Autumn is the best time to pick mushrooms. Of course, they grow both in summer and spring, and some species even in winter. But the most correct mushroom- autumn. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? To answer this question, you must first figure out what kind of weather these gifts of the forest love.

Seasonal features of mushroom growth

Fungi are complex organisms. Their main part - mycelium or mycelium - is hidden from view by a layer of forest humus, and only fruiting bodies appear on the surface, which attract mushroom pickers. mycelium grows all year round, therefore, it is not easy to answer the question of at what temperature mushrooms grow in autumn.

Along with moisture, one of essential conditions fruiting for most species is warm earth. Therefore, the first mushrooms appear in the spring. In April-May, when the clearings cleared of snow, clearings and forest fires warm up, morels and lines appear. They are the ones who open mushroom season, and then other mushrooms pick up the baton.

Toward the end of May and early June, after warm rains, the first flywheels, boletus, and even white ones appear. But these are only scouts, the main layer will be later, when the rye is harvested. By the way, these mushrooms are popularly called - spikelets.

Aspen mushrooms, or as they are also called, krasoviki, redheads, appear a little later, when the aspen has faded. At the same time, multi-colored russula hats peek out from the grass, and, like orange beads, cheerful flocks of chanterelles scatter in the moss.

But the summer layers are short - a week, in best case two, and the mushrooms disappear like they never existed. BUT real mushroom only in autumn it will grow, when the birch braids begin to turn golden and splash purple on the foliage of aspens.

mushroom growth calendar

To elucidate this issue in as much detail as possible, we will use visual material. Below is a table that will tell you when and for which "beast" it is better for lovers of "quiet hunting" to go into the forest.

autumn forest mushrooms

In autumn, almost all types of summer mushrooms grow, but new ones also appear, those for which it is too hot in summer. This, for example, autumn honey agaric, greenfinch, rowing and others. Moreover, in autumn, mushroom growth is most intensive, since they do not like heat, and in order for the fruiting body of most species to begin to develop, 5-10 ° C is enough. The temperature at which mushrooms grow in autumn affects the rate of their development: than lower degrees, the slower they grow.

However, not only temperature indicators are important, but also humidity. If the autumn is dry, then you can not count on a good "catch" of mushrooms. However, they do not like long rains. An experienced mushroom picker will see how another bad weather splashes on the roads in puddles, and sighs contritely: “Oh, the mycelium will get wet!” The mushroom picker, of course, will not get wet, it will remain under a dense forest litter of fallen needles and moss, but there really may not be mushrooms.

But light frosts, which are not uncommon in autumn, are not afraid of mushrooms. Sometimes on a cold October morning in the forest you can find literally frozen redheads, butterflies, honey agaric. When determining at what temperature mushrooms grow in the forest in autumn, one should be guided by the average daily values, since the heating of the soil during the day plays an important role.

When the frost hits

Few of these forest dwellers can survive a severe frost, and most mushroom pickers believe that the season ends in November. But it's not.

One of the most cold-resistant mushrooms is mushrooms. best temperature for their growth varies in the range of +8 ... +12 about C. Their funny families grow in the forest and after severe frosts. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? for example, can be found in sub-zero temperatures, even under snow.

Winter oyster mushroom is also not afraid of frost, which can be harvested not only in November, but also in January.

Conditions for the growth of porcini mushrooms

No matter how full the mushroom picker's basket is, his luck is judged primarily by the number of porcini mushrooms.

White, or, as it is also called, boletus, is a cunning and fastidious mushroom. Sometimes you have to go around half the forest in order to attack mushroom place. But if the conditions are suitable, then on a small patch you can pick up more than a dozen strong mushrooms.

And at what temperature do porcini mushrooms grow in autumn? First, we note that for white it is not so much the state of the air that is important as the ground. Optimum temperature soil for it is 15-16 degrees Celsius.

