Traveling in a car or on an airplane limits your little one's ability to move; and since “acting” is the baby’s natural state, it can be so difficult for him to sit in a limited space, and even “at attention.” Adults have to be especially creative in keeping a child's mind occupied while his body is strapped into a seat belt.

Therefore, in order to entertain your baby, take a bag with you on the road, put in it several small toys, a finger puppet, a toy airplane, a glass prism (which is intended for older children) and a player with recordings of several fairy tales or songs. To make the contents of the bag arouse the child's interest, put an unusual toy in it - a “magic” slate board, a small chalk board or several toy characters from fairy tales. And for older children, come up with simple “magic” tricks. Children often feel hungry during long car rides. To stop them whining and being capricious, offer them food that you have on hand. True, it will be better if, instead of the usual candies, you take with you bags of raisins, cheese, crackers and breakfast cereals.

Traveling in a car (on a bus, on a ship, on a train, on an airplane) is an excellent opportunity to observe the world around us. Invite the children to describe in detail everything they see, especially what can easily be missed: the color of the clouds, birds sitting on poles, the length of the shadow on a winter day. Make up stories about people riding in other cars or about pedestrians. If you become uninterested in watching what is happening outside, keep your child busy with games. The tips offered here are a place to start. Try to come up with other activities, and if the child is interested, the journey will seem shorter.

Record the story on tape

Take a voice recorder with you in the car (this will also work). mobile phone with the appropriate function), then your child will be able to record his “radio story” on the way. And to ensure the creative process, first suggest a place where the action could take place - a forest or a seashore. Then help choose the heroes of the story. You can start like this: “Once, while walking in the forest, I saw a huge, big and fluffy ...”, and then let the child continue on his own. At the same time, do not forget to turn on the recording in time. When your child finishes his story, turn off the recording and ask him questions about what he has already talked about. If there are several children in the car, they can take turns creating one common fairy tale. Each of them needs to be allocated a certain time for the story, but so that the waiting does not become tiresome.

Continue the story over several trips, or you can come up with a new one each time. Some children enjoy the process of recording stories on a tape recorder, but then they lose interest in them. Others enjoy listening to their stories more than once before going to bed or at some other appropriate time.

This idea from the Schlessinger family can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age. You'll be able to make your passengers laugh with just one simple sign: "Wave if you're famous." It is better to write it in huge letters on cardboard or on a large sheet of paper. Let the children hold the poster in the window and enjoy how others react to it.

First letter

During a long trip, you can play “first letter”. Challenge your child to think of words that start with the same letter as their name. Give him some examples. If your child’s name is Maria, you can ask her: “Who do you think daddy is? He’s not a woman, but…” Or: “Under the hood of the car there is an object with the letter “M” that makes the car move. This…". Ask her: “Who runs the train? What do you put in your breakfast cereal?”

When your stock of words starting with “M” runs out, you can move on to any other letter.

Difficult words

Words are a generous gift to children. The richer they are lexicon, the sooner they learn to process complex thoughts and feelings. The limited space of a car can be a convenient place for playing word games. One of the games that helps expand a child's vocabulary is to search difficult words. Along the route you will certainly come across a gas station, a car, and a dairy. Maybe you will see a helicopter, an airplane, a sports ground, a steamship, a dump truck, a waterfall, a bus station, an airport. In this case, you can talk about how one complex word is formed from two words. Maybe you will drive past a parking lot, a TV tower, a skyscraper. Looking out the window, draw the children's attention to the telephone booth, to the cargo van, and at the intersection, slowing down, to the line of cars. Then, together with the children, name them with complex words: pay phone, truck, convoy.

In addition to complex words, there are stable phrases when two words denote one thing. For example, a telephone booth, apartment house, pedestrian path, police post, advertising stand. Try to explain to the child that to denote these concepts it is necessary to use two words simultaneously; it is impossible, for example, to say only “telephone”, because it can be a station, a handset, or a service; If you leave only the word “kennel”, then you can think about a dog house. Let the child try to play with words himself, adding suitable meanings to the first and second parts in turn.

For younger children, the exercise may be simpler: try pronouncing words syllable by syllable. At the same time, emphasize each syllable. Have your child repeat after you, and then count the number of syllables together. He learns that the word av-to-mo-bil has more syllables than the word sa-mo-let or ra-ke-ta.

Remember some incident

Think about a recent event you took part in with your child: visiting a favorite aunt, celebrating a birthday, or going shopping. Take turns telling what you saw and what you did. Your child might start with, “When we were visiting Aunt Jane, I played train with Craig and Todd.” You add, “And Aunt Jane made French toast,” and your son will also remember, “And you spilled syrup on your blouse.”

Remember as many details as possible one by one until there is nothing left to add. After that, select another event.

