Place of birth, education. Angela Dorothea Merkel (née Kasner) was born in Hamburg to a Protestant priest and teacher. In 1954, the family moved to the town of Kwitzow in the GDR, where Angela spent her childhood and youth.

A. Merkel graduated from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Leipzig in 1978 and worked until 1990 researcher Institute physical chemistry Academy of Sciences of the GDR, where in 1986 she defended her doctoral dissertation in physics.

He speaks good Russian. In 1968 she won school Olympics in Russian in the GDR and was awarded a trip to the USSR.

Career. A. Merkel entered politics after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The events that took place in Germany in the late 1980s and early 1990s captured her. In 1989, she joined the Democratic Awakening organization, a year later she became its press secretary, and a few months later she took the same position in the first and last non-communist government of the GDR.

For the sake of the ruling Christian Democratic Union party in Germany, she left the Democratic Awakening and, after the reunification of Germany, became a member of the Bundestag from the CDU. Helmut Kohl became the first political leader Germany, who took A. Merkel seriously. "You will lead women," the chancellor told her, inviting her to the government for the post of minister for women and youth. He called her "girl" and made her deputy head of the CDU. Soon she was already the secretary of the CDU. Journalists called A. Merkel - "Kolya's girl".

In 1994 she was appointed Minister for environment. But in 1998, Kohl lost the election, giving way to Gerhard Schroeder.

Here came a corruption scandal connected with the activities of ex-Chancellor G. Kohl (he was accused of accepting money for party needs from the oligarchs). Almost the entire top of the German conservatives went into the shadows, and Dr. Merkel led the movement to overthrow Kohl from the party post. In 2000, the ex-chancellor resigned from the post of leader of the CDU and left the Bundestag.

In 1998, Merkel became the general secretary of the CDU, and in 2000 she was elected chairman of the party.

In 2002, she put forward her candidacy for the post of Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, but refused to fight in favor of the Prime Minister of Bavaria, the leader of the Christian Socialist Union (CSU), Edmund Stoiber. In September 2002, she was elected to the German Bundestag.

The elections to the Bundestag on 22 September 2002 were narrowly won by the coalition of the SPD and the Greens, led by Gerhard Schroeder and Joschka Fischer. Merkel was tolerant of Stoiber's defeat.

In the early elections to the Bundestag, held on September 18, 2005, the CDU / CSU bloc headed by A. Merkel received 35.2% of the vote. On November 12, after negotiations that lasted five weeks, the CDU/CSU and the SPD concluded a coalition agreement. On November 22, Merkel was elected to the post of Federal Chancellor of Germany, having received 397 of the 611 votes of the 16th Bundestag deputies.

Angela Merkel became the first female Federal Chancellor and at the same time, at 51, the youngest Chancellor in the history of Germany. She is also the first representative of the new federal states in this post and the first federal chancellor with a science education.

On November 27, 2006, at the federal congress of the CDU, 93% of the votes of Angela Merkel was re-elected to the post of chairman of her party.

On September 23, 2007, Angela Merkel received in her Berlin office Dalai Lama XIV which became an international sensation.

In December 2013, she was elected Federal Chancellor of Germany for the third time in a row.

March 14, 2018 German Bundestag elected Angela Merkel for the fourth term in a row as Federal Chancellor of Germany.

Views and assessments. A. Merkel in the CDU takes a centrist position, stands for the transformation of the CDU into a "people's party" based on the broad strata of voters.

Included in the party's action program "humanity, fair treatment of all generations, love for the nation and homeland, the fight against bureaucracy." New Europe, according to her, should be addressed to everyone, including minor social and ethnic groups.

In foreign policy, Merkel is known for supporting the American course, advocating rapprochement with the United States. In addition, he speaks for special relationship"and a new alliance with France. She has also repeatedly made it clear that she opposes Turkey's accession to the EU.

Regalia. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru, winner of the Prize. Leo Beca Central Council Jews in Germany, Charlemagne Prize for 2008 for services to the development of the European Union.

