Famous people are rich, beautiful and successful. From the outside, their life seems as cloudless as in the pictures in magazines. However, each of them has its own weak spots. What are the stars afraid of? What fears are they hiding from others?

Star of the series "Friends", actress Jennifer Aniston suffers from aerophobia - fear of flying. But since flying on an airplane is inevitable, Aniston has come up with ways to relieve some stress: Jen knocks on the plane three times and boards only with her right foot.

How else can you cope with stress on a plane?

Rapper P.Diddy does not hide his fear of clowns, and his rider clearly states: “no clowns within a radius of 2 kilometers.” By the way, Johnny Depp and many other actors suffer from the same phobia.

What do you think is scary about a clown?

Once upon a time Britney Spears I was afraid of pregnancy and planned to take such a step no earlier than at the age of 30. Over time, this passed, but now another phobia haunts the singer - herpetophobia - fear of lizards. Britney is especially frightened by such a variety of these mammals as Komodo dragons.

Girls' favorite Justin Bieber suffers from claustrophobia. The musician never uses the elevator and even if he lives on the very top floor, he only goes up and down the stairs. Bieber developed this fear after he once got stuck in an elevator and couldn’t get out for two hours.

Have you ever gotten stuck in an elevator? Can such a situation give rise to a serious phobia?

Many people suffer from various phobias. It doesn't depend on social status and financial situation. Celebrities were also not spared. Let's see which of them is afraid of what:

They say that Scriabin had a fear of germs. He was terribly afraid of getting infected, touched door handles through a towel and died from infection! Jack Nicholson uses soap only once and then throws it away. JLo demands that her room be cleaned three times a day. Michael Jackson always wore a germ-filtering bandage. Hilary Dough doesn't go to bed until she's cleaned her room a few times. Scarlett Johansson starts cleaning her hotel room long before her maid arrives. Beyonce is terrified of restrooms and demands to clean them several times before she looks in them. This is the most advanced clinical case of Mesophobia coupled with Apopatophobia - fear of visiting public toilets
The famous Hollywood star Barbra Streisand, who in the past suffered from social phobia (fear of public speaking), while performing a concert in Central Park in New York (1967), suddenly forgot the words of some songs. After that, she always refused to perform in public places. She got rid of her phobia only in 1994, thanks to psychologists.

Kim Basinger's social illness prevented her from attending the Oscars. She was unable to express words of gratitude, although she had rehearsed the entire speech several times and had it memorized.

It’s interesting that some stars have really unusual and even extraordinary fears.

British film actor Orlando Bloom, a fearless screen hero, is catastrophically afraid of pigs. During the filming of the film “Kingdom of Heaven,” he quickly ran away from a pig released from a pen. It looked ridiculous and funny. The famous legendary German film star Marlene Dietrich suffered from bacteriophobia; to disinfect the toilet seat, she used a bottle of medical alcohol, which she constantly carried with her. U American actress Julia Roberts has a similar fear.

The famous Australian actress Nicole Kidman has insectophobia, but she only cannot stand butterflies, while she is calm about other insects. The famous one has the same phobia Russian actress Irina Apeksimova. American actor Billy Bob Thornton is terrified of antiques; truly, celebrity phobias have no boundaries and can simply make the audience laugh. (link)

They write that Napoleon Bonaparte was afraid of horses, and especially white ones. Some people also suffer from this phobia. modern celebrities, For example, Kristen Stewart. By her own admission, at the age of nine, Kristen fell from a horse and broke her arm, and since then she has “hated these animals.” She had to gather all her courage and mentally prepare for death in order to star in the film “Snow White and the Huntsman,” in which the heroine rides a lot and warlikely. As a child, Nicole Kidman crawled under the gate or climbed over the fence, just to avoid getting close to the butterfly that landed on the gate. As an adult, Nicole tried to fight the phobia, but to no avail: “One day I deliberately went into a butterfly cage at the American Museum of Natural History and even let them sit on me. It didn't work. I jumped with a parachute, cockroaches crawled on me, I did a lot of things, but still butterflies are too much.” But American supermodel Tyra Banks managed to overcome her fear of dolphins. Tyra was once nervous even talking about them, but after she swam with dolphins and even kissed one of them, the model admitted that she was unlikely to be afraid of these mammals in the future.