Guess my song

Sing the first line of a song that your child probably knows. If he recognizes it, let him sing the next one. If he doesn't recognize it, continue your vocal practice until he remembers. The child will support you as soon as he understands which song you have chosen. Then it’s his turn to test your musical ear.

What I see?

Draw your child's attention to what you are passing by. Let him help you describe the city and country landscapes passing outside the window. Call out unusual objects, such as mounts on telephone poles, a dented car on the side of the road, sneakers hanging on a wire, and ask questions. For example: Let's count how many children are in the group? Are there more old or young people here? Look at the trees: are they the same? How are they different? How many churches (cafes, cows, fire stations, libraries or pharmacies) can you count?

Older children can be asked questions whose answers require analysis: “Why do you think cars are harmful? environment?”, “Why is it more profitable to build tall buildings?”, “What is the difference between houses in the city center and houses on the outskirts?”

Quick sketch

Invite your child to become an artist: have him draw some pictures of what he sees from the car. Give him paper and pencil. If you have a long trip ahead, have some colored pencils, markers or crayons ready. It would be a good idea to keep not only a spare tire in the trunk, but also a notebook with a box of crayons, unless, of course, your child gets sick in the car.

Travel tip

It would be nice to also have a plastic tray in the trunk. It may come in handy if your child has the inspiration to write or draw something - the tray can serve good table for drawing.

If your child is diligent and likes to carefully draw out the details in his drawing, ask him about each of them. Are there trees near the house? Are there clouds in the sky? Who are these people in the picture? However, when your child runs out of patience or is simply restless, advise him to make small sketches of what he saw during the trip: let houses be in one drawing, cars in another, people in a third, trees and the sky in a fourth, etc. If your child is a dreamer, give him the opportunity to rely on his own impressions and reflect them in drawings.

Do not forget

Even if the journey has been rough and you arrive late, be sure to take the time to look at the drawings and then carefully set them aside, telling your child that you will look at them in detail later at home.

Choir in a car

Since you are riding in your own “chariot,” you can sing while swaying to the tune. Everyone chooses a popular song that everyone can sing together. If there are several people in the car, then the “choir” can be divided into two or three groups. Automobile - beautiful place, where you can teach children the songs of your childhood or parents can get acquainted with the songs that are sung at school. If you like songs from musical films, listen to recordings of them and learn the words together. Hum tunes from your favorite TV shows. Teach your child the songs you love and, in turn, memorize his favorite songs.

Advice for music lovers

If you have a tape recorder in your car, play recordings of children's songs or your favorite songs and sing along to them. Of course, you can do it on your own, and it will be even more interesting if you record your family choral performance.

Talk like me

It's amazing what effect can be achieved by saying the same thing in different ways. By changing his voice, the child learns the differences in sounds more easily. Try this. Repeat the alphabet or read nursery rhymes in a normal voice. Then change the way you speak: speak very quickly or very slowly, in a high thin voice or deep bass, constantly stopping on different syllables or emphasizing every third word, etc. Let the child imitate you, repeating exactly what he hears. Most children enjoy playing with words by changing their voices. This is how they learn the world of words and language. For example, by simply changing the intonation, you can read the children's rhyme “My cheerful ringing ball, where have you rushed to gallop” as a lyric poem, or as scary story, or as a political appeal. Try reciting with a French accent, or gracing in German, or in fragmentary syllables like the Chinese, or changing “e” to “e” like the Southerners.

Pick a tune

Try using your favorite tunes for your family songs. If, for example, you are visiting Aunt Bonnie, who has a fat, fluffy cat named Delilah, you can borrow the melody from the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Woods” with the words:

And Delilah the cat
Stripes are good
Flea beetles live in stripes.
Scratch it, scratch it!

Take any song and change the words however you want to make it your own song. You will probably find some of them funny and will become favorites in your family. Record the most successful ones on a voice recorder so you don’t forget them.

Sad view

Look out the window and look at the world with a critical eye. Every time one of you notices something that spoils the beauty of the landscape, or is harmful to health, announce: “Pollution” - and explain what it is. It could be a littered street, suffocating exhaust fumes from a truck, or a smoking factory. Discuss the cause of pollution. Compare the pollution levels in the areas you pass through.

If you are passionate about helping nature, it would be a good idea to make short stops while traveling by car from time to time to clear out debris from at least those places that seem especially attractive to you.


Invite everyone sitting in the car to observe objects of the same type from the window. It could be dogs, trees, flowers, road signs, trucks, institutions, etc.

Whenever one of you notices an object of this kind, he names and shows it. Everyone's trying to define it distinctive features. If you have chosen dogs, you need to determine what breed it is - poodle, collie or mongrel. If these are buildings, then name their purpose - library, post office, hospital or school.

