From May 14, 2017 current president The French Republic is Emmanuel Macron, who succeeded his predecessor Francois Hollande. The biography of Emmanuel Macron is quite eventful. Before becoming head of state and founder of the Forward! Party, he passed long haul politician: starting as a financial inspector, Macron became Minister of Economy and moved on.

Childhood and youth

Emmanuel Macron was born on December 21, 1977 in Amiens. His father, Jean-Michel Macron, devoted his life to science and worked as a professor of neurology at the University of Picardy. Mother, Françoise Macron-Noguez, also connected her life with medicine: she worked as a doctor social security. Both parents were extremely busy people and devoted a lot of time to their career. Therefore, the grandmother, Mannette, was mainly involved in raising their son. Her beliefs, principles and outlook on life greatly influenced the formation of the personality and construction of the biography of French President Emmanuel Macron.

Emmanuel's first educational institution was La Providence College, located in Amiens. Already at school, he stood out from his peers: he strived for knowledge and loved to learn, so he was best student in class. IN school years Emmanuel wrote for a theater group poems and plays that were highly appreciated by the teaching staff. Did not create under duress or demand educational program, but because he wanted it himself.

Meeting Brigitte, his future wife

French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife (in the future) knew each other when they were 11 years old. Brigitte Tronier taught two subjects at the college: literature and French, and was also the leader of the theater group. Getting carried away theatrical art and poetry, Emmanuel invited the teacher to write a play together. Brigitte appreciated the writing talent of her student and assured him that he was created for writing. By that time, the student had fallen in love with his teacher, who was 24 years older than him. At that time, Brigitte was married and had three children. It is important to note that French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife have children together. this moment No.

When Emmanuel was 17, his parents found out about a secret affair, which shocked them. They guessed that their son had feelings for one of the members of the theater group and assumed that she was Brigitte’s daughter, Lawrence. The parents had no idea that Emmanuel was in love with the teacher herself. They made a decision: their son should move to Paris and begin studying at the Lyceum named after Henry IV. Leaving future president promised Brigitte that he would definitely marry her. Naturally, at first she didn’t believe in feelings young guy, but years of devoted love from the outside former student forced Brigitte in the future to change her opinion over time.

Biography of the wife of French President Macron

Brigitte Macron, the future first lady of France, was born in 1953 into the family of chocolatier Jean Trognier, who settled in Amiens back in 1872. Chocolate production and confectionery from now on it became family business. Brigitte is the youngest child in the family. She has 5 siblings and is 20 years apart in age from her oldest brother. Many are interested in the photo, biography and personal life of French President Macron and his wife. His future wife, before becoming one, she was married for 32 years.

In 1974, Brigitte married Andre Louis Ozier, a future banker, whose last name she bore until 2007. Married to Andre from 1975 to 1984. they had 3 children: Sebastian, Lawrence and Tiffen. At this time, Brigitte teaches in different educational institutions France: in Paris, in Strasbourg at the Protestant school Lucie-Berger.

Only in 1991 did she return to her native Amiens and begin teaching French and Latin at the Lycée La Providence. In 2006, the couple divorced. The very next year, the biography of French President Macron and his wife will be updated important event: Brigitte marries Emmanuel, becoming the First Lady of France. For the first time, the general public saw the president’s wife in 2015 at a reception with King Philip VI of Spain.

Carier start

After graduating from the University of Nanterre-la-Défense, Macron entered the National School of Administration. In French political society it received the status of a forge, engaged in forging personnel for the state apparatus. For the biography of French President Macron important stage is the period from 1999 to 2001. At this time, Emmanuel provided assistance in every possible way French philosopher Paul Ricoeur.

Training in National school The administration assumes that the graduate will have to work in the public service for 10 years. Therefore, Macron worked in the economic sphere for 4 years, from 2004 to 2008, as a financial inspector. In 2006, he joined the French Socialist Party. This date can, with a stretch, be considered the beginning of his political career. While serving as Inspector, his diligent service, hard work and positive personal qualities were highly regarded.