Angela Merkel is an honorary member charitable organization"Rotary International" in Stralsund, honorary member football team Energy Cottbus.

The Hebrew University awarded Merkel an honorary Ph.D. The University of Leipzig awarded an honorary doctorate. Honorary Doctor of Science from the Polytechnic University of Wroclaw. Tel Aviv University awarded an honorary Ph.D.

Family bonds. A. Merkel is married. Her current spouse Joachim Sauer is a professor of chemistry. Even under the socialist regime, she divorced her first husband, Ulrich Merkel, but left a rather sonorous surname, echoing the German word "merklich" ("noticeable"). A. Merkel has no children. “I did not rule out such a possibility, but it did not work out. And when I entered politics, I was 35 years old, and I no longer asked myself this question,” she said.

Hobby. He loves gardening and cooking. She bakes pies with pleasure and claims that guests have never left her hungry.

Angela Dorothea Merkel(German: Angela Dorothea Merkel) German statesman and political figure. Federal Chancellor of Germany (since November 22, 2005), leader of the Christian Democratic Union (since April 10, 2000).

Childhood and education of Angela Merkel

Angela Dorothea Merkel ( maiden name Kasner) was born on July 17, 1954 in Hamburg. Angela has Polish roots.

Father - Horst Kasner (1926-2011) changed his Polish surname Kazmierczak. He attended Heidelberg and Hamburg Universities, where he studied theology. Angela Merkel's grandfather, Ludwik Kazmierczak, served as a policeman in Poznan, fought in the First world war, participated in the Polish-Ukrainian and Soviet-Polish wars.

Mother - Gerlinda Kasner (nee Ents, born in 1928). Worked as a Latin teacher English.

Angela Merkel's grandparents Margareta and Ludwig Kazmirczak (Photo:

Angela is the eldest child in the family. Shortly after her birth, her parents moved to the GDR. Horst Kasner began to serve in the Lutheran Church of Berlin-Brandenburg in the city of Perleberg, and in 1957 they moved to the small town of Templin. Angela's father was assigned to run a pastor's college. His wife was a teacher foreign languages. In addition to Angela Dorothea, the couple had two more children: Angela's brother Markus (b. 1957) and sister Irena (b. 1964).

Angela as a child (Photo:

The children of the Kasner family did not go to extended day school, but spent time at home after school. Gerlinda was actively involved in the education and upbringing of her children.

Angela Merkel with her parents (Photo:

Angela Kasner entered Polytechnic Secondary School in 1961, Angela Dorothea was quiet, humble girl. But she studied well. She had a talent for languages ​​and the exact sciences.

Like all children in the GDR, Angela was a pioneer and then joined the Union of Free German Youth (SSNM). Angela Dorothea graduated from high school in 1973 with honors and entered the Faculty of Physics at the Karl Marx University of Leipzig.

At school, Angela joined the ranks of the pioneers, which she left a year later. own will. In her youth, Angela Merkel was a member of the Union of Free German Youth, served as secretary for agitation and propaganda ... and loved The Beatles(Photo:

Angela Kasner received her bachelor's degree in 1973 from high school general education school in Templin. She was especially strong in mathematics and knew Russian well (Photo:

In 1977, Angela Kasner married her classmate Ulrich Merkel. After graduation, the couple moved to East Berlin. Angela Merkel worked as a researcher at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry at the Academy of Sciences in Berlin. The couple divorced in 1982 (Photo:

Merkel studied excellently at the university. At the same time, she combined her studies with active work in the SSNM. She was no longer a quiet, inconspicuous girl. While studying in 1974, at one of the youth exchange meetings with physics students from Moscow and Leningrad, she met her first husband, a physics student from Vogtland, Ulrich Merkel. The wedding took place at Templin Church on September 3, 1977.

While still studying at Angela University, I thought about political activity, but in student years Merkel was not an oppositionist. Working at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, she held for some time the position of secretary of the committee of the Union of Free German Youth - GDR Komsomol. Was responsible for agitation and propaganda.