This game is best played with older children, but it is no less interesting for adults. It is especially convenient to play it when the car is moving slowly. Of course, you don't really want to understand dog breeds or read signs on buildings if the car in front is constantly slowing down in front of you.

To add variety, you can write the name of the chosen object on a piece of paper at the top of the paper, and have your child draw a picture at the bottom. Encourage him to make notes about each type of object you see. Then you can select other objects to observe and draw a new picture. By the end of the trip, you will know not only the quantity, but also much more about what you encountered along the way.

And all these trips will remain in the family memory as “a trip with cows” or “a trip to schools.”

Repeat a sound several times. You can lightly tap on the glass, click your tongue, repeat one syllable (la-la-la), stomp your foot, etc. Let your child listen carefully and count how many times you have done this. Then he should repeat the sound, imitating you. Then it’s his turn to make sounds, and you need to count and repeat them. Be patient if your child does something wrong. Remember that this is not a test of his abilities, but just a game, and the more you practice, the better he will become at distinguishing sounds.

Grandmother's chest

This fun game strengthens your memory and helps you concentrate. Someone begins to chant: “I went into the attic and found ...” - and names any object he wants. It could be a real thing, or it could be fictional. For example: “I went into the attic and found a purple dog with yellow stripes (or submarine, floating upside down, a gold pocket watch, three Martians, a one-armed doll).”

The second one repeats: “I went to the attic and found...” At the same time, he must name the item that the first participant in the game chose and add his own, continuing the story. And then each next player repeats everything that was said by the previous one and adds his own. Count how many items you can remember in sequence by the time you finish the game.

A variation of this game is “grandfather’s story.” Here, too, you need to name objects, but only alphabetically. For example: “When Jane went into the attic, she found an antelope, and I found a butterfly.” Then the next player repeats the words "a" and "b" and adds the word "c".

Travel tip

Come up with an exercise yourself to train your memory, where objects are listed sequentially and a new one is added with each repetition. Call on your imagination to help. For example, “I ended up in a strange zoo where I saw a tiny red elephant, a snake wearing night slippers, a short giraffe, etc.”

"T" words

Take turns choosing any letter and, looking out of the car window, look for objects starting with it. If your child is still learning letters, help him.

When there is an older child in the car, he can write down the words named, and younger children can draw the objects they saw.

Try to start the game with the letter “T” and carefully watch from the window for transport, taxis, tractors, telephones, pipes, highways, trolleybuses, trams. A student may also notice: a trailer, a freight train, a theater, a dachshund, a ticket, a crowd. If all the “Ts” that you encounter on the way have dried up, then you can name any other words starting with this letter: dance, slippers, plate, cottage cheese, television, cart, calf, telescope, body, pace, temperature, tennis, shadow, warmth, thermometer, territory, dough, notebook, tiger, product, theme, darkness, mud, push, brake, fat man, crack, tomato, ax, etc.

Start by searching for ten words starting with the letter "T" and try to beat your high score. Then try the same with other letters.

Write a poem

Start with a simple one-syllable word, such as “cat” and take turns adding nouns to rhyme: year, mouth, mole, honey, ice, vault. Then try to compose a quatrain something like this:

Don't bee bite me
Tell me how you are doing.
Make a circle goodbye
And fly to the motley meadow.

Then see what happens to your poem if you combine the same words in a different order:

A bee buzzed to me:
“My affairs are good:
I don't want to bite
I’d rather fly to the meadow.”

Even if you are not sure of your child’s poetic gift, you still need to give him a chance. After all, adults, with their large vocabulary, sometimes write such nonsense.

Guess what it is

Maybe you played this simple game with your parents, and they with theirs. Think of an object and ask your child to guess what it is. Offer him one clue. If he doesn't guess, tell him again. Continue helping him until he names the thing correctly. To make the task easier, you can describe the characteristics of the item and how it is used. For example, if you chose a car steering wheel for the riddle, the first clue might be: “It's something round.” Then: “It helps point the car in the right direction.” Third clue: "The driver touches him." Then: “I need to hold it when I drive.” At first, your descriptions should be simple and specific so that the child can easily guess the item. When he gains experience in this game, the item can be described more veiledly and given detailed descriptions only when necessary. Ask each other these riddles one at a time.

Account on the road

If your child can't wait to get there, have him count some objects along the way. You can count how many red traffic lights there are, how many intersections there are in the distance from your house to the turn on the highway or from the school to the supermarket. Offer him this game: who can count to more while you drive from one traffic light to another or how many songs you can sing until the next traffic police post.

I'm famous

This is a variation of the well known old game "Twenty Questions"; the only difference is that all questions relate to outstanding personality. Someone says: "I famous person. Guess who". Other participants in the game ask leading questions to determine “who he is,” and the answers can only be “yes” and “no.”

