Gleb Matveychuk is a multifaceted talent who, at his age, achieved heights without the help of anyone. This man can be given a standing ovation, because not every person can do what the singer, composer and actor did.

Even at twenty-five, he was stuck, not knowing what to do next in life. But having found teachers who know their stuff, thanks to them his career ladder is growing every year. How his work developed and whether the singer was able to combine his work with his personal life, we’ll talk about that.

Height, weight, age. How old is Gleb Matveychuk

Repeatedly, many were interested in the singer’s data, such as height, weight, age, and how old. Gleb Matveychuk is flattered to hear questions related to him, and he even readily answers such details. He was born on June 26, 1981 and in given time He is 36. With a height of 183 cm, Gleb weighs 74 kg, he has an excellent figure, because he takes care of himself, plays sports, goes to the pool and tries to eat healthy food. Although the singer does not hide the fact that sometimes he can allow himself to relax and celebrate his belly.

Looking at the singer’s photographs, one can note the man’s natural stateliness. There is something about him that catches the eye and beckons Gleb Matveychuk with his languid gaze. The photos in my youth and now are not that much different. The man looks as before - handsome, tall and self-confident.

Biography of Gleb Matveychuk

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk began in the city of Moscow, but for family reasons the family moved to Belarus. Father - Alim Matveychuk worked as a film artist who raised a real man. For Gleba, his dad has always been a role model. His mother, Olga Matveychuk, a make-up artist, always approved of her son’s choice and gave wise advice.

After graduating from school, Gleb moved to Moscow and entered two universities at once. The future actor decided to try himself in films, but since he was given minor roles, he decided to show himself from a more advantageous side. He started composing music. “Admiral”, “Chkalov” brought fame to the composer, and he did not stop, writing a dozen more songs for films. He also writes music for theatrical productions “Dog in the Manger”, “Waiting Room.”

In 2006, Matveychuk became the vocalist of the group “Flair”, which means instinct. And in 2009, the actor played a role in the TV series “Margosha”, after which his popularity increased. Subsequently, Gleb participates in various television shows, takes part in musical projects- musicals and rock operas. In the musical "Monte Cristo", where he plays main role, Matveychuk met his wife, Anastasia Makeeva.

Gleb Matveychuk became famous person, working tirelessly and winning more and more fans. Although the composer himself is very picky about his work and says that there is no limit to perfection.

Personal life of Gleb Matveychuk

The personal life of Gleb Matveychuk did not go unnoticed and novels were attributed to the young man more than once since he became popular. The singer dated his girlfriend for several years before his wedding, but after breaking up they remained together. friendly relations. They say that Gleb's chosen one was so loved by his parents that they even called them mom and dad.

Matveychuk married Anastasia Makeeva. They met in the theater, where the young people noticed each other. But after living for five years, everything turned out to be not so simple, Gleb dissolved in his creativity, and not in his other half, and Anastasia kept trying to reach him in order to save the family. But a year later, Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva filed for divorce. The reason, according to Nastya, was different interests in family life. The couple gradually began to move away from each other and, as a result, became strangers.

Family of Gleb Matveychuk

Family of Gleb Matveychuk on this moment- these are his parents, to whom he is infinitely grateful. His mother and father always gave him the right to choose, and although they could arrange his son’s career without any problems, they let him go free. Gleb achieved everything himself through his diligence and hard work. Matveychuk always talks about his parents with pride and owes his upbringing, spiritual development, and life values ​​only to them. Not long ago, the composer was interviewed and asked if he had a car, to which Gleb said: “Yes, he does, and I only bought a car when I personally earned money for it. And this was at thirty years old. And although my family could afford to give me a car, I was raised in a way where the material world had to come second.”

Gleb is very eligible bachelor and perhaps changes will soon come in a man’s personal life, because the singer is often seen accompanied pretty brunette. Gleb Matveychuk and his new girlfriend look very harmonious. Photos of the couple can be seen on vacation, in restaurants and at the theater. It is clear that the couple does not hide their relationship and are clearly passionate about each other.

Children of Gleb Matveychuk

Married to Anastasia Matveeva, although the couple was passionate about their achievements, they immediately decided to continue the family line. Of course, as in any full-fledged family, everyone wants their children to bring joy and laughter. Gleb Matveychuk, as a person who had already gotten back on his feet, was worried about this problem, they worked on it, but nothing came of it. “We even went to the hospital for help,” shares the singer, “But apparently it’s God-given.”

