SAGITTARIUS MEN: How to conquer, conquer, seduce, hold, marry?

How to seduce a Sagittarius man?
How to get rid of Sagittarius?
How to keep Sagittarius?

The material is a tool for manipulating a person. It is better to use it to establish Serious relationships, based on the principles of mutuality and cooperation in the family being created.


Independent by nature, Sagittarius values ​​independence in a woman, so when communicating with him, you must, first of all, avoid intrusiveness. I would say that Uranus as a ruler is more characteristic of Sagittarius than Aquarius. When you catch Sagittarius with your biofield or hypnotic gaze, be prepared for him to begin to move chaotically or methodically around the room or space, unable to sit still. So he unhooks from you, and this is a signal. You shouldn’t show him at all that you consider your right to him undeniable. You DON'T have it. Sagittarius loves a woman with unconventional views and not petty. You will have to not waste time on trifles even in everyday life, tripping over a sharp ski pole sticking out from under his bed and getting hit with a shabby plastic hockey stick on the visor in the dark corridor. He will ask: “Do you like it? (in the sense of a stick), to which you must say: “YES SIR!!!” And give the go-ahead.

Sagittarius - “natural” person, cheerful, non-spillable and not a blotter. He is unlikely to like the abundance of makeup on your face. “And with this you are ready to go on a hike? Light a fire?” And the natural chinchilla fur on your shoulder will cause him bitter disgust. "How can you kill animals that are created by nature. They bring us joy." You can dress for Sagittarius in colors sea ​​wave, in turquoise, in a combination of white and brown.

...created for you if:

Sagittarius is yours if you love to travel, love surprises, laugh at the top of your lungs at jokes about Lieutenant Rzhevsky with his puns, you are romantic by nature, and you kept your last lover under your thumb, prefer men with imagination, love to play seduction , if you are independent and demand freedom!!!

Run away from him if you:

Run away from Sagittarius if you sometimes want to sit in silence, are afraid of vanity and confusion, and want to look at Sagittarius closely, point-blank and in detail. fixing your gaze on every little thing, if you don’t understand how you can spend free time with friends, if you prefer to lead your partner on a leash, even a psychological one, if you yearn for your former chosen one, who at least spoke his mind and taught what he himself lived if you are not going to tolerate his independence, if you want to be his last partner.

For him to love you, you must be:

For Sagittarius to fall in love with you, be independent, tolerant, love to eat from a thermos in nature, and carry matches in a plastic bag so as not to get them wet. And prepare your skis in the evening and dry your ski boots. In the morning before the campaign, wake up the children yourself, wash them, feed them, dress them and be ready to go, wait for your general. Learn to be young at heart, ready for adventure.

To avoid losing it, you cannot:

In order not to lose this tomboy - Sagittarius, who has two kings in his head and everyone is in charge, you cannot limit his freedom, control his actions, criticize him, put pressure on him, make him bored. Don't let any obstacles scare you. Develop the right behavior towards Sagittarius, keep peace of mind and harmony, and learn to predict his reaction to your every step. In this case, you can count on victory. Love means a lot to Sagittarius in life, so Sagittarius must be protected, if possible, from other women. Become a blinder on his eye. Spin with him.

Gift for a Sagittarius man:

Sagittarius loves paintings with views of distant lands, postcards about the city to which fate has brought him, books on philosophy, reference books - a must: Sagittarius believes that having a reference book, you can write more than one book yourself, give him cameras of complex design...

Spyglasses, wine glasses, commemorative coins, a collection of wall plates, ethnic whistles and statues, puzzles, chess, checkers, and most best gift- travel voucher. For this occasion, give a couple of flasks, a folding knife-fork-corkscrew, a tube of dry hand rub, a folding cup and a suitcase with large wheels, in case you most You will go on foot to get to your vacation spot. And a compass...

How to get rid of it?

If after this you want to quickly get rid of Sagittarius, then every morning, methodically, as the first time, nothing has happened, make a scandal for him, morning and evening. No reason needed. Demand that he sit next to you all the time within 4 walls. Stop looking after yourself. All men do not like this, and Virgos and Sagittarius are especially sensitive to their wife’s untidiness. If at the beginning of your vacation he suggests rafting down a mountain river, then twist it expressively at his temple...

..AND TELL HIM THAT HE HAD TO DO A BATHROOM AND KITCHEN RENOVATION FOR SIX MONTHS SINCE... The dispute over who should run to the store for bread or empty the ashtray will force Sagittarius to look for a better life in this sublunary world. Remove from your life one of the three pillars of Sagittarius’ existence: either sports, or healthy and good nutrition, or the romance and love of Sagittarius will quickly decline. It won't be easy for Sagittarius to survive from a home where the food is delicious and the laundry is clean. Therefore, first we transfer it to super-pupper vegetarian food, and after this meal, with grass in his stomach, send him to check the children’s lessons. If this Sagittarius doesn't have the Moon in Taurus, then make him nail down shelves in the closet on weekends or cover up the windows, because he spent money not on plastic frames, but on mountaineering equipment. When Sagittarius returns unshaven and hungry...

