Male name Arsen is often perceived as a shortened version of the name Arseny, however, most researchers, although they agree that both of these names have the same root, meaning with ancient Greek language“courageous”, “brave”, we still tend to consider the names Arsen and Arseny to be completely different.

Characteristics of the name Arsen

Actually this confirms and fundamentally different character the owners of these names. Thus, Arsen, whose name even phonosemantically sounds much more firm, confident, sonorous, in life shows character traits characteristic of kind, hardworking, resourceful, but cunning and calculating people. Their character cannot be called strong, since the Arsenes are often lazy, prefer to go with the flow of life, or rely in everything on their parents and wives, who can shoulder all their worries and decisions. Arsen tends to evade specific answers, he can lie, but he does it in such a way that people don’t even get offended by him. Often, due to their frivolity, they find themselves in difficult and absurd situations, from which, however, they successfully extricate themselves thanks to their resourcefulness and courage in their actions.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Gemini or Libra. Gemini (May 21-June 21) are similar to Arsen in inconsistency, a certain nervous energy and selfishness. Under the auspices of this sign, Arsen will be a sweet and cheerful person, not deprived of such loved ones inner world qualities such as inconstancy, insolence, dislike of routine. Libra (September 24-October 23), just like Arsen, does not like responsibility and a commanding tone, they are subject to mood swings, so they are suitable for the owner of this name both in temperament and activity.

Pros and cons of the name Arsen

What are the pros and cons of the name Arsen? On the one hand, this beautiful, sonorous and unusual name for our country can become an adornment for a child. It goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and has several diminutive variants, such as Arsenchik, Arsenushka, Arsik. However, on the other hand, many parents may be alarmed not by the most best character owners of this name, which is very difficult to correct in the process of education.


It should be said that the Arsenes have quite good health, but special attention should be paid to the digestive system, which is the most weak point their body.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Arsen is often unlucky, because not all women can withstand his lack of independence and desire to hang all his worries on those around him. As a life partner, Arsen should choose an enterprising and very energetic girl who would consider it lucky to be able to take on all the responsibilities of home and family.

Professional area

As for the professional sphere, Arsen, although not the most hardworking worker, still brings a lot of benefits thanks to his resourcefulness and resourcefulness. So, Arsens can make good traveling salesmen, restaurateurs, managers, publishers, postal workers, translators.

Name day

Arsene's name day is not celebrated, since this name is not on the church calendars.

Arsen – courageous, see Arseny. “Courageous” (Greek) Arsenia does not cause much trouble to her parents. They study well, do not conflict with peers, and are sociable. Vulnerable and sensitive. They study music, but under pressure from their parents. They love animals, keep dogs in the house, and are not lazy to look after them. These boys only want to do what they like. They often find themselves in ridiculous or ambiguous situations that they themselves create.

What does the name Arsen mean? fearless (name Arsen Greek origin). Historians say that the name Arsen has Greek roots, and it was formed from Greek name Arsenios. In this case, the meaning of the name Arsen is “courageous”, “mature”. In addition, it is often interpreted as “masculine”, “man”. Subsequently, it was on behalf of Arsen that the female name Arsenia.

Short form of the name Arsen. Arsa, Ars, Arzik.

Synonyms for the name Arsen. Arzen, Arseny.

Origin of the name Arsen. The name Arsen is Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian.

It is also known that short form the name Arseny was precisely a variant of the name Arsen, after which it began to be used independently. The name Arsen is very popular among Armenians, Bashkirs, and Tatars. In Christianity, the patron saint of sailors is known - St. Arseny Konevsky.

Pros and cons of the name Arsen

What are the pros and cons of the name Arsen? On the one hand, this beautiful, sonorous and unusual name for our country can become an adornment for a child. It goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and has several diminutive variants, such as Arsenchik, Arsenushka, Arsik. However, on the other hand, many parents may be alarmed by the not-so-best character of the owners of this name, which is very difficult to correct in the process of upbringing.