Perhaps this has further aggravated the emotional stress of the spouses, because it is not for nothing that they say that in order for a wish to come true, you need to forget about it.

Gleb Matveychuk's ex-wife - Anastasia Makeeva

Ex-wife Gleba Matveychuk - Anastasia Makeeva, although she tried to save the marriage, apparently this was only her desire. Although the girl herself took the first step towards separation, it was very difficult, the ex-wife admits. Gleb, according to Nastya, was so indifferent in everyday life that he didn’t care what furniture to buy, what he did in free time his wife. “He was ecstatic about his profession and he didn’t need anything else,” Makeeva said. Nastya suggested that Gleb do some mutual business, spend more time together, but either his feelings cooled down, or he was really absorbed in his work, but the relationship was coming to nothing. They even went to sessions with a psychologist, but the marriage still collapsed.

Since the couple lived with Makeeva, the woman left, asking her husband to pack his things and leave while she was gone. To which Matveychuk quickly agreed. Nastya, of course, hoped that Gleb would come to his senses and try to change something, but she was mistaken - he did not need this marriage. Later, the singer said that the divorce happened quickly, since they had nothing to share, except cats and dogs.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Gleb Matveychuk

Instagram and Wikipedia Gleb Matveychuk pleases his subscribers, and the singer has about fifteen thousand of them, with both his creativity and his personal life. The photo Gleb exhibited with Elena Glazkova aroused particular passion among fans. Immediately a sea of ​​comments poured in of different nature, followers were divided in opinions about which girl is better - Matveychuk’s new or ex-wife.

Gleb stopped the debate by writing that this was not discussed and gave a lot of hearts to his beloved. Time will tell how serious things are with them. Article found on

We lived together for seven years, but, despite the magnificent wedding, family life didn't work out. The actress blamed the musician’s mother for everything, saying that Olga Shalimovna promised to destroy the marriage if her daughter-in-law did not obey her. The actor did not want to comment on the situation for a long time, but this week he was forced to give an interview to one of Russian publications to protect the mother from slander.

Matveychuk admitted that Anastasia - conflicted person. According to the actor, in the last year of marriage the atmosphere in the family was so tense that he left home several times: “Makeeva creates conflict situations out of nowhere, perhaps not counting on such an outcome... Life turned into a series of scandals. They could quarrel over any little thing... In the last year, we always had a packed suitcase at our house, which I left with once every two weeks.”

Anastasia Makeeva

Gleb also said that after breaking up with his lover, he asked Anastasia not to drag Olga Shalimovna into the conflict: “I asked Anastasia only for one thing: not to touch my mother! She old man, has undergone many operations and is in poor health. At the same time, my mother constantly has to deal with unfounded accusations against her... My mother a kind person. She loved Nastya. If at first she was worried about Makeeva’s attacks in the press, now she really feels sorry for her ex-daughter-in-law... I also sincerely wish Nastya to find love in the hope that when this happens, she will switch her attention to a new object... All her relationships end according to the same scenario - long-term explanations in the press. I regret that we could not part on good terms, and now I have absolutely no desire to communicate with Nastya. And how can you talk to a person who calls your mother a witch?”

By the way, the ex-husband of Anastasia Makeeva is very kind to her mother, since it was her parents who supported him after a quarrel that occurred at the Mossovet Academic Theater: “They helped me not to break down during the most difficult period of my life. When I was literally hounded at the Mossovet Theater and many of the colleagues with whom I worked turned their backs on me... They sued me, demanding 5 million rubles. But the judge made a decision in my favor. After the trial, naturally, I quit. But Nastya, who had been away from the conflict all this time, decided not to leave the theater... My wife was in great relationship with those who tried to destroy my life."

Elena Glazkova and Gleb Matveychuk

Let us remind you that at the moment Gleb Matveychuk is in a relationship with the actress Elena Glazkova. WITH new lover the musician met in Greece, they met a month after Gleb broke up with Anastasia. Now Matveychuk’s chosen one is pregnant, and the lovers are very happy, as the artist told the publication

Gleb Matveychuk - not only talented actor, but also a composer. His compositions are soundtracks for many Russian films and musicals staged at the theater. Classic compositions are performed in famous performances based on the works of Russian literary writers. last centuries. The name of the attractive, blond Gleb Matveychuk often appears in the press. Paparazzi lenses are always trying to catch young man in his Everyday life. This is not surprising. Popularity young artist, thanks to his work in theater and film, is growing rapidly.

