This year for the Snake will be very bright, dynamic and eventful. If you look at the 2016 horoscope, the Snake will not be able to find much time for rest and relaxation. The whirlpool of events will overwhelm her from the beginning of the year and will not let go until the end. The Red Fire Monkey will give her many bright and decisive changes, which can be quite interesting and will force many Snakes to simply come out of hibernation.

What awaits the Snake in 2016

At the beginning of the year, relationships with friends and love will come to the fore. But such an interest in communication will not be dictated by the desire to relax and socialize, but by instability in communication and various changes. Not all of them will turn out for the better, however, in order not to lose anything important, Snakes should not miss anything.

In the middle of winter, relations with your superiors may become strained. You won't have time anymore Great love and likes, since you will have to fight hard for a place in the sun or prove yourself in a new position. However, everything will change bright summer, during which passions will only intensify.

Starting in September, many Snakes will be busy with their home and improving their material well-being. Fate will give them a chance to get rich. Well, in December, old acquaintances and changes in the lives of friends may remind of themselves, in which the Snakes will take an active part.

Snake man horoscope

It will be a difficult year for men. On the one hand, they can reach out, more than ever, to family well-being and love, on the other hand, they will easily destroy their permanent relationship if they do not show proper attention to their soulmate. For family Snakes, a man’s horoscope foretells the likelihood of an unexpected and rapid addition to the family closer to the beginning of March or September. At this time, you can not only find out about pregnancy, but also meet a relative you had only heard about before.

For those who are not yet planning a family, the stars promise several successful acquaintances in March. All of them may turn out to be bright and very interesting, but a fateful meeting should hardly be expected before April. At this time, you will have several fleeting romances that will not end in anything positive.

In September, financial well-being will come first. Some Snakes will be able to get a new position or job, or will find a way to patch up financial holes and pay off debts. All this will force the Snake to reconsider its plans and postpone its personal life until mid-November. However, December will be very romantic and tender for Snake men.

Snake woman horoscope

At the beginning of the year, you will begin to pay less attention to your appearance. A woman’s horoscope this year may be successful for you if you can find the line between endless tasks and meetings and self-care. A lot can happen at the beginning of February interesting events, which will make the Snake change his mind about girlfriends and relationships with men.

The best time to flirt and romantic adventures you will have in March, September and at the very beginning of summer. At this time, many Snakes will feel a taste for life and will again become beautiful and attractive, especially in the center of male attention. However, planning a wedding or family relationships It’s worth it only after July, when it becomes clear who is truly pleasant and dear to you.

Love horoscope for 2016

The beginning of the year will not be the most romantic for most Snakes. Not only financial problems and meetings with friends will come to the fore, and only in early March will you begin to pay more attention to your significant other. For those who have not yet found their love, the stars promise several interesting acquaintances and meetings in early March, May, August, September and December.

At this time, feelings for those you have known for a long time may suddenly flare up. Don't miss your chance so you don't regret anything later - not all that glitters is gold.

Lovers can plan their wedding no earlier than July. Until this time, there will be many other changes that may sow doubts in your choice. Therefore, you should not rush, so as not to bite your elbows later.

Financial horoscope for 2016

This year, money will accompany the Snakes in a steady stream throughout the year. They will be enough not only for everything you need, but also for entertainment and various little joys. But truly successful finances will come to you after August and throughout the month. At this time, it is difficult to understand what awaits you in your personal life, but the cash flow will allow you to organize almost all matters that require money.

The Serpent's career will develop successfully throughout the year if at the beginning of September you can show activity and perseverance.

Health horoscope for 2016

The Snake's health at the beginning of the year will not be at its best. The Chinese horoscope writes that it will be very difficult for them to join the usual rhythm of life and become active, and this state will last throughout the winter. In March, Snakes should have a good rest, so that later they can complete their current affairs with fresh strength.

The eastern calendar promises Snakes peak activity in September. In the summer, it is better to devote time to passive rest in order to maintain strength until September. Health deterioration may occur in October and November. February, May and August will be the most favorable for the overall health of the body.

