Michel de Nostred (French: Michel de Nostredame), also known as Nostradamus. Born December 14, 1503 - died July 2, 1566. French astrologer, physician, pharmacist and alchemist, famous for his prophecies.

Michel de Nostredame was born on December 14 or 21, 1503 in the town of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in a family of Sephardic Jews (who, as a result of persecution, moved to France from the Iberian Peninsula), converted to Catholicism in the 15th century.

A family legend, retold by César de Nostredame in the Chronicle of Provence, says that the prophet's ancestors served as physicians at the courts of René the Good and the Duke of Calabria. However, based on the available facts, one can only say that they were fairly educated and wealthy people.

The father of the future predictor, Jaume de Gasson (after being baptized, changed his surname to the Catholic Nostredame) (1470-1547) was a notary, grandfather Guy Gasson (1430-1484) traded grain and worked as a notary in Avignon, in 1455 he adopted Christianity and the name Pierre de Nostredame , and my maternal great-grandfathers Pierre de Sainte-Marie (?-1485) and Jean de Saint-Rémy were doctors in Arles and Saint-Rémy.

Although the secular authorities of France were kind to baptized Jews, the common people always suspected them of secret disbelief in Jesus Christ. Spiritual power over the minds and hearts of the French belonged to the Roman Catholic Church, with whose blessing at that time the persecution of Jews was carried out in some countries. This encouraged the latter to live in relatively isolated communities, preserving their culture, traditions and customs.

His early childhood passed with his maternal great-grandfather Jean de Saint-Rémy, who allegedly taught him Latin, Greek, Hebrew, mathematics and astrology. After 1504 nothing is known about his great-grandfather.

In 1518, 14-year-old Michel de Nostredame went to study at the University of Avignon, where he studied the so-called trivium - grammar, rhetoric and logic, and later the quadrivium - geometry, arithmetic, music and astrology.

In 1519, a plague broke out in the city, and Michel abandoned his studies, deciding to become a doctor and find a way to treat the plague. But he never found a solution.

We know about the next eight years of his life only from his own phrase in a culinary and cosmetic book, according to which these years were spent in continuous travel in order to “learn and learn the sources and origin of plants and other simple substances relating to the pinnacle of medical science.”

In 1529, the official biography of the future predictor continues: he enters the medical faculty of the University of Montpellier.

Due to harsh statements about teachers and a passion for prohibited pharmaceuticals, he was immediately almost expelled from the university. However, the conflict was resolved, and in 1534 Michel received doctorate. From this moment on, his surname is written in the Latin manner: “Nostradamus”. In the same 1534, he again went on a journey, during which he met the famous scientist Jules Cesar Scaliger.

Probably at the suggestion of Scaliger, Nostradamus settled in Agen in 1536. Soon a dark streak begins in his life. In 1537, his wife and children died from the plague in Agen, in 1538 he was interrogated by the Inquisition because of alleged unflattering statements about the statue of the Virgin Mary, and in the same year, for unclear reasons, a deadly quarrel between Nostradamus and Scaliger arose. Nostradamus leaves Agen. From Scaliger he will subsequently receive several poisonous anti-Semitic epigrams, in which he hints at the hidden Judaism of Nostradamus.

But the youngest son of Nostradamus will be named Cesar - possibly in honor of Scaliger. Nostradamus spends the next few years traveling around Italy and Germany.

In 1544 he resumed medical practice in Marseille, and in 1546 he fought the plague in southeastern France in Aix-en-Provence. For his medical activities, the Parliament of Aix-en-Provence awarded him a lifetime pension.

There are legends about the miraculous power of the medicines he created, but the recipes that have survived to this day do not go beyond the scope of traditional medicine of the 16th century.

November 11, 1547 Nostradamus married Anne Ponsard Gemelier, and from this marriage six children were subsequently born: Cesar (1554), Magdalene (1551), Andre (1557), Anna (1558), Diana (1561), Charles.

It is known that these prophecies brought him trouble. Upon arrival in Paris, Nostradamus was warned that the authorities were preparing to interrogate him about what teachings he practiced and how he made predictions. He urgently returns to Salon de Provence, and then in 1556 he goes to Italy.

In 1558, in the final part of Centurius, Nostradamus addresses King Henry II, calling him the ruler of the world and promising to reveal the history of mankind for centuries to come. It is unknown whether the king, who died at the tournament in 1559, had time to familiarize himself with the fortuneteller’s letter.

After the death of Henry II, at the invitation of the deceased’s sister, Nostradamus meets Queen Catherine de’ Medici at court.

In 1561, Nostradamus barely managed to escape from Catholic peasants who accused him of sympathizing with the Huguenots. That same year, authorities placed him under house arrest for several days, demanding that he describe the fate of King Charles IX. Nostradamus' answer has not been preserved.

In 1564, Catherine de Medici and Charles IX visited the fortuneteller in the Salon and then invited him to a meeting in Arles, where they appointed him royal physician and astrologer. However, on July 2, 1566, Nostradamus died in Salon from complications of gout.

The inscription is carved on the marble slab above his grave “Here lie the bones of the famous Michel Nostradamus, the only mortal who was worthy to capture with his almost divine pen, thanks to the influence of the stars, the future events of the whole world.”.

Legends about Nostradamus:

Family legend, reflected in the Chronicle of Provence, written by Cesar de Nostradamus, states that the royal physician Abram Salomon was the great-grandfather of Nostradamus. This legend is not supported by facts, but family ties with Abram Salomon could be more complex. It is often claimed that the fortuneteller's grandfathers introduced him to astrology and Kabbalah. In fact, they died early. They say that already at school he was nicknamed “the little astrologer.”

They say that Nostradamus once predicted the fate of two piglets at a reception with an important person: the white piglet, he said, would be eaten by a wolf, and the black one would be served for dinner. To shame the seer, the owner ordered the white pig to be slaughtered, but it had already been eaten by the wolf, and the cook slaughtered the black one and served it for dinner.

The story of the prediction of the papal throne to the young monk Felice Peretti (future Pope Sixtus V) dates back to the period of Italian travels.

In 1820 and 1839 The "Prophecy of Philip Olivarius" and the "Prophecy of Orval, recorded by Philip Olivarius" were published, supposedly dated 1542 and 1544. respectively. Rumors arose that they were actually made by Nostradamus during his stopover during his wanderings at Orval Abbey.

An old story retold by Chavigny, the first scholar of Nostradamus, claims that the seer once helped a royal servant find a lost purebred dog.

The loudest fame was associated with the prediction of the death of King Henry II of France at the tournament(C.1.K.35). It probably has a basis, since it was after these events that Nostradamus received recognition at the royal court. However, these reasons are not known to us; the idea of ​​quatrain Ts.1.K.35 is in the nature of interpretation and first appears many years later in Cesar. Previously, Chavigny used more complex reasoning to substantiate this legend.

The same Chavigny writes that he witnessed how Nostradamus predicted in advance the day and hour of his death.

According to Edgar Leroy, the family coat of arms of Nostradamus depicts two black eagle heads and two golden wheels with eight spokes each, on a red field. Wheel rims are broken between adjacent spokes. The motto on the coat of arms reads: "Soli Deo" (Latin: "To God the Only"). It is unclear whether this coat of arms was inherited by Nostradamus, or whether it was created specifically after receiving his doctorate in 1534.

Interpreters believe that the heads of birds of prey indicate the doctor's calling - to fight disease. However, the interpretation of the wheel symbol remains ambiguous. The motto "Soli Deo" represents the beginning of the Catholic motto "Soli Deo Honor et Gloria" ("To God alone is honor and glory"), under which the Reformation movement took place.

The creative heritage of Nostradamus includes 10 centuries (942 quatrains), prefaces to them (letters to his son Cesar and King Henry), a number of quatrains without numbering, annual almanacs since 1555, as well as a number of works that are generally considered non-prophetic, such as, for example, the free translation of “Interpretation of the Hieroglyphs of Horapollo” (1545).

The archives contain the will and personal correspondence of Nostradamus. There are also a number of manuscripts whose authorship is not reliably established, but is sometimes attributed to Nostradamus.

Predictions of Michel Nostradamus:

Nostradamus penned the annual almanacs published from 1550 until his death.

Each of the almanacs contained one general quatrain for the year, 12 quatrains for the months of the year, and an extensive prose section with predictions. It was the almanacs that brought Nostradamus fame during his lifetime. However, not all of their texts have survived to this day; nowadays a selection of 141 quatrains from the almanacs (1555-1567) is often published as an independent work.

The first edition of the "Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus", now called "Centuries", was published in Lyon in 1555. It contained a “Letter to his son Cesar” and 353 prophetic quatrains.

The letter to Cesar sets out the occult philosophy of prophecy and gives several predictions of a global nature (... the world is approaching an anaragonistic revolution... the deadly sword of pestilence and wars more terrible than have happened in three human lives is approaching us...). The second edition (Lyon, 1557) also contained 288 new quatrains and a warning to critics (unnumbered quatrain).

The earliest surviving complete edition of the Prophecies dates back to 1568, that is, after the death of Nostradamus. It contains a letter to Cesar, 942 quatrains (the 7th century remained unfinished) and a letter to King Henry, entirely prophetic in content.

([I] have calculated almost as many events of the coming time as of the past years... until the very [Second] Coming at the beginning of the seventh millennium).

It is unclear whether the nominal addressee, King Henry, who died at the tournament in 1559, saw this letter. It is only known that quatrains from the last centuries were quoted during the life of Nostradamus; there may have been an unknown edition that predates 1568.

“Additional quatrains” given by Chavigny in “The First Face of the French Janus” (Lyon, 1594) under the name of fragments of the 11th and 12th centuries, most likely belong to one of the lost almanacs of Nostradamus. The origin of the six new quatrains of the 8th century in the edition of Roffe (1588) is doubtful, and the sixens of Vincent Seve (1606) are considered falsifications.

For centuries, interpreters have seen in the prophecies of Nostradamus something very surprising, going beyond mere chance. However, time passes, and new generations discover a new understanding of previously explained phrases.

Conceptually and terminologically, the “Prophecies” of Nostradamus are placed in the general context of medieval mysticism and eschatology. The source of inspiration for the predictor is the collection Mirabilis Liber (1522), containing the prophecies of Pseudo-Methodius, Joachim of Flora, and Savonarola. The theory of planetary epochs is borrowed almost verbatim from the treatise of Richard Rousse. Peter Krinit is no less copiously quoted. Nostradamus did not provide links to primary sources, so the author’s text is difficult to distinguish from borrowings.

The date of the end of the prophecies of Nostradamus is 2242 or 2243, which corresponds to 6000 from the Creation of the World according to the first chronology from the Letter to Henry. This is consistent with Ts.1.K.48 (“20 years of the reign of the Moon have passed, in the year 6000 another will reign. When the Sun completes its weary days, then my prophecy will be fulfilled and end”).

By the way, in 2240, 6000 years from the Creation of the World will expire according to the Jewish calendar. In addition, the theory of planetary epochs, set forth in the works of Ibn Ezra, Abraham (12th century), Abu Mashar (9th century), and retold by Russ, states that the epoch of the Moon ends in 1889, the epoch of the Sun in 2242, and then the age of Saturn begins, unless the world ceases to exist at that moment.

A significant part of the quatrains describes events not of the future, but of the past, in relation to 1555. Of course, this statement should not be misunderstood. Nostradamus believed that the events of world history repeat themselves cyclically, because planetary configurations repeat and the same signs occur. And he described the events of the past in the hope that they would happen again in the future.

Around 1545, Nostradamus, in a free poetic manner, translated from the Greek “Interpretation of the Hieroglyphs of Horapollo.”

The manuscript was kept by one of the ministers Louis XIV, and then ended up in the National Library of France, where it was discovered already in the 20th century. According to the author, the text of the manuscript describes ancient Egyptian drawings and gives their interpretation. This text is of great interest to researchers because many of the images from it are also present in the “Prophecies”. Thus, at the end of the translation an interpretation of the mysterious signs “D. M.”, which denote the underground gods. The same letters are mentioned in quatrain 66 of the 8th century, but they cannot be found in the original texts of Horapollo.