Working at Rothschild & CieBanque

After 4 years in office, Macron receives a job offer from the Rothschild bank. He accepted the offer, which required him to pay a tuition fee of 54 thousand euros. IN large company Rothschild & Cie Banque Emmanuel Macron is promoted to investment banker. In this position, he feels at ease, so he quickly achieves success and promotion. Macron worked so effectively that he even received the nickname of financial Mozart.

The professionalism and abilities of the young banker could not go unnoticed by his superiors. Already in 2012, Macron held the position of deputy Secretary General, where he stayed for two years. Building a career in the Rothschild company in the future will give Macron's political rivals the opportunity to call him the “Rothschild candidate.”

Activities under Francois Hollande

The biography of French President Macron was greatly influenced by Francois Hollande. At one time he noticed a promising specialist. In need of talent and new faces in the political team, he offered Emmanuel the position of economic adviser and speechwriter, which Macron did well. A little later, having proven his competence, he receives a promotion and takes the post of Minister of Economy in the Valls government. The decision to promote was quite specific, since Macron had not previously held elected office and, in fact, was not even associated with politics - in socialist party he was only registered from 2006 to 2009, without paying membership fees.

However, Emmanuel begins in his new post active work aimed at reducing the unemployment rate in the country. One of the most important economic projects, adopted during Macron’s tenure as Minister of Economy, became a project named after him - the “Macron Law”. Aimed at liberalizing large sectors of the economy, it meant reducing the level of government intervention in it. An important objective of the project was reforming the trade and transport system and supporting small businesses. Passed law was able to stop the growth of the unemployment rate and, moreover, reduce it by several points.

Entering big politics

François Hollande, Macron's predecessor, from his early days presidential term, was not particularly popular among French society. In 2013, its rating was only 30%, a figure that remained for several years. In 2016, Macron decided to distance himself from his mentor and colleague and created his own centrist political party, which he called succinctly - “Forward!”

In 2017, Macron, as a self-nominated candidate from his party, is running for president of France. In the same year, Macron published his program book “Revolution”, which became a real bestseller in France for some time. With this election program, he is participating in the French presidential elections this same year.

Participation in elections

The election program of the future French president included provisions of both left and right wing. Left-wing innovations include: increased investment in Agriculture and medicine, increasing the number of employees civil service(police officers, teachers), increase in minimum wages. The right-wing reforms include the following: abolition of pension benefits for civil servants, elimination of more than 100 thousand jobs in the public sector. One of the most characteristic moments election program was the return of universal military service for young people from 18 to 21 years old for a period of one month.

It was expected that the main competitors in the fight for the presidency of France would be Marine Le Pen, the head of the far-right National Front party, and Francois Fillon, who held pro-Russian views. However, the data revealed by WikiLeaks regarding the corruption machinations of François Fillon greatly undermined his rating, which forced Fillon to withdraw from the presidential race.

There are two main rivals left in the political arena: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. The first was supported by such prominent and experienced politicians, like François Fillon and Benoit Ammon, ex-president Francois Hollande. In the second round, having received 66% of the vote, Macron wins by a double margin. Important date The biography of French President Macron became available on May 14, 2017. Then he officially takes office as President of France.

The President's views on foreign policy

Even during the election campaign, it became clear that Emmanuel Macron does not adhere to pro-Russian views. Russian state media (Russia Today and Sputnik News) accused the future president of using administrative resources and called him a dependent protege of the world globalist elite, dependent on American capital. Macron's headquarters, in turn, accused Russian media in spreading false information about a presidential candidate.

Unlike Marine Le Pen, who, as president, planned to hold a referendum on leaving the EU and begin to pursue an independent policy within the framework of a national state, Emmanuel Macron advocated for further European integration and strengthening the European Union along the France-Germany line. He also advocated pursuing an independent foreign policy, free from American interference. Macron carried out similar rhetoric towards Russia, simultaneously accusing it of cyber attacks and actions in Syria.