It is also known that David Beckham can't stand cats, Orlando Bloom is afraid of pigs, and Christina Ricci is afraid of sharks, which is why she even refuses to swim in the pool. Many people also experience fear of animals and insects. Russian stars: Philip Kirkorov is afraid of cockroaches, Sergei Zverev hates rats and mice, Victoria Bonya hates spiders, and the parodist Alexander Peskov is scared of snakes. These famous people, along with their fears, even became the heroes of the exhibition “Star Phobias” by photographer Mikel Ceppi, which took place in 2011 in Moscow.

Some stars have a hard time living in modern world, because they are frightened by various inventions. Courageous and handsome at any age, Sean Connery is terrified of traffic lights. He dreads what would happen if the green light suddenly went out while Sean was crossing the road. And actor Roger Moore, Connery's successor as 007, fears firearms. Steven Spielberg tries to avoid elevators and as a last resort takes a travel companion with him. Keanu Reeves hates talking on the phone, perhaps for fear of losing his voice. Jim Carrey is obsessed with the fear of surveillance cameras that could secretly monitor him, so the actor requires the lampshades to be removed from all his hotel rooms.

Fear of airplanes is perhaps the most common among celebrities: Jennifer Aniston, Ben Affleck and Sylvester Stallone suffer from it. However, because of their work, they have to put up with frequent flights. But Adriano Celentano could not cope with his aerophobia. In his entire life, he traveled by plane only a few times, and one of these personal exploits for the Italian actor it was a flight to the USSR in 1987.

Verminophobia - fear of germs, bacteria and the possibility of catching some kind of infection - is a very common fear, including among celebrities. Singer Beyoncé hates toilets due to verminophobia and prescribes repeated cleaning of restrooms in all raiders. Julia Roberts in restaurants, she requires that not only the dishes from which the actress will eat, but also the chair on which she will sit be disinfected especially for her. Steven Seagal does the same thing, but he goes to a restaurant with his equipment not out of fear of germs, but out of fear of being poisoned.

Let's remember those who are no longer with us, and not at all through the fault of microbes. For example, about Michael Jackson, who never parted with a filter mask. Or about Vladimir Mayakovsky: the poet tried to avoid shaking hands, grasped all door handles with a handkerchief, disinfected his clothes, always carried iodine and a soap dish with him, and even took a folding bathtub on trips. His contemporary and colleague Sergei Yesenin was afraid of syphilis and the police. The latter, however, can hardly be classified as microbes.

Many famous people are susceptible to the fear of getting sick, called Nosophobia. French philosopher Because of him, Jean-Jacques Rousseau avoided conversations and books about medicine, and also did not contact doctors. We can say that this fear was justified by the low level of medicine in the 18th century, although many of our contemporaries are also afraid of doctors. For example, Robert De Niro, who begins to panic at the mere thought of dentists. Angelina Jolie, Woody Allen and Victoria Beckham. The wife of a football player and a successful designer even refused to use self-tanning due to cancer phobia.

Some celebrities are truly unlucky because they suffer from communication with others. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this if, as in the case of Lady Gaga, the phobia prevents promiscuity. The outrageous singer abstains from sex because she believes that an unsuitable partner can ruin her energy. It would be better if Mikhail Vrubel experienced this phobia! Because of his fear of the women he liked, the artist was forced to use the services of prostitutes. Dangerous connections brought the genius to the grave: having gone blind and losing his mind, Vrubel died of syphilis.

Honore de Balzac also died from love, or rather, from the fear of succumbing to it. The French writer was terribly afraid of marriage and, when he finally proposed to his passionately beloved Countess Evelina Ganskaya, he fell ill from excitement. Balzac attended the wedding, sitting paralyzed in a chair, and very soon after that he left the newlywed widow. Against the backdrop of such tragedies, the fear of clowns that Johnny Depp experiences seems very harmless. But perhaps the only thing worse than fear of other people is fear of one’s own image. It is because of him that sex bomb Pamela Anderson hates mirrors and always changes the channel if she sees a movie on TV with her participation.

Many star fears are completely beyond classification or reasonable explanation. But that’s why they are phobias! Scientologist Tom Cruise fears the end of the world and alien invasion. John Travolta is afraid to wear washed clothes, so he simply throws out slightly worn items and buys new ones. David Beckham hates it when food is uneven in the fridge and always tries to get rid of the odd item, be it the third can of cola or the fifth apple.