  • Arsene's zodiac is Taurus,
  • Libra Planet – Venus
  • The color of the name Arsen is green
  • Treasured plant - periwinkle
  • Patron of the name Arsen - dove, bull
  • Talisman stone
  • Arsena - emerald

Angel Day named after Arsen: the name celebrates name days several times a year:

  • 1st of February
  • February 19
  • 28th of February
  • March 13
  • March 15th
  • 12 May
  • May 21st
  • June 25
  • July 15
  • 25 July 1
  • August 3rd
  • 6 September
  • 10 September
  • 12-th of September
  • 10th of November
  • November 19
  • December 3
  • December 26

As a child, Arsen is active and active child. He clearly expresses stubbornness and a desire to achieve his goal at all costs. Sometimes even at a young age, for the sake of this, a boy resorts to tricks and various tricks. Arsen is very sociable. He has many friends, acquaintances and acquaintances. Possessing a unique imagination and creative thinking, such a man becomes very attractive to others.

This is a person with whom there is never a dull moment. And this undoubtedly attracts a wide variety of people to him. At the same time, Arsen himself has a rather vague understanding of who is his true friend and who is playing a dishonest game behind his back. To a young man you need to learn to stop and critically evaluate your surroundings.

Arsen knows how to appear to others as what he really is not. While not actually a two-faced person, he is an excellent actor and inventor, capable of easily misleading anyone. Consequently, Arsene reaches great success in journalism, sales, marketing, etc. Arsen is in good health. He rarely gets sick, and in those moments when illness overtakes him, he copes with it quite easily. At the same time, emotional stress becomes a real problem for Arsen.

If physically such a man can be called very hardy, then psychologically he is an unstable and often weak personality. Arsen needs to protect himself as much as possible from all kinds of stress and not forget about physical activity. From positive traits Arsen's character can also be noted for his resourcefulness and courage. Such a young man knows how to turn any situation in his favor. Without being too hardworking, he knows how to find a way out of the most difficult situations, which makes him indispensable for many.

Family relationships Things are going quite well for Arsen if he doesn’t initially hide his shortcomings from his chosen one. One of Arsen’s main secrets can be called his sentimentality. This is a character trait that is completely closed to others. Arsen himself considers it unacceptable and unusual for men, so he carefully hides it even from his closest people.

Character of the name Arsen

The meaning of the name Arsen can be deciphered using numerology data. In this science, the name is patronized by the number 5, indicating a spiritually free and independent person who values ​​accumulated and acquired experience more than outside advice. Constant mental anxiety constantly pushes a man named Arsen to search for adventure, he gets involved in risky activities, constantly sets himself more and more new goals - this is how his life becomes more varied.

Name Arsen- a nature filled with enthusiasm, possessing a kind of energy, and it is very good when the latter is directed towards specific goals and tasks (for example, to work). A man named Arsen is quite smart, boasts a philosophical mindset and, perhaps for this reason, is easily able to assimilate some new knowledge, acquire skills and abilities, and adapt to sudden changes in circumstances. Even from the most difficult situations, the name Arsen manages to emerge victorious, which is clearly facilitated by luck, as well as his cheerfulness and resourcefulness.

Unfortunately, the main problem with the name Arsen is that he constantly looks exclusively into the future and does not take into account what is happening to him in the present time. This prevents the meaning of the name from assessing real prospects. The name Arsen is always directed forward, which does not allow him to see what is very close.

As a child, Arsen has an easy-going character and is very shy. Usually he grows up to be a good-natured, kind-hearted person, although not without inner energy. A man named Arsen is very sociable, but he defines only a select few as true friends - those whom he can trust.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Gemini or Libra. Gemini (May 21-June 21) are similar to Arsen in inconsistency, a certain nervous energy and selfishness. Under the auspices of this sign, Arsen will be a sweet and cheerful person, not devoid of qualities close to his inner world, such as inconstancy, insolence, and dislike of routine. Libra (September 24-October 23), just like Arsen, does not like responsibility and a commanding tone, they are subject to mood swings, so they are suitable for the owner of this name both in temperament and activity.

Love and family relationships:

In family relationships, Arsen is often unlucky, because not all women can withstand his lack of independence and desire to hang all their worries on others. As a life partner, Arsen should choose an enterprising and very energetic girl who would consider it lucky to be able to take on all the responsibilities of home and family.

As for the relationship between a guy named Arsen and representatives of the opposite sex, it was not without difficulties. the main problem, naturally, lies in Arsen’s character - he needs to learn to be more flexible, tactful, kind and compliant. Otherwise, he will have incredible problems in his relationship with any woman.

