Organizing a science show at a children's birthday party means combining three pleasures in one event: a feeling of celebration, uniqueness and increased interest in knowledge. The script for a science show for children's birthday will give them the opportunity to immerse themselves in a world full of secrets and mysteries, into the world of experiments and exciting journeys under the guidance of a crazy professor.

The specialists of the BoomWow children's holiday agency can hold children's parties in any conditions: at home, in the park, on the sports ground, in shopping malls. entertainment complexes kindergarten or at school. All experiments performed are absolutely safe.

The benefits of these holiday experiments are simply invaluable! The children at the birthday party not only observe the progress of the experiment, but also take part in its implementation themselves. As a result, their interest in chemistry and physics, mathematics, i.e. will definitely increase. to subjects that might previously have been boring for them. Thanks to the original experiments being carried out, even the parents of the children will be able to discover some useful information.

What types of scientific shows can the BoomWow agency offer?

Our animators have a variety of interesting experiments and experiences that are in demand among children of all ages. This:

  • Fire and Water
  • Amazing ice
  • Master of the show
  • Rainbow show
  • Tesla show, etc.

You can find a more detailed list of scientific experiments for birthdays on our website. Each science show is briefly described here. After getting acquainted with each of them, you can order those scientific experiments that seemed more interesting and advantageous to you at your birthday party.

Our agency provides a list of performances ready to be shown at birthday parties, but our animators do not stand in one place. They are looking for new ways to entertain children at birthday parties using scientific knowledge. Therefore, the list of birthday science show experiences is constantly updated. Stay tuned for changes!

Science shows - programs are best organized for children's birthdays, graduation ceremonies, for opening children's cafes and shops.

When holding a science show at a birthday party, liquid nitrogen and oxygen, vacuum, chocolate and other substances can be used that are not at all dangerous to others, because Our animators closely monitor the progress of the experiments. In addition, before conducting experiments at a birthday party, they carefully rehearse several times so that there are no unpredictable incidents.

A big advantage of a science show at a birthday party for children is their increased activity. All children's party guests are happy to take part in these experiments! Even adults!

A birthday party held in the style of scientific experiments will leave indelible impressions for many years.

Order a science show from our agency for your birthday and open up your children to a world of wonders and fabulous transformations! Your child's grateful eyes will be the highest reward for the pleasure given.

This original and exciting scenario, which includes a large number of fascinating and breathtaking experiments!


We look for an image of a scientist on the Internet, use a photo editor to make a collage with a photo of your child, and write necessary information, and you're done!


We draw a sign with the name of the research laboratory and hang it in a visible place.

We buy a set of badges and insert printed comic signs into them, which we give to guests at the entrance.

We purchase white coats and comic glasses with a nose and mustache for each participant.

In a spacious room we set up tables with sets of materials for experiments (at least one for two). We place glass jars on the tables with colored liquid and various toy insects and other reptiles floating as if in formaldehyde.

Before letting the children into the laboratory, we place glasses with colored liquid on the tables and throw dry ice into them for effect.


Experiment 1

You will need:
- drinking soda,
- vinegar,
- spoons,
- transparent glasses,
- food colorings,
- a tray for glasses so as not to stain the table.
Progress of the experiment:

Drop a few drops of dye into each spoon and sprinkle the top with baking soda.

Fill the glasses 2/3 with vinegar, immerse the spoons in them and watch the foam avalanche.

Experiment 2

You will need:
- large container,
- 2 packs of baking soda,
- straws,
- pipettes,
- vinegar,
- food colorings,
- ice molds.
Progress of the experiment:

Pour baking soda into a container.
Pour vinegar into ice cube trays and add coloring.
We insert the straws into the soda, draw a little liquid from the ice mold into the pipette, inject it into the straw and watch the volcano erupt!

Experiment 3

You will need:

Baking soda,
- vinegar,
- plastic bottle,
- balloon,
- 2 funnels.
Progress of the experiment:

Using a funnel, fill the bottle 1/3 full with vinegar.
Using another funnel (dry), fill the ball ½ full with soda.
Carefully place the ball on the neck of the bottle, trying to prevent the soda from spilling into the bottle.

