out of the question. They received bread from the Russians. Unlike the Ostyaks, the Voguls developed beekeeping and cattle breeding, and in some areas even arable farming.

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Indigenous population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Prepared by: Menlakaeva A.Z.

Goal: get to know the indigenous inhabitants of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, their way of life, worldview, and traditions.

Traditional and religious ideas Khanty and Mansi peoples Marriage and family Housing Means of transportation Household utensils, clothing Hunting and fishing Oral folk art

Khanty and Mansi peoples Indigenous small peoples Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Khanty and Mansi - Ob Ugrians. The language of the Khanty and Mansi is classified as Ugric (Yugrian) - related Hungarian. Khantov in beginning of XVII V. there were 7859 people, Mansi - 4806 people. IN late XIX V. Khanty numbered 16,256 people, Mansi - 7,021 people. Currently, the Khanty and Mansi live in Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrugs Tyumen region, and a small part of them are in the Tomsk, Sverdlovsk and Perm regions.

Traditional and religious beliefs The indigenous peoples of Siberia have developed a cult of the bear; in the past, every family kept a bear skull in their house. The Khanty venerate the elk (a symbol of wealth and well-being), the frog (which gives family happiness, children), they sought support from trees, they revered fire, and there were strong ideas about the spirits who owned the area, which were depicted in the form of idols. The wolf was considered the creation of the evil spirit Kul.

Marriage and family The way of life is patriarchal. The man was considered the head, and the woman was largely subordinate to him. The log house was built by a man, and the tent from light poles was erected by a woman. The dishes were made from birch bark by women, and from wood by men. Men, if necessary, can cook their own food, and among women there are wonderful hunters. In modern young families, husbands are increasingly helping their wives with hard work - delivering water, firewood

Marriage and family When was born in a Khanty family new person, four mothers were waiting for him here at once. The first mother - who gave birth, the second - who delivered the child, the third - the one who first raised the child in her arms, and the fourth - godmother. The child had two cradles - a birch bark box and a wooden one with a birch bark box with a back

Dwelling There are about 30 standard residential buildings among the Khanty and Mansi, among them sacred barns, houses for women in labor, for depicting the dead, social knowledge. How many houses does one Khanty family have? Hunter-fishermen have four seasonal settlements. Any building is called “kat, hot”; definitions are added to this word – birch bark, earthen, plank; its seasonality – winter, spring, summer, autumn; size, shape or purpose - dog, deer.

Housewares Dishes, furniture, and toys were made of wood. Each man had his own knife, and the boys began to learn how to use it very early. Great amount things were made from birch bark. Ten methods of decorating the material were used: scraping, embossing, openwork carving, appliqué, painting and others.

Clothing Khanty and Mansi craftswomen sewed clothes from various materials: deer fur, bird skins, furs, sheepskin, rovduga, cloth, nettle and linen canvas, cotton fabric. Belts and garters for shoes were woven from threads, and socks were knitted from needles. In summer traditional costume women's clothing there were dresses, and in winter - thick clothes made of reindeer skins.

Means of transportation The main transport is a boat. The life of the Khanty is so closely connected with water that it is difficult to imagine them without a light dugout boat called an oblas or oblasok. Usually the oblas was made from aspen, but if it was dragged overland, cedar was used, since it is lighter and does not get wet in water.

Means of transportation Skis In winter, skis were used for transportation. We learned to walk from the age of 6-7 years. The base of the ski was made of pine, cedar or spruce wood. Skis made from one wooden part were called skis, and where the sliding part was covered with fur from deer or elk skins, they were called skis.

Means of transportation Sleds The main transport in winter is sleds - hand-made (dog) or reindeer. Hand sled - used by the Khanty everywhere. General outline: two-striped, long, narrow, trapezoidal in cross section in line with the groin.

