Business letters are written when communicating with partners on almost any occasion. Ready-made examples and rules for drawing up such documents can be found in the article.

A business letter can be defined as a document that is sent on behalf of the entire company to another company, individual entrepreneur or individual (for example, an investor). Essentially, any company correspondence is business letters. Their purpose is very different:

  1. about cooperation.
  2. cooperation, negotiations.
  3. A reminder of the need to fulfill obligations under the contract.
  4. An explanation of your position, a response to a previously sent letter and many others.

The document is usually drawn up on company letterhead; it can be sent by regular or e-mail. However, if the partner is of special importance, it is preferable to print it on high-quality, thick paper and hand it over personally or by courier. The structure of the letter resembles a typical business document - you can schematically represent it this way.

What to pay attention to when drawing up

There are no specific rules or samples for such letters, so their structure, volume and design largely depend on the specific case. For example, a notification letter will be quite concise (3-4 paragraphs), and a recommendation from an employee or business offer may take up more than one page.

However, there are also several general rules, which you should pay attention to when drawing up a paper:

  1. The document itself does not have any legal force, but is drawn up according to all the rules of execution. Its structure and style of presentation must comply with generally accepted principles of modern document flow.
  2. Sentences are constructed logically, in a clear sequence. Ornate, complex, emotional, and especially colloquial expressions are absent. The tonality is neutral.
  3. The presentation is always carried out only from 1 person - either in singular, if the text is written directly from the manager, or in plural if it is written on behalf of the entire company.
  4. Let it slip specific goal drafting and expected actions of the addressee (send a response, consider an employee’s candidacy, agree to negotiations, send a document, etc.).
  5. The paper does not reflect the individual interests of the manager or other employees, but the goals of the company as a team. If you need to establish personal contact, it is advisable to do it differently and not position yourself as a representative of the company.

TOP 5 mistakes when writing

Errors can be divided into 2 large groups - some are associated with writing as a text (violation of logic, vocabulary, other language norms), others - with a violation of business etiquette itself:

  1. Spelling and punctuation errors are not allowed - the text of the letter should always be checked at least 1-2 times before sending.
  2. Violation of the business style of presentation, the presence of emotional phrases, excessive politeness or, conversely, severity.
  3. Negative tone - even threats must be written without unnecessary words - for example: “We reserve the right to go to court within 30 days from the date of receipt of this letter.”
  4. Too large or, conversely, too small volume. Usually the entire text can be fit into 1-2 pages. However, this does not mean that all important information should not be conveyed to the partner. Volumetric data, diagrams, document forms can be included in applications.
  5. Depriving the interlocutor of the right to choose. For example, you should not write: “We ask you to review and approve the final version of the contract.”

Typical template phrases

Use in the text of standard phrases characteristic of business speech– a completely normal and even desirable phenomenon. Below is a list of the most common clichés used in various situations.

situation phrase
notice We inform/Bring to your attention/Inform/Notify
explanation of the reason, motive Based on/In accordance with/In connection with/For the purposes of/For reason/In support of/In pursuance
request Please take action/Please inform, forward, do, confirm...
confirmation We confirm/Assure/Accept your terms/We do not object to...
offer We recommend/offer/invite/ask
We guarantee
refusal We are forced to refuse for a reason/We are rejecting your offer due to...
conclusion We kindly ask/We hope for cooperation, understanding, assistance/We ask you to excuse, guide, do...

Official letters are written on special forms (external forms) that comply with the standard. For such forms, a set of mandatory elements (details) has been established, which must be arranged in a certain order.

The form of an official letter is a sheet of paper with permanent elements reproduced in a typographical way. We can say that an official letter consists of a “frame” of the letter and the main text and contains, in addition to the main text, information about the addressee (sender): the full and abbreviated name of the organization, its postal and telegraph address, telephone, fax and teletype numbers, the number of that letter or telegrams that served as the basis for correspondence, and much more. The forms can be either angular (centered or flag) or with a longitudinal arrangement of details.

The design of the form, which complies with the principles of technical aesthetics, has a positive effect on the perception of its content. For example, given that it is easier for the human eye to fix the upper part of any object, when drawing up documents you should make them more saturated top part.

Standards for sample forms establish the formats and sizes of fields of documents that are part of the unified documentation system, as well as the requirements for constructing the structural grid of the sample form, a set of details and the rules for their location. Documents included in unified documentation systems consist of three main parts, which are located within clearly demarcated areas. This “geometry” of the document ensures the necessary speed of perception of its text.

Details are mandatory characteristics established by law or regulations for certain types of documents. The composition and arrangement of details on the forms of organizational and administrative documents must comply with GOST R 6.30 - 2003.

The establishment of a standard for a template form, which, in turn, determines the requirements for the form of an official letter, is caused by the need to unify the process of its registration, which allows:

Organize centralized production of letterheads;

Reduce the cost of typing work;

Reduce labor costs for writing and formatting letters;

Facilitate visual search for necessary information;

Expand the possibilities of using computing and organizational technology when processing letters.

The sample form is the basis for designing forms and templates for all types of management documentation. The area allocated to sample forms for the location of each detail corresponds to the optimal volume of this detail in printed characters.

A form is a collection of document details. According to GOST R 6.30 - 2003, documents can contain up to 30 details, but not a single document is drawn up with a complete set of them. For each type of document, the composition of the details is determined depending on its purpose. So, for an official letter the following details are recommended:

1) emblem or trademark of the organization;

    name of the organization (full or abbreviated);

    reference information about the organization;

    document date;

  1. title to the text;

  1. last name (or last name, first name and patronymic) and telephone number of the performer.

The initials of the typist and the number of copies may be indicated, but they are not part of the required details. You can include the following details: email ID (if necessary).

An official letter is the only document that does not bear the name of its type. All other documents have names, for example “Order”, “Act”, “Decision”, “Memorandum”, etc.

According to GOST R 6.30-2003 image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation placed on letterheads of government agencies.

Name of company - the addressee of the document is given in full and abbreviated form, for example, the All-Russian Research Institute of Document Management and Archival Affairs - VNIIDAD.

It should be remembered that the names of organizations cannot be abbreviated arbitrarily. Abbreviated names of organizations are formed in three ways:

By the first letters of the words included in the names, for example the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs). Abbreviations are written together and the letters in them are not separated by dots;

According to the initial syllables of words included in the names, for example, Uralmash (Ural Machine-Building Plant);

In a mixed way, when complex abbreviated names are formed partly from initial letters, partly from truncated words and are written in capital letters in the first part, in lowercase letters in the second, for example VNIIDormash. Such words are also written together. The names of institutions are abbreviated only if the abbreviated name is indicated in an official document (for example, recorded in the Charter of the organization).