We lift the balloon, pouring soda into the bottle, and watch as the contents of the bottle begin to bubble and the balloon inflates!

Experiment 4

You will need:
- a plate with sides,
- fat milk,
- food colorings,
- dishwashing liquid,
- toothpicks.
Progress of the experiment:

Pour milk into a plate and randomly drip dye over the entire surface. Dip a toothpick in dishwashing liquid and, poking it into the centers of the colored drops, watch as the drops turn into circles with an intricate pattern.

Experiment 5

You will need:
- drinking soda,
- gel transparent glue (polyvinyl),
- food coloring or fluorescent marker,
- plastic bag with a lock,
- glasses,
- scissors,
- spoon,
- pliers,
- measuring cup.
Progress of the experiment:

Take a felt-tip pen and use pliers to remove the plug. We take out the rod, cut the shell lengthwise, unfold it, put it in a glass of water, and stir with a spoon.
If you have ready-made dye, you can add it right away.

Insert the open bag into the glass and pour 60 ml of glue into it.
Add 60 ml of colored water and, closing the bag, thoroughly knead the contents with your hands to mix everything.
Add one teaspoon of soda to the glass with the dye and mix well.

Open the bag again and pour 45 ml of solution from a glass with dye and soda into it. Close the bag and knead in your hands for 5 minutes.

We take out the bright and viscous rubber from the bag.

Experiment 6

You will need:

10 drops of Mentos sweets,
- 2 liter bottle of Cola,
- scotch,
- paper.
Test progress:

We twist the paper into a tube so that it fits tightly into the hole of the bottle and secure it with tape.
Place the bottle in the center open area, we take the children at a distance of at least 20 steps.

One of the adults should open the bottle, lightly insert a straw into its neck and, having abruptly poured a dragee into it, take out the straw and quickly run to the side, observing the eruption of Cola.

Strictly following the chosen theme, make a cake in the form of a flask, made up of two tall sponge cake layers, where all that remains of the top cake is the bottom and a cylindrical core. To decorate the cake, use colored chocolate, and for added effect, place a piece of dry ice on the very top.

Is it your child's birthday? Are you looking for a clown and balloons? Are you sure this will be interesting for children? But I'm starting to doubt! Of course, a talented clown can surprise and make even adults laugh. But let's come up with something more original and at the same time useful and educational for a children's party!

Wonders of science, funny experiments, a magical laboratory with funny scientists - all this will certainly arouse children's interest! Create an educational holiday for the kids with real scientific experiments that are absolutely safe and so exciting. Recommended Scenario children's day birth for children 7-12 years old.

Thematic decoration of a children's party

To decorate a children's party, we will choose the brightest colors and icons, symbols from a chemistry textbook, associated with science and an experimental laboratory. And, of course, for decoration we need toy white mice, test tubes,

When decorating a table, it is better to give preference unusual snacks and desserts: blue and green drinks, colored jelly, bags of marmalade of the most unusual shapes.

As an invitation, you can take the idea of ​​a personalized pass to a secret laboratory. Children will also be happy if they are given a uniform and undergo a rite of passage to become secret scientists.

Games and entertainment for children's party Little Einsteins

To realize the idea of ​​a holiday with scientific experiments, it is best to invite animators with a suitable program. But you can also purchase a ready-made set for experiments that can be carried out with children.

Parents can be presenters and act as eccentric scientists. You will need white robe, glasses and a suitcase with props. You can add a mustache like Einstein’s and a funny giant watch on a chain to your look.

You can divide this time into 3 parts:

A fascinating one-hour program with fun experiments, scientific discoveries, in which your children will participate;

Outdoor games;

Delicious change.

You can start the program by initiating children into secret employees of the experimental laboratory. The tests may include: a quiz on various natural phenomena, learning and performing a dance in which the secret code for opening the laboratory is encrypted. Children can find it interesting to solve charades and puzzles, build logical chains, as well as active ball games “Edible - not edible”, and, of course, participate in real experiments.

Scientific experiments and experiments for children at home

Mix liquids of different densities and colors.

Pour 1 part water, 1 part sunflower oil, 1 part syrup bright color. Children can observe the magical distribution of liquid through layers.

Use ready-made kits to conduct such science experiments for children. The holiday will be not only fun, but also educational!