Meet him with an empty refrigerator and a broken vacuum cleaner and force him to fix it, noting that breakfast, as in the story about the dog Pif, still needs to be earned!!!

In general, Sagittarius is good because he only cries into his pillow. Nobody sees his tears. This is not a philosophical matter, gentlemen.

Due to his strong self-confidence and his abilities, the Sagittarius man often gives the impression of an arrogant and self-confident type - but the opinions of others bother him little.

The Sagittarius man is a purposeful person and, as a rule, finishes what he starts. For any Sagittarius man, it is very important to find a goal in life, otherwise he can continually get involved in dubious adventures in search of success and self-realization; the lack of a favorite activity, a goal to which he could strive, greatly depresses the Sagittarius man.

Sagittarius men are very sociable, enthusiastic and interesting people. They are interested in the whole world. In conversations with a Sagittarius, you can be amazed at his erudition; the Sagittarius man knows a little about everything. The truth in professional life, in which Sagittarians are engaged - they are real masters, since their initiative and passion make them people who are constantly looking for new knowledge, answers to emerging questions (which they always find), on the way to achieving their goal.

Since Sagittarius men are easily carried away and amorous in nature, then in order to keep this man you will have to accept this side of his personality and in no case make scenes of jealousy when he is in Once again smiles at someone. Sagittarius men flirt with all women, and it doesn’t matter what age she is - it’s theirs characteristic.

Another very characteristic feature of Sagittarius men is sincerity and openness. The truthfulness of a Sagittarius man can be quite painful, but still, this also has its advantages: the Sagittarius man does not know how to deceive (unless he has learned to do it professionally) and is not able to lead double play, this is a very straightforward representative zodiac circle and says what he really thinks.

In order to be able to keep Sagittarius, a man needs to take the position of a free woman, with her own goals and ideas.

Since a Sagittarius man values ​​his freedom very much and knows how to enjoy life to the fullest, putting a ring on him and luring him down the aisle is not an easy task. This requires the right tactics.

If you decide to keep a Sagittarius man, then you need to understand very clearly that this man will not tolerate attempts to tame him, close his home, deprive him of his beloved freedom, just like the Aquarius man. It would be better to let him walk on a long leash.
Don’t interrogate him about where and with whom he was, don’t try to call him to responsibility and manipulate his sense of duty - this makes Sagittarius run away like fire, since getting out and making excuses is worse for him than death.

To keep a Sagittarius man you need to be an active and positive girl. Sagittarians are constantly eager to go somewhere - hiking, rafting, traveling, communicating with friends, active sports - all this gives them the opportunity to feel alive. Therefore, the most correct thing for you will be to share his hobbies, and to give the right gifts on significant dates for Sagittarius.

To be able to marry a Sagittarius, you need to become for him not only a lover, but also a friend, a person who can share his views, a woman with whom he can share his ideas and find interest in them, the woman who looks at the world through his eyes .

To keep a Sagittarius man, you need to be mobile, relaxed, generous and enthusiastic. To keep a Sagittarius man, you must be infected with the same spirit of freedom as him.

Convince your Sagittarius that besides him, you still have important hobbies and activities in life. Believe me, having understood this, the Sagittarius man will want just such a woman to be next to him.

You definitely shouldn’t sit at home waiting for your Sagittarius to finally deign to appear. For a Sagittarius man, in order to bind and hold him, you need to demonstrate the independence and usefulness of your living space without his presence. Therefore, if he is not at home, go somewhere, engage in communication with friends, a hobby that will bring you benefit and pleasure.

The Sagittarius man does not really love and respect family ties, so don’t bother him with Sunday trips to his mother and frequent “family dinners” - I advise you to do this “in doses” and not too often, since this is a dubious pleasure for a Sagittarius. He, in turn, will also not burden you with communication with his loved ones, and force you to “shuffle around” in front of his mother.

Responsive, sensitive and dreamy, the Sagittarius man is a desirable prey for many women. Having decided to win the heart of this restless and merry fellow, the lady must be prepared for his flighty character. A representative of such a zodiac sign sometimes does not know what he wants. Therefore, his fan will have to shine in front of him with all her facets and virtues.

How to win a Sagittarius man

A sociable, inquisitive and witty fan with a good sense of humor has every chance of winning a bright and cheerful Sagittarius man. A narrow-minded and sad lady with many complexes will not be able to arouse his interest. Such a man does not tolerate unnecessary suspicion and jealousy.