Emmanuel Macron as President

On May 14, 2017, Macron was officially appointed President of France. In the same month he holds a series of meetings with the heads of European countries, takes place in Versailles Russian President, commits phone calls foreign colleagues. In 2017, European leaders and heads of the most influential countries are discussing possible solutions the North Korean problem, ways to resolve the conflict in Donbass and form a coalition to combat terrorism.

In the biography of French President Macron, negative trends will also be noted during his presidential period. Over time, Macron's ratings are falling, and his level of support is gradually decreasing. If at the beginning of the presidential reign his rating was 66%, then as of September 17, 2018, it fluctuates around 19%. At the same time, only half of the “nuclear electorate” supports the policy pursued by Macron. However, despite the disappointing figures, 67% of French people are still confident that their current president leads the country towards positive reforms.

General conclusion

On May 14, 2017, Emmanuel Macron became the 25th president of France, replacing his predecessor and colleague, Francois Hollande. Not only Europeans, but citizens of other countries are interested in the biography and photo of French President Macron. A supporter of European integration and strengthening the EU, he pursues an active and sovereign foreign policy, which, however, not all French are happy with.

Emmanuel, before becoming the youngest president of France, went a long way in becoming both an individual and a skilled worker. After studying at La Providence College, the University of Nanterre-la-Défense and the National School of Administration, Emmanuel began working as a financial inspector. French President Macron and his wife Brigitte got married in 2007.

A little later, he became deputy financial secretary at the Rothschild bank, where he was noticed by Francois Hollande and invited to the position as his speechwriter. Macron was quickly promoted to become France's economy minister. In 2017, he ran for president and defeated Marine Le Pen in the second round by a double margin. Macron is now conducting a balanced foreign and domestic policy, aimed at strengthening the European Union and liberalizing the economy within France itself.

May 7 in the second round presidential elections 39-year-old centrist Emmanuel Macron won in France. 66 percent of voters voted for him. During the period around the elections, the press was interested not only in his political program and election campaign, but also (perhaps no less) in his personal life. The media are actively discussing Macron’s wife, Brigitte.

They call her the most unusual first lady, and also question the sincerity of their marriage due to the age difference - Brigitte Macron older than husband for almost 25 years. Meduza tells why everyone is so surprised by the family of the future president of France - and how he himself reacts to it.

All last month Before the French elections, the press actively discussed not only the probable French President, but also his wife, literature teacher Brigitte Macron (and even her ex-husband and children from her first marriage). The media examined in detail her wardrobe, the history of her relationship with Macron and the alleged influence on him political decisions. There were also lists like “Famous couples with large age gaps” and texts about new trend- families where the woman is older.

Benoit Tessier / Reuters / Scanpix / LETA

Back in early April, a month before Macron’s victory, the site British Vogue published an article “How Brigitte Macron is reinventing the image of the First Lady.” The editor of the publication wrote that “this woman is the only one people talk about on both sides of the English Channel for a number of reasons, the most scandalous of which is the age difference with her husband,” and noted that the personality of Macron’s wife could influence the outcome of the presidential race.

This close attention really caused by the age difference: Emmanuel Macron is 39 years old, Brigitte Macron is 64. Not a single article about the figure of the future French president was published without an emphasis on this fact, regardless of the tone of the publication - admiring or skeptical. One of the most controversial reactions was cover weekly Charlie Hebdo, which was called sexist. Under the inscription “He works miracles” there is an image of Emmanuel Macron and a pregnant Brigitte - the publication hints that the wife of the elected president can no longer have children. At the same time, The New Yorker emphasizes that Macron’s policy is, among other things, a new, modern image of a family, where partners are not necessarily of different sexes or have children.