But as for the air, the conditions for growth in summer and autumn are different. In summer, mushrooms do not like excessive dampness and prolonged rains and prefer temperatures of +18 ... +20 ° C. Therefore, they hide in moss and under the thick paws of fir trees, where it is not very hot.

But already in the second half of September, the weather rarely indulges in warmth. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? Starting September optimal mode for the growth of porcini mushrooms there will be 10-15 degrees of heat. Moreover, night frosts do not interfere with them at all. The main thing is that during the day the air and soil warm up.

When to collect boletus in the fall

Boletus boletus, especially young and strong, are in no way inferior to white ones - even boil, even dry, even fry. And if they go in a layer, then you can pick them up in a relatively small forest, more than one bucket.

By popular belief, the first boletus trees appear when the mountain ash blooms, and then all summer long they do not leave the forest glades and birch groves. Unless, of course, the summer turned out to be too hot and dry. But the summer boletus has one drawback - it really loves this one delicious mushroom worm. So the mushroom picker has to reluctantly throw away one mushroom after another.

In autumn, the boletus is clean and strong. And besides, their special appearance appears - with a thick leg and dark hat almost indistinguishable from white. Finding it, however, in the fallen leaves is not easy. But if one is caught, then around it you can find a dozen more.

At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn (boletus)? they have almost the same as the whites. For a boletus, 10-12 degrees of heat is quite enough, only these mushrooms love wetter weather, and not prolonged rains, but thick autumn fogs. And if the autumn is dry, then the boletus should be looked for in wet places, in the lowlands and even in the swamp.

A good mushroom picker knows at what temperature mushrooms grow. In the autumn in the forest, he will quickly pick up a basket, or even get a bag - do not leave white and oily, boletus and boletus, milk mushrooms and volushki under the trees and birch trees! And if mushrooms are attacked, then no packages may be enough.

autumn mushrooms- a friendly mushroom, cannot stand loneliness and always grows in large families, for which there is little space on the ground and they climb on the stumps and foots of trees.

October - the month of rains - is his favorite month, the weather is cloudy and already quite cold, the earth, sky, foliage, the whole world are saturated with water.

And here it's time for the rotten hemp to appear in small hats of mushrooms. strong and resilient with variegated specks and a pretty " skirt" under the hat they gradually fill the entire forest, grow, open their hats, prepare seeds. Honey mushrooms are not afraid of cold, they grow until the first frost, in warm year they can be picked even in November.

Search Autumn Mushrooms needed where there is a lot of old, dead wood, on stumps and fallen trees, in thickets alder, aspen.

Be sure that this mushroom will make you not only bow to Mother Earth, but also to crawl along it on all fours, cutting off the forest harvest.

Taste and smell these uncomplicated mushrooms exceed all expectations, they are great for twisting jars for the winter, and for frying, and for soup. But it’s problematic to dry them for the winter, they, like the entire autumn forest, are saturated with rain and morning dew, and when you try to dry them, they often begin to mold.


Where does the Autumn honey agaric grow

They grow on both dead and living trees, but they especially like birch. Expanse for autumn mushrooms - old birch forests with dry birches, on which mushrooms grow at a height of up to 5 m and above, swampy birch forests with many lying trunks and stumps, birch clearings with stumps, swampy alder forests.

On coniferous trees, Autumn Mushrooms are less common.

What does the Autumn honey agaric look like

Hat autumn honey agaric gray-yellowish or dirty brown with thin brown scales that fade with age. The plates that have grown to the stem are white in a young honey agaric, then they turn brown-yellow.

Stalk of autumn honey agaric long, thin, thickened downwards, with a membranous whitish ring in the upper part.

Autumn spores white color

Honey agaric Autumn - collection time

Collected in September - October. The period of abundant growth is short, usually about two weeks, most often this occurs in the first half of September.

How to distinguish Autumn Mushrooms from false ones

False mushrooms include several types of mushrooms, very similar to edible mushrooms.