Not a single lady can tolerate his arrogance and pride, selfishness and narcissism. And Arsen is too amorous and can fall in love even with someone who does not suit him, neither in nature nor in character. Arsen is from those men who believe that it is not they who should conquer, but them. It's hard to find with this one mutual language, he is too unpredictable and sometimes can do things that only push women away. At the same time, in his soul he may want to become softer and more attentive, but his nature will not allow him. This is what the meaning of the name Arsen suggests.

Arsen marries early, but this is rare " stands for» long happy life married life. Marriage often ends in divorce and remarriage. He loves his children very much and is always ready to participate in their upbringing, even if he is divorced from their mother. Material support takes over the family completely.

Usually he does not participate in the arrangement of the house; he is quite happy with the homely atmosphere that his wife creates. For a man, the home in which he lives is a place where he can take a break from the hustle and bustle and gain strength.

Energy and Karma of the name

Arseny is one of the few names that in its diminutive form - Arsen - sounds much firmer than in its full form, and therefore, to determine character, it is extremely important to know How exactly does the bearer of the name prefer to call himself - Arseny or Arsen? In the first case, Arseny usually grows up to be a rather gentle and good-natured person, he is easy-going and somewhat shy. At the same time, his internal energy usually finds expression in daydreaming and a well-developed imagination.

Arseny is a creative and very sensitive nature, it doesn’t cost him anything to offend, and he doesn’t always have enough determination to stand up for himself. Hard time. However, there are not so many such moments in Arseny’s life: after all, most often he prefers to stay in the shadows and live in the world of his own illusions.

This type of character was well described by one of the representatives of this name - Arseny Tarkovsky, who in his poems dedicated to his childhood has the following line: “ Was more ethereal than Moscow thieves“Very accurate and, most importantly, unlike those same thieves, it is safe from the point of view of the criminal code.

Perhaps Arseny lacks the necessary determination, but his gentleness and sincerity often provide him with a sufficient number of friends, around whom Arseny awakens cheerfulness. The rest of the time, he often prefers to go with the flow, not really caring about real existence and somewhat at the risk of drowning in their own dreams and fantasies.

Interaction of Arsen's character with the seasons

  • Spring- a boy who received the name variation Arsen at birth and was born under the auspices of the spring season, he is a practical, but very selfish guy, craving attention and care, love and tenderness. Vulnerable and touchy, but restrained, he will never splash out negativity on the people around him, even if he deserves it. You can be friends with someone like that and build relationships; he is positive, but sometimes too unpredictable. Read more:
  • Summer- a boy of year old origin, he is often an aggressive, receptive, hot-tempered, capricious person, always looking for a catch in everything and not trying to put up with people’s shortcomings. But he is cheerful and sociable, easily finds a common language with new people, and is happy to make contact. You have all the data to become a respected boss or leader.
  • Autumn– may seem impulsive and aggressive, but in reality this is not the case. Inside, in his soul, he is soft and vulnerable, polite and delicate, and desires peace and positivity. You can easily make friends with someone like this. He will definitely support and help if he can. Executive and responsible, disciplined, acts strictly in accordance with generally accepted rules, selfless.
  • Winter- and a man born in one of the three months, named Arsen, is a lover of being first, an egoist, but moderate and restrained. Purposeful, hardworking, always achieves his goals. A loner by nature, he prefers solitary time and tranquility, instead of fun and large noisy companies. Such a person does not need fun and adrenaline to be happy.

The name Arsen is a Western European form of the more familiar name Arseny. The name Arsen is not considered independent by many specialists, but every day there are fewer and fewer such specialists. The name Arsen is quite popular and is one of the 100 most popular names in Russia.

The name Arsen, like the name Arseny, originates in Greece. The name sounded in Greek as Arsenios (Αρσένιος), where ἀρσεν - man, masculine, courageous. It turns out that the most likely the meaning of the name Arseny is “courageous”, but some experts disagree with this. A number of experts believe that a more accurate the meaning of the name Arseny is “mature”.