Year of the Monkey for the Snake (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

In 2016, the Year of the Monkey and Snake will be one of the most mysterious signs eastern horoscope. Guess with one hundred percent certainty her motives, moods and life goals almost impossible, so a lot of surprises await the people around them in the year of the Monkey. Lovers will call their toxic partners original, friends - unexpected, but subordinates - fickle assholes, from whom you don’t know what to expect. As they say, how many people, so many opinions. Be more forgiving of the gossip that goes around behind your back, because it’s really difficult for other zodiac signs to get used to your ambiguous character. They found themselves in the position of a peasant who does not know in which country he will wake up the next morning and whom he will have to glorify: communism in front of a group of Bolsheviks or the Tsar in front of a detachment of White Guards. Such uncertainty gets on your nerves, so try, if possible, to smooth out swings in your mood so that your family and colleagues do not end up in shock therapy, when the victim is first fed candy and then an electrical impulse is passed through his body. The Chinese horoscope for the year of the Monkey immediately warns that the Snake will still not be able to adhere to one behavioral line, so one day it will be white and fluffy, and the next – deadly and slippery.

In 2016, Snakes will become enviable lovers if they meet their person. You feel your partner with all your skin, so in order to understand his desires, you do not need eyes or ears. The snake will notice if the other half begins to radiate boredom, sadness or jealousy, and will have time to correct the situation before it enters a critical phase. Regarding the behavior of the unloved Snake, the horoscope is not so sure. If feelings have long outlived their usefulness and the person you once loved has become a familiar part of the situation, like a sofa or table, then the indifference inherent in all bastards may appear in your character. You will decide that current affairs are more important than the incomprehensible experiences of your partner, and you will plunge headlong into the whirlpool of daily affairs, pushing the problem to the back of your mind. Representatives of your zodiac sign who do this can put an end to their romance, because internal disharmony is not a hormonal pimple, and it will not resolve on its own. Without a poultice of compliments, tender words and care, the relationship will gradually wither and fade away.

In the business world, the Snake will have to become uncompromising and cruel. If you can swallow the victim whole, then swallow! It is advisable to do this in front of numerous rivals and envious people, so that in the future it will be discouraging to get in your way. If your size does not yet allow you to swallow well-fed rabbits, then start with caterpillars, mice and hamsters. Basically, it's not who you eat, but how you eat it that matters. Agree, a predator who dined culturally on a piece of venison with a fork and knife does not cause as much horror as one who attacked the victim, gnawed its throat and filled its toothy mouth with still warm meat. In the year of the Monkey, the horoscope advises the Snake to demonstrate toughness of character and uncompromising decisions, otherwise bloodthirsty competitors will let it go on a purse. Unfortunately, in the Year of the Monkey 2016, business will demand from us actions that will run counter to philanthropy, mercy and nobility. You will have to lie, manipulate the results, intrigue and remove unnecessary people. What to do, the path to success is generally thorny, and in your case it is also winding, like a mountain serpentine. The natural flexibility of Snakes will help you survive, bend at an unimaginable angle and at the same time not lose self-esteem, which in itself is not bad.

In the office jungle in 2016, Monkeys and Snakes will have no equal. Your deadly poison can seep into any crevice, make the slightest scratch fatal and undermine any authority. The horoscope would rather advise jumping from the roof of a skyscraper than entering into an open confrontation with the Snake. This zodiac sign has too good a memory to forget or forgive something. Even if the opponent is wearing an astronaut's spacesuit or Knight armour made of super-strong alloy, you will find a way to get even with it. The offender cannot hide forever, so as soon as he relaxes and takes off his helmet to get some fresh air, the Snake is right there! She has a collection of good knives, which in 2016 she will gladly place in the backs of her competitors. It makes no sense to reproach the Snake for unscrupulous methods or unethical actions, because in its understanding all methods are good for victory. Biting an enemy on the bare, unprotected butt or spitting poison into a flask of water is not meanness for you, but a well-thought-out tactic. In the Year of the Monkey, do not get too carried away by the ideas of revenge and your own leadership, because obsessive thoughts and manias have never brought anyone any good!