However, American TV presenter Oprah Winfrey suffers from the most unusual phobia. She is afraid of chewing gum and not only forbids the participants of her talk show from using it, but she can even throw out a plate on which a guest left chewing gum unknowingly. True, such an unusual phobia still has a completely reasonable explanation. When Oprah was little, her grandmother forbade her to go into the closet for chewing gum because she was afraid that her granddaughter would fall. Strict ban was imprinted in the brain of Oprah Winfrey, but not at all in the form of a fear of getting hurt, but in the form of chiclephobia - that’s what the fear of chewing gum is called.

There are TOP 20
Phobias of stars 20. The list of cowardly stars opens with Kirsten Dunst with a fear of spiders (arachnophobia). The actress is ready to check every centimeter of space around her as long as there are no spiders there.

Phobias of stars 19. And the famous macho Irishman Colin Farrell is terrified of going up into the sky, the fear that the plane will fall does not leave him for a second, so he prefers to move on the ground.

Phobias of stars 18. Beyoncé is madly afraid of germs, the singer regularly washes her hands and often wears gloves, and her microphone is disinfected several times before a concert.

Phobias of stars 17. Tom Cruise is afraid of going bald, the actor spends considerable savings on maintaining his hair, and rightly so, the place of the famous and popular bald man has already been taken by Bruce Willis.

Phobias of stars 16. Britney Spears also suffers from a phobia; the singer is very afraid of getting cancer. According to her, she doesn't want to get burned for short term from this terrible disease, and it was this fear that made her think about smoking and lead more correct image life, well, finally, maybe this will at least bring the star to his senses.

Phobias of stars 15. Tobey Maguire is afraid of heights, although he is a star, his phobia is quite common and quite common.

Phobias of stars 14. Christiana Ricci gets scared out of her mind at the sight of a little mouse.

Phobias of stars 13. The Great Madonna, despite her fame strong woman, also suffers from a phobia, and quite a childish one at that. What do you think the queen of the world stage is afraid of? It's very simple, she is afraid of thunder.

Phobias of stars 12. Sharon Stone is afraid of electrical appliances, the star is worried that a short circuit might occur and a fire might start, or that the device might break down. Sharon's whole house is stuffed with special fuses and other wonders. modern technology that help her feel safe.

Phobias of stars 11. Jessica Alba is afraid of getting fat, she is sure that if she gets fat, the world of showbiz will simply push her to the sidelines, so she sits in bed for days gyms, and secretly under the blanket dreams of cakes and sweets.

Phobias of stars 10. Julia Roberts demands that before she enters the room it is sprayed special composition, because she is afraid of bacteria, afraid of mold, afraid of getting sick from someone else's sneeze, Julia is simply manic with disgust.

Phobias of stars 9. In ninth place on our list is Nicole Kidman. It is easier to list what she is not afraid of, because... the actress is susceptible a huge number fear and often sees a psychologist. All the newspapers and magazines have already talked about her hatred of butterflies, well, her most famous phobia is the fear of cameras and mirrors; she is incredibly frightened by the possibility of the existence of a mirror world that can suck her inside and never let her go.

Phobias of stars 8. The embodiment of courage Sylvester Stallone suffers from ametophobia - this is the fear of strangers looking into his eyes. Sylvester believes that looking into a person’s eyes sucks energy out of him. The actor does not make eye contact with anyone except his family and friends, and to avoid accidental eye contact with someone else, he always wears sunglasses.

Phobias of stars 7. Johnny Depp simply collects his fears, but one phobia has haunted him since childhood, Johnny is afraid of clowns, but we must give him his due, he actively fights against it, Johnny hung the whole house with posters of clowns, so that at least somehow overcome this ridiculous fear.

Phobias of stars 6. In sixth place is David Beckham, it would seem that this man certainly has nothing to fear, but no, David is afraid of becoming weak and losing the ability to earn money. Don’t worry, David, your wife will certainly cope with the task of being a breadwinner no worse than you.

Phobias of stars 5. Keanu Reeves also suffers from a fairly common fear, especially among children, he is afraid of the dark until his knees tremble and admits that he even sleeps with the light on, despite this, the actor loves to watch horror films, he probably does this during the day. Keanu is also afraid of phone calls, he is tormented by the fear that they will call him and tell him something terrible, so as not to jump in horror at the ringtone on his mobile phone, his phone is constantly on vibrate mode.