Don’t forget about a photographer for a children’s party who will capture this unusually fun and interesting day as a memory.

Scenario for the chemical evening “Do-it-yourself miracles.”

introduction teachers. Dear Guys! Today, seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students have gathered here. Each of you has your own task. Eighth graders prepared interesting experiments, will show various “miracles* and reveal the secret of each miracle.” Ninth graders, you are not just spectators, be on the alert, carefully follow everything that is happening, be prepared to answer the questions that the eighth graders will ask you. Your role, seventh graders, is to decide for yourself one question: is the science of chemistry interesting, do you want to study it? Of course, in chemistry, as in any science, in addition to the entertaining, there will also be difficult things. But it’s difficult, but interesting - that’s what thinking person It is precisely necessary that our mind should not be in idleness and laziness, but should constantly work, work and work. At the very end of our meeting, I will ask you one single question, and you will answer it, Now let's get started To miracles."

Four students come out.

1st student. It's hot here, I'm thirsty. Who 6 ask for water?

2nd student. I would drink a lot haZiva without syrup.

3rd student . Oh, I like it with syrupjust a little bit, a little bit.

4th student. Brothers, I need a cow -I want fresh milk!

The 5th student comes out. In his hands he has a large flask with liquid.

5th student. Are you guys thirsty? In countno fabulous liquid, I can handle miracles, II'm teaching chemistry. Put up the glasses! ExperienceWe will definitely carry it out, everything is according to plan.

The guys take glasses from the table and place them in them, in which solutions of the necessary substances are placed on the bottom. The 5th student pours from the flask to everyone WHAT He Asked.

5th student. Here's water, here's soda, here'sfresh milk, it turned out very cleverly, and the secret easy to find out.

The guys pretend that they want to drink the contents of the glasses.

5th student . Stop guys, wait a minutethere was no trouble, please don't drink anythingno water, no water. There are serious prohibitions in this strict office. Remember everything, friends: hereYou can't drink or eat.

1, 2, 3 We are familiar with miracles, we can do them ourselves.

5th student . The first miracle happenedwas it in the glasses?

1st student. And the answer is quite simple - it wasMy glass is empty.

2nd student . I have soda in my glass.

3rd student . Along with it is methyl orange.

4th student. Mine contains barium chloride.

5th student. What does this mean? Guess,ninth grade. We count on you! Not composedIt's hard for you to understand what's in the flask...

All ninth graders: Acid!

5th student . You probably know her rank?

9th Class. Sulfuric!

They leave. The 6th student comes out.

6th student. I'm already in the wonders of chemicalsI'll make a fire without fire, without matches. OnI add a bed of splinters and firewood and the fire is ready. I'll take itput some cotton wool in your hand, soak it in alcohol, put it on the firedrop: burn, if I want!

He does everything he says, and the fire lights up.

6th student. I'll tell you my secret, NikaThere's no secret here. Hid here under the fireincendiary mixture. We are familiar with miraclesWe can make them ourselves!

Leaves. 1st student appears

7th student. I have a calm experience, withoutfire and flame. I will ask questions. Nineclass, attention!

Conducts an experiment with phenolphthalein.

7th student. I'm not afraid of acids, evenvery strong. But in alkali solutionsI like raspberry. Brighter than the juice of all raspberries, who am I?

9th Class. Phenolphthalein!

The next experiment is with methyl orange.

7th student. In alkalis I am very yellow,and in acids it is very red. And the environment is neutralnoah - the color orange, beautiful. Indicatorvery important, what is my name?

9th Class. Methyl orange.

Experience with a piece of universal indicator paper.

7 - and student. This yellow piece of paper will indicate everythingwithout difficulty: it will turn blue - there is alkali in the flask, paintNo - acid. If the environment is neutral - notwill change color then. We are for these instructions as shall we call her?

9th Class. Universal!

Leaves. The 8th student comes out.

8th student. We are familiar with miracles - dowe can do them ourselves. Ninth grade, attention, there will beyou have a task. Pours onto a regular boardwater, and a glass of melted snow is also placed there.

The 1st student comes out.

1st student. I pour salt into a glass, and you,my friend, please interfere. I count to fiveA You twist everything with a stick.