Along with the horoscope for the year of the Monkey 2016 for the Snake, the site provides information about the sign Chinese horoscope Snake with detailed description and the characteristics of this sign in Eastern astrology:

Also see horoscopes for 2018 compiled for the signs of the Zodiac (zodiac constellations), better known to us, European school astrology:


The horoscope for the Snake for 2016 says that this good period to make all decisions, there will be no hindrance to the implementation of goals. Communication skills will help in life; all suggestions will be accepted by others without problems.

Planetary aspects indicate additional vitality compared to the previous year. You follow your intuition, it will lead to wonderful results. Before any action, it is necessary to clearly plan everything and consider all situations and details in detail.

Snakes, explore new opportunities, there is no need to rush, study everything carefully. Don't be overconfident, don't take on things you can't finish. Life in the year of the Fire Red Monkey will be hectic. But if you organize yourself, then all situations will end peacefully and with a positive result.

In mid-2016, the pace will have to slow down in all areas of activity, as this may affect health and financial activities. Decisions should be made only after dialogue with all concerned people.

Snakes should not get carried away with promiscuous relationships, especially in the second half of 2016. It is best to reconsider existing relationships, make a more realistic assessment and not pay attention to the external attractiveness of the partner.

Love horoscope for the Snake for 2016

Snakes will seek relationships in which all desires must be fulfilled immediately. At the same time, you will show immoderate stubbornness and strive for this with all your heart. In a relationship you will want sexual passion and romance. At the same time, you will be ready to express your feelings more openly.

The Snakes will have contradictions in their personal lives. There is power in existing relationships to be passionate. At the same time, there will be attempts to make acquaintances and go “left”. If you are in a permanent relationship, you will feel constrained and withdrawn. In general, 2016 is not recommended for starting a new permanent relationship.

The partnership will be unstable; after each partner you will look for a new one. But if we're talking about about a wedding, it is recommended to go for it only after confidence in your partner, your feelings, high level mutual understanding between you.

Married people may face problems with their spouse as priorities are given professional activity. But if pregnancy is planned, then 2016 is suitable for this.

Career horoscope for the Snake for 2016

2016 promises to be a difficult year in professionally for representatives of the Snake sign. Don't be stubborn and stop others from expressing their opinions. This may cause problems in operation. You will be able to convince others and push your ideas through only if you are not overbearing or harsh in your comments. Conflicts should be avoided by creating a more friendly atmosphere.

New opportunities in the professional field will be given between April and June, as well as in October. If you tackle them with energy, you can get amazing results. It's not worth studying large projects or transformations. This will lead to disappointment. All work should be clearly planned, and you should also look at life more optimistically.

Financial horoscope for the Snake for 2016

The financial situation is causing serious concern in 2016. This will affect your health. However, this will not prevent significant progress being made in social life and career. In November 2016, make an effort to make life comfortable and luxurious.

You may encounter some difficulties in the distribution of income and expenses. You should refrain from unnecessary expenses and purchases, you should not lend money, this can affect your financial well-being long term. You must use your intelligence to search for cost optimization, plan for the long term.

Health horoscope for the Snake for 2016

Everything is good for health in 2016. The period from May to August will be especially favorable. You just shouldn’t take the increased pace, everything will be fine without it. Enthusiasm will help you achieve everything you plan.

It is recommended to play sports; fitness is best for this. From August you will feel additional vitality but it can make you a little cruel. Therefore, it is best to use it for production purposes.

In the last quarter of 2016, avoid wasting your energy on useless things. A sauna and other water treatments will be beneficial for your health.

Horoscope for the Snake family for 2016

Relationships that will be established from May to October may not be very serious. This will be caused by the desire to preserve freedom. If necessary, spend more time on yourself and your personal life. Relationships with children will be harmonious, and this is the best time to strengthen ties with them.

Feng Shui forecast for the Snake for 2016

In 2016, it is better for Snakes to concentrate on relationships with those who are dear to you. Don’t protect yourself from your friends with everyday issues and don’t dive headfirst into work. Be sure to take time to spend time with your family. The key to success in business lies in a harmonious attitude, so look for the beautiful in your life and in the people around you.