Phobias of stars 4. In 4th place is the vampire winner Sarah Michelle Gellar with her phobia of cemeteries, tombstones and other mortal paraphernalia. She believes in other worlds and tries not to disturb their inhabitants again, so you definitely won’t meet her at the cemetery at night.

Phobias of stars 3. Malibu sex symbol Carmen Electra is very afraid of drowning, the worst thing for her is to suffocate under water, so she does not swim where her feet cannot reach the bottom. She begins to panic as soon as the water reaches her neck, and when it gets into her ears, she is simply horrified. In general, you may not even hope that the famous lifeguard will come to your aid if you decide to drown.

Phobias of stars 2. Pamela Anderson is afraid of her reflection in the mirror, she tries not to look at herself in mirrors for a long time, suddenly one day her reflection does not follow her, but stops in place, and even talks to her. This is the fear of a beauty with large breasts.

Phobias of stars 1. In first place on our hit parade list star phobias Orlando Bloom with his fear of... pigs. Once he was told that a pig can eat a person, and since then he has been afraid that the pig might attack him, drag him into his den and mercilessly devour the handsome man there. According to Orlando, the only time a pig does not scare him is if it lies roasted on his plate.

So, dear readers, now you know for sure that your fear of spiders, or the dark, or something else, is nonsense compared to the cockroaches of the great worlds of the stars.

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And if you are interested in what all these phobias are called and what other types they exist, read the article about the most unusual phobias.

Live happily and don’t be afraid of anything!

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Mon, 12/02/2018 - 16:23

Every person is afraid of something and we are sure that there are no absolutely fearless people. But these fears have different character, some have standard fears, such as fear of heights, the dark or spiders, while others have bizarre ones - fear of piglets, dirt and butterflies. Feeling fear is a natural reaction of the body, inherent not only to mere mortals, but to famous Hollywood stars. We have collected 16 for you famous people who have strange phobias.

Tom Hiddleston

Marvel's Loki, a British actor who isn't afraid to star in fast-paced films full of stunts, massive sets and pyrotechnics (Thor: Ragnarok, Kong: Skull Island), freezes at the sight of sharks. In a recent interview, Hiddleston admitted that he has selachophobia - an irrational fear of sharks. In addition to this, the actor tears involuntarily when he gets scared.

Orlando Bloom

The brilliant elf Orlando Bloom, famous for his incredible stunt jumps on deer, elephants and more cattle, in real life, it turns out, he doesn’t like animals too much. He is especially afraid of ordinary piglets. Perhaps Orlando was watching “Hannibal” at night, or his phobia is connected with some childhood memory, but, according to eyewitnesses, a pig that once jumped out of the pen on the set of the film “Kingdom of Heaven” led the actor into such horror as he could hardly have create hordes of movie knights.

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Fate laughed at Sarah Michelle Gellar, and more than once - the girl has hated cemeteries since childhood, but the acting path constantly attracts and draws her to her final resting place. “Scream 2”, “I Know What You Did Last Summer”, “The Grudge” - every film is a corpse, or even several. And we haven’t even mentioned the TV series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” in which a girl gutted ghouls, including in cemeteries, seven for long years. Now Sarah Michelle has become less likely to appear on screen in mourning clothes among the tombstones, but you can’t escape fate, we are waiting for a new turn.

Johnny Depp

For actors who sometimes have to sit for hours waiting for makeup to be applied to them, it’s strange to be afraid of this makeup, but you can’t tell your brains - Johnny Depp, for example, has repeatedly admitted that he is afraid of clowns. Can you imagine? The man who in "Pirates" Caribbean Sea", "Sweeney Todd", "Alice in Wonderland" or "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" lacked only a big red nose to look like a clown, afraid of his circus counterparts. Well, Johnny, season four" American history horror” you better not watch.

Hilary Duff

You won’t envy the future husband of the star of the series “Gossip Girl” and “Law and Order” Hilary Duff - the girl is simply obsessed with cleanliness and is terrified of any dirt. The organizers of her tour (and Duff is also a popular singer) have a hard time - Hilary’s demands regarding the cleanliness of the room and dressing room are sometimes simply driving them crazy. However, no one manages to satisfy the actress’s needs for cleanliness; even at home, the girl conducts anti-dirt raids every evening with a rag and a bucket at the ready. This can really drive you crazy.