TOreference information about the organization include, firstly, postal and telegraph addresses. The procedure and form for recording information about the postal and telegraph addresses of an organization must comply with the Postal Rules. Secondly, reference data includes telephone numbers, fax numbers, and bank account numbers. They must also be indicated on the letterhead.

Mandatory details of the letter are date of, which is placed in the upper left corner. The date of the letter is the date of its signing. It serves as a search feature and is used when referring to a letter. Dates in the letter must be formatted digitally. Date elements are given on one line in Arabic numerals in the following sequence: day, month, year. For example, the date October 25, 2000 should be written as follows: October 25, 2000. If a day or month is indicated by a single digit, then a zero is placed in front of it. For example, the date January 12, 2000 is written as follows: 01/12/2000. Dots are placed after two digits indicating the day and month; after four digits indicating the year, no dot is placed (for example, 02/20/2000).

Registration number outgoing document - the letter number and its symbol - usually consists of several parts. First, the index of the structural unit, the index according to the nomenclature of cases of the classifier of correspondents, executors can be written down, and the last part will be the serial number of the outgoing letter, for example No. 2/16-2955 or 18/275.

Link to registration number and date of the incoming document includes the registration number and date of the letter to which the response is given and is located below the registration number and date of the outgoing document. This detail is only present on the letterhead. Comparison of the dates of sending and receiving letters gives an idea of ​​the degree of efficiency of the institution’s work with correspondence.

Under no circumstances should this data be placed in the body of the letter itself. The type of this detail in the letter should be as follows: “On No. 4520/144 dated May 17, 2000.”

Destination - name and address of the recipient of the letter (name and address of the organization, structural part of the organization, company or surname and address of the person to whom the letter is sent) - indicated on the upper right side of the letter form. This is the internal address of the letter. In the addressee, the name of the recipient organization is written in nominative case. For example:

CJSC "Oxide"

This is partly done with machine processing in mind. In order to speed up the execution of the letter, if the surname of the person who will review it is known, it is recommended to indicate this surname. When sending a letter to an official, the name of the organization is indicated in the nominative case, and the position and surname - in the dative case. For example:

Kemerovo OJSC "Granit"

To the chief specialist

A.N. Smirnov

If the letter is addressed to the head of the organization, the name of the organization must be part of the addressee’s job title. For example:

To the rector of Novosibirsk

state academy

economics and Management

prof. Yu.V. Gusev

Punctuation marks in the internal address may be omitted. The name of the organization, the name and surname of the person to whom the letter is addressed should be written as they are given on correspondence emanating from this organization or in the directory.

The “addressee” details may include a postal address. The postal address is not indicated on documents sent to government organizations and regular correspondents - in these cases it is advisable to use envelopes with pre-printed addresses.

If the letter is addressed to an official, first indicate the position, then the surname and initials, then the address of the organization. For example:

Director of CJSC Kristall

G.N. Nekrasov

103030, Moscow,

Skatertny lane, 22

If the letter is addressed to a private person, first indicate the postal code and address, and then the initials and surname of the recipient. For example:

630102, Novosibirsk-102,

st. Kirova, 76, apt. 12

P.I. Grigoriev

If the person in whose name the letter is written has an academic title (academic degree), it should be indicated before the last name:

acad. A.G. Ivanov

prof. N.G. Kirsanov

Text abbreviation "gr." (from the word “citizen”) is used when the person to whom the letter is addressed is considered as a subject of civil legal relations. In correspondence with organizations and firms in other countries, the words “Mr.,” “Mr.,” are abbreviated as “Mr.,” “Mr.”

Title to text should reflect the main issue raised in the letter and be short and succinct, formulated in one phrase. The header is placed before the body of the letter. The content of the letter is expressed in the form prepositional case with the preposition “o” (“about”). The title is not highlighted with quotation marks; it is written with a capital letter and begins immediately from the left margin of the sheet. For example:

About organizing outbound trade

On the supply of coal under contract No. 33-02/567

About the purchase of a brick factory

About the invitation

It is advisable that the title does not exceed two lines; if there are two lines, a paragraph is used.

The title should be written by the direct executor, who knows the contents of the document better than anyone else. An employee sorting mail should only need to read the header to determine which category of letters the letter belongs to and where it should be sent, which is especially important in cases where the address does not indicate the specific person to whom the letter is addressed. In addition, a quick glance at the header can save the employee from having to read the entire letter.

It is not recommended to use the words “regarding” or “concerns” in the title. Also, you should not write “to the point,” since this expression is accepted in legal practice. It is quite appropriate, for example, in a letter addressed to the police department:

To the boss

police station

Kirovsky district

Novosibirsk G.V. Sidorov

in the case of gr. Kruglova A.A.

The main details of a business letter are: text . The maximum length of a standard line of an official letter is 64 printed characters, which is about 17 cm. Typically a line contains 60-62 characters. The choice of this line length is explained by the most commonly used A4 format, as well as by the fact that when reading text, we, as a rule, keep it at a distance of 30-35 cm from the eyes, and the angle of the sector of the best receptivity of the human eye is 30 degrees.

Marking the presence of the application is done if any documents are attached to the letter. In the lower left corner of the letter, immediately from the field, the word “Attachment” is placed, then the names of the attached documents are placed in numerical sequence indicating the number of copies and sheets. Each name is located on a separate line. No entry is made under the word “Application”. For example:

Enclosure: Copy of the contract with the Keller company, 3 pages. in 1 copy.

An indication of the presence of an application, the name of which is given in the text of the letter, can be made in the following form:

Application: for 5 l. in 1 copy.

This detail can be prepared on the letterhead. In the bound application the number of sheets is not indicated. For example:

Appendix: information material about the international exhibition “SIB-2000” in 3 copies.

The documents themselves included in the application must have all the necessary details: name of the document type, title, date, signature. In addition, on applications, a mark is made in the upper right corner indicating the connection of the application with the main document. If the application is an independent document, it is sent with a covering letter.

Props « signature » placed to the left of the letter's subtext immediately from the field. The signature includes the job title of the person signing the letter, personal signature and its transcript. Since business letters are written on institutional letterhead, the name of the institution is not indicated in the signature. For example:

Head teacher Signature N.K. Sidorov

Two signatures are placed when it is necessary to confirm the validity of the first signature, as well as in particularly important documents, for example, in letters on financial and credit issues sent to financial and banking institutions. Such letters are always signed by the chief (senior) accountant of the enterprise.