Having successfully graduated from the University of Leipzig, Angela Merkel was sent to work in Central Institute Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR. In 1986 she defended her doctoral dissertation.

Political career Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel started out as a politician in the late 80s last century. In the whirl public life Angela Merkel's face began to flicker more and more often. The Berlin Wall collapsed. This event deeply excited the young scientist-physicist. At this historic moment for the Germans, Angela Dorothea was noticed by the then Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Helmut Kohl. The German leader needed fresh faces, representatives of the new federal lands, who did not have time to annoy the voters. The candidacy of Dr. Merkel corresponded to the implementation of his plans.

Angela Merkel coped well with her new responsibilities. She agitated people, met with fishermen in the Baltic, talking with them right in the pubs. Merkel did not skimp on promises, they believed her, they voted for her. “At least she knew how to listen,” her voters said, not very offended that the promises remained unfulfilled.

In the first all-German elections in December 1990, Angela won the Stralsund-Rügen-Grimmen constituency. On January 18, 1991, Angela Merkel, then 36 years old, was sworn in as Federal Minister for Women and Youth in the cabinet of Chancellor Helmut Kohl (Photo:

Angela Dorothea Merkel joined the Christian Democratic Union party, and after the reunification of Germany she became a member of the Bundestag from the CDU. Helmut Kohl immediately appreciated Angela's high potential. And he gave an order to a young party comrade: “You will lead women!”

Chancellor Kohl invited Angela Merkel to his government and put her in the promising position of Minister for Women and Youth Affairs. She became his favorite, the old politician called her "girl". Soon she took the post of secretary of the CDU. And journalists nicknamed Merkel "Kolya's girl."

In 1994, Angela Merkel was appointed Federal Minister for the Environment. It was during her tenure that the first UN climate conference was held in Berlin in 1995. It was the start of international initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions and the Contained Substances Act. (Photo:

However, in 1998, Kohl lost the election to Gerhard Schroeder. And immediately after leaving, the ex-chancellor began to lose friends and associates. Especially when he was accused that the CDU allegedly accepted money for party needs from the oligarchs. And once “devoted” to Kohl, Dr. Merkel hastened to dissociate herself from her former patron and led the movement to overthrow Helmut Kohl from the party post. In the same year, Angela Merkel was elected general secretary of the party.

Angala Merkel - Woman Chancellor

Merkel with a purely German tenacity went to power. In 2002, she put forward her candidacy for the post of chancellor of Germany, but then abandoned the rivalry in favor of the leader of the Christian Socialist Union (CSU), Edmund Stoiber. However, already in 2005, she was nominated as a candidate for the post of Chancellor of Germany from the opposition.

On September 20 of the same year, at the first meeting of the new CDU / CSU faction, Angela Dorothea Merkel was elected its chairman. And on November 22, 2005, Merkel was preferred by 397 of the 611 votes of the deputies of the Bundestag of the XVI convocation and she became the first female federal chancellor and at the same time the youngest (at the age of 51) federal chancellor in the history of Germany with a natural science education.

After six weeks of negotiations, the CDU, CSU and SPD agreed to form a Grand Coalition led by Angela Merkel. On November 22, 2005, Angela Merkel was elected Federal Chancellor in the Bundestag with 397 out of 614 votes. (Photo:

Angela Merkel is in the supreme position to this day. Over the years, she has shown herself to be a seasoned and skillful leader. Angela Merkel managed to maintain order in the state to a greater extent. Germany is the economic leader in the EU. After the unification, the country began to dominate more and more in the political aspect. Chancellor Merkel increased Germany's authority in Europe with her policies. Her country had repeatedly provided assistance to the less developed European states, including financial.

However, for some time now, due to the increase in terrorist acts, Chancellor Merkel began to doubt the correctness of her chosen migration policy. Back in 2010, speaking to young members of the CDU in Potsdam, Angela Merkel openly admitted that the policy of multiculturalism had failed completely in Germany. She believed that not only Europeans, but also immigrants who arrived in Europe “should make more efforts to integrate into German society, in particular, by studying German».