Matt Damon

Stocky and short Matt Damon doesn't look much like the dashing Indiana Jones, but they still have one thing in common - a fear of snakes. And again, acting fate turned out to be a cruel joker - Damon was invited to star in the film “We Bought a Zoo,” and Matt happily agreed. I probably thought that the animals would then be completed on the computer. Big mistake! We had to work with the animals on the site full program, including reptiles and amphibians. The actor also talked to the snakes. It didn’t help, he’s still afraid.

Nicole Kidman

One of the most ridiculous phobias haunts Australian Nicole Kidman. The actress is afraid of butterflies and moths; she cannot stand it when they fly into her home, and even more so when they touch her skin. Kidman explains his dislike quite logically: without their colorful wings, butterflies look more disgusting than any beetles and worms. Whether this is connected with some childhood experiences or life in Australia is unknown, but one thing is clear - if there is a butterfly in the frame with Nicole, then either the butterfly or Kidman was drawn on a computer.

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey's phobia and mental disorder cannot be called; most likely, the guy was just unlucky a couple of times and he got stuck or crushed his nose on glass. The thing is, McConaughey has a dislike for revolving doors. We understand that sometimes it can be unpleasant to snatch away from a huge door, but to be afraid to go through such doors is overkill. However, Matthew McConaughey is a living example of the fact that with any quirks you can make your dream come true. If such people are accepted as astronauts on board Interstellar, then there are no barriers to the rest.

Christina Ricci

From the early childhood Christina Ricci looks so that one glance is enough to understand that in her head not everything is like people. Ricci also has her own phobia, as strange as she herself - Christina can’t stand houseplants. There is something unnatural about the fact that flowers live in home pots, and, according to the actress, every time she touches them she literally shudders. They seem to be asking her: “Kill us. We don't want to live in captivity." Perhaps Ricci is just pretending. He probably just doesn’t like to water and care for it.

Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves, chosen by the Wachowski tandem to play the role of the new Savior, is actually a simple guy. And his phobia is the most ordinary one - the hero of “Speed” is afraid of the dark. His work helps the actor overcome the fear of not having a light source: either “Dracula” will lure him into his dark castle, or the devil will take him to work as a lawyer, or he may even have to play the role of “Constantine: Lord of Darkness.” That's what Keanu is always close to us - a simple guy who loves his dog and is afraid of the familiar bug under the bed.

Kristen Stewart

“Twilight” star Kristen Stewart’s fear is also quite common – the girl doesn’t like horses. These animals are indeed beautiful only on paper and in cartoons, but in life they can be very dangerous, not to mention the fact that not everyone can sit in the saddle. Stewart’s reluctance to get involved with horses during the filming of the fairy-tale film “Snow White and the Huntsman” was almost hysterical. Fortunately, we somehow managed to overcome the problems, somewhere Kristen overcame her fear, the cameraman and editor helped to do something. However, from now on we are unlikely to see Stewart prancing on a horse any time soon.

Billy Bob Thornton

Billy Bob Thornton's phobia smacks of madness - the actor can't stand being surrounded by old antiques. All these carved fireplaces, tables with curly legs, sculptures and decorations that came to us from time immemorial, according to Thornton, reek of decay and death. “I wouldn’t like to be surrounded by things that have survived more than one generation of their owners, because some part human soul it is preserved in them,” says the actor. It would be interesting to look at Billy Bob’s house: is it really all high-tech?

Pamela Anderson

Sex symbol of the nineties, star of the series “Baywatch” Pamela Anderson, according to her, doesn’t even really realize how impressive she looks. The fact is that the actress and model is afraid of mirrors and other reflective surfaces. Well, there are many legends, horror stories and horror films associated with mirrors. Pamela can be understood, but how does she manage to look like that? Does she really trust her stylists with her appearance and then check their work based on reports in the tabloids?

Harrison Ford

How many years has Harrison Ford been in films? What kind of troubles he has already had to endure; just recently, a man even miraculously avoided a plane crash! But what Ford is afraid of is not death at all after falling from high altitude, not a snake, like his famous movie hero, and not even that one not so wonderful day he will not have time to shoot first. An actor's phobia is the fear of speaking in front of an audience. Even modest press conferences cause Ford to panic, he instantly retreats into the shadows, giving the initiative to his more sociable colleagues. And let it be, we are not for talking and public speeches love.