When a letter is signed by several officials, their signatures are placed one below the other in the sequence corresponding to the position held:

Director of the Institute Signature A.N. Marchenko

Chief Accountant Signature Yu.P. Volkov

When a letter is signed by several persons occupying the same positions, their signatures are located at the same level:

Director of OJSC Karelia Director of CJSC Korsar

Signature I.V. Petrov Signature G.A. Fomin

All copies of letters remaining in the files of organizations must contain the original signatures of officials. If the official whose signature is prepared on the draft letter is absent, the letter is signed by the person performing his duties or his deputy. In this case, the actual position of the person who signed the letter must be indicated (for example, “acting”, “deputy”) and his last name. You cannot sign letters with the preposition “for” or with a slash before the job title.

Signing a document is one of the ways to authenticate it. An official letter without a signature has no legal force.

The note about the executor (author of the letter) includes the surname of the executor and his office telephone number and is placed on the front side of the letter.

Here is a sample of a service letter with angular details:

Name of organization Addressee

Name of structural

divisions (if necessary)

Reference data

about the organization

___________№ ______

to No._______ from_____

Letter header (begins with "O" or "Ob")

Text Position Signature Initials, surname

Last name (or last name, first name, patronymic) of the performer, telephone number

Typist's initials and number of copies

Email ID

In business document flow, the request letter format is used very often when there is a need to obtain the consent of the second party or specific service from her. Ready samples and examples on different situations, as well as the rules for composing such letters, you will find in this article.

The tradition and rules for drawing up a letter of request have developed exclusively in practical document management - i.e. on legislative level no forms or instructions are approved. However, in general view the following structure should be followed:

  1. As usual, the “header” is first filled out, which indicates the full name of the sending organization with the corresponding contact information, as well as the name of a specific employee (usually the director of the company) and the name of the recipient organization.
  2. This is followed by the text itself, which consists of a description of the situation and justification for the request. The text should be as short as possible - usually 1-2 paragraphs are enough. It is important to state your request specifically and unambiguously so that the interlocutor clearly understands the essence of your appeal.
  3. This is followed by the signature, transcript of the signature and date of compilation.

Thus, it is drawn up according to the standard version for such documents - the form is given below.

The finished sample can be used as an example.

NOTE. The decision to indicate or not indicate the title of the document (i.e. to write “Letter of Request” in the middle) is made by the sender himself. Typically, this is necessary in cases where it is appropriate to emphasize the nature of the document and the purpose that one company is trying to achieve from another.

Because in this case we're talking about that one company is counting on some favor or even a concession from its partner, of course, the writing of the letter, its design and even its sending should be taken very seriously. Any detail can make an impression, so it’s better to take into account even the seemingly insignificant nuances:

  1. First of all, it is better to send it using physical mail - regular Russian Post or, even better, a private organization that delivers correspondence door to door and much faster. A message in electronic form, or even more so sent via fax, is often perceived more impersonally, like spam.
  2. Besides physical method document design (i.e., like regular mail) allows you to make a favorable impression due to more expensive paper, envelope, stamp and other means of design.
  3. For writing text is always selected letterhead– this allows you to give the request more formality.
  4. It is better to avoid obvious clericalism in the text - i.e. stable words and expressions that are commonly used in the business environment. They literally “dry” the narrative and make a generally negative impression. They are easy to replace original options- for example, “I ask you to consider” to “I hope for your understanding and assistance in resolving this issue.”
  5. Finally, it is worth sticking to traditions in general business correspondence, i.e. the text is predominantly written in formal business style. There should be no lyrical digressions, overly complex syntactic structures, or ambiguous (in meaning) phrases. Care should be taken to ensure that the message is very easy for the interlocutor to perceive, both in terms of understanding and psychologically.

ADVICE. If it is possible to write the text by hand, it is better to use this method. A handwritten letter makes it stand out from everyone else. However, it is better to entrust the writing to a specialist who knows calligraphy techniques.


Depending on the specific situation There are different types of letters. The requests mainly concern financial issues– for example, providing a discount, reducing payment for a service or deferring it. A minority of request letters are devoted to assistance in resolving some other issues. The most common cases and ready-made examples letters are discussed below.

About the allocation of funds

A request to allocate money even for charitable purposes is a rather serious request. Therefore, when drawing up, it is important to describe the situation as specifically as possible and, moreover, to clearly indicate what exactly the money is needed for, and for what reason it cannot be taken from another source.

When compiling, you can use this example as a basis.

From NPO "Rainbow"

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly

St. Petersburg Miloshnikov I.N.

Dear Ilya Nikolaevich! The director of the non-profit organization Rainbow welcomes you.” Our organization was founded in 2012 and throughout all these years it has been continuously providing financial assistance to children suffering from acute forms leukemia. The main direction of our activity is the purchase of relevant medicines and carrying out complex operations.

All these years, the main source of funding for our activities was the LLC “...” enterprise. However, in April of this year 2017, the volume of funding decreased sharply, and at the moment we are not able to carry out charity events in the same volume.

According to our data, the annual budget of the fund, taking into account private donations, should be 10 million rubles. Thus, due to the termination of financing, it is necessary to cover the difference in the amount of 8 million rubles. annually. We hope for your assistance, since it is currently not possible to find sponsors.

Sincerely, Svetozarov V.K.

About delivery of goods

Here it is important to demonstrate your interest and desire to cooperate. Therefore we need to find Right words so that the interlocutor is imbued with trust and makes an appropriate decision. You can take this example as a basis.

General Director of LLC "..."

Nekrasov N.K.

From the director of LLC "..."

Elizarova V.M.

Greetings, Nikolai Konstantinovich! At the regional exhibition agriculture, which took place in May of this year, our company became interested in the samples of machinery and equipment that were offered by you.

We would like to begin cooperation with you by delivering a trial batch of goods ( full list attached as a separate document to this letter). We guarantee timely payments for goods and services. We express our hope for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Our contact details:

Sincerely, Elizarov V.M.

About providing discounts

This is a fairly common type nowadays because economic conditions in many respects they have worsened. Experience shows that convincing a counterparty to provide a discount works especially well in the following cases:

  • if companies have been cooperating for a long time, for example, more than a year;
  • if purchased immediately a large number of goods.

to CEO

LLC "Avantage" Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Alexandrova K.N.

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. We are pleased to note the fact that our companies have been cooperating for more than 2 years. We express our gratitude to you for always high quality your services, as well as for assistance in resolving a number of current issues.

We believe it is no secret to you what Last year The economic situation in our market niche has deteriorated significantly. Unfortunately, at the moment we are experiencing a certain lack of income, which is associated with a decrease in quarterly profits.