The meaning of the name Arsen for a child

IN childhood Arsen is a lively and active child with obvious stubbornness. He is endowed with a subtle mental organization, which in turn is usually accompanied by a weak nervous system. He easily loses his temper and his reactions are clearly excessive. It is worth noting Arsen’s good imagination and creative thinking. The boy is a great inventor, which makes him attractive to his peers. True, he sometimes gets lost in daydreaming, but there’s no point in fighting it. It’s better to help your child accomplish his plans, if this is possible, of course.

Arsen does not have good inclinations for studying, but what cannot be taken away from him is to look smart. He knows how to give the impression of truly knowing a subject, although often his knowledge is completely superficial. Arsen often stands out from other boys with his well-spoken speech, and this often helps the child out. Most of Arseny's good marks are, as they say, “for his beautiful eyes.”

The boy’s health can be called good, because he rarely gets sick. However, his nervous system makes its own adjustments to this picture. Arsen has a hard time bearing emotional stress. In childhood, multimedia entertainment has a particularly negative effect on it. The boy then sleeps poorly, his appetite and vitality drop. The same influences have strong feelings on the already adult Arsen. He should, if possible, avoid such stress and do more physical exercise.

Short name Arsen

Arsenya, Senya, Senka, Arsya, Arsa, Arsyuta.

Diminutive pet names

Arsenchik, Arsyusha, Arsyunya, Arsyushka, Arsyunka, Senechka, Senyushka.

Children's middle names

Asenievich and Arsenievna.

Name Arsen in English

On English language the name Arsen is usually written as Arsen, which is read as Arsen.

Name Arsen for international passport- ARSEN.

Translation of the name Arsen into other languages

in Armenian - Արսեն (Arsen)
in Belarusian - Arsen
in Bulgarian - Arsen
in Hungarian - Arzen
in Greek - Αρσένης (Arsenis)
in Georgian - არსენ (Arsen)
in Spanish - Arsenio
in Italian - Arsenio
in Chinese - 阿爾謝尼
in Latin - Arsenius
in German - Arsenius
in Polish - Arseniusz
in Portuguese - Arsenio and Arsênio
in Romanian - Arsenie
in Serbian - Arsen
in Ukrainian - Arsen
in French - Arsene
in Finnish - Arssi
in Czech - Arsen
in Japanese - アルセニイ

Church name Arsen(V Orthodox faith) - Arseny. It is this form of the name that is used in church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Arsen

The adult Arsen is a persistent and quite successful man. True, his methods for achieving success in life cannot be called a standard, because he often achieves success through cunning and lies. He is calculating and selfish, but these traits may not be dominant in Arseny’s character. Among his positive traits, one can note resourcefulness and even some courage. He knows how to turn even the most hopeless situation in his favor. In some ways, his recklessness is similar to the attractive feature that makes pirates and bank robbers so popular.

It is the skill that finds ways out of difficult situation becomes what makes Arsen an indispensable worker. He cannot be called hardworking or responsible, but this skill of his covers all shortcomings. Arsen also has an excellent ability to produce good impression on people. Often thanks to this, he achieves success in the field of sales, journalism, etc.

Arsen's family relationships rarely go well. He knows how to impress women, but that's when he opens up true essence, few people want to be near him. Unfortunately, Arsen rarely draws conclusions that it is probably worth changing. However, if he does not initially hide his shortcomings, then his family life can be successful. Many women who are interesting to him will be ready to be with him, despite all the costs.

The mystery of the name Arsen

Arseny's secret can be called his sentimentality. He rarely demonstrates it and sometimes even doesn’t realize it himself. Arseny considers sentimental behavior to be inconsistent with the male standard, and therefore unacceptable. However, sometimes this trait of his still finds strength and manifests itself to the fullest.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Martin.

Name color- Brown.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Iris.

Stone- Jasper.

The name Arsen has ancient Greek roots and means a strong, courageous character.

This name is often called for boys in Armenian and Tatar peoples.

Boys who bear this name are always cocky and love to indulge a lot.

From childhood, parents need to find a common language with their children, otherwise it will simply be impossible to change their character. There is no point in scolding or beating them, as later on the boys begin to do things out of spite. In the company of their friends, they are leaders whom they obey in everything and try to imitate them.

Despite their rebellious disposition, for the sake of their goal, they can give up all their affairs and do useful work.