Almost simultaneously with the “Prophecies,” Nostradamus published two works in the field of medical sciences: a free translation of “Paraphrase of Galen, his exhortations to Menodotus in the study of the fine arts and medicine” (1557) and “Treatise on the preparation of jams” (1555). In the first of them, researchers found signs of a cipher.

In 1888, a manuscript containing 80 watercolor drawings was found in the library of Rome, the authorship of which is attributed to Nostradamus, however, without evidence. It is now known under the code name “The Lost Book of Nostradamus” (en: Vaticinia Nostradami).

The mystery of the name Nostradamus

In fact, the name Nostradamus is not the real name of the famous prophet, but just a Latinized form of his surname. Once upon a time, his ancestors, having converted to Catholicism, changed their surname to Notre Dame in honor of the Mother of God (Notre Dame), and then also added the noble prefix “de” to it. As a result, the real and full name of the predictor sounds like Michel de Notredame.

The early years of Nostradamus

Michel Nostradamus was born on December 21, 1503 in Provence, in the city of Saint-Rémy. His parents' family was large (seven children), so some special treatment there was no one to see him. Although some researchers claim that Nostradamus's grandfather youth taught him the secrets of astrology.

In 1518, Nostradamus went to Avignon, where he entered college.

Unfortunately, no documentary data has been preserved about how Michel proved himself as a student, but it is known for certain that the breadth of his interests and level of knowledge went far beyond the average framework of that era.

Upon graduation in 1521, Michel received the title of Master of Arts - the equivalent of a modern certificate or bachelor's degree.

Nostradamus becomes a healer

After graduating from college, Nostradamus decided not to stop there, but to get a medical profession. To do this, he entered the University of Montpellier, where one of the best medical faculties at that time operated.

There he studied for three years, after which he went to travel in order to add the knowledge of traditional healers and healers to his academic knowledge.

In each city that Michel visited during his travels, he was not only interested in medical topics, but also kept a scrupulous record of medicinal, cosmetic and even culinary recipes. Many years later, he would publish them as a separate book, providing lengthy autobiographical excursions. As Nostradamus himself wrote, during that period he traveled all the lands of Southern France.

It took Nostradamus five years to travel around the country!

As a result, he became not only a very experienced healer, but also realized that what attracted him most in healing was pharmaceuticals.

The feat of Nostradamus

In 1525, the plague began in Florence. And then for the first time the real character of the future prophet appeared. He did not run away, but went into the thick of things and from 1525 to 1529 he traveled around France, helping to fight the plague, and then leprosy. At the same time, he made a huge contribution to the development of methods to combat these terrible epidemics, which he was actually more proud of than his prophetic texts. And, indeed, what Nostradamus did while fighting the plague and leprosy in his native lands cannot be called anything other than a feat - there was so much dedication and compassion for people.

New stage of training

At the age of twenty-six, after wandering, Nostradamus returned to Montpellier to receive his doctorate in medicine. And this cost not only time, but also money. Fortunately, the father supported his son financially all these years. Therefore, Michel managed to fulfill his dream - to successfully pass the exams in the summer of 1532 and receive the status of a practicing physician.

New wanderings and the mysterious period of Nostradamus

After receiving a license for treatment, Nostradamus did not look for a “warm” place for himself, but again went to wander, to different time stopping in one city or another.

In general, biographers have little information about the period from 1533 to 1539, but it is likely that it was then that his “immersion” in the secrets of the occult began. This is indicated by the fact that he was personally sent a letter of invitation to study by Jules Cesar Scaliger himself - officially considered a famous French philologist, critic, poet and healer, but in fact also a former “scribe,” that is, a mystic.

Nostradamus's training with Scaliger

Naturally, Michel accepted such an invitation for him and stayed to study with Scaliger for several years, despite the fact that the new teacher Nostradamus had a very bad character.

Unfortunately, the relationship between them ended sadly, since Scaliger turned out to be very envious person, and when the student’s fame exceeded his own, he parted with him, doing many small dirty tricks, slandering him at the king’s court. Moreover, he even stooped to malicious epigrams addressed to him and denunciations of an anti-Semitic nature.

After this, Michel had to wander again.

Nostradamus is on the road again...

And again Nostradamus was on the road. This time the nomadic life took place from 1539 to 1544. And then his prophetic abilities began to manifest themselves. So, one of the legends says that once Nostradamus met a monk while walking. He knelt before him, calling him “Your Holiness.” About 45 years later, after the death of Nostradamus, this monk became Pope Sixtus V!

Nostradamus and astrology

A passion for astrology at that time was not uncommon, especially since people had not yet paid much attention to the difference between astrology and astronomy, or between magic and science. Therefore, during the Renaissance, astrology had the status of an official science. It was the seventh of the liberal arts taught in humanities departments. Therefore, it is not surprising that he also studied it, although he did not call himself an astrologer, but preferred another word - “astrophile,” which can be translated as “stargazer.” Nostradamus chose this designation of activity in order to emphasize the fact that he had nothing to do with astrologers, among whom there were many charlatans, and therefore the term “astrologer” became almost synonymous with the word “charlatan.”

The settled life of Nostradamus

At the age of 44, Michel Nostradamus finally decided to stop his wanderings and begin to lead a settled life. For this, he chose the small town of Salon-de-Cros, located in his native Provence. There, on November 11, 1547, he married Anne Ponsard.

Having started a family, Michel bought a spacious house in the Ferrieru quarter on the street that today bears his name. In a small room under the roof, Notre Dame built himself an observatory and at the same time a study, where his famous “Prophecies” were written.

But this is in the future, and at first Nostradamus lived by conducting a medical practice, selling cosmetics and ointments made according to his own recipes.

Beginning of intensive literary activity

Gradually, Nostradamus’s family grew, more and more children appeared and, naturally, the question of financial support arose. Therefore, in the autumn of 1550, Michel began to publish his famous almanacs and predictions in verse and prose, which were published even in modern times in a fantastic circulation of 40–50 thousand!!! So this was a significant financial help.

It should be noted that almanacs of that period are not just books or brochures, entirely consisting of predictions, but small books of 10–20 pages containing forecasts for the year, culinary recipes, moral instructions and much other material that is very far from prophecies. To put it simply, it was an analogue of modern cheap tabloid periodicals. But it was precisely because of this that the worldwide fame of Nostradamus began. Therefore, he produced them for seventeen years, until his death.

The first quatrains of Nostradamus

Beginning in 1555, in each issue of the almanac, Nostradamus included 13 quatrains (quatrains), written in figurative and florid language, outlining prophetic information about the future. Moreover, the first quatrain predicted the situation for the year as a whole, and the remaining 12 - for each month separately.

The style of these predictions was vague and often subject to multiple interpretations.

The first book of Nostradamus

In 1553, Nostradamus compiled the fruits of his almost thirty years of wanderings into a single book. But - this was not a book of prophecies, but just a huge collection of various cosmetics and culinary recipes!

This work brought him not only fame, but also considerable material income, since such books were just beginning to come into fashion and gain popularity.

The most important difference in the work of Nostradamus was that he did not take recipes that included rat paws, dried dragon eyes and other nonsense, but used herbs and products that could be easily obtained by anyone.

"Centuries" of Nostradamus

In the early summer of 1555, Michel Nostradamus finally decided to publish the first part of his prophecies, which later made him famous forever. He called them “Centuries” - centuries, that is, predictions for a century. This book was a collection of four-line prophecies - quatrains, written in a rare and little-used form - the poetic size of pentameter, borrowed by Nostradamus from ancient poets.

Then, from 1556 to 1558, Nostradamus continued to issue his prophecies regularly.

In the summer of 1558, Nostradamus finished work on his “Prophecies” and never returned to them.

Nostradamus ciphers

Many researchers of Nostradamus' predictions ask the question: why are his texts so confusing and vague? There is an assumption that in his prophetic activities he used the clairvoyant tradition of Ancient Greece and astrology, which left its mark on the style of presentation.

But be that as it may, it turned out that his prophecies can only be understood when they come true, and not before!!! For example, the prediction: “The young lion will defeat the old one on the battlefield in a single duel” could only be deciphered after a knightly tournament was organized on July 1, and the captain of the Scottish Guard, Gabriel Montgomery, and the king himself took part in one of the duels. By fateful accident, a piece of Montgomery's spear fell into a slot in the royal helmet, knocked out Henry II's eye and caused him severe brain injury. On July 10, the king died.

Personal Secretary of Nostradamus

In 1560, Michel Nostradamus finally got a personal secretary named Jean de Chevigny, who soon settled in his house and was with the prophet until the last days of his life. He greatly facilitated his hard work as a writer and helped him in other matters with which the mystic was busy.

Thanks to him, he continued his active prophetic activity and already in 1561 he prepared a new almanac for printing. Moreover, the publisher personally came to Nostradamus for negotiations, which indicated the unprecedented fame and authority of the soothsayer.

Envious Nostradamus

Naturally, the fame of Nostradamus haunted many people, so they increasingly wrote complaints about him, made parodies, or simply slandered him. But he stoically endured this attitude and from time to time responded to his offenders in the same way - criticizing them in the press.

Unfortunately, envy grew in proportion to Nostradamus's fame and on April 4, 1561, approximately 500 Catholic peasants armed with sticks surrounded his house. Incited by a Franciscan preacher, they wanted to kill the prophet, but he miraculously managed to escape this sad fate. Nostradamus had to flee to another city for two months and wait there until the deranged fanatics were pacified.

The veil of secrecy of Nostradamus

Many connoisseurs of Nostradamus’ gift and his researchers have repeatedly tried to find the “tools” that the soothsayer used when making his predictions. After all, it is known that, being a man of science, he relied not only on his gift, but also on certain calculations. And so a letter from a lawyer and an alchemist helped lift the veil over this secret, in which he asked Nostradamus to lend him his astrolabe, hermetic book and “other objects,” and most importantly, a magic ring. So a lot suggests that the great mystic was not as simple as some biographers want to show him.

The last almanac and testament of Nostradamus

In 1566, the last almanac of Nostradamus was printed, where he last time publicly expressed his prophetic visions. Further work was suspended, since he felt very bad, so bad that, along with his last predictions, he dictated his last words - his personal will.

Death prophecy of Nostradamus

The great prophet Michel Nostradamus died on July 2, 1566. He was buried according to Catholic rites in the Church of the Minor Brothers. On the grave was written “Let his descendants not envy his peace.” And this turned out to be the last prophecy, since in 1791 the Revolutionary Marseilles battalion smashed the tomb and violated the remains of Nostradamus himself and his son Cesar. Subsequently, the remains were reburied under the floor of the chapel of St. Roch and the Virgin Mary at the Salonian Church of St. Lawrence. They are still there today.

Nostradamus, Michel Michel de Notre Dame
(Latin: Nostradamus, Michel de Notredame) (years of life: 1503 - 1566)

Name of a French physician and scientist
has been continuously mentioned for over 400 years.
Despite the ambiguity and confusion
predictions he made, in his quatrains to this day
many are looking for answers to questions about the future and regularly
find confirmation of events that have already happened.