In connection with these circumstances, we hope for your understanding and consent to provide a 10% discount on services that will be provided next year 2018 calendar year. Of course, such a measure is temporary, and we are committed to full cooperation on mutually beneficial terms if the economic situation stabilizes.

Sincerely, Alexandrov K.N.

About rent reduction

In this case, the rationale for your request in the letter will be approximately the same as discussed in the previous example.

to CEO

LLC "Avantage" Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Alexandrova K.N.

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. In the fiscal year that ended in 2016, our company suffered losses that exceeded expectations by 10%. We are forced to admit that our company has been affected by the financial crisis. This is reflected in a decrease in client flow by 15-20% of owners.

In this regard, we hope for your agreement to provide a 10% discount on rent. Please note that we are quite large tenants and at the same time, during the entire period of our five-year cooperation, we did not allow a single delay in payment, and also filled out all other terms of the contract. We proceed from the fact that this measure temporary, so we are ready to continue paying the payment in full as soon as the market situation stabilizes.

Sincerely, Alexandrov K.N.

About deferred payment

In this case, it is important to admit that you really did not make the payment on time and explain the reason in detail. Of course, you need to accurately indicate the repayment terms of the entire amount.

To the Director of LLC "Gruzodar"

Vakulov N.Yu.

From the director of Parabolia LLC

Aksakova T.G.

Hello, dear Nikolai Yurievich. In September 2017, we did not pay the next payment for your services in the amount of 100,000 rubles. We officially notified you a month in advance of the impossibility of making a payment. At this time, we clarify that the company has found funds to pay. We ask you to provide an installment plan for two months: October and November (50,000 rubles each).

We do not shy away from our financial obligations and debts and draw your attention to the fact that during all 3 years of our cooperation we have never violated the contract. We hope for your understanding and look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Sincerely, Aksakov T.G.

Please pay for another company

Such requests may arise in cases where one company undertakes to fulfill the financial obligations of another company under certain conditions. You can use this template as an example.

IP Blagodarova A.K.

from IP Inina A.A.

Hello, dear Anatoly Konstantinovich. As you know, you have a debt to me in the amount of 100,000 rubles. Over the past financial year, I also incurred a debt to 3 companies in the amount of 50,000 rubles. I suggest you pay my debt in full. For my part, I guarantee the provision of installment plans for the entire balance of your debt for a period of 6 months.

Sincerely, Inin A.A.

About assistance in resolving the issue

Finally, if you need to solve a specific issue, you can write the following text:

IP Nikanorov V.R.

From the director of Good Solutions LLC

Abdulova V.N.

Dear Vladimir Romanovich, I head a charity organization that conducts New Year's holidays for children from low-income families. As we learned from open sources, you sell confectionery products. We ask you to organize the supply of New Year's gifts in the amount of 1000 pieces for 20 events.

For our part, we guarantee to express your written and verbal gratitude and leave positive reviews in all organizations, at your request.

Sincerely, Abdulova V.M.

(electronic correspondence)

Letter of offer of cooperation

Subject: Proposal for cooperation.
Data: 05.20.0216
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Chairman of the Board
Union of Manufacturers alcoholic products
Dobrov D.E.

Dear Dmitry Evgenievich!

The Union of Alcohol Producers (UPAP) is the leading association of industry leaders in the domestic alcohol industry. The active work carried out by your organization in relation to the creation of a civilized market for alcoholic and liquor products in the Russian Federation commands respect.

Of course, concern for the quality and safety of manufactured products is one of priority tasks SPAP, and its participants are conscientious manufacturers who pay great attention to these aspects.

AIG is one of the world's largest insurance institutions. The international company has been in the insurance market for 90 years and has offices in 160 countries. Russian division The company has been operating for more than 15 years.

Cooperation with food and beverage manufacturers is priority direction our company. Guided by many years international experience"AIG" in Russia, a unique insurance program for enterprises in the alcohol industry was developed (insurance of product liability and product recall from the market).

We believe that this program is of potential interest for SPAP participants, because A product such as alcohol requires a special approach to the quality of raw materials, packaging and safety for the consumer.

Based on the above, we approach you with an invitation to discuss the potential for cooperation in this area.

We will be grateful for your professional assessment of such cooperation and ask you to establish a procedure for further interaction between our companies. We are ready to consider any of your proposals on the format of joint work.


Andreev Pavel

Vice President of AIG
Tel.: 8-495-xxx-xx-xx
[email protected]

Invitation letter

Subject: Invitation to the seminar
Data: 06/25/2016
From: Anna Simonova
To: xxx-xxx-xxx

Dear partners,

March 17, 2016 We invite you to join the seminar on building international programs insurance, which will be held especially for AIG partners Mark Goldenberg- Regional Advisor for AIG International Insurance Programs.

Mark comes to Russia specifically to conduct a series of training events, as he has the most extensive experience in insuring multinational companies.

Considering the current experience in offering international programs for Russian clients with an international presence, I am sure that this seminar will be very interesting and will answer many questions in this area.

I am enclosing the invitation and the seminar program.

I ask you to forward this invitation to colleagues who would be interested in this topic.

Registration is carried out by replying to this letter. Participation is free, the number of places is limited.

Address of the seminar: Russia, 125315, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 72, building 2, floor 3

We will be glad to see you!


Anna Simonova

Head of training programs
Tel.: 495-777-11-11
[email protected]

Letter of request to organize a meeting

Subject: Organizing a meeting with Elena Firsova
Data: 06/25/2016
From: Cherkesov Ilya
To: Ivanova Galina

Dear Galina Nikolaevna!

If your offer is valid, next week (from June 6 to June 10) I could come at any time convenient for Elena Petrovna.

I will be very grateful if you inform me of Ms. Firsova’s decision.


Vadim Tatarenko

AIG company manager

[email protected]

Letter requesting contact

Subject: Elena Firsova's phone number
Data: 06/25/2016
From: Cherkesov Ilya
To: Ivanova Galina

Dear Galina Nikolaevna!

Thank you again for the meeting and constructive conversation.

I would be very grateful if you send it to the specified address or notify me by phone.

Thanks in advance!


Vadim Tatarenko

AIG Company Manager
Tel.: 495-777-11-11; 8-916-777-45-56
[email protected]

Letter of response to an aggressive letter from a client

Aggressive letter from the client:

Subject: You were absolutely crazy!
Data: 02/20/2016
From: Petrov Andrey
To: [email protected]

How can I get back the money I paid for your damn service. I'd rather spend it on something else than your pornographic system. Use your damn yourself.

Andrey Petrov

Reply to an aggressive client letter

Subject: About a refund and a solution to the issue!
Data: 02/20/2016
From: [email protected]
To: Petrov Andrey


Hello Andrei!