For example, you can't ask, "What movie were you in last year?" According to the rules, only this: “Were you shown on television last year?”, “Was it funny?”, “Was it serious?” etc.

Traditionally, you can only ask twenty questions to guess who you are talking about, but you can continue the game. For this " famous person should give you three clues, and you ask twenty more questions. You can come up with any other rules.

License plate

In any country, children play with inscriptions on car license plates. Here are the options for these games:

‑‑ doublets and triplets - look for letters and numbers that are repeated on the sign;
‑‑ regions - see how many license plates different regions you will be able to discover;
‑‑ unusual license plates - look for signs with an interesting combination of letters, choose the funniest ones and try to understand what they mean;
‑‑ 21 - look for numbers whose sum of digits is equal to twenty-one or any other number you can think of;
‑‑ alphabet - find letters on license plates, name them in alphabetical order.

How do we hear letters?

While younger children are playing with license plates, you can use another activity to develop older children's ability to identify letters by ear. To do this, one of you names a word, and the other must name a word that begins with the last letter of the previous one. For example; elephant, rhinoceros, hyena, stork. Play in a circle counterclockwise. Invite children to name 5 words in 60 seconds or 10 words in 2 minutes. Then test yourself to see if you can do it faster.

Traveling "somewhere"

Imagine that instead of going to work or shopping, you and your child are going “somewhere.” Decide where you'd like to go, what you'll need to take with you, and what you'll do there. Pack your imaginary baggage for a trip "somewhere" and imagine what fun you'll have there. Together, come up with the details of the trip and what you will see there.

Travel tip

Sometimes you have to drive on a busy highway, which requires calm and full concentration of your attention. To occupy your child's time during this time, take an hourglass with you for 2-3 minutes. If the traffic is heavy or you are tired, give your child this watch and ask him to sit quietly while the sand pours down. If necessary, have him turn them over and wait until the sand is poured again.

Pizza in the car

If you are going to have lunch or dinner when you arrive home, and the long road has tired you and deprived you of your appetite, then while still in the car, you can excite it. Think about what you would like to eat; Let's say your child chooses pizza. Start “cooking” an imaginary pizza right in the car. Ask him what is needed for this. If he says that you need to take the dough, then ask how he plans to prepare it. Talk about what tomato paste is made from, how to grate cheese, and how to make dried herbs.

Taking care of the menu

Save your taste buds. Don't imagine making pizza the day you plan to serve fish and mash for lunch.

If your child liked cooking in the car, follow through and make real pizza at home, and of course, with the participation of your little helper, while remembering with him what you discussed in the car.

Words in alphabetical order

Choose some type of object, animate or inanimate, such as animals, people you know, items of clothing, or places to go. Then name words from the chosen category in alphabetical order, for example: antelope, ram, wolf, hyena... Young children can be prompted. The point of the game is not only to have fun, but also to learn letters, sounds, and words. If you have older children in the car, you can play this game in two teams. First, the younger one names an antelope, then the older one names other animals starting with “A,” for example, shark or alligator. An adult can also play or help each of the children. If you can’t quickly find a word, don’t linger, continue on without making the children bored.


When you get home, choose an object or animal that your baby doesn't know about and read about it in a book. You will also be interested.


If your child is struggling to learn which way is right and which is left, help him by spending five minutes playing Directions. This can only be done on quiet sections of the road and, of course, not in the middle of the highway. Let him control the movement of your car by giving commands “right” and “left”. If he raised left hand, will tell you to turn left, so you do so. Having accepted the command, you can also raise your left hand and say: “Yes, the car is turning left.” If he tells you to turn right, but there is no right turn in this place, then drive up to the sidewalk, stop the car and say: “The command is incorrect, the car cannot move in this direction.” After doing several exercises, check whether the child, mentally repeating this situation, can give the correct command.

Spatial relations

When your child gets a little older and already knows where the right is and where left-hand side, you can use the machine to help him develop a sense of distance. To do this, you drive a quarter of a kilometer, half a kilometer, a kilometer, and then name the distance - 250m, 500m and 1000m, that is, the one you drove.

Who will see first

Let the children come up with their own road rules. For example, if you see a cafe, you should say “coffee.” If you cross railway- raise both legs, and if you see a dog, bark. The point is that you have to be the first to follow the rule correctly every time. Whoever scores ten points first wins the game. If everyone reacts at the same time, everyone gets a point.

Finger puppets

During rush hour, you and your child may find yourself caught up in fast-moving traffic and need to pay close attention to the road. This is one of the games that is designed for that atypical situation when a child wants to talk to you, but you cannot. When you hit the road, take a felt-tip pen, or better yet two, different colors, and draw faces on your child’s fingers - smiling, dissatisfied and surprised with open mouth- three on one hand and two on the other.