Height, weight, age. How old is Gleb Matveychuk

With his talent and romantic appearance, the actor won the love of many fans. Today, the 35-year-old artist has established himself as a theater and film actor, composer, and producer. Gleb participates in various television shows, which naturally fuels the interest of the public. Since Matveychuk is good example a real charismatic man, his fans are interested in absolutely every detail, even height, weight, age. You can quite understand how old Gleb Matveychuk is by looking at many of his photographs on the Internet. The actor is quite tall (179 cm) and has an athletic figure.

Biography of Gleb Matveychuk

Gleb Matveychuk was born on June 26, 1981. Since childhood, the boy showed a genuine interest in creativity, and already at the age of eight he was involved in a theater club. It was there that Gleb first appeared on stage and performed his first song. Teachers appreciated good vocal abilities little actor, and strongly advised to develop them.

After studying at school, Gleb entered a music college. It is not surprising that the young man decided to connect his life with music. Singing is what brought him the greatest pleasure. After graduating from college with a degree in choir conductor, Gleb goes to Moscow to continue his studies in the capital. Theater or music - this question is spinning in the head of a future artist on the way to the city of opportunities. As a result, the young man enters two educational universities at once. The Moscow Conservatory and the Shchepkin Theater School are his two homes for the coming years.

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk is notable for his passion for learning. Education opened wide doors for the artist into the life of musical art. In subsequent years, the performer is a member of several vocal groups, becomes a finalist in the Russian Tenors show, sings a duet with Olga Kormukhina in the Two Stars show, and also acts as a parodist in the Exactly Exact program. Over the years, as an actor, Gleb Matveychuk has starred in 9 films and played on stage in many performances. The author's wonderful compositions can be heard in the acclaimed historical film“Admiral”, as well as in the play based on the book by M. Bulgakov - “The Master and Margarita”.

Personal life of Gleb Matveychuk

The personal life of Gleb Matveychuk is very eventful; the young artist has never had a shortage of romantic relationships. For the first time they started talking about the composer's serious relationship when he met with actress Sveta Belskaya. The young people tried not to advertise their relationship, but their relationship was still leaked online. joint photos graphics and publications. However, the couple never got married. As the tabloids say, the actors broke up on the girl’s initiative. Perhaps this happened due to the fact that Gleb was in no hurry to marry Svetlana, and joked about marriage in every possible way. After breaking up with the composer, Svetlana soon got married. The couple remained on good friendly terms, ex-fiancee Gleba became very friendly with his mother. As Svetlana says, she even participated in choosing the place for the wedding ceremony of Gleb and his future wife. Today, the actress successfully acts in various roles, films with her participation are released several times a year.

In 2010, the popular actor married theater and film actress Anastasia Makeeva. The couple lived in happy marriage six years, but in July 2016, Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva filed for divorce. The reason for a broken marriage is quite banal - misunderstanding. During life together, each of the spouses received success and recognition in the acting field. New projects, tours, filming and constant flights separated them throughout recent years. The actors do not hold a grudge against each other, they broke up by mutual agreement, and continue to move up career ladder.

Family of Gleb Matveychuk

The passion for learning was passed on to Gleb Matveychuk from his father - not last person in modern cinema. Alim Ivanovich Matveychuk also received two higher education, and today is a famous Russian production designer of domestic films. His career includes 41 films. Alim Ivanovich worked with many famous directors and was a member of the USSR Artists and Cinematographers.

The actor's mother Olga Matveychuk is also a creative person, makeup artist, producer, and the best adviser in life young actor. News feeds are full of information that it was Gleb Matveychuk’s family, including his mother, who caused his son’s divorce. She interfered in the creative process, and generally completely supervised the personal lives of the actors. In one of her own projects, Olga Shalimovna wanted to involve ex-lover son - Svetlana, which caused a conflict in married couple.

A few months later, pictures of the actor with a young lady began to appear online. Fans with their comments left no room for imagination, and it soon became clear that they were Gleb Matveychuk and his new girlfriend. The photos did not hang on the feed for long, apparently, user reviews still shamed the artist.