Jennifer Love Hewitt

"Ghost Whisperer" Jennifer Love Hewitt also suffers from a fear that is quite familiar to many - the actress does not trust elevators too much. And it’s not that she doesn’t go into them with strangers, and she seems to live in a decent area, it’s unlikely that she’ll be shocked by the graffiti on the walls and ceiling, but she doesn’t trust her, that’s all. Well, that’s right, walking is even more useful, unless you live on the top floors of a skyscraper somewhere in the center of New York.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston's phobia is quite prosaic - you can't force her onto a plane with a stick. Moreover, the actress developed a fear of flying relatively recently, after during one of her flights her plane ended up in the area of ​​a serious meteorological disaster. After a couple of hours of shaking, air pockets, a barrage of lightning, rain and wind hitting the plane, anyone will lose the desire to tempt fate again. Aniston's problem now is that she has become less comfortable traveling between filming locations. Well, nothing, he chooses those projects that are filmed near the house. It's even better for the family.

Recently, Hollywood favorite Channing Tatum shared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show that he is absolutely horrified when asked to sing in front of large cluster of people. He also revealed that he hates porcelain dolls, and when the talk show host brought two of them, there was simply no face on him.
Like anyone else who suffers from pediophobia or fear of dolls, Channing said that the life-like eyes of dolls always scared him. Many people from many different areas suffer from phobias. Let's take a look at the list of 10 famous people with strange phobias.

As a professional, Keanu Reeves has played several bright roles in “The Matrix” and “Speed”, where he could not resist participating in several dangerous scenes. In his personal life, he dealt with the death of his girlfriend in car accident, which happened a year and a half after the birth of their daughter.
Watching the homeless, he saw everything dark side life. It's funny that Keanu himself is afraid of the dark. When asked about it, he talks about his phobia more as a philosophical problem. After all, he may simply be afraid of death.

Madonna, American singer and showbiz personality, one of the most confident musicians to ever set foot in the entertainment industry. Even at 58, she is quite capable of creating a real storm on stage with her seductive image. But what fear lives in the heart of this undaunted woman?
It seems that the pop diva suffers from anxiety, which makes her numb with fear. Madonna, who spent her entire life surrounded by bright light and loud sound, is pathologically afraid of thunder and lightning.

The beautiful actress from yesteryear's films is still known for such works as West Side Story and Miracle on 34th Street. A sweet girl was afraid of water. More precisely, she was afraid of being in the water. Although there is no evidence as to how she acquired such fear, there is a legend that when she was little, her mother lured the actress onto a bridge so that she would fall into the water.
This prank may have left such a deep imprint on her mind. The evil irony is that Natalie died by drowning in the water after falling from a yacht at night.

The American actor and producer is widely known not only for his acting abilities, but also for his wide range images that he tries on for his films. His characters such as Jack Sparrow, Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka, the Mad Hatter and others use tons of makeup to achieve a completely unique look.
But at the same time, Johnny is afraid of clowns, mainly because of their fake smile and painted face. He can't shake the feeling that something dark and evil is peeking out from under the surface of the makeup. Oddly enough, he surrounds himself with clown attributes to scare away real evil.

This former England football team captain is one of the most stylish and well-dressed men you will ever meet. Attractive in many ways, David has managed to create for himself a truly organized life, career and family. So what's scaring him?
It seems that his greatest fear is the fear of disorder. David Beckham is afraid of chaos and sloppiness. Everything that surrounds him must be strictly organized. In addition, he revealed that he suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, and therefore wants everything to be sorted by quantity, size and shape, and distributed only in even numbers.

The veteran actor and screenwriter is known for his enormous contribution to the world of cinema. But what remains a mystery to most is that he suffers from panophobia, that is, a fear of almost everything that surrounds him. Starting from fear of heights, enclosed spaces and insects, ending with fear bright colors, elevators or sunlight, Allen has a non-specific fear of everything that, in his opinion, can be a source of evil.
He also has the needs of a typical neurotic: the shower should be located in the corner, and the banana served to him for breakfast should be cut into seven parts. Woody Allen spent 40 years under the supervision of a psychoanalyst.