The age difference between Macron and his wife allowed the tabloids (and others) to make all sorts of assumptions based on stereotypes. They argued that Macron is a henpecked, gigolo or homosexual, and his marriage is just a cover. The tabloid press discussed the version that in fact Emmanuel Macron leads a double life: he allegedly has a secret affair with the head of Radio France, Mathieu Galle, and the gay lobby is behind his election victory.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron after the first round of the French presidential election. Paris, April 23, 2017

Yoan Valat / EPA / Scanpix / LETA

In an interview with Le Parisien, Emmanuel Macron commented on such press attention to his wife and their relationship. He explained that in modern society relationships between adult men and young women are encouraged, but the opposite situation seems unnatural to most - and causes excessive curiosity, mistrust or condemnation. “If I were 20 years older than my wife, and not vice versa, no one would have thought for a second that our marriage was insincere,” Macron said. “But since she is 20 years older than me, people say: “Well, no, this relationship is abnormal, it’s impossible.”

He added that rumors about his homosexuality show the level of homophobia and misogyny in France. In particular, about the fact that society considers homosexuality a shameful disease that needs to be hidden, and marrying an older woman can only be a “screen.”

At the same time, many call the story of the relationship between Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron romantic, inspiring and breaking stereotypes. Anna Fulda, journalist and author of the recent biographies of Macron, , that he had to fight for the right to live the way he wants: “It was not the most obvious and simple choice, it did not fit well into the way it is customary to build a family.” While working on the book, she talked not only with Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, but also with his relatives. By words writer, at one time Macron’s parents took the news of his novel negatively. “You have already lived, but he has not. You will never be able to give him children,” Fulda quotes the future president’s mother, Françoise Macron, as saying.

Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Trognier met in college when he was 15 and she was 39: Trognier was his literature teacher and led a drama club. In addition, she was married; she has three children from this marriage. A year later, Macron told his parents about their affair - they were horrified and sent their son to study in Paris. Before leaving, he promised Brigitte that he would return and propose to her. And so it happened: in 2006, Brigitte Tronier divorced, and in 2007 she and Emmanuel Macron got married. It is unknown when exactly the relationship began between them. Brigitte Macron herself said that “no one will ever know when our history became love story. This will forever remain our secret." Macron's adviser and witness at his wedding to Brigitte Marc Ferracci claims that Emmanuel Macron could never have gone all this way without his wife: “He needs her presence.”

Macron fell in love with Brigitte Tronier at the age of 16 when... The French media write about their romance rather sparingly - one can imagine what our journalists would dig up if there was something similar in the biography of one of our presidential candidates. Which psychological characteristics pushed Monsieur Macron to marry a divorced madam with three children, and even with such an age difference?

“In a stable marriage with a woman much older than himself, a man who is ambitious, but at the same time driven,” explains the psychologist Alina Kolesova. - The origins of the tendency to find a “mother” in a wife may lie in early childhood, when a boy needs closeness to his mother, but she does not devote enough time to him. Then he tries to meet her standards (in this case, this is study and career), but at the same time he is looking for someone who will replace his busy mother in the sense of mentoring - and often teachers or mother’s friends find themselves in this role. This is the so-called Oedipus complex - a subconscious sexual attraction to the mother, which in the post-pubertal period transforms into a sexual desire for women older than oneself.

In such couples, the woman is usually a mentor not only in family affairs, but also leads social and social life husband If we turn to similar couples, we will see that in stable marriages with an age difference in favor of the woman, the wife is always Strong woman, which has a colossal influence on her husband. As for the women themselves, many of them claim that it is after 50 that sex begins to truly please them. The need to use protection disappears, the woman’s hormonal levels and mood stabilize. The only problem may be a life partner - a peer who, due to his age, can no longer satisfy the increased sexual appetites of his beloved.”


From the history:

All the favorites of Catherine II were younger than her, and last love Platon Zubov is already 41 years old.