Children of Gleb Matveychuk

Be that as it may, alas, it is now clear that the couple “Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk” broke up forever. The couple of actors were very beautiful couple, so different in appearance, a blond artist and a beautiful brunette, they were happy family for six years together. In her interviews, the actress also repeatedly mentioned that young people could not have children. Gleb went to work, trying not to think about family problem, and Anastasia was treated by doctors, but all attempts to become parents did not lead to success. Looking at the actors, loyal fans can now only imagine what the children of Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva would be like.

Gleb Matveychuk's ex-wife - Anastasia Makeeva

Gleb Matveychuk's ex-wife - Anastasia Makeeva famous actress theater and cinema. During her career, Anastasia skated on ice in a show on Channel One, played leading roles in world-famous performances, became the winner of several beauty contests, was the face of the STS channel, and the presenter entertainment program, and also starred in a candid photo shoot to please the eyes of her fans. The talent and artistry of this girl is beyond doubt. Perhaps the divorce became a black streak in her life, however, it is safe to say that this will not affect her career in any way.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Gleb Matveychuk

After the divorce, the activity of the singer’s fans is again gaining momentum. The news that the handsome man is now single increased the number of the actor’s subscribers in in social networks. Today, the artist performs on stage as a performer and participates in many theater performances. On Matveychuk’s personal website there is a schedule of all television events in which you can see the singer, as well as the places of his concerts and live performances. Instagram and Wikipedia of Gleb Matveychuk may interest him numerous fans interesting information about the work and life of the composer.

IN creative biography Gleb Matveychuk has a place for everything. He is a successful film actor famous singer and composer, producer. Fans of various TV shows are familiar with him from his participation in interesting programs such as “The Voice”, “Two Stars”, “Exactly the Same.”

Gleb Matveychuk first gained fame after the release of the series “Margosha”, where he played a minor but memorable role.


Gleb Matveychuk was born on June 26, 1981 in Moscow. His father's name was Alimzhan Ivanovich, he was a production designer and was a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR. Mom, Olga Shalimovna, worked at a film studio as a makeup artist. Gleb’s mother is a native Muscovite, her father was a career military man. Gleb The only son his parents, so all the love and attention was concentrated on him. The boy spent a lot of time with his grandmother.

The parents tried to take the child to all the clubs - he drew, went to ballet and figure skating. When Gleb turned 6, he was taken to a ballet studio, but his dad was against such classes and took him away from the choreographic school.

Soon after this, the family changed their place of residence and left for Belarus. My father was invited to work at Belarusfilm and they settled in Minsk.

From the age of seven, Gleb began attending the music studio of the Minsk Theater. He participated in two projects that were in the repertoire - “Puss in Boots” and “Peter Pan”, and he performed all the parts himself. This work was paid, and the boy was able to earn his first money, which he later spent on buying a bicycle.

Gleb Matveychuk graduated from music college, after which he received a diploma as a choir conductor.


At the age of 16, Gleb set off to conquer the capital. He became a student at two institutes at once - the Shchepkin Higher Theater School and the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, and he managed to keep up with everything with amazing ease. The knowledge gained at two universities will be a good springboard for his development as a creative personality, to realize your ideas in cinema and music.


Gleb Matveychuk’s debut film work was the film “Fire Shooter,” in which he starred in 1994. The boy played in a short episode. Then there were minor roles in the film “72 Meters,” filmed in 2004, and the film “Daddy.”

In 2009, Gleb Matveychuk received a supporting role in the film “Margosha”. He was to become Ruslan Khilkevich. This role is the most notable in Matveychuk’s entire filmography.

After this work, Gleb stopped acting; all his attention was given to theater and television projects.


After receiving a diploma from the conservatory, Gleb did not study music for several years, and only in 2006 films were released, the author of the music for which was the young composer Matveychuk. First notable work became the music for the film “Pilgrimage to the Eternal City”, then there were several more interesting projects.

In 2008, Gleb was awarded the Golden Eagle prize for his amazing music for the film Admiral. The film made an indelible impression on both critics and ordinary connoisseurs of good cinema - this was also facilitated by the wonderful music of the young composer.

They began to talk about Matveychuk as a professional. He is trusted to write music for films of various genres - from dramatic to comedic.

In 2006, Gleb Matveychuk was recognized not only as a composer, but also as a singer. He began performing with the group “Lady Prowler”, and as a vocalist. In 2007 he became one of the organizers of the Flair group. A few years later, his vocals could be heard at the performances of the Renaissance group.