Let your child name each “doll” and introduce them to each other. Ask him if he can tell them a story, sing a song, and somehow entertain them while you drive down a busy stretch of road.

Published based on the book by S. Feldcher and S. Lieberman “400 ways to keep a child 2 to 8 years old busy.”

Yuri Okunev School

Hello friends. The weekend continues. And the theme of relaxation is also in my articles.
A week ago I and younger brother Mikhail and his daughter Alisa went to the village to visit his parents.

Along the way, we remembered entertainment that we could use to pass the time: games in the car on the road. I listened more, wondering how much had slipped my mind in the fifteen years that had passed since my cheerful student days. Well, my brother, who still doesn’t stop going on hikes and is a professional organizer active rest reminded.

The time on the road flew by. Try it yourself, I'm sure you'll like it too. Moreover, you can play without leaving home, with your family.

One of the participants asks the topic: “If I were... (an African animal, a teapot, a president, a wizard, a piece of glass, etc.).” Then everyone comes up with their own fantasy on the specified topic.

The game allows you not only to have fun, but also to learn something about yourself, your friends and acquaintances. For example, it can be noted that a person conveys in his fantasy: the idea of ​​creation, service, production, or the idea of ​​consumption and the pursuit of pleasure.

2. Balda (add a letter)

The first participant comes up with a word in his mind. Names a letter from this word. Each subsequent player adds his own to this letter, meaning some word. Whoever names the word last (can't add a letter) loses. The loser receives the letter “B” as an asset – the first from the word balda. Who collected full word- he’s a fool.

3. Ice cream or mustard

The driver thinks of some word. They ask him: “Ice cream or mustard?” The driver determines by internal sensations whether the word he has chosen is closer to ice cream or mustard and says, for example, “Mustard.” The rest of the participants offer him the following pair to choose from: “Mustard or fire?” Thus, you need to find the hidden word.

4. Contact

The driver thinks of a word, for example, “Elephant”. Names the first letter. Other participants ask leading questions: “Isn’t this white sweetness?” The task of the participants is to guess, based on the leading question, what is meant, before the driver guesses about it.

If someone understands what is meant, he says: “Contact.” Together with the questioner, they count to five and say out loud the word that was meant: “Sugar.” If the answer is correct and the driver did not have time to guess it, he opens the next letter. The task is to guess the whole word.

5. Telephone

One participant “calls” and tells how unusual, amazing place he is in. The other responds by telling his story.

You need to use your imagination and tell about your journey convincingly and captivatingly.

6. I see what you don't see

The game is similar to “hot - cold” and is a variant of “Danetka”.
The driver looks out for some thing in the environment and says: “I see something that you don’t see.”
Other participants ask: is this so-and-so or there or such-and-such.

The driver answers only yes or no. You need to guess what was planned.

Using Datanet you can guess cities, capitals, plants, animals and even entire detective stories.

7. Rhymes

One participant sets the first stanza and the beginning of the second:

I went for a walk to the river,

Jumped over the stove

Landed on a goat...

The second one finishes the stanza he started and begins the next one.

It's good that he was in the basin.
But the goat was unlucky...

Thus, a whole fairy tale or poem can be born. The meaning and rhyme are periodically lost, but this is not a problem. The main thing is that everyone is having fun.

8. Poems - rescuers, pests

The same game, only one of the participants constantly creates problems for the hero, the second solves them.

Petya goes for a walk above.
Lo and behold, bandits are in the alley.
They grabbed Petya by the chest.

Petya loudly shouted “Ki!”
He didn't go to the gym in vain
He ran away from the bandits.

9. Letter P

One of the participants thinks of a word to himself, for example, “pie.” Others tell him which letter he will give clues for so that they can guess the word, let it be the letter “M”.

Hints are given: soft, meaty, oily... The task is to guess the given word.

10. Associations

Game for four. Two pairs of players are created.

The participant from the first pair thinks of a word. Calls it to one of the players of the second pair. He must give a hint in one word to his partner, who is trying to guess what is meant.

If it doesn’t work out, the chance to guess the word is given to the representative of the other pair. One more word is added to the already announced clue.

The game is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Develops empathy, the ability to hear and understand a partner. It's captivating and can last for hours.

And finally, an eternal hit.

11. Game "Green Crocodile"

One of the participants is told a word or phrase in his ear, which he must show to his friends through facial expressions and gestures. And if there are no problems with a turnip or a car, trying to show sublimation, association or expropriation is not an easy task.

The game is always fun and can entertain any company for several hours.

This is where I end my short review games that can be played in the car or on the train, suitable for both children and adults. Subscribe to updates, share with friends.