Try to be in nature more often, discover a new page for yourself hometown, share positive emotions with your loved ones. For those born in the year of the Snake, the restless Monkey will bring many eventful events, and if you maintain inner harmony, you will be able to enjoy the whirlpool of life.

Snake woman

Snake man

Snake men in 2016 will bring the conqueror and winner to the forefront in their character. The tasks that life will set for you will require a non-trivial approach, original ideas and persistence in execution. It is important to allocate resources correctly. Try to objectively assess your strength at the beginning of your journey and regularly review the amount of effort you put in. Perhaps some of the responsibilities should be entrusted to subordinates or asked for help from more experienced colleagues.

Love horoscope for Snake

In love, Snakes will find pleasant moments, thanks to which self-confidence will increase and strength will appear to achieve any assigned tasks. Singles can meet a life partner. A fateful meeting is very likely where you will be engaged in self-development: from the gym to professional courses or a museum.

If you have already found your other half and are building a family, in 2016 your union will reach new level, however, this will require a certain amount of responsibility and an informed decision from you. Astrological forecast For your sign, it promises harmony and mutual understanding, which will help you quickly find compromises with your loved one. If you appreciate the one who is next to you, his reciprocal attitude will be the key to victory for you in any life endeavors.

Finance and career

In financial matters, the Snakes will have good luck throughout 2016. The stars advise not to focus too much on money, but to concentrate on the work itself. If you can approach your business with genuine interest and learn to enjoy the process, your financial flow will expand without any additional effort on your part.

At work, try to avoid unnecessary risks. Don't take on too much responsibility or responsibilities that you can't handle, otherwise you risk burning out quickly. This year you will improve your ability to work as a team. Listen to the opinions of your colleagues and do not discount the views of employees who are below you on the career ladder.

Towards the middle of the year, you will have some free money, which is better spent on vacations and travel. Investments “in emotions” will be the most successful.


Your health in 2016 will be in excellent condition thanks to your ability to allocate resources. The pleasure of a pleasant vacation and a busy weekend can charge you with such potential energy that it will be enough to complete any task, even the most difficult ones. complex tasks. In winter it is advisable to spend time on fresh air and engage in seasonal sports, but in the summer you can somewhat limit physical exercise.

Horoscope by zodiac sign


In 2016, Aries-Snakes will find themselves caught up in a fast-moving current. You will be busy with many things at the same time, but try to set your priorities correctly and concentrate on the most important ones. important things. Don't let your busy schedule set your goals. Use the energy that will bubble up around you to solve your own chosen problems. Will have to be allowed in the spring difficult situation with loved ones, in which you will need foresight and a willingness to compromise.


For Snakes-Taurus, 2016 has prepared a very interesting challenge. Fate will give you the opportunity to fulfill your own dream, but to do this you will have to prove that you are worthy of the help of the stars. Success awaits the most persistent. The Universe advises lonely Taurus to look around carefully: perhaps you have already met your soulmate, but were unable to discern his/her merits. Don't miss your chance now!


Snake is a very successful combination of signs in 2016. You will receive assistance higher powers immediately in all life issues. The stars do not promise a cloudless sky, but amazing luck and a powerful energy charge will allow you to cope with any difficulties. Unforeseen expenses are possible at the end of the year, so winter holidays It's better to take care in advance.


Snakes-Cancers will receive a gift from 2016 important meeting, which can radically change all life plans. Do not view this as a negative, otherwise you risk attracting unpleasant events to yourself. Your inner potential is now especially powerful and plays the role of a real magnet: what you think is what you get. Be positive and don’t be lazy to act in the name of your dreams. Fate will definitely reward the persistent and creative.

a lion

The stars recommend that Leo Snakes concentrate on their inner world and family. Don't put work and financial questions First of all, don’t neglect simple human joys and make time for carefree relaxation. Career success will directly depend on your emotional state. In winter, you should pay attention to your health. It is especially important to refrain from excesses: overeating, alcohol abuse, etc.


Snake-Virgos will need to remain calm, because in surrounding atmosphere real “storms” and small “hurricanes” are possible. Your innate leadership skills and love for planning will not be appreciated by everyone, but you can win in this field too. With people who resist influence, play the role of " eminence grise" With those who are ready to be led, do not forget to share your plans. To prevent diseases, the stars advise using meditation, yoga or other relaxation methods that you like.