In 2007, Gleb Matveychuk actively participated in the creation of the ethnic musical “Children of the Sun”. Soon after this, he appeared in another interesting project - “Russian Tenors”. Thanks to his voice, Gleb was able to reach the finals and become famous throughout the country. The handsome blond man with expressive eyes and excellent vocal abilities did not leave anyone indifferent - he was applauded by both strict jury members and listeners.

During these same years, Matveychuk actively worked in the theater. He became Jesus in the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar", Fernand de Morcera in the musical "Monte Cristo", John Utterson in the rock opera " Strange story Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde."

Gleb Matveychuk continues to write music for cinema. In 2009, he increasingly appears on television and theatrical projects. In 2013, he composed his last film tune.

Working on television

In 2012, Gleb Matveychuk applied to participate in the TV show “The Voice,” but failed to pass the casting, and he dropped out of the list of potential participants. This failure did not break young singer, and he continues to follow the intended path.

A year later, Gleb took part in another sensational show - “Two Stars”. His partner was Olga Kormukhina. The young people managed to win and go on a tour of Russia. Literally immediately after this victory, Matveychuk was invited to another interesting project– the “Exactly Exactly” program, where he managed to end up in second place. In addition, the talented singer was awarded the Audience Award.

What kind of characters did Matveychuk have to portray on stage as part of this project? He was Shura, Anna Netrebko, G. Leps, K. Maine and even F. Mercury.

In 2016, Gleb performed in Murom with the song “ Eternal spring" The concert was dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. A. Vorobyova became his partner.

At the beginning of 2017, Gleb Matveychuk went on tour around the country with solo performances. The program is called “Winter Ball”. Residents of the Northern capital, Kolomna, Moscow and the Moscow region applauded him. In March of the same year, Gleb presented his new concert program “Spring Ball” to the audience.

Personal life

Women have always been present in the personal life of Gleb Matveychuk. It’s not surprising, because it’s hard to imagine a tall, handsome blond man with a beautiful voice alone.

Photo: Gleb Matveychuk with his wife

The first wife of Gleb Matveychuk was actress Svetlana Belskaya. They lived in civil marriage four years, but never reached the registry office. Their acquaintance took place just before New Year holidays, the girl just dreamed of meeting the love of her life. Only their closest friends knew about their relationship.

Their union broke up in 2008, and Svetlana was the initiator. The mother-in-law made a lot of efforts to reconcile her son and daughter-in-law, advising them not to make hasty decisions, but the young people did not listen and separated. Then in one of her interviews, Belskaya said that it was her stubbornness that prevented them from starting a family; perhaps they would have had a harmonious relationship. But what’s done is done, and nothing can be returned, especially since Svetlana is already married to her classmate.

In 2010, Matveychuk married for the second time. Now the actress has become his chosen one.

Their wedding was magnificent and beautiful, the celebration took place outside the city, in an ancient castle. Among the guests was his first wife, Svetlana Belskaya, which became a reason for gossip and gossip. After the official registration, the newlyweds went to the church for the wedding. In his wife, Matveychuk not only had a beloved woman, but also a reliable friend and adviser.

But suddenly in 2016 the couple filed for divorce. They parted quietly, without breaking dishes or sorting things out. Among the reasons for this decision, the spouses cite their employment and the absence of children, who never appeared during six years of marriage.

After these unpleasant events, dramatic changes occurred in Gleb’s life. Firstly, he completely changed his image. Without regret, he parted with his blond locks and got a fashionable haircut. Secondly, he went to travel around Greece, where for a long time spent in holy places. And thirdly, he started a new romantic relationship.

He was credited with an affair with the young singer Ksenia Dezhneva, with whom he appeared at the Slavic Bazaar festival. But these rumors remained rumors.

In 2016 on personal page A photograph appeared of Gleb, where he is depicted with a pretty girl. Fans rushed to find out who it was in the photo with a romantic heart and soon learned the name new passion singer She turned out to be actress Elena Glazkova, she was 29. The girl was offered to star in the films “In the Autumn of ’41” and “None of My Own Business.”

Judging by the happy faces of the young people, everything is in order in the personal life of Gleb Matveychuk. He is happy, loving and loved.

Selected filmography

  • 2004 - 72 meters
  • 2005 - Death of the Empire
  • 2006 - Point
  • 2008 - Damned Paradise-2
  • 2009 - Margosha

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Gleb Matveychuk – Russian singer, actor, composer, a person whose biography attracted attention due to the changes that occurred in his personal life in 2017.