WITH early years do not like to study and try in every possible way to avoid completing homework. If his parents manage to become authorities for him, whom he will listen to, then he will be able to become an excellent student at school.

He always protects the weak, even if he knows that he is unable to correct the current situation, he will still come to the defense and defend his point of view.

At an older age, one becomes restrained, calm, and balanced. He will be drawn to music and dancing, even if his father is not satisfied with such hobbies; Arseny should be supported in any endeavors.

Arseny hardworking man. Always goes towards the goal, achieving it, begins to search new round for development. He has a keen sense of feeling and knows how to listen to his inner self.

Always honest and decisive. Needs constant support from loved ones.

Kindness, balance and courage are the main virtues of a man. In any quarrel he is ready to give in if he sees that he is causing pain to a loved one.

Loves children very much and dreams of big and friendly family. He will strive to build a large, but at the same time cozy house. There will definitely have to be grapes growing in the house, since Arseny loves them very much. Favorite drink is red wine.

He always likes to take risks and when he gets involved in unpleasant situations, he relies on luck. Almost always he comes out victorious in any situation. Always in a hurry to get somewhere. A quiet and measured life does not suit him; he often gets bored.

He chooses a woman as his wife who will be ready to do anything for him. Waiting for him at home when he disappears for a long time with friends or at work, giving birth to many children and raising them. At the same time, never reproach him for anything.

The name Arseny refers to Muslim nationality and often a man who has this name converts to Islam.

Arseny can perfectly create a family with such zodiac signs as:

  • Taurus;
  • Capricorn;
  • Virgo;
  • Aquarius;
  • Sagittarius;
  • scorpion;
  • Aries.

Great for friendship:

  • fish;
  • scales;
  • Capricorn.

Due to frequent adventures, he has many enemies, he knows about them and does not worry, since they are not scary for him.

Lucky numbers - 11, 19, 46.

Favorable days weeks: Monday, Thursday and Sunday.

The talisman stone is granite.

The animal is a leopard.

Due to the fact that Armen is quite picky about his chosen one, he cannot start a family for a long time. When he succeeds, for a long time will torment her with his jealousy, and is sometimes capable of spying on his beloved. Only loving woman will be able to withstand his tests, but in the future, he will not doubt her fidelity and will envelop her with care and love.

Arsen, born in winter time, will also be cold in his relationships with loved ones. There will always be misunderstandings and disagreements between them. Frequent quarrels will cause long separation.

Summer Arsenchik is softer and can easily give in if necessary. Capable of admitting his mistakes, but will not rush to correct them.

In the spring, boys are born who are passionate about poetry and music, they are emotional and explosive, but they easily move away. They are able to quickly reach reconciliation if the other party expresses a desire.

In autumn, people are born strong and powerful, but at the same time vulnerable in their souls. They need constant support, but never admit it.

Arseny, born under different zodiac signs

The fate and character of a man is also determined by the zodiac sign that Arsen has. Namely:

  1. Calf. A man who is born a Taurus is kind and obedient child, loves his parents, tries to please them in everything. His father will always be his main authority. He loves his mother very much, but will listen little to her advice.
  2. Scorpion. Bossy, from childhood he will be a difficult teenager who is difficult to calm down. He has no authority, he is his own boss, and because of this trait, he will often run away from home.
  3. Aquarius. Loves freedom, in everything. He is difficult to control and often finds himself in difficult situations. Constantly running away from home for no specific reason, trying to raise him using force, the parents risk losing their disobedient son altogether. Because he can leave home and never return.
  4. Sagittarius. More calm, ready to listen to the opinions of not only his loved ones, but also his friends. Will always support his family.
  5. Fish. He loves to work hard, his family and especially his parents. Capable of reaching any heights, especially in terms of career growth. Likes to lead people. Excessively talkative and does not know how to keep his mouth shut. Such Arsens cannot be trusted with your secret.
  6. Aries. They like to spend more time at home with their loved ones. They are silent and prefer that no one knows about their problems. They believe that a man should decide everything himself. Needs love and support. Fear loneliness.
  7. Virgo. Emotional, prone to rash actions. Will always support. Knows how to keep secrets, likes to spend more time in nature.
  8. Capricorn. Loves children. Raises in strictness. Tries to become an authority for them. Wishes his wife to keep home, while he is away from work. Respects his parents and always helps them. Loves his brothers and sisters. Prone to jealousy.
  9. Twins. Despotic, energetic. When entering into a dispute, he will defend his point of view. I'm used to relying only on myself. He believes that he is always right in everything. It is very difficult for others to be around him, but his honesty wins their trust.
  10. Cancer. Cheerful, the life of the party. He decides to get married late, since freedom comes first for him. He chooses as his wife the woman with whom he will have fun and interest. The first thing he pays attention to is his chosen one’s ability to cook. Tasty food. After all, he loves to eat a lot and deliciously.
  11. A lion. A strong personality who always comes first. He takes on any task with full responsibility and always does everything to the end. Those close to him must obey him unquestioningly, otherwise they will be punished. He will never tolerate humiliation addressed to him.