Angela Merkel, 2010 (Photo: DPA/TASS)

In turn, Chancellor's spokesman Steffen Seibert said that Merkel intends to remain in the post of German Chancellor until the end of her term.

Personal life of Angela Merkel

married life Merkel has failed. They lived with her husband Ulrich Merkel for 5 years, in 1982 Angela left him. But she kept his last name (Merklich, which means “notable”).

The second husband of Angela Merkel (formalized relationship in 1998) is a chemist Joachim Sauer. Angela Merkel has no children in her first or second marriage.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel with her husband Joachim Sauer. (Photo: Zuma/TASS)

Scandals with Angela Merkel

In 2013, a nude photo of Angela Merkel in her youth appeared on the network. However, it has not yet been officially confirmed that Angela Dorothea Merkel is depicted on them. Although there is nothing surprising in this - there were many young people in the ranks of the nudist movement of the 60s. And these photos even gave some piquancy to the person of Angela Merkel, and her rating as a politician only increased. After all, nudism is very popular in Germany.

Official account Angela Merkel's

Name: Angela Merkel

Age: 63 years old

Place of Birth: Hamburg, Germany

Growth: 173 cm

The weight: 65 kg

Activity: chancellor of germany

Family status: married

Angela Merkel - Biography

On March 14, 2018, Angela Merkel became Chancellor of Germany again. For her, this will be the fourth term, at the end of which Frau Merkel's chancellorship will be 16 years. More - 19 years - only the "iron" Bismarck had.

Once, at a physical education lesson, the teacher suggested that the children jump from the tower into the pool. Angela could not make up her mind for a long time, approached the edge and retreated again. Finally, when the bell rang, she took a deep breath and jumped. Having grown up, Angela does not change herself: before doing something, she first evaluates the chances.

Average height, average figure, average appearance - the German Chancellor has never been different from ordinary citizens. Looking at her, any German woman can say: “She is no better than me. But how much she managed to achieve! This is said to be the reason for her popularity. For many years, Merkel has not changed at all: a jacket with three buttons, trousers, a modest haircut.

Childhood, family

The chancellor has Polish roots. She was born in 1954 in West German Hamburg, and two months later the family moved to the GDR. There, in the city of Perleberg, the father-priest received a parish.

Despite the fact that Angela was the daughter of a clergyman, she joined the pioneers, and then the German "Komsomol" - the Union of Free German Youth. This did not prevent the girl from doing a small "business". Buying blueberries in the store for 2 marks, Angela handed over the berry to the collection point for 4 marks. In the GDR, the "Partnership for the Trade in Vegetables and Fruits" subsidized the purchase of berries from the population, and young people made money on this.

Studying was easy for Angela. She especially excelled in physics and the Russian language. She won the Russian Olympiad of the GDR three times and, as a winner, went to Moscow. Already studying at the University of Leipzig, she was in the USSR more than once on a student exchange program.

Angela Merkel - biography of personal life

It was on the trip that she met physics student Ulrich Merkel. The young began to meet, and in September 1977 they got married. Of that marriage, the chancellor would later say: I approached marriage without the necessary seriousness. I was deceived." True, it took her 4 years to understand this.

And in 1984, an employee of the Institute of Physical Chemistry met the 36-year-old chemist Joachim Sauer. Their relationship could not be called passionate. The marriage of Joachim and Angel was concluded only 14 years later, in 1998.


Merkel entered politics in the late 1980s. The wind of change from the east tore down the Berlin Wall and unified Germany. Starting in 1989 as a computer operator in the Democratic Breakthrough party of the GDR, a year later Angela met German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. It was he who opened the world to her big politics. In turn, Kohl's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party needed fresh faces - representatives of the eastern lands.

Angela fit perfectly: smart, efficient, not arrogant. Merkel traveled to the most remote corners and met voters. She communicated with the fishermen of the Baltic in pubs, with the workers of the Ruhr she could talk at the entrance, with housewives - in women's clubs. Simplicity and intelligence bribed people, and they willingly voted for it.