Gleb Matveychuk is a multi-talented person who has proven himself in the field of art and show business in a variety of roles. Having started your creative path from film roles, he continued his career writing soundtracks for feature films and writing musicals.

Childhood and family

Gleb Matveychuk was born in 1981 in Moscow. Gleb's parents were directly related to magical world cinema. Father Alim is a production designer, a graduate of VGIK, known for his work on the film “ Brest Fortress", mother Olga is a make-up artist. Despite his oriental name, Gleb’s father is Ukrainian by nationality.

Soon after Gleb was born, his father received an invitation from the Minsk film studio, and the family moved to Belarus.

A typical “artistic child,” since childhood, Gleb has seen people obsessed with the muse of cinema. Naturally, he himself was delirious about creativity and was torn between two passions: a passion for music and a passion for cinema. He studied singing, mastered the basics of dramatic art, and still could not decide for himself what he liked best?

Gleb Matveychuk in his youth

Gleb did not find an unambiguous answer to Hamlet’s torment; as a result, upon arriving in Moscow at the age of 16, he immediately entered both the Conservatory and the Shchepkinsky School.

Music career and film roles

Gleb Matveychuk played his first film role in 1995 in the film “Fire Shooter”. In total, he starred in nine projects. Among the roles played, roles in films and TV series can be noted:

  • "72 meters"
  • "Death of an Empire"
  • "Dot"
  • "Margosha"
  • "Dad"

After 2009, Matveychuk did not receive any offers from directors, although his natural texture is excellent.

Gleb Matveychuk in the film “Death of an Empire”

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Gleb Matveychuk has gained fame as a composer writing music for films. The most significant films in which he was a composer:

  • "Pilgrimage to the Eternal City"
  • "New Earth"
  • "Stone Head"
  • "Admiral"
  • "Chkalov"

The most successful work of composer Matveychuk was the music for the film “Admiral”, for which he was nominated for the Golden Eagle award.

Gleb Matveychuk wrote the music for the film “Admiral”

At the same time, Gleb Matveychuk began performing as a vocalist, first in the group “Lady Prowler”, and since 2007 in the group “Flair”.

The combination of vocal talent and dramatic education helped Gleb Matveychuk to clearly express himself in major musical forms:

  • Ethno-musical “Children of the Sun”
  • Rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar"
  • The musical "The Master and Margarita" and others.

Cooperation with theaters did not develop so rosy for Matveychuk. He parted ways with the Mossovet Theater, with which he worked for more than seven years, accusing the theater management of violating contractual obligations when staging the play “Dangerous Liaisons.” In response, he received a lawsuit from the theater for eight million rubles. Matveychuk won in court.

Gleb Matveychuk in the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar”

After this incident, Matveychuk said that all theaters should be commercial and not be fed from the state budget.

A television

Since 2009, Matveychuk has become an active participant in various television shows. On this path he is successful: he becomes a finalist in the show “Russian Tenors” on the STS channel.

In 2012, he tried himself in the show “The Voice”, but during the blind auditions, none of the mentors turned to him. Many viewers and commentators were surprised and even outraged by this decision. Alexander Gradsky later said in an interview about this that the jury also makes mistakes. Perhaps Gleb Matveychuk simply chose the wrong song, which did not reveal the full richness of his vocal potential.

But the very next year, in the “Two Stars” project on Channel One, he, performing with Kormukhina, became the winner.

Matveychuk with Kormukhina in the project “Two Stars” on the First

On the show “Exactly”, he takes second place and wins the audience award. Matveychuk spoke in detail about his work in this project in one of his last interviews.

He agreed with the journalist that his popularity is not yet so high that his songs can be heard “from every iron,” but he does not regret spending so much effort and energy on this show. Yes, those who take part in “Exactly” are called downed pilots.

Mateveychuk emphasized that now it is incredibly difficult for a young performer with his own original material to break into television, and it is generally impossible. The volume of music broadcasting has decreased tenfold. In fact, there are only two music programs left on Channel One, and one of them is “Exactly Exactly”.

Gleb Matveychuk sings in the voice of Richard in the show “Exactly”

Matveychuk views this program as a platform for experiments. So, in the number “The Phantom of the Opera” he first sings in a male role, and then in a female one, which is an extremely difficult acting task. Or, after the voice of Anna Netrebko, he sings in the voice of Little Richard - and this is also almost on the verge human capabilities. While performing Plavalaguna's aria, he made sure that his vocal range was within five octaves!