Lots of women look in the mirror wishing they had at least some of what Pamela Anderson has. She is beautiful, sultry, cheerful and talented, which has inspired thousands of women. It's surprising that she doesn't like to look at herself in the mirror because she's afraid of her reflection.
Eisoptrophobia, or the fear of mirrors, may be based on superstitions associated with them or the concept that a reflection in a mirror is a reflection of a person's soul. How Pamela handles her beauty routine is beyond us. Another fact is that Pamela also does not like to see herself on TV.

When Nicole sees the innocent and beautiful butterfly gliding by, it makes her heart beat faster. But, in reality, not in in a good way. She dealt with a haunted house in The Others and managed to seduce a 16-year-old in To Die For. She is not afraid of reptiles, spiders, ghosts or killers.
Butterflies scare her.
She finds these creatures strange and creepy. Perhaps it’s the hairy legs or the way it flies, flitting from place to place, but be that as it may, just the sight of the butterfly makes Nicole shiver. Her fear is also associated with motephobia, the fear of moths.

The famous Hollywood director and producer is well known for his works in the thriller genre, such as Vertigo or Psycho. But a man who is accustomed to shocking audiences with thrillers is himself shaken by a strange but deep fear of the balls. He finds eggs absolutely disgusting and has never tried one in his life.
It is a terribly repulsive sight for him to see eggs. Alfred has such a strong aversion to eggs that he refuses to even go near them.

One of the most popular and famous TV presenters, Oprah Winfrey, has created many shows and touched millions of lives with her popular talk show. Oprah is afraid of gum. As a young girl, Oprah watched her grandmother chew gum and then stick it on furniture. Eventually, she hated the sound of chewing gum, or the sight of people blowing bubbles with it, so much that she banned them from the buildings where her show was filmed.
Besides these celebrities, many famous people have suffered from some form of phobia. For example, the first President of the United States, George Washington, was a taphephobe, that is, he was afraid of being burned alive, while the 34th President of the United States, Richard Nixon, suffered from nosocomephobia, a fear of hospitals.
The French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte had aerophobia, the fear of cats. Scientist Nikola Tesla had cosmimaphobia, fear jewelry, in addition to mysophobia, fear of germs. Sigmund Freud, who was a master of psychoanalysis and also studied phobias, himself suffered from hoplophobia, that is, the fear of weapons, and pteridophobia, an unusual fear of ferns.

Oscar-winner Billy Bob Thornton celebrates his 60th birthday today, August 4th. He is known not only for his marriage to Angelina Jolie, his love of country music and numerous roles, but also for various phobias. Billy has a whole bunch of them - a fear of bright flowers, the Komodo dragon, antique furniture, clowns, air travel and the portrait of British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. We bet it's far from full list fears of Thornton. In honor of Billy Bob's birthday, we decided to gather other celebrities with phobias.

As has already been said, Billy is the king of phobias. He is afraid of almost everything, although appearance you can't say that. And his peculiar act - wearing a flask with Angelina Jolie's blood around his neck and giving her a piece of land from the cemetery - does not fit in with his phobias. If the fear of flying on airplanes is explained by the fear of crashing, and the fear of Komodo dragon- its toxicity, then other phobias are more than strange. Billy suffers from his fear of antiques - he can't eat near it old furniture, and the process of eating with antique cutlery (even silver) causes panic horror in him. As a result, the actor uses only plastic utensils during filming. Oh, yes - Billy is also afraid of bright colors. The actor has had this phobia since childhood, when he ate with a spoon and fork painted in bright colors. Since then, Billy Bob gets migraines at the merest hint of bright color.

The master of auteur cinema, writer, four-time Oscar winner and lover of young ladies suffers from anhedonia (fear of everything). Woody's fears go on and on, but here are just a few of his fears: elevators, insects, children, heights, sunlight, illness, deer, dogs, dirt, interacting with staff, bright colors, peanut butter, crowds, baths, and transportation. . Woody's phobias have reached the point of insanity, since he is also afraid to have fun, because he believes that he will have to pay for it. I wonder how Allen lives in his constant fear. Or maybe these are just exaggerations and the director is not such a coward after all? One way or another, Woody Allen's films are successful, and he perfectly plays out some of his phobias in his films.