Isadora Duncan was older than her last husband Sergei Yesenin for 18 years.

The legendary Mata Hari was more than 20 years older than her beloved Russian officer Vadim Maslov.

Laura de Verney, Balzac's greatest and longest love, was 22 years older than the writer.

Salvador Dali fell in love with his Gala (Elena Diakova) when he was 26 and she was 37, and thanks to her he became famous.

Benjamin Disraeli, an English politician, at the age of 35 married a wealthy widow 12 years older than himself.

From recent history: the difference is in favor of a strong woman

27 years old - Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin.

23 years old - Sam Taylor-Wood and Aaron Johnson.

13 years old - Larisa Dolina and Ilya Spitsyn.

13 years old - actor Hugh Jackman and producer Deborah Lee-Lewis.

12 years old - Lolita Milyavskaya and Dmitry Ivanov.

10 years - Shakira and Gerard Piquer.

8 years old - Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron have already stated that if Emmanuel wins the upcoming elections. Marie Claire recalls what the wives of the country's presidents did before while in this position.

French politics doesn't particularly celebrate women. According to the World Economic Forum on the representation of women in government structures, the Republic ranks 19th in the world, behind countries such as Cuba, Slovenia and India. And if Marine Le Pen fails to win the presidential election on May 7, the unflattering statistics may even worsen.

Marine Le Pen

Brigitte Macron

Today, according to many French journalists and public figures, the country’s politics are not just intolerant of women, but also completely “misogynistic”, which is manifested not only in the low percentage of female politicians, but also in the refusal on the part of the French to provide political status even the spouses of presidents. Unlike the United States, where the status of the First Lady is equated to the status of “the functional equivalent of an assistant to the president,” in France there is no talk of any formalization of the position of the president’s wife.

Nicolas Sarkozy was able to achieve little progress in this regard, during whose administration the term “Premiere Dame” began to be widely used not only in the press, but also on the website of the Elysee Palace. However, until now, the role of the First Lady of France was considered by the country's leadership only as a tribute to the republican political tradition, according to which the president's wife was assigned only representative functions, coupled with the obligation to put her fame “in the service of general interests.”

The Bruni-Sarkozy couple with Dmitry Medvedev and his wife at the G8 summit, 2011.

Meanwhile, despite the lack of formal status, until now the wives of French presidents have confidently played the role of both a political adviser and a PR manager, and sometimes a real disaster for further career husband Marie Claire recalls what the most bright first Lady of France.

Yvonne de Gaulle: Sacrifice

Early years: Charles de Gaulle with his wife Yvonne, 1941

Almost 20 years later: 1960

The wife of General de Gaulle, according to the French, distinguished herself as an ideal First Lady - feminine, sophisticated, without any political initiatives and always in the shadow of her own husband. Known to the electorate under affectionate nickname“Aunt Yvonne”, Madame de Gaulle never advertised the details of her personal life, but, nevertheless, she fell in love with the French for her sacrifice in the name of her husband’s success. And there were plenty of sacrifices and trials: the rejection of a liberal upbringing in favor of the strict conservative rules of the de Gaulle family, the birth of a daughter with Down syndrome and, finally, moving to the Elysee Palace after Charles returned to power (it is known that Yvonne did not approve political activity husband). By the way, many French people attributed de Gaulle’s success as a general and politician to the steadfastness of Yvonne’s character, who was restrained enough not to overshadow her husband’s fame.

Jacqueline Kennedy and Yvonne de Gaulle, Paris, 1961

Charles de Gaulle and his wife at a meeting with Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, 1960

Yvonne de Gaulle, 1960

Perhaps the only time Yvonne expressed her Political Views after the death of his daughter, he supported the bill to authorize contraception, put forward by politician Lucien Newworth in the late 60s.

Claude Pompidou: Love of luxury

Claude Pompidou, 1960

In Novosibirsk, during a visit to Russia, 1970.