Participating in all kinds of vocal shows, Matveychuk uses the Olympic principle: “the main thing is not victory, but participation.”

When asked how he felt about the accusations of some believers that the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” is blasphemy, he replied that he completely disagreed with this. On the contrary, he believes that he has a certain missionary function.

Gleb Matveychuk

It was after Gleb Matveychuk’s first successes on TV shows that the biography, personal life and photos of the handsome blond with an angelic voice became the subject of interest for numerous fans.

Personal life

First serious relationship Gleb Matveychuk got along with actress Svetlana Belskaya. In the joint photos, the couple looked quite happy, and it seemed that everything would be fine with them. Relatives on both sides were already sure that important changes would take place in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk and Svetlana, there would be a wedding, there would be children, in a word, everything would be like with people. However, for unknown reasons, this relationship ended in 2008.

Gleb's wife in 2010 was Anastasia Makeeva, but in this love story everything was not at all simple. Makeeva by that time had already managed to divorce Kislov and was dating Alexei Makarov. There was an ugly breakup with Makarov, with scandal and mutual accusations. Makeeva declared to the whole country that Makarov had brutally beaten her several times.

Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva

And passions had not yet subsided after this unsympathetic story, when Matveychuk decided: it was time to take everything into his own hands. He met Nastya while playing in the musical “Monte Cristo” and proposed, as befits an actor, right from the stage.

After the violent and uncontrollable Makarov, Matveychuk became a real safe haven for Makeeva.

And again, in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk, everything looked perfect - photos together on vacation, statements that the couple plans to have at least three children.

In an interview, Gleb called Nastya the most talented Russian actress musicals. He said that for him she is not only a muse, the inspirer of all endeavors, but also the harshest critic and even a censor. However, even then he mentioned that the crazy work schedule of both spouses greatly interferes with family life, and the connection between them disappears.

Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva on vacation

The year 2016 put an end to this chapter in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk: the couple announced a divorce.

Those who predicted in advance that this marriage was doomed turned out to be right. Skeptics convinced Matveychuk that Makeeva did not love him at all, but was marrying him only to hurt him ex-lover Makarova. Judging by the fact that immediately after the divorce Makeeva started an affair new novel, the skeptics were right.

The couple broke up peacefully, without scenes or reproaches, saying that they were simply tired of such a frantic pace of work, and family life had cracked. In fact, they simply stopped seeing each other: one returned from tour, the other flew away.

Matveychuk, commenting on the divorce, said that he does not have the habit of looking back and mourning the past. His position: it was and is past. They didn’t divide the cats, but Matveychuk kept the dog for himself.

Gleb Matveychuk

Makeeva was not so noble in her comments, she even hinted at some kind of “betrayal” on the part of Gleb. What she meant remains unclear.

Fans felt that divorce was a positive fact in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk. As a result of emotional experiences, he cut his hair short and changed the image of an angelic handsome man to the image of a brutal macho. For some time, Matveychuk did not date anyone and remained in the status of an eligible bachelor.

Finally, in 2017, they started talking about the fact that a new girl had appeared in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk. She became actress Lena Glazkova. Matveychuk’s Instagram is full of photos of him and his girlfriend and, judging by them, the couple is completely happy.

Gleb Matveychuk and Lena Glazkova

In general, Matveychuk does not seek to advertise his personal relationships. He does not want, he says, for his personal media space to be limited by gossip and rumors about weddings and divorces.

Gleb Matveychuk now

The year 2018 so far confirms that today there have been no significant changes in the biography and personal life of Gleb Matveychuk. He is still with Glazkova, whom viewers may know from the film “Yolki 1914” and the TV series “Profile of a Killer.”

Gleb Matveychuk is 36 years old, but many have the feeling that he is just approaching the peak of his achievements. He has excellent natural qualities: charming appearance, excellent vocals, undoubted dramatic talent. But it’s as if something is missing, some finishing touch.

Gleb Matveychuk with his beloved Elena

Perhaps he should focus his efforts on one thing. Choose where to show the maximum of your abilities and talent: in films, in musicals, in television shows or in the composing field.

I would like to hope that he will finally be able to find his one and only unique path in art. And then he will move from the category of very talented and promising to the class of true stars, and on Instagram he will have not 14 thousand subscribers, as now, but 14 million.