Despite the fact that his heroes have saved humanity several times, Tom also has several phobias. Firstly, the actor is afraid of going bald (it’s interesting how he overcame his fear for the role of executive producer Les Grossman in the film “Tropic Soldiers”, because there he had to put on a “bald” wig). Tom doesn’t have a real bald spot yet, but any hint of hair loss in the actor causes real panic. According to his friends, Cruise counts the hairs on his head every day (although this is most likely a stupid joke). Tom's second and third fears can be combined into one - he is afraid of alien invasion and the end of the world. I wonder where Cruz got this phobia from?

This actor has a completely normal phobia, common to many people - Robert is deathly afraid of dentists. He seriously thinks that while treating a tooth, the dentist may cause an infection. It is not known for certain where Robert’s dental phobia came from. Only there is one information that after the actor was approved for the role in the film “Cape Fear”, De Niro turned to the dentist in order to disfigure his teeth. For this procedure, the actor had to part with 5 thousand dollars. When filming ended, Robert went back to the clinic to have his teeth restored, for which he paid $20,000. Perhaps such dental changes and a lot of money for their implementation were deeply absorbed into Robert’s subconscious and now treating his teeth is a real torture for him.

Do you think the Prince of Persia is not afraid of anything? But no... Jake is terrified of ostriches. In one of the episodes of the film “Prince of Persia” the actor had to face these huge birds. Jake was seriously afraid for his life (since he had been told that these birds could rip your heart out, peck out your eyes, or scratch your face with their claws) when he saw how aggressive ostriches could be. And their powerful legs caused a real stupor in the actor. We imagine what it cost Gyllenhaal to jump into a whole herd of ostriches and hope that such scenes will not happen again in his life.

One of the most sexy actresses Hollywood, the girlfriend of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and just a charmer is afraid of dry paper. This may seem strange and even stupid to some, but not Megan. She is afraid to touch any paper unless it is laminated or pre-moistened. To get acquainted with the script of the next film, Megan puts a glass of water in front of her and, turning the page, wets her fingers in the water. We can’t even imagine where Fox gets such paranoia? In addition to dry paper, the actress is afraid of repeating the fate of her idol (Marilyn Monroe) and the film set. Each new take is difficult for Megan - she feels nauseous, her eyes darken and she shakes all over. How did Fox even become an actress with such phobias?

Tom Cruise's ex-wife admitted in an interview that she is very afraid of raccoons because they are not afraid of people. This fear is quite justified - after all, Katie once had to kick out an uninvited guest, in the person of a raccoon, from her territory. The actress was sitting near her house, and out of nowhere, this “cute” animal appeared and resolutely moved towards her. The raccoon began to walk around Katie from behind, as if he wanted to attack. The actress was terrified, did not know what to do and began to look him straight in the eye. There was no result - the raccoon continued to feel at home. And then Holmes started barking... The poor raccoon was so scared that he gave in. Katie hopes she never has to encounter this animal again.

The Twilight Saga star is afraid of horses. This fear has haunted Kristen since childhood - at the age of 9 she fell from a horse and broke her arm. Since then, the actress has avoided communicating with these odd-toed ungulates, but for the sake of leading role in the fantasy "Snow White and the Huntsman" she overcame her fear. Kristen literally forced herself to sit up and tried not to think about the bad. Everything worked out well, Kristen was not thrown off the horse and was not trampled. One way or another, the actress no longer wants to be in the saddle.

Johnny Depp's ex-girlfriend suffers from aquaphobia (fear of water). At the age of 12, Winona was taken to big wave low tide and almost drowned. It’s good that rescuers found her in time and pumped her out. It’s interesting that in one of the episodes of the film “Alien: Resurrection,” Winona’s heroine had to for a long time be underwater. The actress refused an understudy (the director assigned three rescuers to her), overcame her fear and played the scene on her own.

Quentin Tarantino's muse suffers from claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), which is quite common for many people. As we remember, in the second part of Kill Bill, the heroine of Uma was buried alive, and she had to independently get out of the wooden coffin. Uma really was locked in wooden coffin, so this picture cost the actress enormous strength and patience. Perhaps that is why this episode looked more natural than all the others, because the actress did not have to play fear - she was already wildly scared.

Svetlana Misnik(born December 16, 1992) - life-style journalist, a philosopher by primary education, and a lawyer by secondary education. Since the age of 15, he has been writing for Kleo.ru, Wmj.ru, Cosmo.ru, MarieClaire.ru about psychology, celebrities and beauty.. He values ​​honesty in people, favorite hobby- watching a good movie, and a personal recipe Have a good mood- beach holiday.