Have a great weekend. And see you soon on the blog pages.
Yours, Yuri Okunev.

This summer, many of us will go on road trips - to a concert in a neighboring city, to visit relatives in the village, to see the beauty in one of the picturesque republics of Russia. And of course, sooner or later any traveler faces the question of what to do so that boredom does not overtake on the road and spoil the impression of the trip. When the topics for conversation with fellow travelers gradually dry up, it’s time for games! And including a driver in the game, especially in the dark, will greatly help your friend cope with fatigue and drowsiness.

So, known to all of us since childhood "Game of Cities"

You can split into teams or play for yourself. You name the cities one by one. Name of each next city must begin with the letter with which the name of the previous one ends. If the name of the city ends in “й”, “ь” or “ы”, you can use the penultimate letter (if, for example, “й” is the penultimate letter). Names already used cannot be repeated.

Example: Tomsk-Krakow-Venice-Yaroslavl-London... etc.

But if your geography is not very good, or there are small children in the car, play "Word Game"

The principle of the game is the same as in Cities, but now you name nouns (singular, noun case).

Example: Pumpkin - orange - rhinoceros - harmony... etc.

Particularly cunning players can choose their words in such a way that they always end in “a” (after all, there are a lot of such words in the Russian language - lampA, akula, stopA, etc.), which will lead to bewilderment, and then to the fury of the one who says the word after it. The next person will have to remember words starting with the letter “a” over and over again.

One of the most popular games on the road is “There is contact!”

The minimum number of participants is three, but the more people, the merrier. One driver is chosen, he thinks of a word, says the first letter out loud. The goal of the other players is to guess the word.

Example: The word “rocket” is guessed, the first letter “r” is called out loud.

Now all players take this letter as a basis and begin to come up with their own words starting with this letter. They try to explain the words that come to their minds, without naming them, to each other. The partner must understand what word his friend is describing and, having understood, say “There is contact!” After this, both players count out loud “one-two-three” and call the word in chorus. The driver also listens carefully to the players’ guesses and while the words “one-two-three” are being heard, he must get ahead of them, saying “No, this is not (a word)! »

Example: The player remembered the word “hand” and explains to his partner “This is a limb of the human body, they write with it.” The partner understands that we're talking about about the hand, says “There is contact!” Together they count out loud “One-two-three”, at this moment the driver manages to say “No, this is not a hand!”

If the driver did not have time to answer or did not guess the intended word, he must tell the players the second letter of his intended word. In this case, the players’ attempts continue, but the players think of words starting with the first two (three, etc. letters).

Example: The driver did not guess/did not have time to say “No, this is not a hand!” He names the second letter of the hidden word - “a”. Players come up with words starting with “ra” (backpack, frame, reconnaissance, etc.), and also try to explain them to each other.

Naturally, as you guess the letters, the circle of possible word options narrows and in the end the word is still solved. The game continues until the players guess the word intended by the driver or until they spell it. Then the player who named the word becomes the leader and the next round of the game begins.

Another road game "Three-liter jar."

This game develops imagination and teaches how to relate objects. All players in their imagination imagine a three-liter jar (its size, shape, neck diameter) and take turns naming objects that can fit in it (scissors, frog, cube, sock, etc.).

When everyone in the company learns to play it, we complicate the rules:

- name all objects starting with the same letter of the alphabet (for example, “M”: moth-soap-“milky-way”, etc.);

- name objects starting with the last letter of the previous word (mole-lightbulb-orange, etc.).

Thanks to the great and powerful Russian language, even a large object can become small - if we add diminutive suffixes (-ik-, - ek-, -ok-, -in+k-, -ich+k-, -echk- and etc.)

For example, we all understand that a “car” won’t fit into a jar, but a “typewriter” or even a “little car” can.

Creative companies can sing on the road endless songs, which have no end, thanks to the looping plot. At first this idea seems stupid, but the fifth time it is repeated to everyone, for an inexplicable reason, it becomes very funny and cheerful, and a slight madness begins.

The most famous song without end is “The priest had a dog, he loved it...”. We prefer this song with a happy ending, “10 Little Pigs”:

10 little pigs went swimming in the sea,

10 piglets frolicked in the open space,

And here is the result - 9 piglets!

9 little pigs went swimming in the sea,

9 little pigs frolicked in the open space,

One of them drowned, his coffin was cut down,

And here is the result - 8 piglets!

8 little pigs went swimming in the sea...

Two little pigs went swimming in the sea

Two piglets frolicked in the open space,

One of them drowned, his coffin was cut down,

And here is the result - 1 piglet!

1 little pig went swimming in the sea,

1 little pig frolicked in the open space,

Then he went down, found himself a wife,

And here is the result - 10 piglets!