Short biography:

French soothsayer, mathematician, astrologer, physician, physician to Charles IX. Born on January 14 into a Jewish family living in the town of Saint-Rémy in Provence. Shortly before Michel's birth, his parents were baptized, obeying the decree of Louis XII, which caused the family to live a double life, because... they continued to practice Judaism. Under the guidance of his grandfathers Pierre and Jean, he mastered medicine, folk healing, alchemy, cabalism, mathematics, astrology, and began to speak Greek, Latin and Hebrew. In order to obtain a doctor's license, in 1529 he entered the University of Montpellier. In 1532, having passed the exams for a bachelor's degree, he went to the provinces. Using his own methods of treatment, he was able to stop the epidemics of bubonic plague in Carcassonne, Toulouse, Narbonne, Bordeaux and other large cities of France. After four years of practice, he received his doctorate. During the plague epidemic in Anzhan, his wife and two children died. At the same time, Nostradamus, who buried the family, was declared a charlatan, and on charges of heresy he appeared before the Inquisition in Toulouse. Nostradamus fled from his native country to Italy and hid from the Inquisition for several years. During these wanderings, his prophetic gift awakened. In the middle of the 16th century, one of the most terrible epidemics in the entire history of France broke out in Provence. When Nostradamus arrived in the capital of Provence, the city of Aix, corpses were lying on the streets, doctors either had already died, or were still dying, or had fled from Aix, calling him " damn place". Over the next 270 days, Nostradamus fought the epidemic. By his order, the streets were put in order. The doctor spent all the money he had on the famous pink pills, mixed with rose petals and rich in vitamin C, distributing free medicine on the streets. Plague retreated, and Michel Nostradamus turned from an outcast into national hero. The city fathers assigned him a lifelong allowance, and the residents literally showered him with gifts. For some time after this, Michel continued his wanderings, following the plague. At the age of 45, he settled in the city of Salone, where he married the wealthy widow Annie Pozar Gemel. From this moment on, Nostradamus began to write down his messages to future generations, but was in no hurry to publish his insights, rightly believing that it was never too late to appear before the Inquisition. In 1550, the first almanac of Michel Nostradamus was published with prophecies consisting of twelve quatrains, each of which contained a prediction for one of the months of the coming year. The phrases of the quatrains were streamlined, the author referred to the exact science of astrology, the Inquisition had nothing to complain about, and almanacs began to be published annually until the death of Nostradamus. In 1554, work began on centuries ("centuria" means "hundred", "century"). According to the original plan, there should have been ten centuries of one hundred quatrains in each. In 1555, the first three centuries were published in Lyon, then, in the same year, the end of the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh. The prophecies were published in a modest edition and brought the author wild popularity in France.

Short biography:

Michel Nostradamus (Latin transcription of the French surname Notre Dame) was born in December 1503 in the south of France, in the town of Saint-Rémy, into the family of a notary. His medical career was predetermined in childhood: both of his grandfathers were doctors and tried to pass on their knowledge to their grandson. At the age of 22, he received a bachelor's degree from the most prestigious medical university in Montpellier, and at the same time the right to independent practice. This right came in handy quite quickly, as a plague epidemic began in southern France. The skillful use of various medicinal herbs during this disaster earned the respect of the young physician.

Nostradamus traveled a lot, combining medical practice with the study of magic, astrology and other occult sciences and dreaming of using science to lift the veil of uncertainty that hides the future. However, his inner desire to comprehend the secrets of existence could also have a completely material basis - making predictions at that time was very profitable, because every self-respecting feudal lord usually kept his own astrologer. Since 1550, Nostradamus began publishing annual almanacs with monthly predictions, which were published until his death. And just five years later, the predictor published the first part of his book “Prophecies,” in which he outlined the future of humanity in the form of confusing and vague quatrains. However, this book did not bring any success to its author, and perhaps it would have remained in obscurity if not for one circumstance.

On April 13, 1559, King Henry II signed peace between France and Spain, ending 65 years of war. This joyful event was traditionally accompanied by the marriage of the French princess to the Spanish king, and during the festivities, naturally, a knightly tournament was also planned. This was a completely harmless activity, since iron armor and blunt spears guaranteed a certain safety to the participants. On the third day of the tournament, King Henry II himself came out. His opponent was the captain of the Scots Guards, Earl Gabriel Montgomery. They broke the spears against each other twice, and during the third attempt, a sharp fragment of Montgomery's wooden spear accidentally fell into the slot of the king's helmet and pierced the eye. Ten days later, Henry II died. Nostradamus tried unsuccessfully to warn the king of the danger with his 35th quatrain of the First Century:

The young lion will defeat the old one
On the battlefield in a single duel.
He will gouge out his eyes in a golden cage.
Two fractures - one, then
will die a cruel death.

It should be noted that Nostradamus’s contemporaries were not spoiled by accurate predictions, and now even the approximate similarity of what was predicted to the real one captured people’s imagination. From that moment on, the doctor's fame began to grow rapidly. Now for everything in the slightest degree important events looked for the answer in his quatrains. It is interesting that with the death of the fortuneteller, his popularity did not decrease at all, but began to spread to other countries. As one of the researchers of the legacy of Nostradamus noted, this is perhaps the only book after the Bible that has been republished continuously for more than 400 years. And now, as many years ago, having experienced some unexpected turns in history, people turn to the book of “Centuries” in search of a quatrain in which they could guess the relevant events. It is not surprising that the recent terrorist attack in the United States was immediately confirmed in the book of Nostradamus.

There will be a terrible roar in the city of God,
The chaos will destroy the two brothers into pieces.
The great leader will not stand.
The third big war will begin,
While a huge city is burning.

Disputes about the veracity of Nostradamus' predictions continue to this day, because his quatrains can be interpreted in any way you like, adapting them to any time and almost any ruler. But the exact dates, names and descriptions of those unknown at that time technical means, found in some quatrains, make us look for something more in them than just the result of the commercial activity of the predictor. It is now difficult to establish whether the prophecies were the result of a hereditary gift of clairvoyance, supported by the scientist’s astrological research, or simply hallucinations due to long-term practice of meditation on a candle flame.

Memory is permeated with mysterious knowledge,
The groundwater burning from a candle,
A pale flame flickers and sparkles
And it casts rays into the destinies of centuries.

It’s as if God himself is behind me,
(The bronze tripod was decorated with ligature),
He leads my trembling hand,
Lord and prince of heaven and earth.

According to Nostradamus, the geography of the prophecies covers Europe, Africa and part of Asia in a continuous time interval from 1555 to 3797. And although there are many fairly accurately fulfilled prophecies, their allegorical form and chronological confusion do not allow for absolute interpretation. However, Nostradamus, who deliberately encrypted his visions, can be understood: the Holy Inquisition carefully monitored the activities of all the prophets in order to send them to the stake in time, and the reaction of the people to whom he wanted to convey the truth about the future may not have been very adequate.

Nostradamus' predictions for the near future:

2006 - Muslims will invent a new terrible type of weapon. Everyone will begin to prepare for war, create reserves of weapons, food, medicine, water and gas masks, run to the forests, mountains, caves, etc.
2008 - Assassination attempts on 4 heads of government. Conflict in Hindustan. This will be one of the reasons for World War 3.
2010 - Beginning of World War 3. The war will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. It will start as usual, then first nuclear and then chemical weapons will be used.
2011 - As a result of radioactive fallout, there will be no animals or vegetation left in the Northern Hemisphere. The Muslims will then begin chemical warfare against the surviving Europeans.
2014 - Most people will suffer from ulcers, skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
2016 - Europe is almost deserted.
2018 - China becomes a new world power. Developing countries are turning from exploited to exploiters.
2023 - The Earth's orbit will change slightly.
2025 - Europe is still sparsely populated.
2028 - Creation of a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. A manned spacecraft takes off to Venus.
2033 - polar ice are melting. The level of the World Ocean is rising.
2043 - World economy is thriving. Europe is ruled by Muslims.
2046 - Any organs are grown. Organ replacement is becoming one of the best methods treatment.
2066 - During the attack on Muslim Rome, the United States uses the new kind weapons - climate. Sharp cold snap.
2076 - Classless society (communism).
2084 - Restoration of nature.
2088 - New disease - aging in a few seconds!!!
2097 - Rapid aging defeated.
2100 - An artificial "Sun" illuminates the dark side of the Earth.
2111 - People become cyborgs (living robots).
2123 - Wars between small states. Powers do not interfere.
2125 - Hungary will receive signals from space (this is Vanga’s prediction).
2130 - Colonies under water (with the help of alien advice).
2164 - Animals are turned into half-humans.
2167 - New religion.
2170 - Great drought.
2183 - A colony on Mars becomes nuclear power and demands independence from the Earth (as the USA once did from England).
2187 - It will be possible to stop the eruption of 2 large volcanoes.
2195 - Sea colonies are fully provided with both energy and food.
2196 - Complete mixture of Asians and Europeans.
2201 - Thermonuclear processes slow down on the Sun. It's getting colder.
2221 - In the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with something terrible.
2256 - A spaceship brought a new terrible disease to Earth.
2262 - The orbits of the planets gradually change. Mars is threatened by a comet.
2271 - The changed physical "constants" were recalculated.
2273 - Mixing of yellow, white and black races. New races.
2279 - “Energy from nothing” (probably from a vacuum or from “black holes”).
2288 - Time travel. New contacts with aliens.
2291 - The sun is cooling down. Attempts are being made to reignite it.
2296 - Powerful flares on the Sun. The force of attraction changes. The old ones begin to fall space stations and satellites.
2299 - In France - partisan movement against Islam.
2302 - New important laws and secrets of the Universe are discovered.
2304 - The secret of the Moon is revealed.
2341 - Something terrible is approaching the Earth from space.
2354 - An accident on one of the artificial Suns leads to drought.
2371 - Great famine.
2378 - New fast growing race.
2480 - 2 artificial Suns will collide. Earth at dusk.
3005 - War on Mars. The trajectories of the planets will be disrupted.
3010 - A comet will ram the Moon. Around the Earth is a belt of stones and dust.
3797 - By this time, all life on Earth will die, but humanity will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another star system.

Michel de Notredame, better known as Nostradamus, is a fortuneteller, doctor, alchemist, who described future events in a rather vague form... The books of Nostradamus' predictions are written in the form of so-called centuries (one century has 100 lines) and quatrains. It is widely believed that the predictions cover a period of 2240 years - from 1557 to 3797. He is also the author of two letters: one was intended for King Henry II of France, the second for his son Caesar.

Michel de Notredame born December 14, 1503 in the town of Saint-Rémy in Provence in a family of Jews who converted to Catholicism in the 15th century. According to family legend, his ancestors served as doctors at the courts of Rene the Good and the Duke of Calabria. The father of the future fortuneteller, Jaume de Notredame, was a notary, his grandfather, Pierre de Notredame, and his great-grandfather, Davin de Carcassonne, were engaged in trade in Avignon in the south of France.

Michel studied in Avignon and in 1521 received a Master of Arts degree. In the next eight years of his life, he was engaged in self-education: he constantly traveled with the goal of “learning and learning the sources and origin of plants and other simple substances relating to the pinnacle of medical science,” as he himself wrote in his book. During one of his travels he meets famous astrologer and the scientist Jules Cesar Scaliger. He then continued to study medicine at the medical faculty of the University of Montpellier, from where he was almost expelled for his harsh statements about teachers and his passion for prohibited pharmaceuticals (from then on he began to write his surname in the Latin manner: “Nostradamus”). In 1534, he finally received his doctorate.

A tragedy occurred in the life of Nostradamus in those years: his wife and children died from the plague. In addition, the Inquisition began to take an interest in him.

After new travels in Italy and Germany, Nostradamus 1544 resumes medical practice in Marseille, and two years later he fights the plague in the southeast of France and even, according to legend, invents a remedy for the plague, the recipe of which, however, was subsequently lost. For his dedicated work, doctor Michel Nostradamus was awarded a lifetime pension by the Aix-en-Provence Parliament. There were legends about the miraculous power of the medicines he created, but the recipes preserved from the time of his medical practice do not go beyond the scope of traditional medicine of the 16th century.

In 1547 he married again - to Anna Ponsard, from whose marriage he subsequently had six children.

The famous doctor unexpectedly became interested in astrology and prophecies.

This turn of events interested the authorities in Paris, who intended to interrogate Nostradamus about what sciences he practices and how he makes predictions. Deciding not to tempt fate, he left for Italy, where he continued his activity as a fortuneteller.

In 1558 he turned to the French king Henry II, calling him the ruler of the world and revealing to him the history of mankind in a vague form for many centuries to come. The following year, the king died at a tournament, and in 1561, Nostradamus himself barely managed to avoid death from Catholic peasants, who accused him of sympathy for the French Protestants - the Huguenots. A few years later, the fortuneteller became the royal physician and adviser to Catherine de Medici, regent of the French throne.

In 1566 Nostradamus died from complications of gout. On the marble slab above his grave is carved the inscription “Here lie the bones of the famous Michel Nostradamus, the only mortal who was worthy to capture with his almost divine pen, thanks to the influence of the stars, the future events of the whole world.” According to his will, he was buried standing. What caused such a strange wish is unknown. As a physician, Nostradamus knew for sure that over time the bones would fall and pile up.