1. At the Autumn Mushroom on the leg film ring. And all the false ones have bare legs to the toes.

2. False honey agaric has a smooth hat, without “scales”

3. Hats false mushrooms are more brightly, loudly colored:

4. Records false mushrooms are yellow, greenish or olive-black. In Autumn Honey Mushroom, the plates are cream or yellowish-white.

(A - Autumn mushrooms. B, C - False mushrooms)

5. The smell of autumn mushrooms- a pleasant mushroom, false mushrooms emit an unpleasant earthy smell.

What is useful Honey agaric Autumn

Phosphorus and calcium in Autumn Honey mushrooms is almost the same as in fish. They also contain vitamin B2, C, E, PP, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron.

Nutritional value: squirrels- 2.2 g, fats - 1.2 g, carbohydrates - 0.5 g

Opyat contains mass of anti-cancer substances.

How to store Autumn Mushrooms

Autumn mushrooms are salted, pickled, boiled and fried.

Cook mushrooms need 30-40 minutes. Undercooked mushrooms can cause indigestion

Autumn Honey mushrooms - interesting facts

Growing on stumps, can be the cause of a curious phenomenon - glowing stumps at night! It is not the stumps themselves that glow, not the rotting wood, but the mycelium mushroom, braiding the entire stump with a thin net.

  • Description


    It consists of a fruiting body and underground roots of the mycelium. The mushroom picker looks like long thick cords, with the help of their mushrooms it feeds and settles. In addition, it is interesting for one property: under the bark and a layer of humus on the roots, the mycelium is oxidized, which makes the threads of the mycelium glow.

    The hat of a young mushroom is spherical in shape, then it becomes convex with growth, and in an old one it is almost flat with a tubercle in the middle. The edges of the cap of the young are wrapped inward, later they straighten out. On the surface there are small thin scales of brown color.

    The diameter of the hat can be from 1 to 8 cm. The color is brownish or yellow-brown. The plates are white or brownish in color, in young mushrooms they are covered with a film, later, with the growth of the fungus, it breaks, forming a ring on the leg.

    The leg is usually short, but can reach 10-12 cm, cylindrical, thin, strong and dense, there is a white film ring. The color is brownish at the base, whitish closer to the cap.
    The pulp of the mushroom is white and yellowish in color, does not taste bitter and does not emit juice, the smell is pleasant.
    The flesh in the stem is rougher and more fibrous than in the cap.

    Where does it grow

    Distributed throughout the forest zone of Russia. They grow on stumps, roots, trunks and near them both on conifers and on hardwood ah trees. Especially often mushrooms appear on alder, birch and aspen. Appearance time - .

    The largest number(a layer) of them grows after the autumn mists, they continue to grow until October itself.


    Not difficult because they grow big families, sometimes in one place it is possible to immediately cut a small basket. But in years that are unfavorable for them, they have to walk a lot through the forest before they get a basket.

    During the collection, you need to be careful and remember that in addition to real openings, there are also false ones.

    False honey agaric is poisonous mushroom so that it does not accidentally end up in your basket, you need to be able to distinguish them

    Differences from an edible mushroom:

    1) Autumn mushroom grows only on wood, and false on the ground. In order to find out, you can dig up the humus and see where the mycelium is located on wood or earth.
    2) false mushrooms the color of the cap is bright red or greenish-gray, the plates are also greenish-gray.
    3) False ones do not have scales on the hat and a ring on the leg.

    Fresh such mushrooms are good in boiled and fried form, but they are best obtained in pickled form.
    To preserve for the winter, they are frozen, dried, pickled and sometimes salted.


    Young strong mushrooms are suitable for pickling. harvested mushrooms it is necessary to sort out, cut off the legs, and then wash them before cooking. Prepared mushrooms are weighed and calculated required amount spices: per 1 kg. mushrooms, 1/2 part of a glass of water is taken, citric acid on the tip of a knife, 1 tablespoon of salt. Then they are lowered into a saucepan, poured with water, the above ingredients are added and put on fire.