He slowly counts so that the glass has time to freeze.

8th student. The chemical glass froze, process...

9th Class. Endothermic

The 8th and 1st students leave. The 9th student comes out.

9th student. All water, snow and solution,boring conversation... I have other plans:I'll light a flame on the grid.Sets fire to a pile of sand soaked in alcohol.

I don’t know how to do that yet, snakes will crawl out of the sand. Scary, biting, won't you cry from fear? Aren't you afraid? Well, look. Not all at once. Wait. To see the snakes, you need to warm them up well, but while I wake them up, I’ll tell you something else.

He speaks and at the same time demonstrates experience,

One summer I had a sore throat for a very long time. They prescribed me to rinse with furacillin for a sore throat. Still, the sore throat went away, even though I fought it for a long time. And there are two bottles of that furacillin left. Today we whitewashed the walls and washed our hands of lime. I decided to pour the old medicine into this water. I was terribly surprised, I even shuddered when the lime water turned reddish-red. I brought the rest to school, and now furacillin determines the alkali for us, just like phenolphthalein. Does not change color in water, does not change in acid, in alkalis furacillin is bright, like an orange.

He turns again to the experience with “black snakes”.

Alcohol burns and produces a lot of heat. It decomposes soda with heat into carbon dioxide. It chars the sugar - that's where the blackness comes from. This carbon dioxide inflates the sugar with bubbles. Everything is clear, it’s clear here, snakes, why they crawl. We are familiar with miracles, we know how to do them ourselves.)

Leaves. The 2nd and 10th students appear.

10th student. Smile quickly, smilebe more cheerful. We are opening our pho today tailor shop

2nd student. We are ready to beginsimple work. We can get it instantly your photo.

Invites one of the seventh graders.

10th student. This one Blank sheet ByWatch attentively. Smile more cheerfully - this is Necessarily.

2nd student. We can develop this photographI eat it easily: I sprinkle the photo with a little bullets verizer.

Invites the next one.

10th student. Again a blank sheet of paperWe have another way, a photo of the proglaWe smoke with a hot iron.

He irons the sheet and shows everyone the photo.” Invites more seventh graders.

2nd student. There is also a third way, thisNote to yourself that nothing to a piece of paperWe won't touch.

This photograph is developed under a bell in an ammonia atmosphere.

10th student. Look, can everyone see it? AThe secret is quite simple.

2nd student. Here he helped us in our workfamiliar indicator.

Shows the first picture.

They painted with acid.

Shows the second picture.

Ammonia gas.

Shows a picture under the bell.

2nd And 10th students. We are familiar with chu desami, we know how to make them ourselves.

They leave. The 4th and 3rd students appear.

3rd scientist and k., Here's another fun: whowill he give his hand to be cut off? Sorry for the handreading, then the patient is needed for treatment.

A seventh grader is invited.

4th student. We operate without pain, however,there will be a lot of blood.

3rd student. For every operation you needsterilization. Help, assistant, give me iodine!

4th student . One moment! (Gives “iodine”).

3rd student. We will moisten it with “iodine” generously,so that everything is sterile. Don't turn around, papatient, give me the knife, assistant!

Does with a knife"incision", "blood" flows.

4th student. Look, just a trickleblood flows, not water. But now I'll wipe my handku - not a trace of the cut.

- 3rd student. This Experience we explain for nowwe can’t, I’ve been promoted to ninth grade - explain We'll find some agreement.

They leave. The 5th student comes out. He reads out several verses from P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” about the firebird.

5th student. We remembered the fairy tale slightly,

about the horse, about the hunchback.

There's a firebird feather

It brought Vanya happiness.

It's time to marvel

like the firebird's feather burns.

He lights the alcohol in the cups for evaporation, the alcohol contains dissolved salts of sodium, potassium, kedah, strontium, etc. Then he covers the cups with a thick sheet of cardboard.

5th student. Answer, ninth grade, byWhy did the fire go out? Without what will the flame die? To him needed...

9th Class. Oxygen!