And we start again: 10 little pigs went swimming in the sea...

And finally, let's talk about the game “Yes-no.”

“Yes-no” are complicated riddles. The presenter very briefly tells a story - a beginning and an incredible ending, and the players must guess what could have happened in this situation. From the name it is clear that the players’ task is to ask questions about the plot of the story, to which the presenter can only answer “yes” and “no”. Of course, you need to start with the easiest one, but the more complex the hidden “yes-no”, the greater the excitement of guessing it. You can come up with “yes-no” yourself, or you can search the Internet in advance. Here are some examples:

1. Question: The woman didn’t know how to get rid of the overstaying guests, but he saved her phone call. How?

Answer: The woman pretended that the caller told her about a fire in the house of one of the guests, but she did not hear whose house they were talking about.

2. Question: People with metal detectors walk along the central streets of the city all day, what are they looking for?

Answer: Before the arrival of the important person, the city authorities ordered the roads in the center to be urgently asphalted. Everything was done in such a hurry that sewer hatches and even tram rails were rolled under the asphalt.

3. Question: A man went on vacation and asked a friend to look after his cat. A week later there were already 8 adult cats running around in the apartment. Where did they come from?

Answer: The next day the cat ran away, and the man had to post a missing person notice. Since he himself did not yet know the cat very well, he had to keep all the similar cats that were brought to him. And wait for the arrival of a friend who had to identify his pet.

In this article, we presented to your attention games that can be played in the car without using additional props, which means the driver can (and sometimes should) take part in them. If even games can’t overcome your sleep, then the best thing to do is stop by the side of the road and take a nap for a couple of hours, which is often enough to rest. Bon Voyage!

This is not the first year that we have been going on vacation with our children by car. In addition, our babies are accustomed to traveling by train and bus. But this year we planned our first trip from Kyiv to Aheloy (Bulgaria), 1400 km long. This trip lasts about a day. We divided the road into 2 sections: Kyiv-Odessa and Odessa-Aheloy. This simplifies the situation a little, but it would still be difficult for children on the road if you don’t think through leisure activities for them.

Based on our travel experience, I came to the conclusion that books with tasks, books to look at, books with short stories, printouts with activities, a tablet with games, small toys, and, of course, a lot of pencils are a must-have for a long journey.

And now, in order, a list of games for children on the go:

1. Books with tasks, coloring books, labyrinths, stickers, themed kits. These things are extremely helpful on the road. Children are distracted from questions: “When will we arrive? Why so long? Why is everything the same outside the window? “Is it soon?” Instead, they plunge into tasks headlong. Books with tasks and stickers are especially good. This time, coloring pages with animals “Colorful Jungle” and “Colorful Forest” were more useful than ever. We drove along and glued feathers on the parrot, scales on the crocodile, and thought about what animals we would meet on the seashore.

2. Books to look at. These are all kinds of encyclopedias, educational art books, search books a la “I Spy”. They can be played by two or three people at the same time. This is important for us :) We look at illustrations together, discuss them, look for various hidden things, read in encyclopedias different facts, stories. The book “Maps” is especially pleasing on the road. We found Bulgaria and Ukraine in it, drew our path with our fingers, then opened a spread with Romania and Moldova and spent a long time looking at the sights and features of these countries.

3. Short stories. This time we came with a book about the wonderful little fox Harold and the book “Shopping,” as well as mini-stories about animals. These books are light and easy for a child to leaf through. Sima often hovers over such books and begins to invent alternative histories or retell the plot.

I recorded a separate video about children's books before we left:

Cheat sheet with a list of books:

  • “Encyclopedia of everything in the world in pictures” by Thierry Laval
  • “More than history. Stories for children on history and geography” Yuay Rosa
  • "Harold. The Little Fox Who Outsmarted Everyone” Claudia Boldt
  • “Maps” Alexandra Mizielińska, Daniel Mizieliński

4. Tablet with games. This is a lifeline when the mood is not good. Most often this happens in the heat at the border: (Our tablet contains useful applications: and, which I already wrote about, mathematical and logic games, games for studying animals, drawing games, construction sets, interactive books, games on English language, puzzles, cards, search engines. Disadvantages of the tablet: 1. many games are made in compliance with sound safety recommendations, so they are hard to hear when the car is in motion, 2. the tablet may run out of charge while on the go, and then take a long and tedious time to charge (if you have the opportunity to charge it at all) , 3. There is only one tablet, and in our case there are two people who want to play.

5. Cartoons. It's the same story with them as with the tablet. Our cartoons were recorded on a laptop, which quickly ran out of charge, and the audibility was not as good as we would like. Although the animated series “The Land Before Time” saved us on the Romanian border.