If I understand you correctly, you are dissatisfied with the work of our service and you would like to get your money back.

2. Clarifying with the addressee our understanding of the request/claim/question. This is especially necessary if the addressee’s letter is chaotic and it is difficult to understand the essence of the problem.

I'll let you know how this can be done.
According to clause 2.4. Agreement, if you do not plan to use our service in the future, we can return your money. To do this, please send me an official application (form attached). Once we receive it, we will initiate the return procedure. In general, it will last no more than three days.
If anything from my answer requires additional clarification, please write or call - I will definitely answer you.

3. Provide the addressee with very clear and complete information on the issue that interests him.

Andrey, just like you, I am uncomfortable with the situation, as a result of which you are ready to stop interacting with us. I think both we and you are the losers in this case: we lose the client, and you lose the opportunity to use our service (I assure you, the service is quite convenient and effective!). If you are ready to take the time to sort out the situation, write to me what happened that you require a refund. We will understand the reasons and help you make using our services as comfortable and effective as possible for you.

4. Comments and emotional aspect.

P.S. The only request: let's communicate within the framework of normative vocabulary.

5. Using a postscript, express your attitude towards the addressee’s use of incorrect writing style.


Elena Ivashchenko

Customer Service Manager
CJSC "Service-standard"
Tel.: 8-999-111-22-33

Clichés for expressing a request not to use profanity correspondence:
Please try not to use inappropriate language. She doesn't contribute constructive solution question.
We inform you that we reserve the right not to respond to letters containing vulgar or rude language addressed to the company or its personnel.

Letter of refusal

Client letter

Good day, Andrey!

I am writing to you with a formal request.

Our company supplies industrial equipment, as well as spare parts to enterprises Food Industry. Since 2010 we have been your regular customers.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and support!


Marketing director

CJSC "Pishcheprom"

Roman Petrenko

Tel.: 495-777-77-77
8-905- 777-89-45
[email protected]

Sample 1. Letter of refusal to a client's request


Dear Roman Petrovich!

1. Calling by name is a sign of attention to the interlocutor. Helps avoid facelessness.

We express our sincere gratitude to you for your long-term cooperation with our company.

2. Thank you for working with the company (or just for the letter).

Currently your company's discount is 10%. Over the past 12 months, your company has ordered services for... rubles

The next discount threshold is…. rubles A 15% discount will apply from it. When you reach this threshold, your discount will increase automatically.

3. State the specific reasons that do not allow you to satisfy the request (use the history of the issue, numbers, deadlines, procedures).

If you decide to use the deferred payment service, please contact Irina Mikhailova (tel.: 495-777-89-21; [email protected] ).

4. Express your understanding that the subject of the request is truly important.

5. Suggest an alternative solution if possible.

6. Express hope for continuation partnerships.


Andrey Ivanov

⁠ ⁠ ⁠ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Sample 2

Subject: About termination of cooperation
Data: 03/20/2016
From: [email protected]
To: Petrenko Ivan

Dear Ivan Nikolaevich!

We were glad to cooperate with your company for 7 years. We have always been satisfied with the good level of service and quality of products. However, over the past year, a number of incidents have occurred, such as: regular violation of delivery deadlines, unsatisfactory quality of goods, and incorrect attitude of your company’s employees to these situations. As a result of all this, our interaction has reached a dead end.

In this regard, we, unfortunately, are forced to terminate cooperation with you upon expiration of the contract. Thanks for the years of service.


LLC "Makulatura"

Malakhov Gennady Viktorovich
Tel.: 8-945-xxx-xx-xx
[email protected]

⁠ ⁠ ⁠ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Sample 3

Subject: Refusal to pay compensation
Data: 06/20/2015
To: Evgeniy Knysh

Dear Evgeniy!

Thank you for your long-term cooperation with our company!

To our regret, we are forced to refuse to pay you the required compensation in the amount of... rubles.

At the moment, the company has established a different procedure for making decisions on insurance compensation, which you have been repeatedly informed about.
(See attached for a copy of this alert.)

In addition, you specified in statement of claim claims No. 4-6 are not insurable, since clauses 12.1-12.2 of the Agreement were violated.

We understand your situation well and, if you want to avoid similar precedents in the future, we offer to conclude an additional agreement with our company that allows you to compensate for losses associated with business risks similar to yours. (See additional agreement in the attachment)

We hope for your understanding and continued cooperation!


AIG Manager

Tuchkov Vladimir
Tel.: 8-495-xxx-xx-xx
[email protected]

Letter of response to a justified complaint

Subject: Response to the complaint.
Data: 05/12/2016
From: [email protected]
To: Anna Kolesnikova

Dear Anna!

On behalf of the entire team of our factory, I would like to express my sincere regrets and apologize for the current situation.

Our factory has been working stably and efficiently in the clothing sewing and repair market for many years.

Your situation applies to rare cases, which is to blame for the so-called human factor.

We conducted an investigation, and those responsible for violating deadlines and rudeness were punished. According to the order of the factory dated April 13, 2016 No. 78/2, shift foreman V.V. Volkova was reprimanded, cutter A.P. Gusev was transferred as a tailor to the team for sewing men's outerwear.

The administration has taken urgent measures to fulfill your order. He'll be ready 15.05.2016. At any time convenient for you, the courier will deliver it to the address you specified.

Believe me, we are just as unhappy with the current situation as you are!

Letter form

Letter form depending on constituent documents organization includes details:

01 - State emblem Russian Federation(02 - coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or 03 - emblem of an organization or trademark (service mark))

04 - organization code

05 - main state registration number (OGRN) of a legal entity

15 – addressee

18 - title to the text

19 - control mark

20 - document text

The letter form can be made based on the longitudinal or angular arrangement of the details.

Rice. 1. Location of details (corner version) of the letter form (dimensions are indicated in millimeters)

Rice. 2. Location of details (longitudinal version) of the letter form (dimensions are indicated in millimeters)

The most convenient for processing and economical in terms of use of sheet area is the corner form. In this case Right side the top of the sheet can be used to place details Addressee, Resolution

The use of a longitudinal letter form is advisable in cases where the name of the organization contains a large number of printed characters, for example, it may be the case when the form details are given in two or more languages. In this case, the details should be printed in Russian on the left, and in the national language on the right, at the same level. If the number of national languages ​​used is more than one, the details should be indicated in Russian at the top, and in Russian below. national language, extending the line to the edge of the right margin.

The letter form can be prepared for an organization, structural unit and an official.

Examples of letter form design:

Rice. 3. Form of letter from the organization with angular (centered) location of details.