In 1791, during the French Revolution, the church in which his burial was located was destroyed.

The creative heritage of Nostradamus includes 10 centuries (942 quatrains), prefaces to them (letters to his son Cesar and King Henry), a number of quatrains without numbering, annual almanacs since 1555, as well as a number of non-prophetic works, in particular a free translation of the “Interpretation of the Hieroglyphs of Horapollo.” The archives preserved the will and personal correspondence of Nostradamus. There are also a number of manuscripts, the authorship of which is not precisely established, but which are attributed to Nostradamus.

The main theme of his predictions is the political future of Europe, up to the beginning of the astrological era of Saturn, which Nostradamus defines as the “Golden Age”. The prediction ends with an almost quotation from the Bible: “The end; the wolf, the lion, the bull and the donkey, the timid doe will be with the dogs.” Nostradamus describes in detail the three Antichrists: the first of them will appear in the “lands of Attila” and create a new Babylonia, which will exist for 73 years and 7 months; the second will unleash a war in the center of Europe, and the third should lead the union of the countries of the North and the East at the end of time. “The third is worse than the first, more terrible than Nero. Run, brave men, so as not to shed blood. He orders the stove to be put on. The golden age is dead, great sin."

Many works devoted to this topic tried to explain the predictions of Nostradamus. One of the books, written by Jean Charles de Fontbren, volume of 600 pages, was published in Paris in 1980. This book gained particular popularity in 1981, as the assassination attempt on the Pope recalled the coincidence with one of the prophecies of Nostradamus. Fontbren's words that Nostradamus predicted the third world war in 1998 fueled interest in this work.

According to this interpretation, Nostradamus foresaw the following events that occurred during his lifetime from 1529 to 1969:

1529 - the Turks besieged Vienna;

1536 - Canada discovered;

1546 - The Portuguese reach Japan.

After the death of Nostradamus, the following predictions were fulfilled:

1582 - the Gregorian calendar was introduced;

1597 - flintlock guns began to be used;

1618 - The thermometer was invented;

1642 - Australia discovered;

1769 - the steam engine appeared in England;

1776 - The United States declared independence;

1778 - the hot air balloon is invented;

1789 - revolution in France;

1795 - electricity discovered;

1812 - Napoleon is defeated in Russia;

1825 - the first railway in England;

1844 - the telegraph is invented;

1866 - dynamite invented;

1869 - the Suez Canal was dug;

1873 - the electric light bulb appeared;

1876 ​​- the telephone is invented;

1895 - X-ray machine invented

1903 - the first aircraft was built;

1912 - war in the Balkans;

1914 - the Panama Canal was dug;

1914 - the beginning of the First World War;

1917 - October Revolution in Russia;

1925 - the birth of television;

1927 - Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic Ocean;

1927 - the first sound film was made;

1929 - the beginning of the great economic crisis;

1939 - the beginning of World War II;

1961 - first man in space;

1969 - first man on the moon.

In addition, Nostradamus predicted many other events: disasters, diseases, earthquakes, famines... In the future, he foresaw the settlement of Europe by the yellow race. He predicts the appearance of an invisible celestial body, which he calls the White Star, eclipses of the Sun and Moon, weather anomalies caused by “trips into space,” floods and new diseases.

He predicted St. Bartholomew's Night of 1572, the Thirty Years' War of 1618-1648, the reign of Louis XIV, the rise and fall of Napoleon, the Austro-Italian War, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo, and the appearance of intelligent beings from outer space.

Nostradamus wrote that in a barbarian state, a significant part of the court nobility would be sent to death. Was this a prediction of the October Revolution? It is quite possible, especially if you consider that only Tatarstan - Muscovy - was called a “barbarian state” in Europe at that time.

The lines “grand myths will deceive people, and they will commit many misfortunes” fully reflect the vicissitudes of the 20th century. Nostradamus calls Geneva the “garden of the world” and predicts that it will be destroyed and poisoned. However, the events that await Europe in the 22nd century can be avoided if the continent is united, and the center of power is located in Switzerland. Nostradamus predicts a time in Europe when peace and freedom will reign there.

In Palestine for a long time there will be a long war between the Arabs and the Jews until the Jews are defeated. After this, the Arabs will have a desire to conquer Europe.

Nostradamus predicts the invasion of the yellow race after “a strange fish with human head" He predicts endless rains, hot winds, devastated fields.

But then, under the influence of the Moon, peace and prosperity will be established.

He also foresaw great changes in the solar system: the Moon and many stars would approach the Earth, which would cause cataclysms and climate change on the entire planet. People and animals will move from one hemisphere to the other.

This is all, of course, one of the many interpretations of famous predictions, written unclearly and allegorically.

The prophecies of Nostradamus were criticized both during his life and after his death. The main argument of critics is that his predictions are too vague and unspecific and each phrase of his quatrains can be interpreted by dozens different ways, adjusting the interpretation to events that have already happened. Indeed, so far no one has been able to predict a single future event based on the texts of the quatrains. But this does not stop the interpreters of Nostradamus’s texts, of which there has been no shortage for almost half a millennium - ever since a doctor from France suddenly began writing down obscure lines about future events.

Prophecies of Nostradamus

Michel de Notredame, better known as Nostradamus, was born on December 14, 1503 in Saint-Rémy (Provence, France) into a family of baptized Jews. He received his primary education at home, and this education covered classic literature, history, astrology, medicine and traditional medicine. He graduated from the University of Avignon, where he studied philosophy, grammar and rhetoric.

His fame as a doctor came to him when he discovered a cure for the Black Death, a plague that devastated Europe in the sixteenth century. This medicine “consisted” of fresh air, clean water and vitamin C; Thanks to Nostradamus's medicine, dozens of people were saved - but Nostradamus was unable to save his wife and two children. They died in 1537, and Nostradamus left Aachen, where he then lived, and embarked on a journey that lasted six years.

The beginning of the prophecies

Around this time, he felt the “awakening” of his prophetic abilities. In 1547, Nostradamus settled in the city of Salon, where he remarried and where he had six children - three daughters and three sons. He turned the top floor of his house in Salona into a laboratory - with magic mirrors, astrolabes, a brazier and a tripod, made in the image and likeness of the sacred tripod in the temple of Apollo at Delphi.

In 1550, after much deliberation, Nostradamus published an almanac containing twenty-four prophetic quatrains (quatrains). The popularity of the almanac among the public exceeded all the author's expectations, and until the end of his life Nostradamus was simply forced to release similar almanacs every year.

He began the famous “Centuries” in 1554; a year later, the first four parts were published, each containing one hundred quatrains. The last, tenth part of “Centuries” was published in 1558. It is believed that in one of the quatrains of this part Nostradamus predicted own death. Legend has it that on the evening of July 1, 1566, he told his assistant, who wished him good night: “In the morning I will no longer be alive.” And the next morning he was found lifeless on the office floor.

In accordance with his will, Nostradamus was buried in the cemetery of the Franciscan monastery; on the tombstone it is written: “Here lies the ashes of Michel Nostradamus, the only mortal who, by the will of heaven, was granted the grace to write down with his almost divine pen the events of the coming years.”

Manuscripts of Nostradamus

The creative heritage of Nostradamus is quite large. There are also medical treatises in which various drug recipes are combined with cosmetic recommendations and memoirs. Here and works of art(“Interpretation of the hieroglyphs of Horapollo”, “Paraphrase of Galen”). There are numerous astrological almanac calendars, as well as extensive correspondence (however, little studied and not even fully published). However, the main work of Nostradamus was and remains the famous prophetic book - “The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus.”

What is this creation? This is about a thousand quatrains, combined into chapters (centuries) of 100 quatrains each. In addition, the book includes two prose prophecies, written in the form of a letter to his son Cesar and a message to King Henry II. By the way, the message was published only after the death of Nostradamus, in 1568.

The quatrains are vague in content, they contain very few specific dates, and the chronology is not followed. True, quite often they contain dates of an astronomical nature, for example: “When Mars, Venus and Mercury are in retrograde motion...”, “When Mars and Saturn are equally combusted” (i.e., the conjunction of these two planets will be in a certain aspect to the point of solar eclipse). But even if it is possible to at least approximately establish the year, the nature of the event still remains unclear before it occurs.

Most modern scientists who have studied the prophecies of Nostradamus believe that there is “something” in these quatrains. They estimate the accuracy of predictions to be approximately 70-85%. Nostradamus was especially successful in his predictions about the future of Great Britain - here their accuracy is close to 100%. The reasons, as they say, are unknown.

Nostradamus himself wrote in a letter to Cesar that the predictions covered Europe, Asia and part of Africa and extended to the period up to 3797. Studies of the text of the prophecies made it possible to establish that the date of 3797 is a crude camouflage covering 2242 - the first year of the 7th millennium “from creation of the world” according to the Old Testament chronology, the year of the onset, according to Nostradamus, of the end of the world. Last Judgment it will happen even later - in 3242.

In addition, modern researchers believe that in his prophecies Nostradamus predicted the future of the USA, Japan, Australia and almost Antarctica. However, of these countries, only America is mentioned by the soothsayer (“America”; “West, free of the British Isles”; “New Earth”).

Prediction for 2010

2010 is just around the corner. According to Chinese astrology, this will be the year of the White Tiger.

And of course, I want to know what famous soothsayers and astrologers predict for us this year.

Nostradamus encrypted his prediction for 2010 in the text of the X century, X quatrain. The original reads like this:

Attempted murder, terrible adultery,

Great enemy of the entire human race,

Which will be worse than his ancestors, uncles and parents.

The bloodthirsty and inhuman [will rule] with sword, fire, water.

The essence of the prediction according to the method of adding 3 letters of each line, known in a narrow circle of interpreters of the great prophet, will sound like this: “Satanic arc of rage.” "Satanic Arc" - the flight path of a ballistic missile.

There are many versions of what is discussed in the quatrain: about the destroyer of skyscrapers Osama Bin Laden, or about the presidents of Iran - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Venezuela - Hugo Chavez, America - Barack Obama, Russia - Dmitry Medvedev. Or about the Leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Il. Choose who likes what.

There are also such versions (M. Dimde, S. V. Korsun, S. A. Khvorostukhina, A. P. Krasnyashchikh, A. I. Denikin):

  • Japan creates the first underwater settlements and aquafarms;
  • Poland joins the union of Slavic peoples;
  • November 2010 - October 2014 the possibility of unleashing a Third World War using chemical and bacteriological weapons (an acute confrontation between Muslim and Euro-Atlantic values);
  • weakening of the Vatican's influence on believers and world politics;
  • conflict between France and Great Britain.
  • hydrogen sulfide disaster in the Black Sea.
  • the threat of armed conflict on the Crimean Peninsula;
  • economic downturn in Europe;
  • confrontation between the USA and Western European countries;
  • an attempt at revenge by Islamic fundamentalists.

The future is just around the corner: 2009-2029

The following calendar of future events in human history has been prepared on the basis of interpretations of Nostradamus’s quatrains, made at one time by S.V. Korsun (1990), Manfred Dimde (1996), S.A. Khvorostukhina (2002), A.P. Krasnyashchikh (2005) and A.I. Denikina (2006). This “calendar” is a reprint of 2006, which makes the forecast interesting from the point of view of being open-minded to the facts, since at the time of publication no one could have predicted them.

2009-2012 - crisis of the system of organization of state power and government structure in Ukraine and the USA.

2010 - Japan creates the first underwater settlements and aquafarms; Poland joins the union of Slavic peoples; November 2010 - October 2014 the possibility of unleashing a Third World War using chemical and bacteriological weapons (an acute confrontation between Muslim and Euro-Atlantic values); weakening of the Vatican's influence on believers and world politics; conflict between France and Great Britain.

2010-2011 - hydrogen sulfide disaster in the Black Sea.

2011-2012 - threat of armed conflict on the Crimean peninsula; economic downturn in Europe; confrontation between the USA and Western European countries; an attempt at revenge by Islamic fundamentalists.