6. Small toys: cars (we're on the road), characters, lacing, jewelry for girls, animal figurines, kinders, etc.

7. Pencils, crayons and markers. We only have them thick, they are very comfortable to hold, they do not fall out of your hands. We store them in metal IKEA boxes.

8. And, of course, printable tasks:) I made travel finds sheets, drawing templates, and a word search game that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Total 6 sheets.

What games can you play with your child on the road? What to do with your child on the road?

Are you driving and your child distracts you? Or are you traveling on a train or bus for a long time and you have nothing to keep your child occupied? Take with you a comfortable handbag where you can put your child’s favorite toys, books, new toy, paper, pencils, musical toys, cassettes with recordings of children's songs, etc. d. These educational games develop holistic perception, creative imagination and memory.

Here are a few games you can play on the go.

Favorite toy

◈ Take your child’s favorite toy with you on the road, and if you cannot pay attention to him, let him play with it in the back seat of the car - talk to it, show the way out the window, etc.

“And such rubbish all day long...”

◈ If your child likes to talk on the phone, take a toy mobile phone on the road and let him talk on it. Well, who he will talk to and what topic he will choose is up to him to decide. You can only give advice if the thread of the “conversation” is interrupted.


The game develops holistic perception and creative imagination

◈ How to play: you sit behind the wheel and watch the road - let the child look at the patterns in the kaleidoscope and tell you what they look like. And if you are not driving, look at them one by one and come up with names for them.


The game trains your memory

◈ How to play: you say: “I put an apple in the suitcase.” In turn, the child must say: “And I put an apple and a pear in the suitcase.” You continue: “I put an apple, a pear and a plum in my suitcase,” etc., until the fruits listed are exhausted or someone makes a mistake.

◈ Reinforce: change the topic, start listing: “In the garden I found a rake, a shovel, a watering can, a hose, a bucket”, etc. If the child knows the alphabet, you can list the items in alphabetical order.

“A smile will make everyone brighter...”

The game forms arbitrary memory

◈ How to play: turn on a tape recorder with a recording of children's songs and play “Guessing Games” - from which animated films are the songs taken? Which hero sings them? Sing along, clap your hands.

Drawing machines - washers

◈ Take a graphite board with you on the road and draw on it. It is very convenient: if something does not suit the child or there is no free space left on it, everything can be erased.

◈ Let your child draw a favorite toy, write words that you will dictate to him, numbers and much more. Let him make a riddle about what he drew, and you will guess. It can be funny and exciting.

◈ And when you arrive home, let him tell the story based on the drawing.


A game for developing fine motor skills and training the ability to classify.

◈ How to play: take with you on the road an album and stickers - cars, flowers, etc. Let the child stick them in random order or distribute them into groups: vegetables on one page, fruits on another; alternates in color, shape or as he likes. This activity can be voiced: let him tell you, for example, that he is sticking a vegetable, and you guess which one. So you won’t even notice how you got to the right place!

◈ Replenish your album. Let the child give it a name (“Favorite toys”, “Book about fish”, etc.).


◈ Take a magnetic board and various magnetic objects and pictures with you on the road. They can be arranged by topic: vegetables, furniture, items for winter entertainment, flowers, etc. The child can lay out words from letters.

◈ Or, without looking up from the steering wheel, you can wish him simple task, and he will lay out the answer to it from the counting sticks.

“Koos are grazing in the meadow...”

Game for speech development. She teaches how to form words by adding others to the word.

◈ How to play: sing a song with your child:

- Far, far away in the meadow there are cats grazing...

- No, not horses. Far, far away, cats are grazing in a meadow...

- No, not goats. Far, far away, cats are grazing in a meadow...

- Cows!

- That's right, cows. Children, drink milk and you will be healthy.

◈ Continue playing - Mo... (-tray, -loko, -born), etc. Change roles - the child names the syllable, and you finish the word. You can name them in alphabetical order: you started, the child continued, and so on for each letter. For example, A-nya, ba-bonka, weights, peas...

Barrel point

◈ You can also play rhyme on the road. You start: “Barrel,” - the child answers, for example: “Daughter,” - you continue: “Cheek,” - he: “Bump,” - you: “Squash.” The child will tell you that there is no such word. But this is not important, the rhyme is important. Then switch roles.

"Look out the window"

◈ If you are driving in a car, you can open the window and listen to the sounds coming from the street, name them: the sound of rain, the rustling of leaves, people’s voices, etc. Compare - do you hear these sounds the same?

Musical toys

◈ You can take musical toys with you on the road and arrange a concert for your mother. And she will watch the road. The child can sing along with the toys. Or maybe mom will sing too - the journey will seem more fun and shorter.

“When we arrive...”

◈ Children of this age love to plan what they will do when they get there. Keep the conversation going: what will you do when you arrive, what will you do later?