The 5th student leaves. The 11th student appears and places the finished model of the volcano on the table. Lights a spirit lamp, heats a glass rod

11th student. And now, friends, for youfrom history a story. Slept early at night or in the morningtownspeople, suddenly a flame appeared from the crater of the volcano. Rumble and roar, streams pour through the mouthlava. So under the lava and under the ashes he diedglorious family. I'll show you, as best I can, the death of family of Pompeii.

Touches with a heated stick, a “volcanic eruption” begins.

11th student. You guys will remember this eruption

By the way, what type of reaction is this?

9th Class. Decompositions!

All participants leave.

1st student. Our time is up.

2nd student. But we didn't show you everything,what we can do.

3rd student . We can still bend the stacklinen tubes and drill rubber plugs.

4th student. Speak chemical language.

5th student. convert copper coins into"silver".

6th student. Make a thunderstorm V test tube

7th student . Receive hydrogen and oxygen.

8th student. Explode explosive gas.

9th student. Making black powder and more much more.

10th student. This is what you will learn in bu next year.

11th student. If you are passionatestudy the most interesting science- chemistry.

Teacher. Our entertaining hour is over. In a year, seventh grade, you will be able to do all this if you want. Have you noticed that ninth graders often had to finish sentences and speak in rhyme. It's easy if you know what to say. So, now I have the same question for you that I promised to ask at the beginning of our meeting. Interesting secrets hidden in this office. I'm looking forward to seeing you next year. What will everyone tell me? I...

7th grade. I'll come"

Teacher, so come! I am waiting for you!

If you're wondering how to celebrate your child's birthday, you might like the idea of ​​hosting a science show for kids. IN Lately Scientific holidays are becoming increasingly popular. Entertaining experiments and almost all children like experiments. For them it is something magical and incomprehensible, and therefore interesting. The cost of hosting a science show is quite high. But this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of watching the amazed children’s faces. After all, you can do it on your own, without resorting to the help of animators and holiday agencies.

In this article, I have made a selection of simple chemical and physical experiments that can be carried out at home without any problems. Everything you need to carry them out can probably be found in your kitchen or medicine cabinet. You won't need any special skills either. All you need is desire and a good mood.

I tried to collect simple but spectacular experiments that will be interesting to children different ages. I prepared for each experience scientific explanation(it’s not for nothing that I studied to be a chemist!). Whether you explain to your children the essence of what is happening or not is up to you. It all depends on their age and level of training. If the children are small, you can skip the explanation and go straight to the spectacular experience, saying only that they will be able to learn the secrets of such “miracles” when they grow up, go to school and begin to study chemistry and physics. Perhaps this will make them interested in studying in the future.

Although I chose the safest experiments, they still need to be taken very seriously. It is better to perform all manipulations with gloves and a gown, at a safe distance from children. After all, vinegar and potassium permanganate can cause trouble.

And, of course, when holding a children's science show, you need to take care of the image of a mad scientist. Your artistry and charisma will largely determine the success of the event. Transform from ordinary person It’s not at all difficult to become a funny scientific genius - all you have to do is tousle your hair, put on big glasses and a white coat, get smeared with soot and make a facial expression appropriate to your new status. This is what a typical mad scientist looks like.

Before putting on a science show on children's party(by the way, this can be not only a birthday, but also any other holiday), all experiments should be done in the absence of children. Rehearse so that there are no unpleasant surprises later. You never know what can go wrong.

Children's experiments can be carried out without a festive occasion - just so that you can spend time with your child in an interesting and useful way.

Choose the experiences you like best and create a holiday script. In order not to overburden children with science, even if it is entertaining, dilute the event with fun games.

Part 1. Chemical show

Attention! When conducting chemical experiments you should be extremely careful.

Foam fountain

Almost all children love foam - the more, the better. Even kids know how to make it: to do this, you need to pour shampoo into the water and shake it well. Can foam form on its own without shaking and also be colored?

Ask the children what they think foam is. What does it consist of and how can it be obtained. Let them express their guesses.

Then explain that foam is bubbles filled with gas. This means that for its formation you need some substance from which the walls of the bubbles will consist, and a gas that will fill them. For example, soap and air. When soap is added to water and stirred, air enters these bubbles from environment. But gas can be obtained in another way - in the process chemical reaction.