2011-2014 - creation by Japan of an invulnerable missile defense system; the beginning of the political careers of four political leaders on a global scale.

2011 - the beginning of the strongest economic and political crisis in Europe; a radioactive disaster in the Northern Hemisphere, from which England would suffer the most; the possibility of Islamic fundamentalists using nuclear and chemical weapons as a result of the seizure of a nuclear submarine; declassification of data on an attempt by one of the space powers to make a solo manned flight to Mars; a secret Islamic fundamentalist could provoke a world war.

2012 - peak of the global economic crisis; creation by Ukraine of a new generation of rocket engines; receiving an artificial signal from Space containing scientific information that is fundamentally important for humanity.

2013 - damage to cereal crops by an unknown disease; the possibility of a bacteriological attack on London.

2013-2019 - increasing influence of African states on world politics.

2014 - growing cloned organs of the human body in laboratories; splash skin diseases among the population European countries.

2015 - (in another version, 2029) - a revolution in the energy sector, the discovery of a method for obtaining cheap solar energy and its wireless transportation; ending the war in the Middle East with the active participation of Ukraine, which will come up with a number of peace initiatives.

2015-2017 - negotiation process on the annexation of part of the territory of Moldova to Ukraine.

2015-2025 - another escalation of the confrontation between Islam and Christian culture, but in Europe, with the active participation of Muslim emigrants, a new world war was prevented thanks to the peacekeeping efforts of China.

2016 - a sharp decline in the birth rate in Europe as a result of pollution environment; possible release radioactive substances into the atmosphere in one of the European countries (most likely in England).

2017 - political split of the European Union and its reconstruction on new principles; the abolition of marriage in Germany and the creation of new principles for building a family with full support from the state; the possibility of Britain abandoning the monarchy.

2018 - revolution in construction - invention of ultra-strong and ultra-light material - metal foam; construction of bridges across all major straits; invention of the “second skin” - an ultra-light suit that protects a person from the effects of adverse thermal factors.

2018-2024 - China's leadership in world politics; turning developing countries into economic blackmailers of the United States and Europe.

2020 - creation of tectonic weapons of colossal power; the beginning of the active activity of the Antichrist in the information space; the unification of Catholic and Orthodox Christianity into a single church begins from the lands of Ukraine; complete robotization of everyday life and industrial production; transfer of the UN headquarters to Geneva.

2022-2041 — last period in world history, when a global armed conflict can be unleashed.

2023 - threat of changes in the Earth's orbit under the influence of cosmic factors.

2024 - major man-made and environmental disasters in the USA and Italy.

2025 - demographic crisis in Europe; creation of a new world economic order, transformation of the territories of Ukraine and Belarus into leading centers of European trade.

2027 - a new dictator appears on the stage of world history, to whom 1/5 of the world's population will obey ( probable place born in India or China).

2028 - manned flight to Venus; discovery of a method for producing powerful sound waves that perform useful physical work; controlled thermonuclear fusion; overcoming hunger on Earth.

2028-2034 - construction on Earth of a super-powerful pyramidal-type energy plant.

2029 - a new breakthrough in the technology of wireless transportation of converted solar energy.

Nostradamus life and predictions

  • Birth name: Michel de Nostredame, Michel de Notredame
  • Occupation: French astrologer, seer, physician and alchemist
  • Date of Birth: December 14, 1503(1503-12-14)
  • Place of Birth: Saint-Rémy (Provence,France)
  • Date of death: 2 July 1566(1566-07-02) (age 62)
  • A place of death: Salon de Provence (Provence, France)
  • Father: Jaume de Notredame, notary
  • Mother: Rainier de Saint-Rémy
  • Spouse: Anna Ponsard
  • Children: Cesar de Notredame and others
  • Awards and prizes: Royal physician, advisor. Awarded a lifelong pension for the fight against the plague epidemic in Aix-en-Provence.

Michel de Notredame (French Michel de Nostredame), also known as Nostradamus (December 14, 1503 - July 2, 1566) was a French astrologer, seer, physician and alchemist, famous for his prophecies.

1 Biography


Coat of arms of Nostradamus (reconstruction based on descriptions) Michel de Notredame was born on December 14, 1503 in the town of Saint-Rémy (Provence) into a family of Jews who converted to Catholicism in the 15th century. A family legend, retold by César de Notredame in his Chronicle of Provence, states that the prophet's ancestors served as physicians at the courts of René the Good and the Duke of Calabria. However, based on the available facts, one can only say that they were fairly educated and wealthy people. The father of the future predictor, Jaume de Notredame (1470-1547) was a notary, grandfather Pierre de Notredame (1430-1484) and great-grandfather Davin de Carcassonne (1410-1473) were engaged in trade in Avignon, and great-grandfathers Pierre de Sainte-Marie (? -1485 ) and Jean de Saint-Rémy (?-1504) were doctors in Arles and Saint-Rémy.

Although the secular authorities of France were kind to baptized Jews, the common people always suspected them of secret unbelief in Christ. Spiritual power over the minds and hearts of the French belonged to the Roman Catholic Church, with whose blessing at that time the persecution of Jews was carried out in many countries. This encouraged the latter to live in relatively isolated communities, preserving their culture, traditions and customs.

Doctor's career

In 1518, Michel de Notredame went to study in Avignon, where in 1521 he received a Master of Arts degree. We know about the next eight years of his life only from his own phrase in a culinary and cosmetic book, according to which these years were spent in continuous travel in order to “learn and learn the sources and origin of plants and other simple substances relating to the pinnacle of medical science.”

In 1529, the official biography of the future predictor continues: he enters the medical faculty of the University of Montpellier. Due to harsh statements about teachers and a passion for prohibited pharmaceuticals, he was immediately almost expelled from the university. However, the conflict was resolved, and in 1534 Michel received his doctorate. From this moment on, his surname is written in the Latin manner: “Nostradamus”.

In the same 1534, he again went on a journey, during which he met the famous astrologer and scientist Jules Cesar Scaliger. Probably at the suggestion of Scaliger, Nostradamus settled in Agen in 1536. Soon a dark streak begins in his life.

In 1537, his wife and children died from the plague in Agen, in 1538 he was interrogated by the Inquisition because of alleged unflattering statements about a certain statue of the Virgin Mary, and in the same year, for unclear reasons, a deadly quarrel between Nostradamus and Scaliger arose. Nostradamus leaves Agen. From Scaliger he will subsequently receive several poisonous anti-Semitic epigrams, in which he hints at the hidden Judaism of Nostradamus. But the youngest son of Nostradamus will be named Cesar - possibly in honor of Scaliger. Nostradamus spends the next few years traveling around Italy and Germany.

In 1544 he resumed medical practice in Marseille, and in 1546 he fought the plague in southeastern France in Aix-en-Provence. For his dedicated work as a doctor, he was awarded a lifetime pension by the Aix-en-Provence Parliament. There are legends about the miraculous power of the medicines he created, but the recipes that have survived to this day do not go beyond the scope of traditional medicine of the 16th century.

In 1547, Nostradamus married Anne Ponsard, and from this marriage six children were subsequently born, including Cesar de Notredame.

Astrologer and soothsayer

The famous doctor’s appeal to astrology and prophecies seemed unexpected. In 1555, Nostradamus published his first astrological almanac, and in the same year the first edition of Centuries was published in Lyon, containing 353 quatrains with a preface to his son Cesar. It is known that these prophecies brought him trouble. Upon arrival in Paris, Nostradamus was warned that the authorities were preparing to interrogate him about what sciences he practiced and how he made predictions. He urgently returns to Salon de Provence, and then in 1556 he goes to Italy. At the same time, prophetic activity continues.

In 1558, in the final part of Centurius, Nostradamus addresses King Henry II, calling him the ruler of the world and revealing to him the history of mankind in a vague form for centuries to come. It is unknown whether the king, who died at the tournament already in 1559, had time to familiarize himself with the fortuneteller’s letter. After the death of Henry II, at the invitation of the deceased’s sister, Nostradamus meets Queen Catherine de’ Medici at court.

In 1561, the predictor barely managed to escape from Catholic peasants who accused him of sympathy for the Huguenots. In the same year, the authorities put Nostradamus under house arrest for a couple of days, demanding to describe the fate of King Charles IX. Nostradamus' answer has not been preserved.

In 1564, Catherine de Medici and Charles IX visited the soothsayer in the Salon and then invited him to a meeting in Arles, where they appointed him royal physician and adviser.

However, already on July 2, 1566, Nostradamus died in Salon from complications of gout. On the marble slab above his grave is carved the inscription “Here lie the bones of the famous Michel Nostradamus, the only mortal who was worthy to capture with his almost divine pen, thanks to the influence of the stars, the future events of the whole world.”

Legends of Nostradamus

Family tradition, reflected in the Chronicle of Provence, written by Cesar de Notredame, states that the royal physician Abram Salomon was the great-grandfather of Nostradamus. This legend is not supported by facts, but family ties with Abram Salomon could be more complex. It is often claimed that the fortuneteller's grandfathers introduced him to astrology and Kabbalah. In fact, they died early, and Michel came to everything with his own head. They say that already at school he was nicknamed “the little astrologer.” There is a well-known legend about how Nostradamus once predicted the fate of two piglets: the white piglet, he said, would be eaten by a wolf, and the black one would be served for dinner. To shame the seer, the owner ordered the white pig to be slaughtered, but it had already been eaten by the wolf, and the cook slaughtered the black one, which he then admitted to. The legend of the prediction of the papal throne to the young monk Felice Peretti (future Pope Sixtus V) dates back to the period of Italian travels.

In 1820 and 1839 The "Prophecy of Philip Olivarius" and the "Prophecy of Orval, recorded by Philip Olivarius" were published, supposedly dated 1542 and 1544. respectively. Rumors arose that they were actually made by Nostradamus during his stopover during his wanderings at Orval Abbey. An old legend, retold by Chavigny, the first scholar of Nostradamus, claims that the seer once helped a royal servant find a lost purebred dog. The loudest legend is associated with the prediction of the death of King Henry II of France at the tournament (Ts.1.K.35). It probably has some basis, since after these events Nostradamus received recognition at the royal court. However, these reasons are not known to us; the idea of ​​quatrain Ts.1.K.35 is in the nature of interpretation and first appears many years later in Cesar. Previously, Chavigny used more complex reasoning to substantiate this legend. The same Chavigny writes that he witnessed how Nostradamus predicted in advance the day and hour of his death.

The mystery of the family coat of arms

On the family coat of arms of Nostradamus there are two black eagle heads and two golden wheels with eight spokes each, on a red field. Wheel rims are broken between adjacent spokes. The motto on the coat of arms reads: "Soli Deo" (Latin: "To God the Only"). It is unclear whether this coat of arms was inherited by Nostradamus, or whether it was created specifically after receiving his doctorate in 1534. Interpreters believe that the heads of birds of prey indicate the doctor's calling - to fight disease. However, the interpretation of the wheel symbol remains ambiguous. The popular version that a yellow wheel with a broken rim signifies a break in connection with Judaism does not stand up to criticism. Indeed, according to the edict of Saint Louis IX, after 1269 Jews were required to wear a yellow mark on their clothing. However, the shape of this mark changed frequently, and the eight-spoke wheel never became one.

Most likely, Nostradamus uses the wheel as a common solar symbol, often found in Christian iconography, which in this context may indicate the values ​​of enlightenment. The motto "Soli Deo" represents the beginning of the Catholic motto "Soli Deo Honor et Gloria" ("To God alone is honor and glory"), under which the Reformation movement took place, which may indicate the sympathies of the predictor towards the Huguenots.

2 Legacy of Nostradamus

The creative heritage of Nostradamus includes 10 centuries (942 quatrains), prefaces to them (letters to his son Cesar and King Henry), a number of quatrains without numbering, annual almanacs since 1555, as well as a number of works that are generally considered non-prophetic, such as, for example, the free translation of “Interpretation of the Hieroglyphs of Horapollo” (1545). The archives contain the will and personal correspondence of Nostradamus. There are also a number of manuscripts whose authorship is not reliably established, but is sometimes attributed to Nostradamus.