As a result, Merkel became a member of the Bundestag, and then Kohl entrusted her with the post of Minister for Women and Youth Affairs and Secretary of the CDU. She became his favorite. Merkel was dubbed "Kolya's girl" by journalists. But very soon, Angela faced a difficult choice - honesty or devotion. In 1998, Gerhard Schroeder took over as chancellor, and Kohl remained out of work.

Articles appeared in the press about the sponsorship of the CDU by German oligarchs, which affected the party's reputation. Helmut himself refused to name the sponsors and resigned. And Merkel, who has already become the second person in the party, wrote an article criticizing Kohl and calling to dissociate herself from the "old guard".

It was then that the competitors realized that they had underestimated this “girl”. Despite the lack of bright performances and PR actions, Angela went to the top with iron tenacity. Unlike many politicians, she was not implicated either in relations with the Stasi secret service or in accepting money from the oligarchs. Moreover, realizing that the party would not win the elections in 2002, it gave way to the chancellor candidate Edmund Stoiber. He lost the election, and then handed over the post of chairman of the party to Frau Merkel.

Her finest hour came November 22, 2005, when the CDU won and elected its chairman as head of Germany. Angela Merkel became the youngest chancellor (51 years old) and the first woman in this post. The Germans took her victory as personal, because she proved that neither the lack of beauty nor age is an obstacle to becoming the main person in the country.

Having taken the top post, Merkel became the object of everyone's attention. Now people are wondering how their chancellor lives outside of work. After all, her husband Joachim was not even present at the inauguration. The latter explained this by the unwillingness to "distract attention with his person."

Even after becoming chancellor, Angela stayed with her husband in a rented apartment across from the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. Unless a police post was added at the entrance. It is to this apartment that Merkel returns every evening to cook something delicious for Joachim. The chancellor's specialty is potato soup and steak with olives.

“I'd rather cancel three meetings than risk my relationship,” the chancellor once admitted. - They give me a sense of confidence. I don't need to talk to him. We can just be silent together." On rare weekends, the family goes to a country residence where Angela grows strawberries and potatoes.

In the circle of loved ones, Angela can relax a little. Among her talents are parodies of partners: George W. Bush, Nicolas Sarkozy, Vladimir Putin. She is said to be doing well. Moreover, Putin Angel "does" in Russian. And her passion is opera. Every year she travels with Joachim to the Wagner Festival in Bayreuth.

The office car of the chancellor is a democratic "Audi A8". In the personal use of the "folk" "Volkswagen". No other wealth has been seen for Merkel. Her salary is 20 thousand euros per month, of which she pays taxes and insurance. And large gifts and sponsorship money are excluded.

The Germans have different attitudes towards the chancellor, but Merkel's election for a fourth term showed that she still has more supporters. She is not a novice in politics and has long treated foreign leaders without reverence. However, there is one exception. On the Chancellor's desk is a portrait of Princess Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst. She went down in history as the Russian Empress Catherine the Great.

Angela Merkel is one of the biggest statesmen present, German chancellor, leader of the Christian Democratic Union, was born on 07/17/1954 in Hamburg.

Family and roots

Angela Merkel's maiden name, Kasner, came from her father, who had Polish roots. But it is the original family name. On the eve of the coming to power of the Nazi fascist party, which was not very welcoming to the Poles, taking care of the “purity of Aryan blood”, Khost Kazmierczak, the future father of Angela, who received a theological education in Germany, decided that it would be wiser to change his surname to a more harmonious and not emphasizing its origin.

Her mother is a full-blooded Polish woman who was born in Gdansk and lived in Poland until 1936, and then moved to eastern Germany. She is a teacher by education, but most time the mother spent with her husband, a priest, and her children. Angela was the eldest child - in this family two more children were later born.