After the strict conservative regime of Charles de Gaulle, the rise to power of Georges Pompidou along with his beautiful wife Claude became a real breath for France. fresh air. It must be said that Madame Claude was radically different from the modest Yvonne. She immediately started a reshuffle at the Elysee Palace, introducing modernist style, masterpieces of abstract art and best works modern furniture designers. She herself played the role of not just the president’s companion, but an independent and independent ambassador of French haute couture abroad. Always impeccably dressed in outfits from Chanel, Dior and Ives Saint-Laurent, Claude managed to keep an eye on her husband’s image, urging him to wear suits from Cardin. On the other hand, the luxurious lifestyle of the Pompidou couple almost immediately became the subject of gossip from French newspapers, which instantly compared “Queen Claude” to Marie Antoinette.

Claude Pompidou

Claude Pompidou at the UNICEF Gala, 1972

Departure for an official visit to the USA, 1970

Soon, however, it became known that the president’s wife simply borrowed most of the outfits from famous fashion houses, and then, after appearing in them in society, returned them back. A little later, Claude became a famous philanthropist and very soon gained even more popularity in intelligent circles than her husband.

Daniel Mitterrand: Determination

The wife of François Mitterrand became, perhaps, the first companion of a French president during the Fifth Republic who abandoned the traditional functions of the First Lady and entered politics along with her husband. As she herself admitted, she was not at all attracted by the role of the decorator of the Elysee Palace, or the role of a goodwill ambassador. “I’m not a trophy wife,” she said after Francois’s victory, proving her words for 14 years. Danielle became famous for her bold political steps. In the midst cold war she kisses Fidel Castro on both cheeks, openly criticizes Reagan's policies, condemns the apartheid policy in South Africa and even hosts the Dalai Lama in defiance of China.

François and Daniel Mitterrand meeting Elizabeth II and the Queen Mother, London, 1982

Francois Mitterrand with his wife, 1992

Daniel Mitterrand, 1989

This behavior often put her husband in an awkward position (for example, if the president had to negotiate with China), but nevertheless forever secured for her a positive image of a patriot of her country and a fighter for human rights.

Bernadette Chirac: Constancy

Bernadette Chirac, 1995

The spouses Jacques and Bernedette Chirac are often compared to the Clintons, hinting that in this couple the partners constantly help each other in the political field. Bernadette herself, a graduate of the prestigious Sciences Po in France, like her husband, built a successful political career even before the presidential elections, which she did not give up even in the status of First Lady of France. It was an unprecedented precedent: the president's wife not only served as an unofficial adviser to the head of state, but also retained her seat on the council of the small canton of Corrèze in central France. Once a year, Bernadette made a large-scale tour of the country, and it was thanks to one of these tours and Bernadette’s authority that Jacques Chirac managed to leave Jean-Marie Le Pen (Marin’s father) behind in the election race in 2002.

Jacques and Bernadette Chirac, 1995

Bernadette Chirac, visit to the Vatican, 1996

Princess Diana's visit to Paris, 1995

By the way, after Jacques Chirac’s term expired, Bernadette’s career never ended: she was not only re-elected several times in Corrèze, but was also able to join the board of directors of the LVMH concern.

Cecilia Sarkozy: Short duration

Nicolas Sarkozy and Cecilia, 2007

Cecilia and Nicolas Sarkozy after their election victory, 2007

Cecilia Sarkozy congratulates her husband on his election victory, 2007.