Option 1

  • hydroperite tablets;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • liquid soap;
  • water;
  • glass vessel with a narrow neck (preferably beautiful);
  • glass;
  • hammer;
  • tray.

Setting up the experiment

  1. Using a hammer, crush the hydroperite tablets into powder and pour it into the flask.
  2. Place the flask on a tray.
  3. Add liquid soap and water.
  4. Prepare an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate in a glass and pour it into the flask with hydroperide.

After the solutions of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and hydroperide (hydrogen peroxide) merge, a reaction will begin to occur between them, accompanied by the release of oxygen.

4KMnO 4 + 4H 2 O 2 = 4MnO 2 ¯ + 5O 2 + 2H 2 O + 4KOH

Under the influence of oxygen, the soap present in the flask will begin to foam and lick out of the flask, forming a kind of fountain. Due to potassium permanganate, part of the foam will turn pink.

You can see how this happens in the video.

Important: The glass vessel must have a narrow neck. Do not take the resulting foam into your hands and do not give it to children.

Option 2

Another gas, for example carbon dioxide, is also suitable for foam formation. You can paint the foam any color you want.

To carry out the experiment you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • food coloring;
  • liquid soap.

Setting up the experiment

  1. Pour vinegar into the bottle.
  2. Add liquid soap and food coloring.
  3. Add baking soda.

Result and scientific explanation

When soda and vinegar interact, a violent chemical reaction occurs, accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide CO 2 .

Under its influence, the soap will begin to foam and lick out of the bottle. The dye will color the foam in the color you choose.

Fun ball

What's a birthday without balloons? Show the children the balloon and ask how to inflate it. The guys, of course, will answer with their mouths. Explain that the balloon is inflated by the carbon dioxide that we exhale. But there is another way to inflate the balloon.

To carry out the experiment you will need:

  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • bottle;
  • balloon.

Setting up the experiment

  1. Place a teaspoon of baking soda inside the balloon.
  2. Pour vinegar into the bottle.
  3. Place the balloon on the neck of the bottle and pour the baking soda into the bottle.

Result and scientific explanation

As soon as soda and vinegar come into contact, a violent chemical reaction will begin, accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide CO 2. Balloon will begin to inflate before our eyes.

CH 3 -COOH + Na + − → CH 3 -COO − Na + + H 2 O + CO 2

If you take a smiley ball, it will make an even greater impression on the guys. At the end of the experiment, tie a balloon and give it to the birthday person.

Watch the video for a demonstration of the experience.


Can liquids change color? If yes, why and how? Before you try the experiment, be sure to ask your children these questions. Let them think. They will remember how water is colored when you rinse a brush with paint in it. Is it possible to discolor the solution?

To carry out the experiment you will need:

  • starch;
  • alcohol burner;
  • test tube;
  • cup;
  • water.

Setting up the experiment

  1. Pour a pinch of starch into a test tube and add water.
  2. Drop some iodine. The solution will turn color Blue colour.
  3. Light the burner.
  4. Heat the test tube until the solution becomes colorless.
  5. Pour into a glass cold water and immerse the test tube in it so that the solution cools and turns blue again.

Result and scientific explanation

When interacting with iodine, a starch solution turns blue, since this produces a dark blue compound I 2 * (C 6 H 10 O 5) n. However, this substance is unstable and, when heated, breaks down again into iodine and starch. When cooled, the reaction goes in the other direction and we again see the solution turning blue. This reaction demonstrates reversibility chemical processes and their dependence on temperature.

I 2 + (C 6 H 10 O 5) n => I 2 *(C 6 H 10 O 5) n

(iodine - yellow) (starch - clear) (dark blue)

Rubber egg

All children know that eggshells are very fragile and can break at the slightest blow. It would be nice if the eggs didn’t break! Then you wouldn’t have to worry about getting the eggs home when your mom sends you to the store.

To carry out the experiment you will need:

  • vinegar;
  • raw egg;
  • cup.

Setting up the experiment

  1. To surprise the children, you need to prepare for this experience in advance. 3 days before the holiday, pour vinegar into a glass and place a raw chicken egg in it. Leave for three days so that the shell has time to completely dissolve.
  2. Show the children a glass with an egg and invite everyone to say a magic spell together: “Tryn-dyrin, boom-burym!” Egg, become rubber!”
  3. Remove the egg with a spoon, wipe it with a napkin and demonstrate how it can now become deformed.