Shortly after her birth, her father received a parish in the Lutheran church of Perleberg. And just three years later, they moved to the small town of Tremplin, where Host Kasner received a new appointment and became one of the very respected and prominent church leaders. Good work Angela's mother also received it - she taught foreign languages ​​​​at the school.


Since Angela spent her childhood on the territory of East Germany, which in the post-war period followed the socialist path of development, her father was not forbidden to enter the territory of the USSR and other countries of the socialist camp. On the other hand, he could freely travel to the West, as he was considered one of the progressive church leaders. Therefore, stable democratic views were formed in the family even then, allowing different points perspective on the same issue.

At school, Angela studied well and, according to teachers, was a calm, well-bred girl. She was even in pioneer organization, although this was contrary to traditional church foundations. Later, she joined a structure similar to the Komsomol - the Union of Free German Youth. But she did not take too active part in social activities in those years.

After graduating from school, Angela received a diploma with honors and easily passed the entrance exams to the Faculty of Physics at the University of Leipzig, choosing for herself one of the most difficult specializations - quantum chemistry.

At one of the international student conferences, she met her future husband, also a physics student Ulrich Merkel, with whom she officially married in 1977.

Scientific work

After graduating from the university, Merkel, then with her husband, moved to Berlin, where she got a job at one of the most serious scientific institutions in Germany - the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR. There she defended the most difficult dissertation, receiving the title of Doctor. natural sciences and met her second husband, colleague Joachim Sauer.

Their marriage was also officially registered, but only a few years after they met - in 1998, and Angela did not change her last name - this was fraught with a lot of difficulties with documents.

However, the couple had enough difficulties anyway - future spouse lived then in the territory of Germany, which was separated from the GDR by the famous Berlin Wall, which finally fell only in 1989. And until then, visits to each other were associated with huge amount inspections, especially citizens of the GDR who wanted to travel around the FRG were controlled by the state security agencies.

The beginning of a political career

Even while studying at the university, Angela suddenly became interested in social activities and began to take an active part in the life of the youth organization. She did it well, she was sociable, got along well with people and after a while she already held the post of secretary of the student cell.

But she herself did not consider this activity political, but rather educational. Actually, at that time she was still little interested in politics, and even more so did not join any parties.

But after the reunification of Germany, new political forces and alliances began to form in the country, and Angela was offered the position of secretary in new party"Democratic breakthrough".

There she was actually engaged in the work of a computer operator, but since everything she did, she did it with high quality, a year later she was assigned independent work over party leaflets, which in fact brought her to the level of the press secretary of the party.

Soon, the Democratic Breakthrough became part of the more powerful Alliance for Germany, headed by the then leader of the German CDU, Helmut Koll. In the very first elections after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Democratic Breakthrough suffered a crushing defeat, but the Alliance for Germany took one of the leading seats in parliament.

Merkel herself received the post of government press secretary of the then GDR.

After all questions concerning the unification of Germany were settled, it became necessary to hold new elections. Being present at all important political meetings as a press secretary, Angela Merkel had already become recognizable at that time, she made various reports and statements.

There she met personally with the then German Chancellor Helmut Koll. And after the confident victory of the CDU in the elections, she received from him an appointment as an adviser to the Ministry of Press and Information.

For Merkel it was not finest hour, however, she got the position very on time - after the unification of the two countries scientific institution, in which she began her career, was dissolved, and many scientists remained just on the street. She completely delved into politics and, as life has shown, did not lose.

Political rise

In the next elections, with the support of the CDU, Angela Merkel puts forward her candidacy for the elections, expressing her desire to become a member of the Bundestag. And in December 1990, she manages to fulfill her desire. Thanks to a well-conducted election campaign, she collects almost half of the votes in her constituency.

With Barack Obama

At the same time, she rose to the sixth position of the party list of the CDU.

A year later, even for her, an invitation to work in the office of the chancellor becomes unexpected.

There she was offered to head the Ministry of Women and Youth Affairs, which spun off into a separate apparatus as a result of government reorganization. It was difficult to start a career - being still a fairly young politician, she also did not have much experience in leadership work in a youth organization.