Snakes-Libra will be able to overcome one of their fears in 2016. Fate favors you, so cast aside doubts and boldly step towards what scares you. By going through the curtain of your own phobias and misconceptions, you will discover new world. In this new world, you will be able to achieve higher goals than those you set for yourself now.


Snake-Scorpio is a sign for which 2016 has prepared unusual scenario. Your life this year will resemble a quest, where for every successfully completed task fate has prepared a reward and the key to new achievements. However, an intense pace of life will require a lot of effort and strategic planning. Don’t forget about rest and try not to put off solving small household and work issues until tomorrow.


Sagittarius-Snake in 2016 something important will happen an event that will have a lasting impact on self-esteem and attitude. You will re-evaluate some aspects of your life and may change internally. These changes are positive. They will allow you to reach a new level, where a wider space for action will open up before you. Do not sit idly by, because at this stage of life you will have to solve difficult but very interesting problems. Try to find answers to today's questions as quickly as possible.


This year will bring a lot of new impressions related to creativity or travel to Capricorn Snakes. You will rediscover your talents, which will help you feel harmony and connection with the world. Get inspired by unfamiliar cultures, explore foreign languages and try to be more open to communication. The knowledge that will be revealed to you will serve you well both in work and in personal affairs.


Snake-Aquarius in 2016 – sign financial well-being. Cash flows those around you will be stable enough to ensure your usual standard of living. You'll probably realize it's time to raise the bar. This is truly a good time for new beginnings, luck will be on your side, but you will have to work hard. In summer, stars recommend spending more time with your family or with your closest friends.


Snake-Pisces will have to work on own shortcomings. Fate has prepared a new, very interesting part of the path for you, but it will not open until you eradicate your bad habits. It's time to declare war on laziness and procrastination. Family Pisces It’s better to involve your relatives in your development. Now you can play the role of a catalyst for each other in development, even if you set slightly different goals for yourself.

Eastern horoscope for 2016 for the Snake predicts rapid movement. A snake, accustomed to a measured rhythm, will not be able to catch up with the Fire Monkey. For the Snake this will be quite a serious test. She will have to break herself in order to adapt to the high speed of events. The beginning of the year for the Snake will be held in a comfortable environment. The energy accumulated in the past year will have an impact. But then everything will happen with great speed. She will need to take care of maintaining the level of previous income, and not increasing it.

The time has come for the Snakes who fell asleep in 2015 to emerge from hibernation. They should prepare for many pleasant surprises. The Monkey makes the Snake strive for change. Moreover, the changes can be drastic. The situation surrounding the Snake will not correspond to its internal mood and will have negative impact. The Snake's decisions will seem unexpected and unjustified. But for her, the choice will be logical and as a result will show the correctness of the chosen direction.


Jealous and vulnerable Snakes can quarrel with a loved one. Their feelings this year will be off the charts. They will demand the same dedication from their partner. In the event that the Snakes feel that their feelings are not reciprocated, negative emotions can extinguish the most violent passion. They may even hate the person.
The snake should learn to control emotions and stop being guided by impulsive decisions. For her, time for love relationship It hasn't arrived yet. But you shouldn’t take your anger out on those closest to you either. The Snake must live this year without love turmoil, trying to accumulate potential for future meetings.


Snakes have many advantages over their counterparts. Having excellent intuition and good developed memory allows Snakes to quickly move up the career ladder. In the Year of the Monkey, they will have to decide whether it is worth fighting for leadership in the team. The Fire Monkey's advice suggests that you should not climb onto a pedestal and rise above others. This will not help your promotion, and your colleagues may be very offended. It is better to maintain relationships with your colleagues, and strengthen your position in your existing position.


In order for the Snake not to experience health problems, you need to take care of it. Going to the pool, morning jogging will allow you to forget about diseases and strengthen the body. In the year of the Monkey, alcohol and fatty foods can have a bad effect on the health of the Snake. If they are consumed excessively, the Snake may end up in a hospital bed.