    During cooking, it is necessary to stir and remove the foam. Boil from the moment of boiling should be about 15 minutes. Readiness can be determined by the following signs: mushrooms sink to the bottom, and the brine brightens.

    When they are cooked, they are taken out of the pan and laid out on a sieve. After the water has drained, they are put into clean, preferably sterilized, jars so that they take up about 3/4 of the volume. Then pour the marinade prepared in advance.

    The marinade is prepared as follows: for 1l. drinking water 1.5 st. is taken. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 1 teaspoon of 80% vinegar essence, 5 black peppercorns, 3 pcs. parsley, cloves and cinnamon.
    After 12-15 min. boiling marinade will be ready.
    The finished product must be sterilized, you can see how to do this.

  • With the onset of autumn, the world around is changing, changing its shades. This is especially noticeable in autumn forest. Walking along the forest paths, you can completely get enough of the various colors that nature itself generously endows us with. Among three months October is the brightest autumn. It is not so warm already, but on sunny days all the trees in the forest burn with gold. A walk in the forest, if desired, is carried out with benefit. Among the fallen leaves, you can see a mushroom that is trying to hide. Autumn is the period of mushroom picking. There is where to roam to fame and prepare mushrooms for the winter. Let's figure out first what mushrooms grow in October.

    October Harvest!

    In the middle month, the number of mushrooms begins to decrease, but their quality noticeably improves. Due to the fact that the nights are already cool, and there are fogs in the morning, the mushroom flies appear less and less. Mushrooms, respectively, retain their integrity. In this connection, the fungi that we collect in the fall are better stored, unlike collected in the summer.

    AT different regions countries, the diversity of mushroom species is still different. A lot depends on climatic conditions. When going for mushrooms, take a real mushroom picker with you, because if you are not professional in this matter, you run the risk of grabbing poisonous species, which are very similar to edible mushrooms. Therefore, do not take risks, but approach this issue with all seriousness.

    In October woodlands can inhabit the following fungi:

    The hat is funnel-shaped, the shape is correct. AT early age convex with curled edges. The young mushroom is dark olive in color, earthy. Darkens to a dark brown with age. The stem of the mushroom is thickened up to 8 centimeters in height of a cylindrical shape. It narrows towards the bottom. It is lighter than the hat. As it matures, it becomes hollow. The flesh of the mushroom is dense and brittle.

    There are many types of mushrooms, because the periods of their collection vary. Today food industry well developed, mushrooms have learned to grow in artificial conditions. However, buying a product in a store is not as valuable as collecting and searching for it yourself. Where to collect mushrooms, when is it better to do it? These questions are of interest to many fans and avid mushroom pickers.

    Young mushrooms most often have a hemispherical cap, in mature mushrooms it is umbrella-shaped. There is a bulge in the center, turning into flat part, the edges are down. The size of the hat can be different, ranging from 1 to 10 centimeters. On top of it are small scales that disappear when the fungus grows. Also, honey agaric has different colors of hats. They can be light yellow, cream, reddish with a dark center. The legs are very elongated. Their length can be 2 - 18 centimeters, diameter - no more than 2.5 cm. However, each type has its own personality.

    Honey mushrooms belong to a variety of edible gifts of the forest that have plates. They grow in summer, autumn, winter periods. At the same time, it is difficult to say exactly when to collect mushrooms.

    Autumn fungus ends the season. It is considered one of the most commonly harvested and most common mushrooms. Collection starts at last days August, and does not last long, within 14 - 20 days. During this period, they bear fruit well. In the case of a dry summer, this interval may be missed or come a little later.

    It is noticed that in northern regions the globe often there is a second stage of reproduction, based on weather conditions. In these places, honey agaric grows until mid-October.