Arsen will dream of a daughter. He initially likes to braid her hair, walk with her, dress her in beautiful ball dresses and, although these actions are unusual for a strong and despotic character, he will take better care of his beauty than his wife.

Will never tolerate betrayal and lies. He will prefer to get a divorce right away, despite his love and affection for the woman. He will fight for the children and in the end will ensure that they are with him.

The origin of such a noble beautiful name how Arseniy (Arsen) has his roots in Ancient Greece and Byzantium. But also has connections with Russian, Catholic, Orthodox culture. Currently considered uncommon and even old-fashioned. The meaning of the name translated from Greek means “decisive”, “courageous”, “courageous”, “strong”, “mature”.

Name Astrology

  • Gemini
  • Patron Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman stone: amethyst
  • Color: blue
  • Wood: ash
  • Plant: iris
  • Animal: swallow
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

Arseny's character is calm, balanced and quite shy. His gentleness and sincere disposition are highly valued by friends and relatives. The circle of friends is varied, but there are very few real friends. He loves animals madly and as a child often asks to buy him a cat or dog.

The secret of the name Arseny hides a romantic, sophisticated nature. A boy tends to dream and has a rich imagination. IN school years teachers single him out as the best at writing essays.

The subtle world of the owner of the name Arseny is fragile. He can easily be offended by even one offensive word, which results in isolation in the future. Negative trait character - lack of determination, inability to stand up for oneself in conflict situations and the inability to perform a feat for the sake of their loved ones.

Winter Arseny is characterized by courage, resourcefulness, and mobility. The reason for the complex and contradictory nature is stubbornness. A man born in autumn is very cunning, thoughtful and calculating. He is very hardworking and demanding of himself. It happens that the fate of the parents of the owner of this name is repeated in their son. Born in summer inherently secretive. He is taciturn, withdrawn, and often faces problems in his personal life and career. Prefers to listen more in companies than to take part in discussions.

Interests and hobbies

Arseny loves everything related to creativity and art: cinema, music, poetry. Often acts as a collector rare books, ancient icons, coins. Fan of many sports.

Profession and business

Since Arseny is a refined nature, the choice of profession often falls on creative areas. He can also become an excellent specialist in the field of medicine and study. The profession of a lawyer, artist, designer, sports coach, veterinarian, and writer suits him. Some representatives of the name give preference to serving God. They can reach heights in business, although the initial goal is not to earn a lot of money.


Arseny is prone to heart disease and inflammation intestinal tract. For prevention it is worth using fish fat, food enzymes, eat rice. Hot temper can lead to a breakdown and harm the heart. A vulnerable character often causes depression. In stressful situations, he suffers from insomnia and may experience early baldness.

Sex and love

Arseny knows the basics very well female psychology. He has an attractive appearance and an erotic personality. Doesn't like restrictions sexual relations and believes that partners are allowed everything. He enjoys sharing pleasure with a woman and never leaves her unsatisfied. This is a passionate man who is capable of crazy things.

Family and marriage

IN family life The owner of this name is an insufficiently attentive spouse. In relationships, in addition to sensual attachment, he always looks for an intellectual relationship with future wife and marries a simple trusting girl. The stability and sustainability of the union depends to a large extent on it. It is important for Arseny to base relationships on trust and share common interests in art. If this is not the case, then there is no harmony, and the couple breaks up. He takes a very long time to choose a companion for his second marriage. Loves his children very much.