Many whispered behind her back that only the protectorate of Kohl himself helped her get a ministerial portfolio.

With Helmut Kohl

Trying to prove the opposite, Merkel is again seeking support from voters, putting forward her candidacy in the next election, now the chairman of the CDU in Brandenburg. However, this time she failed to win. But after a couple of months at the party congress, she was elected deputy party leader. And in 1993, she still received the first post in Mecklenburg.

Merkel finally received the post of chairman of the CDU of all Germany in 2000, when, after the resignation of its leader, she first became the successor, being General Secretary, and then consolidated its leadership position, taking more than 85% of all votes. Since 2005, he has been permanently holding the post of Federal Chancellor of Germany, becoming the first German woman in this position.

Angela Merkel, whose biography and personal life (children) we will consider in detail in our article, is a far-sighted politician, German Chancellor. Her actions have always been respected by many political figures.

Thanks to its works and decisions, Germany has become one of the most important powers in the whole world. The country's progress in various industries, and cooperation with other states is visible to the unnoticed eye. In the ranking of the most powerful women world, she always occupied the first line. It is not for nothing that some publications give her the title of "Second Iron Lady". It was the actions of a correct and prudent nature that made her an important person for the whole world.

Angela Merkel: photo

In the biography of Angela Merkel there was no place for family and children, she always adhered to politics. Her career has developed very well, most likely precisely because of this. Therefore, it is worth talking about her as a chancellor and a far-sighted politician.

Merkel Angela: biography

Angela was born in Hamburg back in 1954. Her parents never had anything to do with politics. Mother was a teacher and father was a shepherd. The family also had a daughter, Irene, and a son, Markus, but they were younger than Angela herself. Frequent moves throughout Germany did not have a very good effect on the girl. She went to her first school in Templin. According to her fellow students and classmates, she was not very talkative, but she had such knowledge that even teachers envied. Already in elementary school, she knew that her future life will be directly connected with the polytechnic institute or college. In 1973, she was faced with the task of passing the Russian language and mathematics as best as possible. These were the final exams, which she easily overcame.

Angela Merkel herself tries to talk about politics and Germany during interviews.

Her personal life remains closed to many. A far-sighted politician will not talk about his weaknesses. But it is not difficult to understand that the biography of Angela Merkel has such sides - this is personal life, husband, children, relationships with loved ones. All this becomes a barrier for many.

There is currently a large number of autobiographical films that talk about it all.

Already in 1973, she entered the Faculty of Physics at the University of Leipzig. Here began to emerge interesting Political Views, and she has always supported the actions of political structures. At this stage of her life, ideas began to emerge about how to begin to actively engage in politics and work in the service of the state. To do this, Merkel had all the skills and natural talents. Soon she decides to join the party.


Everyone knows that Angela Merkel is the only female chancellor. Her actions have always commanded respect. She also succeeded in being the youngest chancellor of Germany to take up this position. Angela's career took shape long before that, and she had to do a lot. 1989 is the time when she comes to the Democratic Breakthrough Party, as you know, at that time there were a lot of changes that were deposited in her memory. But she failed to achieve at least some results in this game.

A year later, she gets a job as an assistant to Wolfgang Shnur, who at that time had his own party. Merkel's task was to post and distribute leaflets that would attract the population, she also worked as a press secretary. All this happened at the same time, so she had to perform a large number of duties at that time. The only factor that was deposited in her biography can be called a contradiction of views. Since she worked in the Christian Party, her political views were completely different. But that didn't bother her at all.

Angela Merkel and Wolfgang Schnur

1990 was a disastrous year for Cord's party. At that time, they were supported by only one percent. After that, she was demoted, but after a few months her career took off. Merkel comes to work in the information and press department of Germany, as an adviser.

A few months later, she becomes a member of the Bundestag, as evidenced by her biography. More than 48 percent supported this decision.