Result and scientific explanation

Eggshells are made of calcium carbonate, which dissolves when reacted with vinegar.

CaCO 3 + 2 CH 3 COOH = Ca(CH 3 COO) 2 + H 2 O + CO 2

Due to the presence of a film between the shell and the contents of the egg, it retains its shape. Watch the video to see what an egg looks like after vinegar.

Secret letter

Children love everything mysterious, and therefore this experiment will certainly seem like real magic to them.

Take an ordinary ballpoint pen and write a secret message from aliens on a piece of paper or draw some kind of secret sign, which no one except the guys present can know about.

When the children read what is written there, tell them that this is a big secret and the inscription must be destroyed. Moreover, magic water will help you erase the inscription. If you treat the inscription with a solution of potassium permanganate and vinegar, then with hydrogen peroxide, the ink will wash off.

To carry out the experiment you will need:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • flask;
  • cotton buds;
  • ball pen;
  • paper;
  • water;
  • paper towels or napkins;
  • iron.

Setting up the experiment

  1. Draw a picture or message on a piece of paper with a ballpoint pen.
  2. Pour some potassium permanganate into the test tube and add vinegar.
  3. Soak a cotton swab in this solution and swipe over the inscription.
  4. Take another cotton swab, moisten it with water and wash off the resulting stains.
  5. Blot with a napkin.
  6. Apply hydrogen peroxide to the inscription and blot it again with a napkin.
  7. Iron or place under a press.

Result and scientific explanation

After all the manipulations, you will receive a blank sheet of paper, which will greatly surprise the children.

Potassium permanganate - very strong oxidizing agent, especially if the reaction occurs in an acidic environment:

MnO 4 ˉ+ 8 H + + 5 eˉ = Mn 2+ + 4 H 2 O

A strong acidified solution of potassium permanganate literally burns many organic compounds, turning them into carbon dioxide and water. For creating acidic environment Our experiment uses acetic acid.

The product of the reduction of potassium permanganate is manganese dioxide Mn0 2, which has a brown color and precipitates. To remove it, we use hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2, which reduces the insoluble compound Mn0 2 to a highly soluble manganese (II) salt.

MnO 2 + H 2 O 2 + 2 H + = O 2 + Mn 2+ + 2 H 2 O.

I suggest you watch how the ink disappears in the video.

The power of thought

Before setting up the experiment, ask the children how to extinguish a candle flame. They, of course, will answer you that you need to blow out the candle. Ask if they believe you can put out a fire with an empty glass by casting a magic spell?

To carry out the experiment you will need:

  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • glasses;
  • candles;
  • matches.

Setting up the experiment

  1. Pour baking soda into a glass and fill it with vinegar.
  2. Light some candles.
  3. Bring a glass of baking soda and vinegar to another glass, tilting it slightly so that the carbon dioxide produced during the chemical reaction flows into the empty glass.
  4. Pass a glass of gas over the candles, as if pouring it on the flame. At the same time, make a mysterious expression on your face and say some incomprehensible spell, for example: “Chickens-borers, moors-pli!” Flame, don’t burn anymore!” Children must think that this is magic. You will reveal the secret after the delight.

Result and scientific explanation

When soda and vinegar interact, carbon dioxide is released, which, unlike oxygen, does not support combustion:

CH 3 -COOH + Na + − → CH 3 -COO − Na + + H 2 O + CO 2

CO 2 is heavier than air, and therefore does not fly up, but settles down. Thanks to this property, we have the opportunity to collect it in an empty glass, and then “pour” it onto the candles, thereby extinguishing their flame.

How this happens, watch the video.

Part 2. Entertaining physical experiments

Genie strongman

This experiment will allow children to look at their usual action from a different perspective. Place an empty wine bottle in front of the children (it is better to remove the label first) and push the cork into it. And then turn the bottle upside down and try to shake the cork out. Of course, you won't succeed. Ask the children: is there any way to get the cork out without breaking the bottle? Let them say what they think about this.

Since nothing can be used to pick up the cork through the neck, there is only one thing left to do - try to push it out from the inside. How to do it? You can call the genie for help!