    Collection summer mushroom starts from the beginning of June and ends in October. In specimens collected in summer, compared with autumn mushrooms, the hat is smaller. Its shade is yellow-brown, lighter towards the middle. Such a product belongs to category 4. It is well suited to dry, marinate, cook stew.

    Winter honey agaric grows in small clusters and only on trees. It appears in autumn and remains under the snow in winter. If the climate is mild, mushroom picking can be carried out until March. They don't have strong taste characteristics, therefore it is better to use them for cooking stews, first courses, pickling.

    Location of mushrooms

    Each avid mushroom picker knows where mushrooms grow. They like to grow in old forests, where there are a lot of damaged and weakened trees, near stumps, in areas of wood that are dead and rotting. Most often these are hardwoods:

    1. Acacia.
    2. Poplar.

    However, they are often located on spruce, pine, and fir trees. Even if the mushrooms liked some glade, it's not just that. It follows that deep underground are the roots that extend from the stump.

    Honey mushrooms are permanent mushrooms. They do not prefer to "jump" from one place to another. If one day a family was found next to a fallen tree, then next year 100% you can harvest a good harvest from this place. And until a tree or a stump from it becomes rotten, mushrooms will bear fruit near them.

    A completely different type is meadow honey agaric who loves open, spacious, grassy meadows. Therefore, it is found in places such as:

    • fields;
    • gardens;
    • forest glades;
    • road edges.

    Mushrooms grow almost until November.

    This mushroom is quite sociable. They are looking for him in groups, picking up a full basket. It is noticed that for meadow mushroom frequent growth is characteristic not just in heaps, but with the formation of a circle. Such myceliums can have a fairly large area.

    The breadth of the growth area of ​​honey mushrooms includes almost all forests, they are absent only in permafrost.

    The more moisture in the forest, the greater the yield of mushrooms will be in it. However, it happens that a damp ravine is enough for them.

    It is very important to be careful in such places so that the collected mushrooms are not confused with false mushrooms.

    On which stumps do mushrooms grow that appear in summer? They are located on the stumps deciduous trees, logs, various remains of trees. They do not grow on living trees. The collection time is from early July to September. Mushroom is small. Its cap has a yellow-brown color, with dark edges, on which there are grooves. In wet weather, it shines through. Brownish stem.

    The first real opening among mushroom pickers is considered autumn view. It can be found in big family or growing alone. Where to look for a forest gift? It lives on the trunks of trees, both living and dead. Also - on fallen trees and stumps, in damp forests. Moving onto tree trunks, honey mushrooms cause white rot to form in them, which leads to the death of the tree. They are collected from the end of summer to the beginning of winter. September is the busiest when average temperature is +10.

    It can be found on weak or damaged hardwood trees, on wood. They are found along streams, in gardens, parks, on the edges.

    Distinctive features of good mushrooms from poisonous forest products

    Honey mushrooms, which cannot be eaten, make up a certain amount that looks similar to real mushrooms. In small groups, they grow in the same areas of the forest as edible ones:

    1. Trees that are littered.
    2. Hemp.
    3. Stem parts.

    For this reason, they are easily confused with edible gifts.

    False mushrooms are divided into 3 groups:

    1. Inedible.
    2. Conditionally edible.
    3. Poisonous.

    The first main difference by which a good mushroom can be distinguished from a bad one is the presence of a ring with a film (a skirt on a leg). It is the protection of a young product. Inedible mushrooms do not have such a ring.

    There are also a number of other differences:

    1. A good mushroom has a fragrant mushroom smell, when a false honey agaric has an unpleasant, earthy smell.
    2. A hat of a bad product with a pronounced color. It can be sulfur yellow, pale red, depending on the species. Non-false mushrooms are characterized by a light brown color.
    3. To taste, false mushrooms are bitter.

    An experienced mushroom picker will immediately remember distinctive features, which will help to recognize a bad mushroom, but for an amateur it is better to approach the collection with special attention. If there is the slightest doubt, it is better not to put such a mushroom in the basket.