A representative of this zodiac sign will certainly notice and appreciate the physical attractiveness of a potential partner. But it must be combined with vital activity, high level intelligence and the lady’s constant desire for self-development. The Sagittarius man is looking for a woman to be a worthy interlocutor and a reliable friend rather than a keeper of the family hearth and an ideal mother of his children.

An indispensable assistant in conquering a representative fire element there will be optimism. A positive-minded young lady will be able to interest and captivate him.

The Sagittarius man values ​​his freedom very much. The lady of the heart will have to accept this love of freedom and save the chosen one from interrogations with bias. But at the same time, she can and should be interested in the hobbies and plans of her lover, without crossing a certain line.

A representative of this zodiac sign quickly falls in love and immediately confesses his feelings to his chosen one. The trouble is that his love can go out as quickly as it flared up.

How to keep a Sagittarius man

An optimistic Sagittarius man is able to add bright colors to the life of his chosen one. But when in a relationship with him, you need to remember his frivolity. The representative of the fire element is in constant search. So that he does not have a desire to elude his partner, she should take into account some features of his character.

The main rule is no strict restrictions. A woman will have to calmly accept and put up with the need for her chosen one to periodically change the environment and break out of the everyday routine to relax with friends or go on a business trip. You also need to pay attention to the intonation of your voice. Such a man will not tolerate a commanding tone. You should not demand reports from him about the time spent or money spent.

The partner of a Sagittarius man must have a decent appearance to serve as his decoration in society.

A bright, temperamental lady has every chance to retain a representative of this zodiac sign. But she should not assume leadership in relationships and discussions. A Sagittarius man needs positive emotions and the right to always be one step higher than his partner.

A favorable environment at home is also important to him. It's about not only about cleanliness and order, but also about psychological comfort. Constant scandals, women's tears, notations - a sure step towards separation. A constructive conversation will be more effective.

The Sagittarius man will only want to maintain relationships that bring him positive emotions. Optimistic and impulsive, he will not tolerate a boring, sad or melancholic partner for long.

How to get a Sagittarius man back

The Sagittarius man has an innate sense of justice. If he realizes that he is to blame for the breakup, he will ask for forgiveness and take the first step towards reconciliation. If the partner is guilty, a representative of this zodiac sign will also be willing to talk and accept her apology. Seeing the woman’s sincere repentance and her desire to make peace, such a man will willingly resume the relationship. Formal apologies will not lead to a positive outcome.

The desire to change and follow your chosen one everywhere will help the lady return the Sagittarius man. It is important for a representative of this zodiac sign to see a true like-minded person in his partner. If a woman listens to him carefully, becomes a worthy interlocutor and a brave adventurer, then she has every chance of a happy future with the restless Sagittarius man.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

What kind of a Sagittarius man is he?

A Sagittarius man can be noticed from afar - he is always cheerful, optimistic, with bright, positive energy. The ground is burning under his feet, a hundred ideas are visiting his head at the same time. He believes that life is always beautiful and in any situation, and therefore you need to live to the maximum. However, he does just that.

He is like a leaf - he is constantly carried around the world. As a rule, Sagittarius men are energetic and inquisitive. They are also quite ascetic, so living for a month in a tent on the top of a mountain is not a problem for him at all; Sagittarius even sees a certain romanticism in this.

It's interesting and not boring with him. Surprisingly, Sagittarius men are eternal children in in a good way this word. They are open and pure, completely unable to lie, naive as children, and at the same time wise beyond their years. The nature of these men gives them enormous creative potential, and Sagittarius always tries to develop it.

They love women purely and openly, they are not capable of cheating, and if this does happen, such a man will immediately tell the truth. In general, this zodiac sign is extremely truthful, and sometimes he can say that he doesn’t like your hairstyle or dress. But this is not to offend, but on the contrary - he believes that in this way he wished the best for you, so that in the future you would not wear something that does not suit you very well.

Sagittarians are very cheerful, even with them Hard time good, because they know how to not only calm and console, but also dispel gloomy thoughts.

Such a person is quite easy to win, but you must decide for yourself - are you ready to live with such a restless man? It doesn’t cost him anything to go to his friends in the middle of the night if they are in trouble or invited him on another trip.

As mentioned above, Sagittarius is rather an ascetic, so he will not be very worried about the lack of money. Although he knows how to earn money. If you are quite conservative and pragmatic, then you may not be on the same path with this person.

It's good with him at first. In addition to the fact that he will always give you a good mood and ease from meetings, he will also delight you with his passion in bed. After all, this zodiac sign belongs to the element of Fire, and “fire” people are passionate and very sexy. You need to decide what a Sagittarius man is for you: a passing hobby and a desire to change your life or a mistake. If you are used to a calm lifestyle, then you should not get carried away with this man seriously. But if you're willing to take risks, you should know how to win over a Sagittarius man.