Prophetic works

Nostradamus penned the annual almanacs published from 1550 until his death. Each of the almanacs contained one general quatrain for the year, 12 quatrains for the months of the year, and an extensive prose section with predictions. It was the almanacs that brought Nostradamus fame during his lifetime. However, not all of their texts have survived to this day; Currently, a selection of 141 quatrains from almanacs (1555-1567) is often published as an independent prophetic work.

The first edition of “The Prophecies of Master Michel Nostradamus,” now called “Centuries,” was published in Lyon in 1555. It contained a “Letter to his son Cesar” and 353 prophetic quatrains. The letter to Cesar sets out the occult philosophy of prophecy and gives several predictions of a global nature (... the world is approaching an anaragorical revolution... the deadly sword of pestilence and wars more terrible than have happened in three human lives is approaching us...)

The number 353 is close to the so-called “planetary era” of 354 years and 4 months, which was known in medieval astrology. The second edition (Lyon, 1557) also contained 288 new quatrains and a warning to ignorant critics (unnumbered quatrain). The earliest surviving complete edition of the Prophecies dates back to 1568, that is, after the death of the prophet. It contains a letter to Cesar, 942 quatrains (the 7th century remained unfinished) and a letter to King Henry, entirely prophetic in content. ([I] calculated almost as many events of the future time as of the past years... until the [Second] Coming at the beginning of the seventh millennium). It is unclear whether the nominal addressee, King Henry, who died at the tournament in 1559, saw this letter. It is only known that quatrains from the last centuries were quoted during the life of the prophet; there may have been an unknown edition that predates 1568.

“Additional quatrains” given by Chavigny in “The First Face of the French Janus” (Lyon, 1594) under the name of fragments of the 11th and 12th centuries, most likely belong to one of the lost almanacs of Nostradamus. The origin of the six new quatrains of the 8th century in the edition of Roffe (1588) is doubtful, and the sixens of Vincent Seve (1606) are considered falsifications.

The prophecies of Nostradamus led to the publication of almost 10 thousand books, the authors of which try to answer the question of what Nostradamus wanted to say. Created in the semantic space of medieval France, in the Central French language, with elements of Latin and Greek, the prophecies of Nostradamus look even more vague and mysterious to the modern reader than in the 16th century. Since only some quatrains have a clear chronological reference, interpreters are often convinced that Nostradamus wrote specifically about their time. Meanwhile, according to authoritative researchers, the end date of the prophecies is clearly visible and coincides with the end of the Jewish Calendar (2240). At the same time, borrowings of individual text fragments are found, almost verbatim from Titus Livius, Savanarola, Crinitis, Russ.

3 Nostradamus calendar

In the Letter to Cesar (LS), the date of the end of the prophecies is indicated contradictorily, as the beginning of the era of Saturn and the year 3797, and in the Letter to Henry, the Second Coming falls on the “beginning of the seventh millennium.” The idea that the world has 6,000 years first appears in the Talmud, and is subsequently borrowed by Christian mystics. The theory of planetary epochs was consistently presented in the works of Ibn Ezra, Abraham (XII century) and Abu Mashar (IX century) and gained popularity in the astrology of the Middle Ages. According to this theory, the age of the Moon ends in 1889, the age of the Sun in 2242, and then the age of Saturn begins.

Speaking about the return of Saturn, Nostradamus could be directly guided by the astrological treatise of R. Russ (1550), in which these dates were named. It is noteworthy that the beginning of the era of Saturn (2242) is really close to the end of 6000 years from the Creation of the World according to the Jewish calendar (2240) . However, the seer does not blindly follow the Jewish tradition, defining the same date as “the end of the seventh thousandth” (PS, Ts10.K74).

Thus, at the same time he refers to the Hebrew calendar and proposes his own system of calculating time, in which the Creation of the World (CM) is shifted back by 1000 years, so that 2242 RH corresponds to 7000 CM. This assumption is consistent with Ts.1.K.48 (“20 years of the reign of the Moon have passed, in 7000 another will reign. When the Sun completes its weary days, then my prophecy will be fulfilled and end”). Indeed, by the year of publication of the first part of the prophecies (1555), exactly 20 years of the Moon era had passed. In addition, the first chronology from the Letter to Henry dates the birth of Jesus to 4758 years SM, from which 4758+2242=7000. Therefore, in the time system used, in addition to the cycle of planetary eras, there is also a 1000-year cycle. The “Nostradamus Calendar” covers, as it were, one planetary “week”, in which each day is equal to 1000 years. This calendar begins with "Great Saturday" and ends with the beginning of the second "Great Saturday" in the years 2240-2242.

The “Era of Saturn” begins simultaneously in both the 1000-year cycle and the cycle of planetary eras. The predictor characterizes such a great intersection of cycles with the words “anaragonic revolution” (PS). From this point of view, the number 3797 from the Letter to Cesar is of a mystifying nature: 3797−1555=2242. However, it should be noted that leaning towards 2242, the predictor also spoke about other dates for the end of 6000 years of SM: 1826 (in the Letter to Henry), 1945 (in the almanac for 1566), 2033 (in the almanacs for 1557, 1559 , 1562, 1563, 1566). In addition, perhaps at the initiative of the publisher, the almanac for 1565 is dated in such a way that the 7000 years of SM expire in 2000 AD. It is likely that some of these dates are used in the cipher system created by the predictor.

Summary of prophecies

The main theme of the prophecies is the political future of Europe, up to the beginning of the astrological era of Saturn, which Nostradamus defines as the “Golden Age”. As a result, his prediction ends with notes of peace: “The end; the wolf, the lion, the bull and the donkey, the timid doe will be with the dogs” (Ts.10.K.99). On the one hand, this is a clear Old Testament motif, but on the other, the Second Coming is mentioned only once, in the Letter to Henry, marking the end of 6000 years. The three Antichrists are described in more detail: the first of them appears in the “lands of Attila” and creates a new Babylonia, which will exist for 73 years and 7 months; the second starts a war in the center of Europe; the third should lead at the end of time the union of the countries of the North and the East. “The third is worse than the first, more terrible than Nero. Run, brave men, so as not to shed blood. He orders the stove to be put on.

The golden age is dead, a great sin” (Ts.9.K.17). The prophecies also describe new religions and prophets, which are assessed ambiguously by interpreters. For example, “The Great Jupiterian” in Ts.10.K.73 will “judge the present by means of the past,” that is, he denies the evolution of morality and calls for a return to primitive values; Moreover, the mention of Jupiter hints at pagan religion Ancient Rome. Most of the quatrains, when examined individually, are of dubious usefulness because they are not dated in any way. However, in the Letter to Henry, after the second chronology, Nostradamus explicitly states that the quatrains are dated by means of the formula: “I have calculated the prophecies entirely according to the order of this chain, which contains its circuit.” The movements of the planets described under the chronology point to 1606 as the starting point.

Criticism of predictions

Both during his life and after his death, Nostradamus' prophecies were criticized. The main argument of critics is that quatrains are too vague and unspecific to be considered real predictions - each phrase can be interpreted in dozens of different ways and, in the end, the interpretation can be “tailored” to the events that actually occurred. This, according to critics, is what fans of Nostradamus do. Indeed, so far no one has been able to publicly predict a single event in the future using so-called “prophecies.” All interpretations of Nostradamus’ texts are the imposition of “predictions” on past events in order to prove their truth. In the modern period, the camp of skeptics was led by the representative of the James Randi Educational Foundation and the parapsychology debunker James Randi. Employees of the Educational Foundation (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) regularly refuted newspaper publications about the apparent connection of the poetry of Nostradamus with modern events. In turn, defenders of Nostradamus point out that the value of the prophecy is not lost because the understanding of the text occurs after the predicted event. The very fact of correct prediction says a lot about the nature of time and is an important argument in favor of the existence of God. It is this, and not the ability to know political upheavals in advance, that gives significance to predictions of this kind.

Nostradamus himself warned against free interpretation of his texts:

Let the uninitiated and ignorant crowd not touch them.

And let all astrologers, brats, and barbarians stay away from them.

Anyone who does otherwise will be cursed according to the ritual.

(Postscript after the 6th century)

They will be looking at it for more than 500 years,

The one who was the ornament of his time,

Then in an instant greater clarity will be granted,

Which will make them very happy with this century.

(Quatrain 3:94)

Translations, little-known manuscripts, personal correspondence

Around 1545, Nostradamus, in a free poetic manner, translated from the Greek “Interpretation of the Hieroglyphs of Horapollo.” The manuscript was kept by one of the ministers of Louis XIV, and then ended up in the National Library of France, where it was discovered in the 20th century. According to the author, the text of the manuscript describes ancient Egyptian drawings and gives their interpretation. This text is of great interest to researchers because many of the images from it are also present in the “Prophecies”. So at the end of the translation an interpretation of the mysterious signs “D. M.”, which denote the underground gods. The same letters are mentioned in quatrain 66 of the 8th century, but they cannot be found in the original texts of Horapollo.

Almost simultaneously with the “Prophecies,” Nostradamus published two works in the field of medical sciences: a free translation of “Paraphrase of Galen, his exhortations to Menodotus in the study of the fine arts and medicine” (1557) and “Treatise on the preparation of jams” (1555). In the first of them, researchers found signs of a cipher.

In 1888, a manuscript containing 72 watercolor drawings was found in a library in Rome, the authorship of which is attributed to Nostradamus, although without evidence. It is now known under the code name “The Lost Book of Nostradamus”.

Coincidences with history

When discussing coincidences with history, interpreters often rely on free poetic translations that are far from the original. Unfortunately, when checked, it turns out that Nostradamus did not write this. The optimal translation of the prose part of the prophecies can be found in the books of the candidate historical sciences A. Penzensky. Translations of quatrains must be compared from several sources. Planetary configurations can be calculated using astrological programs.

St. Bartholomew's Night

Two evil [planets] will conjoin in Scorpio,

The Grand Seigneur is killed in the hall,

Plague in the church, thanks to the new king,

Lower and Northern Europe. Les deux malins de Scorpion conioncts,

Le grand seigneur meurtry dedans sa salle:

Peste a l'eglise par le nouueau roy ioinct,

L'Europe basse & Septentrionale.

(Quatrain 1:52)

Two evil planets - Mars and Saturn - for the first time since the promulgation of the prophecy united in Scorpio in August 1572, which corresponds to the events of St. Bartholomew's Night (August 24, 1572); the apogee of the schism of the church in France. A plot organized by the mother of King Charles IX, Catherine de' Medici, to eliminate the leader of the French Protestants, Admiral Coligny, got out of control. The admiral was killed at the Hotel de Betisy, but the massacre began to spread like a plague throughout Paris, the surrounding area, and spread to neighboring cities. King Charles IX could only join the Catholics and take responsibility for what happened. After this, the southern Protestant provinces with their capital in the city of La Rochelle declared their political independence.

Scientific revolution

The number of astronomers will increase so much

Persecuted, banished and banned books,

In the year 1607 thanks to the holy cups,

That no one can be saved from the holy gifts. Croistra le nombre si grand des astronomes

Chassez, bannis & liures censurez,

L'an mil six cents & sept par sacre globes

Que nul aux sacres ne seront asseurez.

(Quatrain 8:71)

In 1607, Johannes Kepler laid the foundations modern astronomy in his work “New Astronomy”, where the laws of planetary revolution around the Sun were formulated. In 1608, the Dutchman Hans Lippershey invented a telescope based on the combined use of convex and concave lenses, and in 1609 Galileo Galilei first used it for astronomical observations, which led to a revolution in astronomy, since Galileo's observations confirmed Copernicus' theory of the heliocentric system of the world. The Church greeted these discoveries with caution, Copernicus's books were banned, Galileo had to renounce his beliefs and spend the last years of his life under house arrest. However, almost everyone could now make a telescope with two lenses and independently observe the movement of celestial bodies.

Execution of Charles I Stuart

Ghent and Brussels will go against Antwerp,

The Senate of London will put its king to death,

Salt and wine will do him no good:

Because of them, there is turmoil in the kingdom. Gang & Bruceles marcheront contre Enuers

Senat de Londres mettront a mort leur roy

Le sel & vin luy seront a l'enuers,

Pour eux auoir le regne an desarroy.