The legend of the sledges Two Khantas decided to build sledges... Let's go into the forest, two coniferous tree cut down. One man trimmed the trunk smoothly, but the other did not trim anything, leaving it with knots. The first one went - only a column of dust. In another, the deer pull and pull - but nothing: they just pull back. The deer looked back at the owner and said in a human voice: “Listen to us. Look at your comrade, everything is done smoothly for him, but we are dragging the forest along with the melted earth behind us, we have no strength.” From that time on, they began to plan the trunks for sleds smoothly from below.

Hunting The hunting industry was divided into meat large animal or poultry) and fur. The main role was played by the fur trade, in the first place of which was the squirrel, and in the distant past - the sable. Upland birds were caught using traps, and poultry was also hunted with a gun. The main hunting for upland game took place in the fall, and waterfowl were hunted in the spring and summer.

Fishing The Khanty and Mansi settled along the rivers and knew the river as well as the forest. Fishing has been and remains one of the main sectors of the economy. The Khanty and Mansi are connected with the river from childhood and for life.

Reindeer husbandry For most people, reindeer husbandry served transportation purposes, and there were few reindeer on farms. Where and how did the Khanty get domestic reindeer?

Folklore art The drawings of the Khanty and Mansi reveal many similarities. Ornament received the greatest development. in which images of animals are partially preserved. Picture writing reflected mainly aspects of economic activity, primarily hunting and fishing.

Oral folk art Bear games The bear festival or bear games is the most ancient ceremony that has survived to this day. Bear games are held once every seven years and on the occasion of the hunt of a bear. Depending on the gender of the bear caught, bear games last 5 days (if it is a bear) and 4 (if it is a she-bear).

Oral folk art Generic and family signs The signs belonged to the clan (later to the family), the so-called tamgas or “banners”, and among the Khanty they had a pronounced plot character Tattoo Image of religious content Images on products

People of the Finno-Ugric language group

Khlebopashenko Daniil


Mansi is a self-name that means “man”. External name“Voguls” comes from the name of the Vogulka river and begins to be used in Russian documents from the 14th century.

– Stand out southern, eastern, western and northern ethnographic groups of Mansi.

Language related to Ugric languages, has many dialects. IN 1930s Writing was created on the basis of Russian graphics.

Ethnonym name

Mansi live in Khanty-Mansiysk

Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, Tyumen Region

The number of Mansi in Russia is 8.3 thousand people, of which in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra over 6.5 thousand people. The Mansi are related to the Khanty. The Mansi speak the Mansi language of the Finno-Ugric group of the Uralic family. Over 60% of Mansi believe

native Russian language. Mansi writing has existed since 1931 based on the Latin alphabet, since 1937 - based on the Russian alphabet

Re l i g i

Officially converted to Orthodoxy in the 18th century, the Mansi retained various pre-Christian beliefs (the cult of patron spirits, shamanism, etc.).

The system of religious ideas as a whole is traditional - it is the belief in the existence of several souls in a person: five for men, four for women. The soul as a vital substance appears in different ways: as a shadow, breath, ghost-double or spirit of a person.

National Costume


Mansi women's clothing is represented by a dress,

embroidered satin or cloth



fur bags and bags, traditionally

used for storing handicrafts and clothing. The basic shape is semi-oval, vertically or horizontally elongated.

Decoration of the head

Mansi's hair old times didn't get a haircut. Men, having parted their hair in the middle, tied it at the sides into two buns and wrapped them with a red or other colored cord. Women braided their hair in two to wasps. Both men and women wove braids into their braids. Women's braids were connected at the bottom with a thick copper chain, which prevented them from swinging and hanging, interfering with work. Rings, bells,

beads and other jewelry. Mansi women wore large

number of copper and silver

rings Were widespread

women's beaded jewelry;

collars, various breastplates

decorations, etc.

Activities: Fishing

Reindeer husbandry


The Mansi led a semi-sedentary lifestyle, moving to different seasons year from one fishing site to another. Settlements were permanent (winter) and seasonal (at fishing grounds).