Nicolas Sarkozy's second wife, Cecilia, became the shortest-lived First Lady of France, serving in this post for only 5 months. However, even for this short period she managed to be remembered by the French as a spender (for large personal expenses at the expense of the Elysee Palace), the patroness of many future ministers of France (they say that it was she who advised her husband who to give promotions and who not), and also as the one with whom the term “First Lady” has become a common usage among the French. Meanwhile, despite the fact that Cecilia herself never saw herself in the role of First Lady (she once even admitted to journalists that she rather imagined herself as a New Yorker jogging in Central Park in the morning), she managed to conduct a successful diplomatic mission in Libya, after which M. Gadafi agreed to release 7 sentenced to death penalty Bulgarian nurses, and was also considered for the position of unofficial representative of the French Foreign Ministry.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy: Chic

Visit of President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy to India, 2010

Presidential couple at the Bastille Day celebrations, 2008

The Italian-French model and singer Carla Bruni-Sarkozy today is perhaps one of the most famous First Ladies of France (in 2008, Vanity Fair magazine even dubbed her “the new Jacqueline Kennedy”). A darling of the world's glossy magazines, Carla demonstrated a consistent style of dress throughout Nicolas Sarkozy's tenure, stayed away from scandals and preferred to present herself as an ambassador of all sorts of humanitarian programs and missions. In 2009, she even launched her own cultural and educational foundation, dedicated to popularizing science and art in the country, as well as helping families who are unable to send their children to school and university. As a result, in 2010, Forbes magazine included Karla in the top influential women year, and a year later, the same Vanity Fair rated her style higher than the style of Kate Middleton herself.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and Nicolas Sarkozy, 2011

Journalist Valerie Trierweiler can hardly be called the First Lady in the full sense of the word, because legal wife She never appeared to François Hollande (the American media even dubbed the president’s companion “The First Girl”). And Valerie herself, despite the fact that she more than a year led her husband’s election campaign, and subsequently disavowed in every possible way such a formulation of her new role. She continued to work as a columnist for Paris Match, and also, already as First Lady, developed own business. But the French remembered her, first of all, for her unique love of scandals. So, in 2012, during the parliamentary elections, Valerie supported Olivier Falorini on Twitter, who opposed the socialist and part-time ex-wife Hollande Segolene Royal, to which Hollande himself hastened to defend his first wife. The scandal received the ironic name “Twittergate” in the press (by analogy with the famous Watergate), as it subsequently caused some contradictions between Hollande and his supporters in the government.

Valerie Trierweiler at Paris Fashion Week 2014

Hollande's Mistress, Julie Gayet, 2014

Finally, the climax of Valerie's time as First Lady was her break with Francois Hollande after news of the president's secret meetings with actress Julie Gayet. At this point the “queen of scandals” went completely wild: suicide attempts, hospitalization, loud statements in the press, breakdowns in public. And finally, the control shot: the publication of a book in which Valerie described in detail her life in the Elysee Palace, presenting readers with the image of an infantile, unfaithful and notorious president. By the way, the book is still breaking sales records, and even optimists are giving up on Francois Hollande’s political career today.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, winners of the first round of elections, 2017

It is unlikely that the person of the new French President Emmanuel Macron would be so popular if he did not have a wife who is almost a quarter of a century older than him. And this woman is not just the wife of a world-class politician - she is also Macron’s former teacher. It would seem that, fantastic story with a happy ending, which is worthy of film adaptation (and will probably be filmed in the coming years) cannot happen in reality. But the truth is the truth, and this pretty 65-year-old lady is indeed the legal wife of the almost 41-year-old president for 10 years now. Many are perplexed and wonder why Macron needs old wife, when there are so many young beauties around, whom you can only entice with your finger. And he holds the hand of his dearest half Brigitte more and more tightly, kisses and hugs her more and more tightly at the first opportunity, leading the audience into more and more bewilderment.

What Brigitte, Macron's wife, was like in her youth (photo)

Brigitte was the youngest of six children in a family of wealthy confectioners Trognier. She got higher education, worked in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, taught in humanitarian institutions. But in the end she returned to her hometown Amiens, where she entered the service at the fateful school. At that time, Brigitte was a “deeply” married lady with three children. Her husband was a famous and successful banker, but the opportunity to sit at home and do housework did not inspire the future first lady, and she had no intention of leaving teaching.