(Quatrain 9:49)

The first line talks about the confrontation between the Northern Netherlands (Antwerp) and Belgium (Brussels), which actually took place in 1579-1648 after the bourgeois revolution in the Netherlands (the struggle of the Utrecht and Aras unions) and ended with the recognition of the Dutch Republic. In January of the following 1649, King Charles I Stuart was executed in England by decision of the people's court. Interpreters pay attention to the “speaking” number of the quatrain: 49.

Great Northern War

Eastern people led by lunar power,

In 1700 they [will make] great campaigns,

Almost conquering the corner of Aquilon. Beaucoup beaucoup auant telles menees,

Ceulx d'orient par la vertu lunaire:

L'an mil sept cens seront grands emmenees,

Subiugant presque le coing Aquilonaire.

(Quatrain 1:49)

The year 1700 is known in history as the beginning of the Northern War, launched on the initiative of Russia and its allies against Sweden, as a result of which Russia will return the Baltic states (the “northern corner” of the empire) and capture part of Finland, providing itself with reliable access to the Baltic Sea. "Aquilon" is a poetic term denoting the land of the north wind; this can be called both Russia and Sweden. The term “lunar power” is understood in the context of quatrain 1:48: the chronological framework of the Northern War (1700-1721) falls in the middle of the astrological era of the Moon (1535-1888).

Spanish inheritance

Head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn,

God Almighty, what changes!

Then after a long century his evil time will return,

Gaul and Italy, what excitement! Chef d'Aries, Iupiter & Saturne,

Dieu eternel quelles mutations!

Puis par long sciecle son maling temps retourne,

Gaule & Italie quelles esmoutions!

(Quatrain 1:51)

The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the first degrees of Aries was observed only in May 1702. This is the date of the beginning of the largest war of the 18th century (for the Spanish Succession), in which Gaul (France) and Italy acted as opposing sides. The third line takes us to the end of XVIII - early XIX centuries, conquests Napoleon Bonaparte.

Fall of Persia

In the third climate, under the sign of Aries,

The king of Persia is taken by the Egyptians,

Death, loss, shame on the cross. Le tiers climate soubz Aries comprins,

L'an mil sept cens vingt & sept en Octobre:

Le roy de Perse par ceulx d'Egipte prins:

Coflit, mort, perte: a la croix grand oprobre.

(Quatrain 3:77)

On October 3, 1727, the protege of the Afghan nobility Ashraf, Shah of Persia, whose country was split internal conflicts, admitted vassalage from Turkey, and also transferred about half of the territory of Persia to the Turks, including Tehran (the capital of modern Iran). Egypt in 1727 was part Ottoman Empire. Russia suffered shame, refusing the opportunity to remove the usurper Ashraf for fear of ruining relations with the Turks. After the death of Peter I, Russia switched to a cautious foreign policy. Manager foreign affairs Russia, Vice-Chancellor Osterman, wrote in 1727: “Our system should be to run away from everything that could lead us into any problems.” The quatrain was only partially fulfilled: the Shah was not captured, and Persia itself, according to Agapius of Manbij, is under the sign of Taurus.

French Revolution of 1792

“The year 1792 will be considered the year of renewal of the century” (Letter to Henry)

On August 10, 1792, the monarchy was overthrown in France. The revolutionaries proclaimed this year to be the beginning of a new era, the first year of the French Republican calendar. Critics say that Nostradamus here is merely pointing to the theory of planetary cycles. From the treatise of R. Russ (1548): “... let's talk about the great and wonderful conjunction, which, as gentlemen astrologers say, will occur around the year 1789 of our Lord, after 10 revolutions of Saturn... We are approaching the coming renewal of the world... approximately 243 years from the present treatise."

Napoleon's invasion of Russia

Mars and the Scepter will conjoin,

Under Cancer there is a disastrous war:

A little later he will be anointed new king,

Which will calm the earth for a long time. Mars & le sceptre se trouuera conioint,

Dessous Cancer calamiteuse guerre:

Vn peu apres sera nouueau Roy oingt,

Qui par long temps pacifier la terre.

(Quatrain 6:24)

In astrology, the scepter represents Jupiter. Mars and Jupiter conjunct every other year, and in Cancer every 12 years. However, since the event itself takes place under the sign of Cancer, we can assume that we are talking about the July conjunction, that is, the Sun is also in this sign. In this case, we come to the triple conjunction of the Sun, Mars and Jupiter in July 1812, which corresponds to Napoleon's invasion of Russia. This disastrous war ended with the defeat of the French, the abdication of Napoleon I and the restoration of the Bourbons in 1814.

European revolutions of 1848

They will see the British change seven times,

Painted with blood after 290 years:

France will not become a German fulcrum,

Aries fears his border in Bastarnia. Sept fois changer verres gent Britannique,

Taintz en sang en deux cens nonante ans:

Franc[h]e non point par appuy Germanique,

Aries doubte pole son Bastarnan.

(Quatrain 3:57)

The quatrain allows for serious discrepancies, but the date and general meaning (unrest in Europe) are beyond doubt. The indicated 290 years from the date of publication expired in 1845, and in 1848 a wave of revolutions swept across Europe. K. Marx and F. Engels made a revolutionary appeal to the proletarians of all countries in the “Manifesto of the Communist Party.” The rebels managed to seize power in Paris, after which K. Marx hoped to import the revolution into Germany: “With the victory of the Red Republic in Paris, armies will move from within the country across its borders, and then we will exclaim: “Woe to the vanquished.”” However, these hopes are not true. justified; The uprising in Germany did not receive outside support and was suppressed. The attempt at world revolution was put to an end by the 150,000-strong Russian corps sent by Nicholas I through Eastern Europe (Bastarnia) to suppress the uprising in Austria-Hungary. The first line talks about the transformations of power in England over 290 years: the beginning of the Stuart dynasty, the dictatorship of Cromwell, the Stuart restoration, the Glorious Revolution William III, union with Scotland, beginning of the Hanoverian dynasty, union with Ireland. Under the sign of Aries (according to Ptolemy) are Germany, France and Bastarnia.

Hitler's birth

The lost is found, hidden for a long century,

[This] pastor will be revered as a demigod,

Thus the Moon, having completed its cycle,

Will be defiled by other desires. Perdu, trouue, cache de si long siècle

Sera pasteur demi dieu honore,

Ains que la lune acheue son grand cycle

Par autres veux sera deshonore.

(Quatrain 1:25)

The works of A. Penza show that Nostradamus adheres (with minor changes) to the concept of planetary eras, which was formulated by the Jewish philosopher Abraham ibn Ezra (XII century), and which was used in the popular astrological treatise of R. Rouss (Lyon, 1550). In this theory, the epoch of the Moon begins in 1535 and ends in 1888-1889. It is known that in 1889, at the end of the Moon era, A. Hitler was born. The second line can be understood in the context of the mythology of the Third Reich. Hitler dreamed of bringing out the “true Aryans” new breed people, “superman” (demigod). Honors to the Fuhrer himself, as the savior of the German nation, were similar to the veneration of a deity, and the book “Mein Kampf” replaced the Bible for the Germans. The Fuhrer was called an ascetic and a puritan, a brilliant architect and commander, the new Great Frederick. The image of the Prussian king Frederick II (1712-1786), who was Hitler’s personal hero, became a symbol of the German Renaissance, “the ideal of Nordic beauty” (A. Rosenberg). The actor who played Frederick in the film, Otto Gebuer, was deprived of the right to play other roles, since this, according to Goebbels, could “denigrate the already created image of the Great King.” The mention in the quatrain of the “long century” should be associated with expectations of the coming of the Antichrist a hundred years earlier. So back in 1418, Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly published the treatise “De persecutionibus Ecclesiae”, where he substantiated the date of the appearance of the Antichrist in 1789 from astrological considerations. This idea was then taken up by other astrologers, including Russ.

Formation and fall of the USSR

“And in the month of October it will happen that some great movement will happen, such that they will think that the colossus of the Earth has lost its natural direction, and plunged into eternal darkness. Before this, in the springtime, and after this, there will be exceptional changes and changes of power, great earthquakes, with the growth of a new Babylonia, a despicable daughter, grown by the abomination of the first Holocaust, and [it] will last only 73 years and 7 months.” (Letter to Henry)

In 1974, the poet V.K. Zavalishin published in the USA a translation of the prophecies of Nostradamus with comments, where he interpreted this phrase as a prediction about the fall of Soviet power in 1991. Then the astrologer P. Globa ended up in Lefortovo prison for quoting these thoughts. Note that the prediction came true with amazing accuracy. Legally, the power of the Bolsheviks was established on January 19, 1918 with the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly - the highest representative and legislative body. Therefore, 73 years and 7 months expire on August 19, 1991 - this day is known in history as the August Putsch. The failure of the coup led to the ban Communist Party THE USSR. In the quote from Nostradamus one can trace the February Revolution(beginning on March 8th according to the Gregorian calendar): “Before this, in the springtime, and after this, there will be exceptional changes and shifts of power.” In addition, a “burnt offering” (“holocaust”) is mentioned, after which “Babylonia” increases in size.

The Second World War

The almanac for 1566 provides a chronology according to which 6,000 years from the Creation of the World expire in 1945, which coincides with the end of World War II.

In addition, the events of this period may include a quatrain:

Greater Germany will include

Brabant, Flanders, Ghent, Bruges and Boulogne

As a result of a false truce.

The Grand Duke of Armenia storms Vienna and Cologne. Translatera en la grand Germanie,

Brabant & Flandres, Gand, Bruges & Bologne:

La tresue fainte le grand duc d'Armenie

Assaillira Vienne & la Coloigne.

(Quatrain 5:94)

The occupation of the Netherlands and Luxembourg (Brabant), Belgium (Flanders, Ghent, Bruges) and northern France (Boulogne) is predicted here. German army as a result of the surrender of the French. Then the occupation of Austria (Vienna) and Germany (Cologne) by troops from the East. Unfortunately, the date is not specified, but the events described had a literal fulfillment in 1940-1945. During the war between Germany and France and the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg), the quatrain was noticed and actively used by Goebbels’ propaganda ministry; however, the last line was deliberately distorted. Later interpreters noticed that the “Duke of Armenia” can be called Stalin, born in Georgia (Transcaucasia), and Cologne can also be Berlin (the old name of the city of Cologne an der Spree).


After burning the shirts

The donkey drivers will change into different clothes.

The people of Saturn are burned by the millers,

Except for those who won't be dressed. Apres les limes bruslez les asiniers,

Constrainctz seront changer habits diuers:

Les Saturnins bruslez parles meusniers,

Hors la plupart qui ne sera couuers.

(Quatrain 6:17)

It is believed that the ancestors of the Jews were nomadic pastoral tribes. In addition, the first Jewish armed formation, created in 1915 in England with the goal of liberating Israel from the Turks, was called “Zion Mule Corps” - “a detachment of muleteers.” Saturn in astrology is associated with Saturday, which is considered a holy day among Jews. The text of K. Marx allows us to identify the “people of millers”: “Mills on trestles, the so-called German mills, were the only known ones until the middle of the 16th century.” Since 1942, most of the Jews of Europe were dressed in the clothes of concentration camp prisoners, about 6 million of them. died as a result of the Holocaust.

4 Finding the secret code

Since the interpretation of quatrains is difficult, and the dates to which they refer are in most cases not indicated, there is a widespread opinion among interpreters that the prophecies are encrypted, and the key to them is hidden - in the prefaces, will, or in little-known books of the prophet.

"Lucky Numbers" from the Will

In 1962, Daniel Ruzo suggested that the key was contained in the will of Nostradamus, which he left shortly before his death. The will consists of two parts, with the second part dating 13 days after the first. Ruzo's hypothesis relies on the oddities of the will, in particular the repeating numbers that appear when counting items and amounts of money. So on 13 pages of the Will it is stated that all property should be divided into 13 unequal parts between 13 heirs. Among the items there are: 22 made of cloth, 22 of tin and 22 items of another type. According to the will, 22 people receive money, including 9 heirs and 13 beggars. The total number of ducats (101 simple and 126 double) is 353, that is, the number of quatrains in the first edition of the Prophecies. These oddities suggest that the will contains a secret meaning.