This is not so difficult for girls who can live non-stop. Firstly, the Sagittarius man loves educated and well-read girls, and therefore you should always work on expanding your knowledge. Sagittarius will not tolerate nonsense.

Secondly, you need to be a romantic person. Walking under the moon, night swims in the sea, admiring the stars and dancing on the seashore - all this should become part of your life and, if possible, you should take the initiative yourself.

Don't be afraid to be liberated and sexy, but don't confuse this with vulgarity. Sexuality should be emphasized, but not overt. Always be in good mood. Even if there are problems, it is useless to talk about them to a Sagittarius man, because he lives by the principle - “Trouble has happened, nothing can be changed, why grieve, you need to look for ways to solve this trouble and problem.”

How to keep a Sagittarius man?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to bribe a Sagittarius man with a delicious dinner and family comfort. He is the kind of person who can eat any food, not notice the mountains of unwashed dishes, and in general - it seems to him that a genius should dominate chaos.

And it will be very good if you become a friend and comrade for him, if you do not limit his freedom. Then he will definitely think: “This is the person I need.” If you decide to spend this life together, then you will always be free and happy. No jealousy! The Sagittarius man by the word “freedom” means trust, i.e. he will not cheat, even if he is distant lands from you. He respects his choice too much.

And in order to definitely conquer and conquer a Sagittarius man, be weak and defenseless. They have something of a brave knight who must protect beautiful ladies, therefore, the weaker you are, the stronger he will become attached to you, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Finally, I would like to say that, in principle, any man can be trained and retrained, the main thing is to do it with love, meekness and tenderness, and then you yourself will not notice how the eternal wanderer will sit with you by the fireplace and drink hot chocolate.

How to communicate with a Sagittarius man to keep him

The question of how to keep a Sagittarius man is by no means an idle one. It is very pleasant to be in the company of these interesting, diversified, cheerful, easy-going people, but they are flighty, and once in someone’s arms, they strive to slip away from them. What can you do to communicate with a Sagittarius man so that he doesn’t have thoughts about “escaping”?

Even within the family, a Sagittarius man should not feel strict restrictions. From time to time he needs a break from household problems and routine duties. The easiest way to fulfill this need of Sagittarius is by giving him the opportunity to go somewhere alone for a few days, on a work trip or on vacation with friends. You should not object to such trips, otherwise Sagittarius, who will sooner or later take off, may return to another embrace. Relationships are strengthened by the presence of common hobbies and the partner’s willingness to travel with Sagittarius. For him, what is more important is not freedom from his girlfriend, but a change of scenery.

Such a man really doesn’t like it when they ask him for a report on money spent or time spent. He does not tolerate conversations in an orderly tone. He loves when people ask his opinion and consult with him (even if just for show).

A Sagittarius man, although he does not prioritize the physical attractiveness of his chosen one, still sees and appreciates real beauty. The woman next to him should decorate him in society, have a well-groomed appearance and always remain that way.

Sagittarius will not stand for long a companion who too actively defends views that are alien to him. Therefore, you should not argue with him too violently, because it is much more pleasant for him to deal with a like-minded person.

The Sagittarius man does not like his partner’s attempts to openly lead in the couple, even if the companion has every reason for this, for example, higher social status and so on. Sagittarius loves smart ladies, but not so much that he feels awkward around them. But for Sagittarius there are never too many emotions; he likes bright, temperamental women.

Men of this zodiac sign give great value comfort in the house, although they spend a lot of time outside it. They do not like to clean themselves, but if chaos reigns in the house for a long time, home-cooked food is served once a week, and the children are left to their own devices, then Sagittarius will not last long in such an environment. But psychological comfort is even more important for him. He does not tolerate women's tears, scandals, constant lectures, and works much more effectively in relation to people of the Sagittarius zodiac sign - a calm, constructive conversation without raised tones.

To keep a Sagittarius man from searching for more interesting options, you need to try to keep the relationship attractive, not boring for him. His girlfriend should be flexible in her thinking. She is also supposed not to be discouraged, not to grumble, and not to plunge into a state of melancholy and relaxation for a long time. Sagittarius's mood changes quite often; besides, these temperamental and extremely impulsive people are not always able to keep their own emotions under control, and this must be treated with understanding, especially since their positive perception of life quickly takes precedence over any negativity.

How to get rid of a Sagittarius man

It is not difficult to cope with this task. It is enough to make more demands on the Sagittarius man, assign some boring responsibilities to him, increase control over his actions, and bother him with petty quibbles. If, in addition to this, you ignore his requests to attend some events together, go on a picnic, etc., this will significantly bring the hour of your separation from Sagittarius closer.