Rice. 4. Form of a letter from the organization with a corner (flag) arrangement of details.

Rice. 5. Form of a letter from the organization with a longitudinal arrangement of details.

Samples general form documents are also provided in the following documents:

GOST R 6.30-2003 Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation (Appendix B, Figures B.2, B.3, B.4)

Standard instructions for office work in federal bodies executive power, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2005 No. 536 (Appendices No. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18).

Official letter

It is important to understand that a letter is just a shell for the information being transmitted. And if you need to compose good letter In addition to the form of the letter, it is important to pay attention to the content. In this review we will limit ourselves to describing the form of the letter.

Official letters are written on special forms that meet the standard. For such forms, a set of mandatory elements (details) has been established, which must be arranged in a certain order.

Below are the most commonly used letter samples:

The form of an official letter is often a sheet of paper with permanent elements printed on it. But in Lately Standard forms are used less and less, because a letter with all the formatting can be printed on a printer. We can say that an official letter consists of a “frame” of the letter and the main text and contains, in addition to the main text, information about the addressee: the full and abbreviated name of the sending organization, its postal and telegraph address, telephone, fax and teletype numbers, the number of that letter or telegram , which served as the reason for the correspondence, and much more. Forms can be with either angular or longitudinal arrangement of details.

The design of the form must comply with the principles of technical aesthetics, which in turn has a positive effect on the perception of its content. Considering the ability of the human eye to more easily fix the upper part of any object, when drawing up documents, their upper part should be made more saturated, and the lower part more “stable”.

The standards for sample forms establish the formats and sizes of fields of documents that are part of the unified documentation system, as well as the requirements for constructing the structural grid of the sample form, details and rules for their location. Documents included in unified documentation systems consist of three main parts, which are located within clearly demarcated areas. This arrangement of the document ensures the necessary speed of perception of its text.

Details are mandatory features established by law or regulations for certain types of documents. The composition and arrangement of details on the forms of organizational and administrative documents must comply with the relevant standards. Previously, these standards were regulated by GOST 6.38-90, currently GOST R.30-2003 is used.

The introduction of a standard for the form, which, in turn, defines the requirements for the form of an official letter, was caused by the need to unify the process of its registration, this allows:

  • organize centralized production of letterheads
  • reduce the cost of typing work
  • reduce labor costs for writing and formatting letters
  • facilitate visual search for necessary information
  • expand the possibilities of using computing and organizational technology when processing letters.
  • The sample form is the basis for designing forms and templates for all types of management documentation. The area allocated to sample forms for the location of each detail corresponds to the optimal volume of this detail in printed characters.

    According to GOST 6.38-90, documents can contain (depending on their purpose) up to 31 details. However, no document is prepared with a complete set of details. For each type of document, their composition is determined depending on the purpose of the document. So, for an official letter the following details are recommended:

    1. State emblem (for state enterprises)
    2. Logo or emblem of the organization
    3. Enterprise code according to OKPO (for intra-republican correspondence), if available
    4. OKUD document code (if available)
    5. Name of organization (full and abbreviated)
    6. Postal and legal address
    7. Phone numbers
    8. fax number
    9. Bank details
    10. Document index (registration number)
    11. Link to the index and date of the incoming document
    12. Destination
    13. Title to text
    14. Text
    15. Signature
    16. Last name and phone number of the performer.

    If necessary, email addresses and website addresses of the organization may also be provided.

    The set of details of an official letter is called a form. Details (1)-(9) are printed, as a rule, in a typographical manner.

    An official letter is the only document that does not bear the name of its type. All other documents have names, for example “Order”, “Act”, “Decision”, “Memorandum”, etc.

    The name of the organization - the addressee of the document is given in full and abbreviated form, for example, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Document Management and Archival Affairs - VNIIDAD. It is worth noting that the requirements for official letters vary from organization to organization, at the same time, government agencies must follow GOSTs in the design of official letters.

    Business letter: writing rules and delivery methods

    06/01/2010 | S.V. Ivanova

    To perform his work, an accountant of a budgetary institution must know not only the chart of accounts of budgetary accounting and what transactions reflect business transactions, but also be a specialist. An important skill of a qualified accountant is the ability to prepare and execute business letters to higher organizations or official appeals to authorities. We will tell you how to do this and what an accountant should take into account in this article.

    I am writing to you&hellip

    At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated in writing a business letter. But often we reach a dead end after writing the first words &ldquoDear Ivan Ivanovich. &rdquo. And then we remain in creative torment for a long time, contemplating the empty monitor screen.

    However, there are both public, i.e. officially accepted in society and at the state level, and unspoken rules for writing business letters.

    But before you sit down to write a letter, you should do some preparatory work.

    First, you need to know exactly who the letter will be addressed to. Need to know:

    Exact name of the organization

    Addressee's position

    Last name, first name and patronymic of the addressee.

    Don't rely on your memory or old phone book entries, as they may disservice. So, for example, the secretary of one large enterprise an error was made in writing the manager’s rare and rather complex middle name, as a result of which it acquired a different, not entirely decent meaning.

    In addition, in our time of change and reform, much is changing not only in the activities of budgetary institutions, but also among their counterparties, i.e. commercial organizations. As an example, let us give a real case that happened to the manager of a Russian company. transport company. He was instructed to prepare a letter to the head of the partner company, and he, relying on his memory, indicated in the letter the position of the head of the company and its name, not knowing that serious structural changes had occurred in the company in a relatively short period of time. As a result, it turned out that the author of the letter unintentionally “demoted” the manager in his position.

    Obviously, such “blunders” do not lead to the establishment of reliable partnerships between the institution and counterparty organizations.

    Therefore, be sure to call the company and politely clarify all the necessary information.

    A good start is half the success

    In the “science” of writing business letters, certain traditions have already formed regarding what phrase should be the “starting” phrase.

    It is customary to use the following typical phrases to start a business letter:

    We hereby confirm receipt of your letter No. 24/1 dated 07/18/07.

    We gratefully acknowledge receipt of product catalogs from your esteemed company

    We refer to previous negotiations on this issue.

    We will send you a confirmation of our request.

    We are pleased to inform you that.

    in addition to our letter No. 12 dated 12/12/05, we inform you of the details of the Payee

    According to your request, we will deliver the goods next week.

    In this case, the final phrases could be:

    Waiting for your reply

    We remain with deep respect

    We thank you for your attention to our products

    We ask you to forgive us for the trouble we have caused you.

    Thus, we consider this issue resolved

    We hope that we were able to help you solve this problem.