The gin used in this experiment will be a large plastic bag. To enhance the effect, you can decorate the bag with colored markers - draw eyes, nose, mouth, hands, some patterns.

So, to conduct the experiment you will need:

  • empty wine bottle;
  • cork;
  • plastic bag.

Setting up the experiment

  1. Twist the bag into a tube and insert it into the bottle so that the handles are on the outside.
  2. When turning the bottle over, ensure that the cork is on the side of the bag, closer to the neck.
  3. Inflate the bag.
  4. Carefully begin to pull the package out of the bottle. The cork will come out along with it.

Result and scientific explanation

As the bag is inflated, it expands inside the bottle, expelling air from it. When we begin to pull out the bag, a vacuum is created inside the bottle, due to which the walls of the bag wrap around the cork and drag it out with them. This is such a strong gin!

To see how this happens, watch the video.

Wrong glass

On the eve of the experiment, ask the children what will happen if you turn a glass of water upside down. They will answer that the water will pour out. Tell them that this only happens with the “right” glasses. And you have the “wrong” glass from which water does not pour out.

To carry out the experiment you will need:

  • glasses of water;
  • paints (you can do without them, but this way the experience looks more spectacular; it is better to use acrylic paints - they give more saturated colors);
  • paper.

Setting up the experiment

  1. Pour water into glasses.
  2. Add some color to it.
  3. Wet the edges of the glasses with water and place a sheet of paper on top of them.
  4. Press the paper firmly against the glass, holding it with your hand, and turn the glasses upside down.
  5. Wait a moment until the paper sticks to the glass.
  6. Slowly remove your hand.

Result and scientific explanation

Surely all children know that we are surrounded by air. Although we cannot see him, he, like everything around him, has weight. We feel the touch of air, for example, when the wind blows on us. There is a lot of air, and therefore it presses on the ground and everything around. This is called atmospheric pressure.

When we apply paper to a wet glass, it sticks to its walls due to the force of surface tension.

In an inverted glass, between its bottom (which is now at the top) and the surface of the water, a space is formed filled with air and water vapor. The force of gravity acts on the water, pulling it down. At the same time, the space between the bottom of the glass and the surface of the water increases. Under conditions of constant temperature, the pressure in it decreases and becomes less than atmospheric. The total pressure of air and water on the paper from the inside is slightly less than the air pressure from the outside. That's why water doesn't pour out of the glass. However, after some time, the glass will lose its magical properties, and the water will still spill out. This is due to the evaporation of water, which increases the pressure inside the glass. When it becomes more atmospheric, the paper will fall off and the water will pour out. But you don’t have to bring it to this point. It will be more interesting this way.

You can watch the progress of the experiment in the video.

Gluttonous bottle

Ask your children if they like to eat. Do they like to eat? glass bottles? No? Don't they eat bottles? But they are wrong. They don’t eat ordinary bottles, but they don’t even mind having a snack with magic bottles.

To carry out the experiment you will need:

  • boiled chicken egg;
  • bottle (to enhance the effect, the bottle can be painted or embellished in some way, but so that children can see what is happening inside it);
  • matches;
  • paper.

Setting up the experiment

  1. Peel off the shell boiled egg. Who eats eggs in a shell?
  2. Set fire to a piece of paper.
  3. Throw the burning paper into the bottle.
  4. Place the egg on the neck of the bottle.

Result and scientific explanation

When we throw burning paper into a bottle, the air in it heats up and expands. By closing the neck with an egg, we prevent the flow of air, as a result of which the fire goes out. The air in the bottle cools and contracts. A pressure difference is created inside the bottle and outside, due to which the egg is sucked into the bottle.

That's all for now. However, over time I plan to add a few more experiments to the article. At home, you can, for example, conduct experiments with balloons. Therefore, if you are interested in this topic, add the site to your bookmarks or subscribe to the newsletter for updates. When I add something new, I will inform you about it by e-mail. It took me a lot of time to prepare this article, so please respect my work and when copying materials, be sure to include an active hyperlink to this page.

If you have ever conducted home experiments for children and organized a science show, write about your impressions in the comments and attach a photo. It will be interesting!