Already in 1991, she managed to become the deputy head of the German CDU, two years later she becomes the head of this union. Despite all her political activities, she took an active part in both social and social movements defended the rights of women and children. All this had great importance for her career.

In 1991, Angela Merkel became deputy head of the German CDU.

In 2005, a proposal was received to nominate her as a candidate for the post of head of Germany. At that moment, throughout the state, she had such colossal authority and support from the population that no one could compare with her. Already in the fall of this year, she is gaining 35 percent of the vote in the elections and becomes a full-fledged chancellor. At that time, many parties that dominated the parliament lost their seats.

The most important path that Angel tries to follow in the political arena is support European Union. She understands how important the unity of all countries in the separated region is.

Her foreign policy is aimed at supporting and cooperating with the United States of America. As evidenced by statistics on foreign economic data. Criticism of the previous Chancellor Schroeder was also her main political tool. Schroeder's actions were always connected with Russia, he tried to establish relations with this state, since it was strategically important, Merkel had other views. Perhaps that is why many do not refer to her as a far-sighted politician.

Today, Germany, like other countries, actively supports sanctions against Russian Federation initiated by Angela Merkel herself. All her actions are quite understandable, since she cannot move away from the decisions that are made by the heads of the European Union.

Contemporary actions

In connection with recent events in the Middle East, Angela Merkel brought all her knowledge to bear to change their outcome. As you know, millions of emigrants poured into Europe, where a considerable number of hotbeds of terrorism have appeared, and religious movements that are unacceptable to modern society. The number of violations, murders, thefts and other problems has increased. In general, it was Merkel who proposed to resettle emigrants throughout the EU states and send most of them to Turkey. At the same time, the leadership of Turkey will receive 3 billion euros annually for this. The government agreed to these terms. According to the latest data, the situation began to return to normal.

Angela Merkel - Chancellor of Germany

Today, for Angela Merkel, her personal life without children and biography do not matter. She set herself the goal of doing everything possible for Germany. Political parties that she represents don't trust her very much, as there were times when she couldn't respond to politicians with a certain persistence and lost her positions. Despite this, the Christian Union cannot offer a better candidate than Merkel. For many, she is the personification of a professional politician who is able to solve world problems.

Many who are interested in biography, personal life with her husband and whether Angela Merkel has children can easily go to Wikipedia. It is there that most of the information about her is concentrated. It is impossible not to note her awards. She has repeatedly become the owner of the "Person of the Year" award, received an incredibly large number of awards and orders from many institutes and scientific departments. Her activities as a politician were appreciated. Of course, it occupies the development of science. Merkel is a chemist by education and it is this industry that receives most of the subsidies.

Personal life

Few people know that Angela Merkel has the surname of her first husband. She met Ulrich at the institute. In 1977 they got married. In fact, the family did not exist long time because they did not find support in each other. Already in 1982 they divorced. They never managed to have children. AT last years living together they had to move to Berlin due to lack of work. Here Ulrich got a job at the Institute of Physical Chemistry.

While studying, Angela Merkel met Ulrich Merkel, who became her husband. She still bears his last name. In 1977, Angela married Ulrich, but this marriage did not stand out for its strength: already in 1982, Merkel divorced her husband, there were no children in their fragile family. Joint photos the first husband and Angela Merkel is very difficult to find, she does not talk about this part of her personal life from her biography.

Angela Merkel and Ulrich Merkel (husband)

A few years later, she met Joachim Sauer, who dated her until 1998. It is after such long period Angela herself decided to register her relationship. But this time she had no children. On the Internet, you can find a biography and information about the personal life and children of Angela Merkel in German with particular ease. Many publications have studied her career more than once and conducted interviews, so it will be very easy to find interesting facts.

Many tabloids and media mass media very often published information about her personal life. Something was true, something was not, but the most important thing is that for many she remains a politician with a huge biography and what she did for the country and the whole world. For 12 years she has been main position in the country and does everything possible to improve the lives of his people. There are a lot of videos about the biography and personal life of Angela Merkel on the Internet, the only topic she does not talk about is children.