    Hoping to develop good business relations with you

    In conclusion, we would like to once again express our sincere gratitude to you

    With deep respect

    With deep respect


    Depending on who the letter is addressed to, what its content is, you should choose one or another phrase to start the letter and end it.

    About officials and partners

    When preparing the text of a business letter, special attention should be paid to where it will be sent: to government authorities ( tax office, prosecutor's office, authorities local government, courts, etc.) or suppliers, contractors with whom partnerships have been established or are expected to be established.

    For officials

    Letters to state and municipal authorities at any level require more careful preparation.

    Such letters must be written strictly in the prescribed form. Free form and free style of writing are unacceptable, since such a letter simply will not be accepted for execution. Often, official bodies communicate to lower-level organizations the form of letters that should be followed when writing to them.

    The style of letters addressed to representatives of government and other official bodies should be exclusively official and businesslike. At the same time, no “liberties” such as “hello”, “friendly greetings”, “we are waiting for a speedy resolution of this issue”, “waiting for your consent”, etc. are unacceptable. In official government services this will be perceived as bad manners.

    This style is characterized by clarity, conciseness and accuracy of presentation. At its core, the language of official documents is a kind of set of cliches and cliches. Standardized phrases make it easier to perceive the text, and even the preparation of an official letter. The following phrases are typical for official correspondence:

    take immediate measures, notify, notify as soon as possible, ensure proper execution

    establish regular monitoring of product quality

    assign responsibility for execution to.

    according to the order. based on an oral order.

    in connection with the commissioning of a new complex

    due to absence.

    due to untimely shipment of a consignment of goods, etc.

    In an official letter, first of all, you should strive for a clear and concise statement of the essence of the matter, maintaining a neutral tone. Do not strive to show your extraordinary creative individuality and demonstrate a high intellectual level by using one subordinate clause after another. By constructing complex sentences, you risk losing the meaning of the letter.

    In addition, if the letter requires the presence of attachments, then you should not limit yourself to simply indicating their number, for example, “Appendices: on 18 sheets.” All attachments to the letter should be listed, assigning them an appropriate serial number.

    Don't save your time and energy by linking to applications! It is very important to write the full name of the document as it appears in the attached original. Abbreviations are also not allowed here. Opposite the name of the document you should indicate the number of pages. Then, after the complete list of documents in the application, the total number of pages of all applications is indicated.

    All these measures will allow, if necessary, to control officials and not give them a chance to postpone your letter, citing some inaccuracy or lack of a necessary document.

    As an example of a letter to government agencies, the following text can be given:

    Dear Arkady Semenovich!

    We inform you that, based on an application from the Moscow Committee for Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It, state registration of the lease agreement for premises at the address: Moscow, Krasnogvardeyskaya Street, bldg. 8 for No. 77-01/00-02/29741 (lease agreement attached).

    We ask you to make the appropriate changes to the registration card.

    Attachments: Lease agreement No. 77-01/00-02/29741 on 12 pages.


    Director of a government agency A.I. Zaitsev

    For partners

    Business letters legal entities(enterprises, companies, etc.) it is customary to write either in the third person of a single person, for example: the organization informs, notifies, will take all necessary measures&hellip, etc. or in the first person plural: we notify you, send a batch of catalogs to your address, send at your request.

    Many organizations, trying to create their own recognizable corporate style, in addition to state standards for document preparation, develop their own internal instructions for office work. For example, many increase the bottom margin of documents where the header and footer is printed, which, in turn, allows you to quickly find this document in electronic form. In addition, recently the practice has become widespread when, when preparing contracts, contracts and agreements, they leave a larger than usual bottom margin of the document. This practice is due to the fact that, according to the rules of office work, each individual sheet of a document must be endorsed by the parties signing such a document.

    A business letter must be accompanied by the following details:

    1. Letter header (name of the recipient organization, INN/KPP, postal address, telephone and fax numbers, bank details (if necessary)).

    2. Date and document number.

    3. Indication of the addressee (company name, position, full name of the official).

    4. The title to the text of the letter or the main motive of its content.

    5. Appeal.

    6. Text of the letter.

    7. The final formula of politeness.

    8. Signature (before the signature, indicate the name of the company and the position of the authorized person who signed the letter. If the letter was prepared by another employee, then the full name and contact phone number of the performer must be indicated).

    9. Application. The presence of the application(s) is indicated at the bottom left of the letter. Next, the type of application is reported, the names of the applications and the number of pages are indicated.

    One goal - one letter

    If several business letters are sent to one addressee at the same time, it is advisable to prepare separate letters for each issue.

    For example, an institution received an order for office furniture. When unloading the goods, some defects in the quality of the goods were discovered. The institution intends to contact the supplier to correct the defects (replace the defects), and also wants to request that the next batch of goods arrive 10 days earlier. In this case, two separate letters are prepared. The first letter will, accordingly, be a complaint, and the second - a request. It is simply necessary to separate such topics, since this will not only allow you to track the fate of any issue, but will also greatly facilitate its resolution, since a request for early delivery or, conversely, a quality complaint will not be lost in the correspondence, but will be seen and, most likely satisfied with the other side.

    If in one letter it is necessary to cover several interrelated issues, then it is better to present each issue in a separate paragraph.

    From simple to complex

    According to GOST, a distinction is made between simple and complex business letters.

    Simple letters, as a rule, do not require special legal or administrative approval. The volume of such a letter should not exceed one - maximum two typewritten sheets.

    Complex letters are usually devoted to issues that require a detailed presentation of the situation, its analysis, assessment, detailed argumentation, and formulation of conclusions. Such a letter may be several pages long, but no more than four.

    About the sister of talent and politeness

    To all of the above, we can add that the ideal business letter is a letter written on one page. We must strive for this.

    In addition, if the letter contains a link to previously sent/made orders, claims, payments, documents, specifications, etc., then it is advisable to attach copies of these documents to the letter. Thus, you will show politeness towards your recipient, saving him from unnecessary effort. After all, after receiving such a letter, he will not need to pull up the archives or look for the necessary document in his files. The exception is those cases when the document, letter, etc. to which reference is made is equally well known to both parties from previous correspondence, telephone conversations, etc. In this case, it will be unnecessary to attach a copy again of this document.

    And now - delivery&hellip

    After writing a letter, you should consider how it will be delivered to the addressee. Currently the most accessible ways sending correspondence are: sending a letter by fax (fax), through the post office, by courier and through special courier services.

    Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at them.

    Sending by fax

    Faxes are essentially just quick letters, so all the requirements for letters apply to them. Faxes are official documents that must be recorded and executed as if it were a regular business letter.

    In the modern business world, about 80% of all correspondence is carried out using fax, which ensures high efficiency.