Straight letters from Galen's treatise

In 1557, the publishing house of Antoine du Rhone, in addition to the second part of the Prophecies, published “Paraphrase of Galen, his exhortations to Menodotus in the study of the fine arts and medicine” translated by Nostradamus. François Buguet was the first to suggest that Nostradamus translated Galen for the purpose of showing the reader the key to the cipher in comparison with the original. A fragment of the epigraph to this text in Latin reads: “Volventur saxa litteris & ordine rectis, Cùm videas Occidens & Orientis opes” (“The sacred order will show you in straight letters the treasures of the East and West”).

Ph.D. Patrice Guinard assumes the literal meaning of the phrase: paragraphs typed in italics contain in places, as typos, straight letters.

These typos occur for 11 letters of the alphabet (abfghlntvyz) on 11 pages (2,36,38,45,46,47,48,49,54,61,62), and page 47 (4+7=11) contains 11 typos, on page 48 there are 22 typos (22=2×11), and on other pages there are 13 typos. Full list of straight letters with page numbers: 2(T), 36(F T), 38(V), 45(T y y y), 46(l), 47(h f g l N l g g f f l), 48(h A T h g f z h A v g v b g y f y v y T h v ), 49(f), 54(L), 61(T), 62(z). From here, in particular, it follows that the keys to understanding texts can be lost during translations and reprints.

Lenin, Hitler and Stalin

The prophecies provide three chronologies with the life spans of the biblical ancestors from the Creation of the world to Jesus Christ. The two chronologies are located in the Letter to Henry and have lengths of 4758 (4757) and 4173.666 years respectively. The third chronology, which is 4056 years long, is contained in the almanac for 1566. The discrepancy in the lengths of the chronologies suggests that they are used to predict future events. A. Penzensky finds the origins of this idea in Joachim Florsky’s concept of the repeatability of history, D. and N. Zima turn to Nostradamus’ allegorical instructions throughout the text, other interpreters refer to Jewish traditions of interpreting the Torah. In the “Dialogue with Nostradamus...” it was hypothesized that chronologies need to be applied to some reference point (for example, 1557.487 - the date of writing the Letter to Henry, or 1242 - the end of 6000 years from the Creation of the World according to the I chronology) and then compressed so that the end of 6000 years in each of them coincided with the date 2033.02 A.D. (see explanations below).

Then mysterious coincidences arise:

1557.487 + (2033.02 − 1557.487) × 4056.000 ÷ 6000 = 1878.947 (December 21, 1879) Stalin was born

The accuracy is equal to one day, taking into account the +10 day difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars in the 16th century. The mysterious date 2033.02 has several meanings (justifications):

most almanacs were dated in such a way that 6000 years from the Creation of the World ended in 2033;

this is exactly the midpoint between Yom Kippur (Judgment Day) 6001 AD according to the Jewish calendar (2239.712 AD) and the end of 6000 years in the II chronology of Nostradamus (1826.334 AD):

This is the "first image" of Christ when compressing 6000 years of I chronology to Yom Kippur 6001 of the Hebrew calendar:

1242,000 + (2239,712 − 1242,000) × 4757,000 ÷ 6000 = 2033.02

Yom Kippur in the Jewish tradition occurs on the 10th day of the new year Rosh Hashanah, the period of time between the holidays is called the “ten days of repentance”; 6000 years from the Creation of the World according to the Jewish calendar expire on Thursday, September 17, 2240.

"Winter Ciphers"

In 1998-2001 spouses D. and N. Zima from the pages of the newspapers “Trud”, “Komsomolskaya Pravd”

Michel de Notredame, better known as Nostradamus, was born on December 14, 1503 in Saint-Rémy (Provence, France) into a Jewish family that converted to Catholicism shortly before his birth. He received his primary education, which covered classical literature, history, astrology, and medicine, at home. He graduated from the University of Avignon, where he studied philosophy, grammar and rhetoric. The fame of a doctor came to him when he discovered a cure for the “Black Death” - a plague epidemic that devastated Europe in the 16th century.

Nostradamus's cure - Fresh air, pure water and vitamin C. Dozens of people were saved, but Nostradamus was unable to save his wife and two children. They died in 1537, and Nostradamus left Aachen, where he then lived, and embarked on a journey that lasted six years. Around this time, he felt the “awakening” of his prophetic abilities. In 1547, Nostradamus settled in the city of Salon, where he married again and where he had six children - three daughters and three sons. He turned the top floor of his house in Salona into a laboratory - with magic mirrors, astrolabes, a brazier and a tripod, made in the image and likeness of the sacred tripod in the temple of Apollo at Delphi.

In 1550, after much deliberation, Nostradamus published an almanac containing twenty-four prophetic quatrains (quatrains). The popularity of the almanac among the public exceeded all the author's expectations, and until the end of his life Nostradamus was simply forced to release similar almanacs every year. He began the famous “Centuries” (“Centuries”), containing predictions of future events in European history.

A year later, the first four parts were published, each containing one hundred quatrains. The last, tenth part of “Centuries” was published in 1558. Later, the scientist’s sons released additions to the “Centuries”, called “Oracles”. "Centuries" is written in Old French with inserts in Latin. In the preface, Nostradamus emphasized that all his prophecies “come from the mouth of the Holy Spirit.” He had to write in an allegorical form, use the language of symbols, comparisons, encrypted dates and names, because Nostradamus was afraid of persecution by the Inquisition, which assigned constant informants to the astrologer.

According to Centuries researchers, in the first letters of the quatrains Nostradamus encrypted a numerological code indicating the dates of the fulfillment of the predicted events. Each line of the quatrain means a specific number - the first line gives a numerological sum equal to one, two or three (that is, we are talking about a specific millennium). The numbers on other lines show the remaining dates of specific events. Sometimes Nostradamus deliberately made mistakes in the text in order to correctly encrypt the date of the event. “Centuries,” numbering 970 quatrains, is like a description of the author’s journey through the future destinies of humanity up to the seventh millennium (quatrains concerning events after 2300 are irretrievably lost).

After the unprecedented success of the first edition of prophecies-rebuses, Michel Nostradamus was invited to Paris by the French Queen Catherine de Medici, who was greatly impressed by the poetic riddles. This trip, which lasted about a month - from July to August 1556 - became a true triumph. Nostradamus was received by Duke Anne of Montmorency and other noble people, who showered the astrologer with favors and gifts.

In 1564, after the tragic death of King Henry II at a knightly tournament and the sudden death of his heir Francis II (which Nostradamus warned them about), the new King of France Charles IX made Nostradamus his personal physician and court astrologer. At the request of Joan of Navarre, Nostradamus also examined another crowned youth, Henry of Bourbon, predicting his reign as King of France and Navarre, Henry IV. History also knows the case when Nostradamus fell on his knees before the young Franciscan monk Felice Pieretti, predicting the future head of him Roman Catholic Church. He didn’t believe it then and laughed, and 19 years later he became Pope Sixtus V.

As the legend goes, Nostradamus also knew the exact time of his death. On the evening of July 1, 1566, he said to his assistant, who wished him good night: “In the morning I will no longer be alive.” And the next morning he was found lifeless on the office floor. In his will, the scientist asked to be buried standing up so that the decayed bones would not crumble into a heap. The tombstone inscription read: “Here lie the bones of Michel Nostradamus, one of all mortals deemed worthy to report and record with his almost divine pen the influence of the stars on future events that are to take place on the globe.”

Those envious of his fame wrote that the astrologer was a simple drunkard who created his “delirious” quatrains in a state of delirium tremens. Francois Rabelais spoke of him ironically as “the oracle of the divine bottle.”

In 1781, the Pope anathematized the predictions of Nostradamus and forbade their dissemination. 10 years later, the revolutionary Jacobins destroyed the scientist’s tomb, hanging his skeleton and then scattering his bones (which Nostradamus supposedly foresaw). His relics were saved by admirers, who transferred them to the Church of St. Lawrence in Salona (where they remain to this day). The defilers were soon executed on the orders of Robespierre, who found in the Centuries a prediction about the “renewal of the century” (a new calendar introduced in France since 1792) and the overthrow of the king.

The convention even decided to install a slab with the inscription “To the Predictor of Freedom” on the grave of the prophet. In the homeland of Nostradamus in the town of Saint-Rémy, a monument was also erected to him.

Until now, attempts have been made to unravel the predictions encrypted in the quatrains; numerous publications have been published with decoding and “translations” of the mysterious quatrains. According to some researchers, the percentage of confirmation of Nostradamus's predictions is very high.

Nostradamus (Michel Notre-Dame or Nostradamus, 1505 - 66) - famous astrologer. Born in Saint-Rémy in a very poor family, was a physician to the French king Charles IX. The details of N.'s life are little known; in addition to healing, he was engaged in drawing up horoscopes and wrote the book “Centuries” (Lyon, 1555), in which he placed many interesting predictions, for example: Quand Georges Dieu crucifera, que Marc le ressucitera, et que St. Jean le portera, la fin du monde arrivera, i.e. the end of the world will be in the year in which Good Friday falls on St. George (April 23), Bright Sunday on St. Mark (April 25) and the feast of Corpus Christi on St. John (June 24). Such a coincidence has happened many times already (for example, in 1886) and will occur in the near future in 1943.

/Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron/

French soothsayer, mathematician, astrologer, physician, physician to Charles IX. Born on January 14 into a Jewish family living in the town of Saint-Rémy in Provence. Shortly before Michel's birth, his parents were baptized, obeying the decree of Louis XII, which caused the family to live a double life, because... they continued to practice Judaism. Under the guidance of his grandfathers Pierre and Jean, he mastered medicine, folk healing, alchemy, cabalism, mathematics, astrology, and began to speak Greek, Latin and Hebrew. In order to obtain a doctor's license, in 1529 he entered the University of Montpellier. In 1532, having passed the exams for a bachelor's degree, he went to the provinces. Using his own methods of treatment, he was able to stop the epidemics of bubonic plague in Carcassonne, Toulouse, Narbonne, Bordeaux and other large cities of France. After four years of practice, he received his doctorate. During the plague epidemic in Anzhan, his wife and two children died. At the same time, Nostradamus, who buried the family, was declared a charlatan, and on charges of heresy he appeared before the Inquisition in Toulouse. Nostradamus fled from his native country to Italy and hid from the Inquisition for several years. During these wanderings, his prophetic gift awakened. In the middle of the 16th century, one of the most terrible epidemics in the entire history of France broke out in Provence. When Nostradamus arrived in the capital of Provence, the city of Aix, corpses were lying on the streets, doctors either had already died, were still dying, or had fled from Aix, calling it a “cursed place.” Over the next 270 days, Nostradamus fought the epidemic. By his order, the streets were put in order. The doctor spent all the money he had on the famous pink pills, mixed with rose petals and rich in vitamin C, distributing free medicine on the streets. The plague receded, and Michel Nostradamus turned from an outcast into a national hero. The city fathers assigned him a lifelong allowance, and the residents literally showered him with gifts. For some time after this, Michel continued his wanderings, following the plague. At the age of 45, he settled in the city of Salone, where he married the wealthy widow Annie Pozar Gemel. From this moment on, Nostradamus began to write down his messages to future generations, but was in no hurry to publish his insights, rightly believing that it was never too late to appear before the Inquisition. In 1550, the first almanac of Michel Nostradamus was published with prophecies consisting of twelve quatrains, each of which contained a prediction for one of the months of the coming year. The phrases of the quatrains were streamlined, the author referred to the exact science of astrology, the Inquisition had nothing to complain about, and almanacs began to be published annually until the death of Nostradamus. In 1554, work began on centuries ("centuria" means "hundred", "century"). According to the original plan, there should have been ten centuries of one hundred quatrains in each. In 1555, the first three centuries were published in Lyon, then, in the same year, the end of the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh. The prophecies were published in a modest edition and brought the author wild popularity in France.