In the photo - Brigitte Macron in her youth in a swimsuit

Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron in their youth

Macron as a student

The 39-year-old teacher met the then very young 15-year-old Macron at an Amiens school. The young man immediately fell in love with his teacher. She also thought he was very cute. But she did not take this manifestation of feelings seriously, considering it a youthful whim. However, Emmanuel was firm and persistent to such an extent that Brigitte almost gave up. But reason still prevailed over feelings. Macron's relatives urgently sent the young man to Paris to study, which led to a temporary lull. Emmanuel reappeared in Mrs. Tronier's life a few years later and now decided not to leave his beloved anywhere else. Brigitte was already divorced at that time and was finally able to reciprocate the faithful young man. The couple got married in 2007.

What Brigitte Macron looks like now: the best photos of the president’s wife

Emmanuel calls his wife a muse, advisor, mentor, and the main person in his life. Indeed, it is unknown whether he would have reached such heights if Brigitte had not stood behind him. After all, it was she who wrote his speeches for speeches, selected his clothes, and thought through all the nuances of political campaigns. In this case, the age difference only plays into the hands, because it is easier for a more experienced person to predict the reaction of voters to a particular statement or action.

Brigitte Macron made the ideal first lady - stylish, elegant, pretty, self-confident. French fashion magazines have dubbed Ms Macron a “style icon”. And not without reason. What is it worth a slim body! Few people and more at a young age can boast of such legs, let alone 65-year-old women familiar to our eyes. They usually wear something long, baggy, dull, as if declaring that life is ending. But if you look at the way Brigitte dresses, it seems that she still has everything ahead of her.

Just look at the recent photo from behind of the first ladies of France and the USA, which literally blew up the network, dividing users into two camps. Some admired the sexy shape of Melania Trump's buttocks, the way she sits on her white pencil skirt, simultaneously not forgetting to criticize Brigitte Marcon for the unsexy rear view.

In the photo - the figure of Brigitte Macron in a swimsuit now

Others saw in the wife of the French president the ideal first lady, who does not need to emphasize her curves and shapes in order to be popular. She is good and happy with herself the way she is. And her husband loves her dearly, no matter what. What can Melania say about this? A well-pumped butt is not a guarantee of family happiness.

Brigitte Macron before and after plastic surgery - photo

Internet users are asking the question: “Did Brigitte Macron have plastic surgery?” The first lady looks quite harmonious and fresh for her age. According to experts in plastic surgery, Madame Macron did not abuse plastic surgery, she only slightly changed the shape of her nose. Otherwise, her face was only subjected to filler injections. But no one would have condemned the first lady if she decided to go under the surgeon’s knife for a more thorough rejuvenation. Of course, if we're talking about about moderate intervention, without turning into Donatella Versace. But, apparently, she does not need such radical measures - she is quite pleased with herself.

If you compare the photo of Macron's wife in a swimsuit now and before, it is difficult to find many differences - the woman is in in great shape. Her happy husband is posing nearby, tenderly hugging his missus around the waist, which serves as ironclad proof that you can be loved at any age.

Legendary outfits of Macron's wife: best photos

Surely, subsequently, all the outfits of the first lady of France will receive a place in some fashion museum, because Brigitte has excellent taste. She knows exactly how to look right at this or that reception, how to dress moderately modestly and appropriately. She has long been a fan of the Louis Vuitton brand, preferring it to all other big brands. And this consistency only plays into her hands - from image to image, Madame Macron looks better and better in Louis Vuitton suits and dresses.

Macron's wife has her own Instagram account, where she periodically posts photos from receptions, vacations and other events. It is naive to hope that all the published images of the First Lady of France will appeal to all Internet users without exception. But most people still praise the stylish Brigitte, admiring her taste, resistance to human gossip, and ability to always look dignified and at her best.

These are the women who inspire ordinary people faith in love to which all ages are submissive. How else can you explain Emmanuel’s shining eyes when he looks at his Brigitte?