    In practice, very often faxes are supported by sending the original letter. This is necessary, for example, when resolving financial issues, requests to the bank, for providing strict reporting documents, i.e. in all cases where an original letter with the seal and signatures of authorized persons is required, which is filed with the file.

    The original letter can be sent by registered mail with notification. The delivery time for such a letter in Russia is one to two weeks. A week later you will receive a notification that the document has been delivered to the addressee. In this case, such long periods do not have special significance, since work on the document (execution of the document) is carried out on the basis of fax. The original document is only a necessary “trace” in business.

    Sending via post office

    This type of delivery is convenient because you don’t have to stand in line at the post office. All you have to do is stick the stamps on and throw the letter at Mailbox. And although postal services have been working quite efficiently lately, we do not recommend sending an important business letter without a guarantee and without a confirming receipt of dispatch and delivery.

    But in certain cases this method is very convenient. For example, to send greeting cards, signed certificates of completed work (we are talking about the services of third-party organizations: water delivery, written translation, archive storage, telephone services), which, in turn, also come to us by mail.

    Using a courier for business correspondence is very convenient way, which allows you to quickly and cheaply deliver letters and business packages.

    The main thing here is to provide the courier with accurate and comprehensive instructions, since couriers, as a rule, are either very young people who have little interest in their work, or pensioners working for additional income. Many of them do not know the city well, others do not have enough communication skills to independently resolve any problem that has arisen in connection with the delivery of a letter (the contact person was not there, cannot get through by phone, mixed up the address or company name, etc.) . P.).

    Therefore, prepare the courier with detailed step by step instructions, draw a plan of the area, provide the maximum number of contact numbers, discuss with him possible options for his actions in different cases: plan A, plan B&hellip Yes, boring. But if clear instructions are not given, the courier may spend the whole day without delivering the letter to the addressee.

    Express courier service (urgent dispatch and delivery of documents, cargo) (TNT, DHL, UPS)

    These large international express delivery companies have offices in Moscow and many other major Russian cities.

    Such delivery is indispensable and extremely necessary when sending urgent documents abroad or to other remote cities. Express mail can be trusted especially important documents, for example loan agreements.

    S.V. Ivanova,

    psychologist, business coach, Moscow


    A company letterhead is a sheet of paper, usually A4 size (210x297mm), on which the company details are printed, including:

    1. company name,

    2. logo (if available),

    3. contact information (address, telephone, e-mail. website (if available),

    4. bank details (optional).

    Letterhead is very important attribute any organization. In fact, this is one of the advertising media. After all, sometimes it’s where acquaintance begins potential client or a partner with your company. Therefore, it is believed that every company, regardless of its size, should have its own letterhead.

    Creating a letterhead is the first step in creating a corporate identity. It is advisable to do this, even if the company has only one employee and the word “corporate” in this case seems inappropriate to you.

    The text on the letterhead indicates the seriousness of the letter. High-quality forms indicate that the company is attentive to its own image.

    Currently, there are a huge number of printing houses where short time You will be able to develop a layout of a corporate letterhead, choosing a design taking into account the specifics of your business. The minimum cost of design development is from 1000-2500 rubles. Here the resulting model can be manufactured.

    The cost of producing a letterhead depends on the printing method. Almost everywhere you will be offered at least 2 options: digital or offset printing.

    The cost of producing forms digitally will be higher per copy, but it is more profitable for small orders (up to 3,000 copies). In this case, the production time for forms is significantly less than with offset printing - from 1 hour to 1 day, depending on the workload of the printing house.

    The offset printing method is economically justified only for large circulations of forms. In terms of production time for forms, it is also significantly inferior to digital printing - from 6-10 days.

    Letterheads are printed as on regular paper. office paper, and on the original designer one, which can have greater density, various color options, watermarks, textured embossing, etc. Here, flights of fancy are usually limited only by price.

    But don’t despair if you don’t have the money to have your letterheads professionally produced. In this case, we offer you several basic samples of company forms, using which you can independently develop your own form in 10-20 minutes, and you can always print it on a regular printer. Remember: brevity is the sister of talent.

    It is important that your letterhead contains basic information about the company and that your counterparty can always find information on it to contact you.

    Formatting an official letter

    Hello, dear reader!

    It's no secret that the ability to competently compose and format official letters is an integral part of the professionalism of an employee, be it a director or a middle manager. This is especially true in those companies whose counterparties are large organizations with about 500 people on their staff. A well-written letter is the image of the company; it is one of the components of business etiquette. this is the business card of the enterprise, and significant conclusions can be drawn from this seemingly insignificant document.

    How to format the letter details and contents are defined

    Standard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities (M. 2001) and state standard GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

    Uniform rules for document preparation provide:

    Legal force of the letter

    High-quality and timely drafting and execution of letters

    Organization of prompt search of letters.

    Rules for writing official letters:

    1. The letter is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead. You will say, well, the rule is already clear. Yeah. The other day I received a very important message by email, in the body, not on letterhead. But what about legal force document?

    2. In the upper left corner the outgoing document number and the date of compilation of the latest document are indicated. Each organization independently establishes the rules for assigning an outgoing number to a document.

    3. In the upper right corner we write to whom the letter is intended: to CEO Romashka LLC or the commercial director of the same LLC. If you don’t know the correct name of the position, then simply write to the head of the enterprise, and then he himself will decide who to write it to.

    4. Be sure to indicate the subject of the letter in the left corner: about a refund, about a delay in the delivery of materials, etc.

    4. We begin the letter with the words: Dear IO (first name and patronymic). We carefully check for spelling errors. If in doubt, double check, Google will help you.

    5. We end the letter with words of gratitude: with respect to you and your business, thank you in advance, with respect, we hope for mutually beneficial cooperation, etc.

    6. Under the official’s signature, we indicate the executor of the document with a contact number.

    Things to remember when writing a formal letter:

    When writing a letter, your task is to saturate it with information, not emotions. Express your thoughts neutrally, with facts and logical conclusions.

    If you address the addressee personally in a letter, the personal pronoun is You, You, Your, etc. we write with a capital letter,

    You should write in the plural: we ask, we inform, we indicate, we remind, etc. The letter represents the interests of the organization, not personal ones.

    After writing a letter, you need to put it off for a while - preferably until tomorrow. Well, if something is urgent, then for 20-30 minutes. Then take the printed document and read it again. Surely, you will find small errors, inaccuracies in wording or omissions.

    And most importantly, remember that there are exceptions to any rule))).

    I hope this article was useful, so I will be grateful if you press the social buttons. networks.

    And finally, dessert - a letter to the Turkish Sultan:

    Your Anastasia Zakharova